chentailai · 8 months
【HP BLUE BEETLE 】My blue in the noche nevada【4】
TOccurrence cp:Traci Thirteen /jaime Reyes.
I used the translator, so tired and troublesome, and the operation of the web page here is very uncomfortable. Vpn! When will this mobile phone be able to use a vpn!
Jaime continued to stroll along the garden path, the bright starlight wrapped around the elves lit up the garden, and the decorative plants seemed to be painted by the Milky Way while shining
It was the most beautiful garden Jaime had ever seen, and he sat down on a gorgeous stone bench beside him to enjoy the peace and beauty
The noise at the ball made the world more peaceful for both of them It was as if there were elves playing a harp in the grass, and the beautiful melody gently lifted the ripples in Haimei's heart. The starry sky atChristmas was particularly clear, and Haimei watched the starry sky as beautiful as the night in her hometown. Under the magic, they could see the flowing Milky Way and the escaping nebulae
khaji da accompanied Jaime. He didn't understand what the atmosphere gave him, but he felt that it might be better to communicate with Jaime now, just like friends do [ Ed's right ]
[ Why did you turn down those girls' invitations ]
" Come on ..." Haimei's voice sounded faint, like a pebble flowing through the bottom of Chunchun Creek
" If a girl finds a talking scarab on my back after dating me, and even conjures up a bug suit for me to wear so that I can fly around in the sky, maybe she will be wanted by a bunch of people in green clothes ( definitely not my sister ) in the future, will she still want to be with me?"
Khaji da was silent, and the feeling hidden in the atmosphere completely engulfed him. He didn't know what to say, as if he were covered, and his heart fluctuated like a water snake in the sand
“come on……”海梅的声音听起来淡淡的,如淳淳溪水流过水底的鹅卵石
Jaime was still looking up at the stars, his right hand rubbing their wands, just a week after they went to Guy Gardner As a member of Oa, Guy told Jaime a lot about Oa and the wizard named Khajida
As one of the greatest enemies of Europe and Afghanistan, Khajida was the only one of the most powerful wizards of that era who did not enjoy a good reputation
Madman, cruel, ruthless, violent, that's what Ou'a said about the Azkaban prep
No history book even dared to record him. The only message about him in the library is: " However, not all wizards dare to improve the unstable evil spell or study the material curse as deeply as the founder of expulso curse, Khaji da.Bugsuit. This is a crazy research and development spirit and cannot be imitated."
That's right. Who but a madman would put himself in a bug shell?
Jaime couldn't tell whether she was afraid of Khaji daor complaining about her bad luck, perhaps both
But Khaji da, he has amnesia, which is a good thing, for everyone.
Jaime hopes he can keep amnesia and just be a grumpy bug Even if Khaji da doesn't want to, Jaime must always let him do it Even if it's not fair to Khaji da
He wasn't happy, and Jaime was with him In fact, Jaime wanted to tell him that he didn't blame him. Deep down in Jaime's heart, he believed that Khajida ... was getting better
After that, they rarely spoke, and Jaime admitted that he was afraid of what Kajida would do for the past, while Kajida was afraid of Jaime's response, and their relationship inevitably slipped downhill
Silence filled the garden, and the harp ceased
I don't know how long has passed, and the sound on the other side of the ballroom has dropped
Jaime decided to say something more to break the silence
" So ... let's pray to the Virgin Mary that I can meet a girl who can stand all this?"
" Jaime Reyes?"
A man heard a beautiful voice ringing in Jaime's ear. Jaime followed the sound and saw that the girl was sitting at his hand, sitting on a stone bench with him. It was her two moist lips that hooked his soul. As if everything was shrouded in the delightful magic of the brilliant night, her beautiful black eyes reflected the Milky Way and his twinkling brown pupils. She was wearing a long gauze evening dress woven by starlight, her long black hair fluttering in the silver light, and she had a jade body stripped from the starry sky, as beautiful as the night goddess
Jaime was stunned. The girl stared at him half puzzled and half interested. Asian face smiled and her earrings flashed. Jaime broke away from the confused state.
He suddenly reacted to her purpose and his gentleman status
" Ah ..." too wonderful for words, God's arrangement is satisfactory
Jaime got up from her seat, turned and reached out to the girl to take a walk
" How can I help you?"
" well ..." The girl accepted the invitation, reached out and caressed Jaime's outstretched hand, and they slowly walked down the path again
" Have you heard of celestas?" Jaime turned her head to listen to Khajida's popular science, but the other party was surprisingly quiet
" None"
" There is one in the forest of this school, and the school carriage is driven by Thestrals ..."
Jaime holds the mysterious girl's arm, and they go hand in hand like a pair of dancing partners
" They are magical animals that only those who have seen death can see."
" I was hoping you could help me with a problem with them."
" Save a few people, Blue Beetle." Her beautiful eyes blinked at Jaime, who don't pknew who he was
" Sounds like my job."
She withdrew lightly from Jaime's arms from the path, went to the depths of the forbidden forest, and turned to invite him to come with her sexily
Jaime was lured away from the glittering silver Christmas dinner
Traci !姐姐好帅我好爱她姐姐好飚姐姐好爱她姐姐!坏姐姐呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜!😍😍😍姐姐好帅!!!
Sister, no matter what you do, I love your bad sister, handsome sister😍
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drwcn · 2 years
[Without Envy ]- Snippet [12]
Extra excerpts from the last installment of Without Envy. I suggest you go read the last installment first and click back to this post; it'll make more sense!
English Translation following each paragraph. I always wanted to write something in Chinese, but a) I don't find my written Chinese to be very spectacular and b)I'm not exactly sure if there's enough audience for it on tumblr (and also I'm from Canada so... lol). Anyways I decided to try my hand at it this ones. You can read the snippet by just reading the English section. But it might be a bit weird/awkward at times because I had written this Chinese first and translated it.
Stepping into Fangfei Palace, Lan Xichen did not think the sight he would be confronted with would be one of Meng Yao nearly comatose with fever.
The frustrations and confusions he had felt during these preceeding weeks suddenly became inconsequential in that moment. Lan Xichen rushed to Meng Yao's bedside, gazing upon that face flushed red with fever. Seized by worry, he found he could not speak, only slowly reached for his loved one's hand that had escaped from beneath the blanket. The summer was upon them, but Meng Yao's hand was cold as ice.
Even Eunuch Lie - Lie Bing - seeing the soverign he had known and cared for since they were both boys look so lost, could not help but turn to the quivering servants and demand, "How could this have happened?"
三对膝盖与脑门咕咚一下落了地。 恨生不敢抬头,只是带着哭声陈诉说,“主子这几个月一直脾胃不良,没有食欲,也经常夜不能寐,所以身体一直欠佳,可总是说没什么,不用请太医。昨夜,主子说屋里热,睡不着,要去御花园走走。可谁料想忽来一阵雨,主子淋了雨着了寒, 今儿一早奴才——”
Three pairs of knees and foreheads hit the floor with a collective thud. Hen Sheng, Meng Yao personal eunuch and head of his household, did not dare raise his head, only responded to the question tearfully, "These months, Master often felt ill to the stomach, didn't have much of an appetite nor slept very well at night, so his health had suffered. But he insisted nothing was wrong, that we need not inform the imperial physicians. Last night, Master said it was too hot indoors to sleep, and wanted to go stroll in the garden. We did not think it would suddenly rain; Master was drenched and caught a chill, this morning I -"
“好了,恨公公,不用说了。” 裂冰打断了以往稳重可也关心则乱失了方寸的恨生。“还是快去请太医吧。” 又看了看还跪在一旁的宫女和侍卫, 这在缓过神发现,“怎么就你们几个?”
"Alright, Hen-gongong, there is no need to say more." Lie Bing interrupted the usually poised and collected Hen Sheng, who in his moment of worry had lost his ways. "Go now to fetch the physicians." Casting his gaze upon the maid and imperial guard still kneeling to the side, Lie Bing suddenly realized, "How come it's only you three?"
The handmaid was a seasoned servant serving in Meng Yao's household. Compared to the young guard, she appeared much more assured and calm. Seeing that he was afraid to answer, she spoke instead, "Ever since...the rumours circulated in the Palace that Lianfang-jun has lost His Majesty's favour, Master had allowed whoever wished to leave to do as they pleased. All that remained are us three."
Lan Xichen picked up the towel soaking in the ice water, and gently dabbed away the sweat collecting along Meng Yao's collar. Tears welling in his eyes overspilled, ran freely down his cheeks and dripped onto the silk covers of Meng Yao's blanket. Unbearable guilt and self-blame coiled tightly in his chest.
"The ministers criticize him, courtiers slanders him. They say he is deceptive and trecherous, is seductive and licentious, is ambitious and seditious, is ruthless and heartless. But everything he's done from the beginning was for me, a foolish Emperor, and I have treated him with such a cold disposition. It must have broken his heart, that's why he-"
“二哥。。。” 孟瑶昏昏沉沉,半梦半醒的唤着。
"Er-ge..." Meng Yao mumbled incoherently, half awake half asleep.
