#the slumber party massacre franchise
marinerainbow · 3 months
Ooooh girl! I see you posted the Driller Killer gifs! I knew I couldn't be the only one liking him
YES!!!!! yes yes yes yes yes!!!! I love him so mmuch. I'm a sucker for rockabilly/greaser looks and crazy characters. And Russ definitely checks out both boxes!
Now I wish you weren't on anon so I knew who you were. I need to know who my fellow Driller Killer lover is!
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darlingpassion · 5 months
Merry Christmas! ^^ I'm hoping you're asleep now so you see this when you wake up- but if not Merry Early Christmas! XD
Obviously you deserve F/O imagines too ^^ This year has been a big one, getting your license and a car and everything, and I'm so proud of you! Merry Christmas ^^
Imagine spending a cosy Christmas with Tiffany in her trailer <3 You two sit down in front of a little portable heater and a little satellite TV and watch Its a Wonderful Life on free-to-air, your thick-tights-covered legs tangled up together escaping the cold. She makes hot chocolates (with some coffee in them. I remember you like coffee? Forget it if I'm wrong XD) absolutely heaping with fluffy mini marshmallows (And whipped cream, which she brings with her to the TV ^^ 'Splurged for us and got the good, thick stuff! Cuz ya deserve it, sweetface! Merry Christmas, babydoll') and you order in pizza or Chinese food! Its not a traditional Christmas but its you two, and warm feelings, and absolutely no Chucky XD
Imagine spending your first Christmas away from your family, on Captain Silver's ship with your mate, Scroop. You're feeling a little forlorn, missing seeing your grandparents during the season, and he doesn't get it (They don't have such festivities where he comes from- nor such attachments to blood relatives. Just mates.), he might even tease you a little-- BUT, when he learns about the mistletoe tradition he's suddenly very interested~ XD 'So any time that you step under this weed, we have to kiss?~ Hmmmm... '
Imagine spending a fun Christmas in Pleasant Valley with Harper. They have a whole festival for Christmas, and you and him help decorate together. He holds the ladder carefully while you climb up to decorate their giant tree in the centre of town and holds you hand when you're getting down like a gentleman. He lets you set a santa hat on his head (He doesn't quite understand the significance but he sure thinks you're cute), his hands on your waist and a handsome bemused smirk on his face, and keeps it on. He brings your gloves and keeps them in his back pocket until you need them whenever you forget. He uses tinsel to wrap around you waist and draw you closer to him... 'Now Miss Sarah, when're you gonna pay some attention to me, and not that dang tree, huh?... bet they can handle the rest a' this without us, right?'
Imagine spending a quiet Christmas in the store alone with Audrey II. You're humming your favourite Christmas song and putting up some pretty lights while nibbling on christmas cookies (Shortbread with dusted sugar, gingersnaps, sugar cookies with red and green frosting- whatever you like best ^^) and they're watching you with the most rivited, pleased smirk on their big grotesque plant-face. Like this adorable lil bud is all mine!??- hell yes. How'd a shrub like me get so damn lucky? Eventually they have to disturb the peace and wrap a vine around you, guiding you towards his pot and telling you how goddamn cute you are. How sweet. How delicious. How perfect. He's gonna make your christmas the best you ever had- but first he's gonna need to kiss ya on that pretty face ^^
Imagine spending your Christmas asleep in your bed by 6.30, eager to spend it with your rockabilly babe. He's waiting for you, high off the christmas buzz (And his version of eggnog. And the fact that you're here now. And he's own constant buzz), reindeer antler headband on his head and humming a Christmas carol (You can tell he's been rocking out to carols all day long). He immediately catches you and, starting to sing out the lyrics to Baby Its Cold Outside in his own rock & roll style, dances with you a little- dipping you at the end. Of course he had to serenade you, singing to you possibly one of the creepiest Christmas love songs, but it makes you laugh and thats all he was lookin for (; Throughout the rest of the night you get caught by the mistletoe in his pocket multiple times (Your lips start to feel tingly but you're not complaining XD) and drink eggnog you can taste clear as day on his tongue.
Again- Merry Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful relaxing time! ^^
RAHHHHHH I got too obsessed with the Killer Patrol AU last night I completely forgot to answer these!!!
