#đŸ“±Leave a MessageđŸ“±texts
zacharyefrons · 10 months
Messages đŸ“Č ⇱ Princess Anya 💖
Zac: So what are you currently up to? Are you down to maybe hang again? I know you enjoyed the camping trip as much as I did so, let's do something else sometime. Zac: BTW, saw the 'Furiosa' trailer and I know you'll be amazing. Can't wait to see it! || @joyousanya
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zacdaefrons · 2 years
TextđŸ“Č ⇱ Sweet Taylor
Zac: Got any plans this upcoming weekend?
Zac: I kind of miss you and want to hang and catch up, if you don't mind.
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sjsmith56 · 3 months
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Still Friends
Summary: One shot. Two years after breaking up, the OFC calls her ex-boyfriend, Bucky, for help after her current boyfriend assaults her.
Length: 4.5 K
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, OFC (unnamed and undescribed), OMC (named, undescribed)
Warnings: Contains description of abusive behaviour and physical assault. OFC experiences angst after realizing leaving Bucky was a mistake.
Author notes: This is nurturing Bucky, who also shows some restraint by accepting his ex-girlfriend needed to work out her issues without pressure from him.
đŸ“± 🍹 ❀‍đŸ©č
As far as breakups go it wasn’t a bad one. There were still tears on both sides but there were also hugs after I told Bucky that I didn’t think we had a future together. Between my job as a travelling sales representative and his work an Avenger we didn’t see each other much. The sex was great, but it wasn’t enough to base a real relationship on. He was sad about my decision, but he helped me pack my things that I had left at his place, and we talked about where we went sideways. There was no blame; it was just how it went. As I stood at the door and hugged him again, he bent his head down and whispered in my ear.
“If you ever need me, I’ll be there for you. We’re still friends, sweetheart. That will never change.”
That was almost two years ago. A few months later, I accepted a job as a regional sales manager, in another city. There was less travel and I had time to date. Nothing serious developed but I was okay with that. Bucky was in the news every so often, only now the news stories were about the Avenger Bucky Barnes and not the former Winter Soldier. I was so proud of him and occasionally sent him a text message congratulating him on a job well done. He would send back pictures of him and Sam with the team they had assembled. He looked happy and I was glad for him.
Then I met a guy, Bryce Andrews, a very charming pharmaceutical sales manager. We hit it off quickly. Looking back now, maybe it was a bit too quickly, but at the time it just seemed like things were falling into place at the right moment. It wasn’t until Bucky and Sam were on a publicity tour of various cities and contacted me to arrange to meet up that things with Bryce took a turn.
We were at dinner in a restaurant. During the time between our plates being cleared and our desserts arriving I received a text message, and several more in a row.
“Excuse me,” I said, grabbing my phone. “Someone must need me.”
I looked. They started from Bucky: Going to be in your city next week for some publicity. Can we get together? That was followed by a text from Sam with the same message. Then texts from both asking if now was a bad time to call, since I hadn’t responded.
“Who is it?” asked Bryce, seeming curious, but good natured about the interruption.
“Oh, Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes,” I replied. “They’re coming on a publicity tour and wanted to get together. Do you mind if I call them?”
He blinked his eyes, then narrowed them. Now, in our line of work, especially considering how much networking we did outside of normal office hours, it wasn’t unusual for either of us to make or receive calls to and from other representatives. It was part of the job. Even though this would be a personal call, I didn’t think he would mind.
“We’re eating,” he said.
“Well, then let me text them that I’ll call them later,” I said, eager to please him.
A grunt was his answer, but I sent them a text message that I couldn’t talk at the moment, but I would phone later. I put my phone away, our dessert was served, and we ate, talking about all manner of things, except it seemed I was doing most of the talking. He was quieter than normal but not in a way that alarmed me. Since we met at the restaurant, after driving our own cars there, we said our good nights and I started my car up, then set up a conference call with Sam and Bucky so we could talk as I drove. It was great hearing from them, and we decided to see each other that following week. I really wanted them to meet Bryce, hoping they would get along. It was all set by the time I got home, parked my car, and locked it before I walked to my building, where I was surprised to see Bryce waiting for me.
“What’s up?” I asked, puzzled.
“Show me your phone,” he said, holding his hand out.
“Did you talk to them?”
Just the way he asked, set me off. “Yeah, I told you I was.”
“Are you cheating on me?”
“What?” I couldn’t believe he would ask something like that. “I haven’t seen them in two years. How could I cheat on you with friends I haven’t seen in that long?”
Suddenly, his hand was on my throat as he pushed me against the wall. “I always knew you weren’t over him. You’re going back to him, aren’t you? You’re going back to that killer?”
I struggled against Bryce, trying to push him off me. This was bizarre behaviour, and I was getting scared.
“No, I just set up meeting them for drinks, you, me, and them. That’s all. What’s got into you?”
“You’re mine! Do you hear me? You text them back and cancel it.”
“No, they’re my friends. I want to see them.”
The next thing I knew I was on the ground, my head ringing from where he struck me. A neighbour came out of the security door then, quickly assessing the situation. He gave me enough time to get through the door and close it before Bryce could follow. My now ex-boyfriend banged on the glass, his face full of unrestrained fury so I called the police and reported that he hit me, and I was afraid for my safety. They came within minutes, arrested him and I went up to my apartment, packed a bag and got in my car. As I drove, I phoned Bucky back. It took several rings before he answered, sounding like he had been sleeping.
“Sweetheart? Why are you phoning so late?”
“Do you still have access to a quinjet?”
Immediately, his voice changed, not sounding so sleepy anymore. “What’s wrong?”
“My boyfriend. He went off the deep end about us meeting next week. He hit me, Bucky. I had to call the police on him. I’m scared to stay home. I’m in my car right now but it’s too far to drive to where you are so I was hoping you could come and get me.”
“Where are you?” he asked.
I told him and he was quiet for a moment. He must have been looking it up on a tablet because he told me the name of a private airport about 15 minutes drive away. Told me to go there, stay in the car with the doors locked and wait for him. He would be there as soon as he could. When I arrived, I parked away from the other vehicles, figuring he would need room to land the quinjet. As I sat there in the dark my phone began to sound and I could see text after text from Bryce.
I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did that.
Please, call me or send me a text.
I’m being charged with assault. You sure you want to lay that on me?
Why don’t you answer?
Listen, if I say I’m sorry and promise to go for counselling can you drop the charges? I might lose my job over this.
There was nothing after that and I realized they had probably taken his phone away. I received another text, this one from Sam.
Almost there. Where are you?
In the parking lot, away from the other vehicles. Red Lexus SUV. I’ll flash the lights.
When I saw the lights of the quinjet approaching I flashed my brights and stepped out of the vehicle. Bucky was at the controls and landed right beside me. The back ramp came down and both stepped out immediately. As soon as I saw them, I began to cry. All I remember at that moment, was feeling their arms surround me, hugging me, and murmuring that I was alright. Sam stepped back, took my car keys and went to the trunk for my bag while Bucky led me into the quinjet. As he buckled me into a seat, he looked carefully at my face, gently touching it. It hurt and I winced.
“He did this to you?”
There was no anger in his voice as he asked, but I knew he was angry, just by the set of his jaw and the look in his eyes. I nodded. Sam strode on with my bag and his phone at his ear.
“Red Lexus SUV, at the location I told you. I have the keys, so you’ll have to transport the vehicle with a tow truck or flatbed trailer. I want it picked up and taken to a secure location within 24 hours.”
He was quiet while they repeated it back to him, then he hung up and kneeled in front of me, doing the same thing Bucky did, except from the mindset of his former para-rescue occupation, asking me if I blacked out, or greyed out, and if my head or neck hurt. When I winced at his touch he shook his head, obviously angry. Then he had me follow his upright finger with my eyes without moving my head. Gently, he cupped my cheek with his palm then stood up and looked meaningfully at Bucky.
