#🦈 Old answers
aibloomie · 1 year
tried to rizz jean kirstein up on character.ai and tell me with this mf was being so rude
it's on sight when I see him he called me delusional for believing in love 🤺
– 🦈 anon
omg character.ai I've heard about it but I'm too scared to go on 😭 I'm just paranoid they can read my messages like on that one chai app
BUT NO WAY </3 how dare he insult your belief in love he was being a party pooper BOO we can fight him together let's go
(but on another note I'm sure the real jean would be very flattered by your efforts towards him and he would definitely like a conversation about love YEAHH <33)
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requinoesis · 26 days
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I was in a long burnout during these times, slowly recovering. I was inspired to update the design of Roberto's family, my great hammerhead shark from the sharkfolk universe that I'm slowly creating, I hope you like it! Here are some details that I thought about them, maybe they will change in the future with new adjustments. 🦈✨
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⭐Joanne Marama "Jojo" - She is the mother of the family and maintains a triamorous relationship with her two husbands. In a surprising turn of events, she became pregnant with both of them simultaneously, thanks to the characteristic of female sharks having two uteruses, allowing fertilization by different males. Professionally, she works as an eco-architect and is 56 years old.
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⭐Fernando Machedo "Fer" - He is the first father of the family and father of Lorenza and Marcela. Hyperactive and enthusiastic, he presented Roberto with his old bass. Professionally, he is an environmental engineer and is 55 years old.
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⭐Alejandro Marreto "Ale" - He is the second father of the family and father of Milena and Roberto. Calm, serene and compassionate, he presented Roberto with his old acoustic guitar. Professionally, he is a marine biologist and is 57 years old.
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⭐Milena M.M. "Lena" - One of the old sisters, she is expecting a baby! During her maternity leave, she creates small jewelry to distract herself. She taught Roberto how to make jewelry, and he developed the habit of giving his friends bracelets and necklaces that he made himself. She is 30 years old.
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⭐Lorenza M.M. " Enza " - The other older sister, mother of Francesca and Giovanni, often asks Roberto to take care of her nephews. She is 30 years old.
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⭐Marcela M.M. “ Marcy ” – The closest sister, always giving Roberto life advice, should have been born at the same time as him. However, when she was born, Roberto remained in his mother's womb for another two years. She is 20 years old.
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⭐Roberto M.M. "Rocky" or "Beto" - Finally, we have our beloved great hammerhead shark! Although he is the youngest, he is the tallest in the family. They thought that Roberto had some health problem that affected his height, but in the end, it is just a curious legacy of his ancestry. If you want to know a little more about Roberto, you can see here.
*O M.M. it would be an abbreviation of the surnames: 'Marreto de Marama' or 'Machedo de Marama'.
(I promise to answer the questions sent to me in my inbox at some point)
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dinodaweeb · 3 months
Say it ain’t so
[a/n: this is also posted on my ao3. It’s not permitted to be posted anywhere else without my permission, approval, or consent. If you see it elsewhere please notify and thank you! I also do requests.]
Alastor isn’t fond of media. 
That includes the flat screen who hasn’t shown his face on the news or any other television program. It doesn’t particularly affect him but it certainly raises his questions. He watched as the lights flickered and sparks flew from the power lines. It was a hunch. A theory even but his suspicions were most likely correct. If the missing overlord and glitchy effects were anything to go by.
Perhaps, his dear friend deserved a visit? For entertainment of course. 
But he should inform Charlie of his decision. In case things go differently. Walking down the stairs he made eye contact with the lady herself. His eyes curved to the shape of smile which pulled his lips ever so tightly.
“Charlie, my dear, I’ll be busy this evening so continue your activities.” His voice getting rather monotonous when he continued. “With everyone else. Ta Ta!”
She gives him a wave and her eyes crinkle from how genuine she is. It makes Alastor raise a brow but he gives a curt nod.
As the radio demon left the hotel he went into the streets of hell. Alastor roamed the twisted alleyways of Hell, his senses were assaulted by the sights and sounds of suffering. Pure filth and cruelty, it was perfect. Tormented souls writhed in agony, their anguished cries echoing off the decaying walls. The air was thick with the stench of despair, a humble reminder of the eternal torment that awaited those damned to this infernal realm. 
And he is one of them.
Instead of the usual blare of media screens that adorned the buildings the screens eerily silent. Not even on, Alastor noticed. The absence of the incessant drones capturing others secrets made him even more confused. But his questions were answered when the televisions on the displays lit up. The 666 news channel started playing.
Ah! Finally, Vox must’ve fixed—
But the sinners thoughts were interrupted as he saw the screen. It was Velvette not Vox. Involuntarily his smile twitched and his nails gripped his staff. Leaving the man even more confused than he was before.
Alastor doesn’t enjoy being the one in the dark, perhaps it was time to shine some light on this subject.
A wicked smile tugged at the corners of Alastor's lips as he snapped his fingers, summoning his shadows to envelop him. With a predatory gleam in his eyes, he allowed the darkness to swallow him whole, transporting him to his intended destination. His yellow teeth are put into a devilish grin.
How interesting.
