#'hi memory of walking to the only white librarian at the checkout desk and feeling Incredibly Racist even tho she said hello first'
asterdeer · 9 months
i will be having an actually pretty solid mental health day until approx. 9:45 am when the demon in my brain which carries the memory of the first 30 minutes of hereditary wakes up and goes "remember this on loop you ugly bitch" and it's all over from there
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leswansong · 5 years
Chapter Eighteen - Adrinette April - Notes for You
Day 18 - In the Rain
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Marinette face planted into the book that sat in front of her, the information that was stored in it had not transferred into her memory, there hours worth of research had in her eyes been wasted. She was frustrated with herself, she hated the fact that they hadn’t progressed in any direction, she groaned and tried to read the words on the page again but quickly gave up. A warm cup of coffee magically appeared in front of her, looking up she saw Adrien had returned, she mouthed him a quick thank you and almost downed half of it. He pulled the book she was trying and failing to memorise from her.
“This book is boring Mari”
“I know but we need the information it contains within its papery… pages…” she yawned and took another sip of the warm coffee.
“Maybe we should leave, you’re falling asleep here and I really don’t feel like carrying you home. Is this the only book we need?”
She shook her head and lifted the small stack that sat on the floor beside her onto the table, his eyes eye’s widened a little in surprise but pulled the stack towards him to look through them. Marinette stood up from the uncomfortable plastic chair to pack away her notebook and tablet, she struggled to fight back another yawn.
“I’ll go up and check these out, okay?”
She nodded her head, “I’ll pack away your things for you, It’ll take the librarian a bit to scan them through so I’ll meet you at the counter.”
“Okay,” he picked up the small but heavy stack and headed down the stairs to the checkout desk.
She watched him head down the steps before she headed over to his side and started to carefully pack the tablet, notebook and pencil case into the small over the shoulder bag. She threw on her own backpack before swinging his back onto her shoulder, she put the two coffee cups back into the cardboard travel tray and headed towards the front desk, the librarian as predicted was still scanning the books though, she was around their age and by the look of her, she was crushing hard on the blond model that was in front of her. Marinette paused to observe from a distance as Adrien tried to dismiss the girls poor attempts at flirting with him, unfortunately the girl didn’t seem to take no as an answer, Marinette shook her head and casually started to walk over to the two, she had gone through this all before when some of Adrien’s fangirls got a little too much for him at times but this time around she couldn’t shake the small amount of jealousy that was slowly rising and bubbling its way at her insides. She put on a smile as she got closer, she could now hear the extremely poor attempts the girl was making and Adrien started to look uncomfortable, this called for drastic action.
“Hey?” you ready?” she asked cutting through whatever the girl was saying, she casually draped her right arm over his shoulder sending the girl a clear and direct message ‘back off he’s mine,’ “We better hurry or we’ll miss that movie you promised,” she could feel the girl drilling angry holes into the back of Marinette’s skull.
He quickly caught on and nodded his head, “Right… Sorry Mari, I almost forgot,” he picked up the stack of books of the counter, the girl mumbled something under her breath beyond Marinette’s range of hearing as she scanned the last book though, Adrien went to take the book but Marinette beat him to it taking it from her, she murmured a quick thank you to the girl and heading towards the door before the girl could tell them the time frame the two had to return the books in.
The two stepped out into the dreary street, a blast of cold air hit the two causing Marinette to shiver, there was a distinct smell of rain in the air, “you okay?” she queried.
Adrien turned to her slipping his arm off of her shoulder, “I’m fine it’s just… she wouldn’t take no as answer,” he placed his bag on the ground to stuff the library books into it, “I really didn’t know how I was going to get out off that one,” he replied with a chuckle, “I guess I have to thank you for- for being you. Again.”
“It’s no problem. Hey, wait… where is my share of the books, I’m not going to let you do all the reading.”
“you’ve got one in your hands,” he replied indicating to the small book in her hands that she had taken from the librarian.
“Adrien…” she whined, “I have the right mind to hit you with it if you don’t hand me at least half of those,” she jokingly threatened.
“Sure, I’d like to see you try Marinette, you do have a broken arm after all.”
Marinette shot him an angry glare in response.
“Okay, Okay, turn around I’ll put a few in your bag.”
“Half,” she insisted.
