#'okay. nice lady saved us and is taking really good care of us. what do we do?'
monpalace · 1 year
Okay but Twi trying to bond with the kids but they’re not having it, if anything they keep sending him on goose chases to get them away from her. Meliora (or Serena I haven’t figured out which one I like more) and Caspian (or Florian for the same reason I’m indecisive)do not want him near their ‘mother’ at all. Twi beefing with two children is so funny to me and [name] ignoring it and doting over them and the chain looking at Twi because there is no way that the man they came to know is actually considering throwing two 7 year olds like their cuckoos so he can be with his girlfriend soon to be wife in peace.
Also I did sleep semi well despite my precious dog dancing on me while I was sleep-🧚🏽‍♀️
everytime i let my dog on my bed she always puts her ass in my face 🗿
"beau, they threw a bucket of tar on me! they went on 'n' tossed goat hairs 'n' cuckoo feathers on me too! they're demons! 'm coughin' up stuff that shouldn't be in my stomach!"
"idk what you want me to do about it. i don't want them targeting me."
"they won't! they love you!"
"and they'll come around. you'll be alright for a few more days."
i've compiled a series of gifs/images holup
the kids first meeting twi (they thought he was a demon because of his face markings and teeth)
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the chain (wind and wild) watching twi get jumped by the kids
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the kids trying to manipulate [name] into kicking twi out of the house (and break-up/divorce him)
please tell me you know those scenes where its like,, a kid is hugging someone so they cant see their face, and then they look at the person they hate from over their shoulder and smirk at them or smth 😭
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the kids shutting down all twi's attempts of getting back inside or contacting [name] once they manage to kick/lock him out
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little-annie · 5 months
WIP WEDNESDAY | The Honeymooner's | Steddie | Eddie's chaotic unreliable POV
It's just supposed to be a fun week away for the two friends, but when Eddie's guilt gets a hold of him and he learns if he and Steve were on their honeymoon Steve would save 30% on the room, well things get a little carried away.
Okay, so yes, Eddie is very excited and very appreciative of this little boy's week-long getaway that he and Steve planned and yes he can't wait to finally spend a few days without the gremlins gnawing on his ankles or demanding for a ride to the arcade. But… but he feels guilty, very very guilty. And why, you may ask. Well, Steve's paying for the whole thing, that's why. The guy insisted upon it, saying something about how Eddie's been working so hard on getting his GED and working at Thatcher Tire and helping Steve take care of their somehow combined 7 children. That he deserved it. That, "Don't worry man, you can get me back sometime if you're so worried about it."
Steve's a good friend like that. Always has been.
Eddie's not really sure how they happened, really it seems like some weird anomaly that they can even coexist in the same space let alone willingly spend the majority of their free time together, but they do. He supposes though, one particular gremlin is to blame for the colliding of their souls. Dustin Henderson specifically. At first Eddie was jealous then when he met Steve, well, then he was kinda infatuated and it's all been downhill from there. Eddie's in love now. Hopelessly, irrevocably in love. With his straight best friend. How cliche.
How fucking cliche.
Eddie huffs to himself and tries to avoid checking out Steve's ass in his way too tight Levi's as they enter the lobby of some too nice hotel in the middle of what he thinks to be some Indiana State Park. Truthfully, he doesn't remember where they are, slept the majority of the way here since they left after work and he's exhausted, but the place is nice. Cosy almost if it weren't for its vastness. Really it resembles what he'd imagine to be a lodge. A giant log cabin if you will. Somewhere he supposes Harrington Sr. probably stays for some fancy men's hunting trip or something. Looks like the type of place that'd be a resort in the winter. Large fireplaces, overstuffed leather furniture, mounts from what he assumes to be the owners hunting trips.
In all honesty it isn't what he expected, but it's still nice and well, he's not paying for it so he's not complaining.
God he doesn't even want to think about what the room cost Steve for the week.
"Checking in under Harrington," Steve's voice pulls Eddie from the fog of his thoughts as he checks in, a young giggling couple to their left doing the same.
Trying to not grimace at the sight of the love birds, Eddie too approaches the front desk, leans against its edge and watches Steve as he signs a piece of paper and hands over his ID and credit card to the receptionist or whatever the front desk lady is called, Chrissy, he assumes if the strawberry blondes name tag is anything to go by.
Idle and waiting to get to their room and sleep in until noon tomorrow, Eddie zones out, all too focused on Steve's profile as he talks. The only thing filtering through his brain is the crushing guilt of this weekend, Steve's sharp jaw and the couple next to him talking a little too loudly to ignore as they boast about their recent wedding to their receptionist, the poor young man looking far too exhausted to give a shit. But it's then that Eddie hears that same receptionist say to the couple, "With your honeymoon package, you'll be saving 30% on your stay with us. Here are your keys … -"
It's then too, that something occurs to Eddie and his mouth runs away from him as he more or less blurts out, "Oh congratulations, we're honeymooning too."
The couple squeals and congratulates them as they scurry off to their room and Eddie has all but two seconds to process what he's just done (tried to save Steve money in the dumbest way possible) before Chrissy is doing the same, saying to he and Steve, "Congratulations! Oh my goodness that's so exciting! Well, let me do something special for your little week away then. I'll upgrade you two to the Honeymooner's Package and Mr. and Mr. Harrington," the gal winks, "you'll receive a room upgrade, 30% off of your stay and free access to so many of our great amenities."
Red in the cheeks at the idea of being married to Steve Harrington, Eddie, for the first time in a long time is speechless. What has he done? They're going to have to act like a couple now or they'll get found out and kicked out. Fuck. What the fuc-
An arm slips around Eddie's waist and squeezes, his whole body going up in flames as he goes rigid.
"Thank you," Steve says, Eddie assumes to Chrissy as he momentarily blacks out and is solely held up by the muscular arm that wraps tighter around him, fingers on his waist that have never been there before.
What the fuck?
Then there's a kiss on his cheek and Eddie has never snapped so suddenly back to reality.
Steve's eyes find Eddie's almost immediately, somehow communicating at the same time, 'Are you okay?' and 'Man, you got us into this mess, act the part.'
He really did, didn't he?
Eddie leans into Steve more intentionally, trying to ignore the desperate flutter in his chest when Steve smiles and pulls him closer, his thumb gently caressing the thin fabric at Eddie's side while they wait for Chrissy to make the changes in the system and hand them their keys.
It's all so foreign, but really it's not. They're touchy, maybe in each other's space a bit too much, sometimes to the point that one of the kids or Robin feels the need to shout at them to get a room. But it's never this. It's never long lasting lingering touches that kinda make Eddie want to cry. It's never this intimate. It's normally teasing or comforting. Sitting in each other's lap just to be a pain in the ass or squeezes to the arm when they can tell the other is stressed out. Things like that. Never coupley shit. Never this.
"Honey?" Steve's voice comes as a whisper close to Eddie's ear, sweet like honey and teasing, there's a smirk on his lips, "Wanna go check out the room?"
Chrissy giggles after handing Steve the keys and disappears behind a door leaving just the two twenty-somethings alone in the lobby. Steve's arm is still around Eddie's waist.
Eddie blinks, nods like a fucking idiot and lets out a horrible, barely there gasp when Steve's hand leaves his body only to ghost down his arm and intertwine their fingers together, pulling him along.
It's not until they're in the closed elevator that their hands separate and Eddie's able to manage words again. "What the fuck did I just do?"
Steve snorts a laugh before he shrugs, leans against the wall next to Eddie and says simply, "Made our week away a lot more interesting, that's for sure."
All Eddie can manage is a groan, knocking his head against the wall to which Steve responds, "Well that and saved me a couple hundred bucks."
Things only get worse once they get to their room. Not only did they get upgraded to the Honeymooner's Package, it appears they too got upgraded to a honeymoon suite.
Jesus H Christ
Steve's cackling at the door of the room, gaudy red carpet beneath his feet as Eddie shoulders past him to get a better look. And Christ alive, it's awful. So, so awful.
For starters there's only one bed. Heart shaped in all its glory beneath a mirrored ceiling with a basket of what looks to be condoms, lube and lotions stationed artfully in its centre.
Than, there's the bathroom that's more or less a fucking fish bowl. From where he's standing, only a few feet further into the room than Steve, Eddie can see that those glass walls provide no privacy. NONE. What the ever loving fuck!? There's a huge tub and shower and nothing more than a thick pane of glass separating them from the rest of the room.
What has he gotten himself into?
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Secret in your Heart
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support Cybird by buying their stories. Expect grammatical errors. Not 100% accurate.
