legacyofacat · 7 months
[12] Where Your Core Rests (Kongō x Reader)
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Can also be found on Ao3 (completed), Wattpad, FanFiction.net and DA.
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Black Fleet Sailing Homewards
Surprisingly enough, the United States Navy didn't try to stop them. They did contact them, did ask what they were here for and also sent destroyers to supervise them, but that was it.
On the other hand, what were they supposed to do? While tensions were still partially high, officially there was peace between humanity and the Fleet of Fog and no one really wanted to provoke them.
"Found anything, Ojō-sama?"
Kongō had submerged, leaving Nagara on the surface to chat with the US Navy through morse code while she, Luigi and the human scouted the underwater area.
"Not yet", neither with eyes nor with sensors. 
"Me neither", they deflated, "Lui?"
Luigi shook his head, sitting down with a pout.
"Maaaan, at least we know Arizona is still here."
Kongō threw her a look which made them instantly duck away in fear of getting punched.
Of course Arizona was still here! She was both dead and a memorial!
"We're not going to break into Arizona, are we?"
"No, my scanners can reach inside her", she grabbed at her forehead in exasperation.
But there really is nothing here.
What were they supposed to do now? 
Their only clue was a piece of nanomaterial, a piece that was slowly falling apart to add, and a Philadelphia-class of the Fog of whose status and whereabouts they had no idea.
"Ah, I'm an idiot", she acknowledged the human as they crawled out of whatever corner they had vanished in, "we're resurfacing."
"Huh?", they and Luigi blinked, but soon had to hold on tight as the large vessel cut through the surface, Nagara greeting them excitedly, "woah! That was awesome, really fucking terrifying, but also really awesome!"
Please never do that again!
It had also been really really sudden.
"Apologies. Nagara, we are leaving for neutral waters."
She said goodbye to her new friends and then trailed behind her flagship happily until the destroyers stopped following them and Kongō slowed down to a stop.
"Ojō-sama? Are you alright?"
"Yes…", she walked past them, ignoring Nagara's questioning sound, "I just need to concentrate for a moment."
"What are you trying to do??"
"I'll be getting the CCS back in order."
When all of the High Flagships had sunk, the massive outburst of energy had partially disrupted the Concept Communication System and while it had rightened itself to a certain amount, some of its functions were still out of order. They could still trade information, for example, but they couldn't tell who was currently active.
If Kongō could get it in working order again, then, at the very least, they would be able to figure out whether Arizona and Philadelphia were still alive or not – thinking back on the fleet she had annihilated back then, if they had been hunting a corpse all this time she would cry.
"Oh, ok? Good luck?"
Apparently, getting everything running again was a partial headache, but Kongō managed it somehow.
(Not that anyone doubted her abilities).
When she reappeared again she was looking annoyed as all hell, but more like in the "I'm done with this bullcrap" way, and waved both cat and human over: "Only Arizona is still active. I was able to pinpoint her position from past coordinates, but she has gone under radar since."
They had hurried over the moment she had called, Luigi on his friend's shoulder so that they could look at Kongō’s screens: "But that's good news, right? Sure, we only have a vague idea now and maybe she already moved further, but that's more than we have now! So where is she?"
Kongō pointed to a blinking dot on a map.
"You gotta be kidding me!?"
Luigi the drama queen wailed with them.
The dot on the map was… the old man's villa from the beginning!
Kongō still looked less than happy, but now she was being smugly amused because she had felt the exact same way.
"Tell me you're joking!"
"I wish I could."
"Waaahahaaaaaa!", they wailed, hiding their head in both hands, backing out, walking in a medium sized circle and coming back to hide in Kongō's shoulder.
Luigi licked their cheek, Kongō patted their head.
Lying here was nice, they thought with a dramatic sob, but it had to end – the sob this time was a real one.
"Ok", they lifted their head again, "so we're going back home? Cool, nice, long time no see. Really missed it."
"I'll act like you're serious."
Nagara began moving first, rushing past them with so much enthusiasm that they almost were swept up in it. Almost.
The human looked after her: "Is she actually that enthusiastic or…?"
"No idea", Kongō was a bit afraid to ask, in all honesty, "let's go."
"You're saying this as if I could actually move."
"I hope that you can move."
"I- wh-", they sputtered, "what's with that sudden sassiness??"
Kongō rested a hand on her hip: "I've always been sassy."
Which… was true, she was just trying to be at least a bit serious about things that interested her.
"Well… yeah, fair", they had come to the same conclusion, "then let's go!"
