#''we...we should've been friends'' ''I'm sorry'' YEAH WELL I'M CRYING TONY
tin-can-iron-man · 3 years
You ever see posts about how a character is bad and you're just like "bro that isn't even their final form" (and I still love them)
#yes this is about tony stark#and how people have problems with the mcu version of him#I genuinely think these people would faint if they read civil war. the ORIGINAL civil war about the superhero registration act#or illuminati#like! yes! my fave is a war criminal#It's comics and in the comics yours is too#enjoy your Tony Stark Lite MCU flavored I'm going to go watch him mindwipe Steve Rogers and cry on the bathroom floor#and become the ''sheath'' for Dr. Doom to stick his ''excalibur'' into#there's also the entire Superior Iron Man and to a lesser extent Fatal Frontier disasters#which is just him losing his entire ass mind and low key subjugating a portion of San Francisco/ the moon respectively#but to be fair those two are due to brainwashing and brianmelting respectively as well.#sometimes you don't become the hulk. sometimes you just blow up part of the moon because the moon juice radiation said it was a good idea#ok he made everyone leave the moon because it's way too fuckin dangerous but like. poor Russian robot.#''come back. bring everyone again'' I'M SORRY MR ROBOT HE CAN'T BC HE CAN'T GIVE PEOPLE SPACE CANCER. IT'D WIPE OUT HUMANITY#MY POOR ROBO PAL IS JUST STUCK ON THE MOON ALL ALONE WATCHING THE MOON ROCKS ALL BY HIMSELF IN AN EMPTY CITY#AND TONY DOESN'T EVEN GO SEE HIM BECAUSE HE KNOWS HE DOESN'T WANT HIS COMPANY#''we...we should've been friends'' ''I'm sorry'' YEAH WELL I'M CRYING TONY#anyway I got distracted from the point the point is it's funny that people say Tony is a problem in the mcu like he's not supposed to be#just a LITTLE#at times like this I'd say ''and do NOT get me started on ults'' but actually. ironically. ults Tony is ok.#all Tony's are ok I love him#I love him very very much#but sometimes I see posts meant to bash him and I just go ''lmao yeah you get it'' (very sad it's the only part you get)#it's also because Iron Man is MEANT to be perceived as a TRAGEDY. in his very first issue the very first thing told to you.#''this is a tale of the most tragic figure on earth'' and SOMETIMES (ok. a lot of times) that tragedy comes out by Tony fucking up some way#because that's how tragedys WORK. something happens to someone and some of the time it's the result of their own hubris!#that's basic writing!#and the message is meant to be ''even if you make mistakes. make colossal. stupid mistakes. it doesn't mean you can't strive to be better.'#''in fact. you have an OBLIGATION to try to be better. to yourself. to the people around you. don't wallow in self pity.''#''you have to get back up. you HAVE to. or all you are is a testament to your failures. get back up'' THAT'S what Iron Man about.
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deexchanel · 3 years
New York
Word Count: 2,655
Pairing: Avengers x BlackFem!Reader. Justice League x BlackFem!Reader but more specifically Clark Kent x BlackFem!Reader.
Warning: Arguing, mention of miscarriage, angst.
Summary: After not being in contact for so long, someone decides to make a visit.
A/N: The title has nothing to do with the one short. Oops. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy!😁 below is Y/N’s outfit for the first half.
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A long day after helping the team on their mission, Y/N wanted some pizza. It was around 10 p.m. when she decided to leave the tower. Tony was asleep in the chair, Steve was asleep on the couch. Natasha and Bucky were on the floor watching a movie. Thor was rummaging through the refrigerator, he was watching the movie as well but stopped to get some snacks.
Loki was in the library reading a book. Peter was on patrol so that’s why she felt safe with being out so late. “Loki I’m leaving to get some pizza okay?” He closed his book, preparing to stand up.
“Alright, I’m going with you.”
Y/N placed a hand on his chest so he could stay sitting. “ I want to go by myself Loki. I’m going to be perfectly fine, Peter’s patrolling right now.”
Loki sigh trying to push down his overprotective feeling. “Alright, just be careful. I don’t want anything to happen to you.” Y/N hummed kissing his forehead, she then walked to the living. Everyone in their same position except Thor was now back on the floor.
Y/N kissed each of their foreheads, “I’m going to go get some pizza. Anyone wants anything?”
Natasha shook her head,“ No, be careful though. I really want to pause this good movie to save your ass.” Y/N rolled her eyes playfully, grabbing her purse from the hook.
“Bring me back some pizza? I’m rather hungry.” Thor said with his eyes glued to the tv.
“You’re always hungry Thor. Bring me some too. Better yet, why don’t I just come.” Y/N heard shuffling from behind her. She wanted to take a peaceful by herself to get pizza, is that too hard to ask? “No Bucky, I want to go by myself. I can handle it.”
She turns around to see him looking at her hesitantly. “You sure Y/N? I don’t mind coming-”
“I got it, really. Go enjoy the movie Bucky. I’ll be right back.” Y/N cut him off, walking out of the door. Bucky stood there dumbfounded, “Is she acting weird or it’s just me?” He pointed to the door, looking at Natasha and Thor.
“She seems alright with me.” Natasha shrugged and Thor didn’t reply.
Y/N took a deep breath hearing the new york life sparkle in her ears. Taxis coming and going. The roar of the subway beneath Y/N’s feet. Everyone talking but still being able to hear your own conversation.
Lights flashing brightly, babies crying, the homeless constantly asking for money. The smell of 1,000 vendors, many selling gyros. Broadway fans going insane when their favorite cast member walks out of the stage door. People of every race, color, and religion.
“Finally,” Y/N mumbled after a good minute of walking, she arrived at the pizza store on the corner. She ordered and stood in line for 15 minutes then left with 5 boxes of pizza. Stopping at the park, Y/N sat on a bench eating pizza enjoying the night air.
Y/N was happy with life but sometimes a person just wants to be alone. A little part of her misses the old lifestyle she had. Bruce, Barry, Diane, Victor, and Arthur. She missed them so much, especially Clark but he was the last person she wanted to see.
They were old lovers, at one time there wasn't a thing Clark wouldn't do for Y/N. Time skip, Y/N found out she was pregnant but due to stress from Clark, she miscarried. No one knew because of the genuine smile she held on her face. He was probably so caught up with Lois to not notice that she'd been gone for a year now.
She loved Clark, Y/N was his best friend. Lois came into the picture and he dropped everything just for her. Heartbroken, Y/N came to new york searching for happiness. She found it in the avengers who she now calls family.
Today was the anniversary of her baby and she just wanted to be alone. She was alone when it happened so she rather be alone now. Y/N stared off into space not even hearing someone land beside her. You read right, land.