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I was tasked tonight as a fairy tale writer to witness the crown destroying a criminal syndicate.
But I found that the organization was a big one, and I had to hide in the shadows to avoid dragging them down.
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Evil-looking guy: "Hey. Isn't this the girl those guys had with them?"
Man with a scar: "Let's take her hostage. That way, we might have a chance."
The men before me were panting from running away, but they looked down at me with darkened eyes as they found their chance.
(What should I do?)
(I don't want to be a burden and slow them down.)
I intentionally put on a brave face so they wouldn't notice I was trembling.
Kate: "Taking me hostage won't affect them."
Man with a scar: "Haha! You say that even though you look like you might burst into tears. Pathetic. Let's take her."
Just as the men's hands reached for me, the sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the night.
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Roger: "Talking too loud wouldn't make it a secret conversation. Everyone can hear everything you say."
Kate: "Roger..."
Man with a scar: "What the fuck? I thought we were talking quietly."
Evil-looking guy: "What the hell is going on?"
At that moment, I burst into tears, unable to hold them back.
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Roger: "............."
Roger: "Pfft一ahahaha! You're still acting tough even though you're scared to death."
Roger: "Haha! Nice. I got to see some good stuff."
Roger smiled with satisfaction, leaving me and the other men dumbfounded.
Evil-looking man: “What are you laughing at?”
Roger: “Nothing? It’s none of your business.”
Evil-looking man: “Ha?”
Roger: “This lil’ lady is right. Taking her hostage is not gonna affect us.”
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Roger: “In other words, I don’t really care what happens to her.”
Kate: “----!”
Roger: “But I have my reason to help this fella out.”
Roger: “Well, it’s not like I’m letting you guys live in the first place, anyway.”
Roger glanced at me and smiled wryly.
Roger: “Close your eyes and cover your ears, lil’ lady.”
(Huh? What?)
Confused, I covered my ears and closed my eyes as he told me to, then一
The sound of gunfire shook my ears.
Roger: “It’s okay now.”
When I opened my eyes, the two were nowhere to be found, but I saw the sea rippling unnaturally, perhaps because “something” had been thrown into it.
Roger: “Once the eardrum is damaged, there’s a chance it won’t heal.”
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I suppressed the trembling emotions deep in my stomach and looked at Roger.
Kate: “Why did you save me?”
Roger: “I told you, I have my personal reason.”
He crouched down before me and grabbed my chin with his large hand.
Kate: “!?”
Roger: “I really like crying faces the most.”
Roger: “I couldn’t help but think how cute you were when I saw you trying to hold back your tears but ended up crying anyway.”
Kate: “Wha!?”
Roger: “Don’t tell the others I saved you because I was moved by your crying face.”
With an unreserved gaze, he stared at me and licked my wet cheek.
Kate: “Hey, what are you doing?”
Roger: “Hm? Just taking care of it.”
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Roger: “Haha! Your crying face is really nice.”
Roger: “If you want me to help you again, I’m gonna need to see you cry.”
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➟ Collection Event Masterlist
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eeveecryptid · 1 year
lines through the movie because - hello - i adore just how well done it was. feel free to adjust pronouns/phrasing if needed. May include nsfw material.
“s/he's here again. s/he was watching me.” “try and get back to sleep before (name) finds you in my bed.” “what are you doing out of bed, little girl/boy?” “s/he sleepwalks sometimes since our parents died.” “you're a good boy/girl for taking such care of your sister/brother/sibling.” “that must have been quite some dream.” “i almost shit my goddamn pants.” “if i knew you were gonna be screaming in your sleep, i would've left you at the side of the road.” “you know, one might have nightmares heading back into that shithole town.” “hey, why don't you just take a seat and leave the poor kid alone, huh, (name)?” “ten bucks says you can't shoot that off from here.” “twenty says i can knock the bottle without even looking.” “you snooze, you lose- it's (sender's name)'s sandwich now.” “i heard that you shot your partner in the ass during training.” “heard that your daddy, some big shot on the force, had to bail you out.” “what's the 'S' stand for? stupid?” “sooner they shut this whole town down, the better, as far as i'm concerned.” “we're nice people once you get to know us.” “s/he's only got eyes for the big fella, and I don't fancy your chances against him.” “you really shoot your own partner?” “still pining after (name), i see.” “never gonna happen, bro.” “i see you wax your chest now.” “after you ran away, (name) was the closest thing i had to family.” they raised me, put me through school, the academy-- they were there for me.” “where were you? i haven't even heard from you in five years.” “they've been trying to contain that shit, but the genie is out of the bottle now, and i don't think it's going back in.” “what kind of person can pick a lock like that?” “it's kind of impressive, but also, what the fuck?” “i'd never let anything hurt you.” “lock-pick the door behind you when you leave-- and don't touch the bike!” “what would the worst way to die be? to be swallowed whole by a snake or eaten alive by a great white shark?” “you're a freak, (name).” “i plan on dying peacefully in bed, snuggled in (name)'s big burly arms. “you said 'everyone into the briefing room,' so- here i am.” “i didn't mean you, you moron. not you, (name), everyone else. “what if someone wanders in and there's no-one behind the front desk? an old lady's looking for her cat or something.” “i'm sorry, (name), is that important? a new girlfriend?” “maybe you could take her out to eat at Planet Hollywood.” “they have a new one in Gatlin- oh, they got a great salad. little wine.” “maybe just take her back to your apartment, rent a movie at Blockbuster, get cozy on the couch, or put on some Journey.” “Steve Perry's voice, what it does to a woman's heart, huh? am i right?” “sounds like i might be getting laid.” “leaving, that's what they want. so they can destroy my life's work.” “it's okay, little girl/boy, because we've found you a new family.” “don't worry about your brother/sister, s/he'll be coming along as well, in due course.” “we would never separate the two of you.” “who are you gonna call? you're the police.” “i'm no medical expert, but i think that guy might just be beyond saving.” “congratulations, rookie, on the promotion.” “i'm sure your father would be incredibly proud that his pathetic specimen of a child is rising so quickly through the ranks.” “someone should confiscate that.” “the faster we find them, the faster we can get the fuck out of here.” “so you're (name)'s little sister/brother, huh? i didn't think the two of you spoke.” “my parents died in a car accident when i was eight.” “my brother and i grew up in an orphanage here.” “i ran away a long time ago.” “i had to learn to handle myself quickly.” “you're probably wondering what a guy like me is doing as a cop, right?” “oh yeah, no, he's fucking fine, yeah. who doesn't cough up a little blood on the floor when they're feeling sick? just a little cold.” “of course he's not fucking okay, man, look at him.” “you're no einstein, are you, buddy?” “get your shit together, or you're not gonna make it through the night.” “i just really want to get out of this town.” “i don't know who they are. i don't know, and i don't care.” “they're just some people with a vested interest in getting hold of whatever dirty secrets Umbrella are keeping down there and exposing them.” “come on, (name). don't look at me like that. it's just money, alright? and they have plenty of it.” “it was just a way of getting out of this . . . small town, dead-end life.” “you were just gonna leave us?” “we have to find (name 1) and (name 2) and tell them (name 3) is dead.” “come on, these are your friends!” “they bought you off, didn't they? they paid you to keep quiet about all the shit they were doing in here.” “now they've left you to rot in the gutter like the rest of us.” “don't be so damn naïve.” “you got some weird friends.” “(name 1) betrayed us, (name 2). s/he was gonna leave us here to die.” “we have to follow him/her, 'cause i think it's our only way out of here.” “this is my life's work. i'm not giving it to anybody.” “i'm not really offering you a choice here, pal.” “you didn't have to make it like this.” “what the hell is wrong with you?” “this is so fucked.” “jesus, (name), you and that fucking gun.” “i wouldn't have pulled the trigger, kid.” “did you really believe you could be part of my family?” “oh, such a sweet little soldier. such a loyal drone.” “how could you be so dumb when your sister/brother's so smart?” “i almost feel sad having to kill you. almost.” “i should have taken you and your sister/brother down to the lab. you would have made excellent specimens.” [ to an attacker ] “get. the fuck. away. from my brother/sister.” “this is really nice, but i think i broke some ribs.” “we got to get the fuck out of here, Umbrella is gonna level this place.” “trust me, i'm as surprised as you are, buddy.” “i should've listened to you a long time ago.” “i may have scratched the paint on your bike.” [ to a monster ] “hey! you ugly fuck!” “a rocket launcher? Found it in first class.” “i don't understand, i thought i was dead.” “what happened to my eyes? i can't see.” “it's a side effect, one of the things we had to do to bring you back. there will be others.”
