#【 with: kadeuxhyeonju 】
kadeuxhyeonju · 3 years
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A LEAP THROUGH TIME ~ When do we begin to hope?
5 October 2021
I’ve arrived back in Kadeu safely. I have firmly planted the Vega Gem’s doors shut for the last six months and it is taking everything in me not to swing them wide open this very instant. I’m sure you’re chuckling now, insisting it would have been like this anyway given that that ridiculous winged oaf threatened me into keeping it closed for at least four of those months. Nonetheless, you silly creature…it’s good to be home.
Home. I’d never thought I’d say that about Kadeu without all the vitriol I’ve always—and still do—feel for this gods forsaken continent. Especially after the tensions of that civil war that was brewing in Club earlier this past summer and the other factions’ subsequent reactions to such chaos. But it is. Home. I’ve come to terms with this truth. In part thanks to you. I still laugh thinking of your shocked expression when we met face-to-face after decades apart. It seems that all it took to surprise my favorite, silly Fae was to sail across the sea in search of your whimsical heart. And look at all the trouble it’s caused me. I have dreams now, Idris, you bastard. I have hope.
How close was I to staying by your side, across the sea so far from these lands? Remembering the ever-so-slightly faded tattoos marring my skin—far closer than anyone can imagine. So much hope born in me partly in thanks to you and the realization that even these marks were not permanent.
Perhaps, it is also partly due to my mother no longer having a hold of me. After all, how can the dead grip us with rotted fingers? No longer, Idris. No longer. I want to forget that part of my life, and with her gone I hope that I can. But this ache…what is this ache? I have discovered so much in that time I was by your side, but it seems I have still more to learn.
’Til next time Old Friend,
25 September 2022
I can’t help but think of our time together during those six months. Those apprenticeships I took on simply because I could. Not for survival. Not in your name or honor, nor anyone else’s. Doing what I wanted for the first time in my 153 years simply because I could. It was…freeing. I’ve never used that word for myself. Gods, I sound so whimsical. I sound like you. 
That time has changed me. It makes me want to open another shop, maybe two. For clothing. Creating fashion suited for any rank. Clothes that compliment the jewelry I craft with such care and adoration they might as well be my blood-born children.
Idris, what have you done to me? I tell you this in every exchange and in every exchange you mock me in that knowing way of yours, but I’ll say it again. You have ruined me to the life I had grown accustomed to in Kadeu. I thought this feeling would die naturally on its own after a few weeks. But here I am still dreaming hopeless dreams.
Hopeless because that bastard of gold has set his sights on me. Or rather, he refuses look my way. He hasn’t said in so many words, nor does he need to. He no longer uses my shop. He walks around in gaudy jewels fashioned from jewelers of far lower caliber than you or myself—all for his pride. All because he knows I despise him. So be it. I rose to this rank without him. And while he may set the precedent for much of Heart, I take pride in knowing I set the precedent for its continued refined appearance.
Ah. I’ll end the letter here. Another letter from Luke has reached my doorstep. I should answer before he thinks I’ve all but cast him away again. And before you put quill to paper, Idris, no I have yet to forgive him for Lita.
…but I’m not adverse to having him in my life again.
’Til next time Old Friend,
7 July 2023
It is so quiet and calm this year. Boring, even. Yes, I dare say that despite only being halfway through. The Resistance is silent. Clubs are far more reasonable and less prone to violent tantrums in the street. Spade is as dull as it’s always been, stiff and musty like waterlogged wooden planks. I daresay the Diamonds have become almost bearable in attitude (the low and midrankers, at least) thanks to Ms. Moon’s much needed hand to guide their wayward, gaudy souls.
They still dress like they fashioned clothes from their grandmother’s lint balls and bags of misshapen enchanted confetti, though. In other words—there’s room for significant improvement. But it’s better than it was just a few years prior.
I wish I could say the same of Heart. Idris, my friend, that beast in gold has been starting up Fae-run businesses and education. That in itself is not a bad thing. In fact., I’d welcome it from any other person if it didn’t originate from the mind of someone as calculating and cruel as the one I shall not name. But because these wonderful ideas were founded by him I do not trust them. I do not trust his motives, nor do I trust the gradual influx of Fae migrating under his rule.
