#🪴~mean green mother~🪴
darlingpassion · 6 months
Merry Christmas! ^^ I'm hoping you're asleep now so you see this when you wake up- but if not Merry Early Christmas! XD
Obviously you deserve F/O imagines too ^^ This year has been a big one, getting your license and a car and everything, and I'm so proud of you! Merry Christmas ^^
Imagine spending a cosy Christmas with Tiffany in her trailer <3 You two sit down in front of a little portable heater and a little satellite TV and watch Its a Wonderful Life on free-to-air, your thick-tights-covered legs tangled up together escaping the cold. She makes hot chocolates (with some coffee in them. I remember you like coffee? Forget it if I'm wrong XD) absolutely heaping with fluffy mini marshmallows (And whipped cream, which she brings with her to the TV ^^ 'Splurged for us and got the good, thick stuff! Cuz ya deserve it, sweetface! Merry Christmas, babydoll') and you order in pizza or Chinese food! Its not a traditional Christmas but its you two, and warm feelings, and absolutely no Chucky XD
Imagine spending your first Christmas away from your family, on Captain Silver's ship with your mate, Scroop. You're feeling a little forlorn, missing seeing your grandparents during the season, and he doesn't get it (They don't have such festivities where he comes from- nor such attachments to blood relatives. Just mates.), he might even tease you a little-- BUT, when he learns about the mistletoe tradition he's suddenly very interested~ XD 'So any time that you step under this weed, we have to kiss?~ Hmmmm... '
Imagine spending a fun Christmas in Pleasant Valley with Harper. They have a whole festival for Christmas, and you and him help decorate together. He holds the ladder carefully while you climb up to decorate their giant tree in the centre of town and holds you hand when you're getting down like a gentleman. He lets you set a santa hat on his head (He doesn't quite understand the significance but he sure thinks you're cute), his hands on your waist and a handsome bemused smirk on his face, and keeps it on. He brings your gloves and keeps them in his back pocket until you need them whenever you forget. He uses tinsel to wrap around you waist and draw you closer to him... 'Now Miss Sarah, when're you gonna pay some attention to me, and not that dang tree, huh?... bet they can handle the rest a' this without us, right?'
Imagine spending a quiet Christmas in the store alone with Audrey II. You're humming your favourite Christmas song and putting up some pretty lights while nibbling on christmas cookies (Shortbread with dusted sugar, gingersnaps, sugar cookies with red and green frosting- whatever you like best ^^) and they're watching you with the most rivited, pleased smirk on their big grotesque plant-face. Like this adorable lil bud is all mine!??- hell yes. How'd a shrub like me get so damn lucky? Eventually they have to disturb the peace and wrap a vine around you, guiding you towards his pot and telling you how goddamn cute you are. How sweet. How delicious. How perfect. He's gonna make your christmas the best you ever had- but first he's gonna need to kiss ya on that pretty face ^^
Imagine spending your Christmas asleep in your bed by 6.30, eager to spend it with your rockabilly babe. He's waiting for you, high off the christmas buzz (And his version of eggnog. And the fact that you're here now. And he's own constant buzz), reindeer antler headband on his head and humming a Christmas carol (You can tell he's been rocking out to carols all day long). He immediately catches you and, starting to sing out the lyrics to Baby Its Cold Outside in his own rock & roll style, dances with you a little- dipping you at the end. Of course he had to serenade you, singing to you possibly one of the creepiest Christmas love songs, but it makes you laugh and thats all he was lookin for (; Throughout the rest of the night you get caught by the mistletoe in his pocket multiple times (Your lips start to feel tingly but you're not complaining XD) and drink eggnog you can taste clear as day on his tongue.
Again- Merry Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful relaxing time! ^^
RAHHHHHH I got too obsessed with the Killer Patrol AU last night I completely forgot to answer these!!!
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Harper calling me by name, I gotta say, was what got to me the most XD like- watching my F/O's obsessively is one thing. Thinking about interacting with them is one thing. But them saying my n a m e??? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm internally screaming just thinking about it!!! And Harper wrapping tinsel around me?? Pulling me close?? Needing my attention?? wwsdggdfghtdrer7hewwshjhgrwdgyedftrdd4!!!!
And- And Tiffany calling me Babydoll??? AUDREY pulling me close and calling me delicious!?!? SCROOP WANTING KISSES!?!? PARTYING WITH RUSS!?!!? OH MY GODDDDDD!!!!!!!!
God I wish I could snuggke this prompts and hold them to my heart!! Thank you so much for this Christmas gift! ❤️🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵💜
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justarandombrit · 1 year
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Uh. Sorry if it seems weird to ask but have you considered what would happen if Audrey 2 , from little shop of horrors has been put into the neighborhood in welcome home. I don't know if you have heard of it but I wanted to ask in case you did.
Of course! I love crossovers. Now, I haven't necessarily seen Little Shop of Horrors, but I did recognize the name from the dentist's song that I listened to. I also know a little about Audrey 2, who is the plant, I believe. So, I decided to do a bit of research for this, because from what I knew, I thought this would be interesting! Sorry if it isn't really entirely accurate or if some things feel out of character. As I said, I haven't seen it entirely myself, instead only seeing clips. (I did listen and watch Mean Green Mother and I now know I have to watch it at some point omg.)
