#( ; you see the pattern right? lol on my bad b era )
starter  call !!!!          under  the  read  more  is  a  list  of  all  the  characters  i've  been  having  lots  of  muse  for,  just  because  i  feel  bad  receiving  memes/replies  for the  others  and taking long to get back,  the  vibes  are  just extremely  low.   all  of  them  have  their  bios  linked  to  their  name  so  in  case  one  catches  your  eye,  you  can  get  some  info/read  their  verses.   if  you  want  a  starter  from  one  or  more,  just  comment  their  name  and  who  the  starter  is  for  in  case  you  are  also  a  multi!     keep  in  mind  i  MIGHT  write  all  the  options  you  give  me, because the more the better  lol.
florence - vampire oc.
victoria - agent oc.
elizabeth - witch oc.
pepper - but her agent and president verse.
emily - from criminal minds.
jane - from mr and mrs smith.
larissa - from wednesday.
lucifer - from the sandman (no bio yet so u got their wiki lol).
also remember i am always glad to throw my muses into different fandoms so don't let that hold you back either. why stick to canon when we can do what we want hm?
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randomthefox · 4 months
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Unforseen my ass. SOMEONE definitely knew what was going to happen.
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This thing is still fucking going off even though it's in fourteen different pieces lol. I'm sure that won't cause any further problems down the line.
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So this would be. Absolutely traumatizing. I think if I was Gordon I'd be throwing up and having an emotional breakdown right around now.
Kudos to that scientist doing CPR though. I think in Half Life Source(?) they actually animated the guard sitting up and recovering, the CPR saving his life.
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Low key tutorial! Funny that they have this subtle "teaching the player how to jump" moment despite this being from the era of having an entirely separate "training" mini level option in the main menu. But Valve recognized that since it was skippable, most players probably wouldn't do it. And thus they diagetically sprinkle in moments like this that force the player to learn by doing.
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"I never thought I'd see a resonance cascade. Let alone create one."
The fact all of this was an assumed risk is something I don't think people understand very well. The SCALE of this resonance cascade was probably beyond what anybody could have predicted, but they knew SOMETHING like this was a possibility.
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"Gordon, you're alive! Thank god for that hazard suit!"
It's still kind of preposterous that Freeman survived what happened in the test chamber even given the hazard suit to be honest. Almost like the situation was engineered to ensure his survival. Or something
The Black Mesa remake reskins these scientists to be Kleiner and Eli. Which I'm iffy about but I guess who else could you really have plopped them in over, right?
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The game introduces Headcrabs in a "safe" way before they become an obstacle later.
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I feel bad for people who are so jaded by modern technology that they can't put themselves back into the mindset of older generations. This shit was mind blowing back in the day. They did this all on the Quake Engine and it was absolutely insane.
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First time we run into a headcrab for real we are defenseless and the game is using it as a moment to A: put us in the shoes of a helpless civilian in a disaster scenario (consider most FPS games at this time had you playing as hyper competent space marines), and B: uses it as a gameplay teaching moment about how these melee oriented enemies will function for the rest of the game. This slowly eases the player into learning enemy telegraphing and attack patterns which will ramp up as they eventually introduce hitscan enemies into the pool.
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Hell yeah~
god I hate the Gearbox models x3
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cyberfairyblog · 4 years
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Why Jillian Sucks
Hi, welcome to Odyssey Mystery Hour! I'm your host @gritsandbrits and today I'll be talking about a hot topic in the AIO fandom! Wanna know the tea? Keep on reading!
In the weeks I started getting back into the radio series, the newer episodes have started to irk me, mostly because of one of the more annoying additions: Jillian. Marshall. 😬😬😬
Even though I ship Jason with my self insert OC this not going to be about her. There's a lot of reasons why I do NOT like the idea of Jillian x Jason becoming a canon thing on the show. I hope to describe these feelings as best I can.
Who is Jillian you might ask?
Well to put it simply, Jillian is what happens when a Soccer Mom and a TikTok boyfriend mate and spawn an unholy baby and name them Rachel Berry. Out of the aspects of Nu!Odyssey I dislike, Jillian is the one thing I truly despise. Thankfully I've met fans who share the exact sentiment! 😁😒
Double-N Annoying, Double-O Nincompoop
Making her debut in 2018, Jillian is described as lively and upbeat, if a little high strung and immature; the perfect recipe for Kid Appeal! Before she moved to Odyssey she lived in different cities and worked nineteen jobs before becoming roommates with Connie and her sister Jules.
Now this is actually a fairly interesting set up: a new character struggling to find purpose only to discover it in a quaint small town. But as it turns out her going through that many jobs seems to be more than just struggling to find purpose.
When I first saw her design my thought immediately went to the smarmy classmates I went to school with.
We're introduced with this iconic line: "Hi!! I'm Jillian Marshall, double-L Jillian, double-L Marshall! It's so nice to meet you!"
With that one sentence I knew I was about to die.
The following episode has Jillian bumbling through every job interview much to Connie's duress after which she conveniently ending up working at Triple J Antiques...the same place Jason works!
A little backstory on Jason: he is the adult son of John Whittaker, one of the show's main character, and a bit of an Ensemble Darkhorse. He was introduced as a secret agent meant to bring action and intrigue into the show. He was set up as a charismatic and reckless sort of guy clashing with the calmer Jack Allen. After the Green Ring Conspiracy Saga, Jason officially retired from James Bonding and settled down to work at the Allen's antique shop.
Given his immense popularity there's understandable concern for how he is written and who he gets paired up with. So what does that have to do with Jillian.
Well, the idea of Jillian working at the same exact place as Odyssey's resident bachelor and calling him cute raises a few eyebrows.
"B-but Grits all she did was call him cute! You're reaching too far into this!"
Am I? Look I know this wouldn't be much of a big deal too but that is a subtle tactic the writers threw in to get the cogs turning for Jillison. Jason is clearly uninterested and even implied to dislike her. Jillian bemoans this but Connie reassures her that that's not the case. But hey at least she called him cute so OF COURSE she's going to end up being his love interest!
To me removing a character's core trait to justify a romance means you do NOT know how to actually write a compelling romance. It's trite, it's forced and painful to listen to.
It's also obvious she's a replacement for Bernard, given they have similar personalities and her brief stint on TV (which she also failed at lol). But whereas Bernard was actually endearing, Jillian seems more of a cliche womanchild with zero self awareness and tact. No actual depth, just a personality that is incredibly dumbed down and even insulting. Seriously they made her the dumb blond stereotype in an era where we should've moved on from that! 🤦
Did I mention she goes to church?
Yep she's gonna be one of those Christians.
Literally Loveless, Literally!
