変な家 — First Impressions
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The plot summary seemed simple on the surface but somehow it made me really curious, so I bought this book and the audio book as well. I just finished the first chapter and want to share my first impressions and thoughts with you.
Reading approach
This time I'm experimenting with a different reading approach. Instead of reading mostly extensively and just highlighting unknown words, I quickly jot down words or information in Japanese whenever I feel like it could be important to the story.
My reading progress may be slower, but by taking quick notes my mind is more active. I have to actively think about what to write down and how it fits into the bigger picture. This thinking process is deeper than during extensive reading and helps me to remember not only information but also the used words.
After finishing chapter 1, I also created a mind map based on my notes. On this occasion, I also looked up unknown words.
I feel that the mind map format helps me to remember more of what I've read. Plus, I have an overview of what is important. When in doubt, I can easily look up a person's name and further information about this person, for example. This is very helpful when a story gets more and more complex.
I probably wouldn't do this with every book I read but I think this slower but more intensive approach has its benefits. I’m not only reading a book, I also use the language to a certain degree.
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The story
Now to the book itself. As the title 変な家 suggests, it's about a strange / mysterious house.
Chapter 1 introduces a whole bunch of peculiarities during a conversation between the protagonist and other persons. By looking at the ground plan, they notice more and more details you wouldn't find in a normal house. They also share wild ideas for what dark purpose the former residents may have build it that way. At this point, they have no real evidence but then the police finds something that may consolidate what they assumed. At the end of chapter 1, the protagonist can't stop thinking about the mysteries that are hidden in this house and decides to investigate.
This summary may not sound very exciting but chapter 1 made me really curious so far!
The book itself is also a bit unusual. In the first chapter, there is not much descriptive text. It’s very straightforward, compared to other novels.
The great part of this chapter are conversations between the protagonist and other persons. Plus, the names are always written above the dialogue. (Which is great because in some novels I sometimes confuse who is speaking; especially during longer conversations or between more than two people.)
During these conversations, the characters often refer to the ground plan of the house. You always see the ground plan they are talking about next to the text, which makes it much easier to understand.
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I don't know how the story will develop but at this point I really like this book so far. I also like the rather straightforward writing style. I can follow the story quite well at my level. I’ll listen to the first chapter of the audio book before I continue with chapter 2.
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mc-shop · 20 days
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mituamegane · 2 months
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2024年3月 投稿
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owlshellr · 3 months
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📖 : Teka-Teki Rumah Aneh - Uketsu.
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manga-adult · 11 months
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ninaniena828 · 1 year
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@co_827 @co.sian
#ねこ #猫 #猫のいる生活 #三毛猫 #縞三毛 #コウ #白猫 #シアン #cat #cats #nikonz5 #猫のお誘い #猫の開き #伝家の宝刀 #変なポーズ #でんぐり返し #mikeneko #ambereyes #weirdpose #funnypose
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scentedluminarysoul · 2 months
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Yes. Everything. What is this house?
Why is the kitchen so disconnected