The deep voice took her out of her gaze. Y/N turned to see Clark in his superman attire. Shocked, she could barely get anything out. "...Clark??"
Clark's face held worry," Y/N..." Y/N furrow her eyebrow confused cutting him off.
"What are you doing here Clark?"
"I can't come to see you now? Y/N I haven't seen you in months."
"Clark I don't wanna talk about that right now. I want to know how did you know I was here??" Y/N stood up, placing her unfinished pizza in the box. She couldn't even enjoy alone time without being bothered.
"Bruce's been track you this whole time Y/N. Come home, we miss you. I miss you." He reached out for her hands. Surprisingly Y/N let him grab her hands. She shook her head.
"Clark I can't just leave. I have a life and family here. You have Lois now, that's who you need. Not me."
Clark looked down," She left me Y/N. Lois said me being superman was too much."Y/N sigh knowing how to hurt he was. Yes, she was mad at him but sometimes not everything needs a reaction. Keeping it calm, she gave him a hug.
"I'm so sorry Clark, I should've been there for you."
Clark held her close smelling her wonderful smell of lavender. "It's okay Y/N. I know this life is treating you well."
Y/N could feel that it was getting late. "Clark I have to go, but I do have to ask you something." He pulled back glazing into her brown eyes.
"What is it Y/N?"
"Tomorrow evening bring the team to the tower. I want everyone to meet each other. I'll cook! It'll be so much fun."
Clark looked at her with hesitation, "I don't know Y/N.."
Y/N gave him the puppy dog eyes, "Please Clark? You get to see me in a nice outfit." He smiled giving in.
"Oh alright."
"A little bit of this," Y/N murmured pouring grated cheese on top of the macaroni. She placed it in the oven, closing the door with her butt. Dinner consisted of steak with tarragon mushrooms with a side of macaroni. Y/N had been in the kitchen all day while the team did their overview with Fury for missions they have done.
"Smells amazing in here Y/N! What you make?" Steve's voice came from behind while she grabbed plates out of the cabinet. "Food Steve. You'll see when it's dinner time and if you don't mind, can you help me set the table?"
Steve nodded his head with a smile, "Sure I don't mind Y/N." The two joked around while they set the table. Clark and everyone were to be here in about 20 minutes. When she got home from the park last night, Y/N told the avengers about this evening dinner, and boy it was some weird faces.
She didn't know who was harder to convince, Tony or Steve. Maybe because they had been on the team longer. Once finished Y/N ushered Steve to go get dressed. She was so caught up with finishing the meal, that she didn't check the time. "Fuck!"
It was 10 minutes until Clark and the rest got there. She was nowhere near ready. "Y/N why aren't you ready?" Tony asked in disbelief when he walked into the kitchen. Y/N pulled at her hair.
"I know, I know! I was too caught up in finishing the steaks. Can you watch the food so it won't burn? please?"
Tony sigh,"If that makes you get dressed faster then I'll watch it." He opened the lid, the food smelled amazing. "Yeah hurry up, this smells good. I'm ready to eat."
"Thank you!" She kissed his cheek, rushing past so can get dressed.
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"Y/N they're here!" Steve called up the stairs. Y/N hopped around on one foot trying to put on the other boot. When it finally slid on her foot, she stood in front of a mirror taking a deep breath. She wanted all her favorite people to come together and be her support. To make her forget about the pain she went through a year ago yesterday.
Y/N walked downstairs with all eyes on her. Clark's mouth was agape from how good she looked. "Arthur! Diana! I've missed you guys!" Y/N hugged her with passion.
"Me too. You look beautiful." Diana hugged her back. Y/N moved towards Arthur giving him a hug. "Thank you."
"Yeah you look too good, don't make me have to beat anyone up from looking too hard." Thor snorted which made Arthur glance at him for a second. Y/N moved to Bruce.
"I hope you're doing good Bruce other than Barry getting on your nerves."
"Hey!" Barry said in defense.
"I'm good, just missed having you around."Bruce expressed which kinda shocked Y/N because he wasn't so open. She then gave Victor and Barry a hug. "I've missed you, two knuckleheads, together."
"We've missed you too." Victor smiled.
"What are we eating, it smells so good in here," Barry said excitedly. Y/N laughing gesturing towards the dining table. "We're about to find out, let's eat!"
Everyone cheered a bit sitting at the table, you know they didn't mingle but sat on the opposite side. Y/N walked over to the stove trying to bring the food to the table but Natasha stopped her.
"I got it Y/N, go sit down. You've been on your feet all day, I can bring the food to the table." Natasha grabbed the glass casserole dish out of her hand. She wasn't lying about her feet hurting but Y/N wasn't going to admit it.
Y/N sigh, "Fine, I'm bringing the champagne to the table though." She hurriedly grabbed two bottles of champagne before Natasha could protest. She definitely needed a sip before dealing with two rival heroes.
There were conversations here and there but most of Y/N. She had all her favorite people in one room. Dinner was running smoothly until...
"So Y/N, Clark told us that you were coming back to stay permanently. I'm excited to have you back." Barry used his knife to cut the steak. Y/N didn't know who to look at crazy him or Clark. She could feel the hard glaze from Bucky.
"What's speedy boy talking about Y/N?" Tony asked tilting his head. Steve sat down his knife.
"Yes please do explain."
"I uh haven't said anything like that. I had planned on visiting, it wasn't official." Y/N scratched her arm out of nervousness from all eyes on her.
"I knew I wasn't going insane. Y/N wasn't going to go back permanently, she's not that crazy." Thor chuckled drinking his champagne.
Victor glanced at him sideways."What's that supposed to mean? Y/N wouldn't be crazy if she came back permanently. That's honestly the perfect decision if she does."
"Guys.." Y/N trailed off but was ignored by everyone. "Y/N is right where she belongs. Do I need to say more?" Loki wiped his mouth with a napkin.
"If she wants to come back permanently then she can. Y/N's only been with you guys for what ? a year? She's been with us forever so you know who she's going to choose." Arthur leaned back in the seat.
"Sure fish boy." Tony let his smart mouth get the best of him. Y/N took a sip of her champagne to calm her nerves.
She was ignored again. "Y/N is coming with us and that's final. That's the only reason why I came to this wretched place was for her." Clark crossed his arm and Bucky narrowed his eyes at him.
"She's not going anywhere with you. I stand on that."
"Barnes right, you think I was going to let her leave with you after what you did? That's really funny." Natasha chugged the rest of her champagne down. Y/N winced at what she said.
"Guys please."
"Does that matter? Y/N is coming whether you like it or not." Bruce said setting his fork down. Diana nodded in agreement.