Oddly enough the narrative frames this as a rivals to lovers thing, where Jason is both the charismatic friendly guy and the super uninterested Straight Man. The constant twisting the turning makes him go OOC. See we know he's fit better as the former because that goes in line with his canon personality. But when they make him the latter he just comes off as unnecessarily mean. This is turns frames Jillian as someone we should pity: "Oh the attractive male doesn't like me because I went into his office without permission!!"
Wouldn't it make more sense for Jillian to be the one uninterested in a romance since her focus in to find a job/better purpose and romance might distract her? That would make a fun subplot...IF SHE WASN'T OBNOXIOUS!
A pattern I noticed and several fans pointed out: Jason's previous love interests were consistent in that they were strong minded women who challenged him in different ways. Their personalities bounced off creating a fun dynamic that was entertaining to see. Even though they didn't end up with him, you can still see and hear and feel their chemistry which is my goal for Jason x OC. Tasha doesn't make Jason OOC & they had a bittersweet arc, so their interactions were organic. Monica only made him OOC because she was a villain actively manipulating him. So again that worked in terms of story and led to Monica's redemption if my memory serves.
However, Jillian's dynamic is not that fun to listen to. You can feel her annoying Jason through the airwaves. She's strong but only in the sense of feeling something hard underneath your back laying on the bed and realizing that's just your earbud. She's vibrant yes but what else? She doesn't have any unique traits to contrast Jason, and any attempt at a contrast would mean making him act out of character. Adding her bumbling clumsiness and annoying voice, Jason would get tired of her very quickly. He's the type to go for people to have intelligent conversations with, not make him lose braincells. She could very well bring out the worse in him, it'll be an unhealthy relationship.
Here's a tidbit worth mentioning: the VA for Jillian actually auditioned with Jason's VA Townsend Coleman. Now that is big ass red flag right there! No hate towards the actress, just throwing that out there. There's also a facebook page dedicated to Jillison. Typical FB stupidity ramped up to eleven, or AIO fans who see something in Jillian; or at least THINk they see something worthwhile in her.
It doesn't help the writers keep insisting that these two go well together. The audience knows they do not work well as a pair but the narrative keeps insisting they are anyways. I recall an episode that had them pretend to be married while undercover and it was bad. Like REALLY humiliating to see Jason put in that position. He also told her to shut up much to my joy because she could NOT stop being irritating for five minutes. Alas the show still tries to justify Jillian being the Perfect Woman for Jason when she's anything but. And not even endearingly imperfect.
Follow Up
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These tags I wrote on one of the AIO posts describes how I feel about Villain Marshall and the Jillison coupling as a whole. It just wouldn't work because Jason needs someone that can actually CHALLENGE him, have their own personality that can bounce off his (without being forced), and most importantly DOESN'T AGGRAVATE THE FANDOM!!
I have not met a single person anywhere that say they like Jillian. It's a different story apparently on the Club App - they like her for reasons I'm too cowardly to find out. But no, she sucks as a character. She makes a annoying friend, and is not a good addition to the show, much less a good love interest.
The only good thing she brought us are the nicknames we gave her 😌
That's all for now thank you for tuning into the Odyssey Mystery Hour. Next week I'll be talking a bit more about my OC Vanessa and her role in the world of Odyssey! Goodbye and make sure to lock your doors to prevent Jillian from coming in!!
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allamericansbitch · 4 years
well since y’all asked
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everything will be below the cut so people can just ignore this lol
the wild thing is like... everything everyone was saying from both sides makes sense. the good and the bad. i’ll start off with a pro and cons and then do a short track by track
i agree with what people are saying about how well this style suits her voice, it perfect. it’s smooth and calming but also doesnt stick her in a box and will allow her to kinda move with it and change things up as she sings, which i know she loves to do.
the production is exactly her too. it’s r&b beats with classic strings... liek that’s completely ariana grande. it’s so interesting and it weirdly works well? 
i feel like you can tell she was just in her element making these songs. i feel like she tapped into something that can be so endless for her and new ideas will be constant.
idk if it’s just me adjusting to hearing her sing but her pronunciation is getting a lot better
every song has at least one good and attractive part to it... there are no songs that i am so completely confused as to why it’s on the album.
it’s for sure my favorite era for her in terms of style
also her best album cover (but sweeter is close second) 
okay... there is a pattern with this album. every song had a really solid start. so many times i was in love with the verses and the melodies she was singing but... my god are the choruses weak. it’s just one line... repeated... like 4 times... then we move on... and i was sitting here like ‘oh that’s what we were building up to?’ and it happened with every song. so i completely agree about it kind of falling flat most of the time.
it’s so repetitive. besides the choruses mostly all being weak, the themes are all the same. like the 14 songs on the album are all about two things: her being horny or her being in love. that’s it. why did we need 14 songs to tell us two things.
another point: why were there 14 songs? so many filler tracks that just add nothing to the album for me. she could’ve honestly made a solid 10 track album and it would’ve been a good clean piece of work. 
the lyrics... oh my god the lyrics. the one thing i saw people saying, both fans of the album and not, was that the lyrics were really bad... liek they had to prepare people. and my god. there were some points that straight up sounded like 14 year old stan accounts arguing on twitter... ‘you sound dumb... shut up’ SHE USED THAT LYRIC AS A HOOK... she thought it was so good it deserved to be the hook like? and also there’s a lyric that just straight up says ‘read a fucking book’ lol. the good or tolerable lyrics are basically ones she already used before on other songs? like how many time's has this woman sung about fucking while watching movies... 
she needs to stop putting out albums so frequently. a lot of the complaints i see people having is just that it doesnt feel finished or polished enough to be an album. like she should have waiting a few months and refined things. it feels like a stepping stone rather than a destination. she doesnt have a clear vision, narrative or purpose driving the album at all. 
track by track
shut up: this was the first taste of bad lyrics like this is the song about being dumb and i fully was like omfg this is the whole song isnt it. i dig the production though.. this might have the best production of the whole album for me. 
