#🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏I am so tired but can't fall asleep please
solaris-amethyst · 1 month
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🪻If something chases you, run🪻
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✨Pairing: non idol!Matz x afab!reader ✨Prompt: Can you please write some Matz x fem!reader angst based on the acting videos of Hongjoong and Seonghwa🙏 only if you're comfortable of course, and I will take literally anything🥺 ✨Requested by a lovely anon🫶🏻 ✨Word count: 3.3k ✨Genre: angst, slight fantasy au, horror, thriller 🌙Warnings: mdni, death, dismembering, decapitation, possession, gore, blood, choking, being chased by what you cannot see, self blame for what is happening, wishing you would perish instead of others. please let me know if I've missed a warning! ☀️Authors note: Thank you for requesting❣️I cannot believe I managed to write 3.3k words for this one tbh🤯 The two videos being referenced in the requests are these: Hongjoong and these two for Seonghwa! Hope you enjoy this one despite it being angst🫶🏻 Also I am so sorry to all the Hongjoong and Seonghwa stans out there for their fates in this one shot...
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It was dark.
The three of you were running trying to get away from whatever it was chasing you. You had always been told not to go out in the dark by the elders of your village but the three of you had only thought it was old tales used to keep the kids in line.
Turns out you had been wrong this whole time.
Your grandma had explicitly told you when you were a kid: "The creatures out there will hunt you down, you might think you have escaped but unless you make it back into the village you never have and never will my dear. They will tear you apart limb by limb as they consume your soul or worse, they will inhabit your body after they've consumed your soul. So be careful and do not go outside of the village once the sun has set. Remember this, if something chases you, run."
As a kid you had marveled at her stories and sworn to never go outside in the dark but as you grew up you and your friends couldn't help but feel like it was something they just said because the elders didn't want to have to go out in the dark searching for someone when they could have been asleep.
"I can't keep running much longer!!" You heaved out trying to keep up with your friends, it felt like it was impossible.
"You have to!! Come on!! Don't give up!!" Seonghwa screamed before slightly slowing down so he could grab your arm and help you run, even if it felt like you were continuously being dragged instead of running.
Seonghwa was desperate as he continue to run dragging you along with him. His grip on your arm was so tight that it was hurting but you had no chance nor will to complain about this.
Not when you could end up in a much worse situation if he didn't.
You looked ahead to see Hongjoong sprinting, the torch in his hand glowing bright, the flames flickering back towards you. He was leading you back to home in the darkness, his orange hair shining brightly in the night.
You cursed in your head that the three of you had wandered outside so far away from your home and its protective walls now when it had become a matter of life or death.
"We're almost at the bridge!! Hurry!!" Hongjoong yelled, he sounded tired and out of breath, which was to no surprise. The three of you had wandered at least an hour away from your home before the creatures had found you three.
You were so close to getting to safety that you thought it would all be over when suddenly something was grabbing your legs, yanking hard, forcing you to the ground with a scream. Seonghwa almost falling with you as you were ripped out of his grasp.
"Y/N!!" He screamed desperately turning around trying to grasp your hands. Whatever was griping onto your legs was causing wounds to appear where whatever malevolent being was holding you as it dragged you back towards the dark looming forest.
"HWA!! JOONGIE!!" you screamed terrified as your best friends first stared in horror as you were being dragged away from them before both sprinted into action.
Desperate to save you.
Seonghwa hurries to grab your hands, he looks terrified as he tries so hard to get you away while Hongjoong rushes towards your legs, where this invisible force is dragging you. He swings the torch hoping that it will make whatever is hurting you let you go.
Unfourtunatly it does not work. It only makes whatever is clawing at your legs and drag you towards the forest harder.
Long tears appear on your calves and you let out a scream in pain.
"Let her go!!!!" Hongjoong tries everything he can think of with the torch but nothing works.
"Come help me!!!" Seonghwa screams at him and he eventually does letting go of the torch and rushing to Hwa. Both are gripping your arms and at one point it felt like you were going to be torn apart.