“He doesn’t get away with it,” he said to his partner. “You know that type of reaction is jealousy, and it will just get worse now that he’s let his façade slip. I wish we had done something sooner.”
“What do you mean, sooner?” I didn’t quite understand what Sam meant.
Bucky let out a deep breath. “When you first told us about him, we checked him out. I know, that was technically spying but we still care about you and weren’t going to let just anyone be your boyfriend.”
“You’ve been interfering in my love life?” I could feel the anger in me ratcheting up to 100. “You had no right!”
“You’re right,” agreed Bucky. “But we just wanted you to be safe and happy with a good guy. Bryce seemed to be alright but there were moments in his past that made us wonder if he was as nice as he presented himself to be. What happened tonight, proved he wasn’t.”
Even though they were right, I was still angry, and I sat there with my arms folded, fuming. Bucky returned to the quinjet controls while Sam sat next to me and buckled in. To his credit, he didn’t try to talk me out of being upset at them. Half an hour later we were at the airport in the city where they were appearing. Sam called for an Uber. As we waited for it to arrive, he and Bucky stood closely together, murmuring, looking at me every so often. Sighing, I went over to them.
“If you’re going to talk about me, at least do it to my face,” I said, irritated.
“Just discussing the sleeping arrangements,” said Bucky. “We have a double King room. You can have one bed; Sam will take the other and I’ll take the floor.”
“I can pay for my own room,” I replied.
“No, what if he finds out you’re here?” asked Sam. “You’re staying with us. You can take a few days off of work, can’t you?”
“Possibly, if my boss is okay with it. Where do you go next?”
Sam rattled off the next three towns they were in before they got to where I lived. They both promised to help me deal with Bryce if he showed up. By the time we got to their hotel I was beat. Bucky went into the bathroom and came out several minutes later.
“I’ve run a bath for you,” he said gently. “Take your time and relax. We’ll talk when you’re done.”
I would have argued but he seemed so sincere that I grabbed my pyjamas and went into the bathroom. When I came out, the TV was on, and Sam was on top of the other bed, in sweatpants and a T-shirt. The other king-sized bed had been turned down, but Bucky wasn’t in the room.
“He went to grab some snacks,” explained Sam. “Get comfortable. Anything you want to watch?”
I shook my head as I dropped my clothes off on my suitcase and climbed into the other bed, with my phone in hand. There were no other messages from Bryce. Hopefully, that meant he was in custody and not plotting his revenge. The sound of the door being unlocked made both of us look at it and we watched as Bucky came in, carrying a bag and a covered paper cup. He toed his boots off and approached the beds. He placed the paper cup on the nightstand nearest me then reached inside the bag, pulling out a wrapped package, and handing it to Sam.
“Po’ Boy, with lots of hot sauce,” he said. He smiled at me, pulling out a small carton of rocky road ice cream and a spoon. “Comfort food, if I remember correctly.”
“Thanks,” I smiled, taking it from him. “It is.”
He pulled out a submarine sandwich for himself, then two bottles of beer, handing one to Sam. I looked at the paper cup which he had placed on the nightstand nearest me.
“Hot chocolate for you, to warm you up between brain freezes.”
“You still remember?”
“Of course.” He gestured to the space on the bed next to me and I patted it. “I would never forget that.”
Bryce never remembered my love of rocky road ice cream and hot chocolate. In fact, he thought it was stupid that I needed to warm up between bites of ice cream whenever I was feeling stressed. My mouth started to tremble and before I knew it the tears started to fall. Both men placed their food down and sat so they were on either side of me. Sam took my ice cream and put it on the nightstand then put his arm around my shoulders while Bucky held my hands.
“Why did I ever break up with you?” I whimpered, feeling pretty sorry for myself. “You both came out late to get me, then you make a special trip to get my comfort foods and act like its no big deal that you remember it two years after we broke up.”
“Hey, I told you that we’re still friends,” said Bucky, in a voice that was so kind. “I still love you and care about you. Sam still cares. It was our phone call that made Bryce react so poorly.”
“No, don’t blame yourselves,” I said emphatically. “If it wasn’t this, it would have been something else that set him off. I look back now at what attracted me to him and it’s obvious that he wasn’t sincere. It was all an act and I bought into it because maybe I was still trying to convince myself that breaking up with you was the right thing to do. The fact that you two were still watching out for me means that you saw through him long before I did.”
They glanced at each other in the way that good friends do when they need to say something unpleasant to another friend. Sam cleared his throat first.
“We didn’t have anything concrete on him when you two first started to go out. On the surface, everything seemed good and as long as he treated you right, we respected your privacy.”
“But?” I looked at him, then at Bucky. “There is a but, right?”
Bucky let his breath out. “There was a complaint laid against him about twelve years ago, when he was in college. Another student, a woman, said he wouldn’t leave her alone. Always sending her gifts, calling her and checking on her location. It came to a head at a function where her brother hugged her, and Bryce punched him, apparently thinking he was a rival for her affections. He went for anger management counselling and since then his behaviour was acceptable. Because he didn’t seem to be obsessive about you, we figured whatever his issues were then were no longer a concern. We were wrong.” Gently, he pushed some hair over my ear. “You got hurt because we gave him the benefit of the doubt. We’re both so sorry.”
I looked at the ice cream and reached for it, jamming a spoonful into my mouth. After the third spoonful I started to cry again and this time Sam took the ice cream, put the lid back on and stuck it in the freezer portion of the mini bar. He grabbed his jacket, his Po’ Boy, and left me there with Bucky.
“Come here,” he said gently, leaning back against the headboard and pulling me into his lap. “Don’t blame yourself for him being abusive. We should have paid attention to our first instincts about him.”
I shook my head. “It’s not that.” He felt so warm and secure as I snuggled deeper into his arms. “I’m upset with myself for thinking that what we had wasn’t enough. Being with you here right now, it’s obvious that I was fooling myself.”
“Sweetheart, at the time, you had valid concerns about us,” he answered. “If you recall, I didn’t try very hard to change your mind. What you were feeling obviously resonated with me.”
“And now? Do you miss me?”
“All the time.” He kissed my head. “But I knew it was important for you to find yourself again, so I let you go.”
I hesitated before asking my next question. “Are you seeing anyone?”
I could see his smile begin. “No, haven’t been looking, either.”
“Are we still just friends?”
“We’ll always be friends, I hope. Do you want it to be more?”
His right hand was rubbing my left arm as I contemplated his question. Had I missed him? Honestly, yes. He was always good at this, comforting me and validating my feelings whenever I felt insecure. How had I not considered this emotional aspect of our previous relationship when I ended it? Was I so wrapped up in my career at that time that I overlooked how good he could make me feel, not just with this type of intimacy but with our sexual relationship? Bryce didn’t even come close to Bucky in those aspects, nor in any other aspect that counted.
“Yes, I want it to be more.”
“What about your work? I don’t want you choosing between your career and me.”
“My career 
.” I sighed. “It’s okay but I think I would like a change, especially since I don’t want to be in the same town as Bryce anymore. I’d rather be closer to you.”
“You’re sure?” His blue eyes were focused on me. “Is this what you really want? I’m not a rebound, am I?”
“No, you were the one that got away. I’m sorry I ever broke up with you. You gave me the time and distance to work it out and it just took me this long to realize that you’re the one I want to be with.”
He caressed the side of my head, as he gazed into my eyes. This is what I had really missed, having someone making me feel like I was the most important person in their life. Even when I ended it before he didn’t stop liking me, constantly reassuring me that we were still friends. Our lips met and for the first time in two years I felt another part of what I had been missing. His kiss was gentle and loving. When I winced after he touched the part of my jaw that still hurt, he stopped and hugged me again. Then he made sure that I was looking directly at him.
“I never stopped loving you and wanting you back,” he said quietly. “We’ll make it work this time. I promise.”