34+35: i felt like i was listening to a horny 13 year old boy during the chorus lol. it just felt really immature at some points... like the giggling every time she alluded to 69 wasnt necessary. also the end where she says ‘mean i wanna 69 with ya’..... sweetie you didnt have to tell us we know we can add. i did like the melody of the pre-chorus. the ‘i’ve been drinkin coffee, i’ve been eatin healthy’ is really catchy and good
motive: god i had such high hopes for this. it first started and i loved the production and the prechorus worked really well... but again that chorus weakness really fucked it. and doja’s part doesnt really fit the song for me? it feels out of place and like she should’ve been put on a more upbeat song
just like magic: first song i actually liked and added to my library! i finally heard a good chorus that didnt feel like it completely slowed down the momentum of the song and helped move it along. and the lyrics are cute. i think for me she needs to improve on the difference between a cute lyric and a cringy lyric... like cute: ‘middle finger to my thumb and then I snap it’ and cringy: the rest of the album. also one thing there’s a lyric about her listening to music she wrote and like girl you had 34 writers on this album... what are you listening to two words? every time she brags about writing it’s kinda embarrassing like.... at no point am i impressed
off the table: this production would have been so good.... if it actually did anything else or went anywhere. it stayed the same the entire time.... for 4 minutes. also stop letting men on women’s music because it seriously never works. her vocals are really pretty though.
six thirty: i really like her vocal delivery in this... like kinda dropping off at the end and just starting to talk? it’s interesting. also the chorus really had potential because it actually got bigger and more layered and interesting but again with the one lyric ‘are you down’ repeated like 3 times then the chorus is just over it’s like... oh okay
safety net: again amazing verse delivery and melody... IF SHE TOOK IT ANYWHERE it would have been great. and again with the male features... not necessary. the bridge is cool with them both singing but other than that it feel flat for me. 
my hair: that smooth electric guitar intro is everything. and this sound of this song is so good.... but.... am i the only person who kinda feels weird about ariana, a white girl, being like ‘you can run your hands through me hair... dont be scared’ like?? why would they be scared... your hair is straight lol. it just toys with the whole idea of ‘don’t touch a black women’s hair’ for me. idk it could totally be a me overanalyzing thing. but god is she sang about anything else this would be my favorite song. second song i added to my library.  
nasty: if i had to pick one song that was my exact expectations for this album before listening to it it would be this one. the electronic hip-hop beat with the harmonies and vocals, all paired together for a song about her being horny (again), like yeah this all fits. it feels lost in some places though. like some points i feel like i have no idea what part for the song we’re on or what’s happening and we’re just treading water. and another weak chorus with 1 lyric repeated over and over again. (also random side not that intro of her talking reminded me of when she gave that billboard interview and people were mad at her bc she starting talking with an accent even though shes white... like thats what i thought of i was like ma’am you are a rich white theater kid form florida you do not speak like that)
west side: the production in the beginning is so cool? where is sounds like a tape rewinding kinda? love that. but other than that like... no point to this song being included on the album... it’s 2 minutes and it falls flat pretty early on.
love language: this was the one i saw most people agreeing was the best one/most hyped. i expected to be a ballad but it’s one of the more upbeat ones and honestly thank god. a chorus that actually has structure and goes somewhere? wild. good and creative lyrics? WILD. anyway the production is great and reintroduces that kinda 70s vibe from motive but in a refreshing way. really good tie in. third song added to the library. 
positions: i honestly didn’t even listen to this when it came out so i really had no idea what to expect. again the strings and orchestral pairs so well together... one of my favorite instrumentals on the whole album. i 100% see why this was the lead single and i agree with it completely. the most catchy chorus and it moves the song forward WHAT A CONCEPT. also very good placement on the tracklist because it was really refreshing. at this point it kinda started to drag on a little but this picked it right up. it also kinda threw me completely off balance because i was so familiar with the pattern of good verse weak chorus good verse weak chorus, but this is the opposite? weak verses but amazing chorus. forth song added to library.  also i am genuinely curious why it’s the album title? it doesnt really fit the theme of the album but then again one of my complaints is that it doesnt really have a theme to begin with so... 
obvious: the imagery i got when the music came in was like a dark 80′s lounge with dark wood furniture and i loved it lol. the same thing with positions, a surprising and refreshing combo of weak verse but good chorus which was nice. i can see it easily getting me stuck in my head, especially that hook. fifth song added to my library. 
pov: this is the other song off the album i heard everyone generally loved. i would say this has the best theme and story of the entire album. it has an interesting concept that isnt overly used and the whole song is pretty good decent verse and decent chorus. i love the end where she gets powerful and has more grit in her voice and we get more emotion out of her... wish she didnt wait until the last 30 seconds of the whole album to finally deliver with that but sure. sixth song to be added to the library. 
overall i was pretty surprised at how much i enjoyed it? i really expected not to the way everyone was talking about it. i think it is a good album with just some clear flaws, that could have been easily fixed if she didnt rush the album out so quickly. better lyrics and better judgement/deliberation of which songs deserve to be on the album and it would have been so solid. i would give it an overall rating of 6/10. 
here’s my current ranking:
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okuraiani · 5 years
Mitsuhide’s Route Live Blog
Okay, I will probably delete this once I finish his route, but somehow I’d like to share my thoughts on his route with you guys o(*°▽°*)o I will try not to get too specific and you don’t have to mind if you’re not interested, since these are simply my thoughts on the things happening! Though, if anyone has question concerning my remarks (and thus Mitsuhide’s route), please feel free to ask me anything! ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
Episode 1 So Hideyoshi is some kind of fashion guru now? Hey, who’s vassal is that, trying to kill off Ranmaru?! Somehow, Mitsuhide really has a talent for irritating Hideyoshi... seriously... Protecting a cutie is always proof of a good person. Wow, Mitsuhide that’s... I don’t know if he’s praising MC or making fun of her. Probably both. But I guess he’s worried for her. Oooh, guess who! Who wouldn’t appreciate encountering beautiful people! Especially those who are not out to kill everyone who as much as look at them. Of course, Sasuke shouldn’t be left out. As well as his BFF~ And of course Sasuke has to be the messenger of bad news... Masamune is being his usual self, huh? Uselessly excited about the prospect of war. Okay, the other guys are equally bad. Is that Ieyasu calling MC stupid in a roundabout way? Oh well, but at least Mitsunari is genuinely concerned for her... Mitsuhide, stop reading MC’s mind already lol Awww, Ranmaru, the cutie! He’d be someone I’d instantly befriend~ Uh, I sense some kind of (un)pleasant surprise... This isn’t Mitsunari’s route, so I guess the squad in the rear is certainly not... Told ya... I had the bad feeling way before you MC lol And of course, Mitsuhide has to tell her the things she doesn’t want to her at all... On the other hand... It’s totally plausible that the enemy would go for Nobunaga’s right and left hand... Oh dear... Ooooh, I sense some kind of deep-rooted trauma or something similar! Aaah, I already love that poor trickster to the point of no return! Oh, yeah, that could have been me. I’m not good with blood. And I guess there’s A LOT! That screams betrayal to me, but let’s keep calm and watch... Moreover, hasn’t anyone taught you guys not to trust strange men?! Aww, Mitsuhide is such a good guy~ Oh... ‘Kay... That... THAT surprised me. Really. And it hurts my heart a little. Heck, who am I kidding? A lot, a LOT! Why is everyone always assuming MC’s going to run away? Well... I can’t exactly hold it against them... Hideyoshi not trusting MC is not new, so I wonder why it surprises me to see Mitsuhide not trusting her... I mean, he normally reads her like an open book... Wow, that’s... a LOT! And knowing Mitsuhide, his guidance will turn out pretty spartan. But I guess I’d be happy about his attention... Probably... Maybe...
