artlife-efficacy · 10 months
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想做好垃圾分類,但又苦於生活忙碌沒有時間⁣ 經過多年的摸索嘗試,想出新的模式給大家參考
就是找適當的環境堆放,後院陽台等…然後久久丟一次 不然附近有捨荒者,也可把能賣錢那幾類,丟給他們
根據每個行政區的不同,去當做調整 以我生活的區,及狀況為例…
二四日,為四大類 分別每一大類裝一袋 一五則,裝三袋
袋子的大小 《塑膠容器、鐵鋁罐 廢五金 家電》 《平面紙、壓平紙張》 體積大我用大垃圾袋
《紙餐盒、紙容器、鋁箔包》 《舊衣服、玻璃瓶》 體積一般,家中出現機率很低,所以用中小型垃圾袋 垃圾袋的大小選用,以垃圾大小 出現頻率,垃圾重量來決定大小跟裝幾層垃圾袋。
《燈管》燈泡極少出現,因此我很懶會,會跟塑膠容器、鐵鋁罐 廢五金 家電…裝一起。防破懶得做,直接丟裡面XD 《電池》我另外用小容器裝,可能是剪開的塑膠瓶或牛奶罐 《食用油》怕麻煩,可以另拿2L 或6L的礦泉水瓶來囤再一次丟
家裡常常有《廚餘》的話,建議買廚餘機直接烘乾粉碎的。有一種不挑食,任何骨頭蚌殼都能粉碎的機種。 拿來堆肥自用,或丟入大自然會比較好、較方便
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jirokano · 5 months
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neruzou · 5 months
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asaka-lucy-touhou · 5 months
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「メリー!!」 "Merry!!!"
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nano-konjaku · 4 months
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poropo1133 · 11 months
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Nov. 3 AM2:30:00(UTC+9)
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renmeri-chuchu · 1 year
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homara8524 · 1 month
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Good evening, brothers and sisters overseas. It is 1:38 a.m. and I am posting a new illustration freshly made from Japan.
The character this time is Maribel. There is an original painting that was originally done around 2016, and this is a self remake of that.
There are no photographs of the complete body of work from that time, but there are some clippings left, which I will post at the end of this text.
When I used to draw her in the past, I used a frontal view and an original design for her outfit, but this time I adopted a slightly rearranged outfit design from Hihuu's new work and put the spotlight on her alone.
I used to draw Yukari's Sukima in the background.
For the time being, this will be the last illustration to be included in the art book that will be published at the event in Kyoto next month.
I think I will also take a break from drawing illustrations of the East for a while.
This is because it is currently difficult for me to get a regular job due to my physical condition, and I am almost certain that I will still be at home to recuperate. Since Vtubers have a hard time preparing models, I am thinking of preparing a pngtuber model that I have heard rumors about and working on Youtube.
I also hope to be able to specialize in pngtuber modeling and accept commissions later on.
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7amaha · 1 month
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indatsukasa · 2 years
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Merciless Shrine Maiden as Paradise Defense Mechanism
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101chikubi-dog · 5 months
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最近描いた マエリベリー・ハーンさん
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mageofsleep · 21 days
Yukari Goes Outside But She's Still Sleeping (I Don't Really Have a Good Title For This, But It's A Sequel to the Koishi One) Fumo Friday Short Story 2
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Second Part to Koishi and the Starry Apple Please click "Keep Reading" After you're done with the first paragraph. Yukari wandered about Gensokyo looking for something to do, but it was so boring to her and nothing was happening. She had decided to open a gap in the wilderness to the Outside and a fox had climbed onto her shoulder as she walked into the gap. As soon as she entered the Outside into an alleyway of a bustling city filled with skyscrapers, a green satori girl aimlessly passed by her and ran off deeper into the Outside. The fox on her shoulder exclaimed, "Lady Yukari, a satori followed us to the outside! She could read our minds, and she might disappear, you know. What should we do?" "I wouldn't worry about it too much, Miss Ran. We've already met her before plenty of times, she is Koishi Komeiji, the sister of the Satori in Chireiden. Her third eye is sealed and won't be able to read minds. As long as she stays this way, she is the unknown and filled with surprises, just like me and the Nue that travels to this place. Plus, she's not from Gensokyo and I'm not working, so it's not my problem to worry about." Yukari turned back and looked at Koishi headed towards a grocery store, "But.... it would be interesting to watch her mischief while sleeping than whatever I was planning. Let's find a nice spot to watch her."
