#'you ever want to do this again... i'm hiring. and you can bring the art thief' literally proposing
zimszim · 4 months
the frame-up job is such a good episode in general but from sterling's pov. its stunning. he's watching his old partner who he has an intellectual hard-on for and his new hot thief girlfriend who is also insanely intelligent flirt w each other and generally be super hot in front of him ......... rough night for ppl w a thing for competence
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sissylittlefeather · 7 months
I wrote something!!!
I'm not sure if it's any good, but the writer's block passed long enough for me to get this one done. I hope you enjoy it!
Hot for Teacher
A/N: an AU in which you and Elvis are teachers at a high school together. Special thanks to @ccab for helping me come up with the idea for this one! Also, this is a slow burn, but the payout is worth it, I hope!
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI!, kissing, cussing, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), p in v sex, unprotected sex, ejaculation, also some baby talk during sex kinda?
Word count: ~5.5k
It's 1965, so this is our Mr. Presley:
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You'd been the art teacher at Central High School for almost five years when they hired a new choir director in 1965. You were sad when Mrs. Sparks retired because she had been your director when you went to the school, but you were curious about who they were going to bring in. When you found out it was a man, you were definitely shocked. You didn't know men could teach in a school as anything other than a coach, but the principal assured you he was qualified.
When you see him on the first day, you almost drop all the art supplies you're carrying. He is the most attractive man you've ever seen in your life. When he notices you struggling with the armful of supplies, he runs over to help.
"Can I take some of this for ya, honey?" His southern accent is as smooth as butter and you're glad he's there to catch the supplies as you almost drop them again. He takes a bulk of them from your arms and then gestures for you to lead the way to the classroom. Once inside, you show him where he can unload the supplies. He walks over to you and extends his hand.
"I'm Mr. Presley, Elvis Presley. I'm the new choir director." You take his hand and shake it slowly.
"I'm Miss Y/l/n, art teacher."
"Miss not Mrs.?" He looks at you sweetly.
"Yeah, just Miss." You make a conscious effort not to look down at your feet, but his gaze is so soft that it makes you nervous.
"Well, it looks like we'll be sharing a hallway, Miss Y/l/n. Nice to meet you." He smiles and your stomach clenches. His blue eyes and perfect smile make the blush rise in your cheeks. You aren't used to being in the presence of such an attractive man.
"Yeah. Thanks for helping me." It sounds dumb but it's all you can get out.
"You're welcome! Well, I better head back to my room. If I need any help, can I bother you again?" You nod to let him know he can bother you whenever he wants. Then, he backs out of the room smiling and heads down the hallway.
At the beginning of the second week of school, he pokes his head into your room just as you're getting ready to walk to the teachers' lounge for lunch. You've seen him in the hall a couple of times, but there hasn't been much to your conversations beyond politeness and brief answers to his questions about the school.
"This might sound silly, but where do you eat lunch?" You noticed that he hasn't been eating in the lounge, but you never guessed it's because he doesn't know where it is.
"In the lounge. It's on the second floor in the sophomore hall."
"Oh. Do you mind if I come with you?" You look up at him. Is he asking to eat lunch with you? No. Surely he just wants to know where the lounge is.
"Yeah, sure!" He nods and smiles, almost seeming relieved that you said yes. You grab your lunch box and walk with him up the back stairs to the lounge. You assume that once you get there, he'll sit somewhere away from you, but he doesn't. He settles in right next to you and starts to unload his food.
"How long have you been here?"
"This is my fifth year."
"Did you teach somewhere before this?"
"Nope. This is my only school."
"So you're, what, 26?"
"28. I went to graduate school before I started teaching." You're not sure why your age matters, but the more you talk, the more comfortable you get with him. He's very easy to talk to because it feels like he's really listening.
"This is my 8th year teaching, but I started at a bigger school as an assistant director."
"How are you liking it here?" He smiles and the conversation continues through lunch.
He walks you back to your classroom and thanks you for helping him find the lounge.
"Same time tomorrow?" He asks when you reach your door.
"Oh, yeah, sure." You're not sure why he's so excited to eat lunch with you, but you're not complaining. He's so cute and surprisingly good company.
When the kids make their way into the room, you hear a group of girls whispering and catch pieces of the conversation. You definitely hear "Mr. Presley" and something about wearing a short skirt. At first, you roll your eyes, but then you say a quick prayer that he's not one of those teachers.
Your lunchtime together becomes a ritual and before too long, you both come to expect each other's company while you eat. One day, you have to stay in your room while a group of girls works on a project. He pokes his head in to pick you up for your walk to the lounge, but you gesture to the girls.
"No lunch date today?" He asks, disappointment in his voice. Your mouth pops open at the word date, but you close it quickly. However, the group of girls definitely notice both his use of the word and your reaction. They look at each other and giggle.
"No, I'm sorry. I have to stay with them."
"Yeah, I should be available."
"Good!" He smiles and backs out of the room.
As soon as he's gone, the girls elbow each other trying to get the other one to talk. Finally, one pipes up.
"Miss Y/l/n, are you dating Mr. Presley?" You feel your cheeks get hot.
"No. I'm absolutely not."
"Why not? If he looked at me like that, I would!" They erupt into a cascade of giggles and your cheeks get even hotter.
How does he look at you? Surely, they're just seeing things.
It doesn't take long for the rumors to start flying around the school about you and Mr. Presley. You finally hear one that makes you blush and you decide to talk to him and see what he has to say about them. When you walk to his room after school, he's sitting at the piano and there's a group of girls all fighting for his attention. He's trying to get them to focus on whatever they're supposed to be practicing, but they're too busy trying to flirt. At first, you get a little nervous that he's feeding into their efforts, but it doesn't take you long to realize he's not just oblivious, he's annoyed by them.
"Girls, let's go back to the beginning." He practically hollers just before he sees you in the doorway. He instantly stands up, towering over the heads of the teen girls, and smiles at you. They all stop tittering and turn to see what earned this reaction from him. When they see that it's you, they completely fall apart laughing.
He looks around at them confused and ushers them away from the piano to get their things and leave the classroom. Just as she's leaving, the last girl snickers.
"We'll just leave you two alone, then." He looks up at her suddenly and then back to you.
"What was that all about?"
"You haven't heard? Apparently you and I are doing all kinds of unspeakable things when the students leave." Now it's his turn to blush and look at his shoes.
"I try really hard not to listen to what they say about me." You hadn't considered how hard it might be for him to be taken seriously looking the way he does. He looks back up at you, the little piece of hair on his forehead bouncing with the movement.
"What should we do about it?" You ask.
"Well, we could just make the rumors true." He smiles devilishly and you inhale sharply. "I'm kidding, y/n."
That's the first time he's called you by your first name. You honestly wonder how he knows it. You're also completely caught off guard by the obvious flirtation of his last statement.
"I'm sorry. I've just found that the best way to deal with this is to joke about it or ignore it completely. Trying to deny it just makes them talk more. Trust me on this."
"Okay. If that's what you think is best." He walks over to you and you feel like he's trying hard not to touch you.
"It'll blow over. They'll be bored soon and move on to some other rumor." You nod and look up at him. There's an undeniable energy between you, but you choose to ignore it. You walk away and head for the door of his classroom. "It'll be fine."
"Thanks. I'll see you later." You head back to your classroom, nerves lit up like a Christmas tree. Was he kidding?
You continue like this for the next few months, eating lunch together and hanging out in each other's classrooms after school. Eventually the rumors cool, but they still come up every once in a while. You learn to ignore them and the giggling that happens any time Mr. Presley sticks his head into your classroom to ask a question. But you still haven't learned to call him Elvis, despite him asking you to regularly. When you're alone, he calls you by your first name. There are several more occasions that feel specifically flirty, but they're never overt enough for you to know whether he's serious or not.
In the spring, he decides to take his competition choir to a contest in Florida. He needs a female chaperone, so he asks you if you'll go with them. You're not sure how you feel about spending a weekend on the beach with 20 high school kids and this man that you can't stop thinking about, but you decide to say yes when he comes practically begging with his big blue eyes.
"Please, y/n, I really need a female teacher to come with us. Everything is paid for. It'll be fun."
"Okay, but where exactly are we going?" You ask tentatively. His eyes start to sparkle when you say okay.
"Fort Lauderdale. There's a big choir festival there every year. And the kids get some beach time. It'll be great."
"Beach time? We have to chaperone them on the beach?" He laughs.
"Nah, we'll let them run wild for that part." You reach out and shove him playfully without thinking. That's the first time you've ever really touched him and there's definitely something there that makes your heart skip a little. He gives you a look that seems to indicate that he felt something similar. There's a moment where you're looking at each other before his classroom door opens and the principal walks in, breaking whatever was between you.
"Mr. Presley, did you find a female chaperone for your trip?"
"I did! Miss y/l/n has agreed to come with us." The principal looks between you for a second and then shrugs.
"Sounds good. Just make sure you keep the kids safe, keep them out of trouble, and bring back a trophy." She turns and walks out, leaving you alone with him again. You look back at him and raise your eyebrows.
"Guess there's no backing out now."
"Nope." He smiles and you almost melt. Why does he have to be so attractive?
When it comes time for the big beach trip, you pack your most modest bathing suit and head up to the school to get on the bus. You're nervous about how you'll handle being the only two adults with 20 teenagers. You're also nervous about spending so much time with Mr. Presley away from school. Until now, you've never seen him outside the four walls of the high school. You settle in the front seat with your bag tucked up underneath you, assuming he'll sit in another seat. But he doesn't. He sits right next to you.
"Good morning!" His proximity makes your stomach flip flop.
"Hi, Mr. Presley." He sighs.
"Elvis, please. You can call me Elvis." You nod, but have no intention of calling him by his first name. He stands up and gives the kids some announcements and rules to follow before the bus pulls out. The drive is long, so you get comfortable and look out the window.
Once you're on the road, the conversation flows naturally between you and the time passes quickly. The kids are well-behaved when you stop for lunch, so you relax quite a bit about your chaperone duties.
When you roll into the hotel around dinner time, you're all ready to get some food and relax in your rooms. The kids need a good night of sleep before the competition tomorrow morning and beach time in the afternoon. He orders pizza for the group and everyone makes their way to their rooms to eat. You check on all the girl rooms while he walks around to the boy rooms and you meet back in the middle at your rooms. He has a pizza for you to share.
"You wanna eat in my room or yours?" You didn't think about the fact that you'd need to be in one room to share the food.
"Um, let's do your room." He smiles and opens the door for you to walk in before him. Then, he walks to the bed and sits on the edge, patting the bedspread next to him. You plop down next to him and grab a slice of pizza from the box. He grabs a slice too and sets the box down on his other side.
"We've had lunch together a lot, but this is our first dinner date. I wish it was a little fancier." He smiles and holds up his pizza. There it is again, the word date. Does he want to date you? You take a few more bites of pizza trying to work up the courage to ask. He seems to know what you're thinking, though, and addresses it before you can.
"Y'know, y/n, I wouldn't mind taking you out to a real dinner sometime." He swallows hard and looks down at his pizza. It's almost like you make him nervous too. You take a deep breath and then answer.
"I'd like that." He looks up at you quickly, a relieved smile on his face.
"You would?"
"Mhmm." You nod, smiling back at him. As you finish eating, you talk about different restaurants in town that you could go to when he takes you out. After the meal, you talk for a while before you decide to head to bed. At the door, you turn to thank him for the meal and before you know it, he's pressing his lips against yours, with his arms around your waist. You're shocked, but it doesn't take you long to wrap your arms around his neck. You stay like this for a while before he pulls back and presses his forehead to yours.
"I've wanted to do that for a long time."
You're still in shock that he kissed you. Asking you out was one thing, this was something else entirely. Still, there's a big part of you that wants him to keep kissing you. The fact that you're in a hotel room becomes glaringly obvious and for half a second you forget that you're there to chaperone teenagers. But it comes screaming back to you when there's a knock on the door. He jumps backwards away from you and hides you behind the door as he opens it.
"Mr. Presley, we were wondering if there was any extra pizza?" It's a group of boys that are apparently still hungry. He grabs the pizza from his bed and walks back to the door, handing it to the guys. Once the door is closed, he looks at you with a big sigh of relief.
"That was close."
"Yeah. I should get back to my room." He nods and peeks out the door to make sure the hallway is clear. You move quickly toward the door but he grabs you one last time and plants another kiss on your lips before you can stop him.
"Elvis!" You hiss as you break away from him and sneak over to your door.
"You called me Elvis!" He stands there with a crooked grin on his face as you blush and make your way into your room.
"Goodnight!" He whispers as you nod and close the door to your room, leaning against the back of it breathing heavily. Everything that just happened feels like a dream and you're not sure where to go from here.
A not-small part of you imagines slipping back into his room later once you're certain everyone is asleep. But you shake your head to get rid of that idea. Just because he kissed you doesn't mean he wants you in his bed. Does he?
Oh well. You won't find out this weekend. You wash your face and put on your pajamas. Tomorrow should be interesting.
The contest in the morning goes really well and the kids are proud to get a trophy for second place. They perform well and you can tell Elvis is proud. He's beaming when he comes to you after the awards ceremony and wraps you in a hug. It takes about thirty seconds for you both to realize that the students are looking at you.
They elbow each other and whisper, so he lets go quickly and corrals them back to the bus to go back to the hotel before their beach time. You stand there in awe for a minute before you take up the back of the line and make sure everyone makes it where they belong.
Once you get to the beach, the kids spread out and claim spots on the sand. You lay out your towel where you can be sure to keep an eye on them and then take off your cover up. You feel eyes on you and look over to see Elvis standing and watching you.
"Is this spot taken?" He asks, gesturing to the ground next to you.
"Nope. I saved it just for you." He laughs and sets out a towel next to yours. He has on scandalously small shorts and a small button down. You try not to stare as he sits down.
"That is a bold outfit choice." You say jokingly.
"What? It's what I wear to swim!" He tries to defend himself.
