#🌕 my beloved
Lucille, upon meeting Hana, assumes she is an Apollo Kid, and immediately runs away from her by using their powers to "disappear into the wind" (her one and only Zephryos kid power lol). Hana then proceeds to spend like a solid week and a half asking around camp like "WHO IS THIS AND HOW DO I MEET HER AGAIN".
Okay okay um question related to Seb now... Is he still a serial killer of Roman's for the funsies? IS SEBTAVIAN STILL A THING, HAS THAT BEEN REWRITTEN?? If yes they still are, what is the dynamic like? Similar? Totally different?
You can put a question about any of my PJO ocs on yours and I will answer it in my next ask ehehe :>
- 🌕 Anon
Moonieee💜💜💜 sorry this took a hit long to respond to😭😭
I’m kinda pretty intrigued by the “disappear into the wind” thing, cuz like like when you think about it is literally person breaking up every single atom in their body and dissipating into thin air- 💀 and then reforming back-
like does Lucille have any like side effects?💀 is it like if Nico overuses his powers he starts fading? That if Lucille does it too many times they’ll turn into a literal gust if wind?
I have like so many theories on this lmao. Also apologies of my use of logic in a world of demigods💀 I like to mingle them up XD
Also didn’t like Chiron notice Hana’s distress over that week?
As for the seb questions:
Seb was never in it for the funsies, he’s got actual reason for killing the few that he did. A part of the old lore still stands where the travelling Romans would get attacked by him (or was it him👀) when they got too close to region where he was hiding in the forest.
The other reason is uhh classified for fanfic reasons 💀💀 but it bottles down to him having similar ideologies as both Luke and dare I say Octavian.
Also his kill count got reduced to 24 cuz otherwise the timeline wouldn’t make sense 💀💀
Yes and no. Sebtavian still remains canon since it’s crucial to the story. The whole point of the relationship was that it’s supposed to be forced upon them. If Seb hadn’t been struck by Eros’s arrow, he would’ve never fallen for Octavian in the first place and would’ve killed him that day without a second thought.
The thing is that their friendship heals Seb more than romance. It’s one step forward, but then the effects of the love arrow act up and they’re two steps back. It’s a never ending nightmare because they’re both also using each other for their own plans.
Besides this new take on the ship, everything else about them is the same.
I threw in sm Apollo/Daphne parallels in there btw cuz ya know ik a sucker for some good symbolism 💅🏼💅🏼
I feel like I’ll only be able to explain it in upcoming lore comics/posts and fic chapters.
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infinite-girlposting · 4 months
infiltrating the blog. she's in a QPR with multiple of us. i am, therefore, claiming rights to post about her as much as he does.
i love our wife. thank you.
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mngrlmgic · 1 year
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dangergays · 6 months
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rigormortisriot · 11 months
Trick or treat >w>
*gives u kiss*
Tricks, my love!
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minty-bubblegum · 1 year
My brain likes to randomly turn off sometimes, so uh what's ur fav Twisted Wonderland character? And ur fav South Park character?
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10 and 33 for Hanaaaa!!!💜💜🌸🌸🌸
Also hi my beloved moon!!!💜
10: So, Hana was kept away from lots of things as a child by her parents, so she's naturally quite curious. She wants to learn new things, she wants to gain new skills and hobbies, but she's also quite stubborn so it's hard to get her to change her mind about certain things. If she was told it's something stupid that she should never do, then she's likely to believe it and then stick with that for long periods of time. For example, when she was told by multiple medics at camp that it wasn't possible for her to have chronic tuberculosis because she would be dead, she didn't believe them until an incident involving Renée. She's not exactly the most flexible person when it comes to her beliefs and lots of what she believes isn't true or came from bad communication on someone else's end.
33: Hana knows that logically, people will perceive her differently to how she perceives herself. But she never really considers how other people might be seeing her until she meets Lucille, who is suspicious of her because they thought she was an Apollo kid. Hana always kind of thought that the way people perceived her was similar to the way she perceived herself, which was weak, incompetent and generally just non-threatening. She stops viewing herself like that when she's around 16-17 ish, but she does have a deeply internalized belief that she's not strong enough to protect those who she loves (watching your sister die isn't really good for your mental health lol).