"I don't have to anything. Just know I'm not going down without a fight?"
"You people are so petty and tiny." Thor laughed using his fingers to indicate how small they were.
"If Y/N doesn't want to leave she isn't going to leave. it's her decision." Steve sat forward in his seat. They were getting louder by the minute.
"She isn't going, you weaklings," Loki growled sitting forward in his seat as well, not taking eyes off Arthur. Both Clark and Bucky held an intense stare.
"We should go few rounds." Tony stood up and so did Bruce.
"Let's do it then Stark."
Y/N chugged down the rest of the champagne. "Stop." The argument between them grew louder. "Stop!" Y/N stood up placing her hands on the table, no one noticed.
She slammed her hands against the table. "STOP! JUST STOP IT!" Everyone stared at her in shock.
"ENOUGH WITH THIS! I brought you altogether because I wanted support. I needed support."Y/N gritted through her teeth, tears welling in her eyes. "The one time I step out, you all can't even put your petty egos aside. I don't care who I'm staying with and I don't fucking know why it's an argument. I just wanted it to be a normal night."
Y/N lips trembled as she cried, "I can't hold on to this no longer. I was pregnant before I left Clark. I lost the baby. I lost it the day I went to find out the gender." Clark squeezed his eyes closed, his heart broke hearing the news. "And I hate myself so much for even letting myself stress so much that I lost it. When it happened I was alone. I didn't have you, Bruce, or Diana. I didn't have no one. I came to New York heartbroken."
She looked at the Avengers, they held a sad face. Natasha's cheeks were coated with tears."You guys mended my broken heart. You made me feel welcome and I don't know how I could ever repay you." Y/N wiped her tears.
"But I can't deal with this between all of you. I'm leaving so you can have your big ego contest."
She slid the chair back, walking to the elevator. "Y/N!" Bucky called for her but she ignored him. "Shit!" Clark curses under his breath getting up from the chair. Tony shook his head at him.
"Leave her be Clark. She probably went up to the roof or to the park for fresh air."
Y/N sat in the chair at the airport. She was only going out of the country for a couple of days just to clear her mind. Bruce and Tony have been blowing up her phone none stop. She was tired and waiting on her flight to be called. "Ugh, I'm so tired." She mumbled rubbing her temple. She got up going to the bathroom.
It was oddly quiet until she heard panicked screams. "What?" She murmured looking over her shoulder. Parademons were everywhere. Y/N scrambled to grab her phone trying to be quiet. She slid down the wall, covering her mouth trying to contain her breathing so she wouldn't be heard. The vibration from her phone caught one of their attention and she didn't know.
Still scrambling, Y/N declined the call somehow. She knew she was fucked, tears raced down her melanin cheeks as she held her breath. The parademons appeared beside Y/N, one inspected making sure she was the right one. It snatched Y/N up and she screamed.
The two teams were either sitting around or cleaning up. Clark stood in front of the wet dishes drying them off while Bucky cleaned them. He froze hearing Y/N scream in his ears. Diana noticed and instantly spoke up.
"What is Clark? What's wrong?"
"Y/N's been kidnapped."
Omg, I feel like this is so weird😂😂😂. I am going to make a part 2 I just gotta think about how it's going to go. I have a busy weekend ahead so I won't update until Monday.
Yk i had to make Y/N damsel in distress 😉. Clark is her lover but Bucky does like her. This is kinda a part 2 of Vacation. I love Marvel and DC so why not put them together 😁!
I hope you guys enjoyed this weird post even though the title has nothing to do with the plot of the story, I just couldn't think of anything 😂😂.
Stay slutty my friends 💜
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Green Thumb
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Part 22
Request: Yes or No
The outro for Endgame was real nice especially with all the Avenger actors at the end.
"We could always go back to Wakanda. Get a nice farm." Bucky said, shrugging lightly. You smiled softly.
"You haven't even taken me out yet." You crossed your arms, looking at him. Bucky grinned, metal hand going to your waist.
"Alright.. We're should I take you? A nice restaurant?"
"Surprise me, Ocean Eyes." You answered, grin widening. Buckys' brows raised slightly at the nickname, humming softly.
"Would it be too soon to..?" Bucky trailed off, head tilting with a playful expression. You placed a hand on the back of his head, pulling him close and kissing him. Buckys' froze, skin flushing. You giggled, pulling back and seeing his red cheeks. Bucky cleared his throat, shaking his head.
"What? Surprised?" You tilted your head. Bucky leaned forward, pressing his lips against yours and pulling you close. You heard whistles and chuckles, turning your head to look at Sam and Steve. Steve gave you a smile and a nod. You glanced down at the flowers that had bloomed at your feet, a small giggle leaving you.
"Hands to yourself, Barnes!" Sam called, arms crossing as he and Steve approached you and Bucky. Steve gave him a smile.
"Don't do anything stupid till I get back."
"How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you." Bucky replied, smiling. He gave his best friend a hug, patting his shoulder.
"Keep an eye on him, will ya?" Steve shot you a wink. You chuckled, nodding.
"No worries. I'll keep them both out of trouble until you get back. I promise." You smiled softly. You glanced at Bucky, noticing the sad look in his eyes. You looked back at Steve as he climbed on the platform.
"Bucky, is he..?" You looked at Bucky with furrowed brows. Bucky stayed silent, nodding. Your lips parted, placing a hand on his arm.
"Oh." You made eye contact with Steve before he disappeared. Bruce looked over the controls when Steve didn't return.
"Where is he?" Sam asked, glancing at Bruce.
"I don't know. He blew right by his time stamp." Bruce told him. Bucky let out a soft sigh, giving you a forced smile.
"Come on." You turned around with him, noticing a man sitting on a bench. Bucky noticed him too, squinting slightly as Sam and Bruce bickered.
"Sam." Bucky called, getting his attention. Sam looked over, approaching you and Bucky. His gaze landed on the man. You walked forward with the two, stopping some feet away.
"Go ahead." Bucky said softly, looking at Sam. It seemed like he had already made his peace with it. You gently rested your head against his shoulder as Sam walked forward. Sam and Steve quietly chatted before Steve handed the shield over to him. A smile spread across your face. Sam looked back at Bucky and got a nod in return. Sam picked it up, sliding it on his arm.
"He deserves it." You said quietly, watching them with a soft gaze. You looked at your phone, licking your lips.
"I actually have to go. Wanda wants me to go with her somewhere." You told Bucky, leaning up and kissing his cheek.
"Let me know about that date." You patted his shoulder. Bucky smiled, nodding.
"Will do, tiger." You chuckled at the nickname, walking away. You headed towards the facility, seeing Wanda waiting in a car. You went into a job, approaching the car and getting in.