"You trying to impress these 17 year old girls?"
"No, I'm trying to impress you." He almost whispers. You look up and meet his blue eyes, and you feel like if you don't look away, he'll lean in and kiss you right there on the beach.
"Well, it's working." You whisper back as you look out to the water. He smiles and looks over to where the kids are.
"I could say the same thing about your bathing suit. You trying to drive these boys insane?" You snap your head over to him incredulously.
"I guarantee you they don't notice-"
"I hear what they say about you. I'm not the only one with a crush." You feel your cheeks get hot.
"Oh, stop."
"I'm serious. You really think that many boys are interested in art?" You have noticed an unusual number of boys in your classes. Is he right?
"I never thought-"
"You're a beautiful woman, y/n. I can't say that I blame them." If it weren't for the kids you'd tackle him right then and there. You've never made love on a beach, but he's making you think about it.
"Careful. We have a job to do here. You're distracting me." You say it playfully, but you're more serious than you sound.
"Good. The kids have to sleep eventually." He runs his finger down your arm softly, and you get goosebumps. There's an undeniable electricity in his touch.
The rest of the day is spent like this, with whispered flirtation and stolen touches. By the time the sun is setting and it's time to head back to the hotel, you're both so turned on that you're not sure how you're going to make it through dinner without jumping on him.
Somehow, you survive dinner at a decent seafood place close by. He wrinkles his nose when you order shellfish and you mock him endlessly when he orders chicken. But it just continues the game you've been playing since the night before. By now, the kids have to have noticed how sexually charged you both are. But if they do, they don't say anything or do anything to indicate that they do. They're too wrapped up in their own teenage melodramas to pay attention to their teachers.
When you get back to the hotel after dinner, you make sure everyone is securely in their rooms and then head back to your own room.
He looks both ways down the hallway to make sure you're alone and then pulls you into a deep kiss, this time parting your lips with his and sliding his tongue into your mouth. He presses your body up against your hotel room door and rolls his hips into you.
"I've been trying so hard not to do that all day." He whispers into your mouth after he pulls back. You whimper a little bit and he kisses you again.
"Elvis, we can't do this. Not here."
"No, you're right. I just needed to kiss you." He kisses your forehead and then pulls away from you, looking at the ceiling. He rearranges his pants, so that his erection is less obvious.
"Goodnight, y/n. I'll see you in the morning." He moves back to his door and opens it with the key. You open your door and you both walk in, closing the doors behind you.
In your room, you walk to the bed and sit down, sighing. You'd give just about anything to be in a hotel room with him not chaperoning kids.
You lay on your bed fully clothed for close to an hour before you finally decide you should get ready for bed. As you're walking over to your suitcase, you're surprised to hear a soft knock on the door. You assume it's one of the girls needing something, so you walk to it quickly. When you open the door, though, it's not one of the students. It's Elvis. He walks into the room and shuts the door behind himself.
"What? Why?"
"I can't stop thinking about you." He reaches out and puts his hand on the side of your face. Then, he leans in and kisses your lips gently. He hovers over your mouth and then kisses you a second time. The third time he opens your mouth with his and his tongue grazes yours softly. He hovers again and whispers.
"Do you want me to stop?" The feeling of his lips on yours is intoxicating and you need so much more of him.
"No." He dives into kissing you fully, tongue dancing wildly against yours, and hands wrapping around your midsection to grab your ass and pull you into him. Your arms immediately go around his neck, as he pulls at your clothing. He drags your shirt up over your head and off and you desperately tear at the buttons on his. He starts to walk backwards toward the bed, removing his shirt and shoes as he goes, but never letting his lips leave yours. You follow him, reaching behind your back to unhook your bra and toss it to the side.
When you get to the bed, he sits on the edge and you climb on top of him, straddling him where he sits, your naked skin pressed against each other. You make out like this for a while, feeling his erection pushing against you through his pants, before he stands up with you wrapped around him, turns, and lays you back on the bed with him on top of you. As he's kissing down your neck to your chest, he whispers again.
"You're sure this is what you want, because I'm about to hit a point where there's no stopping." You smile and nod your head.
"Yes. Don't stop." You feel him smile against your skin as his tongue circles your nipple, his fingers pinching and teasing the other. His hand grasps your side as he continues to kiss down your body to the spot between your bellybutton and the top of your pants. He removes your pants and underwear together, pulling them gently down your legs and revealing the most intimate part of you to him. Then, he kisses your ankle before sliding his hands up both of your legs, settling himself between them.
"Goddamn, you're beautiful." You've never heard him cuss before, but something about it makes your core throb. He slowly drags a finger up your slit and finds the sensitive spot at the top. "And you're already so wet for me, baby."
He starts to massage your clit and you moan and arch your back. You've never known a man to make you come so undone with just his hand. He slides his finger back down and pushes it into you, moving it in and out before adding a second finger. That's when he leans over and presses his tongue to your clit and you almost scream. He moves it over and around the hardened bud as he slams his fingers in and out of you quickly. You feel the coil of your orgasm tighten as he continues to lick you and fuck you with his hand. He feels your walls flutter and whispers into your clit.
"Come for me, baby." The subtle vibration of his voice is the last thing you need to push you over the edge and you dive into oblivion, your toes curling as the waves of pleasure rush from your core out to your extremities and back again.
"Oh, God, Elvis." You moan as you ride out the high of your orgasm. He kisses your hip and slides his fingers out of you, wiping his face as he moves back up your body.
"How was that, baby?"
"That was incredible. Don't tell me you're finished?"
"Oh, baby, I'm just getting started." He takes your hand and puts it on his hardened member and you begin to stroke him through his pants. He undoes the clasp and slides them down and you're surprised to see he isn't wearing any underwear, so his cock bounces free easily. You're not sure what you expected, considering the rest of him is perfection, but his cock is beautiful. It's uncut, long, and straight and it makes your mouth water just looking at it. But you'll have to taste it another time because he doesn't waste a second lining himself up with your entrance.
"Are you ready for me?" He kisses your mouth again.
"God, yes, please." He nods and pushes into you, slowly filling you up. The sensation is delicious and you whimper because he's going so slow.
"Your little pussy is desperate for me, huh?" He smiles and you nod aggressively.
"Well, she's going to have to wait." He teases and starts to pull back out.
"No! Please!" He laughs a little at how needy you are.
"Alright, baby can have what she wants." He pushes into you swiftly and deeply, stuffing you to the hilt. This time you moan together.
"Goddamn, you feel so good. So tight and wet for me." He kisses your neck and starts to pump in and out of you passionately. His hips slam into yours rhythmically as his balls slap your ass. You've never felt anything so satisfying and you wrap your legs around him to make sure he doesn't stop any time soon.
"Yes, fuck me." It slips out of your mouth before you can stop it and he laughs again.
"Baby has a dirty mouth. Maybe she needs to be punished." He pulls out of you and moves your legs from around him, turning you over onto your stomach. He pushes your legs together and finds your pussy, slipping into you from behind. Then, he slides one hand up under you to rub your clit, grabbing your hair and pulling gently with the other. He kisses the back of your neck and shoulder as he continues to fuck you, finger making circles on your sensitive nub.
"How's that, baby?" All you can get out is a moan and a whimper. It feels so good and you're right on the brink of another climax. The feeling of his dick inside you and hand working your clit is almost overwhelming. Two more thrusts and you tumble over the edge again, electricity bubbling in your veins as you come hard.
"Yes, Elvis! Fuck!" You say it through gritted teeth. Your orgasm seems to send him over the edge too and he pulls out quickly pumping his cock until his release shoots out all over your ass and back.
"Fuck, yes, baby, that's so good." He moans as he comes on you. Then, he rolls over onto his back next to you and you prop your head up with your arms.
"I'm sorry; I really intended to turn you back over, but I didn't make it." He smiles at you sheepishly.
"I'm not complaining. That might be the hottest thing that's ever happened to me."
He rolls off the bed and fetches a washcloth from the bathroom to clean you up. You turn over to face him on the bed and he pulls you in close until your skin is pressed up against him again. He puts his hand on your cheek and kisses you deeply.
"I'd be lying if I said that wasn't a fantasy come true." You laugh and look into his eyes.
"It was for me too."
"Can I stay with you?" He runs his thumb across your cheek.
"What if the kids need us and we're in the same room?"
"Well, then they'll have a good story for when we return. Come on, I'll leave before anyone is awake in the morning. I just want to hold you a little longer." You can't argue with that. The feeling of his body against yours is everything you've ever wanted.
"Okay. But you have to leave really early." He smiles and snuggles into your hair.
"I promise."
The next morning, you're awakened by a knock on the door. Elvis is still wrapped around you and you're both naked.
"Miss y/l/n! We can't find Mr. Presley! Abigail is sick!"
He pops his head up when he hears his name.
"Shit shit shit!" He whispers, frantically trying to find his clothes. You glance at the clock in your state of panic. 6:27am. He should've been gone by now. You pull your robe on and he hides in the bathroom as you answer the door.
"What did you need?"
"Sorry to bother you so early. We tried knocking on Mr. Presley's door, but he didn't answer. Abigail has a fever."
"Okay, well, we will need to call her parents. We're going home today anyway, so there's not much else we can do. Thanks for letting me know."
"Do you know where Mr. Presley is?"
"Oh, he's probably just asleep."
"We knocked pretty hard..."
"I'm sure it's fine. Go on back to your room. I'll be there in a bit." You close the door and he comes out of the bathroom and wraps his arms around you.
"That was close." You sigh and lean against his chest.
"Yeah, but it was worth it." He kisses your lips gently and then goes to finish getting dressed. You start to get ready and he gives you one last kiss before sneaking back to his own room.
You make it back to the school without any other incidents. The girl with the fever is reunited with her parents and sent home. None of the other kids seem to suspect anything happened between the two of you. Once all of the students are sent home with their parents, you realize you're alone with him again.
"What are you doing tonight?" He asks, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Nothing. This wasn't just a vacation fling?"
"Not for me. Was it for you?" He looks at you worried.
"Oh, no. I was just making sure."
"Can I take you to dinner? Without the students this time?" You laugh and nod your head yes.
"I wonder how long we'll make it before the kids figure us out." He ponders out loud, taking your hand and walking you to his car.
"Oh, I'm sure there'll be new rumors about us tomorrow. Might as well make them true." You give him a sly look and a wide grin crosses his face.
"Baby, that's the best idea you've ever had."
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @ashtag6887 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows
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decadentfantasy · 8 months
Could you do MK11 Fujin, MK1 Earthrealmers (plus Syzoth and Lord Liu Kang) with a DJ/music producer reader?
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔: Syzoth, Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Kenshi Takahashi, Raiden, Kung Lao
𝑻𝑾: brief mentions of alcohol
𝑨/𝑵: i'm sorry i took so long to answer, i've been so busy with school and it's completely drained me </3 i promise i'll be active again very soon
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❥︎ Being from Outworld, Syzoth is obviously unfamiliar with your line of work. But that doesn't mean he doesn't like it, quite the contrary in fact: as I've mentioned before dance in Outworld is considered a sacred art, and such appreciatetion is extended in regards of music as well. At every important celebration there are musicians and singers, in charge of entertaining the guests all evening. In Syzoth's eyes, what you do is very similar if not the same thing exactly, you just use different means.
❥︎ If you have one of those neon DJ consoles, Syzoth is going to be enamored by it. Reptiles have four color receptors in their eyes, one more than humans, so what he sees is far more vivid than what you see.
❥︎ Accessing the club you work in isn't a problem for him, after all he can turn invisible and walk right past the bouncers. He watches you from above, clinging to the ceiling, and sees the bustling sea of people surrounding the small stage you play on, colorful lights hitting the shimmering glitter on your face. It's the most beautiful and happy he ever saw you.
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❥︎ I think it's important to mention Liu Kang lived in the '90s (his Friendship in MK11 is literally him dancing under a disco ball), he's a big fan of disco and pop music. And, despite that not exactly being your genre, he grows fond of it very quickly. After all it's your passion, it's only fair he interests himself in it at least a little.
❥︎ He likes to sit in on your recordings, especially if there are lyrics. Despite appreciating your music, he prefers the sound of your voice: he finds it sweet, caressing his ears softly. He could listen to you singing for days on end.
❥︎ Over the eons he's become increasingly good at sneaking around unnoticed, so he often goes to see you when he's not particularly busy and it's one of your quieter evenings (as quiet as a DJ can be). He doesn't want to disturb you so he just stands back, watching you from afar as you enjoy making people dance under the bright lights.
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❥︎ As a person who works in cinematic productions, Johnny deals with music producers all the time, so it's suffice to say he's not easily impressed. But, from the first time he heard you, he was hooked to you and your music. He doesn't know what it is, it could be the basses or the echoey vibe it has, but he loves the atmosphere it sets.
❥︎ He hired you on the stop after he saw you perform for the first performance, in his mind there's no other producer that can compete with your work. He has you compose and play the soundtrack for all of his movies, and some of your songs become hits thanks to him! Not to mention he brings you to a lot of his interviews and other occasions, increasing your popularity tremendously.
❥︎ When you're not busy composing, you still perform at one of the most exclusive nightclubs in Hollywood. And you better believe Johnny will attend every time he can! If he has to black out drunk, he'll do it with your music on, slowly growing to become white noise as he passes out.
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❥︎ He goes to nightclubs regularly, more out of habit than anything. He generally doesn't pay attention to the music that plays, huddled away in his VIP, but it's different when you play. He sees it in the way you move, the way you sing along to your own music: you pour so much passion into your job, he finds it contagious.
❥︎ Kenshi likes your more upbeat music, the fast-paced, bass-boosted kind. He's always been a fan of the more energetic genres, specifically synth-pop. He teaches you some Japanese words and phrases to use as lyrics, after a bit of coaxing he even relents and lets you record him for some of your pieces (much similarly to Lady Gaga's bodyguard in "Government Hooker").