From what you’ve told me of Fae and their realm, I’m suspicious of why they’d come here despite preferring their own realm. I doubt they’re all like you--actually enjoying and preferring the company of this world. What his he up to? I don’t like these murmurs of his guards growing in size and strength. I worry for Heart—and the rest of Kadeu with it.
I’ll spare you more morbid talk. I know how much you dislike it. Let me tell you instead of the of all the plans I’ve made for those shops I’ve spoken of so many times. Wonder at the names I’ve created for each…!
**The rest of the letter’s writing is faded with time and illegible.**
9 August 2024
This heat is no good for my fur. Even my ears are frizzing in this humidity. The customers and Alexei have told me I look “cuddly”. Disgusting. A child with her mother waltzed right up to me and began to give my tails too-hard thumps with her little Strongarm fists. You will be proud to know I did not growl at the sudden and violent touch. I am better at reminding myself not every hand coming at me will bring me harm. Still hurt like hell, though.
I am finishing up a commission today. It’s beautiful and will fetch a high price. The money is being set aside, as always, for my new shops. I hope to open the first one by the end of this year if all goes well. I’d ask for you to wish me luck, but we both know it’s my blood, sweat, and tears that have gotten me this far and will continue to do so.
Idris, you silly creature. My old and dearest friend. I hope this letter finds you well. That you are taking in the world. That you find what you have been looking for all these years. Just as I know you wish the same for me. And as always I hope even if we should meet again many, many, many centuries from now we are still comfortable companions in whatever way it takes shape.
Now excuse me while I go and chastise this overly energetic Shapeshifter trying to tell tall tales about ghosts haunting my jewelry. For a Spade, I’m amazed I see her wandering this faction so often. Shamelessly even. I like her. As much as I can like any Spade, I suppose. But she needs to stop alarming my customers.
’Til next time Old Friend,
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lukef · 3 years
if you give a fox a cookie
⌖ @kadeuxhyeonju
“parsley! fresh parsley! spices! fresh spices!” 
the fire elementalist hands the young boy a silver coin, even though he only asks for one bronze. when he tries to give him the change luke shakes his head and takes the parsley, all while saying “you need it more than i ever will” before the boy’s mother can protest and give the money back. it takes him a while to get to the vega’s gem, given he likes to frequent poorer areas to give the lowrankers his money, instead of supporting those that usually already have enough. he doesn’t mind the looks that he receives and if a kid pulls on his coat or hoodie and asks for a few coins, luke gives them what they ask for and more.
he hasn’t seen hyeonju in three years. a few exchanged letters every month, every year. luke is up to date with the things going on in the other’s life and so is hyeonju - but what he doesn’t know, is that luke has returned. but, as one can tell as soon as he steps into the vega gem - he’s about to find out. 
the first thing luke looks for as soon as the enters the shop, is other costumers. he doesn’t really need nosy people that see him reuniting with his long lost best friend. not even hyeonju’s friends. he decided to settle for some more comfortable clothes for the day, nice dress pants and a simple shirt. the weather is still nice enough to go out without a jacket (as if he has to go out with a jacket, he never freezes anyways).
along with the parsley, he has brought vegetables of all sorts, some meat and other things that can be used to cook what luke's mother used to make all the time when they were teens - dumplings and soup. 
“hyeonju.” luke isn’t exactly yelling, but he’s not being very quiet either. “if you’re not here on the count of four, i’ll make sure to get your vega gem a nice little makeover, fire included.”
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croupiex · 4 years
⋯ the river’s just a river
( an airang starter for @kadeuxhyeonju )
On break, Cassius steps out of the casino, fingers undoing his uniform’s bowtie and frame shivering as the crisp winter air brushes against the back of his neck. Something felt off about tonight’s shift. Sure, Airang brought lovers aplenty to the Koromo, but in the past hour alone the patrons at his table had become abruptly handsy with one another, one of them even attempting to reach out to him. Why one of the highranking hearts had decided today – an already hectic holiday – was the day to debut a new drug into the market was beyond his comprehension.