Thank u for the questions I have Hana and Lucille brainrot rn lol
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cozymoko · 2 months
Ohh!!! Can i have fruitykawa with a reader who's kind of insecure about their relationship with him? Like,yes she's aware that they are married and all,but Fruity is such a wealthy (and handsome) man that surely there are alot of women around him. It makes her feel upset and tries to distance herself from him.
🌕 anon
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It's been a while since I updated. Shoutout to my homie, 🟡 anon for this request. Kinda got burnt out at the end, but I tried my best. Enjoy~!
Pairing: Hachiro Furukawa x Female! Reader (1.9k words)
Format: Headcanons, mini scenarios
WARNING(S): yandere themes, jealousy, insecurity, mentions of cutting (plastic surgery).
Synopsis: Hachiro Furukawa, my oc, with a wife who's insecure due to him being so handsome! (≧∇≦)/
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Being WEDDED to the BEST is not for the weak-spirited. You had to appear stronger — better than the average woman so that they wouldn't dare question the legitimacy of your place. With your status, a ring costing nothing less than a fortune would never be enough. 
Your marriage had become public only a few years ago. Due to Hachiro's wishes. Yet that didn't seem to stop many promiscuous women from testing their luck. You bit back the unladylike words bubbling in your throat as they approached him. Fluttering their long lashes and flashing their pearly white teeth.
Models, lawyers, entrepreneurs: the party was bustling with so many. For a moment, you felt like nothing more than a pretty little accessory.
“Mr. Furukawa, how nice of you to make an appearance!” The host's eyes shift to you, thick and clouded with disdain. “It's a joy you brought the misses with you this evening.” The snarkiness of his tone was palpable. It seems the host wasn't exactly a fan of you, but then again, who was? After all, no one bothered to hide their curious gazes when Furukawa was not within earshot. But all you could do was hold your husband's arm just a little tighter.
The women especially.
"Is that Furukawa? Isn't he just dashing!"
"Wah~! He's even taller than I imagined!"
"Do you think he'll drink with me?"
Tightly sewn dresses, embracing the ladies that adorned them. Various warm shades painted lightly across their lips. Bouncy twists and swirls curled into their hair. Bedroom eyes peering over the many men scattered across the room; married or not. It's safe to say you weren't exactly pleased that your husband was one of the few.
You often hid yourself behind layers of lovely fabrics and excellent posture, in hopes of maintaining your modesty. In your eyes, it only seemed right that you matched the appearance and aura of that of your Husband. Though it seems each and every day was a torturous test of your self-restraint.
Nonetheless, you were never one to lose your composure. A straight face was essential in any type of business setting. Sure, you weren't as deadpan as Furukawa, but you could definitely play the "cold wife" role perfectly.
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RECENTLY, you've had QUITE THE OBSESSION with FASHION. You have encountered plenty of upcoming entrepreneurs, many of who you've managed to befriend. One of your closest ones is a fashion designer.
She would soon be introducing her new line of work after months of a troublesome hiatus. So, after pulling a little bit if strings, you were able to help her out. By strings, you mean asking Hachiro for some assistance. With his support of the project, people were bound to come and see the clothes. Granted, he was skeptical of your request, it didn't take him long to break and give you what you want.
That evening, the two of you attended an induction ceremony for the company's new clothing line. Hachiro had no reason to attend, but the grin on your face was much too difficult to resist. Just knowing that he made you happy warms his heart immensely. You were the cutest.
But, all good things, of course, come to an end.
“Oh, my! Look who decided to grace us with his presence.” A woman with rosy lips approached the two of you, swaying her hips a bit too much for your liking. “Hachiro, dear, it's been so long since I've seen you!”
Even other women didn't dare to acknowledge you, especially in the company of Hachiro himself. He didn't take kindly to people dismissing your presence. But this girl, definitely had some guts.
“Inoue,” he hums languidly, watching her in masked disdain. “I'd rather you not address me so informally in such a public setting.”
That's right, KAMIKO INOUE, one of the top models that had recently taken Japan by storm. You were expecting her appearance after Hachiro's announced sponsorship, but her rudeness surprised you a bit. Especially her addressing your husband as though they were closer than friends.