Why is the sofa facing the dining table
What THE HELL is going on on the second floor
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pastasaikou1984 · 2 years
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北海道函館の良き食材を見つけたら、その後は最高の食材を盛り付ける器を探さなきゃって事で訪問させていただいたのがうつわ作家さんの 牧野 潤さんの元 makino magumi @makinomegumi 牧野 潤さんの想い ↓ 【「古さ」や「時間」を感じられるような作品、 そして私自身が使いたいと思える 器づくりを行っています。 釉薬は試行錯誤の末にオリジナルの 配合のものを使用しております。 天然成分も含まれているので、 その時々の環境によって出来上がりの表情も 違ってきます。 陶器の器は美しいものです。 その美しさをもっとも実感できるのが、 器に盛られた料理を いただくときではないでしょうか。 器は、料理の洋服のようなもの。 器次第で料理の見え方や味わいが変わるし、 逆に使い方次第で器の見え方も変わってきます。 器は、誰かの手に渡り、 使われることによって器が育っていきます。 普段使いの器として、それぞれの日常、 あたりまえの暮らしの一部になりたいと 考えております。】 器育てていきます! そしてめっちゃ素敵なシンク! #牧野潤 #makinomegumi #古さや時間を感じられるような作品 #私自身が使いたいと思える器づくり #釉薬は試行錯誤の末にオリジナル #天然成分 #陶器の器は美しい #器は料理の洋服のようなもの #器次第で料理の見え方や味わいが変わる #使われることによって器が育っていく #普段使いの器 #あたりまえの暮らしの一部 #作家 #器 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnl6dfPS4Rt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shin-kackey · 2 years
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朝イチに訪問する所へ車で移動してると丁度 #ママヒビラジオ @mamahibiradio オンエア中で弊社の街かどモデルハウスを紹介してました。会社からそんなに遠く無いのにまだ一度も目の前すらも通ってすら無かったので(^-^;💦用事が済んで立ち寄って参りました。🎵 一枚目は建物に関係無いけど、モデルハウスの庭小さなツワブキ(だと思う)の花。 二枚目はお話にあった二階の和室。 三枚目は洗面室撮った時に鏡に映り込んでる自分がなんだか「変」だった。(笑) もっと姿勢を正してカッコ良く撮影しないと。。。(´ー`) どうでも良い備忘録です。 よろしければ @radiko_jp で放送を聞いて遊びにお越し下さいね。😊✨✨✨ 土曜日おつかれさまでした。 おやすみなさいませ。 #プロムゲート井口 #Panasonichomes #パナソニックホームズの家 #街かどモデルハウス #panasonic #lumix #tz95 #変な自撮り #フィルター加工あり (Inokuchi, Nishi-ku) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClJU7HSPggm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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umifani · 2 months
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無垢材を使用した高級レザーチェア シンプルなデザインの1人掛けソファ おしゃれな椅子 オーダーメイド家具 1人暮らし
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meowmoedotcom · 2 months
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変な家 — Chapter 2 Update
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I finished chapter 2 of 変な家 !
The protagonists collected more information about the strange house and it's former residents. I don't want to mention any spoiler but this chapter was full of plot twists and the author added more emotion to the story. Not every person tells the (entire) truth. Not everything is how it seemed at first. This chapter surprised me several times.
I think one thing that fascinates me about this book is that the story unfolds from something as simple as a ground plan. I've never read a story like this before. It reminds me of a detective story where every detail and every little hint tells you more about someone or something.
It also reminds me of the fascination for unsolved cases. When we humans don't know the whole story, our imagination gets stimulated. It's exciting to try to solve the puzzle, even if our guesses turn out to be wrong in the end.
This is what I feel when I read 変な家 . It's hard for me to lay this book down.
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一時間目 陰口は本人のコメントにモグラ叩きすると号泣必須(逮捕状確定)になるからもしいいたきゃ自分の心の中にいっとけ?(で、それでもしお金化石逮と思ったら戦局ビートに乗って思いっきりぶつけてくるんだな!ちなみにあたしは観戦派(ゆーちゅーとテレビ観戦のこと)だからあまりみないけどね笑)
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アンチヘイト防止委員長 by推草楓時
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kyary1976 · 2 years
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#ワンセブン登竜門中間日 . . . おやすみ♥️♥️♥️♥️ ‼️ #一般社団法人亜細亜美術協会 #一般社団法人社員画家 #亜細亜現代美術展 #ワンセブンライブ奏蒼 #17ライバー奏蒼 #ほとんどの配信アプリでキャリさん #美女たちの森と沼 #奏蒼マジック #変態枠 #世界のピンク枠 #broadcast #livestreaming #BIGO #REALITY #ゲーム配信 #宮崎県産まれ三重県育ち #統一を諦めない精神は多様性を称揚する #否定ほど芸術に多くを与えるものはない #似顔絵 #ギリシア神話画 #世界一の画家になるために https://www.instagram.com/p/CqQdTbWPakk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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80236 · 2 months
これをたくさんお金をつかってやってきたのがアメリカ🇺🇸 分かりやすい医学、薬学、機械工学よりもむしろ、化学、数学、物理学、生物化学に予算を割いてきたわけ。
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chinopan2 · 2 years
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#今日のおやつ #何年振りだろ #純天津甘栗 #京都の老舗 #林万昌堂 #不器用なあたし #なかなか大変 #残りは家でのんびり… #mrtくんご馳走さま https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjr2TMqOJZV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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