#anyway back to ur regularly scheduled programming
diodellet · 4 months
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bisexualnatalies · 10 months
if any of my yj mutuals are looking for a series to read that is very much giving jackieshauna vibes but with two weird little gays in a small town in japan and (of course) additional body horror check out the summer hikaru died
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kittywriites · 2 years
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can we just talk about based on this moment i thought billy was gonna be this soft nervous new kid who just played tough
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linkedin-offficial · 8 months
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death thick of no shame - but still no body left to blame
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bucketsofmonsters · 3 months
I never post ab fandom shit on here but in honor of dragon age trailers coming out I will say, if we don’t see Cole in the new dragon age game I’m going to lose it, I need to see him I miss him so much
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kandayuu · 2 months
Not to be a hater, but maybe genshin would get less flack if they werent afraid of brown people :U
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awkward-halfhug · 1 year
Wow I saw one (1) stray stargate post on my dash and my anger is flared again about Michael I can't TELL you how angry I get about literally every thing about his story.
Bby boy was THE sweetest most precious INNOCENT bean, and the sheer number of ways that Atlantis did him dirty is unbelievable. astronomical. ridiculous.
If there's ever a storyline that makes me truly dislike our favorite team it's Michael's. If they had just been honest! If they had just not treated him like a monster, effectively making him feel like thats all he could ever be to them! They changed half the cells in his body, wiping his memory and leaving him this puppy dog that just wants friends!! And connection! And a sense of home!! Even after he learned the truth, time and time again he was still just looking for home and community and acceptance (and honesty!!),, and our beloved team treated him, this new innocent creature, like the scum under their boots.
iF i HaD bEeN tHeRe we would've ran away, me and Michael. We'd figure it out. Work out the cure for his hunger without wiping his memory again,, he's smart, the lil fledgling (mad) scientist,, I'd take some cure with us and we'd flee to some planet and I would be his family and his friend and I would give him the love and honesty and compassion he deserved.
Ik nobody asked for this rant I just get SO steamed about it whenever it comes to mind >:(
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mister13eyond · 11 months
least favorite kind of youtube experience is when you're watching something like "unsolved reddit mysteries" and most of them are interesting searches for lost media or attempts to figure out strange internet phenomena, and then somewhere mixed in with all of that is a post from someone who's clearly just experiencing paranoid delusions and it gets presented as a Mysterious and Spooky Secret
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nailgunstigmata · 1 year
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i support womens wrongs. whatever u say beautiful
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officially-other · 4 months
A longer post because there were some fun dragon things today
I'll be posting the other half (which actually happened first, chronologically) on my other account, but this is the part that I feel like writing out first. Obligatory UPG disclaimer, this is a personal experience so it has no basis in anything other than my own beliefs!
So! Crash course in how I believe reincarnation works for context: I believe that I- and everyone else- have what one would call a "higher self." Think of this like a lake, and each individual incarnation is a little whirlpool. Still part of the overall lake, but it's an individual at the same time. Or, I suppose, you could view it as a cake with pieces or whatever other metaphor you can think of- point is, my soul is whole but I am not all there is to me. My higher self is more aware, and not stuck in a physical body like I am.
My mother works very closely with her higher self. I... somehow just never saw that as an option for me. When I realized I was dragonkin, I immediately knew why; big huge dragon + little tiny human who's easily intimidated and doesn't know that they're a dragon yet = bad time. After I realized that, I decided that when I had the time I wanted to sort of say hello. Today I finally got the chance to meditate and have a chat.
I've understood my Amphitere nature is the draconic form that, in this lifetime, is likely the form it'd be most useful to know of and relate myself to. Not my truest form, but the one that will FEEL truest in this lifetime. So I knew higher self wasn't gonna look like that.
He is... fucking huge. I expected that, but it was still surprising. I couldn't get a good clear image of the body plan or anything, but he had feathered wings. The thing was; he was gold. I asked if he was actually gold, because that would mean that me and my mom separately picked up on that, and the following conversation ensued:
"Wait, so are you really gold?" "Yes.... sort of?" "WAIT OH MY GOD ARE YOU SHRIMP COLORS?????"