“I love you, too,” I whispered.
Bucky’s phone sounded and he picked it up, reading the text. “Sam wants to know if we’ve kissed and made up.”
“Yeah, let him come back,” I replied. “You don’t have to sleep on the floor, either. But it’s just cuddling tonight.”
He smiled in that sexy, lopsided way that I missed so much, as he texted Sam.
“I’ll get us our own room for the other nights, if you want.”
I was definitely okay with that. Sam returned, immediately noticing we were both happier. He offered to get a different room but we both told him it was late, and we would wait until the following night. Bucky quickly ate his sub, I finished my hot chocolate, leaving the ice cream for another time. We all brushed our teeth then got into bed, Sam on his own and Bucky sharing his bed with me. It felt great to have him spoon behind me again, and I slept well.
I gave my notice to my boss the next morning, who was sorry to lose me but when I told him what happened he offered to kick Bryce’s ass. Apparently, he also thought my ex-boyfriend had some issues with jealousy, explaining how Bryce had threatened several guys at the staff Christmas party about being overly friendly with me. Just like Bucky and Sam, he felt guilty about not taking it more seriously.
Three days later, on our return to the town where I lived, there had been no word from Bryce, although I was called in by a detective to answer some questions. It seemed that Bryce claimed he lost his temper after finding out I was cheating on him. Both Bucky and Sam, who accompanied me, showed the detective their text messages as proof that they only asked about meeting up with both of us. My text messages were also taken as evidence. My neighbour had already given his statement which verified that he witnessed Bryce hitting me hard enough to knock me down. They had security camera footage of that and of him grabbing me by the throat. His excuse wasn’t enough to justify the extreme use of force he displayed. From the police station I went with Bucky and Sam to the hospital where they were doing a PR visit in several wards, visiting sick kids and veterans with health issues.
Instead of staying at a hotel I offered my apartment to both Bucky and Sam, as I had two bedrooms. Since it was the last stop of the tour, they offered to help me pack up my possessions and arrange for movers to clear me out of the apartment. When we pulled up in the Uber, after the hospital visit, I was disturbed but not surprised to see Bryce waiting for me. He scowled when Bucky and Sam got out of the vehicle with me.
“Where the hell have you been? I want to talk to you.”
“Haven’t had any messages since you were first arrested but that could be because you were ordered not to contact me,” I replied, attempting to walk past him. He grabbed my elbow and immediately, Bucky and Sam grabbed him. I glared at Bryce. “Take your hands off me.”
“Not until you tell me where you’ve been.”
Bucky started to speak but I interrupted him. “Don’t, he’s trying to goad you two into hitting him. Notice how he’s in position in front of the security cameras? That’s why the charges I filed against him will stick because they caught everything he did to me.” They both let him go and I pulled my arm out of his grip. “Get this through your thick head. The moment you accused me of cheating we were done. You made a bad situation worse by grabbing me around the neck and then hitting me hard enough to knock me down. Compounding that is the fact that I found out you threatened some of my work colleagues not to be friendly with me. I also found out about the woman you harassed in college and how you hit her brother for hugging her. There is something seriously wrong with you, Bryce, if you think I’m going to overlook all that and allow you into my life again.”
“But I love you,” he said. “I thought we were going to get married and have a family someday.”
“No, we’re not and you don’t love me. You don’t even know my favourite colour or my comfort food.”
He stared blankly at me. With a sound of disgust, I pushed past him, and he tried to grab me again. I turned and kicked him in the groin, making him fall to his knees while he held what was left of his dignity, which wasn’t much to begin with. As he gasped for air, Bucky held the door open for me and Sam as we entered the building. Then I closed the security door, shaking my head at the sight of Bryce, still on his knees. I phoned the detective and told him about the encounter, knowing that Bryce had been warned about contacting me. Assured that a unit was coming to pick him up, I left him there and the three of us took the elevator to my floor. Bucky put his arm around me and kissed me on the head.
“I’m sure glad we stayed friends after we broke up,” he said. “You got a mean streak in you.” I raised my eyebrows at him. “Baby, that was sexy as hell.”
He kissed me again, and squeezed me against his side, a big grin on his face. Sam was also quite impressed. By the time we got up to the apartment we were in a good mood, and we enjoyed ourselves that evening with pizza, beer and a movie. Sam stayed for a couple of days before being called for a mission. He flew the quinjet back while Bucky took some personal leave to help me pack up.
If ever there was proof that he was committing to us, that action alone proved it. By the end of the week, my furniture had been picked up, my car was packed, and we prepared to drive back to the Avengers compound, where some new personnel quarters had been built. The individual units, complete with patios and yards, were just what we needed to begin living together again. I got a job on the compound, heading up the purchasing department, sourcing vendors, negotiating prices, and arranging for delivery of all sorts of materials needed for the Avengers. The best part was that with living there, I saw Bucky a lot more, as he followed through on his promise to make it work. We were still friends, of the best kind.
One Shots Masterlist
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dallianceangel · 1 month
Come On Over đŸ“±đŸ„”
summary: with your mom on a night shift, things heat up between you and chibs.
author’s note: i might write some more of these text message fics, i just feel like there’s so much i could do with them 😊
word count: 500 words.
pairings: chibs telford x fem!reader.
warnings: adult content. 18+ only. age gap but reader is of legal age.
đŸ«Š comments, likes and reblogs are highly appreciated đŸ«Š
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You’re lying on your bed, watching a YouTube video on your phone when a message notification pops up. It’s from Chibs, your Mom’s boyfriend, and the man you have secretly been sleeping with for the past few months. “What’s my favourite girl up to?”
Your heart races as you read the message. You’ve been waiting for this. “Just thinking about you. What about you?”
“Thinking about how good you’d look bouncing on my cock.” Your eyes widen as you read the message.
“Why don’t you come over and let me?” you reply, biting your lip as you imagine the scene.
“Your ma at work?”
“Yeah, she’s working the night shift so she won’t be home for hours.”
“Be there in 10, lass.”
You jump off the bed, quickly changing into some sexy underwear—the pair that Chibs kindly bought for you and promised he would take off with his teeth. The wait feels like an eternity, but then you hear his motorcycle approach the street. Your heart races as you run to the door, opening it just as he reaches the porch.
Chibs steps inside, closing the door behind him as he gazes hungrily at you. “You missed me?” he asks.
“So much,” you reply, before locking the door and leading him up the stairs.
When you enter your bedroom, his hands cup your face as he pulls you in for a kiss. It’s not long before he’s taking off your underwear with his teeth, pushing you down onto the bed, kneeling down onto the floor as he kisses up and down your inner thighs.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he mutters, loving the way you moan.
“Please, fuck me,” you gasp, wanting to feel him inside of you.
He chuckles against your lips, pressing a soft kiss against them. “Patience, love. I’m going to take my time with you.”
“Chibs,” you moan, your hands gripping his shoulders as he moves lower, his lips trailing down your chest, down your stomach. When he stops just below your belly button, he looks up and smirks, catching sight of you panting in anticipation. You cry out as Chibs starts sucking and licking at your clit, the sound driving him fucking crazy.
Just as you teeter over the edge, Chibs shifts his focus away from your clit, his eyes locked on yours as he enters you, filling you completely. Shifting into the Cowgirl position, you ride him until you both come undone, crying out each other’s name, collapsing on top of him, completely breathless.
You lie in his arms, your bodies tangled together, hearts still racing as you come down from the high.
“How much time do we have?” he asks, his breath tickling your ear.
“Mom finishes work at 6AM,” you reply, smiling as you rest your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. “So if you leave an hour early, we have seven hours together.”
“That’s good,” he says, pressing a loving kiss to your forehead. “Because I’m not done with you yet.”
