#'say u were a weird twitchy kid without saying u were a weird twitchy kid'
chicomecoatl · 2 years
Fuck wireless headphones fr tho
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wrong-as-rain · 4 years
Walk the Line Chapter 1/??
(maybe 1/1, I’m highly unreliable) Summary: In which Yuki and Kyo fear the same things, and neither of them knows how to talk about it
Yuki expected to wake up in darkness, so sitting straight u into a room softly illuminated by moonlight was a relief even though the quiet of the sleeping house did little to chase the echos of Akito’s voice from his mind.
“No one would want to see you anyway, you’re a freak. Disgusting.”
Kyo grit his teeth against Akito’s words bouncing around his skull and took another deep breath of the night air and tried to get back to his meditation. If he wasn’t going to sleep at least he could try to catch a break from his thoughts and enjoy the outside and the skyline from Shigure’s roof while he still could. That thought just sent him spiraling again.
‘This is what happens when you bottle everything up for too long’
Yuki thought, searching his mess of a floor for a pair of shoes that he could slip on. It’s not like he had a choice. The only person who was even willing to acknowledge the reality of Yuki’s entire childhood was Shigure. He could probably talk to Ayame about it, but that would require talking to Ayame. Tohru always wanted to help but as much as he loved her there were some things he was probably never going to tell her about.
How was he supposed to explain that sometimes he just couldn’t stand feeling trapped in the dark between the four walls of a house.
Kyo wasn’t surprised to hear someone climbing onto the roof behind him, he had just assumed it was Tohru.
“Hey, you alright?” Kyo started, but the warmth drained from his voice when he saw Yuki. “Oh.”
“Don’t be sorry, idiot. I don’t own the roof.” Honestly. Sometimes Yuki got so weird about just… existing, and it annoyed the fuck out of Kyo. Normally he filed that under ‘not his damn problem’ and just ignored it but he didn’t have the patience tonight. He braced for a punch or something. Normally he couldn’t say anything in this house without starting some kind of conflict. It was more alarming when Yuki just flopped down next to him without saying anything. It kind of felt like sitting on a time-bomb.
Eventually, Kyo stopped bristling and waiting for Yuki to pick a fight. Eventually, Yuki actually sat up, and focused on the night sky. Eventually, the sun rose.
Kyo didn’t understand how Yuki looked fine in the morning. He wasn’t used to not getting a full night of sleep, or having time for morning exercise and meditation. Kyo had barely tamed his hair and had almost fallen asleep at breakfast. Yuki, on the other hand, looked exactly the same as always. Either he was infuriatingly good at hiding it, or Yuki just tended to act like he did on a daily basis because of a fucked sleep schedule.
If Kyo tried to pick a fight before school, Yuki had failed to notice. He’d been too busy trying to eat and brace himself against dealing with Kakeru first thing in the morning to pay any attention to the cat beyond acknowledging that he really looked like shit today.
Kyo glared at Yuki from across the room as he talked to Haru. Usually he had better things to think about but sometimes the frustration just welled up until all he could think about was that perfect, smug face. He was used to being outcast by his relatives, even if they had known him their whole lives, pretended they were friends, or that they cared, as much as Kagura wanted to pretend that there was a future for them, for him after graduation. As soon as anything real happened, his bracelet came off, or someone mentioned the cat or the cage they scattered and he was at arm’s length again.
He didn’t like to admit it but the isolation was exhausting. It was so rare that he felt a connection that was genuine.
Yuki didn’t know how Kyo integrated himself so effortlessly with his peers. They accepted him naturally, invited him to join games, outings, and conversations, and he always seemed to know just what to say. Their classmates never really seemed to know what to do with Yuki and he could never bring himself to relax around them.
And then there was Tohru, who seemed to see past all that.
Tohru was giving Kyo that concerned look again. He set down the homework he had been mostly pretending to work on.
“What’s up?” Her eyes widened, clearly she hadn’t expected him to call her out on it.
“It’s just. You look like you’re thinking about something and I was wondering if you would want to talk about it?”
Kyo still wasn’t used to having someone like Tohru around. His first instinct was to squash it down and go study somewhere else, but this is Tohru, and it wasn’t like he could talk to anyone else.
“He just has no idea, you know> He has everything I’ve wanted since I was a kid and all he can do is mope around.”
“You mean Yuki?”
“Yeah. That goddamn rat.”
