#'buck had an affair' no he didn't
kinard-buckley · 21 days
ok fine, one of my unpopular 911 opinions is that i don't consider the buck/lucy kiss to be cheating on buck's part and, in fact, i believe the only thing buck did that was actually legitimately wrong in that situation was failing to come clean to taylor and instead asking her to move in with him (i think it might actually have been better had he just not said anything and let it go OR he told her but didn't ask her to move in, though based on his characterization i know why he did both of those things).
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buckyalpine · 6 months
you know what I live for? Misunderstandings. Angst. Fluff.
You bit your lip hearing Bucky's conversation with his two closest friends, the three men sitting together in the living room. It clearly wasn't a conversation for anyone else's ears but you couldn't move from the spot you were glued to.
“I-I think I should tell y/n” Bucky sighed, pacing up and down the living room while Sam and Steve were silently judging the super soldier.
"Seriously? This little affair still going on?" Sam shook his head while Bucky gave him a small nod.
“I really like her” He whispered, fiddling with his fingers.
“Well you got tell her, no point keeping it to yourself at this point, she deserves to know. It's been going on for long enough Buck” Steve gave Bucky a pointed look.
“She makes me feel safe. It’s different. I love y/n, but-" Bucky flopped onto the couch, staring up a the ridiculously high ceiling.
“This-this is different. I-I think I love her-”
“Do you hear yourself right now” Sam said incredulously, not feeling an ounce of sympathy for him, "You brought this on yourself so deal with it"
“I know” Bucky sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's just-you should see the way she looks at me, her eyes, I didn't mean for it to get this far-
"Save it. Tell y/n" Steve stated, not willing for any of this to go on any longer. This wasn't the first time his bestfriend brought up this topic and he was certain it wouldn't be the last unless Bucky came clean.
You hadn't even realized you'd started crying until you struggled to choke back a sob, slapping your hand over your mouth and running off to your room instead. Bucky frowned at the soft sniffle he thought he heard, craning his neck to see an empty hallway.
"Did you hear that?" He turned to Steve who shared the same look of concern. "Fuck, do you think that was y/n?" His heart raced further, desperately wanting to run over to you, looking at the clock and realizing it was also time for him to see her. As much as he loved you, he had to go to her first.
He didn't have a choice.
A soft knock at the door pulled you from your misery, your boyfriends pleading voice muffled on the other side.
"Baby?" Bucky knocked again, desperately hoping you'd let him in and give him a chance to explain himself. He never intended for any of this to happen. He finally decided to let himself in, opening the door, his heart dropping seeing your sad, pouty face, wrapped in a cocoon of blankets. He knew you'd overheard him so there was no point in hiding anything anymore.
"This isn't how I wanted you to find out" Bucky spoke softly, shuffling at the door, guilt plastered all over his face. He closed the door behind him before walking over to the bed and sitting beside you. Before you could say anything, he shifted closer to you, nervously biting his lip.
"Her name is Alpine" Tucked into the crook of his arm was a tiny white kitten no more than a few weeks old, happily cuddled into the warmth of his chest. She looked up at him with bright blue eyes, blinking slowly while he cooed, seeing she was up from her nap.
"This is who you were talking to Sam and Steve about?" You asked nervously while Bucky sheepishly nodded, giving you an apologetic smile for his dramatics.
"I've been taking care of her. I know we're not allowed to have pets but I couldn't just leave her there in the cold" Bucky whispered, petting her small head with his finger while she batted at his tags. You giggled at how soft your boyfriend was for the tiny kitten, the furbaby having him wrapped around her little paws.
"I found her while I was out on a run, she was by one of the bushes. I don't think her mom came back for her, she was alone. She was so tiny, she would've died" Bucky felt his throat tighten, remembering the day he'd heard her cries from the garden, her tiny form fitting into the palm of his hand. She'd been days old, waiting for someone to find her.
"I've been feeding her every couple hours, got a box set up by the bush with some blankets but she can't stay there forever. Steve caught me checking on her a few days ago" Bucky looked at you with puppy eyes, hoping you'd understand what he was asking.
"Is this where you've been running off to?" You shook your head while he smiled down at the kitten, proud of how much she'd grown.
"Can we keep her? I don't to put her in a shelter, she'll be scared and she just got comfortable letting me hold her, I don't want her to feel abandoned-"
"We'll keep her. Let's talk to Tony tomorrow" You hushed your boyfriends nervous rambling with a soft kiss to his sweet lips, rubbing your thumb along his jaw.
"Really?" His eyes lit up, bright and blue, matching the baby that stole his heart.
"Really, you big softie" You teased, loving your teddybear of a boyfriend.
"I'm sorry I worried you" Bucky whispered, pulling you to sit in his lap, his two favorite girls cuddling into him.
"He finally came clean" Sam snorted, seeing you and Bucky sprawled on the floor, surrounded by a bunch of cat toys, with a blur of white fur jumping between the two of you. "How'd you convince Stark"
"Didn't take much to be honest" you giggled; Tony tried to put up a stoic front, melted instantly as soon as Alpine crawled up his leg, purring into the crook of his neck. "He bought her a heated cat bed and automatic food dispenser"
Alpine stretched across the warm giant couch, curling up under a patch of sun while Bucky looked at her with hearteyes.
"I have competition with a cat" You playfully frowned while Bucky shook his head, scooping you into his arms immediately.
"Never babydoll, you're my everything"
I thought I overheard you saying she's different" You nudged him while he tried to defend himself again, only to fail miserably.
"He's lying y/n, he talked about her eyes and the way she looks at him" Sam chimed in, while Bucky hid himself into the crook of your neck. "And how he thinks he loves her"
"Shut up Sam"
"Such a softie"
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nee-biter · 10 months
[Pt. 2] A night with Miguel, Peter B and MJ
warnings: more intense than last time. pnv sex, dacryphilia, throat-fucking, wife-swapping, rough sex, throatpie, cuckolding (?)
minors dni 🙏
tagging: @sadslasher13 @a-randomscrub @cyberbugg @optimisticshoeartisanland @migueloharasgirlfriend @tallmanlover @6thhokageswife
part one
Miguel left kisses from your back to your shoulder, before pushing himself off the bed. (Meanwhile, Peter B grunted as MJ gags on his cock). "Look at me." Miguel demanded, hating the way your attention gets stolen, before turning you to lie down on your back.
He moves on top of you, his cock dangling over your face. You instinctively grasped his hand that widened your mouth. Miguel drew circles on your tongue, before pushing himself deeper. "That's right, blow me."
Your nose brushed his balls and you inevitably gagged. The way you struggled and moaned while your lips were wrapped around his length was to die for. Miguel bucked his hips, unable to contain his need for you.
"Go easy on her, Miguel~" MJ teased, as she knelt down beside your form. You were too focused on your husband to notice that MJ was wiping off the cum on her tits.
Peter B probably came on her after she sucked him dry.
You felt kisses on your body. MJ was on your right, peppering tiny kisses on the expanse of your chest. "Doesn't she look like an angel, my love?" She asked her husband, who responded by spreading your legs apart. Peter B gestured for his wife to take a taste of you.
MJ obliged, giggling as she brought two fingers to spread your pussy. While she was focused on pleasing you and making you feel good, Peter B made an effort to stay erect at the sight of his wife going down on you and the sight of you being face-fucked by his best friend.
Miguel couldn't contain it anymore and came inside your mouth. Some of his cum shooting into your throat. By the time he pulled out of you, Miguel noticed tears under your lashes. He kissed them and brushed your hair, giving you some semblance of comfort before whispering, "My little angel deserved that."
You found yourself in different other positions that night. None of you could stop.
At one point, you were on top of Peter B with his hands on your waist, rocking you back and forth on his cock. MJ was being spooned by Miguel to your left, her pussy stretched even wider as Miguel pounded into her.
At another point, you watched as Miguel sucked Peter B's cock, allowing you to adore your husband even further. He's got this side of him that was endearing to watch—a side that you want to see more. When Peter B painted his seed on Miguel's cheek, Miguel had to say, "This stays between the four of us."
The four of you took a small break by midnight, making way for a steamy makeout session between you and MJ as the two men ordered food—
—before resuming one last time, with both of your husbands on top of you. You could swear they made it into a competition, 'who could make their wife cum the fastest?' The answer was sooo obvious~
Morning after—MJ would wake you up by tickling your ear, saying there's a breakfast buffet downstairs if you want to catch it.
You declined, still spent from last night. Also because you wanted to stay behind with your sleeping husband. He was peaceful as he slept and you didn't want to disturb it by relinquishing your warmth from him.
MJ and Peter B went down to eat, but you kissed your husband good morning. Miguel had a smile on his face, still woozy from a few hours ago. Shifting his weight so that he'd be the one to give you sweet kisses, Miguel took his time to take care of you.
But he had one thing to ask from you, "Mi amor, I enjoyed last night. But I want you to assure me that this won't be a regular affair? I prefer to have you mine and only mine."
So, which is it? A frequent night of escapades with your hot friends or forever with your one true lover? The answer is up to you to decide~
thank u so much for reading 👁👁 more content from me soon i just gotta write my thesis lol
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jesuiscenseedormir · 4 days
(7x01) I married the first girl I dated. / I think you might mean "slept with". (7x09) It's not like we're having an affair. Nothing happened. / You haven't had sex.
I don't know what to make of that, but my brain in telling me there's a pattern here.
Something about Eddie and Buck respective flavor of messed up view on sex, relationships, and the association between the two.
Something about Buck setting the record straight, in a way (you didn't really date, but she was the first girl you slept with. / something is happening, but you're not having sex.)
and how that implies Buck already knows the whole story (about Eddie and Shannon), and knows Eddie (it's the story about Kim he doesn't know).
Something about how Eddie is implying that no sex means no affair; He doesn't want sex from Kim but doesn't know what he wants from her, He only had sex with Shannon when she came back and didn't know what he wanted their relationship to be.
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setmeatopthepyre · 8 days
I'm convinced Bobby Nash has to die. Now hear me out!! Cause I don't think he has to stay dead. In fact, it fits better if he doesn't. Here's the thing: Bobby believes he should have died in the fire that killed his family and all those people. It really seems there is absolutely no way for him to feel any closure on that, except, maybe, dying in/as a result of/in the vicinity of a fire after saving his family, aka Athena. A fire that burned down his now-family's home.
In Bobby Begins Again, Bobby is told You want to be punished? Your punishment is that you lived. Now make it worth a damn. And all this 'putting his affairs in order' stuff is kind of him double-checking that he really did make it worth a damn. For other people. Not for himself. He still doesn't believe he deserves any sort of happy ending. So, him dying and then living, just like Buck, would be another perfect little joke from his God, a sort of, You want to die for your sins? Fine. Now you have. Now live and be free of them.
Dying for your sins sound familiar? A little Jesus-y? Yeah, it fits right into all the religious symbolism we got in Step 9, aka the very Bobby-centric episode we just had! @exhuastedpigeon made a really good post about it.
In the previous episode, we saw that Bobby had his addiction practically passed down to him by his father, like an original sin. He wandered the desert, he carried his cross. In this episode, he had his last meal and though he didn't quite literally pray with his family, he did give Eddie a book of catholic prayers...
So if we're following that theme, if Bobby is to get the closure he has been wishing for ever since that fire happened, he might just have to die. But we all know Jesus didn't exactly stay dead either.
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notafragilething · 15 days
911: Tommy is mentioned in the synopsis and why I think it's important.
I was going to save this for the update to my ramble tonight but I decided this deserved it's own post because I think this might be another sign Tommy's sticking around / is a bigger part of the next episode then we think? If you haven't seen the synopsis for next week's episode please check it out:
The 118 and Tommy are presented with the Medal of Valor for their work on the cruise ship rescue. Meanwhile, Hen and Karen encounter an unforeseen hurdle in their foster care journey, while Eddie’s emotional affair develops further.
So I immediately noticed Tommy was listed, which isn't new information (we saw him in the promo), but something immediately screamed "this seems important that he's named." And I couldn't figure out why.
Because obviously Tommy's been listed in these before, right?
I went back and looked at all of this season's episode synopsis and looked at who was listed by name in them. I made main cast bold, re-occurring regulars like family and love interests italics and everyone else normal.
Abandon 'Ships: Athena, Bobby
Rock the Boat: Bobby, Athena, Hen
Capsized: Athena, Bobby, Hen
Buck Bothered and Bewildered: Athena, Harry, Buck, Eddie
You Don't Know Me: Hen, Karen, Eddie, Marisol, Buck
There Goes the Groom: Maddie, Chimney
Ghosts of a Second Chance: Maddie, Athena, Hen, Karen, Mara, Eddie
Step Nine: Bobby
Ashes, Ashes: Tommy, Hen, Karen, Eddie
Out of the many names listed, there are only two other characters who aren't part of the main/re-occurring cast that got listed. Most of the time they were vague and descriptive if another character was featured.
Such as referring to Tommy as "someone else," Mara being referred to as "a new addition to the family," and Amir as "a victim of the apartment fire."
So let's look at those two other names and the roles they played in their respective episodes.
We have Marisol getting her name in the summary for episode 5: You Don't Know Me. She doesn't necessarily appear a ton in this episode but is pretty significant in the plot since Eddie's storyline revolves around finding out she was a nun and how the impacts him. She was in 3 scenes and talked about in multiple others.
Mara was named in Ghost of a Second Chance, which was her second appearance. This episode had Karen and Hen's storyline focused pretty heavily on her and reuniting her with her brother.
So the fact they name dropped Tommy? Would only happen for one of two reasons.
He's going to be in multiple scenes this week or important to the plot.
They know people want to see him and are listing him to pull in viewers.
Both are fairly good signs for people who want him to stick around.
I also want to point out that Marisol, Mara and Tommy all have something in common. They're three characters that have the potential to move into a more re-occurring longterm role in the series next season.
Mara has the potential to become family (assuming they get over whatever hurdle is happening next week) which would put her in the same category as the other children in the show.
Marisol and Tommy both have the potential to be re-occurring role as a longterm love interest like Karen.
