#🧃✮⋆˙seraphim-coinz-talks。𖦹 ⋆🫐
seraphim-coinz · 6 months
Hello everyone!
We are the Seraphim System @seraphim-system-official)! We're sick and fucking tired of all the mogai/sys blogs being ableist. So we're making our own blog!
If you love supporting us, please please try donating to our lovely friend, or buying from it! It's disabled and needs a lot of help!
The friend we previously supported :) (link)
We'd love to try any requests you can think of. We don't have many hard nos. A few definite examples of things we won't do:
Endogenic support
Ableist rhetorics
Racism, transphobia, homophobia, sexism, etc etc etc
Our personal triggers (not sharing)
We love creating! Right now we're thinking of sys flags, userboxes, SNPUT/GLs, pride flags, alter flags, and more! Anything you want to ask for, go ahead and shoot your shot! Please note that we may complete the ask on a different blog for organization's sake! :)
Thank you so much <3
Credit: || seraphim-coinz ||
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seraphim-coinz · 4 months
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Man, I can't believe we've come so far. It feels like yesterday I first posted zombiegirl as my first Tumblr xenogender, and now I'm at 50 followers?? It's fucking insane. It's not even been two months!
I am so, so thankful to all of the incredible people who have followed and supported me!!
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@puriette, @smilepilled, @nostalgiaco, @rwuffles, @the-brightsong-system, @phantasverie, @seraphtrix, @roleplayerwithoutaplan, @sage-draw, my lovely mutuals. I could not have done all of these silly little flags without you guys keeping me hyped!
And my amazing followers, I am NOT @/ing all of you fuckers (/endearing), but I am so so thankful for you guys.
Also @saradika-graphics for all of these dividers. You're amazing.
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So, with all of this out of the way....
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DAY ONE: A gender relating to a pastel color!
DAY TWO: A gender relating to a fruit!
DAY THREE: A gender relating to angels!
DAY FOUR: A gender relating to dolls!
DAY FIVE: A gender relating to love!
DAY SIX: A gender relating to cats!
DAY SEVEN: A gender relating to princes!
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I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! <333333
Namida/Koshyen Schlatt, Doll Prince <3
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seraphim-coinz · 5 months
"gummyromantic" LMAO dumb as fuck
Stop inventing bullshit, you're just invalidating real aromantic people
Um..I coined gummyromantic because it's how I feel. I'm aromantic, 100%. Romantic attraction is extremely, extremely rare for me. And whenever I do feel it, it's never been just romantic. My love for my (the host's) husband has some romance, sure, but I could never say I could ever fully romantically love anyone.
Alterous attraction refers to attraction that is "in-between" romantic and platonic. I feel this way with my rare occasions of feeling romantic love/attraction. I coined gummyromantic because my attraction is romantic, platonic, and an attraction I don't really understand, all in one.
I'm sorry that you choose to invalidate others' identities. I'm sorry that you believe that a fourteen year old system who drew a silly little flag to describe a feeling that makes them feel so, so fucking alone is invalidating your identity. I'm sorry that you think that me finally coming up with a word for how I feel makes it okay for you to cyber bully.
And most of all, I'm sorry you're a coward. I'm sorry that you're so sad and alone and cowardly that the only way you can feel big and strong is to anonymously send hate to children.
Have a nice day, anon. I hope one day you can find kindness to be a wonderful thing to put out into the world.
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seraphim-coinz · 4 months
Hi Everyone!
As you may know, one of our friends, @pow-fu, needs a cane badly. They're attempting to order one, but as we all know, capitalism fucking sucks ass. So!
Give them money!!!!
We'll also do commissions with this! If you donate to them, and send us a screenshot confirming it, we'll make sure to do your request immediately, as well as let it skip the queue! Currently, flags are closed, but everything else is open!
It would mean a lot to us if you helped them out! They're very sweet, and everyone deserves mobility aid. So, please, please, please donate and/or commission!
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seraphim-coinz · 4 months
Hey, so, I'm switching to queueing things instead of instant-posting for a little (requests will be posted soon after requesting, just not immediately) so I don't risk burnout.
However, to the sweet, kind, lovely anons I've gotten, who have so sweetly asked about my requests:
My requests are always, always, always open. I may take breaks, but you can always request. Especially if you're kind. <3
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seraphim-coinz · 5 months
Hello lovely followers, would anyone be willing to gender us
Name: Francis, Frankie, Frankie Noele, or Frankie Mae
Pronouns: They/Them/Their/Theirs/Themselves
Terms: Neutral/Masculine/Nonhuman
Just like talk about us in reblogs/comments, it'd help our dysphoria a lot right now
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seraphim-coinz · 5 months
Hi friends ! !
This is an important message!!
We'd really, really, really appreciate it if people started reblogging. The likes are so, so kind and sweet, but we're never going to get any sort of reach if we aren't REBLOGGED ! ! !
