#- 🌊 how have we made it this far?’- adulting
I’m like a toddler and vampire fic is my new shiny toy. So 🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸
And then the usual ;) 🌊🌊🌊🌌🌌🌌🚨🚨🚨📚📚📚🦮🦮🦮and uuuuh I think the last one was this?? 🔮🔮🔮
Here are 15 fresh sentences for 🩸:
Obviously, the main hope is that one of these days they’ll just find Eddie at the marina. Just wandering about, or something. It’s a possibility, albeit a slim one. The real value of regular marina trips is the intel. A currency more valuable than money, at this point. 
They always stop at Kurt’s first. Kurt lives on a houseboat - the youngest son of a wealthy, old-money type family - and didn’t end up leaving when vampire activity kind of took over the marina. He makes a decent side hustling smuggling things in and out; people, blood, you name it. And, importantly, he loves Sophia. 
Buck is always impressed with the way Sophia can seem to play to any audience. For someone very pragmatic and even in her day-to-day life, she can don a mask and give a performance better than Buck could ever hope. Lying has made him turn inward; bottle himself up and become hard to avoid spilling over with truth. Sophia makes an art of it. She’s far more than half the reason they have any connections at all. Buck would be lost without her. 
9 for 🌊:
Buck watches Genevieve and Christopher interact with a plain joy on his face that takes Eddie by surprise. Then he remembers that Buck is just getting to know his niece over the past year, and from their day at the beach together, it seems like he’s working pretty hard to do so. And this little girl has gone through a lot. Seeing her happy just makes Buck happy. And that makes Eddie fall for him even more. 
After dinner the adults have a glass of wine on Buck’s back porch, overlooking the ocean, while Chris and Genevieve play video games inside. At one point, Buck gets up to grab everyone a refill, leaving Eddie and Maddie alone for a brief moment. 
Maddie doesn’t waste any time. 
“You’re good for him,” she says, practically the second the door closes behind Buck. 
9 for 🌌:
“It’s really bizarre,” Chris says. “You were there, and Buck was there, and for some reason Ana was there, too.” 
“Ana, huh?” Eddie asks. 
“Yeah. And it started, like, when we were in a house with Ana, then we were driving, I think to find Buck? I don’t know. I don’t remember all of it.”
9 for 🚨:
The other half of him wants to put everything on the line, risk it all, and wake Buck up in a way he’s not likely to forget. He remembers the feeling of Buck’s lips on his head last night. The desperate fear and relief when they found each other underwater. He’s starting to think the thing he wants would be wanted in return. 
Eddie is stuck in the throes of decision paralysis. Well, decision paralysis and another urgent sensation. God, he’s so screwed. There’s no coming back from this, is there? Even if he gets up and walks away from this, uh, opportunity, how can they both pretend that last night didn’t change the dynamic between them?
9 for 📚:
 “Guess I forgot to mention.”
“Ah, he’s being polite,” Anil makes a dismissive waving gesture. “Ravi and I aren’t close anymore.”
Anymore? What anymore can he be referring to? Maybe they were close as toddlers, but somehow, Ravi doubts even that. 
The rest of the 118 exchange uncomfortable glances. 
“Well,” Chim tries weakly. “There’s something to be said for reconnecting.”
9 for 🦮:
“I’m just not sure.” Buck admits after a moment of thought. “There’s gotta be people with, uh, disabilities in the department that really need that help. Right?”
“Um…” Fionn trails off, sounding somehow confused with Buck’s reply. He doesn’t know what part of it was confusing. “Well, can you think about it? Maybe meet the dog? We were quite set on you.” 
3 for 🔮:
You're actually getting the first non-outline words of the fic here haha.
Bobby knows that part of the problem is that he has let this quiet go on for far too long. Quiet - not silence. They are speaking. He’s still speaking to everyone from the 118. Eddie and Chim mostly. Ravi and Hen less. Buck… Hardly at all.  Bobby should have been the one to change that, before the quiet turned to gunpowder and someone lit a match. But he didn’t, and so here they are. 
