#aka sterling. and nate and sophie
zimszim · 7 months
the frame-up job is such a good episode in general but from sterling's pov. its stunning. he's watching his old partner who he has an intellectual hard-on for and his new hot thief girlfriend who is also insanely intelligent flirt w each other and generally be super hot in front of him ......... rough night for ppl w a thing for competence
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riverofrainbows · 28 days
Ok so the black book episode.
I finally watched it.
It could have done with a double feature. There was so much going on. And it worked, emotionally, but it was a lot. The plot was so fucking condensed.
Fuck when they do something they do it right, don't they. The deaths of the three were fucking harrowing. No fanfare or dramatics, just realistic and dead.
I'm so goddamn impressed by Sophie playing 12 different people. I love her. I know she gets a lot of recognition, but she deserves some more. Holy shit her voice training skills must be off the rocks.
I thought they would have hired Quinn for the police officer, he looked kind of similar, and then i thought it was him and Tara. But with Sophie being on phone theatre, of course Nate was free.
I wonder how fast Sterling figured it out. I think about half a minute into the room with Nate. The rest was just playing along, and hesitating whether to actually go through with the con, while setting up an outcome for both decisions. Usually i really don't think he has it all immediately figured out, but usually he isn't at quite that high alert, and the target isn't that clear and big a deal.
It really should have been a double feature, or a movie length episode. There needed to be more time, to really lay it all out.
I like what they used as the contents and method of collection for the black book. I watched another show (can't remember which) where it was some unsourced collection of various evil people, and that was soo shady and frustrating.
I've come across a bunch of Sterling/Nate shipping by now, and I'm starting to agree. Like that is genuinely a love story for the ages. However i am firmly convinced that it is entirely mental and intellectual. I just really can't see them having any relationship type. Not that Sterling wouldn't fuck Nate but that's just Mark Sheppard's insane gay flirting aura. But mentally, those two are having mind sex, and are tragic soulmate lovers. Also because they have divorced vibes. I'm convinced of the headcanon that they were in a couple friendship driven/held up by their wives socialising, and played 6d time travel chess mind games over barbecue (aka having a mind sex love affair right in front of the salad) (but really low key because they wouldn't actually cheat on their wives).
The way the con failed and they died was really realistic and well done and really stressed me out :(((( not over that.
Also the way this confirmed the Hardison-Eliot ship (platonic or romantic) was. Very much canon thank you. Not to mention the "till my dying day". Like hello??? Also the ice cave and rundown job train scene having already confirmed the depth of Eliot-Parker's bond earlier in the season. (But toxic masculinity and being a show from 2009 impeding the Hardison-Eliot part till the last episode/them dying (rituals to touch other mens skin etc etc flashbacks to superhell love confession sth sth bury your gays (except they lived bitch)).
Also the setup with "do you think you could live a normal life" earlier in the season. Also², annotation to that one: Eliot talking about having to help Hardison's restaurant, as if Hardison didn't buy it for him.
I liked the part about order vs justice. Very 'keeping the peace with an abusive person causing more harm than upsetting status quo'.
It's a good ending for a show. Seriously, it's both end of an era and not destroying everything that was before. Still glad we got leverage redemption tho obviously.
Parker being the new mastermind is great
Her monologue ajsbsjjd. I was cackling so bad. It was a fantastic way to really cinematographically tie up the show though, and she is great for the job. Both Hardison (who already has enough to do) and Eliot (who really doesn't like leading) always get way too deep into stuff, including their respective jobs for it, which is one reason why they're so good though don't get me wrong.
Why did she have slicked back hair with no bangs, and weird eyeshadow :( Awful 1/10. One point for her clearly thinking she needs to put on hair gel for stepping into a Nate role for a con, like that is exactly a logic she would have.
Eliot's blue tinted glasses, love it.
I like that they're not having one of the guys do it just for misogyny reasons, and that at the same time her doing it is very well supported and set up by their characterisations, and not as some sort of disrespectful shoehorned girlboss feminism move. Which ends up with a woman being the new mastermind being actually well done too. Because they never do annoying stereotypes at leverage, and thank fuck for that.
I love that Sterling was there for the last episode. Also, i swear, getting used by Nate for a con (while getting something out of it himself) is a kink thing for him. It happens genuinely almost every goddamn time we see him, while he knows and actively plays along.
I want to see more of Sophies telephone theatre :(
How the fuck did they fake the car accident, they should have shown sth on it.
Only because i knew very securely that they were fine did i not get completely freaked out at Hardison lying there on the ground. And i never ever want to see Eliot gargle up blood ever again. :((((
I was 100% convinced that Parker can hold him with just one hand, i was so shocked. Honestly one of the first clues from the story itself that it was fake. Yes i have that much trust in her. Second clue was the balloon.
No actually, first clue was Nate looking at the cameras. Can't remember which first clue came first in the episode.
I thought Nate gave Sterling something when he distracted him from the trio, and clearly Sterling also thought so, he probably took like several seconds to check if he had gotten anything slipped into his pockets afterwards.
I wish we could have seen more of the "you lied to us?" conversation at the end. Not that that wasn't the tldr of it or needed change, but i want to see the whole conversation.
The tunnels were great. I again wish to have gotten even a crumb more information on that.
It might have done well, and I'm just throwing out ideas here, to be a two parter episode, they could have really used some extra space. The plot was really condensed.
It was q good episode, and a very good ending, something oh so rare in tv shows.
