#'Ohhhh this show has more than 100 episodes how will anyone watch it??' That is like rookie numbers
Real talk but all those people complaining about filler arcs would not survive Indian TV shows
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nishkkaa · 3 years
Thoughts while watching TFATWS Episode 4 (SPOILER!!!)
-not even 3 minutes in and I’m already crying
-it’s like the first time we see Bucky cry right? Like he was so scared and then even more relieved
-ugh he desperately needs a hug
-“but there has never been another Steve Rogers” BITCH I LOVE ZEMO IDC
-ah yes strange man comes to children with a bag full of sweets while singing a nursery rhyme... not suspicions at all
-not zemo already betraying them.. WE WERE ROOTING FOR YOU! WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU
-oh he doesn’t betray them?
-Bucky awngry >:(
-Sam is such a good friend, always there to de-escalate the situation
-Sharon is the power broker isn’t she?
-whyyyyy is he there? It was so nice when it was just zemo, Sam and Bucky. Go awayyyyy no one likes you
-and Sam de-escalates the situation AGAIN you go boy, keeping it civil
-I’m starting to like Lemar, he has some brain capacity instead of mister imposter
-associate?! That is a CHILD sir
-Sam is doing such a good job and if walker ruins that ohhhh boi
-also how dare he try to manipulate Bucky like that wth is wrong with him? Sam is very capable of doing things his own way and when he says he got it HE GOT IT.
-aaaaand he ruined it
-I hate him so much omg just shut uppppp you are ruining everything... I never hated a character more that this son of a bitch
-zemo NOOOOOOOOOOO you can’t just shoot people
-night night zemo
-there is one left right?
-he wants the serum and he’s gonna take it right? Please no...
-bro my aggression levels rise into infinity whenever he’s on screen.. WHY DID YOU KICK IN THE DOOR YOU DRAMATIC BITCH you could’ve knocked
-he streaks of privilege and ignorance and arrogance
-thank you Sam for putting him into place it was getting on my nerves BIG TIME
-not a fan of violence but I screamed yes when he got his ass handed to him :)
-“they weren’t even super soldiers :(“ YOU BITCH ASS GO CRY IN THE CORNER
-it is so blatantly obvious that HE wants to be bigger and better and stronger than anyone else and that is scary
-I would 100% rather Lemar take the serum than John, he feels smarter, calmer and more strategic about things while Johns first and seemingly only response is violence
-not cool karli not cool
-seeing “captain america” with a gun irks me
-he took the serum didn’t he.. that’s why he’s been weird and that’s why the shield got stuck in the wall? oof
-joooo wtf bro
-I feel like he isn’t fit for the job, like mentally, looks like he has some ptsd or what not
-the blood on the shield oof
-i also feel like Lemar is not dead but was just unconscious and he just killed someone very publicly for “no reason” bc they showed Lemar a second time
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district2001 · 4 years
Mousebusters  Part 1.
Seventeen AU: 14th member
Jangmi x SVT
Recap: Jangmi during part 1 of GOSE ‘Mousebusters’
Words: 1.1k
AN: Requests are OPEN: Please please please send me what you want to see from Jangmi. I’m also open to feedback :)
Jangmi’s Masterlist
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“Mr Brainturn” Vernon suggested, causing English line (who were ironically sitting on either side of him) to start laughing hysterically.
“In sync. In sync.” Jangmi added, in English, causing all 3 of the members to look directly into the camera and say the line whilst rotating their fingers
“Ok ok. What about Jangmi?” Dino asked.
How about Mr… wait no. Miss..” Jangmi couldn’t finish her sentence, as she was laughing hysterically at her mistake.
“Jangmi’s decided she’s had enough changing the Korean language, that she’s now changing English aswell” Seungkwan joked, causing Jangmi to throw her bucket hat at him.
She missed. Obviously. But the threat was still there.
The main vocalist death glared her but continued taking ideas for her name. “Mr not Miss”
“Mr Timtam”
“Mr burned the pancakes this morning.” Jangmi scoffed at Seungcheol’s idea. That ungrateful brat was mocking her cooking skills, to the world. She made a mental note to not give him any pancakes next time.
“Mr Maknae” Mingyu suggested.
“Ohhhh it has alliteration” Jangmi said to Josh, flaunting her English skills, whilst dramatically flipping her hair. She was the best English speaker in Seventeen for a reason.
Soon they all had stupid nicknames, some stupider than others (Dino’s took the cake) and were given 2 hours to find the mice.
Jangmi decided to pair up with Mingyu and Jeonghan (mainly because she knew that Jeonghan wouldn’t run much). She was immediately happy with her decision, once they asked the drone director to see where the 96’ line were.
They sent the pawns (Mr Chew & Mr Gilette) to go find them, whilst they then decided to split up.
Within 5 minutes, she heard Jeonghan screaming that he had seen one of the rodents.
“Should we run and catch him?” She asked her camera man, who shrugged, letting her make the final decision.
“Nah” Answering her own question, she continued walking around the lot, ignoring Jun’s pleads for help.
When passing one of the buildings, she suddenly stopped and took her phone out. Causing her camera man to ask what she was doing.
She signalled for him to wait, until she showed her phone to the screen. It was a picture of her when they shot ‘Aju Nice,’ which was coincidently filmed at the same location.
“Can you please help me recreate this picture?” Jangmi asked nicely, giving the cameraman no choice but to help her out.
Jangmi recreated her signature pose during their earlier era’s, which was just a basic peace sign and her biggest smile.
Their photoshoot session was interrupted by Mr Chew, who told them that they needed to head back to base.
“What were you even doing?” Vernon questioned, using a tissue to dab the sweat of his face.
“Fan Service” Jangmi replied proudly, showing off her new pictures, which caused Vernon to roll his eyes.
“Ok so we know what Woozi’s power is, we just need to find the other three?” She asked, still unsure of the rules.
“Yup. He can only use his power 2 more times though.” He answered, looking around cautiously, just incase there was a mouse sighting.
There was none.
Once they landed back in base, they started running back out again. Except Jeonghan and Jangmi who went straight to the drone director again. Brains not brawns was their motto.
They then decided to walk around the lot, and were soon accompanied by Seungcheol.
“You haven’t run at all?” He accused, as soon as she saw Jangmi.
She smiled, shrugged her shoulders, and ran away from her leader.
“Don’t you run away from me!” He yelled. “Come back right now. You didn’t answer my question. Ya!...” She didn’t make out what the rest he was saying, as she was too busy laughing with her camera man, who was running for the first time this episode.
She stopped as soon as they turned the corner and dropped down on her knees.
“Never again” She whined, her breaths deep and heavy. Hopefully her personal trainer won’t watch this episode, because man would she get a scolding. And then probably be forced to get p early and go for runs. Disgusting.
After sitting on the floor for a good five minutes, she then decided that she should do the bare minimum and help her team.
“I think we should focus on finding Hoshi. I bet you my signed Nuest album that he’s hiding somewhere.” Jangmi spoke directly into the camera, with 100% confidence.
So her Camera Man and her walked up and down the endless rows of tarp, to find the performance leader.
Unfortunately for her, every piece of tarp she picked up had none of the 95′ line hiding inside. Although one had a nest of ants, which cause Jangmi to scream for her life.
Bless the audio directors.
She wondered what the purpose of all the tarp coverings were, besides making her life miserable.
Suddenly, from the corner of her eye, she saw one of the tarps move ever so slightly. She wouldn’t have second guessed it because it was quite windy, but the wind was momentarily at a standstill.
Jangmi motioned for the camera to come closer, as well as signalling everyone around her to be quiet.
“I don’t think anyones here.” Jangmi yelled loudly. “I think I’m going to go over to Warehouse 18.” 
She lied.
She slowly, yet stealthily, moved towards the off white plastic sheet-
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!” Jangmi and her camera man both jumped. So much for her plan. Way to ruin in Wonwoo.