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Harper calling me by name, I gotta say, was what got to me the most XD like- watching my F/O's obsessively is one thing. Thinking about interacting with them is one thing. But them saying my n a m e??? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm internally screaming just thinking about it!!! And Harper wrapping tinsel around me?? Pulling me close?? Needing my attention?? wwsdggdfghtdrer7hewwshjhgrwdgyedftrdd4!!!!
And- And Tiffany calling me Babydoll??? AUDREY pulling me close and calling me delicious!?!? SCROOP WANTING KISSES!?!? PARTYING WITH RUSS!?!!? OH MY GODDDDDD!!!!!!!!
God I wish I could snuggke this prompts and hold them to my heart!! Thank you so much for this Christmas gift! ❤️🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵💜
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marklikely · 10 months
ok u know that fake 80s horror movie meme that people did on tiktok well aside from the blatant goncharov plagiarism i feel like the idea isnt inherently bad but trying to convince people the movie is real while giving it an obscure and therefore easily googleable name like zapotha is unwise. like goncharov was always openly fake but the video said they want to convince people zepotha is real. too easy to fact check imo.
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tawneybel · 1 year
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Imagine itching to start your home improvement project, but the Driller Killer has other plans.
The house hadn’t been renovated in… how many decades? It was very eighties.
But not new wave, not what you envisioned. Especially in this retro-lighted dream.
Except for the mystery man you were dreaming about. Kinda greaser-esque. Pretty rockabilly.
Must be lucid, because it feels like I’m awake.
But there was your man.
Freddy, eat your heart out, you thought, as the rocker came swinging into view.
Asleep or not, you were more interested in rooting through the toolbox. Not that he seemed to notice. The musician was singing about his financial success. Did he think you were a groupie?
“I might need that in a few minutes,” you noted, pointing at his guitar/drill, eyes fixed on the wide array of tools you weren’t aware you had.
Weird toolbox. It was like a magician’s bag. Each time you pulled up the wrong thing, you dropped it back in until deciding it might be easier to just set them aside until you found the right one.
“You don’t need that.” The Driller Killer took the stud finder from your hand.
“No, no, I don’t.”
Your eyes slid over to his, surprisingly not calloused despite expert strumming. Maybe he used a pick most of the time. Nice gloves.
“Maybe later. Or next time,” he drawled, taking the tape measure. That suggestion also caught. What would it be like if he kept those fingerless gloves on while reaching under your nightie? “…when I can just show you.”
You shook your head and pulled up another tool. “I really want to get started on my project.”
The killer’s eyes widened. “You won’t be needing those,” he added, all but tossing the pliers.
“I think,” you said, grabbing his hands, “I just need these.” 
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its-cripptid · 1 year
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I updated my redbubble and added a shit ton of new designs, also theres a sale for 20% off my whole shop february 28th - march 7th
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nerefee · 9 months
nightmare on elm street (1984) walked so slumber party massacre II (1987) could run
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chaneajoyyy · 2 years
Slumber party massacre does have a cult following
There was a remake that was made last year
You know when you sent this I looked it up and there was a remake. I still need to see the 3rd one and the remake. I didn't even know it had a cult following. But I can kinda see why.
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candlelightkissess · 8 months
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horror subgenres that sunny cappuccino would love
in celebration of spooky season and my obsession with horror movies.
✰ MIMURA: The classics. ↠ FAVES: Frankenstein, Freaks, Night of the Living Dead Not exactly a subgenre, but as a filmmaker, Mimura is quite fond of the earlier works of horror. He's particularly interested in the ways in which the genre has developed, from cinematography, tropes, to scare factors. He definitely wrote a 5000-word deep dive essay dissecting that.
✰ FUWA: 80s slashers. ↠ FAVES: Sleepaway Camp, Friday the 13th, The Slumber Party Massacre It's a guilty pleasure. She calls it fast food horror. Fuwa's well accustomed to the tropes of this genre now, and paired with how clever she already is, her predictions of what's going to happen are always right. Her friends don't like watching these with her because she always unintentionally spoils it along the way.
✰ NAKAMURA: Self-aware horror comedy. ↠ FAVES: Scream, Cabin in the Woods Oh she is a super fan of the Scream franchise. I'm talking dedicated follower, owns every movie and probably has a merch collection somewhere. These types of movies just scratches her brain in all the best ways. You will definitely catch her writing paragraphs upon paragraphs explaining her theories too.
