#( ; just hard to get things done without plot and worse when the muse is low )
starter  call !!!!          under  the  read  more  is  a  list  of  all  the  characters  i've  been  having  lots  of  muse  for,  just  because  i  feel  bad  receiving  memes/replies  for the  others  and taking long to get back,  the  vibes  are  just extremely  low.   all  of  them  have  their  bios  linked  to  their  name  so  in  case  one  catches  your  eye,  you  can  get  some  info/read  their  verses.   if  you  want  a  starter  from  one  or  more,  just  comment  their  name  and  who  the  starter  is  for  in  case  you  are  also  a  multi!     keep  in  mind  i  MIGHT  write  all  the  options  you  give  me, because the more the better  lol.
florence - vampire oc.
victoria - agent oc.
elizabeth - witch oc.
pepper - but her agent and president verse.
emily - from criminal minds.
jane - from mr and mrs smith.
larissa - from wednesday.
lucifer - from the sandman (no bio yet so u got their wiki lol).
also remember i am always glad to throw my muses into different fandoms so don't let that hold you back either. why stick to canon when we can do what we want hm?
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Slumbering Hearts (Alcina Dimitrescu/Reader, Soulmate AU) Pt. 1
Fandom: Resident Evil: Village Rating: T for language/brief nudity Warnings: None Summary: In a wicked twist of fate, you find out your soulmate is none other than your employer, Lady Dimitrescu. To your misery, she (at first) seems equally displeased, her heart already belonging to another. But in time, the two of you find yourselves wondering... could the universe be right, after all? Soulmate AU in which every person has a unique "soul mark", which they share with their soulmate. Notes: Reader is gender neutral, but at some points will be described as leaning towards being feminine (due to personal interpretation of Alcina's character). Additionally, Lady D will eventually be referred to by her first name, so don't worry if you feel weird about her being called by her full title all the time, it's just for this chap, when the reader isn't familiar with her. Lastly, this contains a bit of one sided Alcina/Miranda, which serves as a plot point, but is (clearly) not the primary ship.
1: In The Shadow Of Giants
Three months, two weeks, and one day. That’s how long you’ve been at this accursed castle, serving cruel mistresses, having been plucked from your peaceful life in the village. Anger stains your every thought, slowly festering inside your chest. There is no cure, at least not without a fatal price, but there are mild remedies. ‘Tis not long before the other servants learn to give you the more physically demanding chores. Nothing numbs your mind quite the same way that chopping firewood does, though you often settle for hard scrubbing age-old tile. Every day ends with your muscles crying from the effort of it all. Every day… except today. Another servant, from the night shift, has been wounded severely, and her job was deemed too important to be foregone.
And, as such, she has been replaced. By you. For once, you turn in early, long before your clothes can become stained with sweat. Yet you aren’t happy, not when you know that this change will ruin your sleep for weeks to come. Even worse, it’ll be impossible to avoid your ‘employers’, whereas working the day shift meant almost never seeing them. So far, you have only seen them on four or five occasions. Hell, you’ve only met two of them, being Cassandra and Bela. Based on what others told you, the other two weren’t much (if at all) better. As you try your best to get some rest, only a single ‘positive’ thought runs through your head: Well, worst comes to worst, I’ll get killed, then I won’t have to worry about anything anymore.
“Remember: No talking unless you’re asked a question. The Mistress has had a rough morning, and this is her best chance at relaxing,” Juniper explains, for what seems like the eighth time since the two of you met. There’s a nervous energy around her, which does little to ease your own anxieties. If you heard correctly, she’s only been at the castle for a couple weeks, having previously worked for Mother Miranda. You’re not sure what would have caused the transfer, considering most who were ‘fired’ ended up dead. Something told you that it had to do with antsy nature. “Oh, and don’t leave unless dismissed, even once your part is done. We all need to be ready, in case Mistress- I mean, Lady Dimitrescu needs something. Sorry, I’m still getting used to how things work here.”
“As long as you don’t slip up in front of her and get us both killed, I don’t really care,” you replied, giving Juniper a level stare. Clearly unsure how to respond, she pauses for a moment, mouth opening then closing without a sound. Once she’s seemingly composed herself, you give a short nod and push open the door to the bathroom. Two other servants are already inside, and they flinch at your arrival, briefly mistaking you for their boss. “I can hardly believe they made me change shifts for this,” you add, under your breath, rolling your eyes. What was so important about making sure a few candles stayed lit? During bathtime? Maybe it was something you had to be a giant, vampiric noblewoman to understand. Regardless of your annoyance, you quickly get to work, striking the first of a couple matches. It’s a rather dull task. To think you would have preferred heavy labor to this.
Before long, the last flame springs to life, and Juniper dims the lights, allowing the candles to become the focus. At least one is scented, though you cannot place the specific kind. Less than a minute after the last one is lit, the door once again swings open, revealing your most elusive employer. She’s… more than you anticipated. In every conceivable way, truthfully. Taller, more graceful (even as she has to duck through the entrance), and, as much as you hate to think so, far, far more beautiful. If not for the warm lighting of the room, you would have worried about someone seeing your blush. Certainly I am not the first to react this way, you think, as you bow alongside the others.
“Yes, yes, get on with it,” Lady Dimitrescu says, with a sharp frown. Then she moves closer to the tub, which you imagine could fit half a dozen ‘normal’ people, and holds out her arms to her side. For a moment you’re confused, but you instinctively mimic the motions of the other maidens. Together the four of you reach for her robe, gently taking hold of it while she steps into the bath, before hanging it onto a nearby hook. A second later your entire world is turned upside down. You’re freezing in place, eyes wide, as the bare back of Lady Dimitrescu reveals itself to you. Yet this is not an instance of poorly veiled lust. No, it is equal parts horror and repulsion, for you find yourself staring at a distinctive soul marking.
One that matches your own.
Beside you, Juniper watches you with concern, silently urging you to stay silent. Neither of the other two servants seem to react, other than by taking a small step backwards. Unable to speak, let alone form coherent thoughts, all you can do is point a trembling finger towards the soul mark. It’s right in between Lady Dimitrescu’s shoulder blades. Once upon a time, you had marveled at the design, smiling every time you saw it in the mirror. Now, it might as well be the ugliest thing you’ve ever seen. Based on her expression, Juniper seems to agree, although for different reasons. As your hand drops back to your side, you try to compose yourself enough to focus on the task before you. Instead, someone breaks the quiet, boldly, daring to think that they would be rewarded for it.
“My Lady,” a servant says, stepping forward, shooting you a waywards glance. Instantly she has your employer’s attention, though that comes with the metallic sssssslk of her claws extending. There’s an unspoken threat that demands respect. None comes, however, just the frenzied words of a panicked maiden. “I know who your soulmate is, my Lady. I thought that perhaps you’d-”
“A name. Give me… a name,” Lady Dimitrescu interjects, claws still out and impatiently tapping on the tile floor. Tense, you start to step forward, wanting desperately to silence the treacherous maiden. But her tongue is faster than your fist, and soon enough your name is echoing through the room. “Oh? The one right behind me, hmm? Dreadfully convenient, really. Step forward, dear, and let me see the proof. Assuming it exists.” All eyes other than hers are on you, now. With a deep breath, you begrudgingly step in front of Lady Dimitrescu, trying not to even briefly glance at her chest (or worse, lower). One of her hands shifts, a long claw tilting your chin up. “Well?”
“Forgive the placement,” you mutter, awkwardly grabbing your shirt collar, tugging it down to reveal your soul mark, planted neatly on the center of your chest. If Lady Dimitrescu’s gaze wanders, it does so too quickly to be noticed, though she does make a low humming noise at the sight. Feeling much like a piece of meat on display at the butcher’s, you scowl deeply. Soon enough, but not as soon as you’d like, the claw under your chin retracts, and you once more cover up your soul mark. You can’t bring yourself to look your soulmate in the eyes.
“Hmm. Not what I expected. Not at all,” she muses, more to herself than to you, softly. Behind her, Juniper is sending you a sympathetic expression. All you can do, as Lady Dimitrescu judges you, is glare at the origin of this revelation. What did she think to gain by speaking up? Hadn’t she heard the same rumors that you had? Didn’t she know that your employer already loved another, even if that affection was unrequited? There was, simply put, no chance that you were the preferable option. Not when there was no race against neither time nor death. At best, you could be a distraction. Something to keep her mind off of the person she’d rather be with. “Go clean up, get some sustenance if you must, then go to my quarters. We will discuss this further there- after I am done here.”
With that said, she waves you off, letting you relax for the first time in several minutes. After giving a short bow, you immediately move to leave. On your way, you intentionally bump shoulders with the maiden who spoke up, sending her a glare, then give Juniper a nod of acknowledgement. Nervous wreck or not, she was the only person you ‘knew’ on the night shift. Not that such a thing would even matter soon. To think that we’ve been soulmates this whole time, you think, living in the same castle for months, never seeing each other. I wish things could have stayed that way. At least you’d have some time to process your developing situation. Though you doubted you’d have enough time.
In an unusual change of pace, Alcina dismisses the rest of her servants, long before her bath is done. They exchange glances before scattering to the winds. A heavy sigh leaves her lips, and she sinks lower into the tub. Of course I have a soulmate, she thinks, bitterly. I knew this. Knew that it wasn’t her, and yet still, I find myself surprised. Disappointed, even. How had an already rough evening gotten even worse? More than that, what was she supposed to do about it? There was a part of her that wanted to kill her soulmate. She figured that, with them out of the way, the universe might finally understand who she was meant to be with. After all, it wasn’t uncommon for ‘widows’ to be given a new match, and those were generally other ‘widows’. Considering that Alcina knew for a fact that Mother Miranda’s soulmate had long since died, she did not think that her hopes were beyond possibility.
But there was another part of her, quieter, that dared to be more realistic. If the universe said that this human, this tiny thing, was her soulmate… would it not make sense to at least try? What harm could it do, when her current love had been unrequited for so long? Was this not the end to several decades of loneliness? Damn it, she thinks, gripping the edge of the bathtub until her knuckles turned white. There was no denying it, now that a single drop of rational thought had corrupted her mind. Fuck it all, I hardly have a choice. Or anything to lose, for that matter. With her decision made, she rises to her feet, emotionally ready to face the unknown.
“Ah, so you do follow directions, after all. I half expected to learn that you had attempted to flee, or perhaps had a gruesome run in with one of my daughters,” Lady Dimitrescu chimes, as she ducks into her room. Inside, standing at attention, you await. All of your earlier nervousness returns, though this time it is tinged with your natural rage. Of all the monsters in the world, this was the one you were expected to love. It mattered not how tall she was, or how sharp her nails could be, or how fierce her loyalty to Mother Miranda. To you, it mattered that you had no choice in being here, that only a handful of servants had come to the castle willingly. It mattered that a single mistake could mean a cruel death. So you did not greet your soulmate with a smile, or excitement, rather with a forced bow and blank expression. Better to be dead than to fake true love. “Come now, do at least pretend that you are excited, for my sake. I have been waiting a century for this, after all.”
