#'I had this blorbo for 3 months now what should i do with him'
tcustodisart · 2 months
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Late night birb posting, woo hoo! I wanted to just doodle Faust like a normal and sane person, and it ended up in a place I didn't expect. I'm blaming it on being sick tbh. Anyway, it's not always easy to be an immortal bird. I guess.
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soapskneebrace · 5 months
i have this fascination with price. hes sort of this unsulliable steel, consistently to nearly always making the (as the games frame it) correct decisions, even when hes playing fast and loose with the law. his plans always work, hes never truly failed in the sense of real negative consequences for a choice (until 3 but 3 was badly written and i did not like it). hes always (in the game's framing) right. he never shows a moment of weakness. i love him ❤ i want to see him suffer i want him to make an objectively wrong choice. i want that choice to have consequences that shake his steady foundations and rock him to his core. i want him to fail. is that weird? i want him to lose control of his carefully maintained stony exterior. i want to see that side of him that is barely acknowledged to be genuinely explored. i know people justify it by saying hes a military captain in a ridiculously tough branch to get into, so of course hes like that, but in real life those guys are just as human as the rest of us, just as capable of mistakes and taking fat Ls and making poor decisions. I do love his character, he is my blorbo, i just want to put him in a jar and shake him real hard. is that weird?
Deadass, when I heard what happens in mw3 (still haven't gotten around to watching it, I'm fond of my brain cells and I feel like it'll kill some of them)--my first thought was that they should've killed Price.
Price is always barely restraining himself but he manages to keep himself in check for the most part. I imagine he's learned the hard way that if he lets his feelings dictate his actions then a lot of people get hurt.
Gaz and Soap, however, do not have the benefit of his experience. Ghost does, but he doesn't wield authority like Price's, and I have the feeling that he believes the Price keeps him in check (in his origin comics, he has frequent nightmares in which he assaults and murders people, because he went through months of classical conditioning in captivity).
So, let's say Mak shoots Price dead instead. Suddenly there's no one there to guide the surviving 141. Suddenly the wealth of experience he had to offer, the instincts for warfare that he honed over decades, is gone. Gaz loses his mentor. Ghost loses the man who holds his leash. Soap loses the one commanding officer he had any faith in.
Can you feel how that would raise the stakes exponentially? Price's influence, throughout the reboot, has kept everyone in line. He knows how to break the rules effectively while minimizing the consequences. He knows how to ignore distractions. He is ruthlessly efficient, without being brutal. The other three just do not have those skills. They are not capable of doing what Price does. They have neither the experience (in Gaz and Soap's case) nor the disposition (in Ghost's case).
Price dying would send shockwaves through the 141--through the entire cast--in ways that Soap's death just does not. Soap should have been the one in Shepherd's office with a silenced gun, because assassinating a FUCKING FOUR STAR AMERICAN GENERAL IN THE PENTAGON!!!!! Is not what an experienced captain in the SAS would do, no matter how he feels!!!!!! That is what a sergeant with more aptitude than sense and an overwhelming feeling of rage and loss would do!!!!!!
Aaaaand this is a rant nearly completely unrelated to what you were talking about lol. Sorry. I do want to see that old man suffer don't get me wrong. It's just that the suffering he's been set up for now, in canon, is SO MUCH BULLSHIT.
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tiredassmage · 16 days
god i just finished what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck. spoodle talk + pics under the cut for some end of update stuff no peeksies if you don't want that.
oh and obligatory new agent va thoughts as one of ur resident agent posters.
hold on I need about. twenty minutes to process everything I witnessed today holy FUCK. MY GOD.
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YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. okay look the amount of times tyr was able to basically tell the dark council to go suck a nut was fantastic but FOR FUCK'S SAKE SHAE AT LEAST ONE OF THOSE TIMES WAS FOR YOU. FOR BEING INVOLVED IN SOMETHING HE HAS THOUGHT FOR MONTHS WAS GETTING OUT OF HAND. SHAE!!!!! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!!!!!!
fucking. tyr "everything is under control" deckard lying boldfaced to vowrawn himself. "is there anything else?" to krovos. holy fuck. dude. god. tyr i love you. obligatory blorbo posting.
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he really just fuckin said "nah. die mad about it." oh my god. oh my fucking god.
he doesn't know what the glowy fucking box does any more than you do and he's going to keep it that way because [piano keyboard slam] he doesn't trust you at allllll <3
anyway. spent the whole update with the new va for male agent now. I have decided I Like Him. felt a lot better after I found the post saying it was a new va. Probably would've been insanely less jarring on the front end of playing to have known that before I launched the game today because I think most of my initial awkward piano keyboard smash about it was Not Knowing.
No reasons are posted and it is absolutely none of my business, as it should remain so, but I admit I'm not... entirely surprised by the recast. Didn't expect it to show up here, evidently, and I haven't followed anything outside of the game, but the last update or two was a little... rougher around the edges I'd noticed and having another character at max suggested it wasn't exclusively a studio recording-related occurrence, so I wish our original legend the absolute best, but Scolding appears to have had a lot of fun picking up the role here and I applaud that, it's a lot of fun to hear.
And now that I am. a little bit more coherent having discussed something Else about the update, I'll also pitch a chip into the idea that I don't... entirely mind that they used KOTOR style cinematics in sections of this update because it gave us a lot more variance in exactly what to say in those moments and it felt fitting for what they were trying to achieve with Sa'har.
Which. sniffles. Ouuuu Sa'har, idk if I'm ready to get started on that. THIS UPDATE. AND LEAVING ME ON THINGS. THAT ARE CAUSING ME EMOTIONS!!!! DAMN!!!!!
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okay general photodump from the whole update time you know how I am about seeing my favorite barbie kicking ass and being in peril <3
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damn this was good. nice outing, swtor. nice outing.
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thinking about the faroe situation again and like. Imagine something with me.
you are a babysitter five days a week. Part of your job is giving a bath. You usually do this at seven thirty and the parent usually get back at nine. You’ve had time planned off for months however, maybe just a movie, maybe a doctors appointment, but something you asked for ahead of time and asked they come home early so you can be there at eight.
they get in a little after you start the bath, the entire bottom of the bath isn’t even wet yet. You hear them get in, go out and great them. “Oh, how was the date, fine fine thank you for letting me off early today. I started her bath, waters still running so you’ll need to check on her, ok? Great thank you so much have a great night.”
and then you leave, because your job is over and you shared all the information needed and they’re her parents who love her more than anything and you’ve been waiting months for this night off. They said they had it handled.
you find out when you come to work the next day they never checked on her and fell asleep watching Netflix, and now she’s dead. This happened say, 15-20 minutes after you left.
now, what could’ve you done to avoid this? You had no way to know the parents would slack off, no reason to question or do any of the following, but you think about what you might’ve done if they seemed a bit distracted:
1: “Thanks for watching her! Heres your money have a great night!” “actually I’m going to stay here until I see you go into the bathroom.”
“excuse me? Are you doubting my parenting? I already told you it’s fine. Didn’t you have an appointment? Go.”
2: “I am physically taking you to the bathroom”
this might end in firing.
3: “I’m actually going to miss my appointment and finish her bath real quick.”
“no it’s fine we got this.”
4: maybe you should’ve never put her in the bath
“she’s in bed”
“yeah? Did she brush her teeth? Get her bath?”
“no I didn’t want to leave in the middle.”
“so now we have to wake her up and do your job for you because you don’t trust us to parent. I get that you had an appointment but I’m really displeased with you, it’s part of your job and why we pay you.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’ll let it slide this time but you need to do your job.”
like. She told him. She was off the clock. She said months ahead of time she wanted the night off. She didn’t leave her in a full tub, it was still running. Her employer and parent of the kid dismissed her and told her to go. What else was she supposed to do. Was she supposed to psychiclly know he was going to be in the zone? Cancel her night off? Not do her job? How was she supposed to know he wasn’t going to do the thing he said he would when she left the kid? If it’s a “she should’ve know Arthur would be in the zone” 1 is it her job to take care of or pay any attention to Arthur? No. 2 Arthur should also know he’d get distracted and already knew she was leaving early that night. Maybe just don’t start the piano if you know that.
literally her crime was starting a job off for someone else, who again, SAID THEY WERE ON IT TO FINISH IT, and then leaving on her scheduled time off. Like. Come on. Is she actually at fault or are you uncomfortable with Blorbo being right about taking blame for something because he’s so sad and the main character? or maybe she should’ve been expected to do better because she’s a woman taking care of a kid? Like what.
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blocksruinedme · 1 year
About to go insane. Jimmy SolidarityGaming cannot catch a break in any of the series that he's in. Loser in Empire Smp. And as of yesterday, still a Loser in Life Series. And yet so many of us unconditionally adore him?
So last night, for reasons, I got into the shower to wash my hair at 3am, while decently intoxicated. While the water was heating up I looked at the mcc team list, and started thinking about Jimmy and mcc and the decisions he makes as a content creator and how he has to hustle because he doesn't have natural bonuses like "being good at minecraft" or "being booksmart" or "having a good memory". As I stepped into the shower almost said aloud "I'm worried people don't appreciate Jimmy enough." And wondered if I should go back a "Reasons Jimmy is Great #373-402" tumblr post.
