missmyloko · 6 years
Hi. Can you provide a specific explanation of 'Geisha are/were not prostitute', it would be even greater if there are specific factual evidence. Also, was mizuage carried ever accepted or is it a breach in geisha world (even before the ban of Government)? I talked to my Japanese friend this morning, but she denotes that in the past geisha job involved 'baishun' and it is actually no clear line between geisha and oiran as they are all operate in hanamachi.
You know, I have this funny feeling that I’ve talked about this topic numerous times before, but let’s lay it out again, shall we?During the Edo Period (1603-1868) all entertainment and fun stuff was sequestered into certain sections of cities so that the government could keep an eye out on the goings on of its inhabitants and tax them accordingly. This meant that ANYTHING having to do with fun times was there; a short list of some of the entertainment that could be found there included: kabuki, bunraku puppet plays, any music of any kind, geisha, rakugo, and prostitution. Each individual occupation had its own set of rules laid out by the government, and if a person began performing duties outside of their occupation then they were stripped of their licenses, forced to pay a fine, kicked out of the entertainment districts and, in many cases, incarcerated. So, yeah, the Edo government didn’t dick around when it came to jobs and licenses, and most of this came about when geisha became recognized as a legitimate profession. Originally geisha were serving girls in various tea houses, but eventually some of them took up singing or the shamisen, and were called to parties that usually had yūjo (prostitutes) as the entertainers. The yūjo, not wanting the new geisha doing their jobs, petitioned the government to make a law stating that only yūjo could sell sex while a geisha could not, and this lead to the government’s institutions of laws and licenses surrounding professions. It needs to be noted that parties with yūjo are not what you’d expect from prostitutes; a customer didn’t just come to a brothel, have sex, and then leave. They usually came to drink, have their egos stroked, play some games, and at the end of the night they got down to business after shooing everyone else out of the room. The karyukai was a place to have fun, so men usually came in groups to party together as tea houses were often places where business deals went down. Many Japanese companies still have outings like these with their employees, but they’re usually contained to bars and don’t involve prostitution. Traditionally, prostitution wasn’t seen as a bad or dirty thing in Japanese society as it was sex for pleasure, which was not something that your wife was expected to give to you. As long as you still performed your “marital duties” then you could hang out with as many prostitutes as you had the money for.As for the mizuage thing, that’s an issue of a word having multiple meanings within the same area, the karyukai, as a whole. For a yūjo/oiran/tayū the mizuage was the ritual in which a virgin was deflowered, thus marking her official entry into the profession, ‘cause it’s kinda impossible to have a virgin prostitute. Their mizuage was sold to the highest bidder, and said funds usually went to trying to pay down a girl’s debt for her debut, which were astronomical and very few ever managed to pay off this debt. Their mizuage price usually then dictated how much they could charge as a working member, and those with the highest mizuage usually became the oiran (these same girls were raised to hopefully take on that role anyway, but a person taking interest in an apprentice usually ensured their future as being an oiran or taking on a lower position).For geisha, a mizuage was (and still is) the total amount of money made within a single year. This amount of money translates into working hours, which then becomes the basis for the yearly rankings. Geisha and their apprentices are paid the same rate per hour, so the best are the ones with the most hours worked. Unlike the yūjo/oiran/tayū, the geisha in the olden days had fairly fixed wages, although apprentices used to be paid half of what a geisha made (current laws now make this illegal). When it comes to the education system, Japanese public schools are severely lacking in education about the karyukai. They barely register as a blip on the radar of any high school kid and aren’t really taught about at all. Recently, some schools have invited maiko to perform and give a small lesson on what they do and how their profession came about, but this has yet to become a common occurrence. So, sadly, most of Japanese society is still not aware of what it is that geisha do, and the old notions that “geisha and prostitutes worked in the same areas, therefore they must have had the same jobs” is still rampant. I mean, it really is a stupid line of thought when you break it down though; wait staff and chefs both work in restaurants, but should you expect your wait staff to actually cook your meals and chefs to bring them to you? No, they’re separate jobs within the same sphere; just because they work together doesn’t mean that they do the jobs of others, and this is no different in the karyukai. Geisha still exist because prostitution was made illegal in 1958, but their job was never about sex to begin with. They’re simply highly skilled entertainers who entertain with dance, music, and wit.   
