#and then he is comes in like a clutch
rainbowcarousels · 5 months
Song Poem
“put ur Spotify on shuffle and write down the first lyric of the first ten songs that come on, post the poem that results” (character playlist edition)
Tagged by @birdblacksocialclub
I was going to do Genesis but we have way too much crossover so Lestat/Nicki it is.
I invite you to a world where there is no such thing as time If I retreat words wars and symphonies Hey little sister what have you done? I thought I saw the devil this morning Am I more than you bargained for yet? The marionetter has your number There's a chair in my head I felt heaven One pill makes you larger We're standing here by the abyss
Tagging: @apoptoses @ryal-is-reading @hekateinhell and anyone who fancies it really use me as your tag if you like
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nerdpoe · 18 days
John Constantine stays on top of things in the Paranormal world. He's still not sure how this led to being a secret parent, but at this point why not have this happen in his life.
Point being, he knew when Pariah Dark got taken down by a kid.
He also knew that, whether or not that kid became the next High King, there would be a lot of attempts to summon him.
Further investigation revealed the flimsiest secret identity he'd ever seen, and also that the kid was like fourteen. Fifteen, max.
So he started his own personal campaign; he spread false rumors about the One Who Defeated Pariah Dark.
Gave the wrong summoning sigil out like candy, lied and said that the kid was strong enough to ignore his own summoning and send innocents in his stead because it was funny, interrupted as many potential summonings as he could, and overall kept an ear out for the kid.
He slipped Batman the information on the GIW, and to the surprise of no one it was dismantled in three months flat.
He made offerings to the kid, but charmed them so that they were bathed in the strongest protection wards he knew, just in case the kid had to go against his own parents. He made sure they were things a teenager would like; hoodies with NASA branding or space themes, backpacks from the DOOMED franchise, school supplies that were not themed because there was a limit to how much someone could do that before the other kids made fun of them, etc.
The kid has no idea he exists, which is great considering his uh. Luck. Better the kid doesn't know. Better he never starts thinking about the kid by his name.
Except at some point, he started doing that.
At some point, he started caring.
And worse, after that point, some of his enemies started to notice and hone in on Danny.
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turtleblogatlast · 4 months
Mentioned this before but as much as I adore the medic Leo headcanon, my favorite type of it is when it’s basically just Leo knowing the most surface level of stuff and carrying around a super basic first-aid kit in his pack. So he knows how to use gauze, and he’s got a ton of Jupiter Jim branded bandaids, and if you really needed it then he can hit you up with some ibuprofen but other than that? Nothing.
But. I love the idea that that changes post-invasion.
They’re pretty sturdy, all of them, so they can take more than one beating and really only need a bandaid for the fun of it. But the invasion hit harder than ice packs and “lots of rest” would help with, and I can bet that a post being beaten to a pulp Leo would have a lot of time on his hands to reflect and, maybe, learn a thing or two as he waits to get better.
It’s nothing excessive, not at first, but he watches veterinary videos, and live surgeries, and other videos in that same realm (because the books are, uh, a bit too jargon-y for him) multiple times over. Just so he knows. Just in case he needs to know.
In his pack, there’s a first-aid kit. With the use of a mini portal for extra space, the kit has grown to include everything from scalpels to butterfly stitches to sutures to even fiberglass patches.
And obviously the Jupiter Jim brand bandaids stay too.
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heartelysia · 5 months
busy thinking of...
toxic ex! gojo who only broke up with you because he needed to move on! at least he thought he did until you did move on without him, leaving him in the dust. he tries his best to forget about you! he really does, sinking his head into his palms the same way hes sinking his cock into the girl below him. but nothing feels good, nothing can make the aching emptiness in his chest go away, not if its not you.
god he didnt even notice how intoxicated he was with you until you left. you were everything he needed to fucking survive and you just up and left like your three year long relationship was nothing? toxic ex! gojo who will do anything for you back, buying a cup of overpriced coffee at your regular place just to bump heads with you every single day, buying you random flowers and leaving them in your break room of your workplace, texting you non stop even when you blocked most of his accounts.
toxic ex! gojo whos anger boils in the pit of his stomach when you rejected all of his advances, blaming you for all wrongdoings because this would've never happened if you loved him more! he would've mever broken up with you, he wouldnt have to go to the earths ledge for a tiny spark in your 'relationship', he would never have to end up with a fucking restraining order.
