#꒰  505 : klaus hargreeves  ꒱
suitte23 · 2 months
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suitte23 🪭 : so you came around my house and you left your marks with your fingertips.
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mashimallows: the horror (ben hargreeves).
nothing yet...
matetsu: the kraken (diego hargreeves).
nothing yet...
netieyam: the séance (klaus hargreeves).
nothing yet...
bupivacaina: the boy (five hargreeves).
nothing yet...
© suitte23 : please do not copy, repost or translate any of my works in this or any other platform ! 2024
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countlessimagines · 2 years
Get to know me!
Hi! I go by L, simply because I don’t like using my full name.
Fandoms I write for:
Marvel, Stranger Things, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Umbrella Academy, and more!
My Favorite Characters of all Time:
Kylo Ren (Star Wars), Spider-man/Peter Parker (Marvel), Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff (Marvel), Remus Lupin (Harry Potter), Klaus Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy), Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
Favorite Bands/Singers
Måneskin, ABBA, Olivia Rodrigo, Joji, Jack Stauber, Mother Mother, Billie Eilish
Favorite Songs:
Black Out Days by Phantogram, 505 by Arctic Monkeys, Eventually by Tame Impala, Jealously, Jealously by Olivia Rodrigo, 777 by Joji, Dead Weight by Jack Stauber,
What to know when requesting: You can request for however many fandoms I write for! All you need to do is send in a ship request with a small blurb of information about yourself! That’s all.
Also! If you request imagines please note that I do not write smut! I’m not comfortable writing it so please do not ask, thank you loves <3
I will try to get to requests as soon as possible and please know I love to write your imagines!!!
Thank you for taking the time to read this <3 Enjoy!
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dashesofink · 5 years
Freshly Painted
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Drabble: ”can you write something with klaus painting fives nails when they were both 13? i think i’d be cute lol”
Pairing: platonic!Klaus Hargreeves + platonic!Five
Word Count: 505
Notes: None
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff, humor
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“Can you quit moving around?”
Five let out a small groan as he tried to re-cross his legs, but because of how long he had been sitting in an awkward position, his legs and back were beginning to ache. “I can’t control whether or not my back hurts, Klaus.” He commented, his eyes gazing down to the dark blue polish that had been applied to his fingernails. He couldn’t believe that he had been tricked yet again into hiding in Klaus’ room while he got his nails painted; but there he sat, huddled awkwardly in the corner, away from all cameras, as Klaus tried to spread some blue polish over his nails. “Are you almost finished yet?”
“Can you just shush for like, two seconds?” Klaus let out a fierce glare at Five as he went to dip the cap back into the polish jar, and he carefully set down Five’s right hand before reaching for his left hand. Five, however, jerked his hand away from Klaus, his eyes narrowing as the Seance went to stop the polish jar from spilling over due to his brothers sudden movements. “Allison told me it takes two coats, Five,” Klaus informed as he reached for Five’s hand again, and he gave his hand a small squeeze before going to apply the dark blue to his nails again. “Now stay still.”
Five huffed as he slouched forward again, his chin coming to rest into the palm of his free hand as he gazed down to what Klaus was doing. There was a tiny bit of blue polish that had managed to make its way on to his cuticles, but Five had to hand it to Klaus, he was doing much better than last time. “At least you didn’t chose a green color,” Five mumbled, his eyes trailing up to Klaus’ face where he tossed him a smirk. “Like last time.”
“I just chose the color I thought would work best.” Klaus let out a small snicker as he placed the brush back into the polish jar, and he slowly raised Five’s hand up before gently blowing on his nails to dry off the polish. “Also,” He paused, to which Five rose his eyebrows as he tried to sit up comfortably. “Diego said that, and I quote, “green is his color.”.
“Of course he did.” Despite the annoyance in his face as he looked down to his freshly painted nails, Five couldn’t keep a smile from forming on his face. “Hey, it’s better than last time.” Five said after inspecting the painting job, and he turned his head up just in time to watch as Klaus puffed up his chest as pride swelled in him, and he shook his head in amusement before leaning back against the wall.
“Why thank you.” Klaus reached forward to lightly punch Five in the shoulder, and after making sure that all of his collected nail painting supplies were put aside, he took the spot next to Five. “I’ve been practicing.”
“Oh, I can tell.”
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shoelace-noose · 5 years
#070 | When
Nick Amaro/Diego Hargreeves. Diego didn’t realize they’re together.
Word Count: 505
“This is my boyfriend, Diego.”
Diego hopes no one notices how he freezes up. Boyfriend? They’re boyfriends? When did that happen? The last time Diego was anyone’s boyfriend was Eudora, and that was a long and complicated process, so he definitely knew when they were officially together, but he doesn’t remember that with Nick. Sure, they’re really close friends, sure Nick likes to buy him dinner, sure they kiss for hours and then fall asleep holding each other, but that’s just a friend thing, he’s pretty sure. Klaus does that with everyone, and he’s pretty much Diego’s only measure for relationships beyond the super fucked up Umbrella Academy.
“Hi,” he manages to get out, looking at the rest of Nick’s squad, who all seem to be scrutinizing him for flaws, just like Reginald used to. “Nice to meet you.”
“Diego, this is Amanda, Fin, and Sonny, and my Lieutenant, Olivia.”
It is nice to put a face to the names; Nick has told Diego plenty of lighthearted stories about his coworkers, and it occurs to him for the first time that those stories may go both ways. These people probably have preconceptions about him, and they probably think he isn’t good enough, and now they’re all staring at him, and Jesus fucking Christ this is not what he expected when he told Nick he’d bring him a home cooked lunch on the job for them to share.
“I’ll go get some forks and paper plates, be right back.”
Nick kisses his cheek, such a common display of affection between the two of them, but this time it makes Diego blush hot enough that he feels it on his cheeks. He quickly sets down the food on Nick’s desk and goes over to Olivia, who seems the friendliest.
“When did Nick tell you about me?”
She takes a  moment to think, before answering that it was about two months ago.
Two months. What happened two months ago? He has to think about it for a long moment before it comes to mind. They kissed for the first time a little before that, he thinks, but Diego has never been too good with time and memories, it all jumbles together like spaghetti noodles. It’s been worse since he got a concussion sometime around his fifteenth birthday, but whatever.
When Nick comes back, Diego retreats from Olivia and wonders how to bring this up. Luther and Five and Reginald used to mock him for being stupid, and he doesn’t want that from Nick too, but he’s got to figure out what happened so he isn’t out of the loop. Not that he minds being Nick’s boyfriend, but he wants to know when so he doesn’t forget an anniversary or something. He needs to set a reminder on his phone, or else he misses things and people get upset at him and he doesn’t want to make Nick upset with him when he thinks he loves Nick more than he’s loved anyone in a long time, maybe even ever.
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by harrietpotter
Harry Potter is Klaus Hargreeves.
Words: 505, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Umbrella Academy (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Klaus Hargreeves, Ben Hargreeves, Allison Hargreeves, Diego Hargreeves, Luther Hargreeves, Number Five | The Boy (Umbrella Academy), Vanya Hargreeves
Relationships: Klaus Hargreeves & Everyone
Additional Tags: BAMF Klaus Hargreeves
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