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egelantier · 3 years
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guess who binged the entirety of leverage: redemption in 24 hours? i did, i did, even though i had to psych myself up a bit first. leverage was one of vanishingly few american/english-speaking TV shows that didn't let me down, didn't meander or lose the plot or did the characters dirty or lost its sense of hope and kindness and beautifully lived-in humor, and i was so afraid the sequel is going to mess it up. hardison's not there? new-ish lineup? noah whyle? (rant about him pulling the blanket onto himself and messing up with the nice ensemble show on librarians omitted for time).
what if they did it wrong? what if they're too egregiously dated or embarrassing? what if rogers forgot how to write eliot/hardison/parker? aaah. i had so much anxiety!
dumping a bunch of spoilery and unspoilery reactions under one undiscriminating cut:
i loved how they dealt with timothy hutton not being on the show anymore, and by extension with nate's character, who was, for me, a very important part of the story: with nice verve and gravitas, and selling it with emotions, not just plot convenience.
eliot, hardison and parker are extremely, extremely, extremely married. i'm not sure, by the vibe, if it's an equal triangle of hardison-centered v with eliot and parker being platonic buddies, but yes, those are people who spent eight years together. (and banging.) the in-jokes! the synchronisity! the klingon! the nerdspeak! eliot calling hardison 'babe' at least two times! parker's incredibly inappropriate delight over hot, tight, new vents! god, if they only ever interacted in this pilot, i could live on it forever, and it continued, and it was great.
i'm extremely sad they didn't had hodge for the duration of the show, because apparently he grew from magnificent to incandescent in the interim, but the way they did it was absolutely amazing and worked extremely well for his character (and eliot/parker/hardison family too).
eliot is always my growly favorite, and the best thing about his show is how it's very… without being spelled out too much, it's visible that in those eight years, he's let go of last of his grief and rage and guilt, and he's happy. he's got his soul back, entire, he has his family and his world-changing job and his hobbies and his joys, and he knows that redemption is a lifetime work, and he's doing it with a smile. it was just great to see him, every moment of screen time.(he also kept his habit of being into very tall warrior women, which i can imagine fitting in with his family with no problem, and: good for him. i'm sad they didn't get mikel back for this particular beat, but it was still great.)
parker: sheer delight. just, she's still very much parker in all her gorgeous and gloriousness parker-ness, but she grew into it and into herself and into a variety of roles without reserve and without a limit, and i love her.
brianna the new baby hacker, hardison's baby sister, was SUPER good, fitted the crew like she was always there, and had a variety of great and fun relationships with the entire team. loved her.
SOPHIE: flat out stole the show. i always liked her, but secondary to the ot3, but: she brought so much weight into this reunion tour, her power and her grief and her mischievous streak and her ruthlessness and her hilarity, it was amazing. and i loved how she was very - she was her age in a way that you very rarely see on tv, i think. she and parker both, but sophie especially. my heart for her.
harry the dirtbag lawyer turned good, aka noah whyle: surprisingly great! they didn't give him a mastermind role, which would've killed the show for me, but instead drew him in as an overwhelmed but quickly invested and happy newbie with a lot of sins to atone for, and his bumbling and enthusiastic delight (with some darker underneath) fit the crew dynamics very well without being overpowering or distracting. good for him, and good for the show.
hardison's nanna is alive! and used to fbi on her doorstep.
sadly no sterling or bumbling interpol agents.
eliot made an aging security agent friend who bakes on one of the jobs, and it was adorable.
i laughed my entire ass off the george martin bit. oh show.
the updated and modernized cases - i recognized shkreil, but i'm sure everything else is also america- and current-world based, because the center cannot hold, et cetera - is sliding juuuuuuuuust to the line of being pleasant wish-fulfillment - if only there was a team of genius criminals to punish the unjust and save the innocent! - without being too bitter. i was worried about this aspect, and some of it is too on the nose, but - this was always leverage.
still no gay people, unless this one word in brianna's speech meant she was non-hetero in some unspecified way. that's a pity.
at least two of the marks had anxiety/ptsd that the team exploited in a way that was also very borderline to me: like, on one hand it should be recognized that mental illness doesn't excuse you from being a monstrous asshole to other people, and on the other hand, i wish the devs would learn their lesson from white rabbit job and just, like, don't. but whatever.
parker's cinderella dress, ehehehe.
"you just flipped your hair, eliot."
a surprising amount of the show, for all that it's, as always, hilarious, was - i'd say the entire theme was - about grief, and about grieving for the unfixable and lost, and continuing to move. i liked it a lot, and while sophie carried a lot of it, pretty much everybody had a bit of their own to do, and they all just - grew so much.
in conclusion: ah, ah, ah. what love.
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vickyvicarious · 3 years
Nate: "You know, sometimes a coincidence is just a coincidence."
Sterling: "Not where Annie Kroy AKA Felicity Shaw AKA Indira McAllister AKA Sophie Devereaux is concerned."
Nate: "Oh, wait, hold on. Excuse me." [turns to Sophie] "Indira McAllister, Seriously?"
Sophie: "Hmm? What?"
Nate: "How come I don't know that o- I know all of the aliases."
Sophie: "Darling, nobody knows all of them, not even me."
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I love the aliases, of course. But I also love Sterling clearly throwing that one out as a subtle brag at his information-gathering skills since he probably knows Nate isn't aware of it (or at least that it's an uncommon one they wouldn't expect him to know).... only for it to immediately backfire as they start with all this PDA and whatnot right in front of him. He regrets this already.
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Leverage: Redemption Ep 1 aka The Too Many Emotions Job
I knew. I knew it was gonna hit me. But I didn’t expect how soon or how much. Like an old sweater, like coming home, episode 1 was pretty much everything I hoped for.
Contextless running commentary of the episode, as usual for these semi-liveblog posts that no one else really cares for but me, under the cut. Although really it’s mostly a lot of me yelling “MY HEART!” 
Oh shit, did they fucking kill Nate?!
Crying Sophie hurt my heart...
This check-ins by the labels he gave them is really sweet though. My heart
One year gone because that's when they found out Tim Hutton was The Worst and they needed to write him out? I like.
I love that for Eliot. And for Hardison. MY HEART. They're doing so much good 😭💖
That Eliot also said the whole thing: "Age of the Geek, Baby"
That that's Parker's (all of their) idea of cheering her up is...perfect.
Just like riding a bike Sophie, you've got this.
I love that they're simultaneously mocking him and adopting him. Kidnapping?
Ooh dramatic cuts for flashbacks/time jumps. I kind of miss the typewriter clicking though.
Boo Harry. "I'm not on anybody's side. I'm a lawyer." I don't like that quote. But also, seeing you work it fits. We can fix you though.
I love Sophie's Distinguished Widow™ look. She’s been wearing it the whole episode but it’s really hitting me now.
