#'i love this guy i just want to dunk him in a tub full of bugs'
diodellet · 4 months
7 notes · View notes
fuseboxspoilers · 2 years
ep. 43 
some of the dialogue was scrambled so I couldn't figure out exactly where everything went but most of it the same conversations happen no matter what so the main points are there :)
NARRATOR: Welcome back to Love Island!
Today our couples get tested in a way  out of  relationship experts recommend.
Answering questions about each other while dangling over large quantities of water.
That's how my nan and grandad spent their anniversary.
Granted they were dodging seagulls at the seaside in Blackpool. Not sitting by a dunk tank.
Time to find out who's been paying attention to their other half and whose just here for the pool.
Everyone is gathered on the challenge platform.
There are two dunk tanks with small whiteboards and big marker pens on the seats.
BRUNO: Now this looks like my sort of challenge.
Bruno nudges James.
BRUNO: You know what it reminds me of?
JAMES: Your time in the circus?
The other islanders laugh.
BRUNO: What? No! I've never been in the circus. Though that's not a bad shout. I do love a good clown. Anyway, as I was saying... it reminds me of those game shows you'd watch as a kid.
ANGIE: Those ones that were always on in the middle of the day, so you'd only ever catch them when you were off sick?
BRUNO: Yeah! I used to pretend to be ill all the time so I could watch them. Now I'm getting to actually live out that reality. I've come full circle.
TOM: You skived off school to watch TV?!
            If Valentina left
YOUCEF: Oh, I loved those shows. Always wanted to go on them.
PLAYER THINKING: Bruno used to skive off school to watch TV shows.
Why am I not surprised?
Can we get on with the challenge now?
You're so cute Bruno
Choice: Why am I not surprised?
PLAYER: That's very on brand Bruno.
JAMES: Yeah, you're right. I don't think I've heard such a Bruno story.
BRUNO: Ha! You know you could say... Bruno's Banging Brand!
Angie pats him on the back.
ANGIE: Let's not make that a thing babe.
Choice: Can we get on with the challenge now?
NAJUMA: Yeah! I want to make some waves.
Choice: You’re so cute Bruno
            If coupled with Bruno
Bruno wraps his arms around you beaming.
He quietly whispers into your ear.
BRUNO: Thank you. I try. I try really hard.
            If not
Bruno smiles.
Cora clears her throat.
CORA: Ehem flirt ehem.
PLAYER: Hey back off! A girl can call a guy cute.
CORA: Bit late in the game for that isn't it?
[?]: Anyway...
The ping of a text interrupts the chatter.
WILL: I've got a text!
Islanders you will answer a series of questions as a couple to test how well you know each other. Whoever gets the most right will win a date in the hot tub. Losers will be dunked in the tank. 
WILL: Damn. I am so going to suck at this. No offence babe.
            If not coupled with Will
TIFFANY: Oh no those were my thoughts exactly. But we'll suck together.
            If coupled with Will
PLAYER: None taken... I think?
TOM: Don't worry. I also believe I am in Camp Will-Suck-At-This.
TIFFANY: Hey! We might surprise ourselves.
Tom raises his eyebrows.
TOM: Really?
TIFFANY: Yeah, ok we're going to suck. But at least we'll suck together.
[Thabi’s partner]: Well, I reckon we're going to ace this.
He squeezes Thabi's hand.
She smiles back at him.
THABI: Yeah, this will be a piece of cake. That hot tub has our name on it. Or... floating around it in some way.
[?] laughs and wraps his arm around her.
PLAYER THINKING: The prize is one last date in the hot tub...
PLAYER THINKING FLIRTY: I could embrace my chaotic side and sabotage the others in order to win the prize.
PLAYER THINKING: Should I distract other couples so I can win?
Premium choice: *Let the games begin...
That wouldn't be fair...
PLAYER THINKING: True but... it is the final hot tub trip!
*Time to sabotage!
No, I can win fair and square!
            Premium choice:  let the games begin
You rub your hands together and smile manically.
[?] looks at you.
[?]: Um are you alright?
You cackle under your breath.
PLAYER: Mwhahahaha...
[?]: Ok... I get the feeling the less I know about this the better.
PLAYER: Well, observed. You just keep being your brilliant self and leave this all up to me.
[?]: Right...
            If Najuma and Oliver are coupled (I think this only happens if you pick Angie)
Najuma and Oliver please take your places by the dunk tanks.
Oliver and Najuma climb up and sit on the seats.
They both take hold of a whiteboard.
NAJUMA: I've got hope in my heart but very little in my head.
OLIVER: We can try our best.
Oliver smiles at Najuma as he tries to kick the water with his feet.
OLIVER: As it is pretty cold.
NAJUMA: Oh obviously. I don't want to get wet.
A phone pings.
Question  - Najuma and Oliver... When was your first kiss together?
Najuma raises an eyebrow.
NAJUMA: I can't remember...
You impulsively stick up your hand.
PLAYER: I know! I know! Pick me!
[?] whispers to you.
[?]: Why are you helping them?
You wink subtly.
PLAYER: Just play along babe.
NAJUMA: Go on Y/N. Help your girl out!
PLAYER THINKING: Your first ever kiss was...
On the daybeds
In the toilet
In the pool
OLIVER: What?! No, it said 'when'.
Najuma writes something down on her board.
OLIVER: Well, I said our first kiss was on the beach.
NAJUMA: Oh yes! That's right. It was so romantic. But this bird kept watching us which totally knocked me off my game. So, I don't know if I was any good... If you're out there watching me now, I'm sorry for all the tongue.
THABI: Stop stalling and show us your answer babe.
NAJUMA: Ugh fine...
Najuma turns her whiteboard around.
Within seconds Oliver and Najuma are dunked into the tank.
Najuma splashes you with water.
OLIVER: Y/N did that deliberately.
PLAYER: Innocent little me?! I wouldn't dream of it.
[?] grins at you.
[?]: That's my girl.
NAJUMA: I said on the beach...
Oliver gets another text.
OLIVER: Ah crap. I really don't know this one.
NAJUMA: What does it say?
OLIVER: Who has slept with more people?
BRUNO: Spicy.
NAJUMA: We haven't had the body count talk yet. We'll have to guess.
Oliver writes an equal sign on his board.
Najuma writes her own name.
They are both dunked into the tank.
OLIVER: Bad luck...
They both get out and dry off by the side.
Angie and [?] please take your places by the dunk tanks. 
ANGIE: Here goes...
[?]: Confident?
[?] helps her up to her seat before climbing onto his.
They both take hold of a white board.
ANGIE: Absolutely not. But we'll give it our best shot.
Question  - Where did the other have their first pre-villa kiss? 
Angie snorts with laughter.
ANGIE: I've got this one.
She starts to write something down on the whiteboard.
[?]: Um... how come you're so confident?!
ANGIE: Are you kidding? We spoke about this the other day! How come you don't remember?
[?]: I... I...
PLAYER: Psst I know the answer.
You whisper loudly.
ANGIE: Hey! No cheating.
[?]: Hey don't you want to win? I'm taking all the help I can get. What's the answer Y/N?
PLAYER THINKING: Angie's first kiss was...
On a roof
In a car
Behind a bush
ANGIE: What! No that's not... Don't listen to her.
[?]: Shh! I don't care if it's cheating. I want that hot tub.
He writes down your answer on the whiteboard.
Angie shakes her head.
ANGIE: Well, played Y/N. Well played. Unlike some people I put the right answer.
She shows her whiteboard.
It reads 'foods'.
[?]: Foods? My first kiss was not in the food aisle or whatever you mean by that babe. It was in the woods.
Angie stares in disbelief at her whiteboard.
ANGIE: I was meant to write that! Y/N distracted me while she was giving you the wrong answer!
They're both plunged down into the water.
PLAYER: My work here is done.
The pair drag themselves out of the dunk tank.
ANGIE: Thanks babe.
She shoots you a glare.
PLAYER: Anytime!
            If you didn’t distract them 
[?]: Oh! I think I got it.
He scrawls something down on the whiteboard.
Angie turns round her whiteboard.
ANGIE: I put 'in the woods'.
[?]: That's right! We were taking her dog Sparkles for a walk one summer's evening. The sun was shining. There was a really pretty lake. The moment was just right.
ANGIE: Nice story bro. Now what did you put?
[?]: Um...
CORA: Come on man! Show us your answer.
[?]: Ok ok but it's a total guess...
He shows his whiteboard.
It says 'in A&E'.
[?]: Seemed on brand.
BRUNO: Banging brands...
PLAYER THINKING: [?] said that Angie's first kiss was in A&E...
Ew that's gross
Aw how oddly romantic
That's too obvious
ANGIE: It's actually right!
[?]: Really?! Awesome. I mean that's weird that you had your first kiss there. But awesome that I remembered in the end.
            If Youcef left
VALENTINA: Yeah, I think we're going to need to hear that story.
CORA: Care to elaborate?
ANGIE: I went to A&E with a friend and got chatting with a guy there. Whilst my friend was seeing the doctor, we snuck into one of the on call rooms.
TIFFANY: You're joking. This sounds like the start of a joke.
YOUCEF: Oh, my word. (at this point I’m guessing Valentina and Youcef will have the same dialogue unless you’re partnered with Youcef) 
ANGIE: Nope. Totally real.
Angie's phone bleeps.
ANGIE: Oh! Next question... Huh.
[?]: What? What does it say?
ANGIE: Name your partner's mum.
[?]: Ah crap. Sorry Angie's mum...
ANGIE: Yeah, I have no idea either.
They both write on their whiteboards.
ANGIE: Right here goes nothing...
Angie and [?] turn round their whiteboards.
Angie's reads 'Sheila' and [?] reads 'Angela'.
ANGIE: Angela? Wow. So imaginative.
The chairs jolt forward and plunge the couple into the water.
[?]: Argh!
They drag themselves out of the dunk tank and stand by the rest of you.
[?]: My mum would so suit Sheila to be fair.
Thabi and [?] please take your places by the dunk tanks. 
[?]: Right guess it's us next.
[?] helps Thabi up to the dunk tank and then sits up on his.
They answer the first two questions correctly.
[?]: What did I tell you? We're totally going to win this thing!
PLAYER THINKING: I better get my sabotage on.
You start doing a distracting dance.
PLAYER: I said a hey aha a hey.
Everyone looks at you confused.
[partner]: Is this all part of the plan?
THABI: Stop it! I'm going to lose my focus.
You continue to wave your hands about.
Thabi's phone rings out.
Question  What your biggest sexy fantasy to do together as a couple?
[?]: Ah damn... that's a tough one.
THABI: Yeah, so many possibilities.
PLAYER: Train! Taxicab! Pirate ship!
[?]: Stop! I'm trying to think...
CORA: Ha! Looks like the winners are about to become the weiners.
Everyone looks at Cora.
CORA: What? Least I'm not playing dirty like Y/N.
CORA: I want a chance at going on this hot tube date, ok?
Thabi and [?] show their boards.
Within seconds they are thrown into the dunk tank.
TIFFANY: I didn't even get a chance to see what it said!
They make their way out of the dunk tank.
PLAYER: We didn't get to see your boards! What did you put?
THABI: Don't act all innocent. I know you were trying to knock us off our game.
You shrug.
PLAYER: I was only trying to help.
[?]: Sure, you were.
THABI: I just put my own fantasy and hoped for the best. I don't think we've properly spoken about that yet.
PLAYER: What was your fantasy?
THABI: Do bits in a museum at night when everyone's gone home. Preferably in the planetarium. Less wax models watching you there.
[?] laughs.
[?]: Cool. I'll take note of that.
THABI: What did you put [?]? Since we're taking notes.
[?]: Laundrettes.
BRUNO: You what?
PLAYER THINKING: A museum fantasy and a laundrette fantasy...
I'd get on board with either of them
That sounds like my worst nightmare
Personally, would prefer the classic french maid
[?]: I'm with you Y/N.
[?]: Yeah, I know it is sort of weird. But I always thought it would be cool in one of those washed-out retro ones. Kind of romantic you know?
THABI: There is something sexy about those places.
ANGIE: Also washing machines can be very... What's the word?
CORA: Good assistance?
ANGIE: Yeah, that's it.
THABI: You're not wrong.
[?]: I've got to say... I have no idea what you're talking about.
ANGIE: You've never tried out a washing machine, eh?
Tiffany's phone bleeps.
[?]: Guess we're up next!
Their first question is about who has had the most one-night stand.
You start to launch into a comedy sketch about bedside tables.
PLAYER: I posted online 'one night stand for sale' and I got the strangest replies.
TIFFANY: Zip it! Though I'm pretty sure I've used that joke in my standup.
Tiffany and [?] score only one point.
[?]: It was just a guess!
They both dejectedly come back to the group.
Your phone pings suddenly.
PLAYER: I've got a text!
Y/N and [?] please take your places by the dunk tanks. 
[?]: Right. We've got three to beat. Let's do this.
You both make your way up onto the dunking tanks.
Question  - Who is the loudest in bed?
[?]: Ah I totally know this one.
PLAYER THINKING: Who is the loudest in bed?
Totally me
It's [?].
            I think either one of these you get the point 
You write down your name.
You write [?] on the whiteboard.
[?]: Reveal your answer in three two one...
You both show your boards to the group.
WILL: As it is written so it shall be done.
[?]: Huh? What does that mean?
WILL: Um you know I'm actually not sure. But you both got the same answers anyway. (if not coupled with Will)
[?]: Score!
YOUCEF: You both scored correctly! Bravo. (if coupled with Will)
CORA: Think we all could have got that one right.
PLAYER: Ha ha. Very funny.
Question  - Who is tidiest?
PLAYER: Hmm...
[?]: Easy!
PLAYER THINKING: Who is tidier?
Me! I am queen of clean
One hundred percent [?]
We're both pretty messy to be honest
PLAYER: No mess gets past me.
PLAYER THINKING: I don't know what I'd do without that clean streak.
You think back to the unmade bed and the clothes lying everywhere.
PLAYER THINKING: I'll put neither...
You write down your answer.
[?] does the same.
[?]: Right, what did you say?
You both turn over your boards.
All the other Islanders groan upon seeing your answers.
PLAYER THINKING: We both got it right!
We're so going to win this
It was an easy question
I just guessed
TIFFANY: It's rigged!
CORA: Yeah boo. Stop knowing each other so well.
PLAYER: Hey! No heckling while we're gloating.
ANGIE: That's very rich coming from you hun.
PLAYER: Speak to the hand.
PLAYER THINKING: Hmm... what is my dream date?
Camping by the stars
Day out at the fair
Just bits bits bits
PLAYER THINKING: And what is [?]'s dream date?
A night in with some movies
A hike up a mountain
Just bits bits bits
You both reveal your whiteboards.
[?]: Yay! We got it right!
PLAYER: We've won!
[?]: Ooh I wonder what the next question will...
Your phone bleeps.
[?]: Be!
TIFFANY: I hate bees!
[?] laughs before reading the text.
Question  - Would you like to have children?
[?] stops laughing and starts writing on the board.
[?]: That's a very serious question... Which deserves a very serious answer...
PLAYER: Hmm...
PLAYER THINKING: Will me and [?] have kids?
You write your answer on the board.
[?]: On the count of three... one two three!
You both reveal your boards.
You see [?]'s says 'I don't know.’
[?]: Oops.
You are thrown into the dunk tank.
The rest of the couples play but no one else reaches your score.
Congratulations Y/N and [?] - you are the winners! You get to go to the hot tub. 
[?]: Amazing.
CORA: Are we going to address the fact you totally cheated?
THABI: Nah let them have it.
TIFFANY: Yeah Y/N clearly wants to get in that hot tub very badly... Which makes me quite concerned as to what she'll get up to in said hot tub.
PLAYER: I have plans. Many, many plans.
TIFFANY: And that is exactly the reason I am quite afraid of ever stepping foot in that hot tub again.
THABI: True. I wouldn't want to get any of your's or [?]'s plans on me thank you.
[?]: Yeah, what she said.
PLAYER: What can I say? I do love a good hot tub.
PLAYER THINKING: Though we might need to talk about the kids question later...
I do not know which question this pertains to and what answer is the right or wrong one? But here’s the dialogue if you lose
[?]: Ah damn it.
[?] guessed the wrong answer.
You both sink to the bottom of your dunk tanks.
THABI: Too bad too bad.
Congratulations Thabi and [?]. You get to go into the hot tub!
THABI: Aw I'm so glad!
She kisses [?] on the cheek.
He smiles delighted.
[?]: Come on let's go and get ready.
CORA: Anyone fancy a pool party?
TIFFANY: I am so game for that.
[?]: Same!
You all head off the challenge platform to get ready for the evening.
All the Islanders start getting ready for the pool.
BRUNO: Feels so weird getting changed into swimming stuff at night.
YOUCEF: Yeah, it's like... eating breakfast for dinner!
OLIVER: What a concept.
PLAYER THINKING: Breakfast for dinner...
That's the best invention
I'm more of a pudding fan
No eating before swimming!
Choice: That’s the best invention
YOUCEF: Right? My dad used to always make us breakfast for dinner. But then one time we ran out of milk for the omelettes... And he never came back.
Everyone turns to look at Youcef shocked.
YOUCEF: Kidding kidding. Sorry!
CORA: You can't joke about that kind of stuff!
YOUCEF: Hun my dad did actually leave therefore I can joke about it.
TIFFANY: This is true.
BRUNO: Yeah, it's the comedian's unwritten rule
Choice: I’m more of a pudding fan
BRUNO: Wow... my breakfast chat took a turn.
TIFFANY: I mean I don't think pudding is comparable to breakfast.
ANGIE: Heck most of the time breakfast is a giant pudding.
[?]: Giant pudding, eh?
BRUNO: I'll eat your giant pudding for breakfast any day [?].
Choice: No eating before swimming! 
BRUNO: Oh yeah. I forgot. That's how the sharks get you.
THABI: Come again?
CORA: Pretty sure that's not when the sharks get you Bruno.
BRUNO: Oh no! My whole life is a lie.
Angie laughs and chucks a makeup sponge at Bruno.
ANGIE: I've really grown to like this room. I'll miss getting ready with you lot.
CORA: Pool!
            If won, the challenge 
[?]: Hot tub?
PLAYER: Hot tub!
You head off to the hot tub together.
NARRATOR: Bubble bubble toil and trouble.
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a [?]'s snake.
In the caldron boil and bake...
Oh so sorry!
You caught me.
No don't worry. I'm not planning to cook our Islanders.
I'm working out how to turn Love Island into a theatre production.
It's either going to be a full-blown musical or a dramatic one person monologue.
But I can't quite decide.
Anyway, let's let [?] and [?] enjoy this nice bubbly caldron.
I mean hot tub!
You and [?] step into the hot tub.
[?] suddenly starts breathing rapidly.
[?]: Oh! Yikes. It's hot! Think I may have burnt my toe.
PLAYER: Oh no!
PLAYER THINKING: [?] may have a burn!
Kiss the toe better
It's because I'm so hot
Burn baby burn
Choice: kiss the tow better
You dive your head underwater and kiss the toe.
[?]: Oh!
You come back up from the surface.
PLAYER: Better?
[?]: Um yeah. Much better! Is it weird that I liked that?
PLAYER THINKING: Is it weird [?] liked my toe kiss?
[?]: Aw. (IF SAID YES)
[?]: Good. (IF SAID NO)
Choice: It’s because I’m so hot 
[?]: Can't argue with that.
Choice: burn baby burn 
[?]: Yeah, I'd like to opt out of burning today thank you!
PLAYER: Your call.
[?] smiles at you.
PLAYER:  What you grinning at smiley?
[?]: It's just so nice to just get away from them all for a little while, isn't it?
PLAYER THINKING: Is it nice to get away from the others?
Yeah, I love our alone time
No, I wish they were in here with us
Splash [?]
Choice: Yeah, I love our alone time 
[?]: It's special, isn't it? Like I used on always fret about being on my own with people. Was always worried I wouldn't know what to say or there would be an awkward silence. But with you? There's nothing awkward about it. Even the silence. It's relaxing.
Choice: No, I wish they were in here with us
[?]: Ha! I'm not sure they'd all fit.
PLAYER: Sure, they would!
Choice: Splash
You flick some water at [?].
[?]: Ha! I'll take any amount of splashing to spend time with you.
The water bubbles around you.
If didn’t win 
[?]: Pool?
You take [?]'s hand.
You both head over with the others.
Everyone dangles their feet in the pool.
The water is cool against your skin.
[?] smiles at you.
PLAYER:  What you grinning at smiley?
CORA: Yeah you've got a grin big enough to knock me out with.
[?]: I just can't wait to do like normal things with you.
PLAYER: Like what?
[?]: I don't know... Like go shopping at the big supermarket and pick out random snacky bits to have for a series binge. Or I can't wait to go out to a drive thru together.
PLAYER: A drive thru?
TIFFANY: How romantic...
PLAYER THINKING: A drive thru date sounds...
... right up my street
... not my cup of tea
... like our next date
Choice: not my cup of tea
[?]: Hey you haven't been on a drive thru date with me before.
Choice:  right up my street/like our next date 
[?]: That can totally be arranged! I'll bring a lap tray. Some cutlery. We'll drive to this spot I know. It's up on this hill. You have to be a local to know how to find it. Eating a big bag of chips with that view is pretty romantic. But it sure would be prettier with you.
PLAYER: You're so damn cheesy.
PLAYER: Hmm...
PLAYER THINKING: Am I convinced?
Yeah, this drive thru date passes the test
Nah sorry I want to be wined and dined
As long as there are bits, I'm happy
Choice: yeah, this drive thru date passes the test 
PLAYER: Ok you've won me over. I'm here for it.
[?]: Good. I promise you; you won't forget or regret it.
Choice: nah sorry I want to be wined and dined
PLAYER: Get me a flickering candle a three-course meal and a nice glass of shiraz or I'm out of there.
[?]: Don't worry! I promise can do that as well.
Choice: As long as there are bits, I’m happy 
[?]: You really are the filthiest, aren't you?
PLAYER: It's true I can't help where my mind ends up.
[?] smiles.
[?]: That can totally be arranged!
I literally cannot tell if you have this conversation if you win the challenge or not, I’m thinking you do????
[?] swirls the water.
[?]: One of my favourite regular things to do for someone is to run them a bath.
PLAYER: Oh yeah?
[?]: Yeah! It's like you're making a big potion... but it's for adults. I used to love making potions as a kid. I love throwing all sorts of bubbles bath bombs and oils in there. I've even got one of those bath trays.
PLAYER: You and your trays!
[?]: It's true! It can fit a book a drink... I'll leave a little face mask on it for you. Maybe a nice drink. Sorry. I'm rambling. Long story short is that I would love to get to the point where I'm running you a bath at night. Or maybe even running our kids a bath one day.
PLAYER: But I thought you said you didn't know if you wanted kids?
[?]: No, I do! I just didn't want to be the kind of person who made you feel like you had to for obvious reasons. I basically wanted to hear your opinion first. But now I know you do want kids... Colour me in the shade 'I'm-all-here-for-it'! School runs freezer dinners bath time. I'll be there.
PLAYER THINKING: [?] wants kids too!
I already have names!
I literally can't wait
I was joking...
            Choice: I already have names 
[?]: What? For our kids!?
PLAYER: Yeah. Have had them picked out for ages.
[?]: Tell me them!
