angieloveshua · 5 months
So, today, Po Yun and Tunhai fans won!
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squidja · 2 years
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yan xie carrying around his sleepy boyfriend while making him tea to go, they are so precious!! TvT
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mejomonster · 2 years
Does anyone have any cnovel recs, or chinese pingxie fanfic recs?
I like bl, gl, horror, supernatural, mysteries, realistic with some fantasy elements, good characterization, genre mashing, people from difference backgrounds meeting, found families, hurt/comfort, thrillers, and also just open to giving anything a shot if you think it's good
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regine1663 · 1 year
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電影 最好的我們 八月長安的振華四部曲之一 #四部曲裡面我只看完暗戀橘生淮南而且還是胡一天版本的 #我認真比對過胡一天版本的顏值比較合我的口味 我知道最好的我們電視劇口碑很好, 但是我還沒有看! #因為我沒有愛奇藝的會員 所以我先看了電影版本 #現在知道我是有網飛的會員了吧😮‍💨 #真的不是我比較喜歡陳飛宇的顏值🤣 故事主角的名字開始⋯⋯⋯⋯ 耿耿 余淮 #我不得不說八月長安很會 #暗戀橘生淮南的男女主角叫做盛淮南女主角叫做洛枳 #這不是南橘北枳嗎 #最好的我們男主角叫做余淮女主角叫做耿耿 #然後兩個人坐同桌這下注定要耿耿於懷了 電影的前半段都是好笑的! 罰站、上課睡覺⋯⋯ 三五好友聊天的場景⋯ 這些都會讓你想起你的學生時代! 電影中的歌唱比賽, 汪蘇瀧跟陳飛宇唱的勇氣版本很好聽❤️ 但是不知道是不是因為電影篇幅關係, 從高考結束一直到七年後開同學會到結尾這段就是有點倉促! #我真的覺得陳飛宇的假髮很難看😤😤 #差點毀了一張帥臉 在最後解開了男主角的秘密⋯⋯ 而我看到余淮坐在廊道的地板刪除著耿耿傳給他的照片的那一段⋯ 我居然感受到強烈的窒息感! #我上一次看電影有這樣窒息感的片名叫做被偷走的那五年 #被偷走的哪五���作者也是八月長安 最好的我們裡面片尾有一句話很有意思! 還記得那時候的你嗎? 那時的你,是最好的你, 現在的我,是最好的我, 最好的我們之間, 卻隔了一整個青春, 追也追不上的青春! #這部電影裡面居然有盛淮南出現在欸 #但是我明明就記得在暗戀橘生淮南裡面盛淮南是高三才轉學到振華中學的啊 #在暗戀橘生淮南振華中學明明就在哈爾濱在最好的我們他忽然間就搬來武漢了 #應該是我沒有看過原著然後這些編劇改編沒有注意到 #要我看原著真的是太難了 #因為我不看小說啊 #我讀書的時候只看過亞森羅蘋還有原振俠跟金庸福爾摩斯這樣 #其實我最佩服的是振華四部曲裡面的人物都是有關係的 #沒有想到八月長安的男主也都是高帥的理工大神 #電影跟電視劇的劇情差異等我找到有人要贊助我愛奇藝會員再說 #但是電影跟電視劇的男主顏值我想陳飛宇比較合我的口味 #最好的我們 #八月長安小說改編 #振華四部曲之一 #2019年電影 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpuyDFov2K-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hn5213 · 1 year
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hnyu2564 · 1 year
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tyg1235 · 1 year
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hn-3193-com · 2 years
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angieloveshua · 11 months
He pressed Yan Xie’s head with his hand, almost half-forcibly, and gave him a long kiss. No matter how many thoughts were circling in his mind just now, at the moment when his lips and tongue were entangled, all of Yan Xie’s thoughts disappeared, and his brain and even his soul went blank. He didn’t even realize it himself, but hot tears poured out of his eyes uncontrollably. His throat spasmed with soreness, and his internal organs were sliced into a bloody pulp by thousands of sharp knives. He opened his teeth tremblingly, wanting to bite off the tip of Jiang Ting’s tongue, but he couldn’t. “Even if you have money and a career, if you meet someone you like, you still have to obediently wait to be picked…” “But I’m still very happy to be picked up.” “Do you feel this heart beating? It’s beating so fast now. “ “Marry or not? Huh? Tell me, marry or not?” “Marry, marry…”
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hn3579com · 2 years
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yoga-onion · 3 months
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Legends of the humanoids
Reptilian humanoids (5)
Wuxing – the connections between the Five Dragon Kings (Ref) and the Five Elements philosophy 
To better understand the origins of the Five Dragon Kings and the ancient Chinese legend, it is worth mentioning the wuxing of natural philosophy, which states that all things are composed of five elements: fire, water, wood, metal and earth.