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crownmemes · 1 year
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Quiet Moments of Affection Prompts
(Prompts for quiet, tender moments between lovers. Adjust prompts where needed)
Send an emoji for my muse to:
💭 Whisper a compliment in your muse’s ear
đŸ€ Hold hands with your muse underneath the table
💌 Leave a handwritten note for your muse to find
đŸ“± Send a sweet, unprompted text message to your muse
⭐ Go stargazing with your muse
🍳 Make your muse’s favourite meal for them
🌅 Watch the sunrise/set with your muse
🌳 Go on a walk along a quiet trail with your muse
💕 Slow dance with your muse
đŸ”„ Cuddle with your muse in front of the fireplace
🎹 Sketch/paint your muse
đŸ’€ Linger in bed with your muse
💖 Give your muse a massage after a long day
🛁 Take a bubble bath with your muse
📖 Share a poem that makes them think of your muse
đŸ§ș Have a picnic with your muse in a hidden spot
🎁 Gift your muse something small but thoughtful
👔 Help your muse undress at the end of the day
đŸ· Open a bottle of expensive wine with your muse
🙊 Tell your muse a secret they’ve never told anybody else before
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sunsetkerr · 1 year
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summary: you fly from london to australiua to surprise sam for her bronze medal match against sweden [1.6k words]
pairing: fem!reader x sam kerr
notes: part two is here!
[Â đŸ“±Â sammy: ] two more days and I'll be home, missing you lots
[ đŸ“Č message sent: ] good luck today superstar, you’ve got this x
[Â đŸ“±Â sammy: ] hopefully
[Â đŸ“±Â sammy: ] how are you feeling? 
[ đŸ“Č message sent: ] better than yesterday, I was so out of it
[Â đŸ“±Â sammy: ] I know, you were gone all day 
[Â đŸ“±Â sammy: ] I miss you a lot y/n
[Â đŸ“±Â sammy: ] keep the apartment warm for me x have to go prac now
[ đŸ“Č message sent: ] I miss you too x go be an athlete or whatever
[Â đŸ“±Â sammy: ] yes maam xxxx I love you
[ đŸ“Č message sent: ] I love you more, I’ll see you soon x I’ll be watching tonight
technically you weren’t lying to her.. you just never said where you would be watching. You clutched your carry-on close to your body as you waited to get out of the plane. You were grateful for time zones, they helped you keep your story under wraps. As you stood up to follow the line of people out of the plane, you texted alanna, letting her know that you had landed safely; landed in Brisbane. 
while you were on your 22 hour long flight, sam was under the impression that you were sick- sleeping away your symptoms in dreary england, when you were actually flying over to australia.
alanna, who was ruled out for the last two games of the world cup had helped you organise everything. she had told the accommodation team that you would be rooming with sam and for them to organise a spot for you in the vip section with the other family members of the team.
you hadn't seen sam in a month while she was on her world cup journey, smashing records and winning over the nation. you were finally able to make some time off and jetted across the world to cheer on your girlfriend during her bronze medal match against sweden.
the airport was bustling with people, you looked for a sign with your name on it- something alanna had told you to look out for. you were spoilt by the tilly’s team. once you found your name on a piece of card, the matildas logo in the bottom corner, you made your way to the car with your driver.
sam would be at the stadium for the rest of the day, prepping for tonight’s game. so you were free to leave your stuff in her room, which you had now been given a card for. as you came inside, you saw sam’s things sprawled all across the room. you smiled with a sigh, shaking your head. you began to pick up after sam, folding training jumpers, media kits, and training tops over and over. she had been busy, constantly on the move and obviously neglected the time to clean her room. but you knew that she would feel better coming back to a clean hotel room after tonight, win or lose. 
you spent the rest of the day lounging around the hotel room before getting ready for tonights game. you pulled on your matildas jersey, number 20 on the back and sams last name above it. pairing it with some white pants and boots, you picked a large brown jacket to cover it with- knowing that it would be cold during the game most likely.
as you were leaving for the stadium, your phone buzzed.
[Â đŸ“±Â sammy: ] almost game time, putting phone away x make sure you eat something light for dinner if you’re not feeling good bub x
[ đŸ“Č message sent: ] i’m feeling a lot better, but i will x
[ đŸ“Č message sent: ]  good luck superstar x go show australia what you’re made of 
[Â đŸ“±Â sammy: ] i love you so much
[ đŸ“Č message sent: ] i love you more
your heart felt overwhelmed thinking of how nervous sam would be for tonight. she had the entire country in the palm of her hand and you knew how desperately she wanted to bring them back some hardware from this cup. she was terrified to lose. 
you knew that it didn’t matter. australia would remember this tournament forever and she was one of the reasons why. she had changed sport in australia for the better throughout this world cup, all of the team had. you were ready for them to show australia what they had to give.
arriving at the stadium you met up with clara and harper who were decked out in all of their matildas gear. 
“hey harps!” you crouched down to the girls level as she ran over to you. she engulfed you as best she could, her little arms wrapped around your neck for a hug. 
“you ready for tonight?” clara asked, a smile on her lips. as you stood back up, now holding harper on your hip- you gave clara a hug hello.
you let out a deep breath, “i’m nervous for them,” you admitted. 
“me too,” clara agreed. “harper wants to go get her face painted,” clara smiled, poking her daughter’s belly. 
“face paint?” you gasped, she laughed at you. “let’s go,” you cheered heading towards the lounge for family members. you let harper sit on your lap as the artist painted a green and gold design on her cheeks. the team photographer snapped a few pictures of you both as you waited for harper. she held your hand tightly as the brush went over her skin. you couldn’t wait to one day have your own child with sam, for this to become your reality. 
the game was getting ready to start as you went and sat in the vip section. harper sat in between you and clara, a snack in her hand. clara pulled a blanket out from her bag and laid it over all three of you. the crowd was beginning to get louder as they announced the girls from the tunnel. 
you stood up with clara, waiting to see sam and there she was. leading her girls out of the tunnel, she waved to the nation as she walked onto the pitch. you cheered loudly along with the rest of the crowd. 
katrina looked up to where she knew harper and clara would be sitting, but when she spied you, she quickly called out to sam. “skippa’,” she shouted. sam turned around to listen to her. following katrina’s hand as she pointed into the stands, her jaw dropped.
there you were, sat in a jersey with her name on the back of it- looking beautiful as ever. she knew she couldn’t leave the team, it was time to do the anthems and she had things to do as captain. 
so she did what she could, she smiled, blew you a kiss and waved.
you waved back, your heart beating faster than it had all day. 
“i love you!” she called out to you from her spot. you laughed, knowing that she was probably fighting all urges to run over and kiss you, you would be doing the same in her position. 
you mouthed back to her ‘i love you too’, waving again. as she lined up with the team, ready to get on with the pre-game, she smiled at you again and her eyes didn’t leave you. 
‘thank you’, she mouthed. 
you blew her another kiss as the crowd began to calm down, ready to sing the anthems so the game could begin. you watched sam stand with her team, ready to play for australia and to show them what football was all about. 
and in that moment, you had never been more proud of her.
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rose-riot-johnson · 5 months
Hey my Tumblr Peeps😁I have decided to write another fanfic about Blitzþ😃I honestly have been passionate about writing about him, as of late😈 Off topic, while Fizzarolli (who I have yet to write about) is my favorite Helluva Boss character (if he's your favorite Helluva Boss character, he's our favorite then😊), BlitzĂž is definitely a character I have on my mind alot😅Off topic again, while I haven't mentioned about my husby often on Tumblr (especially in the fanfics I write), he actually jokes with me about BlitzĂž in a loving wayđŸ€ŁAnyways my Tumblr Peeps, I might as well write about him now😈👍
*This fanfic contains 1 or more long paragraphs😅
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đŸ“±đŸšȘ🧳Please Don't Go...I Don't Want You To Leave...🧳đŸšȘđŸ“±(BlitzĂž x Female Reader)(up to the reader's imagination what species she is (humans and imps included))
Genres: Angst and Possible Comfort (Warning⚠: Language)
When BlitzĂž first met you, he saw that you were looking at flyers about renting or buying a home. While he doesn't know your situation nor you in general, he would ask if everything is okay, before telling you that he notices that you were looking at flyers about renting or buying a home, while explaining it's very difficult to find a home in hell, then offers you to live with him. You were confused not knowing his motive, however you knew he was right, as he accepted your offer. You then introduced yourself to him, before he smiles and says, "Well (Female Reader Name)... Nice meeting you... The name is BlitzĂž... The "O" is silent... I have a feeling we're going to get along just fine...", which had you give him a light smile, knowing that he was surprisingly nice to you.