“Alright, Alright, I’ll put half of them in for you,” he tugged on the zippers of her backpack opening it, she felt it grow heavier on her shoulders as he pilled more books into it, she handed him the book she was holding over her shoulder, he took it and placed it in he backpack with all the others.
“Thank you,” she replied.
“It’s no problem although we should probably head home as much as I would love to see a movie with you, I really don’t want another week of an overloaded schedule as punishment but maybe… maybe we can see that movie tomorrow?”
“Sure, we can see that one you keep posting in the group chat then.”
“Oh… Okay.”
His face had turned a light shade of red, Marinette let out a giggle, “I Love t when you get all flustered, you get all shy, it’s cute.”
“Mari, stop making fun of me,” he whined playfully, “besides, I’m just not used to you flirting back yet, that's all it is.”
“Sure,” she replied not completely believing his words, “Here,” she said handing him his cup from the cardboard carrier.
“I almost forgot about this.”
She smiled and removed her own from the carrier before tossing the small flimsy piece into the nearby bin, “Thank you for the coffee, I’ll pay you back when I get home.”
“Don’t worry about it, we were both falling asleep at that table.”
Adrien started heading down the steps and Marinette took that as her cue to follow, she was following closely behind him, white flashes of light lit up the dark grey skies above them, they both instinctively picked up their paces to try and beat the storm. Adrien’s pace was a lot faster than her’s she was struggling to keep up with him when a few drops of rain started to fall around them, those drops quickly became a steady flow, she squealed as the pouring rain started to soak through her clothes, Adrien slowed down enough to grab hold of her hand so she wouldn’t get left behind. They could see the looming structure of the school a few meters in front of them, they both seemed to have the same Idea as they ran for the tiny amount of shelter it provided, the two paused beneath the small shelter to catch their breaths and to wait out the storm. The storm grew heavier around them, it made loud clanks and bangs on the small tin roof above them cutting off any possibility of conversation between them, Marinette wanted to try and say something over it but everything she wanted to say died in her throat so she stood there hyperaware of the fact that they were still holding hands.
“I kinda wish I had brought an umbrella…” she only just heard him over the pattering on the tin roof.
“I have one,” she practically yelled, “It’s in my locker, unfortunately.”
“should we… sneak in?”
She shook her head, “No, The cleaning staff might still be here, we’d get caught.”
“I can go!” The small Kwami piped up from Marinette’s purse, before phasing through it to float in front of the two.
“Are you sure?” Marinette replied.
Tikki nodded her head and phased through the large green oak wood door, Marinette was going to protest but her Kwami was already gone.
“She’s sweet,” Adrien said his eyes still on the door.
“You’d like her, your both so much alike,” she responded turning her gaze back to the falling rain, a few loud claps of thunder echoed across the rooftops of Paris, she became mesmerised by the pattern of falling rain, she could see Adrien’s gaze was upon her, she could feel the love and adoration behind them, she tried not to think about it but her own cheeks were betraying her as they started to glow a plan shade of red, she glanced over to Adrien to find that he too had a pale shade of red across his cheeks, she smiled at him before she had to avert her gaze to hide the ever growing shade of red her cheeks were turning.
Tikki was their saving grace, she silently appeared between the two holding the black umbrella, Marinette quickly took it from her, whispering a small thank you to her before she dove head first into her pink purse giving the two Miraculous wielders some alone time. Adrien raised his hand out into the rain feeling each and every drop before he decided to step out into it, Marinette extended the umbrella to shelter him from some of the pouring rain.
“It was raining like this when I fell in love with you… And it was right here.”
“It’s the same umbrella too.”
“It’s funny how things work out, doesn’t it?”
A large clap of thunder echoed overhead, “Thank you, for letting me-“
“I know,” she shivered as a wave of cold air hit her, he took the large jacket off and gently wrapped it around her bare shoulders to try and keep the bite of the cold stormy winds.
“I should escort you home My Lady, before the really rain sets in.”
“I think that would best Minou.”
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clownfuckery · 7 years
A Monster for a Mate - Chapter 4
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*** WARNING*** - The following chapter contains mature content.  It features graphic depictions of sexual acts and dark/thematic content that may be unsuitable for sensitive readers.