"You don't get paid for fake elan."
They slumped forwards as if shot.
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saku-skywalker · 1 year
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azure358 · 2 months
--深海人形特別篇-- プロジェクト グランドフィナーレ 準備号 館主様と蒼傑達は噛ませ犬
死合開始直前、蒼傑は改めて、相手を見る。…自分とは違う拵えの弓(※疾風の弓ミュルグレのレプリカだと言う ※元ネタ:FE封印の神将器)を構え、銀髪で長髪で、左目だけが金眼で、服装は和装で……、蒼傑と同じか其れより背の高い男だった。かつては、『ソロモンの悪夢』等と呼ばれて居たらしい。
梁山泊 闘弓術 三連貫!!
蛇足試合 マホロアvs
RXQシリーズ 魔人・準魔人
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nekocya · 1 year
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migiudesp · 1 year
手洗いをスタッフに再徹底しよう 【1分で読める!飲食店利益改善コンサル】 【1日1改善ブログ】毎日更新1182日目 #基本の手洗いをナガラ作業にしない #悩み相談解決 #飲食コンサル
年末年始。おせちや年越しそばを販売するお店が多いと思います。皆気を付けているとは思いますが改めて衛生管理を再徹底してください。 基本の手洗いも毎日のことでながら作業になっていまっているスタッフも少なからずいらっしゃると思います。 手洗いは当り前ですがちゃんとできているスタッフは少ないと思います。手のひらだけでなく指の付け根、爪、そして、手首までしっかりと洗い良く水で流すこと。 手洗いはこちらが丁寧に動画で見れますのでおすすめです。ぜひ、スタッフに見せてくださいね。 まず持ち込まないこと。 そして付けないこと。さらに増やさないこと。 この最初の持ち込まないことを再徹底して安心な料理を提供してくださいね。それでは一日一改善で顔晴りましょう(^^
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【在庫商品】 アオシマ 1/700 霧の艦隊 軽巡洋艦 ナガラ 蒼き鋼のアルペジオ -アルス・ノヴァ-
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7ach0 · 2 years
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hanagehaegachi · 3 years
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chanoyu-to-wa · 3 years
Nampō Roku, Book 6 (36.4):  the Seikoya-temae [西湖家手前], Part 3.
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36.4) Now [the host] deals with the seikoya¹.
    The temmoku, with its fukuro, is taken out and placed on the maru-bon².  The fukuro is removed; and, taking one of the chakin from on top of the mizusashi, the temmoku is wiped³.
    At this time the chakin remaining [on the lid of the mizusashi] is folded in the shin [眞] manner, and placed inside the temmoku; the chasen is also put in, and [the temmoku] placed on the right side inside of the tray⁴.
    After the fukuro is removed from the [temmoku-]dai, and [the dai] is wiped with [the host’s] fukusa, it is placed on the left side within the tray⁵.
    Next, after the temmoku’s fukuro has been placed inside the seikoya, its lid is closed.  The himo should be tied using an easily tied knot such as the “ordinary dragonfly knot⁶.”
    The temmoku and the dai are distributed on the maru-bon as illustrated, and it is displayed on the tenjō⁷.  Once above, the dai is moved into the exact center of the maru-bon, and the temmoku is rested on top -- again, this was shown in the sketch⁸.
◎ As was mentioned before, this temae-narrative was apparently added to the Nampō Roku (seemingly as a kaki-ire [書入] appended to the original brief remarks that accompanied the three sketches in Book Six) during the early Edo period* -- perhaps by an agent acting on behalf of the Tokugawa bakufu, in order to establish the precedent for one of the usages that was then being employed in the shōgun‘s tearooms†.
    This is not to suggest that the use of the seikoya was completely spurious‡, but that certain details of the temae, as narrated here, were likely a product of the early Edo mentality that gave rise to the modern form of chanoyu. __________ *There is little historical evidence to suggest that this kind of temae was every very popular prior to that time, since the original two temmoku that came with seikoya were lost around the middle of the fifteenth century.
    And as for the seikoya that were made by the machi-shū chajin of the early sixteenth century, it seems that the seikoya were used as storage containers (much like the hikiya [挽家] that accompanied certain meibutsu karamono-chaire); and, like the hikiya, while they might be displayed on the chigai-dana during the shoza, they were not typically incorporated into the temae when the utensil that they contained was being used to serve tea.
†The apparently intentional ambiguity that peppers this narrative, coupled with the warning that only a chajin of mature practice could ever perform this temae correctly, suggests that the bakufu was the source of this material.