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dirtthornberry · 1 year
To all the people I’ve loved:
👩🏻 I love you. I don’t know why you hurt me but I know why you hurt me. You were a wonderful parent but a not-so-great mother. I was a difficult kid but I was a traumatized child. You were a stretched-thin mom but you were a naive adult. You taught me to stand up for myself and what I think is right, even if it was against you. You taught me that true love isn’t always pretty, but it is unconditional. I love you with it all.
👨🏻‍🦲 I love you the most daddy. I wish you had paid more attention to the important things & not just the little moments. But oh my god were those little moments everything. You were so excited to give me those binoculars & tell me about every bird, plant & bug & I didn’t really care to learn their names but I did for you because you were so happy I was interested. Now I want to know ALL of the names.
👱🏻‍♀️ I never hated you for it but it made it really hard to love you for a while; she did it to you so you didn’t know… I love you so so much now tho. Out of 11 sisters and 8 brothers, you’re the only one I was raised with. 7 years apart & you couldn’t stand me the moment you hit puberty. I ache for all the things that happened to you that weren’t noticed bc either mom & dad didn’t notice or bc I took up all the attention. You didn’t deserve any of the trauma. You never did.
🌊 you were my first best friend. I’m so glad you were placed with me & so grateful my mom would drive me the 45 minutes to come see you once you went back home. Every time I hear Ed Sheeran, I think of you. We’ve drifted apart and are different people now but you’ll always be my sister-from-another-mister. I’m sorry it went this way; Ik it didn’t have to.
👾 I was your first friend when you moved here but now we aren’t friends at all. What changed in those years we weren’t together? What made you so selfish and blind. There’s no question mark because I already know. Your childhood caught up to you in ways I don’t think you don’t even fully understand and you got defensive. I’m sorry but I have to put myself first. Like I said though: I will Always only wish the best for you.
🌸 I didn’t like you at first and I don’t even really know why. I’m so glad you didn’t care. I’m so glad you talked to me anyway. I don’t say this lightly but I probably would’ve ended it several times over if it’d wasn’t for you. I have all the confidence in you that you so sorely lack. I’m so sorry for what has happened to you but I love the person your circumstance produced, flaws and all. I miss you.
🥀 not addressing your trauma won’t heal it but you wouldn’t even know where to start. We’ve suffered from so many of the same things and it breaks my heart that we share the grief. I love that you always get back up & keep going. It’s the thing I admire about you the most. You’ll get there baby, I believe in you.
🍁 I hurt you really bad. You hurt me too. We keep hurting each other. But the love is so sweet. It’s tastes like honey and wine. We had an argument while I was at work that made my stomach churn and an employee told me she’d never thought an fight could be so healthy and honest. That felt so fucking good to hear. I could never have done it without you, I wouldn’t have wanted to anyway. I’m so excited to have the life we’ve talked so much about. 4 years in and I hope we have so many more.
🌿 you’ve come so far. Only we know how much we’ve been through but we’re here now. If I had told you that you’d actually have a pretty solid will to live by the time you turned 20, you would’ve laughed in my face & told me you don’t plan to be here that long. But look at you now!! Assistant Manager, getting paid $17.50 an hour, living in your own place with your own dogs and in the healthiest relationship of any kind you’ve ever been in with a man who loves you with his all. I’d say congrats but I know it’s not over yet and there will be many many hardships to come. Think of all the truly wonderful and amazing things we’re gonna come by too. We became the person we never thought we’d be able to be. I’m so proud.
🐾 for countless lifetimes of love and connection. If I gave you as much as you deserve, there would be no universe for us to exist in. Every single one, a few more closely than others, have saved my life. The entire basis for my will to live. For every single animal I’ve every encountered: Thank you for just existing. I love you.
🫥 I wish everyone else the best of luck. Truthfully. I love you. I might not know you but I’d love you anyway. Please remember to be grateful for all of the things, not just the good or the bad. You are the center of your own universe and I’m your biggest believer. Good luck in your travels. Have the best life.
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skriveting · 3 years
Music for writing MASTERLIST
updated 28.12.21. all links are to spotify.