(input name)
[?]: Woah.
[?]: That is so weird.
PLAYER: What do you mean!?
[?]: [?] is my favourite name!
PLAYER: You're kidding?
[?] shakes their head.
PLAYER: Wow. That's some kind of luck isn't it?
[?]: Yeah. And I am so lucky to end up with you.
Choice:  I literally cannot wait
[?]: Me neither! But I hate to break it to you...
PLAYER: What!?
[?]: We're not going to be making any babies in this hot tub.
PLAYER THINKING: [?] says we can't make babies in the hot tub...
I know that's not what I meant!
Aw that's a shame... Why not?
Agreed but we could have a quick kiss
PLAYER: I just meant I'm excited about it. I didn't mean it needed to happen right here right now!
[?]: I know I know. I'm just teasing.
If you asked why not 
            If coupled with Najuma or Angie
[?]: Um babe.
She gestures underwater.
[?]: We don't have all the equipment we need. But one day we will.
She takes your hand and kisses it firmly.
[?]: I just know it.
            If coupled with Youcef, Tom, Bruno, James or Will
[?]: Well firstly I'm not sure our kid would appreciate their conception being on TV.
PLAYER: A fair point.
[?]: Also it's incredibly unhygienic!
PLAYER: Another good point. Ok you win. No babies today.
Choice: I was joking….
[?]: You what?
[?]: What?
PLAYER: What? I was only joking about kids.
[?]: Oh, um well...
[?] looks awkwardly out of the hot tub.
[?]: Ok nevermind.
[?] smiles at you sheepishly.
[?] smiles at you.
[?]: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
PLAYER THINKING: What are we both thinking?
That we should kiss
That I'm getting pruney
That we both miss the other Islanders
[?]: Oh really? You're incredible.
PLAYER: You're not so bad yourself.
[?]:Oh no! That's one of the worst feelings.
[?]: I didn't want to admit it but yeah. I do. I wonder what the other's are up to.
[?] stands up steam rises from [?] body.
[?]: Should we invite the mob over?
PLAYER: What? Into the pool?
[?]: Yeah.
[?]: Shall we go crash the hot tub date?
CORA: I'm game.
TIFFANY: Same here.
Everyone gets up to go to the hot tub.
[?]: You coming babe?
PLAYER THINKING: Do I want to invite the Islanders into the hot tub?
(I think this is a premium choice) Yes, let's all bundle
No please keep them at bay
PLAYER THINKING: But it could be fun...
I do love some bubble trouble...
No, I'd rather not
[?]: Aw are you sure?
[?]: Say no more!
[?] stands up in the hot tub.
[?]: Hey you lot! Come join us!
THABI: You don't have to ask me twice.
Thabi launches herself into the hot tub splashing you and [?].
[?]: Let’s go!
[?] launches himself in.
ANGIE: Watch the hair! Watch the hair!
Angie splashes [?].
CORA: Watch out I'm coming in.
Everyone clambers in and splashes about together under the blanket of stars.
OLIVER: I have no idea how we all fit in here.
PLAYER: I sure am going to miss this.
[?]: Me too.
BRUNO: Wet group hug?
[?]: Hell yes!
You all wrap your arms around one another and squeeze before sitting down in the hot tub
For a moment you let the silence last just enjoying the moment together.
BRUNO: It'll be weird when this is all over.
TIFFANY: Silenzio Bruno! I don't want to think about it.
WILL: Yeah. Me neither.
THABI: Agreed. I'm dreading it.
WILL: No more nights under the fish.
            Will inspired Luca
WILL: Oh yeah. I used to always think the stars were fish. It always just stuck.
PLAYER THINKING: Will thought the stars were fish as a kid...
That's so poetic
Maybe they are fish
I'm going to miss your weirdness
            If decided to not invite everyone to the hot tub 
PLAYER THINKING: Am I sure I don't want to invite the group over?
Yeah, I'd rather not
Actually, that does sound like fun!
[?]: I was never a believer in the more the merrier anyway. What's the point of seeing a bunch of people when the main person I want to talk to is right here.
[?] touches your nose with [?] index finger.
PLAYER: Hey! No booping.
[?]: But that's my favourite part of...
The ping of a text rings out.
Will smiles and splashes you playfully.
THABI: Hey was that a text I heard?
BRUNO: Yeah. Someone's phone just went off.
[?] leans over and picks up [?] phone.
[?]: I got a text.
PLAYER THINKING: Do I want to crash the date?
Yeah, help me up
Nah I'm not bothered
[?]: Aw come on. I don't want to go without you
PLAYER THINKING: Should I go along to the hot tub?
Yeah, alright I'll come
No thanks
            If didn’t win challenge and crash the date 
[?] smiles and extends a hand down to help you up off the ground.
You all run over to the hot tub
            if didn’t win challenge and didn’t crash the date
PLAYER: Not keen on the idea sorry.
CORA: Suit yourself!
The others run off to the hot tub.
[?] waits with you.
[?]: I was never a believer in the more the merrier anyway. What's the point of seeing a bunch of people when the main person I want to talk to is right here.
[?] touches your nose with [?] index finger.
PLAYER: Hey! No booping.
[?]: But that's my favourite part of...
The ping of a text rings out.
“Islanders, please make your way to the fire pit for the final dumping.”
[?]: Yeah... I guess it's happening then.
CORA: The final dumping...
[?] takes your hand.
[?]: Let's go through it together.
[?] takes hold of Thabi's hand.
Thabi holds [?]'s who takes hold of Cora's.
Everyone is holding hands gripping tightly.
THABI: Together.
PLAYER: I wouldn't have it any other way.
NARRATOR: Sniff...
I'm getting totes emosh about this.
And you know what?
It's only going to get worse.
Because the next episode...
Is a dumping!
I'll see you there...
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youarejesting · 3 years
Wash out.17
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Banner: this banner is made by the lovely @purpleskies1999 Pairings: Dolphintrainer!Taehyung x SharkDiver!Jin,  Mer!Jimin x Reader, Scientist!Namjoon x MerKing!Jungkook, Mer!Yoongi x Mer!Hoseok. Words: 2.2k Genre: Mystery, Romance, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, little bit of Action, Slice of life, Enemies2Lovers, Friends2lovers, Social media au, Fake Texts, Fake Subs.
Summary: Taehyung and his best friend Y/N are Dolphin trainers at Wash Out; Marine Wildlife and Theme Park. When the nerdy marine biologist and resident veterinarian Doctor Kim Namjoon goes missing; the two friends form a ragtag team with Taehyung’s rival Seokjin and a…. Fish?
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Taehyung thought this was the most stupid and wreckless thing you had ever done and he was an idiot to be apart of this. But that’s what friends are for, right?
Jin was in position in his car one stop away from the amusement park, which meant the two of you had to sneak a five foot seven mermaid out through the crowds. Without exposing his tail and then getting him onto the bus and then into Seokjin’s car. This was like some weird video game but there were no save points or second chances.
It took a few trial runs without Jimin before you came up with your plan. You both had a total of 42 min to cross an entire park, your route had to include ramps as you would be using the lost and found wheelchair. The stakes were high if this went wrong, the two of you and Jimin were going to be in deep trouble.
After Taehyung’s first show with the dolphins he came to the warehouse for ‘lunch’ where the two of you used the sling to get Jimin out of the tank. You were lowering him into the wheelchair while Taehyung guided him into the seat. 
Draping a blanket over his tail, you made sure it was fully covered completely around, not wanting anyone to catch sight of his fishy appendages. “How long till you dry out?” Taehyung asked bluntly pulling a shirt over Jimin’s head and a Hat with the amusement park name on the front. 
“Uh, about ten minutes.” he said,
“Alright let’s go, tell us if you feel uncomfortable at all Jimin.” You nodded at Taehyung who began pushing the wheelchair. 
You moved along the path, watching Jimin look around in a mix of alarm and excitement. He seemed to frown at the heat and brightness from the sun. 
“I’m getting kind of dry,” Jimin muttered shifting in his seat, Taehyung opened a water bottle and poured it down Jimin’s shirt. You were heading down the ramp getting close to one of the rides, the water splashing Jimin slightly. 
Turning the corner you stopped watching the leader of the management team walking towards the warehouse. 
He had a phone to his ear talking to someone in a business tone. Spotting the three of you and recognizing Jimin. “Oh I forgot my paperwork in the office, I will just grab it quickly before heading to the warehouse. I will send you the report on the merman when I see him.”
He nodded his head towards your odd throuple, taking a step back and turning around. He had helped you; he had wanted you to escape. 
Pushing forward you were stopped by a crowd of people, Jimin was getting uncomfortable again. The sun was his enemy. 
Pushing through the crowd you finally got through and we’re racing for the exit. Jimin squirmed again, why did it have to be so hot today?
Taehyung detoured to the left to the touch pools, grabbing Jimin's face and shoulders, dumping it in the water. Pulling him back out he looked shocked but at ease as the water dripped down to his dry tail. 
Looking up, Taehyung saw a horrified staff member. You pulled a starfish off of Jimin's face delicately with wet hands. Rubbing the back of his neck Taehyung laughed awkwardly, they probably thought he was harassing someone who was disabled. He dunked his head in the water as well so as to make it seem less awkward. 
“See you don’t need to go on rides to have fun, come on more to see,” he said. Flicking his wet hair back and wheeling the merman away quickly before they called security. 
You had purchased some more water bottles and dampened the blanket draped over Jimin's tail. The three of you moved out the entrance of the park and to the left towards the bus stops. Luckily the bus had just arrived helping Jimin on and relaxing. You were halfway there and in the cool of the bus out of the sun Jimin too relaxed, somewhat eyeing the world passing by. 
Getting off at the next stop, Taehyung rolled Jimin towards Seokjin’s parked car. Taehyung saw him leaning against his car looking kind of handsome in the afternoon sun. 
He hated to admit it but the two had grown close, somewhere along the way of helping Seokjin grieve Taehyung learnt things about him that opened his eyes. 
Seokjin wasn’t a bad guy, he was confident and funny and a bit of a goofball but he was also a kind and caring guy. Taehyung thought maybe if they met on better terms they might have been friends. 
“Finally,” Seokjin smiled at the three of them, making Taehyung smile back shyly. “Let’s get him home quickly,”
“Help me get him in the back,” Taehyung gestured to the back of the car. You ran around getting in the back, ready to help guide Jimin in when Taehyung and Seokjin lifted him into the vehicle.
Taehyung secured Jimin under the arms, letting Seokjin lift him from the waist, aiming the blanket wrapped tail in through the car door. Jimin was frowning, not exactly appreciating their lifting technique. Taehyung gave him an apologetic smile, “Sorry friend.”
Sliding in the front seat, Taehyung watched Seokjin pack the wheelchair into the boot of the car and take the driver's seat. “Do you mind if we get some drive thru on the way home?” Seokjin said, looking in the rear view mirror. 
“We gotta get him home before he dries up, we can order in,” Taehyung laughed but inside he was concerned with the mermans health.
“Sure, we can order in.” Seokjin sighed, “Jimin, my name is Seokjin. It’s nice to meet you.”
Taehyung was lost in thought watching him drive, he was concentrating on the road and it made him look mature to be so serious. It seemed strange to be in the same car as Seokjin; a month ago he would have threatened to jump out on the freeway, rather than spend even ten minutes in his rival's car.
Pulling into the driveway Jimin winced getting back into the wheelchair and they placed him in Seokjin’s bathtub which was filled with seawater, it had taken a ten litre container and multiple trips to drive enough seawater to fill the tub. The two lifted Jimin, lowering him into the bathtub where he sat relieved to be in water once more.
“Do you need anything?” Seokjin tried to be polite to his guest. Jimin again didn’t reply again, instead his arm stretched out, small hand reaching for Seokjin.
Seokjin held his hand out to shake Jimins but was pulled forward where the two shared a kiss. Taehyung immediately pulled Seokjin back, feeling his blood boiling, “Can you understand me now, Seokjin.” Jimin smiled
The anger which had flared up inside Taehyung died off with the realization that Jimin didn’t speak english and Seokjin wouldn’t understand him without sharing a kiss. Coughing awkwardly, Taehyung looked at the three in the room. “Who is hungry?”
“What do we feed Jimin? We didn't think this through,” You said immediately looking alarmed.
“Does he eat sashimi?” Seokjin asked Jimin
“Maybe I can go into work and sneak out some fish?” Taehyung said
“No, we can’t go back there, we can’t return home, we can’t see our family. We have to hide here with Jimin until we can get him to his home.” You argued walking out the bathroom. Jimin leant over the bathtub side trying to see where you were going. Cute, he must really like her.
Returning with arms full of menus, you sat on the floor beside Jimin and began looking through them, “What does everything want?”
They got fried chicken, bulk tuna and salmon sashimi, Kimchi Jjigae, Jjajangmyeon and tuna mayo rice balls. The selection was quite wide and you brought everything into the bathroom sitting and eating on the floor.
Jimin ate the sashimi but seemed really interested in the other foods, Taehyung offered him a tuna mayo and rice ball. Taking one Jimin sniffed it before he took a bite contemplating the texture and flavour before popping the rest in his mouth. 
“You should offer Jimin some fried chicken to try, as you are closer” Taehyung said with a sly smirk, you rolled your eyes taking a piece of chicken and holding it out to Jimin. He let you hold it while he leant over and took a small bite.
He chewed thinking about the crunch and the flavour before his smile grew he took another bite and another. “This is so tasty.”
“Would you like to try some more dishes?” You asked, smiling at Jimin ready to offer him more food. Taehyung and Seokjin shared a knowing glance but they didn’t say a word. “Okay this one just try a little cause it is a bit spicy which means your mouth will get really warm okay.”
Jimin had some soup and smiled, licking his plump lips a little confused, “My mouth is really warm and tingly.”
“That’s what we call spicy.” Seokjin said, “It is good but don’t have too much. It's your first time eating things that aren’t fish so it could make you sick of all these new foods, you can try some more another time.”
“Oh, I got this really hilarious picture today on our way out of the park,” You shouted brandishing your phone screen to all of them. “You should have seen Tae, he full on dunked Jimin head first in the touch pools and the staff were about to call security.”
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That night the boys went for a shower Taehyung stepped out laughing, “Jimin told me this hilarious story about his friend falling off the back of a crab”
Seokjin smiled heading into the bathroom coming out with bright red ears, “I have never had someone sit there and watch me while I shower, but he did tell me about some kind of cool stuff about his home, he said the king wouldn’t hurt Namjoon.”
Taehyung watched you gather your things and walk to the bathroom, he ran up to the door pressing his ear against it, Seokjin beside him doing the same thing. The two stared at one another as they heard you speak. 
“Don’t um turn around, I am going to shower?” You had stuttered, obviously nervous. 
“I don’t understand, but I will do as you say” the two of you talking quietly. 
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Tags: @backinblack1967​​  @miriamxsworld​​ @moccahobi​​ @simplymemyself​​ @a-gayish-unicorn​​​
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chan-yolo · 4 years
Benevolence - Part 11
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You were on the run. The were chasing you down and you needed to live. You would do anything to stay alive. But does anything include falling in love? Getting captured by EXO gave you a new survival plan, but will that all go out the window when you meet someone who’s life means more to you than your own? 
A/N - look at me updating this close together! I’m not really sure how I feel about this one, it’s kind of a filler chapter. 
Pairing: Byun Baekhyun / Reader
Genre: Mafia AU, Fluff, Angst
Warning: none really
Word Count: 2884
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | 
 Reaching your room, you swung open your door, sliding down the wall next to it, your cries finally coming through. What you didn’t know was that as soon as you had left, Baekhyun had followed. Rushing through the door, he took you into his arms, keeping you close to him, as your cries could be heard throughout the house.
“it’s going to be okay y/n, I’m so proud of you, your so brave.” Baekhyun comforted you, staying beside you as you let out everything you had been keeping inside.
 You wasn’t sure how long you had sat like that. With Baekhyun shushing you, his voice soft and reassuring, calming you down from the panic attack you had just had. The darkness outside made you think that darkness outside made you think that you must’ve been sitting there for a while, the moon casting a light into your bedroom. With a hoarse voice you let outa small ‘thank you’, not knowing what else to say to him.
“You didn’t have to tell us all of that you know.”
“I know, but you deserved to know.” You sniffled looking up at the man holding you.
“Hyunsuk, what he did toy you…” you moved out of his grip, rubbing your eyes that were sire from the excessive crying.
“I don’t want to talk about it, not anymore.” A silence went between you, neither of you quite knowing where to lead the conversation. After a minute of silence, Baekhyun rose to his feet, disappearing into the bathroom. You watched where his form had left, shortly after his disappearance, you heard the water running. When Baekhyun retuned, he gave you a smile, patting you on the head.
“Go take a bath, I’ll be back in a sec.”
   Sitting in the steaming bath, you watched your skin turn pink from the heat. Flashbacks to your bother entered your mind. All the memories you shared with each other, looking after each other. He was the only family you had. You still couldn’t forgive yourself for what happened. His death was on your hands, and nothing would make that go away.
You felt the tears fall down your cheeks before you could stop them. Dunking yourself under the water, you rose back up, slicking your hair back, rubbing your running nose.
A light knock at the door took you out of the daze you were in. Baekhyun’s head peeked around, his smile making your insides warm up.
“I made tea.” The simple act made you smile. ”Can I come in?” you gave him a small nod, watching him slowly come into the room. Two big steaming mugs of tea in his hands. Handing you one mug, Baekhyun took a seat at the foot of the bathtub opposite you, sipping his own drink.
“I’m sorry for everything.” He began, making you look up at him over your mug. “Not just for hat he did to you, but for what your parents did.”
“What’s done is done.” You shrugged, looking into the colourful bathwater, the holographic reflection of the bubbles taking your attention.
“Tell me about your brother?” Baekhyun got comfortable in his spot, looking at you expectantly. Leaning over to put your mug on the floor next to you, you rested your arms on the edge of the tub, resting your head stop them, looking at the man in front of you.
“He was six years younger than me, 16 when my parents sold him to Hyunsuk. He was into gaming and all this different tech. you would’ve liked him.” the both of you shared a smile with each other.
“He was going to school, studying well. He was my best friend you know? We were one in the same.” Looking off into the corner of the room, you felt that same wave of sadness from earlier hit you. “I really thought I could save him, that if I could at least take his place, he could carry on. I don’t even know what happened to him.” Baekhyun moved opposite you, so quickly you didn’t even notice until his face was in front of yours. The palm of his hand came to rest on your cheek, his eyes searching your own.
“What was his name?”
“Kihyun.” Baekhyun nodded.
“I promise you we will find out what happened to him. when Hyunsuk is finished we will do that for you.” You smiled at him, believing that he would do that for you. “You finish up, I’ll go find a movie for us to watch.” Taking the mugs, he left a lingering kiss on your forehead, before leaving the room. In that one moment. You wondered if it was possible for you to find someone as great as Baekhyun.
 The next morning you walked in the kitchen, met by sympathetic stares from eight men.
“Oh come on man.” You let out exasperated, moving away from them all.
“Y/N, are you sure everything is okay?” Yixing asked you, worry clear in his voice.
“I am. It’s over now, and you guys don’t get to feel sorry for me. That’s the last thing I want.” You looked at them all in disgust.
“You heard what she said.” Suho inputted dismissively, turning the page of his paper. Nodding in thanks, you turned towards the cabinet behind you. Extending your arm to reach for a glass, you were stopped by a hand grabbing one for you, placing it in front of you on the worktop. Turning around, you were greeted with the cheeky face of Baekhyun.
“Good morning.” He smiled at you.
“Morning.” Staring at each other, you shared some sort of conversation that only you two could understand. One that entailed warmth, thankfulness. Though it was soon broken by the clearing of Suho’s throat.
“Well I suggest you get something to eat, we have a meeting in 20 minutes.” Moving away from each other, you went to the opposite end of the counter, following the leader’s instructions.
Sat around an oval mahogany table, you all looked over the graphs in front of you. Each with their own red marks pinpointing a possible location Hyunsuk could be in.
“First things first, we need to find him. we’ve managed to get the floorplans of each of the properties he owns. Y/n, did you stay at any of these?” Suho asks, pushing a clearer copy towards you.  Nodding, you pointed to the ones that were familiar to you.
“The holiday house in Busan, the main house in Seoul, and the apartment in Hongdae. Sometimes he would pick a few of us out to travel with him.” You explained. You saw Baekhyun’s disgusted expression, his hand that laid on the table had clenched into a fist. Without any thought, you held his hand in your own, trying to calm him down.
“He spends most of his time here in Seoul, though he could be in Hongdae. Depends on business.” You clarify.
“So where do we go first?” Chen questions Junmyeon.
“Nowhere, not yet. Baekhyun we need you to get us everything about the two min houses. Who goes in and out. Chanyeol will help you. Minseok, Yixing and I will work on getting in. Y/N, you, Chen, Kai and Sehun will go talk to Taemin.”
“Suho, I don’t think she should go…” Baekhyun’s voice was cautious.
“She’s part of the team now, which means she goes out with us. If she agrees.” Junmyeon directed his stare towards you.
“She does.” Looking over to Baekhyun, you gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. “I’ll be fine, promise.”
“I want a full report of what you find before the night’s out.” And with that you were dismissed.
Standing in your room, opposite the full-length mirror, you admired the effort you had put into dressing up for going to this club. The dress you had been given was an emerald green mini dress with a slight split in the thigh. Smoothing it down your curves, you nodded appreciatively at the fit. A knock at the door drew the attention away from yourself.
“Come in.” Baekhyun stopped in his tracks, taking in seeing you in a dress for the first time.
“Sehun told me I couldn’t wear jeans and then threw this dress in my face. But it doesn’t look too bad right?” You winked at him playfully.
“Urm, yeah, it’s… yeah.” You laughed at his nervousness, choosing not to make fun of him this time.
“what’s that?” you pointed to the black box in his hand.
“Oh, this is for you.” Walking over to you, he opened the box, revealing a small necklace. Gesturing for you to turn around to face the mirror again, he clasped the piece of jewellery around your neck before laying his head on your shoulder.
“This necklace is kind of like a panic button, if anything happens to you just press it and it will tell me where you are.” Looking from the necklace to him, you whispered your thanks, hearts warming at the worry and care he has for you.
“You should thank Chanyeol, he made it.” A small kiss was left on your cheek in gratitude. Shortly another knock was heard, but this time it was Chen. Looking at you both, he raised an eyebrow before speaking.
“ready?” You nod at him.
“I’ll be out in a second.” After he had left, you turned to Baekhyun, leaving a kiss on his cheek.
“Be careful.”
Sliding into the back of Sehun’s sleek black Range Rover, you buckled yourself in smoothing your dress down in hopes you didn’t reveal too much trying to hop in the vehicle.
“So, where are we off to lads?”
“Diamond.” Kai’s voice was uninterested, scrolling through notifications on his phone, his silk shirt hanging low, showing his collar bones.
“Ahh, the strip club.” Nodding, you look out the window remembering the night Baekhyun had come back from that same club.
“We go in, we find Taemin, we get the info and we go home. There’s no time for anything else tonight. Is that clear?” Chen clarified. All of you nodding in agreement. Sehun parked around the side of the club, the line for the entry heaving. Minseok must do good business here, you think to yourself. Stepping out of the vehicle, Kai ushered you between himself and Sehun.
