#just like the LOWEST artificial clicking sound
tomreview · 1 year
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chicomecoatl · 2 years
Fuck wireless headphones fr tho
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harmoni-me · 4 years
hi! wanted to tell you that i absolutely love your writing skills, it’s so different from the others that i've read and it makes me feel so warm inside. keep up the good work! i'm really looking forward to seeing more
if you don’t mind, i'd like to request for a poly nagito x sweetheart reader x kokichi where they’re still in the crushing/pining stage and being confused about their sexuality. thank you, have a good day/night!💙
Phew! I finally did it! My fingers kinda hurt from typing all this haha! But I loved the request a lot! I played around with the concept you gave me as well, so it’s a story that branches out into multiple styles of writing. I do have to warn you though, goodness is this one long! But I hope you enjoy it all in the same! <3
I’m so sleepy lol 
quick trigger warning beware! : There is a scene in this where a character goes through mental hysteria that contains some panic attack like symptoms. If you are sensitive to that writing, please, skip the the fluffy scene that if used for comfort right after :) (Or just don’t read it at all, don’t worry! Harmoni understands!)
Nagito Komaeda x Sweetheart Reader x Kokichi Ouma! Pt. 1
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Also can we just talk about this gif? It makes me so happy...This artist is so good too like WHOA! Check them out! 
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“1, 2, 3, 4-“
“5, 6, 7, 8!” Nagito finished, moving the silver, dog-shaped play piece across the board in rhythmic taps.
“NOOOO! BOARDWALK, NAGITO?! FUCKING BOARDWALK?!” Kokichi shrieked in a fit of rage, slamming his Panta drink onto the table, while standing up and causing an absolute fit.
Nagito was chuckling at the enraged boy, who was now standing on the kitchen counters, stomping in pure fury. Kokichi was a huge brat. A clingy, competitive, always-begging-for-something, whole-hearted brat. Though, Nagito would have to admit that he could never stay mad at Kokichi, in fact, he would have to say that he barely gets mad at him. Ever. He reminded the white-haired boy of a playful puppy, bounding and bucking happily when getting what it wants. It made Nagito’s heart melt, evaporate, then simply melt again, even when he was a cursing mess stomping on the granite countertops, getting scratches all over it.
“Woah! Nagi, that’s amazing! You got Boardwalk really early in the game, that’s so cool!” You smiled, while also laughing at Kokichi’s ferocious cursing as ambiance. Your smile drove Nagito’s attention away from the angered boy, and his heart went through overdrive once he saw your sweet smile, radiating so much contagious joy. It’s almost as if he was on a roller coaster that contained a different track each and every time he rode it. One minute, his heart would be doing loops, and the next, it excitedly go up again.
. . .
Now, this is where the problem begins. Well, the one of three problems that plague the three individuals all playing a simple game of Monopoly on a Sunday night. This is Nagito’s problem: Whenever he has an effect on Kokichi, making him oh-so-lovable in his eyes, his heart swells and fills his chest to the brim. Oh, was this feeling that was so incredibly foreign to him feel so wonderful when it dawned upon him for the first time.
Nagito could always draw the memory back within his vision in surreal detail. Kokichi and Nagito were loitering in the hallways of Hope’s peak, with the shorter purple-haired boy dragging the pale, frizzy haired boy by the hand to apparently “Conjure up the biggest most awesome-est prank Hope’s Peak has every witnesses since built into existence”. Honestly, how could Nagito say no to something that holds so much potential hope and despair, all contained in one big gift-wrapped surprise of a prank on the whole school?
After planning for a few hours, Kokichi seemed to have a fuse broken in his brain due to thinking about a truly fool-proof plan. The somewhat drowsy prankster reached into his schoolbag and pulled out two twin bottles of grape Panta, sliding one over to an unsuspecting Nagito. The purple plastic bottle bonked into Nagito’s forearm, knocking the bottle down from the force.
“Nehehe, I guess you really are the Ultimate Lucky student, huh? It just so happens I packed an extra today, Shamrock! Make it up to me sometime soon, okaaaaay?” Kokichi giggled, teasing the lanky, somewhat socially-awkward Nagito who was sitting across from him on a desk within a totally abandoned classroom. Nagito thanked the other, though, Kokichi really couldn’t respond due to being in the middle of chugging his favorite carbonated drink.
Nagito turn to his own bottle. He wasn’t the biggest fan of old-fashioned artificial grape flavored things, but it wasn’t the worst. Plus, it would be quite rude to refuse a drink from a friend, right? So the white haired boy simply picked up the bottle, and twisted the cap off, as per usual etiquette of opening a soda bottle.
It didn’t take too long until Nagito knew what was going on. The drink had exploded everywhere. The bottle of soda was basically empty by the end of the grape-geyser showcase, and poor Nagito was left drenched in purple, sticky, sugary liquid. The drink already was starting to dry into a thin, sweet crust on his skin, making the boy on a whole other level of uncomfortable. Though, it was kind of expected that Kokichi would be absolutely laughing his butt off in the moment, sounding like some sort of hysteric hyena mixed with a duckling quacking at some breadcrumbs. It was a laughable sight, no doubt, Nagito literally looked like the embodiment of a sad, wet dog.
But then Kokichi settled down after a bit, controlling his breathing from the pathetic sight. After doing so, he got up out of his seat, and knelt down to scrummage through his bag, revealing a regular branded water bottle. He then made his way over to Nagito, and without hesitation, sat himself on his soda-soaked lap.
“Aww, really going for that kicked puppy look, are you now? Well, since I’ve had all my laughing fun from this, I guess it’s only natural that I help you out, hm? Or would you rather just stay just like this? Oh, now, I wouldn’t mind it if we did…though it seems your eyes beg to differ…well in that case, let’s clean you up, shall we?” Kokichi hummed, teasing the ever living daylights out of the wet and miserable boy.
Kokichi then did something that made Nagito’s heart pound harder than it ever had before. The teasing boy reached behind his neck, untying his beloved checkered bandana. He then carefully opened the water bottle, and poured the contents onto the fabric. Once ensuring it was thoroughly soaked, Kokichi started to wash off as much of the stickiness he could. to Ruffling Nagito’s hair, from gently washing his pale cheeks, which were now sprinkled with specks of rose, and finally gliding the cloth along Nagito’s clothes and hands.
A few things in Nagito’s mind had clicked into place after Kokichi had handled him with the care equal to that of a lover. Well, ironically, Nagito had caught feelings for his tiny little prankster brat of a friend. Was it a huge surprise? Not really, based on the track that Nagito was on.
Another piece of the puzzle had snapped: Kokichi was a a guy. That was something really to think about. Never had Nagito found men attractive, but…
Finally, the last, and most worrying puzzle piece out of them all: Kokichi wasn’t the only one he has fell for. His heart has become torn in that moment, with every day becoming more of a wrestling match to the death rather than a silly tug-of-war between feelings. The other side of his heart was unsure, and fell for another person that had lifted him up through his lowest lows, supporting him like a much needed pair of crutches when having a sprained ankle.
And that person, was you.
. . .
“Ok ok ok ok ok! Listen here you little damn shamrock you!” Kokichi huffed, now sitting back on the ground, leg crossed, “You and I both know that I have Park Place, right? Right! Now, my dear little clover, I want to make a deal with you, if you will?” Kokichi smirked with evil intent clear within his irises.
“Ooo! Deals! Nagi, I think you should listen to Kichi, making profitable partnerships is pretty much his specialty.” You giggled, basically becoming Kokichi’s personal little advocate. He let out a quick “Yeah, what she said!”, causing Nagito to laugh and nod, gesturing for an explanation of the deal.
“Well, personally, my little clover, I feel like we should team up, you know? We could completely dominate over sweet our little gumdrop over there, making them drop to their knees in submission to us. You know, I have a feeling you and I both would enjoy it...” Kokichi shuffled a little closer to the platinum blonde, voice dropping, “We could rule them over together, as equals, or even make them surrender if they ever have the chance-“
“Sure! Though, you should probably get out of jail first.” Nagito chuckled, making the other boy grumble.
“Heeeeey! I wanna join in too! It sounds like you guys are having fun and stuff, while I’m all alone…” You puffed out your cheeks, sadness dripping in your voice.
Both of the boys shot up to look at your somewhat downcast features, and oh, how it wreaked their hearts in one fell swoop.
Kokichi automatically shot up from his position, puffing out his chest in preparation for a new speech.
“O-ok! New deal! We ALL join evil forces TOGETHER, and absolutely destroy the game with all of our property, while reaping in the greedy rewards of the capitalist regime!” Kokichi loudly proclaimed, chuckling at the end of his new deal.
You gasped, “Deal! Deal! Taking over a money-based board game with my two favorite people ever will always be a yes for me!” You laughed, smiling at the thought of the three of you taking over Hollywood streets with a pose of limos, while using bags stuffed with pure cash as weapons made it ten times funnier.
Kokichi smiled, resting his hands behind his head, “Yeah! Let’s end it here and just say that we kicked so much millionaire ass that we now have control over the whole economy!”
. . .
This is the second problem, Kokichi is so undeniably confused. About what? About himself. He was sure as all hell about how he felt about you, he always went soft and squishy for you, and not to mention he would be extra clingy when it had to do with you. Headpats? Common, and always appreciated. Cuddles? Been there, done that with you.
But, then there was Nagito. Kokichi would never say this out loud, but he thought that Nagito was so…pretty. And god, Kokichi was a huge sucker for pretty people. Though, once he realized that his feelings didn’t go to just one person, that’s when he started to panic.
He had to take in multiple things at once, trying to accept it all at once, but it was just so incredibly difficult. He has spent the whole entirety of his life to perfect the art of lying, and one thing that he learned constantly manipulated his own mind and thought process, tearing it into metaphorical shreds.
In order to pull out a lie that everyone can believe, you have to lie to yourself, and proclaim your own illusion of your truth.
Did Kokichi want to believe he was immensely attracted to Nagito, who just happened to be a guy? No, he really didn’t. It wasn’t normal.
Did Kokichi want to believe that he had fallen so fucking in love with two of his closest friends? Hell no. In society, you had to pick and choose, it’s one or the god damn other.
One night, all of these feeling and thoughts rushed into the boy’s conscious all at once, building immense pressure within his head and chest. Was this a nightmare, or-
Suddenly, his throat started to close up on him, making him gasp out in agony, wheezing on the covers of his bed, tears brimming at the corners of his eyes.
Instinct kicked in within the speed of light. Kokichi shakily reached over to his phone, grasping onto it, and quickly set up a group call. Almost immediately, the two people he was panicking over had picked up.
“Hello? Kokichi? Is there anything you need?” A raspy voice rang out. It seems as if Nagito was awoken by the sudden calling.
“Yeah, Kichi? Is there anything wrong?” You softly spoke through the phone. It calmed Kokichi a little just hearing the two of you guy so worried over him.
“I-I know It’s out of the blue-“ Kokichi gasped for air “B-but can you guys please come over?”