Wires bent and stretched in the sinners palms. The televisions screen flashed blue before malfunctioning and his body twitched as his chest heaved up and down. Thirsty for air. His once-sharp voice module crackled with static, sending jolts of pain through his system with each attempt to speak.
”Va-a” Vox’s throat burned for relief but he was given none when a raspy cough left him. “Val? Valentino?”
He called for his business partner but he was given no feedback. Not even Velvette?
Shit he’ll overheat like this.
His fans were barely cooling his rising temperature. Vox wasn’t sure if he would be able to cool himself down. The televisions surroundings seemed to blur as his vision began to falter, the relentless heat threatening to overwhelm his systems entirely. Fuck, fuck, fuck—
“My, my! Hello old friend,” A voice laced in static broke Vox from his thoughts. “You seem to be in quite the predicament.”
An intrigued hum left the deers mouth. His crimson eyes crinkled in amusement as he stared the younger man. Vox gulped down some of his saliva. His screen buffering with pixelated black and white before showing his face again.
His fingers curled scrapping the floor with his claw marks. “What..” Vox used his hypnosis eye. “Are you doing here?”
“I’m here for the entertainment, my friend.” His eyes gazed into Vox’s. “Not for your little tricks.”
A grumble was his reply.
“So, it’s seems like you are in quite the situation. Ha ha.” 
“No shit, Alastor.”
Alastor chuckled darkly at Vox's words. "Well, well, looks like the overlord Vox is having a bit of trouble." He paced around Vox, his shadowy form casting an eerie aura in the dimly lit room. “Where’s your beloved moth?”
Vox felt himself tense.
“Who gives a shit? I-$!sdo-dn’t!!” His screen buffered.
The deer chuckled at his behavior and gave the tv screen a light tap with cane. Making the screen return to his usual face.
"Fear not, my dear friend, for I have come to offer my assistance."
Vox's screen flickered as he struggled to maintain his composure. "Help? From you? I'd fucking trust Lucifer over you.”
Alastor's grin widened, revealing his sharp teeth. "Ah, but you see, Vox, you are desperate, are you not? And who better to assist you in your time of need than the one and only Radio Demon? Your rival.”
Vox hesitated, weighing his options. This was probably a one in lifetime experience. Call him a simp but to be nursed by Alastor…. The thought wasn’t repulsive. But if this was all just a stupid joke he’d fucking kill himself-or Alastor. He wasn’t sure which he actually wanted.
Despite his pride, he reluctantly accepted Alastor’s offer. "Fine," he agreed, his voice strained. "But don’t you fucking try something."
“Splendid! What a pleasant surprise.”
With a snap of his fingers, Alastor summoned his shadows once more, manipulating them with expert precision. The screen displayed a “Danger!” sign and Vox covered himself in electricity. Static shock sending throughout his body.
“Ah, ah! Don’t move Vox,” The overlord shivering when Alastor said his name. “They don’t bite.”
 Shadows danced around Vox, cooling his overheated systems and stabilizing his malfunctioning circuits. Slowly, Vox felt the intense heat dissipate, replaced by a welcome sense of relief. He didn’t know Alastor’s shadows were able to that. In fact, he liked to believe that he knew a lot about Alastor. Because.. they’re rivals of course.
As the shadows receded, Vox's screen cleared, displaying his image without any glitches or distortions. He blinked in surprise, momentarily speechless. He… helped Vox?
"Consider it a favor, Vox," Alastor said nonchalantly, though a hint of amusement lingered in his tone. "But remember, every favor comes with a price."
Vox gritted his teeth, knowing all too well the nature of deals made with demons. "I won't forget it, Alastor," he replied through clenched jaws. "And I won't owe you anything."
Alastor chuckled ominously, his red eyes gleaming with mischief. "We'll see about that, Vox. We'll see."
The sinner got up from his bed and approached Alastor and spoke softly. “Thanks.. I guess.” Alastor’s gaze softened at his words even if Vox wasn’t aware he heard.
”Hm? Im afraid you’ll have to speak up, dear.”
”I said..” He bit his lip. “Fuck you!”
”I think, I should’ve let you fry up.”
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dino-boyo-agere · 2 years
Hai 🦈
I'm Nathan, but u can call me Nate or Dino 💖
I'm a 25 year old trans guy from Germany and this is my age regression blog. 🏳️‍⚧️💞 My little age mainly moves between 3 to 6. Lately I feel like I'm permanently slipping or at around age 10 or 12 mentally.
My birthday is on August 15th!!
I love Dinosaurs, coloring and crafting! 🦕🖍️
╰→ klick here to find out what my favorite dinos are!!
I'm a primary colors enthusiast!! 💛💙❤️ My favorite colors are green & blue. 💚💙
I have several disabilities & disorders (ADHD, Dyslexia, birth defects, other stuff) ♿🧠
I'm incontinent, so I have to wear diapers. 🚼
I'm in lots of fandoms (Stranger Things, Criminal Minds, Supernatural, etc.) 💫📺
My CG blog: @silly-baba
I have an AgeRe YouTube channel btw!!
I made a Spotify playlist with my favorite songs!! - it is not agere themed tho lol
I only have nine fingers, if you're interested in knowing why, → here ← is the story of how I lost one of them. (!cw! obv. It's a little bloody!)