✰ CHIBA: Monster movies and supernatural. ↠ FAVES: Fear Street trilogy, It, The Thing If there's one thing Chiba loves in horror movies, it's the explanations of a complex lore of unexplainable beings. These movies tap into the otherworldly and usually have coming-of-age themes mingled within, which is right up his alley.
✰ SUGAYA: Found footage. ↠ FAVES: The Blair Witch Project, Lake Mungo, Noroi: The Curse There is just something so raw about found footage movies, and it is this very aspect that makes Sugaya so fond of them. He views it as a form of art that is very flexible. It can portray just about anyone and anything and still feel real. He considers that the magic of it all.
✰ HAYAMI: Vengeful spirits. ↠ FAVES: Shutter, The Ring, Sinister Bonus points if it takes place in a haunted house. Hayami believes that the sole purpose, the very heart and soul, of watching horror movies is to get scared. So that's exactly the type of movies she seeks out when she's in the mood for horror. Rather than intensity and gore, she best enjoys horror movies when they're built on suspense and unease.
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lesbianwithchainsaws · 3 months
ok. what are some “party horror movies” like. ones where you can watch them with a group of friends and just have a good time like lighthearted, not super bleak, like the kind of movie that you can just watch with friends at laugh at. it doesn’t matter if its a good movie or a bad movie thats fun to watch just sort of. That vibe.
There's so many good options for this imo!!! I'm sorry if this list ends up like way too long:
For ones that are kinda ridiculous but fun: Killer Sofa, Chopping Mall, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, Cabin in the Woods, Dead alive / Braindead (i think braindead is the more commonly used title for this, but I have seen both), Freaky, Tucker and Dale vs Evil, Idle Hands, Malignant.
For fun and not too serious slashers: Urban Legend, Hell Fest, Slumber Party Massacre (especially the second one or the remake), Girl House, Scare Campaign, You're Next, Totally Killer
The ones that are kinda bad, but fun to make fun of/to watch despite being bad: The Babysitter, The Body, Stay Alive, Cry_wolf (this and stay alive are also super 2000s).
Genuinely good movies that are fun with others imo: Ready or Not, Trick r Treat, the Final Destination franchise (some of the movies aren't good, but I think most are pretty good and fun with others), the Evil Dead franchise, Creepshow, Spree, Mayhem, The Faculty
And more that idk where to categorise exactly: Ghost Ship, Happy Death Day, the Escape Room franchise
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itsaaudraw · 7 months
Whos ur most fav slasher?
probably chucky. both him and freddy were my first slasher franchises i fell in love with, and while i do love freddy, chucky has always been my number one bc of my love of spooky dolls/puppets. i love michael myers too!
but if we’re talking lesser known favs, i love the driller killer from slumber party massacre 2 and leslie vernon 🫶
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back2themax · 1 year
I specifically kept away from the “typical” films, everyone expects nightmare on elm street and Friday the thirteenth. I wanted to stick with underrated slashers that aren’t mega franchises.
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marinerainbow · 11 months
"Time to kill the rabbit~ hehehee~"
"Now it's time for the fun part~"
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thornsandtulips · 1 month
Good morning y’all, I’m debating starting to make headcannons and possibly fanfic for fandoms I’m in. I’ll make a list of fandoms I’m in. I don’t mind writing nsfw, but please bear with me because I haven’t written anything since 2017. Thank you!
List of Fandoms:
Ghost Hunt
You (Netflix series)
Gilmore Girls
House of Wax
Lost boys
Marble Hornets
Eyes of Camellia
Near Dark
Slumber Party Massacre 2
Scream Franchise
Resident Evil
American Horror story
Tokyo Revengers
Soul Eater
Fire Force
Fruits basket
True Blood
Devil’s Line
Rosario Vampire
Blood +
Dramatical Murder
Jennifer’s body
Final Destination series
Practical Magic
Lisa Frankenstein
DC comics
D.O.L .
Demon slayer
Desert Nightmare
At this moment if you want to ask for headcannons, I’m totally down with that! Just know it’ll take me a while to do headcannons since I’m working a lot! I mostly do A-Z headcannons but hopefully I’ll branch out a bit more and start making actual stories!!