Tohru paused to think on that. Kyo appreciated that about her. She didn’t say things to him just to fill the silence. Sometimes her sincerety was overwhelming but she was thoughtful when she talked to him in a way most people didn’t bother to be.
“I don’t know that that’s true.” Whatever he might have expected, it wasn’t that. Now Tohru was staring at the rat too. “I just… I think you and Yuki struggle with different things, but I think you could understand each other if you tried. I know you have issues but I bet it gets pretty lonely to not have anyone who would understand. If I hadn’t had Uo and Hana when my mom died, if I didn’t have anyone to talk to who knew her so well, I think things would have been a lot different.”
She made a good point. She echoed one of his constant frustrations, this pseudo-isolation that came before the real thing and made the build-up so much worse. Kazuma tried but as much as he did love Kyo as a son, Kazuma still harbored deeply rooted guilt over the treatment of the last cat and Kyo didn’t like trying to tread that line.
But “What the hell would that bastard know anyway.” Shit. He was just being petulant at this point. He was working on not snapping at people. Tohru shifted uncomfortably and he opened his mouth to apologize but she was watching Yuki. So she wasn’t upset at Kyo, she was being shifty about the rat.
“I don’t really know much, and I don’t think he would want me to say anything, but I think, if you waned to talk about it he would understand, and I think that you should try.”
She wasn’t just saying that. The two of them knew each other better than that by now. Her words were more determined than usual and her face had a stubborn look set into it. Kyo glanced at Yuki again. He simply didn’t have a choice. Next time, he thought. If the opportunity came up. He might consider talking to the rat. For Tohru. Even if the thought made his insides twist up in a knot.
“You know, for two people who apparently can’t stand each other, you two sure sit awful close.”
Kyo contained his sudden urge to scramble away from Yuki at Uo’s remark.
Hana watched them placidly from her spot beside Uo, picking at her lunch.
“Yes. Their waves are particularly complementary today.”
Uo was right though, Kyo was sitting close enough that he could tell that every muscle in Yuki’s body had tensed up.
“Not so different afterall huh?”
“Yes. It is interesting given the perceived animosity between the two that we so rarely see one without the other. Volatile but complementary, as though they both have pieces to a puzzle that they are desperately trying to solve on their own.”
Yuki bolted upright.
“I’m late for a student counsel meeting.”
Tohru stared up at him in confusion. Normally he would at least come up wit a better or more polite excuse, Kyo thought.
“But I thought I thought you didn’t have anything until two…” But Yuki was already gone, leaving him here to get picked apart by the vultures.
Sure enough, three questioning stares pinned him down as though for some reason he would know why the rat was so damn twitchy today. Well, he did know that Yuki had been up on the roof all night, but still. They didn’t need to know that.
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coffeesforfuckers · 7 years
Our Summers Together Are My Best Kept Secrets And My Biggest Mistakes // Chapter Four
Ships: Peterick, Brallon, Ferard, Trohley, Jalex, Zian and others in the background
Description: Summers for most kids are spent going to the beach and on vacations with your family but lots are shipped off to summer camps for the whole summer. But the kids at Hempman Summer Camp actually beg to go! Patrick Stump, Andy Hurley and Joe Trohman all met there, they had all known each other for probably over a decade because of this absolutely amazing stay-away camp for kids from the ages of six to nineteen. All the kids that were there came back until they couldn't and they always had the same kids except a few new, younger, kids every year. That is until the year that the weird kid with the jet-black, dyed, black fringe and the crazy piercings and a couple tattoos comes in like he owns the place. That year also happens to be the same year that Patrick Stump gets gum stuck to the new emo kid's face and hair. It was love at first sight... But hate at first interaction for the blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy and the complete opposite for the new kid, Pete Wentz.
Chapter 4: Four: Memories I Keep Locked Away for Times Like This
“But, Patrick… I still want to do this stuff with you.” I frown at him.
“I-I… I just… I can't do- do this…” He stammers out, trembling and twitching like a drug addict having a withdrawal.
“Why not? You seemed to like it before?” I ask sadly.
“I… It's too much… I can't do it.” He stutters.
Something is obviously wrong with Patrick, he’s jumpy and can’t stand still for even a second. His eyes darting everywhere and he refuses to look at me. It looks like he just wants to run away from me.
“What made you change your mind so suddenly?” I furrow my brow.
“N-No! No, no, Pete, I-I… Um, I just, er- I… Uhh, um I-I want… I don’t-... I can’t uh…” He shakes his head, still not looking at me.