Wait. Wonwoo the mouse.
“Sorry” She bowed to her camera man before running after the mouse, squirting some coloured paint on his back.
“Come here you little shit!” She screamed, as Vernon overtook her. She really needed to work on her cardio.
“Oh wait! Come here to little mouse.” The editors and Pledis would probably prefer using that.
Jangmi pushed her arms back and forth, forcing her legs to keep up with the rest of her boys. She wasn’t doing a very good job, as the other mousebusters were either ahead of her or running beside her.
“I’m too tired” She exclaimed to no one, drawing out a deep breath of air.
Her legs were not listening to her brain, and she could tell that her breathing was having a slight wheeze to it.
Soon she couldn’t even see the mouse that she was meant to be catching, and therefore decided that there was no point in her running and causing her heart to nearly give way.
She came to a gradual stop, and turned around to find her camera man not even having broken a sweat.
Jangmi pleaded whilst clasping both her hands together. “Can you edit this so I look like I run fast. Or that I ran a long distance. And not the length of 2 warehouses. Please.”
The camera director only smiled, causing Jangmi to roll her eyes and walk away.
“I only stopped running because I felt bad for you following me carrying the camera. See how considerate I am. You should give me more screentime.”
Previous: Privacy
Next: Hit the Road
Next GOSE Episode: Catch Stock Part 1
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blackhakumen · 5 years
Fanfic #14: Big Shocker (Sonic) (Made for Sonicsong182)
One day on a clear night in the city of Westopolis, Shadow and his group of friends, Maria Robotnik, Rouge the Bat, and E-123 Omega, were simply watching some comedy like show from Comedy Central called Tosh.0.
It was going pretty normal and fun for the four friends....that is untill they saw something that actually shocked everyone. There was a section of the show where the host of the show, Daniel Tosh, showing special tweets that were showing at the end of each these tweets were called #ruinyourfuture.
What shocked them the most was the very first tweet that was shown on screen and it said "the twin towers were an eyesore, they did america a favor #ruinyourfuture". While the tweet itself already gotten everyone raising eyebrows, what really shocked everyone was the person who tweeted that statement in question. And it was none other than Big the Cat....or at least they thought it was(?)
Everyone was already confused on why someone like Big, a giant friendly cat who loves fishing and spending time with a frog named Froggy, would actually tweet so...out a place like that. Maria paused the episode and was about to question this tweet on particular, but was interrupted by the Ultimate Lifeform and one of her best friends, Shadow the Hedgehog.
Shadow: (Slams a Coffee Table with his hands) I KNEW IT!!
Maria: (Startled but concerned) S-Shadow?!
Shadow: Oh ummm... sorry about startling you like that, Maria. But as I was saying before, I knew it! I told you guys that there was something strange about that cat and this (points at the screen) THIS is starting to become the proof of that theory!
Rouge: (Scoff) Come on, Shadow. Don't you think you're thinking a little too much about this whole 'Big being evil' thing? And besides, I highly doubt that Big would ever tweet something like this....heck, I'm not even sure if he has a Twitter account at all....or an evening internet....or cable- The point is, I don't think that it was actually Big who tweeted something like this.
Omega: While I do think that the tweet itself, is questionable to say the least, I am inclined to agree with Rouge on this one, Shadow.
Shadow: Seriously? You could clearly see his profile picture on the screen!
Rouge: That's just a picture, Shadow. Anyone can named their account as big_the_cat and have his picture on the account.
Maria: She does have a point, Shadow. Plus, I don't really think Big would say something so... strange like that before, you know?
Shadow: ('Hmph') It's obviously because he would want you all to THINK that he wouldn't say or even do something so...evil. ('Sigh') Well, I guess I have no choice but to bring out the big guns...
Rouge: Oh my God, Shadow. Please don't-
Shadow: Omega!!! Bring me the board.
Omega: Affirmative!
Maria: The Board?
Rouge: ('Heavily Sigh') Shadow brought this medium size chalk board in our apartment few months ago, just so he can make theories on how 'Big is evil' and whatever....
Maria: Ohhhh...
Once Omega was back, he brought back a medium size chalk board. Which was filled with a bunch bot doodles and notes involving around a theory, that was titled "Big the Cat might be evil' on the top of the board. As Shadow continued to discuss his 'hypothesis' on the matter to his robotic friend, both Maria and Rouge continued their conversation.
Maria: Wait....(shocked) Shadow has been making these kind of theories this entire time?!
Rouge: Yeah....ever since Shadow saw one of our recent "Ask The Sonic Heroes" episodes, he's been going on and on about that dumb theory of his almost every day. One time he was so into it that he's been up coming up with a bunch of these new theories till 4 o' clock in the morning...('sigh worriedly') sometimes, I really do worried about that stubborn hedgehog....even if he is the Ultimate Lifeform....
Maria couldn't believe what she was hearing. Shadow, her best friend, was making up theories till the early morning, with almost to no sleep. All of this because he thought that one of their friends is actually evil? ......It was at that this moment that the young hedgehog would actually have to put her foot down in a situation like this for Shadow's own good.
Shadow: ......And that is why I, 100%, believe that Big the Cat is nothing more than an evil mastermind!
Maria: Shadow the Hedgehog!!
Shadow: (yelped in surprised while jumping on to Omega's arms) M-M-M-Maria?
Maria: (Begins to take deep breaths and begin to confronting her friend) Shadow, I understand that you're starting to get confused on what's happening right now. We're all confused about this too. But that's still not an excuse for you to go around making up some silly theories about one of our friends being evil.
Shadow: Maria....
Maria: And another thing, I don't care if you are the 'Ultimate Lifeform', you have no business being up at 4 o'clock in the morning, mister! Everyone needs their rest, especially in the night time and it's not healthy to stay up all night without any rest at all. So not only do I want you to promise me to go to bed a little earlier every night, but I also want you to promise me to stop making these theories or even thinking about something so ridiculous ever again! Do you understand what I am telling you, Shadow?
Shadow: I...well....('sigh') of course Maria. I promise not to do something like this again. I also promise to get some more sleep for now on as well... I'm really sorry, you guys....for you know..... wasting your time or whatnot......
Maria: .......( Heartbroken to see Shadow's ashamed face) Oh Shadow (Gives Shadow a hug) please don't be too hard on yourself. I'm only scolding you because we're all worried about you. I know this whole tweet is starting confused you and all, but please understand that Big would never say something like this. And even if that was him, which I'm still not sure if it's really him or not, I don't really think that he would say it to be some evil mastermind or anything. Tosh.0 is supposed to be a comedy show, right? So, maybe that and the other tweets wasn't meant to be taken seriously. Meaning that you shouldn't take any of this too seriously as well.
Shadow was pretty shocked by Maria's words and begin to understand what she told him.
Shadow: You know, Maria. I think you're absolutely right about this. Maybe I have been thinking about this too deeply....
Rouge: (Places a hand on Shadow's shoulder while smiling) So you're done being paranoid now, partner?
Shadow: Kind of..... I'm still find Big's actions to be.... questionable, but rest assured, I won't be making anymore theories anytime soon.
Omega: And we will do everything we can to make sure you get the rest you need!
Maria: (Smiles Brightly) That's right! We're here for you no matter what!
Shadow: (Smiles Softly) Thanks, guys. Sooooo....you guys want to continue watch the rest of the episode or...
Rouge: Oh yeah....(chuckling) I totally forgot that were even paused the show. Ehhh why not? I'm pretty curious on what the other tweets say.
Omega: Let us continue the episode!!
Maria: Alright!
And so, our heroes continues to watch the show once Omega began to resume the episode. While do think that they might have to ask Amy about the tweet Big, or at least someone was named 'Big', made, for now, It's best to just sit back and enjoy the rest of the show together.