In a moment of rare visible exhaustion, Cas sighs, eyes trailing tiredly over the crowd of people around him. Unexpectedly, his wandering eyes stop. Drawn to a figure in the crowd, in an instant, Cassius is bridging the gap between him and the distancing figure. He reaches out, hand grasping around the man’s wrist and pulling, enough so that the other is now facing him fully.
“You’re… you’re….” Cassius can’t put a name to the face, can’t even put a face on the person. It’s like he’s in a dream, the figure of the other individual so dreadfully familiar yet their face muddled and blurred; facial features present but the human unable to put them together to form a recognisable face. He wants to ask, ‘Who are you?’, but for some reason the question doesn’t make sense. No, some part of him knows who they are, even if he can’t recognise them.
(The heat of the skin beneath his fingers, Cassius knows this heat).
The dream seems to continue and the words that come from Cassius’ mouth simply feel right, as if they were meant for the unidentifiable man before him, “I was hoping you’d come”. A smile follows, one of those rare, genuine and bright smiles that Cassius only gives to a select few, dimples tucking themselves into his cheeks. Surely, he must know this person.
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mallickshah · 4 years
a secret meeting.
February 12th, 2020 @ Vega Gem’s secret meeting place  (On the way there at least) Early morning ( @kadeuxhyeonju )
Everything had been happening at a speed Mallick liked to keep up with, it gave no time to stand still and ponder on what to do next. Rather, every piece was moving as if they were meant to be steadfast and he’d always enjoyed that aspect of the hunt. This was definitely a hunt for him, more than it was a mission, or maybe he should say that every mission felt like a hunt for the panther in him. He both had an affinity for laying low in the darkness, waiting for his prey to be at the perfect location to pounce and quickly fasten his claws around their throats, as much as he did following their steps with his own quick strides. In both cases, leaving them unaware of the prowling of a predator in their shadows was a thrill he would never be able to shake off. Not entirely. It sort of ran in their blood, the Shahs. 
Sadly, it ran so deep sometimes that they could tell when one was antsy and plotting from miles away. So Mallick was not surprised when he felt a bump and turned to see his brother, Devjay, frowning at him with his arms crossed. The question was in his eyes before it came out of him. 
“Where are you going?” 
Mallick out this early had never truly boded for anything good, the family knew this. He’d once disappeared in the morning and been physically absent for a good week during the first few years after Saiyah’s death. They’d called it the mourning week. A gloom had engulfed him for many days before that week and when Mallick had returned, he’d been different, somehow. Something had shifted, changed behind his eyes, even though his family also swore that he’d felt lighter than ever. So whether the change was good or bad, no one had been able to sniff that out. However, it did keep them on their toes now whenever he spent the night at home, with their parents and each siblings’ rooms still there for them to use whenever they wished to come back. Married or not. Old and greying or not. 
Mallick considered Devjay with a frown of his own, but there was something in his brother’s eyes that told him he had better be honest, and that whether he was or not, Devjay would still follow him to wherever it was he was heading. Just his luck that it was also an acquaintance of Devjay, wasn’t it? Not even just acquaintances. Mallick heaved a sigh and rolled his eyes, something he would only gift his brother, this childlike gesture that was not befitting of the stature he imposed. 
“Why does this feel like you can sniff him before I even get there?” “What, who?” “Your foxy secret.”
Not to Mallick though. Either way, this was how Devjay ended up tagging along to this trip to the Vega Gem. The door that was made explicitly for the purpose of resistance’s members getting in touch with Hyeonju was used with his brother shifting and squirming next to Mallick, like a mouse testing the waters before biting on the cheese off a trap. 
“Relax or go back where you came from, I didn’t ask you to come along.”  “No way, I’m not leaving before I see him.” 
Was that another eye roll from Mallick? It damn well was, although it was followed by a quick grin as soon as they made it to the secret room, where sure enough, the man they were here to meet was waiting for them. Mallick had been running a little behind schedule, but the weight of his brother hitting against his back as he jumped at a slight rustle of a wind behind Mallick, had him both stumbling in the room and also raising his hands in hopes that it’d show he was apologetic. Kinda. 
“Okay, okay, before you get angry at me, I brought your human sized puppy and he’s the reason why I’m late.” That should be sort of enough to get him out of being scolded, right? He hoped so. The matter at hand was important, of course, a conversation that would soon turn serious would ensue. But Mallick could never truly just fall right into that, when he was off resistance’s territory. Or maybe it was the familiarity of having his brother next to him, and Hyeonju, all three in the same room and the nostalgia that it brought to the surface of his memories.