“Perhaps the universe found it difficult to find someone who could love you,” you say, the words tumbling out of your mouth, instant regret boiling up inside of you. What you expect is a swift death. What you get? A deep sigh, a scowl, a look of frustration. Still fearing your possible demise, you are quick to keep speaking. “Or maybe the universe heard me talk once, and struggled to find someone to tolerate me. Countless possibilities, a galaxy full of mysteries… and here we are. Forgive me for being crass, my Lady. I would blame it on my schedule change, but something tells me you would see right through that lie, yes?” Not like that was much better, you think, wondering how the hell you were going to survive this.
“You’re quite the character, aren’t you?... Do try not to make me regret this, I’d rather not kill my soulmate. Now, sit down, it’s about time for a proper introduction,” Lady Dimitrescu commands. Then she’s sitting on the edge of her bed, gently patting the spot next to her. Joining her is just about the last thing you want to do right now… but you obey nonetheless. Still, you angle yourself away from her ever so slightly, hoping the subtle body language would help you distance yourself from her. There’s something in her expression that tells you she knows exactly what you’re trying to do. “I am Lady Dimitrescu, though you already know that. You may call me Alcina… for now. Behave, or that is one of many privileges I will not hesitate to take from you. Understood?”
It takes all of your willpower to avoid rolling your eyes, but you manage, instead giving a short nod. This’ll be interesting, for sure.
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Too Far From Home
This was a test for the table fic. I always like to do test runs to get a feel for the character's dynamics before writing longer pieces, plus I haven't done anything full-on smutty in a while, so wanted to ease myself back into it. Still not the best, but I hope it's getting better! 😅
Based on a combination of these smutty prompts.
Pairing: King Arthur x Female Reader
Words: 1k
Genre: Smut
Warnings: P/V, fingering. It's pretty tame. There's some dirty talk if you can even call it that. 😂
Notes: There's absolutely no logic to any of this. There is plot and really no editing. Why are they there? 🤷‍♀️ What is their relation? 🤷‍♀️ Where the fuck did that cloth come from at the end? 🤷‍♀️ Was there actually someone spying on them? 🤷‍♀️ Who knows.
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There were a million and one places better suited for this situation, but the problem was they were all too far away. So, you made do with a tree, somewhat secluded deep in the woods. Or so Arthur said it was out of bounds from prying, a boyish smirk playing on his lips as he pressed you against the trunk. There was no space between the two of you, and you could feel another trunk growing against your leg.
‘We’re fine.’ No time was wasted as deft fingers explored under your skirt, lifting it just enough for him to catch glimpse of the holder secured around your thigh, dagger still neatly in its little hiding place and you could feel Arthur’s warm amusement against your neck as he kissed you, ‘No one ever comes here.’
His fingers were creeping higher and higher, lips threatening to attack that sweet spot just below your jaw and it was getting increasingly hard not to lose every ounce of control right there and then, ‘Apart from us?’
‘Apart from us.’ Arthur humoured your anxieties, twisted with a smile. He made easy work pleasing you, kissing and licking every single spot along your neck, paying particular attention to the places that made you squirm for him. But his own arousal threatened to get the better of him, reaching the place he had been searching for only to let out a low groan when he found you were already bear for him, ‘Fuck me.’
‘Don’t think that was the plan, but we could always try.’ You quipped but were eating your words three seconds later when two of those fingers pushed into you without a moment's notice, catching your moan with a sharp breath. The last thing you wanted was some perve to catch you because you were screaming, although you were sure Arthur would have no problem with that whatsoever, ‘Bastard.’
His brow shot up, ‘Play nice or you won’t get fucked.’
At this point, you weren’t sure what was worse; getting caught or not having the chance to get caught.
You moved with him, pushing him deeper, fingers curled around his neck as you tugged his lips down to yours, needing anything to mask the obscene sounds spilling from your mouth. Every little movement of his was magic, sending bolts of energy buzzing through your entire being and you knew you wouldn’t last much longer when he found the place deep inside you that turned your knees weak, thumb brushing against the appendix of your thighs at an almost brutal speed.
But you didn’t have time for that. Not here, at least.
Arthur looked near damn offended when you grabbed his wrist and pulled him away. But that look didn’t last long when you brought his fingers to your mouth, sucking the mess away so he wouldn’t have to dirty his clothes doing so. Because God forbid Wet Stick or Back Lack caught wind to anything of the kind. That was a level of humiliation you would never be able to live down.
Not that having your bear arse rubbing against the ruff bark of a tree was any better, your skirt hiked up around your waist, your legs around his, trousers pulled to his knees because any more would just be a waste of time.
And there was no time for niceties, hips slapping into yours hard enough to have you begging for air. You were already so close and he could feel that, the sticky wetness dripping onto his leg and he managed to get the shirt of your dress down far enough to free your breast. The hot midsummer air was nothing in comparison to the warmth of his mouth, sucking and nipping at any exposed flesh he could reach before taking one of your pert nipples between his teeth with enough pressure to have you seeing stars.
A twig snapped. Arthur stilled, still buried deep inside you, turning to look in the direction of the sound.
The woods had darkened significantly from when you first got here, dusk falling fast but from what you could see no one was there. Or at least you hoped no one was there as you guided Arthur back to you, fingers pulled in his mused hair just hard enough to have him gasping into your mouth, ‘You wanted to fuck me here, so fuck me.’
And fuck you he did with a growl rumbled deep in his chest, feeling it against your own and suddenly he was pounding into you like his life depended on it. Fingers gripped at your thigh, your hip, anywhere to keep you from moving.
You didn’t last much longer, not when he was fucking you so well, pulling wave after wave of pleasure from you until you were limp in his arms, mewling softly, his ruthless pace never faltering. Not that he was far behind, a few more thrusts and he was a dead man, spilling into you until it was leaking down your thigh.
Your bones felt too heavy to move and you honestly contemplated if it were worth just sleeping where you were for the night. Dusk had fully set in, casting the woodland in a golden glow, birds getting out their last songs as the air slowly began to cool.
Arthur was the first to pull away, although not far, just enough to give you both back some decency, using the same cloth he used to clean his sword to wipe your legs before shoving it back in his pocket, all the while wearing a goofy smile across his face, ‘You’re never leaving for that long again.’
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what about....... 💻 for thomastair, with the plot "there's only one bed"? thank u 🥺
i know we're all going off about ariadne & alastair right now but I wanted to get this posted!! thomastair fluff with a little angst. i hope you like this, it was a lot of fun to write! pls check the end for disclaimers, i also cross-posted to AO3. only content warnings are discussion of grief and brief mention of racism.
prompt: “there’s only one bed”
“You’re in luck!” the innkeeper declared. “There are four rooms left.” 
“Thank you, sir,” James responded without question. Four rooms, eight people. “We’ll take them.” James paid the gentlemen and turned to his friends. 
Lucie pouted. “I suppose that means Daisy and I can’t share a room.” 
It was a trying journey, dragging a group of eight along into rural England, but they needed to find the portal that continued to allow Belial a connection to this realm, and their only leads were here. It was the sole way to stop Belial for good. It began as just the Merry Thieves, of course, but then Lucie and Cordelia caught wind of it, and they couldn’t refuse. From there, it was Alastair, who refused to allow his sister to go without him, despite the animosity that still sat between him and the other boys, and Jesse, who insisted that this was the only way to save Grace and free her from Belial’s - and their mother’s - control. As such, the eight of them departed. It might not be ideal to travel with so many people, but it did allow them to split into smaller groups relatively easily - unless, of course, those groups were sharing a room with each other. 
Without Alastair and Jesse, it would be simple: Lucie with Cordelia, James with Matthew, and Thomas with Christopher. However, no one really knew Jesse all that well apart from Lucie, and they certainly didn’t trust Alastair enough to leave Jesse with him for a night. Most logically, the girls would stay with their brothers, but Lucie had been excited about the idea of a ‘sleepover’ with Cordelia all day. The weather was beginning to become treacherous, as it sometimes did during English winters, and they knew they would need to retreat to an inn that evening. 
“Nonsense, Lucie,” Thomas said a little more quickly than seemed logical. “I can stay with Alastair, and I’m sure one of you doesn't mind staying with Jesse.” He eyed his friends. “You two should enjoy yourselves; it’s been a difficult couple of days.” 
Lucie’s eyes lit up eagerly. “Oh, Thomas, are you sure?” 
Matthew’s eyes had darkened and he repeated, “Yeah, Tom, are you sure?” 
Alastair rolled his eyes and ignored the fact that they were solely debating who would have the displeasure of spending the night in the same room as him. 
“I said so, didn’t I?” was Thomas’ reply. 
“I’ll stay with Jesse,” James offered before the discussion could continue into more hurtful territory. 
The innkeeper led them to their rooms, and they settled for the night. 
Alastair gritted his teeth when he saw that instead of two single beds, there was one double. He sighed. “I can go ask for extra blankets; I’ve slept in worse places.”
Thomas paused for a second in confusion. “Don’t be daft, Carstairs, the bed is plenty big enough for the both of us.” He turned his head sideways. “Though it might be a bit short…” 
“You don’t have to-” 
“I said, don’t be silly. We’re here to rest, that’s all.” 
Alastair grunted but didn’t push it further. They continued in relative silence as they took turns changing behind the folding screen and freshening up at the wash bin. Finally comfortable, Alastair settled into the armchair beside the bed with the book he’d brought along and tried to consume himself enough in the reading that he could ignore that just a few feet away from him was the very tall, very muscular, very attractive man who hated him.
It wasn’t working. 
“What are you reading?” 
Alastair bit his lip. He hated when people interrupted him while he was reading, but he supposed he wasn’t really reading at all, just pretending to. The cover of the book was plain, a deep red leather with no writing. Whenever he was around folks who were not his family, he was careful to position himself in a way that no one would be able to see the writing inside - writing that did not use the Roman alphabet. He always felt more comfortable with Thomas, though, for some odd reason. He sighed. “Divan-e Shams.” He tilted the book towards Thomas so he could see a bit of the Farsi poetry written inside. 
“Would you read some to me? I’ve forgotten my reading material.” 
Alastair flashed him an incredulous look. “What an important thing to forget.” 
“Yes,” Thomas sighed. “I have realized. So…?” 
Alastair rolled his eyes and did his best to translate. “My desert is without end, my soul, my heart must tear. The world here-” 
“No, no,” Thomas interrupted. “In Persian.” 
Alastair pushed away some of his shock. After all, Cordelia had said that Thomas had been studying the language with Lucie. “Right,” he amended before beginning again. Around the same spot, though, he cut himself off. 
“What’s the matter?” 
“It’s just… it’s meant to be sung. It feels strange saying it.” 
“Sing it, then.” 
Alastair stared at him for a moment. Was this some sort of trick? Was he going to run off to his schoolboy friends the moment he was finished to laugh about what he had done? Was he doing it to get revenge? He pondered all of the possibilities, but his mind rested on just one thought: that perhaps it would be worth it, to play into some cruel trick, if it meant he could say that he’d sung to Thomas Lightwood, even just once. 
“I mean… You don’t have to, but you can. If you wanted,” Thomas said quickly, realizing that he might have made Alastair uncomfortable. 