❥︎ He doesn't tell you, but when you perform he takes it upon himself to look out for you. He knows how easily these events can escalate into violence, especially if there's alcohol available. He stands just behind you, watching over you from the shadows. And if nothing happens it's even better: he gets to just bask in the lovely atmosphere you create.
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❥︎ Raiden isn't that big on clubs and nightlife in general, he's a very calm person who enjoys calm places. Still, the only time Kung Lao manages to convince him he gets to see you perform and instantly feels more comfortable in what he otherwise would find to be a suffocating atmosphere.
❥︎ He asks you to play privately for him often, in the comfort of your bedroom or living room. Truthfully, he enjoys looking at you as you play more than listening to the music itself: you look so relaxed even as your hands move so quickly over your console, a sequence that seems to be engraved in your memory from how effortlessly and fluidly you carry it out.
❥︎ While he doesn't attend many of your performances, he uses the lo-fi compilation you composed for him to do basically everything when you're not around, namely cook and meditate. He makes him feel like you're right there at all times, it brings him great comfort.
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❥︎ While he can't exactly be described as a party animal, Kung Lao is still much more socially active than Raiden. Before your relationship developed to this point he was your biggest fan, doing his best to attend each and every one of your performances. He even got his t-shirt signed once, and it's the one he insists you wear when you sleep over at his place. Call him cheesy, but for him that was the fateful moment your lives crossed.
❥︎ If you were up to teach him, he'd love to learn how to play your console. It looks so complicated and cool with all its buttons, switches and levers, he has so much fun messing with them! Though he gets the worst jumpscares sometimes, making you laugh until your belly hurts. He almost doesn't mind.
❥︎ Even after you start dating he's still your biggest fan, maybe even more so than before. He's the type of boyfriend to brag about you to all of his friends, he's just so proud of you he can't keep it to himself! He especially enjoys helping you with your make-up before you go up on stage, it's an excuse to smother your face in kisses.
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mimisempai · 8 days
You're the only light in my blurry world 1/10
After a serious motorcycle accident several years ago, Aziraphale is unable to recognize the faces of people he loves, let alone those he doesn't know. 
But when he met Crowley for the first time, he's able to see his beautiful face with absolute clarity.
Though, because of the way he keeps looking at him, Crowley thinks Aziraphale doesn't like him.
Once again, I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm doing it anyway, and with conviction.
On Ao3
Rating G -  1729 words
Chap 1 - Chap 2 - Chap 3 - Chap 4
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Crowley scratched the back of his head and sighed. 
He had that strange feeling again that he had had for several weeks. 
He felt watched.
He looked up at the person who had just called out to him and saw that it was Muriel, one of his new friends.
"Do you have to work later? We'd like to have dinner together so you can get to know us."
Crowley put his brush on the easel and replied with a smile, "Works for me!"
Muriel walked away to a small group of people outside the hall door, and as soon as Muriel were gone, Crowley had the same strange feeling.
Ever since the day he'd arrived at the art class for adults, he'd felt someone watching him. The thing was, he knew who it was, but he hadn't dared bring it up yet. He was still new here and didn't want to draw more attention to himself. At least not that much.
After graduating as an astrophysicist and working several temporary jobs, Crowley had finally been hired on a permanent basis at the city's planetarium and was happy to finally settle down.
After adjusting to his new situation, he began looking for an art class, wanting to fulfill his second dream after studying stars and planets, to learn how to draw and paint.
After his father left her for another woman, it was his mother who raised him, sacrificing everything for Crowley's studies. Obviously, the family budget didn't allow for extras like an art class, and Crowley had waited patiently.
Three weeks ago he had discovered that there was an evening art class not far from his home and had applied. So far he'd enjoyed it. The art teacher knew how to make his class interesting and the group consisted of pretty nice people.
Except for...
"Even though it's the middle of the year, I'm happy to welcome a new member to the class."
Crowley stepped into the middle of the group of about twenty people, all seated in front of easels, and approached the art teacher, who continued, "Anthony Crowley, you may introduce yourself, okay?"
Crowley turned to the small group and said with a friendly smile, "Hello everyone, my name is Anthony Crowley, but I prefer to be called Crowley. I started working at the planetarium a few weeks ago where I give lectures and teach classes for 8-15 year olds. I-"
He was rudely interrupted by a crash and turned his head to where the noise had come from to see that an easel had been knocked over as one of the class members had just gotten up. The first thing that struck Crowley was the slightly old-fashioned way the guy was dressed, especially the curly blond hair that formed a kind of halo around his head. 
As the other members of the class chuckled slightly, the clumsy fellow who had dropped his easel stammered, "Ah... uh... sorry, I'm sorry."
Instead of sitting down, however, he remained standing, glaring at Crowley, who wondered what the hell was wrong with him.
Probably another lunatic.
"So, Crowley, what can you tell us about yourself?"
Crowley snapped out of his thoughts and forgot about the clumsy guy as he replied, "It's a small group, everyone will know me soon enough."
The professor laughed and replied, "You're not wrong," then pointed to an empty seat two rows in front of the odd guy. 
As Crowley sat down, his seatmate asked, "Wow, your hair color is just gorgeous. Do you dye it yourself?"
Crowley smiled and shook his head before answering, "No, it's a friend who dyes my hair."
"Oh, could you give me their number?"
"I'll give you the address of her hair salon."
The person in front of him turned around and asked, "Why are you taking these classes?"
"I've always wanted to draw."
"That's cool!"
Then they turned to the one who had asked Crowley about his hair and smirked as they said, "Don't tell me you want the same hair color as Crowley?"
"Hell no!"
"I'm relieved because it wouldn't suit you at all. My little blonde darling."
However, during the happy conversation, Crowley had a strange feeling.
Like he was being watched.
He turned to see the guy who'd dropped his easel staring at him again, then looking away as soon as their eyes met.
The stares had not stopped since it happened three weeks ago.
As he joined his new friends, Crowley couldn't help but look back.
Eric, seeing this, put his hand on his arm and asked, "Hey, what are you looking at?"
Crowley shook his head and replied, "Nothing, I just remembered something weird." He then shook his head and continued, "So, what were you talking about?"
Muriel looked sad and replied, "It breaks my heart to know you weren't listening.
Crowley laughed and replied, "Sorry, sorry."
Still, he could feel the stare and it was beginning to annoy him a lot.
Crowley replied to his new friends, "Look, I have to do something, so I'll meet you at the restaurant, okay?"
"Ah? Okay, let's go then!"
"See ya!"
Aziraphale, packing his things into his bag, didn't see Crowley coming toward him and was startled when he called out, "Hey, mate! What's the matter, you got a problem with me?"
Aziraphale, more than a little surprised, stammered, "C-Crowley?"
The red-haired man replied in annoyance, "What? You've been watching me since I arrived in this class, but we don't know each other, do we?"
Aziraphale blushed slightly, said nothing and lowered his head, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I..."
He looked up again and felt the other man's expression soften, but Crowley insisted in a more inquisitive tone, "So, there's a problem? You got something against me?"
Aziraphale shook his head quickly and replied, "No, no! Really nothing!"
"Then if it's nothing, stop looking at me like that! It makes me super uncomfortable."
Aziraphale didn't have time to react because Crowley had turned on his heel and was walking away toward the art classroom door.
Now alone, Aziraphale muttered, "I guess he hates me, and I can't even tell him why I was looking at him..."
"James! I'm here!"
Aziraphale arrived in front of his lover, who tossed him a motorcycle helmet, which he grabbed.
James planted a light kiss on his lips before saying, "Put it on."
Then, after putting on his own helmet, he climbed on the motorcycle and said to Aziraphale, "Climb behind me and hold me tight."
Aziraphale, with butterflies in his stomach as he always did when he was with his lover, climbed on the bike, pressed himself against James' broad back, and wrapped his arms around his waist.
He asked, "Where are we going today?
His lover put his hands on Aziraphale's and playfully replied, "You'll know when we get there."
Aziraphale remembered the wind as the motorcycle accelerated, the sun on his face, his chest against his lover's back.
After that, all he could remember was hearing his name called out in James' voice.
A pool of blood beneath his hand.
The hard asphalt on his cheek.
And then, as his eyes closed, his last memory was the panicked face of his lover.
Aziraphale sighed as he left the art classroom.
"If I had known it would be the last time I saw his face..."
The first thing he remembered when he regained consciousness after the accident three years ago was his mother's voice.
Then he'd felt his mother's arms wrap around his shoulders and hug him as she cried against him.
When his mother stepped back, he finally opened his eyes after a few moments and asked, "It's weird...why is everything I see blurry?"
His mother stroked his cheek and replied, "That's normal, you were hit on the head and unconscious for three days. But you'll be fine now."
She got up to call the nurse.
"Mom, wait! What about James?"
He didn't see his mother's expression as she approached the bed. She started to speak, but tiredness was the strongest, so Aziraphale couldn't fight it and closed his eyes.
Aziraphale shook his head and said to himself, "There's no point in dwelling on the past."
Suddenly, the ringing of his cell phone brought him out of his thoughts for good.
He took his phone out of his pocket and saw that he had a text message from someone whose number he didn't know.
He slid his thumb across the screen, and as Aziraphale read the text, his heart leapt.
Hi Zira!
Long time no see!
I hope you haven't forgotten me!
I'm sorry about what happened. 
Are you free? I'd like to have dinner with you.
Received 7:00 p.m.
Aziraphale began typing a reply.
No, I'm busy right now.
Then he deleted, retyped, and finally decided not to reply. Before putting his phone back in his pocket, he looked at James' message again.
You haven't forgotten me, I hope!
Aziraphale muttered, "How could I?"
Then, seeing the front of his bookshop in the distance, he breathed a sigh of relief.
It had been an emotional evening between the Crowley discussion and his ex contacting him after three years of silence, so he was looking forward to being home soon.
He murmured, "First thing I need is a drink."
Feeling that there were only unfriendly faces around him, Aziraphale did not really ease up until he walked through the door of his haven of peace.
As soon as he closed the front door behind him, he put his things in a corner. Then he went into the back room of the bookshop, poured himself a glass of sherry and turned on the gramophone before sinking into his old armchair.
After a sip, enjoying the burn of the alcohol in his throat, he exhaled slowly and closed his eyes.
Aziraphale tried to remember James' face, but in the end, another face appeared.
Crowley's, of course.
He ran his hand over his face, cursing his karma.
An ex-lover who seemed to want to reconnect, but whose face he couldn't remember, and for whom his heart no longer beat.
An angry potential love interest who was the only face he recognized and who made him feel things he hadn't felt in a long time.
He took another sip.
"I'm doomed."
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here 
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pancaksblog · 3 months
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Mobius is both
1. A secret organization that only lets themselves be found
2. A place you can find if you're smart enough
1. An evil dark twisted corporation
2. A good old friendly time with tea parties and stuffed animals
On earth
For the love of all that is holy
Are these characters able to come up with this elaborate scheme WITH ZERO SUSPICION
I say no background checks because
Stefano literally used his murders or at least something equally grotesque and put it on display at an art gallery and everybody booed him
And they just
Let him in???
They knew Ruvik was a serial killer but I guess they were just kike
"Hmmm, that Ruvik situation messed us up, lets never monitor anyone ever again"
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"Motivational speaker" for what? For who? Why? How?
Theodore is literally such a nothing character that can't even commit to his own bit. He's supposed to be like this religious dude but then it's revealed he's not and he just wants to rule the world :/
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"Stefano, I'm aware that you are extremely self absorbed and egotistical but you must find this girl that will grant you unlimited power and bring her to me so that I can give you a little bit of power. Find this tool to give you limitless power to create the art I know you're obsessed with and is your primary motive for being here, give it to me and I will ensure you will have a fraction of it."
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taggedmemes · 11 months
SENTENCE MEME ⟶ OXVENTURE PRESENTS: DEADLANDS / ch1 always feel free to tweak the sentence to fit your muse.
'can't wait to find out what voice comes out of my mouth.'
'he's on the train because he's afraid of horses.'
'his whole deal is like, he's old.'
'it's quite tedious digging graves. i don't know if you've ever given it a go.'
'how old are you, boy?'
'it's a place for people to get drunk in an efficient a manner as possible.'
'double apple juice!'
'you old enough to make good choices?'
'threatening you? no. just trying to buy some whiskey please.'
'my gravedigger senses are going wild.'
'somebody's gonna need a grave.'
'we'll see about your pocket money later.'
'why are you so afraid of that small child?'
'you ain't seen his eyes...'
'no more digging graves for me! i'm gonna be the one putting people in graves! for money!'
'sometimes people with the most money don't like to spend it.'
'there are some folks out there that i want killed.'
'do they have to be dead?'
'i can't have that on my conscience again. i'm not sending any more people to their deaths.'
'you hire bad people to kill bad people.'
'i won't interfere. you have your methods.'
'does he look at all... corruptible?'
[threateningly] 'i'm a big fan of the arts.'
'it does look like the sort of cow that would inform of you if it could speak english.'
'you're making me a mite uncomfortable, friend.'
'you have twenty dollars? then why are you looking for work!?'
'no. but then, that is what i would say.'
'anything to avoid using a horse.'
'just to be up front with you, i have got no money. at all.'
'we get a lot of people through here intimidating me.'
'it's like riding but you can't fall off.'
'why do i have a horse?'
'how hard can it be, right?'
'what'd a horse ever do to you?'
'you know any card tricks?'
'i don't want to be rude, but i was a bit worried you had... slipped away.'
'it's mainly rocks and trees.'
'i'm more than happy to play a doddering old fool.'
'you know legally that's mine.'
'i'm not a train expert, man!'
'there's some kind of confused old man out there!'
'oh, there he goes! blaming the horses!'
'i was bein' pursued by a horse.'
'they've got it in for me. what can i say.'
'what magical kind of train is this that i can't walk across near?'
'maybe we should have worn masks.'
'i'm old and hammered.'
'your performance was bad but it /was/ extremely irritating.'
'oh, did you bring the rope?'
