papatomom · 2 months
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天気は曇天で傘の心配はなかったが、蒸し暑さには参った。帰りに郡上市美並町にある「日本まん真ん中温泉 子宝の湯」で、汗を流し、郡上八幡で遅めの昼食をいただき、帰路に就いた。
小坂酒造場(「百���」蔵元、Kosaka Shuzojo、HYAKUSYUN Sake Brewery、1772年創業、起(むく)り屋根(なだらかな凸状になっている)と卯建(うだつ、家同士の境目に分厚い土壁を入れて、その上に瓦の屋根飾りをつけ、防火壁としたもの)が美しい建築物で有名)
瀧神社(御祭神 水園象女之尊、瀬織津比咩尊、八百万神)
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kanyoko · 3 months
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takigawa · 4 months
勢い余って「 #ことわざラップ 」の曲が出来ちゃいましたyo! https://x.com/takigawa_w/status/1790783955714928667?s=46&t=8Vf8aUwk_B-ZbQ5UAGv05w ポイントは磯野波平です😂 ((o(´∀︎`)o)) 曲名”Back Come On!” featuring DJ It’s So No! Now Me? Hey! 歌詞 “Hello!警報 人の振り見て我が振りnow on sale 少数say yeah 人生LUCKありゃCOOLもあるさ 足湯で疲れをfoot bath 骨折りzoneのくたびれmarket 四苦hack 馬鹿も休み休みyeah Everyday 鯛を釣る 正気のSaturday night 武士は食わねどtake it easy 壁に耳あり障子にMary 明日は我がme Ah. year but こう言う 腐ってもtie 今夜はbreak all 明かりをつけましょbomb ball in knee 塞翁がwoman 富国強Hey! 臨・兵・闘・者・皆・陣・Let's die then YO!YO!白くなりゆく山際! 一寸の虫にも五分のtime machine どっこいshot 言わんこっちゃNight お疲れsummer Death 波平「back come on!」” 2024©️MasayasuTAKIGAWA 瀧川正靖
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kyaraben-time · 25 days
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Source: heart1016 on Instagram
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chibimats · 3 months
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MIKAMI Yua 三上悠亜 SNS 240701
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starlightgenie · 2 years
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Magical girl concertina
In order of appearance:
Magical Princess Minky Momo
Cardcaptor Sakura
Himitsu no Akko-chan
Saint Tail
Tonde Burin
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
Ojamajo Doremi
Mahou tsukai Chappy
Wedding Peach
Futari wa Pretty Cure
Mahou tsukai Sally
Hime-chan no Ribbon
Tokyo Mew Mew
Cosmic Baton Girl Princess Comet
Creamy Mami
Sailor Moon
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
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bbd-6p · 2 months
Dear tumblr, I’m so grateful for your keeping recommending hp things every single moment I open the app but why are they all snack arts???
I don’t… dislike Sirius&Severus things, or rather, I like seeing they’re talking/ struggling/ getting along, still I need snupin because MY FAV IS SNUPIN, SNUPIN should be in my life, I really am dying to have SNUPIN works and I’m kinda tuna-ish creature which need to take SNUPIN all the time or die. So my dear tumblr, please do give me SNUPIN instead of snack. Thanks!!