“Was it something I did?” And just by the worried, wide-eyed look on his face I could tell I was correct. He starts to stammer out a lie and I cut him off quickly, “Patrick, tell me what I did.” I demand, grabbing him by the shoulders.
“Uh… Um, I- Well… You-... You talk in your sleep sometimes and, er, you said something last night and it, um, freaked me out a bit.” He stumbles over his words and my eyes widen as I know exactly what he meant by that.
“Oh my god… Patrick, you’re afraid of commitment?” I gasp in shock.
“No!” He snaps but I give him a ‘tell me the truth’ look, he frowns and relents, “Yes… I-I… I get this like… Itch and I-... I feel so… Trapped and like, I get twitchy and worried and I panic and I have to run away.” Patrick spills in a fast jumble of words, “Like, I only want what I can’t have and once I can have it I have to run away.” I nod. I don’t understand how anybody could feel that way but I mean, I’ve always just wanted to be in love and be loved just as much in return.
“Patrick, you’re not trapped. I won’t push for anything you don’t want. We can just be fuck buddies, we don’t have to make-out or anything, we don’t have to do anything you’re not okay with. I’m down for anything.” I say and he starts to nod.
“Isn’t that just using you though?”
“Not if it’s mutual, like in any type of relationship, everything has to go both ways.” I say and he seems to calm down.
“Okay… So, fuck buddies?” He finally looks me in the eyes.
“Fuck buddies.” I nod and he grins.
I definitely have fallen in love with him.
“Fuck!” I gasp out as I fall to the ground, Frank on top of me. He thought it was a good idea to just jump onto my back without saying anything before he did so.
“Sorry Gee!” He giggles as he flops off of me onto the ground.
“You’re an asshole, you know.” I huff, sitting up, now covered in grass and dirt.
“Yep.” He grins, brushing the small splotch of dirt off my forehead and raking the grass out of my long, black locks. He laughs as he does so.
“I hate you.” I roll my eyes and he tosses his arms around my shoulders, shoving his face up against mine.
“I love you too!” He kisses my cheek and I make a face. A girl passing by lets out an ‘awe!’ as they usually did.
“We’re not gay!” I call after her, “You’re ruining my chances of getting dates you fucking lesbian.” I groan but he still hangs off of me.
“We’re not gay we just do gay shit together, Gee.” He smiles up at me.
“You’re definitely gay, Frank.” I retort and he gives me a horrified look.
“Say that again and I’ll fuck you in the ass.” Frank drops his arms from me and I laugh at him. He’s a moron but you gotta love him, he’s so small and adorable.
“Shut up you loser.” I give him a nudge and he grins wide as he stands, offering a hand to me to help me up, “Thanks.” I chuckle.
“You’re welcome.” He winks and I make a face in reply.
God, he’s an idiot.
Joe squeezes my hips in his large hands from behind. I jump and let out a small squeak-like sound and I hear Joe laughing. I turn to face him, “We could get caught if you keep doing shit like that around people you know.” I scold and he still grins.
“I do that to Patrick a lot too, Andy, don’t worry. I’m gay with like everybody and I’m way gayer with you.” He winks and I roll my eyes as his cheesiness.
“Idiot.” I smile at him, there’s just something about Joe that makes it impossible to be angry with him and he always makes me smile. I’ve known since we were still little, only eight, sneaking little kisses when the others weren’t watching, playing with each other’s hair and hiding this childish crush from the world, knowing it was wrong and we shouldn’t be doing it. We did it anyway and now I know that someday we’ll stop sneaking those kisses and those small little things, the passing touches, brushing of hands, the loving looks and longing to be close. Someday I’ll marry Joseph Trohman and I’ll tell everybody how much I don’t care that it’s ‘wrong’ to them. To me, this is the only thing that I have done right in all of the years I’ve lived.
“What?” Joe smiles up at me and that’s when I realize I’m staring.
“Just thinking.” I grin back, staring into his eyes, full of love.
He takes my hand as soon as we’re out of sight, “What about?”
“You… Me… Us… ” I shrug as my head tips to bump against his shoulder.
“What about me?” He asks, tapping his head to mine for a second.
“How, I’m going to marry you someday.” I smile and I can just feel the happiness radiate off of him. He kisses the side of my head.
“I can’t wait.” He sighs and pulls his arm around me, tugging me closer, “We were only eight when we tried this, it was just for fun, an experiment.” He speaks, “And now we’re talking about marriage.” He coos dreamily.