But there I was just standing in the water in the middle of the night afraid[1] people don't appreciate Jimmy. I soooorta thought I would have chilled out about this (gorgeous) wet paper bag of a man with (charming) loser boy swag (and great comedic timing and a kind and loving personality and big heart) nine months later, but *apparently not*.
Anyway to address the ask - I like Jimmy winning things cause it makes him happy. It does not affect how much I adore him, because... I don't care about winning? I'm thinking about why.
I grew up in a Sports Household that was devoted to a team that has not made it out of the playoffs since... many decades. This both gives me "caring about winning is bother a sucker's game and setting yourself up for misery and meh" and "if you drop your team/blorbo because they haven't won in a couple decades, you're Not A Real Fan".
I am very competitive in some ways, but only a few really translate out of "I want to personally excel". This is hard, actually, to think about why I don't care when my first though was "but why would I care?"
Also coming in 40th at mcc makes the 1v3 dodgebolt wins so much sweeter
In the end what I care about is that I adored watching the Bad Boys and Jimmy had a blast. Would I have enjoyed him beating the curse? Yeah! Am I sad he looked so bummed? Well yes for sure. But my boy chose to be silly and jump off bridges *so many times*, I don't even want to count how many times he did it total. He made his bed, and he fell off a bridge into it.
Meanwhile Empires... yeah there's no "oh poor Jimmy" when the whole thing is what he wants. I listen to a lot of streams, mostly of him but also other people, and he's literally asking for it. fWhip once said it's because Jimmy's much more comfortable roleplaying/acting reactively, instead of coming up with the thing. He loves making his shocked faces and using his affronted voice, and he asks his friends to do things for him to react to.
PERSONALLY I'd love if they expanded Jimmy's empires reactions to be less about other PCs being mean to him, I'm hopeful that this fae can expand to a huge disaster where he's totally fucked but it's all by NPC/environment and his friends can help him. (As someone who used to play/run boffer LARP campaigns, it just feels SO larp. spouse and i sit around and point and shout about how we would do these things. 100% the reason i started going here was because last life felt like an awesome larp.)
So my love is unconditional because it's for a silly guy in London who loves his friends and minecraft, is kind to his fans, and makes me smile every single time I see him. If I'm sad, the best thing to do is put on the intro to any Jimmy stream or video, it's his big hello everybody! smile that warms my soul. He makes me happy and he makes me laugh and he could be the worst at everything and it would mean nothing. He is my blorbo, my special little boy, my wet paper bag of a man, and even my therapist thinks he has a good effect on my life. <3 <3 <3
...though I do hate watching him be inefficient at stardew valley, I don't play minecraft but i'm good at sdv and now I think I get the pain of watching him play minecraft. But I'm there for Jimmy, not the games. <3
[1] note: you do not have to appreciate Jimmy! It's fine. Trashed Vee really wants you to, and sober Vee thinks it makes life better to love Jimmy, but please don't take this post as weirder than it already is.
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msperfectsheep-posts · 2 months
Okay Note here. CHARACTER ASK. i7 Torao, Haruka, and Nagi. Ouran High School Haruhi. Batman Jason. Anyone in persona you must talk about (I don't know anyone there). Did I miss someone? (You don't have to do all. I am mereky curious)
THANK YOU NOTE!!! I'm gonna put all of these beneath a cut just so I don't clog up people's dashes <3
Torao Mido: (IDOLiSH7)
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Torao is the kind of character where you're like "literally why is he in the main cast when everyone else is a banger" and then you realize that his arc is just 4-5/6ths of the way into the story and you go Oh. Oh. I get it now. That's him. That said, I want to blast him with a fire hose.
Haruka Isumi: (IDOLiSH7)
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Haruka was my discord pfp for several months and I think that says a lot already. I love him so much, he's like. so bulliable and he should be bullied. Dramatic ass teenager baby that dresses like an e-boy. I love him so much and every time he bleps (:P) in official art I want to Die. Prime blorbo material.
Nagi Rokuya: (IDOLiSH7)
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I'll admit outright that, as someone who had Ouran High School Host Club change my brain chemistry forever when I was a child, and with i7 having a main character named Tamaki, I CONSTANTLY called Nagi "Tamaki" during the first season just because he was the silly blond weeb guy!! I was like holy shit there's two of them. And then I got to parts 3 and 4 and I was like Oh Holy Shit they're even more similar than I thought :'). Nagi is a BELOVED character of mine but it took a moment for me to grow into loving his character. I wish I saw more fan content of him because he fucking rocks, but he's also just on a different plane from a lot of the more popular characters and I get it. I love how everyone respects him as they should though. My king forever and ever.
Haruhi Fujioka: (Ouran High School Host Club)
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SPEAKING OF OURAN HIGH SCHOOL HOST CLUB. Haruhi's arc in the anime and manga is a little different, and obviously the anime wasn't supposed to end where it did, but with the changes the director and writers made, I truly believe that it would be impossible for the animeverse to end the same way the mangaverse did. Anyways Haruhi is a really funny character because she's supposed to be the straightman in a lot of the jokes, but she's just as dramatic and silly as everyone else. And it's great. 10/10 protagonist, every time I think of her I think of that tumblr post about her with the big brown eyes and I go Yeah. yeah.
Jason Todd: (DC Comics; Batman)
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(If you can't read that square, it says "SCOTT LOBDELL")
Jason was NOT my favorite DC character or even Robin for a long, long time. I only really got into his character when I started working on my fic, Beyond Imagination, and had to start analyzing what a younger Jason was like and how he would interact with the world in a modern day and age. All of the Batman characters get flanderized and mischaracterized by fanon and canon a lot, so it's hard to figure out what was generally agreed upon as canon unless you read yourself, but Jason's got a strong story and personality that really shined with his resurrection. I'd say it's one of the best uses of reviving a character thought to be dead, and every time I think about his death and like. both the in-universe and real life events that lead up to it, I get emotional. Great character that makes me deeply ill to think of from a meta-perspective.
Maya Amano: (Persona 2 Innocent Sin & Persona 2 Eternal Punishment)
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Okay so. You may have noticed I tagged two Persona games for her and that's because, spoilers for Persona 2, the first Persona 2 (Innocent Sin) is a timeline that fails. The game with you resetting the timeline because you fucked up that badly, and the second Persona 2 (Eternal Punishment) is your second shot and doing things over. HOWEVER. Maya changes with the timelines because she was doomed to die with how things were set up in Innocent Sin, and fixing that to give the timeline a shot in Eternal Punishment changes her as a character. This bingo is more about Innocent Sin Maya, who is a 23 year old girlfailure reporter that makes me Deeply Deeply Ill. If you're ever curious, you can send me an ask and I'll talk about her more in depth because Persona 2 isn't the easiest game to play
Thank you for the ask!!!
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philtstone · 1 year
Arunmozhi & Nandini smile
after 2 months of being too mentally exhausted to write anything i produce this in 3 days .... sometimes i impress even myself if the words "modern road trip fix it au" make sense all together in a sentence, that's what this is. sorry 2 all the mutuals who have not watched six hours of convoluted 10th century south indian soap opera historical epic tragic romance adventure story. but also you should do that, so we can all adopt new and delightfully insane blorbos together. also: this is not meant to be serious. which means the geography is a mess. apologies in advance.
“… so what is it? Two rooms or three? I can’t keep asking this front desk idiot questions, his little head will explode from all the brain power needed to answer.”
Arunmozhi wishes he hadn’t misplaced his favourite bucket hat back in Kodaikkarai. The sun is hot and directly on his head, which makes it harder to focus on the dual task of listening to the person on the phone, and keeping track of the debacle that has developed by the Pazhaiyarai route gas station bathroom, the door of which Kundavai is still attempting to lecture through.
“Well,” he says. “You’ll have to give me a minute to think about it. Something of a situation has developed.”
He has known Poonguzhali for just long enough that he can tell by the sound of her breathing how she feels about something. Now, for example, it comes across as distinctly suspicious across the mobile connection.
“Why do I get the feeling this was an entirely predictable situation,” she says.
Arunmozhi admits this might be true, though not aloud.
“The rooms, Madam Detective.”
“Look, it’s either one room with two beds or two rooms with one bed each. Idiots! You’d think they’d have three rooms available! No one but us wants to stay in this dump, I bet. Only a man such as this one would think so highly of himself to presume he had clientele.”
There is the faint sound of an older male voice protesting over the line.
“Even we don’t want to stay in this dump,” says Arunmozhi pleasantly, at the same time Poonguzhali deems it fit to remind him in a declarative voice, “I’m a private investigator, you know, not a miracle worker!“ 
He’s waylaid in coming up with a fun and possibly clever response because Kundavai has reached such a point of despair in her lecturing that she turns away from the locked bathroom door, pins her flashing eyes on Arunmozhi, and says,
“Tell your idiot brother to unlock the bloody door!”