Oh no I’ve forgotten to breathe… *panting*
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bc-bcbc · 27 days
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ikeriri · 4 months
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shinapit · 11 months
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sesameandsalt · 2 years
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映画:「THE FIRST SLAM DUNK 」について感想を書きました 🏀まだ見ていない人は、ネタバレ野村満載ですので鑑賞後、読んでください ネタバレ注意です🤗 ②
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sssssssssssssssssさ、最高だった。(◎_◎;)まじで最高だった。全力とか全身全霊とか限界突破てきな前時代的な感覚…じつは好きなんだきっと。 井上雄彦絵がUMEEEEEEE 新たに書き起こされたシーンが井上雄彦の漫画で脳内変換されて見えててこれ、書下ろしなのか?読んだことあるのか?わけが分からなくなりました だって、漫画と間が一緒なんだもん… こんなアニメ見たことない 細部までのこだわりがイカしすぎててもうむしろ恐しくなって震えた リメイクってこうするんだ… ソータ兄ちゃん(格好良すぎる小学生)リアル沖縄の不良感(成長した姿が思い浮かぶ)だったですね、井上雄彦を感じます   大黒摩季あなただけ見つめてるの「ちんちんもみもみ」で会場の皆で笑うのしたかったなーとか思っててチケットとってからZARDと一緒にところかまわず歌ってた…それで 大黒摩季もZARDもないってのに私ら世代のチバユウスケってどういうことだよ!とか言ってたがオープニング、超合ってた✏️鉛筆で書き起こされる湘北スタメン(ワルモノ登場!)…(あんなの鳥山明、大友克洋、井上雄彦にしか許されない…絵ぇうますぎや)ベタな!と思うんだが、もう、異常なかっこよさに抗えなくて この映画、ヤバい!と思った かぁっこいいぃい😭💕💕💕 ・・・ほんとやばかったね…泣いたわ… 隣のおじさん(推定40代後半~50代前半と目される男性)(←その隣の女性の付き添いで来た人なんだろうなぐらいに思ってたけど)その人もめっちゃ泣いてた…その人がメインだったんか いやシアター中がみんなで泣いてみんなで湘北応援してた、そんな映画あるか…?これで泣かない奴おる? 原作者の先生がこんなに頑張ってくれて、本当にうれしい、ありがたい。映画からめっちゃ伝わってきた…
ああ、、久しぶりにバスケがしたいです・・・!! こころから。(運動不足だし…ネ😉🏀🌸)
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ytlog · 5 months
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takigawa · 4 months
ふざけた歌詞だけどチョーかなり良い🎧曲ができたから聴いてみてください😊 ことわざラップ  https://x.com/takigawa_w/status/1791754995991478355?s=46&t=8Vf8aUwk_B-ZbQ5UAGv05w “Back!Come On! x4” feat. DJ: It’s So?No? Now Me? Hey!
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kyaraben-time · 5 months
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Source: rosekitty_cl on Instagram
You can find the recipe for this on their page!
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ike2910 · 2 years
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ふーたりそろーって澄まし顔〜🎎🌸✨ 仲良しアムとマロン✨ 桃の節句を盛り上げるよ✨  #アドビにゃん  #写真部門  #ねこのきもち  #ひな祭り  #お雛様  #おひなさま  #ひな人形  #にゃんこの毛糸屋さん  #コスプレ猫  #坂口アム  #坂口マロン  #コスプレ猫  #catlover #girlsfestival #ねこすたぐらむ  #ニャンスタグラム  #ねこくら  #アルピニアラボ  #peppyフォト部  #猫カレンダー2024参加したい https://www.instagram.com/p/CpTeqDOhJeB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mahounomanga · 1 year
Chikyuu Bouei Shoujo Iko-chan
One of the interesting side effects of defining this blog's scope in the way that I have is that, for better or for worse, only focusing on magical girl manga that don't have anime adaptations automatically filters out almost every multimedia franchise. Sure we've talked about a couple manga adaptations of big live action productions, but there's a difference between that and a series that spreads itself across a handful of mediums simultaneously. Most magical girl multimedia projects from Japan will throw an anime of some form into the mix. Which is to say most, but not all. Today we'll be taking a look at a series which, throughout the late 80s and early 90s, released manga, a video game, a live action series, and more, but has no anime.
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Chikyuu Bouei Shoujo Iko-chan (Terrestrial Defense Girl Iko) started as a live action direct-to-video series in 1987. The protagonist is Iko Kawai, a middle schooler who one day helps a member of the intergalactic police she sees lying unconscious on the pavement, and as a reward she is gifted a high tech headset called the Super Incom. The Super Incom allows her to use ESP to do what she believes is right, giving her abilities including but not limited to instant outfit changes, teleportation, leaping tall buildings in a single bound, shrinking, and communicating with beasts. In using her newfound powers, she catches the attention of an Earth defense squad known as the Light Terrestrial Defense Team, LTDT for short. They recruit Iko as a new member, and now armed with her Super Incom and gadgets from the LTDT, it is her duty to protect Earth from extraterrestrial threats.