Of course Nate was still on Vista. Because he was a crotchety old man.
Aw poor puppy doesn't get it. He will though.
Hovering Mom!Sophie, my heart.
A whole month, we're so proud! That’s a marked improvement over even No Stabbing Wednesdays.
My babies! All grown up but still the same.
God Harry don't you know anything?!
"What an unsettling metaphor." Yeah they're good at that. And can clear a room faster than ever.
Seriously all this Eliot/Hardison time has me LIVING
This isn't part of her act, is it?
I love that Eliot is so quick to try to go to her side.
He's really so overconfident. That sell was almost a giveaway
Harry. Best not to ask any questions. Ever.
Eliot and Sophie and trying to talk about Nate. Its making me emotional.
Damn. I called it YEARS ago. I literally wrote this fic. Fuck me. (Note to self: time for a reblog)
"At least he burned." Feels double-edged.
No Parker, not weird at all. Cus giiiirl me too. 👀
A mobile HQ 😍
Hello? Who are you? Our new antagonist to replace Sterling?
This is a mean audition. Shouldn’t an audition be something they have a chance at? 
But his breakdown of it. 👀😍 and his little bow of respect and actually giving a chance to show what they can do/offering feedback
Aw, poor Harry. :( I genuinely feel for him now. And respect a turn like that.
Damn that's one way to do it. Okaaaay, Burn a Rembrandt. Except he'll get the insurance money and come out on top.
If his insurance company is IYS...
Print a fake 4 hours. Was there ever really the stolen one or was this the plan all along? It's what Nate would do
Oh it was Harry's idea. Nice! He picked up quick.
And then Sophie improved upon it.
Parker is SO CUUUTE!! 💖
🤣 what a moron
Of course you have to gloat, Harry. It's part of making sure he knows he's finished
Hardison laying it out plain. In a beautiful speech. Of course Eliot does. He's...so...my poor broken (though not so much as he used to be) cowboy.
Also, not the first time he's referenced Jewish faith or "jokingly" called himself Jewish. And it makes sense for his character. So I'll be clinging to Jewish Hardison and taking it to my grave thanks
His father's son 😭😭😭😭😭 we have canon acknowledgement that they're Mom and Dad.
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New Hope - Eliot x Reader drabble/one-shot
A/N: Okay, so I’m re-watching Leverage and I just wrapped season 2 where Nate is arrested and the angsty idea of his daughter being part of the team and losing him came to me so I started writing that and then the rest just sorta happened. Basically a drabble that turned into an unplanned one-shot I’m not entirely sure I like. I feel like I should give it additional parts but y’all can decide that. I also have another Eliot angst/fluff I’m almost done with and about 2-3 one-shots/multi fic ideas for Eliot I’m trying to organize.
Details: You are Nate’s daughter (either by Maggie or maybe gf/hs sweetheart before Maggie) that’s part of the team and already established gf/love of Eliot. Nate is arrested and it spirals you down, until you find something out and your life changes. Kinda sucks, please be kinda, haha. 
In the span of maybe two minutes, everything came to a screeching halt. Well, not quite a halt. More like trying to watching a video that was trying to load and play at the same time. Every part of your body felt heavy, heavier than you ever remember feeling. You try to focus on the situation at hand but things register too late.
Sterling, standing with cops, surrounding you and the team. Guns pointed at you. Trapped. Your dad speaking, walking to the rail. He cuffs himself to the rail. Why? What’s happening? Him and Sterling talking. What’s happening? 
“Dad? What are you doing?” You take a half step towards him, when Eliot grabs your hand to hold you back. The guns shift in your direction. 
Your dad tells the team how you’re his family and he will never forget that. None of this is computing. He’s yelling for you all to get on the helicopter. You feel Eliot tug at your arm to get you to move. It snaps you out of your haze and everything is in crystal clear focus. You pull away from Eliot and rush to your father. 
“No. No! You aren’t doing this. There’s another way.” You frantically start tugging at the handcuffs, believing if you pull it hard enough it’ll break apart and free him. You hear your teammates call your name, but ignore them still rambling. “This isn’t happening. We lost Sam. I lost Sam. I can’t lose you too. You can’t leave me. Dad, no!” 
He shifts his cuffed hand to gently and firmly grab yours, saying your name. You freeze and look up into his eyes. “Do you remember what I use to tell you when you were little?” 
“That I was your first true love, and true love is about protecting each other.” You whisper, your voice shaking. He gave you a gentle smile, his eyes softening. 
“That’s right. I couldn’t save Sam, and I’ll live with that guilt forever. But if I don’t do this to protect you, and them, I couldn’t live with myself. I love you, so much.” He leaned forward and gave your forehead a kiss. As he pulls back, he nods to Eliot to grab you. 
“Daddy.” You try to keep hold of his hand, but Eliot pries you apart and keeps a firm hold on your arms, following the rest of the team to the helicopter. Your eyes lock with Sterling as you move past him. The look you give him makes him take a side step back. You hear Eliot telling him to watch his back; Eliot will be the least of his problems. 
Then, it was like the video fully loaded and everything sped up at once. You barely remembered the flight, or the following weeks after your fathers arrest. It was a blur spent in bed, crying off and on with random bouts of anger. Sophie and Eliot spent the most time with you, trying to make you eat and stay somewhat in a routine of at least wondering around Eliot’s apartment. About a month after his arrest you tried to ease back into being with the team and wanted to help in planning his escape. Then you got sick. 
You were sitting in the bathroom in your dad’s flat, loving the cool side of the tub against your neck as you focused on breathing. A soft knock made you open your eyes a crack, seeing Eliot quietly step inside and close the door again. He grabbed a washcloth, got it damp, and sat down in front of you while holding it to your forehead. 
“How you feeling?” Every part of him showed concern. 
“Like death.” You gave a dry chuckle. “Why aren’t you sick? We’ve been eating  the same things for months.”
“Minus your comfort food,” Eliot joked. 
You rolled your eyes, “I haven’t had that in...” You trailed off trying to remember the last time you had any comfort food aka period cravings. When you realized you couldn’t give a confident answer on the last time that happened, you said the only thought you had. “Uh, oh.”
