#'gem have you tried drawing at your desk like you do at your dorm'
k66-official · 1 year
do you prefer cds or tapes?
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CDs are a higher quality, and that's that, kero!
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yandere-wishes · 4 years
Secret Admirer //Twisted Wonderland Yandere! Idia Shroud X Reader//
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My first attempted at a song fic! This story is based off a Persian song called “Bade Man”. Both the song and Video show a lot of yandere tendencies so I decided to write two stories based off them. If you do decide to watch it please note that there is mention of suicide (Which I didn’t add in my own story) and stalker behavior (Which there is a lot of in this fic). Other then that please enjoy the story!
Idia's hand shook, sweat racing down his brow as he tried to accurately insert the miniature spy cam into the teddy bear's golden orb. Pushing the tiny device further in so it would remain anonymous. The little camera buzzed and glitched trying to come online and focus. 
Idia stretched his arm up trying to place the stuffed animal back on the top shelf where he had found it. Maneuvered it, checking the angle on his phone trying to find the perfect spot. Finally, at a position of 5 cm to the left, he had achieved the absolute angle, providing him with a view of your entire dorm room. The underworld god let out a sad sigh, he turned on his heels, habitually placing his fingers on his hips, digging his long chipped nails into the bulky fabric of his black sweater. Observing the room for a final time he gradually made his way to the door, mentally reminding himself to use the duplicate key to lock the door. Four steps from the door and he stopped, turning his head to look at something he'd spotted from the corner of his eye. There one shelf under where he'd set up the bear was a forgotten chocolate eyeball. His fingers twitched, trying to fight off the urges to grab it. You surely wouldn't notice if it was eaten, would you? You didn't have the most attentive mind nor the sharpest deduction skills. His long pale fingers slowly stretched to meet the sugary treat...
The blue screens were the only source of light in the pitch-black room. Their luminosity casted an eerie shadow over Idia's face. The flame-haired boy's eyes were glued to the screen, wait for you to return from your classes. He subconsciously reached for another piece of candy from the glass jar, mindlessly discarding the wrapper into the pile around his computers. He gazed at the time displayed on the corner of the screen. 
3:30 pm
classes finished fifteen minutes ago, so where were you? What was taking so long? No doubt those two Heartslabyul first years were keeping you busy once more. They were always circling you, always touching you in some form, they were like buzzards..worst actually. 
3:32 pm
you finally pried open the worn-out door to your so-called "dormitory"  walking inside, flinching each time you stepped on a creaky part of the floor. Behind the tiny cat-like terror skipped in. A large toothy grin danced across his furry face. He was going on about the A+ he'd gotten in the Alchemy test.
For a brief minute Idia's mind wondered to that very test, he was sure he had taken it. He sighed, the school was so troublesome and distracting, he'd just ask Ortho to retrieve his test later on. 
His attention floated back to you, his darling, his beloved...who he would continue to admire from afar. You carelessly discarded your school backpack and uniform coat onto the broken couch and headed for the kitchen. Idia leaned closer eyes soaking in every microscopic aspect of your body. Giggling slightly as he watched you peer into the fridge, hanging off the handle of the door and pouting at the lack of content in the fridge. Without looking he plucked his phone from the table and typed a reminder to get Ortho to buy you some groceries. 
You finally picked two eggs and some olive oil. Casually making your way to the stove, calling over your shoulder for Grim to set the table. You grabbed the lighter form the island and flicked it, trying to start a flame. 
Idia tensed, his eyes grew as big as the Heartslabyul mushroom saucers. He remembers passing by the kitchen, he remembers sparks from his hair landing on the stove. Initially, he'd disregarded them, believing they would become completely dormant by the next day. He hadn't thought that you would be making dinner. His heart skipped a beat, the tiny embers were sitting there,  ready to ignite at the smallest heat. 
His fingers frantically tapped at one of the screens, calling yourself hoping it would be a worthy distraction. His heart sank as he watched the dreaded cat pick up your cellphone. He ignored it pressing the hang-up option. 
