rczc · 2 years
super real super candid pic of me pls don’t reblog or save !!!
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ibyul · 2 years
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some people find something a month ago and start acting like experts right away come again when you have been obsessed with it for over 20 years
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lexyscross · 2 years
Glenda, my character development ICON, you are so loved! 🖤
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silvershiningtarot · 8 months
🔆PAC: What does Your Future Life look like? 💏🧑🏾‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏾🌹(Mood Board) 🕯
Paid Readings
Disclaimer: This is about what your future life looks like in the future. This is what kind of success you going to have in your life. I feel that this will motivate you guys to do so. Please reblog and comment on my successful reading. I got these pictures on Pinterest
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Pile 1: I'm seeing your future life being successful. I see you buying your dream house. Should I say your dream home? Something you've been wanting your whole life since you were dreaming about since you were a young child. I am seeing crying because you've got your home life. In the future. I see that you are fucking feeling proud of yourself. You'll be treating yourself so beautifully. I see a lot of self-care and self-love. Wow 😮 I see you so motivated to get your dream life together. You are going to make the future your fairytale. If that makes sense. It is like Cinderella who found her prince charming but you've done it. I noticed that you'll be designing your house. Maybe, I am seeing a pink or gold-ish kind of house. I do see stairs if you guys like pink then that's what I'm seeing but white too. So I feel that you'll be going out a lot. Like outside of your house. I think that you'll own your house. I don't see you renting it. This is your house. I heard “college” maybe, some of you probably going back to school in the future. But if you look at the mood board this what you're future looks like to me.
Pile 2: I can see that your future looks like you are going to be focusing on your love life. Maybe, some of you might be into the medical field, or some type of career you wanna be doing for yourself. But I do see you being in a relationship as well😌. I see a lot of support for your future. I heard “lawyer.” maybe, some of you want to be a lawyer or something you've been yearning for. But I can see it happening for you. Amazing isn't it? I can see you being happy. But I noticed that you might be a bit little unsatisfied with certain things in your life. I don't know what it is but it is something. Maybe, you might go through some type of disappointment. I feel that you might be going through something you've been wanting but it didn't happen the way you wanted it to but you will get it. Maybe, it is some kind of doubt. That's why I'm feeling doubt. I feel like you'll meet your husband in your early 20s or late 20s. Your husband is gonna help you with something you thought never could happen but it did. I Would say that your husband is your good luck charm. But you'll be feeling motivated and you are going to be working up to speed. Oh yeah, Maybe, a few of you will go to college or are already in school and I feel that you'll pass something. Truly, feel that you'll pass as to where you are going to graduate! Woo 😯 it is going to be a big ass celebration. I'm proud of you guys 🕯💋🙌🏽. I'm feeling all the luck 🐎 here for this pile. Yes, a lot of good 🌟 news, and luck is going to keep coming your way.
Pile 3: Okay, your future looks like that you'll be fucking successful. I think that you are a come-up. What I mean by that is starting your career in music, modeling, acting, or being part of some kind of industry but you are going to be successful in it. I'm feeling it. I feel a big ass change is going to happen for you. But it is like that saying “If you want it, you gotta go get it.” that's what I'm feeling like that. You'll feel so happy that you've been manifesting the future dream you've been wanting for yourself. Wow! I keep hearing “Success, SUCCESS, SUCCESS!” so in the future 📡 some kind of success is coming your way. You are going to grab it. Whatever you set your mind to. You are going to take it. Yes, I feel that you will be feeling regret or thinking that you don't deserve it but you have to say FUCK IT! I feel that once you have that motivation in yourself and say “Fuck It.” you are going to take it. But I sense that you might settle down quickly. I mean quickly. You would want a family or at least a yearning for a family. Maybe, some of you right now have a list of what you dreamt about your family looking like. Few of you might be workaholics and some of you will be settling down. You might have a baby 👶 in your mid-career. But I have a sense that your partner will take care of it while you are working. I'm seeing you crying because you'll be missing home. Aww, I'm sorry. But I see that you are fighting for this position in this industry. I feel that you might work in some K-pop industry or at least meet them or should I say work with them. I heard “agent” Maybe, one of the crew members wants you to be their agent or be part of their crew. I think that your future looks like it will be pretty good as you make it to be. I feel that you’ll be fulfilled and satisfied.
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whateverisbeautiful · 4 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#1: For The Future (S9E03) 🏆🥳🎉
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This is the one. 🥹 The number 1. 🏆 My favorite Richonne scene. 😍 And it's quite fitting on TOWL eve to discuss Rick and Michonne's final irl dialogue from TWD. How lovely that Richonne's 'last' day together was this beautiful. 😭
Richonne's relationship illustrates what I've always felt true love should be like. What the characters of Rick and Michonne have is a radiant, vivid, and undeniable soulmate love. It's earned and organic, it's devoted and deep-rooted, it's heartfelt, it's fiery, it's passionately palpable, it's everything. And genuinely, this impeccable scene has it all.
So I adore this moment to infinity and beyond, especially because in this scene, we truly get to see Rick and Michonne revel in Richonne...
What's clear from my Top 5 is I tend to really appreciate scenes where Rick and Michonne talk about Rick and Michonne, and this scene is one of the best examples of that.
Throughout all these posts I’ve expressed the sides of Rick and Michonne's relationship that I adore - when they're doting on each other, desiring each other, leading together, parenting together, relaxed and domestic, fighting the fight, being playful and flirty, being reassuring, being hopeful, happy, honest, human, wise, vulnerable, encouraging, and enchanted by the other. And pretty much all of this was captured in this scene right here.