Alastair cleared his throat and began to sing. He made sure to keep his voice soft and low as he made his way through the ghazal, careful to not allow anyone to hear through the walls. Cordelia would never let him live it down if she heard. He finally looked up at Thomas, who was staring at him intensely. 
“That was beautiful.” 
He raised an eyebrow. “Did you understand any of it?” 
Thomas grinned. “Not a word.” 
Alastair chuckled. “That’s alright. Mevlevi - I believe you folks call him Rumi - was a genius. He crafted phrases in a way… Well, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anything else quite like it. He gives new meanings to old words and uses quite a bit of wordplay, speaking of love and loss and longing… I used to think it was a tragedy, truly, that English speakers could not understand, but now… it’s nice. Like a secret only I, and, well, Persia, have access too.” He bit back a smile as he rambled. While the books he had were from his mother, she never had much of an interest in it all, nor Cordelia, so he’d never had anyone to muse about the poet with before.
“I can see why you enjoy it so much. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard something so beautiful before. I didn’t even know you could sing.” 
Alastair felt his brain sputter a bit. He’d become so entranced with the language before him that he’d forgotten that he had just sung it to Thomas. He felt his face flush, and he was grateful that it is difficult to see against his dark complexion. “Oh… It was nothing. I mean, I don’t, really. It’s just something my mum taught me.” 
“It’s incredible,” Thomas said in awe, his face glowing a faint pink. “I, uh, I write songs, you know. I mean, I’ve never told anyone, least of all you, so, you wouldn’t know, but now you do. Just in my head, I mean. Well, sometimes I write them down. I’m not very musically inclined.” His face was growing redder by the second. 
Alastair was careful not to grin too widely. “Sing one, then.” 
“What?” Thomas squeaked. 
“Well, you don’t have to, but you can, if you want to.” 
Thomas threw him a quick glare for repeating his words and then took a deep breath. He was silent for a bit, but then he began to sing, careful not to look towards Alastair. “I woke up thinking you were still here, my hands shaking with regret. I've held this dream for such a long, long time, and now I want to wake up to the rhythm of a wild heart that beats, that beats like a drum. 
“Your light, it follows me in darkness. I'm trying hard, but I can't win, and I've played the victim for a long, long time, and I wanna grow up from the rhythm of a younger heart, it leads, just like a river runs.” 
Alastair stood from the armchair and moved to where Thomas was sitting on the edge of the bed, placing a gentle hand on his knee. “That’s beautiful, Thomas,” he said softly. “I didn’t… I know I didn’t know her, but I’m sure she’d love it.” 
Thomas turned away from him sharply, his lip trembling and tears beginning to fall down his cheeks. 
Alastair took the other boy’s hand, cupping it firmly between his own, as if just to say, I’m here with you. “It’s alright.” 
“No, it’s not,” Thomas said, trying futilely to wipe away his tears. “We were having a moment, and then I ruined it.” 
“You didn’t ruin anything,” he replied gently. “You’re allowed to have feelings, Thomas. You shouldn’t just push them away.”
Thomas scoffed. “What do you suggest I do then? Mask my pain with cruel, horrible lies about those who have done nothing to deserve them like you do?” 
Alastair dropped his hand and stood up, backing away from Thomas. He was silent for a moment. “You’re right. You are. But I’m trying, Thomas, I really am. I don’t want to…” I don’t want to be my father, he wanted to say, but he couldn’t. “I don’t want to be the kind of person who takes my hurt out on others anymore, and I’m trying. I swear it.” 
“I know,” Thomas said softly. He was silent for a moment. “I understand why you did it.” 
Alastair’s jaw tightened reflexively. 
“Matthew said some awful things about… about the way you look, and your father, and… the incident. You were in a bad way already.” 
Alastair was speechless. He’d forgotten that Thomas was present for that. He hadn’t shared any of it with Thomas, not his insecurities about his heritage, nor his father, and certainly not the horrible, world-altering guilt over Clive’s death that still sat in the depths of his soul years later. 
“That doesn’t make what you said okay.” 
“It wasn’t.” 
“You weren’t trying to hurt me.” 
“I was not.” 
“You were trying to hurt Matthew.” 
He sighed. “I was.” 
“And you did.” 
“I did.” 
“And perhaps he deserved some of it.” 
“Not what I did, though.” 
“No, not what you did.” 
“I took it too far.” 
“You did.” 
“I know. I’ve known since the moment I said it. I’ve regretted it since the moment I said it.” 
“I know.”
“I don’t think that it’s something that can be fixed, though.” 
“With Matthew? Maybe not.” 
“What about with you?” 
“There’s nothing to fix, Alastair.”
“I thought you hated me.” 
“I wanted to hate you because you hurt Matthew. But… I think the world is just a little more complicated than I’d like it to be.” 
Alastair sat back down on the bed, though farther from Thomas this time.
“Is that… Is that why you dyed your hair? Because of the things he said?”
Alastair attempted to hide the way he physically flinched. 
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t’ve-” 
“Do you think he’s the only one?” he interrupted. “Do you think I haven’t been laughed at or ridiculed or worse, suspected to be dangerous or a thief, my entire life just because of how dark my hair and eyes and skin are?”  
“I’m sorry,” was all Thomas could find to say. “Matthew still shouldn’t’ve said those things. I’m sorry I never stopped him.” 
He’d left Alastair speechless yet again. The thought had never crossed his mind before, or perhaps it had, that Thomas could have ever spoken to Matthew about the kinds of comments he made on Alastair’s appearance. Though, the longer he pondered the idea, the more he wondered if he had held some sort of small resentment because of it, and never realized. “That wasn’t your responsibility.” 
“Perhaps not, but I could have tried.” 
He stared at him for a moment. Never in his life had felt so seen, so understood. In fact, he had many carefully built walls to protect against just that. “How do you do that?” 
“Do what?” 
“How do you… just know everything?” 
Thomas half-rolled his eyes. “I don’t know everything. I just watch, and I observe, and I try, somehow, to understand. You’re not as complicated as you wish you were, you know.” 
He had a startling thought as he wondered whether anyone had ever watched him as closely as Thomas had. “Cordelia would disagree with you.” 
“Hm, I just might have to share with her the secret to you, then.” 
Alastair glared at him, but he was grinning now. “Don’t you dare.” 
“For the record, you know… I prefer dark features. Personally, I mean.” 
He rolled his eyes. “Oh, yes, I’m sure there were many striking dark-haired women back in Madrid.” 
“Hm,” Thomas pondered in an exaggerated way. “I don’t know… Though, there was certainly an attractive dark-haired someone that I met when I visited Paris.” 
“Well, I would hope so,” Alastair deadpanned. “Because according to you, we just shared a moment.”
Thomas cringed. “I had hoped you’d forgotten I’d said that.” 
“Me? Never.” 
“Does this… Does this mean we’re okay now?” Thomas was slow and cautious as he spoke. 
“Yes, I think it does.” 
He breathed a sigh of relief. 
“I could help you, you know, with your songs, if you wanted, once we return to London. With that one, or others. I can play the piano.” 
Thomas narrowed his eyes. “You can play the piano?” 
Alastair shrugged. “Well, I used to, but I haven’t in a while.” 
“Why did you stop?” 
He bit his cheek as he thought. This was where he should say he grew bored of it, that it simply no longer interested him, or perhaps suggest that they should go to sleep, as they were both dreadfully tired, or even whip out a line cutting and cruel. He had meant what he’d said to Thomas, though, that he no longer wanted to be so heartless and closed off. “I don’t know… I used to play a lot with my mother when I was young. Then, life got too busy… I’d still play, but usually when my parents were fighting or when something was happening that I didn’t want Cordelia to overhear. I could just… start playing and everything else would just melt away. After a while, though, it was just hard to play without thinking about all of the bad memories.” 
There was more he wished to say, about how when he returned from the Academy he believed himself to be too corrupted and too broken to deserve to create anything beautiful, but this was a start. 
“I wouldn’t wish to remind you of any bad memories.” 
“Perhaps we could create some good memories, then.” 
“I… I’d like that.” 
“We should… we should probably sleep. It’s gotten late, and we’re sure to be running around all day tomorrow.” 
Thomas nodded, and they both climbed into opposite sides of a bed that once seemed far too small, but now, too wide. 
The exhaustion of the day finally creeping up on him, Alastair fell asleep almost instantly. 
When he woke, he found himself face first into Thomas’ night shirt. 
His head rested against Thomas’ chest, Thomas’ arm around his torso, their legs intertwined. He stared for a moment into the white of Thomas’ shirt, not daring to move. Should he? They’d flirted a bit the night before, but they were hardly even friends at this point. Was this too much, too far? The other boy seemed to be sleeping soundly, though, and from the sound of Thomas’ song and the circles he’d noticed under his eyes the past few months, he suspected that sound sleep might not be coming so easily to him nowadays. Therefore, the best thing would be not to move and risk startling Thomas from his rest. Besides, the room was quite chilly, and they could use each other’s warmth. 
Content with his decision to not move away from Thomas’ embrace, he allowed himself to fall back into a light, peaceful slumber, however long it would last. 
It lasted, he would learn, until his little sister began banging on their door. 
“Booooys,” she called. “Are you decent?” 
Alastair shot out of Thomas’ arms and fell onto the floor. He quickly straightened himself and hurried over to open it. “What do you want, Cordelia?” 
She grinned. “I just came to tell you that Lucie and I are eating breakfast downstairs. You should get ready.” 
“You could have said that through the door.” 
“I know,” she smirked. 
She started down the hall, and he closed the door, silently groaning. 
“What’s wrong?” Thomas asked. 
“She’s up to something,” he answered. “We never should have left her and Lucie alone together. They probably spent all night scheming.” 
“Perhaps so,” he laughed. “Only one way to find out, though.” 
Alastair sighed. “You’re right. Okay, I’ll get ready quickly and go down, and then in five, maybe ten minutes, you can follow.” 
Thomas gave him an odd look, but didn’t fight it. “Alright.” 
A few minutes later, he joined Lucie and Cordelia downstairs. Unsurprisingly, Lucie had her notebook and was scribbling away while Cordelia nursed a cup of tea. A cup of black coffee sat in front of the seat he was meant to sit in. He loathed English tea, compared to Persian tea it was nothing more than hot water. None of the other boys had come down yet. 
“Alastair!” Lucie exclaimed when she noticed him. “Did you enjoy your night with Thomas?” 
Cordelia giggled. 
“I… We slept, if that’s what you are asking. That is what we were meant to do here, at an inn, wasn’t it?” 
Cordelia raised an eyebrow. “Well, it was most peculiar, when I went to request an extra blanket last night, well, it certainly was not sleeping I heard from the hallway…” 
“Cordelia, you didn’t-” 
“I did.” 
“You heard Alastair singing-” 
“He was. In Persian.” 
“In Persian,” Lucie said the words succinctly with no expression on her face, as if she was laying out a fact during a murder trial. 
Once again, Alastair was grateful that no one could see him blush. “Did you two actually get any rest last night or did you just spend it gossiping about me?” 
“Not just you,” Lucie replied. “You and Thomas.” 
“Why do you keep saying his name like that?” 
“You’re welcome, you know,” Cordelia declared smugly. 