Once BlitzĂž introduced you to his home, he told you where his adopted daughter, Loona sleeps before he tells you that he is more than willing to let you sleep on the couch he was sleeping, as he was showing you that he will be sleeping somewhere next to the couch. You not only thought this was good to be true, however you also thought it was generous of him to let you sleep on the couch. He also has offered you to work for him as a member of the I.M.P., which you accepted his offer pertaining the job, as well. If he was being honest, he somehow secretly, developed a crush on you in first sight.
As months went by, you have also felt romantic feelings for BlitzĂž and not just because he was nice to you. You actually know about his likes, hobbies, and pet peeves, which you secretly find that cute. You even had a feeling he went through rough patches, even the rough patches that he doesn't know that you know about. However, unfortunately you're also afraid some things about you might hurt your friendship with him, and even fear if you try to be in a relationship with him, it would get stale very quickly and the relationship you might have with him will be very short.
One day, BlitzĂž noticed a missed call was from your mom, then glanced (without snooping nor touching your cellphone) at the messages your mom sent you, begging you to "come back home". He became confused on what these messages are about and why your mom called you. You finished taking a shower, before seeing a confused BlitzĂž, glancing at your cellphone, as you became worried about what his reaction could be, that he will kick you out of his home, that he might fire you from I.M.P, and even your thoughts about the worse case scenarios, because of your mom texting you and calling you.
You then shouted, "BlitzĂž! Please! I can explain! I will leave your place after I tell you what happened! Just please don't kick me out without letting me tell you why I was in a situation I was, before you met me!", as tears rolled down your face, as your body ended up shaking in distress. However instead of doing or saying anything you fear, he calmly said, "Okay then... Explain why I'm the hell your mom texted and called you... I clearly never knew your situation... And why the fuck would I kick you out over your mom's calls and messages? All I'm asking is to try your best not to hide anything about this from me and don't lie to me, (Female Reader Name)...", before giving you the most confused look (on his face) that you had ever seen in your life.
You then explained, "My mother has ruined atleast a couple... Or maybe a few relationships I had ever had in my past... Especially the previous relationship I had... I was with my previous ex for over five years, then all because my previous ex couldn't come to my mom's and stepdad's wedding, she decided to fucken tell me no matter what reason he had to not come to her wedding, my ex and I are to break up immediately! She thinks no one is good enough to date me unless the person who dates me does everything she expects them to, especially impossible things and as long as the relationships I have with them go her way...So, unfortunately she got her fucken wish! Which is why I ran away from home to live the life of the homeless, until I was able to find a place in hell... For me it was better being homeless than living with my mother, honestly... I figured the farther away I am from my mom the better... However, I'm scared that you would kick me out instantly, if you were to know anything about her and that she wanted me to come back...", before you started to sob, as you went straight to starting to pack your luggages. Before you could continue packing, he grabbed your right wrist, as he begged, "(Female Reader Name)... Please don't go... I don't want you to leave...". You then replied, "I'm sorry... I don't know how much longer, before you would stop putting up with me and start hating me, BlitzĂž...", as you then looked at him, noticing that he started sobbing, while he's trying to look away from you, because he hated the sight of you packing your luggages and the fact he doesn't want to see you leave.
The next thing BlitzĂž did was open his eyes, then started to sob, as he cried, "Don't you get it... I don't want you to leave! I may have not known your situation in the first place, but I knew there's something special about you... And it's not about looks, even tough you look pretty! I feel you did an amazing job with your position as a member of the I.M.P., considering you're very talented... However your personality just sparks me... Don't get me wrong... I did use to laugh at the homeless, because it makes me feel better, but since knowing that you were homeless, I feel bad about it and won't do it anymore... Anyways my point is that eversince I took you in, you changed my life for the better! Not that you feel the same way about me, as I do about you...". He then loosen his grip before he continued, "It's just you make hell shine brighter in so many ways... I wanted to take care of you in so many ways... I just didn't think you would leave me like this! If you think you're, so impossible to love, then look at me... I do validate how you felt with what happened to you before you became homeless and all... I'm not sure, if you knew... I also had some bad luck in my life, as well... Right now, all I'm asking for you to do is please stay...", proceeding to hug you, as he continued to sob.
You never knew that aside from Stolas, Loona, Moxxie, and Millie, and a couple others, you would be the first one he has ever cared about in a long time. You froze, fearing having to choose between leaving him or him leaving you, but at the same token, you know that now how much you mean to him. You then said, "Okay BlitzĂž... I will stay here, then... And besides... I never knew you liked me... Atleast in the same way as I do about you...". "Huh?!", said BlitzĂž, as he became shocked that you had feelings for him to, before you hugged him back. The both of you then began to hug eachother tightly, until the both of you felt much better.
After you decided you would forget about packing to leave, BlitzĂž decided to cook something for you, himself, and his adopted daughter, Loona. Once you, BlitzĂž, and Loona finished eating, ofcourse Loona would let you and BlitzĂž have some privacy, as she went inside her room, and you and BlitzĂž would snuggle together, for the first time ever. BlitzĂž fell asleep in your arms, then your mom tried to call or text you, however when your mom did that during your snuggle session with BlitzĂž, you madesure to block her phone number and if she had any social media platforms, you madesure to block her on any platform that both you and your mom have, so you can ensure, she never ruins your life ever again. You then, continued snuggle session with him, noticing he surprisingly slept through your mom calling or texting you, before blocking her number and blocking her on every social media platform that she has that you also have.
Eversince then, you knew you won't have to worry about your life being ruined anymore, nor would you have to worry about BlitzĂž's life getting ruined. You just began to feel safe when he is in your arms. If BlitzĂž is being honest, he also feels very safe when it comes to being in your arms, just as much.
I do hope you enjoyed the fanfic, my Tumblr Peeps😃👍With this fanfic, I have decided that depending on what I come up with for this particular fanfic, that is how I will be picking the genres from there, so no matter which genre I would have picked, the genre part would have been last minute😅For anyone curious, if there are any other Helluva Boss character I will be writing about in the future, well yes there are other Helluva Boss characters I might write about someday. I was actually considering doing atleast a ship drabble pertaining atleast a couple ships from Helluva Boss. I will admit, BlitzĂž has been the character I have been thinking about writing about as the staring character as of late, however I might write future BlitzĂž fanfic in other genres considering it has caught my attention, earlier. Considering most of the fanfics I have labeled as angst, has better or happy or an ending that's not sad, I just haven't thought about labeling the fanfics I have written as "angst with happy ending" that I have labeled as angst. I don't mean to sound off topic I do end up being off topic, however I still will write anime fanfics for those who are curious of me not writing fanfics pertaining anime characters as much. I just really need ideas to pop inside of my head in order for me to start and continue a fanfic pertaining anime characters💡😃👍Anyways my Tumblr Peeps, I hope you have a good day and/or nightâ˜€ïžđŸŒžđŸŒ•đŸŒ
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openheartfanfics · 3 months
Newly Added Fics
Jun 29 - Jul 5, 2024  
🎭 Angst  |  🩚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛾 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♄ NSFW  |  📚 Series  | Â đŸ“· Edit  | Â đŸ“± TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Bryce x F!MC
Neon Glow - @storyofmychoices ☁
Bryce and Olivia enjoy some fun during laser tag with their friends.