“Y/n stay close to us.” Entry wasn’t a problem, but you hadn’t been into a club in god knows how long, and you’d never been into an actual strip club. Everything was dark and smoky but at the same time there were so many colours everywhere. Each hint of silver or gold being hit by the lights and catching your eye. You were led straight to a private booth, away from all the rowdy businessmen in the front. Drinks were handed to you immediately by a waitress who seemed to go as quickly s she came.
“Okay, Kia, Sehun and I will go and find Taemin. Y/n just stay here, wait for us to come back, don’t wander an don’t speak to anyone.” Chen orders before the three of them walk off. Alone, you look out to the dance floor below you. You observed the people around you, the kind of people Hyunsuk would entertain, sipping the champagne you had been given, you looked at the women on stage. They were gorgeous, enticing, mesmerising. You held respect for these powerful women in stage. All too soon your gaze was pulled towards a different corner of the room. The feeling of someone looking at you prickled the hairs at the back of your neck. As your eyes met the person who was staring so intently at you, you found just the person you were looking for.
Taemin was seat at the bar, his stance casual. He looked as if he fit in here, though he always did. His shirt was an intricate paisley print, flecks of silver woven into the silk. It matched his silver hair. Without thinking you placed the champagne down and started off towards him. sliding onto the stool next to him, you gave him a once over before finally talking to him.
“What does a lady have to do to get a drink?”
“Which lady is asking?” he looked you up and down. Rolling your eyes at his answer you turned to face the bar.
“Long time no see.”
“So you’re with EXO now?” Taemin signalled for the bartender, ordering two drinks.
“”Looks that way doesn’t it.” You glanced towards him, looking him over once again. “You still the snitch we all know and love?” taking a sip of your drink, you continued to study the bar.
“Not anymore.” Turning to look at Taemin, your eyes met his as he was fully facing you. “Shortly after you left I gave it up. Y/N, the things he did, they got worse. I couldn’t be there anymore. So like you, I left.”
“So why isn’t he out here trying to catch you then?”
“You know what Hyunsuk is like, he’s all pride, and you hurt it. there’s nothing more dangerous than a powerful man with a damaged pride.” Taemin sipped on his drink, looking at you with what seemed like a hint of sympathy.
“They’re going to get him you know?” You moved closer to the man, trying to make his eyeline meet yours. “And if you help us we can make sure we never have to see him again.”
“And have a target on my back? I don’t think so.” Taemin tried to speak to you in a hushed voice, now conscious of the people around him.
“They can protect you Taemin.”
“How can you guarantee that?” For the first time in a long time, you saw how scared he was. It took you back to when you had first been moved to that house, how scared you all were.
“I promise I can. I’ve never broken a promise have I? So, will you help us?” Before he could give you an answer, Kai, Sehun and Chen appeared by your side, all looking quite annoyed.
“What did we tell you? Why are you so incapable of following instructions?” You roll your eyes at Kai’s bratty attitude, watching as Taemin rose to meet the other men’s height. “And you are?” Kai turned his attitude towards him.
“Taemin, Y/N says you need my help.”
Suho’s first impression of Taemin was underwhelming to say the least. It didn’t help that you weren’t actually supposed to bring him back. The leader, taking off his glasses, looked at Taemin and then disapprovingly and the four of you stood behind him.
“Taemin I assume.”
“At your service” Taemin gave an exaggerated bow.
“In other circumstances you would have never made it this far. But I have been informed you’re willing to help us.”
“I’m not doing this for you or your gang, I’m doing this for Y/N and everyone else lost to that man. As long as I’m not sold out at the end.”
“I see. Kai will you take him to one of our room and have someone stationed outside.” You looked at Suho in confusion, and concern. Not fully understanding the hostility.
“He’s not a criminal Suho!”
“We don’t know him; therefore we can’t be so liberal. This will be continued tomorrow.” Waving you off, he placed his glasses back on completely ignoring you. You watched as Taemin was led down the corridor, leaving you stood there alone. Huffing, you went in your own direction. Heading towards the room where you figured the only reasonable person was. Reaching the computer room, you knocked on the door, peeking your head around the door, reminiscent of Baekhyun the night previous.
“Your boss is insanely irritating; you know that right?” you pouted at him, closing the door.
“What did he do now?” Baekhyun took off his headphones, arm extending for your hand. Interlocking your fingers, you lightly swung your hands.
“Treating Taemin like he’s a criminal.”
“Can you blame him for being cautious? We don’t know him.”
“You didn’t know me when you brought me here.” You countered.
 “That’s true.” He pulled you onto his lap. “But it felt like I always had.”
“Ever the romantic.” You smiled at him, your foreheads touching.
“Were the guys good to you?” He started to play with the strands of your hair, his other hand gripping your thigh.
“They left me in a booth by myself.” Pouting at Baekhyun, you wound your arms around his neck, pulling yourself closer.
“And I bet you left it.” The cheeky smiled made your own grow. Nodding proudly you both started to laugh. “You will never learn.” Moving closer to you, his lips grazed your own, your noses rubbing together.
“Well they’re not my boss.” You nipped at his bottom lip. Lifting you onto his desk, you let out a laugh as he stood in between his legs.
“What are we going to do with you?” his lips covered your own, his cheekiness and fondness engulfing you. Each kiss had you reeling, a shot of happiness being vaulted around your body with each touch. With his hand on your thigh, his lips on your own and your hand in his hair, there wasn’t anything that could bring you down.
Or so you thought.
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Part 14
(Misaki woke up to half of his body on the floor, the other half was still tightly held on by Usagi, the sun was starting to come in through the windows).
Misaki: Shit, (Misaki dropped down on the floor the rest of the way, untangling himself from Usagi, he picked up his phone that was sitting on the coffee table to check the time, it was six-thirty. He sighed and walked into the kitchen to make breakfast for Usagi, he made his favorite tamagoyaki, rice, and brewed some coffee).
Usagi: (Starts to stir, the smell of coffee wakes him, he sits up rubbing his eyes and walks into the kitchen throwing his arms around Misaki to recharge).
Misaki: (Smiles) Good Morning.
Usagi: We slept through dinner.
Misaki: (Let's out a soft laugh through is nose, while plating breakfast). Yeah we did, we were tired.
Usagi: It felt nice to sleep at home in our- well on our couch, didn't make it to our room. I'm sorry, I was just so tired.
Misaki: (Turns to Usagi, Pushing messy bed head hair out of his eyes, he grins at him lovingly, staring into his blue-purple eyes). Usagi, you don't need to apologize, I'm just so happy you're home, and better. I hated seeing you in the hospital. I love you, I don't want you to be sick, I can't-
Usagi: I know what you're about to say, and that's never going to happen. (Usagi leans down and softly kisses Misaki who slips his tongue in Usagis mouth, their tongues dance together passnailty, Usagi's hands wander towards Misaki's Cock).
Misaki: (Pushes Usagi away, whispers gently) We can't.
Usagi: I can't even help you get off, you're hard. (Places forehead against Misaki's).
Misaki: (Blushes) No! Usagi, It's only two weeks, plus on thing will lead to another, I want to have sex as much as you do, but your doctor said no.
Usagi: The doctor said you could help give me a bath.
Misaki: (Picks up plates and starts walking to the table), Nice try, I was there, I remember what he told you.
Usagi: (Rushes up behind Misaki) "Help" Give me a bath is different than taking a bath with me, like you can just hang out in there to make sure I don't fall.
Misaki: (Sits plates on table, walks back to the kitchen to get coffee). we'll see.
Usagi: (Sits down), That wasn't a no.
Misaki: (Grins and rolls eyes sitting down). Is there anything you want to do today?
Usagi: (Chewing), You need to study.
Misaki: My test tomorrow is Psychology, I already told you, i'm good at that.
Usagi: Actually, Psychology comes naturally for you somehow.
Misaki: I know, i'm not a complete idiot.
Usagi: Yeah.
(They continue eating for a few minutes until the doorbell rings).
Misaki: (Gives Usagi a confused look). Its seven-thirty, who would be here this early?
Usagi: Takahiro?
Misaki: No, he went back to work today. (Doorbell continues to ring).
Usagi: Wanna get that?
Misaki: Sure. (stands up, walks over to intercom and presses the video button, Isaka's stands at the door, he's grinning suspiciously). What?
Isaka: Is that anyway to greet your boss?
Misaki: (Turns to Usagi who shrugs). What are you talking about?
Isaka: Let me in, I have to talk to You and Usagi, It's really important.
Misaki: (Sighs, unlocks the door). What do you think this is about?
Usagi: I have no idea, but It can't be good.
(Eri woke up to the smell of bacon wafting into the bedroom, she smiled rubbed her eyes and walked into the kitchen, Rose seemed to be making a full course meal at seven- thirty in the morning).
Eri: (Leaning against the hightop counter that looks into the kitchen), Do you always make a full course meal for breakfast?
Rose: (Smirks) No, Just for you.
Eri: (Blushes), You don't have to do that, when do you have to work?
Rose: Actually, I don't have to go in for a few days, since i've been working so much.
Eri: Oh, okay.
Rose: (Puts rice, bacon, eggs, tofu, mushrooms, strawberries, and toast). Do you want coffee or tea?
Eri: Oh, wow this looks amazing, and tea please.
Rose: Got it.
Eri: (Takes a seat in the chair she was standing beside) Thank you so much Rose, this looks amazing).
Rose: I've always loved to cook.
Eri: So why did you become a nurse?
Rose: (Hands Eri her cup of tea), Because I love helping people.
Eri: (Smiles), That's sweet.
Rose: (Nods) Dig it, i'm going to take a shower.
Eri: (Don't you want to eat?
Rose: (Walks around to where Eri is, wraps arms around her neck) Nah, I already did, i'm used to getting up early. (gently kisses her cheek) I'll be right back. (Walks into the bathroom with a huge grin).
Erin: (Smiles) Damn, this is good.
(Usagi and Misaki sat on the couch their hands were laced together, Isaka sat across from them, his hands formed a steeple against his mouth, he was in serious business mode).
Isaka: So, you're probably wondering why I'm here?
Usagi: That thought did cross our minds yeah.
Isaka: Well, good news we finally found a place for Chibi here.
Misaki: Wait, really?!
Isaka: Yeah, Akihiko's personal assistant.
Misaki, Usagi: WHAT?!
Misaki: Um, I don't think Usagi needs an assistant.
Usagi: I- Isn't that kinda what Aikawa is?
Isaka: No, she's your editor.
Usagi: So what would Misaki do?
Isaka: I'm glad you asked here's a list. (Passes list to them).
Mikaki: (Picks up list), Answer business calls, Decides where conferences are held.
Usagi: Wait, this says you'll go to meetings for me! Misaki, do it, I hate going to meetings!
Misaki: You still have to show your face at conferences babe.
Usagi: Okay, but you decide length and location, so can they be short and sweet?
Misaki: I haven't even decided if I wanted to do it.
Isaka: Misaki, after the incident with your favorite mangaka-
Misaki: Ex-favorite.
Isaka: You came to me and said you wanted to work with Usagi, do you remember that?
Misaki: Yeah, but I thought it would be like, helping him decide on covers or something, not a personal assistant!
Isaka: This is better, look at this rate Usagi will have more books out, and you guys will have more time off to be with each other, isn't that what you've always wanted?
(Usagi and Misaki look at each other, they give each other a half grin and blush).
Misaki: Well, yeah I guess. So what else would I be doing?
Isaka: (Grins), Well, Usagi is there anything else you want him to do, business related?
Usagi: No, how much would he be making?
Isaka: about four thousand yen an hour.
Usagi: I think he should be paid more.
Misaki: No, Four thousand is fine Usagi, I just feel like im kinda being paid to be your fiance.
Usagi: What? No this is not what your doing.
Misaki: Are you sure, are you okay with this?
Usagi: Yeah, Misaki you motivate me to work, plus I can knock at a book in four or five hours, plus you won't be started for a few months unless stated otherwise, right Isaka?
Isaka: Right, (Stands) We'll be in touch, thank you for having me.
Misaki: Yeah, we'll we didn't have a choice, but we'll see you later.
Isaka: Right, we'll I'll see you guys later. (See's himself out).
Misaki: (Looks at Usagi, and blushes)
Usagi: (Softly caresses Misaki's cheek) Why are you blushing?
Misaki: I- I don't know, are you really okay with this?
Usagi: Yeah, I just want to spend all the time with you that I can.
Misaki: Me too.
Usagi: So, what do you want to do today?
Misaki: I don't know, but you need to take a bath or something.
Usagi: Are you saying I smell?
Misaki: (Smirks) In the nicest way possible.
Usagi: Fine, but you have to help me. (Stands, pulls Misaki up).
Misaki: Usagiii.
Usagi: (Smirks, pulls him into the bathroom). Please?
Miksai: (Sighs), Fine but if you try something-
Usagi: (Puts hands up in surrender).
Misaki: Okay, just sit on down for a second while a draw the bath?
Usagi: Why would you want to draw the bath?, Just put water in it.
Misaki: (Sarcastic look), Funny.
Usagi: I thought so.
Misaki: Okay, step in the bath.
Usagi: I need help.
Misaki: You do not.
Usagi: I need help taking my clothes off.
Misaki: (Folds arms, leans against the wall). Usagi, you slept in your robe and boxers.
Usagi: I can't take it off by myself.
Misaki: Usagi, I love you but i swear to god if you don't take your clothes off and get into the bath right not, I will kill you!
Usagi: (Blushes) O-Okay, Sorry Misaki, I was just trying to have fun.
Miskai: I know you are, but I can't risk you getting hurt, we can't have sex, trust me, I want to so bad.
Usagi: This is really hard for me.
Misaki: Me too, now get in the tub, and wash your body.
Usagi: Will you wash my hair?
Misaki: That I will do.
Usagi: Okay.
(Usagi, Strips, and steps into tub, Misaki blushes, he can feel himself starting to get hard, Usagi also starts to get hard, but neither on of them mention it, Misaki sits in the ground beside Usagi and watches him clean his body).
Misaki: God, you're so sexy Usagi.
Usagi: (sets on ledge of tub, grinning at Misaki), and you're so fucking cute.
Misaki: (Chuckles), Thanks. Want me to wash your hair?
Usagi: Yes!
Misaki: (Laughs), Okay, (Misaki washes Usagi's hair taking his time, massaging his roots, running his hands through Usagi's soft hair, he carefully washes the soap out of his hair, careful not to get any soap in his eyes), Okay, all done.
Usagi: (Sits up dunks head under water). Okay, I'm done. I'm going to go to the bedroom and put on some clean clothes, Decide what you want to do the rest of the day.
Misaki: (Okay, stands up and kisses Usagi on the forehead). Maybe we can have a movie day?
Usagi: Sure, go pick some out.
Misaki: Okay, I Love you so much Usagi.
Usagi: I love you too.
Misaki: (Smiles and heads into the living room to search for movies).
Usagi: (walks into bedroom and changes into grey sweatpants and a black long sleeve shirt, walks into the living room to see Misaki Searching for movies on netflix).
Misaki: So why did you get the VPN?
Usagi: Duh, to watch american movies, we watched a lot of them, didn't they help you with your english?
Mikaki: Yeah, they did actually.
Usagi: Did you find anything?
Misaki: "Step brothers", "Baby Mama", "the other guys", and I heard "love simon was good"
Usagi: Okay, sounds good, I don't care what we watch, I Just want to be with you.
Misaki: Okay, want to me to make popcorn?
Usaggi: (Sits on couch): No, come here, (Pats spot beside him).
Misaki: (Walks over to Usagi, and sits in his lap).
Usagi: Let's just stay like this for a little while. (Lays down pulling Misaki with him, and the cover over them, he kisses the top of his head).
Misaki: (Starts a movie and smiles, cuddling closer to Usagi), Yeah okay.
(Rose steps out of the shower wrapped in a towel, shes drying her hair of as she walks into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee).
Eri: (Blushes) H-How was your shower
Rose: (Smirks), Wet.
Eri: Uh. (Clears throat), Oh, well that's good. So what do you want to do today?
Rose: (Glances at clock on stove). It's ten, we can go to the beach?
Eri: Which one
Rose: Odaiba Beach
Eri: Oh sure!
Rose: It's only 30 minutes from here, Oh but you need a change of clothes?
Eri: Uh, yeah. (Smirks).
Rose: Okay, come on. (Smiles and grabs Eri's hand pulling her off the chair and into the bedroom).
(Misaki, sat up rubbing his eyes, his phone vibrating off the coffee table woke him up, he picked up his phone and saw text messages from Aikawa).
Message Transcript:
Aikawa, what's wrong? Was the date that bad?
No! why would you say that?
Well why are you panicking this early? Wait my lovely pain in the ass fiance didn't forget to turn in anything did he? YOU said he was good for at least four months.
No, that's not it. It's just we are going to the beach and last night was amazing, but is it weird I'm still nervous?
No, Look I felt Nervous with Usagi for years, I mean I still get butterflies when i'm around him.
That's cute. He says the same thing about you.
Really? I mean, I already know that, look just relax, or try and have fun, I gotta go, Usagi and I have a huge day Planned.
Watching Movies all day?
Yep, have fun.
(Misaki sighs sliding his phone across the coffee table, it falls off, he doesn't care, he looks behind him, Usagi is sound asleep, Misaki grins, Usagi needs his rest, he stands, softly brushes Usagi's hair back and plants a soft, long kiss on his forehead then hands to the bathroom to take a bath. Misaki closed his eyes resting his head against the wall, he was happy, Usagi was back and things were normal, expect he missed Usagi's touch, and the warmth of his body, the feeling of him Usagi inside of him, but they couldn't do anything until Usagi was clearled, which lucky was the day of his graduation. Misaki smiled to himself, twisting the engagement ring on his finger, there was only one thing that was worrying him, Usagi telling the public that they were a couple, he didn't care about the "but we're both men" Mindset anymore, I mean that's not what this is, it's more what will his fans think? Misaki let out a deep exhale before dunking his head underwater, he needed to talk to Usagi).
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
Lashton “are you warm enough”
i have to say i did go for the obvious sickfic move here but i also very much appreciate this opportunity to debut writing for lashton here u go my dear friend
Luke’s been grouchy and tired all day. He knows he has, but it’s hardly his fault; his head feels like it’s stuffed full of cotton and primed to explode at any moment, and Michael keeps poking his cheeks, which only makes it worse. Thank God it’s a day off, because Luke’s not sure he’d even remember how to play guitar in this state, much less do a whole show with talking and walking and all such exhausting activities. He feels boiling, and then half an hour later feels freezing, which means half the time he’s carrying around his jacket and the other half of the time he’s wrapping it so tightly around him that it may as well cut off his circulation. It doesn’t warm him up. It just makes his arms tired.
So by the time they get back to the tour bus, Luke just wants to be by himself, is the point.
Something Ashton is not understanding.
“Leave me alone,” Luke whines, trying to bat Ashton’s hand away.
Ashton ignores him and continues pressing his palm to Luke’s forehead. “You’re burning up, Luke.”
“Am not,” Luke grumbles, because he feels like he’s just been dunked in a tub of ice. “Your mum’s burning up.”
“You need rest,” Ashton says. “Lie down.”
“Lucas Robert Hemmings if you get the whole band sick because you were too stubborn to take one night of rest —”
“Okay, fine, Jesus.” Luke lies down in his bunk. “But I don’t like it.”
“Noted. How do you feel?”
“Like sunshine and fairy floss,” Luke says bitingly. Ashton gives him his best mum look. “You tell me. You said I’m burning up.”
“Just because you feel hot to me doesn’t mean you feel hot to you,” Ashton says. Luke loses the thread of that sentence by the second time Ashton says feel, so he jumps onto the obvious joke instead.
“You think I’m hot?” He waggles his eyebrows. Ashton sighs.
“No, Luke, I’ve been dating you for three years for your personality.”
“Wh—” Luke blinks. “Was that a compliment or not? I can’t tell.”
“I’m going to go to the RiteAid and get you some medicine, and some things for soup,” Ashton says, in full mother hen mode. “Stay in bed. I’ll bring you some water and tell Mikey and Calum not to bother you.”
“They always bother me,” Luke says. “You’d have to kill them.”
Ashton glares at him. “Are you warm enough?” he asks. “Don’t you want to get under the covers?”
Yes, he does. It’s actually a brilliant idea, although Luke is loath to admit it. But the chills coursing through his body overwhelm his desire to be needlessly stubborn, so he nods a bit and starts kicking the covers in a half-inspired attempt to get underneath them. Ashton grabs hold of the corner of the duvet and pulls it back. “Thanks,” Luke mumbles. 
“It’s what I’m here for,” Ashton says softly. He tucks Luke in, and Luke doesn’t mind that it makes him feel like a child again. “Love you.”
“Bet you say that to all the guys you take care of when they’re ill,” Luke says, face half-mashed into his pillow so he can see Ashton.
“You got me,” Ashton says, but he leans over and leaves a lingering kiss on Luke’s forehead. “Had to give you one before you got all sweaty,” he explains when he stands up.
“Fuck off.”
Ashton smiles at him. “Back in twenty. I love you.”
“Your mum.”
“Say it back.”
“Love you.”
Ashton strokes his head, gentle as anything, and pads his way toward the front of the bus.
Luke closes his eyes and smiles to himself, thinking that having the world’s best boyfriend is worth feeling like shit for a day.
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mymoodwriting · 5 years
Perfect Love
Bang Chan/Jisung, Bang Chan/Felix, Felix/Jisung
Genre: Yandere AU
Warning: Drugs, Nausea, Sickness, Nightmare
Words: 2.6K
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Epilogue 
Prompt: When Jisung started dating Chan it was a lot of fun, but that’s all it was and he wanted more. It was a mutual break up, or at least he thought it was. He had no idea what Chan was capable of, that is until he finally went to his house, carried into it actually. A second chance at love is entirely out of his control, and he might not have been the first of Chan’s lovers to be in this position.
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“When was the last time you took a bath.”
   Jisung sat in the tub, Felix with a sponge in hand, cleaning him up. He was mostly a vegetable, still recovering from the other day, but at least he was aware of his surroundings, of his situation. There just wasn’t really any strength within him to do anything to help himself, but he could at least gather information, even if speaking was a struggle most of the time.
“Where’s Chan?”
“Um… I think he went out this morning. Important business or something.”
  They were home alone, this was another chance to escape, but Jisung knew he wouldn’t get anywhere. He felt like he could barely move on his own, his physical capacities still impaired from his supposed treatment. Even if he got to the door and stepped outside he’d be in no position to run or even scream for help.
“He leaves you... alone? In the house?”
“Yeah, he’s got a business to run. Besides I have plenty of things to keep me busy here.”
“What… what does he do?”
“He makes medicine and a bunch of other fun stuff. People call him the Chemist, I think, he’s really good at his job. Someday you’ll be able to see the garden where he has all his plants! It’s so pretty!”
    The name, the Chemist, he vaguely recalled hearing it from Minho before. Apparently they were one of the best in the business, and quite friendly, some people actually knowing them and their lackeys personally. He felt even more stupid, people around him probably knew he had been dating the Chemist, would explain why people also became friendlier with him while they were an item, and invited him out a lot more, they knew who he’d come with.
“Do you love him?”
“Of course I do.” Felix answered without hesitation. “Always.”
“Well… Chan is kind, he’s smart, he takes care of me, and he makes me happy. He’ll make you happy too.”
