#yes this is about tony stark
onpluton · 1 month
bubble tea vs. tony stark
peter: mr stark i have something for you to try
tony: yeah okay *takes the drink handed to him*
someone: wait i thought he didn’t like to be handed things
tony: hrrrk *tapioca pearls fall out of his mouth*
peter: mr stark! you’re supposed to chew those!
tony: did. did you just try to kill me? that’s it. you’re outta the will.
peter: it’s not my fault you- wait. i was in the will?
tony, lying down on the therapy couch: is this gonna keep happening? am i going to distrust every food or drink my kid gives me?
sam: *sips his bubble tea loudly*
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kayvsworld · 29 days
I wish there were mcu comics I wish there were comics but of the mcu. low stakes inter-movie 2012 avengers tower style shenanigans and I am NOT talking about avengers assemble the cartoon OR the tie in comics I am saying a series, an avengers series specifically of the avengers and they do avengers things and it's mcu but it's comics
what I am actually saying is that I wish there had been more avengers movies before aou where they did avengers things and were friends, an avengers 1.5, but this is a more unfixable problem
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st4rking · 1 year
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tfw you, as a mind reader, have to team up with a man who thinks too much
Slight spoilers in tags
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frenchublog · 2 years
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
Society if Cap 3 was Steve, Bucky, and Sam on a road trip, with flashbacks to Steve and Bucky's lives pre-war, and we actually got to meet Steve's mom
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fotibrit · 1 year
peter parker coming off anasthesia and being FAR too chatty + forgetting where he is and who he is in relation to Tony. so when his nurse pages tony stark to recovery, peter goes wide eyed and is like “ HES CONUNG BACK HERE? CAN I MEET HIM?” (tony is standing outside the privacy curtain and can hear the whole thing)
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teddytheartist · 4 months
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Harley arriving in New York for the summer ~
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tonyglowheart · 8 months
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` ☆ Sancte Antoni, * °○ `
' ○° ` ora pro nobis. ' ☆ *
、 ' * Saint Anthony, ' • ○° * `
' ○ ° ` ☆ • pray for us. ☆ ° ` ○*
HELLO everyone please look at this beautiful amazing fantastic glorious art I commissioned from @tratshka ✨️ I handed them a concept and some vibes and boy did they deliver on The Vision~☆`°`
.. I'm gonna get this framed lmao
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harleyification · 2 years
Can I talk about Avatar for a second?? Lemme talk about ATLA/ALoK for a second.
Like, so, I have many, many...many....grievances and hangups about A:LoK. I have tried to watch it twice, and while the first season is okay, the second season made me so mad that I dropped it. Twice. I have not watched the third season or got to see Gays In Action in 4k, because I was that disappointed.
I remember a hell of a lot about ATLA...but I can barely remember anything about Korra. That’s mostly due to my disappointment, but the fact remains that I barely remember the show, after watching it twice, and it’s the latest installment. That being said, I remember one thing that stuck out to me most....
I am so, SO disappointed that they really just!! Made up this AMAZING concept of an Avatar counter-spirit, and they were just like!! “Oh yeah, his concepts are chaos and darkness, he’s EVIL, dudes.”
The one thing in the world that could possibly rival one as strong as the Avatar, would have been Another Avatar. They could’ve done something amazing with that!! They could finally have a balancing act!! A great leadup to this bigger enemy, with a twist at the end - like how ATLA did it with Ozai, with Aang refusing to kill him and instead taking away his bending!! The outcome wasn’t expected, but it still led to the same ending, with a better meaning behind it because it didn’t force Aang outside of his boundaries!! But...LoK didn’t have that. It was “Here’s this sketchy guy, we all Know he’s sketchy, but LOOK, THE TWIST IS THAT HE’S SKETCHY!! BUT ON A MORE EXTREME LEVEL!! Haha!!”