More panic start settling into your bones when you realize you are slowly slipping out of their hands. Your boys have a look of realization of what is going to happen a second too late and you're dragged back as they get blown back.
It all happened so fast. You tried to claw with your hands on the ground, screaming and kicking as you're dragged away.
Both of their voices echoes loudly as you suddenly are stopped in the middle of the woods. Whatever was hurting you has let your legs go.
Sitting up is painful and looking down at your own legs makes you almost puke. There is blood everywhere. Long wounds, looking similar to the smaller wounds you would sometimes get from playing with the barn cats on your legs. The blood is oozing out of the wounds creating a puddle below you.
Your hands are shaking as you try to rip a part of your skirt so you can dress your wounds.
"Please let them be okay." You whisper shakily to yourself. Logically you should have been dead by now.
That's always how the stories went when your grandma told them to you.
"If someone has to die." you sob quietly to yourself feeling terrified in the dark woods, no light coming through the dense forest. "Then let it be me." You cry, not wanting to think about your friends, your boys, potentially leaving this earth and leaving you behind.
"Why did I say we should go so far away? Gosh I'm so stupid." You berate yourself as you cry.
You shakily wrap your wounds with the ripped parts of your skirt. Hands trembling and you try not to make any pained noises when you eventually try to stand up.
It hurts a lot. Taking one step sends pain up your legs and your entire body shivers because of it.
You look around, not sure where you are. With shaky steps you walk towards where you think the boys would be. Whatever had dragged you to where you had ended up at had not just dragged you in a straight line and due to the darkness you could not just follow the marks on the ground back to where the bridge would be located.
Back with the boys who were panicking, screaming for you. Running straight into the forest, torch forgotten as they call out for you.
"Y/N!! WHERE ARE YOU??!!" Hongjoong yells loudly, the helpless feeling of failure is slowly settling into his bones.
Seonghwa next to him is sobbing, in a full-blown panic looking at him with bloodshot eyes.
"Do you think she's dead?" He ask, stuttering as he grips Hongjoongs shoulders tightly. "Did we loose her?? Did I lose one of my best friends??"
He is lightly shaking him. Hongjoong looks at his friend and tries to appear brave and certain when he says:
"N-no, she can't be dead. If she were we would have heard her. She's alive. We have to find her. W-we can't go back without her." He says stuttering two times when tears threaten to fall, his voice getting thick with emotions.
He gently takes Seonghwas hands into his and squeezes them.
"We will find her, we will get out of this. We will survive. All of us." He says and he can see his friend registering the words he says through his panic because Hwa is nodding at him even tho his eyes are still wide, looking around in panic, chest heaving.
"I promise."
Seonghwa takes a minute to collect himself before nodding. They both turn back to the darkness to start searching for you again and Seonghwas hand has not stopped gripping Hongjoongs.
It hurts but Hongjoong allows it. It keeps him slightly grounded into reality as the pain brings him back when his thoughts flees to the worst case scenarios.
And if it brings some sense of comfort to his friend he won't stop it.
Not right now.
Not ever.
The two of them wander into the forest, calling out your name hoping that if they hear your voice respond to their calls, it's actually you and not something else mimicking you or possessing you.
For you, it was a whole different story. Wandering alone, every step hurting, the cloth you had wrapped around your legs were slowly being stained into a deep burgundy shade. It had slowly become easier to see in the darkness surrounding you and it had made it easier to navigate in the dark.
There is no wind blowing through the trees and there is only silence surrounding you creating an uncertain and slightly haunting surrounding. Had there been noises, perhaps an owl or a wolf in the distance you would have not felt so alone.
The silence was not bringing you any comfort whatsoever.
"Joongie?? Hwa??" You called out "Where are you?? Please don't leave me alone here." You mumble feeling scared that you might have been left alone.
You knew logically that they'd never leave you but when fear festers in your heart doubt sows it seeds.
