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lilislegacy · 6 months
honestly the sneakiest and most impressive thing percy’s ever done is convince an entire fandom that he’s dumb
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a horror movie slasher breaks out of a maximum security prison 40 years after his last Halloween massacre. his plans of revenge hit one tiny snag --he has no idea how the 21st century WORKS.
enter: a deeply unenthusiastic college intern, less than thrilled to have to explain to her boss that yes, all his would-be victims now carry GPS, a flashlight, and access to emergency services in a thin rectangle in their pocket
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raphmybeloved · 5 months
Hey rise Raph fans I know most of y’all know that alligator snapping turtles technically never stop growing but did you know that past a certain age they never go on land (with the exception of egg laying) because their bodies are just too heavy to move out of the water? Because I have been thinking about that :)
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mochiiniko · 2 months
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24/7 nonstop groovin
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cole feels like the kind of person who would use parappas catchphrase and get out of any situation 😭
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roachemoji · 8 months
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🤡 ⭐️ funny little cardigan 🌙 ❤️
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maybe I'll actually dress up and style an outfit or something
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
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predninja · 3 months
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Aight who's going into the haunted cave first?
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ro-sham-no · 2 months
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@wincestwednesdays | july 17th: isolation / creative solutions
when we were children... a poem by me.
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angelsdean · 4 months
fun writing exercise: construct a scenario where dean and cas reunite and still get together romantically without ever having a Formal Conversation about Cas's declaration of love.
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the-sunshine-dims · 4 months
Midas gets dry skin easily and Malitae has special lotion for them (also sneaks it onto their skin by putting it on their hand and then touching them [this is also how Midas gets Chapstick applied to them])
Awhhhhh me when-
Malitae the god of "your skin will not be dry if i have anything to say about it" /j
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hbmmaster · 2 years
replaying super scribblenauts and starting to think that maybe this game isn't as good as I remember and I was just twelve
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wincestwednesdays · 2 months
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thank you to all of our creators for week one! while you browse their beautiful creations, get ready to begin week two with us 💗
creations for week two are due july 17th.
your prompts for this week are:
isolation— isolated from society? isolated from each other? isolated in an abandoned canadian shack? the choice is yours...
creative solutions— whether in the bedroom or on a hunt, we know sam and dean are regular macgyvers. how will you demonstrate this? we look forward to finding out!
your posts that follow our guidelines will be reblogged throughout wednesday and thursday. if you get your submission in after thursday, we'll reblog it next week. merry brotherfucking (or brotherpining, if that's more your speed).
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dronebiscuitbat · 2 months
Give me a Reason: Chapter 8 - "Bonding with Cheese Rolls"
Weirdly enough, while she certainly saw him in English, Mrs. Gable, the teacher. Made sure that not a sound came out of any of the students in her classroom, she looked like a librarian, and wanted silence like one. Looking over her beaded, old lady glasses and shushing the class every time anyone made a noise… intentional or not.
Which made sure N couldn't even begin to speak to her at all, and every tap of his foot or fingers on the desk was met with instant ire from their teacher, which meant he couldn't do that either. And Uzi had to watch him squirm uncomfortably in the oppressive silence, aside from thier teacher occasionally addressing the class about the book she'd assigned them to read… which is what they were supposed to be doing.
And considering his next class was clear on the other side of the building, he gave her a wave goodbye before he rushed out the door so he'd make it to his next class, if she was being honest, watching the tall lanky boy try to run was… cute.
In a incredibly awkward, dorky way. He was literally all limbs and clearly had just hit a growth spurt recently because he was clumsy as all hell.
So the next time she saw him was at lunch. And by the time she'd exited the line with a cold burger, soggy fries and a salad she didn't trust. He was already sitting down and had dug into his lunchbox. He looked over to her, waving with some sort of breadstick in his mouth.
“What is it today? Your sister make another gourmet meal?” She teased, looking over into the box, this time it was pasta, a couple of mini breadsticks and a small salad. “That would be a yes.”