Arunmozhi grimaces. Aditha is only ever his idiot brother when circumstances are truly clownish. Most of the rest of the time Kundavai is content enough to claim ownership of the both of them, no matter how useless she thinks they are being.
“Here,” he mutters sheepishly into the phone. “Talk to Vandiyadevan for a moment, I’ve got to deal with something.”
He hands over the phone to Vandiyadevan before either party can protest. 
Then he surveys The Situation.
They are at a gas station on the road to Thanjavur, one of those with nothing but the gas and a little snack stand and yellow dust masquerading as the road. There are clucking chickens in front of the snack stand, and also occupying the poorly-tiled bathroom roof. The flies are terrible. Arunmozhi arrived this morning, traveling North from South, via Poonghuzali’s van — he had met her fortuitously while exploring the coast, and thought they could only benefit from the assistance of a private investigator whose own aunt he was trying to locate — and with a motorcycle in tow. It is he who orchestrated the rendezvous. Kundavai had been up due North to fetch their eldest sibling, and is now here in her rental, acquired because driving Aditha’s sports car down towards Lanka would be the opposite of inconspicuous. The rental is already a filthy disaster. In theory this should help them in their incognito quest, but Arunmozhi is willing to acknowledge that what he had originally supposed would be a hiccupless development in the journey might instead be putting their multipurpose attempt to save the family business and uncover the truth wholly at risk. At this point, dirty rental cars are neither here nor there.
In the quest, at the very least, they are all united: understanding the truth about their entangled pasts seems somehow significant to thwarting the various family members now vying for a slice of the proverbial Chola Incorporated throne, to say nothing of the lurking specter of their father’s old political rival, who seems to be in dire enough financial straits that he has been setting up easily traceable Zoom meetings with Chola Inc secretaries who are bored enough to be looking for drama. 
Considering the circumstances, Arunmozhi is comforted by the idea that they have discovered a capable ally. The problem is, it won’t amount to much if they never leave this gas station.
He strokes his beard a little, the way their father sometimes does, and once again wishes for his trusty bucket hat. It is, of course, very practical — this is what he tells Kundavai every time she protests it — but he also thinks it is a brilliant piece of fashion. He’d much rather look like the normal hip youths than dress up fancily in the stuffy attire of an ailing business mogul’s son.
The business in question currently being in the throes of potential jeopardy. And there is all this sticky secretive stuff of past love affairs. Arunmozhi is convinced it will all come together somehow, if only they probe a little. He has really made great strides, armed with his Regular University Student’s attire (the bucket hat) and canvas backpack, a simple nobody traveling around to find himself after finishing his degree. All one has to do is consider The Situation in front of them, to see the clear fruits of his labour.
But, ah: The Situation.
It is, he supposes, his fault. He sighs and refocuses.
The bathroom is more of an outhouse, really, with only one functional capability (its locking door), and it is within this vestibule that Aditha, about fifteen minutes ago now, had dramatically locked himself. In front of the bathroom door stands their brilliant sister, her perfect bun starting to undo and frizz, her expensive t-shirt (Kundavai cannot help but look expensive, even when she is trying very hard not to) developing sweaty stains under the armpits, and her aristocratic chin inching higher and higher in consternation. Behind her, naturally to Arunmozhi’s side, is Aditha’s old university friend — Arunmozhi’s current best friend — Vandiyadevan. He wears an old Vanar Men’s Cricket jersey and sandals, and is unsuccessfully ignoring Poonguzhali, who has started in her favorite pastime of bickering with him over the phone loudly enough that the sound carries. He’s wisely chosen to remain silent about The Situation so far; even with his clever tongue he’d surely only make things worse. In between swapping insults with their intrepid PI, Vandiyadevan keeps peering with concern at the bathroom door, fiddling with the tangled fake beard he had used to sneak into the Thenupuriswarar temple that morning (it is still adorning his handsome face), and gazing mournfully at the passing cars and buses, as if the necessary choice to leave his ornery Tata Nano behind when they crossed the river is truly haunting him.
And, in the middle of them all, perched against the seat of her motorcycle and with her arms very tightly crossed, is Nandini.
When Arunmozhi ran into her in the Periodicals section of that Sri Lankan library, desperately clutching the same fading birth announcements column he had been looking for, she had appeared – he’d thought, not uncharitably – in true mental distress. Things could not possibly be more different now. 
Unlike Kundavai, Nandini remains perfectly coiffed after multiple hours of travel in the heat and dust. Her braid is sleek and glossy, her jewelry sparkles, the delicate material of her floral dress flutters genteelly in the nonexistent wind, and every manicured fingernail — now beginning to tap impatiently against her arm — displays nothing but absolute composure. She wears dainty gold bangles on her wrists and a thick oversized motorcycle jacket that must be sweltering in the heat, and has her luminous face turned lazily in the opposite direction as the outhouse. One of the chickens clucks at her feet, rooting around for worms.
Indeed, since they arrived, Nandini has been so very good at feigning indifference that even Arunmozhi could believe her utterly unaffected. It’s only now that, after a full fifteen minutes of locked bathroom door, he can see her expression become less and less dignified and — perhaps to the detriment of the collective — more and more irate.
Arunmozhi knocks on the bathroom door with a bit more haste than originally planned.
“Go away!” comes the expected growl from within. “Won’t you let a man shit in peace?”
He has to hand it to his brother: it has the expected reaction. Kundavai puts her face into her hands and Nandini cracks just enough to roll her eyes before determinedly reverting to lofty silence. Vandiyadevan, of course, wisely smothers his snort of laughter behind a cough; he’s taken to holding the phone an arm’s length away from his ear, while Poonghuzali, true to form, has now started interrogating the motel owner about tax breaks on the other end of the line.
Diplomatically, Vandiyadevan says, “Well, if he really does just need a minute …”
“Please,” says Kundavai, “Please, come out of the toilet. For once in your life, be normal about this.”
“I’m being very normal,” says the voice of Aditha. “I am meditating on the mysteries of life. It will take me a while, so I will stay here for now, and then meet you all again in Thanjavur later.”
“You’re being a coward!” says Kundavai.
“Oof,” Vandiyadevan winces.
“Vandiyadevan,” says Kundavai, as close to pleading as she will ever get, “you talk to him. You’re good with words. Here, I’ll take the phone.”
Vandiyadevan, who as usual seems to lose some of his easy suavity whenever Kundavai turns the full force of her general presence on him, manages to say, “I got my degree in journalism, not politics. My charms only work on the ladies.”
This is more than enough to unite the warring factions of the group; Kundavai, Nandini, and the tinny mobile voice of Poonguzhali all scoff loudly and in harmony. Even Aditha seems to make a mild noise of amusement, though that could just as well have been the harangued motel owner on Poonguzhali’s end of the line, so muffled is the sound.
“Useless then. Aditha, I’ll knock down the door with our terrible rental car.”
“Don’t do that; you’ll owe the insurance man. Look here, Kundavai, didn’t your illustrious cards say anything about this?”
“I am not in the mood to be teased, Mr. Journalist. Your beard is melting, by the way.”
“Will it really be that bad if you came out, eh?” asks Vandiyadevan, concerned for both Kundavai’s nerves and his handy accessory. He frowns as Poonghuzali says something over the phone. “Oh — the lummox wants to know whether we’re planning on renting any rooms at all. Ayyo, no, I meant the desk clerk —!”
“She clearly has you all under her thrall,” interrupts Aditha, melodramatically from behind his door, cutting through the irate exclamations emitting from the phone. “You don’t know her like I do! I don’t care what anyone says. She’s lying.”
“She hasn’t said anything yet,” growls Kundavai, still with more dignity and poise than majority of the population might have on a good day. She tosses an acid look in Nandini’s direction. Nandini glares back coolly. 
“It’s all part of her plan. She’s tricking us into complacence. Or have you forgotten that the person sitting on that bike is actually a – a – a –”
Aditha seems to have run out of words.
“She-snake?” offers Vandiyadevan tentatively.
“Poisonous witch,” recites Kundavai in a tired voice.
“Demoness,” remembers Arunmozhi, “oh, that was a good one.”
Nandini, whose indifference has since fully morphed into glaring daggers at Kundavai, pauses now to hum in contemplation, like a woman good naturedly unable to deny her many titles.
Kundavai, on the other hand, has reached her wits’ end. 
“Four,” she says, turning to Arunmozhi and gesturing very specifically at her hairline. “Four grey hairs. Can you see them? One, two, three, four. Dearest little brother, I hope you considered my four grey hairs when you concocted this plan. This is really it. We’re going to be stuck in this gas station forever, and our pathetic cousin will take over the family business.” She raises her voice, “Do you hear that, Aditha! And then who’ll stop that scumbag Pandian from buying out all of his shares and blowing our family’s legacy trying to create God via chatbot? The bloody thing keeps advocating for users to kill enemies of the faith! And it’ll all be your doing!”