His golden eyes flew back to the screen displaying your actions. He nervously shoved another two bonbons into his mouth. He ran a hand over his face, sighing trying to come up with something to do before his precious caught on fire. 
"Think, Think, Think, Think," his pale finger stabbed his forehead, do something! his thoughts screamed. Apahthcaly he cracked open an eye. He watched uselessly as you brought the lighter to the oven. 
There was a spark, blue flames spread along the surface of the oven like waves. You squealed and jumped back eyes gawking at the flames. They were familiar somehow...
"What happened!" 
The cat's screechy voice caused Idia to flinch, subconsciously his hand dove back into the bowl pulling out a handful of the wrapped goodies. 
The look on your face was one that tore Idia's heart into pieces, yet at the same time caused it to speed up tremendously. You hadn't moved an inch, eyes still wide and gawking at where the fire had been minutes ago. Your chest was rising and falling rapidly, breaths shaky and uneven. "T-the ghosts m-might be...playing some pranks again, yeah that's it! It was those ghosts!.... Ah!..(y-y/n) what.. what are..." Grim's voice trailed off, his gem-like eyes darted to (Y/N) after witnessing her sudden movement. She chucked the lighter at the stove, her hands balling into tight fists. She closed her eyes permitting tiny teardrops to race down her cheeks. 
"Can't I do any freaking thing right?" This was loudest Idia had ever heard (Y/N) raise her voice, though reasonably this was the angriest he'd ever seen her. Why was she so irritated over a small slip up? Was there something else weighing on your nervous that Idia had failed to notice? His golden eyes went back to monitoring your posture, recalling if you'd seemed off the couple of times he'd seen you in class or the hallways. His mind kept drawing blanks, you were always so cheerful and happy every time he laid eyes on you. Was there some subtle hint he was missing? Where you maybe as cursed as he was? The thought was unsettling and quite heavy on his broken heart. You didn't deserve to be cursed as he and his lineage where, you were too innocent, too pure...but alas you may very well be cursed just as he was, after all, you had the misfortune of traversing into this accursed world in addition to having caught his eye. 
After what felt like decades, your posture finally eased, the sniffling and flow of tears halted. You rose your head looking down at Grimm, a frail smile grazed your lips. "There's tuna in the fridge if you're hungry...." saying no more, you turned on your heels and trudged towards the doorless doorframe. "But, aren't you hungry?" the cat called after your concern laced his usually haughty voice. Idia could feel a nervous tik coming on, a cold wet substance fill is eyeball as it twitched uncontrollably. "Eat something dame it" he whispered to the girl on the screen. Taking his own advice he unwrapped another piece of candy and popped it in his mouth. He watched helplessly as you merely shook your head, continuing to march upstairs. Floorboards creaking from your weight. 
Idia threw his back, palms pushing over his cheeks, resing on his closed eyelids and applying apathetic pressure. He groaned loudly, watching you was consuming more time then he'd initially planned. The cameras where set so he could keep tabs on you, not to watch your disheartening days in the ramshackle dorm. Yet it proved to become an addiction rapidly. It was remarkably melancholic, the two of you were both leading your respective blighted lives waiting impatiently for some inconceivable miracle to rescue you. You could save eachother...but nither of you knew how. Thus you remain oblivious to his presence and he had to content himself with observing you from afar. This whole situation was much more tragic than anyone of the Greek tragedies he's read as a child.
By now, the sun had dipped behind the large school, disappearing from view for the night. Idia's once dark room had fallen into the color of the abyss engulfing him in endless darkness. However that notion seemed to escape the fire-haired third year as he remains immobile at his desk, orbs stilled glued to the blindingly bright lights of the multiple screens displaying different angles of the Ramshackle dorm. The object of his infatuation was changing out of their uniform tossing the blouse and skirt onto the bed as the grabbed an oversized T-shirt and some pajama shorts. Their footsteps echoed around the vacant room as they walked up to the shelf. Idia gulped fingers diligently shoving two tiny chocolates into his mouth. He watched as you reached up to grab the stuffed bear. Idia's sweaty palms covered his mouth, nails digging into the flesh of his cheek. He watched as you dropped the bear and let out a blood-curdling scream...
