#( * ahsoka tano : rel. clones. )
phoenixyfriend · 2 years
My life for a modern AU where Ahsoka is a QuinObi oops baby
I considered it for the regency AU but decided it didn't fit well enough, but now I want to see it… somewhere
(I initially posited this as an accidental pregnancy with trans Obi-Wan, but someone responded in a server with the assumption that this was accidental baby acquisition. I'm open to either.)
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exitiosae-arch · 2 years
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gffa · 4 months
Usually, I like to finish reading a fic before recommending it properly, but I've been sucked into about five different STAR WARS fics recently that I've gotten far enough into that I'm willing to trust my heart to them because they're scratching a very specific itch for me--namely, that I want deeper explorations of both the Jedi Order and of Anakin's character. I want fic to punch me in the feelings over both of these aspects of the story. I want fic to sometimes set Obi-Wan and Anakin aside and focus on Ahsoka for awhile, really tell her story. I want Jedi themes woven into a story. I want an exploration of Anakin's mindset that reminds me of just how much I love him and have sympathy for him. And fandom has delivered for me.
✦ Out with Lanterns by SkyeBean, ahsoka & mace & jedi & clones & cast, 312.5k     In another universe, Jedi Masters Plo Koon and Depa Billaba decide a Padawan could do Mace some good. It takes a while, but he eventually agrees. When he takes Ahsoka Tano as his Padawan, Mace knows that he's broken through a Shatterpoint and changed the course of a life. How, he doesn't know.     This fic accomplishes several things that have sent me over the moon: 1) At its heart, it's an Ahsoka fic that shows her growing up as a Padawan, going on missions, learning lessons, and having character growth. 2) It weaves in so many other characters around her, that Mace is there in almost every chapter, serious but warm in the Force, just as beautifully characterized as she is. 3) The other Jedi get their moments of excellents, Shaak taking Ahsoka on her Akul hunt was wonder to read, seeing Obi-Wan show up for a chapter had me over the moon, Adi taking care with Ahsoka was lovely, Depa was a shining star when she took Ahsoka under her wing, Fox growing used to these strange Jedi and growing into himself through Ahsoka's eyes was wonderful. 4) The writing is that kind of solid that I don't mean as mid-tier, but the kind that I feel like can bear weight on it, I can pick it up and read for 30k and barely realize any time has passed, despite that I've gotten through an entire arc of the fic. 5) It does an incredible job of balancing that feel of The Clone Wars show, without directly copying anything, that it's like these are arcs that I could have seen on the show itself, the lessons woven in, but still with enough plot moving forward and action to make it exciting. If you want more Jedi-centric fic in your life (where they don't have to be perfect! sometimes they can be less than perfect and it's okay because they're still good! ohhhh, my heart warmed at that) or you want to read a lovely Ahsoka-centric fic in a different life, but still so recognizably herself, then this is one I want to shove right in your face immediately.
✦ Take it from the top and try again by mauvera, obi-wan & anakin & qui-gon & padme & mace & dooku & cast, time travel, 116.k wip     Five years into his self imposed exile on Tattooine, Obi-Wan Kenobi is gifted the chance to go back and bring hope back to the galaxy. With hindsight on his side, he fully intends to save his master, save his padawan, make some new and old friends again, prepare the Jedi for a war they’ll hopefully never see and begin to pull apart all the many tangled threads of the Sith Lord’s plans. Should be relatively easy. Right?     I got sucked into the first fic in this series (which is complete, if you want to read it--it's not the end of the story, but it's a good stopping point and feels like it should have some solid resolution if you don't want to get into a wip) and read the first fic over the course of about three days because I was sucked in so thoroughly. I can never get enough of Obi-Wan time traveling back to the past, where he loves the Jedi and they love him, and I love this one because he has to make genuine plans for changing things--things change and I have no idea how that's going to affect Palpatine's machinations! Exciting! But it's also a lovely look at Obi-Wan's dynamics with multiple characters--I found the Obi-Wan & Padme scenes a hightlight personally, their friendship really blossomed as they both flung themselves into trying to better the galaxy, even if she doesn't know he's from the future, that he's working so hard matched a lot of her energy and I really enjoyed that--from Qui-Gon to Mace to Padme to Anakin and, as the sequel progresses, Dooku as well. It's another Jedi-positive fic, it has me invested in the plot, it's a joy to see competent!Obi-Wan, and I would love to shove it at more people.
✦ Post Order 66 Exile AU by Livsy, obi-wan & anakin, 46k (wip-esque)     After a failed order 66, in which many Jedi still died but the Sith were defeated, an exiled warrior and a boy wander a distant planet and attempt to get along.     This is probably the shortest fic on this list but I'm including it because it genuinely felt longer than that, for how dense the emotional intensity of it is. It's an AU where the Jedi barely eked out a victory, still on the edge of extinction in many ways, and Anakin deep in the pits of the dark side, so Obi-Wan takes him to a backwater planet in exile for the both of them, traveling through the countryside and just trying to make it from day to day. What punched me right in the feelings place is that this fic doesn't shy away from the hurt and the anger on both sides, that both of them are allowed to be unreliable narrators that have their own points of view on what's transpired and what lays between them. It doesn't back away from the hurt they both feel, the despair they both feel, yet there's hope here. It's ultimately a story about clawing yourself back from the dark side, and it's beautifully characterized for both of them, that unkind things are said on both of their parts, but you understand why the characters are in the place they are. It's wrapped up in a lushly written backdrop, with some lovely Japanese feudal era details woven in, but also with a Star Wars patina spread across all of it. It's not necessarily a kind fic, but if you like fic that bites down on a wound, I enjoyed this series a lot and would love to see it continued--but, honestly, what's here is already enough resolution that, looking back on it after the initial "Noooooo, I need more!" feeling has faded, I'm actually very satisfied with. ✦ Men of Power by AlabasterInk, obi-wan & anakin & mace & yoda & jedi & palpatine & cast, 86.1k wip     When an old powerful man suddenly comes in and sweeps your underage Padawan away without so much as a by your leave, that’s the time to start asking questions.     I'm only about 20k into this fic, so I can't say what shape it will take later on or how much pairings might come into it, but I still had to come running over to shove this fic at people, because it's scratching the itch I have for Jedi-positive fic that explores the idea of Anakin's trauma from his childhood as a slave, that this is a child who is wound so tight and comes from such a horrible thing having been done to him, having been owned as a person, that I understand why he stays silent on some of the things I desperately wish he could talk about or he doesn't really believe some of the things the Jedi tell him. It's a fic that takes a lot more care with Anakin's character than I think canon ever intended, weaving in a lot of the heartbreaking stuff from Legends' supplementing the canon, and is creating something that punches me right in the feelings place for him, that he's such a bright, brilliant boy, but I see why he struggled and it's not about assigning blame in any direction. It's about deeply caring people who fate has take a few steps to the left and something shifts just a little--and I appreciate that there's something very delicate feeling here, that the Jedi just don't have any real reason to be suspicious of Palpatine, his actions make sense, they genuinely can't feel any ill intention from him in the Force, they discuss why it would make sense that he'd want to support Anakin, all while we the readers can see, in hindsight, where the shadows have been creeping in. If you want Jedi-positive fic that also leaves some teeth marks over Anakin's trauma being explored in a way that is entirely sympathetic to him, then I want to shove this fic at you, too.
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antianakin · 8 months
Personally, I think that Plo Koon should've have been Ahsoka Tano's Jedi Master rather than Anakin Skywalker. At least, it made sense, considering he was the one who brought her into the Jedi Order.
I tend to like giving Ahsoka a little variety in her life. And while obviously Plo Koon and Ahsoka seem to have a nice dynamic with each other and Plo is a wonderful Jedi, I feel like Ahsoka needs someone slightly more energetic than Plo tends to be. She's pretty young for a Padawan due to her advanced skill set which means she's going to need a little bit more handling in the field than most Padawans due to being more childish. She needs someone who can keep up with her energy levels and probably someone a little younger who can connect to her more childish personality.
This is why I usually place her with Aayla, someone who is actually compared to Anakin in terms of being reckless in canon during TCW, but who clearly understands non-attachment and is capable of explaining it to Ahsoka in a way that gets through to her and doesn't condescend to her. She's obviously an incredibly capable Jedi, and she's fairly young herself still. So Aayla is usually one of my top choices for a master for Ahsoka.
I also just think that OBI-WAN would've made a really good master for her. We know he's perfectly capable of handling a more energetic personality and an advanced skill set like Ahsoka's because he does so with Anakin just fine and with far more disadvantages than Ahsoka would have. He's also relatively young himself still and has a reckless streak in him, so he can probably keep up with Ahsoka's energy levels. But he's generally better at patience and subtlety, things Ahsoka could learn from him. I genuinely think that Ahsoka and Obi-Wan would've made a really great master/padawan pairing for each other. If Ahsoka is what Anakin should've been, then she's the student Obi-Wan should've had.
And blackkat has gotten me fucking HOOKED on Agen Kolar as an option for her given that he's apparently very known for just running around Hutt space and blowing shit up, so he's definitely got the recklessness and the energy stuff down I guess! He isn't looking for subtlety and probably holds his patience in reserve, but he's still a consummate Jedi who lives firmly by the Code, and Ahsoka could learn a few things from that, too. Agen only works if we assume a world in which the Clone War happens, though, because he'd already have a fairly young Padawan of his own without it which makes him unavailable for Ahsoka.
Anyway, I love her relationship with Plo Koon, and I get why people like pairing her with him, but I think personally I like giving Ahsoka access to other Jedi to give her a more well-rounded education and someone capable of really keeping up with her nearly boundless childlike energy.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Hi idk if you write for female Yandere if you do hi could I please request romantic ahsoka who’s darling left the Jedi council with her , cause darling doesn’t like how the council treated ahsoka when she was framed ?
Sure! I do indeed write for female yanderes! I haven't had the chance to finish the Clone Wars series still but I promise I did my research on the entirety of Ahsoka's life :) If something is off, I apologize! I'm still very new and I am learning Star Wars, lol.
