briankimblr · 23 days
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porldgif · 17 days
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라잇썸 초원
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porldpic · 3 months
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라잇썸 초원
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kpopallday24 · 11 months
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flashwise · 2 years
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-Ethereal Floating like a zeppelin yet swiftly disappeared like wind. Experience is dreamy. Did I see a horn over his head? Painted so vividly and charming as it gets. Loving the moment by staring it. #zebra #kwisokogameranch #lonely #prairies #lusakalife #zâmbia #africa #blesstheraininafrica #지브라 #퀴소코랜치 #홀로 #초원 #루사카 #잠비아 #여행 #ジブラー #ルサカ #ザンビア #アフリカ #旅行 外交官人生 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cknk164o3Ea/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bts-trans · 8 months
230310 Big Hit's Tweet
[네이버 포스트] 슈가에게 취하는 타임,, 오늘은 화보천재 민윤기에게 취한ㄷr,,, (@ https://naver.me/I5cnoxSW) #BTS #방탄소년단 #SUGA #슈가 #민윤기
[Naver Post] Time to get drunk on SUGA,, Getting drunk on photobook-genius Min Yoongi,,,
Naver Post Translation
Keep reading for a plain text version of the blog post! For a picture edit version, please check out our twitter post or the HD version on our website!
[BTS] Me, Myself, and SUGA 비하인드 포스트
[BTS] Me, Myself, and SUGA Behind-the-Scenes Post
(T/N: Stands for ‘Hi ARMY’, which is how Bangbell always starts these posts.)
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아미들 안녕하세요! 방림이 입니다. 요즘 아침에는 춥고,, 낮에는 덥고,, 밤에는 다시 춥고,, 옷을 어떻게 입으라는 건지,,~ 차암나,,,
Hello ARMYs! It’s Bangbell. These days it’s very cold in the mornings,, hot during the day,, then cold again at night,, What clothes am I even supposed to wear,,~ Sigh,,,
(대충 아미들은 머릿속으로 떠오르는 계절감 모르겠는 유닛 라이브 짤)
(Most ARMYs are probably thinking of that clip from the unit live where you couldn’t tell what season it was)*
(T/N: A reference to Jin’s birthday live on December 4, 2018, when he, Jimin, and RM were all wearing such different styles of clothes that fans joked they couldn’t even tell what season it was based on how they were dressed.)
저는 오늘 진 처럼 맨투맨을 입었는데 딱이더라고요,, 아미들은 진? 지민? RM? 누구처럼 입었나요,,, (아니 이게 주제가 아닌데)
Today I’m wearing a crewneck just like Jin and I think that’s just right,, ARMYs who are you more dressed like? Jin? Jimin? RM?,,, (No wait this isn’t the main topic)
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아무튼 방림이가 아미들에게 금요일,,! 곧 다가오는 주말을 위해 조금만 더 힘을 내라고 포스트를 들고 찾아왔읍니다,, (찡긋)
Anyways Bangbell has brought ARMYs this Friday,,! a post telling you to keep going for the sake of the fast-approaching weekend,, (wink)
Special 8 Photo-Folio의 마. 지. 막. 을 장식할 주인공이죠! Me, Myself, and SUGA ‘Wholly or Whole me’ 비하인드 포스트입니다! (박수) (함성)
The person who will grace the very. end. of. the Special 8 Photo-Folio! It’s the behind-the-scenes post for Me, Myself, and SUGA ‘Wholly or Whole me’
이번 화보는 바쁜 일상 속에 진짜 “나=민윤기” 를 만나볼 수 있는 순간을 화보로 풀어보았다고 해요! 화보의 전체 콘셉트 및 아이���들을 슈가의 의도와 취향이 반영된 것들로 꾸미고, 가장 슈가 다운 모습을 촬영하여 아미와 함께 공유하고 싶었다는데요!
In this photobook it’s said that we’ll be able to meet the real “Me = Min Yoongi” within his busy daily life through this photobook! The photobook’s overall concept and items are decorated according to SUGA’s design and style, And I wanted to share this with ARMY because they captured SUGA in his most authentic form!
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민윤기,,,,, 오늘도 GOSO,, 하기 전에!
Min Yoongi,,,,, before I sue you*,, today as well!
(T/N: *An inside joke that came from when an ARMY playfully threatened to sue SUGA at a 2014 fansign for being too handsome.)
바로 비하인드 사진 만나러 가봐야죠!
Let’s go check out the behind-the-scenes photos!