Ethan x F!MC
All From One Comment - @potionsprefect ☁
The internet finds out Doctor Ramsey is off the market. [2.10]
Book 1 Rewrite - @ilikemenbutonlyethanramsey 📚
[extended: wip] Rewrite of book 1.
CH 4: Waiting Game
Scratching the Itch - @cariantha 🩚Ⓜ
Sexual tension builds between Ethan and Sawyer in the weeks following their trip to Miami. [Pining]
Part 1
Selfie Part 3 - @little-flowers-on-heaven đŸ“±
Random text messages b/w the couple.
Harper Emery
An Unlikely Occurrence - @coffeeheartaddict2 ☁Ⓜ
Tobias reaches out to Harper after she leaves the team and it leads to what both thought would be an unlikely romance. Feat. Tobias Carrick
Multiple Characters
The Perfect Day - @jerzwriter ☁
A look at four Days from four vacations spread over four decades. Feat. Ethan Ramsey, Tobias Carrick x F!MC
Rafael x F!MC
Dancing With My Eyes Closed - @rafasgirl23415 📚
Casey faces the biggest loss of her life. TW: major character death
Part 1
Part 2
Tobias x F!MC
Always Winning - @alj4890 ☁
Tobias randomly buys a lottery ticket while getting his morning coffee. Turns out it's the winner, and he's just won $50 million dollars.
An Unlikely Occurrence - @coffeeheartaddict2 ☁Ⓜ
Tobias reaches out to Harper after she leaves the team and it leads to what both thought would be an unlikely romance. Feat. Tobias Carrick
Asked and Received - @alj4890 ☁
Tobias buys an old lantern at an antique store. When he gets home, a genie appears and offers to grant him three wishes. [Young Tobias]
Can't Help It - @alj4890 ☁
Going back to my HC for this one where Tobias and Chris start dating when they first meet in Book 2 in the diner.
Friendship & Fashion - @jerzwriter ☁
Merida and Tobias are having a blast as they jet off to Paris for Fashion Week, but Merida needs to keep him in check. [Platonic]
I Don't Quite Recall [OH/COP Crossover] - @jerzwriter 🛾
It must have been a wild party, because when Trystan and Tobias woke up in the same bed, neither had any idea how they got there.
It's Not Your Business - @tveitertotwrites 🎭
Tobias has had a long day and gets a phone call he wish he didn't get.
TBI - @alj4890 ☁Ⓜ
It's early on in their relationship, so Chris is still discovering new things about her favorite doctor in this steamy fluff fic.
The Getaway - @alj4890 ☁
Tobias and Chris are secretly dating (well before the events of the attack in Book 2) and are still getting to know each other.
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zacharyefrons · 6 months
IG DMs đŸ“Č ⇱ @.MaikaMonroe
ZacEfron: Well hey stranger. ZacEfron: You're last IG post, I figured I should reach out and see how things are. ZacEfron: I also forgot how stunning you are. || @maikeymonroe
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zacdaefrons · 2 years
(Aly): I get it. I've probably been sleeping for at least the last week straight since I've gotten home. You should come sometime, though! The ranch is hella peaceful. But fill me in, what've you been up to that's got you so tired? Yea? Awesome! I'm excited, it's been way too long!
[text w/ @tinselaly ] See! That’s my mood, I just haven’t done it yet, lmao. Okay, I’ll consider it since you asked nicely. Oh you didn’t hear? I was on The Greatest Beer Run -- just sucks the beer wasn’t that great, lmao. I am too, honestly. It’ll be nice to hang with you again.
0 notes
dallianceangel · 1 month
Checking In đŸ“±đŸŒ…
summary: after spending the night with happy, your best friend texts you to check in.
author’s note: another fic including text messages, i think i have a new obsession.
word count: 227 words.
pairings: happy lowman x fem!reader
warnings: adult content. 18+ only.
đŸ«Š comments, likes and reblogs are highly appreciated đŸ«Š
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You wake up next to Happy, his warm body pressing against yours. As he sleeps peacefully next to you, you smile at the memory of the wild night you had with him.
Your phone buzzes on the nightstand. You reach over and see Lyla’s name flashing on the screen. You pick it up and read her message. “So... how was it? 😏”
You roll your eyes, a quiet chuckle leaving your lips. Of course she’d want the dirty details. “Fucking intense đŸ„” He fucked me up against the wall, then went down on me on the edge of the bed. He kept my legs over his shoulders while he pounded in and out of me. He flipped me over and—”
You pause, debating how much you should share, but just decide to go for it.
“—took me from behind, his hand pushing me down, he kept me right where he wanted me. I got a little spanking here and there too.”
She replies almost instantly. “Damn! You okay? 😂”
You bite your lip. “Sore, but worth it. He sure knows what he’s doing.”
You glance at Happy, who’s just woken up. “Morning, handsome.”
Happy smiles, sitting up in bed. “Morning, sexy.”
Your phone buzzes again, but you place it back on the nightstand, focusing on the man beside you. “Ready for more?”
Happy’s grin widens. “Always.”
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brimarie0512 · 11 months
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Stray kids fanfic ot8 series part three
Slow burn
WC: 3.7k (3,790)
There are pov switches, female reader, use of y/n, nicknames, mentions of food
Summery: Chan talked to the guys about adding you to their dynamic, you have a job interview and a date with Chan. What happens when Chan tells you about the dynamic of his group?
Chapter Three “The Confesion”
Chans pov
As soon as I saw her get inside safely I told the driver he could take me back to the dorm. On the car ride I had a lot to think about. I just confessed to this girl that I want to take her out on a date without talking to the rest of the guys first. All the guys and I are romantically and sexually involved and y/n doesn't know that yet. There were about to be two uncomfortable conversations I had to have. The first one being with the guys. Once I arrived back at the dorm I walked inside I was greeted by all the boys who were still in the living room.
“I am surprised you're back so soon, hyung.” Said Seungmin slyly.
“Ah, what is that supposed to mean Seungmin?” I said back, already knowing where he was going with this.
“I am just saying I am surprised you didn't spend more time there maybe in her bed Channie hyung” he said back.
“Seungmin y/n is not like that nothing happened tonight or last night. We kissed once and you were all there to see it” I said, now aggravated.
“Seungmin leave chan alone and dont assume the worse about y/n she seems good for our hyung” Said Hyunjin
“Thank you Hyunjin. But with that being said I want to talk to you boys. We are on a break right now, so even if y/n gets this job as our makeup artist she won't actually be working with us for a while.” I said looking at the boys “With that being said I want to ask her on a date. Only after she gets the job though because I don't want people assuming she got the job because of me. I want to know what you guys think about this because obviously all of us are together and we've never talked about bringing another person into our family seriously. We have only talked about being ok with hook ups and none of us have really done that in the time we have been together, only a few of us using that option and usually with other members involved as well.. I would obviously have to talk to her about us and what we are but I wanted to see if you guys were ok with it first. I also wanted to ask if any of you guys have a similar interest in pursuing her” I stated in one long breath at rapid fire speed.
“Damn I thought I was supposed to be the rapper of this group hyung” Said Changbin
I stood there letting out a slight chuckle still feeling nervous and out of breath.
“Channie hyung, you seem to really like this girl. I think if you like her that much already you should take her on a date, you know we all love you and just want you to be happy.” Han Said, relieving some of my stress.
“I agree with Hannie and she is really pretty, if she ends up being ok with it I wouldn't mind pursuing something with her myself” Hyunjin said
All the boys nodded their heads and ended up agreeing. They would be happy as long as I was and if y/n was ok with this all and wanted to pursue something with one of the other members they would like it as well. After the successful chat with the boys I walked into my room, sat on my bed and looked at my phone. When I looked at my phone I saw a text from y/n. It was a picture of her in my clothes that I packed up and decided to give to her. She looked adorable in my clothes. I hearted the message and said goodnight before placing my phone on my side table and laying down for the night.