You missed your home, your real home. You missed the nostalgic scent of your mother's perfume and your father's aftershave. Lately, the thought of your home had become a crushing force on your mind. You wanted nothing more than to head back home, then to sleep on your old bed, talk to your old friends, to just bask in the feeling of your old house. But Crowley still hadn't found a way for you to return. The headmaster did try but with the constant troubles caused by the other students, he just couldn't focus. Letting out a depressed sigh you walked over to the decaying shelf in the further corner of your room. On top of that shelf sat an old Teddy Bear, it resembled one you had back home. Who would have ever thought you'd find the very same toy in this twisted world. Retrieving the stuffed animal from the shelf, you smiled at its stoic face, playfully you moved it around watching your reflection from different angles in its golden eyes. As the right eye remains in place, the left eye kept seemingly following you, curiously you tapped the eye. The golden ord whizzed stretching out while spinning trying to get a better look at your face. A camera! There was a camera placed in the bear's eye! You dropped the stuffy, shakingly stepping away from the spying bear. A loud high pitch noise echoed in your ears, making your heartthrob. It took an endless moment before you realized that it was, in fact, yourself who was making the dreadful noise. Your hands covered your mouth trying to stop the sound, you gulped as your eyes filled with tears. 
You back hit the wall, having nowhere else to go you sunk down wrapping your arms around your shins, goosebumps ran across your skin, spiking your flesh causing a cold sweat to break over your body.  Someone was watching you...Someone had been watching for god knows how long.
"(Y/N)!" Grimm's panicked voice barely reached your ringing ears. You remained curled in your tight ball. The cat-like monster ran over to you, pawing at your arm trying to get you to talk. "What happened? Why did you scream!" His pitchfork like tail wrapped around his tiny body. Hesitantly you pointed to the tumbled over bear. Your voice cracked as you tired to speak "C-camera...there's a camera in the b-bear's e-eye." Grimm's eyes widen as he ran over to the spycam to investigate. 
Idia watched as the tiny cat hoisted up the bear, clawing at the eye camera. The blue screens glitched for a second, the went back to broadcasting the room. Idia turned the deal on one of his speakers trying to better hear what Grimm was whispering to you. "Someone was in the house" the cat mumbled into your ear. "I had candy on the third shelf and now only the wrappers are left". The cat's words only caused you to sob harder, your mind being overtaken by panic to such extents that you could hardly move. The grey monster shook your numb hand trying to get a reaction out of you. "We...we need to call the headmaster..." at Grimm's words you banged your head against the wall, fresh tears flowing from your eyes. Slowly you nodded, "On the count of three, run like all hell for the front door...we don't know if there are any other cameras, it'll..it..it'll just be safer to go to his office.."  Using the wall for support you stood up, eyes never once leaving the bear. You took a final shakey breath...
Idia's eyes widen, you weren't serious where you?
A lone tear rolled from his eye...no please no
Idia watched helplessly as you and Grimm ran down the stairs, disappearing out the front door.  
 Nervously Idia turned off the screens. His heart pounded so hard that he was sure it would crack his rips and burst right out. He had lost you...he had tried to keep an eye on you, to be with you in the only way he knew how..and that had caused you to run away...Anger bubbled in his veins, his fingers twitched as he stood up "DAME IT" his voice sounded throughout the Ignihyde dorm, causing the rest of the students to stop whatever they were doing and listen to the rare sound coming from their dorm leaders room. 
Sinking down to the floor, Idia let the tears roll out from his eyes, his throat burned as he let out another frantic scream. How could he have been so stupid? So useless?