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project-photon · 6 years
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shokolalife · 3 years
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💟the beginning of 2021💟rearranged flowers and had special green tea by #meijijingu #meijishrine in the first morning of 2021💐🍵💖cutting stems diagonally makes them simpler, stronger and more beautiful. Wanna live my 2021 like them🌹My best wishes for your new year filled with joy, happiness, prosperity and health💚💙💜 元旦は @sakagen_hasami ✂️💐さんの鋏でお花を切り戻して、#明治神宮 の茶柱付き #賀春茶 を美味しく頂く🍵💖今年はこのお花達のように、よりスマートに、より美しくありたいです🌺🌺 #シンビジューム は父が蘭を育ててたので懐かしい #トルコキキョウ 大好き💗#葉菊 は存在感あってお正月ですね!#ユリ #千両 #松 お正月アレンジ楽しんでいます💐 #フラントリーブ #フラントリーブ花の写真投稿企画 #水揚げ https://www.instagram.com/p/CJhn7ZtptdX/?igshid=2usrqt642jqs
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fsravine · 2 years
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#富山 #射水 と打ち合わせが続き、遅いランチを食べに、#新湊 へ #白えび の季節なので、#生白えび 食べれるかな? と淡い期待を持って、港に行くと #きときと食堂 の向かいに #女性部食堂 って!! この名前、もう、気になって仕方がない 一度はきときと食堂に入ったが、刺身に白エビがなかったので、引き返し、女性部食堂に入ってみました メニューは6つだけ #定食 それに #刺身 が追加された #刺身定食 #豚丼 #牛丼 #カレーライス #ご飯 だけ せっかくなので #刺身定食 1300円を! 程なく出てきた御膳にびっくり! お刺身に、白エビは居なかったけど #ほたるいか #ほうぼう #いか #海老 の4品と #白えびのかき揚げ #もずく酢ほたるいか入り #かれいの煮付け #あら汁 と何とも豪華だよね #白エビのかき揚げ をご飯の上に乗せて、#白エビのかき揚げ丼 にしてみたり 楽しみながら美味しく頂いちゃった! (JF新湊女性部食堂) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcmkklDLxQ847lt2RPbwBvLDcvRHiOs22LTOGQ0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cup-mens · 2 years
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choco322 · 2 years
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昨日のディナー🍴 ・ #水餃子 #かつおのたたき #小松菜と油揚げの煮浸し #じゃがいもと玉ねぎの味噌汁 #玄米粥 ・ #おうちごはん #うちごはん #自炊生活 #自炊 #簡単ごはん #手抜きごはん #時短ごはん ・ #美味しゅうございました ♡ #Japanesefood #food #foodie #instafood #instafoodie #foodgasm #foodpics #yummy #foodstagram #foodporn #飯テロ #dinner #晩ごはん #夕飯 https://www.instagram.com/p/CYsAmKavfvs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lesgnossiennes · 5 years
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綺麗なアジサイ、入荷しています! やっぱり雨と合いますね。 アジサイは、水が下がりやすいからと敬遠される方がいますが、茎を切り戻してたっぷりのお水に生けてあげると1ヶ月ぐらい持つとこもあります。 === ▪︎よく切れるハサミまたはナイフで茎をカット。導管を潰さないため。 ▪︎花首の辺りまでお水に浸かるよう花瓶にはたっぷり水を。水圧で水の吸い上げを助けてくれます。 ▪︎花瓶は清潔に。水を替えるときに洗剤をつけたスポンジで内側をよく洗ってください。ついでに茎のぬめりもとってくださいね。バクテリアが繁殖すると導管を詰まらせ、水を吸い上げなくなります。 === ハサミの切れ味や清潔な水に生けてあげることはすべてのお花に共通して言えることです。花の持ちが格段に良くなるので試してみてください。 水の量に関しては、花によっては少なめが適しているものもあります。詳しくはお花屋さんで教えてもらってくださいね!