So while I have no notes for this scene, my extra self still has a lot to gush over and praise. I mean naturally, cuz this is my goated Richonne moment. 🙌🏾😌
I just marvel at how special this ship is for only continuing to top themselves with golden scenes to the point that Richonne's last moving dialogue irl is my all-time favorite moment between them.
And if Richonne just had to be taken from me for 6 years, then this was an excellent scene to hold onto as I patiently waited for their return. (which is tomorrow, can you believe it!? 🤗) And it's also an excellent moment for Rick and Michonne to hold onto as their paths part for years and they fight with everything in them to get back to each other. 👌🏽
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The chemistry and connection between Rick and Michonne have always been so profound to me, and they’ve been operating like one for a long long time. And in this scene, you just see every single reason why they are meant for each other and how they're ready to take their oneness to new levels. 🙌🏽🎉
Also in this episode, it feels like this is the one time when Rick, Michonne, Judith, Carl, and RJ are all in some way involved as we officially know Michonne will be pregnant after this. 😭
Ok, so first we gotta talk about the great Grimes Family 2.0 sequence just before because it's attached to this #1 moment for me. The episode starts with Rick waking up in his bed with Michonne asleep, and I love any time we get to see their everyday life side.
I adore the way Rick immediately places his attention on Michonne when she sleepily tosses to the other side. And then seeing that she may be feeling a bit restless, he gently gives her a calming kiss on the shoulder. Such a sweet silent act of love for his wife. 🥰
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And I love seeing that Rick wakes up with this instant affection for her, just as Michonne does in the next ep when she wakes up and adoringly kisses him while he sleeps. 🥹
Also, this moment makes me a bit sad cuz it’s the last time Rick and Michonne will wake up together like this for years. 😢 But thank goodness they will hopefully soon have mornings together like this again. 🙌🏾
And then, after showing love to his wife, Rick hears Judith cough and goes to gently check on her as she also is sleeping in a similar position as Michonne. Seeing Rick in this house with his wife and daughter, you just know these are the two he’d do absolutely anything for. Including fighting every day for years to get back to them. 🥲
And then they gotta get my waterworks going when Rick walks down the steps and touches Carl’s handprint. Oh how I wish Carl was asleep in another room for Rick to check on. 😭 But the fact that even tho Carl is gone, Rick still finds meaningful ways to feel connected to him is beautiful and makes it feel like he really managed to have a genuine heartfelt moment with his wife, daughter, and son this morning. The truest family man. 🥰
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Then Rick takes a walk in the lush community and it’s just nice seeing him get to really take in how much life is growing around them with all the plants and food sprouting up. This is so reflective of what he and Michonne have impressively built together, and Rick deserves this satisfying peaceful moment so much.
If Richonne had managed to carve out even a semi-decent life a year and a half after the pain of losing their son and fighting a war it would have been commendable. But for them to have healed to the point where they were living a genuinely happy robust life together, speaks to the revitalizing power of their love.
Everything is fruitful and growing in their community, and I love that just like that ripe red tomato Rick finds, Rick is also ready to be fruitful and multiply. Amen. 🥳
And as if the sequence wasn’t already precious enough, Rick places the red tomato at Carl’s gravesite, and he has this quiet moment with his son which just hits my heart. It's like Rick's letting Carl know he's making his dream real just like he promised. 😭
I love that Rick is so devoted to keeping Carl’s memory and wishes alive, including Carl’s desire for Rick to build a bountiful future - specifically one where “Michonne is happy.”
I’ve always found Rick’s teary smile at Carl’s grave interesting because it makes me curious what they're implying he’s thinking. I personally feel like part of it is Rick thinking about the fact that he’s ready to grow their family and knowing Carl would want that for them too. 
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So now onto my all-time favorite Richonne scene. 🙌🏽🥳
I truly love that they give Rick and Michonne this at-home, comfortable, living their everyday life moment in bed for their final irl conversation. 😍😭
Where my #2 scene from the season 5 finale was one I really appreciated for depicting Richonne's strength amid tough times, my #1 scene here is one I appreciate so much for depicting Richonne's strength during a time of overall calm. This moment wonderfully and angelically shows how Rick and Michonne's love soars when they finally get to live the peaceful life they fought so hard for.
So I of course love all the scenes where Richonne shower each other in love during high-stakes moments of adversity. But this rewarding scene is so special to me for being a moment of Richonne getting to shower each other in love during a rare time of normalcy after everything they’ve been through. 
So Michonne is up in bed and working on the charter like the Get Things Done Grimes she is. And Rick returns to their room and the moment is just so calm and casual as they ask each other how they slept, and Michonne admits her mind won’t shut off. As we know from their canon ep, they’re very good at helping the other just turn their mind off for a bit and so Rick is def about to help her with that. 😋
I love seeing Rick take his boots off and get right back into bed cuz I know that man already had his mind made up to take today off and just be with his girls. I think about how refreshed Rick was in s9 even though so many of his OG friends were all spread out. And a big reason why he can still seem so content is because as long as he has Michonne and his daughter every day then he has everything.
Then Rick is so encouraging when he tells Michonne she’ll have the charter figured out by supper. Like the charter is a big deal to figure out, but he knows his goddess of a wife can handle it, and I love that he always has so much belief in her. 
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When Michonne smiles and says, "yeah, no," Rick is rightfully in full Michonne-stan mode as he tells her it’s good she's leading this place. I love how Rick knows and is grateful that Michonne is so capable of not just helping him lead but being a leader in her own right.
And I like that Michonne says, "with you" because it just shows how much she truly values their partnership and still only wants to lead if it’s with him. The “Me and you” way. 😊
It’s really sweet the way Rick says, "Nah, I’ve been at the bridge, here it’s you." He’s going to make sure Michonne gets credit where credit is due. And again, his reverence for her has always been so lovely to watch throughout this scene and this series. (Rick Grimes is a 'Michonner,' y'all 😋💕)
Also, it's great seeing that Rick is so comfy as he rests on the bed while letting Michonne know she’s the one whose been keeping this place safe and figuring out how to improve it. After roughing it in prison cells, the woods, and mattress-less rooms during the saviors' reign, it's great to see him get to just make himself comfortable in a warm bed with the love of his life.