Eliot tensed, “Uh, oh? What ‘uh, oh’?” His eyes follow your hands as they settle on your stomach, his own arm dropping from your forehead. “Uh, oh.” 
One not-so-secret trip to the corner drug store (courtesy of Parker eves dropping and blabbing to everyone else in the apartment) and twenty minutes of drinking water and waiting to pee later had everyone sitting in the living room looking at the timer on your phone. Well, Eliot was pacing but everyone else was sitting. 
“Man, if this is positive Nate is gonna break out just to kill you. We might not have to do anything.” Hardison tried to joke, looking at Eliot who was far from amused. 
“Hardison I’m gonna jump over this couch and -” Eliot started before Sophie jumped in. 
“Can everyone just stop for a minute? We need to be supportive right now.” She gave them a pointed look and went back to rubbing soothing circles on your back. 
The timer went off and you couldn’t shut it off fast enough. Beyond that quick movement, you found yourself stuck to your seat. You turned and looked at Eliot, standing at your side, neither of you seemed able to move. Then you hear a huff and a flash of blonde as Parker sprints to the bathroom and comes back just as fast holding the stick. Her face is unreadable. 
“Well?” Sophie asks. 
“Negative.” Parker looks between you and Eliot. 
“Oh.” You feel your shoulders drop, processing the news. 
“That’s good, though, right? That’s what you wanted?” Hardison asked. 
“I mean, yeah. That’s the smart outcome. It’s just...” You felt tears prick at your eyes and turn towards Eliot. He sits on the arm rest and hugs you to his side. “I guess I had just assumed it was gonna be yes so I started thinking of all the memories we’d make and our life...” 
“Me too.” Eliot confessed, kissing the top of your head. 
“Well, good news then. It’s positive.” Parker’s face broke into a smile. You and Eliot’s heads snapped over to her. “I lied before. Just wanted to be sure you knew your real emotions on it.” 
You jump up and rush to grab the test from her hands. She’s still smiling like she somehow won the jackpot. “You are the craziest person I’ve ever met.” You mumble to her, but she didn’t seem remotely fazed. There it was, big and pink and plus. You look back up at Eliot and nod in confirmation. “It’s positive.”
He walked over and took the test from your hand, staring at the symbol as you had done. Then his arms wrap around you and hold you close, being as gentle as possible so you don’t get sick again. Your arms wrap around him and you start to cry and laugh at the same time. Eliot pulls back enough to see your face. 
“Those happy tears?” He looked slightly worried. When all you could do was nod and smile at him, he smiled back. Eliot put one hand on your check and moved the other to rest on your stomach, leaning down he gave you a passionate and loved filled kiss. The euphoric moment ended once you heard Parker speak yet again. 
“So what’s Nate gonna be more pissed about: Eliot getting his daughter pregnant or not knowing Sophie’s real name?” 
“Those are problems for another day. Right now, we are going to celebrate the newest member of our family!” Sophie came forward and gave you both hugs, followed by Hardison and a typical semi awkward Parker hug. 
You looked at your team, laughing and smiling. They would be there for you and Eliot and your growing baby, and that made you feel a happiness you’d been missing for the past month. Your dad was right - they are family. And you saw hope and a future for your family. You’d get your dad out and once everyone was together again, no one would be able to break them apart again. 
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leverage-mytake · 4 years
S1E10: The 12 Step Job
This episode was grand! Love seeing the brotherly relationship between Alec and Elliot! And Parker was just a delight (as always!). Nate, wow, the alcoholism portrayal is just brilliant. And as always, jealous of Sophie’s wardrobe!
Alec spilling slushy in Eliots car hahaha
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Welcome to rehab
Damn Nate
Damn love Sophie’s dress and heals when she's pretending to be a doctor in the rehab
And Parker and Nate as patients lol
And Sophie interrogating Nate, and Parker acting like its a tennis match
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I don't do drugs
Pressure sensitive
OH OH 2 MINS!!!!
C'mon Eliot!!!!!
"Want me to kick it" (Eliot)
"I'm gonna die" (Alec)
Thank god
"Imma go and freshen up a little bit. Maybe cry" 
what a mood
"Hey Eliot. When you said you were gonna dive under that truck, you were gonna drag me with you right?" (Alec)
"...yeah... right" (Eliot)
Love these boys
HAHAHAHHAHAA ALEC PRETENDING TO BE WITH ELIOT (And El pretending to be Tom (aka Nates) bro
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Literally can’t get over Elliot’s face. the horror.
Eeeee Nates hallucination with Sterling
The drugs are making Parker weird! She would've stabbed that guy who brushed past her!
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Love how first things first she goes and gives it to Nate, even when she’s hyped up on drugs!
Ooof! Nate's got a good shot!
They put the bomb back to get the thugs off their back
Eliot pulled Sophie and the dude out
Was all pretty cool
That's so clever!
Parkers so cute! Hugging everyone! Still on the "happy pills"!
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afraschatz · 4 years
Leverage: The 12 Steps Job
It‘s been a while since I‘ve done one of these, but I‘m rewatching Leverage yet again (SHOW, I MISSED YOU) and here are plenty of things I love about ‚The 12 Step Job‘: I love…
… The montage of Hurley in the car and how he walks into his office. Man, that is one NEAT character introduction because when you first watch this, of course he could pass as an absolute jerk and the baddie of the week – despite the client‘s description of him as enthusiastic and sweet. But at the same time this is just how he is later on in this ep and when he returns in The Boys‘ Night Out Job: An absolute slob and a complete mess but also very congenial (how much he knows about all his co-workers? Sweet) and with his heart in the right place.
… Nate being a complete dick and so fucking in denial about his alcohol problem here. I haven‘t watched season one in a while and it‘s so interesting how his and Sophie‘s relationship is so different here (the biggest shift of course being between s2 and s3 where Nate decides to take a vacation in prison and Sophie runs the crew in the meantime – this changes things forever). But it‘s so cool how Gina‘s acting walks the thin line between being the one who is absolutely in the right here and being just that bit annoying that allows Nate to justify implying that she‘s overly dramatic
… Eliot‘s hair is ON FIRE in that episode, wow and that blue shirt *chef‘s kiss*
… how the team works together in figuring out where Hurley might be. Yes, it‘s season one and Nate is very much calling the shots – and he is the one narrowing it down here – but Eliot and Hardison specifically absolutely pitch in.