╰→ someone uploaded my story to YouTube, if you would like to listen to it, instead of reading! <3
DNI: nsfw, ddlg & variants, ABDl & variants, kink of any form... 🚫
Indicator if I'm:
big → 🦖
slipping → ☁️
small → 🧸
I'm a flip, heavily leaning little!
DMs are open, but I hate smalltalk. So, please just get right to the point when u wanna message me for/ about something. (It's completely fine if you just wanna chat, obviously!) Same goes for questions, no need to ask "Can I ask you a question?" Yes, you can! Just go and ask ahead right away!! <3 - Thank you for understanding!!
Also, lil tipp: every time a colored text in my posts has a white underline, it has a link in it. It's a little harder to see now, since Tumblr also ads underlines to each colored text, but it's still visible if you know what ur looking for! They changed it back, yayy!!
I have memory issues, so I'll probably reblogg some things multiple times or forget to answer questions/ do requests. Don't hesitate to remind me, but please be patient & don't pressure me, thank you! <3
If you're interested, → here ← is my cg application doc form, I'd absolutely love to have an online cg!! 💕
I made a list of YouTube channels to watch when regressed, some are themed around regression and some are just fun!!
I also made a little list for people who want to educate themselves about regression, what it is, why people do it ant what it's for!!
.゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚☆↓ My AgeRe ID ↓☆ ゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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If you want to make ur own ID → here ← is a link to imgur!
.゚.*・。゚×゚。・.゚»・⁠°✧↓This is me!↓✧°・«゚.・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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.゚.* 。×゚。・* ゚☆↓My Tummy-Puppy↓☆ ゚*・。゚× 。*.゚.
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.゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚✧↓My doggo, Miles↓✧゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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.゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚☆↓I like crafting!↓☆ ゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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・。゚×゚。・゚»・⁠°✧↓My little sona, Spots↓✧°・«゚・。゚×゚。・
You can learn more about him → here, ← if you want to.
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。. ×゚・.»・⁠°☆↓My AgeRe Sona, Toggy↓☆°・«.・ ゚× . 。
You can learn more about them → here, ← if you want to.
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・.。゚×゚。・゚»・⁠°✧↓My cg sona, Loo↓✧°・«゚・。゚×゚。.・
You can learn more about them → here, ← if you want to.
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I have a furry blog but it's not super active <3
.*.・。゚×゚。・.*.゚☆ ↓My hashtags!↓ ☆ ゚.*.・。゚×゚。・.*.
Fanfics: #nates fanfictions
Head Canons: #nates headcanons
When I'm in my CG headspace: #baba space
AgeRe OC's: #nates little ocs
Arts & crafts: #nates drawings & #nates crafts
Sewing: #nates sewing
YouTube Videos/ Channel: #nates youtube
Other stuff I created: #nate makes
Banners: #nates banners
AgeRe outfits: #nates outfits
Answers to asks: #nates answers
Asks of mine that got answered: #nates questions
Textposts: #nates babbling
Memes I made: #nates memes
Ranting/ venting: #nates vents & #tw: vent
Anything dinosaur related: #nate loves dinos
Anything Tummy-Puppy related: #tuppy
Recommendations: #nates recommendations
╰→recommendations for YouTube, Music, TV, Movies..
.゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚✧ ↓ Info & DNI ↓ ✧ ゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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I created this blog on November 9th 2022.
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alistairsmonstercafe · 6 months
ABOUT ME; A 19 year old designer | Call me Alistair or anythin' you want sweetpea.
WHAT I WRITE; Currently CoD
ABOUT MY BLOG; NO MINORS ALLOWED While I do write down SFW work, fanfictions, drabbles and headcanons, this is a 18+ ACCOUNT. Ill actively be checking for who isn't a minor, doesn't have their age in bio, or an empty account.
REQUEST INFO; Requests OPEN, Drabbles OPEN.
WHO CAN INTERACT; ADULTS, and anyone under the sun thats okay with my work. I may, have occasional triggering works that will be appropriately tagged (AKA, really fucking filthy monster fuckin). Tread carefully!
WHO CANT INTERACT; MINORS, Ageless bio, empty bio, proshippers, pedos, racists, homophobes, transphones, xenophobes, necros, pro ED, ETC.
NOTICE; I ONLY do MALE / TRANS MALE/MASC top/dom reader, with rare and occasional sub/bottom reader.
NOTICE; This is mainly a monster fucker account, via my name.. So I mostly drabble in hybrid 141 alike!
ADDITIONAL; Asks may take time to answer depending on what it is.
YOU CAN Discuss NSFW or SFW things about a character, kinks, potential types of hybrid ideas for either reader or the characters.
YOU CAN Talk about casual things with me, your day, other things, play flirting is chill too, just let me know first.
YOU CANNOT Talk with me about minors being aged up, don't vent to me, Im not your therapist, and Im just a person.
YOU CANNOT Talk to me about kinks Im not comfortable with, ask me if you have a kink you're not sure about talking to me about.
TAG NAVIGATION; #Alistair Writes ☕️ | #Alistairs Rant ☕️ | #Alistairs sweetpeas ☕️ | Alistair drabbles ☕️ | #Alistairs mutuals ☕️
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dazzling-raven · 18 days
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Just wanted to give a cute mini doodle request if that’s ok pls? but it’s okay if you can’t do it sorry if im bothering with this.