Music is a wonderful source of inspiration and can serve as a useful tool for keeping a consistent tone in a scene or the story overall. Below is a list of songs that can serve as inspiration for writing, categorized as follows:
Songs with lyrics
Instrumentals / Movie scores
Classical music
Songs with lyrics:
⚜️ Midas Touch, Aurora (2021, Pop)
"I'd find you on your knees And you'd beg for me to be The woman on your throne But I'd rather be alone" !!!!!!
🌊 Heathens, Aurora (2021, Pop)
the DROP ON THIS TRACK- Unmatched.
wild vibes
❄️ Once Upon a December, Pentatonix (2020, A capella)
magical, mystical
💘 It's Been A Long, Long Time, Pentatonix (2021, A capella)
ethereal, peaceful
slow dancing
reuniting with a loved one
❤️ Mitt Hjerte Alltid Vanker, Ingebjørg Bratland (2008, Hymn)
this is a Norwegian Christmas song, but I imagine it will sound quite magical (perhaps especially) if you don't know the words, too
I believe the English version is called My Heart is Wandering
there are many versions of this song, but this is one of my favorites
Here's another version I really like: Mitt Hjerte Alltid Vanker, Sissel (1987)
❤️ Mu Váibmu Vádjul Doppe (version 1), (version 2), Mari Boine (2001/2013, Hymn)
the sami version of Mitt Hjerte Alltid Vanker
brings me to thoughts of nature on a dark winter night
🔪 Cutthroat, by Imagine Dragons (2021)
MASSIVE duel vibes
fight-to-the-death vibes
👑 The Tradition, by Halsey (2021)
Grimey, bleak, dark
Gives me protagonist fighting the system-vibes
It’s a tough world out there, you have to do what you have to do to survive
🍾 I Feel Good, by Pitbull, Anthony Watts, and DJ White Shadow (2021, Pop)
something about this song just screams blasted in a club with flashing lights and I can’t stop laughing
let ur characters cut loose and make stupid mistakes !!
“I don’t know about you, but I feel good” 😎
⚔️ Warriors, by 2WEI and Edda Hayes (2020, Cover of Imagine Dragons)
this was made for writing big battles with a slow build-up!
epic all around, really immersive
makes me want to write a scene built around it even though I have no project like that going on at the moment
🔲 Blank Space, by Taylor Swift (2014, Pop)
an iconic song about the push and pull of relationships
the song is a world/story in and of itself, great to build off of
(this whole album could be on this list)
😳 Tucked, by Katy Perry (2020, Pop)
a song made about how we fantasize about people
makes me write some saucy romance-longing
just a fun track honestly + kinda unique
🌗 Phases, by PRETTYMUCH (2019, Pop)
a song about sticking with a partner as they go through different phases in life
holding out for that special someone, giving them room to grow
really sweet
👑 Crown, by Stormzy (2019, Hip hop/Rap)
reminds me of a rainy city
a gang-leader type of vibe
🌆 Slacker Friends, by Way Down the Rainbow (2019, Alternative)
a slow burn, but worth every second.
a beautiful song for reminiscing about friendship
looking back on youth and savoring every moment
👭 Glad He’s Gone, by Tove Lo (2019, Alternative/Indie)
finally, your friend broke up with her man
reuniting of friends
friend love > romantic love
😫 Baby, by Clean Bandit ft. MARINA and Luis Fonsi (2018, Dance/Electronica)
this song inspired me to write in a medieval setting for some reason lol
makes me think of flamenco dancing (as a non-Spaniard) or some other passionate dance
just a bop, had this on repeat
🕺 Give Me the Night, by Georges Benson (1980, R&B/Soul)
a time-capsule to a different time
makes me want to roller skate on retro skates
📓 Coolest Guy on Campus, by RebMoe (2021, Indie)
the perfect song for an admiring-from-far-away situation
🖤 Hearts a Mess, by Gotye (2006, Alternative/Indie)
a masterpiece, an experience, a revelation
what a ride
emotions in audible form
🪢 It’s Nice to Have a Friend, by Taylor Swift (2019, Pop)
just friendship? hmm??
