cocoroedgar · 1 month
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Point!. 全ての野菜はあらかじめ切っておく‼︎
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nanapon1107 · 2 years
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昨晩のDinner あらかじめ予約しておいて良かった。 途中からいっぱい。 食べ放題では無いが、 近江牛と白米がとても美味しいと。。。 サンチュとキムチは食べ放題らしい。 コースをチョイス。 生柚子塩麹ハラミがめちゃくちゃ美味しかった。 柔らかさと塩味がとてもいい塩梅。 タレも醤油ベースと味噌ベースとレモンベースに塩麹と山芋とろろの四つあり どれも、ご飯にもお酒にも合う美味さ☝️ お酒を一升近く飲んだのにご飯を欲してしまった😅💦 次回から焼肉と言えばココかな⁉️ #すだく #ご飯記録 #ディナー #焼肉 #うぃずやっちゃん #つけダレ最高 #ご飯に合う #お酒に合う #お酒に合う料理 #晩御飯の記録 (近江焼肉ホルモンすだく新潟駅南店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpZdxXaPEJq9JvNtLKFjy8a8jDfpcIcFfENH8Y0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kojiomiya · 4 years
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ウガンダ畑の里芋(初収穫)と佐藤牛肉店(←ココ大事)の牛肉で芋煮💕。そして今石山さんの栗で栗ごはーん💕アーンド今年初の生の秋刀魚焼き(小さい)😭 #ウガンダ家の食卓 #秋の味覚 #食欲の秋 #autumn #dinner https://www.instagram.com/p/CF1e487JIRX/?igshid=1ilnefychxnh9
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hesosatindoll · 5 years
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スタッフ勉強会。 そう、勉強会。 - 子供の頃から親に連れて行ってもらっていた銀座天龍その支店。 上野にも昇竜という餃子の有名店がありますが、餃子を目的に行くならやはり天龍かなと。 - 餃子を目的でいくなら神保町のスヰートポーズがマイベストですか、人を連れて行くならココかな。 - 変わらぬおいしさ。ごちそうさまでした。 - 【サテンドール上野本店】 〒110-0005 東京都台東区上野6-10-2 JR山手線「御徒町駅」より徒歩5分 (10:00~20:00不定休) TEL:0120-310-606 - 【サテンドール上野店】 〒110-0005 東京都台東区上野6-4-11 JR山手線「御徒町的」より徒歩5分 (10:00~20:00不定休) TEL:0120-310-081 - 【サテンドール御徒町店】 〒110-0005 東京都台東区上野6-4-4 JR山手線「御徒町駅」より徒歩1分 (10:30~19:00不定休) TEL:03-3834-2749 - - #餃子 #中華料理 #勉強会 #真面目な話 #勉強会ですから #お腹いっぱい #スカイツリー #ソラマチ #銀座天龍 #町中華 #dinner #tokyo #chineses #cuisine https://ift.tt/2Vc1Wb6
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chiiharuchika · 5 years
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(19.05.01) 🗾 令和元年一日目! 新清水駅に行って、ココ様と合流。二人で世界遺産の三保の松原に行った。富士山をきれいに見えるらしいから。神の道にちょっと休憩。そしてまた歩いた。 そして本場の三保の松原!海に行くのは久々すぎる。しかもきれい!でも雲で富士山をよく見えないのは残念すぎる。代わりにいろいろな写真を撮った。だいたいジャンプショート。そして波に襲われたw靴の中ビショビショとザラザラ。 そしてさらに行くと、一本のボッチ木といろいろなポーズを撮った。ココ様のいいカメラ、あざっす。 静岡駅に帰ったが、バス間に合わなかった。結局また清水駅に戻って、甲府行の電車を乗った。結局ココ様とまた一緒に。電車に4時間ぐらいだけど、安いから文句言えない。甲府駅前の大黒家で横浜家系ラーメンを食べた。うちはバリ辛ラーメン、ココ様は醤油大盛り。ごちそうさん。 #チカの大冒険 #チカの冒険2 #日本 #Japan #静岡県編 #静岡 #三保の松原 #山梨県編 #甲府 #大黒家 #横浜家系ラーメン #ラーメン #富士山 #海岸 #Shizuoka #ShizuokaSeries #YamanashiSeries #Kofu #MihonoMatsubara #Daikokuya #YokohamaIeKeRamen #Ramen #MountFuji #Beach #Food #Dinner #食べ物 #herdimotret (at Miho no Matsubara) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxEtGrtHXCW/?igshid=lz69vxszd8xk
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yukalyn · 5 years
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#ark新宿東口駅前店 @meat_and_cheese_ark で、飲み放題付きの肉×チーズコースを堪能😋 元々のコース内容だとラクレットチーズのスキレットグリルになるのですが、、、 ここにきた目当ては、TVで観てず~っと気になっていた&食べてみたかったシカゴピザだったので🍕 +500円で、スキレットグリルをシカゴピザに変更☆ そしてお酒も色々と合わせてみたかったので、飲み放題プランも+500円にして楽しむことにしました🍻 #切り落とし生ハム 程よい塩分が脂の旨味と合わさり、濃厚な甘みとして贅沢な美味しさが口の中いっぱいに広がります。 #パテドカンパーニュ レバーの滑らかなとろける食感+肉々しいお肉のガッツリとした旨味も堪能できる贅沢な味わいです。 #厚切りベーコンと半熟卵のシーザサラダ 後味はあっさりだけどコク旨なドレッシングを絡めた肉厚なベーコンは絶妙な美味しさ。 カリフラワーのような見た目のチーズは、口に入れると即とろけてしまいます。 旨味を残して口の中でフワっと消えていく感覚が堪りません。 #チーズリゾットコロッケ ライスコロッケだけど滑らかな舌触りのリゾットなので、口の中でふわっと無くなる感覚。 そしてコク深いミートソースもサラっとしているお上品な味わいなので、意外にサラっとした食べ応えです。 #シカゴピザ 溢れ出てくるチーズの海が堪りません。 でも、魅力的だけど救うのが難しいかなと思いきや…フォークでスっと簡単に拾うことができたのには感動! けっこうなボリュームなのでラスト間際に出てきたらちょっとクドいかなと思ってたけど、、、 トマトを練り込んでいるという生地のさっぱり感もあり、濃厚なチーズの旨味を感じながらもサラっとした食べ応え。 トロ~っと加減も食べ終えるまで、少し冷めても変わらずで。 テンションの上がるフォルムも併せて、うっとりとしてしまう美味しさに気づけばペロリと完食。 味もフォルムも期待以上の満足度でした。 #牛すじのミートソースパスタ とろんとろんの牛すじ、脂の旨味もたっぷりで… もうお腹もいっぱいだったのに、箸の止まらぬ美味しさ&お酒もさらに進んじゃいました。 #本日のデザート #ガトーショコラ サラっとしたお上品な甘さのクリームと、しっとり食感のほろ苦いガトーショコラのコラボは最強です。 出てきたお料理、味はもちろんボリュームも抜群👍 これで飲み放題も付いて(食べログ経由→https://item.woomy.me/c/35244)で5,000円ってお得すぎる❣ また近いうちに来たいなと思い、よく飲んでる友達にも早速声をかけてみちゃいました😄 定期的に飲み会開いてる仲間にお店選びを託された時には、ココを推してみよっ♪ お店の雰囲気&居心地もすっごく良かったし、連れにも絶対に喜んでもらえるお店です✨ 新宿 シカゴピザで検索してね! #dinner #pizza #cheese #shinzyuku #ピザ #シカゴピザ #チーズ #チーズの海 #新宿 #ark新宿東口店 Casting by @woomy.restaurant #instagood #instalife #instafood #instajapan (Ark 新宿東口店) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwM1bGsFI0Z/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dosbmz7aoqbl