I was convinced Marisol was going to be gone but the fact that they are referring to this as an emotional affair and Ryan has made comments about how Eddie could see himself long term with her and loves her? I could see it going either way on whether or not they keep her since they might try to make the case he didn't physically cheat on her (even though I really hope she's gone soon simply because of the actress).
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queenshelby · 4 months
An Illicit Affair
Part 17: I LOVE YOU
Pairing: Cillian Murphy (46) x Reader (23)
Warning: Age-Gap, Taboo Relationship, Infidelity
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"You what?" you gasped, your heart racing wildly in your chest. The shock of hearing Cillian confess his feelings for you sent a jolt down your spine. 
"Fuck Y/N, I am sorry," he breathed, pressing his lips against your hairline. You swallowed hard, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks, causing you to pull away and look into his eyes.
"Do you mean it?" you asked, gazing into Cillian's soulful eyes. "Do you honestly believe that you might be falling in love with me?" you wanted to know. 
Cillian hesitated for a moment, weighing his words carefully. "Yeah, I think so. I mean, I've never felt this way about anyone else before, Y/N," he confessed, his voice breaking slightly. 
"But I also know that I can't have you," he sighed, hugging you tightly. "I'm stuck and you deserve better than a man who cannot commit to you," he whispered, stroking your hair softly.
"Cillian, I am not looking for commitment right now," you countered, your voice firm. "And for what its worth, I think that I might have fallen for you too, so whatever this is, it doesn't feel like it's wrong," you affirmed, searching his eyes for confirmation.
Despite the chaos swirling around you that threatened to engulf you both, the bond you two formed was undeniable. And, in this moment, you realized that you had no regrets. You had made your choice, embracing the passion and fire ignited between you and Cillian.
"Now I really need you to make out with me though," you eventually said, breaking the silence between you, biting your lip suggestively and tracing your finger along his jawline.
Cillian didn't waste any time. He closed the distance between you two, capturing your lips in a heated, desperate kiss.
His tongue slipped past your teeth, exploring your mouth as you moaned softly. The taste of mint mixed with coffee lingered on his tongue, and you savored the sensation of his lips moving against yours.
The kiss seemed to go on forever, neither of you wanting to let go.
"Bedroom," you eventually gasped between kisses, tugging on him impatiently. Cillian nodded, already moving towards the bedroom with you closely following, your hearts pounding furiously in your chests.
You pushed him onto the large king-sized bed, jumping on top of him immediately and straddling his hips.
"You are injured, so I will take care of you," you murmured, nibbling on his neck as he groaned beneath you.
He tilted his head, exposing his throat to your wandering lips. You trailed kisses down his collarbone, pausing to lick at the salty sweat collected on his skin. He arched into your touch, moaning softly.
"Fuck," Cillian breathed, his breath hot against your skin. "You're driving me insane," he murmured, clutching at your waist.
You smirked, grinding against him provocatively.
"Good," you teased, nipping at his pulse point. "Tell me how badly you want me," you demanded, licking your lips seductively.
Cillian groaned softly, his fingers digging into your skin.
"More than anything else," he muttered hoarsely, his voice catching in his throat. The words echoed in your ears, resonating with the raw intensity of your feelings for him.
You grinned wolfishly, dipping your head to nip at his neck. He arched upwards, gasping loudly, his erection growing harder beneath your denim-clad ass.
"That's good," you murmured wickedly, grinding against him insistently. 
"So hard already," you teased, palming his throbbing member through his jeans.
Cillian let out a low moan, bucking his hips upward in response.
"Well, you do this to me," he growled, reaching for the zipper of your jeans before, in a whirl of moving bodies, your clothes fell scattered across the carpet.
Pinning Cillian beneath you, you straddled his hips, teasing him with your slow movements. He moaned softly, arching his back off the mattress. The urgency in his eyes reflected the mounting desire coursing through both of you.
"Show me how badly you want me," you taunted, grinding against him, relishing the friction. His cock twitched beneath you, begging for release as you admired his nakedness.
You leaned forward, kissing him gently, tasting the sweetness of his breath. He whimpered softly, his hands roaming over your bare back, tracing patterns only visible to the imagination.
Cillian's face flushed, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Please, Y/N," he pleaded, his voice hoarse. "I want you so fucking much," he confessed, his throat bobbing as he swallowed hard.
"Do you just?" you teased sweetly, feeling the heat r adiating from him as you grinded against his hardness without allowing him to penetrate you just yet. 
Cillian's breath caught in his throat, his Adam's apple bobbing with restraint. "I swear," he muttered, his voice strained with lust. "If you keep that up," he warned, grasping your hips tightly. "There is going to be a mess even before we have sex," he groaned, his breath heating up your skin.
"Oh, baby," you purred, grinding against him sensually.
"I'm loving the desperation," you teased, glancing down at his erect penis throbbing beneath you.
You could hear Cillian's ragged breaths as he struggled to maintain control. His hands clung to your hips, anchoring you in place while his swollen cock pulsed beneath you. The heat of his arousal grew stronger as his body writhed beneath yours.
"Take me, please," Cillian begged, his voice breaking. "I need you now," he whimpered, his plea echoing in the quiet room.
"Please, Y/N," he implored, his voice strained with desire.
"Not yet," you teased, knowing that delaying his pleasure would only heighten his desire for you. You watched him squirm beneath you, savoring the sight of his erection throbbing against your skin.
"Please, Y/N," he groaned again, his voice hoarse with desperation. "I can't wait anymore," he whined, his hands balling into fists at his sides.
"Alright, alright," you laughed, finally relenting.
Feeling a bit guilty for prolonging his agony, you lifted yourself up and aligned his hard member with your wetness.
With a sultry grin, you impaled yourself on his throbbing shaft, moaning loudly at the pleasurable pain.
A loud groan escaped Cillian's lips as he thrust his hips upwards, meeting your downward motion. You threw your head back, basking in the euphoria. The scent of sweat and arousal enveloped your senses as your bodies moved in sync.
Cillian's hands roamed over your back, pulling you closer, and you eagerly obliged, grinding and bucking against him. His cock pulsed inside you, and the sensation caused your toes to curl.
You rode him harder, grinding your hips against his pelvis as he grunted beneath you. The heat and pressure built between you, growing intense as you both neared the edge.
"Cillian," you moaned, his name dripping from your lips like sweet honey. "I want you to fuck me hard from behind," you commanded, throwing your head back and reveling in the power dynamics.
Cillian's eyes widened, his pupils dilated with lust. "Get on your hands and knees then," he growled, his voice husky with passion.
You did as he instructed, positioning yourself on all fours. You could feel the heat radiating from his body as he positioned himself behind you.
"Ready?" he asked, his voice low and rough.
"Yes," you breathed, anticipation coursing through your veins.
With a sudden thrust, Cillian entered you from behind, causing you to cry out in pleasure. He grabbed your hips, pulling you flush against him as he pumped into you.
Your nails dug into the sheets below, straining against the delicious torment coursing through your veins. You moaned loudly, your cries echoing in the dimly lit room. Each thrust sent a ripple of pleasure surging through your body, leaving you utterly spent.
"Harder," you begged, the words escaping through clenched teeth. "I need it faster," you cried, bucking your hips back against him.
Cillian's breath came out in ragged gasps as he pounded into you, his eyes burning with desire.
"Oh god, yes!" you screamed, your voice echoing in the quiet room. "Harder, Cillian," you begged, arching your back and clawing at the sheets beneath you.
"Like this?" he growled, increasing the speed and force of his thrusts.
"Yes, just like that," you moaned, your body beginning to quiver with approaching climax.
"I'm going to cum soon," he warned, his voice tight with restraint.
"Me too," you moaned, your body trembling beneath his relentless assault.
"Then cum with me," he growled, slamming into you one last time.
Your orgasm exploded within you, your muscles contracting and spasming uncontrollably. You cried out his name, your voice hoarse with pleasure. Cillian followed suit moments later, his body shuddering violently as he emptied himself inside you.
You collapsed onto the bed, panting heavily, your heart pounding in your chest. Cillian rolled onto his side, pulling you into his arms.
He ran his fingers through your messy hair, a satisfied smile playing on his lips just before the intercom buzzed loudly, startling both of you.
You heard footsteps approaching the entrance and then a knock on the front door to Cillian's apartment.
"Dad?" Max's voice rang out. "Open up, I've got food," he then said as Cillian and you exchanged panicked looks, your heartbeats echoing in the silent room as you quickly gathered your clothes. 
"I'm coming," Cillian called out, attempting to calm his rapidly beating heart. His words were muffled, barely audible, but Max seemed to hear him nonetheless.
To be continued...
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erikatsu · 2 years
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pairing. al haitham x fem!reader [ft. kaveh !]
warnings. genshin 3.2 archon quest spoilers, cheating (by reader), unprotected sex, dumbification, exhibition, semi-public sex, vouyerism (non-consensual), pet name (pretty girl), multiple orgasms, creampie. i did kaveh so dirty and idc. unedited, probably not all that great i just wanted to get it out of my system.
wc. 1.1k
ty to @dxlucs for beta reading !
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“sh,” al haitham covered your mouth with his hand, holding back his own noises as you sat in his lap, his hard cock buried inside you. “someone could hear us.”
you whimpered, before leaning forward and hiding your face into the crook of his neck. the two of you had to be quick, as al haitham had very little down time before he had to get back to helping the akademiya rebuild and replace four of the six great sages. and it was only a matter of time before your boyfriend, and al haitham’s roommate, came back to sumeru city with his latest project ending soon. 
with kaveh always away and hardly being around recently as he had been stationed out in the desert, you and al haitham had grown closer in his absence. of course you were aware that kaveh would be crushed by what the two of you had been up to while he was gone, but after one too many nights of being alone when you needed someone, al haitham was there. yes, this was wrong and this would inevitably hurt someone you cared about, but you were unbothered as al haitham dropped his hand and tightly gripped your waist. 
al haitham didn't care about right or wrong. he simply acted on what he felt was rational. was going behind his roommate's back logical? it was, if he recalled all the times kaveh couldn't make rent, how long he'd overstayed his welcome, and how ungrateful he was. al haitham figured he could do a lot worse to him than this in retaliation.
with the two of you inhabiting the office of kshahrewar’s former great sage, the odds of being caught were low but it was still a possibility. especially because you couldn't keep it down as al haitham rocked your hips against his, the tip of his cock brushing your cervix as you grinded down on him. 
you groaned against skin, his rhythm steadily picking up until he had you lightly bouncing in his lap. his eyelids fluttered, closing as small whines escaped your mouth. a light chuckle left him, vibrating against your ear, “tell me what you want, pretty girl. you don't have to keep quiet, but you can't be too loud.”
the idea of being caught in this position had you clenching around him, trying to roll your hips faster. his fingers dug into your skin, roughly bucking into you at your lack of response. a yelp escaped you, and you sat up before looking at him wide eyed. there was a small smirk tugging at his lips, and a knowing look in his eyes to match.
he teasingly thrusted again, hitting that sweet spot that he knew like the back of his hand. the spot that kaveh never could quite reach, almost like an itch you couldn't scratch. 
“right there,” you told him almost breathlessly, even though he was fully aware. he could feel your walls tightening around him as he worked his pace back up, driving into you harder and faster than before. “fuck.”
even though you really tried to keep it down, your voice was carrying. anyone walking down the hall would know what was going on behind the other side of the door, and there were quite a few passersby that did hear but kept walking. all except one who’s curiosity got the best of him, especially once he heard his roommate’s name being spoken in such a pleasured tone. 
the man almost scoffed, wondering if al haitham was out of his damn mind for bringing bedroom affairs to work. what kept him guessing was who could be foolish enough to join him, and why he was at this darshan of all places. kaveh quickly took notice the door was not closed all the way, and was about to barge in to ruin al haitham's fun when he finally heard the voice of the person with him. 
a slew of curses were leaving your mouth as al haitham thrusted into you, fucking you through a high that had you shaking and gasping as you tried to calm down. he didn't slow down either, close to his own release as he heard the faintest creak of the door. his gaze flew up to meet kaveh’s wide eyes, an idea already forming as he realized the two of you were being watched.
he still didn't stop, the grip you had on his cock still squeezing him just right. you felt as if you were being split apart, the nerves from your orgasm never dying down and whimpers falling off your tongue as he bullied his tip against your cervix. a slight change in position would have you cumming again, and if kaveh was dumb enough to keep standing there, he'd have to see it again.
“think you can cum again, pretty girl?” 
you opened your mouth, trying to tell him no, this was already too much, but words failed you. he pulled your hips forward, a pathetic whine leaving you as your legs began to shake. kaveh was still at the threshold, hurt and unable to look away. while he felt that harsh sting of betrayal settling in his heart, he couldn't help but be mesmerized by the way you were moving on someone else’s cock. 
embarrassment burned at his cheeks as he felt himself getting hard at how hot you sounded. he'd never heard these noises from you before, never seen you enjoying yourself as much as you were. he hated that, and he hated that he was turned on by it. 
a choked cry fell from your mouth, al haitham cutting you off with his own. you wound your arms around his neck to keep yourself steady as the second high hit you. kaveh watched as your body jerked, racked with tremors as euphoria filled you. he'd never seen you do that either. 
al haitham groaned, pulling away as you went still. a hand came up to cup your cheeks as your eyes fluttered and slightly rolled back. your mouth was parted, heavy breaths leaving you before al haitham turned your head to the side. 
“i guarantee she's never looked like this for you. has she, kaveh?” al haitham mocked, feeling himself teetering on the edge. “you enjoying the show? that's why you're still here aren't you? watching me fuck your girlfriend knowing there isn't anything you can do about it.”
that was the thought that sent al haitham. kaveh standing there, too dumbfounded to move and watching as his roommate filled you full of his cum. and that's also what had kaveh walking away, feeling utterly stupid and upset at what had just happened, at what he just witnessed. 
kaveh was painfully aware that sages being replaced and the akasha being shut off was not the only thing that had changed while he was gone. he didn't think any amount of prayers to the dendro archon could ever change anything back to normal.
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TAGS (OPEN FOR MOOTS): @sanzucide @mytartaglia @mxnjiros @suyacho
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shaunamilfman · 7 months
illicit affairs
Summary: "You weren't sure how Jackie Taylor and Shauna Shipman had both decided to cheat on each other with you, but you certainly weren't complaining. Though, the guilt was starting to eat you alive."
