colina-web · 1 year
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COLINA 2023SS linen dobby chambray bc wide shirts black linen 100% size S/M/L ¥29700(tip) #instocknow✅❤️ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ #colina #linenshirts #2023 #vintagestyle #clothingbrand #素材感とデザインを愉しむ日常 #着心地のよい暮らしの服 #大人の日常着 #リネン服 #服好きな人と繋がりたい #model @2many2much @colina_online @cozy_okada_ (Tokyo Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqzfSL7PKUm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ゆうな単独TikTokライブ切り抜き❣️1/11 成人式、同窓会のこと色々教えてくれてありがとうゆうな😊! @unaunayuuna #御成人おめでとう㊗️ #tiktokライブ #宇宙一以上に大好きだよ❤️ #유나 #ゆうな #優奈 #ゆうなしか勝たん #ゆうなに届け #ゆうな大好き症候群 #ゆうな可愛すぎ #ゆうなぁに認知してもらえました #琵琶湖の韓国人 #双子の韓国人  #美女図鑑 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnRyQDdyvVF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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may-k-world · 1 month
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我が家ではマツバボタンが昔から大好きで、見つけると買ってしまうことは前にも書いていたんだけど、今回初めて種から育ててます。 なぜかというと、探していた一重咲きの種を見つけたから🎵
わりと近年見かけるようになった花スベリヒユ、通称 “ポーチュラカ” の掛け合わせの元と言われているのがこのマツバボタンですが、昔はポーチュラカと同様、一重咲きがあったと思ったけど最近は八重咲きしかお目にかからなかったんですよね。 でも、やはり私の記憶は正しかった!この一重咲きがなんとも愛らしくて好きなんですよ〜❤️
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i-heart-hxh · 9 months
A Day in the Life of Killua
I wanted to share a translation of an excerpt from this Hunter x Hunter Characters Book, published in 2001.
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A Day in the Life of Killua
My own big prediction!
Although he has lived a life soaked in blood, Killua is probably no different from a normal 12-year-old. Let’s take a closer look at the life of Killua, who says he loves sweets!
10:00 Wake up
11:00 Gon arrives.
While I was dozing off in the morning, I hear Gon's voice inviting me to play with him. I’m embarrassed for some reason, so I hit him without thinking.
12:00 Play with Gon
14:00 Lunch
We have lunch while wandering around town. I feel it’s more fun to eat outside than in a restaurant.
15:00 Snack
16:00 Play some more
17:00 Discover Illumi.
While I was making a pit trap to trick Gon, somehow I found Illumi. I dash away like I'm about to die, and calm myself down.
17:05 Buy Chocobo
19:00 Dinner
20:00 Go to Gon's room
22:00 Go to bed in Gon's room
While talking with Gon about what we did in town, it gets to be late at night. It’s too much trouble to go back to my room, so I go to bed next to Gon.
A word from Killua
You're totally wrong! Why do I keep eating sweets all the time? And why is my brother Illumi buried in the garden? You're making fun of me!?
Japanese Transcript:
(Just because I went through the trouble to transcribe it, and in case anyone wants to do their own translations!)
10:00 起床
11:00 ゴンがやってくる
12:00 ゴンと遊ぶ
14:00 昼ご飯
15:00 おやつ
16:00 さらに遊ぶ
17:00 イルミを発見
17:05 チョコロボくんを買う
19:00 夕飯
20:00 ゴンの部屋に行く
22:00 ゴンの部屋に就寝
Another thing I want to note about this book is that it has a full story in it, which you can find translated here! It's an interesting read in general--it's based off episode 46 of the 1999 anime, which deviates from the manga and has its own original story, and this story then expands upon that original story. One thing I think is especially interesting is the story starts off with Gon and Killua sleeping in the same bed, so this book makes two separate mentions of that being something they do, which is cute. ❤️
While Togashi didn't write the story himself or likely the contents of this book, he did write an afterword to it, so I'm guessing he must have at the very least read it over and approved of the contents before it was published, and it's certainly possible he had more involvement than that as well. Take the canon status of it all with a grain of salt, I'd say it's more semi-canon/a different version of canon than 100% canon to the manga (similar to how I consider the 1999 anime additions/changes as well), but it's interesting nonetheless and fun as far as shipping fuel goes!
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ngsm-mmk · 3 months
先日、尤斯様に愛を込めて #ロクモン を描いた画像をいただきました。本当に嬉しかったです!!!誠にありがとうございました、大好きです!!😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for granting permission to repost.