You had been wandering around for maybe ten minutes when you heard two loud screams in the distance.
Your boys.
"JOONGIE! HWA!!" You scream their nicknames and hurried as fast as you could towards the place their screams came from. You hope desperately that what had scared them was just a normal animal and not one of those creatures ready to feast on them.
As you limp your way forward you eventually come closer to a clearing in the woods.
You can see someone on the ground.
You instantly recognize that orange mop of hair.
"Hongjoong!!!" You call out his name but he doesn't seem to be able to hear you.
His eyes are focused on something entirely different, something you cannot see. He looks scared, his eyes wide and mouth open as his chest is heaving. You try calling his name again louder hoping he can see you as you wave towards him.
He still doesn't react, he looks afraid as he looks around before he brings up his hands to his head gripping his hair as he leets out a terrified scream before a light engulfs him and when the light is no more the clearing is empty.
You hurry up to the clearing, searching for him whilst muttering no no no no no over and over again. You had been so close to being reunited with your friend only for him to disappear right infront of you.
Just as you stand up you hear the most bloodcurdling scream from him up in the distance which makes your own blood freeze. Despite your injuries you find new willpower to run.
You run even though it's sending waves of pain up your body. Hongjoong never screamed like that. It makes you fear that hes been hurt beyond help and you have to make sure that is not true.
Eventually you come across a sight that makes you wanna throw up.
There's blood everywhere, limbs torn apart, the insides of someone's stomach splattered out on the ground.
You walk around carefully, trying to keep your breathing steady.
It cannot be Hongjoong you think to yourself in denial, refusing to believe that he could be dead. Only to stumble over something and fall to the ground. Getting blood all over yourself and when you look up from the ground you're met with a horrific sight.
It makes you scream so loudly you're sure everyone in the forest heard you.
Hongjoongs decapitated head.
His eyes still wide open, the look of fear still present in his eyes, mouth hanging open in a silent scream.
"No! No no no no no no! Hongjoong!" You sob as you realize it is your friend who has been maimed, hes been ripped apart to shreds and you're covered in his blood. You learned that you had tripped over his ripped apart arm when you glanced down towards your feet.
You carefully pick up his head, the very sight of the atrocity that had befallen him made you wanna scream again, throw up and faint all at the same time.
Holding his head close to you, you sob out apology after apology to him.
"I'm sorry! I am so sorry Joongie! I should have never encourage us to go out during the night so far from our village. I'm sorry." You wail loudly.
His death was on your hands.
Maybe not directly but indirectly you had caused this. You had caused the injuries on your legs, you had caused one of your best friends to die and another one wandering around, perhaps hurt or killed as well here in the forest.
As you're sitting there crying, a low growl can be heard from behind you, a sickening crunching noise can be heard as well and as you look back slowly you can see that there is something eating his limbs.
The very sight of it causes your brain to choose flight.
Sprinting away.
You're still holding Hongjoongs head in your arms. If there is one thing you have to do then it's get him home. So he can have a proper burial. You won't leave him. Not to be some creatures dinner.
As you sprint through the dark forest, the trees looming over you, you can hear a familiar voice.
"Hongjoong??!! Y/n??!!"
You sprint harder, you're not sure how much longer you can run. Your legs are sure to give out soon. Your head has started to feel faint.
You see him as you manage to get out, you're close to where you had been before you had been dragged away. Seonghwa turns around when he hears your voice and you can see the tearstained cheeks and the relief of seeing you before it turns to slight horror at the sight of your friends head in your arms.
"Y/n!!" He sprints towards you, he looks desperate.
You're bloodied and look terrified in his eyes but he can't find himself to be scared right now. He feels relieved that you're alive. He had heard Hongjoongs scream earlier and had suspected he had perished, he had hoped that he was wrong.
His head in your arms showed he was right.
As the two of you get closer he opens his arms to embrace you. He needs to hug you. To feel that you're real. Just as he reaches you, his arms almost enclosing around you, he falls down.
