#Sonny Quinn Fanfic
rebelwrites · 2 months
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Unicorn || Whiskey || Cookies
Football || Sharks || Horses
Steak || Dog || Beach
Feet || Onion || Hammer
Wedding || Wine || Poker
Target || Purse || Popcorn
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vae1bixy · 3 months
I wanna try and do a fic exchange. I can do most fandoms I think. But I want something in return being a seal team fic. Jason and Brock. Clay and Sonny. Or sons of anarchy Jax and Opie. I'm willing to have multiple partners!!
To be real I would rather have a Opie/Jax fic right now. But will take what I can get 💀
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lovelymary · 3 months
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Nothing You Confess Could Make Me Love You Less
"Take me in, into your darkest hour And I'll never desert you I'll stand by you Won't let nobody hurt you I'll stand by you"
Lisa closed her laptop and let out a deep sigh. The last couple of weeks had been a whirlwind, to say the least. Even though Bravo's status with Command was still up in the air, an emergency mission in Colombia called for the best DEVGRU had to offer, and for better or worse, that was still Bravo team. Given the importance and time-sensitive nature of the mission, Command had decided to send Lisa along with them to assist Ray, who was going to be acting as OIC.
So here they all were again, on the flight back to Virginia Beach after achieving mission success just like they had done countless times before. She had to admit that it felt great to be back in the action with her boys and she was especially grateful that she was able to be there to watch over them on this particular mission. Though as happy as she was, the significance of Sonny's confession before they had spun up still weighed heavily on her heart.
2 weeks earlier…
Lisa was in her office, putting together the files she needed to bring with her to Colombia, when she got a text from Sonny asking her to come to the cages. The guys were gathered in the center of the room when she got there, apparently waiting for her to arrive. "What's going on?" she asked hesitantly, her eyes seeking Sonny out for some kind of indication as to what this was about, but his gaze never met hers. Instead, his eyes darted all over the room bouncing between the walls and back down to the floor as he started fidgeting with his hat, a telltale sign that he was nervous about what he was about to say.
"Listen, I…uh…I know we don't have much time before we head out, but there's something I need you guys to know about the last time we were in Colombia. I'm sure you all remember that I wasn't exactly at my best during that deployment. The truth is, I was in a pretty dark place, and when I left the safe house on my solo field trip, I didn't really know where I was going; all I knew was that I had to get the hell out of there. You know, Hannah and Leanne leaving and movin' back to Texas, it truly knocked me on my ass, and I guess what I really wanted was for it all to just stop — the hurt, the emptiness, the pain, you know, all of it,'' he paused to clear his throat and to get his emotions under control a bit before continuing. "So I uh, I ended up in Dibulla, where I got my fill of broads and booze and, um, even drugs. Bottom line, nothing was off limits if it meant that I would just stop hurting, if I could just stop feeling anything at all, if only for a little while. When Clay finally tracked me down, I was neck deep in a situation that I probably wouldn't have walked away from. Maybe that's why I did it; I don't know…Basically I uh, I got on the bad side of some local gang bangers, and if it wasn't for Clay, well, I probably would have ended up in a Colombian prison or dead in a ditch somewhere. I ain't proud of what I did, or the position I put Clay in, and I spent every single day after that doing whatever I could do just to make it up to him. Anyways, I uh, really didn't feel right going back there without reading you all in on what happened last time."
He paused to catch his breath and let it all sink in with the team. His eyes traveled around the room, trying to gauge everyone's reaction and he finally allowed himself to look at the one person whose gaze he'd been avoiding ever since she walked into the room. He looked at Lisa and could tell she was doing everything she could to keep her emotions in check, shoulders down and back with her jaw set tight. And when he looked into her eyes, he could see the tears that were starting to form despite her best efforts.
"Look," Sonny continued after a few moments. "I understand if y'all feel like you can't trust me right now and if you think it's best that I step aside for this mission, then that's what I'll do." He then turned to look at Jason, his team leader, his mentor and one of his best friends. "All I want is what's best for Bravo and I promise you, I will do whatever I need to do to earn your trust and respect back…all of you," he added as he turned to the rest of the team. "You know, a lot has changed since the last time we were in Colombia and I..uh…I'm not the same person I was back then. I know I tend to let my emotions get the best of me and act irrationally sometimes, but I swear to you, nothing like this will ever happen again. Ever." He turned to look at Lisa when he made that vow. It was a promise to the entire team, but especially to her.
He knew all too well her feelings about drugs and had seen firsthand how Danny's troubles had affected her when they were together. The last thing he ever wanted was to cause her any kind of pain and he couldn't bear the thought that his recklessness could be the final straw for them — the one thing that they couldn't come back from. He held her gaze for what felt like an eternity, desperately waiting for any indication of her reaction, good or bad. He saw her take a deep breath and just as she was about to speak, the moment was broken by the ringing of her cell phone.
Lisa swallowed the lump in her throat and answered her phone. Her head was spinning with questions and every possible emotion imaginable following the bombshell Sonny had just dropped, but as usual, duty was calling and all of that would have to be set aside for now.
"Yes, Sir. I understand. I'll be right there," she sighed as she clicked the phone off and turned to the guys. "Blackburn needs to see me before we take off…I'll uh see you guys on the plane." With one last look in Sonny's direction, Lisa tucked her phone back into her pocket and made her way out of the room.
Sonny hung his head and nodded slowly as he watched her leave. He understood why she had to go, but he couldn't help but feel the cruel irony that this job always seemed to find a way to come between them. He knew that he and Lisa wouldn't have been able to really have the conversation they needed to have with the entire team there, but he was still hoping for the slightest bit of reassurance that things between them would eventually be okay.
There wasn't much time to dwell on that though as the rest of the guys quickly got their bags together and headed out of the room after Jason asked to speak to Sonny alone. "This is it," he thought to himself. He'd finally pushed Jason to his limit and he was going to lose his spot on Bravo.
"Listen Jase," Sonny started once they were alone together, needing to say his piece before Jason kicked him off the team. "I know I broke Bravo's number one rule, I lied to you and to the entire team and there's no excuse for that. All I can say is I'm sorry, man, and I understand if this means that my time with Bravo's done. I get it. I just want you to know that being a part of this team and operating alongside of you has been the greatest honor and privilege of my life. My only regret is that I let my carelessness cost me one of the best things that's ever happened to me."
He let out a shaky breath as he held back his tears. His Bravo family meant everything to him and he couldn't believe that he was about to lose it all.
Jason sighed and ran his hands across his face. This definitely wasn't what he thought was going to happen when they had unexpectedly been called in while they were all on temporary suspension, but years of leading Bravo had conditioned him to be ready for just about anything. He had noticed that things had been rough for Sonny the last time they were in Colombia and he could definitely see that he was spinning out a little, but he'd just assumed that he'd pull himself out of it like he always did. Now that he knew just how bad things had gotten, he couldn't help but feel like he had let his brother down, even though he had been dealing with his own issues at the time and hadn't really been able to focus on anything other than his TBI and getting through the mission. Sonny could certainly be one of his most volatile teammates, but he was also one of the most loyal and Jason knew that when he put his mind to it, Sonny was just as capable as any of the other senior members of Bravo. Despite his reactive tendencies, Sonny always came through when they needed him and as far as Jason was concerned, that was what mattered most.
"Technically, we were Omega the last time around. Can't break Bravo rules if there's no Bravo."
"That's bull and you know it," Sonny scoffed. He appreciated what Jason was trying to do, but he didn't want him making exceptions for him. Actions had consequences and as much as it killed him to lose Bravo, he would take full responsibility for what he'd done.
Jason nodded in recognition, he should have known that Sonny wouldn't go for his lame attempt at rationalization. For all his faults, Sonny always owned up to his mistakes. Jason sighed and stepped a little closer to Sonny, his hand firmly gripping his shoulder.
"I'll tell you what I know," he kept his voice low even though they were the only ones in the room. "I know that in spite of everything that happened in Dibulla, you got your shit together when it mattered. You came through for the team, like you always do. Without you, we would have never taken down that enrichment facility and the Venezualans would have nukes by now. I know that when Clay got hit by that RPG in Mali, you used your own med kit to help him and you're the one that stayed back with him in Ramstein. When they finally brought him back to the States for his recovery, you were the one that was with him every step of the way at Walter Reed, that is what I know."
Sonny shrugged a little and looked down. "Any one of us would have done the same. He was our brother. Besides, Clay saved my life that day, if anyone was going to step up for him, it was going to be me."
"You know, you can tell yourself that you did all that because you felt like you owed Clay but we both know that you have done the exact same thing regardless. There isn't anything you won't do to help a brother in need. I'm just…I'm just sorry that none of us realized how much you needed us in Colombia."
"C'mon J., you know this ain't on you. I was the one you pushed everyone away and besides you had enough on your plate down there."
"Yeah, that's true, but you remember what you told me when we were looking for Ray in those mountains a few years ago? This world is a hell of a lot easier to navigate when you've got someone to lean on. I think we both lost sight of that during the Omega."
"Yeah, I guess we did," Sonny admitted quietly.
"Alright, so how about we make a pact right now? If we're ever in a tough spot again, we'll reach out for help. What do you say?" Jason held out his fist to Sonny, as he waited for his response.
"Wait. You mean, you're not kicking me off of Bravo?" Sonny asked with a bewildered look on his face.
"There's no Bravo without you, man. So, are you just going to leave me hanging here or do we have a deal?"
Sonny smiled and bumped his fist with Jason's in agreement, "Deal."
"Alright then," Jason wrapped one arm around Sonny's shoulder and grabbed his bags with the other. "Let's go show those cake-eaters what Bravo can do."
"Roger that, Boss."
Lisa leaned back against her seat on the C-17 and took a few calming breaths trying to digest everything that had just happened in the last hour. She had hated leaving the way she did earlier, but she had no choice, the mission had to come first and if she was being honest she had no idea what to make of Sonny's confession right now anyway. She had known that something serious must have happened down there by the way Clay had given Sonny the cold shoulder when they got back but never in her wildest dreams would she have ever imagined that Sonny would have gone so far off the rails. Drugs? Gang bangers? What in the world had happened during those two days he had been gone? The anger and confusion she was feeling quickly made way for overwhelming guilt. Her best friend had been off the grid for 48 hours and she had barely noticed. He'd already been gone for a day when Clay had asked her if she knew where he was and it wasn't until that moment that she realized that he hadn't been back to the safe house.
For over a decade, she and Sonny had been practically inseparable while on deployment. Whenever they had any kind of downtime, they always gravitated towards each other and spent countless hours hanging out together. But all that changed when she had decided that they couldn't be friends, right before they were deployed on the Keating. She hadn't wanted to completely cut him out of her life, but she knew that being so close to him and not being able to be with him would hurt too much and she was just trying to make things a little easier. She'd convinced herself that it was for the best but in hindsight, she couldn't have been more wrong. They had both tried to move on but their attempts had been in vain, and resulted in Sonny spiraling worse than he ever had before, while she eventually ended up completely immersing herself in her work after things went south with Grant.