"Hey." You breathed out, reaching over and hugging her. Wanda returned it, sighing. The hug lasted for a while before Wanda pulled back, sniffling.
"Sorry, I'm.." She shook her head, wiping away her tears with the sleeve of her cardigan.
"It's okay, Wanda. I cried like a baby for 5 years and sometimes I still cry." You told her with a small smile. Wanda let out a soft chuckle.
"When does it get better?" She asked quietly, looking at you with watery eyes. You hummed, putting on your seatbelt.
"I'll let you know when it does." You replied. Truth be told, you expected the emptiness to go away once everyone had returned but it lingered, always weighting down on your chest. Wanda put the car on drive and drove away from the facility. You listened to the soft song playing on the radio.
"So.. Where exactly are we going?" You asked, turning your head to look at her. Wanda bit her bottom lip, staring forward.
"To get Visions body." She glanced at you. Your brows furrowed, head tilting.
"I thought Tony had him retrieved from Wakanda." You said, straightening up. Wandas' jaw clenched, head shaking.
"No, well, I don't know. I want him to have a proper funeral. Like Stark did. Natasha deserves one too, even if the casket is empty." Wanda said. You nodded, staring at the road ahead. All Natasha had gotten were some tears and a bench thrown into the sky.
"Yeah, I agree." You mumbled, sighing.
"Wanda, I'm.. I'm sorry. I should've made sure that his body-"
"I don't blame you. You lost me, Sam, Bucky, and your family all at once. I wouldn't have been able to handle it like you." Wanda said, glancing at you with a small smile. You gently reached out, touching her cheek. Wanda let out a shakey sigh, leaning into your touch.
"The organization is called S.W.O.R.D. I don't know what they want with him but whatever it is.. They don't need him. He needs to be put to rest." Wanda said softly.
"I know, Wanda. We'll find a way to do it." You gave her a reassuring smile. Wanda returned it with a weak smile of her own. You looked down at the root bracelets, sighing softly.
"You don't have to put on an act for me." Wanda said softly. "I've known you long enough to know when you force smiles and try to be.. Happy. Sam notices it too."
"Maybe the fake happiness will morph into real happiness." You mumbled.
"What is grief, if not love persevering? Vis said that to me once while I.. While I was still dealing with Pietro passing." Wanda told you gently. You smiled softly.
"I miss him." You whispered, sighing. You noticed a building up ahead, straightening up. Wanda parked and got out of the war, the saddness replaced with determination. You followed her, entering the building. Your gaze flickered up to the videos of families being reunited after the blip.
"Wanda, slow down." You quickly sped up, matching her pace. Wanda approached the front desk.
"I need Visions body."
"I'm sorry, ma'am, I can't allow you to-"
"Please, I need his body." Wanda stared at the man in desperation. You placed a gentle hand on her back.
"I'm sorry-"
"When I came back.. He was gone. His body.. And I know he's here. He deserves a funeral, at the very least. I deserve it." You could feel Wanda tense under your hand. The man sighed before answering a call. Your gaze trailed upward, noticing a security camera. You gently drummed your fingers, getting Wandas' attention. She stared straight at the camera with a deathly glare.
"Alright.." The man put the phone down, looking at you and the redhead.
"Through the doors, down the hall, two lefts and a right." The man said. Wanda nodded, walking towards the doors.
"One minute, sir, you can't go in with her. Ma'am let me buzz you in-"
"He comes with me." Wanda called back, opening the doors with her powers. You gave the man a small shrug, following your friend. You ignored the glances from the workers, mumbling the directions under your breath. Wanda stopped infront of a door. You heard it beep, watching Wanda throw it open.
"Wanda Maximoff, (Y/N) Barton.. It's an honour to meet you." A man stood up, walking around the table.
"I'm Director Hayward." Hayward introduced himself. You were wiring, brows furrowing as you turned your head towards the glass. Hayward noticed, clearing his throat and walking towards a glass door. He opened it, letting you and Wanda through. Your gaze flickered to what was below. At first, you were confused at the mess of wires until it clicked. Your brows relaxed, a breath leaving you.
"Oh." You whispered, earning a confused look from Wanda. She took a closer look, realization slowly washing over her. A soft grunt left you, staring at Visions' head. The person you onced called a friend was laying below you, dismembered and being torn apart.
"Stop.. Stop.." Wanda whispered, hands pressing against the glass. She whipped around to look at Hayward.
"Why are you doing this to him?"
"We're dismantling a weapon."
"Visions not a weapon. He couldn't hurt a fly." You muttered, looking at Hayward with a glare.
"You can't do this to him!" Wanda said with teary eyes.
"We're in our legal and ethical obligation-"
"I just want to bury him." Wanda breathed out. "That's it."
"Are you sure?"
"Excuse me?" You and Wanda said simultaneously. Hayward cleared his throat.
"Not everyone has the power that could bring her soulmate back online." Hayward explained. "Forgive me.. Back to life." He corrected himself.
"I can't do that." Wanda stared at him. "It's not why I'm here."
"Okay, but I can't let you take 3 billion dollars worth of vibranium just to put it in the ground."
"Vision's not an 'it', asshole." You huffed, eyeing him.
"Sorry.. The best I can let you do is say goodbye to him here." Hayward said.
"He isn't yours, Wanda." Wanda stayed silent, jaw clenching. Her fingers touched the glass, staring down at Vision before making the glass explode. Hayward ducked, covering his face from the glass. Wanda lowered herself down into the room as guards entered. You turned your head to look at Hayward.
"You'd make Stark disappointed." You mumbled, looking back down. You used the air in the room to safely drop down into the room as Hayward called off his men. Wanda slowly approached Visions' body, looking him over. She hovered her hand over his head, a soft whimper leaving her.
"I can't feel you.." She whispered, a tear sliding down her cheek. She placed her hand on his head, sighing softly. She turned towards you, sniffling. You wrapped an arm around her, walking towards the exit.
"I couldn't.. He wasn't there." She choked out, sobbing softly. You rubbed her arm, gently taking the car keys from her. Wanda sniffled as you walked towards the car. She went around towards the passenger seat, getting in. She stared up at the car roof, brows furrowing when she noticed a paper sticking. She pulled down the sun blocker, opening up the paper.
"What is it?" You asked softly, turning the car on and reversing out of the parking spot.
"A plan.. Vision wanted us to move and start over." Wanda said softly. You frowned, gaze softening.
"You can stop by the facility. I have somewhere else to go." Wanda said, glancing at you.
"Are you sure you want to be alone, Wanda?" You asked gently. Wanda nodded, letting out a dry chuckle.
"Wouldn't be anything new." You sighed softly. The drive back was silent but you didn't mind. Wanda needed space and time to deal with everything. You parked the car and got out, looking at her.