“Do you realize… how terrifying that sounds?”
“Why? It’s what he does, he makes a lot of people happy, but you’re special.”
“I am?”
  Felix dunked water over his head to get the shampoo out of his hair, Jisung letting the things he had just been told settle in. At least it was becoming clear Felix wouldn’t lie to him, might not understand what he wants to know, but won’t lie. There was a knock at the door as Felix helped Jisung out of the tub.
“Are you guys done?”
“Almost! Be out in a minute.”
  Chan was back, Jisung’s heart sinking a bit. Felix dried his hair as best as he could with a towel, helping to wrap another around his waist. The two stepped out, Chan happy to see them, Felix reciprocating those feelings but he didn’t, he couldn’t feel much at the moment anyways. His eyes landed on the bed, noticing the folded clothes, which weren’t what he had worn when he was brought there, nor was it Chan’s fashion decision of dressing them in one of his shirts and no pants.
“Those… those are my clothes…”
“Yeah. I figured you would be more comfortable wearing normal clothes.”
“Those are my clothes… where did you…”
“Oh, I had your keys and I know where you live. I went to your apartment this morning and brought over your things. The essentials like clothes and some of your neat trinkets, things you can share with Felix when you’re allowed upstairs full time.”
“You… you went… to my house?”
“Well you’re moving in, you don’t need the apartment. I’ll just sell the other stuff you had before your rent is due okay, don’t worry about it.”
  Chan ruffled his hair playfully. If Jisung cared enough he would have avoided the touch but his mind was still trying to process what Chan had done. A tear slid down Jisung’s cheek.
“You… you… you cleaned out my apartment…”
“It’s official then!” Felix cheered. “Always wanted a proper roommate!”
  Felix hugged the other but Jisung was frozen in place. He felt like he couldn’t breath, starting to panic. His anxiety was noticed and Chan tried to soothe him, pulling him into a hug and rubbing his back.
“Don’t be sad Sungie, you’ve got me. We’ll look at other stuff like social media and bank accounts later okay.”
  That just made him start crying alongside his panic. Even if he didn’t want to, he couldn’t help but hug Chan back, not for comfort though, he sobbed into the others shirt, digging his nails into the older boys back in agony. His life was practically over, everything he had was being taken from him, and he couldn’t do anything to stop it. Although he still had some hope.
“My friends…” He pulled away and looked at Chan through tears. “My friends will know something is wrong… they’ll notice I’ve disappeared… they’ll come looking for me!”
“Don’t worry about that, I won’t let them interfere with your treatment. Besides, you’ll be all better by the time they realize and you can calm them down yourself.”
“You’re sick!”
“No, I’m just helping you. Now, let’s get you dressed. Felix, why don’t you make breakfast?”
“Yes! I can cook for Jisung!”
  Felix ran upstairs with a skip in his step. Chan stayed, helping Jisung dress, facing no resistance. Despite the early breakdown he still couldn’t do much on his own. Jisung was pretty much shut down at that point, he didn’t want to talk, rather torture himself by wallowing in this nightmare he got himself into. When he was dressed Chan took him upstairs.
   Jisung stayed quiet. He didn’t want to eat, but that wasn’t acceptable, Chan taking it upon himself to feed him. He only ate cause his body was running on autopilot, and even if he wasn’t aware, he was hungry. Eating also made Felix really happy, he was making noises that said he liked the food, it was good after all, and the chef was happy his food was being enjoyed.
  When breakfast was over he stayed seated. Since he clearly wasn’t able to do anything himself, Chan didn’t want him to be left alone while he was in that state, so he figured it was best to let him stay on the first floor with Felix looking after him. He had work to do in the basement, and also wanted Jisung to use the chance to stretch his legs and get a change of scenery too, also to get familiar with his new home.
   Felix was doing the dishes as Jisung stayed at the table. The words didn’t register, nothing really registered. Though, at some point he got up and walked around, he was slow in his movements, so Felix didn’t worry too much about him being out of sight, he kept talking too, just making his voice louder.
   Jisung made his way to the living room, the furniture was certainly more than enough for two people, nice big TV mounted on the wall. Although what caught his attention, pulling him into his dreadful reality, were the pictures on the walls. Some of the pictures he saw were of Felix and Chan, some taken in the house, some in places he didn’t recognize, but they were certainly taken somewhere else. His attention was then drawn to the pictures on a table, he grabbed one.
   What stood out the most was Felix. He and Chan didn’t look like a couple, more like two friends sharing a drink, but the eyes. Chan looked rather the same, maybe happier and more energetic now. Felix on the other hand, despite looking happy, his eyes reflected pain, he was forcing that smile. It was like the complete opposite of the Felix he knew, the boy he knew was always smiling, always at ease and relaxed, his eyes glowing with happiness.
  His gaze then drifted over to another picture. He was dumbfounded at first, not sure if it was real. He traded pictures, starting at himself and Chan sitting by a campfire together, both grinning like idiots. Jisung shook his head, squinting his eyes, but it was really them. He remembered Chan asking someone to take the picture but he had no idea it had been printed and framed, let alone placed in a frame next to a picture of him with his other boyfriend. With that new info he became aware of other photos of him and Chan in the living room.
“I always wondered when I’d meet you.”
  Felix’s voice startled Jisung. He had been lost in his own thoughts, not realizing Felix had stopped shouting from the kitchen and had actually come into the living room. The other had a soft smile on his face and came over and took the picture from him.
“Chan wouldn’t stop talking about you, he told me everything.”
“Wait… Chan told you about me?”
“And you’re not… mad or something? You know… we were dating.”
“But aren’t you two… a thing?”
“Me and Chan, yeah we are, but we don’t… we don’t like, go out on dates. I don’t like going outside and leaving the house… so I was really happy Chan had you! Someone to keep him company at those parties and make him happy. Just look at the two of you!”
“If you two are… doesn’t that mean… Chan was cheating on you? Cheating on me with you…”
“What? I don’t see it as cheating, he wasn’t hiding me from you.”
“But he was hiding you from me. Is that why he never… showed me affection? Just party and have fun with me… and then come home to cuddle with you?”
“No, that’s not it. Chan really loves your smile, your laugh, that’s all he ever wanted to do when he was with you, make you happy. The way he talks about you, he can go on for hours. That’s why I was so curious when he’d bring you home.”
“Are you saying… Chan always planned to do this… to me?”
“I don’t know, I would think so. It’s clear he really loves you, so of course he’d want to make you the happiest person ever!”
“Felix!” Chan’s shouting cut them off. “Can you go into the garden and get me some herbs?”
“Yeah, which ones!” Felix put the picture down. “I’ll be right back.”
  Jisung was left alone, he stared at the pictures again. He wasn’t sure if this was his fate since he met Chan, but he started feeling sick, he couldn’t look at the pictures anymore. He stepped out into the hall, he looked up the stairs, wondering what the second floor was like for a moment but he didn’t think he had the strength to make that climb, although he was feeling better. Then the sound of buzzing caught his attention.
   He looked back to see a basket on a table near the front door. He walked over to see his phone, keys, and wallet were there, among other things. His phone buzzed again and he grabbed it, he was getting a message from Minho. From what he saw the other had no idea Jisung had been kidnapped. He was about to answer when he heard the doorbell ring. It startled him, but he somehow managed to smile, Chan was in the basement and Felix in the backyard, none were as close to the front door as he was. Getting out of the house alone wouldn’t have helped him, but now he had his phone, and he could tell the person at the door he was being held captive.
   His mind was still hazy and his body wasn’t fully functioning, but for this he didn’t need it to. When he opened the door he stepped out and hugged the person there, tightly. He started sobbing, the stranger clearly confused by the situation. Jisung was mumbling into some random person’s shirt, just relieved there was someone else who could actually help him. Eventually he was patted on his back, then grabbed and moved back.
“Are you okay?”
“I… I… no… they’ve been-”
  Jisung stopped talking when he heard Chan’s voice, freaking out a bit more when it seemed the person at the door wasn’t a stranger but a friend to his kidnapper. He was worried for a moment, but then realized this was his chance to expose Chan and get help, for him and Felix.
“You have to help me!”
“Help you? I don’t-”
  Jisung was suddenly yanked back into the house, Chan’s arm wrapped around him, pinning him against the older boy. He noticed the phone and took it from Jisung, turning it off and putting it in his pocket. Jisung whimpered, rather frozen in place once again.
“Changbin, this is Jisung.”
“Jisung? Your boyfriend?”
“I thought you two split up.”
“It was more like a break really, he’s living here with me now and I’m taking care of him.”
“Like Felix?”
“Oh, oh did I interrupt-”
“It’s not your fault, I was expecting you later.”
“I had the time and figured it wouldn’t hurt to come by sooner, I should have called, my bad.”
“You’re fine.”
“Changbin!” Felix rushed over, hugging the other. “Hi, it’s been a while.”
“I saw you like a few days ago. Anyway, how have you been?”
“Good! Oh, have you met Jisung! He’s my new roommate!”
“I just did and he seems lovely.”
“What…” Jisung finally managed to speak. “You’re… you’re not going to help me?”
“I can’t help you the way Chan will.”
“No! No, he’s sick! He’s crazy! He’s not gonna help me!”
“Easy Jisung.” Chan’s grip got tighter. “Sorry, I just started his treatment, his mind is a mess right now.”
“I can tell.”
“I’ll be right back, Felix, keep him company for me.”
“Will do.”
  Whatever strength Jisung had he used it to fight, to squirm and try to get free. He screamed when he was taken downstairs, clearly not aware that he lost. He was expecting to be taken to his room, ready to strike with whatever he had when he was let go but that wasn’t the case. Chan dragged him over to the table he had been strapped down to before. There was no way he was gonna let himself be tied down again, but that was never the plan.
   Chan struggled a bit to keep Jisung in his grasp, but managed to pin him against the table. Jisung kept up his thrashing, not aware that Chan was reaching over for an oxygen mask. Before he knew it Chan was pressing that thing against his face, Jisung unintentionally taking in a deep breath of the gas. It didn’t take long for the drugs to affect him and he went limp, Chan letting out a sigh in relief.
“You really snapped up there huh? It’s okay though. I’m not mad, it’s not your fault.”
  Jisung didn’t respond, his head spinning way more than before, and tears were building up again. Chan gently looked him over, he was barely conscious, but at least he was calm. He picked him up and took him to his room. He had a few scratch marks, but he didn’t care, at least Jisung was unharmed. He stayed for a moment, making sure Jisung would be alright, gently petting him, a few whimpers escaping the little ones lips.
“Sh, sh, sh, you’re okay. I shouldn’t have left you alone, I’m sorry. It won’t happen again, get some rest.”
  Chan softly kissed the boys forehead, tucking him in and leaving him to sleep. Jisung’s drugged up self couldn’t really process what had happened, but he was aware of the lesson he had learned. Chan’s friends knew what he was and they wouldn’t help him, his situation was starting to really feel hopeless, no one was gonna save him.
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chicgeekgirl89 · 4 years
Mercy is Out of Your Reach: Chap. 3
Fandom: SEAL Team
Characters: Sonny Quinn, Clay Spenser, Lisa Davis, Jason Hayes, and the rest of the team
Read Chapters 1-3 Here
Clay wasn’t a doctor, but he could tell Sonny was in bad shape. It had been a little over forty-eight hours, by his best estimate, since they’d been taken, and his buddy looked like he was going downhill fast. Sonny’s clothes still weren’t completely dry from the initial soaking and subsequent near drowning. He was propped against the wall, arms crossed over his chest as if he was trying to keep himself warm, and his breathing seemed labored.
His own back was bruised and hurting from the minor beating he’d taken, but he was doing fine by comparison. At least they’d been pretty well left alone since their initial chat with Farhad. Maybe he had too many other things on his bad guy agenda to pay attention to his American prisoners. Although Clay suspected that wasn’t going to last much longer. “You all right?” he asked.
“Right as rain,” Sonny grunted, but he didn’t lift his head.
“You got a plan yet for getting us out of here?” Clay asked, switching topics since Sonny didn’t seem interested in talking about himself. 
Sonny squinted at him. “You asking me that cuz you really want to know? Or cuz you’ve already got one and you want to show off?”
He wished he had a plan. If he did they’d be out of here by now. But so far everything he’d come up with wasn’t feasible. Not while they were locked in this cell with armed guards all up and down the hall. Not with Sonny so sick. But maybe together they could come up with something. “Guards come by every half hour. Always in twos,” he said.
“There were six more cells and four doors between here and that room they took us to.”
Clay nodded; he’d noticed the same thing. “The girl who dropped the water off.”
That had been sometime yesterday. She’d been young, afraid. The guards waited outside while she set down the bucket and two plates of food. There had been no direct eye contact and when Clay had attempted to speak to her she’d flinched away and out the door as fast as she could.
“Could be somebody’s daughter,” Sonny said before coughing into his elbow.
“Hey you need to drink more man,” Clay said, taking in Sonny’s gray pallor. 
“I’m fine.”
“You don’t look fine.”
“Don’t matter how I look.” Sonny offered up a weak smirk. “‘Sides, you heard Farhad. You’re the pretty one anyway.”
The cell door clanged open and four guards stepped in. “We doing this again?” Sonny asked as the weapons were pointed at them and a command issued that clearly meant, “Get up.”
Back down the same hall, back into the same room. This time they didn’t waste a second; Sonny was dragged immediately over to the tub and dunked under. “Hey!” Clay struggled against the guards holding him and received several blows to his kidneys for his trouble. “Leave him alone!”
They pulled Sonny up and he made a horrible gasping, retching sound before they plunged him back under. In desperation Clay lashed out and managed to knock down one of his captors, the other thrown off balance, his grip going loose. Clay pulled away and made it about two feet toward Sonny before all his muscles seized at once and he collapsed. It was only when the excruciating pain finally hit that he realized what had happened. A stun gun. They’d struck him with a stun gun.
He wasn’t sure how much time passed, but by the time he was coherent again he could only lay groaning on the floor. There was a wet slap beside him and was able to turn his head enough to find Sonny in a similar position, coughing as if his lungs were trying to leave his body. “We’re just tourists,” Clay managed to gasp out. “We don’t know what you want. Please let us go.”
“I don’t believe you,” Farhad said. “You are American military. Stop trying to make me think otherwise.”
“Man please, please just let us go,” Clay begged.
It got him a boot to his ribs. “Tell me what you were doing in that café.”
“We were just eating man! My buddy’s got a cold, we got him some tea!”
Another kick that had him curling in on himself in pain. “I am losing my patience!” Farhad spat. “As I said before, I only need one of you. If you won’t talk, perhaps your wet friend over here will.”
Clay watched in horror as they pulled Sonny off the ground. One man pinned his arms behind his back while the other drew back his fist and punched him in the mouth. Sonny let out a sickened moan, blood dribbling onto the floor as they sank a second punch into his gut.
“Hey, hey stop it!” Clay yelled. “Leave him alone! He’s sick! Leave him alone!”
“Tell me what I want to know.” Farhad’s eyes were menacing.
Clay clenched his teeth. “We’re just tourists.”
“Fine then. I’m going to give you one more night to think about it. Tomorrow, I won’t care so much if either of you live. Or if your face stays too pretty for the Navy.”
Clay couldn’t tell if Sonny was conscious or not as they were dragged back to the cell. He waited for the door to shut before dragging himself over to his friend. “Sonny! Sonny hey! Hey look at me. Talk to me.”
Sonny remained listless, eyes fluttering and then mumbled something unintelligible. Clay shook him, trying not to hurt him any further, but needing him to be conscious.
“‘m ‘wake,” Sonny mumbled, rolling onto his side and spitting out a mouthful of blood. 
“How bad are you hurt?”
“Not bad.” He coughed and it sounded painful.
“Drink some water.” Clay reached for the bucket with aching, trembling muscles and pushed it toward him.
“Don’t need—“
“Damn it Sonny, drink some water!” Clay said desperately. He didn’t have any other way to help his brother and he was grasping at straws. The least Sonny could do was listen.
“You drink some,” Sonny rasped. “I just drank half a damn swimming pool. You’re the one that got hit with a stun gun. Probably still can’t feel your feet.”
It was true, he couldn’t. His head ached and the muscle in his left calf kept cramping, along with his back and shoulders. “We’ll both drink some.”
He waited for Sonny to take a couple sips and then took his own. Sonny coughed painfully again and let his head fall back against the wall, struggling to get a full breath. Clay swallowed hard and closed his eyes. They needed to be found. Soon.
His lungs ached. Every inhale was like breathing through a straw and every cough made sent fire through his chest. He couldn’t remember ever being this sick. What had just been a cold had definitely turned into something far worse. 
He knew Jason and the team were searching for them. But he also knew that their abduction had come out of nowhere and there was a good chance that they might not find them in time. 
Or ever. 
He was grateful that so far they’d gone easier on Clay. He was the senior man, the brunt of whatever was happening should fall to him. But damn it would be nice if they stopped giving him so many baths.
Something caught in his chest and he hacked out a cough into his elbow, gasping for air and taking a sip of water to soothe his raw throat and burning lungs. When he looked up Clay was watching him.
“How bad is it?” he asked.
Sonny shook his head, suppressing another cough as much as he could. “Not bad.”
“Don’t matter. Ain’t nothing you can do about it anyway.”
“You’re shivering.”
“Stone floor.” Sonny tapped it with his fist. “Cold as ice. Even in the summer.”
Clay slid closer so they were side by side and put a hand to Sonny’s forehead. “You’ve got a fever.”
No wonder his joints ached and his head felt like a bag of wet cement. “Little fever never hurt anybody.”
“Yeah except for the part where it could kill you or fry your brain like an egg.”
“Eh, not much up there anyway,” Sonny said with a grin, wincing when it made his split lip pull and start bleeding again. With how painful each breath was he’d almost forgotten that they’d thrown a couple sucker punches in for good medicine.
“So tell me about Rebecca.”
Clay raised his eyebrows at the abrupt change of subject. “You don’t like Rebecca.”
“But I like you.” Sonny tried to settle into a more comfortable position and then gave up. Everything was uncomfortable when you couldn’t breathe. “And you like her. Sell her to me.”
“Sell her to you?”
“You know what I mean. Tell me what’s good about her. Give me all the dirty details.”
“I’m not—“ Clay shook his head. “She’s smart.”
“Well I figured that Mr. ‘War and Peace is Bedtime Reading.’ You’re always going for the hot and nerdy ones.”
“She’s passionate.”
“Now we’re getting somewhere.”
Clay rolled his eyes. “I mean about her job. She really cares, you know? Wants to make change.”
“Ah, one of those.”
“Yeah one of those. But she means it. I can tell. She makes me feel…like maybe I can do something more, you know? Be better. Make the world a better place.”
Sonny shrugged. “Kinda thought you already did that.”
“You know what I mean. In a different way. A bigger way.”
“You want bigger I’ll let you handle the explosives next time we need ‘em.”
“That’s not what I’m talking about.”
“Well, I can appreciate wanting to make things better.” He squinted at his friend. “Don’t tell me the looks don’t have anything to do with it though.”
Clay tried and failed to cover up his smirk. “She is definitely…nice to look at.”
“Ha! I knew it!” The laugh cost him and he started coughing again. “Damn it.”
He took a shaky breath trying to get under control. “You all right?” Clay asked.
“I’m fine. Fine as I’m gonna be.” Every breath felt like knives, but sure. He was fine. 
“So what about you and Davis?”
Just the mention of her name and it felt like he’d been shot directly through the heart. “What about it?”
Clay looked at him. “You never really told me all that happened there.”
He didn’t want to talk about this now. Or maybe ever. “We were together, then we weren’t. Job got in the way.”
“But when you were together, it was good?”
“Best thing I’ve ever had,” Sonny said, throat feeling tight as memories flitted through his mind.
“D’you love her?”
Sonny fiddled with a stray string on his shirt. “We loved each other.”
The use of past tense felt like a lie even as it passed his lips. Sitting here in this filthy hellhole he knew: he still had feelings for her. He’d probably always have feelings for her. Their’s was a story left unfinished and now…it looked like they might never get a shot at a happy ending.
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namjoonchronicles · 5 years
flutter | yg
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↳ NOTES flutter /ˈflʌtə/ noun, a state or sensation of tremulous excitement, informal•british a small bet.
↳ GENRE fluff, domestic af
↳ WORDS 5.1k
↳ SUMMARY –Future is scary. The possibilities and vast chances to take. A recent letter pivots your family to an emotional frenzy and with the impending stress coming up, your husband does all he can to be supportive and push you through. And it wasn’t the only thing he pushed in you. But this time, he’s up for the transition as well, kind of?
↳ WARNING horrible fluffy shit I hadn’t been able to write for awhile, yoongi plays piano (yes, that’s a warning), skinship (pfft, wtf is wrong with me), lots of touching domestic thingy, excessive consumption of coffee, tub scenes (smacks lips), sweaty yoongi (are you kidding me, it deserves its own warning fk you)
↳ NAMJOONCHRONICLES’ HONORARY TAG LIST @kai-tashi @joon94net @yourlocalalien @snugglemejeon @septemberalien @yoongiseesaw
↳ SPECIAL THANKS TO @fangirlaholicxx my sunshine~ and a gift to @majestikblue
↳ SONG joe hisaishi’s ‘merry go round of life’
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As the rain begins to drizzle, you heard a piano being played so beautifully, it stirred you awake with a smile on your face. Sweeping your legs off the mattress, no bed frames, you pushed the door open and tattled down the hallway. Slowly, it reveals your husband's gorgeous shoulder frame and his fingers dancing on the keys, his head swaying to the sound. You smiled wider now that you recognize the tune from long time ago. And how it fits the feeling of being and falling in love with him. The fact that he wanted to play this particular song gave your heart the familiar flutter of meeting him for the first time, underneath that bridge by the blossoming tree. How angelic he looked, how his every move made you shudder, just by standing there. And not even a word was exchanged yet.
In small, calculated steps you peeped by the corner of his eyes as he plays, not wanting to startle him. A small smile is formed on the prettiest lips you've ever seen. Your eyes were cast on the view of his wedding band, there gliding on the keys. He scooted over for you to take the seat and you leaned your head on his shoulder. The notes are coming to an end. Around you are opened large boxes, stacks of old newspapers, tapes and ropes. The walls are empty and the carpets are gone. All the things that used to be there, no longer. He links his head atop of yours. Long after the last note is played, and sustained, only the loudest silence remains. But a breathtaking silence. The kind that leaves you enveloped in a dreamy state, and in a trance as the notes linger in the back of your mind. He lifts his fingers off the keys and slid them around your shoulders.
"Thought that it would be nice to play the song that made you recognize me on our last day here," he whispered against your hair and pressing his lips right after.
"It's not our last day, it's the piano's last day here...we need to head back to return the house keys later," you thwarted, lifting your chin up to kiss him properly on the lips. Yoongi's lips twitch into a smile, and his hand rode down your spine, caressing you warmly.
Staring at the empty walls, nails and photo frames brought down to lean against the wall suddenly make you feel burdened with emotions you had been suppressing all this while. But still, it is not enough to let you shed tears.