… Sophie‘s and Eliot‘s little eyeroll at Hardison‘s dropping strip club knowledge
… ‘if Billy was a drunken sex fiend’ – hahaha, Parker, spot on as always – and Eliot‘s and Hardison‘s responding expressions. Come on, boys, don‘t deny it, you‘re in love with her already.
… that look on Nate‘s face when he figures out how to find Hurley. His whole expression changes, his gaze focusses, he leans forward and that drunken haze is gone for the moment
… how Eliot and Hardison constantly share the same frame <3
… Eliot‘s little DELIGHTED smile. Okay, his and Hardison‘s delight in strip joints doesn‘t quite fit later seasons, so we all can just agree that Hardison asking for change for 100 in singles is just because they really want to tip generously for the chicken wings there or something :)
… Eliot‘s and Hardison‘s synchronized walk off
… ‘Don‘t get mad, Eliot, I may have spilled slushie in your car’ and his badly acted expression of contrition hahaha, no one is buying that, Hardison
… Eliot and Hardison being extremely sexy in sitting in Eliot’s car (and as so often, look at the perfect way that shot is lit! Hardison’s and Eliot’s faces both fricking glow)
… very smartly dressed random thugs
… the messy way the fight scene is shot – close ups and very wobbly camera moves, and how you can still tell how efficiently Eliot fights and how… well not all that efficiently Hardison is. And yes, again, it’s season one, so Hardison grabs the gun and shoots it, too, instead of just sitting back and chilling while he watches Eliot beat people up (which is way better than the strip joint idea anyway)
… Eliot being annoyed with Hardison
… ‘Is he sleeping?’ LOL, yes, Sophie, that’s why Hurley is using the air bag as a pillow
… Nate looking progressively more like the absolute mess he is as the episode progresses
… - how confusing is it that Sterling’s Theme is used and Sterling isn’t immediately around the next corner? That is SO cool because yes, he shows up later, or rather: withdrawal!Nate hallucinates him; and so his theme music this early in the episode is almost like foreshadowing
… everyone in group therapy apparently understanding Sam perfectly well aside from Nate
… Parker having to read from the cheat sheet she wrote onto her lower arm to get her three-sentence-character-intro right
… Hurley’s massive list of addiction, with the climax of “Tacos”
… “Uh-huh” - and Sophie and Nate having another fight while everyone else in the group is already tired of it. Especially Parker, if one were to judge by her VERY subtle expressions.
… Parker aggressively chewing on the meds the doctor gave her. I absolutely LOVE the way she constantly gives other people this uncensored WTF-look in season one
… Eliot being smart in the parking lot. I have so much love and respect for how that’s played here again – Eliot is the one who has to have 360 vision, it’s his job to anticipate problems in all forms and sizes
… Hardison’s bricks-on-the-seat plan. That’s so great because he might be the smartest guy Eliot knows TM, but he is fucking afraid here and panicking and that’s not conducive to coming up with super clever plans, is it?
… Hardison and Eliot working together while bitching at one another - “Yes, there are a lot of wires! It’s a Com-Pu-Ter!!”
… Hardison’s brain rebooting as he figures out that it’s a computer bomb and the system needs to be re-booted
… Eliot trusting Hardison’s knowledge, and Christian’s acting here – knowing Hardison is right, being low key annoyed by it, being just a bit unsettled (that lip quiver!) “Run that sack of bricks by me again...” - “Are you ready?” - “NO!”  and his trembling hand - he is so good at rapidly changing expressions and tones
… “I’m gonna go and freshen up a little bit. Maybe cry a little”
… Hardison thinking on his feet and that sweet Jamaican accent – Eliot thinking that is sexy, and backing him up with a bomb
… and again, Kane’s acting – that beat and that look before he says “Sure” when Hardison asks whether he’d have saved him as well
… Nate’s withdrawal. So well done. Over all, the show is SO good at showing that alcoholism is a sickness and a serious problem, even if (especially if!) Nate doesn’t acknowledge it
… HARDISON AND ELIOT’S DATE AT THE RECEPTION DESK. - So, while in the scene before, Hardison takes the lead in acting their way out of the situation, here it’s Eliot by shamelessly flirting with the receptionist. And Hardison’s FACE throughout this. Like, bro, do we have time for this? DO WE? - And then “I’m with him”. And Eliot trying so hard not to burst into laughter, especially when Hardison is doing that thing he is famous for which is shamelessly over-acting just to piss Eliot off. - The ringing of the reception bell and “Bring yo ass”. And none of that even being mentioned in the next scene. - So much quality content in this episode.
… Sophie taking over for Nate when Nate very obviously can’t, and her tone of voice changing to what we’ll get to know from season three Sophie
… Parker coming up with a believable story and selling it. Up to the point where her make believe parents found gold under their trailer…
… Nate’s withdrawal getting worse, Tim’s acting is brilliant here.
… Sophie talking differently to Nate than before. Yes, she still seems to focus on Nate and how Nate is being a dick to them and particularly her, but her voice is different and she uses the real emotion between her and Nate’s exchange to get what they need from Hurley; the list of people he wronged. Brilliant little twist here, because of course Sophie is focused on the con and on helping their client, especially now that Nate is threatening to lose his focus entirely
… that Genesis? Veeeeery subtle product placement, Leverage hahaha
… “I checked your notes - he seems like a deeply troubled man” - Thank you, doctor, yeah. Nate IS a deeply troubled man. And again: Nate’s withdrawal getting much worse, and the con threatening to get out of hand. I said it before, and I’ll say it again: It’s really great how they used this episode to focus so much on Nate’s alcoholism. It’s something so important not only for later seasons but also for the upcoming s1 finale, and we’ve watched enough episodes at this point that we understand WHY this happened to him. And this episode doesn’t offer an easy fix, nor do the following seasons. “Just give me something to do” is what Nate says here, and Sophie has to decide whether or not this is really the right thing to do
… “He is an addict, he knows how to manipulate people, my father was an addict, my grandfather was an addict, I know how these people operate” - yes, Nate, we know who you’re talking about. And so does Sophie
… Sterling as the one Nate hallucinates. Because Sterling knows him, because they used to be friends, because Sterling is as ruthless as Nate is (well, nearly), because Nate is still projecting and in denial that he is in fact talking about himself. So what does he do? He imagines his former friend who is now on the other side, chasing him. - I’m not too big a fan of Sterling in later seasons but this is such a STELLAR use of his character, and Mark’s acting is brilliant here, and so is, of course, Tim’s.