And Michonne is all multi-tasking by listening to him, writing notes down, and setting a plan to take their daughter to the doctor. Like truly, Rick,...
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But he already knows that. 😊
Then I love seeing this parents moment of them talking about Judith’s cough and taking her to the doctor. Rick assures that he checked on her and it’s probably just a cough but Mama Michonne still wants to be sure so she says she's going to take her to Siddiq just in case. And Rick is immediately on board saying he’ll join them. I love this dad, y’all. 🥰
Like this is what’s important to Rick always, so even as a leader with so much on his plate, being around for his family is always the priority, even for just an unassuming doctor's visit. 
And I also love this exchange cuz It’s so clear that Rick and Michonne are equally Judith's parents and obviously have a lot of care for her that they want to take precautions even if it’s a small cough. I'll also just never get over that we went from Michonne saying, "You could've just taken the formula" to now her and Rick talking about Judith as the daughter they're raising together. 🤗
Then my uncontrollable smiling has returned when Rick tells Michonne that they’ll have to promise Judith a Family Fun Day to get her to go to the doctor. 🥰 I love that they’ve coined this term, indicating Family Fun Days are something they do often. They really are such a beautiful caring family, and their eventual family reunion that I've been trying to speak into existence since 2018 is going to be HEAVENLY. 😇
The fact that the word "fun" can even be a part of their lives now is refreshing. And I also love how much this family fun day is something Rick genuinely wants not just for Judith but for him and for Michonne too. Here for it.
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Michonne smiles when he says this and then has a realization moment as she asks, "Aren’t you headed back right away?" And Rick says, "I can take the day" and then says “We can.” That man ain’t tell a lie. Rick and Michonne deserve a day off, and I like how this is the beginning of Rick helping Michonne know that it’s okay to take a break in this scene. 😏 And once again, Rick demonstrates that when he's with Michonne...the world can wait. 😌
Rick says the last report was good and “Maggie will be there soon thanks to you.” Which again I love that every chance Rick gets he’s giving Michonne her props.
There's also something a bit sad about this because Rick is so convinced that the others can hold it down for a bit but that ends up not being the case and results in their family fun day getting cut short indefinitely.
I really feel like because Rick values Michonne’s influence and insights so highly in his own life, that’s why he felt so confident that Maggie would have become on board after a visit with Michonne - because he would have had Michonne visited him. He thinks everyone should get in formation when Michonne speaks just like he does, and Rick, sincerely...
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Always intuitive, Michonne knows that Maggie is still angry and Daryl too so she tells Rick this and he nods and then he asks, "Well you want me to go?" And I was like now Slick Rick knows the answer to that is no lol.
Michonne places her hand on his and says she wants it to work. And by reaching for his hand it shows that ultimately she of course wants him to stay with her, she just knows how much they’re needed by the others. #SelflessQueen
Also, there's just something so moving to me about the way she looks at him in this moment. Like of course Michonne is known for her only-envision-winning mentality, but here there is also a part of her that needs some reassurance that everything they're trying to do and build really can work despite all the underlying division within the communities and tf.
Needing some reassurance, her husband so sweetly gives her just that when Rick says "It will" in the most comforting tone. And I like how he positions himself to sit up and really look in her eyes as he lets her know that even if everyone isn’t all in yet they will be, “just like we did.”
I love that Rick and Michonne are always a “we”. They’re a package deal cuz they’re one. And that line just felt like a bigger statement to their own journey. How they truly went all in with each other. 
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And again the way Michonne looks at him is just heartwarming as she expresses agreement. Her love for him and belief is so visible and sincere. The way they can both always resonantly reach and reassure each other when they speak is perfection.
I love that she then says okay and touches his face, and I also was like sis, you know if you touch him like that this scene is gonna escalate lol. 😋
Then we get to one of my many favorite parts of my favorite scene when Rick looks at Michonne with such genuine abundant love in his eyes and tells her, "Thank you." 🥹
The way Rick always tells her thank you since season 3. 😭 I love the way he adores, praises, and reveres Michonne. Like, for Rick, it is always doting over Michonne hours. 
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Michonne asks, "For what?" which just reminded me of when Rick asks her "For what?" when Michonne said she never thanked him in the s3 finale.
And then the way Rick takes a breath and smiles at Michonne on this bed after she asks this - it literally makes me want to shed a tear. It’s just a beyond beautiful wordless moment that really feels like Michonne taking his breath away as he’s overcome with love for her. And that might sound dramatic but hey...
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Rick has been in awe of her since literally day one at that fence, and to see seasons later, after getting to know her in the deepest sense, he still has that awe of Michonne but amplified. It's great. And Rick just looks so unabashedly mesmerized by her in this moment which is heartwarming.
Like when she asks 'for what?,' you can tell Rick is just marveling about how incredible she is and how the list of reasons to thank her is miles long.
And this is not really Rick and Michonne's newlywed stage anymore, y'all. This is their married for a while, been through hell and back together after losing our son stage, and Rick still looks at Michonne like she hung the moon and the stars. 😭
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And then Rick takes the scene to new heights of heartwarming when he says exactly what he's thanking her for, stating “For everything you’ve done. For everything you’re doing. For you.” Absolutely perfect. 😍😭😍😭
And it's so fitting cuz Michonne really has done so much of value, past, present, and for the future. But the best of the best is Rick saying “for you” because he’s not just grateful for what she does but who she is. And she is someone exceptional. 