Here's the Ahsoka lore on Youtube I looked it it you want it, it has three parts. 1 2 3
Yandere! Ahsoka Tano with Darling who left The Order with her
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Angst, Manipulation, Dubious relationship, Overprotective behavior, Relatively tame yandere, Paranoia, Brief mentions of violence and possible kidnapping/isolation.
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The news of what Ahsoka was charged with, treason, is appalling to you.
In the same way it does with Ahsoka you probably also begin to doubt The Order and Council all together.
You and Ahsoka had been close allies during the first half of the Clone Wars.
You were both Padawans to different masters, hell, maybe you were even Obi-Wan's new Padawan he was expecting.
As a result the two of you matured alongside each other.
Romance wasn't considered between the two of you for a long time.
As of now, even to the point of The Council's betrayal, you two were simply friends.
For this concept you're similar ages.
You've worked alongside Ahsoka for a long time now, you even praised each other for growing more independent.
You trusted her... you always listened to her and believed her like Anakin does.
To Ahsoka... you're probably the best friend she could've ever had.
Especially when The Council claims she bombed The Temple...
Like Anakin, you don't believe Ahsoka could do anything like this.
Really? Ahsoka? The Jedi Padawan who wants to defend the innocent?
You don't believe it.
As a result, you plead to The Order and The Council to reconsider when they catch Ahsoka and send her to trial.
They tell you you're out of line.
They tell you there's nothing you can do.
You think it really is all corrupt.
During Ahsoka's interrogation and trial, you stick by her side.
Even when Anakin was starting to second guess himself, you stayed by her.
Ahsoka liked your loyalty... she liked how you stood for what's right.
Perhaps you two were more alike than you thought?
When the true perpetrator shows herself and Ahsoka is let go, you make a decision.
You're also leaving The Order.
When Ahsoka leaves and Anakin follows her to stop her, Obi-Wan can tell what you're thinking.
"You can't-"
"I can, Master. I'm staying by my friend, I refuse to be a part of a corrupt Council and Order who turns their back on their own Jedi. Don't stop me. Ahsoka needs an ally out there."
Obi-Wan knows deep down he can't stop you... he can't blame you, either.
He lets you go... despite a nagging feeling in his gut going against this decision.
It's a tough decision yet betrayal drives your actions.
When Ahsoka is about to leave, she senses you run up to her.
"Are you going to stop me too?"
"One final goodbye?"
Ahsoka turns around to greet you, her gaze looking towards your bittersweet smile.
"I'm coming with you, 'Soka."
It's then you embrace your friend.
Ahsoka's silent, shock pausing her actions before she tightly holds you back.
She's been betrayed many times during this war... with you by her side, she's happy she's found someone who won't.
You agree with her... she's happy she isn't alone.
It's around after you both leave that Ahsoka starts to slowly morph her friendship with you into more romantic feelings.
Throughout the second half of the Clone Wars, you two bond.
When she got her new sabers, you were given a new one of your own.
You two become a fearsome pair, especially when you meet up again with the Jedi once again to help with the hunt for Darth Maul.
I won't go too much into the events you two share as it will take a long time, but I will explain how Ahsoka's feelings shift.
After departing with each other you two end up training to work with each other as a pair.
Many comment on how synced you two have become through training between each other.
Even if you are no longer part of The Order and part of your own path, you two were clearly fated to aid each other.
When Ashoka's obsession kicks in... she feels maybe you weren't just fated to aid each other, but to be with one another.
Ahsoka has the potential to have an obsession.
Being Anakin's Padawan in the past, she is capable of some dark thoughts.
Although, unlike Anakin, she mostly stays good throughout her obsession.
There's times Ahsoka grows enraged or lets her emotions take over in general when it comes to you, yet she still doesn't usually use lethal force.
Ahsoka knows how to keep her darker and obsessive emotions under control.
She embodies more Light than Dark, even though she begins to realize she loves you.
Although... as she is not technically part of The Order and neither of you, her trying to make a relationship with you is possible.
Ahsoka is a bit hesitant to act on her feelings at first.
Part of her wonders if it'll be too much for you, as by the time her obsession develops we may already be talking Imperial territory in her story.
When Ahsoka thinks of pursuing her emotions you two are Rebels to The Empire.
By this time you both are about 18-19 years old.
You two have already known each other for years now and have been through so much.
Ever since leaving The Order, Ahsoka's feelings of wanting to protect you only got stronger.
For the most part I think Ahsoka would be relatively normal.
Her obsession doesn't seem much of a threat, even when she confesses her feelings to you, you may even agree.
Again, you trust her deeply.
Even when her obsession turns darker you still hold a great amount of care towards her.
While you are both primarily focused on leading Rebels at this point, Ahsoka's obsession does begin to intensify.
Ahsoka's affection towards you is small at times.
There isn't much time to give affection, but when there is...
Ahsoka is relieved to be able to just give into her feelings due to not being part of The Order.
She loves to hold and comfort you...
She loves it when you're safe...
Part of her begins to realize she is a bit scared to lose you to someone like Vader...
Fear is a powerful emotion.
You can expect Ahsoka giving a bit into the Dark Side at times when it comes to protecting you.
But since Ahsoka is a beacon of hope... she is mostly a tame yandere.
Plus, you most likely sense the corruption within her and try to correct her.
Ahsoka is a yandere you can usually keep on the right path.
Although when it comes to the threat of Order 66... and The Imperials in general... sometimes Ahsoka let's her emotions drive her.
Maybe she harms someone she shouldn't...
Maybe she argues with you about you staying out of a mission...
Maybe she accidentally harms you?
Ahsoka doesn't mean it when her obsession reflects dark seeds within her...
Yet it's expected, isn't?
She's been the Padawan of Anakin.
Perhaps the Dark Side was just laying dormant within her all this time...
Either way, she yearns for your forgiveness... even if she locks you away or harms people around you... she promises it's for your own protection.
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thementalloth-cat · 4 months
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Captain Rex x GN!Reader {part one}
AN!: Reader is a medic for the 501st and has a fat ass crush on Rex, but of course nobody knows. [at least not yet! ;)] Also, this is my first fic! I'm open to constructive criticism so feel free to lmk if there's more I can improve on! Summary: As transmissions are received, a dire mission is begun to protect the Republic and quite possibly end the war. As assignments are given out your hope sparks up at the chance of a night out with your favorite captain, even if it's just for a mission, you'd be able to be closer than ever with him. word count: 433
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Although it was a relatively easy mission, it was dangerous, and you really couldn’t get past the task of it. As the end of the year creeps up on Coruscant, so does the ball. Every year’s end, Coruscant would host a galaxy wide ball, celebrating the victories and positive happenings of the year. But this year would have a change, a masquerade ball with guests, guests who could be anyone.
After a recent mission to Felucia, General Skywalker and Echo had found a way to track Separatist transmissions and somehow the system still goes un-noticed. After monitoring transmissions for what seemed like months, Ahsoka and Barriss had managed to find a transmission between Count Dooku and Asajj Ventress about word of a masquerade ball happening on Coruscant, which would let relatively anyone in. Ahsoka and Barriss immediately caught onto the plan and told the rest of the Jedi Council. Asajj Ventress would be infiltrating the ball, along with another partner, and sabotaging the systems and sending out a full-on attack on Coruscant while the infamous General Grievous would kidnap the chancellor. Due to the severity of the situation the council collectively made the decision to have a few jedi and clones go undercover to stop the ambush. Jedi Quinlan Voss, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano would go undercover as attendees to the ball.
General Skywalker and General Kenobi decided to take their best men to go with them, due to their excellent blaster and battle skills, which would come in handy when, if the fight broke out.
As the word of the mission reached the Barracks your body flooded with excitement, then you reminded yourself: you’re just a medic they wouldn’t pick you out of anyone. As General Skywalker Addressed the men you got lost in your thoughts, He was sure to be paired with Ahsoka. After all, they had fought together for ages, so why would you be chosen? General Skywalker and General Kenobi called you over to the war room, where you would be given an assignment. “Wait-‘ you thought. ‘Why am I getting assigned a job? Your heart skipped a beat as you dreamed of the opportunity of going on an undercover mission, let alone with him.
 You entered the war room and saw General Skywalker, General Kenobi, Rex, Fives, Echo, Cody, Waxer, and boil staring at you. You hadn’t realized it, but they sure did. Unknowingly, your cheeks were a perfect lookalike shade of Meiloorun juice, and your face adorned with a bright smile. “Looks like someone ready for the mission. Let’s get started.” Began General Skywalker.
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rebelsofshield · 1 year
Tales of the Jedi Season Two Wishlist
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We all learned last week that the animated anthology series Tales of the Jedi will be returning for a second season. While we currently don’t have any indication of what Jedi will be spotlighted in this round of short films, I do have a few hopes for potential selections. Tales of the Jedi feels like a prime opportunity to either shine the light on members of the Order that have yet to receive their moment in the spotlight or to fill in important gaps in major characters’ storylines that likely would go untouched otherwise. Here are some of my preferred candidates.
Quinlan Vos
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Quinlan Vos feels like one of the most appropriate picks for a Tales of the Jedi style project. Not only was he set to have a pretty major unproduced story in The Clone Wars’ pre-cancellation plans that would have also concluded Asajj Ventress’ character arc, but also, thanks to last years’ Obi-Wan Kenobi show, is a confirmed survivor of Order 66. Episodes centered on Quinlan could serve as a visual remake of the Dark Disciple novel which adapted his original Clone Wars storyline or alternatively could show us what his life looks before, during, and after the Purge. There’s so much potential storytelling present for this fan favorite character and the Lucasfilm animation team would be smart to give Vos his moment in the spotlight.
Barriss Offee
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Barriss Offee’s betrayal of the Jedi Order is one of the most consequential plot points from The Clone Wars that has yet to be touched upon in the current canon. This year marks the ten year anniversary of the incredible season five arc that saw Ahsoka framed for her former friends attacks on the Jedi Temple in Coruscant, so what better time to finally check back in on Barriss. Episodes could explore Barriss’ disillusionment with the Jedi Order, her relationship with her Master Luminara Unduli, and finally provide answers on what exactly happened to her after she was carted off by the Jedi Temple’s guards.