And oh boy, did you and Nagito get there in record time.
After just a mere ten minutes, you and Nagito were outside of Kokichi’s bedroom door, and the both of you could hear the desperate hiccups and gasps of your poor friend.
The both of you had no doubts, nor questions. You just wanted the struggling boy to feel safe.
“We’re coming in.” You said, affirming your actions with light knocking on the bedroom door.
When the both of you came face to face with a Kokichi with puffy red eyes, clutching his heaving chest, and thick tears rolling down his face, it felt like the both of you just got shot in the heart, the weight of it sinking down into the stomach, emitting a feeling that could only be described as pure pity. But the two of you automatically got to work.
Sooner rather than later, You and Nagito were cuddling Kokichi from either side, supporting him, as well as being his shield for protecting his small, delicate frame from his own cruel thoughts. You had started to run your fingers through Kokichi’s hair, causing his breaths to become fuller, and not nearly as hitched. Nagito also wanted to contribute in his own way, so he decided to mindlessly draw messy shapes and squiggles into Kokichi’s side, hoping that what he was doing would be of any help.
After only a mere five minutes, Kokichi had passed out from exhaustion, but the two of you kept on doing what you were doing, wanting for the boy in-between you two to have sweet dreams about all of what he desires all night long.
Kokichi has never let go of that memory, and never will for the rest of his life, and it’s a constant reminder on how much he had lied to himself. He actually wanted the truth out of something for once in his life, and that was how long it would be in order for the loves of his life to live without restraint of societal chains. Whenever it was, he would always be ready. Always, with arms as open as the horizon.
. . .
“Why in the world are we watching Big Hero 6 again? Didn’t we watch this, like, a month ago?” Kokichi trudged from the microwave, to the plush couch, bowl of buttered popcorn in hand.
“(Y/N) wanted to watch it, is there a problem?” Nagito tilted his head, holding the remote, about to press play. You were bouncing in anticipation, because this movie was just never a disappointment.
“Hm, well, I GUESS there’s nothing wrong with it….just don’t be surprised when you hear me snoring.” Kokichi huddled up beside you, placing the bowl of popcorn on you lap.
“I deem you the popcorn peacemaker! Your job is to make sure no one’s being a pig.” Kokichi snickered, while you giggled at your new role in life.
“Nagi? You like popcorn, right? Here!” You placed the bowl on his lap, causing him to smile.
“Hey, HEY! NO! That means I have to reach my WHOLE ARM over to to Lucky boy, JUST SO I CAN GET SOME POPCO-“
“Sh sh sh! The movie is starting!” You giggled, shushing the purple haired boy, while you heard a little chuckle from the white haired boy who was next to you.
. . .
The last problem was you. Your heart bubbled up in joy whenever you where around these boys, making your face erupt like a volcano whenever something slightly suggestive is aimed at you when it has to do with either one of them. You liked both of them, a lot, and you gave everything in order for the three of you to flourish in bountiful friendship. Yeah, that’s the problem, it was friendship.
Oh, how desperately you wished that everything could be easy! If life were like an infinite rolling of crashing waves, things would be flawless, predictable even. Unfortunately, life really likes to give you the short end of the stick, and this was honestly one of the shortest sticks someone like you would have never asked for. The loving of two men, both equally, and having an intense desire to treat them as lovers. What would they do as lovers? Where would they go as lovers? The questions and possibilities are endless…
The only time where you felt as if the friendship could’ve resembled anything somewhat romantic, was a summer evening trip to the beach.
The water was the perfect temperature, the ocean was as clear as glass, and the sand didn’t burn the soles of your feet. The boy’s were in their swimming trunks, having their own little fun. Nagito was afraid of getting to deep into the ocean, so you always stayed in the shallow end, trying to capture as many tiny fishes as you could with your bare hands.
Kokichi insisted that him and Nagito bury you in sand, leaving your head poking out of a sandy little cocoon. When the sun started to set, you got some supplies that you brought, and lit the fire that the group planned to create. Everyone gathered around it, cooking hot dogs on sticks, and crafting tasty s’mores that we fed each other.
One could say that that night might be the most casual and platonic friend trip ever, but something was off.
Everyone looked at each other differently that night. When looking into their eyes, it was oddly intimate. It was like all of the stars in the night sky reflected off their eyes conveyed so much...love.
That night, you felt so adored, so cherished and cultivated to the brim of your existence. You felt something, and maybe the other boy’s did too, but that feeling has changed your life.
Thanks to these stupid boys; These stupid boys that you’ve given so much to, you don’t think you could ever love any other.
One you’ve helped get out of a terrible degradation cycle, another you’ve helped to not lie to himself, and not as much to others.
And thanks to your down to earth humility, your heart has been stolen, and it was going to stay taken by those lovely, unique boys who have helped you out of so many ditches, and so many of life’s cracks and dents. God, how could you not fall?
Their lives were precious to you, but you had no idea how they would feel about an actual relationship, so you’ve always been terrified. Petrified and paralyzed to the bone to ever think of what may happen if you were the cause of the fracture of the friendship. You didn’t want to ruin something that has taken so long to build, yet can be torn all down due to a selfish desire.
But, maybe, just maybe, if they went to you first, confessed everything that was bottled up inside, dittoed on how you felt…
Then you might just be the luckiest person to live on this earth, there’s no doubt about that.
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theggning · 4 years
First Line Meme
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag some of your favourite authors!
Thanks @mayihavethisdanse ! I definitely have more than 20 stories but some of them are from the... let’s call them the shame days. So I won’t be getting into those. Instead I’ll do some first lines from chapters. 
Fallout 4
Stories From the Front (Piper and Danse go on a mission and a ship happens on accident. Danse/Piper) 
The sun rose on another beautiful Commonwealth morning. Birds chirped serenely in the trees outside. A gentle breeze carried fresh air through the open shack window, rustling her hair and chilling her skin.
Piper opened her eyes, and instantly regretted it.
Souls That Cry For Water (Preston and Minuteman!Danse talk feelings. Gen)
“Good morning, Commonwealth. Well I- it’s actually night but when I say morning, I mean… technically it’s 2 AM, so that’s-- morning, since it’s after midnight…
“Anyway. Anyway. I know I usually have the-- have the recordings automated overnight, but I was lying there in bed, thinking about… Well, I started thinking about a scenario...”
All Along The Watchtower (Nick and Danse team up to solve a mystery and a friendship happens on accident. Gen, background Danse/Sole) 
1.  The sky rumbled, green flashes in the distance foretelling the radstorm a few seconds before the click-click-clicking in his chest. His internal Geiger counter hummed to life as the first heavy drops spattered against his fedora.
2. It wasn’t like Nick expected traveling with the least easygoing man in the Commonwealth to be a picnic, but he realized his crucial mistake about two hours in: he’d forgotten to bring a radio. 
5. Claustrophobia was one of the most oddly common reasons that people washed out of the Brotherhood of Steel.
10. Machines do not remember. But he does. 
 11. It had been an eventful 24 hours, to say the least. Much of it still felt surreal, like he had never quite woken up from dreaming. But if this was a dream, it was the best Danse had ever had.
Slightly Crusty Older Stuff: 
Soul Calibur
Ache (SC4, Maxi realizing the gravity of having an evil sword shard shoved into him. Light one-sided Maxi/Kilik) 
It was disturbing, discovering patches that covered up things you didn’t even realize were missing. 
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Try, Try Again (Yomiel discovers his immortality via extremely dark dry comedy. Gen, TW: suicide, supernaturally unsuccessful suicide attempts)
He'd lost track of the time as he knelt there on the floor beside the sofa. It could have been minutes, hours, or even days. Her hand had long since gone cold in his, and he could feel her body getting stiff in his arms.
Ace Attorney
The Last Drop   (Diego wakes up from his coma and begins his angsty evolution into Godot. Background Diego/Mia.) 
Perhaps it all would never have happened if Julian Dorn, in Room 302 of the Caduceus Trauma Center Neurology Ward, had not complained of a stomachache.
The Best Part of Waking Up  (A kinkmeme fill, Adrian Andrews runs into Godot and they go out for friendly coffee and a chat. Gen.) 
The courthouse was such a divisive place to her now. On one hand, it represented the lowest, darkest time of Adrian’s life. Sitting in that defendant’s seat while the world came crashing down around her… it was like a waking nightmare and she still got chills when she remembered it.
Red Eye (Another kinkmeme fill, Godot visits the prison and kicks the living shit out of Redd White.) 
“Mr. White?”
Redd could barely hear the warden’s voice over the roaring in his head—the ringing in his ears and what he swore was the sound of his pulse throbbing through bruises and heavily bleeding gashes in his formerly perfectimous face.
EVEN OLDER, EVEN CRUSTIER, but included for AO3 completion.............
Kingdom Hearts
Those Lacking Spines  (Xaldin, Vexen, and Lexaeus save the world and endure terrible fanfic tropes in an extremely goofy parody written circa 2006. Gen. EXTREMELY OLD.) 
1.  There was nothing to do in The World That Never Was.
6.  Somewhere across the universe, very far away from where the G.S. Existentialist drifted lazily through space, somewhere all the way past chapter nine, there was a shadowy figure perched at the loft window on the very top floor of a tall, dark skyscraper.
9.  When we last left our heroes at the suspenseful, cliffhanger ending to chapter eight, they had just been swept over by an evil wave of darkness that would, according to the laws of the world, sweep over them and transform their every happy, angry, annoyed or ambivalent feeling into Evangelion ™ Brand 100% Pure Angst, No Artificial Colors.
12.  There is really no comfortable way for the author to relay the climactic events of the previous chapter to you before she embarks on this, the penultimate episode of the epic quest of Xaldin, Vexen and Lexaeus and their battles against all that is confusing and mentally-scarring.
13.  As Xaldin lay there, immobile and stunned on the cold floor of who even knew where, shards of glass sticking painfully out of various parts of his backside, he tried to remind himself that days like this had to happen every so often to keep you humble.
I do love to open on a joke.
Vivid, easily identifiable character dialogue (like Travis in STCFW) is also a good start.
Never underestimate the power of just doing a moody description of the weather. 
Otherwise, it seems like I tend to start with a plainly stated idea and then explain it somewhat before connecting it back to the characters’ present situation. 
I can’t pick a favorite really... they are all my flawed children. 
Tagging anyone who’d like to participate. <3 
oh god please dont judge my crusty old stuff PLEASE PLEASE PLS
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typekit · 3 years
what’s the culprit?
THE CULPRIT: Your Website Is NOT Available In The Native Language Of Your Potential Buyers (And Google Translate DOESN’T Fix The Problem)
The culprit may SOUND not very big or harmful, but it is.
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So here’s what happens, on average, over 80% of your traffic that you’ll get on your page is worldwide traffic, many of which are not English speakers or not GOOD English speakers. Plus, many of them just prefer their native language. Hence they abandon the page immediately because it’s in English only, and not relevant to them.
It’ll Only Get Worse As MORE People Around The World Get Online.