hes mad. hes mad that you moved on, hes angry that you left him without begging to stay together, hes furious that your life isn't in shambles. toxic ex! gojo needs you dependant on him, he cant just have you wandering off to another person so easily next time. so he does what any sane person does and stalks you from a distance until the restraining order expires, watching your life unfold in his hollow blue eyes.
dear lord knows how many things toxic ex! gojo has done to try and forget you but nothing seemed to work! from getting into multiple relationships, getting a brand new job in an area he has no experience in to travelling the world, yet everything he did seemed to remind him of your sweet smile.
as any other human being would do, as soon as the document hits its end, he shreds it up and makes his way to your home. you seemed too happy, forgetting about your ex entirely, getting random flings, meeting some new dude called toji, going on dates with said man. toxic ex! gojo couldnt allow that, you were his. you were his property even if you didnt know it and gojo didnt like sharing his property with others.
toxic ex! gojo who couldnt help but notice how many of your flings resembled him, personality or appearance wise, there was always something similar to your ex. that was until toji came into the picture, he was nothing like gojo and your ex felt his veins bulge in irritation. he was your first everything - from hand holding, kissing, picnic dates to sex - so you should still be with him!
he needed you back, he needed you to crawl back to him and plead for forgiveness but that never came. toxic ex! gojo who would break into your apartment when youre on dates with the new man, scoffing when he realizes you still left a spare copy of the keys behind the painting hanging above your door. god you were so easy. when hes inside your apartment, hes hit with the fattest wave of nostalgia.
he instantly heads into your shabby room that gojo stayed in whenever, inhaling the scent of your sweetness like it was an addictive drug. he swears theres a hint of his musk but it might just be someone elses considering its been two years. toxic ex! gojo didnt like that. he fucking hated that idea.
maybe thats how he ended up here, his voice whiny and airy as he desperately humps your pillow as he shoves his nose into the area where it covered your cunt. his poor cock was aching, his tip a burning red colour as the veins running down his thick cock throbbed each time he took a whiff of your panties. god he was so needy, after months of being unable to reach a satisfactory climax, just the feeling of rutting his hips into your pillow that you used daily made precum dribble out of his cock in buckets.
whilst youre happily on the date with toji, gojo is busy having seconds by staining any and all surface in his cum discreetly. he thinks hes never came this much just from masturbating, his balls wrung dry to the core just by the memory of your sweet cunt sloppily making a mess all over his balls and pelvis.
but when the front door of your apartment creaks open, gojo freezes, unable to hide the initial shock on his face. why were your sobs filling the silence?
part 2
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lxikoniko · 3 months
I will forever push the "In terms of raw elemental power, Jay would be the strongest and most versatile in terms of range of his elemental abilities out of the main group (not including Lloyd obviously)" agenda
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ghostbsuter · 7 months
"Here," Danny slides his business card over, and Victor fries takes it.
"Contact my parents, go to Amity Park. They can explain and answer every question you have, Mr. Fries."
Victor, still in his suit and staring, frowns. "What about Nora?"
"I can promise you, she will be alright. I'll give you daily news of her condition and make sure everything is on top condition."
Mr. Fries hesitates, glancing at his frozen wife. He contemplates it, the decision and its cost if he were to trust.
"Nora can't handle transportation in these conditions, but with me here, she will get enough ectoplasm exposure that will make her liminal." Danny explains carefully, eyes crinkling as he looks at the man.
"She will turn into a ghost and come back. Anger may be stronger than love, but love is one of the main emotions one will form in the Infinity Realms."
Victor exhales shakily, breath tinted white from the cold.
"The same will happen to me if I depart to amity park?"
"Yes." The halfa nods. "You will be exposed to ectoplasm like every other civilian there, but unlike here with Nora, my parents will make sure you understand every little thing about this process."
"And if she does come back as a ghost... how long...?"
Danny bites his lip. "I'm not sure. Once her ghost forms, she will be under my protection, many know to not go against me. She will learn of her new culture and then of the traditions."
He explains slowly, making sure Mr. Fries is concentrated and on line with every word he tells.
"Her memories will slowly trickle in, but she will remember and most likely go and find you."
Victor, the ever careful man he is, tilts his head. "How will she come back?"
"My parents again, they have a portal. She will be led to it by associates and friends safely. You will meet her at Amity Park, that's why I suggested moving in the first place. She won't be strong enough to leave amity at first."