“阿瑶,二哥在呢。你烧的不轻,太医马上就到。别怕,二哥会一直陪着你的。” 扭脸吩咐裂冰,“去,吧凤王也请来。敛芳君病的如此都没人通报,要是再耽搁了怕他一会儿见了太医们又得发脾气。”
"A-Yao, Er-ge is here. Your fever is severe, the physicians will be here soon. Don't be afraid, Er-ge will stay by your side." At Lei Bing, Lan Xichen instructed, "Go forth and summon feng-wang. Lianfang-jun is so ill yet no one informed us. If you wait any longer, he will surely lose his temper at the physicians."
"Yes, my liege."
“陛下。” 蓝曦臣扭头回看,孟瑶真的是醒了。两只圆圆的大眼睛含着忧虑和不解,默默地盯着他。“陛下怎么来了,恕臣无礼——”
"Bixia," Lan Xichen turned, finding Meng Yao truly awake. Two big round eyes filled with hesitation and turmoil stared quietly back at him. "I did not know bixia has arrived, forgive me my lack of -"
"Now is no time for formalities."
Falling silent, Meng Yao merely attempted to pull back the hand Lan Xichen held in his, but found he could not for how tightly the emperor held it. Completely drained of energy, it was impossible to break free. Spending his days alone these past three months, Meng Yao had a lot of time to think. He thought of Wei Wuxian, whom he controlled like a puppet on strings, and how he had so willingly traded his life and freedom to keep Lan Wangji safe. Meng Yao and Wei Wuxian: were they not the same in the end? The same tremulous insignificant life. The only difference being, Wei Wuxian possesed a certain frankness of spirit that allowed him to let go when it was no longer wise to hold on. Yet Meng Yao, at the end, still could not cut loose his own selfish want. He yearned the peaceful days spent with Lan Xichen before the war, but also longed for the easiness when he was with Nie Mingjue. Da-ge knew his past, knew his visciousness, and though he did once fault Meng Yao, after their reconciliation and acceptance of each other's true nature, Da-ge was no longer the unbendable man he'd once been. Compared to Lan Xichen, in front of Nie Mingjue, Meng Yao was actually more honest and true. Was this not an escape? An absolution?
Meng Yao was tired, truly tired. He no longer wished to act, nor hide.
"Bixia, all the rumours are true. My mother was a lady of the night whose services were sought by Jin Guangshan. I too was born in that sullied place. My mother died when I was young, so it was the brothel madam who raised me, and who forced me to open my doors to patrons when I was turned thirteen. When I was fourteen, a wealthy merchant family purchased my contract from the brothel to be a boy concubine for the master of the house. Said Master wished to curry favour with the local official, so within a year, I was gifted to the premier of our province. It was not until General Nie came to re-organize and train the southern border troops, that I found a chance at life. The premier gave me up to Da'ge like a plaything, but Da'ge released me from my untouchable status, allowed me to stay and serve in the army. No one there knew my past, and Da'ge never used his knowledge of it to control me. But I knew in my heart that Da'ge was to be feng-jun, husband to the future emperor, and when that day came, he would leave me. I never imagined Da'ge would bring me to the palace, never imagined Bixia would -"
The words Meng Yao did not finish were washed away by Lan Xichen's tears.
“阿瑶 ——”
“臣知道,臣弄权,臣欺君,现在说什么都晚了。皇亲国戚,满朝文武,就连市井舆论都不会放过臣。是冷宫还是天牢我都不惧。孟瑶无悔因为 —— 陛下 ,如果臣说从未有想害陛下的念头,陛下相信吗?”
"I know, I amassed power, I lied to my soverign, now it's too late for any excuses. The extended royal family, ministers of the court, even the citizens on the street would never forgive me. No matter where I am destined, be it the Cold Palace or the Imperial Prison, I am not afraid. I have no regrets, because - Bixia, if I said I never had any intention at all to hurt you, would you believe me?"
Lan Xichen's heart was broken. Helplessly, he closed his eyes and brought his loved one into his arms. "A-Yao, there is no Cold Palace, no Imperial Prison. As long as I sit on the throne, you will be my beloved and respected Lianfang-jun. If I am not the emperor, you will still be Lan Huan's Meng Yao. I already lost Da'ge once, I can't bear to part with you too. We agreed to grow old together, you cannot break that promise."
In the tightness of the embrace, Meng Yao felt nearly breathless. Plus his fever-addled mind, he did not know how to respond in that second. Only, the tenderness of that embrace and the conviction of those words melted the fortitude that kept him going these three months. He held onto Lan Xichen's robes, terrified that this warmth and love were figments of his dream.
A-Yao is sick?? No one reported it??? What the hell are we paying you alot for??? Those disloyal bastard servants - their utter gall! Did they think because I was not in the palace this past month that there will be no consequences?!!
凤王息怒 —
Feng-wang, please forgive -
太医院也是,都多少日子了也没来请一次平安脉 —
All those imperial physicians too! How many days has it been since they came for a wellness check?!
From beyond the door came the sound of Nie Mingjue swearing. Lan Xichen chuckled, slowly laying Meng Yao back down. "You best lie down again. If Da'ge sees me holding you later, he'll scold me for disturbing your rest."
Meng Yao blushed, but obediently allowed Lan Xichen to tuck him in.
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rigelmejo · 2 years
Now on chapter 21/33 of 夜半衣寒!
So I've read idk around ~75,000 characters this week >o<)/
Some notes:
It's completely obvious WHY people tell you it's easier to stick to the same author. And yet the actual easiness hitting me is making me actually learn the dang lesson. The repetition the writer uses in word choice for horror, architecture, idioms, and general descriptions is definitely particular to them and I'm now to the point where I'm running into maybe 1-2 things a chapter I don't know (usually 4 hanzi idioms I can guess fairly close to, or a word i guess but feel I might be guessing wrong like a 然 word i ran into which I thought meant suddenly but actually meant "slouch/hang" like hang your head in disappointment). Which, I don't know if yall know where my reading level is at but. It feels WILD to read all of this and realize I understand everything:
This part 装腔作势,is all that I didn't get, it means posturing/put on airs. (Aka Xiao Hua is like "why did you put it that way and imply he's the killer??! Rude of u hei xiazi!")
Like, it is absolutely mind blowing to me this is all readable now. That I don't need a dictionary to follow the plot or these details. That this story, which I read a year ago and BARELY managed to follow the main plot With a click dictionary, I am now understanding this well just reading through like anything I'd read. My speed was 150 cpm when I measured it earlier this week (a bit slower than my target goal 200 cpm), but it feels to me like english reading speed (so even if it's not that fast it doesn't feel slow enough to demotivate me). So the only thing slowing my reading, that I notice, is my tendency to jump between things when I try to read like story and tumblr and reddit and youtube and story etc lol.
Anyway, the boost in comprehension of this definitely makes me want to lean toward reading 寒舍, in part because I now know I'd be able TO read it like this and not feel it's difficult (for the most part). A big potential reason to go to hanshe next. The upside: easier to just keep extensively reading and picking more words up. The downside: I do know I learn more and pick more New stuff up when I read stuff with more unknowns TO learn, so I'd learn more moving to something significantly different (but I'd read slower and it'd feel harder).
Other potential options to read next: finish dmbj 1 (I'm halfway done ToT), tangstory's novels since I realized I might be able to revisit them now, possibly priests 大哥 which (very shallowly lol) based on the title I predict might be one of the easier priest books to attempt, cang lan jue, liu li (love and redemption novel), or maybe something on Heavenly Paths recommendations list?
Anyway, in short, I've reached a huge personal milestone. It's so cool to read a story I had wanted to read and be able to do it and understand and feel like it's ordinary reading. I know I've "prestudied" this story before in that I've read at least half of it, two times prior with a click dictionary, so these are words I'm understanding now I definitely have looked up probably 10 or more times before. But I still can finally handle it, which is a cool experience!
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wangwill66 · 2 months
Stop Wasting Time: End Procrastination in 5 weeks with Proven Productivity Techniques
原文作者:Garland Coulson
譯者: 劉佳澐
1. 憂慮者──「我不斷想著截止時間,想像可能會出問題,於是我的進度就落後了。」
2. 完美主義者──「我花好多時間修改和抓錯,導致我遲遲沒有完工。」
3. 濫好人──「我每件事都答應幫忙,最後根本沒時間完成自己的工作!」
4. 瞎忙族──「我總在各個工作項目之間團團轉,整天都很忙碌,卻什麼也沒完成。」
5. 隱性拖延症患者──「我總是遲遲沒有動工,導致最後關頭時,必須耗盡心力才能完成。」
1. 乏味或無趣的任務:比如上班族可能會覺得報帳很無聊,因而被其他更有趣的任務吸引。
2. 結束日期不明確的長期任務:相較於短期又明確,無法帶來立即的滿足感。
3. 無法勝任的任務:新事物往往會帶來不確定感,並且需要付出很多努力才能完成。
4. 與衝突有關的任務:衝突讓人身心俱疲,於是我們自然而然想要拖延,希望麻煩自行解除。
5. 由不喜歡的人或雇主所指派的任務:當我們對主管、同事或整個工作場所都感到憤怒不滿時,就很難有效率地執行工作。
6. 令人不知所措的任務:例如,你有一大堆家事要做,要吸地、拖地、除塵、清理冰箱、洗床單等等,一想到這份量你就不知所措。
➤ 明白自己為什麼拖延
➤ 學會停止拖延的技巧
➤ 在你的行程表上建立「上部結構」,確保所有任務都完成了
➤ 學會將注意力集中在所需之處,取得最大成效
➤ 實施一項自我激勵的計畫
➤ 為一輩子的實踐打下基礎
1 什麼阻礙了你? 
