suiiiika · 2 years
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buffetlicious · 10 days
The Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节), a Chinese celebratory season observed by many East and Southeast Asians, has begun. Held on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, which is in the middle of autumn, the festival marks the end of the season’s harvest and is a time to appreciate the moon at its fullest and brightest. Besides feasting eyes on the moon and lanterns of different shapes and sizes, Mooncakes (月饼), a rich pastry with all sorts of fillings, are undoubtedly the main highlight of the festival and are traditionally shared among family and friends.
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The Cantonese Mooncake (广式月饼) is the most commonly found traditional mooncake in Singapore. Its fillings consist of lotus seed or red bean paste and usually include one, two or four salted duck egg yolks. Many would also be familiar with the snow skin variant that was created in Hong Kong in the 1960s as a healthier alternative to traditional baked mooncakes. The fillings and a ball of dough are traditionally pressed into a wooden mould, which embosses intricate wordings of the pastry shop’s name or stuffing on top of the pastry.
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A mooncake with various flavours such as rich, savoury-sweet and peppery, the Hainanese Mooncake (海南月饼), also known as Su Yan Bing (酥盐饼) is traditionally filled with ingredients such as fried shallots, lard, salt, white pepper, rose-flavoured white sugar, sesame seeds, melon seeds and dried wild tangerine skin peel. The filling is encased in a thin crust made with flour, salt and lard.
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The Hakka Mooncake (客家月饼) is also called Yu Gao (月糕) and is a flat, snow-white disc that is typically made with cooked glutinous rice flour and sugar, giving it a crumbly and powdery texture. It is usually embellished with more intricate designs, often with animals and flowers. Although it doesn’t usually contain any fillings, some come with candied winter melon, desiccated coconut and sesame seeds mixed with glutinous rice flour, sugar, margarine and water.
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Easily distinguishable by the red stamp of Chinese characters on the top of the crust and its white disc-shaped pastry which resembles a bright moon, the Hokkien Mooncake (福建月饼) consists of a dry and sweet filling that is made of candied winter melon, tangerine peel, melon seeds, sugar, and cooked with lard or peanut oil. A less common type is a savoury version with minced meat filling. Once known as Scholar Cakes (状元糕), they were given to those who took part in the Imperial examinations. Today, it is given as a symbol of good luck to those who are about to sit for their exams.
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Many would be familiar with the Teochew Mooncakes (潮州月饼). It has a crispy, spiral-layered crust that crumbles easily. It originated from the Chaoshan (潮汕) area in Guangdong Province and typically consists of yam paste and a salted duck egg yolk. Other traditional versions of the Teochew mooncake are still made by old school bakeries in Singapore. For example, La Bia (朥饼 or lard biscuit), where ‘La’ refers to pork oil, has a thinner, flaky crust with a thick mung bean or red bean filling. There are also alternative fillings including red bean, mung bean or lotus seed paste. There is also a steamed version of the typically baked Teochew mooncake, called La Gao (朥糕). It can either be served plain or with a mung bean filling.
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A Snow Skin Mooncake (冰皮月饼) variant was created in Hong Kong in the 1960s as a healthier alternative to traditional baked mooncakes. Similar to mochi, its crust is made of glutinous rice flour and varies in colour, based on the flavours used. And unlike traditional mooncakes, these are best served cold!
Mooncake information and drawings courtesy of Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth.
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papatomom · 1 year
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越前古窯博物館(旧水野家住宅)で開催されているイベント「陶ふうりん」三千の音色。 越前焼で作られた風鈴の音色に癒された、そんな一日。
北陸地方は11日の日曜日、梅雨に入りました。 今日は蒸し暑い日なので、夕食は冷やし中華をリクエスト。 お酒はビー���を切らしたので、吉田酒造さんのやや甘口の日本酒「白龍 純米吟醸 夏・さ・ら・ら」を飲む。 うまい。さて風呂でも入りますか。
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nelunderson · 27 days
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“ 古民家廃墟 ”
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cinemaobscura · 5 months
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The Happiness of The Katakuris | カタクリ家の幸福 (2001) dir. Miike Takashi
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mvrider6 · 3 months
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palletsol · 2 years
the happiness of the katakuris (2001). dir. takashi miike.