You scoff, looking away from the two. Seeing how you'd much rather watch them set up than listen to Inoue's mindless flirting. Hachiro placed his hand on the small of your back, rubbing gentle circles into your skin. But you couldn't dare look into his tender gaze, knowing of the possessiveness bursting within your chest.
She giggled, “How silly of you, Hachiro!” She reached her manicured hand out to grab his free arm just for him to grab her by the wrist.
“Please refrain from touching me so familiarly, Inoue. I'm a married man, and I'd be simply overjoyed if you would respect that.” He gave her a smile that didn't quite reach his steely eyes, before pulling you flush against his chest.
A bright red bloomed across your skin at his affection. Hachiro never showed too much PDA. "You have a photo shoot to attend to, no?" He asks coldly. "Me and my wife will be sure to cheer you on from the sidelines.
That soiled your mood for the evening. Snatching the genuine smile from your lips and replacing it with one faker than the plastic on that whore's skin. For once in your life you were truly feeling vulnerable.
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YOU had CONTEMPLATED GOING UNDER the KNIFE more times than YOU CARE to ADMIT. Not for your own pleasure, but the sake of your sanity. You didn't know what you'd do if you saw another beautiful woman talk to your husband.
Even in your youth, he was the center of attention. He had captured the hearts of many girls from various levels of wealth. You would know as you were one of them. But you were in no way richer or as elegant as the others who approached him. So why did he choose you? You asked yourself.
That night you had taken the guest room. It felt cold and quiet. Absent of the usual scratching of pens and occasional shuffling of papers you had grown accustomed to. The pleasant rumble of his chest as he attempts to entertain you whilst working. But you couldn't bring yourself to lay by his side with such heinous thoughts roaming your mind. You were able to fall into a long, dreamless slumber. But not without the company of a few heavy tears and a single question.
Were you selfish?
From that day, you didn't bother answering his calls, whether it be morning or dawn. You didn't bother visiting him during those long hours he slaved away at the company, though many times you truly wanted to. You didn't bother to allow your personal driver to pick you up, and if he tried, you merely snuck out of the house.
Any and everything reminded you of him, and that alone rendered you to tears. While he was away, you didn't allow yourself to be another burden pestering him on his business trip. You couldn't allow it.
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THE FLIGHT HOME was DREADFULLY SILENT. Aside from the tapping of someone's sleek dress shoes. Hachiro had not so much as uttered a word since boarding the plane, nor did he intend on it. For if he did, nothing kind would leave his mouth. Perhaps a, "hurry up," or two — or three. But all of it was for the sake of his sanity.
Hachiro needed his wife, desperately.
You slip through the large double doors, entering your bedroom with wary steps. It was quiet, as expected, and without your presence, it felt almost dead. A week had passed since you last drowned in the warm duvet. A week had passed since you relished in his scent nestled deep within its silk. And oh how you missed the smell of him. Finally, at peace, your shoulders dropped. You took a seat on the edge of your bed. Under your confident front, you were only one person. One person with one mind; though you usually had two. Hachiro and your own. But your pride didn't allow you to confine in the man you loved. What were you scared of? Being shamed, or perhaps laughed at — scolded? Though none of it seemed likely, you could not shake the feeling of embarrassment that held you on a tight leash. CREAK! You jumped, startled by the sudden weight pressed against your back. "Thank God you're safe," your heart swelled at the sound of his voice. The voice of not a stranger, but a lover — a partner. Hachiro grabs you by the chin and lifts your face up. You quickly recoil away in shame, praying he didn't get a peek at your messy face. The need to prove yourself had increased tenfold, you couldn't allow yourself to falter in his presence. “look at me, [Name]," he whispered softy. Hachiro lifts your head once more, swiping away the tears rolling down your cheeks. "You're crying? Tell me what's troubling you. I can help you, [Name]."