Yukari then opens another gap and enters into a marshy land, and lays down on the ground between the ponds. She then opens a gap on the ground that she can see out of and the other side located on the ceiling of the grocery store that Koishi had entered. Yukari and Ran both watch her gaze at the starry apples. Ran noticed something and became startled, "Lady Yukari, you see that? Her third eye opened a little bit, the stitches of the eye started to unravel and then it quickly closed shut again!" Yukari consoled her, "No matter how hard her 'self' tries to awaken and break free, she will never be able to undo the barrier, or the 'stitches', on the eye." They then watch Koishi collecting lots of apples. Koishi prances away to the exit, as the employees try to warn her that she didn't check out. Alarms by the door that Koishi exited had sounded and the manager on the loud speakers called for security. Yukari had closed the gap on the ground and rested her head on the muddy ground. "Oh dear... I guess she is getting into a lot of trouble..... I better take the satori back to her home," she sighed. Koishi danced away with bags of apples as the police were chasing her, Yukari opened a gap in front of an aimless Koishi, then closed it after she had entered. Ran asked Yukari, "Lady Yukari, should we summon the cat and the shikigami crows to dispose of the camera footage?" "Not needed.... The seal on her third eye makes everyone around her forget her. The asset protection managers will only know that someone had stolen those apples, and the camera will only show a girl stealing apples from the grocery store and never seen again. It will all only be a single column of a newspaper and nothing more," Yukari replied, "Nowadays, with every information that is spread, disinformation is also spread. Even if an outrageous article about youkai trends on social media, people will think the photo is fake or a hoax. Reactions to events such as this is subjective and relative to each one's own minds. With every human who believes that it is fake, there will be some who will believe that it was the work of an 'alien' in a human disguise, outsiders that genuinely believe in youkai. Feeding on that human fear of the unknown like that is what lets youkai like us thrive in the Outside." Ran tilted her little fox head, "That's true, but if everyone forgets about Koishi, then how are you able to remember her?" "It's because the stitches on her eye are a barrier, a barrier that separates her access of the conscious and the unconscious. Both the conscious and unconscious are the boundaries of thought itself that everyone can use, and that barrier separates them. Now, she only has access to the unconscious, even in those of others, with great effect, and her access to the conscious is suppressed, albeit the seal is not fully perfect. I could unravel the stitches, but it was her own decision to have the seal be done," Yukari continued, "Here, if you're so bored, why don't you go play around and find cattails for you and Chen to play with? The shrine maiden can take care of whatever duties we could for now." "Lady Yukari, I'm not like those other beasts!" Ran gazes at the cattails and purple loosestrife swaying from the wind by a small pond, "But... an order is still an order," Ran then scurried to the cattails and loosestrife.
Elsewhere, a girl, with a purple plaid dress and red glasses, reads from a computer screen showing a social media website, "That's a satori! One that my doppelgänger took pictures of even!" a post in the middle of the screen is shown from a news account that says, in English, "Woman Steals Apples From Grocery Store, Then Suddenly Disappears Without A Trace!" while indented then is read "This woman was only caught via CCTV cameras and police bodycamera footage, nobody even remembered her at all, and when she exited the building with bags of apples, none of the employees who had tried to warn her or the police who had chased her remembered the incident at all. Could it have been an alien, in a disguise? Could it have been stealing apples and controlling people's minds, making earthlings forget all about the act?" "Well, obviously the rest of the article is pretty bogus, it's getting quote ratio'd to death, but that satori is Miss Satori's sister who sealed her eye!" the girl excitedly claims, "If there are more youkai who can travel to the Outside other than Miss Futatsuiwa, then I must find them and make real and interesting posts better than these cringe articles!! Outsiders would totally believe in youkai again for sure! We could make the Outside World a much more interesting place than what it is now!"
Note: purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), part of the loosestrife (Lythraceae) family. It is a flower native to Greece, and Yukari/Merry is based on a Greco-Irish author born in Greece, Lafcadio Hearn/Yakumo Koizumi. The flower's name and the name of the plant family was coined from the general and successor to Alexander the Great and King of Thrace named Lysimachos(Λυσίμαχος), which in literal terms means loosestrife. Note 2: cognitive relativism is the philosophy of cognitive science that "the truth" (of an event) is relative to people's own minds and experiences. This is the subject that Merry majors in, although hers seems to be more on the spiritual/occultist side. Also, I tried my best to make sense of Koishi's seal, since in the lore the satoris' story tries to merge both psychology(most likely something that Merry studied a great deal with the major she chose, too) but also some spiritual/fantasy elements since they are youkai. Koishi is a pretty hard character to understand imo.
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asaka-lucy-touhou · 4 months
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I have a lot to say, but if I had to sum it up in one word, it would be: Tanabatazaka Mugen Nou is the best of the BEST.
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tarutarulettuce · 9 months
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tsubameyado · 5 months
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5月3日の博麗神社例大祭21にて、2015年の夏コミの際に作った本を9年ぶりに再版いたします。 とても古い本ではありますが今でも私がとても気に入っている本でして、それ以降に東方に入られた方にも是非読んでいただきたいと思い、今改めて再版いたしました。
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とても近いところにいても まるで天の果てのような 遠くにいるかのように会えないこと
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切り絵の黒の濃さと髪が透けることを利用した、仕掛けの本です。 例えばこのページでは、単ページで見るとメリーに蝶が近づいているだけですが、光に透かして見ると、そのイタズラな蝶を陰から紫が制している、という絵になります。
今回、再版にあたり何か内容の調整をした方がいいかと思ったのですが、どう調整しても当時のおもい美しさを損ねてしまうだけと思い、全くそのままにいたしました。 ※用紙のみ、より透けやすい軽やかな紙に変更いたしました。
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この頃から東方キャラクターもだいぶ増えましたし、またこんな本を作ってもいいかもしれませんね! まあ、このタイプの本はキャラクターを描くことそのものよりも、どんなギミックをどうやって仕込むかが一番大変です……
2024年5月3日 第21回博麗神社例大祭@東京ビッグサイト 東5ホール け17ab Tsubameyado
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axeempty · 2 years
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