I adore that in their final one-on-one irl scene Rick is outright thanking Michone for existing and for the lovely gift that she is and has always been in his life. Honestly, Rick's romantic heart needs to be studied because the things he says to and about Michonne are just everything and more. 🥹
Another thing that makes this scene and ep so special is Rick and Michonne don’t know this is their last day together. So for them, this is just another day. And I love it for showing how all this beautiful love and adoration they’re letting out is not because they’re trying to make their final day count - this is just how they are with each other on the regular.
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And I love that we get to see Michonne’s reaction to receiving this genuine love and appreciation from her husband as he gives her her flowers. Michonne deserves every bit of this love. 🙌🏾💐
I am so excited that Michonne will get to have this type of love back in her life when she finally reunites with the man who adores her. 🤗 I firmly believe Rick’s awe of Michonne will only be heightened when he gets to learn how resilient she’s been in his absence for herself, their children, and their community. She’s had to be so strong for so many, and I love that she’ll finally be back in the arms of the one whom she can be most soft and taken care of with.
And the same goes for Rick. After being a man desperately looking and longing for his family while so alone for years - I am elated that he’ll be back with the woman who most makes him feel loved, sane, seen, and home. 
When Rick and Michonne see each other again you know this is about to be a direct quote from both their minds...
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Also, something that’s so sweet about the love story crafted for Rick and Michonne is that adoring each other comes so effortlessly to them. They don’t have to constantly remind or force themselves to be attentive and expressive to each other, it’s the most natural thing in the world for them to love this person in front of them out loud.
So yes it’s an active daily choice to love, but I appreciate that it also feels so aligned with how Rick and Michonne want to naturally operate - head over heels in the most grown, grounded, yet grand way. 🥰
Then, after saying something so authentic, accurate, and beautiful by thanking her for pretty much everything, the two share a sweet kiss. And their every kiss is so special to me. Like it’s always passionate no matter what. And just the way he looks at her after 😭 heart-melting. They're irresistible to each other and always have been. 😍
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I especially love that Michonne then leans in and kisses him again as her own thank you for his kind words. Those magnets within them mean we’re always gonna see more than one kiss. 😋
And then she slides her hand down his neck and chest and once again I was like - now sis, you know things are about to escalate if you do that. 🤭
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And sure enough…😋
Rick starts closing the books and moving them away as he invitingly says, "Why don’t you take a break?" 😏 I love it. It’s cute that Michonne is instantly tickled by this too. She knows what’s up. And she knows she’s down. ijs. 😋
But first she asks, "You want me to stop working?" and she knows good and well the answer is yes - but I love that Rick has always been a little extra when it comes to Michonne so he doesn’t only say yes. Instead, he takes the pencil out of her hand and flicks it away as he says, "yeah" in a way that will never fail to have me smiling and kicking my feet cuz like...
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And Michonne was undeniably amused already, but she got especially tickled when he tossed the pencil. That man always has her smitten. 😊
I adore seeing this playful side of them and this reminder that Rick and Michonne are husband and wife and also best friends who could always make each other laugh. 
Even more, I love how Rick fully believes Michonne can do any and everything…but he also knows she shouldn’t have to, especially not all the time. Which is why I appreciate his consistent thing of wanting to give them a chance to have a break and time to themselves.
It's sweet too how, without even fully seeing his face, you can still see from Rick's profile that he has this genuine proud smile upon seeing he made his wife laugh. Her joy is truly one of his favorite things. 🥹
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Rick smiling at her here reminds me of how happy he was to have made Michonne smile when he came home with mints to give her in their canon ep seasons ago. #TheirLoveNeverFades
I adore that from season 3 saying "Good, cuz I see things" to this moment in season 9, Richonne stayed flirty with each other, both when strangers and when married. 🥰
And then Michonne teases as she asks Rick, "You want me to stop creating the foundations of a new civilization?"...The questions are just foreplay at this point because they both know what's about to happen rn lol. She and Rick both know that what he wants is in the first three words of her question. 😋
I love the way Michonne talks to him and looks at him and the way Rick can’t help but touch her and study her while she speaks, knowing this is the woman he is so ready to have another child with.
Somehow in this moment, Rick seems to be intently listening to her while also distracted by her all at the same dang time. 🤭
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So Michonne is all cutely smiling at him while waiting for his answer... and then Rick gives an unforgettable answer.
(also the way even Rick and Michonne's movement is in sync in this scene is just 👩🏽‍🍳💋. they're magnets fr)
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Rick looks right at Michonne and then says, “I can think of another way to build for the future” and it’s just ahhhhhh. The best. 😭 What a great way to reveal that Rick wants to have a baby with Michonne.
The scene organically transitions from like playful causal morning vibes to a huge serious declaration of love and development for their family and I'm too here for it. 😍
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Rick wanting this baby is a huge deal, especially just a year and a half after losing Carl. And him being at this stage has everything to do with his belief in Michonne and him together and knowing he's with the love of his life who has in so many ways healed him with her one-of-a-kind presence.
He's seen the way he and Michonne work so well together in any role - parents, partners, lovers, leaders - and Rick has always known that the two of them can do anything, from reordering the world to raising a growing family.
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So then Rick passionately kisses her after he says this - but like this is a giant statement and Michonne knows what he’s implying is a big deal, so she has this curious look at him. And then I absolutely adore this next moment of them transitioning to a more intimate position.