Y/n pov
When I woke up the sun was shining. It was 9:08 am. I rolled over to look at my phone to see a text from Chan’s manager.
HJđŸ“±: Hey y/n this is Chan and Stray Kids manager. After all the information you sent us last night our beauty team manager wants to meet with you today for the interview. I know it is last minute but could you meet with us at the JYP building at four pm tonight?
Y/n♄: Thank you so much I would absolutely love to meet with you guys tonight. Thank you for this opportunity. I look forward to meeting you.
HJđŸ“±: Of course we are very excited to meet you too,see you at tonight at four
I am so excited, the first thing I think to do is text Chan since he is the one that is making all of this happen.
BCđŸș: hearted a message
BCđŸș:Good night doll
Y/n♄: Chan I don't know if you're awake yet but your manager and the beauty manager want to meet with me tonight at four at the JYP building
BCđŸș: I am awake doll and that is so exciting, do you want me to accompany you there?
Y/n♄: You don't have to Channie but I won't stop you lol
BCđŸș:I would love to join you. My driver and I can pick you up at your apartment tonight. After you get the job I was hoping I could take you on a date.
Y/n♄ : I would love that, I will see you tonight, and yes Channie I will go on a date with you.
BCđŸș: Perfect I will be at your house at 3:30 to pick you up. See you then doll
Y/n♄: Thank you Channie I will see you then.
I quickly got out of bed and went to my kitchen to make myself something to eat. I had some eggs and toast. Once I was done cooking, eating, and cleaning up it was 10:34 so I went to take a shower. After brushing my teeth I straightened my hair. When my hair was done it was 12. I walked out of the bathroom and to my closet so I could figure out what to wear for the interview and the date tonight. I decided on this mid length black dress with a v-neck. After I picked out my outfit I hung it up so I could do my makeup. I went For a natural brown slight smokey eye with a glowy natural base. Once I finished my makeup it was 1 so I got dressed. I paired the dress with a nice pair of black heels and silver jewelry. I put in some dangly earrings and put on a simple silver chain necklace and silver watch. I paired it with a small black clutch to carry my I.D. and credit card. It was only 2 so I still had a while until Chan was here. I decided to settle on my couch and watch some T.V. to pass the time. It was now 3 so I got up and checked my hair and makeup one more time before Chan arrived. Once I was done I put on some perfume and as I finished there was a knock on my front door. I walked to answer it and as I opened the door I saw Chan looking amazing. His hair was styled, he was wearing a pair of nice fitting black jeans with a white t-shirt and a leather jacket and a nice pair of dark leather boots.
“Wow Chan you look amazing” I said in aw
“I could say the same about you doll” Chan said smiling at me
He held his arm out so I locked my arm around his as he led me to the car. I climbed in first Chan following in after me.
“Are you nervous doll?” Chan said, holding onto my hand.
“Not going to lie I am a little nervous but I am confident in my skills”
“You should be y/n , I am sure you're going to do amazing.”
“Thank you Channie”
The rest of the ride was quiet, we were relaxing and before I knew it we were at the company building. Chan got out first, taking my hand as I got out myself. He led us through the building until we were in a hall full of conference rooms. Chan knocked on one of the doors and after someone mumbled a “come in” he pulled us inside.
“Hello Chan, ah you must be y/n, I am stray kids manager Hyeon-Jeong and this is our beauty team manager Neena”
“Hi it is lovely to meet you both” I said smiling at the two people standing in front of me
“You're so pretty y/n, and Chan I didn't know you were going to be joining us tonight.” Neena said
“Is that a problem Neena, I could step out if you liked” Chan said.
“It is no problem at all its just when you said this was your friend I wasn't sure how close you guys actually were”
The rest of the interview went smoothly as I sat down with all of them going over my information. And skill set. It seems like they all liked me well enough as we would make occasional jokes back and forth.
“Well y/n after this interview I think it is safe to say we want to hire you” Neena said smiling as we stood and shook hands “I am sure you know the boys are on a break right now so we do not need you to start instantly but we will be adding you on to our team and including you in future schedules.”
“Thank you Neena. I greatly appreciate this opportunity and I am excited to start working with you.” I said. “And Hyeon-Jeong, it was lovely meeting you, thank you for setting all of this up so quickly.”
“It was my pleasure y/n you seem like a great girl and I am sure you will work well with our team” He said
With that we bid our goodbyes as Chan walked me out of the room. Once we were away from prying eyes he scooped me up into his arms and spun me around.
“I knew they would love you” Said chan once he placed me back down. “Let's go out to dinner to celebrate now”
He walked me out of the building and back to the car where he gave the driver instructions to wherever he was bringing me. .
“Chan I can't believe this is all happening”
“I know doll, it's probably a lot to take in but you're so amazing and I am happy I can help you with all that you could ever need” Chan said admiring me and smiling.
“Chan all of this is really too much but I am excited for our date” I said smiling at him.
The car then pulled up in front of the restaurant. Chan got out once again gesturing for my hand like he always does. He led me into the building. It looked pretty high class. He walked over to the host stand and gave her his name for the reservation. The hostess then led Chan and I to a booth and the very back of the restaurant.
“I got us a booth in the back so we could have some privacy. I don't want anyone to see us and start rumors. I hope that's ok” Chan said, clearly nervous.
“No this is perfect Channie thank you. This place looks wonderful, it reminds me of an enchanted forest.” I said as I looked around taking in all the dark green and gold accents of the restaurant around me.
“I hope you enjoy it” Chan said.
Our waiter approached and asked us what we wanted to drink and left menus with us. Chan ordered us a nice bottle of dark red wine. We both looked over the menus and decided on an ala vodka sauce on pasta.
While waiting for the food Chan started up a conversation. “So you said you don't listen to K-Pop, what do you listen to”
“I listen to mostly alternative and punk music” I said
“You actually might like some of our music then” Chan stated “We have a few alternative songs and our next album is based on more of a rock type of style”
“I would love to hear them at some point then. I want to know what you and the guys make”
“I will show you at some point doll. We recently released a collab with this artist Lisa and it is more of an alternative style”
“I can't wait, Channie” I said.
“So doll how old are you, I know I probably should have asked this before our date but I am 26”
“Its ok Channie, I am 23”
“That's perfect you’re the same age as most of my members”
Our food arrived at the table and we kept talking while we ate and drank. Towards the end of dinner I could tell Chan was getting nervous and I couldn't tell why because it seemed like everything was going smoothly.
“Chan are you okay you suddenly look very nervous”
“Yes doll I am okay, I just need to talk to you about something and it's making me a little anxious”
“What is it Chan you can talk to me about anything” I said now getting anxious myself
“If it is ok doll I would rather talk to you in a more private environment. Could we maybe talk back at your apartment once we are done?” He asked
“Of course Channie” I said trying to stay calm
“Thank you doll. I am going to go pay the bill and then we can go to the car”
“Here take my card let me pay” I said as I went to grab my little purse
“No doll this is on me I asked you out remember” Chan said standing up before I could protest anymore
Chan returned to the table and took my hand as we walked to the car. On the car ride to my house we were both anxious wreck’s, neither of us saying much but still staying close to each other. When we got out of the car Chan walked me to my door and held onto my waist from behind while I unlocked my door. I took Chan's hand and led him to my living room where we sat down on the couch facing each other.
“Before I take a chance and ruin this night I just want to say I had a great time with you y/n. You're such a sweet girl and you're so pretty inside and out. I hope I get the chance to know you more over time”
“Thank you Channie, I could say the same thing about you but I don't think you could ruin this night” I said trying to calm my own nerves and his at the same time.