The underlying idea is that the five elements 'influence each other, and that through their birth and death, heaven and earth change and circulate'.  
The five elements are described as followed:
Wood/Spring: a period of growth, which generates abundant vitality, movement and wind.
Fire/Summer: a period of swelling, flowering, expanding with heat.
Earth is associated with ripening of grains in the yellow fields of late summer.
Metal/Autumn: a period of harvesting, collecting and dryness.
Water/Winter: a period of retreat, stillness, contracting and coolness.
The wuxing system, in use since the Han dynasty (2nd century BCE), appears in many seemingly disparate fields of early Chinese thought, including music, feng shui, alchemy, astrology, martial arts, military strategy, I Ching divination, and traditional medicine, serving as a metaphysics based on cosmic analogy.
The wuxing originally referred to the five major planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Mars and Venus), which were thought of as the five forces that create life on earth. Wu Xing litterally means moving star and describes the five types of Qi (all the vital substances) cycles through various stages of transformation. As yin and yang continuously adjust to one another and transform into one another in a never-ending dance of harmony, they tend to do so in a predictable pattern.
The lists of correlations for the five elements are diverse, but there are two cycles explaining the major interaction. The yin-yang interaction, which by increasing or decreasing the qualities and functions associated with a particular phase, it may either nourish a phase that is in deficiency or drain a phase that is in excess or restrain a phase that is exerting too much influence (see below):
The Creation Cycle (Yang)
Wood feeds Fire
Fire creates Earth (ash)
Earth bears Metal
Metal collects Water
Water nourishes Wood
The Destruction Cycle (Yin)
Wood parts Earth 
Earth dams (or absorbs) Water
Water extinguishes Fire
Fire melts Metal
Metal chops Wood
The Huainanzi (2nd BCE) describes the five colored dragons (azure/green, red, white, black, yellow) and their associations (Chapter 4: Terrestrial Forms), as well as the placement of sacred beasts in the five directions (the Four Symbols beasts, dragon, tiger, bird, tortoise in the four cardinal directions and the yellow dragon.
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ヒト型爬虫類 (5)
ここで、五方龍王の起源、そして古代中国の伝説をよく理解するために、万物は火・水・木・金・土の5種類の元素からなる、という自然哲学の五行思想について触れておきましょう。 5種類の元素は「互いに影響を与え合い、その生滅盛衰によって天地万物が変化し、循環する」という考えが根底に存在する。 
水は、冬の雪に覆われた暗い大地の中に潜む新しい生命の可能性と静寂の時期。 漢の時代 (紀元前2世紀頃) から使用されてきた五行説は、音楽、風水、錬金術、占星術、武術、軍事戦略、易経、伝統医学など、中国初期の思想の一見バラバラに見える多くの分野に登場し、宇宙の類推に基づく形而上学として機能している。 
五行の相関関係は多様だが、主要な相互作用を説明する2つのサイクルがある。陰陽の相互作用は、特定の相に関連する資質や機能を増減させることで、不足している相に栄養を与えたり、過剰な相を排出したり、影響力を及ぼしすぎている相を抑制したりする (以下参照):
火が土 (灰) をつくる
『淮南子』(紀元前2世紀)には、五色の龍(紺碧・緑、赤、白、黒、黄)とその関連性 (第4章: 地の形)、五方位への聖獣の配置(四枢の四象徴獣、龍、虎、鳥、亀、黄龍)が記述されている。
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lgbtqromance · 3 months
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aworldforastage · 1 year
A Totally Subjective List of Favorite Danmei Novels I Read in 2022
Qiang Jin Jiu :: 将进酒 唐酒卿
Silent Reading :: 默读 Priest
Jun You Ji Fou :: 君有疾否 如似我闻
Those Years I Opened a Zoo :: 我开动物园那些年  拉棉花糖的兔子 
Golden Stage :: 黄金台 苍梧宾白
Your Scandals Are Way Cuter Than You :: 你的黑料比本人可爱 毛球球
Professional Body Double :: 职业替身 水千丞
Lantern: Reflection of the Peach Blossoms :: 提灯映桃花 淮上 
Guide on How to Fail at Online Dating :: 网恋翻车指南 酱子贝
FOG :: FOG[电竞] 漫漫何其多
Qiang Jin Jiu :: 将进酒 唐酒卿
“你坐明堂上,不要沾风雪。” “Your place is in the great halls, untouched by wind and snow.”