Oof – Arunmozhi is the one who thinks it this time. As far as accusations go, that one is a little harsh. After all, it was Kundavai who meddled enough for the maligned couple to break up in the first place. Sure, Aditha then went and exposed a measure of Veera Pandian’s scumminess to the press a year later, out of spite, on Nandini’s birthday, which blew up rather spectacularly in his face. But there’s no need to be rubbing even more salt in old wounds, thinks Arunmozhi. 
Giving Kundavai a look which he hopes she takes to mean Relax, I got this, Arunmozhi steps forward and knocks a second time on the bathroom door.
“I told you, I won’t be lectured into participating in treason,” comes Aditha’s muffled voice, admittedly somewhat more cowed than before. “Against me, no less. Wow.”
“It’s not Kundavai,” says Arunmozhi, “it’s me.”
A long, rather mulish moment of silence follows. “Oh.”
“Yes,” says Arunmozhi, taking this to be an opening. “Won’t you unlock the door? Vandiyadevan’s disguise beard is melting in this heat. It would be a shame to have to hold a funeral for it.”
“I don’t have any other disguise beards on hand,” agrees Vandiyadevan helpfully. “I’d have to call Nambi up for one, and then I couldn’t show my face in the office for a week.”
Arunmozhi quite likes Nambi, though he’d never tell Vandiyadevan that — they work for rival newspapers — and now wonders if perhaps involving the older, nosier man at this juncture is the right call, as Nandini seems to soften wistfully in demeanour every time his name is brought up. Then again, maybe that will complicate things further, and instead of making her more agreeable, will result in another reaction hitherto unexpected. Unwisely perhaps, nobody really believed that Aditha would take one look at his ex-girlfriend, go white as a sheet, and promptly barricade himself behind the nearest locking door.
Who knows what Nandini might do with her own version of a curveball.
“I can’t believe this is your fault,” Aditha says finally, referring to Arunmozhi but sounding like he’s talking to himself. “Of course, she’d never be able to poison you. I’m just very hurt, you know.”
Kundavai throws up her hands into the sky. Vandiyadevan pinches the bridge of his nose in two fingers. Nandini, on the other hand, once more raises her eyebrows as though contemplatively conceding Aditha’s point.
Arunmozhi sighs.
“Yes,” he says. “There is that. I am sorry, Anna. Only, don’t you want to hear what she’s got to say?”
“No,” comes the finite response. Then, more despondently, “I don’t deserve it. She’ll never forgive me. I will go back to Kanchi and continue in the only honourable profession I’ve ever had.”
“For the hundredth time,” says Kundavai, breaking her silence. “Children’s camp counsellor is not a profession. Anyone can do arts and crafts and coach football. If you got your teaching degree, maybe.”
Privately, Arunmozhi thinks Aditha is uniquely good at facilitating the diligent creation of bead bracelets amongst 5 to 10 year olds. He also gets very competitive about football in a way that inspires excellence. Observing Kundavai’s twitching eyebrow, however, Arunmozhi chooses to keep these thoughts to himself. 
“I already have a business degree!” says Aditha, from within the outhouse.
“Which you refuse to put to practice!”
“This is my one use in the world, Kundavai!”
Vandiyadevan and Poonguzhali have recently given up arguing over the motel, and the former now solemnly holds the phone out microphone first so that the illustrious investigator can listen in on the proceedings. Kundavai begins lecturing again. Even the chickens seem to be clucking with exasperation rather than neutrality. It is here that Arumozhi chooses to look at Nandini. While everyone else groans at the reminder of Aditha’s derailed career trajectory, on Nandini’s face there is a sudden and even startled expression of tenderness. 
It must be terribly difficult, Arunmozhi thinks, to show up to what’s become one of the more chaotic family road trips in Tamil Nadu's history, clasp one’s hands together, and say, Well, you see, I’ve only just found out that my adoptive father is my real father and he is really quite a piece of work, factually speaking, even putting aside his God-bot delusions and general tax evasion, and the only way to find my mother, who has been alive this whole time, is with your help. But she seems fully committed to it all. It is very brave of her. 
More importantly – resourceful as Nandini is, Arunmozhi has no doubts that she already knew about the children’s camp, and the arts and crafts, and most definitely the football. So that tender little look cannot have been one of pure surprise.
He smiles to himself. Maybe he wasn’t so misled in his instincts after all.
“Anna,” he tells the door quietly, in a tone he knows his brother – ever his protector, defender, and supporter, ready to take him seriously even when in the throes of his own early-life crisis – will catch. “I really think if we all work together on this, we have a shot at fixing many wrongs. I really am sorry for springing this on you. Both of you – you know.” When there is no response, he adds, “Look – maybe there will be a silver lining. You keep complaining that you haven’t had anyone to play a good match of chess with in a while.”
There is another prolonged moment of quiet; Arunmozhi imagines Aditha, the mass of his long hair tied out of his face as usual, proud profile turned towards the wall, his arms probably crossed in a close mirror of Nandini’s far more delicate posture. Nandini’s own expression remains stuck on whatever momentary ache passed through her, but now morphed into a complicated middle ground, unsure of whether she wishes to remain thawed or to remember the many wounds that led them to this somewhat silly juncture.
“Alright,” comes Aditha’s sudden, gruff voice. 
Vandiyadevan’s mouth drops open. Kundavai freezes still as a statue in relief. Nandini, still astride the motorcycle, straightens imperceptibly; if Arunmozhi were really looking, a faint, almost imperceptible quiver of hope passes through her brows – 
“But first,” Aditha continues, “I demand she return my stolen property.”
Oh, no, Arunmozhi thinks, a split second before, in front of their despairing and disbelieving eyes, some intangible stronghold of assumed dignity snaps within Nandini’s depths.
“Stolen property?” she shrieks. The chickens scatter, clucking for their lives. An innocent farmer filling up his truck’s tank ten feet away jumps violently and covers himself in gasoline. Nandini’s beautiful face has gone the colour of chalk. “Stolen property?!”
“Yes! It is mine, and you are wearing it!”
“You gifted me this jacket, you absolute jackass!”
“Well, I am ungifting it!” yells Aditha, through the door. “Give it back!”
“I’ll kill him!” Nandini howls, springing to her feet. Her eyes shimmer with a sort of impotent rage. It’s not quite clear who she is talking to – the collective, perhaps, or the divine, or even her own self – “Do you hear me?! Your death will be at my hands, Karikalan!”
“So do it then!” comes the equally theatrical roar from the outhouse’s depths. “FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED!”
As everyone scrambles to prevent physical violence (Vandiyadevan has the wherewithal to yell for Poonghuzali-on-the-phone to go ahead and book the one room, as they’ll probably all be dead before the sun sets anyway), Arunmozhi reconsiders his intuition.
… Perhaps making this work will be a little bit harder than he thought.
Rubbing a hand over his overheated head, he steps into the fray.
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waterfall-ambience · 3 months
i will not put noli me tangere and el filibusterismo in perpetua, i will not put noli me tangere and el filibusterismo in perpetua, i will not put noli me tangere and el filibusterismo in perpetua, i will not-
rambling under the cut because i need to figure out something to finish this scene:
the reason why i bring it up at all is because i want to show what a mundane conversation between damien and avery is like when there's not really much else happening in their lives.
much of their conversations in arc 1 were mundane yes but it was like 'getting to know each other (and also letting damien heal a bit after going through the horrors)'. also i will probably need another pass at arc 1 act 2 because i think things are a little messy thematically and i start juggling quite a lot.
-> anyways i wanted that mundane friendship conversation to be about a piece of media. i think literary analysis is something the two of them would talk about (because that's exactly the type of nerds they are, and you've gotta write what you know, yknow?)
there is a precedent for including real books and pieces of media in perpetua. i did it early in arc 1 with mary shelley's frankenstein, to establish perpetua as an educated community, suggest at minerva's sense of humour, and introduce ideas like the rage towards one's creator (with a parent-child / mad science twist).
> haunted hollow (the owl house, but i can't just name drop that one because it's too recent) was mostly used to establish the kind of nerd that avery is, give damien an in-universe blorbo in the form of a zuko/hunter-alike.
>> i might go back to this in arc 3 when the gods chew damien out for not living up to their expectations and compare him to his own blorbo.
> ponyo (which has no in-universe name as of now) was also used to bring in the general theme of "it doesn't matter what you are, i still love you" to the context of damien and avery's friendship. i just needed it to work for a scene and i think it does?
so i absolutely can use real books. the question is whether i should use noli me tangere / el filibusterismo specifically:
el noli came to mind because i'm pretty into it at the moment, and it's thematically rich enough for damien to passionately talk at length about just how hard it goes.
> i'm trying to do this to show that he hasn't just been thinking about haunted hollow for the past 8 months or so, lmao. not that its unrealistic for that to happen, i just think he wouldn't. he's more the type to have a broad knowledge of a lot of different things and then excitedly draw connections between them, rather than fixate on one thing for a long time if that makes sense.