Mace Windu
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For being one of the most important Jedi to the Prequel Era, there is relatively little canon media that centers Mace Windu. While comics and novels have teased aspects of Windu’s childhood and training, Tales of the Jedi is a great opportunity to offer a more detailed exploration of this Master’s upbringing, Knighthood, and position as a member of the Jedi Council. It affords the opportunity to showcase the complicated emotions of and morality of a character that is often dismissed as cold or uncaring by some fans. Windu clearly holds a great deal respect and love for both the Order and the Republic as a whole and I would love to see that shown and expanded on screen.
Luke Skywalker
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Given the wealth of canon media that already exists, Luke Skywalker is far from my first pick for a Tales of the Jedi story, but there is a chunk of time between Return of the Jedi and The Mandalorian (and its spin offs) where his life feels relatively uncharted and unexplored. While it may make sense to hold off on showing Luke’s training of Ben Solo or other events more directly tied to the Sequel Trilogy until a later time, I would love to see a series of shorts showcasing his life immediately after the fall of the Empire. In particular, maybe we could finally see that first meeting between him and Ahsoka Tano that was teased in The Book of Boba Fett. Thematically, I would also love to really explore how Luke grappled with his father’s legacy and that of the Jedi Order. And as an added bonus, it presents the perfect opportunity to bring Mark Hamill back on board to play the character one last time in a way that isn’t an uncomfortable deep fake.
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So we now know for sure that we will be seeing Rey’s New Jedi Order on the big screen at some point in the next few years. But given that there’s going to be a fifteen year time jump between The Rise of Skywalker and whatever film marks Daisy Ridley’s return, Tales of the Jedi has plenty of space to showcase the very early days of Rey’s Order and her training of Finn. We’ve already seen glimpses of this period in the semi-canon Lego specials on Disney+ but it would be a perfect opportunity to give fans of these characters a more concrete glimpse into their shared future. And maybe we could get Daisy Ridley and John Boyega back to voice their characters? Wouldn’t that be incredible?
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kalevalakryze · 8 months
Chef Chopper
Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Ahsoka Series Pairings: Hera Syndulla/ Ahsoka Tano Characters: Hera Syndulla, Ahsoka Tano, Jacen Syndulla Warnings: Fever, Sickness, Care, Hallucination, Nightmare, Sick, Comfort Notes: For Whumptober Day  13 Prompt: Cold Compress | “I don’t feel so good.” Word Count: 2,071 AO3 Link: Here!
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Sickness spread through Home One faster than gossip, infecting nearly all humans and most of the other species unfortunate enough to be caught on board. They had to lock down in atmo, no ships in or out, with supplies coming in heavy quarantine. Even those immune to the virus had been forced to stay aboard, less they carry it and infect even more of the New Republic’s forces. 
Togrutas were, thankfully, an immune species; Twi’leks, however, were not. So when Ahsoka woke up one morning to the rattle of Hera’s breath and the inferno on her skin, the woman knew all of their precautions had been in vain. 
“Karabast,” She grumbled to herself, the back of her hand resting against Hera’s sweaty brow. The woman burrowed closer to Ahsoka in their bed, pressing into the cooler feeling of her hand, even as her body shivered in the cold beneath the blankets. 
Extricating herself from bed had been a challenge as Hera tried to cling to her, only succeeding by slipping her sleep shirt from her shoulders, sating the feverish woman as she tucked the fabric up close to her nose, curling up in the center of their bed as she clung to her febrile dreams.
She’d read all about human anatomy back in the temple, and had put it to use more than once at Kix’s side with the Clones, and even her own Master when illnesses from their various planetary conquests caught the five-oh-first unprepared, so gathering whatever the medbay could spare had been a relative ease; Cold compresses, packages of dried goods to make edible food with (there was no way in the sith hells she would try to make Hera choke down a ration bar like this), and the motley of items including the medicines that had just come in on the most recent supply drop.
Ahsoka could hear Hera’s raspy voice as she stepped back into their quarters. “It’s okay, Jace, I’ll go get some medicine, can you close your eyes for me, just until I get back?” There was a quiet rustling of blankets between the human and Twi'lek as Hera began to push her way out of bed. 
“Get back in that bed, General,” Ahsoka called gently, poking her head into the room to catch sight of Hera’s wobbly legs as she tried tucking Jacen into their bed. Poor kid didn't look much better than Hera, with a pillow hugged tight to his chest, sweat slicking back tangled evergreen hair. 
Hera’s face called for an argument, but the woman dropped back into the mattress heavily anyways, elbows moving to her knees as she pressed her fingers into her face. “You not feeling good either, Jace?” Ahsoka called gently as she moved to tuck Hera back into bed, reaching across to press her hand against his forehead and frowning at the heat radiating off of him. 
“Mmm,” He grumbled, nose crinkling as he turned away from her hand. “Hot,” He complained quietly, before a cough wracked his small frame and had him burrowing back into his mother’s side. 
“I bet,” Ahsoka smiled sympathetically, setting her supplies on the top of the dresser, the woman slipped the cold packs from the stack, wrapping both in a towel before kneeling across the mattress to press the first one against Jacen’s head, repeating the process to place the cool pack on Hera’s head. “Keeps those on your heads for me, yeah?” 
She only received quiet grumbles from the two sick Syndulla’s in bed, so she had to assume they were in agreement with her conditions. The small box of supplies were picked back up on her way to the kitchen, though she stopped at the sight that greeted her. Chopper was at the stove, his arm extended from his head to stir a pot. “Chop? What… Whatcha got there?” She couldn’t help the smile from cracking her lips at the comical sight as he turned to beep.
“I didn’t know you could cook?” A series of offended beeps had the Force-Sensitive shaking her head slowly. “Alright, alright. I’m sorry, Chef,” Ahsoka brushed around him to open and rehydrate the dried vegetables. “Can I check your work, Mighty Chef Chopper?” 
She was ready for the spoon that got tossed her way, she was not ready for the almost pout that came with the droid's body in crossed extension arms. The soup was… surprisingly edible, better than most MRE’s she’d had in her life. How someone without tastebuds understood the principles of seasonings was… not entirely lost on her; She was sure if R2 was anywhere near a kitchen and was not always thinking about destruction, the little droid would have been capable; Adding it to her to-do list for her next call with Luke, Ahsoka handed the spoon back with a satisfactory nod of her head. 
“Think I’ll mess up your meal if i add something green in there?” A horrified beep had Ahsoka almost doubling over in stifled laughter. “I’m not putting either of them in the soup, Chop; oh my Maker.” She wheezed, wiping a tear from her eye as she moved to the sink to wash her hands. “They need their energy, these will help,” 
Suspicious beeps followed, but Chopper reluctantly allowed Ahsoka to finely cut up the variety of vegetables to add into the soup as it simmered. “You got it from here, Chef? I need to make sure our patients followed orders,” 
The mock salute was enough to excuse her from the kitchen, allowing her to slip from the kitchen and back into their bedroom. Her smile faltered at the way Hera’s body shook in sleep, and how her lips moved in the same way they would any time she had a nightmare about Kanan, or Thrawn, or any of the horrors faced in the war. 
Ahsoka moved to perch on the side of the bed, when Hera’s hand stretched out, trembling and clammy, skin marred from anxious ticks over the years, theTogruta covered the Twi’lek’s hands with her own, thumb smoothing over her knuckles as she guided her hand back down, reaching to readjust the cool pack, nearly sapped of it’s iciness from the warmth it had absorbed. 
“Hera,” Ahsoka called out with more than her voice, reaching her calm, steadfast presence across the force, knowing that Jacen would find relief in a pillar to cling to, should he decide to reach out himself. “Cyar’ika,” She called, brushing her lips against the General’s knuckles, hoping to pull her from the pain; she wasn’t sure the other woman could take fighting the sickness and her own demons, and there was only so much Ahsoka could offer without seeming like she was trying to replace his spot in her life. 
Hazy blue eyes blinked open at last, squinting at the dimmed lights as they searched wildly. “Ahsoka?” Her voice cracked as she squeezed against the sepia hand interlocked with her own. 
“Morning, starshine,” A smile cracked Hera’s lips at the endearment, though it faltered on her next wheezing breath. “How are you feeling?” She reached to fix the cool pack again, flipping it over and watching the shiver that ran up the woman’s spine.
“Cold,” The woman complained half heartedly, tucking her blankets up to her chin and wrapping her arm around Jacen, where the dozing boy burrowed his head into her side at the disturbance of their conversation. “I don’t feel good,” 
“I wouldn’t think so, I’ve seen lava run cooler than you guys right now,” Ahsoka frowned softly and shook her head. “Think you can get some medicine in?” “I’m not the problem, this little guy is?” She glanced down at her son, who burrowed his face under her arm and the pillows, offering a whine in his chest as his acknowledgment of their conversation. 
“Come on, Jace, it tastes like meliroon juice,” Ahsoka promised, standing to return to her small box of supplies and gather the container of thick, purple liquid medicine. “I suppose,” Her nose crinkled as she read the package and twisted the cap off. “Maybe,”
“Mom first,” The boy complained, poking his head from his cocoon only enough to squint at both women suspiciously. 
“Alright, alright,” Hera forced herself to sit up, blankets rustling as she moved to support her heavy head in both hands, face twisting up in a wince as she adjusted to the change in posture. Ahsoka was careful in measuring out the right dosage, passing the vial off with a raised facial marking. “Kunta eti,” She whispered, only loud enough for Ahsoka to pick up on, thank the makers, less Jacen learn a new word he wasn’t supposed to use. 
The medicine was tossed back with little fanfare; Ahsoka had to give props to the woman’s poker face as she swallowed, poking her tongue out at Jacen to prove how ‘good’ the medicine was. “Your turn, little man,” Her fingers tickled at his side, making him wriggle and whine, giggles breaking his supposed torment as he was forced from his cocoon.