“Did you ever think about getting him a leash?” 
Mallick turned to Devjay, the eye contact they held was familiarly antagonizing because none of them liked the distasteful nickname associated with the species of their animals. 
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saygeko · 4 years
🔪 - A weapon/fighting related headcanon
Sayge's first reaction in a fight is to use her magic against the enemy, and there's nothing better to make her grow a smile than crushing their luck.
Bad luck.
Almost always using their own weapons to her benefit; the string of an archery bow breaking, arrows losing their direction and hitting a tree instead due to an improper grip. If no physical weapon was being used against her, bad luck would take a different path; ankles would twist or shoelaces getting in the way for them to give their regards to the ground up close. Bones would break.
If she had to use a weapon, her first choice would be her whip. A whip completely made of magic, even though Sayge's whip isn't made out of physical materials, it looked, sounded, and hurt like one. The magic particles would slip from her whole hand, forming a handle for her to grip, and the rest of the energy descended from her fingers. The glowing and color of the whip changed depending on Sayge's mood and movement. The whiplash motion would make it glow brighter, and her anger makes it crack louder. She just liked the skin to tear.
Magic fighting magic was her favorite. There was something more natural for Sayge in fighting with powers coming from within than external weapons. Nonetheless, she had one of her daggers on her all the time. A misericord stiletto dagger would usually be the chosen one, a long and narrow dagger. She would use it to defend herself if needed, but Sayge was an impatient woman, so it was primary utilized to give the death stroke and finish the enemy's life sooner.  
She had no time to let them die slowly.
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sullivanspade · 4 years
Bat 🦇
BAT — What species would you choose to be if you could?
ELEMENTALIST — Sullivan can’t help his curiosity when it comes to all things magical. Being born a weak and powerless individual, he has always been intensely jealous of those who possess mystical powers; especially those who wield magic. Although he almost violently opposes the Diamond sense of fashion, Sullivan would readily don the requisite gaudy abominations if it meant he could have his very own Manacore. He doesn’t even have a preference as far as which element he’d choose, but he is pretty partial to water.
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phoenixkadeu · 4 years
🎁 — Is there anything you do yearly, without fail?
The answer came easy to Asra “Spend at least a week out in the woods, on the outskirts of Kadeu” it wasn’t something that had a specific date or time, it was just something that he remembers doing years in a row, it helps to keep his mind sharp always coming out with new ways to survive on his own, it also makes him appreciate the small things, keeps him grounded and he always comes with a refreshed mind afterwards. “And sorry I’m not really looking for company”
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scnreiis · 4 years
👹 — Describe a fear you have about the upcoming year.
Rei’s biggest fear is being alone or failure. Next year, however, she doesn’t feel afraid of those things. Her biggest fear for the upcoming year is for her business. It’s not about failure or anything like that. Instead, it’s about not being able to carry out the vision that she has for the club
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generalkwon · 4 years
Saturday 15 August 2020; After Sunset Heart Territory, Zuihuo Joui’s Birthday Ball
Jihoon sat near the edge of the ball, a water in hand that he sipped occasionally as his eyes roamed over the crowd. Well into the night, the General had already polished off several whiskeys and now that morning seemed fast approaching, he figured water the wiser choice. 
A trio poorly hidden by the trees caught the man’s attention, making him narrow his eyes in suspicious curiosity. As he watched them glance about shiftily and root through their belongings, it quickly became clear what they were doing: drugs. A Spade as well as a man of honor, Jihoon didn’t know enough about the various drugs Hearts boasted about to accurately identify what they held in their hands.
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What he did know, however, was that drugs were legal in this heathenish territory. Thus, what need have they to hide? Attention wholly focused on the trio at this point, the General unconsciously emitted an aura that was distinctly un-party like. 
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kadeuyuki · 4 years
🎁 — Is there anything you do yearly, without fail?
Answered Here!