… “Knocking on heaven’s door” - ouch
… Nate’s aggression towards Hurley, first in a physical form and that is scary but also less dangerous because it’s unfocused; and then when his mind has something to focus on, that sharp sharp focus – fuck, he’s one scary dude indeed, it’s rather disconcerting that one is looking at Hurley for emotional reassurance in this scene…
… Parker’s strange walk because of her meds and the return on her focus when her thief-self kicks back in
… “If you’re doing it to help someone, doesn’t that make it okay?” Good question, Hurley. Your answer, Nate?
… Nate shoving Hurley in the hallway rather than explaining what’s going on. Funny, and sliiiightly sloppy, Mr Ford
...Tacos :)
… Eliot and Hardison sharing the same level of annoyance and then acceptance. So in tune in this episode, these two
… re-using that bomb. Everyone does their part in sustainability and careful usage of resources ;)
… the thugs thinking the bomb thing was done by the Jamaicans, aka Hardison and Eliot
… Eliot’s and Hardison’s reservations in the flashback. “Uh---why?” from Hardison and Eliot’s emphatic headshake
… the cash in the tire. Very practical choice, Hurley
… Hardison going the extra mile with Hurley’s new identity by getting him a gym membership
… Parker’s brilliant drawing!!!
… Parker smelling the Sharpie
… and that song, that is a variation of “What shall we do with the drunken sailor”, right?
Seriously, this is such a dark episode for Leverage standards because of that focus on Nate’s addiction, and yet, it’s counterbalanced by so much Hardison/Eliot fun and competence porn, by Sophie’s strength and by the fact that the villain of the week has a redemption arc. I love this show so much and this mix shows why again; such a delicate balance, so beautifully handled
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Anyone from Leverage or one of your ocs, I love your writing
There is, quite unfortunately, a universe where it’s not Nate Ford who loses a child and goes a little insane in the process. It doesn’t turn out so bad for Nate Ford, of course, but. Well, he’d have a different opinion if you asked him directly.
Somewhere else, though, there’s a universe where it’s James Sterling who—
He doesn’t even have the ugly, cold comfort of watching Olivia die under a doctor’s paddles, intubated and trached and code blue or whatever other E.R.-level medical jargon you want to throw around. Instead, he gets an email to his work phone. TO: [email protected], FROM: [email protected]—your daughter is dead. Sorry.
It’s the “sorry” that gets to him.
“Excuse me,” he murmurs, and pretends to take a call in his office for the next hour because the alternative is letting the whole department watch him cry silently into his hands, and he’ll never be promoted that way. They’ll never let him know, for instance, what Robert Livingston has insured, for how much, and how to take it away from him.
Afterwards, Nate asks if everything is all right. They have a new case, Victor Dubenich, but if James isn’t feeling up to it—“No,” James says. “No, don’t worry about me. I’m fine.”
As a side note: it’s unfortunate how many criminal profiles IYS has access to, via its data-sharing agreements with the FBI, the CIA, Interpol, DID, DRM, BND, CBI, and other intelligence-sharing bodies. Especially since IYS is a private corporation. Someone ought to look into that, it could be a very serious breach of privacy. Or the fifth amendment. Something.
James is not feeling particularly apologetic about it when he goes to meet with Sophie Devereaux, aka—”Darling,” she says, smirking. “Very bad manners to kiss and tell like that.”
She does hear him out though, twirling a swizzle stick between her fingers like she needs something to play with, instead of stealing James’ wallet. (He’s grateful, he has his last picture of Olivia in there.)
“You’re asking for a lot,” she says. “And I’m not sure I’m the person to put it together for you.” “I think you’re the only one who can,” James says. “I’ve read Nate’s files, I know—” he doesn’t miss the hurt-longing-grief that flashes through her eyes at Nathan Ford’s name, but he knows that feeling. You can ignore it, bury it deep, and never let it surface. (Not even when he’s close enough to touch.) “I want to make this fucker pay.”
“It’s a steep price,” Sophie says, and James shakes his head. “That’s not an object, Ms. Devereaux.”
Eventually—three weeks later, when he’d begun to despair she’d ever show up, and he’d written the down payment off as a loss—she’s there at the end of the bar in his favorite pub, flanked by a broad, tall man with long hair, a handsome black man, and a girl with a twitchy look. James takes the barstool beside her. “Is this them?” he asks, and the black man laughs.
He knows their names, it turns out: Alec Hardison, Parker, Eliot Spencer. “I ought to give you control over my stock portfolio next,” James says, and Sophie quirks a smile at him. Even Alec Hardison looks amused at that one.
“So?” Eliot grunts. “What’s next?”
At work, Nate claps James on the shoulder. “Sterling, look! Didn’t I tell you she was a fake?” he asks, delighted. Maggie is expecting their second. “You did,” James says, and smiles as much as he dares.
It’s sort of amazing how easy it is, to feed information to Sophie, to feign confusion and shock the next morning when whatever they’ve stolen or conned or lied for disappears, is revealed, is discovered. James hums as he stirs sugar into his coffee now—he wouldn’t have noticed, except that Jeannie pointed it out in the breakroom. “Guess I’m feeling…better,” he says.
The common rumor around the office is that he’s in therapy, or getting fucked on the regular. He prefers both of these to the truth, which is that yesterday Parker grudgingly taught him to freefall off a forty-story building, and his blood is still humming. (”How do you feel?” Sophie asked coolly, reeling him toward the ledge. “Oh, fantastic, never better,” Sterling bit out, and they’d smirked, in a very British sort of way, at one another.)