Episode 2 And we’re back to teasing lol But I guess being taught about the Sengoku era by a Sengoku warlord is not THAT bad, right? Urgh, I take that back. Why a test, Mitsuhide? Seriously? And THEN you’re surprised about her answers? Although, come on, ‘Nobu-tan’ sounds incredibly cute~ Yes, with all that history stuff my head would explode as well. Or maybe implode. Can’t decide. Okay, is it just me or is Mitsuhide surprisingly touchy-feely? That man will be the death of me, I swear! Says he doesn’t trust MC but takes her metaphor seriously! Why does he have to be so cute, dammit?! Nooo, MC, why are you running away?? Of course, he does that to tease her, what else... Yup, telling him he’s mean gives him no damage whatsoever lol Yay, two angels to the rescue~ Yeah, you tell him Ranmaru lol NO! Don’t! Get Mitsunari away from the tea! Thank god Ranmaru is such a good boy~ If this keeps going they can have a party in MC’s room lol Pfft, I KNEW it! Tell me what you want, this is a party! I’m surprised though Hideyoshi wasn’t the first to burst into the room lol Omg, Ieyasu is too precious lol I’d love some spicy pickles, too! So... Mitsuhide is either observing them or he’s displeased right now... Well, Mitsunari is just as surprised as I am... I tell you, Mitsuhide is secretly a ninja! Maybe... Yep, they are like cats and dogs, but they still love each other. Aww, big brother Hideyoshi is the best, really! Go for it, girl! Otherwise, his route would be meaningless lol Se-Self-defense skill...? A-As in... Body contact?? Oh dear... Oh no, don’t evade, please~ Yeah, tell her first! You got my hopes up... Oh? Suddenly I remember this one certain picture from the manga... Wow, he really IS spartan... MC’s level of fear is kinda not in the right order, I think? You can’t fool me, you sly fox, hah! Wow, that was low... A horse several times smarter than MC? Noo, I don’t think so. It’s literally impossible to escape Mitsuhide. Yes, the body contact I was waiting for! Nothing extraordinary, but at this point I’ll take anything lol Well, at least this time there’s no cliff involved in her first time horse riding. Okay, that’s some elementary school level reason for teasing, Mitsuhide... While MC’s fears are apparently in the wrong order, Mitsuhide’s worries are too (he wants us to believe lol) Right now MC is too cute for words. And Mitsuhide the proud (not yet) boyfriend lol Heh, I already knew that! I can already see Hideyoshi freak out when he finds out MC and Mitsuhide have something going on lol Scary, Hideyoshi isn’t joking... Of course he has too many secrets! That’s, like, in his job description. So, Mitsuhide is unexpectedly popular with women?! How did that happen?? But I agree, once you fall for him it’s pretty much impossible to hate him. Not so popular with men, though, I see... Why do I feel like Mitsuhide’s past might hunt him down in this route? I can’t count how often I’ve aww’d at him already... He’s so honest with himself but so absolutely not with everyone else.
Episode 3 Yeah, time flies by if you have fun, Mitsuhide. !? !?!? YES! A definite Yes! OMG, this man will be the death of me! I can’t stress this enough! Oh, Mitsuhide telling her to go straight back home most likely spells danger... The dungeon spells danger, too... Yup, that’s Mitsuhide’s dark side... Oh dear, I see a suspicious fox. So, when exactly does that man sleep? I mean, he has to be busier than Hideyoshi. Mitsuhide... Is that you being honest? Wow, that was quick. Now she even wants to see Mitsuhide when she can’t lol Uff, I think I heard her innocent heart shatter right this instant... O.K. I heard my heart shatter as well. I’m sure someone set him up! I hope so... Aww, MC’s such a sweet girl. Oh, I already wondered when we’ll get one of Sasuke’s trademark visits! Pfft, Sasuke’s reaction to MC hanging out with Mitsuhide... What, as if he hasn’t spread that rumor himself. Who are you kidding, Mitsuhide? You? Embarrassed? Hah! Didn’t expect that, did you? It’s so much fun to see Mitsuhide fail to handle a single almost foolishly trusting, kind and honest girl lol Really, she had him speechless so many times already. Wah, that music got my hopes up. Aaaand then the 3rd episode comes to an end. What a cliffhanger!
Episode 4 Yeah, I knew it. That was too good to be true, haha... Okay, that’s on you, Mitsuhide. Shouldn’t have taught her that lol Awww, okay, that’s enough to compensate me right now~ I’m genuinely confused. Oh, wait a minute. No way~ she can meet Mitsuhide’s pet! (It’s called Chimaki which is... something to eat, by the way lol) I have to say, Mitsuhide has his way with words... They are mostly ambiguous lol I have to ask... Does that fall under cannibalism? ... Can you believe there’s someone equally bad or even worse than Mitsunari in terms of personal maintenance? Eat some food, you goddamn handsome man! He has a point, but still! For all the teasing, at least he’s praising MC when she’s done well. Oh good gracious! I didn’t think Mitsuhide was able to tell a genuine joke! Yeah, I can relate to that. The many mysteries make him so charming lol Aww, honest Mitsuhide is always appreciated~ Yup, his teasing is indeed addictive lol Isn’t it cute how socially awkward Mitsuhide is? Like, he’s so not used to being around people. Oh dear... That screams trouble. In capitals. Ah... I think I see a pattern... Oh, okay. Didn’t see that coming. Funny how he knew exactly where she would go... Yeah, Hideyoshi is not amused. Big scoop? Secret revealed? Seriously? That’s just a different kind of torture... OMG, blushing Mitsuhide is the BEST!!