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cherrykadeu · 4 years
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Yeon Nen Highranker Ball;
Despite the severe complications that Nari endured due to a temper tantrum thrown by the infamous Ace of Diamonds Lee Valentina  that had her has the main target of her cruel actions. The results of the said attack were not in Nari’s favor, some of her servants had died in order to protect her from the imps and others, just as Nari, had ended up injured.
The Kumiho had been confused as to why that had happened, not understanding why The Villa District had been her main target since she could not recall a single time in where she had crossed paths with the demon. Fortunately, she was still alive and recovering, as well as the rest of those who had got injured, the damage to her surroundings could be easily fixed, but the deaths of those who had jumped in to defend her had yet to be forgotten and it left a bad taste in Nari’s mouth, a cruel realization that she was still weak and that she had failed to protect those that needed her. That she had failed to protect herself.
That coupled with her encounter with King of Hearts Sayge Ko (ongoing) and the re-emergence of her past now marked in her skin in the form of a club defector tattoo were all reminders of how the 10 in her wrist meant nothing if she did not prove herself worthy of it.
And what a better way to start proving herself than attending a ball, looking her best, appearing strong as if nothing could her knock her down? 
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Nari picked her clothes with a great deal of thought. Once she became a 10 of Hearts, she believed that it would somehow magically erase all that she had ever lived until then, that Cherry would be long forgotten and that Nari would finally have her time to shine. But the truth was that her alias did not bring any change in her behavior, sure certain situations required different sides of her, but Cherry was still Nari and she was not prepared to say goodbye to her just yet.
She arrived dressed in an extravagant red coat, black and gold details making her stand out in the crowd, attracting all the attentions towards her, just like Cherry demanded. Still, she was sure that someone powerful would wear something like this and Nari hoped that one day, she would not need any clothes in order to feel that way.
Taking off her coat, reveals a beautiful long red dress, a plunging neckline that guides the attention to her chest and to the necklace she received as a gift from her dear Zuihuo Joui (@zuihuojoui​) and crafted (ongoing) by her long time friend (@kadeuxhyeonju), delicate butterflies and flowers make the central piece of her entire look, perfectly matching the silver details around the waist of her dress and the small silver flowers decorating her hair.
There is not much covering her face, in spite of her usual reddened lips.  
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Toy Drive Gift;
Nari took her time to think about her childhood, which is something that she did not like to do very often. Then she thought about the day when she had decided to change factions and how rough it was for her to thrive in a new and unknown territory, alone in such a cruel world. Still, there were things that were able to bring her joy, things that made everything easier.
As a small fox and even now, she always liked thick, soft blankets where she could hide herself in during cold weather, so she picked the best ones she could find. Hopefully they would bring enough warmth to whoever received them.  
Nari never liked reading, sue her. So, she bought a few coloring books and pencils, which was something that she used to like doing in her younger years and something that helped her pass the time. But, that was not all, inside of the still uncolored pages, she hid a few tickets for the next play (Lion King) that would take place at The Palace for the first two week of January, as well as some small detailed cards that she came up with before talking with her mentor about her idea, anyone who received them would be able to read:
Trade this card for a free meal at The Fox Den. Heart Territory. No expiring date.
Lastly, Nari decided to arrange a collection of skin care products of good quality. She had always believed, since very young, that a good part of taking care of oneself and feeling good had a great deal to do with the way you treated your own skin. Makeup was great fun but that and rough weather were enough to damage your skin. Besides, it smelled good and who didn’t like to smelling good? 
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kadeuxhyeonju · 3 years
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; FOR THE RESISTANCE, FOR LOVE, OR FOR MYSELF? An Interview with Vega Gem Owner, Lee Hyeonju
Tell us about Hyeonju’s involvement with the resistance! Did leaving for six months affect his standing?
Hyeonju taps clawed hands against the wooden meeting table that is situated in the secret meeting room of the Vega Gem. His eyes are narrowed in thought as he reminisces his return from overseas three years prior.
“Hmm. A bit, I suppose. I left a notice of my departure with some of my trusted informants. Told the leaders I’d send word of my return when I found what I was looking for. I was hardly missed, though. There are plenty of informants and financial backers for the resistance. I was one of many and I’m not wounded by that knowledge. Six months is a long time to be away, to not be out of the loop. It’s only natural that my standing had fallen a bit by the time I returned. But it didn’t take me long either to reach that original standing.” He smiles wickedly. “I might have been gone for a time, but I assure you I was still very much in contact with many of my connections. And connections are everything if you want to be a good informant.”