Passing the next carefully measured vial, Ahsoka retrieved both of their cool packs, “I’m going to go put these back to cool, don’t go anywhere,” 
She could hear Jacen’s sputtering and shouting at the acrid taste from the kitchen as she returned the packs to the freezer, unable to help the smile that came to her lips as Chopper beeped curiously at her. “We lied to a child, you’re going to be his new favorite,”
The beeps that followed promised her that he had always been the boy's favorite, which was a comical thought, and not one she had the energy to argue with.”Mhmm, is this ready, Chef? They’re gonna need something to chase that,”
When she was permitted to do so, Ahsoka spooned two bowls full of soup, balancing them in her hand as she reached to pat the droid’s head in thanks. “Don’t know what we’d do without you, chop. I’ll handle cleanup, your favorite needs you,” The pair returned to the bedroom together, Hera was still sitting up, though Jacen had rolled to be as far away from Hera as possible, an exaggerated pout twisting at the disgust on his face. 
“Nothing like Meliroon,” He grumbled, tucking his blanket closer around his shoulders, eying the bowls of soup in Ahsoka’s hand distrustfully as he watched her move back to the bed. 
“Hey, I didn’t make this, you can look at Chef Chopper like that,” Ahsoka redirected teasingly as she perched beside Hera, handing off the first bowl and waiting until Jacen was backed by pillows that Chopper rearranged behind his back before carefully handing off his bowl. 
“Thank you, Ahsoka,” Hera’s head dipped, a smile on her lips as she stirred her spoon through her meal. “I’m sorry, Chopper made this?” She questioned after the first spoonful passed her lips, covering her mouth with a hand and pulling a laugh from Ahsoka. 
“He did, I have no idea what you’re teaching him, Jacen, but keep it up,” She confirmed, winking at the little droid as he rocked proudly on his supports. 
They ate in relative silence after that, spoons scraping against the bottoms of their bowls as Ahsoka moved around in bed to settle herself behind Hera. The Twilek just managed to set her emptied bowl on the nightstand before the gentle press of skilled fingers against her head had her leaning her weight back into the support as Ahsoka chased away the pounding headache. 
Chopper wound up taking Jacen’s bowl from him in time so he could scooch back over to the two women, this time, dropping his face to press into Ahsoka’s stomach as his mother curled up against the not-Jedi comfortably. There was no surprise when the gentle ministrations urged Hera off to sleep, or her soft humming eased Jacen off as well.
There was, however, a great deal of surprise when she woke later that day to the sound of a camera shutter and Huyang shushing Chopper’s beeps, with the feeling of Hera and Jacen both curled up on one shoulder each. “ ‘m gonna cut their wires,” She threatened half-heartedly, turning her head to press her face between Hera’s lekku comfortbly. 
“You know it’ll make them worse, dear,”
Grumbling, Ahsoka tightened her hold on both of them; Her little family, even if they were breathing sick air all over her, she wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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wanderinginksplot · 10 months
More Clone Wars musings...
Maybe I'm just overthinking a children's cartoon (as always), but I would love to explore the dynamic in the 501st after Ahsoka left.
Think about it, these men were raised to believe that loyalty to the Republic and their brothers was the most important thing - their very reason for existence. And early examples to the contrary didn't help: Slick's betrayal seemed particularly offensive to Rex and Cody in Season 1.
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But this was Ahsoka. They knew her, had served alongside her. There was no one more loyal to the Republic and to the clone troopers. If she could leave the Jedi Order, an organization that had raised her from birth to serve the people of the Republic... Well, maybe there was hope.
I would love to see a clone trooper who longs to leave the battlefield and whose guilt is eased at seeing Commander Tano do exactly that. I want to see a trooper realize that choosing a different path doesn't make someone wrong, even if that means they're choosing to put their own needs first.
Hell, I want to see her story from the perspective of someone outside the 501st, and see how Ahsoka's story turned her from a relatively standard Jedi Padawan into a well-known and highly respected rebel.
All I'm saying is that, in a universe without the inhibitor chips, Ahsoka's trial and departure from the Jedi Order could have changed the entire course of the galaxy.
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hecckyeah · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Well hey you, thanks for this!! I never like self-promoting anything of mine, but I do carry a certain sense of accomplishment and love for my fics, and I just want people to read and enjoy them :)
So here we go!
1. Until the Night is Over
(Fandom: Agents of SHIELD)
This one is so near and dear to my heart. It was inspired by the song When the Night is Over by Lord Huron, and it’s the first and only multi-chapter fic I’ve ever completed (I’ve always been more of a one-shot gal myself). I call it a “modern day Dousy AU,” with a healthy amount of espionage, angst, mystery, and fluff. Written at the height of the Dousy craze around here, and I was so honored by all the loyal readers and even some late night idea sessions with the mutuals.
Anyway, it’s a classic and has held the number one favorite spot for a long time :)
2. the medic
(Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
I feel like this was my first real foray off my beaten path of linear, conversational fic, if you will. It’s more poetry than anything else and it focuses on Kix, a character we don’t see much of but has a huge and very unique role in TCW. I wanted to explore the ins and outs of being a medic in the GAR, and the parallels that led to his ultimate fate. I’ve even gotten some amazing feedback from relatives of real life army medics, who say it rings true and reminds them of their veteran relatives stories, which is just a huge honor and makes me tear up a little :’)
3. but you dream of some epiphany
(Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
Again, this one is less “traditional” and more poetic. It’s just a short take on the couple of weeks immediately following Order 66, and how Ahsoka and Rex try to find their way in this new, very hostile galaxy. Lots of emotions, PTSD, and callbacks and parallels. It’s also partly me rejecting the canon that says the two of them split up almost immediately after escaping the purge, and deciding that it’s much more likely they would stick together, at least for a little while.
4. And I Dealt My Heart
(Fandom: Agents of SHIELD)
For someone who’s never been a fan of AUs, I sure do write a lot of them for Dousy :)
This one was my knee jerk reaction to some overwhelming emotions I was feeling following a dance I went to with my family. Funny what a whirlwind of a night can make you feel in the span of 2-3 hours. I love love love country music and the culture surrounding it, and I thought what better way to put a new spin on the Blue Shirt™️ than a good old fashioned square dance? Plus, it’s such a natural foil for Daisy that it really worked, at least in my opinion. And who doesn’t love a little extra sprinkle of Philinda being pseudo parents? :)
5. can’t tell me there’s no point in trying
(Fandom: Star Wars)
This one is still in progress, so we’ll see where I land on it, but so far I have SO enjoyed the process. It was originally just a one-shot, aka me scratching the itch I have to see Ahsoka Tano and Cal Kestis interact on screen, and touching on the emotions surrounding Order 66 and the clones’ betrayal and how Cal would react to a de-chipped Rex. Now it’s gone much further to my own delight, and I get to explore things like Cody and the Bad Batch and even Cal’s biological family. I really love it so far and I’m excited about where it’s headed :)
A couple honorable mentions because I’m indecisive:
The One With the Second Chance - (Friends; Joey/Rachel)
when the smoke clears (i’ll be right here) - (AOS; Dousy)
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burnwater13 · 4 months
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Din Djarin fighting Moff Gideon on board Gideon's ship. Image from The Mandalorian, Season 2, Episode 8, The Rescue. Calendar by DataWorks.
Din Djarin knew why he was fighting Moff Gideon. Grogu was his foundling. He was practically the Mandalorian’s son and there was no way that Din Djarin was going to let Gideon or any other ex-Imp wannabe Emperor harm him. Not this time. Not ever again. 
What the bounty hunter didn’t understand was why would any ex-Imperial Warlord want to bother himself going after a child? He knew that the Client and Dr. Pershing had caused Grogu harm, taking samples of his blood. What the hell were they going to do with it? Make clones?
The Mandalorian shivered at that thought and then tried not to laugh. He could understand someone wanting to duplicate Grogu’s amazing powers. However the Force worked, being able to lift a mudhorn or heal someone just by directing some energy with your mind was beyond amazing really. It was unbelievable. But Din Djarin had seen it and experienced it. It was real. 
But if you cloned Grogu would you necessarily duplicate his abilities, particularly those related to the Force? It seemed far more likely that the output of the cloning activity was going to be one or more small creatures that ate everything they saw as soon as they saw it. And if that wasn’t enough to keep up with, you would also clone his ability to push buttons, flip switches, and deconstruct parts of any ship, along with cross wiring it. Never mind that you would find yourself surrounded by enormous, deadly creatures that would do whatever the hoard of Grogu clones would demand. 
Mandalorians had an edge with problems like that because they seemed predisposed to living on worlds that were inhabited by enormous aquatic and land based creatures that most people would simple call monsters. But if you were from someplace relatively urbanized, like Coruscant or even Alderaan, you would have no idea how to deal with them or the small clones that encouraged or moderated their behavior. 
The thought of that made the bounty hunter laugh, in his head. He couldn’t laugh out loud. He didn’t want Grogu to think that he was anything other than serious about safe guarding his future. Gideon had the Darksaber and was trying to use that to secure his prize, unaware it seems that the Mandalorian had obtained a spear of pure beskar from Ahsoka Tano, who had in turn, taken it from Morgan Elsbeth, another ex-Imperial who didn’t seem to accept that loss of Imperial control across the galaxy. The fact that one Imp didn’t know what another one was doing was the hallmark of the fall of the Imperium. They were all out for themselves and had little to no ability to work together. The Mandalorian was glad of that; more now than ever before. 
Din Djarin had never seen or even heard of the Darksaber. He wasn’t even sure that he’d ever heard of Tarre Vizsla, who had made the thing while at the Jedi Temple. The notion of a Mandalorian working with a Jedi to do anything had been ridiculous to him until he met Ahsoka Tano. Even then, it didn’t seem like she was carrying on the classic Jedi grudge against Mandalorians. Of course, Din Djarin hadn’t really known about that either, except for the little the Armorer had mentioned to him. He wondered why that was?
The Children of the Watch embraced what he had been told by Bo-Katan Kryze were the old ways of Mandalore. Not the current methods of following the Way and honoring the Creed. The Tribe was the same way. They wore their helmets. They honored their word given. The preserved and aided foundlings, wherever they came across them. They learned about and from other cultures and peoples, but only so much as to make their way and fulfill their promises. 
It did explain why Paz Vizsla always seemed to have a chip on his shoulder the size of a Gauntlet fighter. It must be pretty galling to find out that some object your long forgotten forefather had made was now in the hands of the man who had destroyed Mandalore. Din Djarin couldn’t imagine it, but then given what had happened to his own family at the hands of the Separatists, he knew what loss was like. The pain of dislocation. The anger at the helplessness he had felt. The shame that he’d only been able to hide from those awful monsters that had killed his parents and virtually everyone he knew. 