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tarkun · 5 years
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ラーメンにホルモントッピング出来るココイチって、ココくらいじゃないかなぁ? 濃いめのスープにいい感じのトッピングだと思う #CoCoIchi #CoCo壱番屋 #ココイチ #CurryRamenNoodle #肉味噌とふんわりタマゴのカレーらーめん #CurryRamenWithMeatMisoAndFluffyEggs #ホルモントッピング #HormoneTopping #当直飯 #MealBeforeWorkOnDuty #夕食 #Dinner #カレーは飲み物 #CurryIsADrink #カレー常習者 #CurryAddict #カレー愛好者 #CurryLovers #Yummy #Yumyum #CortexCam #Painteresque #ProHDRX #TadaaSLR #InstaFood #FoodStagram #FoodPorn (Coco壱番屋 三島店) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvoGLFelc8X/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=cwh9zlpqxisz
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lei-capri · 7 years
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Temaki (Handroll) Sushi Dinner🍣 . . . . 今夜は手巻き。 〆にはアサリ汁。 ココでもネギ大量。 . . . . #homemade #homecook #homecooking #homecooking #japanstyle #japanesefood #japanesestyle #japanesecuisine #sushi #dinner #homedinner #temaki #handroll #food #foodporn #foodgram #foodlover #sashimi #leicapri #momlife #dinner #misosoup #lalife #手巻き寿司 #おうちごはん #晩御飯
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cocoroedgar · 3 months
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airinhishou · 7 years
今日も暑かった(>_<) とりあえず…今日は外に出ず 家の中で書類整理 要らんもんバンバン捨てるがなwww さて!本日のdinner ★若布と玉ねぎと油抜きした油揚げのお味噌汁(今日はミックスだし汁) ★トンカツ&鶏胸肉カツ タレ4種類 ・トンカツソース(塩分30%オフ)+辛子 ・かけてみそつけてみそ+辛子 別添え葱 ・自家製シークワーサーポン酢 別添えおろし ・梅肉タレ+刻み青じそ ★キャベツの千切り ★ゴーヤスライス ★人参しめじ韮玉子とじ ★ぬか漬け(胡瓜 大根 人参 プチトマト) ★大人のポテサラ(マヨネーズカロリー65%オフのやつ) ★梅しそ納豆(今朝の素麺の具材の残り) ★素麺こんにゃくの冷やし中華風(今朝の素麺の具材の残りプラスハム 若布 プチトマト 貝割れ) ★久留米のセブン限定の久留米ホットドッグ←あたしのみ^ ^ ★トンカツつけたパン粉や小麦卵の残り+αでドーナツ🍩←旦那に御褒美 今日もしこたま呑みまっせ^ ^ さっき警報が出てココは106ミリの豪雨注意って(´⊙ω⊙`) え?全然晴れてるやん(´⊙ω⊙`) 意味わからん #dinner#夕ごはん#晩ごはん#うち飯#リメイク飯#トンカツ#家呑み#宅呑み#japan#KAUMO #일본#톤카스
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katchancho · 3 years
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#Goodevening * カノとのおデートの帰り🚗😸 アソコのシースー屋さん🍣ずっと休みなんで💦ココ☝️ @#やきかつ太郎 de またもや😅#ミックスフライ定食 お目当ては#ニンニク醤油 ね😋😁 #カキフライ × 2個 #クリームコロッケ × 2個 #ヒレカツ × 1個 #白身魚のフライ × 1個 だったかな⁈🤔 コメ🍚が柔らかかったのが減点🙅‍♂️ * #mixedfly #ミックスフライ #food #delicious #まいうー #dinner #kano #歌音 #カノ #カノスタグラム #calicocat #instafood #instacat #instagood #instadaily #instapic #instajapan #japan #20210530 * そして知り合いのコに会う😁 先月くらいにも会ったよな⁈😅 腹#いっぱいおっぱいチェリーパイ #ごちそうさまでした ✨ #Goodnight 🌠 (やきかつ太郎) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPf3SjpAHOcWiXr23aA18PbwSA60Rmh0LfyMKE0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mi-yu-miyu · 7 years
Developed to affinity relationship with housewife of dispatch byte
I am a temporary staffing company and I am aI am doing the assignment work. What I am in charge is focusing on office workFemale dispatch was mostly. And, as a matter of course, at the dispatch destinationCause problems · Some people get upI am in trouble, but such a time is the aim of the etch. A woman was informed that a trouble occurred at his place of employment,In the office after workI waited because I said that they would come to consultation,I am past 8 o'clock because the client is a little far away. While waiting,I'm out of time, so I visited erotic sites. Finally the woman came to the office. (Prof: 26 years old, married, appearance ordinary) The cause of the trouble is sexual harassment at the dispatch destination. When asked what kind of things were done · The director's invitation to drink is persistent.· Too persistent meal only once.· So, I sit well next to myself during work, whether I did feel better.