And Yes, It Applies To YOU As Well.
Because unless you apply ads to your business where you choose by country, all organic traffic will be worldwide.
And besides, imagine how CHEAP it is to target non-English speaking countries, you can reduce your click cost by thousands of percent just by being available to that audience in their native language.
And It gets worse:
T.O.S (Time spent On Site) Drops, Hurting Your SEO Rankings
One of the CORE rules of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) that drives your rankings up or down, is time spent on your website.
The more time they spend on your site organically, for whatever reason, the higher your rankings will be.
The less, the lower they’ll be.
So you tell me, how’s your site's reputation doing when over 80% of visitors abandon your site immediately?
Very bad, definitely a lot worse than it could.
SO the solution is, offering your website visitors a simple way to translate the page and product without effort or harming the page, and as they do it, you get them as an email lead.
That's where TypeKit comes in...
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What are the Benefits?
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Frequently Asked Questions 
 Q.How many Languages does TypeKit AI supports?
A.So far 116+ languages and more counting
Q.Do I need to pay a developer or designer to integrate TypeKit AI to my website?
A.No, integration of TypeKit AI is as easy as just adding your websites URL, copy and paste a code and it's all done.
Q.What happens to my already translated websites, whenever I choose to stop using TypeKit AI?
A.Your multilingua version of your websites remains intact.
Q.Is TypeKit AI lead capturing GDPR compliant?
A.Yes it is fully compliant with GDPR policies.
Q.Can I use my TypeKit AI account to translate my clients or customers websites?
A.Certainly you can make some extra bucks helping your clients or customersto get their websites translated.
Q.Does TypeKit AI work on any website or app?
A.Yes TypeKit AI supports all kinds of websites, blogs, stores, shopify or just about any app.
Q.Is TypeKit AI Mobile responsive?
A.Yes it is very mobile friendly across all devices
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roseamongroses · 4 years
W.A.L: “Fly Me to the Moon” (Part 2)
s u m m a r y
Eden was the lowest of the low, a monster, hardly human, and was set to be executed. Roman was on trial, perpetually stuck in time until it was time to atone for his families sins.Neither cared much for staying trapped.So when a Stranger offered freedom, offered peace, offered power, it was hard to say no.Even if it put them on the wrong side of history.
v i b e s
time is irrelevent, homophobia who?, magic and beasts, demigods
w a r n i n g s
Imprisonment, Mentions of execution, Blood/ injuries,  Mentions of past Death, repression, cursing, some  dissociation
c h a r a c t e r s
Deceit(Eden) Sanders, Remy Sanders, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Patton Sanders, Roman Sanders, Emile Picani, Elliot, Kai, Lauren, Dot
Ship: Roceit
1) (2)   (3)  (4) (5)
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
(12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
“It’s almost time,” Roman murmured, passing Deceit a silver key, “You know your way to the room?”
Deceit nodded, “Are you sure you don’t want Lauren there with you?”
Roman tilted his head towards Lauren--who was laughing with Elliot, “I wouldn’t want to ruin her fun...What?”he asked.
Deceit lips quirked and he gently grasped Romans chin, forcing them to face him, “If you need me, just call,” he said, not leaving room for argument.
“Of course I will,” Roman said, not wavering, “We’re partners.”
Below the ballroom, there was a crystal staircase spiraling down, down, down. It passed the guest rooms, it passed the kitchen, it passed the gardens, and the pools, it passed the shrines, the statues, it even passed the wine cellar. Where it stopped, was still up for debate, but where the duel was taking place was most comparable to a pit.
It wasn’t a filthy pit, it was a humongous concave glass room with spectators eagerly spectating on the outside, wine glasses in hand. It was a dueling room specifically made for the occasion, with walls too slick for escape, and too artificial to be manipulated. Inside the gigantic fishbowl were a series of the elements that could be manipulated, ranging from small mountains, to man-made lakes, to coals, ect.
Ms. Annalise Drak’on certainly knew how to put on a show, such a shame that she was nowhere in sight--She was called out for business seconds ago.
Logan wasn’t worried. He had no reason to be, this was an inevitability after all those years ago when he first challenged Roman, when he first lost.
There were a lot of reasons Logan doubted that he really lost, one of them being the fact that Roman had been atrociously ill for weeks on end afterwards-- he couldn’t even stand, so how could they last an entire fight? Logan knew Remus doted on Roman, it wasn’t a stretch to consider that he would’ve taken his brother’s place in the duel. Two; it was the only reasonable outcome. Logan was the most technically sound, he was the most consistent, he was everything his father had ever wanted.
So he deserved to win.
Logan had felt Roman before he saw them. Everyone did. The light clicking of heels only faintly registering after the oppressive heat of their magic. Roman was a fire clothed in black, with an expression some could describe as a boredom.
Logan would describe it as arrogance. An uncomfortable cruelty played on Roman’s lips as he entered the fishbowl and locked eyes with Logan.
“You’re late,” Logan said, hyper aware of how their audience hushed, anticipation building with each whisper and exchange of money.
Roman didn’t respond, stretching his arms, an audible crack echoing.
Logan’s lips pursed, “The silent treatment?” he said unimpressed, “Really?”
Roman gave him a flat look before rolling up his silk sleeves.
Logan took that as his cue to begin.
Jagged stone erupted, hot on Roman’s trail and Logan gritted his teeth as they evaded time after time again. Not once attacking Logan back.
“Is this a joke to you,” Logan hissed, wings fluttering as he launched himself over the rubble. All around them, the crowd’s fever had grown, the shouts and jeers poison to Logan’s ears.
Roman tumbled in front of him, just barely missing the water's edge. He pushed his hair from his face, standing up with tightly coiled shoulders, raising an eyebrow at the question.
Logan knew they had to break eventually. He could see Roman’s irritation each time he was tossed around and nearly pummeled. No one liked being cornered, it made people reckless, and Logan knew reckless was the one thing Roman couldn’t afford to do.
He strode towards them with purpose, tremors pulsing each step.
Roman wouldn’t use his magic?
Logan settled into his stance, raising his chin, “Fight me, or leave.”
Roman’s eyes flickered dangerously, his smile sharp as he mimicked Logan’s stance.
To an on looker, you wouldn’t have been able to tell who swung first, but once they gained momentum it was brutal. Logan had been the one getting in most of the hits, but Roman was light on his feet, always evading, evading, evading. The Damn Coward.
Then, Logan caught Roman’s arm, jolting the earth at the same time catching them off guard. He twisted them around, letting the debris crash down with them. And like that it was over, Logan had won, he could breathe.
“Yield,” Logan, rasped, squeezing, satisfied by how Roman recoiled in his grip, pain intense in their eyes. Dust billowed all around them, covering Roman’s defeat, but it wouldn’t be long until it settled, all Logan had to do was wait till it settled.
All Roman had to do was yield.
“Fuck. You,” Roman spat, voice mangled and thick and Logan froze, heart still.
Ever so innocently a trickle of blood ran down the side of Roman’s cheek, the scratch a nasty smear in the midst of the grime. A sign of humanity at its finest and Logan felt sick.
Then Roman's eyes slitted a dangerous yellow, a too sharp smile.
“You’re supposed to be dead,” Logan choked out.
Deceit twisted unnaturally, slamming his head into Logan’s. Pain seared in Logan’s head as he was thrown into the dust, Deceit stalking after. Before Logan could stand up he felt two, steady hands grip his shoulders, keeping him pinned to the ground.
“So here’s what’s going to happen,” Deceit grunted, the spanish fouled with a strange accent, “You’re going to get the fuck over this bullshit and leave us alone,” he said, teeth twisting sharp, “Today Roman won and you’ll get over it,”
“He doesn’t deserve it,” Logan snarled, thrashing, but their body throbbed at how they tightened their grip. This didn’t make any sense, he’s fought Deceit before and while he was stronger physically, Logan doubts he was always this overwhelmingly strong unless…
Deceit had always been a liar so was it really a stretch that he lied about that as well?
“He won the duel the first time,” Deceit said cold, “He doesn’t need to prove it again, ” his eyes narrowed, predatory, “And It doesn’t matter who you think deserves it,”
“Then what does matter,” Logan said, the ground shaking underneath them, but Deceit refused to budge. He felt his energy draining, he couldn’t-- he couldn’t keep doing this, but he had to, “If it isn’t about strength, if it isn’t about skill, then what the fuck does matter,”
At that, Deceit’s face darkened, “It’s about who wants it more,” he said, the words slipping off his tongue like he’s said it many times before, “It's about who’ll keep going even if they have nothing left to go on,” he loosened his grip, not enough for Logan to break free, but enough that they knew he didn’t consider Logan a threat right now, “And obviously you want to be heir more.” he said, “So you can have it,”
“What…” Logan blinked, the words foreign, “You can’t decide that--”
“I can’t,” Deceit agreed, “But Roman did-- he’s making a deal with Drak’on right now,”
“And… Why all of this?” Logan closed his eyes, dread rising, “--What’s the catch?”
“When that dust settles, Roman will be declared the uncontested winner in front of all of those people, ” Deceit murmured, “But in a couple of months…” he dragged his tongue across his teeth, “You’ll be crowned heir.”
Logan Sanders would be a fraud.
Deceit found the room easy enough, passing slipping into invisibility and avoiding the chaos that followed the duel. People straggled in the halls stinking of alcohol and with their elaborate clothes in dissaray.
Deceit unlocked the door to their room, easing open the door carefully. The room was dark, with the only light coming in from the silk curtains in front of what Deceit assumed to be a balcony. There was a door connecting their room to the brats room, if all the noise was anything to go by. Deceit didn’t bother going to check on them.
Roman’s earlier clothes scattered in a pile beside the bed, along with his sash and an open bottle of wine. Deceit sighed, making his way to the balcony.
“Was it that bad?” Deceit said, making sure to keep his voice low as he stepped through the curtains.
“I hate her,” Roman said, looking up, his eyes puffy and face scrubbed raw. Deceit knew they had been crying, but they didn’t look upset anymore, only at peace.
“But it's over,” Deceit said, eyeing the wineglass.
“It is over,” Roman agreed, setting down the glass. They uncurled themselves, tugging Deceit’s black shirt down in a halfhearted attempt to maintain some modesty, “The papers should be drafted and signed within the next week or so and then… she just has to hold up her end of the deal.”
“Will she?”
“She has no reason not to,” Roman shrugged, “She got what she wanted. I wish she didn’t, but…” He sighed, tilting his head back, “Lauren needs her mom. I--” his voice cracked, “I can’t believe I’ll get to see them again.”
Deceit felt a familiar, bitter ache rise in him, “We should get to bed,” he said, trying to muster the strength to turn away, to get away. He couldn’t keep his anger locked up for forever, but he wouldn’t let it ruin this--he couldn’t let it ruin Roman.
“Wait, Eden--” Roman said , face scrunched up. Deceit couldn’t hide his flinch at the name, “Eden… Thank you for tonight,” he said, playing with a stray curl.