"Big brother?" Ortho's curious voice caused Idia to cease his screaming, reluctantly he turned his head to look at his little brother. Ortho walked over to him, kneeling down in front of him. His large golden eyes scanned the turned over chair and broken candy jar. "I-I lost her..." Idia's voice trailed off as he leaned his head on Ortho's metal shoulder. His posture sunk into his brother's cold hands. "I-I" his tears kept coming, trailing down his cheeks. Calmly Ortho wiped the teardrops from his creator's face. Bloodshot golden eyes met sympathetic golden eyes. "Big brother...why do you do this to yourself? If you really love her you should go see her in person.."
The younger Shroud's words tugged on his brother's heartstrings. The cursed older brother reluctantly pressed his face to his creations chest and mumbled: "I...I really should".
In the unholy hour of midnight, Idia found himself, leaning against a tree in the Ramshackle front yard. His golden eyes watched as his darling frantically tried to explain to the mask-wearing headmaster what had happened hours prior. His shaky legs dragged the God of the dead to a tombstone that was closer to the window. Crunching by the marker Idia lolled in the sound of his beloved's voice. Silently he whispered a promise to himself.
"One day I will make you mine my love...one day very soon"
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2. Mona Lisa
I stay in a two room double on campus which means that I share a bathroom, but the room is my own to do with as I please, within reason.
Typically, I'm milking this privacy for the money to fund my education while simultaneously releasing my sexual tension in the most taboo of ways.
Sighing, brush my teeth and reapply my lip gloss in the mirror. I can feel tremors in my poor peach, she's reminiscing on the good times when she was exhaulted like the queen she is. Men would spend literal hours worshiping her every crevice and pay me handsomely for it.
Four days down, ten to go, I tell myself.
Sex is my ideal outlet for stress relief. It's my interest, my hobby, my reprieve. As you can imagine, I have to change my sheets on a daily basis, but I don't mind that.
Yes, I have brought a number of guys over to participate in certain acts that I'm sure my bathroom mate has heard through the wall. She doesn't look me in the eye anymore though I always speak to her.. and she hasn't done so for the past month or so. I think she's traumatized.
Tickled, I re-apply my sunscreen and change into my grey PINK leggings with matching sports bra, pulling my 360 install into a curly high bun and stretching to prepare for my mid-day jog.
Everyday, I jog through the Main Quad and work up a sparkle, since princesses don't sweat.
I carry a pink hydro flask and I jog as far as I can push myself to go, often ending up at the Oval, a place where students play volleyball and walk dogs. I like to sit out from time to time and watch.
Then I head back to my room and assemble my hygiene kit to take into the bathroom. I shower, cleanse, exfoliate if necessary, moisturize, and redress for the evening.
Today's evening wear is a black graphic half shirt with a gold crown printed on and black high waisted shorts with black platform sneakers from Dolls Kill. I add my gold anklet for mood before turning on my music.
Pretty little bird, pretty little bird
You've hit the window a few times (the window a few times)
You're pretty little bird, pretty little bird
You still ain't scared of no heights
When the spiral down feels as good as the flight
When hating you feels good for the night
When the morning comes, I hope you're still mine
My cellphone rings and it's Natalie, one of the black girls in this dorm. The first day we met, we made a silent pack to stick together, us and a couple others, and months down the road we've stuck to it.
"Back from your jog, Gem?"
"Yes, and I'm looking at my notes so no you cannot borrow them."
"Jokes on you, I took them yesterday when you were jogging and made copies, I'm set."
"You bitch," I tease. "What's the move tonight?"
"Whaaat? You're not busy with one of your John's?"
"Bitch, my legs are closed, my books are bussed wide open," I smile highlighting a sentence in the textbook. I have four exams to take.
Checking a text from one of my subs, Keon, I send a short reply with a 💋. He was just checking on me, asking about my studies.
"Well we're thinking of hitting a party with a few of the black exchange students."
My book slams shut. I have been extremely well-behaved this week, I deserve a little magic in my life. It won't hurt.