Previous Chapters:
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
1. What Dreams May Come
That night the clown came to me once more.  I dreamed that he stood at the foot of the bed, looking down at me.  Red balloons floated around the room as he beckoned me, extending his hand out.  I rose from the bed, and as I pulled the covers back, I became strangely aware that I was clothed in a most peculiar and familiar ensemble.  White tights covered my legs and on my feet were a pair of two shiny patent leather shoes.  I took in the strap that crossed them, the delicate buckle that fastened them.  As I looked up at myself, I noticed the ruffles of the stiff petticoat beneath the royal blue of my velvet dress.  I took in the gold buttons down the front, the folded collar, the puffiness of the sleeves. I knew the ensemble.  I had worn it before.
Alarmed, my hands went up to my head.  I gasped upon finding the same birthday tiara that had adorned my head that day long ago, on the day I turned seven years old. I held a stick of fluffy, rainbow colored cotton candy on one hand and a familiar clown doll in the other. 
Suddenly, the room changed.  The balloons bobbed up toward the ceiling, revealing the crowded street of a small Argentinian town.  I stood on the edge of the sidewalk, looking out to the other side, where my mother was buying a marionette of Pizzarín, my favorite childhood clown, from one of the circus vendors.  Next to her stood Pennywise, facing me.
“No” I rasped, feeling my throat tighten to the point where breathing was a struggle “why are you doing this?!” 
He leered at me.  “Show me your fears, little Lus”
The tangy sweet scent of sugar coated lemon drops filled my nose again. I shook it away, focusing on the way my mother thanked the vendor, placing the coins in his hand.  Then she turned towards me, smiled that beautiful smile of hers, and moved to cross the street.
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” I screamed in horror.
A truck zoomed past, and there was a dull, sickening thud.
I fell to my knees as the town faded away and I was once again in darkness.  The red balloons floated down, surrounding me.  I burst into tears, and then I felt two gloved hands take mine.  I looked up to see Pennywise sitting on his knees in front of me.  His mouth was turned downwards in feigned sympathy, but his eyes twinkled with fiendish satisfaction. 
“Poor, poor little Lus.  Daddy lied to you” he whispered, and I saw his teeth morph into rows and rows of pointed daggers.  Exhausted and confused, I made no attempt at self-defense when I saw his jaw become unhinged and the three swirling deadlights in his core screeched as they pulsated towards me…
2. An Awakening
My eyes flew open and I shot up, waking up with a jolt.  I looked around the room, looking for the subtlest trace of movement or sound that could escape from any corner or nook.  But I was alone.  Looking down I realized I was positioned on the center of the bed, and the robe I had worn the night before was pulled down my arms almost completely, leaving me totally exposed.  As I looked down at my naked state, I became aware of a stinging sensation on my left side.  I gasped when I took in the long, thin, jagged red line than ran from right beneath my left breast down to the middle of my thigh.  Not deep enough to draw blood, but just enough to cut skin.
A claw mark.
With trembling hands I inspected the rest of my body, but there were no other marks nor any signs of having been taken advantage of.  I quaked with fear at the thought of lying unconscious and helpless as the clown’s hands roamed freely over my body, leaving a calling card that promised further and perhaps even more intrusive encounters.  I felt a chill go up my spine as I remembered the way his yellow eyes had pierced into mine, shattering the thick walls of defense that sheltered my troubled psyche as though they were made of thin paper. 
I had come into the territory of a most powerful monster.
I jumped from the bed and grabbed my suitcase, throwing it open on the bed.  I yanked my clothes from the dresser and tossed them inside.  Then I ran to the bathroom to grab my toiletries, and I stopped when I saw the single red balloon tied to the sink.  On its shiny red surface were the words in white: RUNNING AWAY LUS?
Oh shit.
I grabbed my cosmetics bag and dashed back to the bedroom, then I let out a cry.  My suitcase was gone.  The drawers of the dresser were scattered all over the floor and on the mirror were the words scribbled in childlike writing in what looked like fresh blood:  dOnTcHA wANnA kNOw tHE tRutH?
I let the bag fall to the floor, not caring if anything broke.  There was a numbness that began settling in my bones as I observed the red blood dripping from the letters, marring my reflection.  There was a reason why I was brought here.  There was a reason why I wanted to come here.  
Poor, poor little Lus.  Daddy lied to you.
He was right.  I had always known.  Deep down I knew that I, the very daughter of the Great Serpent, was the one who was most deceived.  Running back home would solve nothing.  I needed answers, and it seemed like the creature in Derry had them.