[historical, political intrigue]  – (I wrote a spoiler-free introductory synopsis here.)  Plenty of people have already said lots of good things about this novel, but the highlight for me is its rich cast of three-dimensional characters, who are simultaneously cruel or frustrating but also sympathetic and redeemable. The characters’ actions and decisions are mingled with compromises they must make for their circumstances and values. The world is built with extreme care, with plenty of details that I didn’t catch until my second pass over the novel. I read nearly 70 titles in 2022, but I spent almost a month on QJJ alone to re-read and listen to the audiodrama. Despite the length of the novel, I still wish I can spend more time in this world. 
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Silent Reading :: 默读 Priest 
“ 我不是凝视深渊的人,我就是深渊。” “I’m not the one staring into the abyss; I am the abyss.”
[modern, police procedural] – If QJJ is my go-to recommendation for a historical danmei, then Silent Reading aka Modu is my go-to for a modern one. This is basically a police procedural, focusing on five major cases, with the finale weaving together clues scattered throughout the novel. Priest is a masterful writer who introduces new information in a measured pace, so you gradually get to know the characters and immerse into the complex world. The cases takes us face-to-face with some of the the darkest facets of humanity, but the work decidedly leaves you with a sense of hope, that even the deepest wounds can heal, and there are more people than you may ever expected who will want to help you.
Jun You Ji Fou :: 君有疾否 如似我闻 
刹那间上万只蝶忽然振翅飞起,满胸膛的蝶翼扑动,心彻底乱的没有章法。 Suddenly tens of thousands of butterflies spread their wings to take flight. His chest is filled with fluttering motion, and his heart falls fully into disarray. 
[historical, political, romance] – In JYJF, two longtime rivals with opposing political priorities coming to a new understanding of each other and fall in love.  They are both clever, principled, but black-bellied in their own way. This novel has undeniable weaknesses as a political drama, but it has built a reputation as a romance with poetic prose, well-developed characters, and a delicious blend of humour, fluff, and angst. The “light” political plot lines will not bog the reader down, and functions instead as an effective backdrop to showoff how the characters work together, the way their ideologies clash and align, and why they can come love each other. [incomplete translation]
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Those Years I Opened a Zoo :: 我开动物园那些年  拉棉花糖的兔子 
“也没有什么诀窍,就是夸他,一个劲夸他,从内夸到外。”  “There isn’t really a trick to it. Just compliment him, keep complimenting him, compliment him from inside out.” 
[comedy, urban fantasy] – This is my go-to feel-better novel when I need a good laugh. The protagonist operates a zoo with the help of a magical app, and some of the most formidable names in Chinese mythology (Su Daji, Bai Suzhen, Sun Wokong etc.) must blend in as “staff animals”. There is no real angst or conflict, and the romance, between the twenty-something zoo owner and a mythological bird who has been “single for tens-of-thousands of years,” is equally light and fun. Even though his boyfriend is one of the most powerful beings in the universe, the human shou is the one who actually sets the pace and tone of the relationship, since he is the one with higher EQ and more “knowledge”.