He laughed and said yes. I asked in the first place because it was something I just suddenly knew intuitively; gold is really the closest in energy that a human can perceive, but if I had a wider spectrum of color available to me he wouldn't look the same.
After some chatting I asked if he could help me connect us a little better, because I just... have a hard time looking at this massive fucking dragon and going "you're me, but big! :D" like no that's a dragon. Who am I to claim that that's me. Wtf. And after a moment, I just... sort of felt these massive fucking wings?? not my blue ones, but HIS wings. On my back. The full wingspan of them wouldn't even fit in my fucking room, it was wild.
Also, Loki and I have worked together WAY LONGER THAN I THOUGHT???? I asked higher self if he had worked with Loki, not as me, but as him and he and Loki looked at each other like they were in on some joke and I wasn't. I shit you not, he just sort of...
"Not... all lifetimes, just most of them-" LIKE THAT'S WAY MORE THEN A DOZEN, WHO WAS GONNA TELL ME THAT???
Anyway the punchline of this was the "shrimp colors" I just wanted to put the rest of that so I remembered, I fucking cannot deal with how weird my practice is getting over here XD
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losing-track · 8 months
physically cant work with this person cause i just keep on going AUGH WHY CANT I BE LIKE YOU
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lcstpaths · 10 months
irl i am the epitome of an insecure high school girl who has just started dating the asshole jock who does Not deserve her in every teen tv show ever and you'd THINK me being aware of this would help prevent it but .. no no it doesn't
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g0ghgetter · 1 year
girls (gender neutral) when it's not rotten work to them and it'll never be rotten work ever and they kinda just have to keep that to themselves in silence for all of eternity until they perish
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hanging out at the sanctum sanctorum over winter break as a teenage avenger!
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 766
request: yes / no
original request: hey can you do any headcanons about hanging at the sanctum sanctorum on winter break?
dynamic: avengers x teen!reader (teenage avenger series)
characters: reader, dr. strange, wong, peter parker, harley keener, miles morales, mention of natasha romanoff, steve rogers, sam wilson, and bucky barnes
a/n: this has been in my inbox for sooo long i'm sorry!! i'm going to still do winter break because even though it's spring (at least where i am), i like the vibes of winter break better!! ALSO requests are still open, just send in an ask!
taglist: @nutellani @thecloudedmind
(fill out this form to be on my taglist!)
so you, harley, peter, and miles were FINALLY on winter break.
that last week had felt like forever
and it was so tough to focus on studying for exams at the tower
but you got through it!!!!
and btw the cap quartet (natasha, steve, sam, and bucky) took y’all out for ice cream sundaes after your last exam to celebrate so that was fun
even though it was winter
the tower was fun to hang around in
but sometimes it got boring
ik it’s kind of a crazy thought
but you guys wanted to EXPLORE
live a little or smth
you all went to tony’s lab
to do science experiments !!!!!!!!!!
but he was in a mood or something LMAO
so he was like “why don’t you go bother dr. strange, huh? i’m sure he’d love some company.”
and you were like “ok!!!”
so the four of you walked over to the sanctum sanctorum 
it wasn’t actually too far from the tower
once you got to the door it was actually locked
miles said maybe it was ~ magic ~
which honestly was probably true
so you knocked
and knocked
and knocked
and you could hear someone inside!!!! but he just wasn’t coming to the door!!!
then you heard someone say “stephen, i’m letting them in.”
and then the door opened & it was wong!!!
pause for applause
because wong is so underrated and i love him
ok back to ur regularly scheduled programming
so wong was like “come in”
and when y’all walked in it was super cold
like freezing
so peter asked wong why
and he said “it’s the way stephen likes it. i’ll go change it now.”
and he did
and you heard this HUGE sigh and then dr strange came floating down the stairs
so dramatic
and he was like “why are you here”
there was a twinge of concern!!! a little twinge!!! but still a twinge!!!