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loquaciousquark · 6 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E18 (May 15, 2018)
@eponymous-rose​ is out tonight, so here I am instead, tiny-footed in her enormous...shoes? This metaphor’s escaped me.
Preshow is the crew filling a whiteboard with chat-directed drawings. It includes Mollymauk covered in pyramids, Jester’s lollipop, and Caleb on fire. You know, as it happens. Liam smiles very convincingly next to it.
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Anyway, tonight’s guests are Liam and Sam, who arrives late and brings his Emmy. This fool.
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Tonight’s announcements: new website! Critrole.com. It’ll have updates, news, events, and Sam suggests a daily vlog from BWF. The hardcover version of VM Origins will have its launch date announced this Thursday morning on said website. Liam pulls out a copy of the thing and it looks great. Also, everyone except Liam will be participating in the Stream of Many Eyes livestream in LA June 1-3, which will include multiple live D&D games. More information and tickets here. 
Crit Role Stats! Nott currently has the most kills of the MN with 16. Her HDYWTDT on the hill giant puts her at 5, tied with Molly for the most.
Caleb has cast the most spells of the group with 146. The next closest is Jester with 100. Liam: “It’s that ritual casting, yo.” However, Jester’s cast a larger variety of spells (22 to Caleb’s 20). This doesn’t include the Wand of Smiles (Caleb: 1, Jester: 4).
Sam is still stuck in character creation in Pillars of Eternity. Liam calls BS since he asked how to walk, but Sam reminds him you walk before going into the CC. He’s spent an hour and a half making a Cipher. BWF made Pike, but picked the wrong voice. Liam suggests picking Grog’s voice in his remake. Liam played the opening nine times and eventually had to reinstall the whole thing to unlock the VM portraits. Sam has a traumatic realization that he has the same problem & will have to reinstall as well.
Caleb is strongly regretting entering the Victory Pit due to the exposure it’s gotten them. He didn’t think there would be any bigwigs this far out, but he was “shocked” to find he was mistaken.
Nott isn’t happy with the notoriety either, but she’s conflicted; “she enjoys the supportive glances of her comrades, her teammates, but every once in a while is reminded other people are watching too.” Both agree the afterparty went badly.
Re: the Trent namedrop, Liam: “I can’t believe he’s here, this far out... I didn’t take in a lot of what happened for the next twenty minutes.”
During a discussion of distractions during an episode, Sam talks about how he and Laura were drawing a shared picture last episode whose arms and legs became dicks over the course of the episode.
Nott was surprised to find she was of value to the team during the hill giant fight. She’s still getting used to her abilities, but being so small and taking down something that big was a confidence boost. “She’s super jittery and nervous about everything and she drinks to compensate. I think this is going well for her, helping the team.”
Frumpkin happened post-asylum, so there was no danger of Trent recognizing him. Liam: “He was tapped for school at 15, meets Ikathon at 16 & goes with Astrid & Aeowulf, goes home for the first event with his parents about a year later, burns the house at age 17, and then was in the asylum until age 28. He ran and was totally alone when he got out; the first step was a cat, the second step was a goblin, and the next step was a group.” Sam: “Your guy was institutionalized for over a decade? I should reconsider who I travel with...”
Nott doesn’t necessarily believe Yasha is a spy, but she doesn’t know why she keeps disappearing or what she’s doing. She doesn’t even know what Yasha is, just that she’s super powerful and scary.
GIF of the week: @trisail. It’s the Trent reveal moment with overlays of Caleb shorting out. Heh.
Lengthy discussion about the “leave the table” moment. Liam found the scene super satisfying as it played out and doesn’t regret it. However, it’s a game for his friends first and foremost, and the primary purpose must be to entertain his friends and make them laugh and gasp, and this way robbed them of their reactions. He doesn’t think there would have been an issue with them being at the table--they’re all respectful audience members, and they’ve all been present before at other reveals. Plus, his story is very complicated, so “what am I gonna do? Spill it out all over again for Fjord, for Jester? It just didn’t seem feasible.” Caleb’s story has been in Liam’s head for a long time, so he was glad to get it out. Liam got the most responses on Twitter ever after his first tweet that he’d told his friends to go back and watch.
None of the other cast members aside from Ashley & BWF have watched the Caleb scene yet. Ashley found it pretty crazy and “a lot.”
Liam reminisces about seeing Vex’s heartbreak at Percy’s death and Grog’s privy conversation with the sword, even though he wasn’t part of those scenes, and wishes he hadn’t excluded his friends from his reveal. “I didn’t get a cat o’nine tails out of Taliesin’s closet and flagellate myself, but...a small course correction.”
Caleb’s reveal clarified some things about how Nott views Caleb; neither Sam nor Nott are dumb, and they both knew that he was suffering from something terrible. This just confirmed that & fleshes out the details. Nott’s views of Caleb’s victimhood, and her wishes that he no longer have to suffer, have not changed. 
 Liam points out that the intimacy of the show has changed over time, allowing them to pursue deeper conversations between characters instead of just the wacky hijinks they started with. As an example, he points out the difference between the first Liam/Keyleth scene where people hid behind hats vs. later Percy/Vex scenes where everyone was respectful and quiet. Sam enjoys that they can now have fun-fun (getting out of tricky situations and fighting together) alongside adult-fun (deep conversations and new relationships). BWF points out they’ve spent more time with these characters already than a full 5-season primetime show.
Sam became addicted to playing D&D precisely because of the level of depth you could reach with these characters, which you can’t achieve anywhere else.
In the thirty minutes before the Caleb conversation, Liam was wildly conflicted about what he was going to do (reveal everything, reveal only parts, lie). At the same time, “it’s killing [Caleb] to keep it all bottled up,” and even though Caleb’s really smart, he’s not a mastermind, and it may have still been too soon. However, Liam was also ready to stir the pot--he’s getting antsy that so many backstories haven’t been revealed, even though they’re theoretically a sixth of the way through the show. He also points out that Caleb has achieved his goal of finally getting into the library, so there’s nothing keeping him from leaving at any time. “That’s Caleb talking, not Liam.”
Laura & Travis interrupt to Facetime in & pretend they meant to call BWF’s mom for Mother’s Day. It’s pretty darn funny, and they confirm they totally watch this show from home when they’re not on it. Nerds.
Sam also takes a moment to loudly, angrily remonstrate Laura & Travis for taking pho home to eat. “You do not take pho home to eat. You eat it at the restaurant. It does not travel.” Discussing Sam’s food snobbery, Liam reminisces about how proud he was of some homemade blueberry pancakes he made after his kids were born. He shared a picture of them with Sam, who then sent back a picture of pancakes Sam’s wife made that “looked like something out of a magazine, there were raspberries, and everyone was like OHHHH, OHHHH, and I was alone and tired in my kitchen.” Sam: “I’m the worst person.”
Sam had guessed that Caleb’s backstory had something to do with fire, but had thought maybe he’d accidentally hurt/killed someone. “It’s pretty bad to accidentally hurt someone with fire. It’s super bad to intentionally kill someone with fire who is related to you.”
Caleb has no idea what happened to the other two children. The last thing he remembers before hospitalization was the house. Liam still thinks of Caleb as young since he’s essentially lost eleven years.
Sam asked Liam why he wanted to play someone so dark after Vax instead of someone more lighthearted. Liam’s just attracted to these kinds of stories; “this is what I want to do with my spare time.” He’s fine with other people being jovial instead of him.
Fanart of the Week: This gorgeous thing by Wesley Griffith. Apparently, Travis said this is his favorite representation of Fjord so far.
Nott doesn’t think she can do powerful magic; she’s just excited to be able to do small things. Liam’s dying to know Nott’s backstory: “She’s like a little bag of knives who’s hyperintelligent and drunk.”