"I'll be in touch. We don't have to talk just.. Let me know you're okay and I'll leave it." You told her. Wanda nodded, arms gently wrapping around you. You hugged her back, sighing softly.
"Stay safe." You whispered.
"You too." Wanda pulled back, giving you a small smile before getting in the car. You watched her drive away, sighing softly.
"You alright?" You turned your head, seeing Sam. You smiled softly, nodding.
"Why wouldn't I be?" You stared at Sam. His features soften, brows raising in question. You could feel your eyes begin to water.
"He didn't look like Vision." You whispered, voice threatening to crack as you sniffled. Sam frowned, arms gently wrapping around you.
"Vision was nothing but a sweetheart. He didn't deserve it."
"I know, I know.." Sam gently stroked your hair, letting you cry into his chest.
"I'm sorry you've had to go through these past few years alone. I owe you one for taking care of Sarah and the boys." Sam said softly. You leaned back slightly, looking up at him.
"I couldn't leave her in the dark."
"Which is why I'm thankful." Sam gave you a gentle smile, thumb gently wiping away a tear.
"I missed you, Sam." You whispered, head resting on his shoulder. Sam rubbed your back, letting out a heavy sigh.
"I'm here now and I'm not going away. No matter how much Bucky complains. I have no issue thirdwheeling to annoy the fuck out of him." Sam said, grinning. You smiled, chuckling softly as you stepped back.
"Do.. Do you really like him?" Sam asked softly.
"I want to get to know him. He has a past and.. So do I. I don't know everything about myself so.. Our relationship will always be a work in progress while we heal and learn." You told him.
"You could always be with someone who doesn't have that much baggage."
"Like you?"
Tags: @geek-and-proud @wolfelocksley @babyvisionisamenace @jjk-is-my-shit
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iamknicole · 4 years
Bloodline Family Series
Everybody that knew Rich knew what he did, they also knew that he kept a legit job too. He liked cutting hair and Slim's uncle needed a barber so when the two started college they both started working in his shop. After two years of working there, the guys that worked there knew not to play with either friend and they knew Slim was the nicest of the two.
"Aye man, how many heads you cut today?"
Rich at in his chair twisting back and forth, thinking before he answered the barber next to him, Jamal. Rich didn't really care for him but he put up with him because Jamal hadn't crossed him. Yet. He would cross the line eventually and Rich would be there waiting.
"Like 10 or 12," he shrugged.
"Damn, you must be good." Jamal laughed cutting the guy's head in his chair
"Mmhm, something like that."
Slim laughed to himself. Jamal was trying to be friendly with Rich, he wanted to be friends but Slim knew his best friend didn't like him.
"Say man, you comin' out tonight or you got something planned with ya lady?" Slim asked from across the shop.
Before Rich could answer, Jamal butted in. "You got a girl?"
"Yeah, I do. Why?" Rich asked glancing at him.
"No reason," Jamal shrugged finishing the haircut, "I just didn't think you did. With all these bitches after you, if I was you I'd have wifey and a few hoes. Shit, you prolly do."
The other barbers and a few of the patrons laughed at the suggestion.
"That's a faithful young man right there, son. Just him and his lady," an older gentleman interjected.
Jamal snorted as he slapped hands with his customer. "Shiiiit, like I said if I was him, I'd have a plethora."
Rich smirked and glanced at him, "But you ain't me so just worry about yaself."
A few hours later, Rich was cutting hair and the door to shop opened jingling the bell at the top of the door. Queenie walked in with Apryl and Kandice. A few spoke to them but they didn't put too much of their attention on them.
"What's goin on, Queenpin?" Slim asked going to hug her, her sister and cousin.
"Hey, Slim," Queenie smiled. She went over to kiss Rich, who wrapped his free arm around her and grabbed her butt. "Hey, baby. The girls came to see me and wanted to see you."
Rich smiled at them, "What's up, ladies? How long yall in town for?'
"Till Monday. Our parents went on a trip and shipped us off here," Apryl shrugged going to hug him.
Kandice scoffed playfully, "No, you got shipped off and i got guilt tripped."
Rich hugged then both and laughed.
"Either way, it's good to see yall. What yall about to do?' He asked going back to the haircut.
Queenie smiled, "Well, we were about to go eat and probably go to the mall."
"And you came to the ATM," he joked, "What if I told you it was closed?"
"Then is just rob it," she laughed.
"Uhuh," he mumbled playfully, "Go on back there and look in my bag. Yall go with her, yall know she don't share shit."
As the three of them headed for the backroom of the barbershop, Jamal came out checking each of them out as he passed them. Slim noticed and a laugh escaped him, he sat down in his chair ready to watch the fireworks. Going back to his own chair, Jamal to a seat with a wide smile on his face.
"Who was that?"
"Who was who? I ain't see nobody," Tony, another barber said quickly.
Jamal laughed, "Come on now, yall seen them fine ass women just walk through here."
Rich finished the haircut and slapped hands with his customer. He turned to his station to clean his things ignoring his co-worker.
"So yall just gon ignore me? I'm saying though, they was fine."
"16 will get you 20, my man." Tony told him quickly.
Jamal nodded, "I mean shit I won't tell if they won't. Wait ... which one of them is 16? Not that it matters."
"It should matter though," Rich added.
"Why? They ain't tellin."
Strike one, Rich thought to himself
The girls came from the back and over to Rich. Kandice and Apryl hugged him before going to wait by the door. While Queenie was telling Rich bye, Jamal approached them.
"I'm tellin you, man. Don't do that," Slim laughed tossing a few sunflower seeds in his mouth.
Jamal waved him off and grabbed Kandice's hand. "What's up, beautiful? I'm Jamal. What's your name?"
Kandice snatched her hand back from him with a frown on her face. "16," she said backing up.
"I'm not worried, it's all good. You should let me take you out."
Strike two, Rich thought to himself
By this time, Slim was in his chair dying of laughter. It was always fun to him when people tried Rich and even funnier when they had no idea.
"We're 16, we don't want you," Apryl told him, "Now move. Queenie, we goin to the car."
The two girls walked out going to her car. Queenie rolled her eyes, telling her boyfriend she'd see him at his apartment. The two of them embrace and kissed one more time. She hugged Slim one more time before leaving the barbershop. As she left though, Jamal's eyes were on her and Rich's were on him.
"Aye, you got a eye problem or somethin?"
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"My bad, I was just looking, Rich." Jamal laughed as he sat in his chair.
"I asked you a question," Rich said setting his tools down, "You got a eye problem?"
"You serious man? I was lookin, no law against that. Ain't like I said she had a fat ass or something, I kept that to myself. But shit we all know its there."
