fuji-u-u · 2 years
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少しでもゆとりのある生活がしたい方✋ 現状に満足出来ていない方✋ ■+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+■  フルサポートであんしん! ■+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+■ あと3枠です😭 どうするか悩むのは 話を聞いてからでも遅くないですよ🙄💡 無料説明会⸜🙌🏻⸝‍申込む▶︎https://bit.ly/3WL89t1 #暮らしニスタ #スターバックス #さくら #sakura #一戸建て #デザイン #home #赤ちゃん #親バカ #子育て #baby #子ども #育児 #旅行 #trip #トラベラー #へそくり #無料 #ママ友募集中 #権利収入 #在宅ワーク #副業 #簡単 #稼げる副業 #副業ママ #貯金 #リゾート #パパ #ママ #ダイエット https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp1A7fLvjGx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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naomode911 · 2 years
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福岡県 糸島にいったら ココは行っておくの オススメ✨ どこでもドアや タイタニックとは離れてるけど 行って良かったぁ😁 だってこんなに かわいい写真が撮れる♡ ロンドンバスカフェ ここでは ジェラートや カフェラテなどが 楽しめる カフェになってるのです🤭✨ 写真撮るのも 食べるのも ここならゆっくり 過ごせますっっ! ちょっと行きにくい場所なのに 女の子同士で来てる人 多かったな♡ JR筑肥線 筑前前原駅下車 昭和バス「野北線」乗り換え 昭和バス野北線 「野北」バス停下車 徒歩約10分(750m) #映えスポット #映え #インスタ映え #フォトジェニック #trip #travel #phot #japanesegirl #Instagramspot #traveler #タビジョ #トラベラー #写真スポット #九州 #撮影スポット #japan #福岡 #fukuoka #糸島 #博多駅 #博多 #福岡県 #観光地 #travellers #おでかけ #jalan_travel #スポット #海 #sea #ocean (糸島 - 福岡之西海岸 (by 糸島市政府)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoPqYbrO6Do/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nonono-zzz · 27 days
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てれことね pic.twitter.com/nCwHB89Wg4
— トラベラー冬木 (@Fuyu_2320) August 29, 2024
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nait0u · 3 months
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(Xユーザーのトラベラー冬木さん: 「ことねと夏🌴🌺 https://t.co/Fkf7jmIYcB」 / Xから)
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soriku112502 · 2 months
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イメージイラスト:205枚目 色彩トラベラー(2011.08.02) / nimo@ https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm15184744
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prideoftheknights · 2 years
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translation under the cut!
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On a spring night a few weeks before my birthday–– I escaped from a facility and went to the town where I grew up.
It took several hours to get here by bus, and the return trip would take the same amount of time.
The small amount of pocket money I got from helping out is for the bus fare back. If I lost it, I would not be able to go home.
I clutched the small amount of coins in my pocket.
No matter how uncomfortable it was, I can still get food from the facility.
If I don't want to die by the side of the road, I have to go back there.
If I'm not back by dawn, I'll be sent to the punishment room again.
I walked along the walled off path before stopping. I put my hand on a lower part of the wall, where two blocks had collapsed.
I pull my body up and jump over the wall in one go.
Since the night I was driven out from my house, nothing had changed in the vacant land where I used to look at the moon alone. I thought I would feel more nostalgic, but strangely, I felt nothing.
"Ah, right. The moon......" There were only small stars twinkling in the night sky.
"Why can't we see the moon?"
Suddenly, a boy's voice came out of nowhere. I turned around, startled.
"Do you know?"
Before I knew it, there was a boy dressed in all white standing in the vacant lot that was supposed to be empty.
"……Because moonset has passed. The moon sets just like the sun. You cant always see the moon just because it's night time."
"Heh, you really know your stuff, don't you! And you jumped over that high wall just now, right? Your athleticism is good too, too. That's amazing."
The boy's eyes sparkled.
(Who the hell is this guy....... To be at this kind of place at this hour, what a suspicious guy......)
I was about to get on top of the ledge and distance myself slightly, when I heard a loud talking voice.
"HAHAHA! Like I said, you always drink too much! You're gonna get in trouble again!
"You're in no position to tell me about that!"
I heard the footsteps of men who seemed to be on their way home from a bar coming closer. With a start, my body shivered.