> on a meta level i want to show infodumping and passion in a positive light (avery finds it cute, etc.) because some of my family members don't really appreciate it. i feel like a freak sometimes, i really do.
BUT ANYWAY. the implications of the books
both noli me tangere and el filibusterismo are very much rooted in their socio-historical context, that being the philippines during the late spanish colonial era, and the way it portrays society and the systems in power is unfortunately evergreen. sometimes it feels like hardly anything has changed 137 years later.
in relation to perpetua, the books show a world that the characters have never experienced, whether that be past or present. damien has filipino heritage but the disconnect is apparent (so ironically it loops back around into being a pinoy diaspora experience?). its something to consider when the gods judge him for not being 'good enough representation'.
i dont know how this is going to play out because captain luna is broadly similar to ibarra, in that they're idealistic, upper class illustrado filipinos who studied abroad and had childhood sweethearts named maria-[something], neither of whom they got with in the end. with bonus queer aspects of their stories because tbh it reads like there was Something between ibarra and elias. but anyway. i dont think luna would've read noli and i dont know how he'd feel about the parallels between him and ibarra. probably not very good!
maria-isabel was named after maria clara YES, but i read noli and fili recently so everything surrounding the luna/ibarra parallels are a coincidence.
> damien will likely pick up on these parallels and that opens up an entire can of worms!! worms that i don't know what to do with! but also its an interesting book and i want more people to read it because it fucks severely.
if you have any suggestions for works that damien can be interested in (thematic relevance to greater story ideal) i would love to hear them
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hiccanna-tidbits · 1 year
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AKGHBKUEFYDGJ when I tell you I just BARELY got all my submissions from last year's Hiccanna month in in time for this year's Hiccanna month--
Truly I have levels of procrastination inside me that most college students can only dream of.
So anyways, here's a moodboard for a fic I wrote a full-ass year ago. A moodboard that I made...last week XD Better late than never, I guess?
The fic is We're at the movie scene where everyone drowns, and it's also posted both on my AO3 Infrared_Ultraviolet and my ff.net Infrared-Ultraviolet! Go check it out :3 Hopefully I'll have the time and energy to write more full-length one-shots for Hiccanna month this year, but we will have to see! I'm a working woman now earning the big bank so I can continue to pay my internet bills and maintain the fandom lifestyle XD
Anna gets to have terrible insomnia because she is my beloved projection blorbo and she gets to deal will all of my issues for me <3 But hey, it's not like it doesn't have canon basis! We see that she does in fact have trouble getting up in the morning (enough to make it a running gag!) and is pretty bleary and out-of-it when she does, which could easily be the result of not running on much sleep and (unwillingly) staying up late. We can also see pretty consistently that she's not what would be considered a "morning person" (although I have my doubts such a thing even exists in real life). Anna's pretty heavily ADHD-coded, which often has insomnia as a side effect because your brain will not turn off ever, least of all when you need to sleep. Things like time blindness when you get super into doing something right before bed or existing anxiety and/or paranoia that's exacerbated by the ADHD really do not help, either.
Anyways, I'm here to tell you that the fear of forgetting your sleep meds when you're going on a short trip/crashing at a friend's house is very, very real. Especially since you often don't realize it until everyone else is already dozing off and no one wants to take you to the pharmacy to buy more XD At that point, your options are a) start taking shots in hopes the alcohol drowsiness will put you to sleep or b) lie awake and get bored and angry and hate your life and also have no one else to talk to because everyone else went to sleep in under 5 minutes. Yes, it really is that bad.
The one upside is that there IS the possibility you will get to watch your crush sleep in a non-creepy way (like you didn't seek them out like a stalker--you just can't go the fuck to sleep and they happen to be 5 feet away!) and fawn over how cute they look doing it XD Which is the only thing that gets Anna through the night, I'm pretty sure!
Although being alone with the stars and the creature noises doesn't sound half bad, if you HAVE to stay awake XD Better than staring at the wall of your room, anyways! Still praying for Anna to get that Starbucks the next morning, tho ^^;
Man, I really wish my college campus had had a duck pond with amusing but occasionally aggressive geese. We had some pretty insane squirrels, but staring down a squirrel is just not the same as being chased by a hissing goose. This is something that I think should happen to everyone at some point, to keep humanity humble. Also being followed around by hungry honking geese while you try to evade them and go to class sounds like the exact kind of college shenanigans I needed in my life! Instead of the depression-laden mess it actually was ajnsdlkuhkuedgh
I love the idea of Anna kinda inadvertently memorizing Hiccup's freckle patterns and finding little designs in them, like constellations <3 She pays WAY too close attention to him, and it shows XD I remember back in college I was gone af for this one guy, and I noticed he had this freckle pattern on his cheek that kind of looked like a baseball diamond. And I adored the fuck out of it ;____; If anyone replaced him with a clone who didn't have that little baseball diamond, I would catch on SO DAMN FAST. I imagine Anna would do the same thing with Hiccup XD Ain't nobody swaps Hiccup for a doppelganger without Anna being ON THE FUCK TOP OF IT.
Pretty pleased with how this one came out! I kind of wanted to do a juxtaposition of dark pics with well-lit pics, and I think the end result turned out pretty decent! Also ended up with a green, orange/brown, purple, and black color scheme, which all go together surprisingly well :O
Any modern AU Anna would also definitely own that exact greenish-blue sweater. Just sayin!
As always, pic credits available upon request!
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windfighter · 1 year
Poisonous mind
Inspired by the prompt ”You need to eat something.” from @whumppromptoftheday
I wanted to write more, but the story started to shift focus because I wasn't whumping the normal blorbo and also my alarm goes off in 3 hours so I should probably try to catch some zzzs
Anyway enjoy some depressed Kouichi!
Kouichi swallows. Tries not to think about Duskmon. Another sunrise. Tomoko is moving around in her room. In the kitchen. Kouichi leans against the wall, looks out the window. The door opens. He can hear Tomoko sigh.
”You need to eat something”, she says and puts a plate on the window sill.
Kouichi doesn’t look at it. Just like he hasn’t looked at the plates on his desk. He had been so happy when he woke up. So, so very happy to see Kouji. But then…
He takes a shaky breath. Tomoko puts a hand on his shoulder.
...then it all caught up to him. Everything he had done, all the pain he had caused. He pushes the plate away. He doesn’t deserve to eat.
”Did you at least drink something?” Tomoko asks.
Kouichi grabs the empty glass and shows it to her. She takes it from him. Hesitates. Kouichi can hear her holding her breath.
”...do you need to talk to someone?” she asks.
Probably. There’s no one he can talk to though. No one can understand. He will get locked up if he says anything. He clasps his hands together. Maybe the others, maybe Kouji, but… He tried to kill them. They probably don’t want to talk to him anyway. He goes back to looking through the window. He’s not sure how many days he’s been sitting there now.
Tomoko leaves. Kouichi doesn’t eat. He closes his eyes and listens as the world continues on without him.
He has stopped feeling hungry. Tomoko comes in with food twice every day, but Kouichi can’t bring himself to eat. He hasn’t gone to school. No one has come to see him. Or he just didn’t notice them. There’s schoolwork on his desk, but Kouichi just… can’t.
He stares out the window. The world keeps moving. It will keep moving even if he dies. His heart stops for a second. Maybe he should. Kouji is out there now. Once he and Tomoko meet, Tomoko won’t be alone. Kouichi can leave. Disappear, like he should have.
He doesn’t deserve to live.
He thinks it’s been weeks. Months? Days come and go but he doesn’t track them. Tomoko is crying in the other room. Kouichi should stand up, offer her some comfort. Try to make her happy. Isn’t that the only reason he’s still alive?
She comes in with food again. Kouichi hasn’t touched the previous meal.
”Please”, she says and there are tears in her voice, ”you need to eat. Just something.”
Kouichi nods. He can’t remember when he last spoke. She puts the plate next to him, waits for him to grab it and eat. Kouichi stares out the window.
”What can I do to help you?” she asks.
Wraps her arms around him. Kouichi wishes he knew. But he doesn’t need help.
He’s probably dying. He can just barely get out of the bed once a day. How long has it been since he showered? Since he went outside? He stares at the four walls in his room. Does it matter if he dies? Tomoko can stop worrying when he does.
But she’ll be sad.
Maybe he should tell her he found Kouji. That she can have a son even with Kouichi gone. He can’t say a word when she comes into his room. She puts a plate on the bedside table, sits down on the edge of the bed.
Holds his hand, but doesn’t say anything. Doesn’t even tell him he needs to eat. Has she given up as well? Kouichi knew it was just a matter of time. He closes his eyes. Maybe this time he won’t wake up.
It’s nice to not be alone when dying, he thinks.
The doorbell rings. Kouichi wonders how he hasn’t died yet. A glass falls to the floor, shatters, and he turns his head. Tomoko’s voice. It trembles. He can’t hear what she’s saying.
Steps. Two pairs of them. A low whisper.
Kouji. Kouichi blinks. Tomoko is standing behind Kouji. Kouichi can’t read the emotions in her eyes.