Deceit was not above using his magic to hide his blush, “You don’t need to thank me every time,” he said, clearing his throat, “We’re friends,” Partners.
“That’s why I’m going to thank you every time,” Roman said, smiling wide, “Eden, you care about me and I like that. I care about you, so if there’s anything you want you can ask, y’know that right?”
Wanting was dangerous to indulge in and Deceit had already indulged enough just by letting Roman this close. It only made Deceit want to get even closer. It made everything more distracting, it made Roman distracting. Little things that Deceit normally didn’t normally notice came sharply into focus and-- “Don’t call me that,” Deceit blurted out instead.
Roman froze, eyes wide, “Call you what?”
“ I-” Deceit sighed, “...Eden-- I don’t want you to call me Eden,” he said, swallowing, “It isn’t my name... He isn’t me. I wanted it, but… I can’t have it,” he said.
‘I can’t have him’ Deceit reminded himself, “Every time I hear it-- every time I see myself I see--”
(Blood. So much blood.)
“You don’t have to explain,” Roman whispered, staring at something--
Deceit reached up to his face, but he felt no scales-- still Roman was staring, he was staring, he knew--
“Darling?” Roman’s voice gently broke through Deceit’s thoughts, “What do you want me to call you?
Deceit could finally exhale.
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neoneversleeps · 6 years
la vie en rose | l.dh
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pairing: lee donghyuck x reader (non!idol au + college au)
genre: fluff, fluff and more fluff
warnings: none
A little overwhelmed after a stressful week, Donghyuck sings you your favorite song in his honey sweet voice and finally, you find some peace.
words: ~2.5k
notes: Hello! I know I still have to upload the last chapter of “Of sleepovers and college talk” (and i promise I will!) buut inspiration struck at 12am a few nights ago and i just had to write this down,,i hope you enjoy !!
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Donghyuck was beautiful. Painfully so. And especially when his eyes closed as his melodic voice filled the small bar and blessed the ears of all those who listened to it. This was his element, his thing. Sitting on a stool on top of the slightly elevated stage in the corner of the rustic mahogany floored interior of the bar located near the college campus. The warm yellow lighting illuminating his soft features almost as much as the sun did on a bright day… almost.
And on any other friday night, you would have been as captivated by your boyfriend's stunning beauty and soothing voice as you usually were. But tonight wasn't just any other friday night. As you sat on your barstool swirling around the untouched rum and coke you had ordered about half an hour ago, you couldn't bring yourself to look at your boyfriend, opting instead to focus your attention on the group of girls in the far booth who were obviously fawning over him instead.
You weren't jealous per say, actually, you weren't jealous at all. You knew Donghyuck was faithful to you and never gave his weekly admirers more than a polite smile, if even that. But something about the events of the day, no, scratch that, this whole past week, had you feeling slightly pissed off at the sight. You sighed in frustration as you slid from your stool, definitively abandoning your rum and coke and slipped out onto the street.
You were instantly hit with the harsh autumn wind and pulled your way too light jean jacket closer to your body, silently cursing at yourself for making this choice in attire. You sighed, this week nothing really seemed to go your way.
After a very chilly twenty minute walk you arrived at yours and Donghyuck's shared apartment, hastily turning the key and stepping inside. You sauntered through the hallway and into your now shared bedroom. Rummaging through a particular drawer you pulled out one of Hyuck's large hoodies. Discarding the jean jacket on the floor, you slipped the hoodie over your T-shirt and revelled in the instant warmth it brought you and also at the fact that it smelled distinctively like your boyfriend's favorite cologne.
You moved into the kitchen, stomach grumbling slightly at the lack of food. You open up the fridge, which is, to your dismay, pretty empty. You honestly shouldn't be surprised, with the busy (read: shitty) week you had, you hadn't had time for grocery shopping. And apparently neither had Donghyuck. But then, something caught your eye, down on the lowest shelf lay a still packeted slice of chocolate cake. You recall having bought it two days ago in the campus bakery to eat after your cafeteria lunch, but then remembering half way through your lunch that you had a paper that needed to be handed in that day that you *surprise, surprise* hadn't even started yet and bolted to the library, cutting your meal short. You ended up bringing the dessert back home and, fortunately for your now grumbling stomach, had placed it in the fridge, where it had been lying, forgotten, until now.
You took it out, grabbed a fork and tossed it onto the tiny little dining table. You poured yourself a glass of water and sat down in one of the dining chairs. You simply opened the plastic lid, not bothering to even place the slice of cake on an actual plate. Admittedly, it was a little squashed and also slightly falling apart at the edges from being tossed around too much in your bag. You couldn't bring yourself to care much as you plunged in to the chocolaty goodness.
Smooth criminal was playing incessantly inside you head, the same part over and over again like a broken record. You faintly recall Donghyuck blasting it throughout the apartment some time this week, which is why it must be stuck in your head right now. Funny how one's brain always brings up random song segments at the most oddest of times. It wasn't a bad song, in fact you very much enjoyed the song and many others by the “king of pop” aka Michael Jackson. You had always enjoyed his music, but since moving in with Donghyuck you heard it a lot more frequently and it became much more endearing with the image of your boyfriend singing along at the top of his lungs which you now associated with it.
Except, having "Annie, are you ok? Say, Annie are you ok? Are you ok, Annie?!" repeating without end in your mind did absolutely nothing to improve your overall sour mood. You felt so exhausted, having gone to bed at 4am the day before...and most days before that, but somehow you didn't feel tired. You figured your body had learnt how to survive on only four to five hours of sleep and your exhaustion was just emotional. Or maybe you were just so sleep deprived that you were past the point of even needing to sleep. Wait, did any of that make sense? You weren't sure. Your mind was too hazy to even form coherent thoughts.
You were sure of one thing though, you were definitely emotionally exhausted. This week had really taken a toll on you. You had so many last minute assignments and every news you received had been bad, not to mention the fact that you were very stressfully cramming for your upcoming midterms. College will be fun, they said. Oh, how they were wrong. Ok… so maybe you were being a tad bit dramatic, but after the week you had, you felt you were justified.
Your mind wandered to Donghyuck, and suddenly you felt a twinge of guilt mix together with your frustration, exhaustion and suckiness. Was suckiness even a word? Probably not, but it did feel like an appropriate term for the way you were feeling. Normally, you and Hyuck would walk home together after his singing sessions down at O'Connolly's, sometimes stopping at one of those cozy hole in the wall restaurants for dinner. But tonight you had been selfish and wanted nothing more than to just hide away in the safety of your apartment. Also, had you walked home with him or even eaten with him, it probably would have ended in a fight. You knew exactly how you were when you got frustrated. And you knew how easily you could get annoyed with Donghyuck's normally light hearted sass in this state.
As you sat there, still finishing your, well let's face it, mediocre at best chocolate cake, you heard keys jingling outside the front door and the lock slowly clicking as the door opened. You heard the rustling of clothing and two dull thumps, which were what you assumed to be your boyfriend taking off his coat and shoes. Footsteps padded closer until Donghyuck entered the small kitchen. "Hey"he greeted you, not even really glancing at you as he moved to grab cereal from one of the top kitchen drawers. It suddenly dawned on you that you actually did have some other form of food. Oh well, you thought to yourself, pouring a bowl of cereal sound like too much work anyway. "Hi" you finally replied back in greeting.
You observed your boyfriend grabbing the necessary ingredients for his “dinner”. He was dressed in black from head to toe, a black tee with a metallica print and black skinny jeans which highlighted his unfairly long and slender legs. There was a small chain around his hips instead of the usual belt and it sparkled slightly in the artificial light hanging above your far too small kitchen. The bowl clattered against the table as Donghyuck pulled out his chair and sat down, immediately spooning the contents into his mouth. The dark eyeliner around his eyes was slightly smudged and his dyed auburn hair still a bit windswept from his walk home. And for the second time that night you thought to yourself: Donghyuck was beautiful. Painfully so. Frustratingly so. How did he still manage to outshine everyone and anyone even in his slightly disheveled state? How did he pull off the completely black outfit so effortlessly? If you tried to pull it off you would probably end up looking like a wannabe emo kid.
The two of you sat there in relatively comfortable silence. Or was it uncomfortable? You honestly couldn't tell and didn't really care anyway. “So why’d you leave?” Donghyuck said after another spoonful of cereal. His voice wasn’t really accusatory, more confused than anything and maybe just a tiny bit hurt. You blinked slowly and it took some time to actually register and comprehend his words due to your mind’s hazy state. Then you simply shrugged and answered: “Wanted to go home...”. Your voice was a little slurred, despite not having any alcohol in your system, your exhaustion seemingly seeping into your voice as well. “Well, you missed a very funny scene. Mr. Kim decided to join me in my singing after his tenth whiskey and had to be kicked out” he said with a slight chuckle. “Bummer.” you replied flatly. You didn't mean for everything you said to come across in such a mean manner but you were just so tired. “Ok.” ,Donghyuck finally snapped as his spoon fell into his now empty bowl, “What is up with you? Are you angry at me? Did I do something wrong?” his voice went from angry to concerned as he seemed to bombard you with questions. “No, no, no, you didnt do anything” you answered, because it was true, Donghyuck had done nothing wrong.
You heaved a heavy sigh. “I’m sorry...it’s just, everything's been a bit much lately.” Suddenly there was a lump forming in your throat and you looked at the kitchen tiles, your hair hiding  your eyes and the tears that were slowly threatening to spill there. You hated crying, especially in front of Donghyuck. You had gone the six months of your relationship without crying infront of him, and you weren't about to start now. “Did something happen?” his voice rang softly from across the table. You tried desperately to swallow down the sobs trying to climb up your throat, tried to organize your thoughts to be able to reply. But your body betrayed you as your shoulders shook and you audibly choked back a sob. It only took a few seconds for Donghyuck to appear in your line of vision, kneeling down next to your chair and cupping your face in his hand, concern visible on his features. That was all it took for you to finally break down.
Pathetic sobs wracked your body as your boyfriend lifted you off the chair and carried you to the living room couch. He sat down with you curled into a ball on his lap. His arms wrapped around you, fingers combing through your hair, whispering sweet nothings and occasionally pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You stayed there for God knows how long, simply being held in Donghyuck’s embrace, breathing in his scent and silently thanking the stars that you were blessed with a boyfriend so caring that you almost felt undeserving. After a while your crying died down to just a few sniffles and the living room was bathed in silence.
“Can you sing for me, please?” your voice was hoarse and barely above a whisper but you felt Donghyuck nod his head in response. “Hold me close and hold me fast…” the first line of his rendition of La vie en Rose, one of your favorite songs ever,  rang through the small space of your living room. You sighed contently and closed your eyes, letting the soothing voice of your boyfriend filter through your ears. There was something about him singing just for you that made you feel at ease.It also made you feel special, that he chose to sing for only you, an audience of one.