"Why me? Why us? This program is not public, and you can not possibly be joking either."
"Valid," Danny shrugs at his gaze. "Call it fondess or maybe attachment, but Nora really grew on me despite... not being very expressive."
(They talked for so so long, until Victor Fries aka Mr. Freeze finally agreed and left.
Danny gave them the privacy needed for their temporary goodbye, he would help them, he'd promised so.
And Phantom doesn't break promises.
So he helps Mr. Fries escape Gotham, made sure he arrived at the meeting place with Jazz, and gave updates on Nora in her cryochamber.
He would buy flowers for her, talk, throw jokes, despite no answer.
Aunt Nora's life would flicker at a time, and sooner than later, Danny knew her time was up.
He left when Victor came back, got her out of her sleep, and held her for her last moments. He was here when Victor departed again, ready to prepare his new apartment at Amity for Nora's arrival.
He felt unbridled happiness when the news came back months later that Nora managed to get back. She became a winter spirit like he is, more alive than she was in the last live.
Danny was happy for the Fries family.)
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bigfatbreak · 2 years
Birds of a Feather
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kitamars · 6 months
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a mimir
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kinghermitcrab · 1 year
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it's over, kid [CRIMSON BLAZE FIST]
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batsplat · 2 months
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Jerez 2005 | Misano 2019: Valentino Rossi and Marc Marquez celebrate victory on enemy soil amid booing from the spectators
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dizzybizz · 6 months
can i interest you in some of my ryuu screenshots.. a bit of a ryuu appreciation post if you will...
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his design is so .. simple n kinda basic but he has so much charm,, i'm endlessly charmed by him it's literally so embarrassing... he is just very endearing and cute 👉👈 what a polite young man
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and here is me trying to get a clean screenshot of this pose without the dialogue box, a saga:
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i'm sad to say that this saga has no real conclusion (yet...) the wind-up animation is long enough for him to start babbling so i'm doubtful i will ever capture the screenshot i want. anyway i love this guy more than i could've ever prepared myself for 😭
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(continuation to writing prompt #7)
(#) = Notes at the end of post
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Jason catches him before he hits the ground, quickly slings him over his shoulders, and redraws his pistol in a matter of seconds before he's bolting down the street. His eyes scan the rooftops for any snipers but can't find evidence of anything aside from a brief flash of white. He's almost to his closest safehouse and in the clear when he's bodily tackled to the ground, Danny tossed from his shoulders and to the pavement with him. He manages to flip himself and his assailant over enough to give the man in white a sharp right hook to the temple and knocks him out cold.
More white suits are running down the street towards him, so he shoulders Danny's considerably light weight again and books it away from his original destination. No point in having a safehouse if it's discovered. Defeats the whole point of having one in the first place. As he's booking it down the street and taking as many random turns as possible, he hears several sets of footsteps hot on his trail, some of them shouting orders back and forth to each other. He barely dodges another dart headed towards his leg before he's had enough. He didn't like the odds of fighting multiple opponents while also having to protect his passenger, so he caves and connects the comm-line to any of the bats out and about tonight and immediately gets a response from Oracle and the Big Bat himself.
"Hood, what's the situation? You're moving awfully fast. You don't normally call in." He's panting so hard with how fast he's running, it's a miracle he gets anything out.
"Hey, O. Being pursued by an organized group. Have an injured passenger they desperately want and I might be a plus to the package. Passenger shows signs of being experimented on."
"Do you recognize your assailants? Any identifying features?" Ah, there's Bats.
"Everyone's wearing a white suit and they have snipers with drugged darts. Passenger is out cold after getting hit with one. Caught him in the middle of him running and he seemed convinced that I was just as in danger as he was."
Batman swears on the other end and proceeds to call in Red Robin and Nightwing while Oracle takes over the conversation again.
"Batman's not far out. Can you give your tail the slip to meet up with them?"
Still hearing the collection of footsteps behind him, he answers back, "Negative. The behavior of Passenger leads me to believe they have some sort of tracker. I've taken as many twists and turns I could think of, still haven't lost them." He grits his teeth at what he says next, shoving his pride down as deep as he could.
"I need backup."
A new voice enters the comm in the form of Nightwing. "And you'll get it. Bats and I are headed in your direction. ETA is about seven minutes. Think you can string them long enough for us to get the drop on them?"