2 第一週:停止逃避,展開行動  
3  第二週:建立你的上部結構  
4 第三週:對付時間小偷   
5 第四週:集中注意力!   
6 第五週:保持動力  
7 邁向成功之路 
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yeonchi · 11 months
Kisekae Insights #34: One Country Two (Naming) Systems
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If the woke left wants places and cities to be known by their traditional Indigenous names, then I’m allowed to do this shit. In other words, if the left wants Melbourne to be known as Naarm, then I'm allowed to call it Hong Kong.
After coming back from a trip to Hong Kong in 2005 (that I missed 3 weeks of school for), I started giving places and suburbs in Melbourne counterpart names, thereby shaping Melbourne into my version of Hong Kong. I got so into it that even my parents got annoyed at me for doing this, particularly on Facebook (back in the day, there was a map you could access from your timeline of all the places you tagged in your photos, so having a lot of pins in Hong Kong and Japan was something that looked really cool to me).
Of course, in Year 8, I shared my system to the world as part of a “personal best” project, first to my class and then to a bunch of people who were the parents of those selected by each class to present their projects in front of the school principals (I only got selected since nobody else in the class was willing to do it presumably). Naturally, barely anyone understood and maybe a few people laughed, but I imagine everyone there thought, “oh, he’s a bit of a travelled boy for someone with so much free time lol.” I never thought about naming it One Country Two (Naming) Systems until 2016.
Over the years my names for places have changed, particularly after my first trip to Japan in 2011 that brought a big shake-up to my system in the way of establishing prefectures the size of suburbs and naming most of Melbourne after cities and towns in Japan. I’m a fucking weeb, aren’t I?
What does this have to do with my personal project, you might ask. Well, this version of Hong Kong is where a majority of my stories are set. I’ve been keeping the location settings of my stories vague for privacy reasons, but it’s not like some people don’t know what city I live in already. The rest of Australia is also divided into and named after provinces in China, but that’s not important. In this filler instalment of Kisekae Insights, I want to introduce you all to each region of my Hong Kong along with the prefectures and their major cities. Let’s get right into it.
Hokkaido 北海道: Mount Dandenong region
Tohoku Region 東北地方
Aomori 青森: Craigieburn
Akita 秋田: South Morang
Yamagata 山形: Hurstbridge
Fukushima 福島: Epping
Tung Chung 東涌: Broadmeadows
Hokuriku Region 北陸地方
Kanazawa 金沢: Heidelberg
Toyama 富山: Greensborough
Nagano 長野: Preston
Fukui 福井: Essendon
Kōbō 港防: Coburg
Tōkai Region 東海地方
Gifu 岐阜: Eltham
Tsu (Mie) 津 (三重): Templestowe
Nagoya (Aichi) 名古屋 (愛知): Doncaster
Niigata 新潟: Doncaster East
Fo Tan 火炭: Warrandyte
Taiwan Region 台湾地方
Tai Po 大埔: Lilydale
Sha Tin 沙田: Ringwood
Ma On Shan 馬鞍山: Croydon Hills
Hsinchu 新竹: Croydon
Hualien 花蓮: Mooroolbark
Accessible through the Archangel Tunnels are Taipei/New Taipei 臺北/新北, Taoyuan 桃園, Keelung 基隆 and Yilan 宜蘭.
Popei Island 浦北島, Parris Island ぱりすあいらんど and Minato-Sugaru Island 港携島 are administratively part of this region.
Kantō Region 関東地方
Ho Man Tin (Yau Tsim Mong) 何文田 (油尖旺): Nunawading
Maebashi (Gunma) 前橋 (群馬): Box Hill
Utsunomiya (Tochigi) 宇都宮 (栃木): Vermont
Mito (Ibaraki) 水戸 (茨城): Glen Waverley
Sham Shui Po 深水埗: Clayton
Kwun Tong 觀塘: Wheelers Hill
Yokohama (Kanagawa) 横浜 (神奈川): Knoxfield
Hanzhong 漢中: Ferntree Gully
Hung Hom (Kowloon City) 紅磡 (九龍城): Rowville
Zhongshan 中山: Bayswater
Yuen Long 元朗: Boronia
Sendai (Miyagi) 仙台 (宮城): Wantirna
Accessible through the Archangel Tunnels is Tin Shui Wai 天水圍.
Shutoken Region 首都圏地方
Accessible through the Archangel Tunnels are Tokyo 東京, Saitama 埼玉, Chiba 千葉, Sao Paulo, Cardiff and Shizuoka 静岡
Kyontong Island 洪東島 is administratively part of this region.
Kōshinetsu Region 甲信越地方
Morioka (Iwate) 盛岡 (岩手): Balwyn
Kofu (Yamanashi) 甲府 (山梨): Camberwell
Chengdu 成都: Malvern
Chongqing 重慶: Prahran
Hong Kong Region 香港地方
Hong Kong 香港: Melbourne
North Point (Hong Kong East) 北角 (東區): Richmond
Aberdeen 香港仔: South Melbourne
Repulse Bay (Hong Kong South) 淺水灣 (南區): St Kilda
Kinki Region (Kansai) 近畿地方 (関西)
Ōsaka 大阪: Footscray
Kyōto 京都: Sunshine
Kōbe (Hyōgo) 神戸 (兵庫): Deer Park
Wakayama 和歌山: Williamstown
Nara 奈良: Maribyrnong
Ōtsu (Shiga) 大津 (滋賀): Werribee
Chugoku Region 中国地方
Hiroshima 広島: Caulfield
Okayama 岡山: Cheltenham
Takamatsu (Kagawa) 高松 (香川): Braeside
Matsue (Shimane) 松江 (島根): Carrum Downs
Tottori 鳥取: Chelsea
Yamaguchi 山口: Sandringham
Shikoku Region 四国地方
Matsuyama (Ehime) 松山 (愛媛): Cranbourne
Kwai Chung (Kwai Ching) 葵涌 (葵青): Narre Warren
Sai Kung 西貢: Pakenham
Kōchi 高知: Frankston
Tokushima 徳島: Springvale
Tsuen Wan 荃灣: Dandenong
Kyūshū/Ryūkyū Region 九州地方/琉球弧
Fukuoka 福岡: Mornington
Kumamoto 熊本: Dromana
Nagasaki 長崎: Rosebud
Kagoshima 鹿児島: Portsea
Miyazaki 宮崎: Flinders
Ōita 大分: Hastings
Saga 佐賀: Rye
Naha (Okinawa) 那覇 (沖縄): Cowes
Sheung Shui 上水: Wonthaggi
As a bonus, here are some cities outside Hong Kong in the provincial enclave I call Guangdong Province. A lot of these place names are even vaguer and not entirely fixed because I’ve had to rename place names to fit in the names of other places where they are closer to their original counterparts in China. Because there are so many places I can name before I run out, certain place names are taken from neighbouring provinces, and those counterparts in my personal project can cover areas between two states in Australia. At the same time, Australian states can fit several Chinese provinces.
Guangdong 廣東
Magadan: Healesville
Shenzhen 深圳: Geelong
Yangjiang 陽江: Warrnambool
Zhanjiang 湛江: Port Fairy
Foshan 佛山: Ballarat
Yunfo 雲浮: Ararat
Zhaoqing 肇慶: Maryborough
Qingyuan (Guangzhou) 清遠 (廣州): Bendigo/Castlemaine
Hengyang 衡陽: Swan Hill
Shaoguan 韶關: Echuca
Heyuan 河源: Seymour
Heping 和平: Shepparton
Longyan 龍巖/Yongding 永定: Albury/Wodonga
Dongguan 東莞: Warragul
Changping 常平: Traralgon
Jieyang 揭陽: Bairnsdale
If the name Guangdong had to be Westernised to fit the original state’s English name, I’d rename it Guangtoria. Anyway, thanks for making it through this post. If you’ve managed to get to this point without getting a migraine, then congratulations, you’re as crazy as I am. See you all next time when I write something more interesting.
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billadler · 2 years
最後の決断 (One Last Decision)
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I hope you enjoy One Last Decision. You can read the English version here. If you like One Last Decision, you can also subscribe to my free story-a-week newsletter. More than anything, a story wants to be read. 