Uzi Doorman From Murder Drones snorkelling in a underwater environment alongside the Bull Shark Pup aka the shark protagonist from the game Maneater while petting its snout and keeping my 12 year old human kid oc Jaws safe by gently holding his hand while underwater In a protective caring angsty older worker drone adoptive sister manner.
Uzi would wear a black purple short sleeved zip wetsuit diving fins and diving mask on her face with a snorkel attached to it .
Jaws would have greyish ruffled up hair
freckles on his face grey red kid eyes
light skin tone while wearing a grey white short sleeved wetsuit grey diving fins and grey diving mask on his face with a snorkel attached to it. holding his breath while hugging close a handmade waterproof great white shark plush.
and looking at the bull shark pup in mute human kid liking awe
the ref images were to help show what I mean sorry including the Bull Shark Pup’s design and Jaws’s oc design but also what Uzi wears while underwater. i don’t know why I gave this request just thought it sounded cute and peaceful to me if ever Uzi was given the ability to be waterproof. 🦈🫧🤿 but pls remember to have a safe day or night ! and I highly feel like this will be ignored and that’s understandable!
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry for not answering this for actual months. I have a bad habit of seeing replies but not actually doing anything about them until I forget or get busy. In which both things happened here, so again I'm so sorry. But I did actually finish the drawing!
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Some things definitely look a little jank, and when I read your request I managed to miss the giant paragraph describing some important info. But I hope what I have here is OK with you! I did actually really enjoy myself (despite the initial panic of remembering your request) as sharks and underwater scenes aren't something I draw on the regular. So in all thank you for the opportunity to experiment and I hope you like it despite everything ^^
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phyrestartr · 25 days
got some questions today
I’m sorry I’m a little slow so bare with me😭
Was it hinted that reader had miscarriages before hand?
did reader actually sleep with yujii?
does reader know sukuna is in yujii?
is reader a big bootied bitch? (Half joking)
— 🦈 anon (can i be this)
HELLO HELLO! BRO NO PROBLEMS AT ALL, I intentionally make things vague and don't necessarily answer stuff in the story so ALL GOOD!! (And yes ofc you can be 🦈 anon, all yours)
It was vaguely mentioned in Pt.1 that a jujutsu clan attempted to impregnate reader to breed half-breed sorcerers, but no children were ever born. It's left vague for reader interpretation for the sake of "choose your own adventure," but intended to let the reader know their character has struggled with pregnancy in the past, one way or another. He briefly mentions in Pt.2 that he'd like to "bear children" or "to try, at the very least." Either way, reader wanted to be a parent, but struggled for one reason or another. (Also, no guarantees the twins have passed away :eyes:)
No, there were no shenanigans with Yuuji LOL. Gojo is just a brat and wanted to tease and be dramatic. Will say that reader finds comfort in him because a) he looks like Sukuna, b) feels like Sukuna, c) Sukuna is deadass lurking in there and is probably resonating with his baby mama on the DL. Reader was mostly lonely and sad and scared and needed some comfort
Reader knows, but doesn't know. Reader is portrayed as very soft/naiive/gentle/compassionate, but in reality, he was already a couple hundred years old when he met Sukuna, so he's seen a lot and understands even more. He probably knows Sukuna is in there, especially because the man left his mark on him with reverse curse technique, and kitsune in myth have many avenues of communication outside of the waking world's spoken world. And considering Sukuna has his own 'domain' inside of Yuuji, in a way, lots could be happening BTS 👀
In spirit, hugest booty. Giant cxck, even. In reality, a medium-bootied bitch. Still giant cxck, tho
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thegigilwriter · 27 days
12 | “Danger & Star, Rooster & Angel” — Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Female Mitchell OC
Summary. 26-year-old Lucy Asa Mitchell did not know what was in store for her when she first bumped into Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw. After an instant mutual connection followed by a sweet whirlwind romance that swept both their feet, Lucy found herself being immersed deeper into Bradley’s world of the Navy, F-14s, and deployments. What she didn’t expect was finding was the answer to an elusive part of her past — the identity of her long-lost father.
Chapter Summary. After a successful family dinner at Penny’s, Bradley stays the night and tends to a… little unexpected occurrence in the morning.
Keywords/Warnings: Pure FLUFF, romance, menstruation, mentions of blood,
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12 | Shark Week 🦈
August 28, 2023
When Bradley woke up, he had already anticipated the sweet scent of Lucyʼs hair… only to be faced with the cold side of the bed. After overcoming the initial confusion (and the thought that perhaps everything was but a wonderful dream), Bradley pulled off the covers from Lucyʼs part only to see a red stain contrasting against the pale sheets. Thatʼs when he heard it — a retching noise from the bathroom. Bradley walked towards the sound as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
“Angel?ˮ Bradley called out, morning voice echoing within the facility. There Lucy was, sitting on the pretty, lavender rug of her bathroom floor in her underwear and comfy night shirt with her head lined in front of the toilet bowl, one hand gripping at the seat, and the other clutching her lower stomach.
“Oh Angel,ˮ he crooned lowering himself to his knees and gathering her hair at the back of her neck.