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mlobsters · 9 months
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supernatural s8e20 pac-man fever (w. robbie thompson)
(same sam, same. every day)
okay. OKAY. this is very reminiscent of the ghost ship xfiles episode. the music in one scene in the hallways was used in the crow too so i did a little post about it here but it's one of the best (maybe the best???) sequences in the entire series and so i had to include it in its entirety here and now (eternal crush on gillian anderson started in the early 90s and she's such a doll in the 40s getup)
supernatural s8e20 (night hop by benny carter) / the x-files s6e3 triangle (hot liquorice by dick walter)
mitch pileggi aka skinner aka not-so-good-grandpa also briefly appears in the xfiles clip :)
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same vibes. (hannibal s1e9 trou nomand)
DEAN In the neighborhood? How the hell does she know where we are? SAM Uh, well, she doesn't. Not exactly, at least. It says she tracked our cells to a twenty mile radius, then the signal went out. Huh. This place must be in some kinda, like, Bermuda Triangle.
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sweetness ♥️
CHARLIE Well, after you guys left, I dug into all things monsters. I'm a wee bit obsessive. If "wee bit" means completely. I also found this series of books, by a Carver Edlund? [SAM and DEAN exchange awkward looks] Did those books really happen? CHARLIE (cont'd) Wow. That is some meta madness. [to DEAN] Thanks for saving the world and stuff. [to SAM] Sorry you have zero luck with the ladies.
the awkwardness of this situation if you think about it for more than a second is off the charts
CHARLIE What about, uh, Castiel? He seems helpful, and dreamy.
not the word choice i'd expect but okay
DEAN He's MIA, with a tablet of his own, doing God knows what. I mean, to be honest this whole thing is... I mean, Sam's a tough son of a bitch, but... Cas is saying that these trials are messing with him in ways that even he can't heal. CHARLIE If it's any consolation, having read your history, there is pretty much nothing the Winchesters can't do if they work together.
pretty sure i said "that's nice" out loud
CHARLIE Must be nice, having a brother, someone to always watch your back.
not that their thing is on any scale of normal. also *squints* whatcha gettin at here, show. are we adopting charlie?
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DEAN Nuh-uh. Back on the horse, kiddo, come on.
operation adopt-a-sister engaged
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same, charlie, same.
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hey, it's jason mendoza from the good place! didn't recognize his face with the hair being up but his voice immediately rang the bell
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the good place s1e8 most improved player - manny jacinto as jason mendoza
DEAN I know you wanna help, I do, but— SAM Dean, you cannot take care of the both of us. I need to be out here. Play through the pain, right? DEAN Come on man, don't quote me to me.
but dean taking care of you is kind of a non-negotiable you know that
CHARLIE So the boys said they noticed something on the body's arm before it covered them in years of future therapy. Said it looked like a blue handprint. DEAN Sounds like something you should read about. In a book. At home. SAM I'm not leaving until we find out whatever is doing this. DEAN Whatever. [stalks off] CHARLIE You guys fight like an old married couple.
CHARLIE Alright, well, breakthrough means snack time to me, and I wanna just stretch my legs. I will pick us up some grub, and unlike you, Sam, I will not forget the pie.
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sweetness x100
isn't it nice to have someone else they can be affectionate with and there's no need to worry about ~romantic tension~
none of the emotional trauma of the previous episode, some very solid heartwarming moments, not too many cringe inducing moments of embarrassment. i'll take it, robbie
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
Jungkook: 𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐬 (Intro)
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In which you've been his favourite flavour for almost a year- all without you knowing.
Tags/Warnings: Vampire!Jungkook, Blood Donor!Reader, mentions of 'being high' (drug usage in a way), strangers to lovers, blood (duh)
Additional Chapter Warnings: blood high= a rush vampires get after consuming blood, nothing graphic though, stereotypes against vampires
Next ->
That's the name of the blood he's received for almost an entire year now. One might think he'd get tired of the same taste over and over again, that the high he gets every single time would wear off- but it doesn't, it's always the same rush again and again.
He remembers the first time.
He'd never been through such an intense high ever before, trip lasting for almost two days. It hadn't been all good and nice no- he'd been so fucking sensitive, curtains closed and every little shutting of doors in the apartment building shaking him to the core. And yes, obviously he'd jerked off.. A lot, libido so high it hadn't even been funny anymore.
He was sore for an entire week after- but today, months and months later, he's still asking for the same type. For someone his age, it's unusual- guys his age like to experiment, and get used to a taste quickly, effects wearing off. But not Jungkook.
He's found his perfect match it seems- high way more gentle these days.
He's still coming down from it now, a deep breath being taken as he smiles with his head leaned back. It's odd that he still feels so insanely impacted by it every time- needing to take the bag home every time he picks it up from the blood bank and take a day off for himself because there's no way he's able to work at all. By now though, his head is clearer, the drunken feeling having passed into a sweet buzz and gentle warmth in his body.
He's craving something sweet.
The little corner store is what he's after, walking in when a little boy stumbles into him. "oh- careful." Jungkook chuckles, having been able to hold the child by his tummy before he'd been able to smack onto the floor.
"whoa- thank you sir!" the boy says, holding an action future up to him. "you're like Raybuzz!" he grins, missing tooth on full display, as he presents the toy to him. He knows that toy, it's from a comic book about a superhero with quick reflexes and night vision- about a hero that saves humans from vampires. "but the vampires in the book don't look like you." the boy pouts, looking up at Jungkook who shrugs.
The comic really overdoes the whole scary stuff by a lot.
Jungkook has some clear features that stand out to humans as a vampire; his clearly blood red eyes a telling sign about his condition. But before he can say anything else, a terrified woman storms up between them, picking up the small boy eagerly. "Jae, you don't talk to strangers, how often do I need to tell you!" she says, about to apologize, before she notices Jungkook's eyes. "..and you especially don't talk to things like this." she scolds under her breath, before walking out, bumping into his shoulder for emphasis.
He sighs.
At the cash registry, he simply places the snacks down he'd like, burying his hands in his pockets, looking down. His confidence really took a punch from encounters like this- and the nice smell in here doesn't help his still hazy mind at all. "you okay?" a careful voice asks, and he looks up surprised-
Right at you.
"the lady- I heard that. I'm sorry." you say kindly, and he's at loss for words for a second, before he replies.
"ah yeah eh no, don't worry about it. Happens all the time." he chuckles, playing it cool. You're so cute though, oh god-
"ah, it shouldn't though." you pout, scanning the items- and it's then that he notices a bracelet you wear, a silver chain with a little tag on it. 'Donor'.
"you're a donor?" he asks, nodding towards your bracelet- and typically, anyone would get embarrassed about it, make up excuses- but you smile, nodding openly at it.
"Yep! Started because of the money, but it's become more or less a habit now. The snacks are awesome there." you laugh, and he chuckles along. You're unusual, but he likes the way you carry yourself- not overbearing. Your presence is soft, your voice nice to listen to, you're pretty, and you smell nice-
Okay slow down there, exit was two miles ago.
He pays with his credit card, grins the entire time he walks home like an idiot, your face in his mind even as he starts his gaming console at home with a pepero stick between his lips, until he freezes- bitten off snack falling to the floor pathetically.
He's never even asked for your name.
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bowiebond · 2 years
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MTF Billy Hargrove | Buckgrove/Robilly
“God, why is my future girlfriend, like, the prettiest girl ever?” Robin sighed dreamily as she watched Billie scan the aisles with Max, pushing her wheelchair along as she complained about the movie options her older sister was giving her. “It’s like…seriously not good for my heart, Steve.”
“I mean, I didn’t think she’d be your type, but sure. Billie’s pretty, I guess.” Steve shrugged as he flipped through the rentals. “I swear— the guy who rented Critter a month ago? Still late. I’m gonna write him a very strongly worded letter if he doesn’t come back this week.”
“Can we go back to the topic of how hot my future wife is?”
“Hot? We were talking about how pretty your delusional crush is. Hot is different.”
“It’s not delusional! It’s very possible!” Robin squawked. “And who cares, she’s both.”
“Hot means you wanna fuck her. Pretty means you wanna wrap her in your jacket and take her home for snuggles and hot cocoa.” Steve simplified and Robin frowned.
“Why can’t I have both? Wrap her in my jacket, take her home, snuggle her with some hot coca and then when it’s all gone I can—“
“Sneak under the blanket and—“
“Robin, stop!”
“Touch her—“
“Boobies!” Robin made grabby hands and Steve snorted.