‡This kind of usage seems to be a valid manifestation of the earliest form of chanoyu, as it appeared in Japan during the first half of the fifteenth century.  But we must remember that the Tokugawa sought legitimacy by publicly emulating such historically-validated practices of the Ashikaga shōguns (while always using these practices as a way to highlight pieces from the Tokugawa collections as a deliberate way of emphasizing a kind of fictive continuity from the earlier dynasty into the present).
¹Sate seikoya sabaki [サテ西湖家サバキ].
    Sabaki [捌き] means things like handle, manage, dispose of, deal with, and so on.
    The meaning is that, after orienting the tray and cleaning it, the host turns his attention to the seikoya.
    In other words, he unties the knots, removes the himo (ties it into a knot, and puts it to the side)*, opens the seikoya, and removes the temmoku (which is tied in its shifuku). ___________ *Please refer to footnote 6, below, for the details of this matter.
²Temmoku wo fukuro-nagara tori-dashite maru-bon ni oite [天目ヲ袋ナガラ取出シテ丸盆ニ置].
    Fukuro-nagara [袋ながら] means “with its fukuro.”
    The temmoku is tied inside its shifuku*, and in this way inserted into the seikoya. __________ *The shifuku, which is lightly padded, provides some additional protection.
³Fukuro wo nugase, mizusashi no ue no chakin hitotsu torite temmoku wo fuki [袋ヲヌカセ、水サシノ上ノ茶巾一ツトリテ天目ヲフキ].
    Nugaseru [脱がせる] means to remove (the fukuro) from (the temmoku), undress.
    Fuku [拭く] means to wipe.
    Because old cloth tends to shed lint*, it is important to clean the temmoku after removing its shifuku. __________ *This is why Rikyū preferred to display the temmoku on the daisu without its shifuku (even though displaying it in its shifuku was generally considered to be the more formal way to do things) -- because that allowed him to wash the temmoku in the mizuya, and so clean it much more thoroughly than simply wiping it with a damp chakin could do.
⁴Ima hitotsu no chakin wo shin ni tatamite temmoku ni shikomi, chasen wo mo irete, bon no uchi, migi no kata ni oki [今一ツノ茶巾ヲ眞ニタヽミテ天目ニ仕コミ、茶筌ヲモ入テ、盆ノ内、右ノ方ニ置].
    Chakin wo shin ni tatamite [茶巾を眞に疊テ]:  the chakin is folded as shown below.  This is called shin-no-tatamu [眞の疊む], which means the shin way to fold (the chakin).
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    Of course, in the present case, the temmoku is not (yet) resting on a temmoku-dai.
    The following sketch shows the arrangement according to this statement:  the temmoku is standing on the right side of the tray, with the chakin and chasen arranged inside of it.
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    Note that the chakin that was used to clean the temmoku (after its shifuku was removed) has been placed on the ji-ita of the daisu.  The host will bring a kae-chawan out later to remove it (while the guests are inspecting the seikoya and the temmoku’s shifuku).
⁵Dai no fukuro nugasete fukusa ni te fuki, bon no uchi, hidari no kata ni oki [臺ノ袋ヌカセテフクサニテフキ、盆ノ内、左ノ方ニヲキ].
    In the early days*, the fukusa was folded in the katte at some point during the host’s preparations, and kept in the futokoro of the host's kimono until needed.  Thus, after taking the dai out of the go-motsu-bukuro [御物袋]† in which it was tied, the host simply took the fukusa out from his futokoro and immediately wiped the dai in the usual manner.  The fukusa was also used to grasp the hane of the dai while arranging it on the tray, to minimize fingerprints, after which it was returned to the futokoro (without ever being refolded).
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    At this point, the arrangement of the objects‡ on the mat is as shown above. __________ *Folding the fukusa in the tea room is said to have begun with Rikyū.  However, in his case, he folded it immediately after coming to the temae-za, so it was available in his futokoro whenever needed.
†A go-motsu-bukuro [御物袋] is a simple kind of fukuro, primarily used for protection during storage.  It is usually made from two circles of purple chirimen [縮緬] silk with a long himo (most commonly dyed yellow-ocher).  Usually a thin layer of cotton batting is sandwiched in between the two circles of cloth for added protection.
‡Note that the chashaku has also been moved onto the tray.  The narrative contained in the Nampō Roku is extremely abbreviated -- possibly intentionally so, to make the temae more mysterious (and to make the probability of error more likely in the case of persons who lack sufficient experience).  As was mentioned previously, this material seems to have been added during the early Edo period.