“Brad—ley,ˮ she rasped. “I-Iʼm sorry, did you sleep alright?ˮ She looked pale and tired — with dry lips and a limp state of strength.
“Angel donʼt worry about me,ˮ Bradley assured. “What do you need?ˮ
“T-this is s-so embarrassing,ˮ she moaned, putting her face in her hands. “I wanted to make breakfast...ˮ
“Hey,ˮ he tucked her into his embrace. “It is not embarrassing. Itʼs just a little blood, sweetheart — thatʼs all. Now why donʼt we go on the couch, and Iʼll make us something to eat, okay?ˮ
“Can you also heat my crab, for me? I-Itʼs in the drawer by the microwave...ˮ
“Of course, Angel.ˮ Bradley replied as he scooped her into his arms and lifted her off of the floor, still quite unsure just what kind of crab she was referring to.
Bradley set her on her grape-colored couch, gathered a mosaic quilt from her pillow basket, and pulled it to her chin. He kissed her forehead tenderly before approaching her kitchen. He filled up her electric kettle and turned it on. Then, Bradley looked for Lucyʼs heating pad (the so-called crab) in her cabinet, read the instructions on the paper tab on its side, and placed it in the microwave accordingly. Afterwards, he went to her pantry and prepared some flour and opened the fridge for a couple of eggs, some ham, and a couple mangoes and strawberries. When the kettle had stopped bubbling, Bradley poured the hot water into an olive mug with a loose passionfruit and hibiscus blend. He brought the newly-made tea and her crab at bedside, for which brought a smile on her lips.
“Thank you,ˮ she whispered as she took her crab from him and settled it on her lower abdomen. Bradley helped her sit up and held the cup to her lips as she took a sip.
“Has it always been this bad?ˮ He asked her as she leaned against his shoulder, her fingers encircled around the warmth of the mug.
“Unfortunately,ˮ Lucy sighed.
“Iʼm sorry Angel,ˮ he placed a kiss on the side of her head. “So are you still going to work tomorrow?ˮ
“Iʼm afraid not,ˮ she sighed again. “The second day is always worse. Hey, do you need help cooking?ˮ
“I think Iʼll be fine, thanks.ˮ He chuckled.
“No offense love,ˮ Lucy smiled. “But can you even cook?ˮ
“Not really,ˮ Bradley replied. “But Iʼm gonna give it the good-old college try.ˮ
“And when was that? 20 years ago?ˮ She teased.
“Ha-ha,ˮ he retorted as Lucy laughed lightly. “Try 18, Angel.ˮ
“Good luck Daddy,ˮ she whispered in his ear. “Donʼt burn anything.ˮ
Bradley blushed, kissing the side of her head before whispering back, “Itʼs a good thing you donʼt feel well today, sweetheart.ˮ
Lucy giggled as Bradley let her be with the remote and got to work. He stripped her sheets and put them in the wash. Then, Bradley watered her plants by the living room windowsill, fed Tip and Toe, and checked on all her Walstead bowls. He had been enough times to Lucyʼs place in his free mornings to get into the swing of her routine. As he looked over to his lover on the couch, a smile stretched his lips as he beheld her peaceful, slumbering face. After some rummaging in her kitchen cabinets and drawers, Bradley found the waffle maker, an appropriate pan, and her favorite pairing knife. He got the batter started as he waited for the waffle maker to heat. Then he began to fry the ham alongside some eggs. When the waffle maker was hot enough (and he knew by mistakenly placing the entire pad of his forefinger), he let the butter sizzle on the grid before adding the batter. While waiting, he cut up her beloved mangoes just the way Lucy liked them and also washed the strawberries before getting a can of condense milk from the fridge (again, another one of Lucyʼs favorite pairings). Before serving breakfast, Bradley placed her sheets in the drier and the food on a serving tray before approaching her sleeping form.
“Angel?ˮ He gently kissed her cheek. “Mʼsorry it took so long — but breakfast is ready.ˮ
“Mmmh?ˮ Lucy croaked as she rubbed her eye sleepily. “Love — this looks great, thank you. You really couldʼve just made some cereal or something. Iʼm okay with that too.ˮ
“I want to take care of you right,ˮ he replied sweetly. “Unless you really want cereal —“
“No,ˮ Lucy smiled as she took the plate from the serving tray with a fork. “I love this. Come eat with me, love.ˮ
Bradley grinned as he nestled himself beside her beneath her quilt. He loved the way her body fitted into his so perfectly. He let her have the first bite, and he grinned as Lucyʼs eyes sparkled as she took another. She then offered a fork poked with a slice of the waffle and tear of ham and egg white to his lips. Lucy also let him have a sip of her tea, before Bradley averted himself towards the TV.
“Potter-head, huh?ˮ Bradley mused as he helped himself to a strawberry. “Which movie is this?ˮ
“My favorite,ˮ Lucy smiled. “The Goblet of Fire.ˮ
“Is that where there are different schools and thereʼs a tournament of some kind?ˮ He asked her.
“Do you like Harry Potter, as well?ˮ She asked him.