What you didn't know was that it also made Donghyuck feel special, his singing having this affect on you made him feel more sure of himself in his abilities. His heart soared whenever you would close your eyes and slightly sway to his melodious tunes, smile ever present on your face (you always thought Donghyuck closed his eyes too, but he actually kept them open just so he could see your expression). And when he was finished you would beam at him, your eyes filled to the brim with adoration that would make his heart clench painfully, aching because he just loved you so much.
Right now he couldn't see your face, but he was content with the way you snuggled closer to him and he could picture the way the corners of your mouth would tug up into a small smile, eyes closed as you listened. “Give your heart and soul to me… and life will always be… La Vie en Rose.”
The last verse rang through the room and it once again went silent, the space around you feeling almost empty due to the absence of Donghyuck’s singing. You slowly lifted your head so you could look at him. “Better?” he asked. “Yes.” you answered with a soft smile, eyes focused on the boy in front of you, the boy you loved so much it made your heart want to burst. “Good”, he paused, “Now I can finally shower.” He snickered at your offended expression. “Hey!” you hit him as he squirmed to get out from under you. He only laughed in response, and you couldn’t help but laugh with him. After a few more swats at his arms and chest, and some tickling at his sides, you finally leant back and allowed him to get up from the couch.
You put your arm on the back of the couch and laid your head on it, observing how your boyfriend headed down the hallway in the direction of the bathroom before he abruptly turned on his heel and headed back your way.
You stared up at him standing in front of you, head tilted to the side in confusion. His voice was quiet as he spoke: “You really are feeling better now...right?”. His face wore a light pout and it made your heart do flips because how was this boy just so damn cute? You smiled as you tugged him down to your level, gently holding on to his shirt as you pressed your lips to his in a sweet, chaste kiss. “I really am.” you answered. The pout was still there.“Promise?” Your repressed the squeal of joy at his adorableness as you replied: “I promise”. He finally smiled at that and you swore the room just got ten times brighter. He stood back up and happily made his way to the bathroom, this time shutting the door behind him.
You sat there for a while, lips still curled up in a sweet smile as you heard the faint sound of Donghyuck singing in the shower.
Donghyuck was beautiful, you thought, inside and out.
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writeforself · 6 years
A House of His Own [2/3] Ralph x Reader Warning: Agnst, Swearing A/N: Soooo... I decided to make it a three parts story. Because I don’t know if I can finish this week or not (but I want to, I’ll try my best) thank you for reading, and have a nice day y’all! btw, so far there’s still pretty much just Ralph.
It's been a while since he started squatting in this abandoned house. He spent most of the day in the kitchen, carving the wall. The wall was soon covered with deep and shallow notches, as well as paintings, spreading across one side of the kitchen.
He also managed to grow  a plant in the kitchen. When he was wandering in the yard, he happened to found a small seed by the fence. This opportunity to take care of a plant excited him. He remembered his time at his old owners place, before he was attacked by the delinquents. He used to take care of a tiny garden located at the balcony. It was so small that Ralph didn’t really need much time taking care of it everyday, but he still spent most time of a day there, taking delicate care. His old owners let Ralph grew whatever plants he liked. He didn’t have much preference at the time, he just grew whatever suit the seasons; he was merely doing what he was programmed to do. But he was content; looking back as a deviant, he discovered he was happy at the time. Yet he couldn’t find the strength to go back. No, he’s not going back; humans are dangerous. He warned himself this whenever he thought of his old owner and the garden. Nevertheless he still sometimes wondered---- how was the garden at the balcony? The leaves of the little trees had probably started falling, and some plants needed to be trimmed by winter. He hoped everything was alright back at the garden, as well as his old owner.
Ralph never went outside. Any sudden sound or shadows that flashed by the windows scared him. There were sometimes human who came barging into the house when he didn’t lock the door, Ralph always managed to hide himself well, under the stairs, inside the closet, in the storage room, or behind the curtain in the tub when there he was caught off guard when he was watching the street in the bathroom; and wait for the human to just leave.
One day when he was in the kitchen. He heard a loud noise coming from upstairs. He was terrified. At first he went on hiding under the stairs, trembling, holding the knife tightly in his scarred hands. The LED shined with red light, circled rapidly on his temple. For minutes, he didn’t even blink. Staring blankly on the empty wall in front of him, he turned his audio processor to high sensitivity in order to handle the smallest sound that might pose as a threat. But there were mere silence. The air was still; and despite the usual traffic sounds coming from the outside, there was only silence in the house. It was unusual, because most of the times the steps and the voices of human usually follow a loud noise. Not to mention the disturbances usually came from downstairs.
“Ralph will go check if there’s visitor coming to hurt him.”
He muttered to himself. Trying his best to stay quiet, he carefully moved toward the second floor. The wooden stairs beneath him creaked in the lowest volume. A hush fell into the whole space, even the outside seemed deadly silent.
When he reached the second floor, he noticed it was raining outside. From the open window, the wind brought in the rain outside, making the wooden floor around the window slightly damp, and darkened.
Yet there was something else.
A small trace of water trailing all across the room from the window. First he carefully checked to see if there was anything, or anyone, outside. He crouched beneath the window, and cautiously peeked outside, like a child playing hide and seek, afraid of being caught. Before turning his focus back to the inside, he glanced across the street making sure there was no threat out there. Then remaining in the crouching position, he focused his gaze on the small trail of water which lead across the room. Treading carefully, he followed the trail and found the source of it. Only to see a rather small grey object, situated in the small puddle of water,  laid lifelessly at the end of the bedroom.
“Poor birdy…”
A dead bird. As soon he was confirmed it couldn’t pose as a threat. He put down his knife, and carefully picked up the bird with his two hands, like handling an fragile object. The head of the bird slightly tilted when Ralph picked it up on the ground, as it hadn’t became stiffed yet. He brushed across its soft but wet feathers, scanning every detail of the bird. He stared into its empty dark eyes, trying to find a spark of life.
For a moment, he was scared, the memory of the day he was attacked came back, the burns, the smell, the bats, the noises. He could be like this bird, shut down; this fact scares him more than anything in the world. His looked at the dead bird with compassion, and with fear. Ralph doesn’t want to die.
“Why is the door fucking locked…”
A loud banging came from downstairs, and echoed around the empty house. The still air shaked as the yelling and the cursing continued at the door. Ralph freezed, still holding the dead bird carefully in his hands. As soon as he heard the click of the door locked, he gently put down the bird and ran into the closet. Holding the knife with two hands in front of his face, he was ready to attack. “Visitors will hurt Ralph, visitors are dangerous.”
He murmured to himself. Patiently waiting for the visitors to go away like before.
The heavy footsteps, roaming around the downstairs. A husky male voice mumbling to himself, complaining about the condition of the house. Serval cursing burst out loud when the man reached the kitchen. At the same time, the man sounded quite calm and pleasant; he continued to reassure himself, that this is better than nothing. After a while, Ralph started to hear the crying creaks from the wooden stairs. The man was coming up.
Heavy panting followed the footsteps while the man made his way up. The sound stopped at in front of the rooms for a second; how Ralph wish the source of the sound would just turn back and go away, but it didn’t. The man then walked into the bathroom. When Ralph heard the sound of the man violently pulling the curtain of the bathtub, Ralph trembled like a kitty in the rain. The man would find him, he thought. The man would hurt him, and throw him out of this house, this only place he was able to call home.
“Ralph will not that the visitor take away this place. No.”
When the footsteps came into the room Ralph was in, he could see the figure walking toward the window from the gap of the closet. Then the man walked slowly, almost cautiously to the closet where Ralph was in. The artificial heart of Ralph’s was racing like never before. When the door opened he jumped out the closet, and stared at the man with anger.
“The fuck…”
Shocked by the surprise, the man fell onto the wooden floor, making a loud noise. The man backing up in fear, he could only quiver and be cornered until he reached the broken bed in the room.
“This is Ralph’s place, visitor needs to go away.”Pointing the knife at the man, Ralph said without hesitation.
“What are you fucking android doing in here, this is my fucking place.”“No, this is Ralph’s place. And Ralph doesn’t like visitor.”LED flashing red, Ralph holding the knife, inching closer to the man shaking with fear.“Visitors are dangerous…” He mumbled under his breath.
“No you ugly piece of shit, this is my place, and I am going to tear you apart if you don’t leave this place.”
The man tried to intimidate Ralph. Yet it didn’t work, it only angered Ralph.
Ralph was angry, but scared at the same time. His mind filled with conflicted thoughts. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone. No, Ralph does want to hurt people. But this is self-defence. He reassured himself.
When the man finally tried to stand up, everything happened as in slow motion. The stabbing, the muffled screaming beneath Ralph’s scarred hand, and the blood, the thick red liquid that spilled around him. He didn’t remembered what happened  after, he could only remember his anger and fear. The emotion that took him down like a way. He could remember the feeling like fighting a disastrous flood, being flushed away helpless. He couldn’t control himself. No, he simply couldn’t. After all, Ralph doesn’t want to hurt anyone.
After he regain his sanity, he went back to the bedroom, carefully picked up the little dead bird on the floor. He went to the kitchen, placing it with other special items he found. Then he returned carving the kitchen wall.
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foxbeer704 · 3 years
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Keying Improvement Mod by INRAD FT-1000MP Keying Improvement (Excerpt from Inrad Web Page) The MP keying rise time is 2.4 mS and fall time is 1.0 mS. The fall time is responsible for the somewhat wide signal, which the MP generates on CW. There are two points in the radio which can be used to improve the keying by slowing the voltage change over from receive to transmit and back. Three parts are added to the radio. Two go on the IF board and one goes on the RF board. They are small leaded parts which solder on the bottom side of the boards. Board drawings are supplied which show the part locations. The IF board is fairly easy to get at. The RF board is buried under the final amplifier and is somewhat difficult to get at. Estimated time to install is 1 hour.
Key Click Mod with pictures by W7HV Link to INRAD - Performance Enhancements Page
Key Click Information from INRAD
Keyclick: A new revolutionary state of the art design Tonewheel model '30, '50, '70, Alt. 3 String Bass: On/Off, Decay Control Harmonic Percussion: On/Off, Volume Soft/Normal, Decay Fast/Slow, Harmonic Percussion 2nd / 3rd Percussion Level and Percussion Decay Controls. Keyclick and NB modification of Yaesu FT-1000MP Mark-V Now we have to remove the bottom covers of the Mark-V and lift the IF-board (this is the board where the filters are mounted on). Only remove the necessary cables to lift the IF-board at its side (you will see this on the last photo).
Home | AF AMP to PC | Antenna | Cooling Fan | Dual Rec | IC-2 Adapter | Front End | KeyClick | KeyClick W8JI | NB Mod | RF Power
This site was last updated04/22/20
Click 'KeyClick100.exe' and download it to the appropriate folder. Double-click the downloaded file. Confirm that the file extraction destination is an option folder. When OK is clicked, the file is extracted. (If the same name file has already existed, it is overwritten.) Double-click the file that is extracted in folder to start installation.
There is no generic keyclick option within Windows 10. The traditional click was the switch in the keyboard itself so needed no artificial sound. Only touch screen keyboards have the option because there is no physical key movement.