How does he feel about Mallick leaving as a leader?
At that, the smile slips from Hyeonju’s lips. He stares down at his hands and is silent for far longer than is comfortable. The ice in his whiskey clinks against the glass as it melts. Finally, the hybrid answers:
“I’m happy for him. Truly. He’s a dear friend, him and his brother, Devjay. He’s responsible and cares for the Clubs in a way no other Clubs Ace has. I’m sure he’s needed as an Ace far more than as a resistance leader. Is this not the change the resistance has been seeking and fighting for for so long?
“Nuisances the both of them for leaving like they did, though. There’s a whole in our leadership…but I can hardly blame that sad, little kitten for that. What happened in Clubs was…unexpected. Mallick isn’t perfect. With that said, I suppose I’m a bit disappointed that we can no longer run in the same circles. Not with that Ace of Heart watching for any connections to the resistance. It’s a shame that everyone knows Mallick was a leader for our group. Now I can’t tease him alongside Devjay.”
Does the Vega Gem sell enough for him to maintain his status as a financial backer?
Hyeonju scoffs and rolls his eyes.
“I suppose you’ve heard those silly rumors about His Aceness no longer visiting my shop? Contrary to widely held belief, Joui’s patronage does not make or break my business. I earned my title as best jeweller in Kadeu long before His Aceness came around. And I’ve kept it, I’ll have you know. When I returned from my trip, Alexei bustled in with six months worth of inquiries as to when I would be back and when I would be taking on commission again.
“Sure, I used my savings I stalked away for the resistance to go on my impropmtu trip, but the last three years of non-stop work have more than made up for the sudden loss of funds for those six months.”
Is he more or less involved than he was before he left?
This time Hyeonju leans back in his chair, head tilted back as he answers, as if bored by the question.
“I wouldn’t be much of an informant or backer if I sat on my ass, now would I? I still gather information through my network. There’s ways to pass on those kinds of things without being caught, you know. And the money? I’m a Heart. No one thinks twice about someone like me ’squirreling’ away money. It’s easy to to pass on funds when the entire continent thinks your faction is full of nothing but theives and greedy bastards. Though…” He pushes forward and leans against the table, arms crossed, a furrow between his brows.
“I haven’t been able to communicate much lately with the leaders. Not after what happened in Club three years ago. Not after Mallick came out as a former resistance leader. In fact, unless it’s one of my regualr informants who doesn’t raise any red flags, I don’t see much of anyone from the resistance. It’s almost like I’m communicating with ghosts…”
Did he apprise Idris of his involvement with the resistance?
Worried, contemplative expression twists into one of suspicion and…protectiveness, perhaps? Hyeonju answers, but his flash of fangs is almost threatening. His eyes glint with something dangerous.
“How do you know about Idris? I suppose it doesn’t matter if you won’t be able to speak of it later.
“Yes, I told him. I told him of everything I’ve been up to these nearly 50 years since I last saw him. I told him things I never would have told him when we first met. I told him of my life. What is spoken to Idris will never leave that Fae’s lips. I trust him. So I told him.”
Hyeonju leaves it at that, refusing to answer any more questions about the Fae.
How does he see his position changing or evolving in the future?
The hybrid, wound up tight from the previous question, relaxes just a bit. His eyes take on a curious look.
“Changing? Evolving? What could I offer that I haven’t already? I certainly won’t offer my life. I joined this cause so I could keep it, thank you. The only way I could see any type of ‘change’ or ‘evolution’,” he mocks, “is if they decided to appoint me as a leader. And I assure you I have no interest in having so many lives under my care. It takes all my effort to look out for myself. I leave that work to those like Mallick and Fallon.”
Do any of his personal goals relate to the resistance itself or the movement?
Ah, this is a tried and true question Hyeonju has no problem answering. He speaks without hesitation.
“The movement. The resistance is simply a tool to get what I want. Isn’t that what it is for everyone else? If I put my goals into an entity of such impermanence, I would lose sight of my goals the moment the resistance fell apart. It’s a fool’s belief to think your goals are what make up the resistance. It’s the unspoken agreement between us all to work together to achieve our individual goals.