The sound of the guys boarding the plane breaks her out of her thoughts. Her gaze immediately drifts to Sonny and their eyes lock for a moment as he makes his way towards her. She quickly looks back towards her laptop in a desperate attempt to appear busy, but Sonny isn't deterred as he quietly takes a seat next to her. "Listen, Lisa, I know I messed up real bad this time" he sighs softly as he tries to find the right words.
"Sonny, we can't do this right now," she cuts him off, unable to keep the quiver out of her voice, "not here."
Sonny lets out a defeated breath. "Yeah, you're probably right. I, uh, I'll just let you get back to your work." He stands to leave but Lisa grabs his hand before he can walk away.
"Sonny, wait…"
He turns back toward her with a confused look on his face. She squeezes his hand reassuringly and repositions her hand so that she's holding onto his index finger with her whole hand. She's not sure how or when that became a thing for them but she was grateful for it now because it allowed her to convey to him all the things she couldn't say out loud yet. They'd been through so much in the last few months and she couldn't help but remember what Sonny had said to her the night of Clay's send-off… 'you're the only best friend I've got left'...
She still didn't know how she felt about everything that had happened in Colombia, but she knew that she wasn't willing to sacrifice their friendship for anything. They'd already lost so much precious time over the last couple of years, and in spite of everything, she knew that she needed him in her life just as much as he needed her. She looked up at Sonny with tears in her eyes. "I'm not going anywhere, okay? I just need some time."
Sonny softly rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand, "I'll wait as long as you need, Leese."
Lisa had spent every single second she wasn't working in Colombia, scouring news articles, police reports and anything that could give her any insight into what had happened with Sonny and Clay in Dibulla. From what she had gathered, the gang that Sonny had apparently gotten himself mixed up with was known as Hijos del Diablo. Given that they were a low level local gang, the police had seemingly chalked up the body count at the hotel to run-of-the-mill gang violence that was common in the area. As far as she could tell, there were no open investigations, but Lisa had still asked Mandy if she had any old contacts in the area that could help them make sure there was nothing that could ever lead back to Sonny. The last thing they needed was for a witness or some old surveillance footage to come back to haunt them.
She pulled out her phone and quickly read through Mandy's last message one more time, thankful that her friend was able to come through for her so quickly. She wasn't surprised though, Mandy always found a way to make the impossible possible and there wasn't anything she wouldn't do to protect any one of the guys. She didn't know exactly what Mandy did but she had assured her that there wasn't anything that could ever lead back to Sonny. Her exact words were, "it's like they were never there." Lisa smiled as she put her phone away. She definitely owed Mandy several cases of beer and maybe even a nice bottle of champagne.
Now that she was sure that Sonny was in the clear, she felt like she could finally relax a little. She knew that she and Sonny had a lot to talk about, but for the first time since she found out about everything that had happened, she finally felt like everything would be okay. She looked across the plane and spotted Sonny sitting on his own at the far end of the aircraft. It wasn't unusual for the guys to go off on their own as a way to unwind on the flight back, but she knew that wasn't why Sonny was sitting alone right now. He was giving her time, just like she had asked him, but she knew that not being able to talk to her was killing him. It would probably be best to wait until they were in private to talk, but if she was being honest, the distance between them was starting to get to her too and she really didn't want to wait any longer.
"Hey." She said softly, as she approached him. Sonny nods in acknowledgment and whispers "hey" without looking up. She sits next to him and puts her hand on his back. "I wish you would have come to me. I knew that you were hurting, but I guess I didn't realize how bad it was. Or maybe I just didn't want to see it."
He finally turns to look at her. "Yeah well, it's not like I was being all that agreeable at the time. I mean, the way I was treating you, I don't blame you for staying away. Besides, you had other things to worry about. It ain't on you to stop me from self-destructing."
"But you're my best friend Sonny and I just abandoned you when you needed me the most."
Out of everything that came out of Sonny's confession, that was what was troubling her the most. How could she have let herself get so consumed with work that she had completely missed that her best friend was falling apart? When he had angrily lashed out at her and blamed her for Hannah leaving, she had convinced herself that what Sonny needed was some time and space to cool off, so she had kept her distance. But in her heart, she knew that was a cop out. The truth was, she wasn't willing to admit that maybe Sonny wasn't entirely wrong. She hadn't set out to make Hannah feel like there was still something between her and Sonny, but that's what always tended to happen whenever she and Sonny were around each other. Even before they became more than friends, they had been giving people the wrong idea for years. The bond that they shared was just something they couldn't hide, even when they tried. She was sure the only reason they had been able to hide their relationship from the team for so long was because they were all so used to seeing how close she and Sonny were, but that wasn't the case with outsiders. She couldn't even remember how many fights she'd had about it with various boyfriends over the years.
"I uh I don't know why I always do that," she continued softly. "I push you away whenever I start seeing someone else and that's not fair, Sonny. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
"I get it. I mean the lines between us do tend to blur pretty easily. I guess it's just easier to try and make a clean break. Besides, I'm sure Grant wouldn't have been too happy to have me dragging you into my messes."
Lisa scoffs a little at the mention of Grant. "Yeah well, making Grant happy wasn't exactly a priority of mine anymore."
"Wait what? What the hell are you talking about, Davis?" He knew that she wasn't seeing Grant anymore but he had thought that was a more recent development. Had Lisa really stopped seeing him back then? She hadn't mentioned anything when he told her that Grant would also be proud of her when that captain said he wanted to try and fix the issues she had brought up in her paper. Although, now that he thought about it, she did seem a little squirrely when he mentioned Grant but he'd just assumed it was the natural awkwardness of discussing your current relationship with your ex.
"Forget it. It's not important," she shrugged and shook her head dismissively, but he saw the hurt that briefly flashed in her eyes before she quickly tucked it away.
"Come on now, that might work on the others, but I think you're forgetting how well I know ya darlin'. What am I missing here?"
She sighed and gave him a small smile. She should have known he'd see right through her. "Actually, I'm the one who missed something. I missed a whole lot of somethings really, like a whole other girlfriend in DC."
Sonny can't hide the look of utter shock from his face. He shakes his head in disgust and mutters, "idiot."
"I know. Some intel officer, right? I can't even recognize the signs that the guy I'm dating is seeing someone else."
"Not you, Lisa! Him. He's the idiot."
"Oh…" she says, giving him a small sheepish smile. "Well, idiot or not, I never should have let my relationship with him pull me away from our friendship." She sighed a little before continuing.
"It used to be easier, you know, convincing them that we were just friends. But after things got real with us, I just couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't argue that we didn't mean anything more to each other than just friends. I guess I thought it was just better to avoid the whole thing by keeping you at a distance. Conflict avoidance — it's a classic Davis move. See, I told you I was an idiot."
"Hey, quit talking about my girl that way." He lightly bumped her shoulder with his, keeping his tone light and joking even though the look in his eyes revealed his true feelings.
Lisa blushes a little at the term of endearment and looks down at her hands. "You still think of me as your girl?" she whispered softly.
"Yeah, you'll always be my girl," Sonny admits quietly, reaching out to take her hand in his. In spite of everything that had happened between them and everything they had been through, Lisa was still the woman he loved. She was the first woman he ever truly loved and he knew that he would never love anyone else the way he loved her. "I just hope that I haven't completely ruined my chances at calling you that." He squeezes her hand softly before continuing. "I know saying I'm sorry doesn't even come close to cutting it right now, but I am so sorry, Lisa. I swear to you, nothing like that will ever happen again. I know I tend to go all scorched earth when I'm upset or hurt, but I'm really trying to get a handle on all that. You know, trying to find better ways to cope and all."
"You are?" she asked with genuine curiosity and the tiniest hint of disbelief.
"Yeah, uh, I was helping Naima at the vet center the other day. She, uh, needed someone to set up some more bookcases in the library they've got there and well, see, they had this book there about different ways to cope when things get rough. Figured it was worth a shot, you know. Turns out, it ain't half bad. It's um giving me a different perspective on things and, uh you know, helping me understand things about myself a little better," he admitted quietly.
"Wow, that's incredible. I'm so proud of you," she nods softly as tears fill her eyes. "And I'm really glad it's helping because I don't ever want to see you hurting yourself like that again, Sonny."
"I won't. I promise," he says, brushing away a stray tear that had made its way down her cheek.
"I'm going to hold you to that, Quinn. I mean it, because if anything were to ever happen to you, I don't know that I'd survive it."
"You have my word, Lisa," he promised. "So does this mean we're good?" he asked tentatively.
Lisa saw the hopeful look in his eyes and bit her lip. There was still one thing she needed to know before she could truly put this whole thing to bed.
"Were you ever going to tell me?" She blurted it out before she could change her mind. "I mean if we hadn't gone back to Colombia, would you have told me what happened?"
"Lisa, you have to believe me; I never meant to keep it from you this long, I swear," he sighed heavily. "It's just between the ambush in Mali and what happened to Clay; there just never seemed to be a good time. Things were finally starting to get back to normal with us and I didn't want to risk losing it again so soon. Of course, then I went and messed it up anyways with my irrational temper. I'm really tryin' to work on that," he rambled a little and she gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. Only then did he notice that she was still holding his hand. A wave of relief rushed over him as he realized that Lisa hadn't let go of his hand. Even though they were surrounded by all their teammates and various other staff members, even though he'd kept all this from her, even though he'd given her every reason to give up on him, she was still here holding his hand.
He took a steadying breath and continued, "Listen, Lisa, honestly, I think part of me was always worried that this whole mess would come back and bite me in the ass one day and I just couldn't stand the thought of putting you in a difficult spot with Command because of it. You've come so far and I'm so proud of you and I can't bear the thought of it all being compromised because of me. It's bad enough that I nearly wrecked everything with that whole Decker mess." Sonny sighed and hung his head a little.
"Hey, look at me." Lisa reached over and gently tilted his head up so he was looking at her. "First of all, I already told you, Decker deserved it and my only regret is not getting the chance to punch him myself. So you can stop feeling guilty about that, okay? I mean, sure, we had some fallout to deal with, but it was worth it. And you know, maybe we can both hold off on punching people for a little bit."
"Yeah, I think we can manage that," he chuckled.
"And as for what happened in Dibulla," Lisa continued. "You don't have to worry about that either."
"What? What do you mean?" he asked incredulously.
"Police records show that there aren't any open investigations about it and it seems like no one's really interested in pursuing the matter further. But I had Mandy look into it anyway and she made sure there wasn't anything to find even if someone were to ever look into it."
"When did you have time to do all that?" he asked, still trying to process everything she had just said.
"Well, we did have some down time during the mission," she shrugged and gave him a small smile.