A/N: Jackieshauna x reader if it wasn't clear. ended up being pretty long. enjoy!
You cough loudly as you pass the bottle to Nat. "Where the fuck did you guys get this from? Tastes like I'm drinking fucking acetone." You manage to say through wheezes. Nat shrugs as she looks over at Kevyn. 
"I gave the guy 10 bucks, this is what he got us." He says as he holds his hands out placatingly. You groan as you lean back against the tree and close your eyes. 
"You're the one who wanted to pregame the party anyways, Y/N." Nat says amusedly, grinning crookedly at you. You open your eyes and give her a mostly feigned glare. 
"I didn't say I wanted to pregame it," You say. "I just said that the last thing I wanted to do on a Friday night is deal with some of those girls sober." Nat laughs as she hands the bottle back to you. You take another long drink. 
"Same thing, isn't it?" She asks. You grin back at her. 
When you can hear the faint sounds of the party in the distance the three of you unsteadily set off towards it. You lean heavily against Nat, a little drunker than you planned on getting this early in the night. She leans back against you without complaint but shoots you a concerned look when you reach the party after Kevyn walks further off. 
"What?" You ask. 
"Drink some water, maybe?" She says. You laugh and shake your head. 
"I'm not that drunk, Natty." You tease, making her roll her eyes good naturedly. "It's all good, don't worry."
She hums in acknowledgement. "If you say so." She says. You guys talk aimlessly for a long while before you notice Jackie making her way over to you. 
You elbow Nat in her side mid-rant. "Captain incoming." You mutter. She looks over at Jackie and lazily throws her hand up in a mocking salute. Jackie rolls her eyes but doesn't acknowledge it beyond that. 
"Hey," Jackie says softly, choosing to completely ignore Nat. Nat scoffs but abandons you to your fate as she walks off to find Kevyn. 
"Hey," You say, trying hard to seem more sober than you are. The last thing you need right now is a Jackie Taylor lecture. Now that you've graduated she may not technically hold any authority over you, but old fear dies hard. 
"I haven't seen you drink anything at the party," She says. You shake your head no. At least that's working in your favor. Besides, you didn't drink anything at the party. It's technically not even lying. 
"Good," She says simply. "I wanted to talk to you about something, but I didn't want you to be drunk for it." You smile wryly. That's you, definitely not drunk Y/N. You wonder what she wants to talk to you about, but it gets a little blurry after that. 
It was not 'all good': Apparently you're more of a lightweight than you thought. You wake up the next morning with no memory of the night before, but by the extra body in your bed you knew it must have been fucking awesome. 
"Hey," You hear a voice say softly. You roll over to see who you went home with when you're paralyzed by shock. That's Jackie Taylor. You're in Jackie Taylor's house in Jackie Taylor's bed with the unmistakable sound of Shauna Shipman's voice coming from Jackie Taylor's kitchen. 
Fuck. You think deliriously. 
"Hey." You mutter blearily, rubbing at your eyes. You can totally play it cool, even if you're dying inside. She grins at you and leans forward to press a gentle kiss against your lips before getting out of bed. 
"I'm gonna go meet Shauna but you can totally take a shower or whatever if you want. She knew you were sleeping over so she brought you breakfast too." She says happily, bouncing a bit on the balls of her feet. You nod and eye her wearily as she leaves. Now that's just cold. You think.
You take a long hot shower hoping the steam will make you feel like a better person. This feeling is only exacerbated when Jackie knocks on the door to let you know that she left you some clothes lying out to change into, as judging by the flannel it's definitely Shauna's. 
You stand in the doorway of the kitchen and watch Jackie sitting sideways across Shauna's lap as they whisper and giggle to each other. You clear your throat quietly and they both turn to face you as you hesitantly walk into the kitchen. 
Jackie stands up and excitedly pulls the chair out across from Shauna. As she walks over to the fridge, you and Shauna make awkward eye contact. At least, it was awkward on your part. Shauna seems to be eyeing you with a surprising amount of hunger. Her gaze lingering on the way her flannel has partially slid down your shoulder. You laugh nervously and look around for Jackie. 
You finally manage to choke down your breakfast and nearly manage to excuse yourself out the door when Jackie stops you with a gentle hand on your arm. "We're still good about last night, aren't we?" She asks softly, looking a little lost. "You're not having second thoughts?"
You shake your head, quick to reassure her. The things you would do to keep this woman from looking sad. You're starting to reach a much deeper understanding with Shauna.  She grins widely at you and you smile back reflexively. "See you soon then? I'll text you later." She promises. 
You eye her curiously. "You have my number?" You ask. 
"I still have everyone's number." She says. "Captain privileges."
"Seems like you're abusing your old privileges, Captain." You tease. She worries her lip between her teeth and is about to respond when Shauna slips past her out the door.
"All ready to drive you home, Y/N." She interrupts. You can't hide the surprised look on your face. 
"It's alright Shauna, I only live two streets over." You say. 
She shakes her head. "It's fine." She says, "I promised my mom I'd pick her up something from the store anyways." You nod slowly and wave at Jackie as you slip in the passenger seat. You watch the two of them kiss goodbye and try not to squirm guiltily. 
After a two minute drive in complete silence you point to your driveway. She pulls in next to your car and turns to look at you seriously. "Are your parents home?" She asks. 
"No. They travel a lot for work." You say. She nods distractedly as she unbuckles her seatbelt. You're about to ask if she was planning on coming inside when she suddenly lunges forward and kisses you. You're frozen with shock for a long moment before eagerly reciprocating. 
You can feel the way she smiles against your lips as she pulls back. You open your eyes just in time to watch her climb over the center console to straddle your lap. You reflexively place your hands on her hips to steady her and she gives you an amused, but ultimately fond look for it. "Hey," She says breathily. You can't help but watch her in awe. She reaches her hands out to grip both sides of your open flannel. "You look really hot in my clothes." She says. 
"You look really hot in your clothes, too." You offer, trying not to seem so love drunk on someone you just kissed for the first time. She laughs softly and pulls you forward into another bruising kiss. You're lost in the feeling of her mouth moving against yours. 
You can't help but moan when she ruts down against your lap, which she eagerly uses to deepen the kiss. She's fighting hard for dominance that you're more than willing to let her have. You flex your fingers against her waist, shifting your hands to slip your thumbs into her belt loops to encourage her to keep moving. 
She pulls away from you all too soon in order to catch her breath. You were feeling pretty light headed yourself, but you figured there were much worse ways to go. You look up at her watching the way her chest moves as she pants for breath, the way her lips are plump and swollen. You marvel at the fact that you could do that to Shauna Shipman. 
You lean forward eagerly, unable to resist your desperate need to kiss her senseless only to be stopped in your tracks by your seat belt locking against you. You raise a hand to tug at it but it doesn't give. Shauna laughs at your expense and shifts in your lap so that you can't reach the buckle.  You run your hands up and down the sides of her thighs, savoring the feel of her against you. If you can't kiss her you'll take what you can get. You pout exaggeratedly up at her and she shakes her head softly, her lips quirking at the edges as she tries not to smile. 
She stays just frustratingly out of reach, seemingly very happy to tease you. She reaches a hand up and slips her fingers underneath the seat belt and tests the give. "I think I like you more like this," She says quietly, as if for your ears only. "All tied up."
You try to muffle the reaction her words cause, but judging by the knowing look on her face you didn't do a great job of it. You give in. "Please." You whine. "Please kiss me again, Shauna?" You can tell by the way she rocks against you that she really likes that. 
You never claimed to have any dignity. "I'll do anything." You plead, readily willing to use her enjoyment against her. "Please don't leave me like this, Shauna." You draw her name out in a whine and that seems to be what finally gets her. She reaches forward to grab at the handle and sends your seat flying backwards. 
You gasp sharply as she bites down hard against your neck, your hand flying up to pull roughly against her hair in warning. "Sorry," She lies, breathing heavily. "Been wanting to do that all morning." She traces her finger gently across the mark on your neck, looking smugger than you'd previously thought her capable of.
"Make it up to you." She promises as she leans down to start sucking an accompanying mark on the other side of your neck. 
"You'd better." You murmur pointlessly, closing your eyes and tilting your head back to give her more room. 
You're just stepping out of the shower about a week later when you hear the quiet buzz of your phone. You shift your towel to hold it with one hand as you unlock your phone on the way back to your room.
Do you want to do something later?
Just us, I mean? 
You glance down at the message with barely hidden surprise. Is she asking you on a date? 
sure. wanna see a movie? 
If you want too. I mostly just wanted to see you, really. Can I come pick you up now? 
i have a car shauna
I want to drive us, please? 
nice to have u begging for once but sure 
give me like 20 b4 you come over though
just got out of the shower
You watch as three dots appear, disappear, appear, and disappear again. You grin down at your phone. Clearly she didn't know how to respond to that one. You shake your head amusedly and move to get dressed. 
You're bouncing your legs excitedly in the living room as you wait for Shauna to pull down the driveway. Sure, maybe you were a little more attached to her than you should be as the other woman; Who could blame you though, when it came to either of them. You knew this whole situation was going to blow up in your face, but you've decided you're going to enjoy the ride. 
You wait for a tense 30 seconds after Shauna knocks to go and open the door. No need to let her know how excited you are, after all. "Hey," She says quietly, taking a quick glance at you. She looks just as excited as you are, anxiously fiddling with the cuff of her flannel. 
You grin at her. "You look nice," You offer, hands reaching up to refold the collar of her flannel. 
"You too," She says and she watches your hand intensely, almost a little unsure. You gently pull her forward by her flannel and press a soft kiss against her lips. You let go and smooth the edges back down. She looks just a little surprised but she can't hide the way it made her blush. She gestures to her car and you follow. 
As she slips in the driver's seat you make a show of wearily eyeing her from the passengers seat. She sends you a confused look before her eyes widen in realization. She scoffs playfully and rolls her eyes. "Won't jump you this time, scouts honor." She promises wryly. 
"I don't believe that," You tease. 
"Don't think I can control myself?" She asks amusedly. 
"Don't believe you were ever a girl scout." You reply. She hums in acknowledgment, shrugging at you. "Doesn't matter anyways. Not wearing my sexy underwear this time, so you'll have to keep it to yourself." You say. 
She laughs boisterously as she turns back to you. "You weren't wearing sexy underwear last time either." She says. 
You gasp and dramatically turn to face the window, arms crossing on your chest. "So now my underwear's ugly? I'll have you know that I borrowed those clothes from Jackie, so…" You trail off. 
Shauna, as if suddenly sensing the hole she's dug herself into, says nervously, "It's not that they were ugly it's just tha-" She glances over midway through her sentence and scoffs as she sees the reflection of your smile in the window.
"Eyes on the road, Shauna." You remind teasingly. 
"Bitch." She murmurs fondly.
The both of you come stumbling out of the theater leaning against each other and drunk with giddiness. "Oh my god," You wheeze, desperately trying to catch your breath. She nods against your shoulder, shaking with silent laughter. 
"I can't believe he just punched his head off." You say, losing the battle against laughing again. She murmurs her agreement as she looks at you as if you put the stars in the sky. You finally manage to stop laughing as you wonder whether she looks at Jackie like that too.
 She watches the change of your expression curiously, but decides not to call you out on it. She offers her arm out gallantly and you wrap your arm around it readily, letting her lead you back to the car. 
You're about to make a comment involving chivalry when you see her. Nat watches you with an unreadable expression from her position sitting on a curb. She pulls the cigarette from her mouth, exhaling a cloud of smoke as she waves it slightly in greeting.
You fidget nervously with the sleeve of Shauna's flannel, the one she took off and told you to wear the second you even looked cold in the theater. You can imagine how this looks, especially with the two of you practically tripping over each other. You don't know what to say. What could you even say? You wave back slowly and look away, trying desperately to hide your shame. 
You and Nat spent the entire car ride in silence which made the sound of the engine turning off practically deafening. You mechanically get out of the car and unlock the store, Nat trailing quietly after you. 
You and Nat had always chosen to get summer jobs at the same place, given the ease of picking and dropping Nat off for work if you were going to the same place. You didn't want her walking all the way there every time, and she was too prideful to accept your rides otherwise. 
"You're going to get hurt, Y/N." She says seriously. You jump in shock, not expecting her to break her vow of silence so soon. 
"You're not going to lecture me about being the other woman twice?" You ask quietly, wanting to change the subject. She raises an eyebrow.  "I'm fucking both of them," You confess. Her mouth drops open in shock, before she manages to catch herself. 
She laughs wryly. "I don't care if you want to fuck someone's girlfriend, Y/N. I care because you looked like you really liked her." She says. You glance down silently, unable to disagree and unsure what to say otherwise. 
"Y/N," She says seriously, a hard expression adorning her face. "She won't pick you over Jackie, and Jackie won't pick you over Shauna."
You laugh bitterly, scrubbing at a table roughly. "You think I don't know that, Natty?" You say softly, voice catching at the end. She looks up from her own table and softens the second she catches your teary eyed expression. 
"Hey," She says, tinged with awkwardness. She walks over and pulls you into a hug, gripping you tightly. "It's alright. I'm sorry. I should have minded my business."
You shake your head against her shoulder. "You're my best friend, Natalie." You say wetly. "It's your job to be in my business, don't you forget that." She laughs quietly into your hair, pulling you tighter against her. 
You're interrupted by the soft sound of someone clearing their throat. You try to rub the tears away before you turn to face the customer. Jackie watches the two of you with an obvious expression of jealousy, which turns suspicious the second she catches a look at your face. "What did you say to Y/N?" She asks, looking accusingly at Nat. 
Nat scoffs and holds her hands up placatingly. She sends you a meaningful glance before walking off behind the counter. "Hey," You say quietly. 
"What did she say to you?" Jackie repeats insistently. You shake your head softly with a laugh. 
"Nothing. She didn't say anything, it's just…" You trail off, trying to think of a good excuse. 
"It's just?" She prompts. 