And just like that, you broke. Loud, anguished sobs tore through your throat. Your stomach fluttered at the familiar smell of citrus and mint. You couldn't get enough of it. His arms were warm and comforting, and you couldn't deny the safety you felt by his side. His embrace was stronger than anything you've ever known, as if holding him wasn't enough, you held him as though he were your lifeline. It wasn't your intention to tell him, but you just couldn't help it. Each and every thought was placed on the table. The insecurities that you felt bestowed before him. The people you despised and envied slipped past your lips without thinking. All while Hachiro cooed sweet nothings in your ear, promising you his loyalty until his last breath. “God, you're so beautiful,” he whispered, running his thumb through the swollen flesh of your eyes. His usually cold eyes burned with something you couldn't possibly describe. “I can hardly control myself sometimes.” You stared at him dumbfounded — in utter disbelief. His glasses must've been dirty, you thought. Your hair was a literal wreck. And the past couple of weeks had not been too kind to your skin. Small breakouts peppering your cheeks from stress; bags that could carry at least a ton of sorrow nestled beneath your eyes. Surely his vision was just a little blurry. But upon further inspection, you couldn't spot not a spec of dirt on his lenses. Upon your lack of response, he hums, leaning in a bit closer. “I'm serious, dear.” You huff, burying your face into his neck as your skin takes on a feverish shade of red. Damn him for being so attractive. You felt like a high schooler all over again. Smiling softly, you held him closer. “You're the best, Hachi.”
Hachiro sat awake by your side, gently stroking your back with easy motions. His lips had found themselves on your warm skin. And his heart beating vastly at the things you had confessed to him. The possessiveness you had experienced for him. The jealousy and anguish that had consumed you on his behalf.
Of course, he never wanted to see you upset, but seeing how you value him makes him a bit selfish. Just seeing you made him snap a little on the inside. His rational mind fought for control over his need to have you, to prove his love to you. But he decided against it. He would be sure to show you how deeply his love runs on a later occasion. But for now, he settled for cradling you in his arms. Promising to take all those bitter emotions away from you.
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“Good morning, Japan!” Shouted the host. “It's come to our attention that Ms. heartthrob Kamiko Inoue has quit the modeling industry after a life-threatening accident!”
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©CozyMoko, all rights reserved. Don't repost my work on other platforms.
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reallyromealone · 8 months
Ganon omegaverse 3
Fandom: the legend of zelda
Warnings: omegaverse, male reader, Zelda isn't good in this
(name) wasn't sure what to do, with these new freedoms he previously lacked back at Hyrule Castle, Ganon letting him wander around the palace AND THE CITY! With guards of course but still! He wasn't allowed to leave the grounds back home... Well he supposed this would be his home now.
That was something to get used to, things he was noticing back with his sister that left a sour taste in his mouth...
Why did she do what she did?
Why did she lock him away the way she did?
(Name) didn't know if he would get the answers he wanted to know or at least honest ones...
"Over the years we have expanded the town, it's not as big as Hyrule Castle town but it is impressive on its own" a guard explained as she showed him around the merchants row, before the palace entrance that surprised (name) at how accessible it was "unlike Hyrule Castle, we firmly believe the people should not be barred from visiting the palace-- of course there's times where it's not possible such at night but closing the palace from its people seems unreasonable to us"
"We believe in transparency to the people, of course they can't go anywhere they want in the palace but they are welcome to visit the throne room or see the public areas with the understanding of respect"
(Name) was fascinated by this information, the palace he knew was very closed off and from what he knew, very different from the rest of the kingdom in terms of wealth, the valley was much more forgiving and attentive to their people.
Zelda was a good queen, he knew this but he also knew she often focused on her own adventures and left the responsibilities to her second in command.
"There's so much I must learn..."
"And you will in time, you will have the rest of your life to learn" (name) nodded as he was slowly brought to the private dining area, unlike back home it wasn't stiff and cold, regal still but it felt....warm.
There was a low table with many bowls and plates with delicious looking foods as Ganon waited for his fiance to join him "how was your day, my star?" Ganon had grown to call (name) pet names, my beloved, my star... Many sweet words that made (name) flustered, his body warm with each sweet word.
"We went throughout the city today, one of the vendor ladies gave me this! I tried to pay her but she refused, she said "a gift to our future queen" the piece in question was one the made Ganon nearly blush, it was a fertility amulet.