Sam pauses to plug a new organization, Nerds Vote, a nonpartisan encouragement to register to vote.
In re: Beau’s reaction to Caleb’s reveal, Liam discusses his other options. He thinks Fjord is very intelligent but an unknown who might be evil. Jester he thinks would be the most likely to be repulsed or run away. Yasha’s her own kind of stranger who always leaves. Molly’s a 24/7 party animal that’s wildly different from Caleb. He feels Beau was the best choice; Beau had something he wanted anyway (and had shared a secret with him) so he didn’t have second thoughts acceding to her request.
Even though Nott has forgiven him, Caleb’s not looking to be forgiven or have anyone pat him on the back. He doesn’t believe “it’s going to be okay or it’s not his fault.” He knows he’s absolutely to blame and there’s a massive degree of self-loathing, so Liam feels Beau was the absolute perfect person to tell since she was going to be dry, pragmatic, and real. “No fluff, all...elbow-corners.” He didn’t want someone to coddle him and she was the perfect person for that.
He recognizes that they’re both Empire kids and share that history. Caleb also has been paying attention to everyone, and he feels Beau is clearly not happy with the Empire regardless of what she says, which aligns with Caleb’s feelings as well. Liam thinks it was a great choice to break it to her first, & he feels it wouldn’t have been fair to exclude Nott if he were to finally spit it out.
Nott’s not concealing anything from anyone about her backstory; it’s just that no one’s asked. Caleb never asked about anyone’s backstory because he didn’t want return questions.
Sam likes Liam’s story choices and calls them brave.
The original idea for Caleb stretches back so far that Liam thought of the name Astrid even before Matt introduced Pike’s cousin, Astrid. When they started discussing character creation for the new campaign, Matt okayed repeating the name. The German accent came much later in character creation (i.e. after the development of backstory). To Liam, Caleb’s backstory reads more like KGB or Pet Murderer over Hitler Youth, since as far as he knows it was only the three children involved, not an army.
Of the choices available to the group, Sam most wants to go back to the Gentleman. Liam wonders if Pumat has skeletons in his closet. (How many closets does Pumat have, I wonder?)
Sam segues into his difficulty remembering the difference between the Soltryce Academy and the Cerberus Assembly since they both have “C-A” sounding names. Liam: “Look, folks, he can either be really funny, or he can know the details.” Sam: “And that’s... where Ikathon is? And then there are the Halls of Erudition? There are too many things!” I have never identified more with him than this moment right here.
I have a brief, violent heart attack when an accidental keypress navigates me away from this page and I think I’ve lost it all. False alarm, please reduce heart rate to under 100bpm.
After Dark: Emmy and a lovely mace for Pike Edition
Liam elucidates the difference between a mace and a morningstar. Sam just about knocks his Emmy off the shelf getting the aforementioned mace for demonstration.
Sam’s asked which 90s Disney Afternoon show his character would like best. Sam: Darkwing Duck, Talespin, Gummy Bears, Fraggle Rock. Liam: Duck Tales.
Does Nott regret saying she’s Caleb’s mother after knowing what he did to his last mom? Sam: “Oh, wow. I didn’t even think about that.” Liam: “How could you not? I’ve been thinking about it for weeks!” Sam: “Well, it’s not like he’s a Terminator-style hunter of only mothers...” Finally--no, it hasn’t crossed Nott’s mind, but Sam will inform her soon.
The ultimate food sin for Sam--transporting pho is pretty high on his list, but he decides on ten-dollar wine. (Two-buck chuck, you know what you’re getting, swillwater flavored like wine; ten-dollar wine is actual wine that is terrible.) He recommends splurging for the fourteen-dollar wine. Sam loves cheap Chinese but Panda Express doesn’t count as Chinese. “No good Chinese restaurant ever advertises, ever.” Salted vs. unsalted butter is also a big thing. This is all because of Sam’s wife, he says; Liam points out that a year after they first met, when Sam moved to LA, Liam went over to Sam & Sam’s wife’s terrible apartment where they made very fancy salmon wrapped in that clear waxy rice paper stuff I can’t remember the expensive name for.
Caleb had very little left offensively in the hill giant fight. All he had was Sleep and Shield and a weak cantrip, so all he could do was gamble and guess on the timing. When he first cast it, Sam told Laura it was a big mistake. 
A viewer question tries to goad Liam & Sam into a tickle fight. Liam threatens BWF with the mace instead. 
Sam agrees to grow a small beard for Liam’s birthday, a little “chin music.”
And that’s all for the night! Is it Thursday yet?
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i-d0nt-even-kn0w · 6 years
SPN Season 14 (and a little bit of 12 and 13) Critiques
Listen, I dislike when people hate new seasons of a show just because “the old ones were better” with no actual excuse, so I hope this post does not get perceived that way, but Supernatural’s writing and directing has decayed over the last few years, and season 14 episode 1 really just did it for me. I tried to ignore season 12′s mess of a storyline because the new characters were well done (in my opinion, of course--and Mary is excluded from this because although the actress is wonderful, I cannot get into her being back in the story for over a season. I’ll go more into that later), and season 13 had Gabriel and Rowena to pull me through the alternate universe plot and Jack who--as I’ll go into later--was another big punch in SPN’s writing integrity, but this one episode from 14 literally had me in shock.
So, with no more introduction, the list of critiques I have based of season 14′s ONE episode. I may pull in a bit of 12 and 13 too because they are where a lot of the issues started. There will be some things I liked about the episode too! But very little lol.
Spoilers ahead! Also opinions ahead--feel free to disagree with me, and I actually would really like to see what other people think! 
1. Filmography
That fight scene in the bar says it all. There have been some god awful editing of the footage since 13 (that Michael blue eyes zoom in at the end of 13? Unless they were trying to make a thriller joke, it was wack), but this one episode, like I said before, sent me into shock. The zoom ins, the shaky camera filming like we’re in the Office, the out of place music that does not really fit the Supernatural theme--I could go on. That fight scene had flashing lights, zoom ins, and more jump-cuts than a youtube video to the point we’re I had no idea what was going on. My brother watching with me literally was speechless for the entire fight, which felt like an eternity.
It felt dramatized in a Riverdale way. No shade to Riverdale, obviously, because that works for that show. But in Supernatural? It’s the Teen Titans Go effect--popular shows on a network influence older shows and, in my opinion, make those shows worse as a result. This leaks into my number 2...
2. Theme
It’s the 100. The theme is the 100. The show is the 100. (This is a joke I have never watched the 100, but when did Supernatural adopt a dystopia mood for their show?)
3. Wait a minute....... Who ARE you?
The centric theme of Supernatural is family and freewill. Sam and Dean are supposed to constantly be the centers of the show, but exceptions are made, and often have been really well done. I thought Bitten was a great episode, and episodes where Sam and Dean are separated are also a great way to look at the brothers from a different viewpoint. Even if you didn’t like Bitten or those type of episodes, however, that was okay. Why? Because they were one off episodes, if not maybe two or three. Dean being gone is fresh, and could be done well, but when the centric theme of family, aka people Sam and Dean trust and love like Cas, Bobby, Jo, Ellen, etc, is suddenly ruptured by extras (that are usually super fun in a one-off hunting episode, maybe a reoccurrence now and then) becoming apart of the brother’s daily life and the viewer’s weekly watching, it’s uncomfortable. Not because I or others hate change, but because it goes against a major theme of supernatural. Dean, Sam, and Cas are suddenly extremely close to people they don’t necessarily consider family, and that is very odd for the show.
In case you cannot tell, I care a lot about Supernatural’s themes. I don’t care if they shake things up, but the show’s values are important. They need to stick to them for it to be, well, Supernatural.
4. Not-Bobby and Mary
If they become canon, I’ll actually sink into the pit. You can pair together whoever you want--this one is very much so just an opinion. But in terms of writing, this just comes off as so wrong for many reasons. Maybe it’s because neither of them should be on earth in the first place.