"Started thinking about how it's going to be our last real summer here. Sure, Nats gonna be my roommate next year, but it just won't be the same." You lie. It wasn't fully a lie, but you felt guilty nonetheless. You've gotten a lot of practice lying recently. 
"Nat's going to Rutgers?" She asks, sounding surprised. You nod. 
"Seems being on a National winning soccer team does a lot to make up for bad attendance." You confirm. 
She nods. "Buzz, buzz, buzz." She says seriously, making you burst out laughing. She pouts at you, but the corners of her lips turn up nonetheless. 
You absently pull at the collar of your shirt, suddenly thankful for the uniform's high collar. If she got that jealous over you hugging Nat you think the sight of your neck might kill her. She follows the motion curiously but doesn't comment on it. 
"What are you doing here, anyways?" You ask curiously, glancing around pointedly. She pauses to think of an explanation as a blush begins to bloom on her face. You can't help but smirk. "Did you come all this way to see me, Jackie?" 
"No," She pauses. "I came here to get a sandwich."
"There are certainly closer places to buy sandwiches," You said. You had, after all, picked a location closer to Nat's trailer on purpose. You hesitate for a moment, deep in thought. "Actually, how did you get here?" 
She smiles, relieved for the change in conversation. "Shauna drove me, duh." She says obviously. You tense at the thought. Did Shauna know she was driving her girlfriend out to cheat on her? 
No, definitely not. You and Shauna would be having a much different conversation if she thought you were fucking her girlfriend. You try to shake the thought off, but you can't kick the guilt. 
"What can I get you then?" You ask in your very best customer service voice. She tilts her head to the side in an expression of confusion. "Your sandwich," You remind her. 
"Oh," She mutters softly. She looks up at the menu unsurely for a few long minutes. "Surprise me?" She suggests awkwardly. You shrug and head behind the counter. 
Loser. You mouth at her. She pouts but watches interestedly as you make her sandwich. "Here or to-go?" You ask. 
She pouts up at you. "Can't you come sit with me?" She asks. You hated when she used the puppy dog eyes on you. You look helplessly over at Nat who rolls her eyes and gestures out toward the table. You hand Jackie her sandwich and spring forward to press a wet kiss against Nat's cheek, snickering at her expressions of disgust. 
You join Jackie at her table. She holds her sandwich up to you expectantly. You glance at it and then back to her. "You didn't make it with love," She teases. You roll your eyes. 
"That would be a healthcode violation," You point out. She gestures back to the sandwich. You sigh and lean forward to press a gentle kiss to her sandwich. "Is it edible now?" She nods happily and starts eating it. 
You sit and quietly talk with her until she finishes her sandwich, and she joins you by the counter until Shauna comes back to pick her up. You watch her leave and exhale loudly in disappointment. Nat snickers at you but doesn't otherwise acknowledge it.
You're just on the edge of sleep, but just as your eyes start to slip closed you hear a clang as something hits your window. You watch it carefully and see what looks to be a rock hitting your window. You grab your phone to call 911 when it starts going off on its own. 
You look down to see that Jackie's calling you. Surely, she wouldn't… You sigh. Jackie's dramatic ass would do something like that. You answer the call as you sneak a look outside. Sure enough, there's Jackie Taylor outside throwing rocks at your window. "Hey," She says over the phone, waving at you from outside. 
"I wasn't actually sure if you could hear the rocks." She says, smile tinged with just a hint of bashfulness. She's so gorgeous. You think mindlessly. You wave back at her, unable to resist her charm. "Let me in?" She asks. 
"Course." You murmur sleepily and hang up the phone. You walk downstairs while trying to rub the sleep out of your eyes. You open the door to Jackie looking pristine as ever. You can't help but feel a little self conscious in nothing but your big t-shirt and boxers, but you're quickly reassured by the quirk of her lips as she eyes you up and down. 
"Hey," She says shyly. You cross your arms and lean against the doorway as you give her a curious look. 
"Hey?" You ask playfully. 
"I bet you're wondering what I'm doing here, huh?" She says. You tilt your head questioningly to the side in response. "I missed you," She admits, smiling softly at you. 
You can't help but grin as you reach out to pull her into a tight hug, resting your head on her shoulder. You laugh quietly into her ear and say, "We've been texting literally all day, how could you have the chance to miss me?" You ask teasingly. 
"Just not the same, Y/N." She whines, inhaling deeply into your hair. You let go of her to gently pull her away from you, both hands resting on her shoulders. 
"Did you seriously just smell me?" You ask amusedly. She shrugs and keeps smiling unrepentantly. You laugh quietly. "Freak." You whisper affectionately, and slide your hand down her arm to grab her hand and pull her up towards your bedroom. 
"And yet," She says, flopping back happily on your bed. "It's worked perfectly on you."
You laugh as you climb on next to her and lay back far more gently. "Suppose I have a thing for freaks." You admit playfully. She rolls on her side to look over at you with a pleased expression. 
"You'd better." She says simply. God, she's so weird. You think. She leans in to kiss you when she suddenly stops in her tracks. She lays a hand down on your chest to push you flat on your back as she shifts up to straddle you. You don't even get a chance to ask what's wrong before she starts pulling at the neckline of your shirt to expose the marks on your neck. 
She stares at the lingering teeth marks Shauna had left on your neck a few days ago, hidden in the stacks of the bookstore she'd drug you to. She runs her fingers over it with an unreadable expression, feeling curiously at the edges. You watch her carefully, not really sure what to say. She puts her hand up to your chin and cups it gently, the tip of her thumb just barely reaching your mouth. You press an affectionate kiss against her thumb and her expression softens, settling back to her normal Jackie Taylor brand of exuberance. 
"I didn't think I'd find that so hot," She murmurs distractedly, shifting her focus to looking at the other side of your neck. She grins at what she finds, a pleased expression growing slowly on her face. "Missed a spot," She says happily, leaning over and biting down. 
Your body jerks harshly in surprise at the action but she presses her hand back down against your chest to still you as she keeps nipping and sucking at your neck. You can tell that she didn't bite you nearly as hard as Shauna did, but damn if it still didn't hurt. 
You reach a hand up to wrap in Jackie's hair, gently tugging it to get her away from you. She makes a whiny complaint but follows the motion dutifully. You scoff as you get a look at the needlessly smug expression adorning her face. You let go of her hair to rest your hands on her hips, fingers flexing warningly as she glances back at your neck. 
You decide to put a stop to that and flip the both of you over. Jackie makes a pleased noise at the motion, staring up at you with her hair splaying out widely against the pillow. You grin, embarrassedly fond of the look. 
You lean down to claim her lips in a bruising kiss, which she eagerly reciprocates. Your mind blanks at the feeling of her lips against yours, which is why it takes you an embarrassedly long time to realize she's been tugging at your shirt trying to convince you to take it off for at least five minutes. 
You sit back on her hips and smirk down at her. "Show you mine," You offer. She rolls her eyes but takes her own shirt off. You watch her hungrily; not remembering the night you originally shared together made this feel like the first time. She makes an impatient gesture and you finally take your own shirt off. 
She makes a surprised noise as she looks up at you, eyes scanning greedily. You look down, a little confused. Oh. You think. You fidget with the strap of her bra uncomfortably. "I was going to sleep. It's a bit of a tits out kinda outfit." You defend with a shrug. She nods quickly but manages not to move her eyes away from you. 
You wonder if she looks at Shauna like this too. You feel an increasingly familiar pang of guilt and do your best to table the thought. She's looking at you like this now, that's all that matters. You toy with the clasp of her bra and slowly unhook it, pulling it up and off her shoulders in one fluid motion. 
"There," You say. "We're even now, no need to stare." She grins. 
"Always a reason to stare, Y/N". She murmurs. You start to roll your eyes at her but glance down to meet a distraction of your own. She giggles at your expense. 
"Shut up, Jackie." You mutter as you lean down to suck a mark into the curve of her breast. She releases a quiet gasping noise, fingers flexing as her nails dig into your shoulder. You can already tell she's going to wreck your back. You can't wait. 
You groan happily as you stretch out fully on your bed as you wake up, hissing slightly as the motion pulls at the scratches on your back. Must've fucked me up good. You think aimlessly. Jackie makes a whiny noise at the movement, clearly not pleased to have been woken up. She rolls over in your arms to face you, smiling gently at you. 
She opens her mouth to speak when she catches sight of something over your shoulder and her eyes widen. "Shit." She says panickingly, throwing the covers off of the both of you to bolt to her clothes on the floor. You turn around curiously and catch sight of the alarm clock on your bedside table. Shit, you'd really slept the day away. You think, rushing to your closet to get dressed. 
You stumble out fully dressed and hurry to the bathroom to finish getting ready. "Hurry up!" She calls out impatiently. "We need to stop by my house so I can finish getting ready. I can't believe you're going to make us late."
"I'm making us late?" You say in disbelief. "You're the one who wanted another one."
"You gave it to me!" She accuses. 
"Next time I won't." You say, walking out of the bathroom and tugging her down the stairs after you. She argues that point all the way to the car, and you open the door for her still laughing at her hurried reassurance that she didn't mean it. 
You look down at your watch for the third time in 45 minutes and can't help but roll your eyes. She accused you of making the two of you late, seriously? You couldn't say you were all that upset about it though. You'd been contentedly watching Jackie getting ready for the better part of an hour. You'd gotten so lost in the motions of her makeup you almost didn't catch her question. 
"What?" You ask, startled. 
"I asked if you were ready?" She asks. You nod as you stand up. "You didn't brush your hair, though?" 
You grin at her as you raise a hand to brush down the flyaways before flashing her a thumbs up. She rolls her eyes. "Shauna does the same thing," She says fondly as she turns to find her purse. Your face falls but you quickly school your expression into neutrality by the time she turns around. 
Wait a second. "Is that my letterman?" You ask. "When did you even grab that?" She laughs, patting at your arm as she drags you out the door. 
You open the car door for her and watch her curiously. "Are you wearing my letterman to the party?" You wonder. She hums in acknowledgement. 
This is going to be a shit show. You think idly
As you walk into the party you can't help but wonder if you're walking into your own funeral. When you look over to see Jackie still wearing your jacket you can almost hear the sound of the ambulance that's going to carry you away. You steel your nerves as Shauna looks over but to your utmost surprise she just smiled and waves at the both of you. 
In fact, her eyes seem to narrow on the marks that Jackie had left on your neck. You wave nervously at her and she acknowledges it with a nod, turning back to her conversation with Tai. You can see Nat send you a wide eyed look as she catches sight of Jackie. 
You start to walk over to her when Jackie's fist closes around your arm, stopping you in your tracks. "Leaving me so soon?" She asks sweetly, with just a hint of a threat. You almost break your neck in your hurry to shake your head no. She smiles sweetly at you, patting your arm affectionately. She drags you off to go talk to the other girls, managing to keep touching you the entire time. 
You're leaning up against the wall next to her as she talks to Mari; you're trying not to make it obvious that you're bored out of your mind. You're nearly crying tears of relief as you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket. You've gotten a message from Shauna. You angle your phone so that Jackie can't see the contents as you open the message.
Come meet me upstairs.
can't. with jackie and mari rn
For me?
you know how jackie is 🤷
I do. What if I could make it worth your while, though?
Your eyes go wide as you look at it. As you look at them. You glance upstairs wide-eyed and look over at Jackie. "I've got to go." You say. She shakes her head no and you nod in return. She sighs exaggeratedly as she lets go of your arm. 
"Go on. Everybody abandons poor Jackie." She says dramatically and squeezes your hand affectionately. 
You're almost to the stairs when you vaguely hear Mari say that "She'd never abandon her." You turn around just in time to catch the slightly sour expression on Jackie's face, and try to stifle your laughter as you bolt up the stairs. 
You find Shauna on the second door you try, taking in the sight of her as you try to erase what you saw in the first room you tried. You lock the door behind you as you hurry towards her and happily climb into her lap. 
"Hey," She says softly. You laugh quietly before glancing down at her bra-covered chest, catching the faint outline of her nipples. 
"Cold, are we?" You say with a grin. 
"Shut up," She murmurs shyly. 
"Shut up," You whine mockingly. "You send me half-naked pictures while I'm with Jackie and now you want to get shy on me?" 
She smiles smugly. "You liked it," She accuses. You nod and decide to kiss that smug little expression of hers away. You gently cup her face with your hand caressing your thumb absentmindedly against her cheek as you taste her. It's more gentle than you can honestly justify for a hookup, but you've gotten used to wanting things you can't have. 
You break away as she starts tugging insistently at the bottom of your shirt. You laugh breathlessly and tug at the neckline of your shirt, tossing it haphazardly off toward the floor. She lazily throws her arms around your shoulders to pull you closer, but suddenly changes direction with a curious look on her face. She runs her hands down your back slowly, feeling at the edges of the scratches Jackie left with her fingertips. You make a strangled noise at the sting of pain it causes, not entirely opposed to the feeling. 
She's quiet for a few long moments, watching you carefully as she continues to tease at just the edge of pain. "You topped her?" She asks. You startle slightly, not expecting her to acknowledge it. You wonder idly who exactly Shauna thinks 'her' is. You nod slowly. 
"You’ve never tried to top me." She says. You laugh, not sure where she's going with this. "Why not?" She asks hesitantly. You can't help but grin at her obvious annoyance at having to be even the slightest bit vulnerable. 
"Didn't really have the chance." You say, cupping her chin and forcing her to make eye contact with you. She fights against your grip as she tries to turn her head away. "Stop it," You murmur. She sighs as the fight goes out of her, leaving her to have to look at you as you speak. 
"Do you want me to?" You ask. She looks a little uncomfortable at the question and makes pointed glances at your lips to distract you from it. "Shauna." You say pointedly. 
"I've never… With Jackie before." She says slowly. You snicker. Obviously. She taps you gently on the arm in reproach, but she grins widely at the comment. She steels her face into a determined look as she nods to herself. "I’d like to try. If you want to." She spits out quickly, as if it pains her. 
You trace your thumb up her chin and to her lips, pressing gently against it. She parts her lips as you touch the pad of your thumb against her tongue. You watch her carefully for signs of discomfort, and finding none you smile at her. "Knew you could take directions, Shauna. You gonna let me take care of you?" You ask teasingly. 