"It looks very lovely on you" Ganon said as he led the Omega to sit in his lap, the Hylian dwarfing in comparison as they began eating, (name) finding he quite enjoyed spicy foods that the desert offered "try this!" Ganon already knew what all the foods presented tasted like but gave into his mates whims, eating the food presenting "very good, my love" his words rumbled through (name)s body, Ganon liked having his omega perched in his lap, so small and cute...
Ganon liked having (name) accompanying him during his royal business, include him on things and let him know how things worked And have an intimate knowledge in Ganons life.
"Our trade routes should alternate to this come winter months" Uberosa pointed to the map, an alternative map to get to the Bazaar "the merchants coming from the east have been notified through notices at inns and ranches" she explained as (name) looked curiously at the large map "This will also be the route we take for the wedding, I assume?" The concept of the wedding was both nerve-wracking and exciting at the same time, to think they should have been married for much longe...
Ganon gently pumped out pharamones as to calm the Omega, knowing he was nervous about his sister but Ganon knew she wouldn't try anything as to not disrupt the peace.
Going to war with the Guredo was a death wish after all.
"The wedding will be held at the temple of time now that it's been restored" Uberosa pointed to the map and (name) seemed excited, having never gotten to see it repaired.
Ganon worried (name) would grow bored when Ganon had to leave him, but the Alpha was pleasantly surprised to see (name) helping the teachers with the pups, the little girls wanting (name) to play with them the second they saw him as he was the only Voe outside of Ganon himself who they were allowed to look at, omegas were always deemed safe to the Guredo people.
"He will make a fine dam, brother" Uberosa said as Ganon gazed from a window, a soft look on his face "he will raise wonderful children if they get his attitude... God help if they turn out like you" the elder teased as Ganon huffed with false annoyance "he will be wonderful"
"Any word from the princess?"
"She's been quiet, she made many people upset with her actions and is most definitely doing damage control" he said methodically and Uberosa laughed slightly "she could have started a war, thankfully her brother is less selfish"
"His priority is always those around him, like a true Omega"
"You better spoil him to make sure he cares for himself"
"I already have things on the way"
Ganons clothes were going missing, mainly his shirts, thankfully he had an abundance due to needing to change from the heat.
Something Ganon took notice of was that (name) hadn't started nesting while here, weeks passing and the Omega seemed nervous when offered nesting materials "I-im allowed...?"
"Why wouldn't you be allowed, little one?" Uberosa asked the other who bit his lip, Ganon having a bad taste in his mouth as (name)s words confirmed his suspicions "w-wouldnt it be an inconvenience? I'm a royal Omega, it's unsightly for us to nest, no?"
"(Name), nesting is a basic instinct for all omegas, it doesn't matter what status you are, not nesting can affect your physical and mental wellness" Uberosa knelt down to the sitting Omega who seemed uncomfortable "I... I just don't want to inconvenience you all with my Omegan problems..."
"You have never and will never be a problem to us" Ganon was serious as he was half ready to start war over this but knew better, soon (name) will never have to deal with that again, he would be free to do as he pleased.
It took another week for (name) to try and make a nest, shy and nervous about it though happy Ganon gave him a spare room connecting to the bedroom "such a beautiful nest my Star" Ganon comforted (name) who looked at him for approval, his mood something new to Ganon compared to the others he was used to "we will get you even more nesting materials if you desire" he would have the finest materials sourced for his mate, anything for him.
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stqrgirl3 · 1 month
@celestialserenity24 - andrea⋆.˚🌕⋆⭒˚。⋆
@ameliascreampuffs - ames˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.
@marshadowstea - marshiee ⋆。°•☁️ (I LOVE YOU I SWEAR /gen)
@sxfiaaa - sof ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ ᡣ𐭩
@buunnyb00 - bunny ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
@cherryswift13 - cherry🍪⁺˚⋆。°✩₊
@vintagetee13 - aimee‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
@edsbug - bug₊˚ʚ 🌱 ₊˚✧ ゚.
@sleepy-vix - vix。𖦹°‧★
@daydream-of-a-wallflower - kat ˚˖𓍢ִ໋🦢˚𐚁๋࣭
@justafanbutcurious - duru!༄˚˖𓍢ִ✧˚.