A plate of biscuits and black coffee, set on the floor, for a simple breakfast to start the day. In the chaotic week, the twins are sent to Yoongi's village where his mom could take care of them. So they would video-call in the morning to see how things are. The younger of the two was really excited to seeing and living in a new space. Although  the same could not be said for the first born who is, as Yoongi would say, rather rigid like you are. This change was long over-due and it takes time for you to actually take the fact in. You had grown fond of the place and removing everything that you had taken time to select and put up was a sore spot. Thankfully, Yoongi's high adaptability helped you get settled in real quick.
"The boys wanted to talk to you," you passed the phone to him as he hurried to shove the whole biscuit into his mouth and chewed. He gulps, sitting on the floor with one knee propped up. He clawed the air, waiting for the coffee you were drinking from. The boys are already asking the questions, such as, 'When are you coming', 'What is taking so long' and several other unrelated things. All the mugs are boxed away and already in the new apartment so you had to share. When he finally gets his fix, Yoongi frowned at the screen where the boys were cackling to see their father in such incomprehensible state. 
"Alright, Min Gyeonghan and Min Gyeongnam. What's good guys?" Yoongi scrunched his face but kept his eyes glued on the screen, swallowing the dry cookies. The sight made you smile in content.
The boys said that they found a wild squirrel a few days ago, and helped grandmother tie up haystacks, which was a nice transition considering the two had been raised largely in cities. You welcomed the transformation but Yoongi was like, "What about piano? Have you been practicing? Go fishing next time...when I'm around."
At seven years old, Han in particular, showed incredible piano skill with accurate emotional compensation and was fond of playing by ear. However, Nam was excellent in sight reading musical scores while quite not able to implore the same gift into his playing. So as a result, Nam usually gets more practicing hours than Han does. This trip back to the village was something Nam really enjoys. Something he can put his hands on and do well. He recently helped build a bird house for a sparrow. It seems that the two boys are taking all of the talented Min genes.
"So, mom and I are going to finish packing up today, and we're going to visit the new house later, would you like us to call you then? So you could see?" Yoongi asked and the boys nodded enthusiastically.
The call ended in gummy smiles from both sides.
You pour another mug of black coffee before Yoongi stops you midway. "That's enough coffee for you, today, if you drink too much, you won't be able to sleep," Yoongi takes the mug away and chugs it down without pausing in between. You eyed  at the good coffee you just made sadly, settling in Yoongi's stomach instead of yours. With the breakfast finished and the children updated, Yoongi continued packing, placing the vase, buffered with crumpled newspapers and when it's full, you placed a fragile tape on them. You threw the marker pen at Yoongi, he caught it in one hand and scribbled, 'Vases & Decor'. The task didn't end there, Yoongi needed to disassemble the book rack in the study room. So he is now seated on the floor, unscrewing the bolts and you collect all the screws, placing it in a transparent small zipper bag labeled as 'book rack #1'. The curtains were the last thing you took off because you didn't want your windows to be spied on while you were still there. Yoongi is on top of the ladder, taking the curtain holder off while you wait underneath to fetch the fabric.
"There's so much dust on it," you commented.
"That's why I told you to get the vacuum with a longer nozzle but you insisted to have the cordless one, not realizing your hand is too short for it to reach up here," Yoongi complained. "I didn't think it through," you scratched your head as he climbed down. "We need a shower," he smirked and clicked his tongue.
"W-we? What do you mean we..."
He meant we.
Folded card boards. Stacked pile of books and bags of trash. Half-wrapped vase and nail holes in the wall where picture frames used to hang. Left abandoned.
Opened bathroom door. Two soaked bodies in the tub. You leaned your head back on Yoongi's chest, skin to skin, basking in the filled tub, enjoying the silence. Yoongi had his eyes shut, arms resting along the brims.
"It's been awhile since we done this, isn't it?" "Quite awhile. I think ever since the boys came."
You let out a relieved sigh. What a relief to have his mother taking care of them until you and Yoongi successfully packed your belongings to move to the new neighborhood. What a relief it is to have a hand to hold when things as scary as this happens. What a relief it is to have Yoongi. 
The world doesn't seem so lonely anymore. But as the time dragged on, you begin to wonder if it was a good decision knowing how many changes will take place. Sure Yoongi had been on board with anything you'd propose after a careful thought, and you know he's not the kind to agree on things that are bleak, knowing that the twins will be brought along on the ride, but standing at a cross road between two important paths that doesn't allow you to remain as you were, is unspeakably horrifying. With that thought, your fragile strength wavered like a weathered flag by the sea.  
"What if I wasn't as good as I thought I was," you blinked to the view of Yoongi's knee next to yours. Waters lapping as you dunk your hand into the water, linking together. He removes his arm from the brims and hugged your waist, pressing his lips on your shoulder. Your hands flew to the back of his hair, caressing them, before sliding them down the side of his cheek, guiding his lips on yours for a kiss. His wandering eyes flutters close against your cheek, the sound of his breathing in your ear. And what his lips was doing sending you to a complete trance. Just like he did with the piano. Like what he did with the piano.
"What if things turn out to become worser than it is, what will I do then?" you chuckled with watery eyes. Yoongi shook his head and buried his face into your nape instead of responding. "What kind of mother enrolls herself for a degree at this age," you continued. Yoongi didn't join you. He just held you closer and told you the most reassuring words ever, "We'll be okay. You, and the boys, we can do literally anything and everything."
"Are you going to be okay?" "I will be, if you are."
When the offer letter arrived in the mail, you were a concoction of feelings. Delighted, fearful, unsure and uncertain. A combination that was self-destructive on its own. Although it had always been your dream to further your studies, you're not 20 and single anymore. You were older, with financial commitments, an intuitive husband and two gorgeous sons. Pinned with self-induced guilt, you threw the letter, along with its envelope into the bin of your study room. That Yoongi found. A huge argument followed. Cold war was initiated, and sturdiness stringed along sending the boys in distress because they could sense what was happening but could not do anything. Yoongi wanted you to further your studies, because it was your dream. But you wanted to continue this life you've been living, as a mother, as a wife, as someone who has a regular job. To help with the financial demands and expenses. To aid Yoongi.
And to study meant, you'll be adding new debt. You'll be leaving Yoongi with the boys. You'll have to move closer to the university and that means Yoongi had to leave his music academy he pioneered. It meant he has to give up teaching a large class with older kids who were serious about music and trade that with a personal one-to-one class sessions at home with students he could find from the nearby neighborhood. That itself will cause a strain in the financial stance. Not to mention, a pinch in the money bag, as the new neighborhood are full of the musically talented, upper middle class families. The change in the community will expose the boys with unfamiliar upbringings and you hoped that you had given them enough strength, should that day happen. Yoongi wasn't afraid of all these minor things. He was not afraid of changes. As long as we live the way we have lived so far, there will be no bumps in the road we cannot conquer. His core strength was something you admired for so long.
After the shower, he asked if you would be up for making one last memory in this place, on this thin mattress, barely dressed. You scoffed in reply while he glued his lips on your neck, pulling you down with him.
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The piano is transported into the moving truck, and the last box was in Yoongi's arm. You did the honor of locking up the apartment carefully. Two boxes were in the backseat of your car since it was fragile. With a mechanical click of the door, you cast a prayer on its view, "May everything goes well from this moment onward." To our new beginnings.
Yoongi is now seated in the driver's seat. But as he waits for you, he reaches for his Canon camera, looked through the view, and snapped a picture of you as you stood there, holding the knob, and looking up at the door you've opened and closed a thousand times, feeling a little nostalgic. He took the shot without telling you and a faint smile appeared on his lips. His sweater paws covering his knuckles makes him look softer than usual. You caught him already looking at you, leaning his chin on his hand that rests on top of the car roof.
"What..." you shyly stepped down the stairs and to the red car. "Nothing, you're just glowing," he blinked, starry-eyed.
You pressed your lips together and rolled your eyes at him, "Alright Romeo, drive, please."
He chuckles lightly and climbed into the car, grabbing the wheels and slammed the car door shut. The engine whirls alive and tires begin rotating, embarking a new journey, a new clean slate, blank canvas that's waiting ahead.
Upon arriving to the new location, located five hours away from your old apartment, Yoongi stops at the safeguard house to present the key card that allowed him to enter. After some simple instructions, he was taught to simply tap the key and the laser gates dissolve. He was already so astonished. You told him that they have two parking spots for each residence, so that was pretty neat. Easier to have the guests around. The apartment has spacious elevator and the flooring was marble.
"It definitely looks painful to keep," he mumbled. "Yeah," you sighed, staring at right while he stares at the left.
"Sir, where can we put the piano?" the man asked from behind you. "Right by the window there, please, thank you," he answered quickly, then he whispered in your ear, "We might need a bigger piano to make the space look fuller. White baby grand?"
White baby grand sounds perfect to be honest. At the mention of refurnishing, your heart swells at the thought of new, more up-to-date furniture and the wider choices you have but dissipates at the possible expenses that will send you to your early grave earlier. As if he heard your thoughts, Yoongi shot, "I've got savings, so don't you worry about that." One by one, boxes were being brought in, kitchen appliances one of the first to be unpacked because you two needed to eat. The coffee machines, the mugs and plates, the dish racks, the wine glasses, oven mittens and rugs. And then the mattresses. While you hammer the nails in to the wall, Yoongi used his screw fasteners to assemble the bed frames. Sweats beaded on his forehead, his drenched white shirt stuck on his skin as he moves from one post to another. He wipes the trickles down his chin with the back of his hand, drilling his eyes to one of the post and then the other.
"Sweetie?" He called for you. "Yeah?" "Can you come here for a bit?"
You didn't question more and leave your hammer behind to attend to your husband, now sweatier than you remembered. You placed yourself next to him and looked at the bed post like he did. Instantly, you picked up on what he thought.
"You're right, it should be on the other side, or we won't have space to walk," you commented. With that simple intervention, Yoongi had you lifting the bed post along with him. He kept asking if it was too heavy and you can stop if you want to, but you'll have to wait until his friend comes over. You said there's no reason to do that, you were impatient as is, and you can't wait to have the whole house come to full view. With the bed frames positioned in a new angle, Yoongi can continue his work easier. All that's left is to put the wooden slats on top and then mattress comes above it, then he can move to the twins room next. He'll leave you to choose what bed sheets you want. He checks how strong the frames are holding up and when he is satisfied, he placed the wooden slats and put the mattress over it. He went out the hallway to check up on you. And while you were nailing, he asked, "What should we have for lun--" he pauses and scowls at the wall clock, "I mean dinner."
But his sudden question caught you off guard and the nail slip from your index finger and thumb, just as the hammer comes. The nail graze you and a steady spot of blood consistently form on its opening. Yoongi took your thumb  into his mouth while you hiss in pain. You hit his butt as he suckles on, his hip flinches comically. Eyes never leaving you. He grabbed the tissue from the side and have you pressing on the small wound. You can't even stay mad at him. A moment later, he was on his phone calling a diner for four rice servings, three side dishes and one main dish. You were busy checking if the nails he nailed in for you were strong enough to hold a picture frame. With your wounded hand, messily self-made bandage, you begin vacuuming the dust on the crevices , being a neat freak that you are. Yoongi's conversation was interrupted by the water boiler bubbling done and then the doorbell. Both of you looked at the door and then at each other. You were already marching forward to the doorway but Yoongi grabbed your wrist in a lazy hold as he ends the phone call with the diner.
When the door is opened, it reveals a slightly short stature man with huge grins. He introduces himself with a blinding smile, and two containers wrapped in a cloth.
"My wife and I heard that you guys just moved in so, here's a little welcoming gift from the both of us. My name is Park Jimin," he bit his smile, and gave a polite bow, "I live down the hall there," he pointed with his finger and leaning forward like an oversize child. It's hard to even picture him as someone's husband. But the wedding band is clearly worn, in addition with some other chrome rings, suggesting to Yoongi that Jimin, might be a quite fashionable man.
"Min Yoongi," he smiled back and placed his hand on the small of your back, "My wife."
"It's just the two of you?" Jimin asked out of curiosity, and being quite secretive with your personal details, you were taken aback by Yoongi's unprecedented honesty when he mentions that you have two twin boys. But appreciated when he didn't mention their names. Jimin's lips shaped in an 'O' and he nods at the understanding that the rumors he heard was wrong.
"What about you, Park Jimin? Do you have children?" You diverted the attention to him. And he gladly complied. The ones that asks questions are the ones in power. "I have a baby daughter, she's four months old," he beamed, "But she's not here right now, she has chicken pox so my mother is taking care of her at the village since we both work."
Jimin peeks over Yoongi's shoulder and saw a piano standing by the window.
"You guys play piano?"
Okay, he's getting nosy. Yoongi blinks rapidly, "Yes we do. We'd really like you to come in but the house hasn't been properly set up yet so it's unfortunate..."
"Oh no, it's okay. I've always wanted to resume my piano lessons but having children doesn't make that possible..." Jimin steps back, understanding that he had crossed some lines. Yoongi reciprocate with a peace offering, "I'm not properly settled yet, but maybe I could mention that I own a music academy back in Daegu, so I can offer you a lesson. You live down the hall right?" Yoongi reconfirms.
"Yes, yes! That would be great, you're a piano teacher! That's awesome..." "He is a composer too," you added. "Ah, she's exaggerating," Yoongi chuckles and send Jimin off to his way.
The food arrives just in time. With Jimin's generous wife providing kimchi and beansprout stew with tofu, your dinner was rather lavish.
The first scoop exudes a loud contented sigh. Yoongi lands his hand on your thigh, munching soundlessly. Scanning the room with your eyes, you made a mental note to mop the floors later to finish things up. The twins room need proper tending to, since the boys are pretty individualistic in their own taste so before Yoongi assembles the beds, you made a mental note to ask the boys what color they wanted on their walls and which sides they want.
The two, although physically alike, Han being the first born is very meek and shy, studious and textbook smart. So his colors are yellow pastels with pastel blue drawn moon and stars, you predicted. He has his own book rack that he aspires to fill up soon. He is not much of an outside person, so that's why you were surprised that he enjoyed being out and about in the village Yoongi's mom lived in.
Nam on the other hand, is quite a handful. The little rascal is the one adopting squirrels and taking in stray cats. The only time he is calm is when he is playing the piano. Nam is a violent sleeper and frequently wet his bed when he was younger. He doesn't do it anymore, but the memory stays vivid in your mind because Yoongi was sniffing around like a dog, because he swore he smelled something odd. And when it struck him, he clenched his eyes shut in silent pain, pinching the bridge of his nose. Nam probably preferred something in darker brown tone or dark blue so he could draw stars and planet on them. Very contrasting, isn't it? But they both liked skies.
There's another demanding decision to be made. Yoongi took a seat on the piano seat, revealed the keys and glide his fingers airily over the pretty black and white notes before turning to you in big wondering eyes. You stood there, mug between your palms, leaning your head against the wall.
"What should I play?" "I don't know, how are you feeling?"
For then, he drops his eyes to the keys, muttering if he could remember the notes correctly. And then. And then he begins A Thousand Years. Sending you fleeting away in the dreamy composition, knees buckling, as your eyes begins to water to the song you got married with. It was like your wedding once again. Your heart clenches and blooms at the same time. The emotions flooding with every notes played so expertly, dancing on his nimble fingers. His head lulls along with the music, clenching shut were his eyes. You could picture the montages of the yesteryear that passed, the hardships, the uncertainty, the leap of faith you took and opening your heart to him, and how it was the bravest and the scariest thing you've ever done. However, every big decision felt like a mistake in the beginning.
With two kids, and a happy home; there's nothing more you could ask for. Everything you needed, needing and will need, is right here.
Devotion that he portrays so effortlessly, made you want to match to his standards. It was something you had never seen before. Yoongi is more action than a word man. He doesn't say 'I love you' as frequently as you'd like him to, but it shows in everything he does. From how he wakes the boys up with a kiss good morning, passing you your morning coffee and getting the meals ready when it's his turn to cook, to the way he invites you to a sudden dance by the parking lot on your bad days, grabbing the boys by the waist when they misbehave, or how he cries at each of their piano recitals knowing he's their teacher, and how he takes every meltdown so swiftly in the way only Yoongi does well. You are always at awe of his dedication, and how he seems to know everything he needs to know. He doesn't run away from commitment although it took awhile for him to convince himself to marry. Yoongi is always so put-together, always understanding the situation beyond the surfaces and the outward view.
The tears welling up the brims, impending to fall. Until it finally surrenders from its own weight, trailing down steadily on one side as the song comes to an end. Yoongi looks up with his own eyes glittering. He reached out for your hand and brought you to the wide glass doors, overlooking the view the balcony had. He positioned you in front of him, and you pressed your back to his chest. And he sways his body side to side with you, enjoying the sapphire blue star studded transitioning sky, and one by one, the neighboring residences flickering their lights on. He nuzzled his face in your hair, hugging your waist so tight as if you could disappear into thin air if he held any loose.
"Would you look at that view," he whispers softly in your ear. The images shifts to the reflection of you and him on that glass door, faintly there, and, "There's stars inside of us."
He then brought his arm up around your shoulders, and hums a melody. He shut his eyes, feeling contented with just your presence. And then your index finger, floats over his forearm in a trance.
"The house feels empty without them," you confessed. "I know right," he shot, "Let's hurry up, and finish setting everything so we can have the boys here." "I can't believe I'm saying this but I miss having a fight with them."
With another shared shower, in a somewhat larger tub, the sheets are clean and ready for use, waiting just outside. Yoongi and you climbed on the bed at the same time.
"I can't wait for all of us to live here, I think the boys will really like it... it has playground and the tub is huge, their room is bigger than the last one, they will be so excited and I can't wait for those little faces lit up..." you cheerfully did the shoulder dance until Yoongi begins to snore. And not even the usual kind of snore. More like the surprise attack snore that doesn't give you any warning. Sudden silence and then a hitched breathing in. Your smile dissipates immediately and you frowned at your husband, jaws hanging open, with a hint of saliva pooling at the corners which he sloppily licked over and you scooted closer to his face, eyes falling to the view of his nose and lashes, where you whispered, "You look ugly when you sleep..."
Pause, and pressing your lips on his cheek bones, "But I still love you."
He turns to the side away from you and hogs the blanket, mumbling, "You look ugly too."
Huh. Is that so.
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Yoongi's first morning in the new neighborhood includes brewing coffee for the missus and then a stroll down the park to the nearest convenient store to buy some bread and jams for breakfast. Maybe fine sliced beef and eating more of that expensive beef since the boys aren't here. And as he made his way to the cashier, a small ruckus was heard from the entrance where a men was holding two toddlers in each hand while having another one in the baby sling back. He is very attractive for a father of three, to which Yoongi flinches at the thought of possibly falling for a guy.
"Alright, Tata," he spoke and the gorgeous baritone sends Yoongi's arm to sudden chill, "Where did you find that key?" The smart little one points at the apple in the freezer. "We're not having apples until you tell me, where you got that key... Come on sweetie, daddy's gotta go pee, we don't have time for this," he sobs cutely, stomping his feet. Yoongi thanks the cashier and took his bagged groceries, passing the handsome father, idly.
"Taehyung, you dummy, that's Namjoon's key. Give me back my daughter, Lily get back here," this one is also a good looking father, barging through the door, almost hitting Yoongi in the process. "I know I told you I'm going to lend you my game console, that doesn't mean you can kidnap my Lily..." this taller one pestered.
"No! I like Uncle Taetae!" the one who is about seven, throttled back to his dad, Yoongi assumed. "Why?!" "The key is Namjoon's? But Seokjin-hyung, why is it here?" "Because Koya dropped it, you coconut head! You need to give it back to him..." "But he changed his door lock about two weeks ago..." "It doesn't matter?" Seokjin felt how ridiculous the conversation is, "I have to be home, my in-laws are coming..."
What an interesting neighborhood. Good thing is Yoongi don't have toddlers anymore to be hanging out with those losers. Until he receives a phone call from you, asking for a morning sickness pill safe for pregnant women on his way up.
"I think we'll have another one, Yoongs."
That's the thing about families you know. One thing leads to another, and then it piles on. Unexpected, uncertainties, the so-called picturesque view of a blank canvas can sometime be really scary even for Yoongi. So if you're pregnant, and lecture begins in a month, the boys will be back home, Yoongi will be torn limb-by-limb until the baby is delivered. And probably not even then. His fingers run chill, the hair behind his neck stood up. All those sleepless nights, the murky stained shirt, vomits and poops are coming back to haunt him.
His view flew to the bickering fathers now calming their two toddlers, crying for god knows what reason. Are you ready for the chaos that's about to unfold? Will Yoongi be ready to be a house husband and join those very idiots he called losers?
COPYRIGHT © 2019 NAMJOONCHRONICLES do not repost, who do you think is going to be revealed as the house husband for the next fic of this lovely neighborhood? share what you love, tell me what you liked in this one
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touchmycoat · 5 years
kinktober: day 28
day 28: writing on the body
this wasn’t meant to be sickfic, much less incomplete sickfic, but here we are. I’ll finish, clean, and post to AO3 later.
The rendezvous was on a summer island once more, the air so superheated this time that even Ace wanted to run around fully nude. He couldn’t feel excessively hot or anything, what with literally being fire and all—it was just the atmosphere the whole island brought about. It made him want to sweat and run for a dunk in a freshwater lake or wrestle someone for an icy shower.
Others didn’t have it so easy. Thatch’s hair had gone fully limp since day zeroth, whatever he used to keep up the ‘do melting and dripping off his forehead in nasty milky trails. Marco was okay, though little licks of blue fire keep getting spotted on his exposed skin, healing the sunburns he swore he didn’t get.
Sabo, when he got to the island, promptly took off all his clothes.
“Don’t,” he ordered, dunking his hands into the tub of water that had gone tepid in a matter of minutes after Ace prepared it, “touch me, ‘cause I won’t be held responsible for what I’ll do.”
“Aw, babe, I’ve missed you too,” Ace replied, tone as dry as Sabo’s hair was wet, now that he’s gone and sank his entire head into the water. “Aren’t Revolutionaries supposed to be hardier? You’re gonna let a little heat wave get you down?”
“I may also be running a little fever,” was Sabo’s admission. Ace scanned him in alarm, and now noticed an unnatural pink flush under his skin. “Everything is unpleasant and I’m dying.”
“I’m assuming that’s hyperbole.”
“Well I don’t keep sucking a doctor’s dick for no reason—where the fuck is Marco?”
Exploring, was the answer to that, and Sabo looked as impressed with it as Ace expected him to—which is to say, not at all.
“The one time I need him,” Sabo cursed in blatant mistruth. “That’ll teach me to ever trust again. There’s no way around it then—Ace, we have to go old school.”
“Unless you’ve brought your own eel’s blood, I can’t help you there,” Ace answered warily.
“I meant—”
“Nor do I have ginger root and all the necessary needles.”
With a sigh of frustration, Ace approached and hovered his hand about Sabo’s forehead, taking heed of Sabo’s warning against physical contact and hoping, sometime in the past five minutes, his fruit has given him some miraculous sensitivity to temperature in air convection. It hasn’t, but Sabo heaved a sigh of his own, and sullenly leaned his head into Ace’s hand.
“...Yikes.” It took a moment for Ace to translate the sensation on his hand to a normal human context. “You’re really burning.”
“If you truly love me,” Sabo muttered, peeling his head away with a grunt, “you’d go hunt an eel.”
“If I truly love you,” Ace corrected, pulling a den den mushi out of his bag, “I’d call Marco.”
One of Marco’s division members picked up.