“This is just leftovers from last night.” He replied after sucking down a breadstick like he was a rogue vacuum cleaner, though he did look over at her tray. “At least it looks a lot better today.” He offered, and Uzi just frowned as she took a fry between her fingers and wiggled it, the fry displaying it's bungie cord like properties to the world.
“Or… not.” He looked sympathetic, but Uzi sighed, dumping ketchup all over the fries and the burger before wrapping a cluster of fries in a slice of cheese and popping in in her mouth.
“It's not the worst.” She hummed before realizing N had stopped eating just to stare at her incredulously, blinking like he'd just seen a ghost. “What?”
“Did you just… wrap your fries in a slice of cheese?”
“Yeah? What? Judging my food choices?” Her eyes narrowed at him, and he threw his hands up in defense at her glare while shaking his head.
“No! Nothing like that! I just… was caught of guard I guess? It never crossed my mind to do that.” He looked inquisitive, cocking his head as he looked down at her, amused, and the defense she suddenly put up went down again.
He wasn't judging her… just was curious.
“It's better then doing anything else with it… they don't have any salt.”
“Gross.” He agreed.
“You wanna try it?” She asked, surprising even herself at the suggestion, maybe it was his genuine curiosity, or maybe she was just trying to prove she wasn't crazy.
“I'm down for anything once. But I don't wanna take your food…”
“Trade for one of your breadsticks?”
He placed one of his breadsticks on her plate along with a small dab of garlic sauce while she prepared a cheese roll with the second slice of cheese on her burger and handed it off to him, he took a long look at it, before popping the whole thing in his mouth like she had.
She watched his reaction, his face scrunching up as if he expected it to be bad before relaxing as he went on, he nodded after a moment, a surprised and amused look on his face.
“That was way better then what I was expecting!” He hummed, smiling down at her and causing yet another smug look to grace or face. Along with one of her classic gremlin laughs.
N immediately got a huge smile on his face. Oh my god, that laugh is adorable.
“See? Though actual cheese fries would be better…” The moment quickly passed and she tried the breadstick he'd given her, it went without saying, but it was unfairly good paired up with the garlic sauce and in comparison to what was already on her plate.
“I think I would be four hundred pounds if dad could cook like this…” She mumbled, being entirely honest with him for a moment, and he laughed while digging his fork into his pasta.
“I'll take the compliment up the chain.”
“That sounds like you live in a fancy restaurant or something.” She took a drink of the milk cartoon before tensing, looking into it and closing it again… looks like she lost the coin toss on weather it was spoiled or not.
“Think I'd be a good busboy? My speeds not bad.” He replied, meeting her sarcasm with more of his own.
“You definitely have the winning smile for it, bet you'd get lots of tips.” She replied, smirking at him, it wasn't intended to be flirting… but it did almost sound like it.
At this he blushed, not used to getting compliments even if it was only an implied one, she liked his smile? Most people thought it was weird, too wide, or fake.
“Thank you…” He mumbled back, not sure what else to say. Uzi looked at him for a moment, confused on why he was thanking her, and even more confused on why he'd gotten so quiet.
She'd said something weird again, now he's not gonna want to talk to you anymore. Just like every other time you've started talking to someone, good going.
Fine. That was fine. She'd kept him at arms length for a reason. This wouldn't hurt, he'd sit somewhere else tomorrow, stop talking and that would be okay, easy come, easy go.
She got quiet, really quiet. Refusing to look at him anymore.
“Uh… you okay?” He asked suddenly, making her look back at him, the smile was back on his face, though now mixed with a little bit of concern.
“You started looking a little sad, then got really quiet… I didn't upset you did I?” He asked, looking nervous while talking to her for the first time ever. The mental spiral she was going down stopped abruptly.
He thought he upset her?
“Oh- uh, no I'm fine. Just… thinking about something.” It technically was true, she was thinking, though maybe she should stop thinking, considering that she'd completely misread the situation.
The bell rang moments later, leaving them both without finishing their lunch.
“Aww, biscuits…”
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toyastales · 4 months
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Chill and come up with some creative ideas.
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timidxtempted · 3 months
My hands stilled on the keyboard. Fingers hovering just above the keys. I was unsurprised to note that the shaking was visible, and not just something I imagined.