a kids-to-adults-growth concept
upbeat, airy instrumental
Instrumentals / Movie scores:
🐐 A Narnia Lullaby, by Harry Gregson-Williams (from The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. 2005)
🌫 The Blitz, 1940, by Harry Gregson-Williams (from The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. 2005)
boy oh boy did Harry Gregson-Williams write a lot of good music for this movie (but it's Harry Gregson-Williams so why are we surprised)
the sound of the bombers flying by?? wow
🦢Dance for Me Wallis, by Abel Korzeniowski (from W.E., 2012)
the piano on this track-
dramatic, everything coming to a head
one of my favorite tracks ever, I think
🦇 Is She With You?, by Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL (from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, 2016)
Big drums, fast tempo
🔪 Brother’s Keeper, by Henry Jackman (from Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, 2016)
⚓️ Safe Now, by Henry Jackman (from Captain Phillips, 2013)
📻 A Hidden Life, by James Newton Howard (from A Hidden Life, 2019)
🐱 The Puss Suite, by Henry Jackman (from Puss in Boots, 2011)
this track has no right to be as good as it is, but that's Henry Jackman for you
⚡️ The Roundhouse, by Henry Jackman (from Pokémon Detective Pikachu, 2019)
this track just goes hard idk what else to say
🍒 The Comedown (From the Apple Original Film “Cherry”), by Henry Jackman (2021, Instrumental)
been OBSESSED with this (my #1 played song on spotify this year)
perfect for moody/subtextual/emotional stuff
a world all of its own
just such a good track. please check it out
Classical music:
🪄 Prospero’s Magic, by Michael Nyman (1991)
there’s something so haunting and emotional about this, please listen to it
🎼 String Quartet No. 3 in F Major, Op. 73: III. Allegro non troppo, by Dimitri Shostakovich/Dmitrij Sjostakovitsj (1946)
this piece makes me nervous, but in a good way
🎹 Piano Concerto No. 22 in E flat, K.482: 3. Allegro - Andante cantabile - Tempo I, by Mozart (1785)
🎭 Cello Sonata in G Minor, Op. 19: II. Allegro scherzando, by Sergei Rachmaninov
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For risotto!!
🐞 - What makes your f/o squirm?
Honestly not a lot gets to him, gore or violence wise. Now if we're talking about feelings and emotional conversations? He's gonna be shifting around in his chair and looking for the nearest exit.
🍊 - What’s your f/o’s biggest secret?
Serious answer -- There are moments he still wishes he had died instead of his cousin. He's only admitted it once in the dead of night during a more vulnerable moment when we were both sharing our experiences with depression. Now he sorta pretends he didn't say anything about it, but when its obvious he's not feeling his best I have some idea what's going on in his head, and I can help navigate his thoughts to something less dark.
Funny answer -- He has a sweet tooth and thinks I don't know any of his hiding spots for chocolate. I know them all.
🐣 - How does your f/o feel about babies/children? (In general)
Risotto is indifferent to babies for the most part. So long as he doesn't have to care for one or be near one for long periods of time, that is, which doesn't ever happen anyway. Teens however, he tolerates, considering there are some within Passione...Well, it's a constant test of his patience.
🌵 - How long does it take for your f/o to warm up to new people?
It looks like Risotto never warms up to anyone, but that's just because he's very good at appearing aloof when in reality he's awkward as fuck around new people, so it takes a while for him to relax. Especially with anyone outside of the mafia, kinda hard to have a relatable conversation with a normie who's venting about their office job when last night he was disposing of a body and is now hoping the blood still under his nails isn't obvious.
🌊 - Can your f/o swim?
He's not an expert but he knows enough to not drown, lol.
🌌 - How much faith does your f/o have in horoscopes?
Not a lot anymore, he's practically an atheist. The opinion's of his catholic parents on his eyes pretty much soured all ideas about religion and he dislikes talking about it.
💜 - Free space! Tell us a random headcanon you have for your f/o.
Risotto doesn't know how to relax very well when he's not working. If it weren't for me....He'd be sitting in a room eating saltines in the dark while staring at the wall until it was time to go on a job or do more mafia work. Being in Passione for his entire adult life has made it hard for him to realize he doesn't have to eat, sleep, or breathe the mafia life. We're working on figuring out what hobbies he enjoys and maybe its the influence of his sweet tooth but so far he likes baking pastries.
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