Strike three, Rich thought to himself.
"I been lettin you slide since you got here a few months ago, a few times I should've said something to you but it wasn't my business," Rich told him calmly.
Jamal looked at his co-worker and laughed. He figured since Slim was laughing then it must've been a joke.
"Its just a few bitches, you can really be mad about that."
"A few bitches," Rich repeated with a sarcastic laugh, "Its clear you don't like your life."
Jamal opened his mouth to say something but Rich punched him out his chair. He didn't got a chance to fight back, Rich was on him pouncing him then jacked him up off the floor, forcing him to a wall holding him there with his firearm in his throat.
"Slim," Rich called out, "Bring me them shears."
Slim hopped up with a smile on his face to get the sharpest shears he had taking them to his best friend. The other men in the shop put their focus everywhere but on what was currently happening. Rich took the shears and held them at Jamal's eyes as he tried to get away.
"Be ya scary ass still," Rich huffed, "You approached my lil sister and lil cousin after Tony and them told you not to, you touched them after they told you no and then you thought to say some disrespectful shit about my lady. Gimmie one reason why I shouldn't pluck both eyes out."
Jamal was sweating and panicking.
"Look, I'm sorry! I ain't know!"
"Bullshit," Slim called out laughing. "Ya ass just don't listen. That's ya problem!"
Rich opened the shears and moved it under his eyes pressing it into his skin as he shook and struggled.
"Be ya ass still, I told you that shit already," Rich growled in a low tone. 'It'll only hurt for a second."
Pushing the shears into his skin, Rich sliced into his skin making a long cut under Jamal's left eye. Jamal screamed out in pain which went ignored by every other person in the shop except Slim. When he was done, Rich handed Slim the shears and stepped back.
"Did we learn a lesson?" He asked.
Jamal held his hand to his face, tears pooling in his eyes from the pain. A few moments later, Rich looked down at his feet and stepped back in disgust.
"Ah shit, you pissed yaself, man? Talk all that shit about bitches but here you are actin like one." Rich taunted. "Go get a mop and clean this shit up then you should take the rest of day off and get that checked out. We got ya cuts till tomorrow."
Jamal looked up at him horrified.
"Did I say something you ain't understand? Lemme say it simpler for you," Rich shrugged, "Clean this up, go to the hospital, go home and bring ya ass back tomorrow. Don't come back tomorrow and see what happens. And stop crying be grateful i let you keep ya eyes."
Rich turned away from him and went back to his station to finish cleaning his tools. Slim continued to taunt Jamal a little while longer until he got the mop like Rich told him to and the barbershop went back to normal just like that.
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tolkien-reader · 4 years
I got you. Sweetpea/OC
Hi! Here's another dark one shot w/ Sweetpea from Riverdale. It involves sensitive content, such as mentions of abuse and it's a long one, so please enjoy and don't read if your easily triggered by this type of thing.
My OC comes face to face with her abuser after 12 years and doesn't handle the situation, at all. She's kept the secret from everybody, including Sweetpea. But she no longer has the strength to keep it from him, so the truth comes out, pulling them closer than ever.
I saw him, for the first time since I was 12 years old. My heart sank to my stomach and then started beating so fast, that it made my head spin.
My whole body froze in place, unable to move from the fear I thought I got over. I thought I was over it- but somehow I knew that maybe, if and when, I finally saw him again, It would all come rushing back.. and it did.
It hit me so hard, that my stomach twisted in knots, making me feel so nauseated, that I tried desperately not to throw up the burger I had earlier, so I didn't talk. I instead tried desperately to get my friend Jen, to notice my fear and get me walking out the door, but she was too preoccupied with waiting for her turn in line.
I just gulped down the lump that was in my throat, he then finally noticed me. His dark eyes looked at my figure, and I thought for a second that he didn't have the heart to come and talk to me- but of course; he had no heart. How could he after what he did to me? Ripping away my innocence without so much of a second thought.
I suddenly wished Sweetpea would walk in, but how can I be so stupid and tell him that I would meet up with him after me and Jen finished at the convenience store.
"Y/N, wow, it's good to see you after all these years-" Jen finally noticed him after he spoke up, my eyes looked up at him and I let out a shaky breathe, and my fists balled up, the voice that haunted my dreams for years, finally  spoke up and he smiled menacingly, and continued, "- I didn't think i'd see you again after me and your aunt broke up. You've grown up, haven't you."
Jen, suddenly stepped infront of me, blocking his view of me, and I finally felt like I can move. "Get away from her, you sick fuck!" She exclaimed, making everyone turn their eyes to us. But I didn't care as I immediately bolted out the door, not being able to hold in my puke anymore, and ran till I got as far away as I can, till the burger I ate earlier came flying out of my mouth.
I stood up and tried so hard to get myself to stop shaking, and tears started pooling out of my eyes. "Hey, y/n! Sweetpea said you two would be here." Fangs, walked up to me and with a smile- but it immediately went down when he noticed my face. "What happened?" He asked.
"Y/N! Everything's gonna be okay." Jen threw her arms around me, but I couldn't take feeling smothered, so I pushed her off me.
"Don't! Please- I'm sorry." I said, backing up a little.
"Okay, I'm sorry." She said, understanding how I must be feeling. She's the only one who knows what happened to me. I never told anyone else. Not even Sweetpea. I was scared to tell him. Scared of what he'll do. He's already so protective of me, that he might try do something stupid and heroic, that may take him away from me forever. He'd lose his mind, if he ever found out.
"Y/N. Jen. What's the hells going on?" Fangs asked again, getting worried about me.
"Nothing. Let's just go, Sweetpea must be waiting for us." I said walking away, not letting him ask again.
I was walking up ahead, trying so hard to get myself to calm down before I got to Sweetpea, otherwise he'd see right through me and know there was something wrong, I heard Fangs and Jen whispering behind me. Fangs was trying to get Jen to tell him what happened.
"Its not mine to tell, Fangs. So drop it." She stated, he sighed letting it go.
I round the corner to the white worm and my eyes connected with Sweetpea's. Of course he was waiting outside for me.
I thought I had pushed it down, I thought I was okay again, but seeing Sweetpea, I felt all of it again and couldn't hide it from him anymore. I started hyperventilating and tears started forming in my eyes and my legs felt like jelly- almost giving up on me.
His eyes lit up when he saw me- but changed to concern as he immediately jumped toward me, catching me before I fell to the ground.
"Y/N! Hey!"
I broke down in his arms, burying my face into his chest. "Shit- baby! What happened?!" He said as I held onto him for dear life, because I needed to feel safe again, he made me feel safe, wrapped up in his big arms. "I got you. I got you." He muttered, while holding me close.