'i was locked in a cage for most of it.'
'we were expressly not given the code.'
'what will you do with the things? the objects? the artefacts?'
'don't make me explain the cage. the cage of rage.'
'yeah but there's 'priceless' and 'priceless'.'
'i'm fine with the horse dying.'
'i'm as rich as i've ever been right now. i've got eight dollars!'
'damn this business model!'
'i was shot by a damn eight-year-old!'
'i don't care to relive it, but these bastards have got to pay for what they've done.'
'we'll get you justice.'
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allylikethecat · 25 days
#30 i have a couple random questions
1) do you have any tattoos? if not would you ever get any? were there any tattoos that you liked when you were younger that you would’ve majorly regretted now that you’re older?
2) did you go to college? what’s your degree in?
3) whats your go to drink when you go out?
YESSS thank you for sending me an ask from the weirdly specific and unrelated asks to know someone well list!! I can be found HERE if anyone else wants to send some / reblog it for themselves! It's a good list if you ask me!
30. ask me anything !
1) do you have any tattoos? if not would you ever get any? were there any tattoos that you liked when you were younger that you would’ve majorly regretted now that you’re older?
I do not, I would very much like to get two - one I worked with a friend who is an artist to design as a tribute to Pop, the second is my grandfather's name in his handwriting. We were extremely close and even years later I am still completely devastated by his passing. I actually bought Pop with the money he left me, making Pop all the more special and a connection to him (he loved horses and loved that I rode, and in all honestly most likely would have bought Pop for me himself if he had been alive, it makes me so sad that they never got to meet because I know my grandfather would have loved him) however I am absolutely terrified of needles and keep chickening out. I'm hoping to eventually get over it though. In all honesty, I feel like even if I got one of the dumb tattoos I dreamed about as a kid I'd probably still like it - I was very into art history / literature growing up so a lot of the tattoos I fantasized about were rooted in that.
2) did you go to college? what’s your degree in?
I did! I have a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing. My career focus was initial content marketing and copy writing in the sports industry before I moved over to the the tech / software industry. I've found myself doing less and less content marketing and taking on more data analytic focused roles which has been a lot of fun and an unexpected development - especially because I was initially hired for my current role as an account executive (I sold out, I was chasing the money and going into account management / sales lol)
3) whats your go to drink when you go out?
Depends what kind of night we're having lol If I'm out to dinner usually some kind of silly fun bespoke cocktail with way too much sugar. If it's a chiller bar situation or a sporting event then I am a High Noon girlie. If we're going to get rowdy bring on the vodka red bulls
Thank you SO MUCH for these asks omg these were such fun questions! Also like, I really do love High Noons they are truly the perfect seltzer beverage situation. My only complaint is I hate the pineapple and watermelon ones and it feels like that's what most bars stock? Which like wtf there are so many great flavors why THOSE two?! Thank you so much again!! I hope you are having a lovely Monday and a great rest of your week!
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hanmi-xo · 8 months
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Chapter 2: "The Painting"
| Between Us | Chapter List |
Previous | Next ------------------
| L I H U A |
I sat outside on my balcony.
The birds chirped along the entangled branches and hummed a melody that was very calming. The sun shined between the clouds that roamed the sky.
I was reading one of the articles my good friend and colleague Wonwoo sent me.
I met him a while back during my time looking for a stable job. He was seeking editor help online and I was putting my freelance work up so someone can hire me.
Our paths crossed, and now I'm his assistant writer and editor.
Working remote has made it easier for me to be away from everyone. I know I should leave my room more often, but I believe I'm also more productive away from people.
Besides, I could only work so much for today.
Dokyeom wanted to bring me out, but he never told me what for. Maybe it's his way of making up for what happened at the high school reunion- probably hoping that I can see how life outside the house can be great. But even so, I'm a homebody at heart.
I heard my phone ring with notifications. It was the girls. None of them were home at the moment, but it appeared they were part of Dokyeom's plan. I stared at their messages that filled my phone.
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Art Museum.
They know I don't like art anymore because of Joshua.
My phone rang with more notifications, but this time it was my brother.
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I sighed. That was my signal to go.
| M I N G H A O |
"I could have just waited in the car, Dokyeom," I tell my friend. He dragged me out to the front of the house.
"Oh, come on," Dokyeom says, "You never met my sister. She's great! Also, thanks again for agreeing to this!"
His voice rung with joy, and in return I glared at him.
"You said you wanted to hang out." My voice rose with annoyance. "This is not what I consider as hanging out. Why are we bringing your sister?"
I watched as my friend pursed his lips with guilt.
"Ah..." he awkwardly laughed. "You see... my sister used to like art, and now that you're a curator for the nearby art museum, I thought it'd be a great idea to bring her there!"
He gave me a bright grin of innocence. I rolled my eyes and judged his ridiculousness.
"First you say Seungcheol wants to tag along, and then his girlfriend, and now you're dragging your sister along," I spat.
Dokyeom raised his hands up in surrender. "It'll be fun!"
"Yeah for you guys," I rebuttal.
Before he could speak, the door slowly opened. The warmth of the home seeped through the gap that widened. I felt the heat reach out to me. A figure stuck her head out.
My eyes widened.
There stood that same girl from the balcony.
Her brown orbs reflected off of mine for a moment. She seemed surprised to see me, but also unbothered.
So, she's Lihua?
She doesn't seem to carry any similar facial features compared to Dokyeom though?
Her eyes went to him.
She didn't seem all too happy. I'm not sure if it's because of me or because of her brother.
"Lihua!" Dokyeom said with joy. "Ready to go?"
He beamed at her, but she didn't mirror his energy. Rather, she remained stoic and nodded her head.
She seemed like a phlegmatic person.
"Yeah," she said. Her voice was soft yet humble.
As she was stepping out, Dokyeom began to speak. He was rather in a good mood. Too good of a mood in fact.
"Do you remember Minghao?" he asks her.
She turned around towards me once she finished locking the door. My eyes met with hers again before her orbs scanned me up and down.
"The one that hates women right?"
She said it as though it was a normal thing, but Dokyeom responded with laughter. He pointed at me and nodded his head.
"I told you!" He snickered.
I rolled my eyes. I remember Dokyeom laughing in the car about the matter, and knowing that she knows me doesn't seem all too surprising.
What bothers me is the fact that she knows about my existence but I didn't know about hers.
Dokyeom hardly ever mentions her when I'm around. Then again, I don't pay attention to conversations that include a girl's name...
"What the hell did you say about me?" I ask Dokyeom.
I felt her eyes bounce between her brother and I.
"Oh nothing." He waved his hand off with mischief. "Let's go!~"
He walked ahead of us and ignored my glare. I felt his sister's presence next to me.
I turned to look at her, but she didn't bother looking my way. Her eyes were on her brother. She sighed.
"Don't worry. I won't bother you," she says. Her voice was monotone yet apologetic.
She seemed quite truthful.
She walked away from me and followed after her brother. I stared in judgement at the two who stood next to my vehicle. I saw Seungcheol's car pull up towards them with the front seat window pulled down. His girlfriend waved at us with Seungcheol sending out a piece sign.
I scoffed. This was supposed to be a guy hangout...
"Whatever. At least I get to look at art." I dragged my feet to them.
| L I H U A |
I walked along the open hall that led to the art gallery. The place was bigger than I expected and had intricate architecture along with different sculptures and paintings.
They all caught my attention, and I couldn't help but awe at everything.
They were all beautiful, but I couldn't admit that aloud. A part of me felt depressed seeing all these artworks.
It reminded me of him.
It reminded me of Joshua.
Somehow I found myself away from everyone else. All I remember was Seungcheol and Astrid pointing at things and Dokyeom having to explain each one.
Dokyeom only knew certain facts about paintings because of me.
I was once an art major in college but since my departure with that, I became buried with books.
I needed something to get away from Joshua.
I needed something to get me away from the reality I lived in.
I stared at the painting that seemed carefully crafted with layers of oil paint. It was a white flower painting. It bloomed in darkness where everything else was tarnished or dead.
There wasn't a title nor a name of the artist. The painting was nameless leaving it feeling empty and hollow.
It was like it was forgotten or wasn't supposed to be found.
Whatever the case, I couldn't seem to get away from it. I felt too connected.
It reminded me of an old painting I once did, but I sold that off long ago. I sold almost everything that I made and crafted. I had too much artworks to keep track of. I didn't like looking at things that reminded me of Joshua. He was the reason for my art after all.
But I remember the day I made the painting. One of the few times he wasn't my muse or model.
I made it without a thought. I let the paintbrush do most of the work and let the ideas run through.
I wonder what happened to that painting...
"That painting came in yesterday."
I turned to look at the man who seemed to be behind me. I didn't know he would have the willingness to talk to me.
Minghao had his hands in his pocket while he stared at the painting in front of us. His black hair was brushed back with a bit of his strands hitting the frame of his clear glasses.
He suddenly had this sophisticated demeanor. It was strange seeing this cold man become soft towards the subject of art.
He looked lost in thought with way his eyes wavered around the painting.
I turned back around and stared at the artwork as well. I crossed my arms in front of me while I gazed at the brush strokes that were visible towards the naked eye.
"So there's no name?" I ask him. My orbs remained dancing on the surface of layers the painting displayed.
"No," I heard him say. "Nobody knows where it came from."
His voice was low as a whisper as if he too was in wonder about the painting's form of existence.
We stood there for a moment before I heard my name be called in the distance. I turned towards the voice that came from Minghao's side. He too looked.
There came the three we came with. My brother moved his arms up and down for our attention, and I couldn't help but sigh.
I walked passed Minghao and came towards the trio. They seemed happy but also confused.
"So? Did any paintings catch your attention?" Dokyeom asked me.
I shook my head.
"No," I lied.
I heard Minghao come from behind me. I turned to look at him and he didn't meet my eyes. Rather he avoided eye contact with me.
I saw Astrid's eyes look at him before looking at me. She seemed concerned. Probably because Minghao was there when they found us.
I shrugged my shoulders at her.
She seemed perplexed and mimicked my actions in return.
Minghao's appearance was out of the blue, but then again, he is a curator. He's an art lover under that cold appearance of his.
"Let's go and eat after this," Seungcheol says. "I'm hungry."
He rubbed his stomach and Astrid copied him as well.
"We're hungry," she says with a sad expression which Seungcheol mirrored.
The couple matched each other through action and mind. When this happens, they usually end up doing their own thing.
Dokyeom frowned. "But we haven't seen everything yet! There's so much to look at!"
He sounded like an excited child that didn't want to leave.
"Listen," Seungcheol says, trying to find even ground. "Astrid and I will go get some food, and we can all meet up later."
Astrid nodded her head with a bright smile. "Yeah!~ We can hang out at our house. Watch a movie or something."
Dokyeom moved his head side to side as he thought about the plan.
"Hmmm... okay. Sounds good," he says.
The couple smiled brightly before waving their farewell.
"We'll see y'all soon!" Seungcheol said as him and Astrid hurried off.
I squeezed my mouth to my left in judgement. I knew what they were going to do, and I knew it would be more than just eating.
"Well, since they're gone," Dokyeom says, gathering my attention. "Let's make a group chat. Only the real art lovers will be in it."
He seemed a bit petty from our friend's departure. I watched him take out his phone.
"I'll add you guys... annnnndd THERE!" He says after making the group chat.
I heard my phone get notified and Minghao took out his phone as well from the noise.
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I looked at my brother who seemed to be waiting for something. He stared at us with a disappointed look.
"Why are you both so quiet!" He cried. "I made a chat! You both better use it! You know what!"
I watched my brother throw a small fit before turning around.
"I'll do my own thing. Just message me when you're both done!" He walked off.
Minghao and I looked at each other after witnessing my brother's behavior. Minghao scrunched his face with judgement.
I shrugged my shoulders at him with my hands up.
We then went out separate ways around the museum until it was time to go. Though the place was large and beautiful in every way possible-
I couldn't forget about the flower painting.
I wanted to know more about it, but I knew I shouldn't bother Minghao.
It wouldn't be right for me to do that.
He clearly doesn't like me.
SM Post: Astrid has posted...
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insomniac-jay · 2 months
WIP Time
Chapter 3: Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
A lot was on the agenda today: rehersals, picking up dresses and shoes, getting hair and makeup done for tonight. Those could all wait until Monochrome was finished paying a visit to another friend of Helene and Felix's, one Mr. Roald van der Woodsen. Mona likened him to Dorian Grey--ungodly handsome on the outside, but horrifically ugly on the inside.
Law may have been his profession, but making passes at Mona, and just about any other attractive younger woman, was his passion. Roald's wandering eye found itself on Mona too many times for her liking. She avoided being alone with him and forbid him from ever touching her. The man was old enough to be her father making her more digusted by him.
Stealing from him was payback for everytime he settled his perverted eyes on her. Roald had plenty of magnificent paintings that'd look better in the homes of others or herself.
And this time, she had help.
Pushing open the doors to his sitting room, Monochrome snapped her fingers as two henchmen, Tint and Shade, appeared at her side. The pair released the robots to carefully take the original artworks out the frame and replaced them with black and white replicas.
"Get these outside to Neutral. Don't let van der Woodsen see you," Monochrome ordered.
"What about you?" Shade asked.
Monochrome gave them a wicked grin under her mask. "I'm going to pay him a personal visit."
Creeping her way through the manor to his office, careful not to make any noise, she found her way to his bedroom. Her steps slowed the closer she got.
Light poured out the crack to let Monochrome looked inside. Sure enough there was van der Woodsen and a young woman in his bed. Have mercy on that poor lady. Before she could strike, she heard the lawyer say something.
"I tried to hire some of his men, but he just laughed at me!"
Monochrome narrowed her eyes as she listened in. Pressing a button on her helmet, the conversation was recorded. Could this have to do with Francis's death?
"There's nothing to worry about, Helene. Everything's said and done now. Sad to see the boy go. Business is business though."