“I like it just fine,ˮ Bradley chuckled. “But my mother loved it — and when I was younger sheʼd read to me some nights.ˮ
“What was she like?ˮ Lucy whispered. “Your mom?ˮ
“She was kind and feisty and stubborn,ˮ he sighed. “... A bit like you, really.ˮ
“I bet she was even more wonderful,ˮ Lucy replied. “To have raised a son that treats a woman like you do in her shark week.ˮ
Bradley laughed, blushing.
“All this? Take it from me Angel — this is the minimum.ˮ
If you couldn’t already tell, I wrote this during my own shark week 😂 In my headcannon, Bradley isn’t that terrible of a cook and he is KING when it comes reading what people need 💕 Anyways new character alert up ahead. Welcome 13 | The Wildling Sisters!
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saltyseas121 · 4 months
Just wanted to show people the some of my favourite books I've read on the ocean as a recommendation for your future reading 😏
The Secret Life of Fish by Doug Mackay Hope
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It has a few pages for each fish with really pretty illustrations. I love how it focuses on a variety of different freshwater and saltwater fish as well as appreciates the beauty and life of fish who are seen as more scary or ugly compared to others!🐟
Also I like the cover :)
How to Speak Whale by Tom Mustill
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Very interesting book about (obviously) whale communication. I like how it goes into different studies of animals like monkeys, birds and dolphins to find his answer too. You can tell a lot of hardwork went into the book. I learnt loads about whale intelligence and anatomy reading this.🌊
Emperors of the Deep by William McKeever
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Made me appreciate sharks so much more. It also goes into commercial fishing and not only how it affects sharks but the people on board. If you like sharks (which I've noticed more people are starting to) definitely read this.🦈
On the trail of the whale by Mark Carwardine
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One of my favourite books ever. Its about a whale watcher going to different places across the world. The random pages full of whale photography from the author was my favourite thing about this book! Every picture was perfect especially when you knew the context/story behind it.🐳
Shell life on the seashore by Philip Street
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This is the very first ocean related book I ever got. I loved collecting shells before my obsession with the sea began and this book told me all about the creatures that once lived in them. It focuses on molluscs (again obviously) and started me on sea slugs/snails and then octopuses until I got to the point of just loving every ocean creature there is. Without this book I wouldn't of started to appreciate the oceans and rivers ect as much as I do now.💕
The soul of an octopus by Sy Montgomery
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This book made me really really love octopuses! It taught me about how they live and how intelligent they actually are. After reading this book it stopped them from being gross aliens for me and made me see how beautiful they were inside and outside. I also liked the little flipbook thing of an octopus swimming on the corner of all the pages🐙
Remarkably bright creatures by Shelby Van Pelt
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This book is literally the one of only ocean themed book I've read that is fiction🥲 It made me cry so much but I won't spoil it just in case! It's about an old lady who lost her son a long time ago working as a cleaner in an aquarium where she meets an octopus that enjoys escaping his tank every night. Very sweet book with a happy ending.
I really recommend trying out a few of these books especially if you like fish!
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requinoesis · 2 months
how do the sharks in your universe deal with parasites like ommatokoita and copepods?
Oh, that's a very specific question hehe
Well, they developed arms, so naturally they got rid of the parasites with their bare hands. The parasites developed new tactics like attaching themselves to parts of the body that the sharkfolk probably couldn't reach. But then a sense of community blossomed, so they got rid of each other's parasites until they finally invented natural repellents to apply to their skin.
As they adapted to the surface of the sea, they never came into contact with these parasites again, but they found other problems to deal with on the surface, mainly related to fungi ~
In relation to the Ommatokoita, the civilization who have Greenland Sharks as their original ancestors, known as "Longevians", probably had a cultural and spiritual connection with this parasite. They believed that allowing themselves to be blinded by the parasite throughout their lives gave rise to new senses that perceived a hidden reality, saying that they could see the 'essence' of life forms and thus discover whether they were mentally or physically ill. With the rise to the surface of the sea and the arrival of the modern age, this slowly became folklore and the tradition was lost.
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The parasite that specifically affected the ancient Longevian sharkfolk has never been found in the wild again, only a few remain alive living in the eyes of elders who are more than five centuries old, probably extinguished by the abandonment of the practice.
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I wrote some more details in the alt text of the illustrations if you want to check ~ I hope you enjoy! 🦈✨ I wanted to thank whoever asked this question! I've been stuck with art for a few days due to my declining mental health and this has inspired me to draw a little again! I will answer the other previous questions soon ~
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roxyteal · 2 months
Intro: Who da hell is denied anyways??????
I think I will start by answering this question. Let's go!!!
So Denied Cellar (or just Denied) is the Baldi replacement in a very, VERY old Baldi retexture-type mod (or fangame, as I like to refer to those), simply called Denied's Basics. Basics in what? Idk. What I do know is that Denied is based on a friend, DeniedCellarTV.
So, the game. It released on July 10th, 2018, by some guy named Le Billy (or Billter nowadays, who doesn't associate with Baldi anymore). Just over one month after BBC v1.3 released! Denied is predated ONLY by Advanced Education With Viktor Strobovski (AEWVS). And since it's being said to not refer to the latter as a fangame (or Baldi-related), this then makes Denied the currently OLDEST fangame to exist! ISN'T THAT FUCKING COOL OR WHAT-
(If there is such a game that predates him, let me know)
Pre-release 2
Pre-release 5
Unofficial 1.4.3 Port
Unofficial Remaster (early access)
Anyway, our boy looks like this:
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As you can see, he is very blue. Are there any other Baldi bozos who're this blue??? I think NOT!!!