He’s been double- (triple? it’s hard to keep track) crossing IYS for eighteen months by the time they figure it out, and by then, Hardison has tipped him off and told him both how to wipe his hard drive and get out of the building in time. Eliot is there out front, looking grumpy but then, what else is new?
“Get in,” Eliot grunts, and Sterling does, and is very patiently silent all the way to the empty warehouse where his criminals are all apparently squatting.
“I thought I defrauded more money for you than this,” James says archly when he steps out of the car. “No,” Sophie sighs theatrically. “You did not, shame on you.”
“Well, fine then,” James answers with a shrug. Nothing he can do about IYS, that bridge is good and burnt, turning to ash as he speaks. “What’s next?”
If he were to compare—he can’t, because in this universe Nate Ford stays in the employ of IYS, happy with his beautiful, clever wife and a smiling, hale child. But if it were apples to apples, and Nate Ford turned to a life of defrauding the rich and powerful, of exerting…how shall we say…leverage? James would be better at it. 
He wasn’t that moral to begin with, you see. He fit right in from the start.
James gets their Christmas card, with Sam clutching a battered-looking trumpet and grinning a gap-toothed grin, Maggie’s hand lingering on her son’s shoulder. Nate is beaming, ruddy, happy.
I’m so glad for you, Sterling writes, and doesn’t sign his name. Sticks it back in the mailbox marked, ‘RETURN TO SENDER.’
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rotationalsymmetry · 2 years
Me: likes Parker/Hardison, tolerates Parker/Hardison/Eliot (aka everyone’s favorite OT3)
Also me: tolerates Nate/Sophie, would die for Nate/Sophie/Sterling.
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reprehensiblewombat · 7 years
I like to pretend Leverage and White Collar take place in the same universe
Curtis Hagen, aka the Dutchman, is one of Sterling’s longstanding aliases and he is pissed when literally years of undercover work are undone by a convicted art thief and warrant law. 
In the King George Job, when Hardison says “So we need a forger. I know a couple of guys in the States,” what he means is “I know Neal and Mozzie.” Also, he 100% called Mozzie for help. “You can’t use a hair dryer, Hardison. It’s too hot. It’ll curl the pages. Why didn’t you just ask us to do this?”
“We’re in London and we need it like, yesterday.”
“Find a nail dryer. But it’ll still fall apart after a few hours.”
“It’s supposed to.” 
“Wait, are you doing the Mummy’s Tiara? In England?”
“You know it’s almost impossible to pull off the Mummy’s Tiara in a country with a real monarchy, right?” 
“That was mentioned, yeah. Don’t worry, we’ve got this.” 
“Hardison, in the fight between you and the world, back the world.” 
“And here I was hoping to get out of this conversation without you quoting a dead, white guy.” 
“I can also quote dead men of color, if you’d prefer. He who-” 
“Aw, man, look at the time. I gotta go get a nail dryer. Bye, Moz!” 
Sophie once worked for Elizabeth under an assumed name to get close to one of Elizabeth’s clients. Elizabeth has no idea “Carolyn Barber” is actually con artist Sophie Deveraux, and Sophie has no idea Elizabeth’s husband is an FBI agent. (It never came up.) Peter has no idea anything was even stolen, because the item in question may or may not have been purchased illegally anyway, and therefore was never reported missing. Nate knows everything.
Nate knows Peter from his days working for IYS. Peter is part of the reason Leverage Inc has never set up shop in New York City. It’s fine to go up against Sterling. Sterling’s an ass and Nate has no qualms making a fool out of him. (Or... trying to.) But Nate actually likes Peter. 
Matthew Keller once hired Quinn to be his muscle. It ended badly, and Keller came away having learned an important lesson: If you’re going to consider all your employees disposable, hire guys it would be easy to dispose of.
Kate Moreau is Damien Moreau’s younger half-sister. He doesn’t really care about what happens to her until she dies. But Damien takes care of his business first. Always. And business needed to be dealt with before vengeance and before family. If not for Nathan-Ford-shaped dilemmas cropping up and hurting his business, Peter and Neal’s investigations into Vincent Adler would have come up with a lot of dead bodies and little else. 
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josephinemarche · 8 years
agents of shield & leverage
my all-time ultimate fave character: please don’t make me choose between Phil and Melinda because honestly I can’t like I might lean towards Melinda atm but Phil Coulson owns my ass so. I can’t choose. 
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: Probably Mack. I was a bit indifferent at first but now he’s head cheerleader on team Philinda. And he puts up with Coulson missing May and talking about her all the time so you know the guy must be a champ. Talbot also grew on me. 
a character I used to like but now don’t: I think i liked Andrew for like, five minutes in Melinda and then that was it. 
a character I’m indifferent about: Eh there’s a whole bunch of things and characters in season two/three that I’ve sort of glossed over and am indifferent to. like Cal? wtf are you doing man. 
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: hm i mean i’m dreading hitting season three in my rewatch because of certain other people existing and getting in the way of my ship. 
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: phil coulson and melinda may, i mean I’ve been  shipping them since the show started when I used to watch and then I took a few years off because who even has time for television in this economy but nOW I AM BACK AND THEY HAVE DESTROYED MY LIFE AGAIN. @lemmonlyman @marcuskaen this is your fault. 
a cute, low-key ship: i mean they’re not lowkey but Fitzsimmons are adorable. 
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: hmmmmmmmmmm. i don’t know if there is one?