Alastair let out an exasperated sigh. “What?” 
“It was all part of the plan, Alastair,” Lucie answered. 
“It was quite brilliant, actually,” Cordelia supplied. “It was all Lucie’s idea. She knew that if we were to stay at an inn, Thomas would jump at the chance to spend a night with you.” 
“And he did, as expected, without hesitation,” Lucie confirmed. 
“The only issue, of course, being me, because we’d be far too obvious a pair for him to try to argue against.” Lucie nodded along to Cordelia’s explanation. “So, Lucie spent all day musing about how much she’d love to spend the night with me, just in case the opportunity arose.” 
“And it did!” Lucie squealed. 
“She’s been planning this since the engagement party,” Cordelia finished. 
“The engagement party?” he responded incredulously. “That was ages ago!” 
“And it has finally come to fruition, has it not?” Lucie babbled excitedly. 
He didn’t give her the dignity of replying. “I only have one question, though - how did you know there would only be one bed?” 
Lucie’s eyes widened. “There was only one bed!” she squealed as she began furiously scribbling into her notebook once again.
DISCLAIMERS: I don’t speak Farsi and the translation that Alastair makes is actually from this document. It’s the poem on page 9 and 10 if you want to check it out! Also, the song that Thomas sings isn’t mine, it’s adapted from “Like A River Runs” by the Bleachers. I tried to write something, but I’ve never experienced what Thomas has, and it’s a very beautiful song written about the loss of Jack Antonoff’s sister. You should listen to it! Though, I imagine Thomas’ version to be a bit less upbeat.
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dragcnburned · 4 years
Intro under the read more! Like this post and I’ll come plot with you.
Hold! Who goes there? Why, is that [Kirian Solgard] the [Dragonrider] of [Loqoala]? They do look [guarded] for a [man] of [33] years. Don’t they call [him] the [passionate and caring empath]? I’ve heard he’s also the [self-destructive and reckless Dragonburned] though. Don’t take my word for it but they do look an awful lot like [Ben Barnes].
Basic info
Name: Kirian Solgard
Pronunciation: kee-ree-yahn sol-guard [ki:riːjæn sɒl’gɑːd]
Title: dragonrider
Place of Origin: Loqoala
Family Members: Mother, father, a brother and a sister
Physical Description
Height: 1m85
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: black 
Gender: cis male
Build: lean, slender
Distinguishing features? (Scars, tattoos, piercings): From his right jawline, down his neck and his shoulder/upper arm, a burn scar creeps down all the th
Any health related issues?: suffers from ptsd and depression, causing insomnia, and has trouble completely lifting his right arm.
Kirian is a man whose reputation precedes him. A man who’s decided he may as well live up to it. There is a reckless, intimidating yet oddly innocent charm about him, the kind of cheerfulness only a man with nothing to lose can feel. But don’t let his smiles fool you -- he wears the like armor, just like the scars that mar his skin. Just like the words the townsfolk would throw at him. Intense, determined and passionate, Kirian is not as adept at fading into the shadows as a wanted man would wish. Despite all this, it seems people can spend many hours around him and still not know anything. Kirian has learned to entertain people with his gruesome existence for a while -- but don’t dig any deeper, you’ll just find a locked door. 
i. Dragonrider
Kirian was born to a family of simple, honest, hard-working longshoremen. Lost in the drab underbelly of the Loqoalan society, there wasn’t much in unique trade or secrets they could offer. So they just worked, day in, day out. They were hard people and the days blurred into nights of working. So many things to do, so few things to feel.
Except for Kirian.
Kirian was always an easily distracted boy. He would be fascinated by the spider crawling through the spiderweb, instead of ripping it away to lift a box. He would smile and talk and flirt with the men and women of the ships, instead of just keeping his head down and doing his job. He would have all these thoughts, all these emotions. He was just so much all the time and his parents had little patience for his antics, although they loved him as best as they could.
But he had a talent for keeping animals calm -- lambs to be led to the slaughter, wild horses bucking after days on a ship, even the exotic birds for the lords trying to break free. An odd talent, but it earned them some status, so they let him be. Loved and useful, Kirian’s talent grew, until one day the the unthinkable happened: social, cheerful and empathic, Kirian earned himself the grace of the lord’s house and was chosen as an apprentice to the dragonriders.
As a Dragonrider, Kirian proved himself spectacularly talented, even as he was still the wildcard many had trouble fitting into a safe category. He feels too much, they whispered behind his back, he is not fit to be a dragonrider. 
But if you are as powerful as Kirian proved himself to be, such things become obsolete. So he gained favor and his family did as well.
Powerful, loved and with a bright future ahead -- what more could a boy want?
ii. Dragonburned
A purpose. A mission. Rumours of terrible things had reached the ears of the dragonriders, rumors that with the use of forbidden blood magic, elves had been enslaving dragons to their will. Kiran was chosen for the mission, along with a few select others: the greatest honor of their lives. A mission of utmost importance was planned: to free the dragons.
Or so they had Kirian believe.
The ritual to break the bond was gruesome and draining, but it succeeded. But it didn’t stop there. The reality of war had started to dawn on the Loqualan officers and the powers a dragon could bring in that fight was just too important. Besides, they argued as the dragon riders showed reluctance, isn’t this what they’ve always been doing? This was just a different way to get to the same result. Just faster, just a small sacrifice in the name of good, in the name of safety.
Trusting in the words of their superiors, the dragonriders reluctantly accepted.There was a war coming and this was not the time to be weak. This was not the time to doubt the people that had given them so much.
Even Kirian. Despite his protest, his reluctance, even Kirian didn’t want to fight back too much, didn’t want to let down the people who had taken such care of him. His whole life they had told him he felt too much, felt all the wrong things at the wrong times, that his heart screamed so much louder than his head. He wanted so much to prove them wrong, but all he did was prove them right that day.
As the dragon, forcefully bonded, felt Kirian’s insecurity, hurt, betrayal and even rage fill their own heart, it took to the sky, raining down fire and ashes upon the dragonriders, stopping at nothing as the forest burned and burned and burned.
It was only through his friendship with a present military officer that Kirian could take enough control to break the empathic bond between him and the dragon, stilling the blood magic in his veins. In anger and fear, the dragon turned on Kirian, burning his armor and leaving deep claw marks over his chest and arm, nearly piercing his heart. Before the dragon killed him however, they seemed to change their mind and left.
Knowing that he could never explain what had happened without also taking down the family he had come to love so much, Kirian disappeared from Loquala, from everything he had ever know. Tales of the tragedy spread, earning him the nominker The Dragonburned.
Additional Info and plots!
Honestly, I prefer to plot by just looking what kind of development our muses need, so if there is anything at all you think a character like Kirian could set in motion, please let me know. I’m not afraid to let Kirian make mistakes or have him be the “bad guy”, so even if the plot is a little darker, I’m absolutely here for it!
Kirian is trying to atone and recover from some really fucked up shit that happened to him, so either plots dealing with him recovering, or having to deal with consequences of what happened, or people trying to take advantage of his unstable emotions could all work. I could definitely see Kirian being manipulated in doing some terrible things again if people go about it the right way, on honestly any side of this conflict.
I love plots to go somewhere, that deal with characters growing and facing who they are and what they’ve done. So honestly, I’m open for anything!
I know that sometimes you need a starting point though, so here are some extra ideas and wanted connections
.keep you safe: You’ve listen to enough stories to know who Kirian is when he stumbles across you. You’re also in desperate need of protection and it seems no one else is willing to lend you a hand, so maybe for now you can strike a deal.
THE VULTURES SWARM MY BONES. You’ve heard the rumors about Kirian and are interested in learning more -- to have a great story, or for political gain, either way Kirian seems like a person of interest to you.
BLOOD MOON: You don’t have much, least of all power. And while everything is telling you Kirian is dangerous, at least he’s more than you are now. Why not see where it goes, have a chance at adventure?
and then the universe was still: someone trained in the low, ritualistic art of healing. After Kirian was forced into using blood magic, his own magic has progressively gotten worse. It gets stronger, but in the wrong way. Where he once healed, he can now only induce pain. Where he once felt emotions, he can now twist them into something grotesque. Ashamed and afraid of these powers and suffering through them, Kirian is looking for a mentor who could undo the damage to his magical abilities. Someone who can bring some peace to his screaming mind.
the devil screams through your mouth: you are the dragon Kirian freed, only to force a bond upon you again. The pain and terror of your forceful empathic bond was so agonizing, you acted on base instinct and under control, left nothing but death, chaos and fire in your way. While you are forever grateful Kirian let you go in the end and the bonding process left something between you, you can’t forgive or forget the way everything started.
old men, filled with regret: you knew Kirian when he was a young man, full of life and love and seemingly always smiling. Whether you find it hard to believe he did what they say he did, or whether his downfall was your rise in the ranks, seeing him again will surely be meaningful.
not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you: when fire swallowed your village whole, when ash clung to your eyelashes, you crawled on your belly to get out. You are (one of?) the only survivor of the village that Kirian destroyed. What will you do when you finally find him?
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uruhaxrukifanfics · 6 years
Can you write their first kiss?? If you haven't already. I love your little fics sm!! 😭😭
Undercover work was Takanori’s least favorite assignment as of lately. And it wasn’t simply because it paired him with Kouyou, their newest asset to the department that had worked his way from being an incarcerated son of a wanted Yakuza oyabun – a criminal Takanori had busted his ass to catch – to a liable source that could aid them with their latest big lead that could bring this home. A liable, willing source that was now his newly assigned partner and, quite literally on paper to make it believable, his “husband.”
If murder were legal, Yutaka would be six feet under in a grave plot with Kouyou in another not too far off. What could have possibly posses Yutaka to pair him with the infuriating man? It was beyond him. It wasn’t like Takanori didn’t understand why. When they weren’t at each other’s throat with banter and teasing meant to rile the other up, they were a match made in heaven. With Takanori’s old track record for theft and eye for manipulating tech and Kouyou’s skilled deception only a well-seasoned con-man could have they were a force to reckon with. Yutaka needed them. Takanori holding his tongue and complying was the least he could do.
Even if it meant wearing a wedding band on the fourth finger of his left hand in a marriage that was a sham for the sake of work. The case.
Visible authenticity to the outside world was all that mattered if they wanted to home in closer to their suspect target. From the leads they had so far, they were potentially eyeing a kyodai rumored to be laying low and out of from under the raider under a pseudonym. The closer they got to him, the closer they got to infiltrating the syndicate. And the moment the did that, the sooner the could capture the wanted oyabun.
It’d been rough, the first few months into their ‘marriage’, sharing a house that didn’t have an inch of framed wedding photos or air to deem it home. If they slept in the same bed, their backs faced each other’s, the bedside empty come the rise of the morning sun. Takanori snored when he sleeps, Kouyou teased, and Takanori retorted that Kouyou had unforgiving morning breath, only to barely resist throwing his coffee mug at Kouyou’s head when Kouyou had the audacity to raise his eyebrows and smugly ask how would he know if he wasn’t trying to make a move on him in his sleep? But to the outside world? They were sheer perfection incarnate.
