#'white wedding' by billy idol
rainbowcarousels · 8 months
Song Poem
“put ur Spotify on shuffle and write down the first lyric of the first ten songs that come on, post the poem that results” (character playlist edition)
Tagged by @birdblacksocialclub
I was going to do Genesis but we have way too much crossover so Lestat/Nicki it is.
I invite you to a world where there is no such thing as time If I retreat words wars and symphonies Hey little sister what have you done? I thought I saw the devil this morning Am I more than you bargained for yet? The marionetter has your number There's a chair in my head I felt heaven One pill makes you larger We're standing here by the abyss
Tagging: @apoptoses @ryal-is-reading @hekateinhell and anyone who fancies it really use me as your tag if you like
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selineram3421 · 7 months
*holds up fic like an offering* My gift.
White Wedding
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Alastor X Fem Reader
Warnings ⚠
⚠ noble man's daughter reader(life), very old timey sexism, domestic abuse, all caps for shouting, arranged marriage, blood, reader snaps and it is delightful!, fluff, kiss 💋 ⚠
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You sat in front of your vanity, brushing your hair as you were getting ready for a dance the Princess Charlie was hosting in the hotel.
Wilted roses sat in a vase by the open window, the air blowing your curtains slightly as the welcoming scent filled the room. The light glinting off something on your vanity caused you to pause.
It was the ring your ex husband gave you when alive.
You remembered it like it was yesterday.
Back when you still lived as an object, a trading tool for your father to use in political affairs. He even went as far as using you to try and get to the crown. Yes, you hated that man with every fiber of your being.
Habitually, you reached a hand over your shoulder to feel the scars on your back.
You remember everything..
"WHY CAN'T YOU DO AS YOU ARE TOLD!?", your father yelled as he lashed you.
"Mn!", you held back your scream, tears running down your face as you tried to get out of the maids hold that kept you in place.
You had failed to persuade a merchant to work with your father and now he was angry with you.
"YOU FUCKING USELESS WENCH!", he yelled and gave another lash with the clawed whip.
I want this to end.. You thought as he continued. Why am I still here? I should just end all of my suffering.
Another snap of the whip, another slash on your back.
"Enough.", your father decided and tossed the whip on the stone floor. "Get her cleaned but don't feed her supper or breakfast.", he walked away. "She hasn't earned her meals."
The maids loosened their hold on you and you felt dizzy from the blood loss, feeling yourself start to lean forward, falling on the cold stone.
I miss mother.. You thought before everything went dark.
You woke up in your bed the next morning, no doubt your father feigning sadness about your current state of health, him labeling you as his "fragile princess" to get sympathy from the other nobles.
Sitting up from your bed, you hissed at the burning sensation on your back.
Having been in his care alone for six years, you would have thought it would be nothing, but the pain was still unbearable.
Like clockwork, maids entered your room and prepared you for the day. Brushing your hair, applying powder and other cosmetics to your face, tightening your corset, putting on your shoes and a horridly large dress.
It screamed gentle and girly.
Someone is coming to visit.. You thought as the maids put on flower like jewelry.
The maids rushed you over to the dining room and opened the doors.
At the end of the table you saw your father talking to two unfamiliar men. He noticed you after you got closer to the table.
"There's my beautiful daughter! Come and introduce yourself.", he wore a convincing smile.
You walked closer and gave a curtsy, bowing your head as you introduced yourself to the gentlemen. "I hope both of you have had a pleasant morning so far."
When glancing at them, you could see lust glaze over there gazes.
Your chair was pulled out by one of the servants and you sat down as they brought you a bowl of soup. As you waited for a glass of juice, you noticed that one of the visitors did not stop staring at you.
So did your father.
A few months later, you are notified of a wedding taking place in just a few days.
Your wedding.
"What?", you said in shock.
"You are going to marry soon, so finish up your lessons and take extra care of your skin. We don't want your value to lessen.", your father waved his hand to shoo you out of his office. "You will look best in a soft pearl white."
He looked up at you with annoyance.
"This isn't your choice, now go.", he said in an authoritative tone.
"I don't want to marry a man I don't know.", you pushed. "I want to fall in love and be happy! I want-!"
"NO!", you raised your voice. "I AM NOT AN OBJECT! I AM A PERSON AND I WILL BE TREATED AS SUCH!", you stomped your foot.
In a second he got up and was in front of you, giving you a slap across the face that made your head turn.
"YOU WILL LISTEN AND OBEY!", he shouted close your face.
Just like him, it only took you a second to strike back. You punched him in the nose, making him stagger back.