“Alright clown, you win” I said aloud.
There was the sound of shuffling behind me, and when I turned, my clothes from the night prior were on the bed.  Next to them were my pair of Chuck Taylor’s.
“Not giving me back my suitcase, eh? Sneaky little bugger”
A few minutes later I left my room.  Unbeknownst to me, the bloody letters on the mirror disappeared as I closed the door behind me.
3. Trip Down Memory Lane
After a cup of coffee at the Townhouse restaurant, my first stop was the travel agency on Main Street.  There were posters of people rafting down rapids with the caption DISCOVER DERRY! plastered on the windows.  Five minutes later, I realized I had walked into the wrong place after being littered with tourism pamphlets and offers of Maine tours.  They knew nothing of the town, but pointed me in the direction of the library.  I almost wanted to hit myself for not thinking of it first.
The Derry Public Library was a most quaint structure.  There was something nostalgically attractive about it, with its original western wing made out of old concrete walls lined with wooden beams painted a dark blue.   The newly built glass hallway and modern halls of the east wing hosted the fiction section and the checkout area.  I entered through the glass doors and was met with an almost sepulchral silence.  The young lady at the checkout desk nodded at me in greeting before gathering a tall stack of folders and walking into an office.  I made out the name Mike Hanlon, Chief Librarian engraved in the golden plaque on the door.  I walked to the information computer station and typed in “history of Derry” into the search bar.  Minutes later I was making my way down shelves, scanning the codes until my fingers stopped on a thick, blue tome.
I sat on one of the couches in the reading area and opened the book A History of Old Derry.  I shuffled through page after page of grainy photos and Xerox scans of headlines dating back to the late 1700’s.  They were all memories of tragedies, gruesome unsolved murders, old newspaper illustrations of the town’s founding.  I continued to look through the pages until my eyes went wide and my hands clasped the book tightly.  There was a black and white picture with the caption: Easter Egg Hunt celebration at the Derry Iron Works, April 3rd 1908.  In the middle of the photo, half hidden in the crowd, was a circus wagon.  The name Pennywise the Dancing Clown was painted around a portrait of the very same creature who had visited me the night before.  On the next page was the same clown, blurry and out of focus, standing behind a group of children holding Easter eggs.  I flipped the page, and there was a scan of the Derry Herald dating to April 4th.  On its front page was the headline: EASTER EXPLOSION KILLS 88 CHILDREN, 102 TOTAL.  
“You had a feast that day, didn’t you?” I muttered under my breath.
I jumped when I heard someone behind me shush me, and I looked back apologetically to an elderly woman who fixed me with a stern stare.  I turned back to the book and I had to clamp my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming.  The same bloody childlike writing from the mirror was now scribbled all over the open book with the message: ThesE aRe noT tHe AnSweRs yOU’rE looKinG fOr.
I shut the book closed and took in deep breaths to slow down the frantic beating in my chest.  The checkout slip slipped out from the back cover and as I slid it back into the sleeve I read the name of the last person who had checked it out: Ben Hanscom, 1989.
27 years ago.
I rose to put the book back on its shelf, and as I made my way out of the aisle, I noticed a book protruding from its shelf.  I pulled it out, frowning at the title.
“What the fuck?” I whispered, looking up to the row I had pulled it out of.  The entire row of books was on the lineages of ancient rulers, from Egypt, Babylon, and Sumer.  Feeling a sense of dread, I walked back to the information station and typed in: “Nephilim. Genesis 6”  The computer loaded for a few seconds, and then my blood froze when the only result given was the book in my hand.  
The book that had miraculously been placed for me to find:
Incest in the Ancient World:  How the Importance of Pure Bloodlines Built Lasting Dynasties.
I heard laughter behind me, and when I turned there was no one there, but there was a red balloon tied to the checkout desk.  I looked back down at the tome in my hand, felt for the wallet in my coat pocket, and made my way to it.
4. The Standpipe
“I’ll have the bourbon chicken please” I said as I gave the menu back to the waiter.  I sat in the furthest booth inside the Jade of the Orient on Mall Road.  The booth has half hidden in the far corner of the line of boxed stalls that ran the length of the windows.  I took a long drink of my New England iced tea and then took the book from my lap.  I placed it on the table, looked around me nervously as though I was opening a copy of Hustler, and began on the first page.