Episode 5 Tell me what you want, Mitsuhide is a gentleman. Like, deep, DEEP down lol Lap pillow? Lap pillow! Okay, who does he remind me of...? Aww, MC genuinely praising him is so cute. Oh god, Ranmaru lol I think he has a no-monopolization policy lol And now Mitsuhide is making Ranmaru cry, the poor boy. Aww, Ranmaru is such a good friend! Yup, of course Masamune has to be the supporting friend. Figured. Those two are the least amused about that rumor going around, haha... Mom and Dad don’t approve lol Especially Mom. Yeah, can you believe it? I totally can. Does Nobu-tan suspect something? Maybe. Wow, that is way out of my expectations. Hideyoshi not putting Nobu-tan first. Uh-huh, don’t mind him at all, please. Say that before going inside lol The awkward moment when your man knows more about how to properly dress as a woman than you. ....??? Says the liar, sure. Wa-Wa-Wait! Seriously?? Uuuh, Mitsuhide’s new style is really cool! (He’s posing as a traveling performer btw) ...yeah... wife!? MC is going to flip lol “I didn’t tell you?”, yeah, no, because you’re you. I can’t tell if he’s serious already or not.
Episode 6 You could have at least taught her properly lol Okay, with how fast this whole pretend thing was progressing, I expected something else lol Wow, he’s unexpectedly good at flattering. Heh, I already thought it would come to this! Argh, can’t he just decide if he’s serious or not? I sense some big evil... *gasp* I knew it. Ugh, I don’t like that guy. Like, at all. Okay, he’s officially making me uncomfortable. Men like them can just die, seriously. If that had been me, I’d have punched the living daylights out of him and would’ve died a slow and painful death right after that. Aaah, it’s a shame I won’t buy the premium stories (since I’m saving for when it’s released in English) Aww, he was looking for her! It’s such a rare sight to see Mitsuhide so kind and serious. Oh god~ He’s most likely genuinely smiling and she can’t see it~ “All right now. I should pay him back for making my lovely wife cry.” His words, not mine! Now I wonder what happened... I love how Mitsuhide talks to himself pretending he doesn’t lol Okay, now things are getting complicated. That... was fast. Like, how did he do that?! Somehow, I think Mitsuhide would have so much fun being a modern day actor lol Didn’t expect to see them there. Yuki’s cute in every route lol Why is a guy of that rank doing something like that? Most likely in secret? Not that I started liking him, but I’m confused. Oh, now that explains a lot. Confusion lifted. Again!? Come on! ... ... oh. Did I maybe get the love rival wrong the whole time? Oh man, I hope he doesn’t plan to die or anything. I started to like him a lot in Sasuke’s route. ... oh? Oh??? True, that probably IS the biggest historical discovery. Aww, the letter is cute.
Episode 7 I somehow think they will think they succeeded and the evil guy come crawling back up at the end of episode 10... Oh, that’s the fox mask I saw in Shiro-sensei’s illustration! So that’s when it becomes useful, huh? He’s really getting affectionate~ Yuki, that’s what being 500 years apart is about lol I could be wrong but... Is that Mitsuhide slightly trolling people without knowing what that actually is? lol As I said, he’d make a great modern- day actor. !? That had me surprised. Wow... how my eyes just instantly caught the word kiss before everything else lol Usually, I’m not into mean characters (mean= teasing), partly because I’m kinda like that as well, but Mitsuhide’s level of teasing is just right. He never does anything really hurtful and is able to admit if he went too far and apologizes. I really like that. Awww, there they are, his usual clothes. I really liked the costume... He really enjoys all this “As your husband” stuff lol ... he... He’s only joking right? How can he do that to my heart~? MC, joke back! Say okay! YES! Okay, I need a sec to calm down... I think my heart stopped just now. Yeah, it stopped. Wow, I don’t know if I’m happy or disappointed. But I strongly tend to happy. I feel you. Nobody can escape, MC. Ugh, really. Really!!? Why?? This is like Hideyoshi’s route! Who ordered those soldiers!? And what do they think they are doing??? I mean, MC, just knock them out! Mitsuhide taught you some self-defense didn’t he!? I really hope for you guys you don’t believe this bs... Of course Ranmaru would know. But the other’s wouldn’t know he knows. Aaah, so many secrets... Too many secrets. Ooh, Hideyoshi is impressed. I just wondered... maybe threatening him like in Hideyoshi’s route might work... Hideyoshi is impressed 2nd I’m not sure, but does that mean he trusts him? Bless you, Nobu-tan. Uuh, back story for Mitsuhide is always appreciated! That’s not exactly my top spot for a date, but... okay? No way, don’t tell me... Oh good gracious, how can he stay so calm??? I can’t. Seriously. That’s almost too much for my poor heart. I honestly physically can’t endure this. Where’s Hideyoshi when you need him?!? Gosh, is there some equivalent of lawsuit against abuse of power in the Sengoku era?? Oh? Mitsuhide has a weakness and it’s super cute. ... omg, this is intense. And not in a positive sense. Good for him that he’s fine with it. I’m not. Great, Hideyoshi. Your timing sucks, you know? I didn’t expect that. Damn, now it’s up to three villains?!
Episode 8 Relationship status: It’s complicated. Uhm... no? Thank you. Hmm? Awwwwwww~ He. is. SO. precious. Good gracious, can anyone kick these people’s behinds, please? At least that? Really, no other route had so many disturbing side characters... It’s a mystery to me, too. And you were such a good guy, Yoshimoto~ My god, just stab him already or something! I can’t decide if I hate him or pity him. Again, I’m confused. Oh, okay, I think I’m beginning to understand. Ooooh, is that a tryst? I’m joking, of course. Though I wish it was lol Hah, so she finally figured him out, huh? Yeah, that about sums it up. “Hard to understand kindness”. Woah, that’s mean. What do you mean farwell gift?! Amazing. He’s always telling MC she’s too good-natured, but who’d have thought that Mitsuhide was the most good-natured idiot of them all. Aww, my poor baby is getting wet. Oh oh... Masamune, you can’t be serious? You... have a lot of special skills, huh? You ninja-like warlord. Yay, Mitsunari is such a precious angel. I’m sure Ranmaru is trying to confirm something. Pfff, as if he’d leave unprepared. Of course he is. He dropped hints everywhere if you look close ennough. Aww, Chimaki is still there! Uuuh, go on, Kyuubei. Spill us some secrets! Wow, he’s spilling a lot of things. I anticipated something else, but that’s also amazingly cute! I very much hope this has never happened before. Who figured out that info this fast?
And, wow, I can already tell you, I normally go for the romantic ending first, but this route (very much like Kenshin’s) in and of itself is a an entire drama, so I’ll probably get all the drama out of the way in the first playthrough, haha...