“What are my goals? The same as always. Freedom. Not the kind that requires you to run away to attain it. The kind that lets me rip out the throats of those who would dare strip it from me in the first place.”
With that, the interview concludes. Hyeonju holds out a hand so suddenly it startles the interviewer.
“A horribly invasive chat that was. Let’s never do it again shall we?”
The interviewer nods quickly, not liking the look in the hybrid’s eye. They make a beeline for the exit. A manabeast appears before the interviewer suddenly, sending them sprawling across the floor. The scramble back, trying to get away from the large, vicious beast. Behind them, claws sink into their neck, drawing blood. They can feel it running down their back, soaking their shirt. Hyeonju’s voice murmurs pleasantly in their ear even as the manabeast growls only a few feet away.
“Did I not say earlier that I wouldn’t allow you to speak of any of this? Letting you live is too much of a gamble. I apologize, but I’ll make it quick.”
Chills go up and down the interviewer’s spine, their heart beating in double time. A deep chuckle rumbles in their ear.
“What a shame, sending a human into a fox’s den.”
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lukef · 4 years
〄☾— young forever
⌖ @kadeuxhyeonju​
the sun was starting to set when luke left work and begun his way home through the hearts territory. half of the sun was already hidden behind the horizon, but only the most residual trails of light peaked through the roofs and houses. it seemed to become a night full of stars. some patches of grey clouds covered the sky here and there, hiding the orangey and slightly violett tones - but he knew the faction would provide the light nature would keep for herself later that day through bars, clubs and the likes. even though the day would soon come to an end, the streets weren’t quiet at all. the contrary was happening, all movements seemed to concentrate outside of the buildings, not even pulling a line between those who were running errands and those who party. and between all those people, bars and clubs, one particular shop seemed to pull his interest. 
the vega gem, he had often passed the jewelry but never entered, not due to the lack of money, but rather because of the faction the shop was located in. luke stopped his bay dun, moucha, on the sidewalk and got off her back, before tying her cord at the intended ferrule on the wall of a house. “i’ll be right back.” he said, as if the horse could understand what he was saying. he crossed the street, removed a bit of dust from his work uniform and checked out the display windows for a few seconds. when he finally entered the jewelry, he was greeted by both silence and an elegant interior, something you would expect from the jewelry owned by a highranker, probably a facecard. the owner was nowhere to be seen, so he simply spent some time in front of the showcases, inspecting the jewelry displayed inside. a few of the things sparked his interest. fully lost in thought, the elementalist didn’t hear the approaching footsteps of the owner, only looking up when he sensed his figure in the corner of his eye.
he felt as if a wall made out of fire hit him, a wall of fire that sent sparks down his whole body. the sparks didn’t stop until they reached his toes - and they brought immediate nervousness over him. luke stopped right in his tracks. the face he looked into was a face he hadn’t seen in a few years, or rather decades. a face he could never forget - and it belonged to lee hyeonju. memories flooded his brain for a few seconds, memories of ivy and juju, sitting on a bench, laughing about a way younger luke. a way younger luke who was not so much in control of his powers, a younger luke who often burned down things and later on burned down plants, and someday ivy which wrapped around lanterns, ( he still heard ivy say ”not that you burn me down one day, lukey! be careful with those hot hands of yours!” ) before he finally burned down friendships. the second wave of memories hit him right after. and most of them were not happy at all. they contained shocked faces of parents, students; they contained tears and pain. and even though he had coped through the years, a wound was ripped open the second he opened his mouth.
“hyeonju. how have you been?”
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croupiex · 3 years
⋯ pretty in pearls
( a starter for @kadeuxhyeonju )
Cassius’ most recent meeting with Emmeline had left him with three things: a limp, a weighted pouch of golden coins, and instructions on exactly when, where, and how to spend the money. When? Immediately after leaving her home. Where? A jeweller in the heart territory. How? A commission for ‘something pretty’ for his neck and the two piercings on his chest. Some might find the instructions demeaning, but Cassius is used to them and quite frankly, he doesn’t mind the insinuation that he’s more eye-pleasing object than person; it strokes his ego rather pleasingly.