⁶Sate seikoya no uchi ni temmoku no fukuro wo irete futa wo shite, himo ha yasu-yasu to tsune-no-tōbō musubu-beshi [サテ西湖家ノ内ニ天目ノ袋ヲ入テ蓋ヲシテ、緖ハヤス〰ト常ノ東方ニムスブヘシ].
    Futa wo suru [蓋をする] means to close the lid.
    Yasu-yasu to...musubu-beshi [易々と...結ぶべし] means to tie (the himo) in an easily-executed knot.
    Tsune-no-tōbō [常の東方] is an odd way* of writing tsune no tonbo [常の蜻蛉], or “ordinary dragonfly,” referring to the knot in which the cord is tied.
    This point in the narrative requires a certain amount of explanation:
    As the was host was untying the yae-ba musubi [八重羽結び]†, he was also supposed to remove the cord from the seikoya entirely‡ (this is why the himo was simply pushed through the three kan on the sides of the seikoya, rather than being attached more securely)**.
    After detaching the himo from the seikoya, he first folds the himo (which is made into a loop, just like a very long himo from a shifuku) in half.  Then he simply ties a loose knot in the middle (so that there are two loops on either side of that knot, resembling the paired wings of the dragonfly).  This is the “ordinary dragonfly knot” to which the text is alluding††.  The himo will not be offered to the guests for inspection:  it will simply be removed from the room.
     Once the himo is out of the way, the lid of the seikoya is simply rested on top, in case the guests want (Tanaka Senshō goes so far as to argue that they were expected) to open the seikoya, so they may look at the temmoku’s shifuku‡‡ ___________ *Perhaps the person who wrote the kaki-ire did not know the kanji for tonbo [蜻蛉], and attempted to write it phonetically using hentai-gana?
†The yae-ba musubi [八重羽結び] is the knot with which the seikoya was tied when displayed on the daisu (or on the chigai-dana).
‡The fact that nothing was said might be another example of deliberate ambiguity.  If the himo is left on the seikoya, no matter how simply the host ties the knot, there would always be the possibility that the guest could not untie it, and this would cause everyone to loose face.
    Furthermore, it would be difficult to pass the seikoya along with the cords dangling from the three kan (since the lid would not normally be replaced, and the cord retied, until it reached the last guest), which would be unsightly.
**Once the knots on the lid has been untied, the himo can be detached from the seikoya by simply pulling it gently from the three kan.
     About this matter, Tanaka Senshō wrote (and I will quote his entire comment:
“When you hear [this line] for the first time, it seems as if [the host] is tying the seikoya closed for a second time.  But actually, the himo is tied after it has been removed [from the seikoya].  Otherwise, if the guests wish to look at the fukuro that is inside [the seikoya], it will be very inconvenient for them to have to untie the knot.  This is why it follows that, ‘naturally [the guests] will inspect the fukuro that is inside, too.’”
(Kore ha chotto miru to seikoya wo futatabi kono himo de musubu-yō ni kikoeru ga, jitsu ha hazushita himo wo musubu-koto de aru. Shikarazare ba naka no fukuro wo kyaku ga haiken-suru toki ni, kono musubi wo hodoite mi-nakereba naranu fu-tsugō ga shōzuru. Sunawachi ‘mochiron uchi no fukuro mo miru-koto nari’ to aru [是は一寸見ると西湖家を再び此緖で結ぶ様に聞えるが、実は外づした緖を結ぶ事である。然らざれば中の袋を客が拝見する時に、此結びを解いて見なければならぬ不都合が生ずる。即ち「勿論内の袋も見ることなり」とある].)
††Care must be taken with this name, because a number of knots are referred to as “tsune-no-tonbo-musubi” [常の蜻蛉結び] in Japanese texts from the feudal period.
‡‡This was because, on the continent at least, these shifuku were made from pieces of the King’s banqueting robes (which were apparently worn for only one course of a formal banquet, and then cut into pieces that were distributed to the guests as souvenirs), and so made of extremely costly and beautifully woven and dyed cloth.
     After each course, the king retired for a short break, to use the restroom if necessary, wash his hands, and, of course, change his garments.  The reason was in case grease had splashed onto his robes, or they had become stained for some other reason, because the king must always be radiantly and perfectly attired (at least when in public).
