sinoeurovoices · 2 months
(1)賴清德勝選,兩岸關係會否生變? 臺灣總統大選落幕,民進黨賴清德獲勝。眼下各方最關心的問題是:賴清德接任臺灣總統,兩岸關係將會發生哪些改變? 正像我先前講過的,賴清德當選總統,兩岸關係不會發生重大改變,中共不會對臺灣動武。因為賴清德明確表示在兩岸問題上他將維持現狀,不會搞台獨。順便說明,什麼是中共定義的台獨?很簡單,那就是修改中華民國憲法,把「大陸地區屬於中華民國」這句話拿掉。但既然賴清德宣稱他將遵循中華民國憲法,不會修憲,因此中共就不會對臺灣動武。 但是小的改變是會有的。因為賴清德本來就比蔡英文更綠。在勝選感言中,賴清德不把臺灣叫作中華民國而叫作「中華民國臺灣」,把大陸稱為「中國」,這在中共看來都暗含著很強的台獨色彩。所以大陸必定會做出一系列動作向賴清德施加壓力。事實上,因為中共也預估賴清德很可能勝選,因此早在去年12月就開始施壓,…
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【#新聞大家談 9/7】比醜時代?中共官場掀「表忠妖風」;20大前出訪、會普京,習近平犯固權大忌?地震災區詭變「清零重地」;從「范跑跑」到「不敢...
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mr-spice · 6 months
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vegehana-food · 4 months
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✿ 粉熟 ・粉熟(ふずく)。米・豆・胡麻などの粉に甘葛煎をあわせ、丸く成形したもの。源氏物語、「宿木(やどりぎ)」の帖に登場します。源氏の孫 匂宮に子供が生まれたお祝いに源氏の次男薫が贈ったお菓子でした。
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anamon-book · 5 months
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銭形平次の心-野村胡堂 あらえびす伝 藤倉四郎 文藝春秋 装幀=熊谷博人、装画=木俣清史
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fwoopersongs · 2 years
Do give the MV by CPC Music Channel a LIKE here!  I own nothing except the translation.
The State has a city, hey! The city is boxed. The city has a Lord, hey! Benevolent he was. The ministers are capable, hey! Pillars of the state. The Lord has an Empress, hey! She was just.
Sons, they died young; the succession fell from this line. Daughter, beloved and headstrong, fearful to the last. But the People too, were the Lord’s daughters and sons; in the streets, peace, stability - all were hale and well.
My wish is only one, to one day be myself; to follow my heart, be rightly filial, with no more ceaseless restraint for propriety, as a husband, free to shower affection on my wife, as a father, free to love and dote on my every child, to know my dearest as I did before, with no distance between us.
Our wish is only one, to limit Our desires as best We can, and both Lord and father need no longer worry for the morrow’. Prudence for a Lord is the most important virtue; the People are the very foundation of all under heaven. For the peace and stability of all the land, how dare We be willful?
Sons, they died young; the succession fell from this line. Daughter, beloved and headstrong, fearful to the last. But the People too, were the Lord’s daughters and sons; in the streets, peace, stability - all were hale and well.
My wish is only one, to one day be myself; to follow my heart, be rightly filial, with no more ceaseless restraint for propriety, as a husband, free to shower affection on my wife, as a father, free to love and dote on my every child, to know my dearest as I did before, with no distance between us.
Our wish is only one, to limit Our desires as best We can, and both Lord and father need no longer worry for the morrow’. Prudence for a Lord is the most important virtue; the People are the very foundation of all under heaven. For the peace and stability of all the land, how dare We be willful?
Serenade of Peaceful Joy came up in conversation with friends, and I thought to check it out on a whim.
Because the opening song starts with the little child singing in words easily parsed, it’s easy to be lulled into a state where you just sit back and enjoy the beautiful art in the drama’s opening. Even when the light male voice takes over at the second verse. But at the end of that verse,  百姓康↑ (i.e. the people are doing very well) sort of reeled me in again because the volume went up, but also - I did not detect any joy in that.  
And then I suddenly heard 惟愿我能一日为己 // My wish is only one, to one day be myself, and right onscreen was the puppet Emperor. So I came to the correct conclusion, that this line was in his voice and from his POV.
Then the camera zoomed out and seeing this scene of the people watching the stage reminded me of the child singing. I think when children sing songs that praise the goodness of their times, there is a shade more reliability. They aren’t stupid, and they can be startlingly observant. 
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Anyway, depictions of the imperial family amongst the cheerful commoners, contrasted with the most powerful man in the state tired of the constraints on his life imposed by his duty. That was just - uhg. 
The next line I heard clearly was 亦君亦父勿忧旦夕 // and both Lord and father need no longer worry for the morrow’ - which touched me more than it hurt? But it was an achy sort of moving. 
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Very innocently, I thought it was about the hard work and pressures that went into doing well as an Emperor for his people. 
(But you translate poetry, yj. You should know better!)
I wasn’t entirely off the mark ok.
So imagine my absolute shock when I actually pulled up the lyrics and saw the entire 2nd verse????
子皆寿短储落旁 Sons, they died young; the succession fell from this line. 女亦娇拗终惶惶 Daughter, beloved and headstrong, fearful to the last. 然民亦皆君子女 But the People too, were the Lord’s daughters and sons; 市井平宁百姓康 in the streets, peace, stability - all were hale and well.