Had you not been so weak you would have grabbed his arms just the way he had when this had happened to you. He screams in pain as his legs get slashed like yours, he is fighting back, trying to crawl forward, trying to reach you.
"Seonghwa! No!"
"Y/n!! Run!!"
"I can't leave you!!"
"Yes you can! Save yourself!" "NO!"
You limp after him and when you get close to being able to grab his arms something stops you.
It's like an invisible wall.
"NO NO NO NO SEONGHWA!!" You yell banging on the invisible wall, trying desperately to break it so you can reach him.
You two make eye contact as he reaches a shaking hand towards you.
Then it happens, the light and Seonghwas scream is almost as bad if not worse than Hongjoongs bloodcurdling one and you cannot help the feeling of defeat washing over you as you slid down, silent tears falling down your cheeks again as you sob his name over and over.
Your eyes are now burning from how much you have cried this night.
What you see when the light goes down surprises you, Seonghwa is sitting there on his legs, chest heaving but he doesn't seem hurt at all. You had thought you would be greeted with the same horrific sight you had stumbled upon earlier when you found Hongjoong.
What you fail to notice is the smirk he has on his face and the evil glint in his eyes before he gets up and walks towards you.
"S-seonghwa. You're alive." You say flabbergasted.
"Y/n." He sinks down and brings you in for a hug, holding you tight and you can feel yourself relax into his warm embrace. Thinking that finally you two can get home safely.
Seonghwa smirks as you relax into his embrace as one of his hands comes up and wraps around your neck, gripping it tightly choking you as he stands up. You're being choked while dangling a little over the ground.
You gasp trying to get him to let you go, looking at him in surprise and panic.
"S-seonghwa! L-let me go!" You rasp out fearfully not understanding why he is doing this. Had you remembered what your grandmother used to tell you, you would have never let him get close to you after the light had happened.
"Oh sweetie your Seonghwa doesn't exist anymore." He chuckles darkly as he stares intently into your eyes. He looks gleeful as if your pain and fear brings him much joy and ecstasy.
"What." You stutter the word out in disbelief.
"Oh yes, did your parents never warn you about what we do? You either end up like your friend in your arms or like your friend Seonghwa who I am now the owner of." He says with a laugh and you fight hard to get out of his grip.
Panic starts setting in and you do the only thing you can think of which is to kick his stomach. Luckily that seems to work as he lets you go groaning whilst holding his stomach.
The adrenaline now pumping through your body must have given you the last little bit of energy you could have needed to get a head start running towards the bridge.
Towards safety and towards home.
Behind you Seonghwa cackles loudly before the quick steps can be heard behind you. Stupidly enough you look back to see how far behind you he is and you notice he is not yet running but walking fast.
The way he stalks after you and the constant smirk like a predator slowly approaching his prey combined with his eyes is more unsettling than if he had been running after you. He's bloodied from hugging you earlier and from his own wounds and the sight is something you find hard to look away from.
Because you're not looking where you are running you end up taking a tumble over a rock, scraping up your knees and dropping Hongjoongs head causing it to roll back towards Seonghwa.
You go to try and pick it up but when you see that he is already picking it up you decide to try and make it to the bridge instead.
Hongjoong would have wanted you to save yourself.
Getting up from the ground and sprinting towards the bridge, you can hear how his steps have grown faster.
"I'm going to get you!" He screams as you near the bridge, taunting you.
And by some sheer luck you get onto the bridge and manages to cross it without Seonghwa catching you.
As you stop shakily by the entrance of your village you turn one last time to look back at him with tearstained cheeks and guilt in your eyes.
Seonghwa is standing there with a manic look on his face, holding Hongjoongs head in his arms. He's drenched in blood, more so than he had been earlier. It's dripping from his body and all he does is stare at you.
Stare directly into your soul before he laughs haughtily. He stands there never taking his eyes off you as you take your next steps into safety.