The only thing that LoK managed to twist was the lore of the world, by expanding on the Avatar, how it came to be, and by introducing a spirit of EQUAL POWER to the Avatar. I love Wan’s and Raava’s story, that isn’t my problem with this twist. My problem lies in the fact that Vaatu was merely made to be the Evil Avatar Spirit, in a world where balance and equality mean everything. I think Vaatu being the spirit of Chaos and Darkness would’ve been so cool to explore, if the creators had time to explore him - because Chaos and Darkness aren’t evil, they’re nature. What is morality anyway to a spirit?? Why make an Evil Spirit?? Why not explore WHY Vaatu is the way he is rather than say he just is??
Does that mean that Tui and La are merely good and evil, then?? They’re supposed to represent Yin and Yang, quite literally. Is Tui, the moon, evil simply because they can only thrive in the darkness?? Is La evil, because the sea is unrestrained and takes innocent lives, being a chaotic force?? Shouldn’t Tui and La be CLOSE, or at least GRATEFUL to Vaatu for giving them the darkness they need to remain balanced?? I don’t know too much else about the spirit gods in Avatar, so idk if there’s a Spirit of the Night, but my point still stands - the moon can’t prosper without darkness, and the ocean needs the moon. How can that be constrained to an idea as simple as “evil”??
Was La in the wrong or the in the right for destroying those fire nation ships, for taking control of Aang, for taking Zuko’s crew away from him after their other half died??
I just think that the world of ATLA/ALoK would have been so much better if Vaatu wasn’t just...Evil Bad Guy Spirit. The balancing act would’ve been restored if there are two Avatars (and Raava should be seen as something that can become Too Much - too much light, too much serenity/complacency, too much order means that there’s no room for self-identity, chance, risk, and the ability to look inward. If Raava can go too far, but be held back by their Avatar, then why can’t the same be held for Vaatu??). For a world that says that balance and equality is the true guide to peace, it seems really, really desperate to keep only one Avatar.
Vaatu would have been an excellent twist, if he just wasn’t so one-sided, and if it was anyone else but goddamn Unalaq.
That being said, I think Tui, La, and Vaatu (and maybe Wan Shi Tong, that giant Owl bitch) would’ve been/should be Ride or Die.
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marvel-lous-guy · 2 years
Peter: Uranium has about 18 billion calories per gram so eating a gram of Uranium is technically enough food for last you for the rest of your life
Harley: that is correct in more than one way
Tony: ...I shouldn't need to say this but please don't eat any Uranium
Tony: Or anything that isn't food
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griefpersevering · 3 months
forever and always thinking about what would happen if tony survived endgame only to forget peter after no way home
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vroomvroomwee · 1 year
Character A being cold and snarky but deep down veing very fond of character B and character B seeing right through it is my favourite trope ever
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imavikingo · 12 days
Headcanon that isn’t particularly mine nor particularly a headcanon really:
Most of the characters having a crush on Captain America at some point, but when they get to know Steve Rogers…
They have a bigger and more real crush on him.
Because he is actually funny? And not only nice but good and not the embodiment of “virtue”? He curses and gets angry, is sassy and a lil shit.
A great artist too, like damn.
He isn’t what they thought Captain America was supposed to be, because that persona doesn’t really exist, he’s just a really good guy with a lot of issues too, like any other normal person, but at the same time really caring and understanding guy who is loyal to a fault.
(He isn’t the judgmental man from the 40’s they thought he was. He isn’t only nice because thats what he is supposed to be. He isn’t just propaganda personified).
Most of them would love to have known Steve when he was a tiny ball of anger who punched bullies, even when he was the only one losing every single time.
He’s just really charming and they don’t understand how he’s still fighting and wanting to make the world a better place when he already lost everything, more than once.
And that makes them want to better themselves too.
Of course Steve doesn’t see this and doesn’t understand why everyone wants to talk to him or wants to listen to him outside of missions. He’s just a guy from the forties that’s is too overwhelmed to process everything all at once.
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st4rking · 9 months
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I never posted my botw au Tony so instead of doing that, i made a totk version and will refuse to share the first one. 👍👍👍
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enthyrea · 2 months
kevin feige you will begin to cough in three days
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lonesome-dreamsss · 1 year
i'm SO UPSET that tony never got to see steve's angst beard!!!!!! like let's be so real, steve was in shambles bc he missed his bf and said bf didn't even get to see it!!!!! that's a CRIME!!!!!
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