#🤷🏼‍♀️ anon
xkinktasticx · 5 months
Oh and we are mutuals and that booty would look way better with my cock in it or my cum dribbling out as you lie there in ecstasy and unable to think of anything except for my cock to go back in.
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I do not give it up to every mutual Willy nilly. Without knowing who you are this does absolutely nothing for me, I’m afraid.
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 4 months
hello! i mean this in the nicest way possible because i'm sure you're not trying to be mean but some of the things in your reblogs/tags recently kinda come across that way. i don't really like rebelcaptain fics or art where they have babies either, i agree that i don't think they would. but reblogging a post from someone who clearly does with additions saying you think that's wrong, or publicly talking in the tags about a specific post you think is "so wrong" when you could just block it silently, those both come across as pretty mean to the people who make those posts or share their headcanons. again, i don't mean to imply at all that you're trying to be hurtful, but it does kinda come across that way.
Hi anon, I’m sorry if it comes across as mean. I certainly don’t want to make anyone feel bad. But I do think I’m allowed to speak my opinions on a neutral topic so long as I a) don’t use any language that is hurtful (and I don’t think that simply saying I disagree with someone’s headcanon, however popular, qualifies as hurtful) and b) I don’t come specifically TO someone’s blog or someone’s post to shit over it in the tags. I wouldn’t do that. I’ve had others do that to me and it’s annoying at best and very hurtful at worst, especially when it’s someone’s art that they’ve poured their heart into, and I think it’s perfectly alright to ask people don’t do that. So… I didn’t!
These were the tags in question btw
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And hey, yeah, just shutting up about something that annoys me but other people enjoy is free, and maybe I should have been the bigger person and done that. But tbh it was late, I was tired, and I’m not doing so hot right now, and I got a little salty on main - again, while making sure I don’t spoil anyone’s fun on the post in question but just by saying a thing in a separate post on my own blog, because people are allowed to enjoy things that I don’t! And I’m allowed to say “that’s cool but it doesn’t vibe with me at all”. That isn’t trying to be hurtful, anon, that is simply stating a fact (and honestly a boundary, because the idea of having children isn’t a happy thought for everyone! It can be upsetting to people for a multitude of reasons and I’m honestly tired of people ignoring that).
On the off chance this came from the op in question, btw, I’m very sorry you took offence, I obviously wasn’t dissing your hard work, skill or creative choices, but simply saying I didn’t love this one in particular and got a little upset that the post kept popping up on my dash and reminding me of an uncomfortable topic.
Oh, and if this is about the other headcanon post I made yesterday - you may be right I used a slightly too strong adverb? Small crime, I think, we’re all too passionate about fictional people here. But I did honestly feel like I was taking part in a discussion that people invite when they post their headcanon in the fandom tag, and op reblogged my post and didn’t seem to take offence either.
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localwench · 3 months
100% with you on the platform and palestine thing but girly isn't one of your friends a known zionist on here...
dude if I knew what you were talking about I wouldn’t be interacting with them still
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theloveinc · 1 year
Shinsou, the mans who has been daydreaming for months, made up all the scenarios, hyped himself up for weeks to ask you out, sees you across the hall, panics, and walks the other direction lmao, loses all his nerve
Meanwhile, you’re left wondering what the hell is his problem because you were just about to smile and wave…
I have no idea why, but for whatever reason I always imagine scenarios like this as that cartoony trope of the man’s flowers immediately wilting when the interaction is over—and for some reason that just screams Shinso to me.
Poor guy, he doesn’t even want much, just to take you out to dinner and maybe get to know each you better (lord knows he’s quiet as all hell)… he’s so smart and yet you have to wonder for what since he has no idea that you’ve been admiring him right back, all the darn while.
(Even if the image you have of him in your mind is a little bit different, more harsh, than the reality of him. Not that he can’t be a rough, tough-loving man, but… he wants to prove he can be sweet first, is all.)
Anyway. Like you said, he plans it all out so carefully… but his flower still wilt. And then melt, too, into such shame and embarrassment at the fact he can’t even seem to be friendly to you, either… and he kicks himself for it so badly :(((
Not that you’re able, but if you saw his face from the front as he was walking away, you’d see that he was blushing a neon, bright red (and thinking about how to try again). Gruff on the outside, soft on the inside.