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And GOD look at this bio. It's so funny I can't. "denied Cell". "perfect bastard catching skills". "YOU'RE DEAD". The demonic updates go even crazier, though, one of his eyes even explodes!!!
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Guess the scar is canon? Could be. Also is he a demon too? Or possessed by one? WHO??? No answers, only questions......
Due to his skin (or general color scheme), many have taken to interpreting him as some kind of sea creachure, myself included. Usually in the form of a fishman hybrid (though personally I think he's a merman >:) ).
So when he chases you, he slaps his arm around. Apparently it's a very strong attack! Some have interpreted this into a blade, which I think is even more deadly. As for me, good ol' claws will do.
He also apparently talks like a pirate? But only when he's angy? I don't get it, his game isn't very pirate-y at all. If you ignore the YTP messages you would've never known.
So anyways, collect your seven things, admire the lamps, and get outta Dodge.
He also has buddies and stuff but some appear in Billy's later and others are, uh. They exist. That's all I know. Sorry. This is about Denied.
I don't know what else to add so GOODBYE
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bluedeedeedoop · 4 months
👻🦋🦈💘📚🚦🍬 for the writer ask game
yippee thanks for the asks!!!
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
Ooooo okay im answering barrissoka for this; During the rebels era, Ahsoka eventually meets with Barriss by accident and they discuss and become happily ever after the end i will end my life if this doesn't happen thank you and goodbye.
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
BARRISS. 100% barriss. also when i was writing tangled the series fanfiction, cassandra was probably my fav too fr
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
this one is tough because i've only ever started writing for like two fandoms- and by the time i write for a ship ive already consumed as much media and fanfiction and humanly possible, therefore absorbing their personalities and attitudes into my brain, making them easy to write :D but i guess out of the two fandoms ive written for, probably rapunzel from tangled the series. dont come at me.
💘 Is it easier to write angst or fluff?
well, i personally both are easy to write for me when i really get into it- like when my brain is LOCKED IN. but okay hear me out. i fucking love writing fluff and reading it, but by god angst is somehow easier for me to flow with then writing yk???
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
(im sorry in advance) YES I KNOW MANY!!! of course these shall be barrissoka because yes but i know a lot of other amazing writers too for other fandoms!! i recommend: @kaaragen is an AMAZING author and their work And if we fell together has my heart and soul and god fucking damn it take my money ANYWAYS- The author mylordshesacactus has amazing works!! the author Gabby(kirahsoka) has amazing works too!! the ao3 series Clouded Light and the works Lost Shepherd and Coming home to you (A personal fav!!!!). Also my amazing friend @jedimasterbailey and their fic The Padawans!!! Another one of my favorite authors is @lesbiansandpuns whose work i absolutely love so much i stg especially The moments when we smile and those between has me on my knees not even joking (their other works are literally godsent as well). also!! @425599167 is an amazing author and their take on Barriss Offee as a whole is absolutely wonderful, their work The Erosion of the Spirit had me dissociating for a good week on that fic, literally amazing. I also really adore Let's call it love by my friend @stellanslashgeode!!
🚦What sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc.?
ok im a sucker for happily ever after alright??? but i love me a good build up!!!!
🍬 Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom?
i've been in a LOT of fandoms but i didn't start writing for any until recent (last couple years) which are Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure (the tangled series) (judge me and i will eat you) and Star Wars! for TTS prob my fic Painting can wait (guys this is my old writing please bare with me) and for Star wars probably Love you anyway. (even if you hate tea) because i kiiiiinda wrote that one as self indulgence. again if i hear anything i will eat you.
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here is little art snippet of an oc!
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sunhated-a · 6 months
I have yet to spawn again to share my opinions with you. (I’m the same guy who asked the nihilist question again. I’m just gonna identify as 🦈 anon if that even make sense, idk how tumblr works)
So I know muzan is a total hypocritical person but what if he just one day just suddenly becomes self aware of his entire existence and realizes how stupid his goal is but now he doesn’t want to atone for his sins as he doesn’t know if he regrets them but now his life is now progressively confusing and stupid to him yet he just continues to be the way he is after the realization because he doesn’t know what to do after that. Or something I dunno.
(If this seems confusing to you, don’t worry!! I don’t know what I’m trying to say either!1!1!1!)
Hello again anon!! And, happy holidays if you celebrate :D Yeah! Identifying yourself with an emoji could def help differentiate you from other messages.
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But, yes I absolutely understand what you're saying, and it's actually a core part of how I write my version of Muzan.
Muzan is an incredibly old and studied person. But most of all, he is scientifically minded. Reaching a point of self awareness is an eventuality for him, I think. I think it would be a logical conclusion that he would reach a point when he understands that chasing after absolute perfection and stagnation would lead him to never improving and stop his growth. He will never get worse, but he would never get better. He'd come to the realization that he is chasing a delusion fueled by his own insecurity. So instead, he focuses more on improving himself in every way.