Balling her fist, Monochrome made her escape out a nearby window. Revenge would have to wait. For now, she needed answers to questions.
Mona looked at herself in the mirror. Dressed in an elegant white gown, this would be her first public appearance since Francis's death. While unsure if this was the way to go about it, she needed the money. Moreso now that a baby was coming.
"You look beautiful, madame." Salome stared in awe of her mistress.
"Thank you, Salome." Mona reached for one of her many purses to pull out a stack of cash. Then, she placed it in Salome's hand and closed it. "You can take the next month off. I know you've been wanting to visit your family again."
Salome's eyes widened. "Madame, I-"
"You've been at my service since you were 18. Relax and return to your family." Mona saw her younger self in the maid--a young woman trying to get by in the world.
Tears welled in Salome's eyes as she nodded. She walked to the door, stopping to face Mona one last time. "Thank you, mistress; and good luck."
Mr. Calhoun's estate was nothing short of amazing, packed, lively. Guests greeted her with bright smiles, handshakes, and even some kisses. Halle and Mamie soaked up every bit of attention they got, flirting with the sons of a few guests.
Mona searched around for the host. She didn't forget to bring her contraband. Art theft was just like traditional art. Getting buyers was the hardest part; even more if it was stolen. Hopefully selling them to Calhoun and his associates would bring in a profit or at least some money.
"Thirsty, Mrs. Beauvais?"
Mona mindlessly took the drink from the offering hand, thinking it was a server. "Mèsi."
"You, uh, told me you got some things you wanted to show me."
Mona's eyes widened realizing that Calhoun gave her the drink. Curse her for being so unaware! That was no way to treat host nor potential client. "My apologies! I was looking for you everywhere!"
Mona led him out a back door to where her car--which contained the stolen art--was. Calhoun called a few of his men to come and take the goods inside so he could look at them. He then handed her a large stack of money.
"What's this for?" Confused, but not complaining.
"You kept your word. I respect that." Putting an arm around her, he walked her back inside. They walked into the room where his associates waited. Mona did her best to hide nervousness. These weren't record executives or curators, these were crime bosses. Never did she think she'd be making deals, and money, with them.
Calhoun did most of the talking.
"Gentlemen, this is Mona Lisa Beauvais. She's got some stuff she wants to sell ya and myself. Can't hold her for too long, though, she's here to perform for my wife."
With the snap of his fingers, his men brought in the stuff. The bosses looked over each artpiece with keen detail. Some scratched their chins estimating the values of each in their head.
Twisting a bracelet, Mona waited in nervous patience.
@floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @mayameanderings
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Dr. Peter Andover x Reader || Drabble
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So actually really liked this movie!! (Not like 2001 Maniacs, which I literally just watch cuz of Buckman, Boone and Harper) and I woke up today and had to write this! ^^ Also I LOVED Gage (A mean, sarcastic middle aged man?? I'm a little predictable haha XD) so I might have to write for him at some point ^^
Plot: As the clinic’s chef, making food for all the staff, live-in patients and visitors, it’s your job to keep them all full and healthy (Though you do slip and maybe give them a little too much comfort food, because the poor babes all need it). Its not easy, everyone has different dietary requirements, different tastes, and some don’t even want to eat they’re so scared…
But even harder then coordinating meals, though, would be taking care of poor exhausted, overworked Peter.
Warnings: Unadulterated fluff XD Can be seen as romantic or platonic ^^
It was late-late when the doctor finally rocked up to the kitchens- far past dinner time. Far past bedtime, in fact. But you knew he would be around at some point, so despite being tired, you had stuck around for him- you would rather make him something then have him crack open a pack of crackers for dinner. Besides, while you’re waiting, you can prepare breakfast for the next morning!
Peter sits down at one of the stools you usually sit at the peel potatoes, now, looking exhausted as ever, and you flick on the kettle immediately. He’s going to need a cuppa.  “Evening, Doc, what brings you to my office?” Your jibe succeeds in drawing a tired glare from him but your face is soft and warm, as you go into the pantry. “I’ll whip you up some mac and cheese, how’s that? You just sit there and rest up.”
“Thank you, Y/N.”
As soon as you set the bowl down in front of him, its like something clicks in his brain- and it’s not hunger. A disapproving frown slips across your face because you know this look on him- and you’re not having it. No, no sir. “Uh, sorry, I just realised something… I- I need to return to my research. Thank you for dinner, but- “
“No.” Shaking your head, you sit down a seat away from him and sternly offer the spoon to him. “Eat now, then finish your work. You didn’t even come for lunch today, so I know you haven’t eaten for hours- you’re not leaving this room until this whole bowl is empty, yes?”
He looks deeply offended at your blunt bossiness - you don’t know why, this isn’t a new thing, - and opens his mouth to argue, pointedly avoiding the spoon. “No. Excuse me, my work is very important and if I don’t return to it those kids could be scarred for their whole lives, Y/N.”
“I know that,” You say softly, carefully. Because he’s right, of course he is, but so are you. “And only you can do it- which means we need you to stay alive, and part of that is a healthy diet here.”
Peter’s eyes flicker to the bowl of cheese in front of him before giving you a dubious sort of look. Like, seriously? “Healthy, you say?”
With a dismissive shrug, you gesture towards him with the spoon again. “I put broccoli in it, you’re getting veggies. They’re just gonna taste like cheese, though- because I’m a master in the culinary arts, sir.” You wink. “That’s why you hired me.”
Finally he gives a sigh and an eyeroll, and takes the spoon. “Fine, but may I have a notepad and pen, so I can write down what I need to do??”
“Nope,” You shake your head, resting your arms on the bench. “You’re gonna make conversation with me. Its good for you to socialise, and I promise- I’m a sparkling conversationalist. I may not get all your mega-brain science-y stuff, but my head-nodding abilities are superb.” And, also, you are just determined to get him to settle for a while. No work talking, no work thinking, no work full stop. For an hour, at least! You would be happy with an hour- more, would be fantastic, but you’re working on realistic goal setting here.
… When Peter just groans and starts his dinner, you smile. Hurray! No argument!
Only after he’s had a few bites, you pat his arm quickly and settle yourself facing him; At attention. “So, tell me- “Spoon halfway to his face, he stops; Raising his brows at you. You flash a grin, back. “What’s your favourite colour?” At this he full-on deadpans, making you elicit a little laugh. “Come on, now, I’m not teasing you here- I don’t know it!” And it wouldn’t hurt him to think about shit that doesn’t matter, a little.
Oh, bullshit. “It is not- and that’s not a colour.” He rolls his eyes.
“Fine, pink.” A warm smile spreads across your face, at that, and you nod while you let him eat some more.
“Alright cool, pink.” Picking up your tea, you go to take a sip before stopping short and glancing at Peter over the mug. “Like- innards, and stuff?”
That startles him, in fact you think that if he were drinking something at that moment then he would have choked. “No, not- “Setting the arm with the spoon down on the bench, he sets you with a stern look. “Like a softer pink then that. Like… a powder pink, actually.” He shrugs, returning to his mac and cheese.
“Hm, that is a nice colour.” You think out loud.
“What’s yours?” Peter asks, and you’re pleasantly surprised by him- he’s engaging!! You’re succeeding!
“Mine? Oh I guess… (Colour you like).”
“That’s a nice one, too.”
For a couple of minutes after that you stay silent, allowing him to eat more before you get up and uncover the bowl you have filled with setting dough on the other side of the bench. It should be ready, now. There are also 4 large pans ready to go in the oven when they’re filled, and a clean space next to all that. Humming, you chuck the t-towel you had covering the dough off to another bench and smile- looks perfect!
“Oh, what’s that?” Peter speaks up, and when you look up at him you see that he’s genuinely interested, straightened up to try and deduct what it is, or what it will be, for himself. You flash a smile, showing the inside of the bowl.
“I’m making cinnamon rolls for tomorrow! Figured everyone deserved a treat- “
“You think we always deserve a ‘treat’,” He rolls his eyes once again at you, but he’s grinning now.
“Hey,” You reply, sternly even so, a firm finger up in between you both and a grin across your lips as well. “You do.”
“Ha.” He scoffs, shaking his head as he turns away from you again as you turn to the sink, yourself. Okay, his self-image is the next thing you have to work on, you decide. For now though you’ll continue to work on him resting.
After washing your hands for a good 30 seconds, an idea occurs to you. And, taking a peak over your shoulder at the contents of his bowl, and seeing that it’s just about empty- only morsels remaining, you decide to go ahead with it. “Hey- why don’t you help me, Doc?”
“Wh- what?” Clearly he was already thinking about work again, returning to the drill in his mind, but you’re not having that - it’s only been 20 minutes! - as he looks to you a little startled. “You want me to what?”
“Help me! Its not that hard- c’mon, roll up your sleeves, wash your hands, and stand here.” You point to the spot next to you by the wide bench, and stand there patiently- showing that you’ll wait.
Hesitantly, he looks slowly from his bowl to you. “Should I clean my bowl first?... “
“Don’t worry about that, I’ll take care of it later.”
“Okay… “
Surprisingly he does as he’s told without complaint this time around, before joining you at the bench. Humming, you reach up and flick a shock of white hair off his forehead. “Now usually I’d insist you put on a hairnet, but I think we can make an exception this once.”
Giving another rare grin - that’s 2 in the last hour, and you’re finding that your worn-out boss is actually quite handsome when he does that. Well, he was always handsome, you’re not blind, but considering that that he doesn’t do it often, he’s got a very nice smile, - he shakes his head. “Thank god.”
The joking tone in his voice causes what feels like a blip to occur in your heartbeat, and you give a little laugh as you turn to the task at hand. “Okay, so what you’re going to do is get yourself a good clump of dough… like this… “You show him the right amount, and hand it to him before collecting yourself a clump. “Now we’re gonna roll it out into a long strip- like this!”
After demonstrating the action with the rolling pin, you hand the utensil to him and go in search of another to use yourself while he copies your actions with the dough. When you return you find yourself realising how close the two of you are standing, after all you can feel his body heat, but shake your head at yourself. “Alright, done, what next? I suppose there’s a paste we have to use?... Ah.” He nods, seeing the bowl that you also retrieved from the fridge while you were grabbing another rolling pin.
“Ta~ Da~!” You sigh, peeling away the glad wrap to reveal the cinnamon paste.
“I see. Very good.”
“Of course.” Handing Peter a brush for himself and dipping your own into the cinnamon paste, you then paint your strip with a good amount of the stuff- nice and generous, so whoever gets this roll will be quite pleased in the morning at breakfast. He does the same thing, focusing a little unnecessarily on how neat it looks, but you know- whatever makes him happy. A little tidiness is not going to hurt- so, whatever! “Just like that! Then we roll them up so they look right, and set them in the pan…. There! All done. Only… 18 more of those.” You say, gesturing to the rest of the pan with one hand on your hip after you both finish. “For this pan.” You add also, gesturing then to the others.
Peter blows air out of his cheeks and widens his eyes dramatically at the job, before reaching to get another handful of dough. “Well then we better get on with it.”
It takes you both a little over half an hour to get them all done, all the while you chatter to him about whatever comes to mind that’s not work related - other pastries he might like, your family back home, movies you’ve watched recently and recommendations for him, books he reads just for pleasure, etc, - and he really gets into it! He even laughs, and it fills you with so much happiness you beam at him.
Then when all the cinnamon rolls and pasted an rolled up and set in the oven, he asks if theirs anything else he can help with and you shake your head, brushing flour off your apron. “Nope, its bed time for you.”
“… excuse you?” He asks you slowly, and you can’t help but wonder how long it will be until he realises that you’re always right?? Goodness gracious. “I’m a grown man, I can decide when it’s time for bed for myself I think- “
“No, you can’t.” You shake your head- the idea quite amusing to you. “But that’s why you have me- now, do I have to march you there myself?”
Giving a heavy sigh, he turns and heads towards the door. “No… you do not… “
“That’s a good doctor- oh.” You tease, unable to stop yourself quite in time. He stops himself though, hearing it, and looks around to see you biting your lips to try and keep from grinning. “… Sorry…”  
A flicker of a grin flits across his face then- not quite another smile, but something mischievous, something almost wicked, for sure. “You just wait until your next appointment my dear, then you’ll see what a ‘good doctor’ I can be.”
At this your jaw drops, a slight grin pulling at the corner of your mouth at the same time. “Sir!”
“Are you teasing me??”
He gives a shrug, making those eyes round and innocent. “I’ve no clue what you’re referring to Y/N, I merely said that the next time you need me I’ll be sure to attend to your needs to the best of my professional ability. I would never tease… “
“Uhuh… “You shake your head fondly. “Go to bed, doc. You’re going loopy.”
“Yes, dear.”
~ The next morning Dr Andover is actually at breakfast with everyone else, rather then stopping by a little later for a pop tart or a piece of toast. Some people are surprised and some are pleased to see him there.
When you bring out breakfast with the finagled help of Bauer and Gage, you’re surprised too to see him there- and pleased. You flash him a grin, a wink and a thumbs up like good job sir, I see you there trying.
“Ooh, pink,” Sarah smiles, picking a strip of delicious cinnamon roll off of her plate and noting the powder pink coloured glaze on top to the Doctor beside her. “Wonder why Y/N coloured them? It’s not Valentine’s day, or anything.”
“Oh, uh,” Andover grins at the roll he probably made, glazed his favourite colour by Y/N- causing Sarah to just about choke. Was that a smile??? She’s happy he’s happy, but- what in the world!??? “I’m not sure. Bit of a random choice, I agree.” He says, deciding not to explain - he himself doesn’t even really know why you did this, not that he’s complaining about the lovely gesture, - as he starts his breakfast.