Hood huffs an approximation of a chuckle in his ragged state. "I'll try my best. I've been running for while now and I'm about out of steam. Luckily, Passenger's pretty light for his size."
He grunts as he nearly trips over a plank of busted plywood in the next alley he exits, but regains his footing just as fast. He's getting really sick of these white suits. He would've grappled up to the nearest roof if he didn't already know a few of them were already in pursuit from up there too. He's been leading this goose chase so long he's even getting close to the Bowery. Maybe he can lose them there. Gaining a bit of a second wind, he puts a little boost in his speed, silently apologizing to Danny over the bumpy ride. He figures he'd prefer a few extra bruises from a less than gentle getaway than being captured by whoever these creeps in white were though.
He manages to get a couple of streets into the Bowery before his pursuers seem to have had enough with the chase. There's an inaudible order shouted from one white suit to another before Hood hears a sound akin to a laser before he feels a shot of burning pain in his back. He tumbles forward again, this time tucking Danny into his chest as best he could so he didn't go flying like last time. He rolls a few times before landing with a still unconscious Danny flat on the ground and him hovering protectively over him. Whatever they used to knock him out must be strong if not even a second throw to the ground wakes him up.
Hood gasps at the burning pain as he feels around the back of his jacket with one hand. He immediately finds a patch of scorched leather, the material extremely hot to the touch. He curses as he shrugs it off and tosses it to the side. He can always get a new one, he reasons. Right now, he needs to get back up and start running again, but not before leaving a little present. Once he's without his helmet, he books it once again down the street and keeps an ear out for the white suits, waiting for them to get close enough before he presses a hidden button and blows up the street. Hopefully a few of them got caught by the blast.
"Hood, what was that sound!? Everything alright?" Red Robin suddenly yelled over the comms.
"All good. Just left the white suits a little gift. Turns out they have blasters and they hurt like a bitch." He griped. "What's your ETA now?"
"Not much longer. All of us can see the smoke from the explosion. How's your passenger during all this?"
"He's been knocked around a bit and still unconscious. He needs a serious medical eval once all of this is over. He had a few stitches pop before this stupid chase even started." He said as he ducked around the corner to avoid another laser blast.
"I'm running on empty at this point. You guys better get your asses over here before I blow up more than just my helmet-" He feels a sudden sharp jab in his shoulder and turns to find a white dart with the letters G.I.W. printed on it.
"What's wrong?" Batman immediately asked.
"The darts. I've been hit." Almost immediately, he feels sluggish and dizzy.
He stumbles to a stop, propping himself up against the brick wall of the nearest building. Overwhelming nausea took over as he nearly dropped to his knees.
"Shit shit shit shit," His words came out slurred. His grip on Danny loosened, the guy sliding down to lay limply on the ground. "Guys... if you're gonna show up... now would be a really good time."
He eventually downgraded to sitting on the ground, back against the wall with Danny still unconscious at his side. His vision was so blurry at this point it was a wonder he could see anything. Regardless of his drugged state, he tried his best to keep a sharp eye on all entrances on the street. Eventually tho, his eyes landed on the dart that caused his current predicament, the letters on it steadily swimming into focus.
"G... I.W."
"What? Hood, are you alright?" Red Robin responded, heavy concern in his voice.
"Look for... federal agencies with the acronym G.I.W." He said at barely a mumble.
"Hood? Little Wing, hey! We need you to stay awake, buddy."
"Too... too tired." He could barely keep himself upright, much less keep his eyes open. Staying awake was a little much to ask.
"No no no no. Come on, Little Wing. We're almost to you. Hang on a few more minutes."
Jason didn't have the energy to respond.
"Red Hood, answer me!" Batman's gruff voice rang in his head with how loud it sounded right now. "Jason!"
Is it just him or does Bruce sound panicked? Something about that didn't seem right. Why would Batman be panicked?
Panicked... Panic... Panic?
His eyes shot back open as he sluggishly caught a few white suits in his line of sight walking steadily closer. The drug was still working heavily through his system, but he had just enough clarity to do something he never thought he'd be forced to do.
"Sorry, guys. I'm just gonna... have to trust you to find me... Okay?" His voice cracked on the last word as he slowly searched the collar of his kevlar shirt.