Mary was such a wonderful and powerful character. Then they brought her back to life, which drained meaning out of her. She could have had a realization she does not belong on earth and go back to heaven at the end of 12, which would give Sam and Dean closure and actually be kinda nice. But nope. She’s still here. And what’s the point if the only available female character isn’t dating someone????? (she said, sarcastically)
Not-Bobby is just a way to keep Jim Beaver around, which yeah I get it i love him too, but why not just have some episodes like where Bobby helped the boys from heaven. That was fun. That was also real Bobby. If we were going to have Not-Bobby, I would at least like him to establish what Not-Charlie established (I liked her so much more)--they are not who the Winchesters knew in their universe. Not-Bobby gives off too much of an actual Bobby feel, and God knows I don’t want actual Bobby and Mary together... eeeee...
5. The alternate universe plot-line sucks in the context of Supernatural as a show
Speaks for itself.
6. Jack
Fellas. I’ll get hate for this (if anyone reads this, lol), but he’s a bad character.
He’s fan-service. Fan-service isn’t always bad, mind you, but it is when that is the bases for the character. A cute, younger boy (back to the Riverdale/the 100 teen drama throw in a more adult-centered show) who is reminiscent of all the things fans loved about quirky Castiel back in seasons 4 and 5. Jack was super over powered too, which made me struggle all throughout season 13 to not hate his character for what was just a writing death sentence. Now that he doesn’t have powers they’re finally trying to give him... depth? Pro tip: If it takes a whole season to give a character depth, it’s bad writing.
I’ll admit, though--I do love the dad Sam scenes. Not too much the dad Cas scenes because they’re often poorly written and unlike Cas imo. But eh.
Jack is like an OC. Sounds fun until put into practice.
Why couldn’t they have just... not killed Kevin and had him be the son-character he already was to the boys? Or not kill Charlie and let her be the little-sibling character she was to the boys? Why couldn’t either of those two very important characters become titular main characters instantly after being introduced, like Jack was? Maybe because they’re not white or a dude, respectively? Or because the show didn’t need to fill in the hole Mark Sheppard left for a main character until now? Hmm... 
In all realness, Jack is just too poorly written in my eyes to like, but I know people totally love him so please know that’s valid and I get it. I do love the actor, so there’s that.
7. Maggie
I get the quirky humor, but SURELY there were other capable people they could have asked. Maggie is cute, but a throwaway for humor. I was trying to like her because, again, the actress was great and I love some comedy, but not at the expense of reason.
Also, again, no offense but I cannot deal with the parallel universe people and the storyline in general.
Now for some positives mixed with negatives!
8. Nick
Ohhhh boy. Nick could be the one good thing about this season IF they do not make it a “it was me, Lucifer all along!” cheap shot (which I know they will do, hence the negative). I think it would be a bigger plot twist if Nick WASN’T Lucifer. Sam could bond with a guy who went exactly through what he went through, we could have an established character back instead of these random new ones (like the vampire Michael brought in at the end with no context... like, I put Supernatural higher above other drama shows because it actually establishes a character and who they are before making them apart of the plot, like Gabriel being the janitor before he was the trickster, and the trickster before he was Gabriel. Cheap introductions with dramatic music in the background? Pass). 
I wanted Missouri back, she died. I wanted Gabriel back, he died. Nick will either be Lucifer or die, but I will cling onto every good old character there is until there are none left. There are good new characters too, sometimes, but they keep dying too (Eileen) so miss me with that argument.
Also there’s no way Nick could have survived. Jimmy died, why wouldn’t he? It’s Lucifer, but if it wasn’t? It’d be better. And also this totally is another cheap shot to keep Mark in the show, like with Jim. I love Mark, but we all know it.
9. Kip
I was SO pissed for most of the episode, because I thought that the show was actually trying to replace Crowley (you know the writing is bad when you expect SPN to pull something like that). I actually LOVED it when that show was self-aware and Kip was actually putting on a show--TRYING to be Crowley but miserably failing and being a pathetic knock-off. It was good, it was interesting, I was ready for the plot-line of Crowley’s irreplaceableness and how demons would deal with it.
But Kip died. Why wasn’t Asmodeus’ death that quick? He was an actual poorly written villain with nothing interesting to him.
In conclusion, this is why I nearly died watching the first episode of season 14. Will I stop watching? Not yet. SPN is a show I have loved since I was little--I watched it with my big sister, and now my little brother watches it with me. Does that mean the show is still good? In my opinion... no. 
I think the writers should stop pandering to the audience so much. I watched “Live Free Or Twi-Hard” after 14x01 to wash my eyes out with old SPN, and I remembered how much the show used to laugh at over-done trends. SPN was different and fun because it didn’t care, it did what the creators wanted, and it worked. It doesn’t feel like that any more. The show made fun of Twilight in that episode, yet “Wayward Sisters” had total Vampire Diaries narration (no offense to the pilot, but I have to admit... I didn’t like it. It could definitely be a good stand-alone show, and I did want it to be picked up, but it was completely out of place in Supernatural as a show. Again, because of the themes and shameless pandering to the teen audience).
Supernatural fans fell in love with Supernatural, not a teen CW drama. That does not mean fans can’t love those too--love all the TV teen dramas you want, I like those shows too--but the tropes for those type of shows fits in those type of shows. I can admit Supernatural is not a masterpiece, and it is a drama, but it’s not what they show has become now. And 14x01 makes that perfectly clear.
But that’s just my opinion, a Supernatural opinion! Thanks for reading!
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reactingtosomething · 7 years
Reacting to Wynonna Earp: Episodes 210-212
An Occult 23andMe
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The Setup: Miri and Kris adore Wynonna Earp and have been reacting to this season a few episodes at a time. As always, we are in awe of Emily Andras’s writing, Melanie Scrofano’s face and general talent, and the entire cast and crew. We also have a few questions, critiques, and predictions that are sure to be proven wrong. 
Find our previous Wynonna Earp s2 reacting here, here, here, and here.
Spoilers through the season 2 finale, “I Hope You Dance,” below!
KRIS: I feel like you should lead with some all caps here or something
And Jeremy is just such a peach
as per usual
KRIS: I actually saw this Scrofano Instagram the night of the episode (and I watch the morning after via iTunes) so I had some sense of the twist coming
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(I was really proud of how well I avoided spoilers this time)
KRIS: Which was kind of a bummer, but it still landed for me
Especially because of the detail of Nicole’s involvement
MIRI: Yes! An excellent tying together of various threads
KRIS: So you kind of called this, or something like it, back when we reacted to the pregnancy. Was this what you had in mind?
MIRI: ...I might have to reread that reaction really quickly to refresh my memory on what I meant
KRIS: I remember you said “noble sacrifice”
MIRI: Ohhhh yes
Yeah, I think from a show and a show writing perspective this is what makes sense
KRIS: At the time my mind went somewhere darker and more supernatural
MIRI: Because it is the version that reinforces/adds a layer to the core plot of the whole thing--Wynonna has to end the curse. For herself, but mostly for everyone she loves because she refuses to let this fall on someone else like it fell on her
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And the baby adds to that, but without having to change the actual structure of things drastically--which they would have to do to add an actual baby in week to week
Also, this is the version with a combined maximum pain now and pain in the future. (slash tension, slash stakes)
KRIS: Yeah it definitely is obvious in hindsight that Wynonna would not want her baby in the Triangle
MIRI: But they covered it with the revenant question so well it didn’t feel obvious at the time!!
KRIS: It’s a little funny to me that Wynonna’s version of “I named her so no one looking for an Earp will find her” is “I didn’t give her a name that starts with W”
KRIS:  Because I feel like “named after the grandparents” is pretty standard?