(Keep trying though, buddy! I’m rooting for you!!!)
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idsb · 21 days
i really hope you can get a regular therapist when you get back to the states because i think it would really help with your ongoing relationship/life indecision. the understandings i got from therapy have helped so much when i now have disagreements with my husband.
I’m ngl I feel soooooo conflicted about this because I think I have tried enough therapists (6) in the past 5 years to be aware that like, my issues are things I’m aware of already and I spiral thinking about them in circles and circles and circles and all any type of therapist I’ve ever seen has done is be able to tell me things I already know / what the issues are, and then when I’m like “yup, I got that already, so what do I DO with that to actively fix it” but they never know what to say. It’s always “the first step is realizing x!” And then none of them can ever articulate what step 2 is. and I think over the amount of therapists I saw (I was literally seeing a different one every day, each with a different therapy style, for all of COVID bc it was 100% free in my state; my COVID project was “get mentally healthy”) and they all yielded that same result I’ve really lost faith in the ability for that sort of thing to be useful in light of the way my mind works. Which is very unfortunate!
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bekkachaos · 2 years
9 for malex
First of all, how dare you?? Second of all, play this song based on this post
9. “You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.”
Pick a number from this list and send to me with a ship 💕
The rain had just started to trickle down from the sky, heavy drops shining iridescently as they fell, landing all but silently around them.
Michael knelt, pulling Alex up over his thighs and cradling his head in his hand, the other holding his ribs as they strained for breath.
He wasn't sure what was the rain and what was coming from his own eyes, the drops landing softly on Alex's pale cheeks.
"Alex," he muttered in a choked cry. "Alex, please."
It was every fear being realised all at once, it was every wall coming crashing down around him, everything they had built just crumbling into nothing. Because that's what it would be without him, nothing.
Alex reached up slowly, fingers barely grazing Michael's cheek as his breaths grew shallow, his eyes still warm, still looking at Michael the way they always had.
"It's okay," he said, and Michael shook his head.
"No, no Alex this isn't okay, you need to hold on," he sobbed.
"You're here," Alex said, the words getting caught in his throat. "That's all... I ever wanted."
Michael held him tighter, his teeth grit tightly in his jaw, lump rising in his chest, or maybe it was his heart tearing into pieces.
Others stood around them, Max and Liz, Isobel and Maria, but as far as Michael was concerned, there was only Alex, and he was begging him not to go.
"You'll be okay," Alex said, tears falling down into his hairline. "You will."
"No, this never should have happened," he said. "I was supposed to keep you safe. It should be me, it should be me."
Alex was shaking his head, wincing at the movement, fingers trying to press deeper into his skin, but they were growing weaker.
"They need you," he said, his voice tired, low. "Michael you're... you're their family."
"Maybe," Michael said, leaning in to press his forehead against Alex, knowing the tears were landing on his skin, feeling his breathing slow under his hands as he barely managed the words. "But you are mine."
"Hey," Alex said. "I know."
His voice was cracked and rough, Michael felt the way his body was pushing out each syllable, like they were physically weighing him down.
"I love you," Michael said, lips brushing against Alex, filling the gaps between his words with soft kisses to his skin. "I love you Alex, please, I love you..."
"I love you... too," Alex stuttered, taking in a slow breath, and then another, followed by a slow exhale as his hand went limp and fell from Michael's cheek.
A sound came from Michael's mouth that was barely human, it was agony, manifested from his lungs and spat out into the cold night as though someone out there would hear it, change fate.
"No, no, no, no, Alex!" he yelled, a great heaving cry that made the headlights around them flicker, the light-towers creak and quake. "No you can't go, you can't..."
Max made a move to step forward, but he couldn't do it. His heart broke for Michael, there was nothing he could do, nothing he could say. If it had been Liz, there would be nothing to soothe the burning fire in his body, nothing to quell the sheer heartbreak.
"Please, you have to wake up," he sobbed, holding his body tighter. "Alex I can't do this without you."
He cried out his name, the light towers flashing with loud cracks, everyone covering their faces as the sparks fanned out like fireworks through the rain.
Michael's fingers held Alex's head, wiping the rain and tears from his cheeks, whispering promises and apologies against his skin, pleading to a god he never believed in to bring Alex back to him. He couldn't lose him, not like this, not before they'd really even started.