"Who's we?"
"Me, Kayla, Letitia, Kevin, and Chris."
Damn, Chris' fine ass can get it. I want him.
Okay, it's decided. I can finish up here, meet Mr. Stevens at 7 in his office, meet up with Natalie and the crew around 8 and then we'll head out. I can handle a few drinks.
Jumping up, I feel alive again for the first time in four days. I snatch up my makeup trunk and set it on my desk pulling out my handheld mirror.
Light beat. Lashes. Dark liner, heavy gloss.
I release my loosened strawberry curls from the bun letting them wave and fall on my shoulders.
Approaching the office suite, I walk through to find that the other offices are already empty. I can tell because of the quiet and closed doors. Mr. Stevens' door is open and yellow artificial light streams into the small hallway.
When I come upon the door, Mr. Stevens is at his desk staring intently at a spread of papers, his gold-rimmed glasses fallen at the end of his nose.
My peach is telling me this scenario could be a problem. Dr. Stevens is a steak and lobster meal and my peach? She's salivating. Crossing my legs on the spot where I stand I knock on the door drawing his eye.
"Ms. Miller. Come in, have a seat."
Quickly, I plop down into one of the two chairs in front of his desk and sling my bag down to the floor beside my chair.
He awakens his computer, typing before reading through whatever's displayed. Then he turns the screen to face me and I'm looking at a layout of of my grades for the class. It's looking pretty good.
"Could be better," I stare waiting for what I came for.
"You're right, it could be. You see, as it stands everything for you is riding on this exam. You could walk away from this class with a high C or a high A. It's really up to you."
I lean forward with my elbows on the desk to look him in his narrow-set eyes.
"Look at my face, Mr. Stevens," I glare for emphasis. "Does it look like I'm down to settle for a high C? What did we discuss in the classroom?"
Again, it's a chess match of stares.
After about ten seconds this time, he pulls his glasses off, folding them gently and sitting them off the the side near the computer. He turns the computer screen back to it's original position and pulls a paper packet from his desk, raising it vertical with the print side facing towards himself and away from me.
It's the exam, I know it. I maintain eye contact.
"This," he pauses holding it up near his head. "If anyone... and I mean anyone.. discovers that you have this... you're on your own. I'll turn ya ass in so fast your head will spin. You will be expelled."
I've never heard him curse before.
"No one will find out, I'll guard it with my life."
"There's one more thing." He lowers the packet setting it away from me on the desk near his glasses. "Correct me if I'm mistaken, but I seem to recall you saying something along the lines of you not playing bout your grades or money.."
Licking his lips, he leans forward and I sit bolt straight.
"How far you willing to go for both?"
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me."
I blink in shock. Not good ol' Mr. Stevens! This has gotta be a joke. Mr. Hottie would never sleep with a student, he's far too strict. 
"Gemini," he whispers, the name lingering on his tongue in a way that gives me full body chills. How did he know my stage name?
"Mr. Stevens, I think you're mistaken. My name is Phoebe, remember?" I tilt my head to jog his memory. "Phoebe Miller?"
He scoffs, loosening his tie and I'm aware of myself breathing harder.. loudly.
He tosses his tie on the desk between us.
Unbuttoning the top few buttons on his shirt, I can see his sharp clavicle and a tease of the muscle beneath. My mouth is watering and he leans forward again.
"Let's skip the part where you play dumb and get straight to negotiations. You're a smart girl...Sexy," he whispers.
My eyes widen hearing that word come from his lips. My thighs press together. This isn't a body that can hold back once started up. He's treading dangerous ground.
I lean forward slightly and the corner of his lips lifts in a dark smirk.
I've never seen this man like this.
"I've been to Mickey's. You know, there's this move you do... on that pole... I've seen you do a few times now and I've been wondering every time I see your lil conceited ass in my class... how it would work if you tried it on a dick."
He said the magic word! I'm wet. I'm wet! I cross my leg over my thigh and he sits back, standing tall as I look up at him, ready to do anything.