(If kids are found in such a place at this hour, we'll be in trouble. We need to run……)
Even as I slowly walked away with a wandering gaze, the boy was still in a daze, thinking about something.
(No, I have to ditch him and go.)
As I was about to start running, a quick hand grabbed my arm and stopped me.
"Do you have any family?"
The boy's question made a number of faces pop up in my mind.
Immediately after, I drown out those faces from my mind, annoyed.
"Do you have a dream?"
(What a carefree question......)
Thinking that now isn't the time to talk about something like that, I try to shake him off my arm, but he's surprisingly strong.
"Come on, do you have a dream?"
"A dream......?
Irritated, I subconsciously looked up at the night sky.
What I was looking for isn't there.
As always, what I wish for disappears from me.
"Then, do you want to help me make my dream come true?"
The boy laughed softly as he said this.
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Izumi: Alright then, that'll be all for today's leader's meeting.
Tsumugi: Good work everyone.
Tsuzuru: Are you guys done?
Izumi: Yeah. We'll have our next meeting now.
Banri: Next up is the Spring Troupe meeting huh.
Tenma: Doing two meetings in succession... Thanks for your hard work.
Sakuya: Thank you!
Banri: ......
Chikage: ?
Could it be, you guys were talking about me?
Izumi: Huh?
Sakuya: How did you know?!
Chikage: Bull's eye?
Izumi: As expected, you're sharp. We were just about to start talking about you.
Well then, let's start up the Spring Troupe MTG again.
First of all, regarding the 10th play of the Spring Troupe, we were discussing during the leaders' meeting earlier about having the sixth member of each troupe play the lead role.
Sakuya: So for the Winter Troupe it'll be Guy-san, Autumn Troupe will be Azami-kun. Summer Troupe will be Kumon-kun, and Spring Troupe will be Chikage-san!
Chikage: Why is that?
Izumi: I think now, more than ever, is the time to show off our individual abilities before the new Fleur Award, which is about to have a new structure soon.
The last four people to join the company have only had one lead role, right?
I think there's a certain freshness and 'buzz' that comes with playing the lead role.
Additionally, we all agreed that we wanted to see what would happen if the four of you, who have matured as compared to when they first joined the company with simple reasons, played the lead roles.
Chikage: I see.
Sakuya: I also learned a lot from my experience as the second lead role in the company's play, so I hope Chikage-san can experience it too!
Tsuzuru: It's true that everyone grows a lot when they play a lead role.
Itaru: It's a great opportunity, isn't it?
Citron: Chikage also break dances with one step!
Masumi: Breakthrough.
Chikage: But the next show will be the monumental 10th play of each troupe, right? Is it really alright for me to play the lead role?
Izumi: Yes, it is a nice milestone and a commemorative number, but for the company, it is just a checkpoint.
Sakuya: We're gonna keep on going from here on out!
Chikage: You're as positive as ever.
Tsuzuru: So, what're you gonna do? Are you gonna do it or not?
Chikage: I suppose you're right...... For you all, it might just be another milestone, but I think fans will hope for something significant for the 10th round of plays.
After so many performances, I wonder what they'd want to see next.
I'm sure that my first starring role was warmly received as I was still a rookie, and I do feel some pressure but......
I'll do it. It seems like people are also hoping I'll do it.
Sakuya: Thank goodness!
Citron: What a long time to turtle!
Tsuzuru: I think you meant to say accumulate. [1]
Masumi: But yeah, it was long. Why didn't you just say you'd do it.
Izumi: That's just shows how much he thinks about the theater company.
Itaru: It was so much easier during the 4th play, huh.
Izumi: You're right. If he had just nodded his head like he did then, would that have worried you?
Tsuzuru: We're on the 10th play now, so it's been quite a while since Chikage starred as the lead...... I guess I'll have to put my all into the script too!