The other day, I received an image of #amon6 drawn with love by Youth-sama. I was really happy!!! Thank you so much, I really love it!! 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
It's so cool and amazing, full of charm. You two are simply the best!! 😍😍😋😋😋
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chaba0720 · 3 months
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好きすぎて気ぃ狂うsgrくんもぼかぁ大好きだよ… (だからifちゃんずっと描けてんのかな…)
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elle-p · 3 months
Scan and transcription of the Persona 3 part of Otomedia February 2016. Don't repost without permission
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©ATLUS ©SEGA/劇場版「ペルソナ3」製作委員会
HP   http://www.p3m.jp
STAFF   原作/「ペルソナ3」 (アトラス)、脚本/熊谷 純、スーパーバイザー/岸 誠二、キャラクターデザイン/渡部圭祐、ぺルソナデザイン/秋 恭摩、プロップデザイン/常木志伸、色彩設定/合田沙織、美術監督/谷岡善王 (美峰)、美術設定/青 木薫 (美峰)、コンポジット&ビジュアルディレクター/高津純平、編集/櫻井 崇、音楽/目黒将司・小林哲也、音響監督/飯田里樹、第4章監督/田口智久、制作/A-1Pictures
CAST   結城理/石田 彰、岳羽ゆかり/豊口めぐみ、伊織順平/鳥海浩輔、桐条美鶴/田中理恵、真田明彦/緑川 光、山岸風花/能登麻美子、アイギス/坂本真綾、天田乾/緒方恵美、イゴール/田の中勇 (特別出演)、エリザベス/沢城みゆき   ほか
ゆ う き まこと
結城 理
声/石田 彰
4月に月光館学園に転入した2年生。類まれなるぺルソナ能力を持ち、「特別課外活動部 (S.E.E.S.)」のリーダーを務める。
バレンタイン ホワイトデー
チョコをもらっても、ホワイトデ一は全無視しそう (笑)、周囲に「あんだけもらっといて返さないのかよ!」と怒られて、しぶしぶコンビニとかで気を使ってない感じのお返しを買ってそう。(田口監督)
●作画/山田裕子   仕上げ/合田沙織
も ち づ き りょう じ
声/石田 彰
女好きが浸透してしまって、意外ともらってなさそう。というより、むしろ配ってそうですね!気の利く男です (笑)。ホワイトデーは大盤振る舞いで、大量のお返しを用意してそう。(田口監督)
さ な だ あ き ひ こ
声/緑川 光
あ ら �� き し ん じ ろ う
寮の女子たちすら、渡すのをためらいそう (笑)。ただ、もらったら手作りのお返しをくれそうですね。(田口監督)
い お りじゅんべい
あ ま だ け ん
天田 乾
本命多そうですね。お返しはきっちり準備して、周囲に「まだ用意してないんですか?」って言いそう (笑)。(田口監督)
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dailyrina · 5 months
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rinasonline Behind the scenes of our art cover shoot ! Love u @minaschanxx 💋 舞台裏映像も公開したよー!ちゃんみな大好き!!❤️
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liliumamor · 10 months
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「好きな人はサラッとボディタッチする人です(大変)」 りこよう❤️ ※If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source!
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aiart-blog · 5 months
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おはよっ 週末で疲れを癒やしたいところだけど… 運動をして体力をつけるよ🎵
見て❣キミが大好きな体操服も着てみたよ❣ 今日もジョギングにレッツゴー‼️‼️
20 de abril, sábado temprano. ¡Finalmente, el tan esperado fin de semana está aquí para todos! Pero aquí estoy, preocupado por si debo ir al baño porque tengo dolor de estómago.
Buenos días. Aunque quisiera descansar y recuperarme este fin de semana… Voy a hacer ejercicio para fortalecerme. 🎵
¡Mira! También me puse la ropa deportiva que te gusta tanto. ❤️ ¡Hoy también vamos a correr! ¡Vamos! 💪🏃‍♀️
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emilly-ai · 7 months
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もしかして、みんなはランジェリーより黒パンストにしか興味なかったりする? それはそうと、前髪無いと大人っぽいでしょ? 好きって聞かせてほしいな❤️
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lumi-kissa · 1 month
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sailorfailures · 2 years
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Miyuu Sawai, Rika Izumi, Keiko Kitagawa, Mew Azama, and Ayaka Komatsu all met up a few times and the photos they all shared to Instagram/Facebook make my heart swell ;_; They're still such good friends after such a long time!