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cupiporo · 2 years
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3月4日(土)と5日(日)に丸井今井札幌大通館3階で開催される「SLOW living week at丸井今井札幌」に出店します。 久しぶりの出店、とても楽しみです。 10時から18時まで販売していますので、お立ち寄りいただけましたら嬉しいです。 お会計は現金のみです。 ご不便をおかけいたします。 価格は税込でブローチは2200〜2750円 マトリョーシカは8800〜19800円です。 私の出店は4日と5日のみですが、イベントは2日から開催されていて、日替わりでパンや焼き菓子も並ぶそうでワクワクしています☺️ #Repost @n_slowliving ・・・ 【3/2~5 丸井今井札幌にてイベント開催🌿】 まだまだ雪道で移動がしずらい北海道の冬。帯広のお店まで来られないという方のために、札幌でイベントを主催します☺️ 今回は15軒の作り手の皆さんと一緒に開催。札幌で小さなスロウ村のような空間を展開します🌲 日替わりで全道各地のパンや焼き菓子、SLOW livingの商品もいろいろお持ちしますので、皆さまのお越しをお待ちしております🙇 【イベント概要】 SLOW living week at丸井今井札幌 ■日時 2023年3月2日(木)~5日(日) 10:30~18:00 ■場所 丸井今井札幌店 大通館3階YORIAI MARKETスペース(エスカレータ前) 【出展者の皆さま】※特に記載のない方は全日出展です ・atelier polura(札幌市) ※3/4土・5日のみ @atelier.polura ガラスアクセサリー ・amina+(幕別町) ※3/4土・5日のみ @aminaplus_ 牛革や十勝のエゾシカ革を使った革小物 ・奥土農場石窯パン工房(ニセコ町) ※3/2木のみ @okutsuchi1979 パン・焼き菓子 ・Cafe&Life akao(池田町) ※3/4土・5日のみ @akaoo 焼き菓子、コーヒー豆 ・菅野養蜂場(訓子府町) 国産天然はちみつ、はちみつ関連商品 ・green樹(七飯町)@greenju8 野草茶(茶葉) ・工房 和香奈(興部町) ※3/2木・3金のみ @cooboo_wakana 陶器の茶碗やマグカップ ・水明窯(札幌市)@suimeigama 粉引、半磁器等の白い食器や撒きの窯の焼き締めの食器や花入れ ・cupiporo(札幌市) ※3/4土・5日のみ @cupiporo ブローチ、マトリョーシカ ・ナニナニ製菓(室蘭市) ※3/5日のみ @naninani_seika 焼菓子とパン ・bankeiねんど小屋(札幌市) @b.nendogoya 陶器、カップ、お皿、ハニワの箸置きなど ・Sjunde himlen.(芽室町) ※3/3金・4土のみ @luke_sjundehimlen 洋服、エプロン、布バッグ ・marucuru(札幌市) ※3/3金・4土のみ @marucuru.sweet 焼き菓子 ・闇月創房(札幌市) @yamitsuki.sobo 真鍮クラフト ・rosa rugosa(浦幌町) @rosarugosa_ciokay オーガニックコスメ「ロサ・ルゴサ」 ----------------------------- 🏠northern style studio SLOW living 2022年5月27日、帯広市にオープン。スロウ編集部が心から「いいな」と思う、素敵な器や雑貨、おいしいパンや加工品を集めて、実際に手にとっていいただけるショップです。 📚northen style スロウとは 北海道で暮らす私たちが、北の暮らしや人、モノ、お話などを見つめ直し、楽しむための本。北海道で暮らしながら培った私たちの視点で、北国の足元の豊かさを届けます。 本づくりの日々 @magazine_slow  オンラインでのお買い物 @slow_onlineshop ウェブメディア @slowbiyori_ -------------------------------- #slowliving #北海道 #セレクトショップ #スロウのお店 #スロウ #northernstyleスロウ #スロウリビング #北海道生まれ #北海道産が揃う店 #丸井今井札幌 #yoriaimarket #札幌イベント #スロウ村の仲間たち https://www.instagram.com/p/CpAWdfKPUxP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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spst-haru · 3 years
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[ 橙黄・花手水 ] . . . 元気な橙黄色の花咲く 手水鉢。 . . . ==================== 📸 2021.09 Gyodahachiman Jinja, Gyoda, Saitama . Nikon D5300 ⛩💐⛩💐⛩💐⛩💐⛩ ==================== . . . #japan #saitama #gyoda_hanachozuweek #hanachozuweek #gyoda_hanachozuweek_gyodahachimanjinja #gyoda_hanachozuweek_gyodahachimanshrine #gyodahachimanjinja #gyodahachimanshrine #gyodahachimanjinja_hanachozu #gyodahachimanshrine_hanachozu #hanachozu #gyodahachimanjinja_chozu #gyodahachimanshrine_chozu #chozu #埼玉 #行田  #行田_花手水week #花手水week #行田_花手水week_行田八幡神社 #行田八幡神社 #行田八幡神社_花手水 #花手水 #行田八幡神社_手水 #花彩る手水 #flower_colored_chozu #adobephotoshoplightroom #nikond5300 #instagram #photo #photography (行田八幡神社) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWDi-lXpPi2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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damare-draws · 4 years
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A Naga’s Dream 🏵️🍎🐍
Do you dare to take a bath here?
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jemch · 3 years
How It’s Made Index(S21~S30)
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How It’s Made是由 Discovery Channel 制作一款王牌节目,又被翻译为制造的原理或造物小百科, 本片从2001年推出至今,涵盖了几乎所有的制造技术 ,非常适合机械专业和对此感兴趣的同学。希望大家享受这趟制造的艺术之旅!
S21E01 Rubber Gloves; Soap Carvings; Aircraft Cabinets; Motorcycle Brake Locks 橡胶手套,肥皂雕刻,飞机木柜,摩托车制动锁
S21E02 Powder Horns; Handcrafted Molds; Perogies; Inner Tubes 粉角,手工模具,饺子,内胎
S21E03 Lace; Antique Frame Replicas; Orchids; Unicycle Wheel Hubs 蕾丝,古董架复制品,兰花,独轮车轮毂
S21E04 External Hard Drives; Frozen Shrimp; Thai Rice Boxes; Paper Towel 外置硬盘,冷冻虾,泰国米箱,纸巾
S21E05 Tea; Roof Finials; Artificial Flowers; Alloy Wheels 茶,屋顶饰物,人造花,合金轮毂
S21E06 Gel Caps; Playground Spring Riders; Frozen Pancakes; Natural Rubber 胶囊,摇摇玩具,冷冻煎饼,天然橡胶
S21E07 Paper Umbrellas; Coal; Aircraft Seats; Urns 纸伞,煤,飞机座椅,瓮
S21E08 Aluminum Canoes;Wood Bowls;Wheelchair Accessible Vans;Marimbas 铝独木舟,木碗,残疾人改装车,木琴
S21E09 Indy Car Seats; Paper Flowers; Stand-by Generators; 赛车座椅,纸花,备用发电机
S21E10 Knee Replacements; Leaf Springs; Lavender; Rivets and Rivet Tools 膝关节置换,钢板弹簧,薰衣草,铆钉和铆钉的工具
S21E11 Cast Iron Stoves; Ultralight Aircraft; Snow Groomers; Rubber Bands 铸铁炉具,超轻型飞机,推雪车,橡皮筋
S21E12 Barber Chairs; Sewage Pumps; Bimini Boat Tops; Diesel Filters 理发椅,污水泵,比米尼游乐船,柴油过滤器
S21E13 Car Tires; Silk; Art Conservation; Scuba Tanks 汽车轮胎,丝绸,艺术保护,潜水氧气瓶
S22E01 Electric Stand-Up Vehicles; Frozen Fruit; Beer Coasters; Forged Door Handles 电动站立车,冰冻水果,啤酒杯垫,锻造门把手
S22E02 Rock Crushers;Fabric Lampshades;Cake Sprinkles;Steam Irons 岩石破碎机,织物灯罩,蛋糕彩条,蒸汽熨斗
S22E03 Indy Steering Wheels;Mixed Salad;Wind Turbines 印地赛车方向盘,什锦沙拉,风力涡轮机
S22E04 Blast Doors; Lipstick; Artificial Palm Trees; Brass Plaques 防爆门,口红,人造棕榈树,黄铜牌匾
S22E05 Carbon Fiber; Antique Frame Restoration; Railcar Movers; Hood Ornaments 碳纤维,古董保存架,有轨机车,车头装饰品
S22E06 Sawhorses and Toolboxes;Sorbet Pops;School Buses 史丹利工具箱,便携汁冰糕,校车
S22E07 Sanders;Solid Terrain Models;Stucco;High-Speed Roll-up Doors 抛光机,固体地形模型,水泥,高速卷门
S22E08 Pressed Glass;Pickup Truck Caps;Alpaca Yarn;Utility Knives 压制玻璃,敞蓬小型载货卡车,羊驼纱线,工具刀
S22E09 Body Casting; Downdraft Stoves; Compression Garments; Electric Motorcycles 身体模型,气流炉灶,长袜,电动摩托车