“I put my hand at the small of his back saying excuse me in the crowded coffee shop - that same coffee shop I pass by all the time yet hardly ever went in except that day - and for a moment I thought, shit, with how quickly he whirled on me, he was going to rip into me for touching him. But he looked at me,” Takanori fought the urge to gag or downright laugh in Kouyou’s face at the loving gaze Kouyou pinned him with whilst smothering down the little foreign flip in his stomach, “and something inside me just… knew. Fate chose us for one another.” 
Quite the fucking contrary. Their ‘serendipitous chance’ was an all-out brawl in a Las Vegas casino (that he was still banned from, mind, for the damage done much to Yutaka’s blood pressure-raising horror) where Takanori’s leads led him to Kouyou’s whereabouts at the time, illegal activity up the ass to elongate his track record for the rest of his life, and walked away with a limp in his step, bruises that took weeks to heal, and Kouyou in handcuffs, just as worse. Love wasn’t anywhere near on their agenda, but selling the façade was the goal. So, Takanori smiled and rested his hand over Kouyou’s, allowed him to intertwine their fingers and soak up the dreamy sighs of admiration as Kouyou pressed a chaste kiss to the back of his hand, right where his wedding ring rested, whilst  holding his gaze with a concealed, mischievous smirk.
Kouyou was good at what he did, Takanori would give him that. An outstanding liar deserving of a standing ovation, his talent of charismatic charm shining brighter than any star Takanori had ever seen when it wasn’t used to work his last nerve behind closed doors. And if it had, Kouyou had gotten pretty damn good at laughing when catching Takanori’s wrist to pull him into his chest before Takanori could go anywhere else, sniggers in his ear telling him to stay. And Takanori would with little to no fight, a moody grump pliant in Kouyou’s hold made to work from the warmth of his lap with Kouyou’s chin propped on his shoulder to watch and offer his musings. His reason being? Kouyou sucked out what inch of energy he would have to be bothered.
It was the damn house. It felt more of a home with the passing months as they added little things with time in between. Their marriage certificate was framed on the wall in their bedroom over the bed. From sleeping with their backs facing each other to Kouyou being more than comfortable enough to lazily roll across Takanori, mumbling in his sleep, half asleep and out of his mind, grinding his goddamn morning wood into him with a little husky hum riding the precipice of pleasure, “You’d look so good in thigh-highs, you know. The lacy sheer ones, with little belts at the thighs to keep them up.” 
To this day Takanori still wasn’t sure what Kouyou had said was intentional or if he was genuinely talking nonsense in sleep, but the weight of morning wood pressing against him with Kouyou’s face in his neck was unmistakable. He didn’t have the slightest bit of regret taking advantage of the position and making quick work to roll and let Kouyou fall in an unceremonious heap on the carpeted floor. If he thought about the husk of Kouyou’s voice in his ear, or how warm Kouyou felt over him for days, weeks to come, it wasn’t any of Kouyou’s business no matter how crabby he was for the ‘cheap shot’ snuck in on a defenseless man while sleeping.
Almost a year in and it hadn’t been the last. Takanori had grown tired of threatening to fling Kouyou off him and Kouyou had become smarter, loosely wrapping himself around Takanori and holding him to his chest when he strayed too far towards the edge of the bed in the middle of the night where Kouyou fussed he’d hurt himself one of these days if he rolled off. It wasn’t like he could help it, just like Kouyou couldn’t help if he got migraines when he went so long without wearing his glasses. 
As a team, it was an inconvenience to them both when it boiled down to working, but Takanori made him hot lemon tea regardless, annoyed out of his mind despite the curl of concern in his stomach when Kouyou curled in on himself to shield away from too bright lights and the snap of his scold. Kouyou never listened to a word he told him. He was furiously stubborn with a habit of making inappropriately humoring quips at equally inappropriate times but didn’t speak a word to bring attention to how his hand reached out for the hem of Takanori’s shirt without looking up at him. Like an unseen queue, Takanori sighed and joined him in bed to gentle massage Kouyou’s temples until he fell asleep and stayed. More times than not, Taknaori wasn’t too far behind him for a midday nap, anyway. It only made sense.
There was an endearment to Kouyou Takanori didn’t know could possibly exist. A con-man he was, an exquisite liar, Taknaori could see why Yutaka offered Kouyou the deal he had. But Kouyou was more than the prized leverage they needed. The thorn in his side he’d come to get used to. He was the smell of home cooked meals and rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee while Takanori’s eyes tired from working endlessly on his laptop. He was unexpected bouquets of snort-laughter at lousy jokes and inappropriate innuendo that well deserved the nearest object thrown at him. He was the tune of an unheard song that his fingers danced to up and down Takanori’s spine when he thought Takanori to be asleep at 4AM, pressed into his chest saved from finding his end from his precarious placement near the edge of their bed. He was the carelessly left behind wet towels after a too-hot bath on the carpet that drove Takanori up a wall and barely concealed morose with a touch of a far away small smile every time he overheard Takanori over the phone talking with his mother.
Kouyou danced on the fine line of truth and lie like he was born for it and kept him on his toes. He was a case all on his own Takanori wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to crack no matter how hard he tried, but as Kouyou lured him into slow dancing in the middle of their living room with only Kouyou’s low, distracted singing in English – honey, saccharine and rich with just a hint of an accent slipping in here and there – huskily murmured in his ear the only music they had to keep a tempo, Takanori decided maybe, just maybe, he wouldn’t mind trying.
“My funny valentine…
Sweet, comic valentine…
You make me smile with my heart.
Your looks are laughable, unphotographable,”
Takanori’s head turned. Their noses brushed soft and easy and his jaw slicked in surprised awe, something warm in his stomach as Kouyou brushed the faintest kiss across his lips with the tiniest smile.
“Yet you’re my favorite work of art.”
Maybe. Maybe.  
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rkmiya · 6 years
five fo five
i debated on even doing this because i knew it wasn’t going to be a fully positive note but it’s my honest feelings and the point of the rkfifth post was to post how we feel about rookies. as someone who has been here since the moment it opened until now i have a lot of feelings. note: this is going to be all over the place and not cohesive at all because i intend to pour out my thoughts as they come with very minimal editing and my thoughts, unsurprisingly, aren’t always cohesive.
NOTE: skip to the bottom if you’re too lazy to read everything for a nice little present i did for everyone !!!! uwu
first and foremost i want to talk about what an amazing milestone it is for an rp to maintain this kind of longevity in which it’s been around for five consecutive years without hiatus, with three (mostly smooth) admin transitions and always maintaining at least 100 muses in the rp at any given moment. that’s freaking insane. especially because this is the era where most rps die after a month or two because people lose interest; it’s crazy that rookies has been around and probably will continue to be for some time. so i want to thank our current admin team for keeping the rp functioning. i know it’s a high maintenance rp and it’s a lot of upkeep so despite everything, i commend y’all for your efforts.
that being said, it is also my five year as a member! i’ve been here since the very beginning with rkmin (now rkmiya). she’s never been dropped and picked back up again (though we did go through a really rough patch of lack of muse). she has journeyed through this five years of rookies and it’s been insane. that’s the only way i can describe it and i’m still not sure if i mean insane in a good way or a bad (probably a nice mix that leans towards good? who knows). being a five year member comes with some feeling of accomplishment because wow yes i’ve survived five years. but at the same time it makes me a little sad. most of you who have me on twitter know why and if any of you who have read rkmiya’s threads also know that she is very tired of being a trainee. we’ve been in the rp for five years and she was a trainee at the one-month mark for rookies (meaning this january will be her 5th year as a trainee, as the rp is heading towards its sixth year running). keeping a five year trainee muse is exhausting. it’s especially worse when she still hasn’t debuted but i can’t force that on rkmiya. but a lot of her frustration is stemmed from the long period of time in which she’s stayed a trainee. five in-real-life years. seems like a long time, right? but that was one of the leading causes to her two year long muse drag. any of you who were around for the beginning-middle of rk know that i used to write a fuck ton for rkmiya. and i mean it. she’s accumulated over 100+ solos in like her first two years in rk, even before our current point system. if i calculated it now, she has 8 on her current blog (rkmiya) and 124 on her old blog (rkmin). that’s 132 solos over 5 years of rping with threads (mostly paras) in between. after about three years, i felt like i hit a dead end because i had given sunmi (back then, min) a lot of development. i felt like i was scrambling to do things with her and for a long time i had debated dropping her.
thankfully both rkmiya and i are stubborn bitches so i refuse to drop her until she’s debuted whether it’s with nova or another company.
i have been given the grace of having one muse on its way to being debut ready. (and guess what? rkmiya is still a bitter bitch about it). i’m really excited and really pumped. i will say in the recent months (after i changed fcs from miss a min to sunmi), i’ve kind of regained that initial spark i had with the rp. which is nice because it was hard forcing myself to do things for her muse when it just wasn’t there and i was more upset than not to be writing there. most of you would remember that as the era where i prioritised my second muse: rkahnso.
her url actually isn’t rkahnso but it’s just easier to write it as such. but she is ahn sohee and she’s been in the rp since…….2014? and her ride seemed to be a lot easier. in comparison, sohee was given the opportunity to grow as a muse prior to being signed. she handled about 3? rejections before being picked up by trc. it’s nice to be able to have that balance because i wasn’t able to do that with sunmi. chungha, when i finally picked her up, was meant to be a non-trainee for much longer than she was. she made it to a year before she was signed. i’m not sad about it but it’s perfectly fine.
rkchungha came after a few attempts at a third muse (i had jackson, kim minji ‘kimi’ of bulldok and nearly brought in rkmomo). her initial faceclaim was going to be jennie but because the face wasn’t available, she was made into chungha! she’s the most wild of the three which means she’s the easiest to plot with for me. her purpose as a muse was to give me that freedom of a rookie muse because i had spent so long with two trainee muses. to be perfectly honest, i completely blanked on the entire year i had rkchungha. like i didn’t even notice the year pass/don’t have any memory of most of the threads she did in her first year. it’s a weird thing to explain but i feel like i didn’t “zone back” into the reality of being her mun until like march. it was almost like i was rping her on autopilot because unlike my first two muses, i don’t remember much of her earlier days in the rp. but she has grown interestingly and continues to develop and grow. like rkahnso, she was meant to need interactions in order to develop.