Rika said on her Instagram:
久しぶりの大好きなみんなとの時間 出会って20年🌙 いつもありがとう💚💙💗❤️🧡 #sailormoon It's been a while since I got some time with the whole group I love so much. It's been twenty years since we met 🌙 Thank you always 💚💙💗❤️🧡 #sailormoon
Miyuu said on her Instagram:
12月26日は美優ちゃんのお誕生日🎂💚✨✨ 昨日の配信でも話してたけど美優ちゃんはお酒強い❣️ あとね一番乙女だなって感じるのは美優ちゃん🥰 やっぱりまこちゃんだなって思っちゃうのです💚 写真は里香のお誕生日のときのものだけど🥹3枚目は前の美優ちゃんのお誕生日会🎂✨ これからもずっと大好き😘💚 #安座間美優 #💚#泉里香 #💙#北川景子 #❤️#小松彩夏 #🧡#沢井美優 #💖#戦士会#お誕生日会#お誕生日おめでとう #🎂#いつもありがとう #✨#出逢えて幸せ #💕#美少女戦士セーラームーン #🌙#pgsm December 26th was Mew's birthday! 🎂💚✨✨ I mentioned it in yesterday's stream, but that girl can drink❣️ And afterwards it felt like she turned into the ultimate maiden 🥰 I caught myself thinking, "that's Mako-chan for you" 💚 Two of the photos are from Rika's birthday 🥹 but the third is from Mew's party 🎂✨ I'll keep loving you forever 😘💚 #mewazama #💚 #rikaizumi #💙 #keikokitagawa #❤️ #ayakakomatsu #🧡 #guardianparty #birthdayparty #happybirthday #🎂 #thankyouforeverything #✨ #gladimetyou #💕 #prettyguardiansailormoon #🌙 #pgsm
Mew said on her Instagram:
2023年戦士始め🌙 今年でみんなと出逢って20年💖💙❤️💚🧡 感慨深い! #セーラームーン#戦士#20周年 The guardians start off 2023 🌙 This year marks 20 years since I met you all 💖💙❤️💚🧡 I'm deeply touched! #SailorMoon #Senshi #20thAnniversary
And Ayaka said on her Instagram:
遅くなってしまったけど、里香と沢井と安座間の 誕生日と、沢井さんの結婚祝いと 新年会を兼ねた戦士会💚❤️💙💗🧡🌙 ⁡5人ではしばらく集まれていなかったので なんだかんだ久しぶり❣️ ⁡(ブレブレ写真は相変わらず📸笑) ⁡やっぱりこのメンバーは最高です🤣🤣🤣 ⁡出会って今年で20年‼️(←信じられない😂笑) ⁡みんな環境が変わっても、こうして変わらず集って笑って過ごせるのは本当に幸せなことですね☺️🌸 ⁡次いつ会えるかなぁ…ともう考えている😜❤️ ⁡みんな色々おめでとう❣️←雑🤣🤣🤣 ⁡2023年もよろしくね😙💚❤️💙💗🧡🌙 ⁡#お誕生日 #誕生日 #結婚 #おめでとう #戦士 #戦友 #仲間 #安座間美優 #泉里香 #北川景子 #沢井美優 #小松彩夏 #幸せ #絆 I'm late, but we threw a Guardian Party that doubled as a birthday party for Rika, Sawai, and Azama, a wedding celebration for Mrs. Sawai, and a New Year's Party all in one 💚❤️💙💗🧡🌙 I realised, hey, it's been a long time since the five of us got together❣️ (Though our pictures are as blurry as ever 📸 lol) Of course this particular member is the best one 🤣🤣🤣 It's been 20 years since we met‼️ (← can't believe it 😂 lol) Even if everyone's circumstances change, it brings me joy that we can still meet up and laugh as if nothing has changed ☺️🌸 When can we meet next... I'm already thinking 😜❤️ Congratulations everyone❣️← Broad strokes 🤣🤣🤣 Here's to 2023 😙💚❤️💙💗🧡🌙 #birthday #bday #wedding #congratulations #guardians #comradeinarms #nakama #mewazama #rikaizumi #keikokitagawa #miyuusawai #ayakakomatsu #joy #bonds
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depression-napping · 2 months
🌹Making a Pinned Post 🥀
My Art Tag | Fanart |
Fanfic Recs | Polls | Meta | Translations
That time I went to Artnia and ate the Vincent pasta
I’ll be adding more info/tags over time!