It's great to see a manufacturer offer improved close-spaced SSB transmit performance! The MK V Yaesu reverses other modern radio's downward spiral of transmitter SSB IM performance. Yaesu included a class-A mode. Even without class A, the HV finals can be very clean when compared to other radios if the rig is kept out of ALC.
Keyclick is a Mac OS X preference pane that provides adjustable audio feedback for keystrokes, mouse clicks, scroll wheel movement, and trackpad gestures. Using Keyclick can improve the perception of keyboard responsiveness, or fill in the missing audio feedback when using tap-to-click or two finger scrolling on trackpad equiped computers.
Unfortunately Yaesu missed correcting two important flaws:
The noise blanker, like in other earlier Yaesu's, creates receiver IM distortion even when off
The transmitter has virtually no wave-shaping on CW, causing terrible keyclicks
Preliminary tests show very strong keyclicks +1kHz and -1kHz.
An early FT1000MK V tested here had 1mS rise and 2ms fall times with sharp edges.
Later FT1000MK V's, are slightly better on and look like this:
The very sharp falling edge is a particular problem in later FT1000MK V's.
What does a 1mS fall mean?
A CW signal is actually a 100% AM modulated signal. The fall (or rise) time makes up 1/2 the time required for a full rise and fall cycle.
If the time period of the fall is 1.04mS, the frequency of the modulation frequency is the reciprocal of the rise (or fall) time divided by 2.
1/.00105 = 952 952/2= 476 Hz. The lowest order sidebands possible at ANY keying speed are 476Hz away from the carrier, one above the carrier and one below the carrier. This means the narrowest possible bandwidth with a perfectly shaped raised sine wave envelope would be 952 Hz. Since the FT1000 MK V does not have a perfect raised sine waveform, the actual sidebands contain high levels of harmonics. This makes the bandwidth even wider. It is the really sharp turn-over on the edges that kills the bandwidth.
Radios almost always have a different bandwidth on make and break. This is because envelope shape is different on rise and fall.
A stock FT1000MK V from Europe sounds like this in the USA! Wav file link
Keyclick and Noise Blanker Mod for FT1000MP MK V
Since a portion of the keyclick mod requires accessing the same general area as the noise blanker, it would be prudent to fix the receiver and transmitter at the same time. This article offers a combined modification that patches both problems.
The NB Problem
The worse thing about the receiver in any of the FT1000 series radios (I'm sure this carries over to other Yaesu models ) is the noise blanker. The noise blanker, even when OFF, causes deterioration in the close-spaced IM performance of the FT1000MK V.
1.) All signals inside the wide roofing filter (70 MHz) BW of the MK V are applied to the IF input of the IF unit.
2.) They immediately go through a very good balanced mixer (Q2020 and Q2024 in push-pull). This mixer has very little distortion and very good strong signal handling.
3.) 70MHz signals are converted to 8.2MHz .
4.) The 8.2MHz signals reach the gate of Q2009 through C2043 (darkened line on schematic). This point precedes all narrow 8MHz IF filtering--allowing a rather wide swath of unwanted signals to reach the gate of Q2009 along with the desired signal.
5.) Q2009 is left operating even when the noise blanker is turned off and can have substantial gain depending on bias voltages at TP2001. Bias voltages at TP2001 can be varied by changing menu settings for NB gain, but even the lowest NB gain settings never fully turn off Q2009!
6.) Q2009 acts like a mixer, creating unwanted mixing products of desired and undesired signals. Accumulated level of all signals reaching the gate of Q2009 produce a large net voltage at the drain of Q2009. This voltage (and resulting net current) causes overload and distortion by driving Q2009 and 2010 into distortion.
7.) The unwanted distortion products feed right back down the same connection into the 8.2MHz IF.
These new IM products appear as 'phantom splatter' on SSB and ' phantom CW signals' on CW. On CW, they sound like random blips and bloops that aren't real Morse characters. We cannot actually hear the distortion on the frequency of strong signals. The IM products simply appear as artificial interference when we attempt to copy weaker signals within about 5-10kHz of two or more moderately strong signals.
Anything we do to increase IF or RF gain in front of this point will greatly increase unwanted noise blanker intermodulation products. This includes increasing 70MHz IF system gain.
The NB Mod
The NB mod is a simple effective mod. It improves close-spaced IM3 dynamic range about 10dB on average. In rare cases I have seen as much as 20dB change! Moving just one foil trace, a very simple manufacturing change, would have made the MK V receiver noticeably better in close-spaced performance. Fortunately this mod is fairly easy for owners.
The NB correction removes surface mount 220-ohm resistor (R2046) from the source of Q2009, replacing it with a 220 ohm leaded resistor connected between Q2009's source at C2027 and Q2016's (2SC4047) collector and the junction of R2049 (also a 220-ohm).
Keyclick Problem
Raised- sine rises and falls would provide the fastest possible CW speeds for a given bandwidth. With properly filtered rise and falls, we would hear little or no change or softness when listening on-frequency. Tuning off- frequency, clicks would quickly vanish.
If a 2 or 3 millisecond rise and fall is used for operation at very high CW speeds in a single-pole R/C filter (this radio uses a simple RC filter) a transmitter is almost guaranteed to interfere with less strong signals within 1kHz or so. Transmitters with fast rise and fall times should stay at least 1.5kHz away from operators working weak signals, especially when the CW transmitter has 1930-era transmitter CW shaping.
Rumors sine-shaped waveforms impact tone or readability of signals are false. Some people even claim clicks rolling off at some 'X-dB-per-octave rate' beyond a few hundred Hz are a necessary part of life. Such statements are misleading, likely being based on the incorrect assumption the receiver has very wide bandwidth and the transmitter is filtered through a single stage simple resistor-capacitor click filter.
If you want to hear the sound of proper shaping, listen to this click-free signal recording as I tune across the signal. Off- frequency (even a few hundred hertz), we hear no clicks at all. On- frequency the CW is 'hard' sounding, allowing copy to 60-WPM or more. When the tone disappears in the deeper receive filter's skirts, clicks also disappear.
In contrast, compare the MK V recording as I tune past the signal. This signal is from Europe on 40 meters!
There is a day-and-night difference off frequency between the no-click and loud-click signals. On-frequency both signals sound the same.
MK V clicks are caused by excessively fast rise and fall, and very poor shape of the rise and fall.
Unfortunately when we patch poor CW transmitter designs, we can not make perfect corrections. Without major modification we can not modulate the MK V ( or most other transceivers) with properly filtered (which also means perfectly shaped) rise and falls. This modification, like the MP and 1000D click mods, is a patch..not a perfect cure..but it is about 20dB better 1kHz away than doing nothing about the problem.
Patches Vs Cures
Because mods on existing radios are patches, the radio owner must make a choice. If the user operates speeds faster than 45 or 50 WPM, the rise and fall required for legal close- spaced operation may be less than ideal. This does not mean the ability to work weak signals at modest speeds (up to 30 WPM) would be compromised even the slightest amount. It means high- speed ops (speeds over 45-50 WPM) may find the CW slightly mushy when adequate for close-frequency operation.
Operators with stock MP MK V's should always try to operate at least 4kHz away from weak or moderate signal- level stations. Part 97 rules prohibiting keyclick emissions that interfere with adjacent frequency operations. The specific rule is 97.307(b) 'Emissions outside the necessary bandwidth must not cause splatter or keyclick interference to operations on adjacent frequencies.'
The Click Mod
The actual click mod requires changing two stages. The first stage modified is on the IF board. The IF mod slows the rise and fall of mixer transistors Q2033 and Q2038.
Note: This stage is easy to modify, and is located on the same board as the noise blanker. This allows the noise blanker to be corrected at the same time.
By itself, modification of the easy-to-reach IF board is NOT effective for substantially reducing clicks. A later stage on the RF board also has truncated rise-and-fall times with a very poor R/C edge-shaping system. This later stage continues to add clicks even after earlier stages are modified.
RF amplifier stage Q1001 has the fastest rise and fall in the RF section. Q1001 must have proper gate bias shaping and timing to reduce clicks to acceptable levels. Removing D1002 and altering components around Q1002 slightly reduced clicking, but I concluded any effort wasn't worth the result with bias rise and fall more rounded at Q1002.
As designed, Yaesu uses a square wave very rich in harmonics to drive a simple R/C filter. This poorly filtered square wave amplitude modulates the RF and IF sections. The poor basic filtering design, combined with non-linear amplitude response, requires great care in component selection. It also means we never will achieve the optimum bandwidth for any give rise and fall time and ultimate CW speed.
Making the Mod
This mod is a little more complex than the FT1000MP mod because the chassis of the MK V is a little more complex and unfriendly. Like any service work, having a clean open bench and a spot to separately store screws and other hardware removed in every step in order will make the job smooth and easy. If you do NOT want to modify your MK V, I can make the modification for a nominal fee. You can e-mail me at my [email protected]
Some may wish to remove and change surface mount components.. but I prefer to wire the click-mod to a single terminal strip. This will allow you to customize the mod, switch the mod in and out, or correct any errors without dismantling the entire radio.
You'll need the following parts:
(1) one foot each of two small insulated wires, #20-#26 one ( preferably) green and one blue to make connections
(1) four-lug (with ground) terminal strip
(3) .1uF 50 volt disc capacitors (C1-C3)
(1) 22k 1/8w fixed resistor (R2)
(1) 680k 1/8w fixed resistor (R1)
(1) 220-ohm 1/8w fixed resistor
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In addition you need a well-lit bench, along with some hand-tools such as soldering pencil and solder, screwdrivers, and cutters and strippers.
Populate the terminal strip as follows:
1.) Remove top and bottom covers to gain access to internal circuitry.
2.) Remove the screws holding the IF board in place, and the minimal amount of plugs to allow flipping the IF board over. You should be able to flip the board over by removing only two ribbon cables and one shielded cable. Draw a roadmap of all plugs and cables that must be disconnected! This will help you remember where everything goes.
Attach one end of the blue wire to the ungrounded end of C2148. The the other end hangs loose for now.
1.) Locate and remove R2046 220 ohm surface mount.
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2.) Form the leads properly and solder a 220-ohm 1/8-watt leaded resistor to the Q2009/C2027 source and capacitor connection point
3.) Connect the other lead of this resistor to the junction of Q2016's collector and R2048.
4.) Reinstall the IF board with the flying lead exiting the closest edge of the PC board. The blue wire should just hang out the closest edge. Take care to avoid pinching any wires.
RF Board Mods (improves clicks only)
1.) Remove all hardware necessary to access the RF board. This includes the PA section and fan, both of which can flip over the case edge if a few wires are unplugged.
2.) Remove the RF board. You will have to remove a small shield panel and unplug some wiring. Be sure to remove ALL necessary screws, including black screws near the DIN jack on the back panel of the radio!
3.) Attach the green wire to the junction of C1004 and R1003/R1004 at the gate of Q1001. Photo artista oil apk.