...The ancient mythos spoke of the sun and the moon mating to make man… brother and sister engaging in creation… the ancient Sumerian legends spoke of great rulers… descendants of the sun and the moon… who kept their lineages pure by producing heirs with those of their closest relations…brothers and sisters, fathers and daughters… a custom kept alive for hundreds and even thousands of years by the Egyptian pharaohs… the Nephilim were the guardians, giants produced by the mating of exiled celestial beings with the daughters of men… queens and princesses of the Sumerian bloodlines were given as gifts to these beings… until a great flood was sent to eradicate the offspring of such abominable unions… but the legendary bloodline of human and celestial was thought to the have survived… a small string of DNA hidden deep in the genetic makeup of the wife of Cam… and giants continued to plague the Earth until they mysteriously disappeared from history…
“Your bourbon chicken ma’am”
I gasped loudly and shrank back, startling the waitress and almost causing her to drop my lunch on my lap.  
“I am so sorry” I rasped.
“Must be a really good book” she laughed nervously as she placed the plate in front of me.
“Tragic, mostly” I chuckled, but there was no humor in my voice.
“Will you want dessert ma’am?” she asked politely.
“No thanks” I answered.
“Enjoy your lunch” she quipped, and walked away.
The chicken was exceptional.  Tender chunks of white meat were perfectly steeped with sweet and sour sauce laden with whiskey.  As I ate, I watched the townsfolk going to and fro in their daily routine of small city life, oblivious to the monster in their midst, and the fact that they were Its own private food supply. 
The bill came.  I wrote down a generous tip and signed my name.  I placed my wallet back into my coat pocket and ripped the plastic wrapping of my fortune cookie.  I took a bite out of one corner and as I chewed on the bland, crunchy wafer, I opened the strip of paper within.  I read the line, and then I began to gag convulsively as I choked.
Are you gonna let Daddy fuck you?
The waitress and a couple of patrons close by reached me in an instant.  I felt a couple of hard violent blows on my back and I began to gasp.  The entire restaurant was now staring as I almost coughed up a lung.  I was offered water, and after ten minutes that felt an eternity, I was finally able to speak and thank the large burly man who undoubtedly had left a bruise on my back.  Embarrassed, I grabbed my book and left the restaurant.
I coughed all the way down Mall Road until I reached the Kissing Bridge.  As I approached the domed entrance I stopped when I saw Pennywise standing on the other end, occupied with something as he reached high up the wall of the bridge.  I strained to catch a glimpse of what he was doing, and I frowned with confusion upon realizing that he was carving the wall of the bridge.  Suddenly, he turned towards me, waved, and scampered off laughing.
“Hey! Wait up!” I called out, running to him, but he was gone.
I looked up at the spot where he was carving, and I felt my heart skip a beat or two upon seeing the same childlike scribble that had followed me all day now engraved into the wood:
PeNny aNd LuS I laughed, long and hard.  Laughed until my sides hurt and the coughing came back in hacking sobs.  Tears poured from my eyes and I feared I would lose my chicken meal over the railing.  It took great effort to calm my giggles but when they finally subsided I noticed the red balloon that was tied further down the railing.  I walked towards it, greatly amused, and upon reaching it, I noticed another one tied up to a bush further away.  As I made my way down, more balloons popped up.  Pennywise was leading me somewhere.  He guided me down a street called Kansas until the last balloon appeared next to a large Standpipe.  I walked towards the water tower, hopeful to catch the clown and finally make him talk, but as I got nearer, I noticed that it was deserted.  I walked around the large circular structure, peeking into bushes and behind benches, until I heard muffled sounds coming from behind the tower, somewhere in the overgrowth of its rear entrance.  As I got closer, the sounds became clear moans and groans.  The overgrowth rustled as I heard hard huffing and puffing.  And then I saw…
There was a man and a woman hiding in the overgrowth, fucking hard.  She was bent over a fallen tree and he stood behind her, pounding into her.  I could hear the messy wet sloshing that mixed in with her wanton moans as she held on to the tree with one hand and touched herself with the other, bringing herself to climax.  I held my breath at the lewd sight, watching the way his muscles rippled as he buried himself inside her over and over again.  I couldn’t make out their faces, but I could see the sweat glistening on their bodies.  Her black hair hung over her face and her breasts bounced happily.  I stifled a giggle and turned to walk away, but then I heard her speak:
“Fuck me Daddy”
Just then, she flipped her hair backwards, and I was looking at myself getting rammed from behind.  The face of the man peeked from behind the bush, and I screamed upon seeing the face of my father looking back at me.  He licked his lips in the most obscene way and began to fuck the woman, myself, even harder.