Episode 9 This is really becoming a tangled mess. I don’t know who believes in whom anymore. Hideyoshi is really loyal to a fault. Okay lol So Kennyo is now out of the picture or what? Don’t you dare believe that bs, MC! Ugh, of course not! Good job, girl. It’s interesting that Hideyoshi seriously thinks Nobu-tan would take pity on anyone. He’s taking her because she will be useful, what else. Heh, it’s quite funny to see Nobu-tan so secretive. Though I wonder what he said to make Masamune grin from ear to ear lol Ugh, that guy’s so disgusting, really... I even like Kennyo better. Heck, even Motonari is slightly more likeable. Oooh, I can imagine that. ... no way. Omg, did he really work for such a disgusting prick??? Yeah. No. Those two don’t look like they’re falling for that. Okay, I was wrong. Looks like they’re totally buying it. Oh god, there are more?! I can already see Nobu-tan using MC like a human shield lol Ooooh no. Nooo... Don’t tell me that was a careless mistake. Ugh, I knew it. Yeah, what else could he want other than his one little weakness... Uuh, that was a bit harsh, you know? But I do understand. ... That’s a bit mean, to attack his weakness like that... That’s gonna be a shock for him. I’m pretty darn sure. Told ya. Do I sense a kidnapping? Maybe. “Stupid girl.” I think I heard that kind of nickname somewhere before lol Shoul I call him Oliver from now on? Awww~ Yeah, feelings do strange things to you, huh? Who do you think taught her to be like that? I’m not sure how to interpret the letter...
Episode 10 Come to think of it, I haven’t seen Sasuke for the longest time... Um, isn’t Hideyoshi’s Nobu-tan sense tingling? Omg, if you want a demon’s head, then take a look in the mirror! Thanks, at least one of us believes in him without fail. ... I don’t dare to touch my screen to see what happened... I’m SO relieved! Oh god... and what the hell’s with that calm and composed “Sorry, my hand slipped.”!!? Just... how low can that guy sink? Really now? I think I’d have already kicked him or something to shut that guy up. Don’t tell me...? Is that what Nobu-tan... Wha~t! So Nobu-tan had it all planned out as well? (Yeah, sorry. I liked that nickname too much, so he’ll probably now always be Nobu-tan to me.) Uhm, hey, MC? Would you mind, you know, stopping him from probably landing in prison again? Or worse? Wow, he’s lower than low. He already dropped below Earth’s crust. ...??? Oooh, I see. The poor people who’ll have to rebuild the place again. Do I wanna know? No. Will I read further? You bet I do. Why are Sengoku warlords always doing something stupid? Wow... I already predicted that in episode 6... Someone, anyone, smack some sense into that beautiful head of his. It’s not like I can’t understand his reasoning, but this is just. NO. Trust me, I’m just as surprised as you are. Love rival confirmed? I think so. Oh no~ When did he sleep or eat last!?? Curse you, premium story preview! (I want to read it so bad~) Awwww, Hideyoshi still cares so much~ I already knew he’s a smooth talker but... that’s too adorable. He’s almost worse than Ieyasu at being honest. But only almost. This is so like him it’s making me tear up. Seriously. Wow, it’s really hard to read when everything’s blurry haha... But man, you really can’t leave him alone. He’ll go off and do something stupid. I tell you, we all have to love the heck out of this man. Aaah, I missed this. Wow, that surprised me a bit. Bottom line: That man is absolutely, without doubt, too pure for this world! I love how Hideyoshi doesn’t consider the possibility he might be interupting something lol It’s like he’s trying to train a dog... Pffft, Hideyoshi, really? lol That’s almost cute if you weren’t in the way. Mitsuhide is so not amused. He should have tied him to MC. Awwww~ Okay, that’s definitely cute. “The next time you disappear, at least leave a letter.” Hideyoshi, don’t give him strange ideas lol Good food! Bless you, Masamune! lol Masamune is being way too optimistic about the whole thing. Mitsuhide, you’r not Mitsunari, okay? lol I’d die from embarrassment~ I wouldn’t try that if I were you, Masamune. I knew it lol Everyone would react that way. So he’s still going, huh? Aww, Hideyoshi just wants him to come home. He’s implying he’ll kill him a second time? That’s harsh lol I just imagined MC with Mitsuhide’s tone and way of speaking. It’s hilarious lol She’s seen through you, you know? Heh, who wouold’ve thought. But wasn’t that, like... in episode 2? Wow, talk about dedicated. This is so strange. I always hoped he’d share his secrets, but honest Mitsuhide is making me slightly embarrassed lol Everything was REAL~ My heart... I can’t. I think my heart is melting. Ugh, that guy is ruining my good mood~
Episode 11 (Dramatic) I know he fled, but this feels ominous nonetheless. Man, they are all so quick to throw away their lives... Yikes, that’s harsh, Mitsuhide. It’s amazing how he can be kind through being mean or harsh. Sometimes, MItsuhide’s jokes are strange lol Okay, who’s interrupting? Kyuubei~ Why? lol When did he even have time for that?? Awww, Kyuubei gets my personal Best Subordinate award~ I knew he’d come back lol She’s a totally open book to him. Well, at least his priorities are in the correct order lol Now even Mitsuhide is a bit annoyed lol ... A guest? Hmmm??? Guests? Plural! As straightforward as always, our Yuki lol Mitsuhide is not amused... Interesting... But how do they know? Mitsuhide is SO not amused lol He’s so jealous lol Right? That’s what I wanna know, too. I can tell you one thing for certain: The temporary alliances in this route are plain crazy. Heh... So he told him, then that went that way to those two and finally reached Mitsuhide and MC. Wow, what a long way to travel for some tiny information. Caring Mitsuhide must be a pretty confusing sight for those two lol OMG, Yuki is speechless and Sasuke can’t believe his ears lol But, really, I’m almost sure he planned on saying that. Yuki gets second-hand embarrassment lol For a second... I kinda forgot Kyuubei was there, too. Sorry. I KNEW he did that on purpose. Promise? Promise what? ... I didn’t anticipate such an honest letter.
Episode 12 (Dramatic) Okay...? Awww, he’s really thoughtful. Wow, MC really IS his weakness. Those two are too cute together. Uh-oh... If Sasuke is so serious that probably means trouble. So, apparently, Bakamoto is a thing in this route... Well, at least Bakamoto still stays true to his convictions. ... That surprised me. I mean, I still remember what he said earlier... Is that another formerly very unlikely alliance? Yeah, wonder why that is, Bakamoto. Uh, I don’t think Mitsuhide is happy about this conversation. Pfft, I bet this is his cue to interrupt. Knew it lol How he quickly that went from “not closer than necessary” to “100 steps away or more” lol THAT was definitely a declaration of war lol Love rival definitely confirmed. Now, it’s either kidnapping or assassination attempt. Why is that guy so gross??? Aww, good job, Kyuubei! And Bakamoto, please stop sulking! ... I... Have a very bad feeling. That’s... I can’t find the words. It’s... almost more heart-shattering than the similar situation in Kenshin’s route... OMG, Cybird is trying to kill me. Like, emotionally. I’m terrified to red the next parts. Guys and girls, please have a huge box of tissues ready when reading episode 12 part 6 to 10 (dramatic)!!!! Oh God, even before starting this half, my heart is beating like crazy. No, no no no, I can already tell what he'll try to do. I knew it! ARGH. Damn, where are my tissues? God, zhis is too much for my poor heart. Wait, you aren’t— Seriously?? Omg, I love this MC! As if we can leave like this! But that’s exactly why you’r MItsuhide’s pair, heh. And now I finally get the whole meaning of the preview for the dramatic route.