MIRI: “It’s just your mom’s name and my mom’s name and we’re only MASSIVELY FAMOUS/INFAMOUS within the community of people who might want to use/abuse this baby”
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KRIS: I guesss maybe people wouldn’t necessarily expect Doc as the father
MIRI: Maybe, but several people with great knowledge of history already know
Like the Firebros Cult
KRIS: But aren’t they all, like, barbecued now?
Did I read that scene wrong?
MIRI: Oh, right
I forgot about that
Which is funny, because in the moment I was super excited about Dolls using his fire again!
KRIS: Right! And obviously I wanted a wide shot but I UNDERSTAND
MIRI: I mean, they already got a helicopter and a baby in the budget
KRIS: That did feel a little unresolved, mechanically, I guess because Dolls’s goal for the episode (get the doctor) was ultimately irrelevant
Emily Andras was very happy about her helicopter
“I was bluffing!”
MIRI: Let me just say for the 8,000th time: I would very much like to be Emily Andras when I grow up
KRIS: I usually roll my eyes at “gonna move to Canada” but if it’s “gonna move to Canada to work for Emily Andras” I’d have to be like “yeah that makes sense”
K: I really do like Canada, just not when Americans say they'll move there to run away from our problems
KRIS: Stuff like not getting a resolution beat for the Order made me think, not for the first time, that this show definitely rides a knife-edge of just having too much going on
MIRI: Yeah, I feel that re: Rosita and Mercedes too
KRIS: And if the emotional storytelling wasn’t as assured the whole thing could easily fall on its face
YES Rosita
MIRI: And I wonder if it was part baby clock/changing the whole season so late in the game?
KRIS: Maybe
I’d probably have to rewatch the first season
MIRI: But in general this show is just chock full of plot
Rosita is the only one that really bothered me
KRIS: I’m not super clear on what Rosita’s plan was, re: safe passage
MIRI: I wonder if there’s a scene or two on the cutting room floor there
(in this episode or previous ones)
Because she’s set up to be pretty cool, and while her point about the whole “I’ll shoot you last” thing being kind of TERRIBLE to say to someone/have to live under is valid, the turn just felt rushed to me
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KRIS: Yeah
MIRI: Also, did she die?? Was she Saved? What exactly happened?
KRIS: I had to look up the last time Peacemaker turned blue and it was when Wynonna shot Willa
MIRI: Ahhhhhh I did not remember that
KRIS: I thought maybe she’d been un-revenanted but her reaction was still pretty angry so that didn’t feel right, so then I thought maybe Waverly had fired a warning shot?
MIRI: So maybe its when it has to act outside of normal bounds? Killing an heir, working for a non-official heir (yet?)
KRIS: Yeah that makes sense
MIRI: Hmmmm I’m holding out a tiny bit of help for it having saved Rosita and her not understanding
which is why she’s angry
KRIS: I definitely hope she comes back
as a regular
MIRI: And that would potentially fit with the idea of Waverly being something else supernatural
Me too!! I really love her
KRIS: Also sentient or semi-sentient weapons are always a favorite trope of mine
MIRI: I know this is not at all what you meant, but it reminded me that I love the Wynonna moment of declaring that she’s her own damn weapon, not anyone else’s to use
KRIS: And although I think the more straightforward reading here is “Peacemaker does what Wynonna says,” I also kind of like the idea of like “Peacemaker’s understanding of Family has caught up with the 21st century”
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M: Speaking of family...(I love this gif and couldn’t find a better place for it)
MIRI: Well if Widow Mercedes could do it, maybe Peacemaker could too
Can we talk about her? Because I’m low-key obsessed
KRIS: Yeah that was wild
MIRI: I was 100% shocked
did not call her turning against the husband at all
KRIS: Yeah, and a break with Beth was pretty well set up with her getting steadily disgruntled by everything over the last few episodes
MIRI: Yes! Her turning on Beth felt totally natural, but I did not even consider her turning on demon husband
How did you feel about him being all weak? I know someone who didn’t buy it, but to me it totally worked nicely as another Andras subversion of the expected story.
KRIS: That made sense to me
MIRI: Especially if he’s a demon who needs to feed (as the Widows clearly need to) and he’s been cut off for 100 years
KRIS: And I definitely didn’t feel cheated out of a battle with a demon lord or anything since I was invested in the baby stuff
MIRI: Totally! They did a very nice job of shifting the main tension and keeping stakes very high
Did you briefly think that Doc had become a revenant? Because I briefly thought that when he was talking to Bobo and I was Very Concerned
KRIS: No, but what line made you think that?
MIRI: When Doc said he’d been to hell
(yelling down to Bobo in the well)
And Bobo mentions Wyatt screwing both of them
But then he called Doc mortal
KRIS: Oh okay. Yeah I just really liked that line both on the level of having lied to Wynonna earlier and on the level of conceding that at least so far Doc’s maybe done more bad than good
MIRI: Yeah, it all worked, I just had a moment of fear
KRIS: So now we know that Doc listens to Adele
MIRI: As any right-thinking person does, yes
Wait, we jumped off of Widow Mercedes too quickly
I just need to say that she was SUPER COOL all ascended and powerful and shit and I wish there had been time to have her be the big bad of her own 3 episode arc or something
Ok, moving on to the bullet splitting thing
KRIS: My concerns about too many plot threads notwithstanding, I actually think this season was just as long as it needed to be and I don’t know that another major twist would have worked for me
MIRI: No, I don’t think it actually should have happened. The overall narrative would have suffered. I just wanted more Ascended Widow Mercedes in like a pocket universe or something
KRIS: She had kind of an Evil Elsa from Frozen thing going on (as someone who has not seen Frozen)
MIRI: And an interesting mix of Dark Willow and finale, white-haired ascended Goddess Willow from Buffy
KRIS: Oh that’s probably more what they were going for
Okay bullets
MIRI: I think the Frozen thing is valid
Yes, bullets! Doc finally gets to kill something/one
KRIS: I feel like we have literally never seen Wynonna load Peacemaker before so I had gotten to a point of accepting that it magically didn’t need to be loaded
MIRI: Hahahahahah
KRIS: I did kind of want his dramatic “When I shoot something, it dies” line to be lampshaded by someone
Although to be fair he called it out himself last week
MIRI: I would like to take this opportunity to say something that is not fair of me, but I feel strongly:
Tim Rozon’s face doesn’t make sense to me without the Doc Holliday mustache
MIRI: He’s still handsome! It’s a good face! but it just makes no sense to my brain
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KRIS: There was a time in my life when I wished I could grow a mustache like that
It’s possible that time has not entirely passed
MIRI: hahahahah
KRIS: But mostly it was like, senior year of college
I feel like we should probably circle back to episodes 8 and 9 10 and 11 for a second
MIRI: Definitely
They did a whole episode without Wynonna! That is so fascinating and ballsy
KRIS: I feel like I wrote down notes somewhere about this but I can’t find them so maybe I just think about it a lot -- how do you feel about tropes like the Couple Destined to Be Together, or “destiny” tropes in general?
MIRI: Hmmmmmmmm it entirely depends on how well executed they are. Sometimes I am ALL IN, other times I think it gets creepy
I’m good with it here
Because it’s not super heavy handed to me
It falls more on the “they are just so right for each other, they keep finding each other” side of things than the “they are Destined To Always Be” side
Plus they had known and cared about each other as friends for a while in the alternate reality
KRIS: As a trope it’s not my thing at all and I may be reacting more to fandom reactions than to anything actually in the text
MIRI: Been there
KRIS: I mean generally I was onboard with it
I think “they’re so right for each other” vs “they are destined” might be a distinction without a difference but I agree that execution counts for a lot
MIRI: I am a little bummed Waverly is confirmed gay (rather than bi) but I’m still so happy about the character and her sheer existence
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KRIS: I’m also not sure exactly when it happened (and part of me is deeply suspicious and legitimately concerned that literally letting her hair down had something to do with it) but this last run definitely cemented Nicole as my favorite character
MIRI: Well I think the difference falls in what makes them right for each other being destined implies predetermination and an outside force
While being right for each other comes out of who they both are as people, and there could theoretically be other people just as right for them out there Say more about Nicole as your favorite
KRIS: Maybe part of it’s that she’s in a way the least intense of everyone? Not in the sense that she’s boring but that she has a healthy sense of perspective?