S22E10 Sidecars;Frozen French Toast;Refrigerator Compressors;Superchargers 摩托侧箱,冷冻法式土司,冰箱压缩机,增压器
S22E11 Custom Knee Braces;Air Conditioners;Window Films;Motorcycle Exhaust 定制膝盖支撑,空调,窗户贴膜,摩托车排气管
S22E12 Solid State Drives;Eye Shadow;Limousines;Dead Blow Hammers 固态硬盘,眼影,豪华加长轿车,香槟锤
S22E13 Dragster Tires; Icing; Floating Docks; Spiral Pipes 赛车轮胎,冰淇淋,飘浮船坞,螺旋管
S23E01 Motion Sensors; Belt Loaders; Pheasant Breeding; Diving Helmets 运动传感器,带式装载机,野鸡养殖,潜水头盔
S23E02 Rawhide Lampshades; Chocolate Chip Cookies; MRI Scanners 皮灯罩,巧克力饼干,核磁共振成像扫描仪
S23E03 Noise Barrier Walls; Front-Load Washers; Bourbon; Flexible Circuit 声音屏障墙,滚筒洗衣机,威士忌,柔性电路板(FPC)
S23E04 Railway Bridge Ties; Membrane Filters; Hydraulic Post Drivers; Bi-Planes 铁路桥梁枕木,膜过滤器,桩机,四翼飞机
S23E05 Hospital Laundry; Brass Instrument Restoration; Horse Replicas; Excavation 医院洗衣,铜管乐器修复,马复制品,挖掘机挖斗
本集看点: 用玻璃纤维制作空心复制品;巨厚钢板的激光切割,折弯与焊接;
S23E06 Ceramic Fireplaces; Synthetic Corks; Parking Garage Floor Slabs 陶瓷壁炉,合成软木塞,车库楼板
本集看点: 多种塑胶粒子组合的连续注塑;
S23E07 Oil Pressure Sensors; Printing; Equipment Simulators; Head & Neck Restraints 油压传感器,大型印刷,设备模拟器,护颈
本集看点: 打金线制程;
S23E08 Mobile Concert Stages; Mascara; Continuous Miners; Wood Gift Boxes 移动音乐会舞台,睫毛膏,挖煤机,木制礼品盒
S23E09 NASCAR Car Bodies; Hurley Sticks; Tube Amplifiers; Thermal Coffee Pots 纳斯卡跑车车身,赫尔利球球棒,声音放大器,热咖啡壶
S23E10 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations; Grappa; Lunar Rover Replicas 电动汽车充电站; 格拉巴酒; 月球车复制品
S23E11 Slate Tiles; Hot Dog Carts; Garage Door Openers; Bicycle Seats 板岩瓷砖;热狗车; 车库门开启器; 自行车座椅
S23E12 Racing Leathers; Evaporative Cooling Towers; Rocking Chairs; Wire Wheels 赛车皮革;蒸发冷却塔; 摇椅; 钢丝轮
本集看点: 滚丝螺纹工艺;
S23E13 Mountain Bikes; Rice; Lever Action Rifles 山地自行车;大米;杠杆动作步枪
S23E14 Shark Week Edition: Surfboards; Diving Regulators; SCUBA Tanks; Water Skis 回收冲浪板; 潜水调节器; 潜水氧气瓶; 滑水板
S23E15 300th Episode - Shark Week Edition: Sails; Reef Aquariums; Oceanographic Buoys; Folding Kayaks 风帆; 珊瑚礁水族馆; 海洋浮标; 折叠皮划艇
S24E01 Saunas; Wheelchair Lifts; Dioramas 桑拿; 轮椅升降机; 立体模型
S24E02 Oil Lamps; Chocolate Mints; Underfloor Heating; Pillows 油灯; 巧克力薄荷糖; 地板采暖; 枕头
S24E03 Upright Pianos; Flags; Wet/Dry Vacuums; Medieval Axes 立式钢琴; 旗帜; 湿式/干式吸尘器; 中世纪斧头
S24E04 Skeletal Replicas; Ice Buckets; Dining Chairs; Inground Pools 骨骼复制品; 冰桶; 餐椅; 地下游泳池
S24E05 Automatic Sliding Doors; Gin; Firearms Restoration 自动推拉门; 杜松子酒; 枪械修复
S24E06 Scuba Lights; Sandals; Race Car Simulators; Fibreglass Doors 潜水灯;凉鞋;赛车模拟器; 玻璃钢门
S24E07 Wood Windows; Cashmere Fabric; Plastic Recycling; Architectural Glass 木窗; 羊绒面料; 塑料回收; 建筑玻璃
S24E08 Gas Barbecues; Mattress Pads; Ear Prostheses 燃气烧烤炉; 床垫; 耳假体
S24E09 Recycled Skateboards; Braided Pastry; Construction Trailers; Vises 回收滑板; 编织糕点; 施工拖车; 虎钳
S24E10 Plasma Gems; Special Effects Snow; Piano Restoration 等离子宝石; 特效雪; 钢琴修复
S24E11 3-Wheel Electric Bikes; Skin Cream; Patio Heaters; Wood Wheels 三轮电动自行车; 润肤霜; 天井取暖器; 木轮
S24E12 Old West Holsters; Underwater Video Housings; Soy Beverages; Pet Nail Trimmers 老西部皮套; 水下视频外壳; 大豆饮料; 宠物指甲修剪器
S24E13 Wood Garage Doors; Sand and Salt Spreaders; Animatronic Dinosaurs 木车库门; 沙子和盐撒布机; 电子动画恐龙
S25E01 Grammy Awards; Bicycle Lights; Above-Ground Pools; Foldable Solar Panels 格莱美奖; 自行车灯; 地上游泳池; 可折叠太阳能电池板
S25E02 Led Stage Lights; Apple Cider; Chemical Tank Trailers; Ornate Stone Floor LED舞台灯; 苹果酒; 化学品罐拖车; 华丽的石地板
S25E03 Fishing Line; Industrial Mixers; Natural Baking Soda; and Tow Trucks 钓鱼线; 工业搅拌机; 天然小苏打; 拖车
S25E04 Storage Sheds; Industrial Fans; Parchment Paper; and Climbing Walls 储藏棚; 工业风扇;羊皮纸;攀岩墙
S25E05 Precast Concrete Walls; 3D Printers; Telescopic Cranes; Kerosene Lamp Burners 预制混凝土墙; 3D 打印机; 伸缩式起重机; 煤油灯燃烧器
S25E06 Car Headlamps; Directional Drills; Pet Combs; and Stained Glass Restoration 汽车大灯; 定向钻; 宠物梳子; 彩色玻璃修复
S25E07 Handcrafted Skis; Septic Tanks; Hydroformed Chassis Parts; Aquarium Windows 手工制作的滑雪板; 化粪池; 液压成型底盘零件; 水族馆窗户
S25E08 Zip Line Brakes; Silk Fiber Lamps; Round Balers; Comfort Shoes 拉链线制动器; 丝纤维灯; 圆形打包机; 舒适鞋
S25E09 Armored Vehicles; Tension Fabric Buildings; Rowers; Sculpture Enlargements 装甲车; 张力织物建筑; 划船者; 雕塑放大
S25E10 Mountain Bike Suspensions; Surgical Sutures; Grain Dryers; and Frying Pans 山地自行车悬架; 手术缝合; 谷物烘干机; 煎锅
S25E11 Downhill Ski Bindings; Immersion Washers; Mining Ventilation; Pencil Sharpeners 速降滑雪绑定; 浸入式垫圈; 矿用通风; 卷笔刀
S25E12 Gingerbread Houses; Livestock Trailers; Hangar Doors; and Toy Figurines 姜饼屋; 牲畜拖车; 机库门; 玩具公仔
S25E13 Traffic Signal Poles; Coffee Filters; and Chainsaw Mining Machines; 交通信号杆; 咖啡过滤器; 链锯采矿机;
S26E01 Time-Delay Locks; Brownies; Pallet Dispensers; and Crystal Chandeliers 延时锁; 布朗尼; 托盘分配器; 水晶吊灯
S26E02 Bead Wire; Mini Pepperoni; Irrigation Sprinklers; and Leather Gloves 珠线; 迷你意大利辣香肠; 灌溉喷头; 皮手套
S26E03 Mouth-Blown Window Glass; Water Pumps; Sake; Tweezers 口吹窗玻璃; 水泵; 清酒; 镊子
S26E04 Statue Restoration; Tripods; Polish Sausages; Welding Guns 雕像修复; 三脚架; 波兰香肠; 焊枪
S26E05 Champagne; ATMs; Marine Turbochargers; 香槟酒; 自动取款机; 船用涡轮增压器;
S26E06 Sharpening Steels; Bladder Pumps; Ironing Boards; and Kayak Paddles 磨刀钢; 膀胱泵; 烫衣板; 皮划艇桨
S26E07 Champagne Hoods; Pneumatic Systems; Espresso Machines; Pizza Ovens 香槟罩; 气动系统; 浓缩咖啡机; 比萨烤箱
S26E08 Stile & Rail Doors, Steam Cleaners, Hand-Held Pizzas, and Power Brushes 轨道门;蒸汽清洁器;手持比萨饼;电动刷
S26E09 Industrial Casters; Wedding Cakes; THz Spectrometers; Racing Catamarans 工业脚轮; 婚礼蛋糕; 太赫兹光谱仪; 竞速双体船