Episode 13 (Dramatic) They’re really nervous, huh? Ninja surprise! I expected that reaction lol Though I don’t get why they look so happy about his statement... Good job, you two! No doubt there, Mitsuhide is an exceptionally good marksman. Yuki, I don’t know if you’re dissing or praising him... Ugh, I can’t stand that guy anymore. Compared to him, Kennyo looks like a cute little kitten. Those two pull off the most amazing shit I’ve ever seen. With the most funny remarks ever possible. Honestly lol Wow, that guy is also popping up everywhere, huh? Well, we could just leave it to Bakamoto. You can’t say he doesn’t pay back those he owes. How can I hate a 2D character so much? Seriously. Every time this guy shows up I wanna punch him so bad. ... I wouldn’t make him mad if I were you, bastard. Nnnh, I know you can’t, but just stab him already! Come again...? Did he just suggest what I think he did? Nooo~ No Mitsuhide, you don’t! ??? Secret ninja around? Ooooh! No, that’s even better! Serves you right, you rotten bastard! That’s what was meant with controlling posion with poison! And who’d have thought, of course that dickhead has the antidote. You have some nerve, trying to trick the world’s greatest trickster. I should have known Mitsuhide already knew. Heh, I didn’t anticipate this. That’s almost mean, but let’s be honest, that jerk deserves it. Aww, Bakamoto is such a good guy. He wouldn’t needlessly kill anyone. And that’s as funny as it is harsh. Yay~ he made it in time! Aww, they are already leaving? Of course, Yuki doesn’t place value on Mitsuhide being there lol Yup, that’s our favorite tsun. For Yuki, idiot is an affectionate nickname lol And even Bakamoto realizes it now lol Wait wait wait. WHAT?! Noooo~ Seriously?! I think that’s the first time this happened in ANY route!!? I feel you MC. I’d be so startled. But awwww, she’s such a good girl. Oh? Oh!! Mitsuhide is the best! So they’re staying there for a bit? Well, it’s understandable. ... Are you kidding me? lol Well, at least he’s being responsible... Yeah, I can’t live without him as well lol Oooh, okay, so they’re making a quick detour before coming back. On Nobu-tan’s orders, I see. Phew, I was a bit worried about that, tbh. Mitsuhide disguising his affection as jokes/teasing is never getting old lol Oh wow. He’s like... super popular? Or more like... super loved? And if this were modern times he’d definitely share his declaration of MC being his girl on every single social network possible lol Awww, that’s cute. Pfffft, Hideyoshi! Really? lol Kyuubei, you little snitch. Heh, who am I kidding? We love you for that! And so, another one of Mitsuhide’s mysteries is solved. Well, at least for MC, since she’s probably only the second person who knows this. ... uhm, what? Why are you doubting yourself!? Bad taste? Seriously?? You trick her constantly and NOW you claim that could be a problem? Mitsuhide, please. Yay~ Sexy timez~ Oh my, that was dropped like a bomb. But I’m happy about it~ Holy... This might be just me, but that illustration has to be illegal!!! I also have no words, trust me.
Episode 11 (Romantic) Yeah, as if it would be that easy. Oooh, that’s nice, though! Awww, we all know what you wanna say with that, hehe. ... Excuse me, but... WTF??? Okay. Maybe Mitsuhide has lost his mind after everything that happened... Once again I have to acknowledge the hellish ability of his to use words with lotsa meanings... Now, that’s what I’m also curious about now. Don’t like to agree with him, but... – yes, he’s crazy. ... It’s not strange that I’m not trusting this guy, is it? Damn... He’s saying some irritatingly true things. Yikes... If Mitsuhide is oozing killing intent you can bet he’s being 1000% serious...
(Updating when I’m done with episode 11 romantic route second half ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ)
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 22
2001. Can you believe that we have only gotten through two fifths of this survey so far? i guess. it’s taking forever lol. 2002. What is your opinion of Dave Coulier? no opinion, i just remember him as the comedian on full house. 2003. If you were to a write a Choose Your Own Adventure book, what would it be about? a mystery. gone girl style. 2004. What was your best find from a flea market, garage sale, ebay or thrift store? an analog camera i bought last minute for a project at uni years ago. oh and board games lol. 2005. What do you not have enough money for right now? a vacation.