The way Rick is ready for her to do this little maneuver always felt like a nice little suggestion that they’ve done this often. And it’s just so sensual and romantic. 😍 But I also love this shift for showing how Michonne goes right out of work mode and wants to be so fully present and focused on him as she confirms that Rick is really saying what she thinks he’s saying. Their consistent ability to be present with each other deserves another shoutout cuz it's gold. 👏🏽👏🏽
Also, the way Rick just stays with his eyes glued to her as he holds her and the way Michonne tenderly holds his face in her hands. They knew they were gonna have little Richonner hearts everywhere doing front flips with this movement alone. And I ain't mad at it. 😋
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Michonne looks right in Rick's eyes as she says a hopeful, "Yeah?" Then Rick says such a certain, "Yeah" that lets you know having a kid with Michonne isn’t some out-of-nowhere idea that just hit him but something he’s thought about and is sure about. Rick is always sure when it comes to him and her. 👌🏽
And you just know Rick loves their future baby already too, especially because the baby will be part of the woman he's madly in love with.
Michonne smiles and softly says, "okay" and then I love the way Rick eagerly pulls her in closer to him. 😊🧲
Then the last line of the scene is Michonne so sweetly repeating Rick's words back, as they so often do throughout their relationship, as she says, "For The Future." 🥹 
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Perfect. x1000.
What a fitting final line and final scene to conclude Richonne's last private exchange like this. Especially for two reasons.
One; thinking about the long-term future used to not be a luxury they had at the start of the apocalypse so it shows how far they've come. Two; Rick and Michonne were two people who, even before they met each other, fought to believe in the future even when others around them (and at times their own past partners) didn't. But in finding each other, Rick and Michonne found the one who could fight to live like them, believe in the future like them, and hold onto hope like them - And now here they are in love and getting to feel so hopeful about their future together. 😭
It’s great that such a major decision like having another kid is one Rick and Michonne were both so quickly on the same page about. They both are ready for this. Both want their splendid love to take form in a new life being brought into the world. 🥹
And again it’s such a testament to their powerful relationship and the way they were able to help build each other back up after losing Carl to the point that they could be healed enough to want another kid. I'll never get over it.
Then I adore this shot of Rick looking up at Michonne with the two bathed in light. It feels so reflective of how highly Rick's always viewed her and how Michonne's been the light in his life. She's his future. And he's hers. 🥰
The scene concludes with Rick and Michonne sharing their last irl passionate kiss as things finally escalate, and they savor each other as they do best. And this whole scene and final moment is just so beautiful it makes my heart hurt. Richonne is stunning and their love is a work of art. 🙌🏾
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'Epic love story' really is the best way to describe Richonne, and I love love love that Rick and Michonne always enjoy reveling in Richonne. We have that in common. 😋
I just so appreciate that before he left the show, it was made crystal clear that what Rick wanted for his future was to bring life into this world with Michonne, the ultimate and unequivocal love of his life. 👏🏽 And he’s going to learn that even apart, that dream was still achieved. The Get Things Done Grimes got it done. The baby Rick loved before he even was made, lives. Oh I CANNOT wait for Rick to learn about and meet RJ!!! 🥳😭
Knowing Rick and Michonne's individual journeys, it genuinely moves me that two people who went through so much and lost so much but continued to fight for the people they love got personally rewarded with this gorgeous and deep love that’s just for them. And they didn’t shy away from the love that was there, rather they valiantly and completely embraced it and it’s truly what they deserve. They both deserve to be loved this wholly.
I know this is my undeniable #1 scene because each time I watch it, it warms my whole soul and I get fully enwrapped in it - just mesmerized and overjoyed from start to finish. Watching this #1 scene, during every single part I'm just like...
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And Rick and Michonne Grimes bathed in bright sunlight and sharing a passionate kiss while acknowledging they want their future and their love to now take shape in the form of a child is just such a fitting final private exchange between them on TWD and so very special. They're a shining light to each other, to the franchise, and to me, y'all. ☀️
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When I say Richonne is everything it’s not just a phrase. They literally have everything going for them and are everything to each other. And every scene from my 30th to this #1 moment masterfully illustrates their resplendent love.
This season 9 scene feels like a love letter to Richonne and it's my all-time favorite for capturing everything I adore about Rick and Michonne’s relationship all in one. Tens across the board. 
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I look at this whole scene and whenever I see it I just think - This is Richonne. For me, this scene is their definition. ♥️👌🏽
Richonne is truly love incarnate, and this beautiful top-tier moment captured that flawlessly. 👑🤍😌
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l8rs-gat0rs · 1 year
Hi, I have an Eva request!
So she was giving reader her first "therapy" session and when asking what her biggest secret she's hiding is, reader is like "the fact i really wish you'd go down on me" 😫🙌🏽
Secret Thoughts
Pairing: Eva x bisexual!reader
ANOOOOOON. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS REQUEST. I literally can't thank you enough holy shit. I hope you enjoy this :) also shout out to my fellow bisexuals (as well as all the other gays who happen to be attracted to women😌)
Warning(s): smut ofc, this is basically straight porn. y/n use.
Summary: During one of your sessions with Eva, you can't help but spill a secret you didn't think you would. Eva is thrilled to hear it and decides to fulfill your request.
Word count: 1.9k
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~~~~~~18+ MINORS DNI~~~~~~
"Ah you came! Come sit down" Eva hugged you before moving to close the doors behind you.
You sat down on the chair that was facing Eva’s and you looked at her, nervous as she sat down.
She wasn't very far away if you were being honest, your leg bounced rapidly as you suppressed the thoughts coming through your head.
She watched you with her piercing blue eyes and a small smirk played at her lips, making you want to shrink into your chair but instead you glanced away, unable to keep eye contact.
"So" you cleared your throat.
"Is this like...therapy?" You asked, glancing back at her.
She let out a small chuckle before answering,
"No, think of this as a bonding experience for the two of us, which should be easy, considering how drawn I feel to you" her slightly hooded eyes seemed to drop down to your lips and you suddenly felt butterflies erupt in your stomach
"Alright, so here's how this is gonna work," Eva started as her eyes shot back up to yours, startling you.