He walks over to the door, closing it gently and locking it. Panting, I watch him do it and then he walks back to his seat, reclining with his hands clasped loosely in front of him.
"I have the power to give you an A," he announces. "Right here, right now."
"Oh really."
Oh my fucking god, I'm so wet right now. I can feel it.
"Mhm... I can also ensure that you pass your other classes, no problem," he brushes his shoulder. "BUT."
"But," I breathe.
"I need something from you."
Blinking at his boldness, I can't help the lust that comes to my eyes. This is a fantasy. Shit like this does not happen.
"Yes?" I'm licking my lips, biting them in anticipation. Say it, I beg with my eyes. Say it!
"I want you.."
"..to be.."
I lean in closer.
"So eager," he laughs. "You know, the way you look at me, you remind me of the Mona Lisa. There's a secret behind your eyes and every time I see you... that's what the fuck I see. It's like you wanna fuck me..."
Sitting up again to lean forward, his face is now inches from mine.
"You're going to be my slave, Ms. Miller. My personal.. little slut. Just until the exams are over," he nods.
I have to think about that, but not for long.
"And you can ensure all A's," I confirm.
Smiling, he nods. It's the perfect scenario, I want to cry.
"You can't tell a soul," he whispers coming in closer. His breath smells like spearmint. His lips are centimeters away now and I can't hold myself back any longer, I close the distance meeting his soft lips with mine.
Getting as far as a peck, he pulls back looking away like a man who's just made a deal on something as trivial as a lawn gnome or a piece of patio furniture. There's an unrushed boredom that only serves to intrigue me as he goes through the buttons on his shirt, letting the white fabric fall open to reveal the built muscles I kind of knew were there... but never to this extent.
His skin looks like smooth rum and I want a taste, but he has a deliberate pattern of raised bumps all over his chest and abs. It's not a turn off. In fact, I can think of a few things to do with that.
He smirks as if reading my mind.
Leaning further forward, I'm out of my seat and leaning over the desk.
With my right hand I reach up to touch his right pectoral but snatch my hand back when he smacks it away. I feel the sting. He's heavy handed.
"Did I say you could touch me?" His eyes hold venom.
He sounds like me when I'm disciplining a sub.
"No sir."
"Don't smile."
"But my smile is so cute," I grin watching his wheels spin.
"That's true," he admits with a nod. "But you know what's even cuter?"
"There's cuter?" I tilt my head innocently and he smiles.
"Hm," he chuckles. "...Don't move."
Holding my position over his desk, I remain still as he stands up again, slowly circling out of my view. Behind me, he stands and I can feel his presence. I feel a spanking coming on. I can feel him-
"MM," I squeak feeling the first hit. It's firm, but not too rough.
"Shut up, you've taken worse," he comments and I wonder how he knows because it's true. This is nothing.
Hit number two comes and it's a little bit harder than the first.
"Be gentle," I whisper looking back.
The third hit is double the strength of the last, I feel it and breath out.
The fourth is much harder and I make a sound to let him know I feel it. He hears me because the next swat feels like he really reeled back and it stings. It has me anxious for the next hit.
"I once saw you take a flogger," he breathes and I hear it in his voice, he's getting excited. I wonder if his dick is hard. How big is it? "Who you think requested it," he huffs and the swat he takes makes me hit the desk.. for real this time.
"You're a sub-SSSS," I hiss throwing my head back. "Damnit, okay now," I warn."
"Move your hands."
I don't know.
"Get back down... and move your hands," he repeats firmly.
Hesitantly, I drop them and brace myself on the desk.
"Uh!" I close my mouth and gather myself. It really stings. He keeps hitting the same damn spot, but in the way that tying a rubber band around your finger feels good, it also feels good.
"Take those shorts off..," he mutters. I can hear him breathing and when I look back, he's taking the button up completely off and unbuckling his black leather belt. "Hurry up.. take it off."
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