About the Blog/Trivia below the cut ❤️
You can call me Sera (she/her)
I’ve been obsessed with Vincent Valentine since I was about 10 years old. I love him to death.
I don’t officially ship Vincent with anyone and don’t really have any NoTPs (although I do have my preferences)
I probably won’t post any blatantly 18+ content, but I also don’t guarantee this blog is free from it. I post what I like and find interesting.
My birthday is July 1990 (Lucky me I have the same star sign as Lucrecia 🙃)
I’m an art teacher IRL
I’m married to a very patient husband who understands and supports my obsession (Supportive partners do exist!! ❤️)
I love languages and have been learning Japanese for years. It’s been very helpful to to understand Vincent content at its source (I’m at a basic conversational level rn)
P.S. Vincent’s name was the first thing I learned to read/write in katakana 🙃🙃🙃
In day to day life, I’m still not super comfortable talking about Vincent. (For example, I will change the subject very quickly if one of my friends mentions him around my family 😅) but in fandom spaces I feel much safer because we understand each other haha ❤️
I suffer from a chronic condition, which is a big reason I love and relate to Vincent so much.
This is a drama-free zone, all Vincent fans are welcome here 🩷
Please feel free to DM me if you have any questions or want to chat about Vincent 💕
Regarding the art I post:
Reminder to use good internet etiquette when sharing. Please do not repost or re-upload to other sites without permission. You can download to enjoy for personal use (wallpapers, avatar crops, etc) without asking first. Please do not use for commercial purposes. Thank you ❤️
 誕生日は7月1990年 /平成2年
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real-life-senshi · 1 year
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Miyuu, Mew and Ayaka posted on Instagram! :DDDDD Ayaka made the same post on her ameblo too! I had a feeling it's going to happen because Ayaka mentioned she was travling into Tokyo for a day since she's moved to Sendai now, but she made it sounds like it was only for work, but I'm so glad my hunch was correct and the ladies arranged to meet up!!!!! I could cry reading their posts! 😭
いろいろなお祝いの会💖 20年かぁ みんなが戦士で本当に幸せ あらためて 出逢ってくれてありがとう ずっと一緒にいてくれてありがとう これからもずっと、、 #美少女戦士セーラームーン #🌙 #セーラー戦士 #戦士会 #pgsm #仲間 #戦友 #かけがえのない存在 #小松彩夏 #🧡 #北川景子 #❤️ #安座間美優 #💚 #泉里香 #💙 #沢井美優 #💗
A celebration of various things 💖 20 years already. I feel so blessed we were all a Senshi Once again Thank you for being part of my life Thank you for always being by my side And for all the years to come ...
安座間の結婚のお祝いと今月誕生日の里香&沢井のお誕生日のお祝いをしました🎂💕 ⁡ なんだかお祝いが続いていて嬉しい🥰 ⁡ 戦士のお祝い事があると私も色んな方からお祝いしてもらえるので、私まで幸せな気持ちになれるんです☺️❤️笑 ⁡ 昨日も、お話しましたが私たちが出会った作品でもある実写版【美少女戦士セーラームーン】の放送開始から20年🌙 ⁡ この作品に出会えたおかげで、かけがえのない大切な仲間に出会えました💖💙❤️💚🧡 ⁡ 20年経った今でもこうして大好きなみんなと集まれて、笑って過ごせることが本当に幸せです💕 ⁡ いつもバイバイしてからも話し足りなくて ずっと連絡を取り合う私たち😝 ⁡ 20年経ったけど『変わらないねうちら(笑)』なんて話しながら、変わらないで一緒に居てくれるみんなに『ありがとう♡』と思った私なのでした☺️🧡 ⁡ 景ちゃんデビュー20周年& 写真集発売おめでとう✨ ⁡ 安座間結婚おめでとう💐 ⁡ 里香、沢井、まだちょっと早いけど お誕生日おめでとう🎂 ⁡ I wanna be with you. My best friend♡ ⁡ #戦士 #戦友 #仲間 #戦士会 #安座間美優 #泉里香 #北川景子 #沢井美優 #小松彩夏 #誕生日 #誕生日会 #結婚 #お祝い#幸せ #絆 #美少女戦士セーラームーン #セーラームーン
We celebrated Azama's marriage and Rika's & Sawai's birthday this month 🎂💕 I'm happy that these celebrations keep continuing 🥰 Whenever there is a celebration for a Senshi, I also get many messages of congratulations from all kinds of people, so it doubly makes me happy too ☺️❤️ lol As I mentioned yesterday, it has been 20 years since the work where we all met, the live-action of "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon" began airing 🌙 It is thanks to this work, I got to meet my irreplaceable and most precious friends 💖💙❤️💚🧡 Even though 20 years have passed, I'm really happy that I can still get together and laugh with everyone I love like this 💕 Every time after we say bye-bye we still feel we haven't talked enough with each other, so we keep in touch all the time I told everyone that even though it's been 20 years "we've not changed all all (lol)", and then I shared my deeply felt "thank you♡" to everyone for having been with me without change all these times ☺️🧡 Congratulations to Kei-chan's debut's 20th anniversary & the release of her new photo book✨ Congratulations to Azama on her marriage💐 Rika and Sawai, even though it's a bit early, Happy birthday 🎂 I wanna be with you. My best friend♡