· I recently sat laterally and grabbed my hand.· Today I was handed to my back in the morning train. It was a complaint like this. "Please come to me here tomorrow morning.Together I will go and talk to your dispatch destination. " Say "I do not want to work at the current dispatch destination anymore,I would like you to change the place of dispatch. " I have appealed. As my predecessor adopted itI did not know how much I can workAbout computer skillsI asked various thoughts to confirm. Then I do not have a PC qualificationIt seems they can do soI thought that I tested my PC to test it. "Well, please use Excel to launch my PC.""Yes. Is this a good PC?""Ah!!" I forgot seeing the erotic website until a while ago. "It's a bad person to watch a horny website at a company." "I was too busy after work." "Are you watching H-site at home too?" "Well, it's time for killing time and liberating sexual desire (lol)" I was taken up with a story of erotic website for some reason. It's been about an hour while I was talking about various things "Is your liaison being late for your husband?" "No, I will be on business for Tokyo this week." "Because I will consider it in the direction to change the destination,Please come to work normally tomorrow.Is it good to tell the staff that I was consulted today? " "Please do it when the dispatch destination changes.Otherwise I am in trouble to work. " "Okay, then you can come home today." And let me go home. I will start as soon as I wish to return,The temporary staff the other day came again. "Even if I go home, because I am alone today,Why do not you join us for dinner? " "It's good, I just decided to return." "What shall I eat?" "Anything is okay." "Well, why do not you drink this before going out?" Why, for development that I do not see. By the time I ask for a pizzaI bought drink at a convenience store on the first floor and returned to my office. Let's drink a toastI was listening to the other story of the dispatch destination. Pizza also arrived and beer entered the second cupBoth of us look pretty bright red. Both of us got drunk graduallyIt became reddish face. Then, from a temporary employee's married woman "Let's see H-site!"I am telling you. "Are you serious?" "You just saw that, tell me." "I like Koyo site."Tell me "You are an image of a teenagers starring you?" I started searching by saying. If you look closely at what you are searching forIt was SM system site. "I often see this.I like it quite well. But her husband is always the same pattern after marrying in normal.I want a little exciting thing. " "S and M, which one are you?" "Which way is M?" Both I and her were drunk. "How about going to a chest like massaging suddenly?" "Huh ~" "How quickly are you putting your hands in clothes and getting massaged?" "Lunou ~" "Are you bad?" "Is good." "Why would you refuse to be disappointing at your destination?" "I do not like my uncle" I was excited and kissed. I left my clothes off as it was. Then I got my hands in my crotch and said. "Please change to a better place to dispatch as soon as possible.From this way I'm done like this for the end " Saying that he lowered pants and began to lick. While I was being blowjob, I was massaging my chest. It seems to be a D cup with elastic bust. I was licked for about 5 minutes and I noticed. "Ah, there is no rubber." "It's a safe day, so it's OK. I was relieved to be told. Let the woman sit on the desk,I started inserting while standing. I took off my clothes and noticed it from the front. A little bit cheap body! Breasts are also big and beautiful with the type of losing weight. Massacious rubbing roundI thrust it carefully. But when sake is in, I will not be easy. I am getting tired and I feel like I'm fine.High speed piston has