She makes a shocked noise around your thumb, a little surprised by how much she likes it. She nods slowly. 
You lay in bed later that night, having dropped Jackie back off at home, staring blankly at your ceiling. You lift your hand in front of your face and flex your fingers slowly. You can't even look at them without thinking about her: about the way her mouth felt around them, the way she felt around them. You know it must be your imagination, but you swear you can still hear the faint sounds of her gasps and quiet moans. 
You press your hands against your ears to drown it out, but you can't escape what you're only imagining. You exhale loudly, and roll over to face the wall. You've gotten in too deep with both of them. At first you could ignore the guilt, after all they had both decided to step out. Neither of them had the right to truly be mad at the other, right? 
The longer you spent with them the deeper you fell. All that's left is your desperate need to be a part of it. If you can't have them, at least they can have each other. This has to stop. You decide. You'll just make it stop. How hard can it be to avoid them for a few more weeks? You'll all be going to college soon. 
The answer was a lot harder than you'd think. You gently told Shauna the next time she texted that you were super busy with work and couldn't meet up, only for her to show up at your house later that night just to sleep. As you drift off to sleep in her arms you wonder how the hell you're going to get out of this one; When her arm reflexively tightens around you in her sleep you question if you really even want to. 
You make excuse after excuse whenever one of them texts you, and yet they're always so accommodating. The reassuring texts you get from Jackie after canceling your plans last minute due to 'car troubles' almost make you feel worse than the cheating did. It all comes to a head about a few days later with a loud knock on the door. 
You've been laying on the couch doomscrolling through TikTok for at least an hour, so you're happy for any distraction at this point. You peer through the peephole expecting a salesman only to be confronted by both Jackie and Shauna waiting outside your door. You're filled with an unimaginable amount of dread as you slowly open the door. 
"Hey," Jackie says with a slightly pinched expression. "Can we talk?" She asks, but Shauna pushes her way through the door before you can answer. 
"Great." Shauna says blankly with an annoyed expression on her face. She sits down on the couch, obviously fuming, and points expectantly to the seat across from her. "Sit."
"What Shauna means to say," Jackie says pointedly as she closes the door behind her. "Is would you please sit and talk to us?" Shauna rolls her eyes, clearly that isn't what she wants to say to you. You sit right on the edge of your seat, hands clenching the arms of your chair, ready to bolt at the slightest hint of danger. 
"Good," Jackie says, taking the seat next to Shauna. "Me and Shauna were talking earlier." She starts, looking unusually uncomfortable. 
"You lied to us." Shauna states simply. Jackie sends her a perturbed look but Shauna continues on, "You told me you were working, and you told Jackie you were out of town." 
You couldn't help but wince. In your defense, you really didn't think they'd communicate enough to put that together. You felt very comfortable with those lies when you told them. "Imagine our surprise," Shauna continues, "When we drove past and your car was outside."
You stare down at the floor, unsure of what you could possibly say or do in this situation. You were just so tired. Tired of sneaking around, tired of all the lying. "I'm sorry," You say robotically. "I'm just getting stressed with college coming up." Jackie sighs and Shauna scoffs in response. You continue to stare at your socks. 
You can hear shuffling and Jackie walks over and squats down next to the chair. "Hey. " She says softly as she holds one of your hands between hers. "Can you look at me?" You can't help but glance at Shauna who, while still undeniably upset, has seemed to soften since the conversation began. You finally meet Jackie's eyes to see the look of concern on her face. 
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion the longer you look at her. "I know that it must be a lot right now trying to find your place in our relationship, but if you need space you need to talk to us. You don't get to lie to us like that, Y/N." She says seriously. 
In our relationship? You think, flabbergasted. 
"We agreed it would be easier if we saw you separately, remember? But maybe we've been taking up too much of your time? It's probably really difficult balancing both of us, Nat, and your job. Huh?" Jackie asks. You nod slowly, not sure what's happening. Shauna sighs loudly and exasperatedly as she walks over and squats down next to Jackie. 
"Stop looking pathetic and sad. It's hard to be mad at you when you do that." Shauna teases, flashing you a wry grin. You laugh wetly, on the verge of tears. "Hey, hey. I said stop being sad." She says a little panicked. You shake your head trying to stifle the urge to cry. 
"Maybe we rushed it a bit when we talked at the party?" Shauna asks. 
At the party. You think slowly. You've got to be fucking kidding me. This whole time? 
"No. No. We didn't rush it." You say quickly, thinking fast to come up with a better excuse. 
"You're right. I've been having trouble balancing my time, and I didn't want you guys to think I was playing favorites or anything." You lie, more than willing to use an excuse so readily offered to you. "I'm really sorry that I lied to you guys. I should have just been honest from the start."
"You should've." Shauna says honestly. Jackie elbows her gently in the side. "What? Am I wrong? Tell me I'm wrong." You smile affectionately as they bicker like an old married couple. 
"Enough." Jackie says with a laugh, sharing a long look with Shauna. Shauna watches you carefully, notably suspicious, but ultimately seems willing to accept your lie. After confirming they're on the same page Jackie turns and smiles up at you. 
"How about," Jackie starts slowly. "We start hanging out together? The three of us. That way you'll have time for all of us." Shauna nods in agreement. Your smile splits your face in two as you nod eagerly. Shauna laughs mockingly at you, but squeezes your hand affectionately. 
You stretch out across Shauna's couch contentedly, laying across Shauna and Jackie who sit at either end. Jackie makes an annoyed noise as she gently swats at your leg. "Careful," She chides, "You nearly kicked my phone out of my hand." 
You peek an eye open as Shauna's muffled laughter shakes your body. You feign a pout as you look up at her, your head laying in her lap. "I didn't come here to be attacked like this," You say in a whiny voice. Shauna snickers in amusement, but sets her phone down to slip a hand into your hair to massage gently at your scalp. 
Your eyes slide shut again as you move your head into her hand like a cat. Jackie sighs dramatically, as if particularly put out. "I'm still here guys," She reminds you, but you can hear the smile in her voice. You shift slightly and nudge at her arm with your foot. "Thanks, Y/N." She says dryly. Still, she grabs ahold of your ankle and starts stroking her thumb absentmindedly across the sliver of skin showing between your jeans and your socks in a gentle caress. 
You couldn't have dreamed of a better resolution to your problems than the one you'd got, even if you had some extremely rough passages along the way. It was even worth the embarrassing phone call you had made to Nat, who laughed hysterically for almost 20 minutes at your expense. Your lips quirk up at the thought. 
"What are you thinking about?" Shauna asks softly. You hum in amusement. 
"Always so nosy." You chide affectionately. "Thinking about you. How pretty my girlfriends are. The usual." Shauna makes a slightly choked noise in embarrassment, her fingers tightening reflexively in your hair. You make a pained noise and she quickly lets go with a few whispered apologies as she continues to gently play with your hair. You don't bother to open your eyes, knowing her well enough to imagine the pretty blush staining her face.
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So I done goofed, and my brain wasn't happy until I wrote a sequel to my little Barbed Wire Hearts snippet/ask/prompt thing from yesterday. So here ya go!
@swifty-fox @moghraidhs this is very much for you because we all needed this to happen
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I recommend listening to this while reading, it had me all up in my feels while writing this:
Walking into the hospital parking lot and seeing his old beat up red F150 still sitting there, like a silent vigil awaiting his return was almost a surreal experience for John. As much as he would have found the thought ridiculous in any other situation, he'd almost forgotten it existed in the time he had spent cooped up in the sterile environment of the hospital, mind awash with more pressing matters. Coupled with the stress and worry that had oozed from every single one of his pores like a sickness, the outside world other than room number 13 and its occupant was the only thing he had been mentally able to put any real energy into.
Curt and a few of the other boys had stopped by every few days to slink their way into the wing, jeans and boots and cowboy hats sticking out like a sore thumb amongst scrubs and white coats and had brought him a duffle bag of spare clothes and toiletries so he could use the visitor's showers. He'd made it pretty clear in the first days that he wouldn't be leaving any time soon, not even to pick himself up anything to eat (when he could remember to).
Curt had been an angel in that sense, too. He'd brought Bucky dinner a few nights in a row in the fortnight he was there, some cheap takeaway from one of the diners in the middle of town, burgers and such. And those nights he couldn't make it in to check up on things John had very helpfully been informed by one of the nurses on shift that she was to remind him to eat, even if it was from one of the crappy vending machines dotting the hospital corridors at the behest of a very worried friend that had called the front desk. The soft amused smile the woman had flashed his way alerted him to the fact that none of the nurses were bothered by Curt's mother-hen phonecalls. Especially when Bucky hadn't turned his phone off of silent since he'd been there and one too many calls had gone to voicemail. He knew he'd be getting an earful off Curt and the other boys once he had made it back to the grounds, but he also knew he'd be quickly forgiven his neglect, given the current circumstances.
As he got closer to the truck, pulling his keys out of his coat pocket and twirling them around his index finger, Bucky took a quick glance back over his shoulder at the figure not too far behind him, making sure they were still following him.
Buck still looked like he'd been hit by a semi truck, blue eyes cast down to the pavement as he diligently followed Bucky on auto-pilot, bruises still stark over his face, albeit slightly faded now, but still evident. Still sore looking. His left arm was cast from the hand all the way up to his elbow, held up gently in a sling over his good shoulder. Bucky had no doubt the other man could still feel the telltale ache in his left shoulder-socket where it had been popped completely out in the accident, features wincing every now and then if he stepped too heavily and jostled himself.
His blond hair was in a messed up disarray, bed-hair born of two weeks of laying in an uncomfortable hospital bed for hours at a time, sticking up in some places and falling softly across his forehead in others. The nurses had helped him up and into the room's private bathroom the night before and had helped him finally have a shower before he got discharged the next morning, an awkward affair that Bucky knew the blond didn't necessarily want to talk about if the blush that had painted his pale cheeks when prodded was anything to go by. Better than having to be given a spongebath though, by a long shot, and Bucky couldn't have agreed more.
He also couldn't help the small smile that pulled up at the corner of his lips as he raked his gaze over the smaller man's body, taking in the soft grey over-sized sweatpants (Bucky's) tightened as much as the drawstrings would allow around thinner hips, tucked loosely into worn Twisted X square toe boots. A good idea in hindsight when there was no way Buck would have been able to get himself into a pair of his usual jeans with the soreness of the bruising up his thigh and over the jut of his hip bone, matching his face in colour albeit a bit more angrier looking.
The nights were a bit cooler than they were a week or so before, so at Bucky's insistence Gale was also draped in one of John's massive Ariat puffer jackets, only one arm able to fill the sleeves while the other hung uselessly at Gale's side. With the collar pulled up around his ears, John felt a sense of pride and slight satisfaction knowing he was wearing his clothes. Everything but the plain white tshirt underneath the draped layers.
Walking over to the passenger side quickly after shoving the key in the driver's side door and unlocking it, Bucky opened the passenger door and swept his other arm out in a low gesture, a smirk on his face.
"After you, princess," he drawled, delighting in the unimpressed lift of an unbruised brow shot in his direction, but no real heat or disdain behind it.
He patiently waited with the door held open, allowing Buck to gingerly hoist himself up into the truck's cab knowing if he tried to assist in any way he'd get sworn at for his trouble, ever the independent hard-headed idiot Buck often was. Once the other man was seated comfortably, only a few winces and sharp intake of breath painfully hissed through clenched teeth, Bucky carefully shut the door and trotted around the front of the truck to climb into the driver's seat. He gave a double glance into the truck bed at his and Buck's bags he had tossed in a little while earlier before he'd gone back in to help with the discharge papers.
The old truck roared to life without much protest, and he couldn't help the self-satisfied little chuckle that escaped him, patting the dash like the vehicle was a loyal old dog at his heels. As much as he'd nearly forgotten about her amongst the chaos, he was happy to be back behind her wheel, even if the leather was peeling just a tiny bit from sun damage. It added more character, he thought.
He looked over at Gale, noticing the younger man sitting still and almost stiff, eyes zeroed in on the dash but glazed over in thought and what was probably left over sedation from the heavy painkillers he was given. His expression was blank, nothing giving away even the slightest hint at what was running through that pretty head of his, and Bucky felt that telltale tightening in his throat creep up again. But before he let it get a permanent grip, he reached forward, grabbing the black felt hat that had been sitting on the dash since the previous day (thanks, Curt) and picking it up before turning and dropping it perfectly over Buck's head.
The other man flinched in surprise, ripped out of his thoughts and his bright blue eyes coming back into focus as he turned to look at Bucky, a confused frown creasing his brow as he brought up his working hand and felt the hat underneath his fingers. He straightened it a few centimetres, eyes looking between Bucky's in a numb sort of questioning expression.
"My hat," he said dumbly, voice quieter and still that hint of lost that had Bucky swallowing back emotions that he didn't want to put a name to, instead letting a bright smile grow from his smirk in the blond's direction, teeth bright.
"Well, can't be much of a cowboy without your hat now, can you?" Bucky smiled, watching every minute change in Buck's expression like a hawk. He was rewarded with a swooping sensation in his chest when he noticed the smallest grin colour Buck's face, eyes flickering away from Bucky's with a small huff of a laugh to focus out the windshield.
"Don't think I'll be much of a cowboy for the next couple weeks, Bucky," Gale muttered. As if in stark reminder, he winced as he shifted slightly in the worn leather seat, obviously jostling one of the many painful areas littering his body.
"Ahhh come on," Bucky joked, leaning forward slightly to grip the ancient clutch and put the truck into gear. "You're still one of the best cowboys around, even if you are bruised and battered to high heaven."
Gale huffed out another light breath of a laugh, lifting his good elbow up to rest it against the open window, hand and fingers dangling on the outside and tapping a gentle beat against the metal of the door as Bucky pulled the vehicle out and towards the end of the parking lot onto the main road.
The next half hour of the drive back to the rodeo grounds was silent, just the monotone hum of the local radio turned down to barely audible from the truck's old speakers and the quick whoosh of another vehicle every now and then, passing them on the highway on the way back to where they'd just came from. The sun had dipped low enough on the horizon now that the reaching expanse of the county they were in painted a picture through the slightly dirty windshield, sky lit up in oranges and reds streaked through by a few stray clouds.