I looked up from my hands, into his strikingly blue eyes. He smiled. No, it wasn't a smile. It was a smirk.
He smirked.
I felt my pussy clench hard at that smirk, and I very unsuccessfully stifled a whimper.
He laughed.
I felt his laugh in the same way I felt his smirk - deep in my already dripping cunt.
Without looking away from my blushy face, he reached and tapped my keyboard, reminding me that I was supposed to be working on crushing a case of writer's block.
I dipped my head, letting my hair fall over my face as I steadied my hands over the keys again, trying not to get too mesmerized by the movement of the keyboard on his chest as it rose and fell with his breathing.
I'd written a number of pretty words while he was in my head. I wasn't at all sure I could accomplish that while he was in my cunt.
I sat, straddling him; his beautiful cock hard, and buried deep, while I willed my brain to find the pretty words he'd decided to help inspire.
I felt my body tense typing those letters. I knew he felt it too. His hands moved the tablet into view, as he settled in to read my torture in real time.
Fuck no
Please no
I felt the coiling of my insides and I knew the pretty words were not going to come. They'd been pushed out by the hot, hard length of him that I sat impaled upon.
This is too much
My hips ground against his core, needing his cock as deep as possible. My body conditioned to react, even as my mind fought it.
I can't I no I can't no please
His hips came up from the bed and he pulled me back down, just as I was about to try to escape the overwhelming feeling of what was happening inside me. He held me on top of him, feeling the spasms and flutters of my cunt along with the dripping that had started coating him in the need I was trying to deny.
I looked into his eyes.
Write. For. Me.
At his words, my fingers began to fly over the keys as if I was no longer controlling them. I didn't write pretty words. No. I wrote raw and naked and filthy words. Brutal words. Words that spilled from my darkest fucking places; words that I'd never spoken. Words that I didn't know were inside me; words that he knew had been there, gnawing into me, eating me fucking alive for want of being poured over him.
He was not only watching the words come to life on his tablet screen, he was watching them fall down my face simultaneously.
My body raged on in rhythm with my fingers, just as raw, as honest; full of darkness and sweet, painful aching; overflowing with overwhelming need. Fucking myself with abandon on his cock, as my mind was being just as soundly fucked.
I could feel the soaked mess I was making of us, slick and wet and hot and dripping where our bodies met. I could feel the tears flowing freely from my eyes, and then I felt his hands grab mine and remove them from the keys.
He pushed the keyboard aside and held my hands unmoving as the last words I'd typed repeated in my head over and over and over. Just as he'd read them repeated on the screen. Over. And over. And over.
Look at me.
My eyes met his.
Say it.
Say. It.
No. Please.
I took a deep breath and just as my mouth moved to say the words, the power of speech was taken from me.
The orgasm he ripped so violently out of me with that single word, it belonged to him. I felt the exquisite pain of it in every part of me; blasting through my bones, obliterating everything that held me together.
I came apart completely in his control. Wracking sobs, deep heaving breath, waves of pleasured pain as again and again he tore from me that which was his alone.
Ragdoll limp, I was not aware of being moved until I felt his cock press against my cunt-lubed ass.
Gasping, I felt myself pulled roughly onto him, crying out as my ass stretched to take every inch of his throbbing cock. I heard his growling moans, holding me still, my ass full of his cock while my cunt spasmed hard. I felt the first hot rope of his cum fill me, and again I was pitched into the abyss of his making. Held fast by his will as he filled me, anointing my pain in his pleasure until he was spent.
He pulled me to him then, still inside me, holding me against his chest while I sobbed and whimpered and listened to him whisper into me, reminding me to breathe, calling me a good girl.
His good girl.
His. Good. Girl.
Moving me slowly to his side, I sobbed aloud when I felt his cock slip from me. He pulled a blanket over us, cradling me against his warmth. Safe.
He leaned in and kissed my lips deeply, then planted a little kiss on my head just before pulling me close once more.
I can't wait to read chapter two.
And even in my cum-addled state, I just knew.
I fucking knew he was smirking again.
The giggle bubbled up, escaping my lips.
And his smirk turned into a full blown laugh.
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