Well, he wasn’t a helpless child. He was a Mandalorian warrior bearing a weapon made of beskar, the material that had distinguished Mandalorians from all other fighters. Grogu was his foundling and he was going to protect him, because that is what he had pledged his life to do. 
And if some point in the nebulous future he found himself surrounded by dozens of Grogu’s clones he would do the same by them. Protect them. Cherish them. And go broke feeding them flash frozen froglets. He had to. This was the Way.
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ao3feed-obikin · 2 years
What We do to Survive
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/40225332 by Garbage_Chute_Fly_Boy (WeHateTheCW) The mission was supposed to be relatively simple. In-and-out. As easy as they come. But when was anything ever easy for Anakin? The correct answer: never. Force knows nothing could ever just be smooth-sailing for him, there always had to be some sort of complication - as shown by the fact that him and Obi-Wan were currently running for their lives from battle droids and blaster cannons on the coldest, iciest, most deserted planet Anakin had ever encountered. And all for a mission they only partially completed. Or, Anakin and Obi-Wan ended up stranded in a cave after a mission-gone-wrong Words: 2452, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, CT-7567 | Rex, Yoda (Star Wars), Mace Windu, R2-D2 (Star Wars) Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker Additional Tags: Past Relationship(s), Past Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker, Canon-Typical Violence, Blaster burns, Mostly Canon Compliant, a few liberties have been taken, star wars slang, POV Anakin Skywalker, POV Third Person, Swearing, set during the Clone Wars, Unrequited Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Sassy Obi-Wan Kenobi, Made Up Planets, Missions Gone Wrong, Made up lore, Minor Injuries, Injury Recovery, Stranded, Pining, Love Confessions, Dramatic Anakin Skywalker, Light Angst, Fluff and Smut, Attempt at Humor, I swear, body image issues, talk of missing limbs, anakin skywalkers mechanic skills, Protective Anakin Skywalker, Porn with too much plot, Porn with Feelings, Post-Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, Pre-Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, Anakin Skywalker is Bad at Feelings, Anakin Skywalker hates the cold, but not as much as sand, Sexy Obi-Wan Kenobi, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Idiots in Love, Feelings Realization, Denial of Feelings, Dumbasses, Stubborn Idiots, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, Fantasizing, Emotionally Repressed, Mission Fic, Minor Violence, Amputee, whats this plot doing in my porn, Inappropriate Use of the Force, The Force Ships It (Star Wars), Kinda, Eventual Smut, Awkwardness, Top Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bottom Anakin Skywalker, they have to get naked for survival, Happy Ending read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/40225332
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plainshobbit · 2 years
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I posted 794 times in 2022
That's 638 more posts than 2021!
10 posts created (1%)
784 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 721 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#captain rex - 108 posts
#the clone wars - 101 posts
#ahsoka tano - 85 posts
#star wars - 51 posts
#the book of boba fett - 41 posts
#commander cody - 33 posts
#anakin skywalker - 32 posts
#boba fett - 32 posts
#tbobf spoilers - 32 posts
#adorable 🥰 - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i'm just imagining little damian flying through the air with perfectly maintained arms-crossed posture trademark damian scowl on his face
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Forgive me, but I'm going to take the opportunity to shamelessly plug an in universe headcannon for Rex’ name that I've adopted from an author on Ao3 independent_variables (formerly known as whymylife) because I love it. The idea is that "Rex" is short for/adapted from "Rexutu" based on the Taung warrior "Rexutu the Unconquerable" from the Mando'a epic the Dha Werda Verda
Just imagine little 7567 hearing/reading this:
"With death upon him Rexutu the Unconquerable prepared to be stripped of all by his enemy, but vowed that his honor would be the last to be torn away. And so the Unconquerable gathered his kinsmen and his oath girdlings alike. They polished their fearsome helms, that they might flash even in the weak sun of Notron. They rewrapped the hilts of their weapons and pounded straight the shafts, that they might slake their thirst in Zhell ichor a final time."
And it just really resonates with him. Especially "Rexutu the Unconquerable prepared to be stripped of all by his enemy, but vowed that his honor would be the last to be torn away."
And can you IMAGINE Rex during the war thinking about this scene from the epic as he and the last remnants of Torrent Company are preparing to make their last stand at Teth?
Because I can and it haunts me.
3 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
Watch "Time lapse Dandelion flower to seed head" on YouTube
Watching this time lapse of of a dandelion and thinking about Cody and this post from @existentialscientist .
Imagining Cody stuck in service to the Empire after Order 66 -- slowly shrinking in on himself and becoming bitter over the years.
Swiftly growing bristled and gray from the accelerated aging.
Finally getting fed up with the Empire's osik and ready to scatter seeds of rebellion.
@whymylifewrites Thank you for the tag on the Cody and Dandelions post. In return, come get some "Sad Cody Headcannon". I'm so sorry. T-T
6 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
So I'm sitting at work and I just had this random thought:
What if at some point, the Darksaber is destroyed. Then Grogu retrieves the Kyber crystal  from among the scattered Darksaber hilt bits and reforms it into his own Yoda-kind sized Darksaber? 
Probably not the first person to think of this, but now I can't STOP thinking about it.
9 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
@whymylifewrites I may be a fully grown adult, but typically my art skills are on level with a five year old. (In natborn years, not accelerated clone years.)
Every now and then, though, I try to convince myself I can draw. 😅
And well -- you already know how I feel about your story "Butterfly" . 🥺
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See the full post
18 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So yesterday I had the immense pleasure of meeting an adorable little boy, maybe 4 years old. He had a fistful of bright yellow dandelions he had picked for his teacher. His name was Cody.
Now I am picturing a world were tiny Kote was able to live a relatively carefree life and spend his free time picking dandelion bouquets for his ori'vod Alpha. 🥺
# @whymylife-cordelia this is your fault. (Thank you.)
79 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ameliasstories · 2 years
Mars - Chapter 5
The Jedi had sent a cadet to them. A “padawan learner” General Kenobi had called her. Her name was Ahsoka Tano, and Cody learned quickly from Rex that although General Kenobi had requested her, she had assigned herself to General Skywalker. He also learned that General Skywalker was not happy about this development, which was no surprise. In the short time he’d known him, Cody realized that General Skywalker took to responsibility like a tooka cat to bathtime. He was a brilliant fighter and an even better pilot, but he was still reckless and headstrong. Sometimes, he worried about how well-matched he and Rex were. He hoped they might calm each other somewhat, or at least support each other in their mutual madness.
Nat-borns were smaller than clone cadets were at the same standard age. Ahsoka Tano was fourteen, yet she looked more like what Cody had looked like at seven years old. Despite her protests, that she was old enough, that Master Yoda trusted, she was still so small in their eyes. 
It rekindled his resolve to protect the Jedi, a directive he had only come to truly accept upon meeting them himself. Simultaneously, it brought back with it that veritable soup of emotions that seemed ever-present in him nowadays. Ever since he’d discovered the larger universe, and learned what childhood could look like, what it should look like, he’d carried a certain type of rage with him. It was a righteous sort of anger, and it was the greatest source of the conflicted opinion he had of the Jedi most days.
Being around him felt like being in a dream. It was perfectly realistic until you awoke. The Jedi still seemed so good, so much larger than life. They were, in his eyes at least, both competent and incompetent, naive and wise beyond what he could imagine. General Kenobi more so than most. Whenever he was away from him, Cody could not bring himself to believe that he was as righteous, calm, and perfect as he made himself out to be. But in his presence, he felt as though there was no way the General could ever be anything else. The fact that he could not consolidate these two images of the Jedi in his mind was in large part the cause of his alternating between frustration and defensiveness of them. 
The General was a man cut from many different types of cloth, and Cody could not find the thread he need to connect them into a tapestry.
“Cody!” The General drew his attention with a shout of his name as he ducked behind the fallen debris Cody had slid behind in order to speak with him. The space was somewhat cramped but General Kenobi managed to crouch down beside him in relative safety, his lightsaber deactivating so the steady hum of it would not disturb them. “This isn’t working. I need to draw their attention some other way.”
Cody’s brows furrowed beneath his helmet, though the General had no way of knowing that, even if he did have an uncanny ability to read their emotions though their faces were obscured. “What did you have in mind, sir?” He asked, trying his hardest not to focus on the way the General’s body connected to his all along the side of his torso, or how both of them tilted their heads toward each other.
“I’m going to surrender myself, and stall for time,” he suggested, and Cody bit down on his protests until his tongue was bleeding in his mouth. “It’s not ideal but it’s our best option. We need to give Anakin and Ahsoka the opportunity to reach that shield generator.”
And despite the risks accompanying the plan, Cody could see the General’s thought process. Sending any trooper to stall would be suicide but the General could would not meet the same fate. He wasn’t known as the Negotiator for nothing, after all. In the short months Cody had known him, he’d seen him talk his way out of pretty much any situation, from negotiation with separatist planets to prodding Senators at state functions.
The General was just as reckless as his former padawan at the best of times. It was a lesson he’d learned the hard way. He was being reckless with his own life, as was becoming a veritable pattern. But Cody trusted him not to overplay his cards. And he understood, better than some, the urge General Kenobi must be feeling to protect General Skywalker and Commander Tano.
“Give the signal,” Cody conceded, “and we’ll cover you.”
General Kenobi put a heavy hand on his armored shoulder. “Thank you, Cody,” he said, and the earnestness of it lit a fire under Cody’s skin, warm and uncomfortable. But he shoved the feeling aside in favor of ducking out from behind their hiding place and beginning to fire at the advancing droids again.
Luckily for them, the ray shield came down just over a standard hour later. And a bloom of relief unfurled in Cody’s chest when he received a comm from the General, directing them towards his position. As expected, the discussion of his surrender had quickly turned into the discussion of General Loathsom’s surrender instead.
The entire time he was directing the troops around, Cody was itching to tell the General something. He needed to talk to him, to see him, though he couldn’t fathom what for. 