“Hm… “Sarah hums, left watching the doctor in dubiousness, a half-amused grin on her face. “Yeah… “  
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
Hello! Hope the match-up event is still going on? I'd like to participate! :D A Papa match would be preferable 👉👈
Sooooo I'm a 20-year old freelance artist, I mostly do traditional and digital paintings, drawings and some animation. Some of my main interests are writing, sewing and fashion history, art history (history overall really) and language learning (I'm multilingual). I love sightseeing/travelling, going to the opera or ballet and talking loooong walks. Aside from that, I'm an amateur cook/pastry chef and have been doing well at that for some years now! :) Despite having some issues with eating myself, one of my favourite pastimes is baking/cooking for my friends and our game nights, it always brings a smile to my face when they enjoy what I've made. My favourite are French, Korean and Italian cuisines so I guess the latter would suit any of the Papas. :P
Oh, I also have two dogs that I love dearly, they're both silly noodle husky/borzoi mixes and they're like five? They like to chill with me when I'm reading. <3
As for my personality, I'm fairly quiet unless spoken to, I can honestly get very talkative discussing most topics. Messes stress me out, I cannot function around them. I'm an extremely anxious person to the point of it causing some serious mental and medical issues, so that's something that sadly has an impact on my everyday life. Sensory overload are a given more often than not (mainly from noise – I can deal with a concert every now and again!), I'm also shit at getting more than 5 hours of sleep a day. I'm a huge perfectionist, that's a flaw that leads me to destroy/discard a large chunk of my works, both verbal and visual. Nothing is ever good enough when it comes to me, my looks or the things I make.
On a more positive note, I used to be very shy around most people but have trained myself out of that and would consider myself fairly charismatic? Hope I'm not tooting my horn too much in this description, damn, YiKeS.
Anywayyyy thank you for all the works you've written for the fandom so far! We love you, byeeee :*
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Your match is…Secondo
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His hobby is painting, so if you have art to do he’ll paint with you and keep you company.
His favourite piece is a painting he did of you, when you were painting. He hung it up in his office to cheer himself up when he’s got loads of work to do.
He will buy the best seats for the ballet and go with you. He’ll lean across to you, and with a straight face, say his dancing is better. You struggle not to laugh out loud just as the music reaches a quiet part. You see him smile to himself, and he gives your hand a squeeze.
He loves your cooking, especially the Italian dishes you do. He can also cook and date night is sometimes spent in the kitchen cooking together.
He takes it seriously wanting to make the food perfect. But as soon as he gets a moment he’ll walk up behind you and kiss your neck. He’ll pull you close to him and whisper his plans for after the meal in your ear.
That once backfired when you both got far too distracted.
He completely falls in love with your dogs. His favourite thing now is curling up with you all and reading. Sometimes he won’t even read he’ll just sit there and enjoy your company.
He is very tidy so mess isn’t an issue. Even so he has assigned a Ghoul to be on hand to tidy up incase any mess developed. Between him and the Ghouls the place is kept immaculate.
He’ll pay for all your travels and come with you when he can.
He’ll often take you away for a week, any excuse he can find. You will travel all over and sight see as much as possible.
He plans out what sights you will see, and research’s them so he can tell you about them.
Or he’ll hire your own private guide for the day.
This post is a part of Match-up Event. The Event ends on July 15th.
Written by Nyx
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sebastianshaw · 2 years
If you were in charge of Marvel Comics, what are 3 things you would do? This can include adding things to the main office, launching certain titles/arcs, and/or making rules for the next wave of comics.
Shut it down forever.
Joking, I just feel that way sometimes. But if I were to take it very seriously, and not just as an opportunity to make writers do stories *I* personally want, it would be: - Bring back thought balloons - Hire people to be continuity checkers for characters. There's so many instances of characters showing up when they're meant to be dead with no explanation, or doing huge swings in characterization based on the writer, and I'd like to try for at least a little more consistency. I'm not sure how feasible this would actually be, but it's a pipe dream. I think fans would actually be a really good option, I know numerous websites that have been around for YEARS that have teams of fans meticulously detailing every appearance of even minor characters, and I'm sure more than a few would help for free. - More sensitivity readers and cultural consultants. Marvel's made a lot of progress in so many ways, but it definitely could make more. Also this would be for both writing AND for art. I would like to see a consistent skintone for Monet already, for instance. I would NOT like to see Makkari with hair that suddenly looks like this:
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Did she flat-iron it mid-battle or something??? And when did it get that long? Judging you, Marvel. Also uhhh I know you said just three things, but I'd also like more pages per comic and a ban on Greg Land ever working there again.
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major-trouble · 2 years
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I posted 5,420 times in 2022
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#laugh rule - 222 posts
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#about me - 66 posts
#jaskier - 45 posts
#art - 42 posts
#fic rec - 36 posts
#fuckin art man - 30 posts
#geralt - 28 posts
#amazing - 25 posts
#same - 23 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#but it is the absolute best carrot you have ever eaten in your entire life and can instantly bring you back from the brink of death
My Top Posts in 2022:
you said it. now do ittttt
Title: Only one top catboy!
Oh. Oh no. I hope this fulfills your wishes.
Only One Top Catboy!
The apron strings were digging into his waist. The skirt barely covered the tops of his thighs, but he’d insisted on wearing opaque leggings underneath so at least he wasn’t flashing anyone everytime he bent over.
He smirked. Not that anyone in the cafe would mind.
The owner had presented him with a pair of ridiculous, huge, fuzzy cat ears at the beginning of his shift. He’d baulked at first, but the softness of the fur brushing against the top of his bald head actually felt nice. Not that he’d tell anyone.
“Letho! Are you paying attention?” Aiden asked, setting the rest of the cups of tea and sandwiches on his tray and frowning up at him.
Letho considered for a moment before shaking his head. “Not really. You were complaining about your boyfriend’s girlfriend again and I tuned it out.”
He picked up the tray and headed back out into the cafe proper before the other man had a chance to formulate a reply. Carefully he maneuvered his way around the tables, smiling politely back at the regulars when they smiled at him. He placed the tray down on one of the round tables decked out in dark red fabric embroidered with tiny gold cats and let his face relax into a proper smile.
"Good afternoon Miss Priscilla, Miss Essi," he rumbled, setting the delicate teacups out in front of the two women. "I trust your day has been good so far?"
On his left, Priscilla laughed lightly. "It's warm and sunny, and we're finally done with uni for another year."
Essi grinned up at him. "Now that we're here it's even better."
It had been weird and not a little unnerving to have so much attention focused on him, but after six months he'd slowly gotten used to it. Now instead of being apprehensive everytime he walked in the front doors, he looked forward to it.
"I'm glad to hear it," he answered, stepping back slightly after removing the rest of the tea service and sandwiches and picking up his tray. "Is there anything else I can do to make your time at Coen's Cat Cafe more pleasant?"
Both women smiled at him, full unabashed smiles with not a hint of guile or fear.
"No no!" Essi replied. "Thank-you, Letho. You're such a gentleman."
Letho smiled back before turning and threading back between the tables, maybe wiggling his hips a little to make the tail attached to his waist twitch back and forth.
So of course he was a little jealous when Coen hired a new guy. Maybe. Just a little.
Gaetan was lithe where Letho was bulky, sleek where he was rippling, cunning where he was implacable.
Letho hated him.
"Why do you keep staring at him like you want to eat him, then?" Aiden drawled, pouring them both cups of tea after they'd finished cleaning up for the evening. It was a proprietary blend of black teas that Coen had gotten made especially for the cafe. Letho liked it because it tasted like a warm Autumn evening. Aiden liked it because the caffeine content was on par with an espresso.
"What? No I don't," he protested. Wrapping one massive hand around the steaming chipped mug, he inhaled the comforting aroma as his brows furrowed downwards, pulling at the scar between them. "He's a nuisance. He flirts too much. Talks too loud. It's like he's hiding something."
"Are you sure you don't want to eat him?" Aiden pressed. He raised one eyebrow in challenge before taking a sip of his too hot tea.
"Never even crossed my mind."
They were silent for several long minutes, each staring into their own mug before Aiden sighed.
"Are you worried he's going to take away your title of top cat boy?" he asked slyly.
Letho choked on his tea.
19 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
Who’s Turn is it to Call OSHA?
Okay, I turned this one a little to the side. I hope you like it 💚
OSHA is a Place
Vesemir leaned back against the wall of the gym, watching his youngest son wrestle unsuccessfully with the new equipment. He took a long sip from his coffee mug and checked his watch. Nearly 6.30. Still another half an hour before their regulars started to wander in. 
Cursing loud and foul enough to blister paint made him wince. It wasn't as if he hadn't warned Lambert that everything needed to be set up before his shift started. It was his own damn fault that he’d waited until the last minute. 
Vesemir was certain that as the new piece of gym equipment went together, there were possibly several screws missing and some pieces that didn’t seem entirely flush in their mounts. He was contemplating what to tell Lambert when Geralt came sauntering over from the direction of the locker room, taking a swig from his own insulated mug.
They watched Lambert for several minutes as he struggled.
"Is he -?" Geralt started, gesturing with his mug.
"Does he know - "
"Well okay then."
They stood together silently, brows furrowed as they both decided what to do next. It was nearly 6.55 when Eskel came to lean on the wall beside them, crossing his arms over his chest and frowning. 
Something fell off the top of the cross bar and landed with a load clank on the bare concrete floor. 
"Who's turn is it to call OSHA?" Vesemir asked conversationally.
As if on cue, the chime on the front door sounded and they turned in unison to watch Valdo and his clipboard enter the gym. 
21 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
Hello I would like to show you the best thing ever.
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Mothskier commissioned from the incredibly talented @kindcryptid for my fantastic friend @tumbleweedtech and @continentcakeshop .
I love him so much. 🥰
27 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
It's tattoo day!!!
29 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I would like to submit "a bird in the hand is worth a kick in the ass" as a title.
Thank you
And finally, the last title prompt!! I hope it was worth the wait 💚💚💚💚
A Bird in the Hand is Worth a Kick in the Ass
"What we have here is a situation."
"That - that's not even remotely correct."
"What would you call it then?"
"It's more akin to a disaster."
"I think you're exaggerating."
"A situation would be something easily solvable."
"You don't think this is easily solvable?"
Jaskier barely suppressed the urge to scream. "Valdo, my dearest friend." Valdo snorted. "Unless you can somehow miraculously get the king to dismiss the charges, release us from this dungeon, and give us all our clothes back, I can hardly see how this is easily solvable!"
To his credit, the other bard was quiet for nearly five seconds before speaking again. 
"I. Have a plan."
"Oh my gods we're fucking doomed."
"You're such a pessimist." Valdo shifted from where he was sitting on the cold stone floor of the king's dungeon. Jaskier could barely make him out in the gloom, only the light from a couple of smoky, flickering torches set in the wall outside of their shared cell providing any light. He could hear the clank of heavy chains as Valdo moved, but he couldn't see what he was doing. 
After a moment, Valdo made a triumphant little "Ah ha!" sound and a warm golden glow started emanating from the pendant still draped around his neck. 
"What the fuck is that?" Jaskier blurted, leaning forward and squinting to get a better view. The chains binding him to the wall behind him prevented his moving closer to make out much more than the fuzzy outline of the small pendant. But it was definitely glowing, that much he could tell for sure. 
Before Valdo had a chance to answer, there was a bright flash of light and a loud popping sound that made both of them flinch and Jaskier cry out in alarm. 
Into the silence that followed, a familiar voice said, "What the fuck did you do to get yourselves thrown into a dungeon? And why are you both naked?"
"Lambert!" Valdo exclaimed cheerfully. "So good to see you! Don't suppose you could do anything about our current incarceration?" He turned to grin smugly at Jaskier. "I told you I had a plan."
The Witcher - who had definitely not been there a moment ago and was standing on the other side of the bars, outside of their shared cell - eyed them speculatively. Or so Jaskier surmised, he still couldn't see much. 
Before Lambert could answer, another voice broke in. 
"What the fuck is going on here?"
All three of them turned to look towards the far end of the dungeon. Where before they'd thought the other cells were empty, now they could see the enormous outline of another person - person? it looked more like a mountain made flesh than an actual human being, Jaskier mused - was leaning against the bars.
"Arnaghad? What the fuck are you doing here?" Lambert blurted, tromping across the bare stone floor to peer in at the other Witcher.
"Trying to get some sleep, what does it look like?" Arnaghad returned sarcastically. "Are you here to rescue these two idiots from their own incompetence?"
Despite both said idiots' sudden protests, Lambert laughed. 
"Something like that, yeah. You want out, too? Can't see how it's comfortable down here for you either." There was a nervous edge to his voice, like he wasn't quite sure he wanted to free the hulking Witcher.
See the full post
41 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
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jaythelay · 7 days
Thing is the realistic solution that will be came to for savetf2 is hiring people from the community and...
As much as I'd like to say "hell yeah!" I've also seen this song and dance before, and sorry but Valve ain't gonna do much better. In terms of content updates that is.
For bug fixing sure, maybe. But otherwise I don't really see it panning out. Valve doesn't want to keep working on a nearly double decade old game with realistically 1/8th the displayed currently playing playerbase.
It's not about cost or time, it's just a game they tried to make a cashcow like CSGO, failed several times, and moved on. If it isn't generating three times the cost to update, they ain't budging. Unfortunately and only bad for us, no "art" based companies release passion projects anymore. Even if Valve did, TF2 ain't that anymore.
Looks like they're simply desperate to move on from their past. I'd prefer them not to, but I really need people to start being realistic.
The competitve update absolutely killed the game. No I'm not saying "dead game" nor "bad game" I mean that all it truly accomplished was making bots innevitable. You get 9 items in a day, CSGO you get like 15 crates in a day. Bots were innevitable. Especially when the competitive update didn't bring more players in long term.
However the real killer was the fact that community servers got shafted. Everyone keeps saying "bots!" and yet I never encounter any unless I join the default valve server in the menus. The way TF2 is set up is no longer as a fun community driven experience, but one where you climb the ladder like in CSGO, and TF2 simply isn't competitive unless everyone is in agreement to play competitively. Otherwise TF2 is set up for congo lines and "friendliez" to simply occur at any moment. That's a design flaw/decision depending on how you look at it.