"I'm going to snap, and every time I snap, you're going to say your name. Think of it as a grounding point. And we're going to keep building on that grounding point, so it can be strong. Like you." her eyes dropped to your hands and she brushed her fingertips along them.
you nodded doltishly and she pulled her hand, along with her body, away from yours.
You would be lying if you said you didn’t miss the contact already.
Eva leaned back in her chair and snapped her fingers.
"What's your name?"
"So y/n, let's start with something simple, why are you here with us?" Eva asked with a low voice.
"As embarrassing as it is, you found me crying on the sidewalk after my boyfriend broke up with me and kicked me out," you said sheepishly.
Her smile slightly faded at the mention of your ex-boyfriend.
"Yeah, I remember."
"Why did he break up with you?"
"Well, he said there was 'someone else'." You did air quotes.
Eva's frown deepened before she went back to a neutral expression and snapped her fingers.
"Have you ever been with anyone other than your ex?"
Curiosity glistened in Eva's eyes as she waited for you to respond.
"Mmm, yeah, there was a girl," you started, watching Eva's face for any reactions.
A smile pulled at her lips and you felt your insides melt.
"We dated for a while but it didn't end up working out, even so, our relationship was better than Derrick and me. I'm thinking of going full lesbian after him." You stated truthfully.
Her eyebrows raised at your confession and she unfolded her hands, bringing her chair a bit forward and closer to you so your knees were almost touching.
You suddenly felt very aware, and you sat up as she settled in her chair, watching-
Analyzing- you.
You felt your breath Hitch as her eyes slowly seemed to be undressing you.
When her eyes met yours once again, you clenched your jaw, trying to keep your mouth from saying anything crazy, but the weird thing was, you felt like telling Eva everything for some reason.
You were jerked from your thoughts when you heard a snap.
Eva's voice was now seemingly lower and a bit husky.
Fire burned through your veins as you opened your mouth to answer her prompt.
Eva leaned in towards you, you felt yourself slightly go forward as well.
"What's your biggest secret?" She looked at you through hooded eyes, darting between both of yours before they settled on your lips.
She licked her own lips before letting her teeth drag against her lower lip.
It felt like she was torturing you.
The smell of her perfume seemed to surround you and occlude all of your senses, causing your thoughts to be surrounded by haze.
You felt hypnotized by her.
"My biggest secret is I want you to go down on me so bad right now" you breathed out.
Your eyes widened at your own words as soon as they left your mouth. Eva smirked.
"Yeah?" She simply asked.
You felt a jolt in your stomach, you couldn't even explain the hold this woman had over you if you tried.
"Yeah" you simply stated.
"Well, why didn't you tell me baby?" She said, chuckling lowly, her eyes dropped down to her hand as she ran it up your thigh slowly.
You stared at her with your mouth hanging open and her eyes met yours once again.
"Answer me."
"I-I don't know" you said, your chest starting to rise and fall quicker as she used her other hand to slip up your shirt.
"Well I'm glad it's not a secret anymore" she leaned in closer and ghosted her lips over yours
"Eva" you whined.
"Can I tell you a secret?" She asked.
"I've been wanting to hear my name come from your pretty little lips like that since the day I first saw you" she said huskily.
You moaned before smashing your lips into hers.
You felt her hand slip under your bra as she ran her thumb over your hardened nipple.
You moaned into her mouth causing her to chuckle darkly.
"God you're so sexy" you groaned "I want you so bad" and she captured your lips in another heated kiss.
She pulled away from the kiss, taking her hand out from under your shirt before resting her forehead against yours as the two of you panted heavily.
You were surprised as she got up and pushed her chair back. She sat down on her knees, looking up at you.
You could cum at the sight alone.
She spread your legs open and slotted herself in between them, you felt your heart speed up.
She bit her lip and hooked her finger in the waistband of your loose sweatpants.
You lifted your hips up to let her remove them, almost moaning at the sight of how hungry she looked staring at your soaked lace underwear.
"God look at you, so wet for me already that you've ruined your panties" she moaned, licking her lips.
You spread your legs wider, your back slightly arched in the chair as you moaned for her desperately.
"Eva please, I need you" you gasped.
"You're so good for me, keep moaning my name like that" Eva groaned, bending down between your legs.
She pressed her tongue against your clothed center causing pleasure to explode low in your stomach.
Your hand shot into her hair and you grabbed it, pushing her tongue harder against you.
You felt her laugh, which vibrated through your body, causing you to shiver.
She wrapped her mouth around your clit through the thin lace and you moaned loudly as she sucked on it.
"Eva, please holy shit, take them off" you moaned feverishly.
"So impatient angel" she chuckled as she hooked her delicate fingers in the waistband of your underwear, pulling them down when you lifted your hips.
Eva reveled in the sight before her, licking her lips and groaning.
She pulled your hips forward and then held your thighs open as she went back in between your legs to taste you fully this time.
Your jaw dropped open as soon as her tongue made contact and you felt her moan vibrate through your whole body.
She licked your slit up to your clit before pulling back.
You felt your stomach burn with fire as you watched her sit back onto her knees, her hands still on your thighs.
Eva's eyes were closed as she took in the taste of you.
When she opened them her dark blue eyes looked up at you causing you to let out a whine.
"God, you taste so good baby" Eva groaned, licking her lips.
You moaned loudly, bucking your hips towards her.
"Don't worry angel, I haven't had of you enough yet" she smirked before moving in between my thighs again.
You let out a languid moan feeling your walls clench, pumping out more wetness that Eva happily lapped up with a flat tongue against your core.
Your hand made its way into her hair once again as she stuck her tongue inside you.