"I...I don't know what to say. That's incredible. I can't believe it," he stammered, still a little shocked that she would do all that for him. "Thank you, Lisa. I don't know what I ever did to deserve you, but I'm so grateful to have you in my life. And if you'll let me, I'll spend the rest of my life doing whatever I can to prove it to you."
"I don't need you to prove anything to me, Sonny; just no more secrets, okay? No matter how bad you think it is."
"No more secrets, I promise. But that goes both ways, too. I mean I know you're basically Wonder Woman, but that doesn't mean you have to go through everything on your own. I know how much it must have hurt to find out that jackass was cheating on you and I hate that you felt you couldn't rely on your best friend for support."
"Okay, that's fair," she agreed softly. "But for the record, I do know that I can rely on you, it's just that old habits are hard to break sometimes. I'm sorry if I ever made you doubt that."
"It's alright, just as long as you know that I'll always have your back, no matter what. Even if all we can be right now is best friends." They were, as usual, in murky territory in their relationship. While they had grown so much closer ever since they had made up at Clay's memorial at the Bulkhead, nothing had really changed for them as far as the UCMJ was concerned. He knew they would have to figure it all out soon, but for now, all that mattered was that they were still a part of each other's lives.
Lisa smiles back at him and whispers, "I know," before lifting his hand up to her lips and lightly brushing her lips across the back. She then took his arm and draped it over her shoulder as she settled in closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder.
Sonny was a little surprised by this open display of affection, but if she was okay with it, he certainly wasn't going to complain. Relief washed over him as the anxiety he'd felt about everything that had happened in Dibulla finally started to lift.
"I can't believe this is really over," he sighed, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them. "I never realized just how much this whole mess was weighing on me. I'm definitely going to owe Miss Mandy several cases of beer and maybe even some of that fancy champagne she likes."
Lisa let out a soft giggle and it was the sweetest sound to his ears. "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing," she admitted. "We definitely owe her for coming through for us so fast."
"We…" Sonny sighed contentedly, "I like the sound of that, you know, us being a 'we'."
"Me too," she smiled and snuggled in just a little bit closer to him, shifting so that her head was resting on his chest. She let her eyes drift close as she enjoyed the comfort of his embrace. After the emotional rollercoaster they had just been through, she was more than happy to let the sound of Sonny's steady heartbeat lull her into the most peaceful sleep she'd had in quite some time.
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polyamships · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: SEAL Team (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mandy Ellis/Jason Hayes/Brock Reynolds, Sonny Quinn/Trent Sawyer/Clay Spenser Characters: Brock Reynolds, Mandy Ellis, Jason Hayes, Sonny Quinn (SEAL Team TV), Clay Spenser, Bravo Team Ensemble (SEAL Team TV) Additional Tags: background metalburn, ray is also there, trent is also definitely there but doesn't get to say anything, jason is a blanket hog, brock likes to be in the middle, Swearing, discussion of sex Series: Part 9 of Two Guys, a Girl, and a Navy Base, Part 9 of Universe of Trios, Part 1 of OG Trio Business Summary:
Brock just has a very specific idea of where he should be in the cuddle. The rest of the squad are not amused by this discussion
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geesebumps-stuff · 9 months
I added a chapter to my Family fanfic!
Summary: This comes from one my aus, the Slappy stays au. Where he stays with the Quinn family. This is when Sarah comes home after seeing Tyler with another girl while Sonny, Sam, and Slappy are hanging out together.
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chicgeekgirl89 · 1 year
Get to Know Your Fanfic Writer
Thanks @bonheur-cafe for the tag!
When did you post your first ever fanfic?
Sept. 23, 2007. I was BARELY a freshman in college. My parents didn't let me have an official ff.net account because it had mature content on it. So one of my first acts as a free adult was to get an account and post a fic lol. I still remember the high I felt when reviews started coming in!
First character(s) you wrote for:
Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn, but I didn't post anything for them until recently. My first posted fic was a Power Rangers one lol.
Main character(s) you’re currently writing for:
T.K. and Carlos, but I'm also dabbling in the Heartstopper fandom with Nick and Charlie.
Character(s) you haven’t written about before but plan on writing about soon:
None that I can think of!
Fandom(s) you’re currently writing for:
9-1-1: Lone Star mostly, Heartstopper (sort of)
Platonic pairing(s) you currently write for:
I LOVED writing Sonny Quinn and Clay Spenser in the SEAL Team fandom. Currently writing Priya Singh and Nathan Ajayi in the Heartstopper fandom.
Romantic pairing(s) you currently write for:
T.K./Carlos and Nick/Charlie
Your top 3 tags on AO3 (if you post your works on AO3):
Boys in Love
Your current platform where you post your works:
AO3 and Tumblr (sorry ff.net, you got mean)
Snippet of the wip you’re currently working on:
He stretches first, ignoring the twinging in his ribs and the slight ache at the base of his skull. It’s been almost a month since his kidnapping and near death at the hands of Trudie and her deranged son and Carlos refuses to let the effects linger any longer. He’s tired of everyone walking on eggshells around him, treating him like he might break at any moment. He knows about the secret text thread T.K. has going with his mom and sisters that’s full of daily updates about his sleep, his eating, his pain level; it’s like being an infant and it’s driving him crazy.
Tagging (no pressure! also sorry if I missed yours, I'm sure I'll see it as I scroll!): @lemonlyman-dotcom, @carlos-in-glasses, @liminalmemories21
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chibsytelford · 3 years
Broodiness and Barbecues
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Requested by @pascal-reyes -
I was wondering if I could request like a fluffy Sonny x reader, where like reader is watching him like teach one of Ray or Jason's kids to barbeque, and reader is just feeling broody😂
Warnings - children (for those that don't like the bogey monsters) slight mention of getting pregnant (v v slight).
The boys coming back from deployment in one piece only meant one thing. A barbecue. You loved the Bravo barbecues and the way all the guys and their families relaxed, laughed, ate, drank and forgot about work for a couple hours.
You were sitting in your usual sun lounger beside Naima and Stella, nursing a beer and admiring your man from afar. You were dipping in and out of conversation with the two ladies, occasionally commenting, but most of your focus was on Sonny.
He was manning the barbecue. Cap on backwards, cocktail stick in the mouth, beer bottle in hand, he looked right at home.
You watched as Jameelah went over to him and he bent down, pointing to the food on the grill. She laughed at something he said and he wasted no time in scooping her up and balancing her on his hip.
He picked up another pair of tongs and handed them to Jameelah, who smiled widely. She watched closely as Sonny picked up a burger and flipped it not once, but twice perfectly and Jameelah clapped along with Emma and Mikey who you had noticed had made their way over.
Your hand instinctively rested on your tummy and you looked down and smiled. Naima had noticed and when you looked back up she was looking at you knowingly. "Are you?"
You shook your head stopping her. "No. But seeing him like that with the kids, I don't know". You lifted your hand off your tummy and looked once more at Sonny.
He was looking at you with his eyebrows raised and you lifted your hand giving him a wave. He blew you a kiss and winked which made your heart stop, like it always did.
You loved the relaxed, don't give a damn Sonny. That's the man you were watching today. "You won't regret it" Naima pulled you out of your thoughts. "Speak to him about it, he will be thrilled".
You nodded and smiled, contemplating if you should bring it up. You had no doubts that Sonny would be a great daddy, but was he ready for that so soon?
@rebelwrites @mrsmarvelous1995 @seik-o @thelovelyleo23 @theysayitscrazy @galaxysanduniversesinmymind @bravo-four-seal-team @disasterfandoms @velvetcardiganbucky @innerpaperexpertcloud @supervalcsi @jayhalsteadfan-2417 @abby-splace @muggleborn12
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theysayitscrazy · 3 years
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Motel El Royale || Fan Fic Friday
Clay Spenser x Reader
Reader x Sonny Quinn Sister
A/N: Shout out to @bravo-four-seal-team and her goat series for the lovely conversation taking place in this.
Taglist: @rebelwrites @rebelreblogs @heathermann200 @bravo-four-seal-team
Warnings: Pillow talk, annoying brother antics, one bed...oops.
Rain slashed against the Nova’s windshield. The wiper blades whipped back and forth, unable to keep up. After the second time the tires hydroplaned on the interstate, Clay swore. “This is ridiculous,” he grumbled.
You rolled your eyes and continued staring out the passenger window. This trip was such a bad idea. Sonny was stranded in the middle of nowhere, another bad idea, and needed a ride. Only when you went to start your car, it wouldn’t start.
You cursed the POS silently for the 100th time that night.
You’d been at the bulkhead with the guys when Sonny had called you. Your brother was on his usual post-Davis-break-up bullshit, and you were annoyed when his face popped up on your phone. Not only had you gave him shit over the phone while sitting at the bar with the rest of Bravo, but you had called him back when your POS car wouldn’t start to give him more shit. Your car had worked fine on the way to the bar.
Sonny had called Clay, who and walked out of the bar while on the phone with him and motioned toward the Nova. After he hung up with your brother you sighed and walked over. “Why don’t you jump in?” Clay called across the parking lot.
“Because that sounds like a horrible idea,” you grumbled under your breath. Two hours trapped in the car with pretty boy was the last thing you wanted to that evening.
“We can go get him together,” Clay added, seeing your hesitation.
“Alright,” you called back to him. “Fuck my life,” you grumbled under your breath and grab your hoodie and purse off the passenger seat and headed toward Clay.
The drive had been relatively quiet. You’d taken over the radio as soon as Clay hit the interstate and headed out to the hills where Sonny had taken up residence.
The rain was icing on the cake, and you were exhausted when Clay pulled into, “Motel El Royle,” you grumble as you read the blinking Vacancy sign out by the highway.
“Looks like something out of Norman Bates movie,” Clay sighed. “There’s nothing else around,” he added as he pulled into the parking lot.
“If Chris Hemsworth comes stumbling in from the rain, I call dibs,” you murmur as he parks the nova in front of the office.
Clay shoots you a grin and nods once. “So, I get Dakota Johnson?” he asks.
You roll your eyes. “You can have Jeff Bridges.”
His laugh rumbles out of his chest, filling the quiet Nova, startling you.
You glance at him and wish you didn’t. Those pearly whites were flashing in the dim lighting from the motel building. His smile was infectious, and you found your lips tugging upwards. It was hard to be indifferent around him when all you wanted was to wrap your arms around him and pull his hard body against yours.
You couldn’t though. He was your brother’s best friend. There were bro codes about that. Shit you and brother had a bro-code about that.
“You alright?” Clay asks, catching you staring.
You snap out of it quickly and smirk, “Just imagining you looking like a drowned rat when you return from getting us a room.”
His grin falls and you smirk.
“Go be a gentleman and get us a couple rooms,” you say as rain beats down on the hood and roof of the Nova.
He shakes his head in disbelief but turns to get out of the car.
Once he’s out of the car and making the mad dash to the front door, you sigh. “Come on, Y/N, get your shit together already.”