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[1]: citron says カメ (turtle) which tsuzuru corrects with 溜め (to accumulate)
it was hard to put these two sentences in a way that still captures the meaning of "wow he took so long just to say he'll do it" so i left it as is TT
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touhoutunes · 8 months
Title: メランコリック・トラベラー (Melancholic Traveler)
Arrangement: Cororo
Vocals: 秣本 瑳羅
Album: 幻想郷ライフシンドローム
Circle: Riverside
Original: Love-Colored Master Spark
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mako-neexu · 2 years
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He is! 🥰🙏💖
Seven Days Traveler | セブンデイズ・トラベラー by wani | わに
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jaguarmen99 · 11 months
アメリカの大手出版社・コンデナスト社が発行する、富裕層向けの旅行雑誌「コンデナスト・トラベラー」は先日、旅行者にとっての「世界最高の国ランキング」を発表しました。このランキングは、雑誌の読者投票によって作成されており、記事では「ヨーロッパが上位を独占」と伝えられていますが、その中で、日本が堂々の一位を獲得しています。10. スイス9. ノルウェー8. イスラエル7. ポルトガル6. スペイン5. ニュージーランド4. アイルランド3. ギリシャ2. イタリア1. 日本こうして上位を見てみると、主に歴史的に豊かな国や、自然景観に恵まれた国が選ばれている印象でしょうか。また、ランキングではありませんが、「日本はハネムーンを過ごすのに最も熱い場所となった」という特集記事も同時期に配信されており、「世界的に見れば相対的に物価の高い国ではあるが、 『せっかくの新婚旅行』を過ごす場として、 日本は時代の寵児となっている」と伝えています。
【海外の反応】 パンドラの憂鬱 海外「今や世界が親日家だ!」 世界の富裕層が選ぶ『世界最高の国ランキング』で日本がトップに
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blazlngblade · 1 year
I'm not seeing anyone talk about the Break & Boost previews! Have you heard them yet?
Link to the previews here!!
I've already heard all of the CotC ones in full, thanks to live presentations for CotC.
If you guys haven't heard those yet, here's the videos!
Timestamps for the 2.5 presentation video!
Break: I'cirlo, A Motely Town - 15:01 - 18:41 Break: Sazantos, Hell's Champion - 1:38:19 - 1:43:14 Break: Orsa, the Undiscovered Isle - 1:43:15 - 1:48:59 Break: Bestower of Wealth - 1:49:00 - 1:54:55
Not all these songs are on the new Break&Boost CD, so maybe we'll have an extended CD later on?
And in case you were wondering, my favourites are:
Break: Bestower of Wealth (naturally, huge Wealth fan here!) Boost: It's between Guardians of the Light, and Critical Clash II
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yamagata-tanken · 9 days
~江戸から明治 現代へ 山形トラベラー~
出発日時 9月21日(土)9時出発(8:55集合)
集合場所 山形駅東口交通センター前
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fuji-u-u · 2 years
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少しでもゆとりのある生活がしたい方✋ 現状に満足出来ていない方✋ ■+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+■  フルサポートであんしん! ■+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+■ あと3枠です😭 どうするか悩むのは 話を聞いてからでも遅くないですよ🙄💡 無料説明会⸜🙌🏻⸝‍申込む▶︎https://bit.ly/3WL89t1 #暮らしニスタ #スターバックス #さくら #sakura #一戸建て #デザイン #home #赤ちゃん #親バカ #子育て #baby #子ども #育児 #旅行 #trip #トラベラー #へそくり #無料 #ママ友募集中 #権利収入 #在宅ワーク #副業 #簡単 #稼げる副業 #副業ママ #貯金 #リゾート #パパ #ママ #ダイエット https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp1A5VTvrPJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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naomode911 · 2 years
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福岡県 博多 糸島のインスタ映えスポット📷✨ タイタニックのアレを 1人でやって 気が済んだら🤣 下に イカリベンチという また撮影ポイントが ありますので ぜひご利用ください笑笑 無料です🤭✨ 風が強かったのを 思いだしました🥺 #映えスポット #映え #インスタ映え #フォトジェニック #trip #travel #phot #japanesegirl #Instagramspot #traveler #タビジョ #トラベラー #写真スポット #九州 #撮影スポット #japan #福岡 #fukuoka #糸島 #博多駅 #博多 #福岡県 #観光地 #travellers #おでかけ #jalan_travel #スポット #海 #sea #ocean (糸島 - 福岡之西海岸 (by 糸島市政府)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoKDpOLOqqY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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themaccheroni · 26 days
【 9月のスケジュール 】
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M様 この度はご注文誠にありがとうございました。
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kidsssaaa · 3 months
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htbbth · 3 months
Xユーザーの笹本祐一さん: 「それっきり二度と見ることができない番組いっぱい見てきたんだおれたちは。空中都市008、新八犬伝、タイム・トラベラー。確かに放送されたのに、それはもうおれたちの中にしかないんだ。」 / Twitter
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