Bucky would hazard glances from the corner of his eyes every now and then at Gale, who sat still and stoic beside him, chin now rested in the palm of his hand against the window, eyes cast out to the scenery that rolled by. Bucky could tell that under the surface there was something much more sinister and harsh squeezing at Buck's heart and thoughts, spiraling down deep into a void that he worried he wouldn't be able to pull the younger man out of, even if he lassoed him like a runaway steer.
At some point, with a nervous swallow, Bucky reached his free hand out, covering Buck's thigh with the expanse of it, feeling the tension in the muscles and gave what he hoped was a comforting squeeze, gentle and barely there, but a reminder he was right there with him all the same. He counted it as a win when he noticed Buck's face turn to him slightly with a soft smile, eyes very obviously still avoiding John's own before turning back to the view from the window. It had Bucky releasing a long breath he hadn't realised he had been holding hostage in his chest. He didn't attempt to remove his hand, and Buck didn't make any effort to shift out from under it. If anything, he leaned into the touch, knee swinging softly towards the gear stick in Bucky's general direction after a few moments. A silent thank you.
Bucky couldn't help the gentle self-satisfied smile that graced itself onto his face.
By the time Bucky turned the truck off the highway and through the big open gates of the grounds, the sun had dipped that much further underneath the distant mountains that everything was washed in a barely perceivable darkness. What was left of the sunset was slowly turning itself to the deep blue of the night, stars beginning to reveal themselves against the quickly fading orange glow.
As the beam of the truck's headlights lit up the dirt road further into the grounds and towards the still set up camps close by the back of the arena, the familiar sight of gooseneck trailers and camper trailers, awnings folded out and a pit fire settled in the middle amongst them came more into view.
They could see the silhouettes of a dozen people, Curt and Dougie and Brady and the rest all chatting away circled around the fire, beers in a few hands as Bucky slowly pulled the truck to a stop up beside Crosby's trailer. It wasn't until he had turned off the engine, hopping out of the cab with stiff knees and moved around to Buck's side that Curt's voice cut through the night and reached them through the other voices.
"Ayyyy, the great Champion returns!" Bucky couldn't help the grin from painting his face as he looked up, mid opening Buck's door and seeing Curt walking in their direction, back lit up in orange from the fire's warmth and arms lifted above his head, beer bottle in one hand.
Buck had only just planted his boots on the ground with a slightly pained grunt before he was swept up in a happy but very careful embrace by Curt, the other shorter man being incredibly cautious as to which parts he touched, but none the less enthusiastic in his greeting. The curve of Buck's own smile, teeth glinting in the half darkness caught Bucky's eye and he couldn't help the weight that lifted from the centre of his chest.
"It's good to see you, Buck. They finally release you from that hellhole, huh? Thought our good ol' Bucky here was gonna rot himself to that chair by your bed if you didn't get outta there soon."
Bucky couldn't help the bashful way he rubbed at the back of his neck at Curt's words, hoping the slight colour that rose to his cheeks wasn't too obvious in the lowlight when Buck shot him a soft glance from his peripheral.
"Wild horses couldn't drag me away, Curt," Buck joked back. It was light-hearted and jovial, appeasing Curt's attention on him, but Bucky could see that his smile didn't quite reach his eyes. There was a blank faraway look behind those baby blues, and it made Bucky's chest restrict uncomfortably as he watched as more of the boys made their way over. They all stepped forward to squeeze the blond cowboy's good shoulder or shake his good hand, some like Brady and Jack and Crosby mirroring Curt and pulling Buck into a gentle embrace, ever careful of his injuries.
Once they had all made their way over to the fire's warmth, Curt all but forcing Buck into one of the fold out camper chairs in his usual mother hen ways, everyone took their turn updating him and Bucky on everything they had missed while they had been in the hospital. Buck more-so, considering the first almost week the man had been unconscious for most of the time and had missed more than Bucky had.
Curt took a few moments to admonish Bucky like he had expected at having had his phone on silent for nearly the entire time, but Bucky just waved him off with a cocky smirk. He kept glancing at Buck every few minutes, taking note of every small change in the blond's expression, the way he joked with the others, the small smiles and tilt of his chin when he laughed as much as his broken ribs would allow him to in their process of healing. To any of the others, everything was normal, Buck's gentle quiet nature and injuries the reasoning as to why he wasn't quite himself yet, why there wasn't that normal spark in the shine of his eyes. But Bucky could feel the tension, the exhaustion that was more than just from pain and injury radiating from Buck like he was melded with the man's very mind himself. Could see the way he tucked himself further underneath Bucky's jacket every now and then with a faraway look on his face before he made himself more alert to the conversations around him.
Bucky just sat and boded his time, happy to not have to make too much small talk amongst the other boys as the night further darkened and the numbers on his watch got later and later.
When most of the conversations had died down and a few of the boys had retired to their trailers for the night, a few still milling about with the happiness that both Buckies return had caused and talking amongst themselves, voices slightly slurred from alcohol, Bucky stood from his seat against the wheel of one of the goosnecks and shoved his slightly chilled hands deep into his pocket. Making his way over to where Buck was still seated in the camper chair, staring blankly into the fire which wasn't as fierce as earlier in the evening now.
Leaning down, his lips close to Buck's ear from behind he whispered a low "Come on, Sunshine, follow me for a sec. Got something I wanna show ya."
He smirked when Buck jumped slightly in surprise at the sound of his voice so close, obviously so lost in thought that he hadn't noticed Bucky make his way over. Craning his neck backwards so he could look up at Bucky's face, blue eyes trying hard to focus on him upside down, he frowned in question.
"Come on," Bucky repeated, smile soft and obvious as he stepped to the side a little and held his hand out to Buck in an offer to help hoist him to his feet. The blond almost looked like he wasn't going to move, body language hesitant and lips pursing into a tight line, before he sighed and reached out with his good hand, gripping Bucky's offered firmly and allowing himself to be lifted into standing, a small grimace of pain fluttering across his features at his ribs obviously screaming in protest.
Once Bucky was sure he had recovered, he tugged at their joined hands gently, tilting his chin in the direction of the arena with a small smile. Buck looked at him, still questioning in his gaze before he allowed himself to be lead through the cluster of trailers. He didn't drop Bucky's hand, but instead almost hesitantly thread their fingers together. Bucky couldn't help his heart from soaring as he gave Gale's hand a gentle squeeze in silent comfort.
Like second nature he guided Gale out of the gathered maze of trailers, the sounds of the other boy's voices growing further and further behind them until the arena was not far in front of them, only just visible by some of the smaller flood-lights that were still on around the barriers. When they got closer, and Bucky turned towards the holding yards, he felt Gale falter slightly, his hand pulling back subconsciously but he didn't drop their hold.
Bucky looked back at Gale's face, seeing the blond's eyes focused out onto the sands, expression blank but taut like a frayed guitar string on the verge of snapping, and he slowed his stride.
"Hey," Bucky spoke gently, like he was approaching a ready-to-spook horse. When Buck still didn't look at him, he gave their still joined hands a squeeze and a shake, until Gale finally snapped his eyes back to Bucky's. They were wide and had a look of slight fear buried deep behind, flickering over Bucky's face trying to look for some semblance of comfort. Bucky held their gaze for a few moments, both men having stopped in their journey, and waited until he knew Buck was partially back in the present. "Hey it's okay, I promise. Trust me."
Gale's expression was still one of veiled panic and grief for a few more seconds, before he found whatever he was looking for in Bucky's own face and let his shoulders slouch and relax, breath exhaling slowly with a small nod.
With a comforting smile, Bucky tugged at their hands gently until Gale fell back into step behind him, eyes still glancing over to the middle of the arena every now and then like he was seeing invisible monsters advancing towards them.
Bucky could only imagine what was going through the smaller man's head, still often privvy to his own torturous memories and images from the day of Buck's accident no matter how hard he tried to forget and push them back. Every now and then the picture of Gale's face, bright red blood flowing down one side of it and slack in unconsciousness, pale and looking for all intent and purposes dead kept haunting him. But he stamped those thoughts down, focusing instead on the feeling of Buck's thankfully now warm fingers between his own, the slight sensation of his fluttering pulse.
Making it to the holding yards out behind the bull chutes, Bucky carefully made his way through the maze of yards, keeping a firm grip on Buck's hand as the two men threaded their way in and out between metal gates and runs in the dark.
Gale's voice, hushed and urgent, reached him from behind, and the smile only grew on his face. "Bucky I can't fucking see. We're both gonna fall head over tit if you don't slow-"
"Shhh!" Bucky answered back, only pulling Gale further into the pens.
Gale made an affronted noise, mouth parted. "Did you just fucking shush me?!"
"Sure did, now if you'd just shut your pretty mouth and look."
Gale gave his hand a harsh squeeze in retaliation. "Did you forget the part where I just said I can't see? What the hell am I even supposed to be looking a-"
Buck froze in his following of Bucky, the taller man allowing himself to be pulled to a complete stop when Buck's hand pulled against his as the whuffled knicker of a familiar horse finally reached the blond's ears in the darkness.
Bucky turned, facing Buck so he could catch sight of the smaller man's face in the dim light, and he couldn't help the genuine warm smile that split his face, noticing Gale's eyes focused somewhere off behind him, shock evident and an obvious glint of wetness beginning to form against dark blond bottom lashes.
His lips moved silently, stuck on actually producing any noise, until he glanced up at Bucky, brow furrowing into a look of pain. "John.."
"She's been waitin' for you," John said simply in response, still smiling brightly and allowing Buck's hand to drop from his as the blond stepped past him towards the last square pen at the end of the lane.
Almost as if he was seeing a ghost, Buck walked up carefully, eyes flickering over every inch of the palomino mare's body, taking in every inch of her as she walked up to the rails and shoved her head through and pushed her nose into Gale's chest, still murmuring at him. He couldn't help the way his breath rushed out of him at the contact, good hand lifting up shakily until he rested it on the white of her blaze. She nudged at him again, a questioning sort of move and lipped at the cast around his other arm. A silent question of 'what the hell is this thing? Why do you have this?'
Bucky slowly walked up to stand beside Buck, reaching up and resting his arms onto the higher rails in a casual air of relaxtion, and watched, transfixed as Gale just stared at the horse, hand still on her face, the younger's breathing jagged and coming in short bursts. Shock, relief.
After a few more moments, Buck seemed to come back to himself, a disbelieving breath escaping parted lips and turned his gaze back to Bucky. John could see the tears still evident in the other man's lower lashes, glittering and growing and threatening to fall to the dust underneath them.
Bucky smiled at him, resting his forehead against his folded arms and looked at the mare in question. "Curt's been looking after her while you were gone. Made sure she was real pampered, 'til you got back and did the pampering yourself."
"But she.. Bucky, I thought she was.."
Bucky chuckled, low and easy, and nudged his shoulder against Gale's. "What, dead? Nahhh, barely got a scrape on her. Tiny little cut just above the front hoof. Vet didn't even have to wrap it."
At John's words it was like a dam broke from within Buck, and he could only watch helpless as the tears gathered in the blond's eyes finally fell down his cheeks in silvery lines as he squeezed them shut, body bowing over at the waist with his good hand braced against his knee before straightening again. Buck tilted his face to the sky for a few seconds, breathing ragged, a barely audible sob hitching from his lungs painfully.
"I thought she broke her neck. God, Bucky I thought she was fucking dead, I thought she'd broke a leg, and she had to be shot. Fuck I- As soon as I woke up, that's all I could... that's all I could fucking-"
John stepped up to Gale, reaching up and pulling the smaller man against his broad chest and held him there, feeling the small tremors that wracked Gale's broken body. He put a hand against the back of Gale's head, fingers threading through golden strands, hat getting knocked off kilter and falling onto the ground.
"Hey, hey, you're okay. Everything's okay. Baby's okay. She's as tough as her goddamn rider," Bucky shushed him gently, resting his cheek against the top of Buck's head and just allowing the other to cry all but silently into his neck. He could feel the air chill the wetness there and looked up to the stars himself and thanked whatever was watching over them that Buck was still here, that he was still alive and able to be held in his arms like this. He felt his own eyes begin to gather tears at the fragility of the man in his arms, and swallowed harshly against them.
Bucky inhaled deeply, Gale's good hand clutched desperately in the side of his jacket, a warm weight sitting there as he pressed his lips into the crown of Buck's hair.
"Think she came out of it a bit better than you did, though," he whispered as an afterthought, lips curving into a smirk when he felt Gale clench his hand into a fist and thump it into his ribs in reply. He couldn't help the chuckle that rumbled in his chest, only slightly moving back so that he could look down at Buck, his smirk melting into a soft smile at the sight of Gale now looking up at him. Tear stained cheeks and lashes clumped together, a defiant glare but with no real malice directed at him, eyes bright and blue and more reminiscent of the Buck that John knew and adored.
Gale's eyes flickered from his down to his lips and back, frown easing into something much softer and more vulnerable, and Bucky thought his heart would explode at the pure emotion he could see mirrored in Buck's irises. His breath stuttered, smile slipping off of his lips and heart thundering like a freight train behind his ribs.
Everything fell into a syrupy slow motion as they stared at eachother, Bucky's hand that had been gently cupping the back of Buck's head slowly slipping around to cup the other man's cheek, slow and careful, thumb sweeping over the sharp line of his jaw in a barely there caress.
He swallowed thickly, noticing Buck nudge into that hold, eyes lowering back to his lips. He felt like his entire world was tilting on its axis, narrowing down to just the two of them standing out in the middle of the stock pens behind the arena where he nearly lost the one thing he had ever truly cared for more than the feeling of being perched up on a raging bull's back. Even riding a bull made his heart thunder less than it was right now.
Carefully, giving Gale the chance to pull away, he sighed, breath ghosting over the other man's lips. "Buck, I-"
"Shut the fuck up and kiss me John before we both die of old age," Gale whispered harshly, good hand that was gripping into Bucky's jacket tugging now and John couldn't help the surprised smile from lifting his lips.