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: i just watched all of season one again and like, from a storyline pov the melinda and ward ~thing~ actually makes a lot of sense and works well but I still hate it with every fiber of my being, like the only good thing that ever came of that was lowkey jealous coulson in t.r.a.c.k.s and highkey furious melinda kicking ward’s ass for the rest of time. 
my favourite storyline/moment: t.r.a.c.k.s is beautiful and brilliant and I love it and season one has this really nice rhythm that builds towards the Hydra/Tahiti reveals SO DAMN WELL. And then season 4 has just been pure fairytale THEY LOVE EACH OTHER. SO MUCH. AND HAVE. FOREVER. 
a storyline that never should have been written: i don’t know what the hell was happening for half of season three but it was a bit of a mess. 
my first thoughts on the show: i can’t even remember tbh. I was excited because marvel and Phil Coulson has owned my soul since like, Iron Man. 
my all-time ultimate fave character: light of my life Sophie Devereaux
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: Sterling. At first I thought he was a bit meh but by Frame Up Job he was 
a character I used to like but now don’t: there really isn’t anyone who let me down.
a character I’m indifferent about: Probs Tara. She was cool but no Sophie. 
a character who deserved better: idk man I feel like in the end they were all treated pretty well. Soph got her theatre, Nate built something, Parker got her family, Hardison has Parker, so i guess Eliot? MORE LOVE FOR ELIOT SPENCER 2k17
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: none, I loved all the ships
a cute, low-key ship: Parker n Hardison are adorable.
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: I can’t think of any so instead I’m going to tell you about the time @lemmonlyman and I decided that back when Nate was still married to Maggie and Melinda was still married to Andrew, Phil ran into Sophie on an op - she was trying to steal an O84 - and they ended up working together and having a cute ~fling~ in Monte Carlo that probably included a couple of nights in a fancy bed overlooking the water but was mostly just the two of them getting drunk in a bar downstairs and telling the other about Melinda and Nate. 
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: Sophie and that random guy from season two who’s face we never even saw. 
my favourite storyline/moment: oh god. ALL OF IT? Nate and Soph trying to sort their shit out in season four. ALL OF SEASON FIVE. Soph going on her journey of discovery in season two and Nate figuring out that he literally can’t exist without her by his side and calling her in tears and thinking she’s not picking up bUT THEN SHE APPEARS TO SAVE HIS ASS AND ALL IS WELL. The Frame Up Job is just…pure fanfiction. I adore it. Also The Hot Potato Job? THE RASHOMON JOB. GIRLS NIGHT OUT. SAN LORENZO. THE OFFICE JOB. I just love this show to pieces. 
a storyline that never should have been written: I wanna say those episodes that Sophie wasn’t there but duh Gina was having a bb so that’s totally cool. Maybe….idk. nope. I loved it all. All of it. 
my first thoughts on the show: These people look pretty. 
send me a tv series
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pinkpeccary · 8 years
all the special interest emoji asks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or if that's too many, any five?
💖 Current special interest? / 🔥 How many special interests do you have at the moment?
i think just 3: sharks, math, and leverage. i’m in an off-stage for language stuff rn.
😇 If your special interest is a video game/movie/tv show/etc, who’s your fav character from it?
Parker 100%. Followed by Eliot and Hardison, then Sophie, then Nate. 
💎 When and how did you discover your special interest? / 🌟 Did someone introduce you to your special interest?
My dad is a computer scientist so he tried to entertain us with math when we were little, so I probably got that from him.
Leverage is one of my friends’ favorite tv show, so I started watching it over break bc i got super bored and vaguely remembered them recommending it to me. i’ve always liked caper-type things so i was into it from the beginning, then Parker immediately struck me as autistic and the further i went the more obvious it became, so i got hooked completely.
I don’t remember exactly how I got into sharks, just that i started thinking about it and looked up “shark facts” and it spiraled into this.
✖️️ Is there something you don’t like about your special interest?
I hate geometry, and basically any form of math that relies on visual thinking and/or memorizing a bajillion theorems. what appeals to me is the figuring-things-out aspect, and like making the numbers fit together the way they’re supposed to. I’m also not at all a visual thinker (like. At all.) so that always bothered me.
🐒 What’s your favorite line from your special interest if it’s a video game/movie/tv show/etc?
“Damn the con, I am a black man caught on an army base with a video camera, I am going to jail forever.“  -Hardison, in which the show highlights the fact that not only is there real, genuine danger to the things they’re doing, regardless of moral value, but also that it would disproportionately affect the members of the team and he, as a black man, risks a lot more doing the same thing.
💫 Favorite fact about your special interest?
Parker is autistic!! For real!!
💕 What’s your fav thing about your special interest?
okay so i wrote my college essay on how much i love math (this was before i was fully aware of being autistic) and one of the things i talked about was the concept of “Mathland” where like i get super into a problem and everything else fades into the background and nothing exists but the math (AKA, hyperfocus) and the magical catharsis of coming out of that with a solution and returning to the world refreshed and happy. i love that i can get so into things and that it’s so fulfilling to do so.
🍳 Do you have a stim related to your special interest?
sort of? i have a little rubber hammerhead shark that i like to squeeze and roll around in my hands.
🌠 What’s a past special interest?
Some SIs i’ve had in the past: backyardigans, powerpuff girls, warrior cats, next to normal, buffy/the whedonverse (fun fact: eliot from leverage is played by lindsey from angel and sterling from leverage is played by badger from firefly)
🏘️ What was your first special interest you can remember?
I’ve been super into math since forever, and language stuff (mostly spanish, more recently ASL) for a long time too. The first one I remember that I actually have a sense of when it started would be The Backyardigans, which I got into around 2006 (I was 7-8).
🍭 What’s a headcanon/theory you have about your special interest?
Nate has PTSD. Parker’s ace. Despite the running theme of Nate being the “honest man” while the others were always thieves, he is the most morally corrupt of the team. Eliot was abused as a child. The reason Sterling tries so hard to take the team down or at least gain prestige from their heists is because he needed to be in a position of high enough power before he could get his daughter back (physically get her back and also prove himself worthy) and was willing to use the team to do that. Also he holds some resentment for Nate for breaking down when Sam died, because even though Olivia wasn’t dead he also felt that he had lost a child and was comparing Nate’s reaction to losing Sam to his reaction to losing Olivia.
😂 Something funny about your special interest?
there’s a math joke i like that i can’t tell well but the gist of it is some guy’s trying to argue that 41/333 = ¾ and the reasoning is that 41/333 = 0.123123123… and any musician can tell you that a waltz is in ¾ time
(i combined some but this is all! it was fun, thank you!)
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