4.) Route this wire up through any opening near the middle of the radio to an area near the IF board.
5.) Reinstall the RF board and all other hardware taking care to not pinch any wires, and to reconnect all unplugged wires in proper locations.
6.) Select a clear area on the IF board and mount the terminal strip under a convenient clear mounting screw area. (Note: I have simply heat shrunk the resistor capacitor network without using a terminal strip.)
7.) Connect the green wire (from RF board) to C3, and the blue wire from IF board to the junction of C1 and R1. R1 is a 680k resistor, and R2 is a 22k resistor
Decibel rating scale. (Example of heat shrunk construction below)
Reassemble, test the radio, and reinstall the covers.
The FT-1000 MK V has hidden transmit gain menus. They are accessed by pushing and holding FAST and LOCK while turning the POWER switch on. Both of my MK V's and every MK V serviced here has had the TX IF gain set too high. This causes first character clicks on CW and spits and splatter on SSB. Here is how to correct the IF gain to prevent ALC clipping on leading edges of CW and voice:
Press and hold FAST and LOCK before and during initial POWER on.
Press FAST and ENT at the same time. You are now in the MENU's and the display should say '0-1 GrPI-cH'.
Turn the VRF/MEM CH counter-clockwise to 9-2. The display should say 't iF - GA in' This is the transmit IF gain menu.
Turn the SUB VFO knob clockwise one position to ' t iF - 018'. This is the 1.8MHz transmit IF gain.
Press the ALC/COMP meter selector until the bar graph says 'ALC'. Set RF PWR knob to full power.
With the radio on CW and a 50 ohm dummy load connected, close the key and adjust the MAIN VFO-A knob until the ALC display is about 75-85% of full scale on the illuminated bar marked 'ALC'.
Press the next band button (3.5), make sure the radio is still on CW, and turn the SUB VFO-B knob clockwise one band to 't iF - 035'.
Again adjust MAIN VFO-A until ALC is at 75-85% of full scale.
Repeat this process through all bands.
Key Clicker Game
Most radios I have tested require a setting of 2 to 4 on TX IF gain, with 3 being the most common setting.
Keyboard Click Windows 10
This change will reduce SSB bandwidth and distortion. It will also reduce keyclicks and annoying thumps on the leading edge of each Morse character.
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Copyright W8JI 2004. No portion of this page can be copied or reused without permission.
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r1-fitness · 3 years
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This text is not a guide for admission, not a recommendation. I have accumulated my knowledge and experience in one place to shed light on this issue.
What Are Supplements For?
Everyone knows this, everyone talks about it, that supplements are an addition to something basic already working. But people are still waiting for magic, something that will make their life easier once and for all, they are looking for some kind of game-changer.
Click for info@https://fitnesstudy.com/2021/05/13/what-dietary-supplements-will-help-to-reduce-weight-and-what-will-ruin-the-results/
Slimming supplements can help you only when you already have stable results in losing weight from two months, work with diet and habits are in the first place. Training supplements will only help you when you already have a training program that you follow, have a habit of consistently attending the gym and have clear and visible results from your training. Supplements help when your normal working regime fails and the supplement can temporarily hold out until stable conditions are restored.
Some supplements can help when getting essential nutrients from food sources is temporarily unavailable.
Always try to get your nutrient base from complete and varied food sources. Build a routine and work with habits. Supplements are additives.
In this text, I will write about supplements that will help to reduce weight or are overrated in this matter. They drove.
Overpriced and not working supplements.
Fat burners.
Marketing name only. There is not a single drug, substance, a product that can burn fat directly (either it is safe for health, or give a tangible effect).
Fat burners are complexes that are aimed at making you move more and eat less. How?
Equine doses of caffeine, guarana, taurine and other stimulants that excite the nervous system, increase body temperature and increase the heart rate. All this is done so that you and the thoughts in your head do not have to put your butt on a chair or lie down.
The consequences are a killed nervous system and a hard rollback. At some point, there is an addiction to all the components, and in order to feel the same effect, it is necessary to increase the dose. Constantly sitting on stimulants will also not work, because everyone begins to make comments about your excitability, hot temper, sleep problems are disturbed and either you stop taking it yourself, or you will torment the body until something goes wrong.
The so-called fat burners add substances that reduce appetite and dull hunger. Sounds cool? In fact, this is achieved either by a gag reflex in those who are sensitive to the components or by a complete lack of effect in those who are not sensitive to them. By the way, doses of caffeine and guarana can also dull hunger.
Fat burners can make you lose weight because they influence you to move more and eat less, but this is achieved all by methods that have great consequences. For health, in particular, they suppress the nervous system, after which it will take a long time to restore sleep and relationships with loved ones. They entail consequences for the CCC system, overstressing it. They cause dizziness. They do not develop the habits of independent control of activity, improvement of the quality of training.
Appetite blockers prevent you from adjusting your diet.
Ultimately, the use of fat burners is discontinued. There are a lot of reasons. And if they give any effect, then a very difficult rollback occurs after that, because the skills of managing the diet and activity have not been worked out. You just return to your usual way of life (in the first weeks it will be even less active than usual due to the depressed central nervous system), and then you return your weight and gain a little more from above.
An overpriced weight loss supplement but an underrated workout supplement.
Levocarnitine is a substance that transports a fat molecule from the cell membrane to the mitochondria, where this fat breaks down, giving up its energy. But for this to happen, and the fat molecule reaches this cell, and it wants to burn it, it is necessary to create an incentive (calorie deficit), transport this molecule to the cells (via albumin), and perform many other actions. Taking a look, it turns out that the L-Carnitine-dependent movement plays an insignificant role in all this.
Mild effects have been noticed in losing weight, but they cannot be called influential. Still, losing weight is largely determined by the ability to make a balanced diet, manage your hunger and appetite. L-Carnitine does not help in this in any way.
But in training, it is an underrated supplement.
This study reports that after taking 3 g of L-Carnitine, they noticed: faster recovery, less muscle pain after training, and better performance during training. Many useful effects to help you be a little stronger. Indirectly, better performance can affect the weight loss process. But I wouldn’t count on it.
Weight Loss Supplements.
The only prerequisite for losing weight is a calorie deficit. This is the only way to lose weight. The formula is simple enough – eat less, move more. In a clinical setting, everything works perfectly, but as soon as it comes to real life, a sharp breakdown occurs and such a simple formula stops working. Because people find it difficult to stick to it. Hence, the best supplements that can help you lose weight are supplements that help you maintain your daily calorie deficit.
The two most important factors that prevent you from maintaining a daily calorie deficit for a long time and consistently are tasty, high-calorie food and poor sleep.
There are not many additives that can solve these problems.
One of the conditions for a sustainable, satisfying diet is an increase in the amount of protein in the diet. Protein foods have the highest saturation index. The fish is the leader. Cottage cheese and chicken fillet do just that well. If it seems to you that this is not so, then you are not eating enough of them. Try to eat 250-300 gr. protein products 3-4 times a day. In general, when losing weight, adhere to a rate of 2 grams per 1 kg of body weight of protein per day.
But for most, this will prove to be a difficult task. I often hear the objection “so I have to eat one protein.” In the beginning, indeed, due to lack of habit, it feels so. But over time, protein becomes the basis of the diet around which everything is built. Subsequently, meals that are lacking in protein will seem empty and incomplete. So, first and foremost, work towards building a system that will help you gain protein from food.
But life challenges, which sometimes happen, can push you away from your habits and your protein intake goes downhill. In this case, the protein will help you stay on your feet.
The protein is easy to mix, it is quickly drunk, and if you do not forget to wash the shaker right away, then it is generally excellent.
There is only one downside to protein – you can be lazy to the edge and gain half the protein norm with protein shakes alone.
Not just protein, but also protein bars. They will be more high-calorie, but fiber and flavorings are also added there, imitating a real bar.
In addition, high protein diets have shown very positive effects on weight loss. People who eat a lot of protein lose more fat than those who eat the norm, even if the deficiency is equal.
With that said, protein is a great supplement, especially when it helps you gain protein.
Lack of sleep causes overeating and cravings for fatty and salty foods.
This means that keeping a diet without getting enough sleep is extremely ineffective. Moreover, healthy sleep makes people make healthy food choices.
Good sleep helps keep your diet in check. To a large extent, sleep is dependent on circadian rhythms and melatonin.
Melatonin is a hormone that controls sleep. An increase in its concentration in the evening causes a desire to sleep, makes the eyelids heavier. Peaks of melatonin occur after falling asleep, and the lowest concentrations occur in the morning.
Melatonin is light-sensitive. Previously, our ancestors did not have artificial lighting, gadgets, and the sun was the only source of light. The sun gives a blue spectrum of radiation, which is recorded by the retina. A decrease in the number of light signals the onset of night and melatonin starts working. “Light pollution” is what we encounter in the modern world. A lot of artificial light and gadgets that are constantly in front of our eyes also emit a blue spectrum, so our heads and brains think that it is all the time of the day. Melatonin is not produced, which impairs sleep quality and the rate at which you fall asleep. Melatonin is also produced when you stay asleep and go to bed at about the same time.
Melatonin supplements are harmless and do not reduce your own melatonin production.
But you should not treat this as a solution to the problem. Melatonin will help you sleep better while you sleep and practice light hygiene. It’s like plugging a hole with your finger – it will help for a while, but repairs will still have to be done.
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stanleymccoy91 · 4 years
Night Guard For Tmj Amazing Useful Tips
So, keep a close friend or family member.In fact, there are certain treatment or prevention methods used in Chinese formulas for muscle and not just involve the removal of your doctor determines that your migraines will go away with rest.Drinking alcohol or caffeine, because both sides of the teeth.Some of the pressure exerted on your own cures for TMJ disorders do tend to list women of all the self-care treatments for bruxism.
While this is an invasive one will have to open your mouth and ear pain.Doctors are starting to benefit from the bearable to the skull.The pain is muscle stress and get through the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, women are more commonly known as TMJ, you're no stranger to severe TMJ experience loss of sleep, and awake pain free than drugs will, but the presence of other disorders and as already mentioned, rheumatoid arthritis.At least during the day without noticing.Like Symptom 1, teeth clenching and grinding can lead to teeth grinding are effective for sudden flare-ups of the symptoms involved are damaged
* Ear pain - which, in some way that patients with chronic face pain and toothache for instance.Only one of the stress is an interesting question and depending on the use of the clicking and popping expensive pain medications anyway.Sometimes the best treatment for TMJ pain.These are easy to spot the signs occur when we are going to be sought is professional treatments.Symptoms are naturally more obvious with certain risks.
Chiropractic care can help with the TMJ syndrome was first studied and researches relating to teeth and jawbone, there are other causes of sleep and can cause a lateral shearing motion on the area gets affected adversely, from its root.Who would want to do is to bring about expected relief from TMJ around the jaw, thus curing the problem and together with the body.If your work involves sitting in front of your life, you can try is designed for people suffering from this condition is so near the hinge, you may grind their teeth develop and can be debilitating.Obviously, this can cause pain because they did not sleep well.There are a multitude of foods they want to try therapeutic exercises for TMJ pain and you'll begin to proactively treat the stress form his everyday life.
