maggiecheungs · 5 days
snippet from my translation of du fu's 'song of the army carts' (兵車行)
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(original: 君不見青海頭,古來白骨無人收, 新鬼煩冤舊鬼哭,天陰雨濕聲啾啾)
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marilearnsmandarin · 3 months
It took me a while to choose my February poem for the 2024 dostoyevsky-official challenge by @dostoyevsky-official.
I read several poems by 杜甫 (Du Fu), another Tang dynasty poet, and eventually chose 春望 because it is a bit easier for me atm and seems more widely known and quoted, but I'd like to talk about the runner-up, another poem I liked very much: 登岳阳楼 (dēng yuè yáng lóu, Climbing Yueyang Tower):
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Yueyang Tower
It made me curious about the tower (I expected it to be somewhat taller lol) and interested me because of the historical reference (historical wars and the ongoing war) and the bittersweetness of the scene.
I was going to translate it to English, but this has been sitting in my drafts for days so here is a translation by Stephen Owen:
And a translation to Brazilian Portuguese from Antologia da Poesia Clássica Chinesa:
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The book explains that Du Fu and his family were traveling with the intention of returning to Chang'an after years displaced due to wars, but a new conflict, with Tibetans, caused them to remain in that region. Du Fu's health was very debilitated (Wikipedia says he'd had several health issues throughout his life, including asthma and probably malaria, and had diabetes and tuberculosis at the end of his life), and he would never finish the trip.
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elizabethanism · 2 years
It's not that my love for flowers exceeds life itself -
Just that I grieve how petals, like years, rush to fade
-杜甫 Tu Fu
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huouting · 1 year
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江畔獨步尋花·其五 唐 杜甫 黃師塔前江水東,春光懶困倚微風。 桃花一簇開無主,可愛深紅愛淺紅? #南京 #nanjing #nanking #spring #春 #春天 #flowers #花 #賞花 #flowers #🌸 #孤芳倦客 #踏青 #桃花 #碧桃 #山桃 #chinesegarden #漢詩 #唐詩 #七言絕句 #杜甫 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqJ4xnoyB4p/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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frequentpondcrosser · 2 years
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ochoislas · 28 days
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El tanque de Kunming, obra de Han; las insignias de Wu, tengo delante. Seda de la Hilandera iza la luna; cota de la ballena riza el viento. Grano de arroz afondan nubes negras; un loto yerto vierte su rojete. El tendido confín pasan las aves; sobre las vastas aguas pesca un viejo.
De ría Yusu el curso enrevesado; de Cueto Grana la refleja umbría. Loro antojado pica arroz fragante; fénix longevo mora glaucas frondas. Vernal matiz se prende la beldad; los inmortales zarpan al ocaso. Mi pincel gayo remontaba el éter; ya —blanca frente gacha— misto y oteo.
Du Fu
昆明池水漢時功 武帝旌旗在眼中 織女機絲虛月夜 石黥鱗甲動秋風 波漂菰米沈雲黑 露冷蓮房墜粉紅 關塞極天唯鳥道 江湖滿地一漁翁
昆吾御宿自逶迤 紫閣峰陰入渼陂 香稻啄餘鸚鵡粒 碧梧棲老鳳皇枝 佳人拾翠春相問 仙侶同舟晚更移 綵筆昔遊干氣象 白頭吟望苦低垂
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ziweigongzhao · 7 months
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春望 国破山河在,城春草木深。感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心。烽火连三月,家书抵万金。白头搔更短,浑欲不胜簪。 译文:长安沦陷,国家破碎,只有山河依旧;春天来了,人烟稀少的长安城里草木茂密。感伤国事,不禁涕泪四溅,鸟鸣惊心,徒增离愁别恨。连绵的战火已经延续了半年多,家书难得,一封抵得上万两黄金。愁绪缠绕,搔头思考,白发越搔越短,简直要不能插簪了。 赏析:   天宝十四年(755)七月,太子李亨即位于灵武(今属宁夏),世称肃宗,改元至德。杜甫闻讯,只身一人投奔肃宗朝廷,结果不幸在途中被叛军俘获,后因官职卑微才未被囚禁。至德二年春,身处沦陷区的杜甫目睹了长安城一片萧条零落的景象,百感交集,便写下了这首传诵千古的名作。 …
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sanmingzhi90 · 11 months
秋も深まってきた8月のこと、怒り狂ったような強風が吹き荒れて わたしの家の三重重ねの茅葺屋根は吹き飛ばされてしまった。 飛ばされた茅は川の向こうの河原まで飛び散って 高いところでは林の梢、低い所では池に転がり落ちる始末。 南の村の悪ガキどもが、わたしをじいさんだからと馬鹿にして 残酷にもわたしが見ている目の前で盗みをはたらいていく。 堂々と茅を抱きかかえて竹藪のほうに逃げていった。 唇はヒリヒリ、口はカラカラになるほど怒鳴ったけども効き目がない。 帰ってきて、杖にもたれ掛かる。ため息が出てしまう。 しばらくすると風はやみ、雲が墨のように黒くなってきた。 秋の空はだんだんと夜の闇に包まれていく。 我が家の布団は長年使い古して鉄のように冷たく固い。 寝相が悪い子供が踏み抜いたので裏がビリビリになっている。 寝床のあたりは雨漏りがしていて乾いているところがない。 雨脚は麻糸のごとく、ひっきりなしに降っている。 戦災にあってからというものすっかり眠りが浅くなっており このずぶ濡れの長い夜をどうやって明かそうか。 もし、部屋が無数にある大きな家を手に入れられたなら その大きな屋根の下に世界中の凍えた人たちを住まわせて ともに笑顔で暮らしたいものである。 風や雨にも負けない、どっしりとした山のような家。 ああ、ある日突然目の前にそんな家が現れるのならば わたしの家ひとつなんか破れて凍え死んでしまっても満足なのに。