“Hey Commander!” was Aoi’s cheery greeting. “Gimme a sec, our Commander’s left us a bit behind.”
“Just put me on the loudest volume,” Ace advised. As soon as she did, Ace yelled into the sparse canopy of trees in the broadcast, “hey Marco! Sabo’s dying!”
A beat. A burst of blue flames. A familiar face emerging with a frown.
“I’m assuming that’s hyperbole, yoi.”
“How would you know?” Sabo complained, not even looking at the den den mushi, so bleary-eyed he was and swaying on the spot. “You’re not here to anally probe me with a thermometer or anything.”
Giggling, and a cough. “Thanks, Aoi, I’ll take it from here.” Marco took his den den mushi and walked off down a more secluded path, waving his exploration team ahead. He wove between thick purple tree trunks until finally settling against one, staring into his side of the projection with overt concern. “Are you feverish? What symptoms are there yoi, and when did they start?”
This time, when Sabo opened his mouth to speak, a pallor suddenly washed across his face. He ended up tossing his head back in determined swallows, Adam’s apple bobbing as the tendons in his throat stood out in stark relief.
“Well,” Ace took over in dismay, “I think it’s safe to say he’s experiencing nausea. No coughing or sniffling so far. He just came in with a fever and didn’t want me to touch him.”
“Oh?” Marco took in the sight of Sabo standing completely nude, presumably assessing the cause. “Sabo, is it just general sensitivity, or does contact with your skin actually hurt?”
“Hurt is relative,” Sabo said, because even halfway to incoherent he needed to be difficult, “but I’m guessing you’re not telling me to compare it to being burned alive by actual fire.”
“Good guess yoi, I’m not telling you to do that,” was Marco’s flat reply. “Just compare being touched right now to, oh, your regular old knife wound.”
“Then sure, it hurts.”
“Okay any wounds, potential infections? Insect bites?”
“Not that I can see,” Ace reported, after an inspecting circle around Sabo. “Do you think he was poisoned then?”
“I mean, maybe?” Neither Sabo nor Ace had a response to Marco’s bewilderment. “But if he’s not saying anything about being poisoned yoi, we should just assume it’s a regular cold.”
Ace frowned. “How do you mean?”
“How do you mean, how do I mean?” Marco asked slowly.
“Well someone must’ve done this to him,” Ace argued logically. “How else could he contract an illness?”
“He could be immunocompromised for any number of reasons, and just—germs, viruses yoi. I don’t—” At Ace’s unyielding moue of incomprehension, Marco scratched frustratedly at the back of his head. “Honestly, if you’re suggesting what I think you’re suggesting, then that actually makes the possibility of Sabo being poisoned higher. How about it, Sabo? Any possibilities?”
“Yes.” Sabo blinked, and almost actually collapsed, knees buckling for just a tiny moment. Ace darted out to catch him, but refrained at the last moment from actual contact when Sabo managed to stay upright. “Okay I confess, I wasn’t listening to anything you guys were saying.”
“Lie down, for goodness sake,” Marco hissed, more out of worried sympathy than anger.
“It’ll hurt.”
“It’ll hurt a lot worse when you fall on your face, and I gotta carry you over to the bed,” Ace pointed out. He waved his arms about to herd Sabo in the direction of the mattress. “Just—lie flat on your back, and don’t move.”
“Breathing hurts too,” was Sabo’s whimpering complaint. But he did shy away from Ace’s hands and start moving toward the bed. His movements were stiff and obviously pained, and when one knee sunk into the mattress, Sabo made a sound of such utter distress that Marco flinched, all the way on the other end of the line.
“Okay yoi, I’m on my way back. But in the meantime Ace, grab the first aid kit I brought.” The tree trunks started to blur behind Marco as he jogged, then sprinted down the mountainside. “There should be a jar in the top right corner full of thick dark red paste.”
The first aid kit was a sizable buckle-up box that Marco brought onto every island landing. Every doctor and nurse practitioner in his division carried one.
“Looks like chili? Yup, got it.” The jar was larger than Ace’s fist and densely packed. He popped the top and sniffed it, expecting a punch of spice. What he got instead was an herbal sweetness, not overwhelming at all.
“Water down the paste a little bit, but leave it thick enough to paint with. There should be a pretty big brush in the kit as well yoi.”
When Ace found the brush and wielded it up in the air, Sabo’s eyes widened.
“You better not be planning on touching me with that thing.”
“At this point,” Ace commented with a side-eye look at Sabo’s awkward positioning, three limbs braced on the bed with the fourth still pending pain, “would it be worse?”
“Hopefully it’ll relieve the discomfort.” Marco made an unhappy noise, aimed at himself. “I gotta hang up—I’ll get there faster if I fly. But yes Ace, paint the liquid on any surface of the skin that’s in pain. It should be absorbed pretty quickly, and it’s fine if you paint over the same spots yoi. If it hurts worse, stop, and we’ll figure it out when I get back.”
“Got it.” Ace offered Marco a little smile meant to reassure. “We’ll see you soon then.”
Marco hung up with a rush of blue flames, and Sabo let out the most agonized groan yet, settling fully back onto the mattress. He’d tossed the pillow on the floor, and now held himself so rigidly against the soft sheets. Ace busied himself with the preparation of the water and paste in the basin he had given first to Sabo, but could barely take his eyes off of Sabo’s expression, eyes screwed shut and lips pressed into two pale, bloodless lines.
“Sabo,” Ace said lowly, in comfort, “the medicine’s ready. We’ll start with a small spot, okay? Where does it hurt worse?”
Sabo’s hands couldn’t even clench into fists—they were flexed tightly, like even touching himself was out of the question.
“Chest,” he bit out through teeth gritted so hard, Ace was genuinely keeping an eye out for blood spots along the gums. “Over my heart.”
The paste that Ace has mixed up looked like Thatch’s signature berry reduction, dripped with the consistency of that same dessert topping. With just one corner of the flat brush (the kind used for painting planks of wood and walls), Ace soothed a spot of it on Sabo’s left pectoral, watching in fascination as the color immediately soaked into the skin, drying until it sat like a tattoo.
“Can’t feel a thing,” came Sabo’s grudging admission. “You might need more.”
“Alright,” Ace agreed, soaking the entire width of the brush bristles. They were soft-ended and flexible, as if Marco prepared it for this very purpose in mind—minimizing pain in hypersensitive skin. “Here we go.”
Sabo’s breath came ragged and harsh when Ace stroked the brush more fully down his chest. The moment the paste started soaking into the skin however, a keening cry of relief left Sabo’s throat.
“That,” he demanded. “That. Just—everywhere.”
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blustersquall · 6 years
Could I request ♖ for Alistair/Roselyn? I miss them so much! (Though if you don't feel like doing them, Cullen/Nevena would be awesome too!) Thank you so much!
Behind the Throne universe~ Because I like Behind the Throne, still. Even if it really need some tweaking now I look back on it. >.>I hope this is okay~!
“She’s got quite a kick, you know… Our Olivia.” Alistair massaged his chin and the left side of his jaw examining his reflection in the small hand mirror Roselyn passed him. No bruising or visible injury… just some soreness. He stretched over the tub and placed the mirror on the small table nearby. “She’ll break some unlucky boy’s fingers if he gets too close when she’s older.”
Roselyn shrugged a shoulder as she pulled up a stool behind the tub. “At least we won’t need to worry about her too much.” She grabbed a silver jug from the table, dunked it in the water and went about wetting Alistair’s hair, shielding his eyes with her hand on his forehead, cupping his hairline. The water drowned out whatever Alistair said in return. 
It was some time since they had the chance to do this. To indulge in simple pleasures like bathing in each other’s company, and washing one another’s hair. The last few months of summer into autumn were full of festivals and celebration of the birth of the heirs to the throne. Then there were ambassadors coming from every corner of Thedas, offering the congratulations of their master or mistress and just happening to throw in that an alliance of marriage would be amenable. 
With the twins now almost six months old and beginning to get a little more of a grasp on the world around them, Alistair was looking forward to the winter months in Ferelden. The ambassadors would go home to stay warm for the winter. He and Roselyn would be able to simply be for the coming months. They could enjoy their first Wintersend with their children, surrounded by their own court and their friends. Less talk of politics, and more simple pleasures.
Roselyn placed the jug on the floor and retrieved a green glass bottle with a purple stopper. She emptied some sweet smelling blend into her hands, lathered them together and began to work the mixture into Alistair’s hair. He leaned back with a deep sigh, letting his head dangle off the back of the bathtub. 
“Do you think we should go away for the winter?” Roselyn asked after a few moments. Alistair opened his eyes enough so he could see his wife’s face upside-down. She was frowning - at least it looked like she was frowning, but it was difficult to tell from the current angle.
“Why?” asked Alistair, “do you want to go away?”
“I…” Roselyn squeezed her eyes closed, “maybe.” She rinsed her hands of lather, grabbed the jug from the floor and began to rinse Alistair’s hair before he could answer her. This time, instead of shielding his eyes, she ran her fingers back through his hair, gently rubbing over his scalp to thoroughly rid it of soap. The sensation made Alistair’s back and shoulders tingle, and a pleasant shudder rippled up his spine.  
Roselyn patted his hair dry, and got to her feet when she was done. Alistair quickly reached out and closed his hand around her wrist, stopping her from leaving the washroom. 
“Rosie,” Alistair brought her hand to his face and kissed her palm, “why do you want to go away for the winter?”
A gentle tug was all it took for her to relinquish. She settled next to the tub on her knees, resting on arm on the edge and allowing her fingers to dangle in the water. “Ferelden winters are harsh.” Roselyn said, sweeping thick ringlets off her pale shoulders. The thin robe she wore was barely hanging on.
“Yes,” Alistair agreed. He leaned close to her, smiling but able to sense the worry she tried and failed to conceal. 
“Edward and Olivia…” she glanced at the door to the washroom. Beyond that was the royal bed chamber, and beyond that the nursery where the twins slept, watched over by loyal and fearsome Roo, Roselyn’s mabari hound. “They were born a month early, and they were small… What if…”
“Oh, Rose…” Alistair nudged her forehead with his, able to discern from her few words what weighed upon his wife’s mind. “They will have the finest and thickest sheepskin blankets money can buy. We can have specially made cradles commissioned and built to keep them warm. A fire will always be lit in the nursery, and there will always be someone there to keep it fed and to make sure it never goes out of control.”
Roselyn gave a weak smile. “I must sound so…”
“You sound like a mother,” Alistair kissed her forehead, “worried about the well being and health of her children. I understand your worry, I do, but we see it every day; how strong and healthy they are, how much they’re growing all the time, and how they’re starting to see the world. They have the most diligent and wonderful mother who watches over them and will fight any one or any thing - even the weather - to protect them. Their first winter in Ferelden will be fine. Wonderful, even!”
“And if it isn’t?” Roselyn asked with a slight eyebrow raise.
“If it isn’t,” Alistair glanced around before his eyes settled on a long handled brush for scrubbing one’s back. He grabbed it and held it like the royal scepter he held at his coronation, giving his words a more authoritative feel as he said them, “then on my honor as King, we’ll take next winter in Orlais.” He smiled at Roselyn who chuckled behind her hand. He leaned towards her, “does that suit the Queen?”
Roselyn gave a thoughtful sigh, “I suppose.”
“Good,” he kissed her soundly before she could say anything more and dropped the brush into the bath water. He cupped her jaw in both hands, parting from her lips when Roselyn got to her feet. “Now, will the Queen indulge her King and join him?” He extended a hand towards her, tilting his head to one side with a playful grin. 
“Very well, Your Majesty.” Roselyn pushed the straps of her flimsy chemise off her shoulders and the material pooled around her feet. She took Alistair’s hand and stepped into the tub, turning her back to him and reclining against his chest while the water level rose until it was almost spilling over the edge. 
Alistair nuzzled the crown of her head and enveloped her within his arms. “When you’re ready I’ll wash your hair if you like?”
Roselyn sighed, contented. “That would be lovely.”
Hope this was okay! Considering Alistair’s character has been … kind of spoiled for me by people, it was nice to revisit him and not… immediately want to recoil. It’s weird how people can make you not like a character you once adored. But I’m hoping this is the first step of healing that damage. 
Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you think in the comments/tags/reblogs. MUCH APPRECIATED. FEED YOUR WRITERS. 
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I saw that your requests were open and was wondering if you could do something with the v3 guys with a gender neutral S/O who is afraid of water, if that’s okay..? ;w;”
That is most definitely okay! Here you go, wonderful anon!
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Rantaro Amami
He finally got a day to relax
And he knew he would spend it with you
What’s more relaxing than being with you, after all?
So he got ready
And took you to the “surprise location”
The beach!
He didn’t expect your fearful reaction
Afraid of water?
You told him about your phobia…
Unlike everyone else, he didn’t make fun of you
“You don’t think it’s…stupid? Or lame?”
“Nothing about you could ever be like that. You’re mine, and I’ll accept you for everything you are.”
You still felt bad that you didn’t get to have a good time
But Rantaro had the perfect solution
The day ended with the two of you cuddling in front of the beach sunset
Right in front of a huge sandcastle that you two built together.
Shuichi Saihara
Everyone was having a pool party
And Shuichi was excited
Though he doesn’t like taking his clothes off publicly, he thought you’d have fun.
He immediately noticed you were reluctant to go
What he didn’t expect was a fear of water.
You were afraid to tell him, even though you knew how caring and sensitive he is
He opened up about his fears in return
You both ended up exchanging your fears
After you were finished, Shuichi had another small confession to make…
“I feel…so much closer to you. You know me better than anyone…I love you…”
“I love you too, Shuichi.”
The two of you decided to go to the pool party and relax on the side, together.
Kokichi Ouma
How can you be afraid of water?
It took him a while to see that it was a genuine fear.
His evil mind began crafting a solution
After all, the boy loves swimming…where’s the fun if he can’t take you with him?
The next day when you came home, he dunked you into a huge tub of water
“Kokichi, what the fuck?!”
You ended up in tears from the shock
Kokichi, for once, seemed to genuinely feel bad and comforted you
“I’m sorry, I thought shock therapy would help…”
You were a bit afraid to come inside the next day.
In the end, you did come in.
Tired from a long day, you headed up to the bathroom.
There you saw, in the full bathtub, Kokichi Ouma
Your ridiculous boyfriend.
Your ridiculous boyfriend.
“So, having a fear of water is tooootally not fun…so I’m gonna help you get over it!”
“Kokichi, you don’t have to-”
“Shhh! I want to! I wanna do this with you! Because no one’s as fun as you, and if we can get over this together, we can have sooo much more fun!”
Even though he was annoyingly persistent, you gave in.
Slowly, you’d let Kokichi help you get over the fear. After all, if he’s willing to make all that effort…the least you can do is accept it.
The other day, Kokichi pushed him into the water.
“Y/N, help please!”, he said, asking for a hand.
You were reluctant to go near, and ended up chickening out.
He managed to pick himself up, but he was confused.
“Hey, I asked for help, you could’ve given me a hand.”
“I’m sorry Kiibo, I…”
You didn’t know whether you should tell him or not.
You just went home without saying a word.
He brought it up again a few days later.
“I don’t understand everything about humans, but…”
And so he went on, reminding you about that day. And he ended with…
“Based off of my analysis, it seemed you were...afraid to help me. Is that true?”
No more hiding. He was your significant other and you trusted him.
“Kiibo, I’m...I’m afraid of getting into water.”
He didn’t understand at first.
Wasn’t that a normal thing? Like drinking water?
You explained more, and then he understood.
“I’ve never felt a phobia before, but...I want to do everything in my power to help you. I love you, and you should never have to be afraid to tell me anything.”
Kaito Momota
That’s no big deal!
Kaito thought, “no biggie! How bad can it be?”
Then he saw your face
Your big, vulnerable eyes
How you wanted nothing more than to be home
Away from there
And he felt so bad…
His Manly™ side came out
He decided he was going to protect you
He’ll train you to get over your fear
And if that doesn’t work, you’ll get stronger anyway!
“Hey, Y/N…you know I don’t like to live life in fear. You gotta live it all to the fullest, or else there’s no point. So…let me help you get over this. I want you to be fearless, to be as strong as I know you can be.”
Ryoma Hoshi
Ah, he didn’t really mind.
After all, he’s got his own fears from traumatic experiences in the past.
That said, he was curious.
“Hey, Y/N…any idea where this fear comes from?”
“I’m…not sure.”
You try to tell Ryoma the story, whatever parts you could remember, that is
He seems to understand.
He didn’t press for more details than you were willing to give
“Why are you so interested, Ryoma?”
“You’re my significant other. I want to know everything about you. And something like this is a pretty big thing to know.”
As if you’d hide anything from him…
…still, you felt warm inside knowing someone cared so much.
Korekiyo Shinguji
Fine by him
He doesn’t really like getting wet anyway.
His outfit is so elaborate, and his hair becomes a mess.
Still, it could make for a good study
Though, he wouldn’t want to make you too uncomfortable…
Even though he himself was rather nonchalant…
…it didn’t mean he was like that to other people.
If he saw someone teasing you about it, he’d go off.
You’re his, and he wanted to protect you after all.
Gonta Gokuhara
Gonta needed to conduct a study on aquatic creatures
This scared you…it meant going near the water
You didn’t tell Gonta…why should you make him worry?
Besides, he probably won’t even get it, right?
He’s so big and strong…probably not afraid of anything
When you reached there, Gonta was really excited.
“Gonta show you all the fish! They even more beautiful than land animals!”
You weakly smiled at him.
Sadly, poor, innocent Gonta didn’t get the message.
The time came for you to go into the water.
He picked you up, but right before you went in…
You SCREAMED, startling the giant of a man.
“What’s wrong?! Is someone attacking you?!”, he asked in a panic.
“No, it’s just…”
And so you finally opened up.
“Why you no tell Gonta before…? True gentlemen would never force you into situation like this!”
And so you continued, and told him the truth.
“That no problem! Gonta go without Y/N, but he will be good gentleman and show you everything!”
The day ended with you relaxing on the beach
And Gonta bringing back wonderful creatures for you to gaze upon with him
The thing you loved about him most…he found a solution to everything. He truly can do anything he sets his mind to.
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taggianto · 6 years
The Aces Charity Carnival
Ladies and gentleman, step right up! It’s time for the annual Las Vegas Aces Charity Carnival!
Born from spitballing in the Parse Posi Posse discord. Love to @rushingsnowy (Linnea) and beaniebaneenie (CJ) for cheerleading and helping with this, and love to the rest of the Posse for all their support and awesomeness in general!
Suddenly I have the image of the Aces doing some sort of fundraiser with a dunk tank and everyone on the team signing up so they can dunk Carl
And like, it's outside in Las Vegas and normally it would be like, super hot so getting dunked in a tub full of water would be a good thing? Except it's stupidly unseasonably cold the day of the fundraiser so by the end of his shift Carl is shivering and his lips may or may not be blue from it
And then it's Kent's turn and everyone who signs up misses on purpose.
Jeff has a line a mile long while he's in the kissing booth.
Mostly because he's out at this point so there's both men and women lined up to kiss him
Kent gets in line with the guise of it being "for charity" but really he just wants to be able to kiss his boyfriend in public with a layer of plausible deniability
Scrappy is actually really good at face painting? So he spends the whole time painting kids faces with Aces logos and butterflies and sharks and abusing his glitter spray liberally
So what if each booth is for a different charity. Like the kissing booth is for HIV testing, the dunk tank is for well drilling in impoverished countries, the face painting is for art education... and each Ace is sponsoring one of the booths and matching all donations by 500%
CJ: What if the only person who dunks Kent is Bitty, because he wanted to see Kent with a wet t-shirt
But it's okay because it's at the end of his shift and then Jeff is there with a big fluffy towel to get him all dry
Jack is super awkward at this whole carnival thing. But he and Kent have started talking again and Kent had invited him and it was the offseason so he really didn't have an excuse....
He asks for a hockey stick at the face painting booth and scrappy paints a super glittery butterfly on him instead because he's still a little petty about how much his Captain got hurt by this guy
Jeff scolds him later because liking butterflies as a guy isn't a bad thing and shouldn't be used as a method of humiliating someone but at the same time he's like but for real I get you, bro
Jeff's just like "next time just like, paint that the Aces are better than the Falcs and then get that shit on insta."
CJ: ....what if Jack offers to get in the dunk tank (also matching donations?)
Bitty talks him into this because the only thing better than jack in a tshirt is jack in a wet tshirt Bitty has a Thing okay?
Linnea: are bitty and jack out in this? does the media latch onto pictures of sparkly butterfly on jack's face and go 'this gay pro athlete out here, being gay' and jack's like 1) i just wanted a hockey stick 2) a sparkly butterfly isn't what makes me gay? i was literally holding my boyfriend's hand and kissing him. why not take a picture of that?
Jack and Bits are definitely out for this.
There's definitely like, a hardest slap shot competition, with two entry levels - amateaur and pro. Because a lot of hockey players show up for this thing and jump at the chance to show off
Bitty actually signs up for the pro side and does pretty damn well for himself.
Jack and Kent end up tying for second. Some nobody fourth liner for the Lightning gets first and a lot of the players in the area are like hmmmmm
One of their goalies is really good at slight of hand, and does magic trick shows for the kids
They call the goalie Houdini. His first name is Harry anyway, the magic tricks were just a fortunate coincidence.
He's like their back-up's back up. But the guys love him too much so even though he's down in the AHL for the moment, he still gets invited to all the team events off season.
There's also a silent auction of course, and there's the requisite signed jerseys and sticks and pucks, but there are also gift certificates to the player's favorite restaurants, and one of the most popular items is a date with a few of the players.
So. Who wins the dates? Let me tell you.
Jeff's date is bought by this older gentleman who takes Jeff out to a celebrity restaurant in Vegas and then to a bourbon bar afterwards and they bond over talking about trains - Jeff loves model trains and the gentleman's father was an engineer.
Scrappy goes out with a woman whose husband bought the date for her. She's middle aged and super self conscious about her looks, but Scrappy is a total gentleman and treats her like royalty the entire night. They go swing dancing and she turns out to be really good once she gets the hang of it.
CJ: What if scrappy got her a corsage, bc that's what people did for dates when this woman was in the dating world
Kent's "date" is bought by the parents of a ten-year old kid who's on the spectrum and idolizes Kent. Kent takes him out onto the ice and shows him how to shoot the puck and gives him a jersey and one of his old sticks and shows him all around the behind the scenes of the arena, and also gives him box seat tickets to a game with his parents. It's a private box so if it gets too overstimulating for him he can take a break. Kent keeps up with the kid, sending him emails and eventually helps him pay for college when his parents go through a rough spot.
No one buys Carl's date.
CJ: bitty also definitely paid to kiss swoops
Kent gets Ideas when he sees Jeff and Bitty kiss. Because he's over Jack by now, he has no desire to start up any sort of sexual relationship with him ever again. But. He just might be convinced to sit and watch their boyfriends.... >.> this isn't an NsFW chat but you get the idea.
CJ: ...maybe Kent gets it in his head to kiss bitty?
And is v. disappointed when Bits doesn't get in line for his shift at the kissing booth. But then again he isn't out so Bits may just be trying to respect that? But then again he IS Jack's fiancé. And Kent is Jack's ex. Maybe that would be weird? But maybe it would be hot... fuck.