”Hey”, Kouji says.
He enters the room. Kouichi just stares at him as he sits down on the chair.
”You were hard to track down”, Kouji continues.
As if he doesn’t notice that Kouichi is quiet. As if he doesn’t care.
”Really you just went ’you should go see mom’ and then you never gave me an adress”, Kouji complains.
He grabs one of the books on the desk, flips through it. Tomoko looks at Kouichi. She has questions. Kouichi doesn’t have answers. Kouji whistles.
”Wow, advanced classes. Guess we know who got the brains out of us two.”
Kouichi frowns. Kouji is also smart, he’s sure of that.
”I couldn’t tell a verb from a substantive even if they were trying to kill me”, Kouji says. ”I could probably beat them up though.”
Kouichi snorts. It feels weird. He holds his breath, stares at Kouji and Tomoko.
”Kouichi…” Tomoko starts.
She stops just as quickly. Probably doesn’t know what to think. Or say. Kouichi doesn’t either. His stomach feels heavy. This wasn’t how he wanted them to meet. But he was supposed to be dead. Did he want them to meet at the funeral? He really hadn’t thought it through.
In his defense he was dying at the time.
”I’ll probably ask you to explain this to me when you feel better”, Kouji says and waves the math book.
Tomoko’s hands tremble. Kouichi watches her more than Kouji. Is she angry?
”...are you hungry?” Tomoko asks.
She looks at Kouji. Glances at Kouichi. Kouichi doesn’t answer, but Kouji nods.
”Yeah, but I can’t stay for long. Dad wants me home at seven.”
”I’ll throw something quick together.”
She looks nervous, like she can’t believe what’s happening. Then she disappears towards the kitchen. Kouji stands up, sits down on the floor and leans against the bed. There’s something comforting about his presence. Why isn’t he scared? Kouji doesn’t say anything.
Tomoko returns. Kouichi doesn’t know how long she was gone. She gives Kouji a plate, puts another plate on the bedside table. Sandwiches.
”Thanks… mom…” Kouji says.
Tomoko smiles. Kouichi can die in peace now. His mom has someone else that can bring her happiness. Someone better.
”I’ll let you eat in peace”, Tomoko says. ”I’d like to talk with you before you leave though.”
”Of course”, Kouji answers.
There’s hesitation in his voice. Uncertainty. Tomoko leaves again. Kouji starts eating.
”The others kind of poofed as well”, Kouji says between bites. ”Off to live their own lives again.”
Kouichi pulls himself up a little. So he can see Kouji better. The brother he tried so hard to approach. Who is now just casually sitting in his bedroom.
”They seem to be doing well”, Kouji continues.
Kouichi can’t remember him talking this much in the digital world. Maybe the place changed him.
”Junpei says he’s starting to make friends in his class.”
Kouichi reaches for one of the sandwiches. Kouji is focused on his own food.
”Takuya joined the football team. Seraphimon knows he needs some way to get rid of all that energy.”
Kouichi rips off a piece of the bread, puts it in his mouth. He frowns when he realizes what he did.
”Izumi’s also making friends. And she joined the drama club.”
Kouichi swallows. It feels weird and his stomach rumbles.
”Tomoki’s doing stuff with his brother, it sounds like they’re getting along.”
Kouichi rips off another small bite of the bread, puts it in his mouth. Kouji grabs his plate with both hands.
”I’ve been there”, he says.
His voice is quieter. Barely audible.
”I don’t know what you’re going through, but I’ll always be here.”
Kouichi’s stomach protests. He can’t eat anything more.
”I’ll come over again tomorrow”, Kouji decides without asking Kouichi. ”We can watch a movie. Or I can just sit here and talk. Might need to do some homework.”
Kouichi puts the sandwich on his lap. Doesn’t say anything. He’s not sure he has a voice any longer. Kouji finishes his own food, talks a bit about his school. A private one. Kousei sent him there. Kouichi wonders what the difference is.
The clock ticks. Eventually Kouji stands up. Stretches.
”I’ll see you again tomorrow”, he says.
He smiles towards Kouichi. Kouichi doesn’t have the energy to return it. He watches as Kouji leaves, hears him talk with Tomoko for a couple of minutes and then he’s gone. Tomoko appears in the doorway. She smiles when she notices the sandwich on Kouichi’s lap.
”One day I want to know how you found him”, she says.
She puts the sandwich on the plate again. Kouichi’s not sure he can explain. How does one explain stalking someone so bad they almost die from it but instead they just end up as a spirit in another world? A spirit that commited warcrimes until Kouji found him.
How did he find Kouji?
Kouichi stares at the shower. Drops his clothes to the floor and steps into it. It feels like he’s washing months of grit off himself. Maybe he is. His shoulders feel a little bit lighter when he steps out of it again.
He’s exhausted though. He goes right back to bed and lies down. Stares at the walls in silence. Listens to the traffic outside.
Kouji comes by again. Sits down next to the bed and studies. Talks out loud about what he’s doing. Kouichi feels included, despite not talking. It’s nice. Maybe Kouji has forgiven him for what he did as Duskmon.
He eats half a sandwich when Tomoko brings them food. She looks happy. Happier. Not as sad. Kouichi likes it, she deserves to be happy.
It’s been a week since Kouji appeared. A week during which Kouji has spent every afternoon next to Kouichi’s bed, keeping him company. Kouichi eats breakfast in the kitchen for the first time since before he died. Tomoko loads the table with everything she knows Kouichi likes and Kouichi wishes he could eat it all.
His stomach protests. It still hasn’t recovered. He’s lost so much weight from the weeks in bed. But at least he’s starting to regain it. He eats what he can and then lays down infront of the television. Tomoko lets him. When Kouji shows up they watch a movie. Kouji falls asleep to it, and Kouichi can just barely stop himself from pulling some kind of prank on his brother.
He returns to school two days later. He’s so far behind the others already. A few of his classmates offer to help, but he rejects their offers.
He sits down by the desk when he gets home. Books on the table. He stares at them, doesn’t know where to even begin. The clock ticks. Kouji is late.
Kouji is even later. Did he get tired of Kouichi, just when Kouichi was starting to speak again? Makes sense, Kouichi thinks.
Kouji doesn’t show up that evening and the next day Kouichi has trouble getting out of bed again.
”He’ll show up”, Tomoko says, but she sounds as uncertain as Kouichi feels.
But Kouji shows up. Three days later he casually appears, leans against the doorframe and smiles.
”Sorry I’m late”, he says. Grimaces. ”I failed math and got a bit grounded.”
He walks into the room, limping. Kouichi raises an eyebrow.
”How did you fail math so hard you hurt your leg?”
”It was…” Kouji hesitates. ”It was applied math. Turns out I don’t know how fast I need to run to jump over a hurdle.”
That’s a lie, Kouichi thinks. He doesn’t say it. Kouji limps over to the bed, sits down with a quiet groan. There’s a bruise along his face as well. Kouichi doesn’t comment on it.
”Well, if you need help with math, maybe I can give you a hand. I need a break anyway.”
Kouji looks like he’d prefer to sleep, but he nods and Kouichi grabs a pen and a notebook and moves over to the bed. He flips through Kouji’s book, hmms and then they go to work.
A few hours later and Kouichi is pretty certain Kouji is at least as good at math as he is, or would be if his teachers had bothered to check what he learned in his previous schools. Constantly changing schools must have been rough. Kouji yawns, glances at the clock. His eyes widens.
”I need to head home”, he says.
There’s something panicky over his voice. Kouichi tilts his head.
”Alright. See you tomorrow?”
”I hope so”, Kouji says and packs his bag. ”Don’t get too worried if I don’t show up though.”
Kouichi follows him to the door. Says good bye. Kouji smiles at him.
”I’m glad you’re feeling better”, he says before disappearing down the stairs.
Kouichi is glad he’s feeling better as well. He stares after Kouji, listens as Kouji’s steps gets quieter and then fades out completely with the slam of the entrance door. Kouichi returns inside, hugs Tomoko.
”Sorry for worrying you”, he whispers into her shoulder.
She hugs him back.
”You have nothing to apologize for”, she says.
She pushes him towards the table and he sits down. Eats like normal for the first time in ages. He loves feeling better. Tomoko smiles at him and he can tell she’s happy about it as well.
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pinkprimrose05 · 9 months
3 choices. Arc V (Fandom) for 2 and 10. Yuri (Character) for 5, 6 and 7. Yuya (character)for 2 and 15. If you take on all 7 of these questions I will tie you upside down and play whale noises until you chill. Take care!
Put that rope away, yes, thank you- aaaand here we go!
2) my three favorite characters and why I love them so much:
I should preface this by thanking you for my most recent microcrisis, AKA the abrupt realization that somehow, somewhere along the line... the Theatre Kid Agenda™ has discreetly overtaken my top 3 list.
Speaking of the list:
1- You thought this would be Yuuya, but as it turns out... it's Yuuya! lol.