    To what extent such customs were ever followed in Japan is unclear (though the earliest extant records suggest that shifuku and kakemono were typically made from the breast- and back-panels and sleeves of ordinary indoor clothing of the upper classes, in particular the clothing of the daimyō in whose domain the chajin lived -- such indoor clothing was made from imported donsu [緞子]) -- after the knees had worn out and so rendered the garments useless:  no records survive, of which I am aware, to suggest that pieces of the Emperor’s clothes were ever used like this).
⁷Maru-bon ni temmoku to dai to, zu no gotoku wakete kakae, tenjō ni kazaru [丸盆ニ天目ト臺ト、圖ノゴトク分ケテカヽヘ、天井ニカザル].
    The reference is to the sketch reproduced below.
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    As described previously, the temmoku is on the right, and the dai is on the left.  If the host wishes to be authentic in his actions, they should be distributed equally (so there is the same distance between the rim and the dai, the dai and the temmoku, and the temmoku and the rim).  In the early days, such care was expected.
⁸Ue ni te dai wo maru-bon no mannaka ni yose, temmoku wo nosuru, kore mata zu no gotoki [上ニテ臺ヲ丸盆ノ眞中ニヨセ、天目ヲノスル、是又如圖].
    Once again, there is a certain (perhaps intentional) ambiguity in the narration.  While it is true that the dai-temmoku eventually ends up in the exact center of the tray, this is accomplished by first lifting the temmoku up onto the dai*, and then moving the dai to the center.
    Kore mata zu no gotoki [是又如圖]:  this is referring to a sketch that is found in Book Five of the Nampō Roku (reproduced below).
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    Please refer to the post entitled Nampō Roku, Book 5 (36, 37, 38):  a Meibutsu Temmoku, Displayed in the Seikoya [西湖家]† for a translation of the kaki-ire that are written on the sketch, and additional details on the seikoya-temae.
    The above sketch actually presents us with several possibilities, the two most commonly used of which will be illustrated here:  the chashaku could either be located in front of the dai-temmoku (in which case, the dai-temmoku and chashaku would count as a single unit for the purposes of kane-wari);
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or, as shown below, the chashaku could be displayed to the left of the dai-temmoku (in which case the kane-wari count for the tray would be two).
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__________ *If the dai is moved first, it would bump into the temmoku long before it could be centered, which is nonsensical.
†The URL for that post is:
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legacyofacat · 7 months
[11] Where Your Core Rests (Kongō x Reader)
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Can also be found on Ao3 (completed), Wattpad, FanFiction.net and DA.
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Eye of the Storm
The storm had caught up to them in the night.
It came over them with thunder, raging waves and punishing winds, scaring Luigi half to death and making the human squeal more than once.
Nagara and Kongō had deployed their Klein Fields for them to take the brunt of the force, the light cruiser moving in the wake of her flagship in order to get through the sea more easily.
"Will Nagara be alright?", the human had huddled down in the back of Kongō's bridge with the cat and about five blankets, blinking out of their cocoon.
"She has shouldered worse."
"But she already got sunk once…"
Kongō uncrossed her arms, turned from the windows and sat down beside her passengers against the wall: "Storms don't use thanatonium."
Said passenger unfurled their arms from the layers of fabric like a little octopus and, in a moment of bravery, tugged Kongō inside, not letting her arm go even as they leaned against each other: "What's thanatonium?"
"The material we use to make corrosive torpedoes."
"It makes you people rust? That’s like rotting away while alive!", they, immediately understanding what the "corrosive" stood for, exclaimed, shocked.
Kongō didn’t do anything for a while, just stared.
If they put it like that, then thanatonium suddenly sounded really bad.
In an attempt to make the torpedoes less severe sounding (and against better judgement) Kongō blurted out: "That sounds more like a vibration warhead."
Even Luigi perked his head up now, eyes dark.
Why do you look angrier than them?
He didn't even know what corrosion was!
Kongō tugged the blankets tighter around them to busy herself: "Don't worry, they aren’t a threat anymore."
Not if Kamikage knew what was good for him, at least.
Still, the human didn't seem particularly comforted by that: "But that's still terrible…"
The other sighed and pulled them closer when a booming thunder made them jolt and Luigi disappear again: "Both weapons need to get through our Klein Field first."
"So nothing will happen to you?", they muttered, pressing against Kongō.
"Nothing will happen to me."
They inched even closer, absorbing what little warmth Kongō's Union Core naturally produced.
Did they believe her? Absolutely; they had almost as much confidence in her as the fast battleship in herself, but what if an accident occurred? What if she and Nagara got tricked? Or what if they got lured into a-
All thought processes stopped at once when a weight landed on the human's head for a minute.