What this all means is the real fix to TF2 is remove the new server joining format, and just make it so there's a list of Valve 's official servers to join, and a tab for community, in the same area. Instead of seperated with Valve taking the primary spot, have community and official side by side. Community servers ARE TF2, the official servers honestly aren't. They have an anxiety inducing competitive nature that is antithetical to the game's current form.
Lemme put it simply:
The problem is Valve's servers.
Community servers have 0 cheaters. Nada none 0.
TF2 is not CSGO it can't be competitive by default like CSGO. It is a fun, mostly party-based online shooter. It is not meant to be taken seriously 24/7 like CSGO. Drop the competitive angle, nobody was playing TF2 competitively. Even the competitive scene is a fraction of a fraction of CSGO's and easily could have continued without a competitive update.
TF2's got 17 years under it's belt. I ask how anyone can believe Valve's small team can somehow form a group to continue work on something they're either all completelt burnt out on, or putting fresh talent onto a game with 17 years of coding behind it. Sure, the coconut was a joke by the community, doesn't mean shit like that wouldn't be obstacles for a new dev learning how this game works. So your options are: Burnt out devs with no more ideas desperate to work on literally anything else, and a handful of new devs who absolutely will make the game worse in their forced attempts to make it better. No one at Valve will touch this game ever again, and I Do Not Blame Them.
The F2P update really shows they see this game as a cashcow and nothing more. Best way to put it? CSGO generates insane revenue, TF2 used to be that guy, but now instead of being a millionare they're a hundred thousandaire, while CSGO is a billionaire. Valve is gonna go with the new rich instead of the fading old rich. Because simply put? They never really liked TF2 after a while. Otherwise they wouldn't have used it to market Steam so hard at TF2's stake. Big sweeping updates with very little consideration for the future other than Big Money Now. They're short-sighted and basically gave up on the game shortly after. Like...ya'll should've started wayyyy back then, round 2013 or so was when it became very apparent to me they were moving on. Been alot of hats since then. Not alot of content updates especially compared to before F2P. The issue isn't it going F2P, it's the fact Valve did it in a time period where it wasn't normal and so far? Has never worked out well. It's profitable, but the game dies off eventually, every time.
TF2 doesn't really need anymore content. Truly. It doesn't. There's areas that can be expanded, like degroot keep, there's character's that never got official updates, like Heavy, but really ask yourself, at what point did TF2 have an artistry that wasn't mostly on paper? Before content update after content update. It's been a while. The game feel and artistry of the game is dead, and there is no realistic way to fix that. Claim whatever you want, as a creator, these kinds of flaws will only continue to be present as you work on it. It's hard to care about a game with such loose art rules, all you can consider then is the gameplay aspect as a condom scout runs at you. This is harder to explain but really just ask what the fuck is the balancing of this game anymore?? Why are there useless items and why are there items definitively better than all? Why is there adult swim crap in here?
Workshop was the moment I knew the game was on it's last legs. Nah nah no mods, fuck that we're Valve unless we can profit off them, we don't give a shit, that's why we made such a shitty modding system that half-works and didn't even use it for a single one of our games, except L4D2 who's the primary example of what not to do with mods or the workshop for any game to date. Anyways. All Workshop showed was Valve was done and wanted the community to do the work for them. They avoided the weapons tab entirely because that's actual work. Straight up, they have never even opened the weapons tab in the workshop. Not once. Just hats and maps, because there's exponentially less work for that than balancing a new weapon. Lazy as Fuuuuck.
All Valve really focused on for more than half TF2's life has been monetization. From limited christmas items to the community market, from keys and crates to paying for items. The game's always been nothing but a cashcow to Valve and assuredly development would've ended in the mid 2010s had TF2 not been such a blatant cash cow. They added CSGO skins ffs. It's anti-thetical game design in abundance to so many other anti-thetical aspects. Like my god, every single time you launch TF2 you're rewarded with yet another ability to give Valve Even More Money. Where'd that money go? Never into TF2.
TF2 also was the start of alot and I mean ALOT of problems in the industry. You can trace back most of today's BS to TF2. Imo, Valve wants to move tf on from what they have rot. It's not healthy for anyone. Of course this implies any company can have morals, but at least with Steam's past actions I can say there's potentially enough employees very aware of this game's cancerous infection of monetization to the industry who'd like to move on or avoid it all together. Regardless, I kinda want this game to stop being relevant, solely because My God this is the least healthy game in the industry, bar none, like calcified cancer surrounded in cancer. Love the game and memories but BOY howdy, like CSGO ain't nearly as catastrophic. to the industry. It got it's ideas from TF2 as is.
That being said, TF2 was designed as a game, and devolved into a cashcow. Much of the game is reliant on constant income that died off in the mid-late 2010s.
I don't really have much else to add. My problem with savetf2 is the same as the last one: Demanding the wrong stuff to the wrong people.
The updates TF2 would get would only make it worse, as the last updates have shown. Either burnt out devs or overwhelmed new devs, there's 0 recipe for success here guys. None. Nada. If they decide to come back I'm actually scared for the game's future then. Because there is no forward for TF2. None. Content updates will never come, it will be more community made hats and maps, some random nerfs n buffs. You're asking entirely different people to work on the game again regardless of it being new or the old devs, it's been 20 fucking years guys, the OG crew is dead and in their place is old people who are so different from their past they probably have new names.
The primary concern of savetf2 is the bot problem, a problem only started once the Competitive update hit. The solution is simple: Get rid of official servers, you have no anti-cheat or way to combat cheaters. You never have and never will. Community servers literally never have cheaters. Ever. Get rid of the god awful competitive update or make community servers the default again. Forget the dumbass leveling up crap I can't believe that's real, and focus on making a good fun game before monetizing it to shit. Did MvM need to suck with strangers or non-boot camp? No. It could've been challenging fun regardless of paying for it.
What people are demanding without realizing it, is more hats, more maps, more bugs, no fixes to bots, and no worthwhile anti-cheat.
The fix is simple: Remove official servers. Nobody new is playing a good game on one anyways. Community servers plain and simple are better. The only reason NOT to rely on community servers is because they'll one day go down (we got alot of time) or because they can sometimes be silly. Otherwise? It's TF2.
The frustrating part of all this is that people want competitive fixed when the only real solution is removing it outright. You can still play TF2 as you remember it. Community Servers, as everyone did before and after the F2P update. You are not reliant on Valve's official servers. "but my levels" yeah fat lot that did for anyone other than be a spinning icon in the menu. What a neccessary addition to the game. A number that does nothing.
Truly the correct phrase would be FixTF2 not SaveTF2, there's nothing to save. The game isn't "dead" in the online sense, it's dead creatively, it's dead monetarily, it's dead to Valve, it's dead everywhere BUT the community. Much like it's servers.
You can still play TF2. Nothing is stopping a single soul. What TF2 needs is fixed from the competitive update. It truly was the worst possible addition to a game that had light balancing before it, now trying to pretend it can be competitive when the competitive scene not only did but still does ban items anyways. The competitive update was meant for a SMALL fraction of the community, but it's reach went so far that now the smart thing to do IS bots! You get items and levels for cheating and Valve ain't going to ban you.
Community servers. That's what I'll end it on. Just go play community servers. It's not a downgrade to be able to play your fucking game. But let's be completely and utterly honest here, what most people want is more items to trade/sell, whatever the actual game is matters very little to the monetization of the game. It's kinda why they kept adding limited time items and unusuals that did nothing to the gameplay.
I'll be honest. If I was Valve I'd be more confused as to what the community even wants more than motivated to ever go back to adding another year or two to my 17 years of work. I'd want to move the fuck on from such a selfish flailing community with no clue what it's demanding than ever come back.
Point of it all is: Why in God's Name Fuck do you still want this game to get updates after 17 fucking YEARS. TF2 CAN ALMOST VOTE, IT CAN DRIVE, IN SOME COUNTRIES/STATES IT CAN DRINK AND SMOKE.
You can still play the game! That's fine! Great even! Better than ALOT of games sadly! But you can still play it. Nothing is stopping you.
What people really want is content updates and bro, it's time to move on. It's 17 years old. Be realistic and quit holding onto the corpse of your pet dog. Ya gotta bury them eventually man, shit. Nothing lasts forever and truth be told I can name 0 other games with the same development period. Really think that TF2 came out in 2007 and was worked on since the 2000s. If the game is 17, the devs spent 24 years minimum working on one fucking game!
It's not even dead! It still has a healthy playerbase! What the hell do people want???
I want most of the hats removed, the crates removed, make hats far more droppable, remove the damn competitive update entirely, I want paints to better apply so they don't change teams, I want a better UI for inventory, the list goes on and on and on and again the game is 17-24 years tf old. At some point, My God, Move On.
What people truly want is a sequel. We ain't getting that if they stick to TF2. Plain and simple, the game ran it's course and the fix is one Nobody wants for the pettiest of reasons.
To simplify again: You can still play the 17-24yo game with a healthy playerbase. The game just isn't recieving an 18th-25th year of updates. Mostly because it'd be embarrassing that within double digit decades you're still not satisfied with your work that's been generating millions in revenue. Everyone that can work on it won't for completely rational reasons, burn out or overwhelmed and new.
It is not bad when a creator moves on from their work. And to quote F2P, I shouldn't be mad that they took my purchased product and made it free, I mean, I got 20$ of content out of it already anyways! So who cares! Well, Ya'll got your 20$ without a pricetag of entry. Why complain? There's nothing to complain about! You got your money's worth! It was FREE after all, why complain?
Yeah nah this game's dead and you can blame the childish fanbase for it. It's okay to get bored of something you play everyday ya'll. Take a break, a content update wouldn't make the game fun again, I assure you, I've seen this song and dance with other games, games not double decades old. Creators move on, they do not make one thing and nothing else. You're lucky as all hell this game got a single acknowledgement past 5 years, hell 10! But 15 and 20??? Cmon. How long did you think this game was going to keep getting theseus shipped?
It's unrealistic and genuinely childish to expect more from this old man. Let them be old, you can still love them without the grandpa money sneakily given to you. Art is art. It is not meant to exist forever as an evolving lifeform, but a capture of the past. People are desperate for their memories to be tarnished, and truth be told, I kinda wanna see them realize that, because it's safer to learn from a video game than a real person, that nothing lasts forever.
Now all that said, I'm not against a Final Update for the game. Really pull out all the stops, make an SFM, add new weapons n maps and such. But again, good luck finding anyone at Valve willing to go back to this hell. It simply won't happen for the same reason it didn't last savetf2, it's just...not practical? Nor good for the game. Ya'll want to force an update out of Valve, and I assure you, you'll feel your decisions brought forth, and still complain regardless, and have another savetf2. It's just...pathetic, is all. Let the old cat get euthanized or die of old age, quit giving it more surgeries it's having a horrible time god please stop.
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dudecusmaximus · 1 year
SuperhumanGMO Breathless by Dustin Child, (c) 2023/ Chapter two.
Back in the 1920s
At an art deco speakeasy and night club. Shannon is now a singer on stage being harassed by her boss Marcus.
"You call that singing? " Marcus shouted. "Who's torturing a cat. You can be replaced."
"That's fine with me," said Shannon. "At least I get to go home and get some sleep."
"That's why I hired you," laughed Marcus. "You're a feisty dame."
Just then Detective Lenard Tracy and his hat squad of cops barged in the room and started looking around. "I'm here to shut down, this pop stand," said Lenard
walking up to Marcus and getting in his face.
"Hey I have paid good money so you guys would leave me and my business alone," said Marcus. "You need a warrant. Good luck in getting a judge to sign one. I own them as well."
"I must have missed the invoices," said Lenard. "Take a look around boy's you might find some probable cause." Lenard cold stared at Marcus. "The police are under new management, and I am rich so your money means nothing to me."
"Lousy trust fund baby," said Marcus. "Why do you even work for the cops?"
"Everyone needs a hobby," retorted Lenard. "My mine is putting scum like you behind bars."
"I'm just a capitalist," said Marcus. "It's the American way."
"Is murder the American way?" Lenard asked.
"The body of your competition back at the morgue, probably wouldn't agree."
Lenard saw Shannon on the stage. "Hey what's a classy dame like you working for two but thug like Marcus?"
"Maybe I'm just slumming it," replied Shannon. "I just might trade up for a wealthy straitlaced cop to settle down with," said Shannon. "Are you interested?"
"Sorry I'm spoken for," said Lenard. "Stay toasty. Come on boys, time to go. We've made our point."
"Oh, please stay," said Marcus sarcastically.
"See you around, doll face," said Lenard winking at Shannon."
"I'll be looking forward to it," flirted Shannon as Lenard and his squad left the building.
"You better stay away from that cop," warned Marcus. "Your mine and I own you. He will only bring you trouble."
"Maybe I'm looking for a bit of trouble,"
said Shannon.
Marcus walk up to Shannon and slapped her in the face with the back of his hand. "Is that the trouble you are looking for?" He grabbed her by the arms and shook her then slapper her again with the palm of his hand.
Sometime latter, Shannon is laying in the street with a gunshot wound to the stomach. Lenard rush to her side followed by a firey redhead woman.
"I'm so sorry I couldn't save you," said Lenard kneeling and leaning over Shannon.
"It's alright," coughed Shannon. "You are here now."
"A lot of good that does." Lenard fought back the tears. "I would have hoped we would gotten to know each other better."
"Do you believe souls are eternal and can come back in a different life?"
Shannon asked Lenard.
"I never really thought about it," replied Lenard. "Yeah I guess it's so."
"Then this is not the end." Shannon sat up and kissed Lenard on the mouth. "I will find you again and maybe in that time we can be together." Shannon laid back down and her eyes closed. Then She passed away.
The redheaded women, Lori put her hand on Lenard's shoulder as he wept.
"She was just some floosy," said Lori. "I'm here and no one will ever take you from me. Not in this life or the next."
"You are cruel," said Lenard.