All I know is they def go out for a double date after the carnival except Bitty isn't aware it's a double date at first because he doesn't know Kent and Jeff are together, except Kent thinks he does because he definitely told Jack about them and he just figures that Jack will have told Bitty but he hasn't? Because he didn't want to out Kent if that's not what he wanted? And Jesus Christ Jack, since when did you get to be so thoughtful?
Fuck, yes of course you can tell your fucking fiancé that I'm in a relationship with my teammate but thank you for not assuming.
CJ: "Hey Eric, Swoops and I need you to settle something for us... We keep fighting over who is the better kisser... We need you to be the objective scorer. For science."
Bitty: But I'm not a girl? Kent: wait, what? Bitty: you're both straight, right? Or well, I know Jeff is Bi but... Jeff: Eric, Kent and I are together. Kent: And you know Jack is my ex. Bitty: Right but like you'd never actually come out to me or anything and I didn't want to assume I just thought maybe you were trying to get comparisons between how you both kiss different people and Jeff: Dude, breathe.(edited)
CJ: Jeff: also Zimmermann? [Bitty] is a good kisser. Out of your league, definitely. Way to go.
Jeff: *holds out a fist for a bump* Jack: Uh.... Bitty: No, babe he's totally right. I am so out of your league. *kisses his cheek*
Meet me in NSFW.
They go back to Kent and Jeff's place after dinner and Kent is definitely quite a bit tipsy on wine and Jeff is pleasantly buzzed and Bitty is too and Jack's the only one who's fully sober.
Jeff: So Kent and I were talking. Kent: *giggles* Jeff: And he'd totally like to watch you fuck me, Eric. If you'd be up for that. Bitty: :flushed: Jack: :no_mouth: :thinking: :flushed: CJ: Bitty: looks at swoops and sees tall muscle-y brunette Bitty: i.....could be persuaded
Bitty: glances at Jack Jack: subtly tries to hide the bulge that's appeared in his dress pants Jack: *looks at Kent* Would that mean we...? Kent: Oh, no. Sorry Zimms, you know I love you bro but that'd be weird I think? But I'm totally cool with watching them while we jack off to it. Admit it, it'd be hot as fuck. Jack: :tomato: Jeff: I'll take that as a yes?
CJ: Ngl i love bitty/parswoops bc  A) Kent gets two bfs B) swoops has two smol blond boyfriends
I don't see Jeff getting with Jack tho. TBH, I don't think Jack would be down for sharing himself with someone else? But he's totally on board for Bitty being with who he wants.
So when they all get together Bitty, Jeff and Kent go have their fun while Jack sits out on the porch reading a book and getting the quiet time he needs, and then Bitty sleeps with him in the guest room at night
CJ: And on nights where Jack needs to breathe, bitty and Jeff cuddle with Kent In the middle
Yes. And it takes so long for Jack to admit that some nights he just needs to be alone because at first he feels like that's rejecting bitty? But then they have Jeff and Kent in their lives and Jack can get what he needs and so can Bitty and it's perfect
CJ: Jeff also approves of this because it's easier to lavish attention on kent with two
CJ: And overstimulated, wrecked Kenny is beautiful
And like, before they got to this point Bitty and Jack's relationship was kinda on the rocks because they were fighting all the time (surprise surprise Jack couldn't communicate what he needed)
But now it's just so peaceful? Like yeah they still fight but it's just normal couple stuff.
CJ: Swoops would probably be good at getting them to cope better
Oh yeah. He would be super no nonsense about it too.
Like just. Sit them down and be like look, you're both idiots. Figure this out, Kent and I are going to the movies.
The end <3
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the bachelorette, season fourteen, episode two: let’s pretend i didn’t forget i didn’t post this recap, okay?
Thank god Queen Rachel showed up to save this episode, otherwise I don’t think I’d have much to say1.
We’re in Venice Beach, California, and it’s Becca’s first date as the Bachelorette and since Arie, which isn’t saying a lot considering she basically had an hour between their breakup and her crowning. The beeftestants are all ready for the competition to begin and to get their first date card. The Devil Incarnate Chris Harrison arrives for a solid 30 seconds to ask the guys about how they feel about Becca. We see David without the chicken suit for the first time and god, that venture capitalist does it for me. I hate myself for it too, but he honestly looks like if Scott Wolf and Matthew Fox got together on the set of Party of Five and made a baby, and I AM ABOUT IT. David probably drinks old fashioneds and wears boat shoes. My Mortal Enemy Chris Harrison talks about how serious Becca is about the entire experience, and tells them to relish in the time they get with her.
Remember, these people get, in total, around 48 hours with the person they’re going to marry if they make it that far, most of which is spent with an entire camera crew and production. I hate to say it, but Chris Harrison might be right.
Aside from a brief moment of correctness, what else does Chris Harrison have?
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A DATE CARD!!!!!!!!!!
Clay, Nick, Chris / Perez Hilton, Venture Capitalist/Chicken David, Jean Blanc, Jordan, Connor, and Lincoln are on the first group date of the season.
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The guys pull up and Becca’s there in a wedding dress, and Jordan’s feeling confident because he’s a model2 and beating good looking dudes is basically how he makes his bread and butter, so he’s not concerned. I love that Jordan’s entire personality is just being a Good Looking Guy. No one ever explained to Jordan that looks aren’t everything, and if they did, he wasn’t listening. Becca wants to “pamper” the men the way she was on her first date with Arby and I love that Becca thinks men’s idea of pampering is wearing tuxedos and drinking champagne. I mean, that’s my ideal man, but what do I know? I’m the kind of person who thinks Jack Donaghy was right here:
Becca pretends not to be ogling these men because I would be ogling these men. Without shame. I decided in 2018 I’m going to be as shameless about wanting to sleep with men as men are about wanting to sleep with me and it’s pretty great. I haven’t taken a full left turn into catcalling just yet, but I really have just embraced my inner Guy Checking Out A Girl Meme this year.
Jordan does his various modeling runway walks, and honestly, I so preferred this last week on the Vanderpump Rules Secrets Revealed episode when it was Tom Sandoval. Tom Sandoval actually had variation in his poses, where as Jordan is verging on the Zoolander “THESE ARE ALL THE SAME LOOK I FEEL LIKE I’M TAKING CRAZY PILLS” type of modeling. Jon Kortajarena is offended. Jordan is comfortable wearing clothes because he does it for a living. He tells Becca the best way to get dressed is to put her confidence on first. Becca invites the guys to go get rough and there we see
This is a variation on the challenge we had last season that starred Mila Kunis and the Jar Of Douche she married, but instead of babies, it’s a wedding themed obstacle course. It’s a stretch, but it’s basically guys in tuxedos doing a Mud Run, something I can guarantee 85% of the men on this show have participated in. The first obstacle is strapping an ankle bracelet with a ball on it to the next obstacle.
Because ball and chains. Get it? Marriage? Women are carriers for men’s baggage?
Moving on.
The next is “Cold Feet”, which is basically dunking yourself into a vat of cold water3 for a period of time. The next is “slippery slope”, running up some slippery steps. Then “Get Over Your Exes” where they have to crawl on the ground to get a bouquet. The stretchiness is so real, it’s like a rubber band. They’re really trying this.
Finally, it’s “Cake Tasting”, which basically has the guys chomping through some cakes in order to find rings. This is all made worth it for Rachel telling the guys to “find out what that mouth do,” which I think should be a much better catchphrase than “do the damn thing”. The final two have to race to the altar to find Becca.
The obstacle course is kind of boring. Clay DGAF about the ice buckets, meanwhile Lincoln is miserable. All the guys notice that Lincoln got in the tub after them, but was out before them, and are pissed. Meanwhile, Lincoln is slipping and sliding all over the place4 and he gets a huge headstart. However, he misses the vase that bouquet of flowers is supposed to go in, so he must go back. By that point, David’s caught up and is face first in cake5 and they’re neck and neck until Lincoln nudges David, and he falls. Lincoln is the one to meet Becca at the aisle and “propose”, and the guys are all pissed.
There is a difference between competitiveness and playing dirty. Lincoln was playing dirty - leaving the tub before his time was up, knocking David over - that’s not a fair playing ground and yeah, Connor (I think?) is like, “wow, that says a lot about him as a person if he’ll cheat on a game like THIS.”
At the After-Party, Becca is wearing a red lace dress and Lincoln is being obnoxious. He keeps calling Becca his wife and the guys are barely in their chairs before Lincoln is taking Becca aside. Lincoln keeps saying “you bring out the best in me,” and Becca wants to know why. I love Becca’s line of questioning. These dudes can’t say empty, false platitudes because she’s gonna ask why. Becca gives him a portrtait of the two of them on their “wedding day” and Lincoln… kisses it. He’s gushing and all over her and they finally kiss in a manner that’s not covered in mud.
"Kissing Becca is like flying to the moon on the wings of a Pegasus while dancing with unicorns on a pot of gold.” - Lincoln actually says this. I have never hated anyone so much.
Back at the house, there’s a...
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DATE CARD!!!!!!!!!
It goes to Blake, who honestly, if you replaced him mid-season with Miles Teller, I wouldn’t realize.
We see the montage of Becca connecting with the guys, of course. Meanwhile, Lincoln is literally talking to his “wedding portrait”, kissing it, all kinds of obnoxious behavior. The guys are annoyed because he keeps propping the picture up and rubbing it in their faces, and it’s not something any of them are cool with. I mean, same? Connor (I think?), who clearly is being manipulated by a producer, keeps moving the picture, even when Lincoln continues to display it. Connor (I think?) tosses the photo on the ground after Lincoln’s like “where would I put it?” Of course Lincoln is the type to get hyped up on semantics. Lincoln props up the frame one more time, and Connor (I think?) ’s completely normal, pratcial reaction is to fling the photo across the pool, shattering it.
This reaction is so over the top, and I hate Lincoln, so that’s saying a lot. Lincoln was wrong, but his incorrectness was basically harmless. Connor (I think?) ;has been there for one day at this point. It is entirely unacceptable that he reacted like this… after one day. It’s a red flag if I’ve ever seen one.
Meanwhile, Jean Blanc, my mom’s dream husband for me, is making Becca swoon. Honestly, he talks about needing love in his life and how he gives her butterflies. They kiss and it’s nice. I'm glad Becca is giving the black guys a real shot at this.
Meanwhile, Lincoln is lurking a stairwell waiting because he “needs a new picture”, and he’s crying. He’s “rattled” because Connor (I think?) broke his picture and tells Becca that it’s becuase he didn’t like the picture. All the guys are like “tattletale”. Lincoln calls Connor (I think?) aggressive6 and says he doesn’t know why Connor (I think?) destroyed the photo. Becca points out that yes, this is aggressive and extreme, and is frustrated that it’s this early in the season and this is already happening. Becca goes to talk to Connor (I think?) , and Connor (I think?) really doesn’t see anything wrong with how aggressive he got straight away, which is scary. Rightfully, Becca asks him if this happens often, because girl has right to know if this dude is going to slaughter her in her sleep. Becca admits that what Lincoln did wasn’t right, but she wants someone respectful. Becca’s frustrated because it’s already too soon for this drama to start.
Remember what Chris Harrison said about using your time wisely? This is what he meant, Connor (I think?). Your time with Bex was spent talking about another dude.
Back with the group, Jean Blanc gets the group date rose. Of course.
Back at the house, Lincoln is still upset about his picture and Garrett, Andrew Keegan and the rest of the 90s Villains are all telling him it’s okay for him to be upset about it. I mean, kind of? It’s not worth crying over. I bet production can get you another copy, they just need to go to Michaels and get a Michaels coupon for 50% off frames first. They go to Jordan, where he’s sititng with the same Andrew Keegan from before, and Andrew Keegan is like, “dude, why are you CRYING over a photo where you don’t even look good?!”
Andrew Keegan, asking the right questions. No wonder you started a cult. Jordan thinks Lincoln’s accent is fake, and normally I’d be like “pfft, who would fake an accent?” But then I remember the Emmy-worthy performance Lincoln is putting on and I remember... it’s guys like Lincoln who put on a fake accent. It’s like Emily Mortimer on 30 Rock, but instead of fragile bones, Lincoln has a fragile ego.
They make an entirely uneventful transition to Blake on his date with Becca. I went to high school with a billion dudes who look just like Blake, and that is probably the source of my tiny crush on Blake? I mean, Blake is likely as trash as the rest of these men but he’s trash in a sweater?7 Honestly, looking like Miles Teller and not having the personality of Miles Teller already is a win for Blake. It’s Blake’s first limo ride because last week, he rode in on an ox. And before that, a horse. Blake does not like enclosed spaces. Becca has no idea what’s happening on the date today, only that it’s been left in Chris Harrison’s hands.
A List of Chris Harrison’s Date Ideas:
Making you into a human candle
Slaughtering babies
Going to a Speculum Museum
Creating enemies
Drinking mimosas from human skulls
This is why they haven’t let this man plan a date on this show before.
They meet Chris Harrison at what only be described as a Murder Warehouse8 and he’s holding a sledgehammer. In case you’re wondering what my nightmares are like, it’s this. Chris Harrison in a button-down and jacket with no tie, holding a fucking sledgehammer. Basically, the entire premise is “Becca, you say you’re over Arby, but production isn’t quite yet, so why don’t you smash some of his shit with sledgehammers?” Y’all, did you know Arby and Becca broke up? There are TV monitors playing her proposal like some demented Truman Show, the couch he broke up with her on, and Arby’s racecar. We get it, production. The metaphor has been handed to us on a stick.
Also, this is a dream date of mine, but with just general shit. I want to smash stuff.
Then Lil’ Jon shows up and I yelled “GIVE HIM THE ROSE, BECCA!!!!!!!!!!!” I have no idea why Lil’ Jon is there other than to DJ the destruction. It’s perfectly scored to “Turn Down For What” because this show really is permanently in 2014. Regardless, Becca and Blake are getting along. Their arms are sore! Becca was nervous but not because of Blake. They already knew what they were in for and so they were relaxed. Becca points out that this show is a lot like dating in reverse - basically, you’ve already picked this person as your life partner, now get to know them - and how that created an environment where she fell for someone quicker than she thought possible. What a fascinating dynamic, honestly, and it’s amazing how simply summarized the concept of this show is. People always say “How do they do this so quickly, how can they say they’re in love after a few days?” When you’re isolated with nothing else to do but think about the possibility of a life with the only person in your vicinity, combined with someone coming into your room to talk to you only about that One Person and your relationship with them, you’d do the same. This is why distractions are good in love. When you first fall in love, keep yourself busy9.
Blake unleashes his trauma - he fell for a girl who said she loved him early on, and then everything changed and she broke up with him out of the blue not even a week later. Damn, that’s savagery. He can appreciate her being there and opening up again after her heartbreak, because he’s struggling with that. Blake gets the first one-on-one rose.
Back at the house, there’s a...
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DATE CARD!!!!!!!!!
Garrett, Rickey, John, Ryan, Alex, Christon, Trent, Leo, Wills, and Colton are on the date card. Which means none for Andrew Keegan / Jason or Mike.
The guys on the group date head onto a school bus and head to a field, where Becca is waiting for them. Colton confirms his virgin status by talking about how good Becca smells - she looks good, but smells better? What? Shut up, Colton. Your facial hair isn’t enough for your chin.
They head into a gymnasium, where the men are immediately greeted by eight-year-olds throwing balls at them. The kids are there to show them dodgeball and make sure they know how to dodge a ball like Becca dodged Arby. My absolute favorite is these kids just reading these grown men to filth. One of the boys calls the men trash and asks if Becca wants trash, and I literally laughed for a solid hour.
The pink team takes the strategy to hide behind Becca because no one’s going to hit The Bachelorette, right? Wrong. Christon is just pelting her with balls. Dodgeball is a serious sport, despite what these people think. We get another occurrence of Fred Willard, who I really hope was adequately paid for this appearance because he looks like he’d rather be in bed. As quickly as the game starts it devolves into this year’s NBA finals - Leo vs. the Green Team, if Leo is Lebron James and the Green Team is the Golden State Warriors.
CAN I GET A MOMENT AND A PAT ON THE BACK FOR MY SPORTS KNOWLEDGE????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I’LL WAIT. I’LL WAIT. I know y’all are shocked.
Becca’s shocked Leo, who is a stuntman, is good at dodging injury in dodgeball. Becca. Come ON. But the audience is living for Leo, the Last Man Standing. Eventually he’s defeated and the Green Team is the victor, but Becca’s got her eyes on him, so that’s what matters.
At the After-After Party, the guys are all on top of the world. It’s the opposite vibe from the other group date, so of course someone’s gonna come in and fuck it all up. Garrett and Becca talk about whether it was weird to get the First Impression Rose and then be sequestered into Group Date category. Garrett talks a lot about himself and calls himself the male version of Becca. Wills has the best sense of fashion out of the house, full-stop. They do rapid-fire questions, my favorite form of getting to know someone. Becca wants a relationship like her parents, and Wills does too. Wills gets emotional talking about his parents and his family, and I love Wills!!!!!!!
Is Wills my new Wells?
Colton and Becca sit down and Colton’s got something big to reveal to Becca. He tells Garrett that before filming started he had a fling with Tia from Arby’s season. I love the underlying message here: I was dating the girl who probably would have been The Bachelorette if Arby hadn’t smashed Becca’s heart. Colton, without a doubt, is there because he thought Tia would be The Bachelorette.
We’ve had the dynamic of “they hung out before and came on the show to date this person”, namely in the case of Kaitlyn Bristowe and Nick Viall. There’s no doubt in my mind this was the intentions of everyone involved - Tia, Colton, and production. There were rumors of Luke Pell, when he was still a contender for The Bachelor, taking previous Bachelor contestants and various women that if they came on the show for him, he’d guarantee them a spot in the final four and they’d get the chance to “date” while on the show. This is what cost Luke the position as The Bachelor. Colton either a) went on the show for Tia and stayed along for the ride with the hopes of getting to Paradise and (likely) dating Tia or b) is there for the Instagram followers and the fame that comes with it. The timeline doesn’t make any sense.
Colton tells Becca that he dated her friend for a few months and that it fizzled out because it was getting too serious too quickly even though they had a connection. Which is why he proceeded to go on a show where the end goal is a quick engagement? Get the fuck out of here with that logic, Colton. You also dated Aly Raisman - you’re a starfucker. He takes a long pause when he says “I’m here…. To get to know you.” He’s not, he’s there for the Instagram ads. Becca doesn’t send him home immediately like I would. He’s basically admitting to not being there for The Right Reasons, Becca!!!!!! You already had one dude choose another girl over you, and you’re into the one who has a high likelihood of doing the same thing? It’s salting a wound that already exists. Becca feels sick to her stomach about it, but doens’t sent him home on the spot.
To me, that’s production intervention. But that’s just me.
My New Boyfriend Wills gets the group date rose, but it’s begrudging.
At the cocktail party, Becca arrives in this gorgeous cobalt blue sparkly dress that is easily on par with my favorite Bachelorette Look, Joelle from The Final Five Elimination form her season. She looks gorgeous. More of this, less of the red lace, blarg.
Clay takes Becca outside and teaches her the Art of the Celebration Dance. Sometimes Clay comes off a little robotic, and I wonder if he’s just got a lack of experience with women. Which isn’t a bad thing. For a professional football player, it’s a little shocking. He’s so smooth though, because he uses what would be a “helmet bump” with his teammates to parlay a little smooch in there.
Venmo wrote Becca a poem, and he is too good to last. Venmo, call me. Connor (I think?) gives Becca a picture of himself from the mud date and they both fling his picture across the pool in order to make peace. Meanwhile, Jordan is trying to set himself apart from the other guys. He really wants Becca to know his personality, so he decides the best way to show her that is to get naked and parade through the mansion.
I mean, thus far, Jordan has done a great job of teling us his personality is basically just Being Good Looking, so this is one way to show your personality. Jordan also thinks that nothing attracts women more than being comfortable next to a sexy man, which is a very simplistic way of thinking. I’ve been comfortable around sexy men, but barely. Also, they were fully clothed at the time.
He parades past the other men in his boxer briefs and interrupts Becca’s time with David, who immediately gets his feathers ruffled10. Becca is amused, but David feels disrespected. Jordan doesn’t want Becca to get the wrong idea of him - he likes to live life on the edge, he likes to be a classy gentleman, which is why he’s sitting next to her in his skivvies on the couch. Meanwhile, David’s rattled and is immedaitely questioning Jordan’s intentions. Jordan is the kind of guy who wants to pass his name along to his son and wants to call his son Jordi, which I’m pretty sure is the name of a porn star.
What David hasn’t realized, though, is that every season has a Jordan - the guy who pushes buttons just by having a personality - and every season there’s a guy whose skin he gets under and that becomes their main focus. I’m sad it’s my boyfriend David, but I also have Venmo, Wills, and Blake in my back corner for moments like this.mp3. Last season it was Whaboom and Blake. The season prior? Alex and Chad. David also got upset earlier in the episode when Lincoln cheated and didn’t feel the need to say anything then, even though he had a legitimate reason to. Be more assertive, dude. Don’t try to approach an irrational person with rationality like you do Jordan. He doesn’t care what you think, and clearly none of the other guys are as butthurt about Jordan’s annoying behavior as you are. Jordan knows what his purpose on the show is, and he’s not going to be shamed because he literally cannot feel shame.
Also, David - you came in wearing a chicken suit last week. You’re kinda the last guy who has a leg to stand on when it comes to this.
Becca sits down with Colton and they try to unpack their conversation from prior. He wants to make sure Becca knows the reason that he’s there - to get to know her / Instagram ads - and she can trust him.
Becca talks to Chris Harrison for the thirty seconds he’s allowed for himself to be on set that day and basically tells him it’s been a hard week, but he’s like “okay, it’s time to send someone home so I can go home!!!!”
The rose ceremony starts.
Chris, Andrew Keegan / Jason, Venmo John, Clay, Mike, Connor (I think?), Leo, Chicken Daddy Bae David, Garrett, Nick, Ryan (Who I think is Mystery Bae from last week, good GOD he is fine), Christon, Jordan - with a bonus struggle to pin the rose to his blanket because of course someone in production didn’t have him change, Lincoln, and Colton are all safe.
That means bye to my mom’s dream man, Rickey, Trent, and Alex, who gives us some drunken man tears on his way out that are unintentionally hilarious.
Next Week: We’re playing some football! Jason / Andrew Keegan and Chris get some private time! Tia, Sienne, Kendall, Bekah, and Caroline are all there from Arby’s season to help the guys, and of course that’s why Colton was allowed to stay for another week, because they want to show us the love triangle of Tia/Colton/Becca. Tia totally seems liek the kind of girl who would flirt with your man in front of you. David’s white knighting Becca about Jordan. And oooh, there’s an ambulance? Someone’s fucking hurt.
See you next week!
Random Assessments from the Desk of Amanda:
So many of these guys look the same. Oh my god. Someone tell me the difference between Connor and Garrett. I really think they put them on separate group dates so Becca would remember they’re not the same person.
My mom’s picks for men this season:
Jordan is trying to be this season’s Corinne and I am not about it. I wasn’t about her, either, though.
I really don’t like the narrative that these guys are solely here so Becca can forget another guy. Why does she have to forget him? She doesn’t even have to forgive him. It’s a part of her story, of who she is as a person. You’re as much of a person because of the pain you’ve felt as the great parts of your life. Arby is rubbish, but we must at least acknowledge his place and impact on her life. Also, replacing one trash dude with another doesn’t help.