"Holy fucking shit" you moaned out, chest heaving as Eva ate you out like she was starving.
She moaned into your core as she felt your walls clench.
The room was filled with obscene wet noises harmonizing with both of your moans.
You bucked your hips into her face when her nose brushed against your clit.
As you peeled your eyes away from Eva in between your legs you noticed her hand moving slightly.
"Oh- my God, Eva are you touching yourself?" Her eyes opened as she looked up at you, but didn't stop the rapid movements of her tongue against you.
You saw her hand speed up as her eyebrows furrowed.
"Oh, you're fingering yourself" you gasped out.
Her eyes closed again as she let out a moan against you causing your stomach to tighten as you shuddered.
"Fuck you're so hot" you panted rapidly "I think I'm gonna cum."
She took her mouth away from your soaked center and looked up at you, her lips and nose glistening with your wetness. It was a filthy sight.
"I'm gonna cum too" she moved her hand inside her pants at a now, medium pace.
Before you could say anything, she took her hand out of her pants, her wetness still coating her fingers, she pushed them inside you and separated them, causing you to feel a wonderful stretch.
"Oh fuck fuck fuck" you groaned as Eva watched your core, your walls squeezing her fingers.
She snaked her other hand into her pants once again.
Her eyes met yours and she started pushing her fingers inside you at the same pace as hers.
"Don't cum until I say so" she moaned breathily.
"Yes" you choked out.
She added a third finger inside of you and your chest tightened once again, waves of pleasure taking over your body.
"Eva" you moaned out her name, signaling your release was close.
"Come on baby, hold it in, I'm almost there" she husked out.
Your chest rose and fell rapidly and you gripped onto the back of the chair, throwing your head back as you moaned loudly.
She was knuckles deep in you, thrusting her fingers faster, and the feeling was sending you to heaven.
"Alright, you can cum for me angel" Eva groaned.
You arched off the seat and your eyes rolled back as your legs shook with the power of your orgasm.
Eva let out a languid moan, reaching her climax at the same time.
She took her fingers out of both of you before watching your cum spill out causing her to let out an almost pornographic moan.
She sat back on her legs as she huffed, catching her breath and waiting for you to come down as well.
"So, how do you feel?" She breathed out as you looked back down at her.
"What do you mean? I feel so good, that was amazing" your eyes widened.
She giggled a little before elaborating.
"No silly, I mean do you feel connected to me now that we've cum together?" She raised her eyebrows.
"Ohhhh!" You nodded,
"Yeah I guess I do"  almost losing your train of thought as you watched her stick the fingers that were just inside you, into her mouth.
She removed them with an audible pop.
"How about we revisit this thought next session?" She smirked up at you.
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babyleo1994 · 3 days
What I heard is that Down South, you guys are Booty Experts. Bootyologists if you will. Do you agree?
I mean it’s Texas everything is bigger including the booty and thighs 🙌🏽🙌🏽😍😍🥵🥵😏😏, thank all those tortillas 😌😉
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megamindsecretlair · 1 month
A little update, I likely won't be able to put out something new until next week. Work is draining me and my brother is a straight up energy vampire.
He bugged so GD much, I went to bed at 1030. 1030 yall!!!!!!! Me, a chronic sleep procrastinator chose to go to bed early to avoid my annoying ass family 💀💀🤣
I am pooped. I'm still working on my book though, the words are flowing fabulously. So yay for that 🙌🏽
Thank you for your continued love and support 😌😚😚😚
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mrs-monaghan · 11 months
f@ck anyone responsible
Anon Noooooooooooooooooooo.... no more negativity today. I refuse in Jesus' name! 🙌🏽
I, am going to focus on the good stuff. 😜 First of all, look how cute this dude is 🥰😍
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Next we got the bffs. Gosh, I love this duo so much. Did you hear me? I said, look at Mimi being so damn cute!!! 🥺🥺😭😭😭
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He won a well deserved award, too! Humble king won't admit it so we will do it for him 😌😌
And then, the Jimcock made an appearance! 😏 we are always looking out for that. 😌
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And then.... would you look at that! 🤭🤭🤭
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SEVEN and FACE continue to be connected by JK on purpose. Oh man. Are there really people who still think Jimin wasn't aware before hand about JK's concept? Idk what to tell ya guys. U must not know these 2 men as well as you thought u did 🤷🏽‍♀️
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Now this, pissed me tf off. Alright??
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Since when does Suga know Jimin bEtTeR tHaN aNyOnE when it comes to performing??
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Did i suddenly get amnesia?? Jhope his fellow dance king and best friend would know Jimin better than anyone. Jungkook the man who talked about their mutual love for the stage and performing, would know Jimin better than anyone. And we're supposed to believe there is no Yoonmin agenda going on? This is some bullshit, I'll tell you that.
But, we don't talk about Yoonmin so,
Moving on to more important things like some belly action 👏🏾👏🏾☺☺☺
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He has a beautiful belly y'all 😍 words i never thought I would ever utter but that's Jimin for ya.
Hold up, hold up, we gotta see that on video.