"You are mine, forever. " An evil smile crossed Lori's face. " Like you have choice."
Back in the present.
"Nooooo!" Lori screams to the ceiling. Her sapphire blue eyes soon redden with tears as she pulls at her shiny blonde hair with black streaks. "Why...! You bastard?"
"You called," Lorilie, a spirit manifestation of Lori dressed in black spandex, materialize next to the bed. "I knew one day you would."
"I want to die," Lori curled into ball and sobbed into her pillow."
""Oh please, this again with the de-lifing yourself thoughts," Lorilie rolled her eyes, "I thought we had worked pass this already. "When you want to kill yourself, try killing someone else to see if that will make you feel better." Lorilie held out one hand. A hologram of Lenard and Shannon making love appeared on the
bed next to Lori. "But which one, or maybe both."
"They are both Superhuman," Lori got out of bed and stared at the hologram. "It wouldn't be easy. Besides I can't harm Lenard, I love him too much."
"That's why I'm here," said Lorilie. He's nothing that an incendiary missile wouldn't fix. I'm sure you guys got a few hidden in this mansion, if not somewhere on the ranch."
"Please, don't kill him!" Lori made a pouty face toward Lorilie.
"Just go back to sleep," Lorilie helped Lori's head back down to her pillow, Lori soon was asleep again. Don't worry my love, I will take care of everything.
Lenard woke up with Shannon in his arms. The moldy smell had returned and the apartment was burnt out and rundown again.
"Holy shit," shouted Lenard as he jumped out of the bed. "Lori knows, she and I are linked and I forget to set up a mental block. My powers were spread to thin, even though I was going to tell her later anyway."
Shannon returned to her zombie form. "God no, I'm still undead," Shannon screamed in her mind because she wasn't breathing again.
"The glamour wore off," explained Lenard.
"You glamoured me?" Shannon thought. "None of it was real."
"Well we did commit adultery," said Lenard. "I'm sure Lori will forgive me. It's
not the first time this happened in my line of duty. She's obsessed with me, as long as I keep coming home to her she will get over it."
"I'm so repulsive," thought Shannon. "Glamouring me wasn't enough of an insult, but you don't love me and want to run to your wife."
"I was glamouring the entire room," said Lenard. "Didn't you say you were going to leave?"
"I know I said I would leave," thought Shannon. "But I would rather be buried alive than to be forced to be parted from you again."
"Either way we would be separated," said Lenard. "But Lori would track you down no matter where you go, because I do love you and she won't stand for that."
"You really love me?" Thought Shannon.
"Yes, and I realized now that a war
with zombie supersoldiers is coming," explained Lenard. "Instead of endangering the city, you could be it's savior."
"Do you think you could teach me to use the Glamour on myself?" Thought Shannon not hearing anything Lenard just said.
"I can train you to do a lot of things,"said Lenard. "Right now I need some of your DNA."
"You just gave me some of yours," thought Shannon. "I guess that's fair."
"We need to leave this hell hole and go to one of my safe houses with a lab and a ...shower."
"That could be fun," thought Shannon flirting with Lenard.
"I'm going to dig this hole deeper aren't I?" Lenard blushed. "I really should talk to Lori first.
Lenard walk into the foyer of his darkened house. He all ready new he was in deep shit, so he had his gun ready for self defense. He was thinking he might mame Lori a bit if she attacked him. He hoped it would calm her down long enough to talk things over.
"Welcome home, sweety." Lorilie stood at the top of the stairs with a missile launcher in her hands. "I've been writing all morning for you." She fired the missile and Lenard quickly dodged it. The missile went into the dinning room, obliterating it. A ding sound came from the kitchen. "Soups on!"
"To bad you destroyed the dining room, honey!" Lenard said from hiding.
"That's ok I'll eat it by our new pool I just started to put in. Not that you will be around to enjoy it." Lorilie started to
"You're Lorilie aren't you?" Stated Lenard.
What was your first clue, Dicklock!" Lorilie locked in the the missile, and started heading down the stairs. "Come out, come out, where ever you are. Please I haven't seen you all day and I have missed you. Besides some more walls need to come down, because I was thinking about putting in a mausoleum to store our ashes after I finished. At least then I can keep you home more.
Lenard reached out of the shadows from inside the wall. Before she could react he disarmed her and smacked her to the floor. "I liked the house the way it was."
"I will bury you and your whore," said Lorilie as she got to her feet, under the aim of Lenard's plasma gun. Just then a streak of black rammed into Lorilie and
she flew into a wall breaking the sheet rock. Then she disappeared.
"Did I kill her?" Thought Shannon.
"No that's just a physical manifestation of Lori's alter ego. "She comes out when Lori can't do something on her own, like ending my life. The real Lori is probably a sleep some where, she has Narcolepsy."
A moment later the real Lori came down from the ceiling and landed on Shannon's back, clawing, scratch, pulling hair and screaming.
"Is this one fake, too?" Thought Shannon while trying to shake Lori off.
"That's the real one," said Lenard, "and I don't think she has a problem killing you."
Shannon reversed head butted Lori in the face. Lori fell off Shannon, She flipped around ready for Lori's counter attack. But Instead Lori sat with her knees to her chest and face in her arms sobbing.
Lenard had never seen her that defeated before. "I don't know what to say, Lori. It...it just happened, because there had been a lot of sexual tension between me and Shannon when last we met. We are generally programed to want to mate with each other. I couldn't control myself any longer. I seak no forgiveness. Like every thing else we deal with that we can't talk about because of our line of work. We need to let the pain go and move forward."
"This is not just business," sniffled Lori. "Love her and I don't like to share. Get the out of my home, both of you. Lenard you and I will talk later when I'm over this, I don't know when."
"As you wish," said Lenard.
"And quoting "The Princess bride" won't make things ok this time." Lori put her face back in her arms and silently cried.
Shannon took Lenard's hand and they walk out the door. Lenard wanted too but he didn't look back.
Lori watch them walk away and a wicked smile came across her face.
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celestialevie · 3 years
Flower Boy // George Weasley x GN! Reader
Summary: AU where y/n is working at the tattoo shop, while their best friend is an owner of a flower shop. What happenes when expecting to see your best friend for lunch, you end up meeting a tall ginger man. Warnings: fluff, mention of food, tattoos, flowers, George being absolute charmer Word count: 1.7k a/n: enjoy this aboslute fluff of a fic!! and again, english is not my first language so if there are any mistakes please do not hestitate to let me know about it!! ' Evangeline ' is an oc of mine, so she might appear in some of my fics as a side charachter. Also credit to @bwbatta for the dividers!!
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Being a tattoo artist was one of the things you were proudest of. It wasn't easy to become one after neglecting art for so many years during High School. But after your best friend opened her own flower shop, she helped you get your inspiration for art being constantly surrounded by flowers and stories of why people were getting flowers. You were happy with everything but not knowing that wasn't the end of your happiness. It all started when you were on your lunch break and decided to swing by your best friend's flower shop to visit her. Expecting to see a small blonde girl behind the counter, you were shocked to see a tall ginger man standing there instead. '' Hello, how can I help you today? '' When ginger looked up, he felt as if someone kicked all of the air from his lungs because before him stood a beautiful person with y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes. Smiling at them as they approached the counter, they were even more beautiful up close. '' Hi, um I'm looking for Evangeline? I didn't know she hired someone new. '' Ginger laughed, nodding his head. '' Ah yes, I'm only here temporarily. Unfortunately, you just missed her, she left to go on a lunch break with my uglier twin. '' You only laughed at that. '' Too bad, but can you please let her know that y/n looked for her? '' He nodded. '' I'll let her know. I'm George by the way. If you ever wanna ask her for me. '' George wiggled his eyebrows, making you shook your head. '' It was nice meeting you, but I have to go now. Please don't break any of her flowers she's not afraid to commit murder if you break something in her shop. '' his eyes widen, making you laugh as you were leaving but his voice stopped you. '' Hey! You come here often? '' he asks '' Considering I use to work here and my best friend owns it, yes. '' and with that, you left the shop, heading back to your workplace.
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As the clock turned changed time to 8 pm, you relaxed finally going home after a stressful day. Just as you were open the door, Evangeline barged in. '' Hello, heard you've been looking for me. '' She grinned at her best friend, attacking them with a hug. '' Hello to you too,'' you said returning the hug '' I see the tall ginger you failed to mention to me kept his word. '' smirk appearing in the corner of your mouth as you recall your encounter with him from earlier today. '' It seemed to me you left a trance on Georgie boy. '' Evangeline wiggled her eyebrows, making you laugh '' You can't do that to me, I wanted to have lunch with my best friend only to find she ditched me for and I quote the ginger man '' uglier twin '', leaving me to get almost a heart attack. For a second I thought I walked into a wrong shop. '' Both of you walked out of the shop, heading towards your apartment. '' Speaking of that date, you also failed to mention you were dating someone, and here I thought we tell each other everything, tsk tsk. I'm disappointed. '' you nudged her, blush creeping on her cheeks. '' Oh my god are you blushing? He's making you blush just by thinking of him? You need to tell me about him. '' and so she did. She told you how his name is Fred and along with his twin, he has 6 siblings, making both of them the middle children. It was very interesting to know about a man who took an interest in my best friend. Deciding she'll spend the night at yours, you both got cosy into pyjamas and watched movies until you both crashed. The next morning you went together to work, letting you know she'll come to your work for the lunch break. So when your lunch break came, you didn't expect her to walk in with the same ginger man from yesterday. '' y/n/n, I brought us a bodyguard to keep us safe during our lunch break. '' grin played on her lips, making you shake your head. '' Yeah because we're so in danger that someone is gonna try and kill us while eating Taco Bell. '' George snorted, making you look at him. He looked even cuter than yesterday if that's even possible. Maybe there was something in gingers that you'd yet to discover that makes them so attractive. '' So flower boy, what do you do when you're not being a bodyguard or taking care of Evie's flower shop. '' he was grinning at the nickname. '' I own a joke shop with my brother, but we're currently redecorating inside so we had to close it for a week or two. '' An attractive businessman, that's a first one you snorted to yourself. Spending an hour with two of them, turned into a mostly back and forth conversation between George and you. Soon Evie had to leave, her lunch break coming to an end. To your surprise, George asked you if he could stay for a bit longer, which you said yes to since you had no client for another hour. He asked you about your art style, which, according to George made your eyes sparkle up with happiness, making him chuckle when you started to ramble not even noticing. '' You're rambling. '' he chuckled making you blush a little. '' Sorry, sometimes I can get carried away without even noticing. '' George smiled, taking your hand in his, making you look at him. '' Don't apologise, it's adorable. '' blushing even harder, you looked at the clock making you realise that in 15 minutes your client should be coming. '' Oh shit I didn't even realise how much time has passed already, I have to prepare for the next client. But hey if you ever want a tattoo you know where to come. '' You said and with that, you disappeared somewhere behind in the storage, kind of hiding from flower boy, because he's starting to make you feel things you haven't felt before.
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Everything was happening so fast, in the next few days he kept coming either alone or in a company of Evangeline. She knew what she was doing and she was enjoying it. You even got to meet Fred, him wanting to meet the fascinating best friend of his girlfriend and the person who his brother can't seem to stop talking about. So when George asked you out, you said yes having nothing to lose. Deciding on a picnic, both of you packed some food, and he picked you up after work, leading you to a park. He prepared a blanket and put down the baskets where food and drinks were, sitting down and relaxing. '' How was your day? '' you began the conversation. '' It was good, mostly spent the entire day thinking of what to bring for our date tonight. '' a smile appeared on his face. '' How was yours? Any interesting tattoos you did? '' so you told him about this older guy who had half of his back tattooed with some weird game character, which made him laugh. Looking up at the sky, it looked amazing. '' Isn't the view beautiful? '' a grin played on your lips as you looked at the stars. George was only looking at you, and how beautiful you looked under the stars. If he wasn't already falling, he definitely would've now. '' Yeah, it couldn't be more beautiful. '' you looked at him and he was looking at you. '' Stop looking at me like that! '' He grinned at you, placing a hand on your cheek. '' Like what? '' he said softly while looking you in the eyes. '' L-like I've placed all the stars in the sky as if I'm the most unique thing on this planet. '' you were avoiding his eyes, knowing you wouldn't be able to breathe if you do. George had other plans, because he softly placed finger under your chin, making you look up at him. His eyes were filled with so much adoration, making you get lost in them. '' I've been looking at you like that ever since we first met, darling. I've grown quite fond of you from the first time our eyes met. '' a smile was spread on both of your lips '' God how much I love seeing you smile. I like you so much, love. '' placing your hands on both of his cheeks '' Can I tell you something? '' you said quietly almost a whisper. '' You can tell me anything. '' ''I like you too flower boy. '' even bigger smile was on his lips. '' Could you say it again? '' you furrowed your eyebrows. '' Were you not listening? '' he shook his head. ' No, I was, I just like the sound of your voice. '' you shook your head at his goofiness. '' Can you kiss me? '' a grin appeared on his lips '' Thought you'd never ask. '' and with that, he placed his soft lips on top of yours, lips mending with each other. It was like fireworks exploded inside you, from how much happiness you felt in this moment. Everything was perfect.
The next day you decided to visit Evangeline in the shop, expecting to see I guy you've grown s much fond of. And there he was stood with Fred and Evangeline, his beautiful smile playing on his lips. '' Hello, hope I'm not interrupting a big secret meeting. '' you joked as you approached them. George pulled you in his embrace, placing a small kiss on your temple as he sneaked an arm around your shoulder. '' Of course not love. '' you smiled at him, starting a conversation with him, not noticing how Fred and Evangeline were looking at the two of you. '' I haven't seen her smile like that in ages. '' Evie said, '' Hey flower boy, '' Fred began only to be shot by a dirty look by you. '' Hey, only I can call him that,'' you said and with that making everyone laugh including yourself. This is the happiest you've been in forever, and you could only hope it could stay like this forever.
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