“How do you think your mother made you?” he panted “how do you think I made HER?”
I ran.  The book I had checked out from the library fell from my hands as I fled from the horror of what I had seen.  A crushing panic settled in my chest as I scrambled up the small hill.  I was sobbing violently but no tears came as I tore through the small park toward the main road.  When I finally reached the busy street I skidded to a sudden stop.
Pennywise stood directly on the other side, facing me.  The cars, the town, the people disappeared and it was just he and I inside a bubble of time.  His smile was most devious as he called out to me.
“Why you running, Lus?  If you stay here with me you won’t have to fuck Daddy.  Come join the clown, Lus.  You can float with me.  I’ll keep you safe.  I’ll keep you warm.  Daddy won’t find you, I promise”
“It can’t be true!” I cried out, and the tears finally came.
“You wanna know the whole truth, Lus?  Wanna know what really happened to Mommy?”
“M-m-om?” I stuttered.
My surroundings changed and shifted, and I was once again in the town of my childhood.  I wore the puffy, blue sailor dress of that tragic day.  The rainbow-colored cotton candy and the clown doll were clutched in my hands.  The same birthday tiara rested on my head, and the white tights and patent leather shoes adorned my feet.  I heard the rustle of the stiff petticoat beneath my dress as the warm, Argentinian breeze blew.  I looked out and there was my mother, picking out a marionette from the circus tent full of toys.  She reached into her pocketbook and pulled out the coins, placing them into the vendor’s hand.  I took in the way her lilac dress conformed to every curve of her body, the way her flowing black hair tumbled down in waves to her waist.  She was beautiful, my mother.  Beautiful and cursed.
Pennywise stood next to her, not taking his eyes off of me.  I gasped upon realizing I was once again in my dream, and that it was he who was making me relive the one memory I had fought my entire life to forget.
“Open your eyes, little Lus” he called out, waving his hands out as though about to perform a magnificent magic trick “blink, and you just might miss it!”
My mother turned towards me and smiled, pulling on the marionette’s strings to show me what she had purchased for me.  I could feel my heart shatter as she moved to cross the street.  The sounds of an engine approaching broke the stillness.
“Open your eyes Lus!” Pennywise called out to me once more, laughing maniacally.
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” I screamed, reaching out with my hands.
Just as the truck came into view, time slowed down.  The dull, sickening thud as the bumper made contact with my mother’s fragile body thumped in my ears, followed by a cracking sound as she was crushed under the wheels.  But just before the truck disappeared, leaving the broken, lifeless body of my mother behind, I caught sight of something I had seen on that fateful day in November.  Something I had never registered, or perhaps had been made to forget…
Sitting at the driver’s seat of the truck, was a black hood.
End of Chapter 4
Please let me know what you think!  All feedback is greatly appreciated!
Tagged: @hello-helianthus @gleamed @rougxlips @floatingwithpennywise @invaderzimgurl @cindy-df
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jcmguk-blog · 7 years
the librarian - pjm au
➯ pairing: reader x park jimin
➯ genre/summary: angst & romance. “if it weren’t for mrs. seymour assigning your class the novel romeo & juliet; you’d probably have never met park jimin.”
➯ word count: [ 2160 ] 
ch.two [soon] ➯  masterlist
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a/n: not sure if this will be a series or not but if i should continue or even if you like this, feedback is really appreciated.
The buildings around your high school are cozy and convenient which you couldn't be more thankful for and even though everything seems nice like your mother previously explained over a million times, you weren't convinced if moving to a whole new city would fix the problems that you're trying to escape.
"Now where's the library around here? these textbooks aren't going to rent themselves." A hint of annoyance evident in your tone, waving your phone around for better signal in hopes to get your directions to stop freezing up, but luckily for you, the storefront appears in front of your eyes.
