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御坊市 あんちんへランチ♬
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nohgaku-journey · 9 months
三人の会 特別公演
舞囃子 「小袖曽我」坂口貴信 川口晃平
仕舞 「忠度」鵜澤久 「藤戸」観世清和 「野宮」観世銕之丞 「山姥」観世淳夫
能 「道成寺 赤頭 無躙之崩 五段之舞」谷本健吾  
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yorunokoromo · 10 months
2023/8/13 福井市にぎわい交流施設 ハピリンホール
「三輪 白式神神楽」 九郎右衛門 欣哉 茂 市和 一郎 大 光長 邦弘 
狂言 「棒縛」 千五郎 宗彦 洋海
仕舞 (宝)「花筐 狂」 ��宏 「実盛 キリ」 由於 克栄
「道成寺 赤頭」 玄 謙吉 英志 豊男 逸平 千之丞 信太朗 鼓堂 凛太郎 光範 保浩 
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horizaru · 2 years
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🐍work in progress. #道成寺 #dojoji #大正浪漫 #taishoroman style #freehand #東京タトゥー #tokyotattoo https://www.instagram.com/p/CikMD3oBml4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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itsukophoto · 2 years
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poddyshobbies · 6 days
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田川後藤寺駅・平成筑豊鉄道 ~ 2024.2.23
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kshogaki · 1 year
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. 後半は夜咄のしつらえにて お稽古 只々ありがたい #おからケーキ #国分寺そば #成田ファームランド #農薬不使用 #お心遣いに感謝 #茶道 #chado #wayoftea #teaism #茶の湯 #chanoyu #抹茶 #matcha #greentea #japanesetea #tea #星窓 #星窓茶道 #tokyo #japan #zen #禅 #インスタ茶道部 #tea #wabisabi #和菓子 #wagashi #夜咄 #和蝋燭 #苺 (Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CosAROwv5TL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kyotodreamtrips · 2 years
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Inside the Tahōtō pagoda is a seated wooden statue of Dainichi Nyorai (木造大日如来坐像) sculpted in 1176 by Unkei. Although it is a replica today, the original can be viewed in the museum behind the entrance.
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yossixx · 3 months
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roundtripjp · 8 months
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metal-cn · 1 year
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tokyo-pearlswhite · 2 years
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【キラキラ】 結婚指輪のご納品 小さなお客様はキラキラに興味津々です。 これからずっと近くにいてくれて いつかのたった一つの宝物になる 貴女のリングですよ! #宝石主治医 #ジュエリーコーディネーター #ブライダルリング #結婚指輪作成 #東京ジュエリーショップ #吉祥寺宝石店 #中道通り #パールズホワイト (吉祥寺 PearlsWhite パールズ・ホワイト) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChoATc5vh6I/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nohgaku-journey · 10 months
観世流 能「三輪」白式神神楽 シテ 片山九郎右衛門 ワキ 宝生欣哉 アイ 茂山茂 笛  杉市和 小鼓 吉阪一郎 大鼓 河村大 太鼓 前川光長 地頭 武田邦広
大蔵流 狂言「棒縛」 次郎冠者 茂山千五郎 主人   島田洋海 太郎冠者 茂山宗彦
宝生流 仕舞 「花筐」狂  島村明宏 「実盛」キリ 佐野由於 観世流 能「道成寺」赤頭   シテ 味方玄 ワキ 殿田謙吉 アイ 茂山逸平 茂山千之丞 笛  杉信太朗 小鼓 曽和鼓堂 大鼓 河村凛太郎 太鼓 前川光範 地頭 浦田保浩 後見 杉浦豊彦 鐘後見 古橋正邦
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yorunokoromo · 11 months
第5回記念 杉信の会
2023/7/30 京都観世会館
創作 「三番叟」 井上安寿子 信太朗
舞囃子 「猩々 乱 双之舞」 宗一郎 淳夫 泰弘 吉兵衛 正壽 眞佐人 裕久 
居囃子 「石橋」 信太朗 一郎 凛太郎 眞佐人 保浩 
狂言 「末広かり」 七五三 千五郎 忠三郎 信太朗 奏 大 眞佐人 
一調一管 「鷺」 龍謹 市和 光長 
「道成寺 赤頭 無𨅍之崩」 九郎右衛門 欣哉 寛 誠吾 逸平 茂 信太朗 鼓堂 洋佑 光範 保親 
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brownie-pics · 1 year
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'23.6.25 興福寺、春日大社参道付近、下の禰宜道付近、荒池園地にて
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Peng Doesn't Like Farts
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Fans of Lego Monkie Kid, as many of you may already know, Peng is based on an ancient monster king appearing in chapters 74 to 77 of  Journey to the West (Xiyouji, 西遊記, 1592). In the end of his arc, he is trapped above the Buddha's throne and submits to Buddhism. But you may not know that this very same character appears in a later novel, The Complete Vernacular Biography of Yue Fei (Shuo Yue quanzhuan, 說岳全傳, 1684 CE; a.k.a. The Story of Yue Fei). Peng is exiled from paradise for ... and I'm not joking ... killing a stellar spirit for farting during the Buddha's sermon.