S26E10 Ceramic Grills, Pneumatic Punchers, Water Jet Fountains, Wooden Surfboards 陶瓷烤架、气动打孔机、喷水喷泉、木制冲浪板
S26E11 Vibrating Mining Screens; Whoopie Pies; Utility Poles; Roller Conveyors 振动采矿筛; 百日咳派; 电线杆; 滚筒输送机
S26E12 Exercise Bikes; Cornish Pasties; Pasta Makers; Slate Products 健身车; 康沃尔馅饼; 面食制造商; 板岩产品
S26E13 Channel Signs, Wetsuits, and Aluminum Aircraft 航道标志;潜水服;铝制飞机
S27E01 CNC Assembly Machines; Lemon Tarts; Miniature War Figures 数控组装机; 柠檬馅饼; 微型战争人物
S27E02 Chemical Tank Pressure Vents; Candy Wafers; Food Trucks; Traditional Ropes 化学品罐压力通风口; 糖果晶圆; 食品卡车; 传统绳索
S27E03 Graphene; Worlds Smallest Car; Force Testers; Composite Cans 石墨烯; 世界上最小的汽车; 力测试仪; 复合罐
S27E04 LED tubes; chocolate peanut butter bars; robotic medication dispensers. LED灯管;巧克力花生酱棒;机器人配药器
S27E05 Commercial drones; aquarium fish; runway cleaners. 商用无人机; 观赏鱼; 跑道清洁工
S27E06 Wooden Matches, Tillage Machines, Telescopic Gangways 木火柴、耕地机、伸缩式舷梯
S27E07 Mosquito Coils, Solar-Assist Tricycles, Palm Oil, Fiberglass Chopper Guns 蚊香、太阳能辅助三轮车、棕榈油、玻璃纤维斩波枪
S27E08 Wood Toys, Retro Toasters, Laboratory Furnaces, Aerogel 木制玩具、复古烤面包机、实验室炉、气凝胶
S27E09 Combination Squares, Farmed Shrimp, Ball Valves and String Trimmers 组合方形、养殖虾、球阀和切线器
S27E10 Chinese-style Furniture, Electrical Switches, Thai Fish Sauce, Cappers 中式家具、电器开关、泰式鱼露、压盖机
S27E11 Mortars and pestles; bowling lane conditioners; crematories 研钵和研杵; 保龄球道调节器; 火葬场
S27E12 Race Car Oil Tanks; Plaster Mouldings; Lemongrass Oil 赛车油箱; 石膏线条; 柠檬草油
S27E13 Coconut Charcoal; Dial Indicators; Wet Downdraft Tables; Bassoon Reeds 椰子炭; 表盘指示器; 湿式下吸台; 巴松管簧片
S28E01 Classic Car Gauges; Chocolate Marble Cake; Ghillie Kettles 经典汽车仪表; 巧克力大理石蛋糕; 吉利水壶
S28E02 Pasta Dies; Blueberries; Composting Toilets; Surge Arresters 面食模具; 蓝莓; 堆肥厕所; 避雷器
S28E03 Angle Grinders; Berry Baskets; Omnidirectional Speakers 角磨机; 浆果篮; 全向扬声器
S28E04 Cartridge Blades; Chocolate Banana Loaves; Vending 墨盒刀片; 巧克力香蕉面包; 自动售货机
S28E05 Ultra-Thin Glass; Pallet Dismantlers; Cupcakes; Stainless Steel 超薄玻璃; 托盘拆卸器; 纸杯蛋糕; 不锈钢
本集看点: 溢流熔融法制作的柔性超薄玻璃(应该是康宁);
S28E06 Potash; Leather Bracelets; Wild Rice; Hex Key L Wrenches 钾肥; 皮革手链; 野米; 六角扳手 L
S28E07 Nail Files; Birch Canoes; Boat Hardtops; High Voltage Circuit 指甲锉; 桦木独木舟; 船硬顶; 高压电路
S28E08 Macarons; Pine Needle Baskets; Micrometers 马卡龙; 松针篮; 千分尺
S28E09 Endoscopes; Megaphones; Uranium 内窥镜; 扩音��; 铀
S28E10 Hollow Disk Pumps; Palm Sugar; Yachts 空心圆盘泵; 棕榈糖; 游艇
S28E11 Abalone Collagen; Digital-to-Analog Converters; Embosssed 鲍鱼胶原蛋白; 数模转换器; 压花
S28E12 Thai Barbecues; Diving Masks & Fins; Bassoons 泰式烧烤; 潜水面罩和脚蹼; 巴松管
S28E13 Wooden Utensils; Transport Refrigeration Units; Moccasins 木制餐具; 运输制冷装置; 莫卡辛鞋
S29E01 Skateboard Wheels; Baklava & Galaktoboureko; CO2 滑板轮;千层酥皮奶冻玉米糕 ;二氧化碳
S29E02 Nuno Felt; Drum Crushers; Kimchi; Parquet Floors 努诺毡;鼓式破碎机;泡菜;镶木地板
S29E03 Wood Watches; Steel Bicycles; Raw Pet Food; Replica Police 木表; 钢制自行车; 生宠物食品; 复制警察
S29E04 Thermoplastic Fire Helmets; Basketry Sculptures; Coffee 热塑性消防头盔; 篮子雕塑; 咖啡
S29E05 Office Chairs; Vinobrew; Reconditioned Sander Drums 办公椅; 酒酿; 翻新砂光鼓
S29E06 Fireplace Bellows; Calissons; Diving Watercraft 壁炉波纹管; 卡利松; 潜水艇
S29E07 Artist Brushes; DEF Tank Heaters; Game Tables; Art Glass 艺术家画笔; DEF 储罐加热器; 游戏桌; 艺术玻璃
S29E08 Flying Water Bikes; Throttle Position Sensors; Cinnamon 飞行水上自行车; 油门位置传感器; 肉桂
S29E09 Foosball Tables; Marseille Soap; Laguiole Pocket Knives 桌上足球桌; 马赛皂; 拉吉奥小折刀
S29E10 Berets; Pastis; Stationary Bikes 贝雷帽; 意大利面食; 固定自行车
S29E11 Bistro Sets; Letterpress Printing; Bamboo Lights; Asphalt 小酒馆套餐; 凸版印刷; 竹灯; 沥青压车
S29E12 Technological Corks; Zinc Gutters; Traditional Ham; Chisteras 技术软木塞; 锌天沟; 传统火腿; 奇斯特拉斯游戏手臂
S29E13 Pentanque Ball; Biologic Medicines; Asphalt Pavers; Basques 滚球; 生物药物; 沥青摊铺机; 巴斯克鞋
第三十季推出时间为 2017-09-11至2017-12-18
S30E01 Leather Basketballs; Flood Gates; Wood Panel Canvases; Shoelaces 皮革篮球; 防洪闸; 木板画布; 鞋带
S30E02 Power Steering Pumps; Asian Bowl Meals; Walking Canes 动力转向泵; 亚洲碗餐; 手杖
S30E03 Plant Oil Extractors; Custom Chandeliers; Power Trainers; Coffee Pods 植物油提取器; 定制吊灯; 力量训练器; 咖啡包
S30E04 Witness Samples; Pressure Washers; Bee Hives; Cast Iron Cookers 见证样品; 压力垫圈; 蜂箱; 铸铁炊具
S30E05 Leather Sculptures; Travel Hot Plates; Ochre; Hurdy Gurdies 皮革雕塑; 旅行热板; 赭石;赫迪·古尔迪斯
S30E06 Spiral Stairs; Pita Bread; Exhaust Headers; Molded Limestone Artwork 螺旋楼梯; 皮塔饼; 排气集管; 模压石灰石艺术品
S30E07 Recycled Skateboard Guitars; Solar Street Lights; Dolls 回收的滑板吉他; 太阳能路灯; 娃娃
S30E08 Glass Sculptures; Racing Pulley Systems; Inductors; Medicine Balls 玻璃雕塑; 赛车滑轮系统; 电感器; 药丸
S30E09 Fish Rubbings; Clay Shooting Machines; Almonds; High-End Motorcycles 鱼拓片; 粘土射击机; 杏仁; 高端摩托车
S30E10 Throttle Bodies; Limestone Fireplace Mantels; Candied Fruit & Fruit Jellies; Linen Ukulele 节气门体; 石灰石壁炉架; 蜜饯和果冻; 亚麻尤克里里
S30E11 Rubber Balls; Motion Chairs; Montreal Smoked Meat; Motorized Scooters 橡胶球; 运动椅; 蒙特利尔熏肉; 电动滑板车
S30E12 Aerospace Fasteners; Cactus Pear Puree; Lab Reactors 航空紧固件; 仙人掌梨泥; 实验室反应器
S30E13 Wall Beds; Sundae Cups; Digital Paintings; Badminton Rackets 壁床; 圣代杯; 数字绘画; 羽毛球拍
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Earthworm Jim Animated EP3 Assault and Battery
アースワームジム第3話 襲撃とバッテリー
Special Thanks:teddyroo12
Narration:Earthworm Jim and his fur bearing sidekick, Peter Puppy,are about to be destroyed by the insidious Professor Monkey for a Head.
Professor: Ow! Will you stop that, It is time to be evil!