You will always wonder if it had been luck or if he had knowingly let you cross. To let you sit with all the guilt of loosing both of your friends. Having to face their families and tell them what had happened and the fate you had indirectly led them to. To tell your own family what you had done and then being shunned by everyone.
Perhaps that was his plan, to have you feel so bad you'd one night come out voluntarily and cross that bridge again.
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childofapollo11 · 2 years
Filch Gets Dragged
!fem! reader x george weasley
fluff only
word count- 1459
ps. I wrote this like two years ago so please ignore how cringy it is🙏🙏
After the meal, everyone started heading back to their common rooms to get ready for bed. Me and my friend Hailey were some of the last to leave. We walked down into the dungeons toward the hufflepuff common room. I tapped the old barrel a few times and the door slid open. I crawled through the hole with Hailey following.
Once in our dorm we started chatting. I was happy our other dorm mates weren't back yet. After talking for a little while Hailey yawned.  m "I'm tired, I think I'm going to go to bed," she finally said,"goodnight." I looked at her shocked. She never slept, and especially not this early. I adjusted myself on my four-poster bed, trying to get comfortable. "Goodnight," I said, trying to fall asleep. I had nothing better to do.
 It had been almost four hours since Hailey had fallen asleep. I looked over to the clock beside my bed. 12:56 AM. I don't why I couldn't sleep. One of the girls that I shared a dorm with came back and fell asleep, I had no idea where the other was. I was bored out of my mind. I had already read a few chapters of my book, but it hadn't worked. As I tossed and turned for about another half hour, an idea popped into my head. I decided to take a walk to clear my brain.
I had never snuck out past curfew before. I was scared to say the least. I had heard that Filch and Mrs. Norris roamed the halls for students breaking the rules at night. I tiptoed out of my bed trying not to wake anyone. I slipped on my night robe and slowly opened the door to an empty common room. I sighed in relief, walking toward the exit. I had successfully escaped. The paintings weren't even fazed. They had probably seen students sneak out every night. I walked past the kitchen and up the dungeon stairs. I didn't know where I was going to be honest.
I was thinking about going to the Astronomy Tower for some fresh air. It could be risky though because it was so far away from the common room. I also didn't want to see anyone up there. I knew it was a popular spot at night. So just decided to roam around the castle until my head was cleared.
I walked past the library and toward a smaller corridor. I didn't recognize the corridor. I never realized that I hadn't explored Hogwarts much at all. It was nice to find new hallways and rooms. I loved feeling of freedom I felt roaming the halls at night.
I had been walking around the castle for about an hour when I heard mumbling. I rushed behind a statue, thinking it was a professor. I really didn't want to have detention.
Then I heard the voice get louder. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," I immediately recognized the whispers as George's. I have no idea how I could tell it was his and not Fred's, but I could. I swiftly came out of my hiding spot, my brown hair flowing behind me. "Boo," I whispered, as I showed myself to the ginger boy. He didn't even flinch."You can't scare the master love," he turned and looked at me with his famous smirk,"So what are you doing out of bed (insert cute nickname)?"
I blushed at the nickname. He has never called me that before. "I could ask you the same thing, Weasley." I smiled. "Couldn't sleep with all Lee's sleep talking," he rolled his eyes with sarcasm. I laughed again as we walked down the corridor.
"What were you doing talking to yourself?" I asked, furrowing my brow. "Oh yeah," he replied as he revealed a map from behind his robes,"this here," he showed me the parchment. I glared at it as I read aloud,"Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs are proud to present the marauders map."
I looked up at George, who was quite a bit taller than me, tilting my head in confusion. "I owe them so much," the boy pointed towards some writing. I recognized the the word as Snape's name. "Is that really, Snape," I wondered aloud. "Yes," he answered.
"So this map shows-"He cut me off,"Everyone and where they are too."I glared at it with wide eyes,"Incredible," I stared in amazement,"Where'd you get it." He answered as if it was obvious,"Nicked it from Filtch's office of course, first year." So that's how he knew I was coming.