Why did he have to be so God damn gorgeous? You watched him through the window, talking to the guy at the front desk. You needed a cold shower after the last two hours in the car with him. Something about the man and his sexy ass car made you hot. Fuck, everything about that man made you hot.
You watched as he grabbed the key from the front desk guy, before he headed toward the door and stopped, looking out. He was already soaking wet from his short walk inside. His grey t-shirt was clinging to his body more than it usually did.
He rolled those muscular shoulders back and braced himself for opening the door.
You grinned broadly at him and waved.
He sent a glower your way.
You blew him a flirt kiss and watched as a smirk pulled across his lips. Oooh baby boy was looking cocky as fuck as he strolled out of the motel and into the rain.
Only he didn’t walk to the driver’s side…he leisurely strolled around the Nova to the passenger side and pulled the door open before you could even think of locking it. “What are you doing?” you ask dumbly, as he reaches for your hand and pulls you out of the car.
Its pouring buckets. Too dangerous to drive, and this man is pulling you out into it. “Fuck Clay!” You shout as the piercing rain hammers down on you. “It hurts!”
He laughs and spins you out and away from the car, holding your hand. When he pulls you back and you spin into him, you gasp. Is he dancing in the rain with you?
You look up at him confused as he grins down at you.
There’s no music, but he wraps an arm around your waist, sliding his hand to the small of your back, and pulls you against him. “What are you doing?” you question, even though your hand slides up his bicep to rest on his shoulder.
“Just go with it,” he grins down at you. He squeezes the hand he’s still holding and begins to lead.
“Fuck,” you think to yourself as you let him guide you around in a small circle in the parking lot.
You can’t take your eyes off him. Those blue eyes are dark with desire and he’s watching you just as closely. There’s something magical about the moment and you suddenly don’t care that your soaking wet, clothes clinging to you, and freezing your ass off.
Clay’s gaze on you is all at that matters. His hand in yours. Your body pressed against his.
A ringing cell phone breaks the moment, and you jump back, startled.
Clay looks annoyed but pulls out the cell from his pocket and flashes you the screen so you can see that its Sonny. You nod once, and Clay walks around the car to the driver’s side as he answers the phone. You slide into the front seat and close the door behind you, shivering as you drip onto the leather seats.
“Yeah man,” Clay says, speaking over the roar of the rain on the roof of the car. “Nah, we had to pull over. The roads are flooding. We found a motel for the night. You gonna be good till morning?”
“Yeah brother,” Sonny’s voice was loud and clear in the Nova. “Don’t be gettin’ any ideas about my sister.”
“Sorry man, you’re breaking up! Storms loud! I’ll you in the morning,” Clay answered and hung up on Sonny.
You look over at Clay with a confused grin on your face.
He shrugs a shoulder and smiles. “Let’s go find our room.”
You’re suddenly nervous as Clay starts the car and heads around the building to the back. Once parked, you realize you don’t have anything. No clothes to change into. You’re soaking wet and freezing cold.
Clay parks the car and you both run out into the rain again, to get under the overhang. Clay unlocks the door quickly and you stumble through, only to stop dead when you see the one bed in the room. “Fuck,” you groan.
“What’s wrong?” Clay asks.
“There’s only one bed,” you mutter, pointing to the thing like it offended you.
“It was the last room they had,” Clay’s voice was soft behind you.
You sigh and walk further into the room and set down your purse. “Any chance you have clothes in your car?” you ask him over your shoulder.
“Uh… actually,” he says and nods once.
You glance at him.
“I might. Let me check.” He heads back out into the rain, and you move to the window to watch.
He uses his keys to open the trunk and you grin when he pulls out his ‘Go bag’.
A moment later he’s back in the room, dripping water all over the floor, bag slung over his shoulder. “You’re in luck. I just did laundry,” he grins as tosses the bag on the dinette table under the window.
Something about the table has you glancing around the motel room, taking it in again. 70’s wallpaper. Weird divider by the door. “Does this look like something the Winchester’s would stay in?” you ask, glancing around.
Clay chuckles but looks around too. “Alright, that’s a little creepy,” he admits.
You nod, but motion to the bag. “Think you got a pair of shorts and shirt in there I can wear? I’m gonna hit the shower.”
Clay nods and starts digging. A moment later he’s passing you a pair of drawstring shorts and a Navy t-shirt. You murmur a thanks and head into the bathroom.
You take your time in the bathroom, savoring the heat of the spray from the shower head. That little dance in the rain chilled you to the bone and you have no desire to head back out into the main room. That one bed, though a king size, was not going to do well for your poor attempts at staying away from your brother’s best friend.
Neither were his hairbrained ideas for dancing in the rain…and why would Sonny choose that moment to warn his buddy away? Was there something going on?
A knock at the door pulled you from your thoughts. “You drowning in there?” Clay’s voice sounded amused on the other side.
“I’ll be right out,” you call back and sigh. “Fuck my life,” you grumble to yourself.
After you dry off and change into his much larger, but dry clothes, you wrap the towel around your hair on top of your head to dry, and head out into the main room.
Clay’s standing awkwardly in the middle of the room, dripping everywhere.
“Shit, you must be freezing,” you admonish and move out of the way. “Go!” you point toward the bathroom.
He nods and grabs a bundle of clothes off the bed.
While he’s showering you make quick work of hanging your wet clothes from the curtain rods and crank the heat up, praying your clothes would be dry by morning. Then you dig in your purse for a brush and hair tie, before you brush out your hair and pull it back into ponytail.
You glance around and realize its late. It’s past midnight, so you pick your side of the bed and crawl in, setting your phone on the nightstand. You shut the light off, and leave the one on, on the other side of the bed.
Your heart races when you hear the water shut off in the bathroom. You think about closing your eyes, but you’re too wired, and what’s the point. He’d know you wouldn’t be sleeping yet… and thank God you didn’t.
Clay walks out of the bathroom in nothing but a pair of boxers, carrying his wet clothes. He glances at you to see you watching him and then heads to the curtains to hang his own wet clothes next to yours, above the heater.
“You cool with sharing?” he asks you, hovering next to the side of the bed.
You glance over your shoulder at him and nod.
Then he’s sliding into bed and the large king size, suddenly feels small. His large body takes up so much space, you know if you roll over from your little square that you claimed, you’d be touching him.
A moment later, the room descends into darkness as he shuts off the light. You let out a yawn and try to get comfortable but find that you’re still too wired to sleep. You turn onto your back and stare up at the dark ceiling.
“You alright over there?” Clay’s voice is soft in the dark.
“Mmm,” you respond, not sure what to say.
“What kind of trouble you think Sonny got up to this time?” Clay asks.
You let out small laugh and shrug in the dark. “Knowing him, something ridiculous.”
Clay’s rumbling laugh shakes the bed, and you grin. God sometimes your brother could find the most ridiculous situations to end up in. “Like the Goats?” Clay asked.
You bust out laughing hysterically. “From the Goat dealer?”
Clay answering laugh shakes the bed again.
“Then the cats?” You bring up, remembering when your brother tried to get rid of the goats.
“Blackburn was so pissed!” Clay laughed.
“But then you dumbasses had to take on a bull,” you smirk at him in the dark, rolling onto your side to face him. There was just enough light peaking through the curtains for you to make out the outline of his face.
Clay laughed again. “To be fair, I thought as long as I outran Sonny, I’d be fine.”
You laugh and hit his shoulder. “Oh, great best friend you are.”
“At least I didn’t leave Butt-head in Blackburn’s car,” Clay chuckled and rolled on his side to face you.
You shake your head at him. “I swear you guys are a bunch of overgrown man children,” you chuckle.
Clay grins at you and props up on an elbow and rests his head against his fist, watching you.
As the conversation lulls, you think about Clay’s conversation with Sonny earlier. “Hey Clay?” you murmur.
“Yeah Y/N,” he responds softly.
Your heart flutters at hearing your name in the dark, from the blond God. “Why did Sonny tell you not to get any ideas about me?” You bite your lower lip, wondering why you even bothered asking.
Clay’s quiet a moment before he slides closer to you. His hand reaches out in the dark and finds your body. His hand slides down your side and around your back, before he’s pulling you against him. “I thought by now, that’d be obvious,” he murmurs, his face inches from your own.
Your breathing is ragged as your heartbeat ticks up. Is this really happening?
You reach your hand up between your bodies to run your fingers through his scruffy beard. “And what’s obvious?” you ask.
He pulls your body even closer and then his hand slides up your back to the back of your head. He tilts your head to the side with his large hand and pulls you to him as he captures your lips in a searing kiss.
You slide your fingers into his hair and pull him toward you.
You lay there, making out for a while before he pulls back and hovers over you. “Obvious enough?” he asks.
“Mm, no,” you smirk up at him. “I think you’re gonna have to spell it out for me.”
He chuckles and shakes his head. “Go out with me,” he says.
You raise an eyebrow. “Oohh, getting a little demanding over there.”
He chuckles and leans down, claiming your lips in another breathtaking kiss.
“Mmm,” you moan into the kiss.
“Yes?” he mumbles when he comes up for air.
You roll your eyes and pull him on top of you. “Yes, you blonde idiot,” you answer, and kiss him again.
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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I Call Dibs || Part One
Sonny Quinn x Reader || Jason Hayes x Sister Reader
Sonny Quinn Masterlist
Jason Hayes Masterlist
This Months Writing
A/N so this is heavy on the bond with Jason but the next part will be all Sonny and will be posted next week
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You couldn’t wait to see your brother’s reaction, you told him that you wouldn’t be able to make his birthday bbq due to not getting back from deployment in time but that was a lie. You actually got back from deployment last night and were going to surprise him. It would also be the first time that you would meet his brothers as well so there was an extra buzz in the air. Well the rest of his brothers seen as you already knew Ray and Clay.
The sun was just starting to set as you arrived at Casa Da Hayes as you and Jase called it. And it was basically your second home, smiling to yourself as you pulled onto the drive, you knew your brother would end up losing his shit when he saw you.
Sonny was the first person to spot you, he was intrigued at who this new arrival was, and even more intrigued when he saw the bike roll up on the drive before the mystery female climbed off, keeping her back to the house as she took her helmet off and shaking her hair loose. It was safe to say she looked like an angel with the sun casting multiple shades of orange around her.
“Jase we got a new comer,” Sonny shouted, “you expecting anyone else?”
“Nope, everyone that could make it is here,” he nodded, passing Sonny a beer.
“Well whoever she is, I get first dibs as I spotted her first,” Sonny chuckled, making Jase look over in the direction of the driveway.
One look and he knew exactly who this mystery person was, causing his smirk to grow even wider.
“The little shit is all yours,” Jason laughed, punching his brother’s shoulder. “That’s if you can handle her,”
Sonny stared at Jason like he had grown a second head. “You know her?” He asked as he raised his brow at him.
“Sometimes I wish I didn’t know her,” Jase said loud enough for you to hear.