Now, I will fry your puny worm body, and the super suit will once again be mine!
Ook! Fine fine fine, once again be ours, satisfied hm? Now I have lost my train of thought.
Whoopsy-Daisy, Steady, Steady.
Professor: Ready, AIM, Huh?
Jim: GUHROOVY!! and oh, would you believe I meant to do that.
Peter: Not a chance big fella.
Jim: Come on little buddy, I got some pliers in the garage.
Professor: Fire!
(Theme song)
Narration: Morning in the sleepy town of Terlawk, flowers bloom, birds sing.
Bird: Ba ba ba boo ba bo, when I woke up this morning, hoo-hoo, I was just to late to catch no Worm!
Narration: And Terlawks most unusual resident greets the new day.
Jim: Morning neighbor!
Neighbor: Morning, hideous freak of nature.
Narration: Unaware that disaster awaits.
Jim: By the Great Worm Spirit, whose borrows dwarf the meager works of man!
The paperboy's been missing the porch again!
HARK! The paperboy is nigh, my invincible might will help him hit the porch this Mañana!
I got it, I got it!
It was up to me now, after the hours of sweat and practice, the weeks of training, the long nights at the diner tossing waffles, it all came down to this one catch.
At last I was a player the big game of life, too bad I haven't read the rules at the top of the box.
Peter: Ooh, the funnies! Why are you moving in slow motion?
Jim: (Stutters in embarrassment) Just messing with the law of gravity as I can.
Ghhk! HEAVENS TO BETSY!! Don't know... whats wrong... suddenly feel... so weak...
Peter: You've been lifting so much heavy stuff. Mountains, houses, maybe you drained the suits power.
Neighbors: Oh dear, it looks like rain.. Oomph!
Narration: Yes it is rain, a reign of terror from beyond the stars!
Queen Pulsating, Bloated, Festering, Sweaty, Puss filled, Malformed, Slug for a Butt has come in search of Jim's super Suit!
Queen: Back off, talk boy!
Narration: Right, sorry.
Queen: Find Earthworm Jim, or I shall feast on your entrails at dawn!
Uhh... Make that around 10:30, I usually sleep in on Wednesdays.
Narration: Jim is suddenly enthralled in a desperate battle with some zurb warriors!
But he is just too weak to prevail!
Jim: HEY! I never flee from danger!
Peter: You can be macho later Jim!
Right now, we need a safe place to hide, while you figure out whats wrong with the suit.
Jim: Lets see, wheres a place no one ever goes?
Peter: Hey, this haggis stuff is great! How come no one ever comes here?
Jim: Because haggis is made out the heart, lungs, and liver of a sheep boiled in its own stomach.
I've been reading the suit's users manual, there’s only one way to find out what's wrong.
I've got to go inside this bad boy, I mean REALLY inside.
Peter, you keep a look out while Snott and I journey to the center of the suit!
I don't know Snott, who's Jules Verne?
Peter: Heart... Lungs... and Liver?
Jim: Gah.. They just put these up to keep out the tourists!
Curiouser and curiouser, what do we do now?
Good suggestion Snott! But I don't think my mouth will hold that much marmalade.
AHA! Ok I'll bite.
Jim: You're right! This is a violation of the laws of physics! I'll notify physics police at once!
Come on, my uncanny worm senses tell me our answer lies this way!
Guardian: Destroy intruders, destroy intruders.
Jim: Yeah, go get them. Oh, you mean us.
Guardian: Destroy intruders.
Jim: Hiss hiss, Hello I am a steam pipe, the intruders went that way, Hiss hiss, Steam.
Guardian: Thanks, pal.
Jim: AHA! We found control central!
But how can we decipher these incredibly complicated readings?
The battery's low!
The Zurbs could strike at any second. GAH!
Narration: Is this the end for Peter and Jim?Will they be grounded to paste?
Will they be torn to bits? Will their bones be-
Peter: Oh give it a rest, will ya?
Narration: Right. Stay tuned to find out!
Psy-crow: Hehe, Hello. Are you bored with life? Yearning for excitement?
Well come on down to Psycrow's School of Nefarious Space Villainy.
I'll train you all aspects of evil.
You'll learn the secrets of maniacal laughter.
Students: (Bored) Ah ha ha ha ha
Psy-crow: You'll amaze your friends with your fiendish vocabulary!
Cat: Face my awry... uh, awesome wrath, vile do gooder.
I shall da.. destroy you. A minor backset, uh setback.
Psy-crow: And you'll attend a special space villain support group.
Teacher: You're bad. You're so bad that's good, but in a bad way.
Psy-crow: Because if you don't respect yourself, no one will tremble at your feet in abject terror.
Professor: Before I took Psycrow's course, I was a simple dairy farmer.
NOW DIG ME! I've got a monkey graphed into my head!
I was NOT making eyes at the gorilla! I'm a happily graphed man.
Jim: Psycrow's students are the most capable villains I battled.
Psycrow, you're number one... on the galactitc's most wanted list that is. Hehe.
Psy-crow: Hahahaha! You said it, accursed dog-ooder!
You know what I'm saying! Call today, and remember our motto.
The wages of sin is death, but the hours are good.
Narration: And now, back to Earthworm Jim!
When we left our heroes, Peter was hiding from the evil Zurb warriors as they searched for Jim's suit.
Jim: What's going on?
Peter: So... Scared... Going to... Going to...
Jim: NO! Bad time, Bad time!
Zurb: Let's try next door, grab some of that haggis for later.
Jim: Down boy, DOWN BOY!
Zurb: The suit, get it!
Jim: Ungroovy.
Johnnydactl:Foolish Villains, cower before evil's mysterious foe, Johnnydactl! HAHA!
Jim: Johnnydactl, you old sweater girl, you saved our bacon!
Johnnydactl: At the fall of night I come, and silent as a cloud I go, let any trouble come to me, BEFORE THE WRATH OF-
Stupid CD player, I was almost done with my mysterious speech!
Peter: Oh, I thought you were very mysterious!
Johnnydactl: No it's ruined, IT'S ALL RUINED!!
Jim: Touchy....
Growing weaker by the moment... must get my strength back...
Queen: Earthworm Jim, you have until sunset to bring me your suit, or I will destroy this pitiful TOWN!
Thank you, and have a nice day, this message will repeat.
Jim: Destroys? Only one chance, we must go to the secret headquarters and consult my super advanced Wormputer!Grrk!
Luckily I have a secret entrance, hidden in this restroom stall!
Peter: Uh Jim? I think it's this stall...
Narration: The super advanced Wormputer, miracle of modern technology, does it's usual brilliant job.
9000 gigs of RAM and it cant answer a simple question!
Peter: Why don't we just look and see what kind of battery is in there? Then we can get a new one.
Have a look!
Peter: Gods...
Jim: What does it say on the battery?
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gravitysworm · 4 years
网游、手游、页游为主导的游戏产业格局,发展多年的游戏公会制度,加上近年来4G、5G通讯的普及,催生了中国电竞产业的爆发式增长和商业化,也变相推动了直播、代练、陪玩/陪练、租号等二级市场中游戏零工的崛起。仅游戏直播一块,就有三百万以上的从业者。这些零工中的绝大部分类型在欧美社会都没有对应工种,但在中国,它们正迅速被主流社会所看见和承认。一系列经济和职业教育政策也在推动游戏零工职业的正规化。如今,游戏陪玩已经可以申请中国通信工业协会认证的电竞陪练师的资质。缴纳几百元人民币,通过笔试和操作后,陪玩劳工就可以获得平台的认证 ,从而有机会拿到更好的订单。 
这些零工超越了互联网研究中对数字劳工的二元定义。后者在发达国家往往指的是被公司变相剥削免费劳动的消费者劳工(Consumer labor)或玩工(Playbour),比如出于个人兴趣创作游戏模组的玩家。在全球南方,数字劳工则往往涵盖那些为微软索尼组装电子设备的制造业工人(见PlayStation War),或是在暗无天日的工作室里打工的类似奴工的游戏货币打金者(Gold farmer),这两种工人都在从事主流社会忽视的隐形劳动。但如今中国大量的游戏零工,却难以被归类到之前这些数字劳工类型里。ta们绝少仅有玩家的身份认同,是靠在第三方平台接单打游戏维生的兼职和全职工人。同时,ta们在社会上有着较高的可见度,处境也更接近外卖快递员和网约车司机等传统零工工人。 
传统零工经济往往存在隐形远程控制(Remote control)的问题,劳工虽然看似具备自我支配工作的优势,平台的规则和算法却变相剥夺了这种自由。比如Alex Rosenblat研究Uber算法时候曾经发现,Uber通过高峰定价机制吸引司机到订单需求高的地区,等司机真正抵达目的地加价却已经消失。平台经济的远程控制在游戏平台得到了最为极端的展现,特别体现在对劳工日程管理的控制。一位与主要直播平台正式签约的英雄联盟女主播表示,虽然理论上直播时间随意,但为了保持稳定的观众群,直播必须每天固定时间段进行。为了避免与头部主播在黄金时段正面竞争,她的直播时间是晚上九十点一直到深夜,并没有太多调整的自由。又比如在陪玩平台上,每个劳工都有一个评定分数,定期登录是其中很重要的指标,不固定工作导致的排位下降会直接影响之后的接单。 
不论生命周期多久,这批游戏零工正在不经意间挑战着生产和再生产的界限,工作与生活的划分。对于一个自动化统治的反乌托邦而言,游戏提供了Kathi Weeks所说的“生活抵抗工作(Life against work)”的可能性,但国家和资本的种种盘剥,又在制造工作反噬���生的悖论。 
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minaa-munch · 5 years
Lineage: Namikaze Minato || Featuring: a little history Minato is a Yamanaka - though a distant one. The idea comes from two primary factors: blond hair and the fact that he is a sensor type (lets throw in mun interpretation, @senjutsunade​ and @konohagakurekakashi​ for good measure). Now I’m aware of another theory out there that involves Dan and Tsunade, but read me out, ne?