and so harley told him that tony had sent you
strange just sighed really loudly
he kind of sighs a lot 
but he said he and wong were just about to sit down for lunch
and that “i GUESS you can join us”
guys my interpretation of stephen strange is rly dramatic in case u can’t tell
and you all got SUPER excited because guess what wong made
jk i’ll just tell you
that sounds basic
but y’all
wong’s soup? it’s the best soup you will ever taste EVER.
the flavor? immaculate. the seasoning? immaculate. the temperature? just enough that you have to hold it on your spoon a little bit before you eat it.
so the dining table in the sanctum sanctorum is actually really long. no explanation as to why because it’s literally just wong and strange but u don’t question them any more
anyways so the soup is sooo good
but while you’re eating you’re telling them about school
well you’re telling wong
stephen isn’t really listening LMAO
but you start telling him about what you’re learning in history
and peter starts talking about how he really liked learning about the dinosaurs
and suddenly strange is so much more interested
and he just goes “you like dinosaurs? here.”
and he opens a portal LMAO
and wong is like “stephen NO”
but stephen is already going inside of it
and so all of you look to wong for permission
but he’s just shaking his head
so you go in
and BRO long story short but there’s dinosaurs
and they’re HUGE
and harley is like about to cry
but peter and miles are like “WOAH AWESOME”
so you go up to strange
and you’re like “yeah ok great. can we go back now.”
and he’s like “ok”
long story short he finally opens it and you all sprint back into the sanctum sanctorum
and go back to eating your soup
and wong tells stephen to “stop traumatizing kids”
and it’s true tbh
anyways i think that the rest of your time at the sanctum sanctorum would include cleaning (because stephen says that if you stay you have to be helpful)
and you all play cards
go fish and uno
and stephen gets mad when he doesn’t win and makes you guys go back to the tower
but on your way out, wong tells you that stephen actually loves having you guys over
so you’re definitely gonna go back :)
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enbystarchild · 20 days
yall i just went on a date and ahhhhh
i haven't been on a date since like last november and it's not like i've been on that many dates as a whole
and it was only a coffee date but like it was fun and she was nice and easy to talk to and ahhhh i'm such a useless lesbian
i forgot how flustered pretty women make me, like goddamn i should not be blushing just from her laughing and smiling at me AND SHE POINTED OUT I WAS BLUSHING WHICH DID NOT HELP IN THE SLIGHTEST!!! it's not my fault i'm pale!!!!!
and at the end she said she'd like to do it again sometime and i was a stuttering mess but omfg i forgot how giddy flirting and shit makes me
anyway,,,, back to ur regularly scheduled programs i guess,,,, im just gonna continue to gay panic over here like usual
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So thoughts on the STEM boys thing as a guy who was in Comp Sci in college a few years ago. I think many straight cis men (especially younger men)(especially less social men)(especially men in male dominated fields) fall into these shitty behaviors. I think it happens because they realize on some level at some point that they want a romantic connection, but they're so mind bogglingly far from finding that in any sort of natural way that they can't conceive of other ways to go about finding that kind of connection than by thinking about it the same way they think about all their other wants, like it's a game. A lot of them have only ever had male friends and so only know about friendship in the toxicly masculine way that a lot of those types of friendships are. They exist in a space where 90% of their relationships are competitive ones, so they learn quickly to try to out-game each other at everything in order to survive in their social bubble. Then they take that mindset and try to apply it to their soul-crushing romantic loneliness and it's like the fact that romance (and friendship!) requires mutual trust and self-giving doesn't even factor in. These guys have never really even experienced those things to begin with.
I'm not saying any of this to excuse their shitty behavior, but I think understanding bad patterns is the first step towards taking them apart as a society. Also sorry if this is utter rambling nonsense, it's very very late here as I'm typing this. Sorry about all the shit you've been through. I hope you find someone who treats you right. Anyway, I'm just here for the memes, sorry to get involved in your personal stuff.
don’t apologize i appreciate this!!! thank you for putting what i was thinking into better words!!!! and thank u for ur kindness in the last bit :)
now back to your regularly scheduled meme programming
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