Looking up, they could only see soft red eyes shimmering down at them and silky pale blonde.
Kongō's smile shifted a bit into an amused grin as a blush rose to the human's cheek: "D-did you just?!"
"Whatever do you mean? I merely stopped your rambling."
She knew exactly what they meant, of course.
They slumped forwards, face beat red and burying it in their hands while wailing, storm forgotten.
Some hours later, the sun had risen again, the storm subsided and all three could stay on the upper deck again while Nagara played in the water.
"So", the human cleared their throat, a light pink shimmer still on their cheeks, "since we're almost there, what are we going to search for?"
"Once more the answer is 'I don't know'."
Which, admittedly, was fair, because just like when they had found the piece of nanomaterial, they had absolutely zero useful clues.
"Though, since USS Arizona was preserved as memorial ship", before the rising sea levels snatched her like they did Mikasa, at least, "I thought about searching near her."
"The original one? Is that even useful?"
Kongō's long-suffering look returned and got directed at them.
"Right, 'I don't know', sorry sorry. Is that alright, though? Searching Arizona, I mean?"
"Why shouldn't it be?"
"W-well", they fidgeted, "I don't wanna disrupt anyone's eternal rest…"
It was in that moment that Kongō remembered how her surprisingly intelligent but also extremely confused human worked: "The only rest we might disturb is that of Arizona herself."
That's not good either…, they couldn't help but think, you truly are merciless…
Ignoring that thought, they clapped into their hands once and then beamed cheerfully: "Alright! I hope this is the last clue though – I'm kinda tired of this treasure hunt!"
Kongō was too, in all honesty. She didn't mind a bit of adventure then and now, but she also liked to get things down fast and this was decidedly not fast.
All three (Luigi was resting on the piano bench) looked over at Nagara.
"She says that she actually enjoyed this", the blonde translated.
Click click
"And that she will be sad when this is over."
"Eh!? Why are you sad, Nagara!?"
What followed was a very sad click.
The translation didn't come even after a few long moments of waiting, so the human worriedly looked at Kongō, moving to grasp a sleeve to get her attention when they saw her expression.
She wore that blank, slightly frowning, none-saying face she always equipped when putting serious thought in things or being troubled: "...She is of the opinion that you will leave us once we figured everything out."
"I would never! And neither would Lui!", they grabbed Kongō's hand and held it up so that Nagara could see it clear as day, "we cuddled last night, we're holding hands – some people would consider this practically married!"
Might as well go all out with that stupid ass crush, hm? Kongō was on a weirdly flirty trip anyway, so that might be their best chance to get this relationship rolling.
(Also, there wasn't really a home to return to at the moment…)
Nagara let out a cheery row of clicks, which just seemed to be a verbalization of her emotions without any concrete meaning. 
Kongō didn’t let go of their hand when the nerves got too bad and instead leaned closer to their ear to amusedly whisper: "Married?"
Ah, there was the blush again: "Uhm… uhm, I just said that because- w-what is with that sudden flirtiness anyway!?"
For the sake of their heart, Kongō leaned back again: "A character in a book I read recently used to say that, since you never know when it's over, you should be honest with your feelings at all times – so I'm trying a few things out."
"W-what are 'a few things'?"
She had the nerve to wink.
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hidechika · 4 years
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tong-naitoakiko · 7 years
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下町のそば屋で真夏にDJイベント〜( ̄▽ ̄)サイコーの予感しかない〜!!! 板わさ+ビールからの蕎麦&もふもふっとした接しやすい人たちが流す音楽で小躍り(*´꒳`*)ふふふ。 集え!もふもふ系人類!@clarknaito #Repost with @Repostlyapp 2017年8月19日(土) Assman(THE FADEAWAYSのギター)の実家の蕎麦屋で今年もDJイベントやります。 去年は「サマージャム'95」がかかってイエーイと思いましたが、今年はタモリの「SOBAYA」もかけます。 #サラシナガラ #ナガラ #アスマン実家 (きそば更科)
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imcoolhavefun · 7 years
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LAWSONで #ナガラ 買ってきてキャベツとネギを追加投入してぐつぐつのち七味だばぁ。白いごはんでいただきます。
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atamanax · 5 years
俺、もう まだ そう 26才
俺、そう 俺 もう 26才
俺、もう 折れそう。聞くんじゃなかった
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minaide · 3 years
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痩せさんま 食べる私は 本まぐろ
NHK ‘ぼやき川柳’ だった。
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hanagehaegachi · 3 years
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