That night you got the worst beating of your life that left you in bed for days.
In a flash, it was your wedding day.
You were being dressed up by bridesmaids your father picked out, bruises being covered with body paint and powder, lips being painted with a soft pink color. What you saw in the mirror was a portrait perfect bride, dressed in an elegant gown that any woman with a normal life would be happy to wear.
You hated it.
One of the girls sat you down on the chair in front of the vanity and started brushing your hair.
Then there was a knock on your door.
Turning to look you saw it was your older brother.
He traveled a lot and was oblivious to what your father had done to you over the years.
"Hey little sister.", your brother greeted.
"You're back..", was all you said before facing the vanity mirror.
"I've been away for so long and this is my greeting? You wound me.", he laughs as he enters the room.
"You cannot enter without the bride's permission!", one of your bridesmaids said.
"He is an acception. The rest of you leave us until I ask for you again.", you added and glared at the bridesmaid who spoke through the mirror.
The ladies nodded and left the room, the last one closing the door behind them. No doubt leaning against the door to eavesdrop on your conversation.
"You look wonderful.", he said and picked up the brush the bridesmaid left on the vanity table. "I bet your husband will be happy."
"I'm not happy..", you whispered.
"What?", he said and looked at your eyes in the reflection of the mirror. "What do you mean? It's your wedding day, you should be beaming with joy!"
"I'm being sold off like cattle, why should I be happy about that.", you said, tired.
"What is your wish?", he asks you, parting your hair and taking the upper half to brush.
"To start again but in a different way.", you said, placing a hand to feel the middle part of your corset, just above your stomach to make sure there was enough space.
The both of you stayed quiet and he finished doing your hair, fastening your mother's hairpin into your bun, the bottom half of your hair cascading down into wavy curls.
"It's a nice day for a white wedding..", is all he said.
He walked out of the room and in that second you took out a hidden dagger from the back of the mirror, carefully sliding it between your corset and chemise.
The bridesmaids entered the room after you called them back in, and you acted like nothing happened, wearing the same blank stare.
After the vows, writing down your names, and the carriage ride, you arrived at the hall where all the dancing and cake serving would be held at. Your husband took your hand and guided you to the dance floor, both of you taking the time to greet the guest and thanking them for attending.
Then it was your brother's turn.
"I'm thankful to get to see you in a wedding dress.", he hugged you.
You hugged him back, but not with much care and gave him a pat on the back.
"I'm going to be right back, but just know things will get better.", your brother whispered to you before letting go and leaving the hall.
You just smiled and waited.
Finally it was time for the father daughter dance.
Your father was happy, no doubt excited to count his money and other offerings.
During the dance your father spoke to you.
"I have so much more gold thanks to you.", he smiled with a proud look. "Getting married isn't so bad. You'll learn to be a good wife and mother.", he said as you both spun. "Just like your mother, you will obey every word your husband says."
The orchestra finished and both of you bowed to each other.
It was then that you took out the dagger and stabbed your father in the stomach. He gave a shout in surprise, gabbing your shoulder to hold onto.
"I'm so happy.", you whispered in his ear and shoved him back, watching as he landed on his back with a thud in the middle of the dance floor.
One of the guests screamed.
A few people started rushing over, some going to your father and the others trying to grab the dagger from your hands.
It was like dancing to your own music as you sliced and stabbed through the crowd. Screams and blood everywhere. The other guests, spectators until you turned to face them. Running out of the hall in fear of you going after them. The giant hall now empty and void of any life but you.
A laugh escaped from your lips as you stared down at your hands.
Your beautifully blood covered hands.
The blood shining off of the blade that made your heart race in excitement.
You laughed as you danced on top of the bloody corpses, wedding dress utterly drenched in your victims blood, now completely red.
White was for innocence.
But red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red. You thought and closed your eyes in bliss as you twirled. Oh red.
Red was your favorite.
There was a gasp.
Twirling to face the person, you saw that it was your dear older brother in the doorway of the dance hall.
"What have you done?", he said in horror.
You smiled.
"I've started my life again."
You jumped in surprise, dropping your brush as you looked behind you to see your demonic love, the Radio Demon.
"Alastor.", you smiled. "I did not hear you enter."
"Forgive me dearest.", he walked over and picked up your hairbrush. "I used my shadows to enter your chambers, I forgot to knock."
"It is alright.", you replied and faced the mirror again.
The demon in red began to brush your hair, which made you hum in content.
"What had you in such a daze? Usually you are quite alert and aware of your surroundings.", Alastor asked as he started to put your hair up.