“Well I wouldn't say that. Rather than dragging this out I am just going to come out and say it. You have met my boys and I am sure you have noticed that a lot of them are really close. Like closer than just friends and that is because we are all in relationships with each other romantically and sexually. I love them and they love me and in turn we all love each other. I know this is a lot but I told them I wanted to pursue you but I also will stay with them and if you can't accept that I don't think this can go any further. I wouldn't be upset. I know this isn't a typical thing to come across and I would still love for you to work with us but if you can't do that I can have you transferred to another group. When I talked to the boys they all agreed that if you were ok with it they would want to pursue you too. You don't have to do anything with all of us, you could just stay with me, go out with only a few of us or you could choose this is too much and you don't want to pursue anything at all” Chan said, rambling.
“Chan, this is a lot to take in. I don't even know if I caught everything you just said” I stated, being shocked by everything Chan had just told me “I think I need some time to think all of this over this is a lot of information.”
“That is totally understandable doll. Why don't you sit and think about it. I will go back to the dorm tonight. Just let me know when you have made up your mind whatever it is I understand.”
“Thank you Chan I am sorry I don't have an answer right now this is just a lot to take in”
“It is okay doll, there is no need to be sorry.” Chan said as he stood up.
I walked Chan to the door and he left. My head was racing. How was I supposed to choose what to do? I went into my room and took off my makeup and put my hair back and put on some comfy clothes. That was when I saw Chan's clothes that I had worn two nights in a row. I laid back on my bed and turned on my T.V. putting on some mindless show in the background as I started thinking about what to do. Chan is a great guy. He was consistently sweet to me, proving that I deserved to be taken care of and that I deserve the best. Plus he was undeniably handsome. The thought of being with him did make me happy. But his friends, his group, his other lovers. Could I deal with that? They were also very attractive and the thought of them all wanting a chance with me didn't sound too bad. A few of them have already proven to me that they are just as sweet as Chan. Is it decided then? Do I know what I want and what I can handle? I rolled over trying to find piece so I could drift off to sleep. I would tell Chan my decision the next day.
Chans pov
As I left y/n’s house I couldn't help but feel a pain in my chest. I know it's too soon to have fallen for this girl but I couldn't help it. I wanted to protect her from everything bad in the world and I wanted to help her achieve her dreams. I know I should have expected this, it was a lot to take in. I couldn't help feeling a little sad about it. To be fair I dont have her answer yet but I am not very hopeful about the outcome. As I walked into the dorm I saw Felix in the kitchen. He must have noticed the look on my face because suddenly he approached me.
“Chan what happened you don't look too well” He said as he came over wrapping his arms around me.
“I don't think it is going to work out with y/n”
“Why do you say that did she say those words to you”
“Not not exactly but I could see the look on her face”
“Chan it's going to be ok she hasn't given you an answer yet so don't overthink it” Felix said squeezing me tighter “Hey why don't you go relax and we can lay in your room and watch a movie, okay?
“Okay Felix, thank you”
“Of course Chan, go get some comfy clothes on and I will be right in. I just want to tell Hyunjin I will be with you tonight”
“Okay, thanks Lix.” I said defeated while heading to my room
Once I got into my room I let my shoulders drop. I changed out of my clothes just putting on sweatpants and climbing under the covers. Even though it had been two days since y/n had slept in my bed it still smelt like her and I couldn't help but feel my heart hurt more.
Felix’s pov.
After watching Chan go into his room I took the brownies out of the oven and placed them on the counter to cool while I went to talk to Hyunjin and Changbin in our room. When I walked in they were cuddling but they both lifted their heads to look at me.
“Hello pretty, finally coming to join us” Hyunjin said looking at me.
“Actually, I am going to spend the night in Chan’s room. He's down after his date with y/n. He said she didn't give him an answer about what she wanted to do. I can understand her hesitancy but Chan is really upset about it. I'm a little scared for him. I have never seen him this upset about someone.” I said
“I hope he is ok but yeah Felix you should spend the night with him” Hyunjin said and Changbin hummed in agreeance looking upset himself now.
“Good night boys I am going to his room now, I love you both”
“Love you too” Hyunjin and Changbin said at the same time.
I left our room, closing the door behind me. I walked to the kitchen taking out a plate and a knife. I cut out two squares from my freshly made brownies and placed them on the plate. I then grabbed two glasses and filled them with milk. I put them on a tray and walked towards Chan’s room. When I opened the door he was already snuggled in under his blankets. I could see that he had his face in the pillow breathing deeply. I think it is safe to assume that is where y/n slept the other night.
“Channie, look at what I have.” I said in a sing songy tone, bringing the brownies closer to him.
His face instantly lit up when he saw me, or maybe it was the brownies.
“Thank you Felix, I really appreciate you.” He said, still sounding upset.
I walked over to him, handing him the plate and a glass of milk. I placed the tray on the floor and my glass of milk on the nightstand. I climbed under his blankets with him and snuggled beside him. We put on Iron man 2 and began to eat our brownies. After a while Chan was out cold so I took the plate from him, placing it off to the side for now cuddling into his side also falling asleep myself.
Taglist: @strawberry31
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not-so-bored · 4 months
29 May 2024, Wednesday
Things I have done: 
🩉 Duolingo: Dutch 
🏬 Work (6 hours)*
đŸ‘„Â Meeting a new person (we kind of knew each other, met in person for the first time, it’s not very significant, but it happened)
👔 Termination of the job contract**
đŸ’«Â Good luck wishes from two of my coworkers*** đŸ“±Â Important text message (đŸ„čđŸ„ș)
📃 Bureaucracy 
🎈 Situation 
🚉 Visit to a future (đŸ˜¶đŸ€ž) workplace 
💬 Work-related inquiries 
đŸ‡łđŸ‡±Â Dutch: lesson 4.6
💧 Drops: Dutch (it was past midnight 💀)
📋 Planning
📊 Spreadsheet 
*I was a cashier, but I was also nervous and overstimulated and therefore impatient, I had to make a lot more effort to be polite and it was tiring. When my colleague came in the afternoon, we immediately switched. It was my last shift there. Some of my coworkers were surprised, some of them disappointed.
**The manager who terminated my contract thanked me for my cooperation and also wished me good luck, I wonder if he meant it, but it doesn't really matter.
***One girl asked why I was leaving and wished me luck with my plans, which was nice. 
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toburnup · 2 years
Just wondered if we could pretty please have a little sneak preview of the next cybersex part
if you have any part you’re willing to share
I’ve been sort of (extremely) hyped since you mentioned that you’re writing more :D
of COURSE you can!! i promise it's coming, lol, my writing time is just more limited these days! đŸ“± 💌 đŸ“± 💌 đŸ“±
Eddie: scoping out a hot dude rn
Steve frowns. Weird. He waits for a second, to see if Eddie backtracks — like maybe he'd meant to text that to someone else? — but nothing else comes. Finally, Steve types out a response.
Steve: ok? Steve: cool
Just plain weird. He leaves his phone flat on the table and stares as the little dots appear. It's brief but feels like forever. Eddie's next messages come in quick succession.
Eddie: yeah, if you're into tight jeans Eddie: blue shirts Eddie: nice arms Eddie: which i am, for the record
Steve glances down. He's wearing a blue shirt.
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zacharyefrons · 7 months
text from kylie: god damn you’re so cute, who said i didn’t hear that the other night hm? 😇
Text: I try for you, but also you bring this side out of me being so darn adorable yourself. I'm sure you did, just this time, I'll know it and play with your hair in the process. ❀ || @kyliejcnncr
0 notes
zacdaefrons · 2 years
(Aly): didn't think so. Bozeman isn't usually at the top of many people's vacation list, lol. But yay, yes! We should get together and celebrate in Salem. You can't /not/ celebrate your birthday, ya know?
[text w/ @tinselaly ] I’d come, I just -- I’ve been busy, I kinda want to sleep, not vacation right now, lmao. I’m down for that! You convinced me. I always say late celebrations are the best.
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