But the bustle following a battle was hardly the moment for a conversation. First, he had to delegate squads to pick up General Skywalker and Commander Tano, pack up their remaining relief supplies, and pick a new base of operations.
In this work, he was usually alone. General Kenobi usually assisted in the supervision of their supply distribution, especially in or around the medical areas. No man could wrestle the General into a medbay in order to heal his own wounds, yet he stood beside the cot of any trooper, helping them calm down from a post-battle-induced breakdown. The shinies especially received his undivided attention during this time. It was something that made a knife twist inside of Cody’s chest every time his eyes caught on the General’s steady form hunched over beside one of his brothers. 
The General seemed to care for them deeply, repeatedly sacrificing his time and energy to comfort the men under his command, even if they were clones. But he was a member of the Jedi Council. A Council which had direct influence in the politics of the Republic. Cody knew, logically, that they were probably trying to do the best with what they had to help the galaxy. But he couldn’t push away the nagging frustration at the fact that he thought they could be doing more for his brothers. They were a part of the Republic, were they not? 
“It’s good to see you safe, sir,” Cody commented once the two of them finally stood alone beside each other. As always, his conflictedness melted away once he saw the General before him, saw that he was safe and whole, his features softened when he faced Cody. 
He was glad to finally have caught him alone for a moment, and his words were earnest, just as the General’s had been during the battle. His words, his tone, were still rattling inside Cody’s head, though he pushed his thoughts of them away. General Kenobi was a good leader, even if his tactical prowess was still severely lacking . And Cody, along with his entire battalion, would be dismayed to see the General pass on. 
The smile General Kenobi offered in return was tight with exhaustion, but genuine. “I’m glad to be safe, Cody.” His gaze followed the retreating figures of General Skywalker and Commander Tano, with Rex joining them along the way. “I’m glad their situation has sorted itself out as well. I had been worried.”
“They’ll make quite the trio,” Cody agreed, unsure of what to say next.
Luckily, General Kenobi had no such uncertainties. “I do hope I’m not quite as much a headache?” The question was accompanied by a wicked grin Cody had come to know meant he was instigating a lighter topic of conversation. 
“Oh, not at all,” he smiled behind his helmet. “The migraine medication Kix ordered is entirely unrelated to you, I promise.”
many thanks to my (incredibly patient) beta @cassie-isms
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weyrwolfen · 10 months
Eidola: Chapter 02 - CT-48-2866 Sling
Rating: T
Characters: Gen, Clone Trooper OCs, Captain Rex, Ahsoka Tano, and other canon members of the 501st/332nd
Warnings: canon-typical violence; references to self-harm, injuries, and substance abuse; PTSD; it’s post-Order 66 and nobody is having a good time (but they’re all working on it)
Summary: The mission was never to bring down the Empire. Not really. The mission was to save every single one of their chipped brothers. But if doing do helped break the Empire’s stranglehold on the galaxy? Well, that was just a bonus.
“You know, the red stuff is supposed to stay on the inside,” Sling said dryly, peeling back the blood-soaked towel from Angler’s arm to see how bad the injury really was.
In short, it wasn’t great, but it could have been a lot worse. At least the edges of the cut looked relatively clean.
“Yeah,” Angler said, grimacing as Sling carefully placed the towel back over his forearm. “I must have missed that flash training module.”
“Here. Keep pressure on that for just a minute,” Sling said, standing up and walking over to the small sink in the corner of the room. “I’m going to have to clean that out before cauterizing it.”
“Sounds like fun,” Angler grumbled.
No. It definitely wasn’t. There were times when Sling missed Ord Cestus. Oh, not the Kaminoans, or the Imperials, or the karking chip, but the stuff. The surgical equipment, the autoclaves, the sanitation droids, the decent lights.
The vats and vats of bacta.
Not that they were critically low on bacta. Not yet, at least, but that was only because the Captain had given all of the medics standing orders to act as if they were. And so Sling just scrubbed his hands under scalding water until they smarted and thanked the Force that he had been required to study survival medicine as part of his accelerated training regimen.
He then started pulling the equipment he’d need off of the shelving in the base’s makeshift infirmary: a laser cauterizer, a bottle of quintuply-distilled alcohol, a selection of small tweezers and forceps Zinc had knocked together in the machine shop, two ceramic cups, a handful of cloth bandages, a small tube of bacta.
He poured the alcohol into the two cups first, set one in front of Angler, and then started arranging everything else on a tray. “Drink that,” he ordered.
“What is it?” Angler asked, picking up the cup with his good hand and sniffing it dubiously.
It had used to annoy Sling, whenever his brothers had questioned his medical advice. Now, it was oddly comforting, whenever one of them didn’t just unquestioningly obey.
“You don’t recognize Apogee’s hooch?” Sling asked lightly. “Drink up. I’m pouring the other cup on your arm.”
Angler drank.
“Kark, that burns.”
“Uh huh, just wait.” Sling peeled the towel off of Angler’s arm and turned to throw it away. He hesitated for a moment between tossing the bloody towel in the bin marked for laundering and the one destined for the incinerator. Not having the full force of the Empire’s coffers at his back was still taking some getting used to, all these months later.
The towel went into the laundry bin.
“How’d you cut yourself, moving cots?” Sling asked, dialing up the magnification in his helmet’s HUD to get a better look at the inside of the wound. The whole thing was full of fibers from the towel. He reached for the second cup.
“The new bunks were integrated with the floor panels on that freighter Tempo’s team found,” Angler said. “He had to cut them ou– AAAH!”
Good, the liquor had washed away a fair amount of the debris inside the wound. Sling reached for his tweezers. “Hold still.”
The responding string of intermingled Huttese, Mando’a, and Galactic Basic profanities was impressive in its complexity, but Angler held still.
Some time and several more outbursts later, Sling placed his helmet on the end of the infirmary’s table and poured a third glass of alcohol for Angler. It was the one supply they could count on having in abundance, so he could afford to be generous with it. “So a little redness is–”
“Normal,” Angler interrupted, snatching the cup with a glower. His newly cauterized arm was wrapped in fabric bandages with the barest strip of bacta painted down the length of the sealed cut. It should be fine, not that the process of getting there had been pleasant. “But if it feels hot or swells up, or gets dark or veiny –“
“Come back here, yes,” Sling finished.
Angler downed the glass of high-proof liquor in one go. “Tell Apogee his latest recipe’s awful.”
Sling snorted. “I think he’s infusing the non-medical stuff with herbs or something to improve the flavor.”
His wrist comm beeped, indicating an incoming call request. Sling looked down and saw Kix’s designation, CT-6116, flash under the blinking light. He lifted his wrist and said, “Sling here.”
“You have any patients right now?” Kix asked, voice unusually tense. “I need you on the landing platform.”
Sling looked sideways at Angler, who was watching him with an air of slightly buzzed curiosity. “I’m just finishing up with one now, but Panz should be spelling me in five.”
“Panz is headed to me,” Kix said. “Everybody is headed to me. Hang up a sign or something, we need all hands on deck.”
That… wasn’t good. Something must have happened. “On my way. Should I grab my triage kit?”
“Just pack sedatives,” Kix said, and while he still sounded tense, there was something else in his tone. Excitement? It was hard to tell. “Ridge is inbound with eight chipped brothers.”
That didn’t register for a moment, and Sling shook his head to clear it. “Eight?” he finally asked hoarsely.
“Eight,” Kix confirmed. “Get up here.”
The line went dead.
“I’ll hold down the fort,” Angler said, his voice just the slightest bit slurred.
“You’re drunk,” Sling said, but he was already moving to the supply shelves, grabbing hypospray cartridges of sedatives.
“Yeah, and who’s fault is that?” Angler asked, sounding a little indignant. “I’ll call Kipp. He’s off duty right now.”
That… actually wasn’t a terrible plan. Kipp had at least some field medic training. “Okay,” Sling said, stuffing the sedatives into one of his belt pouches. “Okay, you do that.”
“Eight’s some kind of record, right?” Angler asked.
It actually wasn’t, but nobody counted that troop transport Hunter and his team had somehow managed to hijack. They’d brought thirty chipped brothers in that day, but given that all of them had been wide awake and shooting upon arrival, most everyone had agreed to chalk that one up to a team effort.
“Something like that,” Sling said, grabbing his helmet.
“Go on,” Angler insisted, reaching for the bottle of liquor. “Kix is going to have his hands full.”
Sling pulled his helmet on and hit the door at a dead run.
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Fuse was powering down their surgical pod when Sling walked through the door with two cups of caf in hand. “Aughts and Kipp just finished up with the last of the Reapers,” he said, handing a cup to his fellow medic. “I don’t think they found a scratch worth treating among the lot of them.”
Fuse accepted the cup with a grateful nod and took a long sip of the hot, sweet stimulant before answering. “That’s good news,” he said, then he eyed Sling questioningly. “What’s going on with Kix?”
It was a fair question.
“Well, he is supposed to be three hours into his sleep cycle right about now,” Sling said evasively, taking a sip from his own cup. “We’ll probably find him on a cot tomorrow, still in his armor.”
Fuse gave Sling an unimpressed look. “That’s not what I’m talking about, and you know it.”
Sling did know it. As medics, they were all trained to keep an eye on the health of their brothers, which included their mental as well as physical wellbeing. Anybody with eyes and a semi-functioning brain under their buckets had picked up on the fact that Kix actually knew this latest batch of rescued brothers. It wasn’t unreasonable to assume that was the reason why their unofficial leader was acting a bit off. But Fuse was also the shiniest medic on the team, and this was his first experience removing active chips. He obviously didn’t know the score.
“Look, he always takes this personally,” Sling finally said, running a hand over the fine, bristly fuzz on his scalp. He’d hoped that one of the others had already had this conversation with Fuse, but it looked like it was just his turn. “I’m going to tell you this, just like Taq told me when I was in your boots. One of our brothers in the 501st apparently learned something about our chips before the war ended and got killed for his troubles, but not before he’d talked to a couple guys. Kix, the Captain, I don’t know who else. Point is, they had the pieces of the puzzle, but they didn’t quite put it all together before everything went in the incinerator. So yeah, maybe Kix blames himself a little more than is strictly reasonable. And no, he isn’t doing so hot right now, but he never is when we get a new batch of brothers to de-chip. He’ll be okay, and in the meantime, if he takes the self-flagellation too far, Panz will stick him with a sedative.”