PS: Thank you to each and every one of our 24 followers so far. We are so, so appreciative of you guys supporting us.
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banner credit: @cafekitsune
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seraphim-coinz · 4 months
Been seeing a lot of aplatonic spectrum hatred so I'd like to inform everyone that we're caedplatonic collectively, though the amount differs between seraphims
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seraphim-coinz · 4 months
I'm sorry your flag is just ugly ok
Anon can you go fuck yourself please like actually
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seraphim-coinz · 4 months
HAIII !! Hope you're having a good day/night/time :3
I wanted to ask if you'd make NPTs of a specific character [they have a wikifandom page] or if you just make them around general descriptions )? And if you also take requests for SNPUTs - G/Ls because I saw you uploaded one :3 /genq
Thats all I wanted to ask, hope the rest of your day is even better than it has been up to now :3 /pos
Hi!!! Thank you <3
1: I'll take character npts, though they may take longer!
2: I prefer making SNPUT/GLs to NPTs!
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seraphim-coinz · 5 months
New tags! (going into effect soon)
🧃✮⋆˙seraphim-coinz。𖦹 ⋆🍓
#🧃✮⋆˙seraphim-coinz-templates。𖦹 ⋆🍒
Coined system terms
🧃✮⋆˙seraphim-coinz-sys-things。𖦹 ⋆🍑
🧃✮⋆˙seraphim-coinz-genders。𖦹 ⋆🍊
🧃✮⋆˙seraphim-coinz-orients。𖦹 ⋆🍍
Name Pronoun Title Packs
#🧃✮⋆˙seraphim-coinz-npts。𖦹 ⋆🍋
IDs for others' images
🧃✮⋆˙seraphim-coinz-image-ids。𖦹 ⋆🍈
Age Regression Stuff
#🧃✮⋆˙seraphim-coinz-agere-stuff。𖦹 ⋆🥝
#🧃✮⋆˙seraphim-coinz-userboxes。𖦹 ⋆🍏
Us babbling
#🧃✮⋆˙seraphim-coinz-talks。𖦹 ⋆🫐
Non-request mail we get
#🧃✮⋆˙seraphim-coinz-mailbox。𖦹 ⋆🍇
Relating to our friends
#🧃✮⋆˙seraphim-coinz-frens。𖦹 ⋆🍉
Important announcements
#🧃✮⋆˙seraphim-coinz-important。𖦹 ⋆🍹
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seraphim-coinz · 4 months
Hello! Sorry if this is a dumb question but I keep seeing this term around, what's an NPT? /genq
Name - Pronoun - Title Pack!
Name: Steve, Karen, Jujomar, etc
Pronoun: She/Her, He/Heart, It/Its
Title: The Weeping Angel, [prn] that kisses boys, Princess Of The Day
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seraphim-coinz · 4 months
GUYS I'M BACK long story short my mom threatened to kill me + slapped me. but I'm off restrictions!!!
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seraphim-coinz · 4 months
Important News.
So, for people who don't know; I have an incredibly strict mother. I have a lot of restrictions, most of which are the same from when I was seven.
So, one way I have gotten past her parental controls is Ibis Paint X. For those of you who do not know, you can access Google through the app. This is how we usually are able to talk about the system without fear, be able to access topics such as being transgender or xenogender, and work on this blog without a time constraint.
I don't know why, but recently my mother chose to restrict my use of Ibis Paint X entirely, for I am assuming until summer. I am unsure why she's chosen this- perhaps the designed pride flags, the screen time, or her finding out that I can access Google.
I'm not sure when I'll be able to pick things up with flag designing again. I'll do my best. From now until when things are a bit better (our environment has gotten much more toxic recently) we are incapable of sharing - or even designing - pride flags.
I am genuinely sorry to each and every mutual, follower, or anonymous that loves us for our designs. I promise I'll do my best to keep up with posting SNPUTs, templates, and similar. I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart that my situation is restraining me from being important to you all.
This is Namida/Koshyen/Maële/Starburst, your strawberry doll prince. I am the host of the Seraphim System, a proud husband and mother, and a proud friend. I am heavily xenogendered, and I love my neopronouns. I'm not going to let this shit be taken away from me.
I love you all. <3
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seraphim-coinz · 4 months
Dude we're so sorry 😟
Your mother is horrible.. I'm glad you're at least off-restrictions now
Only 1,162 days until I can leave!!! (When I'm 18 :3 I'm turning 15 soon so it's like 3 years and a month!!)
I'll be real, I'm kind of scared I won't make it. But I'm going to try my best, promise!!!!
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seraphim-coinz · 4 months
Do you mind if I steal Starburst for my name collection?
^ silly evil fae behavior
Hmmmm, can we share? ( Absolutely, I don't own names, dude! I'd love to share <3)
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