“Boobies.” Robin smiled, finally getting it. “Billie likes boobies. Maybe. I think so.”
“Billie was a huge ladies man so—“
“Not a man!”
“Okay, not a man now, but she acted like one in the past!” Steve put his hands up in surrender. “She was a lady killer, okay?”
“Better.” Robin huffed out through her nose, turning back to rest her chin on her palm. “But what if she was like- double closeted? Like, what if when she realised she was a girl, she also realised she wants all the stuff normal girls want like…guys.”
“Don’t say it like you’re not normal. I mean, you’re weird and loud and annoying, all traits I find very loveable about you as my best friend, but you’re not abnormal cause you like girls, Robin.”
“I know that.” She grumbled softly, slightly touched regardless. Billie laughed at something Max said and Robin broke into a small, dopey smile. “She’s perfect.”
“She gave me a concussion once.”
“That’s hot.”
“Dude.” Robin repeated slower, making steady eye contact. Steve matched it and eventually pursed his lips and nodded.
“It’s hot.”
“So hot.”
“She kicked my ass.” Steve sighed.
“So very hot.” Robin bit her lip as Billie bent down to grab a VHS off the bottom shelf, her tight jeans stretching over her ass. Robin turned to Steve to point it out only to see him already watching with appraisal. Robin smacked him hard in the arm.
“Stop acting so gross to the love of my life!”
“She’s got a nice butt.” Steve spoke around a small pout, looking away.
“My butt. Eyes off.”
“I think I preferred when you were into Vickie.”
“Vickie is still finding herself and needed the space. We will always be friends, but we just aren’t compatible for a relationship right now.”
“But in future?” Robin turned to Steve with a serious expression.
“I marry Billie and we buy three cats named Marshmallow, Chocolate and Cracker. We call them the S’mores instead of our cats or kids. Also, we get a house together, something cozy but with enough room for two to four guests at a time. The kitchen is teal and the lounge room is red. We’re nicknamed the Christmas house because of it. Our neighbours love us for our classic wit and humour, but we have one neighbour who hates us because we go at it during his reading hour and lesbian sex goes a long time, hours in fact, so he’s not getting anything finished and we do not care because female pleasure will not be ignored. Also, we have motorcycle. She would rock it and I would drool as her passenger but never ride it because I’m a gay who can’t drive to save my life.”
“…You’ve really been thinking about this, huh?” Steve crossed his arms, looking her over as Robin nodded solemnly.
“Night and day since I saw her in that white summer dress a week after she got out of the hospital.”
“Well…What do you think, Billie? Sound fun? The S’mores is my favourite part.” Steve smirked as he picked up the returns and walked off. Robin’s eyes widened comically as she slowly turned around to face the blonde who looked just as startled as her.
“Um…I like the part with the motorcycle. And, I like red. More into blue than teal. I can compromise though.” She rubbed the back of her neck with a shy, playful smile and Robin’s face burned.
“Mm. Mhm. That’s— b-blues nice. You look…good in blue. R-really good. I love you - in blue! I mean. Yeah. A- a motorcycle sounds…awesome.” She breathed the last word with a nervous laugh, sinking into herself. She wished the floor would crack open again and swallow her up this time around.
“Thank you?” Billie let out a soft laugh, seemingly caught off guard by Robin’s anxious rambling. She placed the two movies down on the counter, one Max’s choice and another Billie’s. Robin started scanning them.
Max rolled as close to the counter as she could get before clearing her throat.
“Billie hasn’t been on a real date in a long time—“
“Max!” Billie hissed, cheeks going red as her sister continued.
“And I think you should ask her on one. Since you already plan on marrying her. You have my blessing by the way; as long as you don’t hurt her heart. It’s delicate. Like a flower.”
“Oh my god, please stop talking.” Billie groaned loudly into her hands, her red ears giving away her embarrassment.
“You can count on me, little Red.” Robin saluted her and Max smirked, rolling off to round the corner and attempt to roll over Steve’s toes.
“Please ignore her. Seriously. You don’t gotta—“ Billie took her hands down from her face, lips pursed. “I don’t know if you’re straight or gay or bisexual but I don’t want to date you if you’re thinking of me as a guy—“
“I like girls.” Robin interjected quickly, maybe a tad too quickly, words coming out cluttered. “I— kiss girls. Exclusively. I like girls. I like…you. A lot. I’d like to kiss you. Eventually! Not now. We should, um, build up to that stuff, I definitely don’t have the experience to just- jump in and smoosh faces.” She laughed, abrupt and loud, and quickly stopped, humiliating herself. “Sorry, I’m being weird. I just— get nervous. Around pretty girls.”
Billie stared at her with wide eyes.
“I mean…I’m glad you think I’m pretty?” Billie broke to a wondrous smile and Robin melted a little inside.
“You’re super pretty! Pretty hot. Uh, both. I should stop talking.”
“If you stop talking, how will you ask me on a date?” Robins eyes bugged out of her head.
“You wanna— with me?” She pointed at herself in bewilderment, looking back as if there could be someone else she was asking.
“I don’t know. You haven’t asked yet.” Billie grinned and Robin grinned back, a tad shyer as she ducked her head.
“Would you…like to see a movie sometime?”
“Drive-In, home movie, or cinema?” Billie quirked a brow and Robin’s brain record scratched.
“Uh, I don’t have a car. So I’ve never seen a…Drive-In show.”
“Well now you gotta.” Billie smirked. “Lemme pick you up tomorrow, after your shift?”
“Yeah?” Robin bloomed like a flower at the invitation.
“Yeah.” Billie’s smirk dimmed into a soft smile. “I’ll wear blue. Since you like it so much.”
“You can wear any colour. I like all of them! You— you looked good. Not the colour. Um, if that makes sense.”
“It does.” Billie grinned, fishing out some cash from her wallet. She handed it over and Robin’s fingers brushed hers. The brunette almost swooned. God, she was down bad. “See you tomorrow, Buckley.”
“R-Robin’s fine. If you, uh, if you want.”
“Okay. Robin.” She purred and Robin managed to stay composed just long enough for Billy to leave her to grab Max before crouching down behind the counter and silently screaming into her hands, shaking them all about in excitement.
She had a date. A real, genuine one!
She was one step closer to making Billie Hargrove a Billie Buckley.
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Chapter 8- Part 16
Jumping across the platforms isn’t really much, it’s pretty straightforward, and now we’re in another open area! There’s a doorway to a new area over there, plus a guy- what does he have to say?
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…Do I even need to say it?
Light Screen all you want, little one, but it can’t save you from Bug Bite gaming!!
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Not sure, but probably somewhere with not as much parkour. But now- let me click on your items and see if there’s anything-
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Nice. Okay, now we can head upstairs to what I’m guessing is 2F?
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Alright, still no ladies with long blue hair anywhere…but there is a sign. Maybe that’ll give us a clue?
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A roof? Oh wait- wasn’t there another Light Shard on top of a roof, that first one I saw (before I knew what its purpose was)? If we go down here, are we gonna come out onto that space, that rooftop? In that case, and if there’s a healing spot, Amaria might be in that direction…but I don’t want to go there just yet! I want to explore a little more!
So let’s go left, towards those platforms, and- oh, encounter!
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Ah, we can find Mankey around here! Hmm…I know there’s a possible implication that a gang of Scraggy/Scrafty live around here, and so we might get a chance to catch one of the former, but I don’t know if I’m correct in guessing that. Plus, getting a proper Fighting-type now, even if we don’t use it right away…not bad!
So let’s start with Prong, lower its HP a bit, then switch into Glare…
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And with Glare(TM), we paralyze it-
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And throw a Poké Ball for the finisher!
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Brawler seems like a good name for him, being an angry punchy guy and all.
Anyways, we hop across these platforms- it’s a little more involved this time, the placement is a bit cheeky so you’ve really gotta pay attention if there’s a specific place you’re trying to jump onto. But regardless, we make it and find this area!
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Yeah, I’ll always take stuff like that!
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Mmm- yeah, that might be another way to the roof, so we’re still not going up there yet! We’re going back around! Man, this place is bigger than I was expecting…
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Okay, um- again, didn’t get to screenshot this, but…in the middle of this little room here, there was a box, yeah? But then the box just…moved, and went down that hall to the lower left? 
And I didn’t pursue it, because- well, I left the Obsidia Slums and went to the Pokémon Center again, this time to get a screenshot of the PC Box for the ending stuff (spoiler alert, this chapter’s about to come to an end), then I came back here so I can save and just start here the next time I play, and…
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The box?? Is back now?? I don’t know what happened- if the box moving earlier was part of some event thing, then did me leaving and coming back…break it somehow? Glitch, bug, whatever you wanna call it? If that’s the case, then uh…welp! Guess I’m not getting whatever would have come out of following the box, RIP me.