"Park's Book Store" Is spelled out in big white letters, the paint chipping off but still decent enough against the brick wall and drop light bulbs, a feeling of warmth spread throughout your chest as you entered, taking in the sight of all the books cascading the shelves; different shapes and sizes, different adventures, romance, mystery, fantasy, horror but sadly you're here for none of those reasons. The book that brought you here today was boring and didn't appeal to your interest one bit. Romeo and Juliet.  Sure, most people love this novel but you, you couldn't understand how someone could actually enjoy this tale of star-crossed lovers who made stupid choices and all, for one thing, love.
Four words, four words that spelled backward meaning evil, well evol to be more accurate yet still how could anyone think love was blissful? in your opinion, all love does is build up false hope, it isn't the feeling of waking up, fresh coffee in the morning, going star gazing, or when your heart beats rapidly whenever the person you're so in love with is in a five mile radius of you; love does one thing and one thing only, it makes you feel dizzy as if you're on a never-ending rollercoaster begging to get off and although in the beginning, it seems like fun and games but once it stops, but once the person who decides they don't love you anymore, when he stops giving a preview of a future of you and him and suddenly it's him and her the girl he's leaving you for, but he never said that, too afraid to hurt you more than he already has.
"Um, are you okay?" There's a guy in front of you now, interrupting thoughts of your previous lover, he's bringing you back to reality, and now you're slightly embarrassed because you did it again; you let him invade your mind all over again but thanks to this stranger whose name tag reads, "Jimin," brought you back, reminding you of why you even left your bedroom, in search of an over-romanticized novel.
"Actually, yeah, I'm great." He looks at you unsure before reaching out and grazing your forehead with his fingertips, you merely flinch from his touch as it brings back memories.
"Well you definitely don't feel warm, so I'm assuming you're here for a book? Because if not then the mental hospital is miles from here." A chuckle leaves his lips which cause you to roll your eyes. "I'm here for a book that I'd rather not read but —'' before you can finish he's walking away gesturing you to follow. "So what's the name of this book you'd rather not read for some reason?"
"It's Romeo & Juliet." You say with a tone of disgust in your voice, his brows furrow at your comment. Romeo & Juliet in Jimin's opinion is a beautiful story, it's not his favorite love story but it's definitely up there, even though at times the book was a nuisance & repetitive but he remembers his senior year of high school, and reading the book along with many others was always enjoyable, why you didn't like it draws him in. "What's wrong with Romeo & Juliet?" He asks sounding offended which makes you wanna laugh.
"Please, tell me you don't actually like the book? It's completely built on false hope." Jimin can't believe his ears when he hears you say that the expression on his face only makes you want to continue but he beats you to it, "I don't just like the book, I like the storyline, the characters, their twisted fate my gosh haven't you ever been in love before?" He sighed after a few minutes of silence have passed.
You turn to look at him and he's looking at all the different books, searching for yours, "No I haven't and I couldn't be happier." You say snatching the book from his hands and making your way to the checkout desk.
"Aren't you a little young to be working at a library anyway?"
Jimin smiles while placing your book in the checkout machine, "This is my dad's library and It really helps to pay for college books, and since I'm such a sucker for books, it isn't all that bad." He looks nostalgically at all of the books, something in his glance is sad, but the ringing of your cell phone pulls you away from asking him if he's alright.
When you glance at your phone, you groan because it's your mother who constantly worries if moving here is affecting you, having a mother who's a counselor was extremely unbearable at times, but you love her even more because of her antics.
Mom ( Sat 1:12 PM ): Honey, are you okay? Did you get lost? Dinner's ready! please come home.
You ( Sat 1:14 PM ):  Hey, you can relax lol. I'm on my way home just needed a book for English.
You laugh before grabbing your phone along with your backpack, saying goodbye to Jimin before he can say something stupid & making you even more stressed than you already are, & if you don't get home as soon as possible your mom will go mental.
"Ah, she's so forgetful." He says holding the copy of Romeo & Juliet in his hands, emphasizing the fact that he knows you'll be back and to Jimin, he isn't really upset about that even though he'd never say that out loud.
The bell rings signifying that someone's here and at first Jimin thinks it's you until his father who was out running errands comes over patting his shoulder, "Who was the girl who ran out of here?" The smirk on his father's face caused Jimin to roll his eyes, "Oh nothing Dad, she's just a girl."
His dad laughs wholeheartedly before going into his office, "If you say so, Son."