The first line is already shocking. It also feels like something that would happen near the end of an Emperor’s rule. The choosing of a crown prince from a branch of the family, that is. You normally wouldn’t be doing that unless there is no other viable choice.  But more importantly, his sons all died young?! Truly tragic.
But his daughter (daughters? It feels like one though.), very treasured and headstrong, but passed fearful and uneasy? What happened here?
The second two lines feels like a consolation but also a ringing slap to the face. Like hey! Your personal life is a wreck, but at least you’ve done your job swimmingly. Perhaps it was at the cost of his family?
Next verse is the true wish! He uses ‘I’. This is a wish he makes as his personal self, just a normal man, wanting to be filial, wanting to be a good husband to his wife, a good father to his children, wanting to be himself and not have to suppress his nature and refrain from these things for propriety. 
The next verse shatters that wish into a million pieces. Here he uses 吾 as a self reference which I approximated with the royal We. For the rest of this life, he can never be just a normal man. He has to be a good emperor, prudent and dedicated, a father to his people. For peace and stability to be maintained, he cannot just do as he wishes. And the good news? In the narrative of this song, he succeeded!
So we have  Verse 1 - Commoner’s pride and praise of their State, city, benevolent emperor, capable ministers and fair empress. (The result, the surface) Verse 2 - May be the state of the country at the end of his rule. (The cost and the good done.) Verse 3 - A pipe dream. Maybe at the beginning before he fully mentally accepted the responsibility. (Start) Verse 4 - He’s accepted that he can’t have a normal life like that, and is now fully committed to the kingdom. (Turning point, go to Verse 2)
国有城兮城四方 城有君兮仁以长 臣忠能兮为栋梁 君有后兮持正方
子皆寿短储落旁 女亦娇拗终惶惶 然民亦皆君子女 市井平宁百姓康
惟愿我能一日为己 从心从孝勿思复礼 为夫恣情于内 为父舐犊于膝 识卿于初无疏离
但愿吾能尽节其欲 亦君亦父勿忧旦夕 慎乃君德之首 民为天下根基 为四海平宁何敢恣意
子皆寿短储落旁 女亦娇拗终惶惶 然民亦皆君子女 市井平宁百姓康
惟愿我能一日为己 从心从孝勿思复礼 为夫恣情于内 为父舐犊于膝 识卿于初无疏离
但愿吾能尽节其欲 亦君亦父勿忧旦夕 慎乃君德之首 民为天下根基 为四海平宁何敢恣意
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metal-cn · 10 months
そして、プールの構造やろな。最大傾斜は?少なくとも10-15度は、あった可能性。プール自体、決して難易度、低くないやろな。子供には。そして子供aがまだ幼い。泳ぎが達者な、伝統ある街だったか?もちろん、泳法に関わらず、水面から出ている場合は、ある。そのときに、直射を浴びて体調はどうやったか。直射病有無やろな。ほかにも同時にプールにおり類似の、症例を示していた人、おるかやろな。もちろん、aはどれくらい、プールにおったか?浸かりすぎるなどして、低体温症的なことには、なっておらへん、かったやもね。こんなときほど、AI腕時計、例えば、柿ウォッチやったか?、脈拍分かるんやから、必要やろうな。あと、地理的に、周囲に、滝、底なしの。ある街なんか?どうかもね。子供の遊び場としてね。By reports, in a swimming pool, a small child was found to be dead in Shiga of JPN.Tragedy enough, he was already dead when other child found him, not a saver. This blog supports if a small child swims in, an IOT watch should be had on. It must be water resilient,also be supposed.
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vsxfbd · 10 months
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sinoeurovoices · 4 months
台灣總統大選落幕,民進黨賴清德獲勝。眼下各方最關心的問題是:賴清德接任台灣總統,兩岸關係將會發生哪些改變? 正像我先前講過的,賴清德當選總統,兩岸關係不會發生重大改變,中共不會對台灣動武。因為賴清德明確表示在兩岸問題上他將維持現狀,不會搞台獨。順便說明,什麽是中共定義的台獨?很簡單,那就是修改中華民國憲法,把“大陸地區屬於中華民國”這句話拿掉。但既然賴清德宣稱他將遵循中華民國憲法,不會修憲,因此中共就不會對台灣動武。 但是小的改變是會有的。因為賴清德本來就比蔡英文更綠。在勝選感言中,賴清德不把台灣叫作中華民國而叫作“中華民國台灣”,把大陸稱為“中國”,這在中共看來都暗含著很強的台獨色彩。所以大陸必定會做出一系列動作向賴清德施加壓力。事實上,因為中共也預估賴清德很可能勝選,因此早在去年12月就開始施壓,宣布中止《海峽兩岸經濟合作框架協議》(ECFA)…
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【#新聞大家談 5/18】多生娃送購房優惠,中共催生出新招,另有用意?「封華絕代」,年輕人軟抗爭,該「絕代」的是中共;下令嚴管老幹部,習後院起火...
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mr-spice · 11 months
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shuaabxyooj · 10 months
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hngjkh · 1 year
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hisao-hirayama · 1 year
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#東京🗼 #新宿区 #歌舞伎町 #胡蝶蘭 #謹呈 #永井悠葵 #トラストツリーインベストメント #木下真一 #平山久雄 (歌舞伎町) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoKSEdQSAvE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hayasilin · 1 year
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江泽民遗体被送往北京八宝山火化 习近平、胡锦涛等人送别
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