MIRI: Right. She is arguably the normal amongst all of these eccentrics
KRIS: I feel like it can’t be as simple as “audience surrogate,” but I guess there’s a little of that
MIRI: And she’s working to remain that, per Nedley’s speechifying
KRIS: And I think a lot of it is in her line readings -- like you could easily see someone delivering “your ass is top shelf” and “I’d do a lot of things to you” with too much of a wink
MIRI: Yes! She’s just so sweet and earnest about both and it MAKES those lines
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So, how did you feel about alternate reality without Wynonna?
I don’t know if I 100% buy Doc as the town bad guy, but he was kind of a dick before
So i guess becoming worse is as possible as becoming better
KRIS: I also think -- and I’m getting a little more real than I’m generally comfortable with here -- that as a straight man with a tendency to be hand-wringing about my trying to be a good feminist, there’s a safety in identifying with a character like Nicole who is also sexually attracted to women but by virtue of NOT being a man (and being written and acted as well as she is) is free of a lot of potentially toxic baggage
MIRI: That makes total sense to me
KRIS: I think the alternate reality was a pretty good execution of the “this one person makes all the difference” trope
(The “Remedial Chaos Theory” episode of Community is the high bar for me there)
I bought Doc as a bad guy but maybe not entirely as a ringleader
MIRI: Fair
KRIS: I loved how Rosita, Jeremy, and Nicole had all taken on bigger Black Badge or Black Badge-adjacent responsibilities
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MIRI: Yes! I liked all of their interactions
The Iron Witch stuff worked for me too
KRIS: Yeah, better than I think I would’ve expected
MIRI: Grounding it in the sister relationship is always a safe bet on this show
KRIS: That bit where she let down the glamor for a second and Waverly and Nicole were Slowly Spinning in their “real” outfits was pretty cool
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MIRI: Very dreamy and funky
I buy Waverly making a stupid choice to save Nicole. You?
KRIS: Yeah, in general I think pushing her luck when other people don’t want her to makes sense for Waverly, and definitely on the heels of everything she’s been through up to that point
MIRI: Agreed
KRIS: I really liked the team interactions in 8 a lot
Dolls telling Waverly “let’s just say it was an order”
MIRI: In the vision quest ep?
KRIS: The Nicole in the Hospital ep
MIRI: Oh, 10, not 8 👍🏻
Yeah, I like the friendship between Dolls and Waverly a lot. It’s never super heavily explored, but it’s always really charming
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KRIS: Oh wow I totally lost track of the episode count at some point
MIRI: It was a 12 ep season, not 10
I think we got slightly thrown off in our thoughts about when we would react, that’s all
KRIS: I also really wished there’d been more of a reckoning between Jeremy and Wynonna about Rosita
That seemed like a really important beat that ended up not going anywhere because of all the ensuing crazy
MIRI: Yeah. I hope they come back to it in some way next season
KRIS: But I also really liked Dolls stepping in to be the test subject for awhile and I thought it was weird that possibility didn’t come up earlier
MIRI: Hmmmm
That is valid
Maybe because he couldn’t be killed? And she couldn’t either, but revenants can be harmed short term
KRIS: There also was never an acknowledgement that Waverly broke a promise to tell Wynonna about Rosita
MIRI: Like she was out for a few minutes when Tucker shot her
KRIS: I mean I bought it happening
MIRI: Yeah, people have been in general shitty to Rosita
KRIS: But there was a beat missing on either end -- even Rosita didn’t really mention it
MIRI: Maybe her turn was more earned than I have acknowledged
Right--the building blocks are there, but she never really had a good moment dealign with it all
KRIS: Oh, Nicole’s soon-to-be ex-wife!
Again it felt like there was a beat missing in Shae’s recognition that Waverly was the new girlfriend, or someplace where that might have come up explicitly, but I really liked skipping right over the jealousy tropes
MIRI: Agreed on both counts!
Do we think she’ll come back though? Only because of the note on the divorce papers
KRIS: I didn’t really get that sense, I more just read it as “hey here’s a healthy relationship that’s nice”
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MIRI: I think you’re right
I like that Waverly can be weirded out without going full tropey Jealous Girl
So @sweet-but-mostly-sour wanted us to discuss Jeremy’s apparent powers. Any thoughts?
KRIS: I don’t know that it would’ve occurred to me independently
The line there did seem to be hinting at something (I can’t recall what he said) but it also would have made sense to me that he just knew the plan?
Especially because Waverly was pretty clearly expecting Doc at the rendezvous, as opposed to meeting up with him beforehand
Oh it was something about why he’d been recruited into BBD
MIRI: Yeah, one sec, I’m almost to it in the ep
I think
Ok I was wrong but I WILL find it
Oh, I think you were right about it being a warning shot--Waverly grazes Rosita’s temple and Rosita runs out
(I wonder if she just missed?)
MIRI: Yeah, no idea if it was a deliberate warning or not. We know how tricky Peacemaker is
Found it!
Doc asks how Jeremy knows stuff and he says:
“I told you I was in an accident. [The car accident when he was 11.] I wasn’t recruited to Black Badge for my excellent Seinfeld impressions.”
MIRI: I really love how transparently into people he is without ever creeping on them
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KRIS:  “I’d feel it in my groin”
I guess in hindsight that is also a plant
MIRI: The groin or the powers?
I forget who he said that about
A plant for his having powers
hidden in a “Classic Jeremy” joke
Honestly I think I might prefer a Jeremy who picks up on things like Wynonna’s pregnancy just because he pays more attention than other people (or other men)
But I’m not against Jeremy having powers or anything
MIRI: Well, hopefully one doesn’t preclude the other
KRIS: I liked “I don’t fit in here. None of you asked me to” a lot
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MIRI: YES that was beautiful without being shmoopy
KRIS: It was an unexpected way for that line to go
MIRI: I think he and Nicole could get a long very well
Yeah, I was expecting a “I never fit anywhere but here” thing and I liked this much better
KRIS: I think my other favorite finale line was “That better not be a nickname for your beav cause I’m not in the mood”
MIRI: Wynonna is always so very Wynonna and basically it’s just dialogue goals in all the ways
KRIS: And Melanie Scrofano finally got her f-bomb! Though I don’t know if it was censored on air
MIRI: I love how important that was to her
We have not yet discussed Mama Earp
KRIS: Oh yeah I really wanted to come with a Mamas Earp joke but blanked I guess there’s not really a joke there, I just wanted at some point to say Mamas Earp
That was another spoiler I stumbled on ahead of time (gif somewhere)
MIRI: I did not get what you were doing there but I finally caught up
Oh no!
So has Wynonna known where Mama Earp is this whole time?
KRIS: I didn’t even think of that. I guess so. That’s interesting
I definitely thought the very first line of that VO was a “flashback” line
MIRI: Me too! I think it still might have been?
KRIS: It seemed like it was part of a “There’s X, and there’s Y, and then there’s Z”
What do we know about Mama Earp?
(Do we know Mama Earp’s name?)
MIRI: (Is it Michelle? the baby’s middle name?)
KRIS: Oh right
MIRI: We know she left when Waves was 2, if I recall correctly
And that’s about it
KRIS: Hang on I’m gonna rewatch that bit
MIRI: “There are men, Wynonna, mean as a rattlesnake cornered at dusk. And there are demons sweet as clover honey. And then there’s him. I told you he was real. I never stopped believing. But he will rise. And when he does, you’ll believe it too.”