The expression on Fuse’s face would have been comical, if the cause for it hadn’t been so serious. He looked like Sling had just slapped him with a slime eel.
Sling just took another sip of caf, watching the gears spin behind Fuse’s eyes.
“Stang,” Fuse finally said hoarsely, which wasn’t exactly what Sling had said when Taq had read him in on the story, but it was close enough.
Sling nodded. “So now you know.”
Fuse stared into his cup for a second before downing it like it contained something a lot stronger than slightly stale, instant caf. “I don’t know what to do with that information,” he finally said.
“You don’t do anything, other than get yourself a refill on your caf,” Sling said. “It’s going to be a long night, and I don’t need Kix taking a swing at you if you try to commiserate. If that happens, Panz will stick you both, and I’ll end up having to take up the slack.”
Fuse opened his mouth like he was going to argue for a moment, but he swallowed whatever half-formed complaint he’d been considering and instead gestured for Sling to proceed him out of the door.
They didn’t have far to go. By necessity, the salvaged surgical pod was situated very near the hanger bay. Getting the bulky piece of equipment out of the Tribunal in one piece had been a top down fiasco, but dragging it any further into the Draboon VIII moon base without access to heavy tunneling equipment had been a complete impossibility. It was inconveniently far from the main infirmary, but it also meant that the surgical room and the recovery areas the medics had commandeered had ended up largely removed from the chaotic comings and goings in the base’s more populated areas.
Sling waved Fuse towards the caf station, which was set up on a desk with monitoring screens, already glowing with a direct feed from the neighboring room, and continued on to the recovery area alone.
The room was quiet. Kix was tapping something into a datapad at the foot of one of the occupied cots. Ten had seemed like an ambitious number of beds, back when Sling had first joined the base’s medical team. Now, the space looked a little crowded. If they really were about to deploy a fourth Reaper team, and if Kryze and her people kept delivering the odd, battered clone to their doorstep at their current, accelerating rate, they’d have to expand soon.
It was a heartening thought.
“Please tell me you sent Aughts back to bed,” he asked lightly, walking over to stand next to Kix.
Kix looked at him briefly out of the corner of his eye. “Him and Taq both,” he admitted.
Good. Someone was going to need to be well-rested for the morning shift.
Sling looked down the row of unconscious clones. Their vital signs were all beeping softly from the datapads hanging at the foot of each bed. All but the one in Kix’s hand. “Anything wrong with this batch, other than the obvious?” he asked.
Kix nodded towards the man in front of him. “Delta here has shrapnel in his thigh,” he said with a dark scowl. “Looks like some moron slapped a bacta patch over the injury without cleaning it out first.”
It was something they’d all noticed. As best as they could tell from their admittedly small sample, the quality of medical care given to any clone still under Imperial control seemed to be deteriorating. It set Sling’s teeth on edge. “You planning on digging it out before he wakes up?”
Kix jerked his chin down in a sharp nod, scrolling back to the main screen and glancing over the readings there. “As soon as he stabilizes.”
That didn’t exactly narrow things down much. That could be in five minutes or five hours.
Or never.
They’d gotten so much better at the process, especially with the addition of Tech’s tinkering and gadgets, but they were still performing delicate brain surgery with a device that had been ripped from its previous housing with the liberal application of several laser cutters, a few explosives, and the Force. Things could and did go wrong, albeit very infrequently nowadays.
“What about him?” Sling gestured to a clone two beds over who had a long, knotted scar down the side of his face and across one ear. He looked down at the datapad to read the name there. “Hat Trick?” It was unusual to have all of their names this early. Sometimes they figured them out from searching through old Republic records. Every once in a while, someone would recognize a painted helmet or tattoo. Most of the time, the medics just ended up having to ask, once the dust had settled.
“Light saber,” Kix said, tone flat enough to earn him a sideways look. “He’s lucky he only lost an earlobe. It’s too old for us to do much with it though.”
An old light saber injury. That could mean any number of things, and none of them good. Order 66, or a run in with the sithspawned Inquisitors, or even the incident on Umbara no one was technically supposed to know about, even if they all did.
“Is the shrapnel ferrous?” Sling asked, setting aside pointless speculation for something a little more useful, such as figuring out which instruments they were going to need in the hours ahead.
Kix snorted. “Panz is already on his way with the magnetized kit.”
Well, at least this one, small thing wouldn’t have to be done the absolute hardest way.
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Beyond the magnetic field containing the hanger bay, the rings of Draboon VIII stretched out of sight, a glittering pathway of ice and rock. Their little moon carved a narrow path through the debris, its gravitational pull sending its closest neighbors dancing in treacherous and unexpected trajectories in their wake. The pilots hated navigating through it, and not without cause, but hardly anyone complained about the view from the hanger bay. It was objectively beautiful.
Sling often came out here, when he needed a moment to himself.
Waking their eight brothers from the Hadros mission was going about as expected. Fuse was going to have a real shiner tomorrow, where Link had managed to twist loose just long enough to land a solid punch before the repeated litany of “We’ve got you, you’re safe, you’re among brothers, we’ve got you,” had finally penetrated his panicked disorientation enough to convince him to stop fighting.
But then, of course, the wave of rising memories had crested almost immediately after that, dissolving the situation into another kind of chaos.
Kix had kicked Fuse out first, for a fifteen-minute breather. After that, Panz, and then it had been Sling’s turn. Just his turn, and certainly not because anyone else had noticed the way acid was starting to bite at the back of his throat.
Sling remembered his time under the control of the inhibitor chip in fragments. The first few days were painfully clear in his memory: standing placidly by, screaming inside, as his brothers carried away the body of a padawan he had treated not an hour before for minor plasma burns, shipping back to Kamino, cheering mindlessly at the Emperor’s recorded address.
After that though, his memories became fuzzy and disjointed, as if his consciousness had wrapped itself in a fog to protect itself from what he was seeing, what his body was doing just outside the limits of his immediate control. He’d surface for a time and submerge again, losing days, weeks, maybe even months in between.
There seemed to be no pattern to the memories he did retain. Some were thoroughly mundane: inventorying medical supplies being loaded into a ship, standing at attention in a town square while an officer whose name he could not recall addressed a gathered crowd of diverse sentients, going through the motions of enjoying a drink and a game of dice with his brothers, even though something was missing. Something was always missing.
Other times, they weren’t quite so innocuous.
The old man had reached out with a gnarled hand, begging to be allowed into the base Sling was guarding. Sling had broken the man’s cheekbone with the butt of his blaster rifle without a second thought. Beyond them, a small town he did not recognize had burned.
Verd had come to the infirmary because he had been experiencing persistent headaches, but when he’d admitted that he was also having doubts about their mission, about the Emperor, about everything, Sling had sent the prescribed, coded message to the ship’s security team. They had taken care of discreetly removing their traitorous brother, but it had been Sling who had signed off on the death certificate.
The binders around the girl’s wrists were supposed to suppress her access the Force. Sling was bad at estimating ages in non-cloned humanoids, but he’d place this child at perhaps four or five years in age. She had stumbled when the two Inquisitors had walked down the ramp of their ship to retrieve her. Brill had shoved her, to keep her moving. The transfer of the prisoner had been quick and efficient. No one had even spoken during the entire exchange.
Sling shut his eyes and took several deep breaths, in through his nose and out through his mouth. The chronometer in his helmet told him he had precisely two and a half minutes to get his head on straight enough to go back to work.
The Berg was just emerging from the shadow of Draboon VIII, catching and scattering light like a gemstone. It was funny, they were starting to name the chunks of water ice and planetary debris in their immediate orbit, but no one could agree on what to actually call the base they were all calling home.
To the best of anyone’s knowledge, the tiny moon Death Watch had hollowed out for a base had no name, or if it did, Kryze hadn’t seen fit to share it when she’d aimed the survivors of the Tribunal at it. Once they’d cleared out the small band of Maul loyalists who’d held it previously, Kryze had kept up her part of the deal and had expunged any mention of it from the official Mandalorian records. Whatever name it might have once held had died with those files, unless the remnants of Maul’s faction, who were now allied with the Empire, decided to go out of their way to investigate what had happened to an unusually small, technologically outdated, strategically unnoteworthy base situated nowhere near the star system’s only economically important planet.
What were the chances, given everything else that was currently happening back on Mandalore?
Honestly, better than any of them were comfortable considering in much detail.
They really should name it something.
The timer Sling had set for himself started to flash in his HUD. He pulled his helmet off to stop the alert, tucked it under one arm, and started walking back towards the hanger’s side door.
The light was on in the caf room, so it wasn’t too much of a surprise when a soft voice called out to Sling as he passed. “How are they?”
Sling felt himself instinctively stiffen, squaring his shoulders in some semblance of attention. Not that their Commander ever requested or required such a thing. Old habits died hard, and besides, she had more than earned his respect. “As well as can be expected, sir,” he answered.
The Commander nodded, looking back at the screens. Her headband was blinking at her temples, a solid visual cue that she was listening in on the feed as well. Letting a small number of brothers into the recovery room was one thing, but a visit from a Jedi, even a former one, was a bit much for many of the freshly de-chipped clones. That meant Sling and the other medics often found their Commander in here when they had new arrivals, cradling a half-drunk and mostly forgotten cup of caf, haunting the observation room until she was actually able to meet them properly.
Their brothers from the 501st told stories about her from before, about this cocky, snippy child who had shown up on Christophsis, ready to take on the galaxy. There were times when Sling could almost see it, the spark of that girl from their stories, but not right now. Right now, she just looked sad and tired and far too old for her biological age.
“Is there anything else you need, sir?” he asked, needing to get back to his patients, but hesitant to just leave her alone with only the screens for company.
“No, don’t let me keep you,” she said with a shake of her head that sent her lekku swaying. They were too thin. She was too thin, but even Kix’s penchant for steamrolling superior officers regarding medical matters seemed to have run into a wall when it came to convincing the Commander to eat more than their rationing protocols set aside for off duty troopers. Arguments related to differences in Togrutan physiology and metabolic requirements of Force users seemed to bounce right off of her. Kix had tried subterfuge, petty blackmail, even recruiting the Captain into his schemes, with nothing to show for his efforts. Her response was always the same. They were working on ways to improve supply lines for everyone, and until that panned out, she’d eat her fair share, just like everyone else.