Time for a history lesson -cue the unfurling of a rather shoddy looking scroll-
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Grandfather: Namikaze Hayase (波風 滝)  Grandmother: Yamanaka Ryūsui (山中流水)  Mother: Namikaze Kasumi (波風かすみ) Father: N/A 
Before joining Konohagakure no Sato, the Yamanaka existed as a proud, independent clan of their own; heavily arrogant over their special chakra signatures that gave birth to their special techniques. They had enough wealth to thrive as an independent entity, and would not have even considered the Senju-Uchiha alliance had it not been for the Nara and Akimichi clans vouching for them. 
The then clan head, Yamanaka Yuma (山中悠真) only agreed to join Konoha if they were given autonomy over their own clan affairs, as well as have their own lands. Needless to say, the agreement did not come easily, as the alliance had to not only accept most of their terms, but the Senju had to offer their future heir likewise. 
Thus a marriage contract was formed between the second eldest daughter of the clan head. Yamanaka Ichika (山中一千花) eventually wed Senju Kaito (千手 介 杜) - the pair would later have two children: Senju Tsunade, and Senju Nawaki.
Due to the aforementioned, the Yamanaka came into the fold. Minato’s lineage may be traced back to Yamanaka Ryūsui (山中 流水), who was the youngest sibling of Yuma, and a very skilled kunoichi. After the clan formally joined the village, she was tasked with infiltrating the then Kumo Daimyo’s court, since they too were in the midst of forming their own shinobi village. The length of the mission was indefinite, as it would vary according to circumstance. 
Ryūsui was a proud kunoichi, and she took her position in the Kumo Daimyo’s court very seriously. Her clan specialty allowed her to seal certain memories - be they hers or stolen from another cognitive space, in miniature dolls spun of straw and her own hairs. The method was highly successful, and she was - and still is - well honored by the Yamanaka for her ingenuity and dedication. 
Time passed. Ryūsui spent 27 years abroad, her youth wasted. She was eventually called back after the First Shinobi War, at the request of her niece, Yamanaka Ichika, as the Nindaime had been killed in action and they needed everyone they could get. She returned, of course - but with news of an affair and children; even a grandchild. 
The news of an affair brought havoc; Ryūsui, sharp eyed, clever little Ryūsui, was now more of a burden than a blessing, for she was nothing but a blotch on the Yamanaka name, having sullied their blood with another’s. Her services to the clan, and by extension, Konoha, were regarded with an icy grace, for she would be imprisoned within her own compound. 
Never again would she see her lover, or her offspring. She would be confined to the main house and serve her remaining years as a clan elder. Reportedly,  Ryūsui accepted the punishment, though only making a request for the sole grandchild she had brought with her. She refused to break her silence with regards to her offspring, and it is assumed that they were probably ‘dealt’ with during the Second Shinobi War. 
The grandchild was named Namikaze Minato. His name was affiliated with her lover’s clan, as per her wishes. He was taken care of as well as any honorary side-branch member, until Ryūsui gathered enough funds to procure other quarters, should he ever need it.
She eventually breathed her last, three years before the start of the Second Shinobi War. Her grandson had just turned 9 at the time, and had recently been taken under Jiraiya’s wing. 
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For the record, I follow this timeline. It is a collective conclusion we came to after a week of cursing our lack of mathematical skills, as well as Kishi-dodo for not paying any attention to the pre-naruto events that shaped the narrative. Feel free to use it if you’d like - though please be mindful of the efforts involved and give due credit, ne? :)  Credits for the timeline used: Typo Expert, Finger Seizure, and Crazy Insomaniac 
*Hayase translates to ‘waterfall’, whereas Ryūsui translates to ‘running water’ - I used a specific kanji for her character, since that of ‘Ryu’ is often referred to a dragon. 
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galleryuchiumi · 5 years
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1月22日からの5日間は『 大常設展 』です。企画展に偏ったイベント優位の流れに"常設展"で立ち向うべく、大常設weekとして設けられた5日間。祝祭だらけの日常が退屈なように、イベントにまみれた日常も疲れてしまう。そんな時こそ常設展です。各店が今好きなお店に声を掛けました。
会期 : 2020年 1月22日( 水 )- 1月26日( 日 )
開催地 : 参加各店 開催時間 : 各店の営業時間  gallery uchiumi / 12:00-19:00
書肆 逆光 ( 東京 ) @syoshi_gyakko toripie ( 大阪 )@toripie.osaka 南方美術店( 東京 )@minakata_bijutsu 画餅洞 ( 京都 )@antique_wahindo タユタフ ( 石川 )@_tayutafu gallery uchiumi ( 東京 )@toru_uchiumi Antique what’s? ( 東京 )@antiqueswhats 百芍丹 ( 京都 )@hst_kyoto.3 GALERIE AZUR ( 東京 )@galerieazurdai
柿右衛門手白磁変型皿 おちた椿の花
#大常設展 #galleryuchiumi https://www.instagram.com/p/B7m5jkIlj4Y/?igshid=1pm3rfsqlxo8v
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yahootravelhk · 5 years
【抵買必搶推介】沙田新城市廣場感謝祭!$499買Dyson/Apple Watch 4
今次有60家商戶參加,有美妝護膚、親子童裝及時尚鞋履服飾3大範疇產品,當中有26個Beauty品牌做優惠,好似Bobbi Brown氣墊粉底套裝5折、Shiseido精華素組合65折
、Estée Lauder皇牌眼部修護套裝67折等。而親子童裝當中,SHOE BOX 以$1推出巴西OTO真皮涼鞋及$99的New Balance 紅色童鞋、16折的FILA KIDS精選童裝、$10的organic mom有機棉小手帕紗巾等。至於時尚鞋履服飾,則有5折Adidas Ultraboost球鞋 、42折FILA拖鞋、4折Juicy Couture背囊等。
值得去搶的還有首天(5月23日)限量換領的6大$499福盒,當中「潮人Gadget」有Apple Watch 4 + AirPods 2、「變身女神」有Dyson 風筒 + FOREO潔面儀、「清新家居」有Dyson V8 吸塵機 + Stadler香薰機等,原價最高近HK$5,000。
與此同時,大家於場內JUST BUY WEEK參與商戶消費滿指定金額,可免費換領豐富禮品,如包括kate spade new york 名片套、象印真空保溫杯及一系列飛利浦小家電等,先到先得,大家準備好去搶啦!
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6大「$499 JUST BUY激優福盒」 ,原價最高近HK$5,000。
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Bobbi Brown氣墊粉底套裝5折
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Estée Lauder皇牌眼部修護套裝67折
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【JUST BUY WEEK感謝���】活動詳情:
日期: 2019年5月23至27日(星期四至星期一)
時間: 中午12時至晚上10時
地點: 新城市廣場1期及3期參與商戶
【香港住宿優惠】灣仔酒店住2晚以上 送攝影活動、美食團
【生日好去處】愉景灣生日優惠 一宿兩食$1,688起
【打卡系列】尖沙咀日式手造紙花展 任試50+品牌香水
【立即讚好】全新 Yahoo 旅遊 Facebook 專頁
Yahoo 旅遊以全新樣貌登場,Facebook 專頁當然同時煥然一新!立即讚好,每日睇盡旅遊新資訊!
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spst-haru · 3 years
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[ 花彩る門 ] . . . お城の門の下に置かれた手水に、 色とりどりの花が 華やぎ、 訪れる人々を迎える。 . . . ==================== 📸 2021.09 Oshi-joshi, Gyoda, Saitama . Nikon D5300 🏯💐🏯💐🏯💐🏯💐🏯 ==================== . . . #japan #saitama #gyoda_hanachozuweek #hanachozuweek #gyoda_hanachozuweek_oshijoshi #oshijoshi #oshicastleruins #oshijo #oshicastle #oshijoshi_hanachozu #oshicastleruins_hanachozu #oshijo_hanachozu #oshicastle_hanachozu #hanachozu #埼玉 #行田_花手水week #花手水week #行田_花手水week_忍城址 #忍城址 #忍城 #忍城址_花手水 #忍城_花手水  #花彩る手水 #flower_colored_chozu #adobephotoshoplightroom #nikond5300 #instagram #photography #photo (忍城) https://www.instagram.com/p/CV5IaV_pXz7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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