“Feeling is mutual asswipe,” you smirked, flipping him off as you walked into the back garden. “Now I’ve been here for at least five minutes and I know you were watching me and I still don’t have a beer in my hand,”
“What did your last slave die of?” Jase laughed.
“I killed them because they were slacking,” you shrugged. “So if you want the same fate I would get me a beer.”
Out of the corner of your eye you saw one of the lads just staring at you, making you roll your eyes. You could never go anywhere without being stared at. You were about to make some sarcastic comment when you felt yourself being flung backwards as a pair of strong arms wrapped around you.
All you saw was the messy blonde hair and knew exactly who it was.
“Alright shithead,” you laughed, pushing Clay off you.
“I don’t see you for god knows how long and this is how you treat me,” he pouted before hugging you tight.
“Wait, you know her?” Sonny asked.
“Unfortunately,” Clay laughed, “we went to school together,”
Finally Jase came back with a cold beer in his hand for you, before he got too close you ran up to him, jumping up and wrapping your arms around his neck and legs around his waist.
“I miss you,” you laughed, as you hung around his neck like a koala bear. One thing you loved the most was the bond you and Jason had, it was a bond that would never be broken.
“It’s nice to see they released you from the prison,” Jase laughed, making Sonny raise his brow at the two of you.
“Yeah well they just got sick of me,” you shrugged as he placed you back on the floor.
“Anyway I thought you wouldn’t make it?” Jase asked.
“I lied,” you shrugged, “got back last night and thought I’d come and surprise you, oh and also I’m moving in with you for a bit, turns out that I was dating a pussy who couldn’t handle the pressure of my job, and I’m also transferring bases, but don’t worry I’m gonna be on Charlie or something because we know the world can’t handle us both being on the same team,”
“Do I get a say in this?”
Sonny was just watching in amazement, he had never seen someone talk shit to Jason and then live to see the next day but there was something about you that was different. It wasn’t until you moved your hair and he saw the green dinosaur tattoo on the back of your neck that things started to add up. It was the same green dinosaur that Jase had tattooed on the middle of his shoulder blades.
“Well if it isn’t lieutenant Y/N Hayes!” Ray gasped, rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things.
“I mean I was the last time I checked,” you laughed, as Ray pulled you into a tight hug. “It’s good to see you Perry,”
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The night went on and you were now slightly tipsy from the amount of beers you were putting away. And over the course of the night you had gotten close to Sonny. Your stomach hurt from the amount he was making you laugh.
“So Jase never mentioned he had a little sister,” Sonny said.
“That’s because technically I outrank him so he doesn’t mention it to save his ego,” You laughed, instantly receiving a death stare from your brother. “And I’m the one that for all the of the good looks, it seems they missed Jase”
The temperature was starting to drop as the autumn nights started to roll in, Sonny noticed that you were starting to shiver and instantly pulled his hoodie off and threw it at you.
“What am I meant to do with this?” You asked, raising your brow.
“We’ll wear it you idiot,” he laughed, nudging your shoulder. “You were shivering,”
“Aren’t you sweet,” you giggled, grabbing his chin in your hand, squeezing it, making him shrug you off him. You couldn’t help but laugh as you pulled the hoodie on, the thing buried you but you were used to it from the many of Jason’s hoodies and T-shirt’s that were in your wardrobe.
“Don’t expect that back,” Jase laughed, “she has a thing of stealing people’s clothes, I think she has more of my hoodies than her own,”
One thing you had to admit was the smell of the hoodie was amazing, you had only known Sonny for a few hours but the connection was there. The flirty banter was on point and you could see yourself spending a lot of time with him.
He knew what your life was like as he lived it himself so at least there wouldn’t be arguments.
You didn’t know what was happening, you had never started to think about a future with a person when you had known them less then 24 hours but it was different with Sonny.
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@chibsytelford @supervalcsi @talicat713 @disasterfandoms @bravo-four-seal-team @jasonbabymama @jayhalsteadfan-2417 @lotsoflovefromlea @seik-o @velvetcardiganbucky @phoenixhalliwell @pancakeisreading @itsonautopilot @pinkrockstar19 @galaxysanduniversesinmymind @softi92 @abby-splace @theysayitscrazy @thelovelyleo23 @innerpaperexpertcloud @jomariekirby @i-love-scott-mccall @heathermann200 @pascal-reyes @fourthwallhateclub @hippyprincessxx @sgtxliptons86
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vae1bixy · 3 months
Late night talks
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Sonny wanted to groan. He was acting like he was a teenager. All he did was hand Clay a bottle and when their skin touched he wanted to melt into it. He wanted to reach out and pull Clay in to kiss him. He needed to get a hold on himself. He couldn’t ruin what they had. What the whole team had. And he sure as hell couldn't pull anything out there out the grid and far away from home.
0 notes
lovelymary · 2 years
Let Me Be Your Sanctuary
A/N: Just a little Sonny and Lisa ficlet. Set during the time they are back together in season 4.
Lisa cursed under her breath when she accidentally knocked over her gym bag as she made her way to the dresser to grab her headphones. Sonny was still asleep and she didn’t want to wake him. They’d just come back from a particularly grueling spin up where the boys had been put through the wringer and he needed the rest. She slowly turned around to look at the bed and prayed that he was still sleeping. To her dismay, Sonny had started to stir and it wasn’t long before he reached over to her now empty side of the bed.
“Hey, what are you doing all the way over there?” he asked, looking over at her with sleep-laden eyes.
She walked over to him and sat on the edge of the bed. “I’m sorry, babe. I didn’t mean to wake you,” she ran her fingers through his messy bed head and leaned down to give him a quick kiss.
“Why are you up so early? Everything okay?” He sat up a little, running his hand lightly across her back.
“Yeah. I, uh, was just going to go out for a run. You should go back to sleep.” She tried to stand up but he wrapped his arm around her waist holding her in place and sat up a little straighter behind her.
“Lisa, I know you’re not a morning person, so if you’re up this early to go for a run, it’s probably because you’re hoping to clear your head of whatever it is that’s making you restless. So, what’s going on?”
She sighed a little and leaned her head back onto his shoulder. He knew her too well.
“You know, you are way too observant for your own good,” she said, turning her head a little to look at him.
“Yeah, well I’m a tier one operator, it’s part of the job description,” he quipped back and asked her again, “What’s eating at you?”
“It’s nothing…just…today,” she admitted quietly with a small shrug, looking down at her hands.
Sonny’s brow furrowed as he tried to remember what day it was and what about today had Lisa so unsettled. Then it suddenly dawned on him, the fire. Today was the anniversary of the fire that killed her sister Michelle.
“Lisa, darlin’, I’m so sorry,” he whispered, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek. “Is there anything I can do?”
“It’s okay. I’m fine, really” she reassured him. “I’m just sad, I think. I don’t know, it’s hard to explain.”
She couldn’t quite put into words exactly what she was feeling. For years, she had been consumed with guilt over not being able to save Michelle. She’d constantly replay every minute of that night, thinking about what she could have done differently to save both Ronnie and Michelle. She’d eventually accepted that she wasn’t responsible for Michelle’s death, but knowing that in her mind and feeling it in her heart were two very different things. It was especially difficult on days like today. She’d woken up just after dawn following a fitful night’s sleep, overcome by a feeling of melancholy.
Sonny soothingly ran his hand up and down her back as he quietly waited for her to continue. He knew this wasn’t something that was easy for her to talk about and he wasn’t going to rush her.
“I lost them both that night,” she acknowledged sadly. Even though she’d saved Ronnie from the fire, losing Michelle had ultimately cost her her relationship with the one sister she had left.
“I thought you and Ronnie were working things out,” Sonny finally interjected.
“We’ve been trying to,” Lisa conceded. “But, I don’t know, there’s still this underlying awkwardness and distance that we just can’t seem to shake. I mean Ronnie’s moved on, she has a whole other life and family that doesn’t include me. I guess on some level, we both do and no matter how hard we try, we just can’t seem to bridge that gap.”
“You probably just need to give it some time. I mean Emmitt and I patched things up, but that don’t mean that things don’t still get a little rocky between us sometimes. It’s a work in progress. You’ll get there.”
“Yeah, maybe,” she conceded. “But honestly, I’m not so sure anymore. What if cutting me out of her life was the only way for Ronnie to be able to really move on? After all, I’m a living and breathing reminder of everything that happened that night.”
“Lisa, look at me,” Sonny said in a soft but stern voice. He waited for her to turn her head towards him and lifted her chin up so that she could look into his eyes as he spoke. “What happened that night was not your fault. You hear me? What happened to Michelle was a tragedy but it wasn’t your fault. You were just a kid and you did the best you could. You saved Ronnie’s life.”
Lisa couldn’t help he tears that sprung to her eyes at Sonny’s words. She leaned back into his embrace as Sonny wrapped his arms around her from behind. She closed her eyes for a second and drew strength from the comfort she always found in Sonny’s arms.
“I know what happened to Michelle wasn’t my fault and Ronnie probably knows that too on some level,” she continued softly, “but I think it’s just different for her, you know. Ronnie and Michelle were so close, they did everything together, they were best friends, two peas in a pod. I mean they were barely a year apart in age, they were practically twins.”
“They were Irish twins,” Sonny chimed in, causing Lisa to turn back a little and look at him with amused bewilderment.
“When babies are born less than a year apart, they’re called Irish twins,” he explained.
“Yeah, I know that,” Lisa giggled a little in spite of herself. “I’m just surprised you know that.”
“I happen to know a lot of things, actually. I’ll have you know Sonny Quinn’s mind is a treasure trove of knowledge.”
“Oh I’m sure it is,” Lisa agreed, shaking her head slightly. “God, I love you.” She tilted her head back and placed her palm on his cheek, bringing him in close for a kiss. Sonny always seemed to know exactly what to say or do to make her smile even when he wasn’t trying.
“Anyways,” she continued, “the point is that I might not ever really understand how Ronnie was affected by losing Michelle. And maybe the best thing I can do for her right now is just let her be.”
“You sure about that?” Sonny asked, knowing that she wasn’t one to back down easily.
Lisa sighed heavily in response. “I don’t know. Maybe?”
“So I guess that means the head clearing mission is still a go.”
“Yeah,” she nodded apologetically.
“Okay, well give me five minutes to get ready and I’ll come with you,” Sonny said as he moved to get up.
“Sonny, you hate running.”
“I do,” he conceded. “But, I love you.” he paused to place a soft kiss on her exposed shoulder. “So come on, let’s go.”
Lisa sat at a picnic table in the park, enjoying the warm morning sunshine while she waited for Sonny to return. He had insisted that she wait for him here while he went to the bakery across the street to get them some coffee and sustenance.
“We just ran five miles, it is time to refuel,” he had said.
She made a mental note to find a way to thank him later for being such a good sport. If she was being honest, she was really glad that he’d come with her this morning. They hadn’t really talked much during the run but just having him there brought her comfort and a sense of peace. It scared her a little, how much his mere presence affected her. She’d never experienced that with anyone before in her life. She still didn’t know how they were going to navigate being together while both of them were still on Bravo but she did know that losing him again was not an option.