started. Then the woman was scared at once. Still I kept intact as it is not good. I think that the high-speed piston lasted about 3 minutes. Meanwhile, women have fallen by three timesI just finished it shortly afterwards. women are "This is the first time for me, I want to do it again." I'm honest liquor and it's a hard exerciseBecause I was hit hard earlier about the heart beating "Today this is about as simple as you can." "No, no more after taking a break." "When the time comes, the guard patrol will come." "Let's go to my house from now." I felt like going home to go back to bedI went to her house brought by mid-aggressive girlfriend. Coco comes from the office so I do not want it. After that I did it at work with several people. It's different from each otherI worked with several people at work in total about 15 times. But one of them broke into the companyIt is not certain whether it was seen by someone but anywayI decided to retire from the company and retire. from Blogger http://ift.tt/2x8B9mY via IFTTT
0 notes
ami12ami01 · 7 years
Developed to affinity relationship with housewife of dispatch byte
I am a temporary staffing company and I am aI am doing the assignment work. What I am in charge is focusing on office workFemale dispatch was mostly. And, as a matter of course, at the dispatch destinationCause problems · Some people get upI am in trouble, but such a time is the aim of the etch. A woman was informed that a trouble occurred at his place of employment,In the office after workI waited because I said that they would come to consultation,I am past 8 o'clock because the client is a little far away. While waiting,I'm out of time, so I visited erotic sites. Finally the woman came to the office. (Prof: 26 years old, married, appearance ordinary) The cause of the trouble is sexual harassment at the dispatch destination. When asked what kind of things were done · The director's invitation to drink is persistent.· Too persistent meal only once.· So, I sit well next to myself during work, whether I did feel better.· I recently sat laterally and grabbed my hand.· Today I was handed to my back in the morning train. It was a complaint like this. "Please come to me here tomorrow morning.Together I will go and talk to your dispatch destination. " Say "I do not want to work at the current dispatch destination anymore,I would like you to change the place of dispatch. " I have appealed. As my predecessor adopted itI did not know how much I can workAbout computer skillsI asked various thoughts to confirm. Then I do not have a PC qualificationIt seems they can do soI thought that I tested my PC to test it. "Well, please use Excel to launch my PC.""Yes. Is this a good PC?""Ah!!" I forgot seeing the erotic website until a while ago. "It's a bad person to watch a horny website at a company." "I was too busy after work." "Are you watching H-site at home too?" "Well, it's time for killing time and liberating sexual desire (lol)" I was taken up with a story of erotic website for some reason. It's been about an hour while I was talking about various things "Is your liaison being late for your husband?" "No, I will be on business for Tokyo this week." "Because I will consider it in the direction to change the destination,Please come to work normally tomorrow.Is it good to tell the staff that I was consulted today? " "Please do it when the dispatch destination changes.Otherwise I am in trouble to work. " "Okay, then you can come home today." And let me go home. I will start as soon as I wish to return,The temporary staff the other day came again. "Even if I go home, because I am alone today,Why do not you join us for dinner? " "It's good, I just decided to return." "What shall I eat?" "Anything is okay." "Well, why do not you drink this before going