I start to laugh, “I remember knowing how wrong it was to be sneaking off to kiss you and how bad, yet amazing it felt to be touching and playing with each other’s hair.” I recall, “Remember that night I braided your hair and everybody kept asking who did it because they wanted it done too but you wouldn’t tell?”
Joe starts laughing as the memories flooded back, “And that time we were kissing on the tire swing in the middle of the night and you fell off and broke your arm and you wouldn’t let me get help until we came up with a mutual lie to tell the counselors of why we were out on the swings so late at night.” I laugh this time at that memory, he kissed me so hard that I lost my balance and fell off.
“What about when we were fucking in the lake and a counselor spotted me and not you and you almost drowned waiting for her to leave.” Joe and I make our way to the boulder.
“And the time I told you jump off the top of the boulder because it would be romantic if I caught you?”
“You broke your leg and I had to carry you back to camp.”
“Then you felt bad about my leg and came down to the infirmary in the middle of the night and we fucked.”
“And the nurse almost caught us because you were hooked up to the heart monitor.” I shake my head as he pulls me up onto the boulder.
“What about that time you brought me out here to dump me but we ended up having sex and you basically said never mind?” Joe sits against the large rock and I pull him against me.
“I remember when my family told me I was moving, I brought you out here and told you and we both cried and I suggested we break up but you refused to let this go and you came to visit for Christmas and begged my parents to let me come back to camp.” I run my fingers through his hair.
“I laid my head in your lap and you played with it just like this.” He reaches up and touches my hand.
“I love you, Joe.” I mumble.
“I love you too, Andy.” He squeezes my hand and closes his eyes.
“I promise someday that we’ll be together everyday.”
“You better not break that promise.”
I lay in my room with Spencer and Jon making out in the bed across from mine. They were so gross. I was just jealous though. I was, as always texting with Brendon. He made me happy.
Dal-Do: So you’re telling me that you’ve never had a serious relationship with a dude?
Dal-Do: You’re a fake gay
BeeboBreadbin: You’re a fake gay asshole
BeeboBreadbin: At least I’ve /dated/ in general before you fuckin’ nerd
Dal-Do: Excuse me, I will fight you
Dal-Do: Don’t make me come kick your ass
BeeboBreadbin: Don’t kick it
BeeboBreadbin: Kiss it
BeeboBreadbin: (Use tongue)
Dal-Do: You sir, are fucking disgusting
Dal-Do: I eat dick
Dal-Do: Not ass
BeeboBreadbin: I’ll take what I can get my dude
Dal-Do: Kinky
BeeboBreadbin: You know it ;)
Dal-Do: /Image Attached/
Dal-Do: Pls send help
Dal-Do: They're making me gay with their gay
Dal-Do: I think Spencer (bottom) is trying to eat Jon (Top)
BeeboBreadbin: Damn that's kinky
BeeboBreadbin: I'll come make out with u like that ;))
Dal-Do: I'll pass?
BeeboBreadbin: Ow my Hart
Dal-Do: Chill
BeeboBreadbin: You made me cri r u happi now
Dal-Do: Yee
Dal-Do: But um, I wanna ask you something kina crazy
BeeboBreadbin: Yes, Dallon I will marry you
Dal-Do: No not that fuck off
Dal-Do: So like I go to this camp for the whole summer and people from the ages 15 and up are counselors and everybody 16 and up can pretty much do whatever they want and shit and we stay here for like the entire summer, like day and night and I wanted you to come next summer…
BeeboBreadbin: Jesus Christmas, that's a fucking paragraph
BeeboBreadbin: But like where you from?
Dal-Do: Chicago, Illinois
BeeboBreadbin: Fuck man I'm from Vegas
BeeboBreadbin: But like if I payed for the way there I'm sure it would be fine?
Dal-Do: Wait like for real?
Dal-Do: You’d actually fly out here for a whole summer???
Dal-Do: Just the meet me?
BeeboBreadbin: Fuck yeah!!!
BeeboBreadbin: I get one free make-out from them dick-suckin’ lips of urs  tho
BeeboBreadbin: The actual dick sucking comes later
BeeboBreadbin: Go kinky or go home my d00d
I can't help but to smile. This kid fucks me up so much, I think I'm in love with him. I truly think that I've fallen in love with this stupid, kinky-ass, walking forehead.
Chapter Masterlist ~
Previous -
One - The Gum Habit Gone Bad
Two - On the Rooftop with You
Three - I Have a Forehead Texting Me and He’s Kind of Cute?
Five - Crying into the Void That is You
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