"I remembered one of the happiest days of my life.", you answered. "My lovely red wedding, just seconds before my death."
"Ah, yes.", he hummed. "I quite like that tale of yours. How I wish I could have seen you dance, covered in blood..", he trailed off and finished your hair, placing a red hair jeweled pin in your hair, making sure it matched your red dress perfectly. "We should have our own red wedding."
"Are you purposing?", you asked, glancing back at him.
"Would you like to get married to me?", he asked, placing his hands on your upper arms as he leaned down to place a kiss on the side of your neck.
Glancing at the old ring, you picked it up and tossed it out the open window.
"I would very much like to marry the sinister man I fell in love with."
Helping you stand, Alastor spun you into a dip before giving you a long kiss on the lips.
You felt a weight on your finger and peeked to see a beautifully crafted ring with a blood red gem. Alastor wearing a matching ring, but more his style.
Parting, both of you smiled at each other.
"Let's join the others! I heard that Charlie had invited Rosie as well, we can tell her the news together. She will be thrilled!", he began to ramble as he pulled you back up.
Linking arms, you both made your way to the dance hall.
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This was my late night draft, my creation of insanity.
~Seline, the person.
@c4rved-pumpk1n @scary-noodlesblog @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @repentant-repeller @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koioli @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @+?
ML I🎙 | ML II🎙
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vintage-tigre · 1 year
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Billy Idol, 1987
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taintedarabesque · 6 months
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the 80’s will never die
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astralbondpro · 5 months
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Billy Idol // White Wedding
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soupy-sez · 1 year
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“Hey little sister, what have you done? Hey little sister, who's the only one? Hey little sister, who's your Superman? Hey little sister, who's the one you want? Hey little sister, shotgun.
It's a nice day to start again. It's a nice day for a white wedding.”
↚ Billy Idol – White Wedding Pt 1 ↛ x
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 6 months
OK since art is not arting, I've decided I'll share some background/lore to my Lost Boys 'White Wedding AU'
[Also this is mostly self indulgent for me and my self insert- but I'm gonna keep it kind of vague if any of yall wanna picture yourselves in it/want to add yourself to the story!]
Basic information: Santa Carla is basically ruled by The Lost Boys. The only way they are tamed from killing everyone or wreaking havoc on the town is Michael, or basically, the Emerson family, who are working as watchers of sorts for Santa Carla. Michael is a type of priest/caretaker of the abandoned caved in Chapel that the boys reside in, and every month on a full moon, he offers sacrifice as payment to keep the boys from hurting others. [Note the sacrifices tend to be dug up fresh bodies or animals - that would defeat his whole point of keeping the town safe.]
But lately, it seems the Boys are getting more antsy, getting more and more eager/stirring up trouble in the town - and that's cause they have a demand for Michael. They want a bride.
Now, Michael is very reluctant and almost refuses it- cause Michael was actually offered as a bride/mate once a long time ago- hence the reason he's a caretaker now, cause last time, he ran away from the Boys with a girl named Star whom he loved... But the boys found them and took Star for themselves, but she was eventually was found killed on the steps outside of the entrance to the Chapel. Whether they killed or or her herself, no one knows.
But the Boys are persistent... And will do anything to have their demands answered. Even if it means threatening the Emerson family entirely.
So, Michael tragically goes in search of their request and makes his move to serve them. For the sake of his home, family, and town.
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 5 months
Billy Idol - White wedding
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manitat · 8 months
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Billy Idol
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drewbadger68 · 2 years
Billy Idol 🖤❤️
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drpepper-lovers-blog · 2 months
Billy idol 👑
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"Suddenly turns into a motorcycle"🏍️
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kvroii · 3 months
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it's a nice day for a white wedding
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bubblyernie · 1 year
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Another day another slay (me picking from the endless pit of punk rock songs in my head to draw Milo in with colours so saturated that scientists need to invent a new branch of optometry to deal with the eye strain)
art tag // commission info
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rockinshots · 7 months
Billy Idol delivered a stellar performance tonight at The Venue in Thunder Valley. Straight out of the gate, the band ripped into "Dancing With Myself," and had the sold-out crowd on their feet dancing and singing along with fist pumps and Rebel Yells. It was truly a glorious evening for all that attended the intimate show. 🔥🔥
📷 @rockinshots @billyidol @stevestevens @mnprmagazine @soundcheck_sf @thevenueatthundervalley
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rabid-dog-steve-horn · 5 months
Chucky And Tiffany White Wedding
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