Golden Stage :: 黄金台 苍梧宾白
“朝廷走狗不残害忠良,怎么对得起天下悠悠众口?”  “If the dog of the imperial court doesn’t scheme against the loyal and the just, what will all the interested citizens gossip about?” 
[historical, arranged marriage,  but really reconciliation] - The emperor arranges a controversial marriage for an injured but popular war hero and his rival, a favored but notorious court official. Instead of shifting the political balance like the emperor has hoped, the couple works out their old grievances and forms a formidable alliance which soon becomes the only hope for the ailing empire against foes within and beyond. A lot of the political themes in this novel are very similar to QJJ, but while QJJ is very hardcore in its depiction of the politics and mechanics of an entire government, Golden Stage is a much shorter and easier read, with its focus on the core characters, and their values and relationships. 
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Your Scandals Are Way Cuter Than You :: 你的黑料比本人可爱 毛球球
难得有这么一大波人送上门来吵架,江影兴奋得很,但,他有他的职业道德,自家的粉只能护,不能怼,至于戚逐家的,他只针对戚逐这个人,不针对戚逐家的粉。 It's not often that such a large group of people brings the fight to his door; Jiang Ying is very excited. However, he has his own ethical standards: he needs to help his own fans, not go up against them. As for Qi Zhu's fans, his problem is only with Qi Zhu himself, not the fans.
[comedy, actors/celebrities] –  A hilarious “entertainment circle” novel where the idol actor protagonist loves the industry not for the acting or the singing, but the gossip and cat fights. He is so invested in arguing and fighting with antis online that he nearly misses the fact someone is seriously in love with him. The protagonist’s brother’s story is told in Your Memes are Way Better-looking than You, which takes place before this novel. “Memes” generally has the same funny tone but a slightly more serious plot, but this novel is a pure sugar-fest. 
Professional Body Double :: 职业替身 水千丞
他看到了一个成熟的男人是怎么对待爱情的,又是怎么用那种恰到好处的温柔和宽容去感染、缠缚对方的,他就是那个被周翔紧紧抓住的人。 He saw how a mature man deals with love, using just the perfect amount of warmth and generosity to infect and cling onto his lover; he was the was one who had been tightly held onto by Zhou Xiang. 
 [angst, romance, actors and celebrities] – A gentle introduction to the infamous “188 Club”. Yan Mingxiu’s ranking within the 188 really varies depending on your priorities, but I mostly have a soft spot for him because Zhou Xiang seems to really love him (and also, the extra chapters written from YMX’s POV kinda sorta maybe gave him sympathy points).  Zhou Xiang is caring, smart, and extremely charismatic. I am very moved by the way Zhou Xiang loves and pursues Yan Mingxiu before the accident, the way his confidence and maturity are undercut by his insecurities and loneliness as an orphan and a gay man. In the end, I root for them mostly because I want to believe Zhou Xiang can make it work with the boy he loves so much. 
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Lantern: Reflection of the Peach Blossoms :: 提灯映桃花 淮上 
“我不是来打仗的,我是来求婚的。” “I didn’t come here to fight, I came to propose."
[romance, urban fantasy, reconciliation ] – This novel probably has my favorite relationship arc, in which love has never been so powerful and so useless at the same time. It’s a love story between gods and demons, and but it’s also about the insecurity of marrying across classes, the damage of emotionally abusive upbringing, the balance between children and spouse, and the sacrifices you make for love and duty. It’s a HE reconciliation story with lots of comedy, but it’s a long and cruel journey to uncover and patch up the mistakes that brought them to this point. One note I must make is that this novel is kind of hard to follow due to POV switches and the character themselves having incomplete information; the full conflict and relevant backstory is not really clear until around 65% into the text. 