"Sure thing, cowboy," John laughed silently, revelling in the familiar exasperated roll of Buck's eyes towards him before he surged forward and ever so gently pressed his lips against Gale's, eyes closing against the absolutely overwhelming sparks that ignited in his chest like someone had just lit fireworks behind his sternum.
Gale's lips were soft, just like he'd imagined a million times, pliant and warm and so gentle it stole his breath away, and it wasn't until Buck's good hand reached up and threaded through his dark curls that he allowed himself to deepen the kiss, tilting his head slightly. His lips parted, allowing Buck the access to slip his tongue carefully along his own, insistent and starved but always gentle. He could feel the taut guitar string tension like a mockery of earlier in the night behind Gale's kiss, a long awaited hunger like a man starved and then unleashed among all the sustenance he could have ever wished for.
It wasn't until Buck made a small sound in the back of his throat, a small needy gasp that Bucky allowed himself to pull back slightly, letting his lips linger as he allowed Buck a few more soft kisses before he gasped himself, pulling air into his starved lungs and it was only then he realised that at some point he had stopped breathing all together.
Buck didn't chase, happy and content with what had just happened, but still comfortable to stay wrapped up in John's arms, no sign of regret or fear in any way, and Bucky let his eyes open slowly and wander over the ruined and wrecked expression on the other man's face. Kiss swollen lips were still parted, breath huffing sharply, body still trembling but for entirely different reasons than before now, and Bucky didn't think he had ever seen anything more perfect, more beautiful in his life. Nothing, not even winning the PBR in Vegas could make him feel as elated or wonder-struck as this moment right here, having just kissed Gale fucking Cleven in some random rodeo grounds.
Trying for a few moments to catch his breath, Bucky let his thumb graze over Gale's jaw again in a gentle gesture, watching half lidded blue eyes peer up at him in wonder. He couldn't help the breathless laugh that escaped him, forehead bumping against Buck's, tips of their noses touching shortly after.
Baby knickered from behind them, shocking them back slightly into the present and John laughed again, the mare reminding him of something.
"By the way," Bucky panted, grin curving even further "Curt may wanna demand some compensation looking after your girl. He's down one half of an ass-cheek as of two days ago. She's got a nice pair of chompers on 'er."
Buck realed back, shock evident in his eyes and the gape of his mouth. "She fuckin' what?"
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afterbluehours · 5 months
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warnings: not explicit but implied semi public sex, prince Beomgyu is a brat, please let me know if there’s any more I should add
note: more prince gyu on the way…
Prince Beomgyu who was orphaned at a young age, becoming the sole ruler before he had really known who he was. He became a little rebellious as he grew older, learned to enjoy embracing his dark side that those around him tried to conceal from the public.
They weren't always successful, however, leading to the prince's reputation within the kingdom. Mood swings, said the whispers that came down from nobles and servants of the palace, and a cocky nature that often came out to play during serious affairs. Of course, none of those in the kingdom would ever let word of the prince's true nature leave the region; it was already a liability to have such a young ruler with no teachings, let alone one whose rivals saw him with a bad repute. Not to mention the risk to future marriage prospects.
Prince Beomgyu was most notorious for the number of girls he took up to his quarters. During parties or ceremonies, he would disappear, whisking some lady he'd just met upstairs, a bottle of fine champagne on ice waiting in his room, though it usually went untouched.
It was always the same game; out on the balcony, admiring the view, a trail of smooth words leading to a trail of kisses, until they were hooked and ready for their unforgettable moment with the crown prince. Many a witness could tell that on the balcony of the highest floor, he would hoist them up onto the railing, their back to the night air and the kingdom lights, or folded over it with a view of the long way down. Even from afar and in shadow, they knew it to be him. He didn't care who saw. Palace staff, noble, or commoner, they all knew better than to do anything but turn a blind eye.
Perilously close to the edge, relying on the prince to keep you from falling so many storeys, he could feel your heart racing. This was the thrill of his existence. This was his favourite kind of power.
"I've got you," he'd smirk, reassuring nobody, his only grip on his latest prey being a hand around your arm while his other gripped the railing, hips bucking wildly as you tried your best not to shriek in both panic and pleasure. "I won't let you fall." But the tone in his voice was one of amusement.
His forays would never dare to say a word against him, of course, for fear of tarnishing their name. Their first and last encounter with the prince is forever remembered, never spoken of. And the not-so-golden prince carries on in his ways.
After Blue Hours does not permit claiming or reposting of this work in any form
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mineylovesbuddie · 15 days
So ep 9 description thing idk what's called it says
" Eddie's emotional affair develops further" or something like that. Here is my theory or more like what I wish could happen.
Since it's an " emotional affair" it means he will not be sleeping with Kim. He will just use her EMOTIONALLY as one last chance with Shannon. One last chance for an " ideal family" he ever dreamed of. The first date with Kim goes really well and thinks to himself this is what Shannon and him could've been if she didn't die.
He goes back home and somehow Marisol finds out about him lying by Buck or Chris. She asks him why he lied and he comes up with excuses and doesn't confess BUT he does tell Buck about it and Buck is like wtf dude that's so messed up. Buck tells Eddie to come clean and Eddie is like hell nahh ain't gonna do that.
Buck and Eddie get into little argument about it. Buck is like " this is the reason why Chris was seeing 5 girls at the same time! He takes after his dad". Eddie is super hurt by it because he thought buck would have his back no matter what.
He ends up telling Marisol about the cheating and she gets super mad. Before she leaves she says " how long have you known?" And he is like " "know what? She goes " that you're incapable of loving another person that's not ur dead wife" and LEAVES.
Now Eddie is freaking out because it's true. The only woman he ever loved was Shannon. He is trying to reason with himself and remembers Kim. so he starts to date her more but he just feels empty inside the whole time. Him and buck made up but something changed between them. Eddie thinks it's because buck lost respect for him and doesn't like him anymore. Buck also has tommy now so he keeps distance.
Around the third date he tries to do it with Kim but yk he can't. It's the same with when he found out that Marisol was a nun. He freaks out This time he doesn't go to bobby or buck instead he goes to an actual confession for the first ever. He tells them everything and about all he ever wanted was a perfect family but now everything is messed up.
The priest asks him one question after hearing everything and that is " you keep talking about a perfect family but what is a perfect family to you"
He replies " A perfect family is a family that is happy and loving. A family that is always there for each other and you can put your full trust in. A family that goes through both hard times and happy times by each other"
The priest asks " and you don't have that with your son? And with anyone else"
Then it clicks. He does have that. He had it with his son and with Buck. He is always happy with Buck, he can trust Buck not just with his life but also with his son, Buck is by his side through everything and he is very loving with Buck...
Oh. He is capable of loving someone else besides Shannon and that's Buck but he can't have him.
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moltolavoro · 3 months
❛ i told you not to make this weird . ❜
❛ it's a little weird, ❜ buck's smile is paper-thin, face pale and tired, but he looks more relaxed than he has since they left the hospital. and it was a fierce debate, because buck insisted that he could be on his own, but maddie insisted that he couldn't, and buck had gotten so mad about it he'd almost passed out which wasn't even a dramatic over-reaction, just that his heart is still recovering, apparently.
at least that's what they'd said in the emergency room when maddie had dragged him back. and he gets it, alright? she's freaked out. but he's - whatever. fragile. and here, now, because the idea of living with maddie and chim and the baby while he gets through this had kind of made him feel insane, so he'd texted eddie and now he's here.
and he'd insisted he could sleep on the couch, but eddie had argued that it was a pretty stupid idea given the recently deceased thing. and the guest room is currently chris' study room, which like okay kid, moving up in the world. like buck didn't help put the damn thing together.
so he's tucked into eddie's bed, and they're shoulder to shoulder, because buck had counter-argued that it didn't make sense for eddie to sleep on the couch when he has work in the morning and it's not like they haven't done close quarters before, so it's - fine. it's fine. and buck is still a little emotionally fragile about the whole affair, and a little cold all the time and so he's pressed into eddie maybe a little more than he should be. ❛ hey, eddie? ❜ it's quiet in the darkness, before buck says, ❛ thanks. not just for...for having me over but - y'know. that night. chim told me about how you got me down, and stuff, even after you got the kickback from the strike. so -- thanks. ❜
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irelandking · 10 months
avenger/agent reader fic recs
bucky barnes x reader
❤️ = fluff 😔 = angst 🔥 = smut
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one shots:
devotion - @avecra
When a mission with Sam goes wrong, and you’re left bruised and battered, Bucky is there to piece you back together. ❤️😔
teach me - @buckyalpine
bucky x inexperienced reader, Prompt: 7. Sleep princess, you need it 🔥
lessons in love - @violentdelightsandviolentends
Bucky didn't believe in love at first sight. Then he met you. ❤️
the last first kiss - @witchywithwhiskey
you and bucky barnes have gotten close while on a month-long SHIELD mission together, but when natasha romanoff starts asking bucky about his relationship with you, you overhear something that makes you think your feelings are entirely one-sided. ❤️😔
scary movie - @moonbeambucky
The Avengers spend their night off watching a scary movie. ❤️
fallin' for you - @moonbeambucky
The Avengers spend their day off at a farm near the compound where the leafs aren’t the only things that have fallen ❤️😔
lucky - @moonbeambucky
Bucky Barnes was not a lucky man but after meeting you will his luck change? ❤️😔
eyes - @samingtonwilson
Bucky can’t make eye contact very much anymore even with the girl he loves because he’s scared of what he’ll see, or really of what he might not see. (prompt “Please just look at me while I confess, after that you can look anywhere you like, I swear.” is bolded in story) ❤️
mission report: laundry day - @buckysmischief
You and Bucky have been secretly dating for over a year, what will it finally take for the others to find out? ❤️
a wish for 100 - @viollettes
Midnight strikes, officially marking Bucky’s 100th birthday. You surprise the super-soldier with a small treat and a gift that has potential to change everything. ❤️
a thief in the night - @redgillan
A Buck imagine where you both have a secret affair at the tower and one time you’re over at his apartment and you spend another night together. After you cuddle afterwards, you get up to leave but Bucky grabs you and pulls you back into him, begging you to stay cause he dont want it to be a secret anymore. You stay and get official then :) Also with a smutty part hihi :) Requested by Anonymous. ❤️🔥
always more of a hot chocolate person - @ijustreallylovezebras
At meetings with the rest of the Avengers tea and coffee is always offered around but the reader always says no ❤️
a bid on bucky - @samingtonwilson
You spend thousands of dollars at a bachelor auction for Bucky when you could’ve had him for free this entire time. ❤️
repairs - @samingtonwilson
 In love with the robotics expert in charge of repairing his arm, Bucky’s explanations for malfunctions get more and more creative. - requested by @elaine-spades ❤️
get to know you - @notimetoblog
A Secret Santa gift exchange brings two unsuspecting Avengers closer. ❤️
the pain you feel - @meek-boy-rogers
Y/N can feel the pain Bucky is enduring, and vice versa. She feels the immense pain, he feels the soft touch of her fingers along his arm after particularly painful days. (Soulmate AU the two can feel pain, touches, etc.)  ❤️😔
out the window - @meek-boy-rogers
Y/N is set on befriending Bucky Barnes. She is set on making him as comfortable as possible in the Avengers Tower. She wants him to trust more people. ❤️
why is she wearing my hoodie? - @writing-soldiers
Bucky tries to figure out the reason behind his missing hoodie one day, relishing in the idea that might be a win-win situation for both of you.. but what might that lead to?  ❤️
this means war - @moonbeambucky
Pranking the Avengers was all fun and games but when Bucky snaps you wonder if you’ve gone too far. ❤️😔
a harmless crush - @omg-foreverfilledwithweird-posts
Assigned to the Winter Soldier by S.H.I.E.L.D to help him to accommodate to society, staying in the Avenger’s tower, and occasionally doing paperwork for STARK industries, you’ve grown close to James Buchanan Barnes, developing a crush on him in the process. So when you, reluctantly, tag along to a baseball game with the Avengers, and the kiss cam lands on you and Bucky, things get interesting. ❤️
the date - @softlyspector
Bucky is a nervous wreck that asks the reader on a date. It goes differently and better than expected. Anxious!Bucky. ❤️
healing and healed - @softlyspector
Y/N is always healing Bucky, no matter how small the injury. Based on this ask. ❤️
music - @softlyspector
Bucky doesn’t really understand ‘modern’ music. The reader is there to help ❤️
tease - @beckzorz
A fake date with a Danish alien tech dealer. Bucky gets bored, and maybe a little jealous, while he’s waiting in the command truck outside. It’s all downhill from there. 🔥
you're teasing me - @the-bau-quinjet
Sam offers to help you when Bucky refuses to duet with you on karaoke night. ❤️
my name isn't - @the-bau-quinjet
You find out the guys (Bucky, Steve, and Sam) have a bet as to who can kiss you first, so you confront them at Tony’s team building karaoke night. ❤️
i can do more - @the-bau-quinjet
The team underestimates Y/N’s strength until one day when her powers save them all ❤️
distraction - @itsapeterthing
request: “bucky x reader where reader is really attracted to bucky’s fighting side while he’s defeating the bad guys?” ❤️😔
made to fit - @abovethesmokestacks
reader knits bucky a sweater ❤️
seven minutes in heaven - @lokidoki-imagines
There was no prompt for this one, but I just needed to write a bit of Bucky loving and this kinda just came out…Sorry not sorry for the straight up filth! Just remember to wrap it before you tap it kids  🔥
imagine being in a secret relationship with bucky - @yeahbutimagine
Combining @crayonbreaker ’s request with an other one I got. The prompts were n°32 (you know what’s the best part about not wearing makeup/ you can rub your eyes whenever you want) and the 2nd rq by @anahi0101 wanted a fluffy fic where the reader and Buck have been secretly dating and the team finds out. ❤️
drunk in love @bethdutten
you get a little drunk at one of tony’s celebratory after-mission parties. and bucky is there looking so fine and-- fuck it. you can’t keep your hands off him ❤️🔥😔
one of the guys - @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
you play get down mr. president with the boys and get hurt ❤️😔
number one fan - @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
you prank bucky by wearing falcon merch ❤️
keep warm - @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
you and bucky after a mission in a safe house sharing a bed ❤️
drunk words are sober truths - @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
bucky gets drunk off asgardian mead and confesses his feelings ❤️
concussed - @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
“Hello! I’m an absolute wh0re for hurt/comfort and wanted to request if you could pleeeeaase write reader really sick with a concussion + soft caretaker Buck?” ❤️
be my sidekick - @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
you and bucky go and see movies together and get together ❤️
how's your head? - @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
you get harassed on the subway and bucky helps take care of you ❤️
seeing red - @buckysfaveplum
bucky can’t just sit and watch as a man makes you uncomfortable in a bar ❤️
more than safe - @witchywithwhiskey
when you're injured on a mission in sokovia, bucky barnes comes to help—and you share a soft moment together ❤️😔
make believe on christmas eve - @green-eyeddragonfanfiction
When your family insists you bring your [nonexistent] long-term boyfriend over for Christmas, you panic. You hadn’t expected to be put in this situation; you never thought you’d actually have to bring “him” over. ❤️
drive? - @softlyspector
Bucky asks the reader on a date to which she readily agrees. Or, Bucky’s attempt at a car make out. ❤️
i love you - @ugh-supersoldiers
‘I love you’ isn’t a phrase you expect to hear from Bucky Barnes anytime soon, so when those three daunting words slip from your lips on a romantic getaway around Christmastime, your certain he won’t respond well, but he proves you very wrong… ❤️🔥
trapped - @notyetneedcoffee
Reader is trapped on a mission with Bucky. Sex pollen story.🔥
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dalekofchaos · 2 months
AEW proved Punk right
So I saw the footage and my opinion has not changed.