  そしてなんといっても!10月4日は、 実写版「美少女戦士セーラームーン」放送開始 20周年でした🌙
歳だけは立派に着実に重ねているけど、 中身と関係性は10代から変わらない大切な仲間です。
  そして20年経っても私達を応援してくださっている方々が 本当に多くて…感謝です♡  
Yesterday, we celebrated Sawai and Rika's birthdays & my marriage🥰   And what a special day! October 4th, Was the broadcast of the live-action Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon's 20th anniversary🌙 That day was also the 20th anniversary of Keiko's debut ❤️   So it was a day of celebrations for many happy occasions 🥳   Though we are all steadily and admirably getting older, But through the connection inside us, we are still the same precious friends we have been since our teenage years.   And there are so many people who are still supporting us even after 20 years….I am so thankful for all of you ♡   I thank you for your continued support moving forward!
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wa-i0101 · 2 years
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1. The little devilish junior forcibly places my hand on her soft belly and shows me the explosive sound of hunger, overwhelming vibration and lovely feeling only I can feel.
2. The two of us, who have feelings for each other but have never talked much, take the same train to school. But today's train was very crowded.
The girl was very hungry because she had not eaten last night and breakfast. When the train shook in the crowded train, their bellies got stuck together, and the girl's stomach, which was trying not to growl, growled loudly on the boy's stomach.
The girl is so embarrassed that she almost cries, but the boy also hears the unwilling and embarrassing sound of the girl he loves and is involuntarily thrilled.
3. A girl who cannot be honest in front of the person she likes will end up being strong even in a situation like "I'm hungry and I'm about to make a loud noise.
"Are you okay?" When asked, she replies, "Nothing," while making a small rumbling sound in her stomach and secretly holding her stomach.
However, her starving body, oblivious to her feelings, called out for help with a loud tummy rumbling. She stiffened and blushed in frustration.
4. When I was on a diet, my stomach grumbled and I didn't feel like doing anything at home, so I decided to go to the library to read a book.
As I was reading a book, something was wrong with my stomach. Even now, it seems to be making a lot more noise than it does when I'm at home. It's quiet around me and there are lots of people.
I pray in a cold sweat, "Please…don't ring…" but there is no point, only the loud, miserable sound of begging for food echoes in the quiet space.
Oh, I painfully feel the stares of the people around me. I could only clutch my stomach desperately, unaware that I was appealing to them that I was the culprit of the embarrassing sound.
5. My belly happily absorbs a lot of food and begs loudly for a lot of food everywhere. I am ashamed of such a big fleshy belly.
6. A girl interested in the sound of her own hunger secretly bought a stethoscope by mail order. When she tried it on her stomach, which had been deliberately skipped, she was surprised and embarrassed at the same time at how loud the sound was.
7. As I was kneeling down to my pampered friend, I was overcome by a sudden feeling of hunger. I felt like I was about to be blasted in my friend's ear, and I couldn't move, even though I needed to get away from this place as soon as possible.
But even if my stomach rumbles… my friend is sleeping, so he won't hear it…? I had a ray of hope that my friend would be asleep and would not hear me. I let out a sound that was too loud to be fooled.
Unfortunately, my friend had woken up shortly before my stomach rumbled, and heard the entire embarrassing sound from beginning to end. After that, we both spent the rest of the day pretending not to notice.
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