I'd go ahead and wax the usual poetry about the layers and symbols and all that jazz, but you've already seen me gush about that several times over, so I'll just focus on the babyboy factor for once instead. Yuuya may not have wet kitten energy even at his angstiest, but he sure is a sunshine bean of debatable genuity, and that's just as adoptable!
Looking at him alone is enough to make me want to offer comfort ok. I'm stuffing him in a blanket burrito and shipping him off to my place for a long, long break and some overdue therapy. We can cope with life together, cry a little, cry a lot, bake sweets to recuperate, melt into happy little puddles after a good treat, and then nerd out about theatrics and play a few duels to test silly strategies! This kid is my Son and he deserves all the best things in the world, so for every bit of pain he goes through I'm giving him a truckload of comfort.
2- You may have noticed this in ARC-V Month, you may have picked up on it through my sporadic, scattered mentions of the guy, but if not, then here's a fun fact: I have more than one ARC-V blorbo.
Introducing the central piece of a great many of my conflicted thoughts, confused feelings, paradoxical opinions, abrupt perception shifts, and eventual (semi-)begrudging affection that had me questioning my taste in pixels for like a whole year:
I've known this fucker for 5 years, hated him for a solid 3, and then woke up one winter day in 2023 and realized that oh shit, he managed to land himself a spot in blorbo tier. Is this what people mean when they say a character grew on them? Were my feelings playing the most long-winded joke on my mind for 4 years? Trust me, I don't know. What I do know is that maining his deck was definitely an endearing factor, and so was the 3rd ARC-V watch (this is where I started uncovering most of the easter eggs I know about the show, so perhaps the build-up made me a touch biased over time, but I genuinely found the 136-139 marathon more entertaining than annoying for once. We speak not of 140).
TL;DR: I think the lettuce clown is neat. Past me would have a stroke if I told her I'm a Zarc apologist now tho.
3- Super Duper Ultra Hyper Extra Mega- ok I'll stop now.
Sawatari is actually the one surprise in this list to me because, huh, I didn't realize how much I liked him over other nearly as cool characters until I put them side by side and pondered who brings me more joy when on-screen. I thought 3rd place would be someone like Yuugo, maybe Serena, but it seems I've taken a spontaneous shine to the banana peel?
(Help how does this keep happening why am I weak to clowns lmao)
See, Shingo's character may be on the simpler side by virtue of being the... designated comic relief, but that simplicity is part of his charm! The mix of charismatic and pathetic aura is a also rare thing, you know- It's not easy to be so cool and cringe at the same time and make it feel natural. That takes skill.
And speaking of skill, Shingo has my respect for always putting up a good fight, even in the games he loses to all sorts of jobber bullshit. He's a genuinely good duelist and a great entertainer, and I love that for him!
10) how many fics I've read that are set in it (approximately and making exaggerated guesstimates):
Guesstimate: Around a thousand. I've been around the fandom long enough to read all sorts of fics on ff.net and Ao3 (among other sites), and it sure feels like I've seen a lot, looking back.
Actual number: Approximately 600, rounding down. On Ao3 alone. Huh, I was expecting the number to be like, 200, so this is not too far off, actually! Maybe the reason the fic count feels higher than it is because the memorable reads tend to be REALLY long multichapters. Why are these so common in the ARC-V tag, by the way? Is it the allure of crossovers? The canon divergence AUs?
(The answer is both, and a few other factors as well. Good for us, I say! Longfics are a serious test of commitment, and I'm glad to see and follow so many talented and dedicated authors!)
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Talk Hockey to Me
(a game of tags)
i was tagged by @starscelly tysm king i give you a respectable high five
1. The thing that got you hooked on hockey
the second game i went to! the first one was good for sure (we got the fun lil borgy and matty christmas tree video during one of the breaks) but the second one!! i actually looked into stuff and it was everything ig you’d want from a game? my team won, we had some fun lil fights idk.. and then afterwards i stumbled upon rpf which. game changer lowkey (i read several fics having no idea what any of the people i was reading about looked like which was fun but we figured it out)
2. Your first ever fandom friend
i think probably cel tbf? and i have an irl friend who’s into hockey but i think there’s a strong chance they’re more normal about it than i am
3. The jersey you would most like to own
oooof tough question. either a stars jersey or a devils jersey i think. i’m hesitant to get one that’s a specific player’s bc i don’t want to have one for a team that they get traded from (looks pointedly at my several month-old un-customized kraken jersey) the ever changing world of sportssss
4. YOUR player (you only get ONE so choose wisely)
i am not choosing. you cannot make me. (it changes too often)
5. A pairing that deserves more fic
rn my answer is cyork/tfoerster but a week ago my answer was probably 2339 and two weeks ago my answer was probably 1053 and before that it was probably 2072 and before that it was probably scasey/gbrindley and before that it was probably nmoyle/nblankenburg and before that… (i’m stopping now but i could go on)
6. Your favorite on ice moment
oh gosh… i don’t really think i have a particular answer! i’m a cellies girlie who enjoys when the little men hit each other so. if any of my blorbos have ever done any of that sort of thing that can be my favorite (yes this a very general answer no i don’t care) actually maybe slaf’s first goal celly that wasn’t a celly so much as it was him cursing at zach brown ((?)i think that was who it was)
~link someone else’s art/fic/etc that you love and think everyone should check out~
i have yet to figure out how to link things so instead i will give you names and authors and you will take them. okay? okay.
still burnt from kissing your face by teethtilt (1053 fic with THE most delectable descriptions… i have never been more engaged by snow cones and swelteringly warm days)
tumblr user @/starscelly’s band au. (special shout-out to his one piece where wyatt is sat at a merch stand with the best body language you’ve ever seen)
on the banks of kettle creek by honeydripping (tknp fic that is soooo yummy. the way the author describes smells? ooof you don’t even know)
two thousand miles away, but i can see you by lovethygoalie (kraken magic fic that is very fun. gobbling up the way the author writes dynamics)
after hours by kerfluffle (cam/tyson fic that is very yay. if there is next to nothing in their tag at least we have the works of kerfluffle who is fantastic)
cool summers by counthestars (rule63 umich fic that has my heart. it literally feels like summer in my brain and i’m obsessed)
any xhekuraj fic by novembrs (loveee their trans arber fics never not thinking about them)
this was probably too many and i could go on! but it’s my response to an ask game and i do what i want
~link something you made and are proud of/want people to see~
again drk how to link things but my art tag is ‘me and my knack of making people look ~almost~ right’ or something like that and i also like my dream tag (vcug’s hockey dreams) just bc it’s fun. not really proud of it i just enjoy how my subconscious produces absolute bullshit
tagging @spiceberrie but no pressure if you don’t want to do this!
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tardis--dreams · 1 year
I really have to work on my thesis so here's a list of all the dramas I've watched this year and a summary of my most beloved blorbos
• 오징어 게임 - Squid Game: watched once in January. Loved it a lot but couldn't rewatch because it was too heavy for me at the time.
• 쓸쓸하고 찬란하神-도깨비 - Goblin/Guardian the Lonely and Great God: watched once in February/March, cried every episode, need to rewatch soon
• 괴물 - Beyond Evil: You may not have noticed but i have developed some sort of unhealthy obsession with it. Watched it 5 times in total within the span of eight months. 3 times in April, once in July/August once in November. Nothing will ever compare. It changed my brain chemistry. Got the script books despite probably only knowing like 15% of the vocabulary in there but can read them effortlessly because i know the entire show by heart.
• 무브 투 헤븐: 나는 유품정리사입니다 - Move to Heaven: watched it completely once in April. My nose got sore from crying too much. Sometimes i rewatch an episode just to feel something. Beautiful.
• 악마판사 - The Devil Judge: watched 4.5 times so far. 3 times in May/June, once in September/October and got halfway through my fourth rewatch in December (and will continue that eventually). I am obsessed. Absolutely, utterly Obsessed. Second drama i got the script books because i love it so much.
• 나의 해방일지 - My Liberation Notes: watched once in June and fell in love. Very high on my to rewatch list and if they release a script book I'd absolutely try to get that as well!
• 해피니스 - Happiness: Watched twice. First time within the span of 3 days in June/July. I had Corona and was isolating and dreamed about it every. goddamm. night. The whole "what do we do with the infected? Should we throw them out or kill them?" really seemed to resonate with me there lol. Rewatched in September and definitely will rewatch again.
• 내일 - Tomorrow: watched once in August. Idk why i expected something light hearted (i really don't know why) but i loved it very much despite the dark and heavy topics.
• 타인은 지옥이다 - Strangers From Hell: watched once. Was a wild ride.
• 배드 앤 크레이지 - Bad and Crazy: watched twice in August. I absolutely hadn't expected to love it so much. It touched my heart and I'll rewatch it regularly.
• 인간실격 - Lost: Watched once in September. Loved it a lot.
• 나의 아저씨 - My Mister: Watched once in October. No words. Will rewatch. People really weren't lying when they said it's a master piece.