This all happened because Tony Khan did not want to BE the boss. He did not squash the beef between Punk and the Elite. He did not want to kill those rumors before it reached a boiling point. He did not stop Punk from blowing out at the scrum and just sit everyone involved in a room and talk through their issues and reach an agreement. He did not want to tell Jack to stop being a self-entitled little prick. All this is because Tony Khan is a clown who's more interested in being a friend to the wrestler instead of being a boss.
What did this accomplish? What, more heat to a FTR vs Bucks rivalry?
What did this accomplish?
Air a talent from a different company
Make your current talent look bad
Make Jack Perry look like a entitled brat
Make Tony Khan look bad
Looked sad, pathetic and desperate
AEW looked bad
Acting like the man never existed and just focusing on building your promotion and talent you have WAS the win you were looking for. You gave Punk attention, all you did was proving him right.
The stupidity of spotlighting how a top talent for another company was easily able to make your talent look like a bitch is astounding. Tony Khan had days to reconsider and instead doubled down on the predictable disaster this was destined to be!
Like what did they gain from this? It makes them all look like a much idiots and losers.
Also? THAT'S IT??? That's what made Tony "fear for his life" Wasn't It Said That Punk Threw A Monitor? These are on a stand and it's obvious they were never thrown so why did Tony claim he feared for his life?
I've seen the live reaction, there was no fucking reaction. Unless you can call fans chanting "CM PUNK" a reaction. And as soon as it ended, all there was making fans uncomfortable.
Tony Schiavone looked like he had Vince fucking Russo flashbacks.
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They made Jack Perry, one of the four pillars of the company look like a geek in real life, nevermind CM Punk's action and they want Perry back? Why? They made him look like a entitled little prick who fucked around and found out.
All the video did was give them and internet fans a week to boast about a ratings. This proved Punk didn’t lie, was shown on a highly produced television show and has nothing to do with anything. It was 8 months ago. Like I said, they should've done this the Dynamite after All In to air this because all it fucking did was make the company look bad.
Guess what? All you did was give the Punk and McIntyre feud more fuel? What's gonna happen when Drew says "I'm not just some little kid you can slap around and choke out" or "Punk, I'm not some little guy you can push around. You try to choke me out and I will break you in half, you rat bastard." congrats, you gave fuel to a feud to the other company. Good job, idiots.
They didn't they lean into the drama when Punk was actually there and actually made some money off a Punk vs Elite feud. They had to do it when he wasn't there because they can't pop a rating without Punk's existence.
Vince could get Bret and Shawn to coexist and work together despite Bret literally ripping out Shawn's hair in a backstage fight. He could get Matt Hardy and Edge to coexist despite the real life affair that destroyed their lives. Meanwhile, Tony did absolutely nothing, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Oh well, some people just can't get along, let's separate everyone into different shows." Literally left money on the table because he couldn't step up and be a boss.
No fists were thrown... He pushed Jack Perry and choked him a little and stopped 30 seconds afterwards... Didn't escalate things or anything. CM Punk was right.
This was AEW's "that'll put puts in seats" and the Fingerpoke of Doom rolled into one. And guess what? WCW 2000 is trending on Twitter. That's how bad this footage reveal was.
I watched WWF in 1996 with the Ted Turner skits. I watched Bischoff in 1998 challenging McMahon. I watched TNA’s constant attempts to get WWE to acknowledge them. Trust me, this shit never works and its an indictment of a promotion that has ran out of ideas. And AEW once again has proved why it was a stupid fucking idea. IDIOTS!
CM Punk wasn't lying when he said AEW is a joke and called Tony a clown. It's not a business and all they care about is temporary pop instead of long term for running a Wrestling promotion. You idiots just BURIED the whole company. What exactly did this accomplish?
It reminds me of TNA popping the ratings with Dixie Carter going through the table. It gives AEW a bump, but long-term it doesn’t do anything. It does help the bucks versus FTR feud in the short term. It makes AEW look unprofessional, doesn’t hurt CM punk that much
If your response to this brawl footage being shown on Dynamite is anything other than, "That was a stupid thing to show" then you are part of the problem. Stop enabling childish, idiotic behavior from AEW. Expect and demand better from Tony Khan!
This was Punk's reaction to the footage reveal. Good fucking job Tony, you really showed Punk!
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Causing hell in a 2 hour interview
Choked out the guy who catered to internet marks
Called the company a joke, called your boss a clown and still going out there to tear it down with Samoa Joe
Made your former boss so mad he released footage of his talent being choked out by you
Being the biggest draw in both companies
CM Punk is the greatest of all time, Punk stood on business HIGHKEY
CM Punk is truly the greatest of all time. Punk has managed to do something that hasn't happened in decades, make a wrestling company implode from their own stupidity. God I love this man.
Addition. AEW is so shook by the terrible reaction on social media, which is the only thing they have ever cared about, that they took down the video footage. I know a lot of fake journalists are gonna be working late tonight doing damage control on behalf of the company.
Absolutely ridiculous.
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 16 days
Just a long ramble about how sad and unwell Eddie is
Aaargh this isn't the first time I post something like this but. Every time I think about Eddie's slide into insanity after Buck came out. I CAN'T DEAL.
It's just so... Tragic. And funny. And sad. And funny, okay!
But also so fucking tragic!
Because I feel like the fall into this madness is him, being pushed from two directions over the edge. It's Eddie, still missing, mourning, loving Shannon... And not ever really taking a moment to process his grief, and truly face and accept her death.
And the push over the edge is also about Eddie, clearly being in love with Buck, having already pined for years, hopelessly, alone... and then learning that Buck is into men, just not into Eddie (or so Eddie concludes).
Because I fully believe Eddie really had NO IDEA that Buck likes men,
Nope, he had spent years watching Buck run after women, endless women, he has watched him flirt, date, have affairs, confess love, casually try to count the thousands of women he's been with and not being even able to remember...
And Buck never dated even one man.
And it wasn't like Buck was homophobic, clearly he's an ally, keeps posting about his support, is close friends with queer people...
So Eddie thinks it couldn't be just repression or homophobia or ignorance either.
No, Eddie thought Buck just liked women, and if Eddie ever thought there was a flirty moment between them two... then clearly it was just Eddie, and his overly active imagination. It was just his hope talking.
So Eddie squished that hope, to protect himself. He crushed it utterly. Eddie hammered into his skull the painful knowledge that Buck is straight, and that path is a dead end.
So it didn't matter that Eddie had realised that Buck is beautiful in any light, even in the dark. It was a dead end.
And so years went by and Eddie had resigned to his fate which was that he was
pining after a straight man.
Yea it was sad, and hopeless, but so what. That was simply the hand he'd been given. He would cope.
So Eddie made himself see the world as it was, he killed his hope, he internalized this idea, Buck being straight so thoroughly...
That when the idea actually proved out to be wrong..?
Eddie couldn't at first even process the concept, of Buck being into men!!!
No, when Buck told him about having been on a date with another MAN....
Eddie's brain just latched onto Tommy's gayness first...
because at least that idea was safe, comprehensible,
that idea was something Eddie could approach, digest. It was a surprise but it wasn't his reality warping.
Unlike the news of Buck's bisexuality...
which was a mad, bizarre idea,
something that couldn't be true,
a concept that had Eddie's universe tilting!!
So Eddie ignored the freaking tooth fairy introducing himself, and wrapped his brain around something that sounded SANE first, Tommy's gayness, and then...
When his brain finally started believing his ears, and his mind started whirring,
when he finally got it....
He went:
You TWO...?!
And he was fucking floored.
Really, when Eddie says "Okay",
to acknowledge this news...
he's fucking SHAKING,
eyes wide in shock,
His voice is all wonky!!!
He's shocked, he's shaken...
Because for a brief moment...
he exists in a world in which Buck could love him back!!
Because he's realising that after all these years....
Of him,
hopelessly staring at Buck, with no hope,
watching him date a woman after woman... And just quietly pining...
It turns out....
Maybe there is a chance?
After all, he's been wrong to assume the idea of them two is impossible,
because turns out that all this time Buck HAS been into men, too...?
But oh.
No, he's being stupid again, feeling hope.
It's a trap. There is no hope, Eddie realises.
Any hope is a fever dream.
Because Buck is talking about Tommy. About how much he likes Tommy.
Yep, this news is irrelevant.
Because Eddie still has no hope.
Because this news just makes everything worse.
... Because this is not a chance.
This is Eddie, being crushed under a truck.
This just makes it clear how hopelessly unrequited Eddie's feelings are, have always been, will always be.
Because this just makes it clear that Eddie can never exist on Buck's radar.
No, it doesn't even matter that Buck likes men...
Because clearly, he still doesn't want Eddie.
No, Buck never looked back, it was all imagination,
he's still not doing that even though Eddie now knows that Buck likes men, too,
and Eddie is right there, has been all along.
But it doesn't matter.
Buck is still not interested.
He has found someone else.
Sounds serious about someone else.
Yes, Buck likes men, and still dismisses Eddie.
Which just leaves one explanation...
that the problem here isn't Eddie's gender, the reason why he is alone with these feelings isn't his gender. No, it never was.
It's not his body, Buck likes men.
So it's just.... Eddie, then, right?
He is the problem. Something about who he is just clearly doesn't catch Buck's interest, makes him uninteresting.
That must be what makes Eddie unappealing? Not what he looks like, not him being a man... but who he is. He is Eddie, and something about that makes Buck go "no, not him."
Yes, the problem is Eddie. He drove Shannon away, too, right. There is just something wrong with him, that makes people leave.
No, there is no hope.
He must just be utterly unlovable to Buck.
And so...
All hope just goes crashing down.
And Eddie quickly puts on a mask... and pretends.
This is fine.
Yes. This is fine. Nothing has changed. Business as usual.
I'll deal. Yes.
This doesn't change a thing between us. Okay? 👍
I can deal. I have a girlfriend, don't I?
And if that's not enough.
That's fine, too! Maybe something else will come along and save me from this pain, something just as magical as Buck. Yeah. Any day now.
Something will drown out this horror, something just as big and beautiful, and magical.
He'll find someone he loves just as deeply. Who will love him back.
So here's how it goes:
I'm fine. This is fine. Yep.
.... Nevermind I will find someone like youuuu.
I wish nothing but the best for yoouuu twoooo....
I... I'm saved.
I've found someone.
I'm safe.
I've found someone like him. Just as huge, lovely, I've found a great love.
I know it.
It's Shannon. Of course it's Shannon. It must be Shannon.
Shannon and Buck are the magical ones.
And she never really died, did she?
I never really believed that.
So now I've found her again.
She was just hiding. Here she is!
It's Shannon, it's my dead wife, hiding under a fake identity.
Because I'm okay.
Because nothing has changed and I am fine, and this discovery,
Buck's bisexuality?
It doesn't hurt me, can't hurt me. I have something just as good, I have love again.
Ha, this discovery is a ✨🕺DISCO🕺✨
It doesn't hurt.
I'm happy.
I'm not seeing a ghost. This may seem mad but it's not, it's all fine, normal because she isn't dead, she isn't a ghost. Of course she isn't.
She's real, she's Shannon. Just in disguise. Hiding. Running from something maybe. But I'll make her feel safe, coax her out of hiding.
This was always meant to happen. She ran but she came back and now I've found her again.
And this is real. She isn't dead. I'm not seeing things. This is real. She isn't dead.
This has nothing to do with Buck dating Tommy.
This isn't my mental health cracking, right after Buck came out and started dating another man.
And I found out that I am unlovable and that there is no hope in this world.
No, the world is a happy place, full of love.
So. I think that's the scenery inside Eddie's dream land.
Nope, Eddie is not spiraling... After never really processing his grief and admitting that Shannon is truly gone.
After years of watching Buck date women, watching Buck not even being able to count how many women he's been with,
Eddie just helplessly finding him beautiful in any lighting, probably even in pitch fucking black...
Eddie is not crashing after being hit with the cruel knowledge that the world is just a sharp painful place, that Eddie cannot ever find love, he will always be alone and unlovable
and everyone he loves leaves...
Yes, Eddie is fine. He has already moved on. So very moved on, that he's now dating TWO women.
And if one of them is a ghost then... If one of them is his dead wife, walking again.
Then there's nothing wrong with him. He's fine. There is love in his life, isn't there? Shannon loved him.
Loves him.
She's even sending coded messages about their time on the beach together by showing him the beach scented candles.
It's her. Eddie isn't alone. He's loved. He has love.
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No, nothing has changed.
I am just suddenly seeing my dead wife again. I am fine.
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