As if on cue, Sonny walked up to the table just then, setting a coffee cup and a paper bag on the table in front of her.
“Hazelnut coffee and a sweet treat for my sweet treat,” he winked at her and placed a quick kiss on her temple as he straddled the bench next to her. He set his own coffee on the table and immediately started munching on the bagel he’d bought for himself making Lisa shake her head in amusement.
Her eyes lit up with childlike excitement when she took out the pastry box from the bag. “Oh my gosh, Sonny! This thing is the size of my head,” she exclaimed as she opened the box to reveal one of the biggest cinnamon rolls she’d ever seen.
“Hey, if you don’t want it, I could always…” he reached for the box.
“Don’t you dare,” she swatted his hand away and shielded the box protectively.
He watched as she swiped a little bit of the icing off of the top and savored it before grabbing the fork from the bag and digging into the cinnamon roll.
“Mmmm this is so good,” she sighed contentedly after taking the first bite.
Sonny looked over at her thoughtfully. This was definitely his favorite Lisa, the carefree Lisa that let her guard down and was unapologetically herself. He liked to think that this was the Lisa that only he got to see and that made it even more special and made him love her even more if that were possible.
They ate in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Lisa set her fork down and moved closer to Sonny, turning so that her back was leaning against his chest as she propped her legs up on the bench.
“Well hello there,” Sonny greeted her, pleasantly surprised. He wrapped his arm around her waist, holding her steady. “Not that I’m complaining here or anything, but are you sure we should be sitting like this out here in public?” They still hadn’t quite figured out how they were going to work around the fraternization issues and had been extra cautious ever since they’d gotten back together.
Lisa responded by placing her arm over his and tightening his grip around her. “The only thing I’m sure of right now is how good it feels to be in your arms, and I don’t really want to worry about anything else. Not today.”
“Well alright then,” he happily accepted her response and took advantage of the opportunity to place a few kisses along her shoulder.
Lisa sighed peacefully and lifted his hand up to her lips for a soft kiss. “Thank you.”
“For what?” Sonny asked, a little confused.
She turned a little to look at him. “For making today a little less sad, for somehow knowing exactly what I needed and for just being here.”
Sonny caressed her cheek and brought her close for a kiss. He pulled away after a few seconds and rested his forehead against hers. “I got your six. Always.”
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finiteuniverse13 · 3 years
home is people, not a place 2/?
Part 1
Summary: Clay gets attacked on base. DEVGRU finds an issue in that.
TW: Blood mention, physical assault, canon typical violence
Tag: @rebelwrites @chibsytelford @bravo-four-seal-team @velvetcardiganbucky @supervalcsi @abby-splace @itsonautopilot @thegirlwhoisalwayswriting @pinkrockstar19 @softi92 @mrsmarvelous1995 @jayhalsteadfan-2417
Lisa is pissed. She has every right to be. Clay had been attacked in the Bravo cages.
She’d watched the kid go from a strap who couldn’t stay in his own lane to an operator who could lead Bravo – and Tier One, for that matter – into the future. And then he’d been attacked in his team’s cages, in his own cage. Blackburn was still at the hospital – he’d found the kid in a pool of his own blood; Lisa wouldn’t blame him if it took an apocalypse to separate him from the kid – making sure that the kid got appropriate care.
She pushed open the door to Bravo’s briefing room, not that it actually had any members of Bravo in it. Alpha, Charlie and Delta were all there, waiting on her brief on the situation. Echo would have been there, if not for them being halfway through their first deployment as a team. There had been hesitation about deploying Echo – the loss of the last Echo line-up still sat heavily in the Tier’s mind.
The three team’s Master Chiefs and 2ICs had sat in Bravo’s usual chairs. Full Metal and Derek sat in Jason and Ray’s chairs, respectively. Beau and his second in command had taken Sonny and Trent’s, while TJ was sat in Brock’s. Delta Two had distinctively chosen not to sit in Clay’s seat, instead sitting in a chair usually used for either Cerberus or a support staff member, depending on the op.
(It was very funny to watch Brock and Clay push a wheely chair with Cerberus on it between the two of them, and they’d pretty much mastered the art of doing it in the last few months. Cerb had found that if he allowed it to happen, he’d get belly rubs and treats, so he was unbothered about it)
The other seats had a random assignment, seemingly first-come-first-serve. The ones unlucky enough to have not found seats stood tensely, arms crossed and grumbling under their breath to each other.
Nobody sat in Clay’s seat.
All 18 operators looked up when she walked in, attention snapping to the person with the most information. As she walked in, her gaze caught on the table space in front of Clay’s chair. Clay had left his book on the table. It’s about as thick as a brick, and Sonny would probably take a glance at it and tell Clay it was as dry as one. The embossed cover didn’t read English, and Lisa had a feeling that there would be very few, if any, people in the room able to read any part of the book.
She stood at the front and pushed her emotions down. These operators were here for information, not emotion.
“At 0145 this morning, 4 Green Team members entered Bravo’s Cage room. At 0157, they left, and returned to the Green Team barracks. 0204, Lieutenant Commander Blackburn entered the Bravo cages. He dialled 911 and was assisted by Alpha Four-”
She cuts herself off for a few seconds, as various operators slapped Jordan on the back, mumbled thanks spreading through the room as they reassured themselves that one of their own had helped their kid.
“Assisted by Alpha Four at 0207. Ambulance arrived at 0215. The Green Team members were apprehended by Alpha and Delta at 0248.”
She pauses again as a ripple of thanks goes through to room, Alpha and Delta thanking their Master Chiefs and each other and Charlie thanking both teams.
“Petty Officer Spenser was admitted to hospital at 0224, and was assessed as having a concussion, a broken nose and 5 bruised ribs.”
Alpha, Charlie and Delta’s medics all take note of this. They’re probably going to be on Clay’s ass for the next few months about this, right behind Trent.
“Bravo arrived at the Hospital at 0243. They are all with him. Hayes has asked that he is included in any appropriate punishments.”
Full Metal snorts. “Bet he didn’t word it like that”
A series of chuckles and grins echoes around the room. He did not word it like that. There was much more swearing, and much, much less formal language. He’d implied murder no less than 5 times.
Lisa allowed a smile to pass through the stony calm façade she had up.
“Command has delegated these appropriate punishments to be carried out within DEVGRU and have stressed the importance of leaving an impression on future graduates. This cannot be a recuring event.”
TJ pipes up first, almost before she’d finished talking. “I say we let Metal work his magic, make sure nobody finds them.”
This gets mixed responses, but Lisa isn’t surprised when none are wholly negative. They all had a younger brother in the form of Clay, and they had all trained for years in the art of killing their enemies as swiftly and efficiently as possible, and these candidates fell wholly and completely under the title of ‘Enemy’.
Metal gives a faux hopeful look to Lisa, and Lisa can tell that he’s not entirely dismissed the possibility, even as he does a terrible job at pretending to still consider it an option that Lisa could authorize. Lisa plays into the joke – god knows that Tier One needs some light in this disastrous day – and gives him the look mostly used for when Bravo (usually Sonny) suggests a stupid idea that shouldn’t had even crossed their minds. Blackburn jokingly referred to it as her “bad dog” look, and it worked for its purpose, making the operators put their tails between their legs. A few faces form smiles, and a few look to be wavering on the edge of smiling.
“No murder, and no death.”
This gets her grumbles, and not all of them are joking. Clay had gotten all of them out of sticky situations. Every operator in Tier One had a handful story where Clay had needed to be briefed on their op, and all of them had at least one where he’d taking calls at 2am to translate over a connection that he could barely hear English through. He’d never berated them for waking him up, and had often taken time to teach various operators key phrases, if he knew they were deploying somewhere where he knew the language.
Beau goes next, possibly the most level-headed of the Master Chiefs – both in the room and not. “Advanced SERE?”
Now this, Lisa can work with. Something about her posture must change, a twitch in her face, because the room suddenly erupts in sound. Charlie Two, Delta Five and Alpha Three all are in close enough range to clap Beau on the back, and they do so in quick succession.
“Gentlemen.” She raises her voice to be heard by the room. There’s nothing gentle about the looks on their faces.
“I’ll leave you to figure something out. Report to me with a plan of action.” And with that, she gives them a single nod and begins to leave. Her turned back does not block out the whispers of violence, but it does hide the vicious smile that’s stretched itself out along her face.
Nobody would even think about hurting their kid. Ever again.
As Clay blearily opened his eyes, he realised that he’d succumbed to pain-med-induced sleep. A few hours had probably passed since then, based on the fact that sunlight was now filling the room. Sonny was sat on his right side, gaze focused on the room’s TV screen, which was showing a play-by-play of a football game. The volume was cranked down, and even as Clay becomes more aware; he can only hear every other word.
“Son?” The word passes his lips without him meaning it to. Sonny’s head snaps over to Clay, so fast that Clay fears he may have given himself whiplash.
“Hey Bam Bam, how ya doin?” The toothpick moves hypnotically. Stop looking at the toothpick. Stop it. Stop it. Sonny’s casual expression is betrayed by the slight waver in his voice, a sliver of raw emotion that Sonny couldn’t fully supress. Clay gives him a strained smile in lieu of answering and reaches his hand out. Sonny catches the hand before it moves very far, holding it in a tight grip.
Sonny’s thumb absently runs across Clay’s unblemished because he hadn’t even been able to fight back knuckles, and his spare hand turns off the TV, leaving them in silence.
“Kid.” Clay’s eyes widen slightly, and he almost pulls his hand out of Sonny’s grip at the softly spoken word. He tries to get in the apology, the explanation, before Sonny can tell him that Jason is punishing him for being unaware.
“I should have being paying attention. I know I should have been paying attention, I was just so tired.” I’m sorry I’m so sorry don’t kick me out please
Sonny freezes. What?
“Clay. Stop. Stop-” he has to cut himself off before he says something that includes those really touchy-feely-emotions he’s feeling. Thankfully, Clay doesn’t take the pause as an opportunity to continue. “Stop trying to defend yourself. None of us blame you, Blondie. You were on base. You should have been protected. We won’t fail you again.” Sonny gives him facts, because he knows that if he tries to do anything else he’ll make it worse.
“Son?” Clay recalls a voice calling through the dark, through the black water he was floating in, a voice he’d recognised; “Did Blackburn find me? He- he had blood on his hands”
For a moment, Sonny curses Clay’s blessings as a sniper. He’d always been able to notice the little things, the things none of them would notice. “Yeah, he was checking that none of us were sleeping in the cages.”
Clay nods, and then his brows furrow. He breaks eye contact with Sonny and frowns in the genal direction of his feet. His face makes what Sonny calls his ‘Brainiac’ Face, and Sonny can only assume that he’s thinking about what happened with Blackburn, not rationalizing with himself that the beating was somehow his fault.