The next morning you wake up with a smile on your face just to be yelled at by your mother who's dragging you out of bed almost ripping your arm off in the process, "What the hell Mom?" You half yell trying to regain your voice, she sends you a glare, making the — watch your mouth & that's a dollar in the swear jar. —  look, and yes, even though you're eighteen years old, your mom still has that damn swear jar.
" Honey, you overslept, doesn't your first period start in 5 minutes." She said finally releasing the death grip from around your arm as you rub it trying to soothe the ache before realization dawns on you, you're going to be late, for the first time in your life.
Sprinting to the bathroom down the hall you turn on the shower and shriek once the cold water hits your warm skin, you can hear your mom yelling  about how she'll be waiting in the car but all you can focus on is the fact that you're going to be late and your anxiety feels like it's bubbling over. It's the first official day of senior year and it's already turning out to be a disaster, what could possibly be worse? It's already bad enough that you're the new girl who suddenly transferred the last year of high school and to make matters worse, you have no friends to confide in, all your old friends aren't answering you — who knows why? They probably still blame you for the way you acted when he broke up with you.
They tried being there for you in every shape and form but all you did was push them all away, you wished that out of all your friends that Taehyung would be the most understanding, but sometimes even childhood best friends can be clueless. It used to be the two of you against the world but it been a month since you last saw him let alone spoken to him, it's almost as if he never existed.
But how could you blame him? You were terrible to him, terrible to everyone, and even worse on yourself because even though that jerk broke your heart into several pieces scattered around your old hometown Busan Korea. Once you feel the water's gone cold and your mother's car horn beeping loudly, you want to sit in the shower and let the water muffle your loud crying, everyone said it would be okay even your mom who's skilled in the field of emotions couldn't help but what they didn't understand was it isn't the breakup that hurts; it's the memories that come with after it. Waking up and checking your phone for the  —  I didn't mean what I said last night, Please forgive me. A message that isn't there, you feel like you're starting your life all over again but this time you're not in love, you're lost.
You hadn't heard your mother's footsteps as you saw you wrapped in the towel, hyperventilating, you didn't see the look on her face and for the first time in 18 years, she had no clue what to do, she can help all her other patients but that's the thing, you aren't a patient, you're her daughter, the biggest mystery on this planet.
" Y/N...Would you like to stay home today, and just start tomorrow? " She asked cautiously, oh how she wished your father was here but life isn't about getting everything we want, sadly.
You kept your eyes trained on the tile floors while she turned off the shower, you couldn't let him continue to get to you and that's why you walk back into your room and start putting on your bra and underwear; glancing at your phone as it reads 8:15 homeroom has started, and if you rush, hopefully, you can make it to first period, English & Literature. Throwing on a white short sleeved t-shirt and a pair of black jeans with a few rips here and there, you slip on a pair of converse and meet your mom downstairs with her head in her hands, worry eating her up.
Forcing a smile on your lips, you tap her shoulder and say, "I'm ready to go to school." She sees the determination in your eyes and places a kiss on your forehead as you walk to the car.
It takes you approximately 15 minutes to get to school, and you're grabbing your late slip from the front office on your way to Mrs. Seymour's class passing her your note while trying to avoid the glances and comments of students around you. "Nice of you to show up Y/N." She smiles gently at you as you take the empty seat near the window.
You glance around the class trying to decipher through the different people in your class, one kid is throwing papers at the back of some girls head obviously trying to get her to turn around but she's too preoccupied with what Mrs. Seymour taking attendance and once her name — Seulgi, is called she's turning around to glare at the boy who you've now found out is Jeon Jeongguk, and is mouthing something along the lines of — if you don't stop, I'll kill you, before turning back in her seat as Jeongguk just smiles at her.
"Good Morning Class, I'm your English & Literature teacher, Mrs. Seymour and the first thing on our agenda is that we will all take out our copy's of Romeo & Juliet and turn to act one."
Reaching into your bag feeling relieved that already picked up your copy, but once you start feeling around in your backpack, your eyes widen in fear because it isn't  there and you can't even remember if you brought it home, the urge to scream is crawling up your throat but Mrs. Seymour walking through the aisles, placing her copy on your desk whispering, "Give that to me after class."
You can feel the weight on your shoulders somewhat loose but the stares only intensify along with a few mean comments as a few from the rows behind you isn't what you're focusing on — all you can focus on right now is the fact that you have to see Park Jimin and listen to him mock you into your grave, if only you'd stayed home like you mother suggested.
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