We were sitting at the bar, after I calmed down and then Sweetpea brought me inside and sat me down, waiting for me to give him some answers, I was sitting and wondering how can I even begin to tell him?
He was pacing in front of me, patiently waiting for me. "Y/N. You need to give me something. I'm freaking out over here." Toni walked up and pour a shot into my glass.
"Here. Maybe this'll help." She said, offering me a shot of tequila. I immediately downed it and sighed.
It was a quiet afternoon, so there wasn't many people in the bar. So I figured, I might as well get this over with now and I finally looked at him and he stopped pacing to stand in front of me, knowing I was finally ready to talk.
"...I saw someone-" I began, looking up and away from his eyes, and continued, "-from my past. Someone who-" I paused again, my voice breaking. "- Did something to me, when I was a kid." I finally confessed my deepest darkest secret to the love of my life.
His eyes went dark, and his fist clenched, hearing my confession. "...what?" He whispered to me. "Where?" He said, I finally locked eyes with him, and had a look of worry as I Immediately said "That doesn't matter, pea." He, then lost it and turned around as his fist collided with a pole, not being able to contain his anger and he looked back at me.
"Where is he? I'll fucking kill him, y/n!" He yelled and I flinched- then his face went soft when he saw how scared I got, I wasn't scared of him though, I was used to him getting unnecessarily angry at things. I was just still jumpy from the encounter I had with my abuser.
He closed his eyes and sighed to calm himself down and then he took a couple steps toward me to close the gap between us, putting his hands on each side of my face.
I looked up at him and trying not to break down again.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, his own voice breaking.
I shrugged my shoulders. "The same reason, I was scared to tell my dad. I was scared of what you might do, Pea- I mean, you get angry when a guy looks at me the wrong way." He shook his head, angrily and his hands left my face. I stood up from the stool and kept the close distance between us. "You're already threatened to kill him, Pea!" I yelled at him.
"Yeah, cause he hurt you, y/n!" He yelled back, I  sighed in defeat, our eyes never leaving each other's.  Fangs, Jen, and Toni stayed silent, watching our intense moment unfold.
"...Look at you." He began, "Look how fucking perfect you are. How can anyone want to hurt you.-" He said, tears threatening to leave his eyes, I finally let myself cry, he loved me so much. "-Everytime I think about it, it makes my blood boil." He spat out. "You should've fucking told me, Y/N. You should've fucking told me."
I was a closed book, I always have been. It was hard for Sweetpea to get me to open up about things- I mean he thought he was hard to trust, but he was wrong. He never thought he would meet a person so closed off- let alone to fall in love with one; until he met me. It took him along time to finally break through my hard exterior shell that I had around me, and now he understood why.
"I know. I'm sorry- I just thought it would cause more harm than good... so, I kept it to myself." I said, he got angry all over again.
"...Why do you insist on hurting by yourself, y/n? I want you to fucking tell me things! Even if you think I'll get angry-" He stepped closer, to make me look up at him "- You don't have to go though things by yourself anymore, baby, because I'm right here and I ain't going nowhere."
I broke down, and then buried my head into his chest, he's right, I wasn't alone anymore and he made damn sure that I knew that. I felt him slowly wrapped his arms around me, while he kissed my forehead softly.
"I love you, Pea-" I muttered into his chest and looked up at him, "-I'll try to be more honest with you about things from now on, Okay? I promise."
He, then leaned down and captured my lips with his and held his forehead against mine, our eyes holding each other's loving gaze and he nodded.
"You better. Because your past is my past and your secrets are my secrets. It's us, y/n. Against the whole fucking world."
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!
I own nothing but my OC.
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queenofslytherin71 · 7 years
You're my home now
Chapter 4: Flashbacks.
Pairing: Bucky x mermaid reader.
Summary: Bucky Barnes discovers a beautiful stranger passed out on the beach. ( I suck at summaries.)
Word count: 2014
Warnings: None that I can think of.
A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long. There's still two chapters left after this one. Enjoy.
Bucky sat at the counter, opposite Steve, both drinking their coffee. Bucky must've been on his seventh cup that morning. Bucky has been like this since he last spoke to you. Grumpy and annoyed. If only he could build up the courage to speak to you, make it all right. He hated not being around you and not seeing you smile. Whenever you walked into a room he was in, you'd avoid his gaze or just leave.
"You need to go talk to her Buck," Steve said.Bucky ignored Steve. Steve placed his mug in front of him and sighed.
"You can keep ignoring me, but you and I both know you're the one who made a mistake. This separation between the two of you are not doing you or Y/N any good."Bucky rubbed his face.
"I know Steve. It's just I don't think I can make this right. You should've seen how she looked at me. God I'd do anything to make it all okay again." Steve noticed the sadness in his best friend's eyes.
"Then go tell her."
"Tell her what?"
"Oh come on Buck. You're in love with her and it looks to me that she feels the same way. She's not going to wait for you forever you know."
"What if she doesn't want to see me? You know how stubborn she can be."
"Please. She can't be more stubborn than you." Bucky rolled his eyes, before he stood up from his chair and left the kitchen.
"Y/N's in the training room!" Steve yelled.
"Thanks!" Bucky called back, changing his direction.
"Come on Y/N it's been two weeks," Natasha said holding the punching bag still."Go talk to Barnes, he's been really sour lately," Natasha added.
"No. It's better this way. He obviously doesn't want to be more than friends." You replied as you slammed your fists into the punching bag.
"But what about the almost kiss? That must've meant something huh?"
"That was just a spur of the moment thing."
"Yeah right." Natasha snorted.
You stood still as a blinding pain shot through your head, making you almost fall over. Your eyes closed. You were in the water again. The place felt so familiar, but you couldn't place it. A school of colorful fish swim past you. You turned your head in the direction they swam and saw a silhouette of an even bigger fish swimming towards you. You heard the feint sound of your name.
"Y/N!" Natasha yelled. You opened your eyes and saw Natasha standing in front of you holding your shoulders tightly, looking very worried.
"Are you okay?" She lowered her arms to her side.
"I think so. I need to tell you something." You filled her in about the strange flashes with the headaches you've been having since your fight with the HYDRA agent two weeks ago.
After you told her everything you've seen, she was silent, thinking about what you said.
"I think this stuff you've been seeing could be flashbacks from your life before. You say you're in the water right? The ocean to be exact and Barnes found you on a beach. Maybe your memory is returning slowly?"
"I don't know Nat, it's so frustrating and don't let me even talk about the headaches. If feels like my skull is splitting in half," you said as you rubbed your temples.
"We'll figure it out Y/N. You want to continue with training?"
"You sure?" Natasha said eyeing you warily.