On the subject of regret, that is a bit more complicated. A part of Muzan took Yoriichi's words to heart, and as he finds himself identifying with human beings less and less, it's proven difficult for him to answer what the value of life is to him. He values his own life, but treats others with a complete lack of care. It's only when he is made to lose someone truly valuable that Muzan understands loss, and then he can come to know regret. He would be forcibly brought back to when he was a mortal, and made to empathize with them.
But unless something truly drastic like that happens, I can't imagine Muzan would regret anything he's done. My Muzan is written with more empathy, where he can and has formed bonds of sorts with human beings over the years. But he recognizes these to be ephemeral and transient by their very nature. He'll feel little more than a passing sadness when they die, but when given the choice to sacrifice them for himself, he will always pick himself.
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the-final-sif · 2 years
DSMP Lore Discourse Ask Game - Spicy Edition
I've seen a dsmp discourse ask meme going around, and frankly, I was very unimpressed with the discourse presented. To fix this, I've made a new Spicy Discourse ask meme with help from the dreblr server!
🚀 - Would c!Tubbo be justified in using his nuclear weapons if threatened, assuming that said nuclear weapons would kill everyone on the SMP not in a specialized bunker? (ie, killing everyone except those who c!Tubbo warned ahead of time).
🍗 - If c!Dream succeeds in murdering c!Quackity, would c!Sapnap find out in time to show up to his funeral? Would he care to?
❔- Has c!Wilbur actually made a significant improvement in how he treats other people since his revival?
♠️ - Do you think c!Sam's sexual attraction towards c!Dream is the result of having a power kink or specific to c!Dream? A mixture?
🏷️ - Do you think using the revive book has a cost, and if so, what do you think that cost might be?
🥼 - Do you think that the version of c!Ranboo who has his full memories resents c!Tubbo for putting him through experiments against his will?
🦝 - Is it possible for c!Tommy to have a happy ending without leaving the server?
➗ - How old do you think c!Fundy is, and based on that answer, how old is c!Wilbur?
⏮️ - Do the founders of the SMP have more right to ownership/control over the server than the people who arrived later?
⚖️ - Do you think c!Bad would physically intervene to protect c!Quackity from c!Dream, if c!Dream had previously informed him that c!Quackity was his primary torturer? Or do you think the guilt of having allowed the torture would drive c!Bad to be a bystander to c!Dream's revenge?
🦈 - If c!Foolish decides to help c!Dream kill c!Quackity, would he be justified in that choice?
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landslided · 5 months
Fanfic Writer ask game! ❤️💥👻🦈🎨
thank you for this!!
i answered some of these already so i’ll just copy and paste the asks where i answered those here:
💥 what is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
jarmen baby comes to mind immediately as a narrative choice but if we could get rid of the racist vietnam war flashbacks that would be such a treat. but narratively? jarmen baby. i think it’s such a stupid idea because i don’t think it shows what cobra kai is trying to, which i believe is to tell us that johnny has moved on from his anger and is now looking towards “redemption” and family but it totally forgets the fact that johnny already has a son and that their relationship isn’t as a solid as cobra kai is trying to make us believe it is. also lawrusso canon obvs. (and samtory)
👻 what is your wildest headcanon?
i fully believe that johnny is not all that repressed in his adult life and has a relationship towards sexuality that is a lot less complicated than daniel’s, at least in adulthood. i also have a bunch of headcanons for laura and daniel’s dad.
i also like the idea that johnny, bobby and ali were childhood friends even though, cobra kai kinda confirms that isn’t true, i find the image of eight year old johnny moving to the encino hills and meeting bobby and ali maybe at the country club to be absolutely adorable.
i don’t know if any of these are particularly wild but these are the only ones i can think of right now!
thank you again for this ask!
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orcelito · 6 months
Hi Ken!!!
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
Ok I answered this previously with a line from my p5 fic. So maybe I'll answer for ITNL now. Favorite line from ITNL... 🤔🤔🤔 ok in terms of favorite Singular line (rather than favorite passage) I think I have to go with
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Which OKAY this is a passage too. But I'm giving the passage for the context for why my favorite line is my favorite. That being the. "He felt powerful. He felt like something that should not exist." Thing. Which is 2 sentences 2 lines TECHNICALLY but I'm counting it. It's just. This is the One Time he's letting himself freely explore his powers for more than just spur of the moment things. He's fully embracing What He Is, while also acknowledging that he doesn't think someone this powerful should exist... and it's just. Hfkshfkshfkhs yeah,,,,,
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
Ok I answered this before for ITNL with midvalley. But ykno what? I got another character. Roberto. When I was writing Sentido I didn't know what the FUCK to do with that old man. He spoke the least out of all of them just bc I just. Didn't Know What To Do With Him. Like he's a perfectly decent character, I like him well enough, but I just never put the thought into getting into his mind hfkshfkd sorry Roberto. & since I don't plan to write tristamp fic again I'm never Gonna end up writing him again 😭😭😭 oh well
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
Bfksvckshdkd well. I think you've maybe seen this bc I sent it in the server But. Overall I don't wanna share snippets of ITNL 17 bc I want them to be a surprise EXCEPT for this bit. Because I think it's funny.
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"Legouchy" 😂😂😂😂 I love writing Milly
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