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So yeah- as I alluded to, I’m ending the chapter here! I was initially hoping I’d be able to end it once Xera and Victoria found and met Amaria and all that, but I didn’t realize how expansive the Obsidia Slums were going to be, so that didn’t work out. We’ll just have to take care of that next time, in addition to obtaining the TMX and possibly making our way into Obsidia Park!
Happy (belated) New Year everyone, I hope this was good of a gift as anything, and I’ll see you all in the next chapter!
Species: Croconaw
Gender: Male
Level: 20
Ability: Sheer Force*
Item: Quick Claw
Brave nature; Alert to sounds.
Species: Pidgeotto
Gender: Female
Level: 20
Ability: Keen Eye
Item: None
Lax nature; Mischievous.
Species: Ekans
Gender: Female
Level: 20
Ability: Intimidate
Item: None
Naughty nature; Highly curious.
Species: Skitty
Gender: Female
Level: 20
Ability: Wonder Skin*
Item: None
Lax nature; Capable of taking hits.
Species: Roselia
Gender: Male
Level: 21
Ability: Leaf Guard*
Item: Rose Incense
Docile nature; Alert to sounds.
Species: Charjabug
Gender: Female
Level: 20
Ability: Battery
Item: None
Rash nature; Loves to eat.
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porcelain-yume · 1 year
CREAM SODA - THE MADNA (English Lyrics Translation 英訳)
Lyrics: Ryota; Music: THE MADNA
Precious feelings don't forget remember
Those teenage days bursting with blue
Precious feelings don't forget remember
That one found freedom
& in these hands spark future
The day it got me
I couldn’t take my eyes off that music show
My mundane, ordinary life was pierced by that rock ‘n’ roll
In the blink of an eye it had completely stolen all my heart
Up inside my head all day & night
All around the clock
Fly Fly Fly
Release & spark future
Full of Excitement Ecstasy
Enjoy your life at will
Free to do whatever you want
Ego in full swing
With crazy unstoppable passion
Just go your own way
With your head held high without a care
Just as you are
Just the way things are
u&me on this small planet Earth
out in this big wide world
Proving what it means to be alive
Hey Ladies
Fall in love with all your heart and soul
You only get one chance to live
So take a shot and go for broke
If you ignite the flames of those youthful initial impulses once more
Call it charisma?
Screaming! Shouting!
Tonight the party never ends
Jump around! Jump around!
And put tomorrow aside for a while
Go get it & spark future
Getting hyped up
Got all dressed up
Popped out for the weekend
The good old streets were packed so full of dreams
Trends and cultures move along with the times
Everything has changed
Everything we can see with our eyes
But I’ll always hold this special feeling deep inside
Just like before
Unchanged in my heart for the rest of my life
Once again I wanna feel that time
I wanna feel those days one more time
Rubber soles, bondage pants with studded belts, tartan checks
Lolita, decora and gothic, cyber, punk
You say it’s not in fashion now?
That it’s outdated? Behind the times?
Well I wanna be someone who’s not afraid to say
That I like what I like
Precious feelings don't forget remember
Those teenage days bursting with blue
Precious feelings don't forget remember
That one found freedom
Seize it & spark future
Full of Excitement Ecstasy
Enjoy your life at will
Free to do whatever you want
Ego in full swing
With crazy unstoppable passion
Just go your own way
With your head held high without a care
Just as you are
Just the way things are
u&me on this small planet Earth
out in this big wide world
Proving what it means to be alive yeah
Notes, Japanese, Romaji & Spotify Track:
CREAM SODA: as mentioned in various interviews, this is a song which is all about nostalgia, old school Harajuku culture and embracing the things that are special to us. Takashi wrote the music filling the song with the kind of music which saved his life back in the days. In addition, not only was CREAM SODA a Harajuku fashion brand representative of 80s rock culture, but Ryota also talks about how even as an adult, the drink cream soda is seen as something special or like a dream drink. He mentions how if you go to a café, you sometimes find yourself hesitating and wondering if it's actually okay to order it or not. This got him thinking about how it's nice that certain things can remain special to us no matter how much time goes by. So when he asked himself what was special to him, Harajuku came to mind. Although the culture has changed and it's become a place he can pretty much go to whenever he wants without a second thought, he really loved the atmosphere of those days.
Ryota coined the term “spark future” ⚡️
青くハジけたteenage days: The color blue and the kanji 青 (blue) is often associated with youth, adolescence and immaturity. Fresh, bright, young and full of energy and inexperience.
肩で風を切って: it means to walk with an air of self confidence or to walk around with swagger. If you walk 'cutting the wind with your shoulders' then you are moving forward confidently without any hesitation or without anything holding you back. From what I was told it doesn't carry any negative connotations.
幼き初期衝動: I guess perhaps these youthful initial impulses are those intense feelings you get when you are young and inexperienced - the feelings you get when you experience things for the first time. Things like your first love or first concert.
Japanese & Romaji:
Precious feelings don't forget remember
青くハジけたteenage days
Precious feelings don't forget remember
この手にSpark future
Precious feelings don’t forget remember
Aoku hajiketa teenage days
Precious feelings don’t forget remember
Tatta hitotsu mitsuketa freedom
Kono te ni Spark future
食らったあの日、目が離せないMusic show
平凡で退屈な日々に突き刺されたRock 'n' Roll
あっという間に奪われちまったAll my heart
四六時中ずっと頭の中 Fly Fly Fly
解き放つSpark future
Kuratta ano hi, me ga hanasenai Music show
Heiban de taikutsu na hibi ni tsukisareta Rock ‘n’ Roll
Attoiuma ni ubawarechimatta All my heart
Shirokujichu zutto atama no naka fly fly fly
Tokihanatsu Spark future
ハイテンション 有頂天 テキトーに enjoy
好き勝手 エゴ全開 超無敵passion
High tension uchouten tekitou ni enjoy
Sukikatte ego zenkai choumuteki na passion
Katade kaze kitte ware ga michi susume
Ari no mama aru ga mama ni
Chisana kono hoshi no u&me dekai sekai de
Ikiteru shoumei wo
二度は無い人生 当たって砕けろ
幼き初期衝動にonce more 火をつけたら
Zenshinzenrei de koiseyo otome
Nido wa nai jinsei atattekudakero
Osanaki shoki shoudou ni once more hi wo tsuketara
Charisma nante na?
Screaming! Shouting!
Jump around! Jump around!
食らわせろSpark future
Screaming! Shouting!
Koyoi no utage wa owarane
Jump around! Jump around!
Ittan ashita wa oitoite
Kurawasero Spark future
ドキドキ洒落込んで 飛び出したweekend
古き良きストリート 夢が詰まってたんだ
Dokidoki sharekonde tobidashita weekend
Furukiyoki street yume ga tsumattetanda
Jidai wa nagare ryuukou mo culture mo
Me de mieru mono wa kawacchatta kedo
Zutto kokoro no naka
Mukashi mo ima mo kawaranai tokubetsu na omoi daite 
Mou ichido kanjitai ano jidai
Rabaso bonpan ni byouberu tartan check
Lolita decora ni gothic cyber punk
Ima ja hayannaitte
Jidaiokure datte?