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혹시,, 혼자 오셨을까요,,,? 저도 혼자인데 같이 캠핑하실,,ㅋ? 물론 요리도 님이 하셔야하고,,, 운전도 님이 하셔야하지만,, 님과 함께하고 싶어요,,, 저 푸른 초원 위에,, ㅋ (그만)
Did you perhaps,, come alone,,,? I’m also by myself so would you maybe want to camp togeth,, ha? Of course you sir have to do the cooking,,, and you have to do the driving but,, I want to be together with you sir,,, On the prairie*,, ha (stop)
(T/N: *Referencing the lyrics from the song “With My Love” by Nam Jin)
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민윤기 레전드 머리 등장 방림이 심장이 멎다. -삐—……
Min Yoongi’s legendary hairstyle has made an appearance Bangbell’s heart has stopped. -Beeeep—……
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민윤기 얼굴 걍 기절이야.. 뭐야.. 나 이제 지도도 부러워해야 하는거임?
Min Yoongi’s face could just make me faint.. What even.. Should I be jealous of the map now too?
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내가 이제,,, 무슨 말을 더 해야 하니,,,, (지침) 갱얼쥐야,, 너는,, 좋겠다,,,
What more,,, could I even possibly say,,,, (exhausted) Puppy,, you,, must be very happy,,,
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자연광 + 민윤기 = 재질 걍 미쳤음 그냥,,,, 미쳤다는 말 밖에는,,,,, 할 말 X,,,
Natural lighting + Min Yoongi = Insane quality I just,,,, have X words left to say,,,,, except that it’s insane,,,
민슈가 사진 치과에 걸어두면 좋겠다… 보는 내내 입을 다물 수가 없어서 치료에 효과적일 듯 (;;) ㄴ ㄹㅇㅋㅋ
I wish I could hang up Min Suga’s photos at the dentist’s office…It seems like you wouldn’t be able to close your mouth while looking at them so it would be effective for dental treatment (;;) ㄴ For real haha
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민윤기,, 세상에 있는 멋짐을 다 가졌구나,,, (안 무겁나?;;)
Min Yoongi,, I see you’ve taken all of the coolness in the world ,,, (Isn’t it heavy?;;)
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방림이 힘들어요,,, 지금 벌써 고소장 309개 째 쓰고있단말이예요,,, (퀭)
Bangbell is going through it,,, I’ve already been writing 309 complaint forms,,, (sighs)
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좋다,,, 이거 바로 그냥 배경화면 해 버려.
Nice,,, Just gonna make this my wallpaper.
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엥 ? 누가 마쉬멜로우고 누가 민윤기란말임 도대체 누가 더 말랑하단말임?
Huh? Which one is a marshmallow and which one is Min Yoongi Which one would be the squishiest?
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하 분위기 뭔데,, 방림이 인생에는 위기만 있는데,, 민윤기 사진 분위기 뭐냐고,,, ㅠ,,,,??? 저 옆자리에 방림이만 있으면 아주 그냥 딱 인데 ㄴ 아미 : ??? (흐린눈)
Ha what is this mood,, There’s only chaos in Bangbell’s life,, What’s the mood of Min Yoongi’s photos,,, ㅠ,,,,??? If Bangbell was in that spot next to him then it’d be just absolutely perfect ㄴ ARMY : ??? (blissfully ignores)
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바람에 날린 앞머리 마저 귀.여.워. 민. 윤. 기. 귀. 여. 워. (기절)
Even his bangs fluttering in the wind are c.u.t.e. Min. Yoon. Gi. Is. Cute. (faints)
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슈가만의 분위기와 무드가 가득한 Me, Myself, and SUGA ‘Wholly or Whole me’ ! 방림이의 비하인드 잘 구경하셨나요?! 포토북 기다리는 아미들은 방림이 포스트 보면서 조금만 기다려주기!
Me, Myself, and SUGA ‘Wholly or Whole me’ was full of SUGA’s unique ambiance and mood ! Did you enjoy Bangbell’s behind-the-scenes look?! For the ARMYs who are waiting for the photobook please wait a little more while you look at Bangbell’s post!
주말 잘 보내고, 기분좋게 마무리 하길 바라요 아미들! 이번주도 고생 많았어요! (하트)
Have a great weekend, and I hope you end the week on a happy note ARMYs! You’ve worked hard again this week! (heart)
(T/N: Short for “Bye ARMY! Poof!”, which is how Bangbell always ends these posts.)
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본 포스트는 BIGHIT MUSIC에서 직접 운영하는 포스트입니다.