@academic-vampire - jack ⋆.ೃ࿔ᵕ̈.𖦹📜ˎˊ˗
@brave-olive - olive ⋆ ˚。⋆୨🫒୧˚♡‧₊˚
@sleepinginmygrave - jupiter˖°𓇼🐋⋆🫧
@thatswh3n - bee ⋆。°•🌧️
@julyrivers - river 🌊⋆ ₊˚
@annie-one - annie ˚₊‧⁺⋆🌿
@dinosaurthecaliforniagirlanon - dino ༘ .⋆𖦹 🦕⋆。˚
@andytheoverthinker -
@icanttalkimhavingacrisis - joy! 𖤓°⋆࿔*
@marylily-my-beloved - fatima ࿔𝜗𝜚˚⋆
@all-too-unwell-13 - rose!⋆౨ৎ˚🧣⟡˖ ࣪
@eef-stars - ethan ✧˚🪐♡
@prongsbitch - james!🦌๋࣭ ⭑☆。
@definitionoffuckup - my starry night ‧₊˚𓇼 ⋆. 𓆝
@ravenwordss - raven✧˚⋆。˚𓄿
@garden-of-carnations -
@glcive -
@seekmemystar - itar!˙✧˖°🪷🛺⋆。˚
@bonsai-willis - bonsai𓇢𓆸 ₊˚🌱 ₊
@im-on-crack-send-help - riyanaa⋆⁺₊❄️.
@thatrandommatildafan - matty ✩°。🧸
@sotiredimbored - kuko!·˚𓆉 ༘���·
@czaixxrose - czai🦈๋࣭ ⭑˚˖𓍢ִִ໋
@inanan15 - naan౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪💗ྀིྀི
(!!!these arent all my moots if i havent added u here i swear i love u soso much ofgskjfj ive only added the few ones i talk to alot this is mainly for me to keep track of the tags :( im srry if i didnt add u id love to talk more tho!!!! <333
uhhhh also i wasnt able to find a few of the tags for yall so like ??? i swear i will ksfjsjgj also also can yall give me ur tumblr names too if its like not on ur blog or smth ? :) thankuuusjd
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Hiii would you like to play PJO OC tradsies :>
In which I offer you Lore Tidbits on some of my PJO OCS (Hana, Lucille, etc) and you give us Lore Tidbits on the new and improved Sebby 🌸🌸🌸
- 🌕 Anon (aka the Local Seb Appreciator)
Omg sure!!! I’ve done so many with the eros fam <33 would love to see Hana again!!
Oh wait I can draw them together finally! Official introduction of the kids LMAO
(Edit: I though I posted this but it was in my drafts 💀💀💀 oh my god-)
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nodensart · 2 months
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My beloved Ego 🌕 Isair, Spirit of Egocentrism
Сapturing him with chains is possible only by good will. The main thing to remember is that you still worship him...
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lunarmoonanons · 2 months
The Small Dragon: Daemon’s Dream
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕
Daemon was a strapping young lad of ten and seven. Having claimed dragon, won the respect of his house and family, and love of his grandfather. Now all he wanted was one thing. One thing that he’s wanted since he was a child.
Princess YN.
His aunt who was three years his younger. King Jaehaerys’ favorite daughter. His beloved YN. His playmate. His everything. He wanted to marry her and have her all to his own. She was ten and four years now. The age when she would be betrothed to someone respectable. And that person was going to be him. He just had to ask her first so she could convince her father to let her get married. As the old king had said often that he would rather his youngest daughter stay with him for the rest of her life.
That was his mission now. It was like the walls flowed together and the ground was swift beneath his feet. Everything felt like a dream. His hands were clammy but he felt confident. Everyone assumed they’d be together. His father, her siblings, the lords and ladies, everyone. He was sure that this is what YN wanted as well.
He didn’t remember how he got there, but he found himself in the gardens. In front of YN’s favorite flowers, looking at her as she admired them. Her long silver gold hair fell about her back and shoulders. He clenched and unclenched his hands, feeling the words lodged in his throat.
“YN…” He called out. Making her turn around and smile at him.
“Daemon. I was just thinking about you,” She smiled and held out a rose to him. “Look the white ones have bloomed just in time for my name day.”