• 악의 꽃 - Flower of Evil: Watched within the span of 3 days in December and am currently on my 1st rewatch. Easily gets to share first place of my favorite dramas with Beyond Evil and The Devil Judge. SO EMOTIONAL. (Also love how it shows how psychiatry and psych diagnoses are used to dehumanize and criminalize people and how it can shape a person's sense of self. Classic example of character assassination. But we don't talk about this on here.)
Now, to summarize my faves:
There's no hierarchy but if I had to say what's my favorite drama, the first place would go to Beyond Evil, which has the first first place, meaning it is untouchable, so it would be unfair to say it's my only number one. Therefore the ranking of my faves goes like this:
1.1 Beyond Evil.
1.2. The Devil Judge, Bad and Crazy, and Flower of Evil
My favorite special little guys are:
• Han Juwon: Very Blorbo. Pathetic wet dog of a man, annoying little bitch (affectionate), I wanted to slap him sometimes as much as I wanted to hug him. He's very dear to me)
• Kang Yohan: Poor little meow meow! Also pathetic wet dog of a man. Very much enjoyed going from hating him to loving him more than my life.
• Ryu Soo Yeol: Classic Blorbo. Also pathetic wet dog of a man (arguably the most pathetic). I love him very much.
• Do Hyun Soo: HAS NEVER DONE ANYTHING WRONG IN HIS LIFE EVER! He doesn't even give me pathetic wet dog of a man vibes witch is shocking since this is apparently my type! Nothing was more heartbreaking than seeing him sobbing and apologizing and breaking down after so many years of hiding his identity. Deserves the best dad award. I love him so much you don't even understand. (I guess the reason i trusted him from the beginning on was the fact they labeled him with a certain diagnose. You tell me that guy is evil because a psychiatrist said so? So he must be a good person! (Sorry my hatered for psychiatry and psychiatrists/therapists shines through a bit much when I talk about this show/character)).
This, unfortunately, shows very clearly that my type™️ is men with childhood trauma (: Dongsik is very dear to me as well, but since all the horrors started for him after 20 years of having a loving childhood and teenage years, I guess i got imprinted on Juwon instead.
Characters I wanna marry so badly:
• Yoon Saebom
• Yoo Jaeyi
• wouldn't say no to Do Hyun Soo tbh. Has proven to be the perfect husband-
If i stop writing this post I'll have to deal with my thesis so uhhh what can i ramble about.. Oh i know:
• The Devil Judge! Sexiest OST I've come across so far. Tempest and What You Gonna Do are definitely two of the best songs in the history of songs
• Strangers From Hell! This show might not be my favorite but nothing comes close to this soundtrack.
• Beyond Evil! Empty and 향해 reduce me to tears and Timeless is just unmatched
• Happiness! Pain really hit hard with the line "please i just want everything to stop". Also most of the songs featured aren't even on the official OST but they are SO good!
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What other jojo characters do you want to see knocked up?
EXCELLENT QUESTION!!! So glad you asked
As of right now, to be honest, I’m pretty solely focused on Kira Mpreg (he’s my favorite blorbo so of course he’s the one I want to see pregnant the most)
However I did have a phase of desperately looking for Guido Mista mpreg, to which i sadly realized there is barely any whatsoever, fiction or art-wise. So I’d like to see him pregnant lol.
Had this same phase with Abbacchio and Bruno too——Abbachio more so, since people have already made plenty of Bruno mpreg (the “Bruno buccierati is having twins” meme lmao) and I think it’d be interesting to see a Bruabba dynamic where Leone is pregnant instead, since it’s usually the other way around.
Joseph Joestar I briefly searched for, there wasn’t much to be found, especially stuff that wasn’t ABO (in case you couldn’t tell, I have a strong distaste for Omegaverse lol.) I’m not super passionate abt it anymore, but I wouldn’t mind seeing him pregnant haha.
Jotaro brainrot was pretty strong for a good month or so, however sadly there weren’t many fics I could find that fitted my obnoxiously picky requirements (1: Not ABO, 2: not jotakak, 3: cis preg) so I gave up the ghost and fixated on Kira instead.
Haven’t read Steel Ball run yet but I can’t wait to finish bc I REALLY wanna read some Gyro mpreg afterwards lol, he is a silly guy and I’d love to see him preg.
Fugo mpreg would be nice, especially a FugoNara baby
Right now I mostly think about Kira Mpreg lol. However, needless to say, I think most of the hot guys in jojo should be pregnant
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2, 5, 8, 19 & 25 for the end of year tv shows asks!
2. Favorite TV show you’ve watched/discovered this year.
-I'm gonna exclude Bad Buddy from this bc only the last few eps aired this year and say A Tale of Thousand Stars and Triage. I actually put off watching ATOTS for a bit bc the plot synopsis on MyDramaList didn't really interest me but boy was I wrong about that initial first impression bc it's now my number 2 fav BL, closely after Bad Buddy. Rich college boy almost dies, gains a new perspective on life, and decides to go teach in a poor village and meets and falls in love with another guy there. Lots of pining, staring and fated romance ensues and creates a story so romantic and emotionally moving, helped by Earthmix's incredible chemistry. It's the BL to me that feels most like reading a really good romance novel. What's not to love? Triage is now my number 3 fav BL (topping WOH, which surprised me bc I didn't think that I'd be moving WOH from that spot for a good while). Resident doctor gets trapped in a time loop and can't get out until he saves the life of a rich college boy, and in the process, falls in love with him of course. However while trying to do so, the resident doctor discovers that this may not be that simple as he begins to uncover a whole conspiracy that's been happening right under his nose. I've been hyperfixating on this show for months now and still am (although I think Never Let Me Go coming out in a little over a week might pull me out of that bc I'm already going feral over that show). It's time loop medical drama romance with murder and corrupt higher ups and it's also basically a spinoff of Manner of Death since they take place in the same universe and this show sets up the plot of Manner of Death's sequel, Transplant. Tin and Tol are my blorbos who I would die for and I'm so happy that they got to have their happy ending after the hell they went through to get it (They better have a cameo in Transplant where they're just vibing like Tanbun's cameo in Triage). Honestly I've already said so much about this show these past few months so I'll just leave it at that before I start writing a dissertation about how much I love this show. Am just gonna add that I'm very mad about AIS Play for making this show basically impossible for international fans to watch legally. I hope they make this show more accessible to international fans sometime in the near future especially since it's gonna be necessary to watch this before watching Transplant.
5. Favorite ship you discovered this year.
-Tian and Phupha from A Tale of Thousand Stars and Tin and Tol from Triage. Village gays and time loop gays my beloveds <3 (Also thank you P'Aof for giving Phutian back to me next year even if it's just for an ep!!! ATOTS special ep let's go!!!!!)
8. A ship that finally got (back) together this year.
-Erin and James from Derry Girls!!! I'm so happy that Season 3 confirmed that they were each other's endgame romances. Oh, and also while this hasn't aired yet, it's gonna start and finish airing by the end of the month, so also Lyra and Will from His Dark Materials. I know their romance doesn't really last that long because I've read the book but it's still going to be incredibly sweet and heartbreaking while it lasts.
19. A TV show that shouldn’t have been cancelled this year.
-First Kill. FUCK Netflix for cancelling this show when it literally had the views! Netflix hates sapphics and it shows.
25. Rec me a TV show I should watch next year!
-Hm, well I'd obviously recommend Triage to everyone bc it's truly one of the best BLs of the year and it's criminally underrated. I'd also recommend GMMTV's The Gifted and The Gifted: Graduation bc they're just so good. It's a series about a school with a program where they basically train kids with superpowers. Nanon Korapat plays the main protagonist and he's absolutely INCREDIBLE in it. It's not a BL but there is definitely something gay going on between Nanon and Chimon's characters, especially in The Gifted: Graduation.
Ask me about TV shows I watched this year
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sugarsweets9987 · 1 month
Ik I make this joke a lot but...
More rambles under the cut 😇💜
So basically...when I got into splatoon, I initially really liked DJ Octavio. While he remained one of my favorites throughout (currently) both waves of my splatoon fixation, after I got Octo Expansion he was. Relatively quickly dethroned by Commander Tartar. Yeah, I ended up liking the fucked up telephone a lot more than I probably should have - to the point I made an android design for him that I actively want to use to represent myself online in things like YouTube videos or twitch streams (of which I have done the latter before...will rb with a clip if anyone wants to see). Here's the android
Tumblr media
Now. On the other hand. There's Lear. He's been stuck in my head. SINCE SEPTEMBER. And I haven't been able to get him out since. I have such an overwhelming want to talk about him still, and I want to write but like. Where did all of my confidence in my writing go Jesus fucking christtttt. It's gotten so bad to the point that I've joked with some people in this hypothetical game we're making I'd want to rep myself using Lear because I've reach that sort of point of existence where I'm like "I dunno if you're just my favorite character still or if I straight up wanna steal your entire gender for my own"
Tldr I'm not okay a fucked up, sentient AI phone and an egotistical, traumatized prince boy have invaded my mind forever and I don't know what to do about it send help yesterday <3
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