“Son, can I talk to him?” Sonny doesn’t want to think about whatever that conversation is going to be, so he nods and begins to gather his stuff. His cap is hanging precariously from one on the bed’s corners, his phone on the bedside table. He stands and ruffles Clay’s head, laughing despite the stink-eye he gets for it. Clay doesn’t mind it, and he has the feeling the next few weeks, if not months, are going to be filled with various forms of physical contact to reassure his teammates that he was still with them.
And now he’d asked Sonny to get Blackburn. God what do you even say to the guy who had found you beaten? ‘Hey Boss, I’m sure that what you saw was horrifying, but I’m alright now?’ God help him. Sonny hadn’t given him a weird look, so he’d probably been expecting Clay to ask at some point.
Clay’s train of thought is interrupted when a soft knock sounds on the door. There’s a second of pause before the door opens. Clay can’t think of a time when Blackburn’s looked worse. There are dark circles under his eyes, and a vaguely haunted look in his eyes. His eyes have a red tinge, and Clay can’t tell if that’s from sleep deprivation, or something else. His hands are rubbed red and raw, and Clay can tell that Blackburn had taken extra care to get every fleck of blood off his hands. He’s in a jacket that looks too big for him, and Clay suspects that Trent had a hand in that. Since the injured person – Clay – wasn’t someone he could immediately care for, Trent had gone for the next best thing, a shaken Blackburn. Under the jacket, he’s still in his fatigues, and by the time he’s finished the assessment of Blackburn’s top half, he’d moved close and sat down, hiding everything below his waist from Clay’s view.
Blackburn reaches out, putting a palm on Clay’s forearm, Clay’s hand mirrors it on Blackburn’s arm, and tension bleeds from Blackburn’s figure. His shoulders slump slightly, and he leans forward.
“How are you feeling?”
Clay considers lying, considers saying that he’s not in any pain, considers easing Blackburn’s mind. He decides against it. Blackburn had found him in a pool of blood, it’s the least he can do to tell him the truth. “My ribs hurt. But I’m, I’m glad you’re here. I’m glad you were there.”
Clay is the sometimes literally bleeding heart of Bravo, levelling out Sonny’s emotional constipation, and the admission is the balm of some of the burns on Eric’s soul. Eric leaned forwards, shuffling closer to the bed, trying to hide the blood on his knees. He hadn’t been home to change, a call to his wife at 8am had told her that he wasn’t going to be home for a while. She, like the amazing wife she was, had been understanding, and then grumbled at him to let her sleep. They’d both laughed and exchanged ‘I love you’s before his wife ended the call. Clay didn’t need the stress of knowing that Eric had knelt in his blood. Nobody needs that.
“Gave me quite a scare, gave all of us quite a scare.” Eric doesn’t tell him that he’d spent the last half hour scrubbing his hands raw, that Jason had needed to strong-arm him into the waiting room, that Trent had given him one look and offered up his jacket, that he’d had his head in his hands until Sonny had come into the room and told him that Clay wanted to talk to him. Doesn’t tell him that he’d stood outside for nearly a minute before he’d knocked, that he’d needed to barrel in before he lost the nerve to speak to his operator. He usually prides himself on staying calm, on being collected, but Clay had been attacked in one of the few places on earth that he could honestly and without reservation call home. That scared Eric. If he couldn’t keep his operators safe on base, where would they be safe?
“Davis is talking to command about adding locks to the cage room doors, make sure this doesn’t happen again.” If she wasn’t already talking to command about it, she would be soon.
Clay nods. He shifts and grimaces in pain.
“Do you want me to get a nurse?” It’s a safe question, one that doesn’t involve the emotions in the room.
Clay ignores the lifeline. “I’m alright as I am. Did you get the guys?”
Eric nods. Breaking the news to Bravo had been the highlight of his morning. “Command is letting DEVGRU work out how to punish them.”
Clay grins. “I bet Metal is having fun with that.”
It’s Eric’s turn to smile, and a soft chuckle makes its way out. “Davis is under strict orders to not accept a plan that involves murder. I’m sure Alpha’s disagreeing with that.”
Alpha was most likely to deploy with Bravo, and all were in line with their Master Chief’s ‘Bury-first-questions-second’ policy when it came to Clay. Eric had a feeling it wouldn’t take much convincing to get Delta and Echo behind the plan, and that Charlie would only argue on principle.
Tier One was a brotherhood that didn’t take kindly to injury, as the world would learn.
Echo One – Zack Greer – a newly promoted Delta Two, wasn’t a very outgoing man. One and Twos were meant to both complement and contrast each other, a precarious balancing act honed over years of living out of each other’s pockets. TJ had needed a level head, so his Two was calm in the face of crisis.
Echo Two, on the other hand. A Floridian man, Elliot Howe, promoted from Charlie Three, who was under strict orders to never drink unsupervised with Sonny Quinn, lest they empty a bar and then burn said bar to the ground. He’d chaffed under Beau’s tight ship, so when the opportunity to move to form Echo had arisen, he was hard pushed to say no.
Together with Echo Three (Alpha Three), Echo Four (Delta Six) and two Green Team graduates as their Five and Six, they’d created a tight brotherhood.
Echo Five, Dan Wilder, a multilingual K9 handler, had initially been lost at DEVGRU, not quite fitting in. He’d reached out to the youngest operator – Bravo Six – in order to get some advice. What he didn’t know at the time is that their languages had overlap. Together with Clay and Ares – his K9 – he’d been able to find someone to practice with.
Echo had long since lost count of how many times Clay had come into their cage room, with a well-loved book, offering it to Dan with a brief explanation of how it would interest him. The book was never in English, and neither was the explanation. For all they knew, Clay could have spent the last few months giving Dan anything from Harry Potter to The Anarchist’s Cookbook (he’d actually only given Dan one of those, and Dan was under strict instructions not to tell them which, and Dan had been recommending others back).
Sonny, on the days when they were hanging out after work, sometimes tagged along to these exchanges. He’d joked about a book club, and Echo Two had picked up on the joke immediately, and since then the pair had resigned themselves to the nickname.
Between Clay’s frequent interactions with Dan and the fact that all of DEVGRU was deadly protective of Clay, it was no surprise that when Echo had heard the news, they hadn’t been happy. Command had fought a battle with Echo to keep them deployed, and Echo had nearly won. Dan had been on many rants, talking to empty space in Pashto – Four only caught a few words, and those were all along the lines of murder and death. Ares was giving out a low, constant growl. Both of the DEVGRU K9s were as protective as their owners, it seemed.
The door to their dorms slammed open and Zack marched in. Echo looks up in sync, and if it weren’t so serious, Zack would be amused by how much his men look like Meerkats. “Got word from Virginia.” This sets his men on edge, Howe half-steps forward, and his shoulders visibly tense up. “They found the green team rookies. We’ve been asked to approve the plan of their punishment before it gets sent to be approved by command.” Malicious smiles break out among the barracks.
They may be 7000 miles away, but they wouldn’t let anybody off the hook because of it.
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Little Light, a little dark.
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@rebelwrites @chibsytelford @milfdeacon @theysayitscrazy @thelovelyleo23 @galaxysanduniversesinmymind @innerpaperexpertcloud @hails-halstead @jayhalsteadfan-2417 @jasonbabymama @disasterfandoms​ @softi92​ @pinkrockstar19​ 
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Jameelah and RJ had been picked up from school by Trent and Metal, who surprisingly took them for ice cream and pancakes before going home, where they were met with being grabbed into hugs by their other uncles, dinner was a barbecue by Sonny, with Blackburn monitoring. 
After dinner Blackburn was called back to base, along with Davis, just leaving the boys with two kids, there was a game of tag, hide and seek and then ‘who could wake Brock’ which was them throwing popcorn at the sleeping man.
Jameelah was talking happily as her Uncle Clay and Sonny asked her about school, meanwhile Trent and Metal were playing with RJ. 
Brock was watching from his corner, waiting for Jameelah to line up Sonny in his line of fire as he aimed the nerf gun. 
Laughter filled the room, Jason stood by the door waiting for Ray.
"And then! Mommy told us we would get ice cream when Daddy came back, but we couldn't because Daddy fell asleep" Jameelah rambles "now!" She yells as Brock opens fire on the two seals.
Clay and Sonny were yelling as they dived for cover. 
Trent was holding RJ and Metal glared at Brock warning him not to think about it before turning his attention back to the little boy who was trying to fight sleep.
“Ok!” Jason announces “Let's bring this day to an end, Jameelah you have school tomorrow, so go get ready and Uncle Trent here will make your lunch for you so it’s ready and Uncle Metal will deal with your brother” he says, watching as they team and the Perry kids where going upstairs and Trent went to the kitchen. 
“I want a story!” RJ spoke quietly looking at Metal, who raised an eyebrow at the child, he thought for a moment before nodding. After a while RJ was in bed, under blankets and looking at Metal as he began reading the little boy a story. 
Jameelah was out like a light when her head hit the pillow, Brock tucking the little girl in while Sonny and Clay tidied up her room, grabbing the dirty clothes, Clay muttered about how many outfits the little girl had seemed to go through.
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Jason sat outside with Ray and sighed "They need you" he spoke, staring ahead,  "It won't get easier, but you have us" he tells his friend. 
"She wasn't supposed to die Jase" Ray whispered "She was supposed to live a long happy life" his voice breaking again, he couldn't believe this happened. 
"Ray your kids are happy, not 100% but they guys have them and are getting them laughing, but the funeral was two days ago, you need a shower and to go get changed" 
"How can I? Everything reminds me of her"
"Good, you had a good marriage Ray, keep her memory living, don't shut down and shut things away"  Jason says getting up. Ray following. 
When they enter, Ray stops, pressing a kiss to two fingers and pressing it to the picture of Naima. 
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A/N: In my defence I did warn you, but also someone majorly annoyed me when I started writing it, you said no hurting the boys... I’ll have a cute cute fic later but right now thank the person who ruined my writing mood. There is a second fic cuter one coming ok?!  Don’t hate me, it’ll be posted tomorrow evening today has just been hell and I take it out in writing. 
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geesebumps-stuff · 3 years
Let's go! My first goosebumps fic
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chicgeekgirl89 · 4 years
The Floor is Snakes
Fandom: SEAL Team
Characters: Sonny Quinn, Clay Spenser, and the rest of the boys.
Summary: Sonny and Clay find themselves in a very slippery situation. Shenanigans ensue. This one is for @bluenet13 who suggested the plot based on a mutually beloved episode of “Sea Patrol.” Oh and fair warning, Sonny uses the F-bomb. A lot.
“Oh shit,” Sonny said, heart pounding so fast it hurt. “Oh god fucking damn it all to fucking hell…”
Obscenities continued to tumble out of his mouth at a rapid rate as he perched precariously on top of a table.
“Sonny, just relax,” Clay called from across the room where he was standing on a chair.