Chapter one of Yue Fei's biography reads:
Let’s talk about the Buddha Tathagata at the Great Thunderclap Monastery in the Western Paradise. One day, he sat on a nine-level lotus throne, and the Four Great Bodhisattvas, the Eight Great Vajra Warriors, the five hundred Arhats, the three thousand Heavenly Kings, nuns and monks, male and female attendants, all of the heavenly sages who protect the Dharma, gathered to listen to his lecture on the Lotus Sutra. His words were like flowers and precious jewels raining from the heavens. But, at that time, a star-spirit, the Maiden Earth Bat, who had been listening to the lecture from beneath the lotus throne, couldn’t bear it any longer and unexpectedly let out a stinky fart. The Buddha was a great, merciful lord, so he didn’t mind even the slightest bit. But don’t sympathize with the Dharma protector above his head, the “Great Peng, the Golden-Winged King of Illumination,” whose eyes shone with golden light and whose back was a scene of auspiciousness. He became angry when he saw the nasty, filthy Maiden Earth Bat, and so he unfurled both his wings and dropped down to kill the spirit by pecking her on the head. The light-point of her soul shot out of the Great Thunderclap Monastery and went to the Lands of the East (China) in the world below to find a mother and reincarnate. She was reborn as a daughter of the Wang clan. She would later marry the Song Prime minister Qin Hui (1091-1155) and come to cruelly kill the righteous (i.e. Yue Fei) as a means to get revenge against today’s enemy. We will talk about this later. Let’s return to the Buddha, who saw what happened with his all-seeing eyes and exclaimed, “Good! Good! It turns out that this is an episode of karma (cause and effect).” Then he called the Great Peng bird to come closer and shouted, “You evil creature! You already took refuge in my teachings. How can you not follow the five precepts by daring to commit such a horrible crime? I don’t need you here; you will descend to the mortal world to pay off your (karmic) debt and wait until you have fulfilled your work. Once that is completed, only then will I allow you to return to the mountain to achieve the right fruit (Buddhist merit).” The Great Peng complied with the decree, flying out of the Great Thunderclap Monastery directly to the Lands of the East to be reincarnated. We will stop here (translation by me). 且說西方極樂世界大雷音寺我佛如來,一日端坐九品蓮臺,旁���著四大菩薩、八大金剛、五百羅漢、三千偈諦、比丘尼、比丘僧、優婆夷、優婆塞,共諸天護法聖眾,齊聽講說妙法真經。正說得天花亂墜、寶雨繽紛之際,不期有一位星官,乃是女土蝠,偶在蓮臺之下聽講,一時忍不住,撒出一個臭屁來。我佛原是個大慈大悲之主,毫不在意。不道惱了佛頂上頭一位護法神祗,名為大鵬金翅明王,眼射金光,背呈祥瑞,見那女土蝠污穢不潔,不覺大怒,展開雙翅落下來,望著女土蝠頭上,這一嘴就啄死了。那女土蝠一點靈光射出雷音寺,徑往東土認母投胎,在下界王門為女,後來嫁與秦檜為妻,殘害忠良,以報今日之讎。此是後話,按下不提。 且說佛爺將慧眼一觀,口稱:「善哉,善哉!原來有此一段因果。」即喚大鵬鳥近前,喝道:「你這孽畜!既歸我教,怎不皈依五戒,輒敢如此行兇?我這裡用你不著,今將你降落紅塵,償還冤債,直待功成行滿,方許你歸山,再成正果。」大鵬鳥遵了法旨,飛出雷音寺,徑來東土投胎不表。
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