Suki na mon wa sukitte ieru jibun de itainda
Precious feelings don't forget remember
青くハジけたteenage days
Precious feelings don't forget remember
掴み取れSpark future
Precious feelings don’t forget remember
Aoku hajiketa teenage days
Precious feelings don’t forget remember
Tatta hitotsu mitsuketa freedom
Tsukamitore Spark future
ハイテンション 有頂天 テキトーにenjoy
好き勝手 エゴ全開 超無敵passion
High tension uchouten tekitou ni enjoy
Sukikatte ego zenkai choumuteki na passion
小さなこの地球のu & me 大きな世界で
Katade kaze kitte ware ga michi susume
Ari no mama aru ga mama ni
Chisana kono hoshi no u&me dekai sekai de
Ikiteru shoumei wo yeah
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strongermonster · 2 years
Hi i just found your blog and i just want to say that it brought me the first genuine hope for my future in a long time. I haven’t been looking forward to who i’m going to be and your chaotic good energy reminds me of how i want to be.
someone who’d teach kids how NOT to make cookies because those kids sure af are gonna remember how and WHY cookies are made the way they are. and they loved learning how too.
someone who encourages the harmless explorations instead of simply telling how the world is. you encourage curiosity. i want to be like that and the joy and amusement i got from your posts makes me want to live my life. thank you
first of all i'm really touched you took the time to say this, thank you so much you sweetpea 💜💚 i'm sorry life has got you down right now.
second of all, i know exactly how you feel. it took me a really unfortunately long time to have any sort of idea about who i wanted to be or where i wanted to go, and i honestly didn't have anything figured out until my late 20's. i still don't have all that much figured out, but what i have figured out is that it's okay to just kinda wake up every day and do whatever. i don't have a 5 year plan. i don't even have a 5 week plan. that kind of thing used to make me feel like an anxious failure but as i've gotten older i've discovered that a) who cares? for real? b) almost literally everyone else is also like this. even the most put-together people you know.
the one thing that i have finally figured out that made my whole life do a 180 is that all those traits you admire in other people? you can just steal them. for real. just straight up steal bits and pieces you like about others, like some fae shit.
you got a friend who's funny and witty? you can be too! observe and acquire. lady at your bus stop have exquisite fashion sense? same thing. take it, it's yours now. character in a show you watch really good at setting firm boundaries? study it and emulate it. you wanna be a kind person? just act like one. that's all it is. you just keep acting like how you've seen kind people do it until one day you wake up and without any thought you're putting a fake plant on your bathroom counter for the little spider who lives there but keeps trying to build a web attached to your sink taps so you can stop breaking her web she works so hard on.
works the opposite too! people you hate and find annoying, be conscious of the things they do to make you feel that way, and avoid doing them yourself.
chaotic good self improvement!
also start small. and keep it small if you want. it's up to you how much work you want to put in to this.
you don't have to be out here curing cancer to be 'the smart' person in the room, you can just be the one who has fun random trivia to spout. you don't gotta be the nice person who's out saving puppies and building shelters, you can be the nice person who compliments peoples clothes and starts the coffee 5 minutes before break every day.
i think the point i'm trying to make is, don't feel like you need to pigeonhole yourself into some magical Successful Person Path because no one knows what life is going to actually throw you. just like. decide how you want others to see you and how you want to feel about yourself and do whatever the personality equivalent of magazine collage is and i swear to god one day you're going to wake up and go "huh. i like me."
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ziva0888 · 9 months
InoAoi FanFic Chapter 8
The next morning before Inoskue woke up, Tanjiro was filled in on everything about Inosuke’s confession. But Zenitsu didn’t pay attention to anything about Kanae, Inosuke was the only one who knew of her existence. Even he had the sense to tell nobody.
“So~ Inosuke has a lover now!?” Tanjiro
“I guess so. Quiet down, Kocho-sama might hear you. I don’t know how the idiot got a girlfriend before me” Zenitsu rolled his eyes.
“Nezuko’s taken a liking to you” Tanjiro teased
Zenitsu’s faced flushed with red, as if it were spray paint “Really!?” The blush disappeared then “Wait, you’re not mad?”
Tanjiro laughed “As long as Nezuko’s happy, I’m happy. I know you wouldn’t hurt her in a million years, plus you may not know it, but Nezuko told me that you saved her life on the Mugen train”
Zenitsu was in silence, in memory of the Mugen train, and the hero who died by it; Rengoku Kyojuro. Before abruptly coming back to his senses “Wait what?! I can’t use any breathing styles though” he felt confused
Tanjiro looked at Zenitsu, confusedly “Nezuko said you were using some lightning technique?” he couldn’t piece together the puzzle
“I was trained in thunder breathing, but I can’t use any of it. I stink at it”
“Wrong” Inosuke was awake suddenly “I hate saying good things about you, but you helped me take on the ugly demon woman”
“You were asleep” he said blatantly
“Asleep?” Tanjiro wondered if he had heard the man right
“You can sleep-fight for some reason” Inosuke clarified “Of course I did most of the work, but you did well (I guess)” he bragged
Aoi barged into the room “Wake up!” she saw the three “Oh, you’re awake” she turned around “Come downstairs for breakfast”
Inosuke smirked, as if he were in a race; which he wasn’t “OKAY” he rushed down the stairs ahead of Aoi
Aoi scowled “Slow down, would you!” he was far ahead of her
“Sorry Aoi-san” Tanjiro said, walking beside her
They sat down for breakfast, Kanao and Shinobu were waiting for them with friendly smiles. Aoi left the room.
Zenitsu smiled, pointing to the empty seat to his right “Aoi-san, aren’t you gonna eat with us?”
“I have to take care of some people in the patient room, thanks though”
Inosuke glared at Zenitsu who strut back in fear at the monstrous sight
“Kanao-san” Zenitsu started
Kanao looked up from her plate “Yes?” she said in a fairy-like voice
“I didn’t hear everything, but I heard people rushing downstairs last night, did something happen?”
Kanao reflected back to Inosuke calling her Kanae, she shook her head
Tanjiro sprung up “Did Inosuke do something to Aoi-san!?”
Inosuke blushed “WHAT!? NO I DIDN’T!” he yelled
“He didn’t, so don’t worry Tanjiro-kun, Zenitsu-kun” Shinobu Kocho smiled politely
“Good” Zenitsu said, eyeing Inosuke sharply. He glared back
Aoi was taking care of some patients, Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke were passing by the patients room.
“Miss” A boy Aoi was tending to started
“Yes?” She replied sternly
“You’re really pretty, you know that” he was clearly trying to charm her, it wasn’t working
The remark threw her off “Thanks . . .” She said skeptically
“What’s your name?” he askedm smiling caringly, he had a pretty smile
It didn’t fool Aoi one bit “Kanzaki Aoi”
“Aoi-chan” he said for the first time, it made her uncomfortable “That’s a nice name” he smiled
Aoi looked at him sternly “Thank you”
“How old are you?”
Shinobu appeared behind the man “It’s impolite to ask a lady her age” she uttered creepily
“Who are you?”
“I’m her elder sister, and I’m not letting anyone try and butter her up. Not that it would work” she smiled psychotically
Aoi stood in front of Shinobu, grateful for having such amazing sisters  “Calm down, nee-san. You don’t have to worry about me”
Shinobu smiled, despite all her fake smiling since Kanae’s death, Aoi could tell that she was truly happy this time “I won’t take any chances, but I know you don’t need me to look after you anymore”
‘Thank you nee-san’ Aoi thought before walking off
Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke saw the whole scene play out “I don’t know how Kocho-sama or Kanao would react if you told them about being in love with Aoi-san” Zenitsu remarked
Tanjiro urged Zenitsu “Zenitsu, that man had just met Aoi-san and was flirting with her. Inosuke has known all three of them for quite a while now, they would know that he wouldn’t hurt her” He looked at Inosuke “Right?” he said tightly
“AH!” he screamed at Tanjiro’s killer expression, “Yes” he replied obediently. Despite not at all liking Aoi the way Inosuke did, Tanjiro didn’t like the thought of anyone trying to hurt anybody trying to hurt any of the butterfly girls, especially not Kanao.
They left the infernary promptly
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angeltism · 10 months
does baldurs gate have women and are they good . does baldurs gate have romance options and are women in those options . important questions that dictate if eyhmi begs furr the game
...Adhd fueled ramble under the cut. There's a lot. A lot.
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This is La.e'z.el, she's the first friendly face you see in-game. She's a githy.anki fighter, n I haven't really had her in my party so I haven't done her lore or gotten closer to her so what I can say on her is purretty limited (esp since I don't really wanna spoil anything unless specifically asked 2 ++ I'm only in the start of act 2 in the game itself so I don't know much that much 2 begin with) but I'll try.
She's a little mean at the start n can be hard on others, but it's more of a "I am just extremely truthful (at least, for my beliefs n how I view the world) ++ can be kinda harsh on others but it's cuz I'm trying 2 be efficient n let us nawt have our damn gith parasites here" She's nawt super empathetic, n it takes a bit for her to soften up on ya, but even I've gotten her 2 be nice in her own way 2 my character and that's without having adventured with her much/at all.. so I imagine if you're actually going 2 do her quests n having a lot of approval points with her, she'll warm up 2 you even faster.
She took a little 2 grow on mwe personally but she's purretty cool in my opinion n I'm def gonna make another character after I finish the game w my current character 2 try n romance her. She's super badass n just like everybun else I'm about 2 mention she is also super duper girlboss n amazing :3
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This lovely high half elf cleric is Sha.dowheart, the second character you meet in the game! She's much more,, reasonable, I guess, at least compared to the other two "og 3" companions you meet so early on (La.e'zel n Asta.rion) n is purretty kind n nice,, sorta?