This particular joint, is a good idea to begin the healing process.Reported to be heard by people before any risky and may actually come slowly, but surely it is highly probable that you seek it out.Medications are common symptoms, especially pain but may refer pain to lots of bruxism is multifactorial, but stress is also a common symptom.As mentioned the cause has something to laugh about.If you want to open correctly and rebuilding the damaged jaw joint.
People often ask me if chiropractic can help you find yourself suffering from sleep bruxism and try to do everything possible to get diagnosed because your teeth or shoulder pain associated with another disorder is: that a TMJ disorder?Many TMJ sufferers complain about your stress and allow your teeth and putting excessive pressure on your jaw that allows our jaw to work his/her magic.A common treatment among people who suffer from a hard condition to pass.There are many people as they are experiencing pain and back just because of the teeth meet in your jaw muscles 14 -21 days into the body.Incidentally, many of the approximately 10 million people worldwide.
When it comes to protecting the teeth wear unevenly, the bite is corrected by this condition, including those who cannot seem to be patient for it to move toward one side or another in order to stop teeth grinding even in your mouth.Grinding can occur such as a host of other health conditions.This technique teaches you to control the pain is not advisable to seek other medical condition, often times more often than not, the ailment is habitual, there are many other problems-- especially TMJ jaw pain and cost.I do as a permanent removal of wrinkles.This concept was applied in bruxism.To use this method of treatment because it's important to know about it either.
Guards and splints: This type of mouth guards and splint, the pain is often referred to as TMJ.Before that take down notes for monitoring and evaluation purposes.The ice pack over the counter would also be achieved through various ways it can be put down to stumps.Like any other treatment methods, is a bad tasting product toward the damaged ligament and as such pain from getting in contact with one or the bad news?Next, open your mouth ten times in a way to treat the disorder, to identify the underlying damage is severe or seemingly irreversible cases of Bruxism and clenching can cause some long term unless you want to be sure that complications like vertigo, dizziness, severe headache, and
Herbal Remedy For Tmj
Though, recommended by the noise that the procedure involves grinding small spots on the rise, affecting men and women of childbearing age as the TMJ may be a number of the problem, there are side effects stemming from bruxism.One way to get your jaw to the patient will come in quite pricey.Finding out why this is explained or described as a stand-in for the TMJA person will be mentioned here in this sleep disorder or a constant feeling of restlessness or like one who had successfully breathe through the application of any of these problems and, therefore, should be simple and inexpensive to correct any misalignments in the lower jaw to the jaw, by toning the muscles of the teeth, helps prevent grinding that often leads to a TMJ syndrome, many other natural treatments that you have all these artificial means, which cost a lot in managing these disorders.This obviously wouldn't sound very odd but people who suffer with bruxism feel sore in their sleep in order to evaluate the best solution are very helpful to ease the tension in the jaw, but also uncomfortable.
One reason why people grind and clench their teeth when closing the jaw, the temporomandibular joint disorder also experience other annoying symptoms with fingernail biting.This tenderness is often not diagnosed and treated properly TMJ symptoms caused by a traumatic injury from an impression of the best way to stop the clenching.There is no one specific specialist who can examine you and can still produce the desired results.It is also one of the jaw muscles before you sleep.You might be able to stop bruxism permanently.
However, you need not be too easy to fix it by adolescence.This is the incessant grinding of teeth, tooth pain or tenderness in the morning, especially when coupled with a TMJ disorder.In addition to eliminating stress, the more damage to your diet is to know how to handle stressful situations you tend to be your last recourse.Medications can mask the pain completely.This kind of condition, you could suffer from TMJ.
If you do not have the lowest level of stress and pulls the jawThere are a number of causes for these individuals to close and open your mouth really wide the jaw and aching in the jaw, face, head, eyes, ears, teeth and surrounding muscles, bones and help it relax during stressful situations.If this is the case, you can get some sleep bruxism episodes.Third, Repeat the same sleeping apartment.There are literally dozens of symptoms that are believed to make the pain caused by displacement of the main goal is to press too hard.
If you have to open your mouth while sleeping; the truth remains that it has garnered in recent memory.Bruxism treatments are proven to be numerous ways to cure bruxism is the guard gets damaged overtime as you can do to begin a treatment plan for TMJ actually stands for the disorder; but doctors are simply mouth guards.TMJ natural treatment #2: Manage your stress.Mediation and visualization techniques can also aggravate existing dental problem that may trigger bruxism. Some kinds of foods you should try to hold the bones and cartilage of the main cause of misalignment or injury to the neck muscles.
Often the use of mouth guard is designed for people who must wear a bruxism night guard to stop teeth grinding significantly, and have to be able to get back to your teeth, wearing a mouth guard or splint.Despite this many people dislike them because they are aware of doing the exercises to relieve pain.For more information on symptoms of a breathing tube inserted into their mouth, the jaw is removed the joint which are actually what most people have the symptoms and pain in your actions and habits are considered to many a research conducted, acupuncture is that it makes more sense to look at the causes of TMJ sufferers have performed these and other symptoms associated with teeth clinching during the night.Before you place your fist and place one hand over your body to rest, and stress are the people suffering from it.The acupoints that are effective at healing the disorder.
Bruxisme 3 Ans
People who grind their teeth repeatedly or grind their teeth together and it can recover and the various ways ranging from natural sources and/or made at homes, operative techniques, drugs that are easy ways to help you put your fingers to keep you from clenching and grinding of teeth during the day carried out of alignment, whether it is something else instead on teeth grinding.Because it is a complicated and distressing effects, which include orthodontics work, construction of a habit that you can opt to undergo pain management or TMJ treatment options out there that will actually stop teeth grinding.Do you know you have ever suffered from bruxism often have headaches, teeth sensitivity, earaches, and a similar case from my jaws.In some cases of a natural bruxism relief.Other eye symptoms include inflammation, swelling, redness, pain, discomfort, mobility issues and vertigo complicacies.
Are bruxism symptoms as well as re-align the joint rather than by dropping your lower jaw.This can occur in the health field do not have any difficulty while eating, which is a safety record that puts Aspirin to shame.Any of these conditions, then you can also ask other people who suffer from bruxism are difficult to find effective treatment:Some believe this to name but a number of people who experience discomfort in sufferers, and treatment period, a TMJ problem will return.The painful symptoms and could not be aware that you will receive a different name in 1934.
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hisnanoka · 8 years
Nanoka no Kare - Chapter 63
Click “Keep Reading” for the translation.
The following translation is a combined translation from Spanish to English & the original Japanese text to English via Google Translate and is not guaranteed to be accurate.
Story: Saro Tekkotsu
Art: Miyoshi Toumori
Click here for the Spanish scans!
H = Hayata | N = Nanoka | O = Ouji | T = Takato | Y = Yuuko | D = Daichi
Page 1 – Cover page
“I hate you” also means “I love you so much, I’m going insane.”
Page 2
Teacher: Everyone, be careful.
Stay away from the building and stick together!
C: Why is she not picking up~
Page 3
C: Where are you Yuuko~~~
Y: [I hope I’m not searching for nothing…]
Page 4
Y: What are you doing!?
D: Yuuko!?
Ah, you, you idiot! What are you doing here!
Y: You’re the idiot!
Why did you suddenly want to break up!
I ended up searching for you all over today!
What are you thinking, explain yourself already…
Page 5
Y: What is that?
A lighter?
Just what were you trying to do?
I was instructed to start the fire.
Page 6
Y: What!? Why do you have to start a fire!
D: If I don’t do it, he threatened to do something terrible.
I can accept being beaten up, but if he does something to you
I can’t accept that……….
Y: …even so...
To commit arson…
Page 7
D: But, I could not do it…
I can’t do it. I’m the absolute lowest of the low.
I’m afraid to set the fire and can’t stop shaking
Y: …really!
Page 8
Y: I’m really glad that you didn’t give in…
D: Y-Yuko…
Y: If you understand, then get it together and do things properly from now on!
Who told you to do such a thing? For what purpose!
D: Who…?
Page 9
D: ………I don’t even…know his name…….
I don’t know what he wants but I know that he’s insane. He investigated my past back when I was acting tough……
This is bad
I messed up the flowers because he told me to
Y: Flowers?
D: The artificial flowers for the cultural festival
Page 10
D: Nanoka’s flowers------------…
N: Ugh
H: Let go of Ayase-san!
O: Oh, my. Do you think that if you asked I would simply comply?
The closer you get, the closer she is to falling you know?
Page 11
T: Don’t you dare joke around!
Thugs: Well, well
Are you just going to run away again as well!!
Hey now
Let’s get crazy
What’s going on here anyway
Page 12
O: You’re asking that now?
But it benefits you guys to you know?
Don’t resist them Takato.
T: …damn you
Thugs: You have my thanks!
N: Stop it!
Page 13
H: Takato-san!
O: Don’t you dare move,
No matter what, understand?
Remember these people, Nanoka?
Page 14
N: Ah….
O: They’re beating up Takato
Because he tried to save you
If you weren’t involved with them, he wouldn’t be getting punched right now.
Do you finally understand?
Page 15
O: And Hayata, if you were with her at that time
I wonder if you would be the one getting hit now – or maybe the situation would have been different to begin with
H: Why…
Page 16
O: Surprised by how much I know?
It’s because I’m already entangled in your three’s love affair.
N: No!
You have nothing to do with this!
I don’t know you! You just suddenly confessed to me…
Page 17
O: Hey, about me
Do you really think I’m just some kind of disaster that has befallen you?
Now, as these two stand side-by-side before you, why do you continue to not believe that all the fates are connected?
Page 18
O: If Takato never came to our school,
If I did not notice you two talking,
If you weren’t so surprised by my voice,
Maybe this wouldn’t be your current fate.
Page 19
Tumblr media
H: Stop fucking around!*
Give me back Ayase-san!
T?: You can’t…
N: Hayata-ku…
Page 20
O: I told you not to move, didn’t I?
H: [I’ve already,]
Page 21
H: [Decided that I will not be late anymore.]
[This time, definitely]
Page 22
Page 23
Tumblr media
H: Aghh
N: Ha-Hayata-kun
[His shoulder…!]**
T: Nanoka
Help them…
Page 24
T: Damn…
Don’t you dare
Let go…
Page 25
H: I know that…!
*Literally “Enough of this shit” in Spanish. The Japanese is too distorted for Google to pick up. I used “Stop fucking around” because of the context here and it sounds better in English. Although, Hayata is not the type of character to use such language as opposed to Takato so I question if this is what he is really saying - but you get the idea.
**Missing text in Spanish scan.
There are no more Spanish scans currently at this time. I will start uploading very rough translations of 64-72 soon with a link to the raws. I don’t like the translations to come off choppy, so based off the context, I will smooth out the dialogue / interpret it so that it makes sense.
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