Before I could ask anymore questions I heard footsteps echoing from down the hallway.
George darted his eyes to the map, and grabbed my wrist. I made a small noise from the sudden movement. I heard a raspy voice,"I know your here." George pulled me into a small room, quietly shutting the door.
 The room was filled with broomsticks, and was extremely cramped. The ceiling was low and George had to hunch over to fit. He was still holding on to my wrist, tightly. My arm had started to feel slightly numb. When I looked at his hand he moved it away. I assumed he didn't know how hard his grip on me was. He was very strong and I had a red mark on my wrist from his grasp.
"Sorry," he mumbled, removing his hand. "Lumos," he said pulling out his wand. Light shown, just enough to read the parchment. "I know you're here." Fitch was getting closer, the map said he was right around the corner. I nudged George to turn his light out before the caretaker could see it from under the door."Nox," he quickly mumbled, tucking the map and wand in his robes.
The footsteps came to a stop. I could see the light of his lantern from the gap underneath the door. I gripped George's hand. I was getting anxious and started to breath heavily. George covered my mouth with his empty hand so Filch couldn't hear. My mind was racing. Getting caught in a broom closet with a boy in the middle of the night definitely wouldn't look good.
The door knob started slowly turning. I closed my eyes and squeezed George's hand even harder.
Suddenly the knob stopped as a clash of metal echoed throughout the castle. "Aha," Filtch shouted.
 I sighed in relief as George took his hand off my mouth. I blushed when I realized how close our faces were. George pulled his map and his wand out again, pointing out my friend Amberly's name. the thing Filtch was hobbling toward.
 He had entered another corridor, so we took this as our chance to escape. Once we opened the closet door, I was overwhelmed with the cold air. It was burning up in the closet with all the body heat.
George was still looking at the map, his face now trickling with sweat. "I'll—, he started saying.
Then Filch started shouting,"Get off of me," It sounded like the old man was struggling. Amberly came around the corner dragging Filch by his robes.
My hand went straight to my mouth and I gasped.
"What are you looking at," she glanced at us and continued pulling the now unconscious caretaker.
She opened the closet we had just been in and performed a memory charm. I just stood there still in shock."I believe I deserve a thanks from you two," she bowed.
 She closed Filch in the closet and pointed at us, "No one hears about this!" She stared between me and George and then started walking back down the hallway. George just turned to me once she was gone. "Anyways," he continued as if nothing had just happened,"I'll walk you to your common room." I nodded, still in shock, as I followed him to the dungeons.
The George leaned against the stone wall beside the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room. "I had fun tonight," he said before I opened the door.
"Me too," I grinned up at him. "This was quite the adventure," I continued, as George smirked at me.
"Well," he broke the short silence,"I better get going," I nodded, just now noticing that it was almost 2:00 AM.
"See you later, Weasley," I waved at him as he walked down the hallway. "See you, (nickname)," He turned around the dark corner, leaving just as fast as he came.
I hadn't realized how warm my face felt. I had been so caught up in everything that I almost forgot how to get in the common room.
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reotheworld · 2 years
pronouns are she - her
i like...
being with people, especially introverted ones 😁
eating huge amounts of food (yummy uym)
getting interested in different types of people
i don't like...
finding for things i can't seem to find in sight
getting tired from being bored
people too picky :c
load of work
my fave dating places are anywhere private n not too noisy, like a grassy place with a lotta breeze!
i don't have much hobbies... i guess i just eat a lot and work out for 5 mins bc i am not a motivated person WAHHH
my sun sign is scorpio!!!!!
i ship you with...
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• will help you with simple or mundane things if he sees you struggling to do so. • just wants to be held by you. he finds comfort in your arms. • likes to fall asleep on top of your chest. he likes hearing your heartbeat! • dates are simple and nothing too extravagant! it could be at your house or his, watching the game while eating takeout or teaching you how to play soccer or watching a horror movie. • super protective of you.
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