Finding what he was looking for, he pressed the panic button he'd installed for crazy reasons like this. Crazy reasons like being kidnapped. An internal tracker he installed in himself(1) was brought to life as soon as he pressed the hidden switch. His location should be being broadcasted to every Bat in the city and a few of his Outlaw friends. With it being internal, it can't be taken, damaged, or interrupted. He specifically designed it himself to withstand anything he could think of. Once it turned on and he at least had that assurance, he finally succumbed to the drug and felt himself go limp despite his family frantically calling his name. The static of a radio communicator buzzed somewhere above his head as a white suit approached.
"Agent O, come in. Prepare another cell at HQ. Whatever Phantom is, this thing seems to give off similar energy. We can probably learn something from it since Phantom refuses to talk." He said as he toed roughly at Jason's boot.
Whatever was said in response was lost on him as his hearing cut out and his vision faded to black.
Wow. That was a doozy to write.
I've seen a lot of fics where Danny is rescued by the Bats from the GIW almost right away and everything works out from there, but I wanted to see one where he wasn't. Might as well throw Jason in there too. Why? Because angst. It's one of the things I'm good at apparently.
(1) What if his death at the hands of the Joker and Batman's late arrival gave Jason a certain paranoia/fear of not being found if he was ever taken/hidden again? About not being found in time/never found again? I think he'd take precautions. So much angst with this idea too.
People who wanted tagged?
@undead-essence @someonebored0100 @dxrksong @somera-rubina @wolfeyedwitch @little-pondhead @entity-of-the-rift
I think that's everyone? I'm not used to tagging people yet, so forgive me if I missed your username!
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feelo-fick · 7 days
lies down. so im making chilaios webweave and i am sort of dying because i can only include so much but also......... theres so much i want to say about them..... so many songs and poems that fit..... kill me. i havent even included the mimicry parts. I HAVENT EVEN INCLUDED THE NEVER ENDING CYCLES PARTS. im doomed
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absowution · 6 months
Thinking of tiny Enver, following helplessly along as he's dragged through the streets by a strong, unrelenting grip. It was the middle of the night when the warlock came for him, darkening the Flymm's doorstep. The only time his mother made a fuss when they handed over their son, sparking a light of hope in Enver's heart that they might've changed their mind, was to ask the warlock if he'd counted the amount of gold correctly. After that they were right as rain.
As the trade concluded his mother never looked at him once.
The moment the door to Flymm's Cobblers closed shut behind them with a sense of finality, his fate well and truly sealed, Enver Flymm's mind was running miles a minute. Thoughts of escape had occurred to him, of course, but even if he were to manage to overpower a warlock twice his size and make a run for it, where would he go? His parents just sold him. If he went back they'd kick him right out the door again, screaming and yelling over what he'd done. He turns his options around in his head repeatedly, but he can't think well when his heart is trying to jump its way up his throat.
They're halfway through the Lower City when the grip on his arm suddenly loosens. He could barely hear a thing at first - the city uncharacteristically quiet even for such late hours. Then, there is a sickening squelch followed by a slight thud as the warlock drops dead to the ground. He sees the vague silhouette of someone on top of the body, a smaller creature dripping with blood as it tears through flesh. It's too dark to see a face, but there is something animalistic about its movements. Either it doesn't notice Enver, or it doesn't care.
Whoever or whatever wild thing it was is gone just as fast. By some God's mercy, it passed right by him.
Enver is left alone with the mangled remains of the man who bought him, whose pockets he rifles through for gold and valuables before disappearing from the scene of the crime. Without a home he has to put his mind to work living on the streets, toiling and climbing his way steadily up so as not to ever be so powerless again. It's not a way of life that comes without soiling your hands, but sometimes the messiest deeds are the cleanest, and vice versa. Stabbed backs and broken souls are left behind in the process when you need a stepping stone or two. He will rob as many people of their freedom as necessary to preserve his own because a miracle like that will never happen again. Even so he is admired. Respected. The people of Baldur's Gate support him now in a way they never would have before.
Years pass but it's impossible to forget what granted him this chance to forge connections and climb his way up to become unreachable in the first place. However oblivious it might have been back then that murderous creature freed him, and while there is little to go on in terms of finding it again he'll never forget the debt he owes.
(It grows into an obsession.)
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enbysiriusblack · 10 months
wolfstar dates includes james potter. he's their moral support/third wheel/wing man
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razziematazz · 2 months
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the worst qualities of a cat vs the best cat in the world
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