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yamada50 · 2 years
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疫隈國社 素盞嗚神社 祇園信仰発祥の地の一つとされまた備後三祇園の一、備後国一宮素盞嗚神社です 備後福山藩初代藩主水野勝成によって造営された備後の神社の標準形態の正面に千鳥破風付き入母屋造檜皮葺ですがこの造では最大級で檜皮葺で残されているものも珍しいです 第40代天武天皇の御代に創建と伝わる古社でその後当社より吉備真備によって天平6年(734)に播磨国の広峯神社に勧請されたと云います また当社は備後国風土記の蘇民将来説話における武塔神に八つ裂きにされた巨旦将来の屋敷跡と伝承されています #素盞嗚神社 ⛩┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈⛩ 素盞嗚神社(すさのおじんじゃ) 鎮座地:広島県福山市新市町大字戸手1-1 主祭神:素盞嗚尊 社格:式内小社 県社 巡拝:諸国一宮 ⛩┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈⛩ #神社 #神社巡り #神社好きな人と繋がりたい #recotrip #御朱印 #御朱印巡り #神社建築#神社仏閣 #パワースポット #福山市 #新市町 #神社巡拝家 (素盞嗚神社 天王さん) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck3fc_QP_mG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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woolen2010 · 25 days
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『映画作家 ジャンヌ・モロー』JEANNE MOREAU CINÉASTE postcard design   AD&D:Naoko Fukuoka 福岡南央子_woolen 提供:キングレコード|配給:エスパース・サロウ|宣伝:プンクテ 2024
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xiaohanjingpin5 · 3 months
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福田区 石厦花园澳洲留学生 175E🦜
wanna be your girl💕
International student  | 真实澳洲留学生
Subject: Fashion Design
💛情商高♡学历高   真实设计大赛优秀学员
🧡五官精致 打扮洋气 清纯甜美网红类型
真人真照人照无差  🉑️素颜见
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yamacyan · 4 months
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buffetlicious · 4 months
If all Zong Zi or Rice Dumplings look the same to you, you’re not alone! Zong Zi (粽子) or Bak Chang are a variety of glutinous rice dumplings traditionally eaten by the Chinese during the Dragon Boat Festival (端午节). Here are six types of popular Zong Zi from various dialect and ethnic groups in Singapore.
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Hokkien Rice Dumpling (福建咸肉粽) - One of the most common Zong Zi that can be found in markets and stores, the Hokkien Zong Zi is wrapped in bamboo leaves is recognized by its dark appearance from soy sauce infused rice and distinct aroma from the five-spice seasoning. Usually made with pork belly, salted egg yolk, chestnuts and dried shrimps.
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Cantonese Rice Dumpling (广东咸肉粽) - The ingredient that sets Cantonese Zong Zi apart is the filling of mung beans or green beans. One can also order a variation with a salted egg yolk. The glutinous rice is also seasoned with salt and garlic oil instead of soy sauce.
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Nyonya Rice Dumpling (娘惹粽) - The Nyonya Zong Zi is the most distinguishable rice dumpling for its bright blue tip that is typically made from the extract of the butterfly pea flower. It is also sweeter in taste and aroma because of its pandan leaf wrapper and candied winter melon.
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Teochew Rice Dumpling (潮州粽) - The savoury yet sweet taste of a Teochew Zong Zi comes from various ingredients such as red bean paste or lotus paste, fatty pork belly, earthy mushrooms and dried shrimp. Chestnuts are also added to the dumpling for texture.
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Hainanese Rice Dumpling (海南肉粽) - The Hainanese Zong Zi’s most distinctive trait lies in its portion. It is filled with generous chunks of pork belly, whole chestnuts, mushrooms, and seasonings of savoury additions like five-spice powder, dark soy sauce, and black pepper. It is also usually served with a dollop of palm sugar syrup, adding a nice balance of sweetness to its savoury and slightly spicy flavour.
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Hakka Rice Dumpling (客家粽) - Steamed in bamboo leaves, the Hakka Zong Zi consists of preserved vegetable filling, juicy pork belly strips and savoury mushrooms. It is also sometimes filled with beans.
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Zong Zi info from here and images from Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth.
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ww0008 · 4 months
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papatomom · 9 months
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「ころ柿」 糖度が高い渋柿「最勝(さいしょう)」が原料。能登の志賀町特有の品種らしい。糖度が高いので、渋みが抜けると濃厚な甘みが残る。 由来書きを見てみると、能登に漂着した海人が、この里に暮らし始めた際に食したという説やキリシタン大名高山右近の子孫が隠れキリシタンとしてこの地で身を潜めた際に伝わったとする説があるそうな。 名前の由来は、実全体に日が当たるようコロコロ転がしたから「転柿」とか木枯らし吹く寒い所に干すから「枯露柿」等の説があるらしい。 親戚からお歳暮としていただいた。上品な甘さで、コーヒーの苦みと「ころ柿」の甘みが���妙にあう。感謝です。
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kaminokyokai · 9 months
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hecha565 · 11 months
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