(another quick fun fact, rkmiya/rkmin was a version of my kpopxmen muse who was also a min fc because the admins of kpxm were the ones that founded rookies. so i essentially just transferred the muse i had spent two years rping already lol)
as an rp, i think it’s great when it’s at its best. at its worst (for me), it felt like a chore and i felt burdened. i know things are optional and i do not have to do them but when you have determined muses, slacking off is actually more damaging than you realise -- and any of you guy can see that as rkmiya has suffered the most from my two-year-long-rut i was in for her muse before switching faceclaims. so even if things are “optional” i feel obligated to do them because i want my muses to be at top tier they have to be. which means (now) doing three sets of trainee replies and three sets of evals. and because rkahnso is in trc/g, that means i’m doing seven replies a week and three solos (sometimes more bc rkahnso needs more attention with her evaluations) which is fine. i like that there’s prompts to write about with evaluations. it’s just that it gets repetitive very easily and it straight up nearly completely killed rkmiya’s muse before i even switched faceclaims.
i really do love rookies but i was once at a point where i felt hopeless, i felt like my muses were going nowhere and it was so repetitive to do the same thing over and over it was getting exhausting to even open up tumblr. and let me tell you, keeping a muse for five years straight without dropping a single time is such a hard thing to maintain. so shout out to rkmiya for turning 5 years old along with rookies. that’s literally insane. and i cannot tell you how the hell i did it or explain what it was like to force myself to at least do one reply every week and not even fight for trainee points for months on end. but since about may, i’ve been clear out of the rut and i’ve doing the needed replies and chungha is almost done with stamina (at the time that i’m writing this). it’s a good feeling to get as low as i did and come out of the other side with consistent muse, the ability to have new story arcs for each muse and to be an active member of the rp yet again.
i also want to say that i’m really happy with where the rp has grown lore-wise. it’s a lot more in-depth and the decision to include seocho, while completely unrealistic in real-life, makes it a lot more easier in an rp setting! i’ll admit that there is a good blend of rp make-believe that’s added into the roleplay as well as realism (so that we know what to expect without things being too out of hand at the same time) and i’ve always loved that about rookies. and it’s only gotten better and more interactive with time.
ooc wise it’s been a rocky road. not even with me personally but in general. i’ve been here for five years and i’ve witnessed/heard of a lot of messy things. is any rp perfect though? of course not and rookies is no exception. though i will say that personally i feel like it’s an improvement from how it was before in previous years. it’s still not perfect and there are some things i would like to be fixed/dealt with but not one person can push a mountain, you know? besides, there are other things in rp to focus on. my advice is to drop the people who don’t make you happy. don’t even respond to them. remove yourself from them, let the admins know and surround yourself with people who make you happier. as someone who has been in a situation of a year long push-and-pull with someone that was mostly abusive, it’s better to stay very far away from them and ignore that they’re there than to keep trying to reconcile with them. rookies, if anything, has taught me to stand up for myself and not let people say what they want about me or others. i will always stand up for myself and i will always stand up for others when there’s something to be said.
i haven’t made many long-lasting super close friendships in rk. i say this because yes, i have friends/people i know in rk of course but they’re mostly face-value friendships. there are few that are consistent and beyond surface level.
i know i can write so much more about her and it will definitely get a lot gayer because hope has my whole heart on such a deep and honest level but everyone who has us on twitter sees that from time to time so i’ll spare you all. just know that when i say she’s absolutely my best friend, i mean that.
i will say that i am well aware that i’m intimidating to some of you. i am so sorry for that if i come off a certain way. i’m just very…..aggressive in personality. outspoken, i curse (a lot) and i caps as a way of communication (not because i’m yelling at you, i swear) and i say “bitch” as a term of endearment. i encourage everyone to at least approach me because i can assure you i am literally harmless and 90% of the people who met me and were intimidated by me at first now can’t even understand why they were intimidated in the first place. just saying!!!!
branching off from that, i know that because of my own introversion coupled with the aforementioned issue that i speak to very little people in this roleplay. i’m not overwhelmingly upbeat and i really hate group chats but i’m willing to be anyone’s friend. i do go through these periods where talking to certain people (usually new friends) is really overwhelming for me so i need space. and i’m sorry if i ever went from talking to you a lot to rarely if at all. it’s not because i like you any less! i just got overwhelmed and i’m terrible at upkeep. i rarely genuinely dislike anyone. in fact, it takes a lot for me to even outwardly express that i don’t like someone. so if you’re ever feeling like you’ve upset me to the point where i don’t want to be friends or wonder if i don’t like you, please know that you most likely didn't! and i’d love to talk to you any time.
anyways (good job ani for getting distracted from the main point) i wanted to talk more about the connections i’ve made here!
a lot of you know i came over from kpopxmen and from that, i know a lot of people for several years. those people include kyle, jess, d’mi (an ex-rookies member), jenn (ex-rookies), ema (ex-rookies), jaiden and julie (our og admins), adri, phil, razel, gim (ex-rookies) and so many more people that i probably can’t think about mentioning rn. but i’ve went to make a lot more friends here and for that i’m grateful.
to amy: i want to say i’m sorry for confusing you with someone else when you initially joined the rp but i’m not sorry that i did because it put me in a situation where i got to speak to you for the first time and got to know you better. we don’t thread often (i think we have like two in our entire history together) but i love our muse’s dynamic, even if it’s mostly behind the scenes. i’ve come to adore yien so freaking much and i can’t imagine an rk without him. i’m happy and grateful that you trust me enough to talk about things and i can’t thank you enough for being one of the only people to go out of their way to make sure i’m okay when i’m at my worse. i love our tea spilling sessions. you’re the greatest for when i want to rant without judgement.
to marie: i’m still upset you dropped jinyoung i loved his muse u n u lol but for real i really do think you’re a cool person. it makes me wonder what the hell took us so long to freaking speak to each other on a more close level. but you’re so fun to be around and you have a great ass energy and i still have that baby picture of you running away from whatever that was AHAHAH but i’m so happy that we talk more! and omg we have our first ship together (that’s not in rookies but i’m exCITED OKAY WHAT A FUCKING POWER COUPLE) and you have to plot with me on dabin now bc you took jinyoungie away u n u
to nic: thank you for being a good friend to me all of these years. i value our friendship. i find it funny we haven’t plotted with any of your newer muses. HOW THE HELL DID WE MANAGE THAT? anyways i really wanted to say thank you for having my back, for helping me out when i really need it and for letting me rant and bitch to you about things that really piss me off. sometimes talking to you really does keep me sane or else i’d blow tf up for real. for that i’m thankful. we really do have to plot more with our muses. which somehow we’re terrible at? LMAO GJ US
to carly: i will talk about your hentaekai username until my fucking GRAVE because it’s still the most iconic thing to have happened. so for those of you who DON’T know, carly’s username on aim was hentaekai. so when she joined, she had put her aim username in her intro. i just copy and pasted her username into my add list and sent her a simple hello and introducing myself. then…….i returned to see if she was online (because i had sent the message when she was offline) and THEN i realised her name looked like hentai and i fucking lost it. that’s actually how our first conversation went. we then went on to talk about how similar taemin and min (rkmiya) were to an alarming degree. and now we have luna who is miya’s sister! i care about you even if we don’t talk much at all and it’s nice that we can confide in each other about things. i am grateful for you and you always provide interesting insight.
to jess and phil: i put you guys in the same one because we are One LOL. anyways i love you both to the death of me. we honestly have sphere chat for bringing us even closer together and thank fucking god you both let your muses be signed to sphere. rkmin was going nuts on her own it was getting ridiculous. i LOVE the sphere musketeers and i love the family dynamic that the sphere kids had. it really was the precedent in terms of company dynamics. phil, you know howon meant so much to rkmin and i’m glad even to this day we got to have our muses in the same company and i love you~ and whichever 1284239429834 muses you decide to bring LOL. jess, from jonghyun to huidong: i love that rkmiya has a relationship with both (which reminds me, jong-puppy needs to text his noona un u). i really find her relationship with huidong more interesting as the nova parents. it’s actually pretty nice how well the compliment each other and are similar at the same time. i honestly never thought they’d be close but here they are!
to chanel: wow it’s been forever for us, hasn’t it? we’ve been through a lot. although we don’t speak anymore i do value our friendship as it were. we had a really good dynamic going for our muses. it was nice to plot some extreme fucking slow burn for rickhee, who are a complete mess. it’s nice seeing the contrasting relationships our muses have with one another. you do create some fun muses! thank you for being a friend for so long. i definitely do miss talking to you more but i know irl gets a bit busy!
to nova kids: i want to thank you all for the 4 amazing years that sunmi has been in nova! it’s been fun. we’ve seen a lot of faces come and go. we’ve all had our differences with one another but honestly i really love how easily the nova kids can crack jokes on each other and really be playful. even if we don’t get to put it on dash often enough i really prefer the nova kids dynamic of all the companies my muses are in rn and that wouldn’t be possible with every single one of you contributing to that dynamic and it’s always a little different with each muse lineup. i know sunmi wasn’t an og nova member from day one but it really feels that way sometimes. we’re a crazy bunch but it’s fun to be in chat!
to trc kids: i know the company’s dynamics aren’t established if at all but i wanted to thank all of you for plotting with sohee and for dealing with her craziness. although she is more of the shy, eternally sweet kind of gal, she is super die hard for trc and would never dream of leaving. it was never her first choice in company (or her second, truthfully) but she really has come to love the company as it is and that’s all thanks to you guys! (shout out to joi for still having yubin in there since day one!!!! LETS GET THIS MONEY !!!) i also want to give a secondary shout out to mir first giving me great ass plot development for nesshee and for vanessa taking sohee’s first female kiss ic and for forcing sohee to learn that she has to take the good and the bad in situations. it was a very vital lesson she needed to learn. to the rest of the trc crew, let’s keep working towards getting our kids closer!! <3
to kt crew: i know chungha is still new to the kt group and doesn’t exactly fit in yet but i wanted to say thank you guys too! i don’t have much to say because it’s been less than a month being in kt and it’s the one company i’ve never had a muse in so i’m still unfamiliar with a lot. it’s also the company with the most members that i’m personally unfamiliar with. i’m interested in learning more about everyone and their muses!
to everyone i didn’t have the time/mind to mention: please don’t take it the hard way. i just had a lot to write and i’m sorry i didn’t give you a personal shout out. i usually do it to the people who have stayed in my sphere most recently (because then i remember them) but don’t think this means i think any less of you! you’re just as important.
to everyone who has mentioned me in their rkfifth so far: thank you! i didn’t really think i was impactful enough to even be mentioned in someone else’s rkfifth post so it was a nice surprise. honestly there were at least like two of you who mentioned me that caught me completely off guard. (and there’s some who didn’t mention me that i kind of expected to and they didn’t so it’s like a two sided surprise LOL)
to the rest of rookies: whether we haven’t met yet, only talk occasionally or are just twitter mutuals, just know that i’m ready to be friends when you are. it’s been five years and i’ve seen plenty of people come and go (including admin team members) and i feel like my heart will always be in rookies. i just can’t pull away. until rkmiya gets her shot at being debuted i don’t think that damn muse would even let me leave even if i wanted to. so i guess i’m sticking around for a while. why not make the time go by quicker by making some new friends? LOL
if you made it this far (hi carly) thank you for reading my long ass spiel that probably made no sense at some points! congratulations! i made something really nice for everyone. so if you want to see it, please click here!!!!!!