Guide on How to Fail at Online Dating :: 网恋翻车指南 酱子贝 
渣男怎么了? 渣男多好啊?! 渣男文可为我写诗!武可啪啪三日!上暖绿茶!下暖萝莉!二十四小时温柔在线!七十二小时暖心待机!恋爱不查短信!分手绝不纠缠!经期会冲红糖!睡前会说晚安! 天啊!渣男就是这个世界上的宝物!我永远爱渣男!!! What’s wrong with scum boyfriends? Scum boyfriends are great! Scum boyfriends can write love poems with his pen! Can go for three days with his sword! Delivering warmth to green-tea and loli’s alike! He is online for 24 hours a day, on standby for 72! No checking your phone while dating! No pestering you after breaking up! He can make brown sugar drinks during your period! He’ll tell you ‘goodnight’ before bed! By heavens! Scum boyfriends are treasures of the world! I will love scum boyfriends forever!!! 
[online gaming, cat-fishing, mistaken identities, college-setting] – AKA: “fake green tea vs fake scum boyfriend.” Jing Huan poses as a girl in an online game to catfish the Big Name Player who tricked and hurt his cousin. Meanwhile, Xiang Huaizhi notices photos from the girl who keeps flirting with him in an online game can only be sent by someone at his school, specifically, one underclassman. There is plenty of comedy in Jing Huan’s effort to pose as a girl online, and also plenty of hurt when the truth and deception are laid to bare, but overall this is a sweet college romance with just dash (or maybe a spoonful?) of angst and plenty of humour. (PSA: No knowledge of gaming is needed (I don’t have any) to follow the story.) 
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FOG :: FOG[电竞] 漫漫何其多
不喜欢的人的心机才是心机。 喜欢的人的心机,那叫撒娇。 Schemes are only schemes if they are coming from people you don’t like . Schemes from people you like, that's flirting to get your attention. 
 [E-sports, (sort-of?) reconciliation] – My first “E-Sports” novel that focuses on professional competitive gaming (but it’s a fictional game so no prior gaming knowledge needed). As a E-Sports novel, FOG does a great job of portraying the camaraderie between teammates and the youthful passion of the players, while also touching on the cynical and exploitative side of the industry. There is an extremely sad and infuriating backstory that explains how the main couple came to be separated for two years (it’s not their fault), but their relationship is otherwise very sweet. However, I have never seen a story with a tournament arc that ends when the main characters win the quarter-finals … (yes, there are extra chapters, but still …)  
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yuexuan · 7 months
[Review] 破云
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Title: 破云 (Breaking through the clouds)
Author: 淮上
Length: 155 chapters + 6 extras
Tag: Crime and mystery, action, thriller
Summary [taken from novel updates]:
Foreboding clouds raced across the skies above the city.
Three years ago, as a consequence of Commander-in-Chief Jiang Ting’s error in judgment during an anti-drug operation in Gongzhou, a chain of explosions occurred at the scene and caused the Narcotics Division to suffer heavy casualties. Now three years later, Jiang Ting, whose flesh and bones should’ve faded from existence after dying at the line of duty, actually miraculously woke up from a vegetative state.
His heroic soul could not rest – he must return to the mortal world from the depths of hell and exert all that he has in order to bring the bloody and inconceivable truth to light.
Novel | Novel[translated] | Audio drama | Manhua
Comments **Contain spoilers**:
Ok, this is the second time I am reading the novel: the first time in 2021 with the full uncensored version and the second time with the censored physical version. But honestly? The censored version still has so much fluff and sweetness, and I’m reminded once again why this is one of my favorite danmeis.
First off, a little bit more about the novel: The story starts off with former Commander-in-Chief of the drug task force Jiang Ting recovering from his three-year coma. He was discharged and started living at the KTV ran by one of his former informants. It was just his luck that a body was found in the KTV’s freezer and the cause of death attributed to an overdose of drugs. This led to the unfolding of a series of drug, kidnap, and murder cases that were related to Jiang Ting’s troubled past, and his meeting with Yan Xie, the eventual love of his life. 
I’ll say it again, in spite of the censored version, there were still tons of tooth-aching fluff. Jiang Ting and Yan Xie living together? Check. Jiang Ting cooking for Yan Xie and teaching him how to cook? Check. Yan Xie acting as a personal training coach for Jiang Ting? Check. They were so domestic when not working on cases and their chemistry was just *chef kiss*, the right balance of action versus mellow, brash versus stoic.