out?" Why, for development that I do not see. By the time I ask for a pizzaI bought drink at a convenience store on the first floor and returned to my office. Let's drink a toastI was listening to the other story of the dispatch destination. Pizza also arrived and beer entered the second cupBoth of us look pretty bright red. Both of us got drunk graduallyIt became reddish face. Then, from a temporary employee's married woman "Let's see H-site!"I am telling you. "Are you serious?" "You just saw that, tell me." "I like Koyo site."Tell me "You are an image of a teenagers starring you?" I started searching by saying. If you look closely at what you are searching forIt was SM system site. "I often see this.I like it quite well. But her husband is always the same pattern after marrying in normal.I want a little exciting thing. " "S and M, which one are you?" "Which way is M?" Both I and her were drunk. "How about going to a chest like massaging suddenly?" "Huh ~" "How quickly are you putting your hands in clothes and getting massaged?" "Lunou ~" "Are you bad?" "Is good." "Why would you refuse to be disappointing at your destination?" "I do not like my uncle" I was excited and kissed. I left my clothes off as it was. Then I got my hands in my crotch and said. "Please change to a better place to dispatch as soon as possible.From this way I'm done like this for the end " Saying that he lowered pants and began to lick. While I was being blowjob, I was massaging my chest. It seems to be a D cup with elastic bust. I was licked for about 5 minutes and I noticed. "Ah, there is no rubber." "It's a safe day, so it's OK. I was relieved to be told. Let the woman sit on the desk,I started inserting while standing. I took off my clothes and noticed it from the front. A little bit cheap body! Breasts are also big and beautiful with the type of losing weight. Massacious rubbing roundI thrust it carefully. But when sake is in, I will not be easy. I am getting tired and I feel like I'm fine.High speed piston has started. Then the woman was scared at once. Still I kept intact as it is not good. I think that the high-speed piston lasted about 3 minutes. Meanwhile, women have fallen by three timesI just finished it shortly afterwards. women are "This is the first time for me, I want to do it again." I'm honest liquor and it's a hard exerciseBecause I was hit hard earlier about the heart beating "Today this is about as simple as you can." "No, no more after taking a break." "When the time comes, the guard patrol will come." "Let's go to my house from now." I felt like going home to go back to bedI went to her house brought by mid-aggressive girlfriend. Coco comes from the office so I do not want it. After that I did it at work with several people. It's different from each otherI worked with several people at work in total about 15 times. But one of them broke into the companyIt is not certain whether it was seen by someone but anywayI decided to retire from the company and retire. from Blogger http://ift.tt/2x8B9mY via IFTTT
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#dogstagram #pet #dog #inustagram #nekostagram #dinner ココちゃんの貴重な捕食シーン (Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka, Japan)
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mac16key · 7 years
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はじめての鳩はココで食べて正解だったと思う😋美味しかったー🍴 I ate a pigeon for the first time. It was very delicious! #anniversary #happy #proposeanniversary #yummy #firstexperience #dinner #french #tokyo #japan (Gris  代々木上原)
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cocoroedgar · 8 months
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かじきまぐろのソテー ミニトマトと白ワインの南仏風ソース🇫🇷
パセリ(粗みじん切り) 大さじ2▶︎ケール代用
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