"Uh huh, just need some water first." You walked over to the bench in the corner of the training room and took your bottled water, hastily pouring the water down your throat. Natasha climbed into the sparring ring.
"Wow. You are thirsty."
"You have no idea," you said after you gulped the bit of water that was left. You felt very light headed as you walked over to the sparring ring. The pain returned to your head and shot throughout your whole body. You crumpled to the floor crying in agony. Natasha jumped out of the sparring ring to your side.
"Y/N! Y/N!" She yelled as she shook you. Seconds later Bucky came into the training room and saw you on the floor. He immediately ran to your side.
"What happened?" Bucky demanded from Natasha as he tried to calm you down by holding your head in his lap.
"I don't know. She earlier said something about a headache, but this looks like something else."
"Just make it stop... Please make it stop. It hurts," you begged between sobs.
"We need to get her to Bruce," Bucky said as you thrashed in his grip.
"It's okay Y/N. It's okay. Hold on." Bucky whispered. His voice sounded almost broken. You stopped thrashing as your vision blurred and the pain in your body began to make you numb. You passed out, but you vaguely remember someone lifting you up.
You were in the water and this time it finally made sense as the information of your past rushed into your head. It didn't help that it came along with excruciating pain, but you finally understood as you looked down at the bright blue tail where your legs once was.You're a mermaid. You felt like you belonged there. The ocean was so colorful and majestic. Everywhere you looked there was pink and orange coloured coral or a school of purple and green fish swimming past you. You once again saw something big swim towards you. At first you thought it was a big fish, but as it got closer you realized it was another mermaid. A much older one in fact. She had long grey hair and grey eyes that was filed with wisdom. Her friendly face you could see that was once beautiful, was now full of wrinkles. The aged mermaid smiled at you.
"Who are you?" You asked.
"Come back to us. Answer the calling." Her voice was smooth and flawless. The image of her was fading.
"What? No. Please help me."
"Answer the calling," her voice now a mere whisper as she disappeared.
"Bruce what's wrong with her? Why is she in so much pain?" Bucky asked worriedly as he pointed to your sleeping figure.
Bruce bit his lip as he stared at Bucky, Natasha, Steve and Tony that has all gathered in the lab.
"I got the results of Y/N's blood tests back a week ago and I've had my suspicious all along, but I wanted to make sure." Bruce pushed his spectacles back up his nose. The whole room was quiet in anticipation as they waited on Bruce to tell them.
"She's not human," he said flatly.
"What do you mean she's not human?" Tony asked.
"Well technically she's only half human."
"Half human, half what?" Bucky inquired.
"Half fish."
Everyone couldn't stop questioning Bruce about you, everyone except Tony. When he heard Bruce say half fish, his eyes widened with shock and realization. He quickly left the room.Bruce sighed.
"Everyone please relax. Let me explain. Y/N is known in mythology, as a mermaid. The last few months I noticed a change in her behaviour. She gets more dehydrated than any person I've seen which explains her big intake of water. When she's not in the water a lot, her body gets physically weak that's why is attracted to the pool so much. She's has regular human cells and also cells of a fish, but her fish cells have been more dominant over her human cells lately, causing her to go through pain and dehydration. She's in transition."
Bucky needed a moment to process all this information.
"It makes sense that you found her on the beach Barnes," Natasha said.
"Can we sedate her if she wakes up with pain again?" Bucky wondered.Bruce shook his head.
"I'm afraid not. It could disturb her transformation and just make the pain worse than it already is."
"Then what can we do?"
"Take me back," you said. Your voice was raw and scratchy. Everyone turned to see you awake. Bucky practically ran to your bedside.
"Doll how are you feeling?" He said as he tenderly ran his fingers through your hair.
"Weak." You smiled up at him and felt comfort in his blue eyes as you fingers toyed with the necklace around your neck.
"What can we do?" He whispered so only you can hear.
"You need to take me back to the ocean. I remember everything Bucky." Bucky looked up at Bruce and the others.
"So it's true?" You nodded.
"If I stay here I'll die. I've been out of the water far too long."
On the way to the beach you sat in Bucky's lap. The trip was short and silent. Bucky held you tightly against his chest, afraid that this might be the last time he'll ever see you again. When you arrived Bucky carried you in his arms in a bridal fashion towards the docks. Bruce and Natasha remained behind.
"I'm sorry Y/N." He whispered.
"What for?" You asked weakly. You took in a breath of fresh salty air.
"For not telling you how I felt about you that day. I was an idiot to shout at you. I know it's a little too late now, but you have to know that I love you Y/N even if this is the last time we'll ever see each other again."
You didn't answer. Bucky looked down and saw that your eyes were closed and your body still.
"Doll?" His eyes widened with fear.
"Y/N? Y/N!" He yelled as he tried to wake you. He slumped to the floor of the dock as he held you. Silent sobs racked his large frame. He whispered your name over and over again.
"Come back to me. Come back to me."
Then he did the only thing he could think. He picked you up again and walked till he reached the end of the docks. He gently placed your legs in the water as he held your middle tight. For a moment nothing happened, until he felt you stir in his grip. Your eyes fluttered open. You turned your head and saw Bucky as tears rolled down his face.
"Let me go Buck. It's okay." He didn't want to let go of you at first, but he hesitantly did. You slowly eased your entire body into the water.
After a few minutes you resurfaced. The dark circles under your eyes were gone, your skin was glowing. Your eyes were bright and full of life. You smiled up at a astonished Bucky. You raised your tail from the water for him to see.His eyes were full of wonder as he saw your tail. It was brilliantly blue and the sun shone down on your gills making it look more shinier than it already was. He was amazed at how swift and graceful you flipped your fins.
"Wow," was the only word that he could think of. You giggled. You swam towards the dock where he crouched. You raised yourself from the water and sat down beside him. He noticed the soft curve of your breast, hidden under your long hair that reached your waist. He tried to look away, but your beauty overwhelmed him.
"You're so beautiful." A blush crept along your cheeks.
"Bucky. I'm gonna have to leave for a while." He swallowed hard, knowing this was coming.
"When will you be back?" His deep voice was filled with hope.
"I don't know."
"But remember I will always come back to you," you said as you reached up to carress his scruffy cheek. He closed his eyes and leaned his face into your touch. He kissed your thumb before you pulled your hand back. You reached around your neck, taking off your necklace and placing it in his hand.
"I want you to hold on to it till I get back."
"Is that a promise?"
"It's a promise." You said before you dived into the water, leaving Bucky on the dock with your necklace clutched in his fist.
TAGLIST: @buckybear5 @yo-yo-bro-bro @elaacreditava @scarletthornrose @jmb959 @chameerah @effielumiere
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