The first entry in the series, an approximately 47 minute movie, was released on February 28, 1987. The monster designs were done by Toru Narita, who had done special effects work for Godzilla, and co-created Ultraman; so his involvement helped draw attention to the project. The series even has an Ultraman parody character in the form of Miracleman, who can grow to enormous size, but passes out when he does so.
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A second movie was released on July 14, 1988, at the start of which Iko bequeaths her Super Incom to a new girl, coincidentally named Iko Sugekawa, who also goes on to work for the LTDT. While the original Iko was played by Akiko Isozaki, a relatively obscure child actress, the new Iko was played by Mia Masuda, a popular idol who was just getting her start around this time. This meant many Iko-chan fans were also Mia Masuda fans, and vice versa. Even now many people seem to know of the series predominantly through her involvement. This movie gives Iko a new (and more iconic) outfit, plus a spectacularly intelligent and accomplished rival named Runna Hakuba. Mia Masuda would stay on as Iko for the third movie, released on June 22, 1990, but each subsequent production would cast a different actress in the role. As for the series director, Minoru Kawasaki is known for producing tokusatsu parodies on the cheap, with Terrestrial Defense Girl Iko being one such example.
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Due to the success of the original movie trilogy, a video game based on the series was released for the PC98 engine on December 4, 1992. Titled Chikyuu Bouei Shoujo Iko-chan ~UFO Daisakusen~ (Terrestrial Defense Girl Iko ~The Great UFO Strategy~, this is a turn-based battle game with visual novel elements, in which the LTDT face off against various aliens. Unfortunately, the game didn't sell well. It's speculated that the gameplay style didn't capture the appeal of the title's tokusatsu origins. The in-game art is very pretty though, for whatever that's worth.
Iko would continue starring in live action sequels and spinoffs after that, and a number of companion books were released for the series as well, but the release most relevant to this blog is the Iko-Chan manga.
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Running in monthly Comic Comp from the May 1988 issue to the May 1991 issue, this manga was created by Yoshito Asari, with writing input from Minoru Kawasaki, the original director. Asari is best known for his involvement in the production of the original Evangelion anime, for which he was an assistant character designer, and he penned a 4koma spinoff titled Evangelion Yonkoma Zenshuu. However, he is an accomplished mangaka in his own right, creating works such as Wahhaman, Manga Science, and Space Family Carlvinson, the lattermost of which would get an OVA adaptation in 1988.
Over the course of its' run, the Iko-chan manga would amass a total of 32 chapters. The first tankobon volume, containing chapters 1 through 18, was published by Kadokawa on September 13, 1990, but the remainder of the series would not be compiled until a new edition of both volumes was released by Hakusensha under their Jets Comics label on December 25, 1999. A digital rerelease, also by Hakusensha, was made available on December 26, 2014.
This manga makes some changes to the original plot, particularly in Iko's backstory. In this version, Iko already works for the LTDT part-time at the start of the series, and she gets the Super Incom after helping Miracleman while he's drunk. It's less momentous, but I actually prefer it given how poorly the original Iko's buddying up to cops has aged. The way the Super Incom works is slightly different too: it activates when she says please, enunciating each syllable (o-ne-ga-i). This makes whatever she thinks will help happen, but if she attempts to use this power for selfish reasons, the device will malfunction.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to read very much of the manga, and the language barrier made it difficult to get into any version of this series. Huge shout-out to the surprisingly detailed Japanese Wikipedia page, which was a tremendous help in researching for this overview. They also have quite a bit of information on later installments in this series I glossed over. There is a lot more I could get into, but I wanted to mainly focus on the meat of the franchise, and this post is long enough as is.
I really hope fan translations of the series become available one day, because Terrestrial Defense Girl Iko seems like a lot of fun, and I would definitely recommend it to fans of older tokusatsu. There are elements of it I don't vibe with, but still, it has an interesting premise, some decently entertaining humor, a super catchy theme song, and a killer aesthetic.
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