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mr-spice · 3 years
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ookawauoten · 3 years
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小名浜水揚げ初がつお入荷しました! 丸、半身などで販売します! #大川魚店 #大川魚店泉店 #初がつお #小名浜 #小名浜水揚げ https://www.instagram.com/p/CPE3BFhDeid/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hide212t · 3 years
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『宇都宮出張 ③🧳』 今週も宇都宮出張です🥟 やっと念願の宇都宮餃子を頂きました🥟 今回お邪魔したのは 餃子 宇都宮みんみん ホテルメッツ店です オーダーはこんな感じ 焼き餃子 × 8人前 水餃子 × 1人前 揚げ餃子 × 1人前 漬け物 × 1人前 ご飯は食べず餃子オンリー 美味しく頂いた後はやっぱりコレですかね 笑 スターバックス #212 #宇都宮出張 #宇都宮 #餃子 #水餃子 #揚げ餃子 #みんみん #宇都宮餃子 #出張 #宇都宮パセオ #スターバックス #starbucks #コーヒー #coffee #カフェスタグラム #カフェ巡り #カフェ巡り好きな人と繋がりたい #ミュージック #music #バングアンドオルフセン #bangandolufsen #ファッション #fashion #仕事の後のおたのしみ #アフターワークコーヒー #afterworkcoffee #初めてのお店 #初めましてのスタバ #スタバ好き #スタバ好きな人と繋がりたい (スターバックスコーヒー 宇都宮パセオ店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTeidAapmSB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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autumnstew · 3 years
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バカみたいな組み合わせの弁当とビール風景アルコール飲料で、昼からやらかす。 写ってないけど春巻きもつけて、はい美味しー! #休日 #休日の過ごし方 #holydays #昼ごはん #lunch #中華 #chinesefood #弁当 #bento #food #foodstagram #チャーハン #餃子 #唐揚げ #炭水化物 #美味しい #美味しいもの #pixel4a #おうちごはん https://www.instagram.com/p/COmj_xHN6k3/?igshid=q5pl4hgsc7w6
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shokolalife · 4 years
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Cutting the stem of peony bud in water for warmer raising 💠🏵💠🏵💠 芍薬の蕾ちゃんがなかなか咲かない😭! #フラントリーブ @frantolive さんのアドバイス通り蜜を丁寧に拭いて硬い蕾を優しく揉んで、仕上げは真新しい @sakagen_hasami #坂源 さんの #鋏 で #水切り 💠✂️💠 #水揚げ がよくなりますよう🏵💠🏵💠 https://www.instagram.com/p/CAjBHF2p_5P/?igshid=1siqs8edpodin
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utagejp · 3 years
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釜揚げ車エビが仰天旨い🍤 車エビは、縞模様がカラダを丸く曲げると、車輪に見えるから名前が付いたとされ、茹でる事で、甘味の元アデニル酸が増え、加えて元来の旨味グリシン、アルギニン、ベタインとの相乗効果で深い旨味になるのだとか。本日は、築地場外市場/三宅水産、活車エビ(15尾1000円)を軽く茹で、天然の塩〰️😋 ◇車エビ/三宅水産◇塩/珠洲揚げ浜塩◇備前焼/松井宏之 美味しく健康に、自然の恵みに感謝して頂きます(合掌)。 #車エビ #三宅水産 #珠洲揚げ浜塩 #松井宏之 #大地の宴 #prawn #boiledprawn #daichinoutage #utage_jp #tokyo #japan (大地の宴 ダイチノウタゲ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLpdAzBAwjh/?igshid=f8rq4885v1zf
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makoici40181206 · 3 years
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6月20日 日曜日のうち #晩ごはん 。 ・ ・今だけ旬の水茄子の浅漬け🤗 ・栃尾揚の炙り…カキ醤油で🤗 ・豚モツの白だし煮🤗 ・ハムとカニカマのサラダ🤗 ・牛サガリの焼肉のたれ🤗 ・キムチ4点盛り🤗 ・ #夕食 #夕飯 #ばんごはん #おうちごはん #ごはん #ごはん日記 #おうち時間 #ごちそうさまでした #今が旬 #水茄子 #浅漬け #栃尾揚げ #もつ煮 #白だし #ハムとカニカマのサラダ #サラダ #牛サガリ #焼肉のたれ #キムチ盛り合わせ #料理 #うまい #美味しい #yum #yummy #delicious #横浜 20210214 (うち) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQgDpheAJYU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mensgohan · 4 years
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choco322 · 3 years
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本日のディナー🍴 ・ #古奈屋 #古奈屋のカレーうどん #カレーうどん #揚げ出し豆腐風厚揚げ #水餃子 ・ #お疲れ旦那さんリクエスト #うどん #麺類 #おうちごはん #うちごはん #自炊生活 #自炊 #簡単ごはん #手抜きごはん #時短ごはん ・ #美味しゅうございました ♡ #Japanesefood #food #foodie #instafood #instafoodie #foodgasm #foodpics #yummy #foodstagram #foodporn #飯テロ #dinner #晩ごはん #夕飯 https://www.instagram.com/p/CTjwptGHa80/?utm_medium=tumblr
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