Talking about characters, the gong - Yan Xie - can come off as being too much of an overbearing ‘straight man’ when treating his underlings, but he reserved all his softness for Jiang Ting and helped the latter heal from his past traumas. He liked to think of himself as boyfriend material, despite the amount of time people want to ‘slap his face with a shoe’ and how often he got jelly of Yang Mei lol. I love how action-oriented and confident he is, and yes, there’s a reason why Yan Xie is known as one of the four coquettish gongs (‘四大骚攻’) in danmei.
When it comes to plot, Poyun presents an engaging read, filled with all sorts of plot twists and heartaches (Up until the end, we had cause to believe that Jiang Ting might be the villain). The cases are logically sound and the pacing is tight, but leaves enough room to balance the plot with the right amount of fluff. 
Another thing that I appreciated was the amount of research put into the novel. I’m actually taking notes along the way for future reference when (and if) I eventually write my crime-related fanfic~ There were just so many details, such as the different types of police and their roles, the laws, information on the drug market etc etc. And it’s integrated really well into the narrative, not just thrown as exposition. 
Also, can I talk about the female characters? It’s sort of a common critique that danmeis don’t have great female characters, but I’ll say that Poyun has a strong female cast: there’s the almighty Madam Zeng Cuicui, who was so disappointed in her son Yan Xie’s love life that she started studying up on same-sex marriage laws lol; then there’s the street smart Yang Mei, the source of Yan Xie’s envy but overall a great informant; and also the eager Han Xiaomei, who, despite her small stature, actually had a stand down against J and survived; and finally, let’s not forget Chief Yu, who was ready to retire but still managed to provide support in so many cases. Even the bad guys (gals?) such as Bu Wei were quite smart and cunning. Definitely a good selection of female characters!
Now this is probably the controversial part, but when it comes to pairings, I also shipped K and Q. Hard. Heck, add in J too, I don’t mind a KQJ threesome hehe. I loved the whole drug lord and police dynamic, their constant cat-and-mouse chases, their enemy-childhood friend relationship, and how gentle but also cruel K treated Jiang Ting. It just scratched my dark ship itch <3
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fangjuexias · 1 year
Little Mushroom Audio Drama || Theme Song, "Aurora at Nightfall"
原著:一十四洲@日更少女小十四 音乐制作人:奇然@奇然liya 音乐总监:奇然 监制:@落落木桐生新桐 、@六音书钟晚 、@大二吉 作曲/编曲:何仡@何一束 作词:骆栖淮@骆栖淮 、冥凰@-冥凰- 演唱:奇然、大C@大C爱唱歌 和音编写:何仡 和音:大C、奇然、沈谧仁@沈谧仁mile 混音:dB音频工作室@dB音频工作室 制作团队:平行世界工作室@平行世界工作室 海报设计:清梦环途@清梦环途 、图图
梦中那片极光消散坠入地平线 心跳开始苏醒似什么破了茧 谁绿色的瞳孔安静遥望悲哀的山巅 借风语诀别 爱是场无从停止的大雪
当命运藏匿所有伏线 再不准豁免 也愿去触碰那轮会破碎的月 可你却穿过荒芜世界 感知这想念 审判是我于你的吻别
恍如那枚银白色徽章冰冷特别 星芒可否就是末世纪的诗篇 黑暗降临人间 奔赴你爱上我的荒原 再相拥沉湎 相互为彼此许一个春天
当流浪的风吹拂旷野 重生又湮灭 未尽的悲伤喜悦就与你关联 待雪花凋谢温暖指尖 钟声也飘远 无边极光将照彻深渊
当流浪的风吹拂旷野 重生又湮灭 未尽的悲伤喜悦就与你关联 待雪花凋谢温暖指尖 钟声也飘远 无边极光将照彻深渊
当流浪的风吹拂旷野 重生又湮灭 世间的万物也悄然陷入沉眠 终于我循着那片极光 走出这冬夜 是你再次来到我身边
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