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ofjcsie · 6 years
werd. it meme, kayla, with yet another muse. this is my bad bitch josie, lets get to know her shall we
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「 ISKRA LAWRENCE, CISFEMALE, TWENTY-FOUR, JESY NELSON. 」┈did you read that latest viral gossip issue on JOSIE PRYOR? she is the VOCALIST in ETHEREAL, one of my favorite POP groups. they’ve been releasing music for ONE YEAR now, but viral gossip has only been talking about them for the last YEAR. get this, i think i heard SHE MARRIED A STRANGER IN LAS VEGAS. they’re known as the THE CATACLYSMIC of the music industry, since they have a rep for being BENEVOLENT but TENACIOUS, but who knows. maybe that will change once they become #1.
firstly im gonna apologize if this is all over the place. im gonna try to organize it but i cant make any promises.
full name is josephine iridessa pryor, but goes by josie for the most part
named after her maternal grandfather, joseph.
originally from tallahassee, florida. ur basic suburban middle class white family. one older sister. her mom owned her own bakery and her dad was a paralegal.
ex high school cheerleader
one tough cookie
leather jackets, skin tight jeans, fishnets, roses with the thorns still on the stem, red nail polish, fangs, messy hair, scars covered by tattoos, the moon at midnight, high heeled boots, dancing like nobody’s watching, and structured handbags.
literally ppl are always like “josie can’t sing. she’s inconsistent.” or “she’s the ugly one” or rlly mean Ugly comments about her body and just general ugly body shaming. like she Knows she’s not the same size as her bandmates but like ???? she loves herself??? it took her a long time to get to this self love level and she loves her girls so she’s always telling people to fuck off
literally gets in trouble with management for telling body shamers in her comments or ppl that are generally rude to her and/or ethereal to fuck off. probably has blocked some accounts (even stan ones sdscdcs) like jesy has
cute but will 1000000000000% fight u if u make her mad, say bad things about ppl she cares about, or start body shaming
body posi, self love, and self care activist and supporter of the #metoo movement as it relates to her past
since her mom had a bakery, she worked there in hs and knows her way with cupcakes
hates wine & has never done hard drugs
i rlly cant stress enough how she will fight anyone and everyone for being an asshole
Straight (shes like my only straight character it’s Wild)
never had a serious relationship because she’s always been guarded but she has been in love, or at least thought it was love
curvy > plus sized bc she is by no means “plus” and knows this. by measurement/fashion standards she is between straight size and plus, so just go with curve/curvy
TRIGGER WARNING FOR BODY/FAT SHAMING & SEXUAL ASSAULT:  josie’s curves developed faster than other girls her age, so even in like 6th grade ppl were calling her rlly ugly names because her hips had grown and saying things about her, even going as far as slut shaming and oversexualizing her developing body like gross. around this time someone she thought was a friend would repeatedly touch her without her permission (also she was like 13 and knew absolutely no better than ‘uh he’s my pal so i guess it’s alright if he touches between my legs when i dont want him to). it rlly tore her down and she felt like she was nothing. that low self esteem rlly followed her into high school. the bullying kinda morphed more into unwanted glares from boys, girls calling her a sl*t, and ppl just being generally mean because of her body shape. her sophomore year she tried out for the jv cheerleading squad bc she really just wanted to be involved and have school spirit, plus she had a friend who was doing it. things were rad, she made the team, all was good, she rlly liked it and even wanted to go out for varsity the next year. junior year came around and she was on jv again, but their coach ended up quitting so the trainer stepped in. he was nice to all the girls bc he’d known them and was working with them but rlly this was just grooming tbh, like he kinda made it seem like he was hte only one in their corner if they were having problems. she got a weird feeling from him but folks were just kinda like “eh you’re over-reacting, it was just a hug” but when they went away to cheer camp it was like damn what a change. he got a little bit violent and ut was just generally a Not Fun experience, like yelling at the girls and embarrassing them to the point where other coaches and such were like “uh he needs to chill tf out”. to make everything worse one of the nights he knocked on the door of the room josie was staying in, saying he wanted to talk to her, she let him in and long story short he got handsy. when she told school authorities what happened, it was her word against his, but after testimony from teammates about his behavior at camp and everything, the school gave him an ultimatum: resign or be fired and go to court.. lmao guess which he took. so basically he got away with molesting her and being an abusive bag of dicks. END OF TRIGGER
for a long time she blamed herself bc she thought she was too naive or maybe if she hadn’t opened the door, or it was all her fault and she let it happen. sometimes she still has self doubt moments where she thinks about “but what if....” or she says “at least it wasn’t as bad as...” she’s very passionate about the metoo movement tho, and abusers being held accountable for their actions (no matter their gender or sexuality)
she doesnt really talk about what happened in detail, but she has been vocal about the metoo movement and she stands with her #MeToo sisters because she’s been there
since cheer was like “aha nop never again” senior year she got involved in the drama club. she’d sang in church choir before, but nothing Super Serious. but the fall production of grease really caught her eye, so, she auditioned and voila, Sandy. 
after graduation, she started community college in musical theater, still working at the bakery but she fuckin wanted to leave florida (dont... we all??) so she used the money she saved from the bakery, bought a one way bus ticket, and ended up in austin texas... not exactly where she wanted to be, but it was out of florida.
she started singing at bars and trying to get involved with local small theater productions/companies, but that really just was not cutting it. so she asked her dad for some moolah and she moved to los angeles. for a long time she lived in a very very shitty apartment complex (if u rememerbr YEARS ago there was a show on the cw called the complex... it was about struggling young actors/musicians living in one place.. lowkey it was good but it got cancelled before season 2 wow shocker amirite) her agent was kinda bad, like joey’s from friends, but the one thing he got right was booking her an audition for a new girl group that a label was putting together. and boom, ethereal.
AS for the vegas thing lmAO.... i’ve been feeling like it was kind of recent. like, ethereal had already formed or was right at the beginning of the four girls coming together. (i still gotta work out those kinks) but essentially she went to vegas and on a Wild night, married a stranger. all she remembers from the memory clips are they met at the casino, there’s a chapel, back in her hotel room, a charge on her credit card for the honeymoon room service package, and the next morning she woke up alone in bed with a huge fuckin headache and a cheap ring on her finger. she was 22 and dumb. but aint we all?? she’s still technically married, but does NOT wear a ring or talk at all about having a husband because she doesnt know the dude. like literally can’t find him lmao, can’t find him to get that shit annulled or file for divorce. therefore, technically married.
i dont have a Ton but some that i’d love to have established are a mentor (probably someone who is older or more accustomed to fame), a roommate or ex-roommate (could be multiple), a celebrity crush (again, probably more fmaous), someone she tells everything to (they’d probably know about the vegas thing and her history regarding sexual assualt)
other than that, hmu or like this if u wanna plot??? im down for anything????
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coleymari-blog · 7 years
Cyber Space is Always Sweeter : Chapter 11
Summary: Lucy is a down to Earth, studious, responsible runaway attending Magnolia College. Natsu is a rambunctious, intelligent, pyrophilic fraternity boy going to the same school.
They don’t exactly run in the same circles and they have one hell of a history. What happens when the names and facades disappear and all that’s left are words blinking on a screen? Modern day, College/Pen Pals AU. I’m sorry I suck at intros. Rated M for Language, Adult Situations, and future sexual situations. Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Sleep now seemed like a foreign concept.
It had been about three weeks since she'd begun chatting with Dragon and Lucy's nights appeared to be growing shorter as time went on. At first, it had caused her issues, making her sluggish in the morning, losing focus in classes (especially Chemistry but that was for its own reasons), and all sorts of repercussions. Even Levy was beginning to notice the bags under the blonde's beautiful deep brown eyes. No amount of make-up was correcting that.
Being a Monday night, Lucy was camped out at the library's help desk as usual, laptop opened to her latest Chemistry assignment. Luckily she'd actually found enough intestinal fortitude to attend Natsu's group tutoring sessions for the past two weeks and was finally starting to understand the material. She'd missed the first one due to not being able to stomach her pride but after failing the first pop quiz, she'd quickly decided to sing another tune. Normally there were three or four students at each session so at least she hadn't been left alone with him. If she had, she definitely wouldn't have been able to focus. Just the thought of the two of them locked in an isolated study room was enough to fluster the poor freshman in more ways than one.
If she was being honest, Lucy hated the fact that she still found Natsu so alluring. She was a College woman now, weren't elementary school crushes a thing of the past? Granted they now came accompanied by racier, more enjoyable thoughts but that didn't change the fact that every time she saw him, she wanted to shove her head in the sand. His kindness and eagerness to help her didn't make matters any better. If anything she felt worse holding onto the wisps of a conflict when he'd clearly been adult enough to let it go.
As if by magic, Lucy's phone chimed alerting her to a new message in 'ChatApp' and sufficiently distracted her from her fantasies. She'd downloaded the online texting application at Dragon's suggestion so they could chat throughout the day without having to use the computer. They had agreed that swapping numbers would have been a bit too personal, so the app helped them stay in more constant contact.
DragonSlayer: Hey Starfire. Got a late class tonight so I probably won't be able to get online. Leave you something nice to wake up to?
Lucy couldn't help but blush wildly. She had to admit that she enjoyed his "slightly more than friendly" attention (as Levy had grown to call it). Not only did it provide her with a much-needed distraction from daydreaming about a certain pink-haired grad student, but it also made her feel wanted. Dragon had yet to really judge her on anything during the few weeks they'd known each other, he was a great listener, and obviously, he didn't want her for what she could do for him. Levy had warned her about the dangers of talking to strangers online, citing that in reality, he could be trying to hack into her computer or something. Given her father's status, anything was possible, but Lucy highly doubted that her cyber acquaintance was just using her as part of a bigger plot. Not like she had much to do with her father lately anyway.
Deciding to attempt to finish her Chemistry homework, Lucy logged into her student portal and was immediately greeted by an e-mail from just the person she was so conflicted about.
From: NDragneel To: LHeartfilia Subj: Extra help?
Had this worksheet laying around and figured it might help you with your formulas. Print it out and bring it this Friday!
Hope you had a good day after class!
Lucy smiled warmly. There was still a part of her that was utterly entranced by the older fraternity star. Regardless of how much of her wanted to run just at the mere sight of him, the blonde still allowed herself indulgences from time to time. The other day, as part of her morning workout, she'd run past Fairy Tail and watched the glistening Adonises play soccer for a split second. Of course, her gaze had immediately found pink-hair and chiseled abs, his V-cut slipping into the athletic shorts that hung dangerously low on his hips. She'd heard a couple of whistles, calls, etc. as she ran past and she'd secretly hoped that one of them was her TA.
Someone clearing their throat dragged her out of her musings but luckily they were nothing more than a lost freshman looking for a specific study room. Looking down at her screen, Lucy sighed when she realized that the library would be closing soon and she didn't get nearly as much done as she had intended. After packing up her things, she figured she had enough time to use the restroom before everything was locked up for the night so she ran around the corner, leaving her backpack beside the door, and tried to finish as quickly as she could.
Unfortunately, she wasn't fast enough. Upon leaving the restroom and arriving at the front door to the hall, Lucy groaned loudly when she realized the heavy oak door was already locked from the outside. How was she supposed to get out? No way was she staying in the library overnight. Figuring she could call campus security, the freshman pulled out her phone to find she had no reception inside the library's foyer.
"You know they lock up at 9pm, right," came a familiar voice from the empty hall. No way was he there. She couldn't possibly be that unlucky.
"You'd think they'd check the bathrooms before closing," Lucy snapped, shifting her heavy backpack from one shoulder to the other. The only good part about Natsu being there? He must know a way out. "I'm assuming you know where an exit is?"