She definitely has a bit of a darker side, specifically with who she serves n she has the tendency to be a bit sarcastic n sassy occasionally, but me n her have gotten along well in my current playthrough !! Ermm from what I've heard she's more of a slow burn romance n I've heard it's been purretty wholesome?? Dunno, but I love her, she's amazing teehee <3
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And finally for concrete actual companions, the tiefling barbarian Karl.ach! May or may nawt be being hunted by another one of the companions you meet (Wy.ll) ++ some clerics or whatever but heyyy that's fine purretty lady haha.
Nawt much 2 say about her cuz there's a fair bit that's a mild bit spoilerly for nawt only her but another character (Wy.ll again) ++ some enemies you find but uhm. She's beautiful. A lil scary at first esp if you take what others say about her at first 2 heart but she's so kind. So caring. Adorable sometimes ghdjdhdh. Nawt the stupid barbarian stereotype ++ we love her for that. Big strong woman hehe (ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^)♡
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Okay nyeow for the "sorta companion under specific circumstances idk much about her sawrry", Min.thara!! She's a drow paladin, n starts out as an enemy ++ ermm. you can kill her. but also romance her?
Idk how others managed 2 romance her but in my current save she's dead. ermmmm. so I have nothing else 2 say but she's really purretty n didn't seem like that bad of a being,, n she purrobably has some character growth from when ya first meet her (hopefully) so yayy purretty woman !! also drow r awesome. ok yea!
Anyways, ermm aside from like. one night stands you have the option of having. these r all the romanceable gals in the game and they're all super awesome in their own ways yippee!! (4 some reason I thought there were more but nwo, 4 gals n 4 guys)
So like. The game as I mentioned a bit graphic again just putting it out there cuz I've giggled like a small child a few times playing. Ermm there's nothin much 2 say though ?? Butyeah again just saying ig lmao fhshdhs.
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from this ask game for heiden, glance, motion, and stillness, as well as night, day, footwear, road, roots, wardrobe, and favourite. i look
Ask Game!
omg yay heiden time
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glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
His eyes for sure!! He has thick lashes and very pretty eyes. But the colour is.. Insane. Weird colours are pretty normal in Amant. But Heiden's eyes specifically are very strange. He has sectoral heterochromia basically, but the top half and the bottom half are different colours and where they meet they kinda blend together?
(funnily enough this is a trait he shares with Katsumi(his are green/blue tho)! Some bonus lore. They're my only two characters with eyes like this. and it IS relevant to what they are.)
Anyways the top half is this shade of orange:
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And the bottom half is this shade of blue:
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motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
Mmm flowy is the best way to describe his movement! And not like elegant lady flowy, but like.. ghostly flowy. His movement is very enchanting to watch. He wears pretty heavy clothes but it doesn't seem to hinder his range of moment at all.
Heiden is really coordinated and incredibly reactive. He's not necessarily flexible, but he can react incredibly well, very quick footed when he wants to be.
stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
He slumps forward a little, like he's using his coat as a shield maybe? He's also really tall so I think part of the slumping is so he seems less intimidating while standing still. His clothing choice helps him turn into himself, if that makes sense?
He does tend to fidget with his jewellery though. Especially if he has to stand still or at rest for long periods of time, he gets bored.
night: What does your OC wear to sleep? Do they have a favorite pair of PJs, or are they more the birthday suit type?
He sleeps in dog mode a lot to save space and money so he doesn't have to go to an inn? Like he'll just curl up in pubby mode and sleep like that. But otherwise he just sleeps. in his underwear. lmao. he doesn't exactly have multiple outfits?
Heiden you'd LOVE silk pjs though.
day: What does your OC wear on a normal day? Why do they default to those clothes? Do they wear similar things, or do they change it up?
I haven't fully finalised his design besides his jewellery and coat. But he wears thicker clothing. He only has the one outfit, not because he's a video game character, but because he is broke. He's honestly really like.. unsuspecting?
Coat, gloves, long sleeve shirt, pants, boots, I imagine? I'll get on finishing his design eventually I prommy.
footwear: What does your OC wear on their feet?
Boots for sure.
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I imagine something like these!
sometimes paws.
road: What does your OC wear while traveling? Do they have high-quality equipment, or are they making do? What does their gear look like?
Okay so I keep emphasizing how he travels light and is like. broke. lol. But his equipment that he DOES have is all high quality. Like the leather is very clearly high craftmanship, his weapons are loved and well taken care of and made of good materials. I do imagine he wears some amount of leather armour under one of his shirt layers. That's good quality too. Very nice because he takes CARE of it.
roots: Is your OC's look inspired by any specific style of clothing or fashion trend? What are the roots and/or inspiration for their look?
"unsuspecting" "average" "traveler" were really things I was going for. I don't want Heiden to stand out the way the twins might (oh my god remind me to show you their redesigns later!!) or even Ajax. Heiden wants to blend in more, his clothing reflects that choice.
wardrobe: How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
Heiden is a GOD at mending his own clothes!! He carries a lil sewing kit with him in his sack. He spends more money on fabric and thread/needles than he does on like.. actual clothing itself. It's just more cost effective to repair what he does have!
Favourite is answered Here!
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ventcode · 1 year
I just wanna kinda,, ramble, I guess, so many thoughts on my mind, and I never really ramble on purpose (it's mostly an accidental thing..) so.
my shoulder still hurts kinda. it all hurts alot, actually. i don't know why. no matter what i do. ive stopped bringing it up over and over again though. nobody seems to quite listen. some streches, but the pain only subsides for a little bit.
im hungry, but i ate food all day yesterday. seems no matter how much i eat lately, ill still be hungry, and if i dont eat im starving, it makes my stomach feel horrible, the six and kyoko brain mix surely isn't helping.
im listening to my theme, six's theme part II, it's been calming me down, ive been humming along, im just making sure i dont have another panic attack, it surely does help, afterall its calmed me down before, as six. im not surprised it still helps now.
i keep having to change my shirt, it gets uncomfortable too much, its quite annoying, i put on deodorant too but it seems to wear off and it becomes uncomfortable again, maybe i just need to shower tomorrow (today? i don't count it as the next day until i wake up that morning.), that must be the case, im just not clean.
speaking of, its annoying but i seem to always need reminders to do stuff, or i dont take care of myself and do my own thing, with the food thing its gotten better since im always really hungry lately, so the first thing i try to do when i have time is eat food. but with the other stuff of taking care of myself, i seem to neglect it. showering. cleaning my room (i havent done that in MONTHS). drinking water. brushing my teeth. laundry stuff. i always need reminders. but i cant get reminders from my parents. "you're 14, you need to remember this stuff", and if I set a reminder on my phone, I always swipe away the notification and forget about it without fail. it's annoying. i hate that.
I miss my fort from last year, my matress on the ground next to the window, my tv there, just. ofc it neglected the rest of my room but. i miss my own little space there. it was from a calmer time. it had problems like bugs (i found a cockroach crawling on the tv once at night), but otherwise, everything else was okay, i miss just. i miss that, i guess. maybe I should use that tv again, it still works, just not my PS4, the Wii U works though, so, maybe I'll try that.
I think about holding your hand alot, anywhere, I don't really care where it is, but lately I just. have the feeling it'd be nice to just hold your hand, like you're there with me, I've just been holding onto that pillows sleeve more and more, like im holding onto your hand, it keeps the comfort, it helps just a little, I wish it was real, I want to hold your hand. When we meet, I don't think I'll let go of it. ^^"
My dreams have all been,, upsetting as of late, probably because of my anxieties before I go to bed. it sucks, it gets me in a bad mood in the morning, but I'm trying not to lose my hope for atleast a better dream, if dreams reflect subconscious, then I just have to think good things before bed right? I surely try but, I don't know why they all end up bad, I have alot of bad days, but, during the evening, it gets a bit better, and then bad again, I don't know what's really been happening. A horrible nightmare, they're stressing me, but I need to stop thinking too hard on them, if I do, then nothing good is bound to happen.