KRIS: Man there’s a lot going on there
And maybe a lot of possibilities
MIRI: I know!
Has she been working on this the whole time? Did Waverly get her researcher tendencies from Mama Earp?
KRIS: Right! Is this why she came back to Purgatory?
MIRI: But she’s not fully back
KRIS: Was there some point when Mama Earp might have reached out post-return?
I mean Wynonna coming back
MIRI: Oh, did you mean Wynonna?
Gotcha gotcha
Also, will we get specifics about the mean men and sweet demons?
KRIS: (I also have to say -- #sorrynotsorry -- that I appreciate a show that is this careful about its use of needle drops)
MIRI: (this is such a Thing for you and I love it)
(Also, the music in Wynonna Earp is always damn effective, so I think I have to agree)
KRIS: Is mean men and sweet demons an unusually poetic line for the show or do I just feel that way because when other characters say lines like that it doesn’t always feel right?
MIRI: I think it is unusually poetic, but the HEAVY accent might be meant to somewhat excuse it as country sayings?
Also, I think it’s meant to read as “something my mama used to say” the way we took it, and then twist to be much more literal
I think Mama must have been wrapped up in the occult too. It can’t just have been Ward’s thing. Even if it was after she married in, the “I told you” part means she knows a decent amount about how all this started and where it might go
KRIS: Right
I wonder if Wynonna might have reached out to her after the vision quest?
MIRI: Would she have kept it a secret if she did? I’d buy that
Oh, speaking of Bulshar and secrets, what about that little nod Nicole and Dolls have when we see Nicole has the ring near the end there
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KRIS: Definitely seems like Nicole getting an unofficial promotion (that I guess they don’t want Waverly to know about?)
MIRI: Maybe it’s less a secret and more a “when we have time, we’ll discuss all this”? I hope?
KRIS: The classic Intense Dolls Stare did come close to being unintentionally comical in slow motion, that close to Waverly’s line of sight
KRIS: Yeah I don’t see how it could be a secret
Maybe Dolls and Nicole are already just moving ahead and they want the others to Have a Moment
MIRI: That makes sense for all involved
Ok, is there anything big that we’ve missed?
KRIS: It’s kind of insane that we’ve mentioned Bobo literally once
I don’t know that I have anything to say about him, but still
MIRI: RIGHT, I meant to bring up Bobo!
KRIS: I guess I’d missed or forgotten that he was specifically Magneto-ish and not generally telekinetic
MIRI: I do have things to say, or just to bring up, I guess
Yeah, I had too!
And I wonder if there’s a reason for that that we will see/explore?
Ok, points that I don’t really have much to say about, but I feel should be stated: 1) He’s now an acolyte of Bulshar and 2) He called Waverly kin, but is pretty certainly not her father
KRIS: Someday Waverly’s going to start an occult 23andMe
MIRI: Hahahahahahahahahahhaa
KRIS: I definitely had one more little thing I wanted to mention but it’s escaped me
Oh Nicole’s cat!
MIRI: Calamity Jane!!!
KRIS: (God I have to get back into Deadwood)
MIRI: Do you have any predictions for next season? (Knowing, of course, that Andras will subvert all expectations and impress us all in the process)
KRIS: I basically wouldn’t dare at this point
Though I will ask for a web series that’s The Adventures of Randy Nedley and Calamity Jane
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I never knew I wanted that until just now
They are grumpy best friends
KRIS: I’m even too afraid to guess in which “act” of the season Waverly will come face to face with Mama Earp
MIRI: You say that, and I’m like, “Oh, well...wait. No...Could be..?” Andras is breaking my brain
I can definitely see a first episode option, a midseason option, an end of act 1 option, etc...
I predict we’ll learn what Waverly is, if she’s not entirely human
KRIS: That makes sense
I still kind of want to know what happened to BBD but I get the sense that’s a closed door
or at least as closed as TV gets
MIRI: Yeah, I’d say try to let that hope go for now
I wonder if we’ll be getting any new members of the gang? I feel like no
MIRI: Maybe someone to replace Rosita if she’s gone?
KRIS: I mean I hope Rosita comes back to the fold, somehow, but I could just as easily see her having a more complete villain turn
I could also see a version of this that’s vaguely Alias season 2 where Mama Earp is around a lot
MIRI: But I feel like things are pretty well balanced, plus we’ll be getting Mama Earp and surely some new enemies/adversaries
KRIS: I really hope Jeremy gets time with her
MIRI: Yeah, same. And she may come with a supporting character or two Interesting
Wait, with Mama or Rosita?
KRIS: Mama Earp
Just for the jokes
MIRI: Yes, I’m weirdly into that
KRIS: I was a little surprised there wasn’t a Wynonna-Dolls beat somewhere at the end
MIRI: I wonder if they didn’t want to put it in competition with the Wynonna-Doc beat
KRIS: I don’t see where it would have fit in but I’m curious about which ship is sailing next season
Yeah that’s what I figured
MIRI: I thiiiiink it’s Wynonna/Dolls
I think the little kiss with Doc was just an acknowledgement of the magnitude of it all and that they care about each other
She and Dolls seemed pretty settled after the vision quest
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KRIS: Yeah
MIRI: Which reminds me that we may have the same side/opposite sides thing come up again next season
KRIS: With Doc and Dolls?
MIRI: Dolls and Wynonna
They discuss it in bed after the vision quest
KRIS: Ohhhhh right right
That kind of came out of nowhere for me
MIRI: Yeah, I think it was either a red herring going into the finale arc, or groundwork for future tension
KRIS: I’m basically just looking for a good Andras or Scrofano tweet to end this on
MIRI: She has a voice she uses to talk to/about cakes. Again, I aspire to be Emily Andras when I grow up
KRIS: https://twitter.com/emtothea/status/901278447497994240
MIRI: KRIS you have to give me time to react to things, stop texting at the speed of Wynonna plot twists!!!!! KRIS: OH we forgot about Jeremy referring to Wayhaught as Wayhaught!
MIRI: Jeremy is the most genre savvy, but in a totally non-annoying way and I love him very much
Oh my godddd I missed this as a callback
KRIS: Oh me too
MIRI: I feel like Jeremy’s “It feels like a Phil” line means they’re not going to go too far with whatever his perception/power is
He’s not all knowing. He has feelings and observations that are just him being Jeremy too
KRIS:  I think I found the winner
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MIRI: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
They did say vagina/euphemisms for vagina a lot this episode
KRIS: https://twitter.com/emtothea/status/901264948176629760
MIRI: https://twitter.com/MelanieScrofano/status/901263525510873088
KRIS: https://twitter.com/MelanieScrofano/status/901279279379611648
We’re clearly out of control
MIRI: Our role models are not helpful on that score
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KRIS: I feel like this has been a reasonably successful seeing-a-season-through
MIRI: Yes! I liked doing it this way and would be down for picking a show or two to do this for in fall
KRIS: Maybe a half-hour?
MIRI: Yeah, that would be good. Do we want to do a new one or something returning?
KRIS: I guess we should wait and see
OH we should do Crazy Ex when it comes back
That’s not a half hour but YES
KRIS: OK we should really wrap up and have one of us start formatting this monster
Thanks to anyone who followed along with us
MIRI: Definitely! We hope you enjoyed and that you come back and keep enjoying. And let us know if you have any requests!
KRIS: Also fuck it, if the others aren’t watching The Bold Type by the time the season ends we should just do a finale reaction
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Wow that’s completely unreasonable, sorry Tumblr I take it back
MIRI: Never apologize, Kris.
Would Melanie Scrofano apologize? I think not
KRIS: Our Lady of Go Fuck Yourself
Hmmm, not my best
MIRI: No, I liked it
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