What I write :
That’s pretty much it. Of course I’ll update my list overtime , but this is it for now! I repost a lot of fanfic not only I want to archive, but other people ask me to archive. So when finding any work I do through my page, I’ll have a tag saying “ my work” to help separate it from the archive of fiction I repost from others.
Commissions are open
Dm me if you have any questions- :3
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3, 7, 10, 25, and 39 for the horror film asks :3
3. favorite horror film in your favorite subgenre: my favorite subgenre is probably slashers and my favorite slasher is a toss up between Jason Takes Manhattan and Slumber Party Massacre 2 (both are super fun and silly and don't take themselves seriously at all, they're loads of fun).
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7. Favorite horror film from this decade: Easily Lisa Frankenstein, I could talk about how much I love it and why (and I have in the past) forever, it's so freaking cute and funny and just amazing. Everybody watch it and don't be a prude about it lol
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10. Favorite horror franchise: FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH. It's been my favorite since I was a kid, Jason is my homeboy
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25. Favorite horror film directed by a woman: Gotta go with Slumber Party Massacre 2 again!
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39. Favorite horror film with your favorite VHS/DVD Coverart: This cover of From Beyond! I love this color scheme and I love that more horror movies are using it now.
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Thanks for the ask! :)
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tawneybel · 1 year
2023 Reader Insert Smut Masterlist
Note: And lists. Request rules. I've decided it's easier to just keep a master master list pinned and update it regularly, instead of a new one each month.
Rita Repulsa from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Mary Shaw and Ella Ashen from Dead Silence
Jackson Whittemore from Teen Wolf
Steve Harrington, Jonathan Byers, and Tommy Hagan from Stranger Things
Vecna from Stranger Things 4
10 Favorite Monsters, Part XIV
Chad Meeks-Martin and Frankie from Scream VI
10 Favorite Monsters, Part VIII
Hwang Jun-ho and VIP 4 from Squid Game
Billy Hitchcock from Final Destination
pink soldiers from Squid Game
Imhotep from The Mummy Returns
Coach Willis from The Faculty
Glenn Rhee from The Walking Dead
Count Dracula from Dracula
Rafe Cameron and Topper Thornton from Outer Banks
10 Hottest Animated Characters, Part XIII
Chubby, Bibbo, Slim, and Rudy from Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Monstar Blanko from Space Jam
Lalo Salamanca and Nacho Varga from Better Call Saul
Driller Killer from Slumber Party Massacre II
HAL 9000, David Bowman, and Frank Poole from 2001: A Space Odyssey
Gurdy the Clown from 100 Tears
Namor from Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Matt Addison from Resident Evil
Sadako Yamamura from Ringu (crossover with Saw franchise)
Namor from Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
10 Hottest Animated Character, Part XII
Erik Killmonger, Namor, and M’Baku from Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Rafe Cameron and Barry from Outer Banks
Tyler Galpin from Wednesday
Harry Warden from My Bloody Valentine
Top 10 Hottest Characters, Part XIV
Harry Warden from My Bloody Valentine 3D
Ryan Torres from Fear Street Part One: 1994
2022 Movie Ranking
Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington from Stranger Things 4 
Proteus IV from Demon Seed
10 Favorite Monsters, Part VII
Michael Myers and Corey Cunningham from Halloween Ends
Angel Torres from Nope
Brian from Brain Damage 
Top 10 Hottest Characters, Part XVIII
Izzy Bohen, Jake Spencer, Dante Belasco, and Creeper from Jeepers Creepers 2
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lambychop · 2 years
It’s that time of year again besties!! In the spirit of the season, I present to you:
Athina’s Horror Masterlist
The Halloween Franchise