Natsu brought his thumb and forefinger to his face in a pensive manner, stroking his jaw rhythmically as he 'thought' over her request. His eyes glittered in the random overhead lights that remained on overnight before locking his sights on her. "I may…" he drawled, a grin creeping to his lips. "...if you're feeling adventurous."
"Natsu...seriously? Wake up…"
Erza's strong, yet hushed, voice and a few strong jostles were what woke Natsu from his nap. When had he fallen asleep? One minute he'd been studying in the library with Gray, Erza, Gajeel, and a few others and the next he was being assaulted by the red-headed devil-woman herself. Feeling the remnants of dried drool in the corner of his lips was all the proof he needed.
For the past couple of weeks, the grad student's sleep schedule had taken a very hard dive. Between school, teaching, tutoring, fraternity life, and talking to Starfire, he found that he didn't have time for much else. Luckily he hadn't gotten asked to work for a catering event. He couldn't imagine having to work that into his schedule too. He knew he needed to sleep more but there just weren't enough hours in the day. Unfortunately, he couldn't bring himself to sleep if it meant he couldn't talk to his new cyber-friend. Making a very hard decision quickly before he changed his mind, he shot her a message to let her know he wouldn't be able to chat that night, giving her some excuse he knew would work. He hated lying but what was he supposed to say to her? 'Hey, I love talking to you so much I've stopped sleeping right. I need a night to fix my system.' Shaking his head slightly and rubbing his lips, Natsu grinned. "Thanks for the wake-up call," he teased, yawning while stretching in his seat. The glare she gave him was the only answer he needed.
The rest of the gang was already packing up their bags when the TA noticed that it was ten minutes until nine. He still had to stop by his student office to pick-up a textbook he'd accidentally left behind before going back to the house. Luckily for him, his tiny closet was located there in Precht Hall on the bottom floor. Grabbing his own things, he broke away from his friends to hopefully make it out before the guards locked the doors. Obviously, he knew the ways out but still. No one enjoyed being trapped in a borderline ancient, musty, campus library.
Running down the four flights of stairs, Natsu sprinted across the dark tiled halls until he reached his office door. He found his book on the corner of his desk, right where his sleep-deprived ass had left it, and decided to walk casually toward one of the emergency exits near the front door seeing as how it was 9:02pm. Passing by the restrooms, he recognized a certain backpack out of the corner of his eye, sitting on the floor outside the women's room. The dark blue fabric covered in silver stars meant one person, Lucy.
Natsu forced himself to keep walking toward his destination. If he stopped, she'd find him there and Gods only knew what she'd think of him then. First, he broke her heart (accidentally), then he became her TA, and then what? The creepy guy in the dark, desolate library after close? Lucy was smart, she'd find the emergency exit too. He began to doubt himself when he heard her yanking on the wooden door and whining.
"You know they lock up at 9pm, right?" the grad student asked, walking up the hall to meet her in the expansive foyer. Lucy appeared a bit frustrated, but her tone said it all.
"You'd think they'd check the bathrooms before closing," she snapped at him. He noticed her face tense a little when she moved her backpack and switched shoulders. Her body screamed 'exhausted' in its slow, lethargic movements. If he was being honest, without his constant workouts with Gray, he'd probably be a lot worse for wear too. "I'm assuming you know where an exit is?"
Should he take her to the normal exit? He couldn't describe it, but a little voice somewhere in the back of his mind told him 'Hell No'.
Playfully, Natsu brought his fingers to his chin and stroked it as he pondered his options. Couldn't take her out the front door. The emergency exit in the back of the library was equally as boring. That's when the idea struck. "I may…if you're feeling adventurous," he teased. Before she could swat his hand away, the older man had reached over and grabbed her backpack, throwing it over his shoulder with his own bag. He could tell she wasn't happy about it, but she'd be a whole lot unhappier when she figured out what they were about to do.
Leading them both toward the elevator, Lucy looked at him with confusion in her big gorgeous brown eyes. "Is there a basement or something?" she asked, her voice soft but still strong.
Her question made him grin more brightly. She was in for a rough awakening. "Not quite," he replied, leading them into the cramped, brass elevator. Looking her in the eyes, the grad student pressed the button on the top of the row, marked "Roof Access".
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jaderpt · 7 years
okay this has probably been done already but here are a list of plots based on Harry Styles by Harry Styles. feel free to reblog and if you’re interested in doing one like this or message me.
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Muse A and Muse B never really had the best relationship. Between Muse A’s addiction to prescription drugs such as morphine, Percocet, codeine, xanax and etc. to Muse B’s evident disapproval of it. Muse A and B used to be reckless, doing drugs together and getting into trouble but that was before Muse B decided to change and actually try and have a decently successful life. Muse A respected the decision but continued with the drugs and general trouble making. Muse B began working jobs, trying to get both of their lives on track but it seemed as if Muse B cared about Muse A’s  well being than Muse A cared about their own and it became evident Muse A only cared about getting high. Muse B exploded and got tired of it. B broke it off with Muse A in their apartment complexes’ hallway saying to call when they cared about their life more than their drugs and left. Muse A was broken and resorted to more drugs, getting high, and constant hookups until the loneliness and general missing Muse B became too much to bare. Muse A rang Muse B begging for them back, promising to get better and demanding a second chance. Muse B declined as they didn’t believe it and Muse A began trying to recover although that landed Muse A having extreme withdrawals while roaming the streets trying to keep busy and not depend on more drugs. One night Muse A and Muse B ran into each other on Muse A’s street walking and Muse B going home from work and the night holds the fate of their relationship’s recovery or not.
Muse A was the typical irresistible person that snuck out after dark, got good grades, went clubbing, was super smart, had one night stands, and kept her good girl image around family, friends, and just about anyone. Muse A’s intense intelligence and beauty got her through everything. Muse B is a rising rockstar and just happens to be at the same party as Muse A. They instantly hit it off, having deep conversations but the night ends with them having a steamy and unforgettable one night stand. Muse A is gone before the morning, leaving Muse B with a perfect lipstick stain on their chest and with an empty bed. Muse B became so infatuated with Muse A that they ended up writing a song about them. Muse B thinks long and hard and begins searching for Muse A. Muse B goes back to Muse A’s hometown of “Carolina” and ends up meeting her once again (where they meet can be up for discussion) and they end up hooking up regularly. They sneak around and Muse B even takes Muse A on tour, gaining Muse A the title of “Mystery person” as the two hide from paparazzi yet continue furthering their relationship.
Muse A and B were the typical celebrities in love. The two had a very publicized relationship and became involved at the very start of the careers after meeting one night when they at an after party of an award show (or at the same singing competition). They were very in love but as their relationship went on and as their fame increased the rumors and pressure of being stars began deteriorating what they had. Muse A is becoming very unattached to Muse B and is forgetting who they used to be before the fame and attention. Muse A’s love is fading and Muse B can feel it and sense it. Muse B can tell with how empty Muse A is when they look at each other. Muse A suggests breaking up but their manager won’t have it and forces the two to stay together while Muse B tries to recall stories of their love before it turned sour and try to get Muse A to fall in love with them again.
Muse A and B are very young and in love. The two are head over heels for eachother and very much inseparable. Neither of them know how their future will turn out which seems to be the main difficulty in their relationship. That difficulty causes the two to have very intense arguments that always end in what seems like almost the end of them but Muse A prevents that with slipping back in Muse B’s arms and reassuring them that they’ll be okay. (this one is kind of bad but i just imagine lots of fluff and angst of figuring out things and lots of arguments but not being able to imagine eachother without the other. )
Muse A is ‘whipped’ for Muse B but is aware of the lack of feelings that the two may actually have forever. Muse A doesn’t have much faith in their relationship and believe the two won’t last long but it seems that their sex life is what keeps the two together. Muse A and B begin getting aware of how they’re only there for eachother when they need a hookup. Muse B is the person who seems really innocent and carries the “good” stereotype around with them but Muse A sees a very different side of that between the sheets and with the conversations the two have. Muse A is a polar opposite with leather jackets, hard rock, and drugs yet somehow as they keep hooking up and the smart remarks from Muse B after end up having Muse A head over heels with Muse B.
Muse A has everyone head over heels for them. Maybe it’s their beauty, their intelligence, how they hold their liquor, or maybe how careless that they are. Muse A is fully aware of their affect on others and uses it to their advantage. One day Muse A and Muse B meet at a club and the entire night consists of Muse A teasing Muse B and B being completely infatuated with the need to take Muse A home. Muse A’s efforts work and the two go to Muse b’s house and have a one night stand. After that night Muse B and Muse A talk regularly and hookup regularly despite the fact that Muse A is dating someone. Muse A’s significant other is  a prick and is very rude and Muse B notices it and always picks at Muse A to explain while they’re still together. Despite Muse A’s relationship the two continue with hidden hookups and keep what they have on a low scale. Muse B makes Muse A completely irrational especially as the two always party together and take various drugs together. Muse A drives Muse B crazy with lots of teasing and playful flirting, leaving Muse B wanting nothing more than to make Muse A theirs.
The two have always been best friends. If one went somewhere the other would shortly follow. They were inseparable and had been best friends practically since birth. Muse A is a lesbian (or just gay) and is very shy about their sexuality seeing as they came from a christian family. Muse B on the other hand, has a boyfriend (or girlfriend) After lots of watching romantic comedies together and study ‘dates’ in their dorms, Muse A begins seeing Muse B as something more than a friend and begins pining over B. Quickly Muse B starts to invite their boyfriend wherever she goes and Muse A gets jealous every time. The netflix dates included Muse A and Muse B and her boyfriend practically making out inches away, leaving Muse A in disgust and jealousy of how she wishes to have her hands trailing Muse B in such a way that her boyfriend was. Muse A tries going through girlfriends and hookups to fall out of love with Muse B but it never works. One night, Muse A and B are alone in Muse A’s dorm watching a movie like it used to be. Though it gets cut short by Muse B receiving a text from her boyfriend and having to leave. Muse A stops her and ends up exploding and spilling their feelings. Muse B is left speechless and leaves and does anything to ignore Muse A for a while. Then one night Muse A receives a text from Muse B.
-*NOTE: the genders don’t have to be the same obviously but ?? i think it adds a bit of interestingness. The part at the end is up for interpretation sooo muse b could say they just wanna be friends or they could say they have feelings too and they broke up w/ their boyfriend or they could just sneak around. Literally whatever it's up to the players !!
Muse A and B were dating for a long time but it ended. Muse A was heartbroken though it seemed as if Muse B was doing just fine. The heartbreak leaves Muse A alone in hotel rooms trying to get over Muse B but it makes it worse. Muse A runs into Muse B and sees that Muse B is with someone new and the love muse b has for whoever they’re with is very deep. Muse A pretends to be happy for them and ends up going home, indulging theirself in a person that looks identical to Muse B. After the night is over Muse A gets completely drunk and leaves Muse B tons of messages and drunken voicemails. Muse B is astonished by everything the messages reveal and in the morning they text Muse A asking to meet at a coffee shop that used to be the spot they always went to.
-*NOTE: the end is up for interpretation!!! How it ends (or starts winks) between them is completely up 2 the players
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