Audrey 2 from Little Shop of Horrors in the Neighborhood from Welcome Home:
TW: Swearing, Manipulation
🪴So, the Mean Green Mother from Outer Space somehow found itself in a land full of puppets... Very kind puppets... Who, by the way, seem VERY gullible due to being from a kid's show... It can work with this.
🪴It needs to get back to the world of humans, somehow, so it will gladly sweet talk and manipulate the neighbors into helping. It can't eat puppets, as they aren't human. It would probably say something about missing its home to make them feel bad for it. It would work on everyone except for Frank.
🪴Why wouldn't it work on Frank? Well, the way the language of his fellow neighbors changes is the main reason. Mostly Wally's, due to Wally spending the most time with Audrey 2. Due to Frank owning a lot of random books, he has some on different sayings, dialects, and other things to do with language. It seems like Audrey 2 has decided to cause havoc in the little community on its way out.
🪴One day, Frank saw Wally and Julie standing outside. Wally was holding a baseball bat, and right as Frank was walking by, he heard him tell Julie "I'm gonna bust your balls!" in the most joyful, and excited way. Needless to say, Frank choked on the air and had to go check to make sure nothing bad was happening. Wally looked extremely confused as Frank chastised him, pointing to Julie and saying "We are playing baseball. "Busting your balls" means hitting baseballs, kickballs, and other types of sports balls, right?" Soon enough, despite Frank trying to tell everyone what it really means, everybody in town is using "I'm gonna bust your balls" while playing sports.
🪴Another example is when Frank saw Wally comforting a sad Poppy over a burnt cake. Everyone had gathered to help her bake it, including Audrey 2. When Wally said "You don't mean shit!" in response to Poppy telling everyone how bad she felt for messing up the cake, Audrey 2 laughed so freaking hard. Wally, and everyone besides Frank, thinks it means something like "Shit means that you suck. Saying somebody doesn't mean shit means that they don't suck."
🪴Frank would probably put the two and two together. This foul language has only started after Audrey 2 came around and Audrey 2 already seems a bit rude at times. It always wants to do things its own way, or no way. It is more bossy than Sally when it comes to plays, likes to trip Eddie on his way to deliver mail, and it sometimes trashes Howdy's Store! Frank would be the main one working to get Audrey 2 back to wherever it came from, succeeding very quickly through sheer willpower, alone.
🪴Needless to say, the neighborhood was never the same after that plant arrived.
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lilybug-02 · 1 year
Like Vampyre, ghost, werewolf, etc, not possessed
You are so picky. How bout I be a mean green mother from outer space just to mess with you.🪴
That or I’ll be a cool Kracken at the bottom of the ocean, fighting Sperm Whales in free time :)
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✨ fanfic masterpost ✨
My profile/all works on AO3 
🪴 when i need a hand to hold (would it be okay if i came home to you) Dani isn’t ready for company, Jamie thinks a lot, gets a cat, and learns what peace can mean, and they both take a year to grow. Chapters: 1/1 (16.5k words)
🌱 little green (like the color when spring is born) A v soft exploration of motherhood. Chapters: 1/1 (24.6k words)
💡 PROMPT: First Mother’s Day one-shot (AO3)
❎ DELETED SCENE: Ghost world deleted scene
💡 PROMPT: Dani, Jamie, and Luna visiting Karen in Iowa (AO3)
🌞 summer's gone and i'm alone (i get the feeling that you’re somewhere close) A Dani Clayton character study mapping just how Jamie had the power to pull Dani’s ghost from the mirrors. Chapters: 3/3 (26.6k words)
💡 PROMPT: Dani reuniting with Judy after Bly (AO3)
🎨 coherent sensations that we otherwise would not have had Jamie is learning to live again, and Dani is learning to love. A fun little Art AU. Chapters 2/? (16k words) - WIP
🎃 DAMIETOBER 2021: to your silhouette i turn once more (so brand it on my mind)
🌅 Day 1: Sun - for once (there is nothing up my sleeve) just them watching a timeless sunrise together. (2.3k words)
🌖 Day 2: Moon - what is bravery if not the marching forward what’s another declaration of love, this time between childhood friends? (3.1k words)
🚙 Day 3: Apocalypse - honey, let's ride hypothetical apocalypse preparedness (700 words)
🪴 Day 4: Sprout - time apart has planted longing inside me (but my god, it grows the most spectacular flowers) Jamie growing with her grief (1.3k words)
📚 untethered Dani and Jamie decide to take the lady head on, and they learn more about love and compassion and mercy and themselves than they ever expected to. AKA the fix-it fic. Chapters: 5/9 (61.2k words) - WIP
🌶️ something spicy Co-written with @arecordyearforsnowfall. Jamie's a moody chef, Dani's a cheery sommelier, and they have to make something delicious together. Chapters 2/? (51.7k works) - WIP
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