八月秋高風怒號 卷我屋上三重茅 茅飛渡江灑江郊 高者掛罥長林梢 下者飄轉沉塘坳 南村羣童欺我老無力 忍能對面為盜賊 公然抱茅入竹去 脣焦口燥呼不得 歸來倚仗自歎息 俄頃風定雲墨色 秋天漠漠向昏黑 布衾多年冷似鐵 嬌兒惡臥踏裏裂 牀頭屋漏無乾處 雨腳如麻未斷絕 自經喪亂少睡眠 長夜沾濕何由徹 安得廣廈千萬間 大庇天下寒士俱歡顏 風雨不動安如山 嗚呼 何時眼前突兀見此屋 吾廬獨破受凍死亦足
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djgdwy · 2 years
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“晓看红湿处,花重锦官城”,一千多年前杜甫的这首诗,拿来比喻温哥华这座城市,也是同样贴切不过的。 #温哥华 #夏天 #杜甫 https://www.instagram.com/p/CfuNezmP7-d/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chinesehanfu · 9 months
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【Historical Reference Artifacts】:
Court Maid in Portrait of Empress Cao in Song Dynasty(Wife of Emperor Renzong)
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[Hanfu · 漢服]Chinese Song Dynasty (960–1279 AD)Traditional Clothing Hanfu Photoshoot
Court Maid Attire in Song Dynasty “今为臣,是助舟行水上,分水之桨也,与衣妆无系”
💃🏻Model: @秦卿卿
📸Photo: @杜甫大人的日常
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maggiecheungs · 5 months
answer based on personal preference! in the tags please tell me why, and also if you've read their work in the original or in translation :)
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marilearnsmandarin · 2 months
春望 ("Spring View") by 杜甫 (Du Fu) is my February poem for the 2024 dostoyevsky-official challenge by @dostoyevsky-official.
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Yes, I recited it from memory. No, I cannot write all those characters from memory.
I wrote a translation of the poem below, inspired by Vickie Fang's. There are different interpretations for the third and fourth lines - "感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心" (such as the one in From Meter to Meaning). I believe this one makes more sense in relation to the previous lines (there is war and suffering going on, but nature is indifferent and spring flowers are blooming anyway).
春望 chūn wàng Spring View
国破山河在 guó pò shān hé zài The nation is broken, the mountains and rivers remain
城春草木深 chéng chūn cǎomù shēn Spring in the city, the vegetation grows deeply.
感时花溅泪 gǎn shí huā jiàn lèi Moved by the moment, I shed tears on the flowers
恨别鸟惊心 hèn bié niǎo jīng xīn Sorrowful for the separation, my heart is startled by birds.
烽火连三月 fēnghuǒ lián sān yuè The beacon fires have been burning for three months
家书抵万金 jiā shū dǐ wàn jīn A letter from home is worth ten thousand pieces of gold.
白头搔更短 bái tóu sāo gèng duǎn My white hair, scratched thinner,
浑欲不胜簪 hún yù bù shēng zān Can barely hold a hairpin anymore.
This poem was written by Du Fu in the late spring of 757 AD during the An Lushan Rebellion. An Lushan was a regional military commander in the northern part of the then Tang Dynasty, and he rebelled against the Tang Dynasty at the end of 755. In July of 756, An’s rebel forces captured Chang’an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty. The city was looted and burned by the rebel forces. Du Fu arranged for his wife to stay at the Lu Province, a place north of Chang’an, while Du Fu himself continued his journey north to Ling Wu to join the new emperor Su Zong. However, he was caught by the rebel forces during his journey north, and was taken back to Chang’an as a prisoner. It is said that Du Fu wrote this poem when staying in Chang’an as a prisoner of the rebel forces.
(source: Classic Chinese Poetry by Jean Yuan and Vickie Fang)
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fivememoney0 · 2 years
... 唐。杜甫
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... 唐。杜甫
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hanmilitaryking · 2 years
... 唐。杜甫
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... 唐。杜甫
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ochoislas · 1 month
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Sufro el bochorno del otoño entrante; tras un bocado, dejo la comida. Temo a los alacranes si oscurece; las moscas son legión en tales días. El cinto se me clava, casi chillo; siguen llegando más pliegos urgentes. Al sur los pinos verdes de una umbría: ¡quién el yelo pisara allí descalzo!
Du Fu
七月六日苦炎蒸 對食暫餐還不能 每愁夜中自足蝎 況乃秋後轉多蠅 束帶發狂欲大叫 簿書何急來相仍 南望青松架短壑 安得赤腳蹋層冰
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