The Friday the 13th Franchise
The Nightmare on Elm Street Franchise
The Scream Franchise
The Child’s Play Franchise
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Franchise
My Bloody Valentine (1981)
The Burning
Alice, Sweet Alice
The Town That Dreaded Sundown
Slumber Party Massacre
Sleepaway Camp
You’re Next
Black Christmas
Prom Night
Happy Death Day
The Prowler
The Candyman Franchise
The Hellraiser Franchise
Tourist Trap
When a Stranger Calls
Terror Train
The Last House on the Left
The Hills Have Eyes
The Stepfather (1987)
The House on Sorority Row
I Know What You Did Last Summer Franchise
Urban Legends
American Psycho
Rob Zombie’s Firefly Series
The Strangers
The Purge Franchise
Don’t Breathe
The Wrong Turn Franchise
There’s Someone Inside Your House
Hell Fest
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
Fear Street Series
Creature Features
A Quite Place I and II
The Thing
The Descent
The Alien Franchise
The Predator Franchise
47 Meters Down
Shark Night
Black Water
The Fly
The Tremors Franchise
The Ruins
Castle Freak
Basket Case
The Conjuring Franchise
The Insidious Franchise
The Amityville Horror
The Poltergeist Franchise
The Autopsy of Jane Doe
Lights Out
The Exorcist
The Grudge
The Ring
The Evil Dead Series
The Night House
The Woman in Black
It Follows
The Babadook
The Witch
The Changeling
Dead Silence
It (Chapters 1 & 2)
The Shining
Doctor Sleep
Crimson Peak
The Orphanage
The Empty Man
Thirteen Ghosts
Rosemary’s Baby
The Skeleton Key
The Omen
The Rite
Sleepy Hollow
The Ritual
Pet Sematary
The Endless
The Dark and the Wicked
The Void
The Wretched
In the Tall Grass
An American Werewolf in London
The Howling
Ginger Snaps
The Wolf of Snow Hollow
Bad Moon
Dog Soldiers
Silver Bullet
The Cursed
The Lost Boys
Fright Night
Salem’s Lot
30 Days of Night
From Dusk Till Dawn
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night
Bran Stoker’s Dracula
I Am Legend
Night of the Living Dead
Dawn of the Dead
Day of the Dead
Train to Busan
28 Days Later & 28 Weeks Later
Blood Quantum
World War Z
Found Footage
Paranormal Activity Franchise
Grave Encounters
V/H/S Franchise
As Above So Below
Hell House, LLC. Franchise
Gonjiam Haunted Asylum
Unfriended and Unfriended: Dark Web
The Blair With Project
The Taking of Deborah Logan
Devil’s Pass
Apollo 18
The Mirror
Troll Hunter
Lake Mungo
REC / Quarantine
The Bay
The Conspiracy
Cannibal Holocaust
The Last Exorcism
The Final Prayer (aka Borderlands)
The Tunnel
Willow Creek
The Visit
Butterfly Kisses
The Poughkeepsie Tapes
The Den
The Gallows
1 BR
What Keeps You Alive
The Invitation
Super Dark Times
The Rental
Last Night In Soho
The Lodge
I’m Thinking of Ending Things
The Invisible Man
The Girl on the Third Floor
It Comes At Night
The Silence of the Lambs
Jacob’s Ladder
The Lighthouse
The Wickerman
The Others
Goodnight Mommy
The Killing of a Sacred Dear
Get Out
Session 9
The Color Out of Space
Things Heard & Seen
The Perfection
His House
Incident in a Ghostland
Coming Home in the Dark
Body Horror/ Gory
The Saw Franchise
The Hostel Franchise
The Green Inferno
The Collector and The Collection
The Final Destination Franchise
The Belko Experiment
Cabin Fever
The Girl Next Door
Deep Red
Orgasm I
The Black Belly of the Tarantula
The New York Ripper
The Cat O’Nine Tails
Trick r’ Treat
Creepshow I and II
The Mortuary Collection
Body Bags
Cats Eye
Family Friendly
Corpse Bride
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Monster House
The Haunted Mansion
Little Shop of Horrors
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
American Horror Story
Creepshow the Series
Channel Zero
The Twilight Zone
Midnight Mass
The Haunting of Bly Manor and The Haunting of Hill House
Castle Rock
Archive 81
Penny Dreadful
Hemlock Grove
Bates Motel
The Devil in Ohio
I’m sure there’s a ton that I missed, so don’t be afraid to reblog and add to the list! Keep in mind that trigger warnings may apply to all of these movies, so feel free to reach out and ask about any in particular. I love to talk horror, so send me your thoughts, questions, etc about any horror stuff! Happy spooky season and stay safe!
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