Lord have mercy 🙌🏽🔥🙌🏽🔥🙌🏽🔥🙌🏽🔥🙌🏽🔥 He's amazing. He's incredible and awesome and every hater needs to go fall in a ditch. 🖕🏽
Last but not least, even Jimin knows this isn't true....so I'm just gonna assume its a manifestation and manifest this with him 🤞🏼🤞🏼
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What a great video. If u haven't seen it please go watch. Fun! Now the question remains,
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What's BH up to? Why wait till now? SEVEN is in 4 days. Whats the purpose of this weird timing? Guys, I smell a 🐀
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thewillowtree3 · 20 hours
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!! ;DDDD!! ❤️🌈🔥🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️✨❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍💕💕💓💘💓❣️💗💖
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HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!! ;DDDD <33 ;DDD <33 XDDDD!! 😚🤣😙😙😙😋😅😋😜😋😋😒😙🤩🥳🥳🥳🥵🥵🤠🤠😾👏🏽🙌🏽👍🏽🤘🏽👌🏽💪🏽🙏🏽👀🤟🏽🤟🏽🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥❣️💖💗💘🌈✨☄️🔥💥💥☀️💫 LETS FUCKING GOO!! ;DDDDD!! 💘💘❤️❤️
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH AND HAVE THE GAYEST PRIDE MONTH EVER!! ;DDD <33 ;DDD <33 XDDDD!! 😃😂🤣😜🤨🥹😇🥰😏😞😌🥳🥳🥵😎😎🤠🫶🏽👏🏽👏🏽👍🏽🤘🏽👌🏽🤟🏽✌🏽🤞🏽💪🏽👀🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️❤️❤️🧡💛💛💚💚❣️💕💖💘💖💗🌈🌪🌈☄️💥💥🎊🎉🎊
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
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This here.. this energy here
THIS 1 is hella personal because eye refuse to ever allow another soul to ever think they have a hold over me and my mental because of the 3D word LOVE..
Eye rather GROW IN LOVE.. never FALL IN LOVE!!! Words are spells so why would eye fall if you’re not healed enough to pick me up when eye have a weak moment because you’re a victim of falling too??
So proud of me and you better be proud of YOU TOO 😌🪬🙌🏽🙏🏽💕
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monicalestrange3 · 11 days
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Little draw for you!
Hope you like it 😌🙌🏽
How cuteaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I love her! 😍😍 How nice of you to give me this drawing, I always keep them with much affection, that someone takes the time to investigate your appearance, draw you, paint you is something I appreciate. Thaaaaanks!!! ✨✨
PS: I want to have the same size boobs as in the picture haha.
* Un pequeño dibujo para ti! Espero que te guste.
* Que lindaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ayyy la amo!! 😍😍 Que lindo de tu parte regalarme este dibujo, siempre los guardo con mucho cariño, que alguien se tome el tiempo de investigar tu apariencia, dibujarte, pintarte es algo que aprecio. Graciaaaas!! ✨✨
PD: Quiero tener las bubis igual de grandes que en el dibujo haha
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formulaa-1 · 1 year
Please do more of plus-size!reader x Carlos sainz!!
We've been finally seen, we exist.
Thank you 💖
it’s really sad that there’s not more representation of plus size women, and I’m definitely going to try my hardest to post more of it as I want everyone to be represented in my fics and insta au’s <3
Instagram au❣️ C.S
plus-size!reader x carlos sainz
carlos and y/n just being simps for eachother <3
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y/nusername: lucky to have you🤎
Liked by carlossainz55 and 89,268 others
view all 1,379 comments
carlossainz55: I’m the lucky one, mi amor❤️
Liked by y/nusername
sainz55_fan: omg her dress is so pretty 😩😩
icon_charles16: she’s so pretty 😍🫶🏻
y/nusername: Thankyou so much my love 🫶🏼
icom_charles16: your welcome 🥹🥹🥹
forzaferrarifann: screaming at how single I am
scuderiaferrari: fave wag 🙌🏽
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carlossainz55: love.
tagged: y/nusername
Liked by y/nusername and 345,699 others
view all 17,392 comments
y/nusername: 🤎🤎
Liked by carlossainz55
user268: STOPPP🥹🥹🥹
ferrarifor2023: they’re just so cute I can’t even rn ❤️
fanofsainz55: I can’t wait to see her paddock outfits for the 2023 season ahhhh she slayed last year 😌
user279: yes yes yes!!!!!!!!
user378: she ate and left no crumbs.
fan37: FACTS
eclairfan55: y/ns so pretty 🫶🏼🫶🏼
(Authors note- I know it’s short but I’m really busy today and I’m just feeling super deflated recently but I hope you enjoyed x)
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whateverisbeautiful · 5 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
✨TOP 30 Countdown✨
For those that love them like I love them - we gotta revel like we do best over two iconic characters that make up the best of the best TV couple, brought to life by two beyond incredible actors - Richonne 🙌🏽
The most reoccurring question I've got over the years is, "What's your favorite Richonne scene?" And years ago, I said I'd share a Top 30 scene ranking one day. In the past, I always used to time my posts as a sort of countdown to a TWD premiere or trailer etc. So when Rick and Michonne left TWD, I knew I'd share my Top 30 Richonne moments leading up to whenever they finally came back to us. And now at long last, we’re going to see Rick and Michonne Grimes' story continue and close out in what I know will be a really beautiful way.
Richonne is finally back, so it’s time to revel in a Top 30!
With just a month before their long-awaited return in the TOWL premiere, I want to journey down memory lane like old times and each day recap and reflect on the top 30 scenes that most make me love Richonne. 😊 (And you’d think 30 is a lot so it shouldn’t have been hard to make and rank this list...but it was. 😅 Their every moment is just so top-tier) Revisiting their scenes completely confirmed that Richonne never gets old because their love story is still as mesmerizing as ever. 🤩
Interestingly, the only scene on the list that never moved from its spot is my number one favorite moment. 😏 I’m excited to countdown and celebrate Richonne as we anticipate their return. And if you have anything you love about any of these top 30 scenes, I always adore hearing thoughts on Richonne, so I’d love to hear yours! I hope this daily list countdown brings just a bit of the joy that Richonne brings to us all. This should be fun 😌
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beatheprincess · 2 months
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This girlie worked hard today..I deserve a treat😌🍔🍟
@ripleymcskater I GOT BK !!!!😭💗🙌🏽
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