Of course Jordan describes himself as an alpha.
I really think the reason I don’t like Lincoln is because he really does act like one of those black guys whose entire idea of success is a white wife. Like, achieving whiteness is his ultimate goal. He’s so phony, so calculated, and I don’t trust him.
I’m really struggling with coming up with a nickname for Becca. Like, I tried Bex, but I feel like Bex is going to be better served for Bekah Martinez on Paradise and her disappearing ass. Gimme suggestions in the comments.
Becca looks like June Diane Raphael, fully confirming that The Bachelorette and Burning Love are the same show.
Chris looks like Perez Hilton, 90s-era Adam Goldberg, and Ben Stiller in Dodgeball all rolled up into one rat-like person. Like, his face is permanently in “I smelled something bad” mode.
Related: Ben Stiller should get some residuals considering this season is basically full of men based on characters he has played.
I do want to take back a lot of that harsh things I said about Bryan last season. Yes, he had too many fillers put in and I did just have a thing for Peter ripping off his sweater in his breakup with Rachel, but damn. Those two have stood the test of time (or at least a year, longer than a lot of these other relationships have) and here we are. Their Instagram stories are my favorite. He loves her so much. She got him to stop putting so much filler in his cheeks. It’s all good. Plus, damn. He was lookin FINE in this episode. Get it, Rachel. ↩︎
Between him and Christina from America’s Next Top Model 24, I never want to hear the phrase “I’m a model” again. PS: Have you heard my podcast yet? ↩︎
Connor calls this a “good little bathroom break” - dude, are you advocating peeing yourself on a date? DUDE. DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE. ↩︎
I swear to god this show is trying to kill people. ↩︎
This is what Rihanna was singing about. ↩︎
Is this the first time anyone can think of where the black guy is calling the white guy aggressive and scary? This is refreshing. ↩︎
You know how my type is just Shoulders? Yeah, my type is definitely Shoulders in Sweaters. Yum. ↩︎
It’s an off-shoot of the Men’s Warehouse - you take the Toxic Masculinity Tunnel to get there. ↩︎
I actually just rewatched the episode of The Office where Michael thinks he has herpes and contacts all of his exes, only to realize he has a fantasy problem and a problem with romanticizing relationships with a revisionist history of what truly went on. Much like Michael, I understand wanting your life to be an epic story, including the Happily Ever After. But after thinking about this… I mean. If Michael had been more focused on his job like he should have been, maybe it wouldn’t have worked out for him that way? Then again, he might have married Jan. ↩︎
Come on, you know I had to. It’s an easy joke. ↩︎
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infiniteoddball · 4 years
Biting Benson: Strawberries & Pain
This is chapter 2 of Biting Benson! You can read chapter 1 here. There is no violence in this chapter. The all encompassing Lewis is back in this chapter. Enjoy!! 
Liv knocked on Barba’s door, “Busy?” She quipped as she hoisted her bag higher on her shoulder.
“Not for you,” He answered rapidly before leaning back in his chair.
“Great,” She said and stepped in, closing the door behind her.  She dug his tie out of her bag, holding it out to him, “You forgot that you put it on Eddie last night.  Noah slept with your tie.” She smirked before dropping it on his desk and sitting across from him.
“That makes sense,” He nodded, “But anyways, what about tonight?” He pulled open his drawer and put his tie away before he clasped his fingers together and looked at her in a softer gaze.
“Rollins said that she could take Noah Sunday, but not tonight.  I am officially off Monday and I want to take that entire day for Noah when he gets home.  Sunday’s are mine and Noah’s day. So, if you want to go to work late on Monday,” She shrugged.  
“I couldn’t think of a better reason to be late for work.” He smirked.
“What about our case? Do you think we are going to win?” She quipped, switching gears.
“It’s a slam dunk.  There is no way that I could lose.  Honest.” He glanced at his watch, “Lunch?” He asked as he stood, grabbing his grey jacket off the back of his chair.  He knew why Liv always wore long sleeves and it broke his heart. He walked over to the door and pulled the blinds shut, locking the door as he heard her stand.
He met her halfway and slid her blazer off her shoulders and held the jacket over his arm before gingerly rolling up her sleeves and kissing the only visible scars from when William Lewis had taken her hostage.  He kissed from her wrist to her forearm, gingerly kissing the cigarette burn scars before he saw her look of complete shock.
“Barba, we are at work.” Liv protested, but didn’t pull her arm away.
“Eres más bella de lo que crees. Cicatrices y todo.” He said slowly.  He kissed the back of her hand then her palm before he finally pulled her sleeve down, brushing his lips over her knuckles before he fixed the blinds on his door.
Liv felt as though her head was foggy. She remembered the last time she felt this way.  She had been sixteen and madly in love. She knew she could ask Lucy to watch Noah for her.  That would be no problem. She couldn’t help but smile. She always enjoyed how Rafael would be so intensely in work one moment then completely blow her off her feet the next.  
“Okay, I want a hot dog.  What about you?” He smirked as he helped her with her jacket back on.
“Barba, you drink too much caffeine.” Liv smirked as they walked out.  She grabbed her purse, walking out with him.
They talked about the case until they make it to the hot dog stand.  The guy was the garden variety rapist but made a very wrong mistake of choosing to try and attack a black belt martial artist.  They both got their normal hot dogs, heavy on the relish for Benson, before sitting at one of the random tables. The weather was perfect. Just the right amount of cool on this April day.
“I will tell Lucy that I am running late and you can shirk some paperwork and I will meet you at your place.  How does that sound?” She questioned.
“Like this is going to be a wonderful night after having a day full of stress,” He grinned, “I do not drink too much caffeine.  Honestly, I don’t drink enough coffee.” He added much to her disdain.
“Eventually you will lay off all the caffeine. That comeback was very delayed, even for you.” She said as she looked at him.  She ignored the urge to wipe off some of the mustard that was on the corner of his mouth.  Instead, she threw a napkin at him, “Jeez you are so messy like Noah,” She laughed.
“Yeah, yeah,” He rolled his eyes as his phone vibrated.  He answered the text and looked at her kind of sadly, “I have to go.  Time to put another pervert away,” He smirked and stood, “Have a good day Liv.” He said before leaving her there.
She looked down at her unfinished hot dog as her own phone started to vibrate, “Benson,” She said as she tossed the rest of her food, heading back to the house.
“Hey, we have another. Victim is forty- three same MO as the others. Carisi and I are headed there now.” Fin said as he slid into the passenger seat.
“Okay.  Be gentle with her.  Call me when you are on your way back to the house. I just left Barba, and he said the guy doesn’t stand a chance against him.  Open and shut. He said you have to be at court on Monday.”
“Great. Just what everyone loves to hear,” He answered back, rolling his eyes even though she couldn’t see.
“I am hoping he messed up this time and gave on more than he should have,” She said before she hung up.  She looked both ways before crossing. Liv turned after she crossed. She swore that was the third time this week that she had seen the same person.  A tall female with brown hair. She could swear that she looked like her, but she doubted that she had a doppelganger. She shook off the feeling that she was missing something before she turned and kept walking.
Liv molded herself in with the rest of the crowd of people before she walked down the steps, waiting for the train to arrive.  She reasoned with herself that she was being vain. She sent a quick text to Lucy apologizing for the fact that she was going to be late before she walked onto the train.  She knew she got lucky in finding Lucy. She doubted that she could find someone else that was more caring and understanding than she was. She sat down on the hard orange seat, closing her eyes as the train started to move smoothly.
William sat on top of his bed, only eating one of the entire cupcakes.  He enjoyed the sweetness of the frosting. It tasted so good as it melted on the tip of his tongue.  It was something that he hadn’t tasted in a long time. He was surprised how good of a baker Brooke was.  Especially since she was so fit. He licked more of the frosting off the tips of his fingers as he finished licking the frosting off another cupcake.  He set it down before working on his fourth one.
He groaned as all of the pain hit him at once. He clutched at his stomach but it didn’t make a difference. He felt as though his entire body was on fire. He straightened out his legs and arms, but that was no help as he felt his body rolling off the top of the bunk bed.  He barely managed to break his fall as he withered around on the floor. He looked all around him as he faintly heard his cellmate screaming for a guard in fear.
He felt his body being lifted onto something soft. He could barely see the lights as he was gritting his teeth.  He looked at the faint outline of a human telling him that he was going to be okay. He focused on breathing despite the fact that he generally handled pain very well.  He swallowed as the real light, sunshine, nearly blinded him.
Ready or not Benson, here I come. That was the last thing that he remembered before he succumbed to the pain.
Liv laughed hard as Barba tickled her even more, “Okay! Okay! Uncle!” She screamed as he finally stopped, an evil smirk of his own on his face.
Barba settled next to her, smiling.  He ran his fingers over her smooth, beautiful shoulder.  He kissed her slowly, indulging in all the flavors of her.  From the the wine to the strawberries. Liv pulled away reluctantly as she looked at him, running her fingers lightly over his cheek before she played with his hair.
“I have to go soon.” She murmured sadly as she looked at him.  She ran her fingers through her hair as she looked at his eyes.  She couldn’t help but smile. She watched as he grabbed another strawberry before he fed it to her.
“I know.  I don’t want you to, but I understand.” He said softly.  He loved Noah so much, but he knew that it was nowhere near as much as Liv did. He planted another kiss on her lips as he looked at her, “I know you don’t talk about it,” He said softly as he brushed his fingers over the raised scar from a key, “But I just think you are so strong.  Most people wouldn’t have survived, but you did.” He said softly.
“Rafa.  I know that you understand...I just...I don’t talk-”
“I love you,” He blurted out.  
Liv felt as though her body was being lowered into a tub of warm water, “I...what?” She said slowly.
“I love you.  I don’t expect you to say it back, but I just want you to know.  Somehow...you managed to introduce more colors into my life besides black and white. I was debating to make a grand gesture of it all, but I know that isn’t who you are.” He finished and tucked a strand of hair behind one of her ears.  He wondered what she was thinking of. This was the first time that he had ever managed to shock her into full silence.
Liv briefly thought of Elliott.  She had fallen in love with him. But she loved her job more than anything else at that time.  She knew that he loved Cathy, but emotions wasn't something that she could change. That was something she would never dare to try to change.  When he had just left with no notice and decided not to return her calls, she had gotten the message loud and clear. He was done. It broke her heart more than she ever let anyone know.  However, as she laid next to Barba, baring her soul and body to him, she knew that she loved him, but she couldn’t bring herself to say it.
She smiled, “I’m not ready for those words yet,” She said slowly, praying that this didn’t ruin their mood, “I do feel the same way for you, but I can’t say it when we haven’t even disclosed.” She said softly.
He nodded, “I understand that and I am not going to push you for something that you aren’t ready for,” He said softly, “I just wanted you to know,” He added.
“Thank you,” She whispered before she pressed the entire length of her body flush against his.  She felt him hold her closer before she felt his weight pushing her comfortably into the mattress.
Barba trailed his fingers down the side of her body as he felt the numerous raised or indented scars.  That didn’t change how beautiful she was to him. He pushed his hand further downwards, hearing the sharp intake of her breath as he stroked her hip.
Liv broke the kiss, groaning for air as she felt his lips on her neck, in all the right spots.  She wrapped one leg around his as she felt him enter her. This time they weren’t rushing. Everything was slow and even and soft.  She pulled back, looking at Rafael as his hands moved her hair out of her eyes.
Her hips rose to meet his as they matched each other.  She felt his lips all over her. She groaned as he hit all the right spots.  She loved the slow moments like this when they took their time and learnt about each other’s bodies even more.  She sighed his name as his lips danced across her collar bone.
“God, you are so beautiful,” He murmured, capturing her lips again as they moved in the perfect rhythm.  He loved the way her body molded perfectly to his. How soft her breasts were. He kissed her deeper as their bodies moved to the sound of their own music.
Liv broke the kiss, half gasping- half groaning for air.  She kissed Rafa’s shoulder, purring how good he felt as he kissed the area where her neck and shoulder met. She groaned as her hips pressed against his as she begged him to go faster.  She groaned in complaint as he kept his steady pace.
Barba enjoyed hearing her soft groans and mewls as they made love.  He loved making her happy. She deserved the entire world on a platter and more. He felt her tightening around him before as he stimulated her even more, before he felt her fingers digging into his shoulder. She relaxed underneath him, before he joined her in his own daze of sunshine.  
She smiled, wiping the hair from his sweaty forehead, “Thank you,” she murmured kissing him sweetly.  Liv slowly pulled away, leaving the blanket on the bed as she got dressed in front of him in full view.  She loved letting him have one more look before she would leave.
“Hey Liv?” He sat up, admiring the swell of her hips to the dimples on her lower back.
“Yeah?” She smiled, flipping her hair over her shoulders.
“I can’t come on Monday.  I got called onto a case that starts at eight.  I would love to miss that but I can’t,” He said sadly as he watched her pull up her pants and slid on her shirt.
She turned, walking towards the edge of the bed before she leaned over him, kissing him slowly, “It’s okay.  I will see you on Tuesday.” She answered before she smirked, “Keep my panties as something to lust over until then.”  
Liv dropped her lacy black panties on the bed as she laughed softly at his slack jawed response.  She knew she always could leave him speechless. She slid into her boots and grabbed the rest of her things, enjoying the cloud of shock that she left Barba in.  It was the best feeling honestly.
She couldn’t wipe the smile from her face as she walked into her own apartment. She thanked Lucy before checking in on Noah.  She quietly crept in, kissing his forehead, “Sleep well sweet boy,” She murmured before leaving his room to crawl into her own bed.
0 notes
choisgirls · 7 years
Hey dear nice Works...!!!!! Please Do a RFA (V+Saeran) Celebrating Birthday of MC how will they celebrate Mc's Birthday and what will they Do to make it special??
A/N: I’d invite them all to my birthday party hell yeah it’d be greAT ~Admin 404I love them all *sobs* ~ Admin 626
*YOOSUNG:-HE LOVES BIRTHDAYS-HE’S SUCH A LITTLE KID AT HEART (and i mean in general come on now)-Goes FULL. OUT. Does not take it lightly at all-Sets up a day with your friends so you’re out of the house and busy-And he decorates the house completely!! Streamers, balloons, he even has homemade party hats for the two of you-He isn’t a master baker or anything but he attempted at making a box cake for you!!! He decorated it with so many colourful sprinkles!-Remember how he gets a discount from the pizza place? He bought like three larges and the two of you were eating it for DAYS-SO MANY BOARD GAMES STRUNG ALL AROUND THE HOUSE BECAUSE Y’ALL ARE GONNA PLAY ALL. DAY. LONG.-He either has homemade presents for you, or he’s saved up a lot to splurge on pre-ordering that new video game you’ve been eyeing for months-The two of you watch all the movies!! Whatever movie you wanna watch, he’ll sit through. Scary ones? He might cry but he’ll DO IT FOR YOU!!!!
*JUMIN:-More of a classy approach to birthdays-He did attempt to put a party hat on Elizabeth though MC SHE’S ADORABLE LOOK, HURRY, BEFORE SHE TAKES IT OFF-SO MANY GIFTS. WHAT ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO DO WITH ALL OF THESE-But he always makes sure to give you one super special one. Whether it’s a piece of jewelry he had custom made because it reminded him of you, or it’s something you’ve had your eye on for a while, you’ve got it-He’s also super extra, like y’all know how wedding cakes are super big and beautiful and usually really intricate? Yeah so is your birthday cake. EVERY YEAR. but i mean are you really complaining?? It’s cAKE-Takes you to the fanciest restaurant for dinner, and the two of you dress up for it-(Yes, MC, you’re wearing the new dress/suit he got you)-He’ll also try taking you to new and exotic places as a day trip to see all the sights and watch the gleam in your eyes as you learn the history of the place-Always has the best wine, but on your birthday he pulls out the rare ones, just for you! (Or if you don’t do wine, he finds the best of whatever you like to drink)-Not to mention you wake up with like 14 dozen rose bouquets strung around the house that morning, all holding a little note card expressing his love for you because he can be cute too, mc
*SAEYOUNG:-We all know he’d wake you up by jumping on the bed and blowing that stupid little party blower in your ear until you chase him out of the room-But chasing him is worth it because when you get to the living room there are so many loose balloons that you can’t see the floor-Same goes with the ceiling, completely covered in balloons-Saeran’s just sitting in a chair, in a party hat, looking completely uninterested, but still plays the party blower when you walk in. Saeyoung tries to hide behind him to avoid your wrath you arent a morning person, are you mc?-The two of you spend a good while just throwing the loose balloons at each other over Saeran’s head who was not impressed, might i add-HE MADE Y’ALL PLAY PIN THE TAIL ON THE DONKEY IT WAS SO CUTE-Did you know you can get custom images printed onto your cakes? Because he made a collage of the STUPIDEST pictures he has of you and had it put on top-PLUS IT WAS AN ICE CREAM CAKE. IT WAS AMAZING.-Anything you want, he’ll get you. Just name it. You want a pet elephant? He’ll dO IT DON’T DOUBT HIM MC-He’d probably take you out for a drive, too. You could feel the fresh air and just talk about anything and everything. It’s just really relaxing and he wants you to have a stress-free time
*SAERAN:-What’s the point of celebrating another year of life in this shitty world now is NOT THE TIME MR. EDGELORD-But for you…he could manage it-He doesn’t go very hard at it though because he doesn’t see the real point-He’ll get a small gift for you- something he saw and immediately thought of you-He does get a small cake for you, but a freaking tub of ice cream- ICE CREAM IS BETTER MC DON’T GIVE ME THAT LOOK-Cuddles cuddles cuddles! He doesn’t hide his affection today! It’s all about you, he’ll put his insecurities away for a while-He’ll moan and groan at the stupid Disney movies you put in, but suffer through them because the fact that you sing along is the CUTEST thing he’s ever seen are you sure it isn’t his birthday-CUTIE ALERT: he cooks your favourite meal for you! He might have spent a few days trying to find the perfect way to make it, but HE MAKES IT-He’s also spent all day pushing Saeyoung out of the room because he’s not about to let him ruin your relaxing birthday by bringing in some stupid little party games hes also smacked a party blower into the back of his throat at one point and you felt TERRIBLE but you couldnt help but laugh???
*ZEN- you know his hoe ass is gonna try to go all out for you- like he knows you you prefer lowkey but???- the world needs to know his love for you- but after the RFA members managed to talk him down from performing a flash mob, he realized he should respect your wishes- so he struggles and struggles to come up with something that has a bit of flare but is still something you’d want- and then he remember you one time mentioning you’d never really been on a trampoline before???- hE KNOWS WHAT TO DO NOW- on your birthday (exactly at midnight), he sings “happy birthday” and then hands you a cupcake up with a candle on it - he had you fooled, you thought this was gonna be it for your birthday- boy buddy ur in for a treat!- when you wake up he immediately blindfolds- you’re just like *sigh* “well at least he didn’t jump out of the cake this year”- omfg when he takes off the blindfold though, you find yourself at a trampoline park??? And he invited your friends (including the RFA ofc) and family!!!- He roped Jumin into getting the place to rent out the entire area to then!- aND IT’S SO MUCH FUN???- WHO KNEW JUMPING COULD BE THIS MUCH FUN- wAIT THERE’S A ROCK CLIMBING? DODGEBALL? IS THAT A SLAM DUNK ARENA- Zen didn’t think you’d love it this much but oh my god he’s so happy because you look so happy!!!- and he finds that you and Saeyoung both love to push into the pit with all the foam cubes anD YOU TWO START TAG TEAMING- maybe this was a bad idea after all- but hearing your laugh was all he needed - after that, you all head to a dessert place and you spend the rest of your birthday talking and laughing with the people most important to you with the love of your life right by your side
*JAEHEE- you only really expected dinner at a restaurant and maybe cake because that’s just how you and jaehee are- other people might think it’s underwhelming but honestly, what’s better than snuggling up to your s/o and feeling warm and cuddley on your birthday???- but you’re surprised when you come home to a note that directs you to Seven’s house?- and when you get there, there’s another note attached to a nerf gun- “Happy Birthday, MC! The game starts as soon as you enter the house, every man for himself ~ Jaehee”- yOU’RE SO EXCITED OMG YOU’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO HAVE A NERF WAR YYAAASSS- it is all out WAR when you enter- Zen is playing a defensive strategy, he may have shitty aim but hE CAN DODGE ANYTHING WITH HIS DANCER GRACE- Jumin is already out, he lasted like three seconds he’s disappointed because he thought he’d win with his cat like reflexes- Yoosung’s out too, he lasted much longer than Jumin but Saeyoung managed to trick him into thinking they were team and then Saeyoung shOT HIM EXECUTION STYLE- V’S BLIND ASS TAKES OUT SAERAN LMAO- Saeran is lowkey bitter; he steals V’s portion of birthday cake- eventually it’s just down to you, Jaehee, and Saeyoung,,,- aND YOU SACRIFICE YOURSELF- IF YOU WEREN’T GONNA WIN, YOU SURE AS HELL WEREN’T GONNA LET SAEYOUNG WIN- you run out in front of him and when he’s distracted by you, Jaehee shoots him!- you laugh so hard when you see the look on his face bc he wasn’t expecting you to sacrifice yourself- and then you give ya hot gf a kiss because hello, she’s a winner, she deserves all the kisses- after that, you all head down to Saeyoung’s entertainment room and watch your favorite movies and eat cake - everyone slowly falls asleep, and you’re cuddled up to jaehee and wondering what you did to get someone as amazing her in your life
*V- honestly he’s such a hipster, he throws a birthday for u every year and it always has a theme???- who does that smh- this year???- murder mYSTERY TRAIN THEME OMMMGG (A/N: 626 doesn’t know what she’s doing here, it’s probably all gonna be wrong)- what’s new scooby doo wE’RE COMING AFTER YOU WE’RE GONNA SOLVE THAT MYSTERYYY- V gets you a beautiful evening gown and hE MATCHES U  - he makes sure the gang is ready too, there’s no way theyre gonna ruin it for u (we’re looking at u saran wrap, das right i’m calling u out)- he takes sooo many pictures, you guys have to confiscate his camera cause hE WON’T STOP- when you guys get there, it’s sooo much more interactive than you thought it was gonna be???- you actually can’t tell who’s an actor and who isn’t?? They’re that good- aND THEN THE OLD LADY WHO’S SITTING NEAR YOU DIES WTF- you all have your own theories about who did it- V think it was her husband because hello, it’s always someone the victim knew- Jumin agrees but he’s also suspicious of the daughter- Yoosung doesn’t know what to think he’s still traumatized from seeing a dead lady even if it was fake- bUT IT’S ACTUALLY THE 20 SOMETHING YEAR OLD BECAUSE IT TURNS OUT SHE’S THE MISTRESS OF OLD LADY’S HUSBAND- Surprisingly only Zen got it right???- but he graciously gave you and V the prize since it a weekend getaway - Pretty sure V threatened him but whatever- After, you guys head back to yours and V’s place for cake and chilling - you guys end up on the floor in one weird big cuddled mess but it’s so warm (saran wrap says he hates u guys but he’s a little close to Zen so) (okay in 626’s world the RFA is a bunch of cuddlers youguyscantstopme)- u eventually get up tho and drag V to ur bedroom bc you wanna cuddle with him
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