There was speculation among the medics that the reason Kix had started growing his hair longer was so he could get enough of a handhold to start pulling it out over the entire situation.
Sling knew from prior experience that she’d be just as stubborn if he continued to press her now, so he just nodded in lieu of a more formal salute and excused himself, a half-formed scheme starting to take shape in the back of his mind.
The Captain was inside the recovery room, sitting on the edge of Pike’s bed on the far left end of the line of cots. That wasn’t entirely unexpected either. Wherever the Commander was, the Captain was typically nearby. Right now, he was in full kit, except for his helmet, which was sitting on the floor at his feet. His twin blasters were also missing, which was only sensible until they figured out how their brothers were going to react to coming out from under their chips’ control. It was a lesson they’d apparently learned the hard way, back before Sling himself had been rescued.
Pike and the Captain had clearly been talking.
Pike looked a little improved. He was still deathly pale, and everything about his posture and expression conveyed painfully familiar self-loathing and horror, but at least he was sitting up and talking. He wasn’t screaming or dry heaving into one of the several, strategically-placed bins around the room. He wasn’t trying to injure himself or anyone else. Given the suite of reactions they’d learned to expect during this process, he was actually doing pretty well.
“Why now?” Pike was asking, hands fisted so tightly at his sides that his knuckles had turned bone white. “Why us?”
“You might not like my answer,” was the quiet response, but the Captain only paused a moment before continuing. “We don’t have many ways to safely gather actionable intelligence from inside the Imperial military, so most of the time, the teams pick their targets more or less at random.”
Pike’s strangled bark of laughter sounded anything but happy.
“We’re working on it,” the Captain said, and Sling couldn’t help but notice the way his left hand unthinkingly brushed the empty holster at his side, froze when it didn’t encounter the comforting presence of a blaster grip, and then returned to resting on his cuisse. It was a humanizing little tic, from a brother they were all guilty of holding in something akin to awe. The first clone saved from the control of his chip, who’d come back for the rest of them.
Sling slipped his helmet back on and helped himself to a heavy dollop of hand sanitizer, alcohol-based and primitive as everything else they’d been managing to stockpile. Then he headed over to the cots where Kix, Panz, and Fuse were all clustered, partially to get an update on their patients and partially to give Pike and the Captain a little space. The gesture was more symbolic than anything. Medics tended to overhear things. It wasn’t like they were trying to listen in, but it was also hard to completely shut out others’ conversations in the quiet, confined space.
Panz seemed to be attempting to browbeat Link into eating something. As for Kix and Fuse, apparently Delta had finally stabilized enough to allow them to start working on his leg. There was already a small pile of shrapnel fragments in a metal bowl on a tray at the foot on Delta’s cot. Some of the shards were large enough that Sling had to consciously refrain from wincing.
“Let me sub in,” he said as Kix dropped another shard in the growing pile. It wasn’t an entirely altruistic offer. What it was, was Kix’s kriffing turn, but putting it that way would probably set off a chain of events that would end with Panz sticking a needle full of sedatives into Sling’s neck.
Which, in retrospect, might not be such a terrible fate. It was certainly one way to guarantee himself eight hours of nightmare-free sleep.
As expected, Kix just flicked the tiny electromagnetic probe back on and leaned forward to delve back into the incision. “I’m just finishing up,” he said flatly, without turning his head.
Sling has seen the scans. There was no karking way Kix was ‘just finishing up.’
“Commander Tano asked me for an update,” Sling said evenly, knowing perfectly well that said Commander could hear his every word. “I don’t think I was able to provide the level of detail she would have liked.”
Invoking the Commander’s name like that was below the belt fighting among the clones. Sling knew it, they all knew it, but that didn’t make it any less effective.
Sure enough, Kix paused in his work and looked up. Sling could feel the hard glare he was receiving, even through Kix’s faceplate.
Sling just waited expectantly, trying to exude casual neutrality through his armor. He wasn’t lying to the base’s top medical officer. He wasn’t even bending the truth.
Finally, Kix reached over to let the most recent shard of metal drop into the bowl and set both the probe and his scalpel down on the tray next to it. Then he stood up from his stool, grabbed Sling’s wrist, and punched a data transfer code into it with more force than was strictly necessary.
The file containing Delta’s scans appeared in the lower corner of Sling’s HUD.
He was absolutely going to pay for this later.
Sling did not let himself react, even when Kix pulled off his helmet and gave him a look that could have melted transparisteel. He wasn’t about to sabotage his own victory by relaxing prematurely though.
Sling caught the Captain’s eye as the door slid closed behind Kix’s stiff-backed retreat. His brief, pointed look at the small camera, mounted above the door, said at least as much as his incongruously dark, raised eyebrow. He wasn’t about to reprove Sling for maneuvering Kix like that, but she might.
Sling nodded in acceptance, but he wasn’t too concerned. The Commander knew Kix’s quirks better than most, and she wasn’t above a little subterfuge of her own, if it meant taking care of her men. And Kix, much as they all respected him, did require a little maneuvering from time to time. Sling turned his attention back to Delta without a drop of remorse.
Fuse, who’d apparently been tasked with holding Delta’s incision open with manual retractors and catching any bleeds the bacta gel hadn’t handled with a small cauterizer, gave Sling a questioning look, but didn’t say a word.
Panz wasn’t quite so restrained. “I’m going to have to tranq him tonight, aren’t I?” he asked.
Sling shrugged, dialed up the magnification of his visor, and opened the file of Delta’s scans. “Or we could try a little subtlety, for once,” he said dryly, sitting down on the stool Kix had vacated.
A three-dimensional representation of the remaining shrapnel overlaid the trooper’s thigh in Sling’s HUD.
Kark, it was a mess in there.
There wasn’t anything else for it. Sling picked up the probe and scalpel, selected a shard to extract at random, and went to work.
AN: Other chapters are available here
Dividers by freesia-writes using helmets by lornaka. More designs available here.
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dltprrpdnjsxjszlf · 1 year
이세계 원턴킬 누나 다시 보기 1화~12화 (애니) 202
이세계 원턴킬 누나 다시 보기 1화~12화 (애니) 2023 <<
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이세계 원턴킬 누나 다시 보기 1화~12화 (애니) 202
이세계 원턴킬 누나 다시 보기 1화~12화 (애니) 202
이세계 원턴킬 누나 다시 보기 1화~12화 (애니) 202
이세계 원턴킬 누나 다시 보기 1화~12화 (애니) 202
이세계 원턴킬 누나 다시 보기 1화~12화 (애니) 202
On Geoje Island, the second largest island in Korea, you can feel that the living area is divided into Samsung Heavy Industries, centered on Gohyeon and Jangpyeong, and Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, centered on Ajou, Okpo, and Jangseungpo. Compared to other regions, the ratio of males is significantly higher, and the living space where workers of two shipyards and many equipment companies live is small, and apartments and prices are relatively expensive. Therefore, some of them seem to be living in the neighboring Myongji New Town in Busan Metropolitan City.
Also, unusually, Saemaeul Geumgo, not Wellive, which was a subsidiary, is in charge of managing the canteen and vending machines, and in return, there are an overwhelming number of branches and ATMs everywhere compared to other banks.[11]
The headquarters was located across from Shinhan Bank’s Gwanggyo Sales Department in Da-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul [12], but as of August 2016, the headquarters was moved to Aju-dong, Geoje-si, Gyeongsangnam-do. [13] The former head office building in Da-dong was bought by DGB Financial Group in May 2018 and renamed the DGB Financial Center.[14]
In February 2021, the Seoul office moved into Building B of Grand Central, which entered the redevelopment area of Namdaemun-ro 5-ga, Jung-gu[15].[16][Signal] Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering opens the Namdaemun era in 20 years Star Wars Rebels Lucasfilm It is a 3D animation series produced by Animation and aired from 2014 to 2018. It was the first work to be shown after the Walt Disney Company acquired Lucasfilm in 2012. News of the production was announced on March 20, 2013, and a short film was released on YouTube in the summer of 2014, and aired in earnest in the fall.
It is a work that deals with the crew of the spaceship ghost with Ezra Bridger as the main character, and many elements and characters from the previous Star Wars animation Star Wars: The Clone Wars series reappear. Short animations showing their activities were released, and some concept art was released prior to the airing of season 1.
Season 2 aired again after a month of hiatus to commemorate the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. : Between A New Hope (Episode 4), between 5 BBY and 0 BBY to be exact. It also predates Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
All of the main characters, the Ghost Crew, first appeared through this work. The supporting cast featured many characters from Star Wars: The Clone Wars and characters from the original trilogy. Examples include Ahsoka Tano and other clones, Yoda, Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, Darth Vader, and Emperor Palpatine.
The popular character Grand Admiral Thrawn, who only appeared in the Star Wars Legends expansion universe, was incorporated into Cannon in Season 3. Prequel novels leading to Star Wars Rebels include A New Dawn and Ahsoka.
In Season 2, it is revealed through Rex's words that he fought alongside Ahsoka Tano all the way to the Siege of Mandalore. However, the siege of Mandalore was only mentioned in the novel Ahsoka and this one, and wasn't covered until the 2020 Star Wars: The Clone Wars final season aired.
Star Wars Force of Fate, an omnibus short animated series, takes place between and after Star Wars Rebels.
In the 2016 anthology film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Hera Syndulla is mentioned as General Syndulla and C1-10P appears.
In Season 2 of the 2020 Disney+ Original live-action drama The Mandalorian, Ahsoka Tano's survival after the original trilogy was confirmed, and it was also revealed through her words that she was after Grand Admiral Thrawn. This is connected to the departure of Ahsoka Tano and Sabine Wren to find Ezra Bridger, who disappeared with Thrawn in the finale of Star Wars Rebels.
In the 2023 Disney+ live-action drama Ahsoka, it was revealed that the live-action casting of Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger was decided, leading to a live-action drama.
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