(what he does mind is the fact that he won’t be able to stop by a healer until after he’s made the trek to the jeweller).
Upon entering the store, it’s easy for Cassius to identify the owner, the man hunched over an ornamented worktable in the middle of the display floor, busy at his craft. Acting as if the remnants of Emmeline’s physical work on his body weren’t there, Cassius takes confident (albeit uneven) steps to the central figure, trying to put on an act that he belonged in the clearly highranking landscape. He has yet to properly see the other’s face, and briefly the human wonders if the craftsman’s looks match the calibre of their jewellery.
Possessing a grace he does not truly feel, Cassius sets the satchel of coins onto an empty area on the workspace countertop, providing proof of payment before the jeweller could even question the lowranker’s ability to pay on account of his rank. Cas clears his throat and casually glances over the display cases in the shop, admittedly rather impressed by all the glitz and glam. “I’m interested in commissioning two pieces, built to be rather… sturdy if possible. Let’s say, an item that could withstand a strongarm’s interest”. It’s a polite way of saying that he’s looking for something that Emmeline won’t be able to break upon first tug, it should last for at least two.
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its-max-okay · 4 years
Friday, 5 March 2021; late evening Hearts Territory; a bar @kadeuxhyeonju​​
It’d been months since she’d seen Hyeonju last -- a busy handful of months, and what scant free time Max had in the interim had been devoted to the exact reason why she was here to drink tonight. She supposed she’d be looking at an uptick of unoccupied free time in the months to come, time she hoped to fill with nights like this one.
The two of them never skipped a beat when they were apart, falling back into the same comfortable habits and conversations they always did when reunited. Gossip and smalltalk came easily with the first couple rounds of drinks, parked in the dim corner of a highranker bar -- one that seemed to suit Hyeonju’s elegance far more than Max’s brashness, but one that they both always enjoyed all the same.
Despite the ease of company there was still a distinct melancholy in the air between them tonight, and they each appeared to have independent reasons to drink that they were happy to indulge together. Whatever the reasons were they’d both kept dancing around them for the past couple of hours, and only as Max slammed another shot glass face-down on the table did she point an unsteady finger across the table at her old friend.
“Hyeonju. Darling. My sweetheart.” That pun was just for him, considering the last time he’d made so stupid a joke and Max had called him out for it.
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“Are you finally drunk enough to tell me what the fuck is bothering you, or do I need to buy another round or three?”
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kadeu · 4 years
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While the dregs gather in their lackluster attempts at festivity, high society does the season right! Expected in the colors of the season: red, gold and silver; highrankers gather at the Joker to show unity and charity during Yeon Nen. Faction issues are to be tossed aside while they dance within the fabricated crystal ballroom, heated and away from the cold. 
Only the lowranked pretend to be merry while shivering. 
Attendees are asked to bring gifts to add to the toy drive to show the deep consideration they have for Kadeu’s young and underprivileged. As this event is sponsored by The Deck, there is a bar as well as hors d’oeuvres being served by midrankers of every faction. The guest list, carefully curated to only include those ranked eight and above, also comes with a five gold entry fee that serves as a barrier to entry for most midrankers who aren’t serving.
While the first drink of the night is free, all after that must be paid for. In paltry silvers, but paid for none the less. 
A crystal ballroom has been erected at the joker. Guests can delight in seeing the snow fall as they dance within the pyramid shaped structure, safe and warmed. This event begins at 21:00 ( 9PM ) on 31 December 2020. It should be noted that while gifting to the toy drive isn’t explicitly required, the most common question at this event is ‘what gift did you bring’. Hearts in particular like to use their gifts as demonstrations of their wealth. 
If your muse is attending this event, please let an admin know so they can mark them down here!
@fromashanddust — attending.
@phoenixkadeu — attending.
@kadeuyongsun —
@saygeko —  attending.
@generalkwon — attending.
@kadeuxhyeonju — attending.
@cherrykadeu — attending.
@ara-kadeu — attending.
@lukef — attending.
@merirobin —
@shuliing — attending.
@scnreiis — attending.
@kadeu-kol — attending.
@its-max-okay — attending.
@zuihuojoui —  attending.
@passcridae — attending falseranked as a Jack.
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