I think of those bad opinions on me, I'm really no monster, I'm a traumatized 9 year old, a kid, a child, I'm little. I'm surviving in a world that's trying to kill me. I really just wanted to survive, that's all I wanted. sure I ate a nome and I ate the ladys fucking neck and probably did something else Im unaware of in source atm and didn't save those kids in the maw, but, I really am no monster. I swear and promise. I didn't want to be the "hero who saved the kids", I wanted out, to survive, cause I'm a fucking child. I wish everyone knew that. but who'd believe me, if anything, everyone else would think im crazy, that I'm not really six, that im most likely just delusional, and that upsets me. so I can't be honest. that's such a stupid reason but, yk, the anxieties. (fun not so fun fact! during those hunger pangs when i was playing the game and watching you play as well, my stomach felt like SHIT dude. </3)
Speaking of, depending on the ID, I hate referring to myself in 3rd person (unless im speaking in 3p at the time), it just bothers me and I feel separated from myself, and it hurts. with some its fine and others its not. and sometimes I fuck up, so I'll accidentally refer to myself in 1st person with an irl friend and they'll look confused, I mostly just go oops and correct myself but, god does it really hurt, alot. But I don't wanna be honest abt that since it's easier to just refer in 3rd. even I just do it out of habit, but it just gives me a bad feeling, like I'm not me, and the others aren't. the others. I don't know. maybe I just have issues and shit.
idk why but talking about that just reminded me of that time I met a double and got them banned from using tumblr. bro is that mad !!! but srsly I got like so mad in the dream and spam reported them and Tumblr was on my side and banned the account and ANY NEW ACCOUNTS THEY MADE. bro dream me is winning everyday (/lie im having frequent nightmares!! /silly)
it's hard to talk but also extremely easy to talk, the words come out but I don't want them to, like I don't really want to talk to anyone, of course I make my exceptions, if nobody could tell /silly but, idk, it feels meaningless to talk, I'd rather just. do stuff. not talk unless needed, but, when most your friends are online, you kind of need to talk most of the time, or nobody understands what you're saying, even on voice calls, not like I wanna have my camera on at all times (depending on the person), so, it's still useless, I don't exactly know what to do about this, I feel myself talking more and more even though I wanna talk less and less. oops I guess.
me and toaster talked, we're still friends, but we wont contact for awhile, or atleast not every day, i apologized, and so did he, i really do feel bad for acting like an asshole. but everything's okay now, and it'll all be okay.
seems im getting teary eyed writing,, all this, there's so much I'm saying, yet I say I wanna talk less, that's funny, isn't it? I've written so many thoughts down that it's been like 40 minutes at this point, that's funny, how much is really on my mind.
enjoy my thoughts and rambles, I know atleast one person will read this, waving!! sorry I ruined my sleep schedule again, I'll do better.. :')
Goodnight. ♡
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pluto-projectorrr · 1 year
Hi tumblr, let me give this page kind of a little note. Perhaps sometime i'll re-read this note.
2022 such an amazeeeng year, actually. So much lesson i earn that year and yes, it maybe same for next day or maybe i'll modify or have a new pov, so dynamic.
First, every destiny is good, even we need time to realized it. Like i mention before, that year i moved to small city near forest and lake. It takes more than 12 hours to reach provincial capital. Tbh this place good for vacation like 2-7 days, but u'll get boring so i felt it. Until i realize that is not so bad. I feel more alive here, no more overtime and no more impromptu task. I have time for myself, reading, writing, or do sport. I was thinking, it's litterally such on Quran 2:216, maybe u don't like it, but it's good for u, yes, He knows, always.
Second, there is out there we can't control. We have plan, but it doesn't work, we need to accept it, fast or slow, may God help us. Someone left me that year which is good for both of us. At first, so many question in my head, but i choose not to search that answer. For some case, ignorance is bliss. I remember the wise word, from Al Ghazali: what is destined for u, it will be urs even if it is under two mountains, and what it is not urs, u'll not get it even if it is already between ur lips.
Third, for some case, telling ur boundaries and telling ur intentions will save both of u. Several months ago, i know that beautiful lady, look like good girl, with adorable character. We know each other, like yea just know actually, not like "know" each other. How i explain it? So, i try to confess with her, her reaction is good, but yeah nice try, is okay. Couple weeks later, there is someone who i think, likes me (tbh i dont know if she try to reach me or what, but many friends and people around us told me that she is likes me). For beginning, she asked me about work-things, and i don't know, i just respond usually, like other friend ask me. But, maybe she think i interested to her as couple, but no. Sorry if i hurt u. One of my friend said, "way, u r so kind, too friendly, maybe if we have a same age or u r older than me, i'll fall in love with u", oh i got the point. I'll not change my personality, but i'll set boundaries. I feel sorry for the broken lady, but it give me lesson, so thank you.
Fourth, being surrounding positivity is sooooo f powerful. This lesson i take from the lady i adore couple months ago. She is always look happy, even i know she's not. Do u realized, our world full of complaining, in real life our co-worker complain, in social media (especially twitter) full of complain, so much people think this is the bad life but actually there is only bad day. Complaining is natural, is humanist. I did several times, but rarely right now (haha). If some sh*t happen to me, i'll try to see from other side or being positive thinking like 'it must be good for me, maybe later i realize it'. Afterthat, i feel more relieved. So i just live it. Remembering Kartini's word: it is better to seek the light than to curse the darkness.
Fifth, myself is more more more important. I really love myself right now, i love my life, and everything on me. Alhamdulilaaah, God give me perfect body-part, have a healthy brain, beautiful eyes, and everything. Mazkun was right: yang sebaiknya kau jaga, adalah dirimu sendiri (the things that u better take care of, is urself).
Yes, it is. Maybe i'll adding some note later, but yeah, let face 2023 with brightly smile, optismistic, and more "Alhamdulillaah". 2022 was a tough year, but alhamdulillaah i'm safe and sound.
Ps: video is my very very 1st time try airport train🚄
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january-summers · 2 years
Devil judge ep 6
Baby judge sleeping while devil judge has been kidnapped. Tsk tsk.
“Maybe he’s seen ing his girlfriend.” The sheer look of “that can’t be right” on baby girl’s face XD
They mentioning the jumping maid again. Relevant. Oh sweetheart :(
So she was a sex offender as a child as well? Stalker thief?
Oh she thinks they’re in a tragic romance doesn’t she?
Oh wow they tell this backstory very differently.
Oooooohhhh she put it back crooked. Thief!!!! Bitch got caught out~
Two very different strains of crazy.
Starting to think the fire happened to kill the doppelbrother and block the cancellation of the donation but failed (because it was a week old pre incident.)
Baby judge so sweet, but really awkward with physical comfort 🤭
She thinks she can negotiate? Ha! This man is on a vengeance spree, he doesn’t care about territory.
“Nothing to protect” uhuh. So baby judge and baby girl are what? Figments of your damaged psyche?
Listen to biker babe or sign your own warrant. DO NOT TAKE THE NECKLACE!!!!
Awwww, they waited up for him. Sleepy babies.
HA!!! Being tender and he tripped on the chair X’D good job buddy.
Be a good step dad~
Domesticity achieved!!!!
Pair of tsunderes. Baby judge is magic.
Poor housekeeper maid lady. But baby judge saved you some food~
“What are you two?” *translating* “is this a new aunt or a threat?”
She’s 19? Legit? I though mid teens at most. Why am i so bad at ages???
Oops. Angry dad mode. He just threw baby judge 😱 family feud. Well that escalated in multiple directions very quickly.
Pink secretary wasn’t berating the old creep for creeping on the waiter the other ep was she, she was jealous he was looking at someone else, her absolute control was threatened.
The boys are fighting!!!
At least tell her about the sus biker babe!!!! Oh he got beat up. HA! Stole her keys. Steal her bike XD But he hasn’t ridden a motorbike in ages! Good thing it’s like riding a bike i guess? 🤭
Missed it by that much. You tried baby, good job.
Oh no!!! Lady judge!!! Don’t fall for her, she’s a creep! Bitch bugged the office, that’s way to quoted to be a coincidence.
Please don’t fall for it lady judge, that was creepy and you know it!
Vigilante bullshit cult using justice as an excuse to commit violence.
Cop friend doing some sleuthing~
Sir! You leave her alone! (Nice timing on that cross in front though. Coincidence or was he waiting just to be petty?)
Jfc cop friend!!!!!! D:
Awww she’s okay!!! These babies 🥰
Minister you opportunistic bitch.
PUNCH!!! He didn’t do it though did he? Ooph, tossed like a salad. Here’s your reminder you are living with a very dangerous man.
Oh no, he’s laughing. Minister you have less than you think you do. (… or he’s bluffing, but that’s basically the same thing with him.)
Oh he does not feel in control and he does not like it.
“Not as a judge, but as a defendant.” Damn, gloves thrown.
Oh nice play. Ohhhhh he is gooooood. 😈😈😈
That is more than just a glove, he threw the whole damned knight! Mwahahahaha!!! Pink secretary is enjoying the fallout only because she had her scapegoat old man ready ages ago.
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