“They’re just as beautiful as you.” He tried charming her. But as usual when he charmed her it went above her head and she never caught on that he was trying to flirt with her.
“I love the garden this time of year. It’s so warm and everything is bloomed so nicely,” She smiled and caressed the flower in her hand. Looking down at it instead of him.
The air was soft and everything looked just as soft. It was like the light was shining only on her and framing her in its light like a tale that the septa would tell.
“YN. I need to tell you something. And ask you something. Something important,” Daemon said. Looking at her, feeling all the more nervous when she looked up at him.
“What is it?” She asked.
“I love you, YN. I’ve loved you more than anyone’s ever loved you. I always have.” Daemon proclaimed and then got on one knee. “I want to marry you. I’m of age now. You’re of age. I want us to be joined before the gods together as husband and wife. I know you can convince your father that we could be together.”
YN did not smile like he was smiling. Her brows were furrowed and she pulled her delicate hand from his. Dropping her flower.
“Oh Daemon… I don’t love you like that.” Daemon felt his heart plunge to his feet. “I’ve always cared for you. But I don’t love you. Not in the way you want me to.”
“YN I want to marry you.”
“But I don’t want to marry you Daemon. I’ve never thought of marrying you,” YN stepped away from him. “Goodbye Daemon.”
“YN! YN wait!” He called out and stood but his feet were stuck to the ground. He could not move, he couldn’t go after her. He could only watch as she walked away.
Daemon shot up from his bed. A boy of eleven having a bad dream was common. But Daemon never had such a dream as this one before. He looked around his room then at his hands. Small. He was still a child.
Daemon wiped his sweaty brow and laid back on the bed. Trying to calm himself from his own thoughts. Musing to himself that it was just a dream. He looked at the table beside his bed, focusing on the dragon doll that YN had given him for his name day. How he cherished it.
Daemon resolved to himself as he reached for that little carved doll. He vowed he would marry her. No matter what she or anyone said. Only the king could stop him. And even then he would find a way around that.
“I love you, YN,” He whispered into the dark.
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dangergays · 1 year
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wolfsetfree-if · 3 months
Honestly, I’ve seen this IF around Tumblr for a while but I never got to read it because I thought it just wans’t going to interest me. BUT LIKE- hello?!?! I was wrong 💀 The demo was so cute and heartwarming with the pups and everything AND BELAAA they’re so sweet I can’t 😭!!
My little ask is not much I was just wondering if you have any general idea on how many chapters the book will have. ❤️
Thats all lol, I can’t wait for more content and good luck with the story!❤️🐺🌕✨
Omg thank you so much for your ask anon❤ I know that werewolves are oversaturated, but I always found that the setting and dynamics end up being the same over and over. With this, I want to explore the more animalistic side of shifting, not in a negative way but in a bonding, trusting one. With traditions and dynamics that were not forced, but simply those of a family. Maybe the different vibe is why people have said to me that they weren't initially interested in this IF but then they got into it.
(Sorry for rambling)
As for your question, this is a game that was meant to be a single book, and rather compact in size, with around 10 chapters total. I want to finish it one day, so I hope I can manage a story that has a small cast and that has a linear plot. Still, I plan on doing my best every chapter so that the finished game can be satisfying and hopefully beloved.
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iron-sparrow · 4 days
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May your life be full as the moon.
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When Obsidian learned that Selenite had never set eyes upon the moon, they delved into their memory banks to recall images of this celestial body. Once the opportunity arose, the machine took their beloved companion into the wilderness beyond their pristine existence ⸺ the only existence Selenite had ever known. They rode on and on, until the lightning receded into starlight. There, in the darkest reaches of the sky, a miracle waited.
Wishing you a very good and abundant Mid-Autumn Moon Festival, my friends. For many cultures around the world, this is the time we observe the beautiful full moon and give thanks for a bountiful harvest.
For me, the year's bounty can be found in the friends who've embraced me into their lives ⸺ and the new faces I've gotten to know in 2024. They have helped me in my forever-journey for better mental health, whether they know this or not.
Let's go into the new season replenished.
🌕 feat. @ahollowgrave's Selenite
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