His mind was reaching out for a miracle, for anything that could fix this, bring Alex back to him. And he was grasping at straws, going over every scenario in his head, because he refused to believe that this was the end.
Max's powers were gone, but maybe there was something deep inside him like his father, as much as he had rejected that thought for so long he was finally in a position to hope for it. He pressed his hand to Alex's collarbone, every inch of him willing something, anything, to happen.
Tears streamed down Isobel's cheeks as she watched him, her arms around Maria who was sobbing into her shoulder. She shook her head, biting her lip as it trembled.
"Michael..." she said softly, about to go on until she saw the pendant around his neck begin to glow.
They watched as his body trembled with it, the force of his efforts and his unmatched will to make it work. The steel in the light towers were now warping with metallic screams that filled the air while the pendant against Alex's lifeless chest hovered to meet Michael's, glowing in symmetry until the pieces met between them, crashing together with one final spray of sparks from the towers behind them, fading back to darkness as the air was sucked back into Alex's lungs in one deep breath. Michael's body relaxed as he stared down at him, the silence closing in around them as he pressed his fingers to Alex's throat.
"Michael..." Isobel said, in barely a whisper, looking down at the shimmering pattern ever so faintly painted on Alex's skin.
"He's got a pulse," Michael said incredulously, letting out a laugh between his heavy panting breaths.
"What did you do?" she whispered.
Michael's head lolled to the side, dizzy and light, his breathing laboured before he looked back up with an unfocussed gaze.
"Call Valenti," he said, before he slumped down to the ground beside Alex, the alien glass still connected between them like a tether.
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so it’s march 5th and no Tessa on social media , why was that anon expecting Tessa to reappear or something?
they were off by a day!
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she’s covering photoshoots for the POW😂
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whyeverr · 1 year
Mom or mommy? Respectfully 🫡
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mlchaelwheeler · 5 months
absolutely unbelievable to me that you’re still supporting stranger things. we all like shit and love shit and stan shit but so much of that cast and crew are supporting and funding a genocide. noah said some horrible shit about Palestinian suffering and to see you ignore that and still post in excitement about st after all that. hyperfixations are fine but there’s a fucking genocide going on. please do some research and maybe not support people who don’t care about the suffering of an entire population.
hi anon, i just want to make it clear that i do not support noah's comments/actions in any way. what he has posted about palestine has been vile and i no longer interact with anything to do with him as a person. however, i am capable of separating actor vs. character in my mind, and while i wouldn't give noah the time of day, will byers is one of my favorite characters ever. stranger things has such a special place in my heart, and i don't see that going away any time soon.
i'm sorry if you don't understand or have trouble with parasocial relationships with actors to the point that you can't separate them from the character they play. i will obviously not be interacting with any posts about noah himself, but you can still plan to see me posting about will byers and stranger things in general. in my mind, a fictional universe and a fictional character is far removed from the actor involved in it.
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theloveinc · 18 days
Meet and greet for your UK fans? 👀🗣🗣🗣
yes who’s coming to tooting ‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥��💕💕
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sadaveniren · 5 months
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angelsonthesideline · 6 months
I’m 43.. I don’t even bother trying to count or keep track at this point. Unless something was meaningful or left a wild story imprinted, most are out of sight, out of mind.
I have never dated a woman though 🥺
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beetlebethwrites · 2 years
anonymous asked; #if you wanna all come fight me idgaf I've got time Alright, you really need to stop sucking northern-passage dick everytime (they say) anything. (They don't) even promote you, stop eating (their) ass.
So anon, I've rewritten your message slightly because I am not posting your message in original, where you misgender them. Changes I've made are in ().
Anyway, I'll promote Kit as much as I want because I appreciate them as a writer. I'm not looking for clout, I want people who read YLAF to also read Northern Passage because it's great. I reblog Kit's posts about gender because I agree with them and they can say it all more eloquently than I can.
Thanks 💛
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pengillys · 1 year
so glad my blog doesn’t have enough followers to get unhinged, wild asks like some of you bc it must be exhausting
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kimtaegis · 8 months
Yea I agree asdfghjk <3 I have to admit though that he's doing an excellent job of being the pop star that he mentioned he wants to be!
yeah if this is the music he wants to do then good! it seems like there’re enough people who enjoy it!
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