“Don’t fucking tell me to fucking relax,” Sonny snapped, pressing himself more tightly against the wall as he stared at the floor. “This is your fucking fault!”
“How is it my fault?!”
“You’re the one who volunteered us to come down here and check things out!”
“Somebody had to do it.”
“Yeah somebody! It didn’t have to be us!”
“You’re panicking,” Clay said, irrationally calm despite their situation. “This is not a good time to panic.”
“We are standing in a god damn snake pit, I will panic if I want to!”
It had all started out normally enough. Bravo had busted through the doors of a house, only to find it empty, their baddie apparently having vacated the premises already. It sucked, but sometimes that’s how it went down.
It was only when they’d gone to clear the rest of the house that things had gone terrifyingly wrong. Clay and Sonny had headed down into the basement to check things out. They’d cleared the room, but Clay had spotted something at the far end he wanted to check out. 
When they’d turned they’d found at least a dozen snakes, (possibly more, Sonny hadn’t stopped to count), writhing and squirming all over the floor. Where they had come from was a mystery but neither of them really cared about that at the moment. And that was how they’d both ended up in their current predicament of standing on furniture above the wriggling mass of certain death.
“Who the hell does this guy think he is? Fucking Indiana Jones? Who keeps snakes in their basement?” Sonny said.
“Indiana Jones didn’t have a snake pit, it was in the temp—“
“Clay, I swear to god, if you start talking to me about the semantics of that movie right now I am going to shoot you.” Sonny was breathing like he’d just run a marathon, panic crawling inside of him as the floor slithered and moved. A memory hit him and he immediately squeezed his eyes shut.
“Why are you closing your eyes?” Clay asked.
“Cobras can spit up to eight feet!”
“There’s no cobras in here. And even if there were I don’t think any of them have been to sniper school.”
Sonny cracked open one eye to glare at him. “Oh yeah? What are you some kind of snake expert? You got a degree in snake-ology? Because unless you do, I am not going to believe a word you say.”
Clay rolled his eyes. “We need a plan.”
“No shit.” Sonny thought for a second and then lifted his weapon.
“What are you doing?!” 
“I’m going to shoot ‘em.”
“You can’t shoot all of them. And if you try you’ll probably end up hitting one of us with a ricochet. The floor’s cement.”
“Fair point.” Sonny lowered his gun. “You got a better plan?”
Clay looked down at the floor and back up at him. “Not yet. I’m working on it.”
“This could have been Brock and Trent,” Sonny said, shaking his head as a trickle of sweat ran down the back of his neck.
“You know, you didn’t exactly speak up and say no when I volunteered us!” Clay snapped.
“Well next time I’ll decide what we check out!” Sonny snapped back.
One of the snakes gave a loud hiss and they both recoiled. “Okay, we need to get out of here now,” Sonny said. “My tombstone is not reading ‘Killed to death by poisonous snakes’.”
“Snakes are venomous, not poisonous. If you bite it and it makes you sick, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you get sick, it’s venomous.”
Sonny gritted his teeth. “We already know you’re smarter than fucking Wikipedia you don’t have to keep trying to prove it!” he snarled.
“I’m just saying—Never mind.” Clay looked around the room. “All right. Okay. I have an idea. D’you ever play the floor is lava?”
“Clay we’ve already got fucking snakes in here, we don’t need lava too.”
“No.” Clay rolled his eyes. “It’s a kid game. You have to get all the way across the room without touching the floor.”
“Well how am I going to do that Superman? Just grow wings? Fall into a vat of toxic radiation and get some super powers?”
“You know, you’re not being very helpful!” Clay retorted. “Do you want to get out of here or not?”
“Yes. God yes. All right, how do we do it?”
“Okay, so, first you’re going to go from the table to that chair.” Clay nodded toward a chair about three feet away from Sonny’s current location. “Then from the chair onto that counter.”
“What am I, a cat?”
Clay ignored him and continued. “I’m going to go onto the desk, then the chair, and then onto the counter after you. From there…” He looked up. “We’re going to have to grab that support beam and swing for the stairs. Try to land at least three steps up.”
“Sonny, this is all we’ve got, are you in or not?” Clay snapped, clearly fed up.
He looked down at the floor and swallowed hard. “I’m in.”
He took a breath and jumped, landing hard on the chair, which tipped precariously. “Careful!” Clay yelled.
“I’m not a damn ballerina!” Sonny growled as he steadied himself. 
“We don’t have all day here Son.”
“I’m going!” Sonny leapt for the counter, not an easy feat as it was about a four foot jump and several inches higher than the chair. He barely got one foot on it, the other dangling dangerously close to the floor before he pulled it up. 
Clay’s first jump took him safely to the desk and then it was just a short hop to the chair. Sonny reached out and helped pull him up onto the counter, then looked up at the beam. “That’s a big jump,” he said.
Clay nodded. “I know.” He looked at Sonny. “Go for it.”
“Why do I have to go first?”
“Senior man on the team.”
“You suck.” He stared up at the beam. “Count to three.”
“Just count to three damn it!”
“All right! One, two, three!”
Sonny didn’t move. Clay raised his eyebrows. “Any day now here…”
“I’m going! Count again.”
Clay gave a sigh of long suffering. “One. Two. THREE!”
Sonny jumped, hands outstretched and grabbed the beam and then swung as hard as he could toward the stairs, landing with a loud thud and slamming his knee painfully into the old wood. He got his balance turned around slowly. “Your turn!”
Clay took a flying leap and soared toward Sonny, crashing right into his chest. Sonny’s arms went around him, keeping them both from falling back toward certain snake death. “You good?” Sonny asked gruffly.
“Yeah,” Clay said, breathing hard. “You?”
They both looked back down at their reptile pals. “Bravo Three, Bravo Six, status report,”  Jason said over comms. 
“Oh now he asks,” Sonny said, reaching for his radio. “This is Bravo Three, sorry for the delay, we were busy escaping from a pit of snakes.”
There was a long silence and then Ray’s voice. “Bravo Three, say again your last?”
“You heard me Bravo Two. This fucker’s got a basement full of snakes.”
Another silence. “Copy that Bravo Three, we’re coming to you.”
Five minutes later the rest of Bravo team came down the hall to find Sonny and Clay waiting at the top of the basement stairs. “There really snakes down there?” Metal asked.
Clay nodded toward the door. “Go look for yourselves.”
The whole group tromped down the steps. Apparently Ray was the first to get a good look because they heard him say, “Holy shit,” and then everyone came back up a little bit faster than they’d gone down. 
“Either of you get bit?” Trent asked, eying them both as if looking for symptoms.
Sonny shook his head. “Nope. Too fast for ‘em.”
“Never seen Sonny move so fast in his life,” Clay said with a grin. “He was up on a table before I even knew what was happening.”
“Hey, he who is slowest gets eaten first,” Sonny said pointing a finger at him. “When it comes down to self preservation I’m quick.”
“All right, house is clear, let’s get out of here,” Jason said. 
“Put this down in the books as one of the weird ones,” Ray said as they all headed for the door. 
Something hit the back of Sonny’s leg and he jumped about three feet, nearly knocking over Trent and causing Cerberus let out a sharp bark. Metal smirked at him and held up a stick. “You’re right Spenser, he does move pretty fast.”
Sonny glared at him. “You better sleep with one eye open.”
“Why, you gonna put a snake in my boot cowboy?” Metal jabbed at him again with the stick and Sonny grabbed it. “You’re an asshole,” he said.
“So we gotta add snakes to your list of phobias, huh Sonny boy? It’s getting so long it’s hard to keep track,” Ray said. “Sharks.”
“Spiders,” Brock said.
“Scorpions,” Trent said.
“Earthquakes,” Clay said.
“Women over thirty,” Jason said, making the rest of the team roar with laughter. 
“You know I wasn’t the only one in that basement,” Sonny said sourly. “Why don’t you all try making fun of Crocodile Dundee over there for a change?”
“Because it’s not as fun,” Brock said.
“I’m going to remember this the next time one of you needs backup,” Sonny growled.
“Don’t worry Son,” Clay said, slinging an arm around Sonny’s shoulders. “I’ve always got your back.”
“Yeah,” Sonny grunted. “As long as I go first, right?”
Clay nodded. “You got it.”
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chibsytelford · 4 years
Secret Relationship
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Requested by @rebelwrites​ - Okay so this probably doesn’t match with the timelines and whatever but this is fanfic so yeah.Can I request the reader being Jason’s daughter (maybe from a past relationships as she’s around Clay’s age) and him finding out the she has secretly been dating Clay.
A/N - we are just pretending that Jason has another daughter who is Clay’s age, alright?
Hiding your relationship from your dad was harder than you thought. Every time him and the rest of Bravo team landed back on the tarmac you struggled not to run straight to Clay first and kiss him. It wasn’t that you were scared of your dad finding out you were dating Clay, but you knew he would take a while to adjust to it, and you didn’t want him to have another distraction when he was deployed, so you and Clay decided to keep it on the down low until there was a right time to let Jason know. If there ever was one.
Your dad and the rest of the guys just got back from a 3 month deployment and frankly you had missed them so much. You barely had any video chats with them because they were so busy so you didn’t know that Clay had been hurt until you saw him walking off the plane with his arm strapped up and cuts all over his face. At that moment you forgot about the fact your dad didn’t know you and Clay were together. You ran straight past him and right over to Clay, gently taking his face in your hands.
“Fuck, what happened? Are you ok?” you asked him checking his whole body for any other signs of injury.
“I’m fine” he smiled at you “Just got into a bit of bother, but the boys had my back”
You heard a throat clearing and turned around to find your dad standing there with his arms crossed looking at you and Clay questioningly.
“Hi dad” you said sheepishly walking over to him and giving him a cuddle.
“Don’t hi dad me, what’s going on?” He was staring at Clay so hard he could probably turn him into stone.
“Blondie here is boning your kid” Sonny piped up clapping Clay on the back, causing everyone to laugh.
Jason took a step forward towards Clay until you stepped in front of him stopping him in his tracks. “Dad, you’ve got to remember I’m not a kid anymore. I can look after myself, and plus if he hurts me he will have you to answer to”
“And the rest of us” Ray butted in “how did you manage to keep it a secret for so long?”
“I have no idea” you laughed stepping away from your dad, trusting him not to continue his steps towards your boyfriend.
“We good?” you asked him
“I guess so. At least you’re with someone I know and like. And I know whenever I’m deployed he is with me, so I can keep an eye on him” Jason admitted.
“Come on then” Jason addressed Clay “Let’s go grab breakfast and you can tell your father in law all about how you managed to tie down his kid” Jason laughed.
“I’m never gonna live this down am I?” Clay asked rolling his eyes. He was glad Jason found out and was ok about it, because even if he wasn’t, that wouldn’t stop him from dating you anyway.
@rebelwrites @mrsmarvelous1995 @9-1-1-firefam @supervalcsi
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