This Naver Post is personally run by BIGHIT MUSIC.
[End Note]
Trans cr; Ali Typeset cr; Archillea @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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ichill7n · 4 months
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@I_m_chillin 나 보쌈해갈 윌링💚🫨
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sailorjisunq · 2 years
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campingtomato · 7 months
저도 사람 사귀기가 서툴고, 말주변이 없어, 여러 가지 실례되는 일을 멋대로 저질러왔다고 생각합니다. 부디 넓은 아량으로 이해해주십사 청합니다.
오히려 마음이 차분해지는 사랑. 휴식 같은 마음. 잘난 체하지 않고, 수줍어하지 않고, 두려워하지않는 사이. 그런 게 아니라면 의미 없다고 생각해요. 이토록 끔찍한 현실 속에서, 작은 휴식과도 같은 초원. 서로를 위해, 그런 관계가 된다면 얼마나좋을까요.
올바른, 작은 고독 생활을 영위하라!
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jollygood21 · 10 days
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briankimblr · 13 days
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aja-aja-hanja · 9 months
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if you'd like to support me, check out my ko-fi!
character story:
After a fire, grasses are some of the 早 조 earliest 艹艸 초 plants that grow back. (This one is a bit self-defining unfortunately! The original radical 艸 means grass but has fallen into disuse, only used as its radical 艹 version).
Study vocab here!
忍冬草 인동초 honeysuckle
大麻草 대마초 hemp marijuana
草原 초원 grassy plain
雜草 잡초 weed
海草 해초 seaweed
化草 화초 flowering plants
草食動物 초식동물 herbivorous animal
草家집 초가집 thatched roof house
甘草 감초 licorice root
藥방에 甘草 약방에 감초 indispensable person or thing
草案 초안 rough copy
*can add 하다 to make a verb form
**can add 이다 to make an adjective form
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porldpic · 1 month
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라잇썸 초원
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uppersidedreaminrp · 2 years
외로운 호수 [ Oeloun Hosu ]
Based near Yongdae-ri the Oeloun Hosu Pack is nestled into the forest, close enough to have electricity and some common modern technologies, but far enough to avoid the people of the village. They don't tend to accepts humans into their area and have an even more rigorous checking if anyone wants to invite a human to their territory. The Oeloun Hosu Pack is self-sufficient - growing their own crops, hunting for their own meat, and general stay within themselves. There's a saying within the nearby village that they seem to almost be like a cult, which works for the pack as it keeps people even further out of their lands.
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초원 [ Cho Won ]
The Cho Won Pack has established themselves within the tourist part of Seoraksan, not as shifters but as business men and women of the nearby town. They own one of the biggest hotels that people are allowed to come and stay out to explore the national park. Unlike their counterpart the Cho Won Pack loves having their members interact with humans. They think it let's them learn new things and that's always a benefit to the pack. They have a very strict system for when a pack member wants to bring a human to any pack get togethers though and if they ever ask for court a human or let them know of them being a shifter they must meet with the leader specifically before the pack member is allowed. Going outside of this custom will lead to consequences within the pack.
The two packs have tried to split the land somewhat equally for now, but the line is constantly changing and even the pack members themselves sometimes believe it falls in a different spot than each other. Where the pack names are on the map is where most of the pack members live near and where they spend most of their time. A lot of the middle area isn't used as heavily and is used for joint meetings.
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flashwise · 2 years
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Nature so close to my daily life. It is so unreal. Bushbuck seems to be common in this land. 45min drive took me to another world, it seemed like. Mountain hog by the water I found. Expected to see zebras and giraffes soon. #lilayı #naturelovers #lilayilodge #animalkingdom #prairies #zambia🇿🇲 #lusakazambia #travel #daytrip #mamals #mountainhog #safari #릴라이 #릴랴이랏지 #자연인 #동물의왕국 #초원 #잠비아 #루사카 #여행 #데이트립 #포유동물 #멧돼지 #사파리 #リライ #ネイチャーラーバ #ザンビア #ルサカ #草原 #旅行 https://www.instagram.com/p/CkdZL6zI7rO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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the-dreamnote · 1 year
dreamnote_imekorea @ICHILLIN'(아이칠린) 의 이지님, 초원님과 함께 La la la la la lemonade~🍋✨ #라라 #보니 #이지 #초원 #LemonChallenge #드림노트 #DreamNote #SecondaryPage #두번째페이지 #라레몬에이드 #레모네이드 #Lemonade #ドリームノート #fyp
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