2006. Do you believe that Teras for Fears were right when they said, "Everybody wants to rule the world?" not really. some people are happy conforming. 2007. What is the design on your beach towel? pink stripes. 2008. What stirs something deep and animalistic inside you? i get really shitty easily at rude people. 2009. Have you ever cross dressed (even as a joke)? nope. 2010. Do you own anything with a rainbow on it? probably. i’ve always wanted those rainbow nike vapormaxes but i’ll never get them, they were limited edition. 2011. What would be the worst object for a child to take on a long car ride with you? any musical instrument. 2012. What's the Best Beatles song in your opinion? i don’t have a fave. 2013. Why do you suppose that diary sites are more popular with females than males? i don’t think they’re popular at all now. 2014. What do these color combinations remind you of: orange and pink: summer. pink and green: watermelon. green and gold: australia. purple and gold: lakers. gold and red: a throne. red and white: where’s wally. blue and grey: the ocean. 2015. What is one selfish thing you tend to do? make everyone i love drive me around. i hate driving. 2016. When do you think technology will catch up with the Jetson's? possibly within my lifetime. 2017. What made you laugh today? people at work. 2018. Do you ever stick your entries in any of the diary circles? no. 2019. Can you freestyle rap? no. 2020. Are you: stylish? not really. shiek? chic? nah. smart? i’d like to think so. 2021. Do you find you self only buying brand name products? i do but not all the time. i’m the type of person that likes to try all brands and see what works for me. 2022. Would you ever want to buy an article of clothing or an acessory because you saw a celebrity wear it? yeah. 2023. What song do you feel the sexiest dancing to? pony - ginuwine haha. 2024. Who do you know who looks silly when they dance? my boyfriend’s brother. 2025. Sweaty sex or clean sex? both. 2026. Which is more important to you: being kind or being right? being kind, but only to people that deserve it. 2027. Can you do any special dances like swing, tap, or ballroom? nope. 2028. Are you scared of monsters? no. 2029. Who would you like to remind people of? no one. 2030. Do you walk to school or do you bring your lunch? i don’t go to school. 2031. Rate your skills from one to ten (10 = you are the best at it): socializing: 7. making friends: 6 unless i force myself to be more social. working with computers: 6. arts: 5. crafts: 5. depends what it is. dancing: 3. skating: 1. talking other people into things: 9. writing: 3. living life to the fullest each day: 3. cooking: 5. gardening: 1. cleaning up after yourself: 7. playing poker: 7. surviving in the woods: 1. managing your time: 9. attracting the opposite sex (or same sex if you prefer)? 2. 2032. Have you ever been to an indian reservation? no. 2033. What is going to happen tommorrow that you can celebrate, even if it's a little thing? it’s halloween tomorrow. i won’t be celebrating though. 2034. Do you save things for special occasions or is everyday a special occasion? i save things. 2035. What is one thing you are terrible at: saving. 2036. What's your favorite: rap song: money ain’t a thing: jermaine dupri and jay z. country song: idk. industrial song: idk. cover song: all i ask (adele cover): bruno mars. punk song: i’m real: the starting line. odd song: bodak yellow: cardi b haha. 2037. What do you get your teacher or your boss for the holidays? nothing. 2038. Do you like to read books by Virgina Wolfe? never read any. 2039. What is your favorite tv show from when you were a kid? arthur. 2040. What is now proved was once only imagined. - William Blake. What do you imagine? the future. 2041. What has been passed down through at least two generations to you? a gold necklace. 2042. Do we live in a particularly bad age for romance? not really. 2043. Have you ever cheated on someone? no. Do you believe that once someone is a cheater they can never be trusted? in my mind, yes. 2044. Have you ever gone: christmas caroling? no. pumpkin picking? no. on a hay wagon ride? no. on a romantic valentine's day date? yes. to a new year's eve party? yes. to a memorial day parade? no. to the Macy's thanksgiving day parade? no. to search for gold coins on st patrick's day? no. 2045. Have you ever done any modeling? no. 2046. Would you consider yourself to be psychologically damaged? no. 2047. How aware are you of the reasons behind your actions and words? pretty aware. 2048. What is the sickest you ever drank or drugged yourself? i haven’t had any really bad experiences tbh. it’s always a shitty time when i’ve thrown up from alcohol but i’ve never blacked out. 2049. Would you prefer it if clothing was optional? no lol. 2050. What is one interesting fact about you: i collect nail polish and perfume. 2051. Are more people depressed because they are alone, or are more people alone because they are depressed? the first. some people could be surrounded by a lot of people and still be depressed. 2052. Have you ever gotten a mug, t-shirt, key chain, etc. that was personalized with your picture? yes a key chain haha. oh and my uncle made me a t shirt with my face on it hahaha. 2053. What was the last thing that you experienced for the first time? i honestly can’t think. 2054. If you were going to die tomorrow and you were leaving a postcard for someone to read after you were gone what would it say? not sure. probably just saying how much i appreciate them and to pass messages to other people i care about. 2055. If you were about to be executed what would your last request be? hug my family and boyfriend. 2056. What kinds of people do you find intimidating? people with power i guess. 2057. How much conviction do you have in your feelings and beliefs? quite a bit. 2058. In your house where is the: crazy glue? the cupboard above the fridge. flashlight? same ^ 2059. Out of everyone you know who has the most personality? ahmad. 2060. If you could go back in time to experience a musical movement or era, which one would you choose to live through? jazz. i don’t listen to jazz but i think it would be cool to live through its birth. 2061. Do you suffocate people with your love? not enough. 2062. Do you feel your life is charmed? no. 2063. What character do you identify the most with from Winnie the Pooh? eeyore haha. 2064. When do you do your best thinking? just before i sleep. 2065. What motivates you? nothing right now. 2066. Look back at all the people you've dated. Has there been a pattern? no. 2067. Things change but what will always remain the same for you? my personality i think. 2068. Is divorce something you would ever consider or do you feel that marriage is permanantly binding? if the marriage is that bad i would consider it. 2069. What's the strangest movie you ever saw? idk. 2070. If you could go into virtual reality and set up your life there to be perfect and it would seem real but not be real would you trade your life now for the virtual life? no. 2071. Does it seem like life is more difficult for you than for anyone else? no. 2072. What are you grateful for? everything i have. 2073. What was a choice that you didn't want to make but you had to? idk. 2074. Have you ever had dental surgery? no. 2075. At what point exactly are you grown up? when you start having actual responsibilities and do things without people’s help. 2076. If there was a weightloss procedure that would destroy your ability to taste food so you wouldn't be tempted by junk food, would you have it done? no thanks. i love food. 2077. What is one thing that happened that you never expected? idk. 2078. If you called one of your friends and they said "It's nothing personal but I don't want to talk to anyone right now," would you take it personally? i wouldn’t, but i’d be really concerned as to why they’d say that and offer help. 2079. What is your favorite girl's name? sierra. 2080. Do you ever feel guilty for being more fortunate than others? yes and no. i’m happy to help anyone that needs it. 2081. If you had to wear a shirt with one word on it for a year, what word would you choose? hi. lol. 2082. What is evian spelled backwards? naive duh. 2083. You drop 10 pounds of feathers and a ten pound bowling ball off the top of the same building. Which will hit the ground first? both, they weigh the same. 2084. Even though you may never get what you want, are you happy because you're trying? i’m not trying though. if i was then yeah i’d be happy. 2085. If you started a petition what would it be about? idk. 2086. When was the last time you asked someone to do something and they said no? idk. 2087. Do bad things happen to you on friday the 13th? not that i know of. 2088. What's your favorite: Madonna song? like a prayer. John Lennon song? none. Michael Jackson song? you are not alone. Doors song? idk. Rolling Stones song? idk. David Bowie song? idk. Elvis song? idk. 2089. If you had started a relationship with someone and they said that it would be best if no one knew about it just to see how it goes, would you be offended? it depends on our situation. if we were on the same level, i wouldn’t be offended. 2090. Do you know any self defence? i did karate as a kid but i forgot everything. How about CPR? nope. i should really learn. 2091. If you had to look into a mirror and see your naked soul stripped of all delusions and pretenses (Never ending Story style)could you handle it? no. 2092. Are you a genius? no. 2093. How did you find out that Santa Clause wasn't real? i got a letter from ‘him’ and the handwriting was the same as my mum’s lol. 2094. Which is your favorite tarot card? idk. 2095. Does the internet seperate people or connect them? both. 2096. Have you ever written a letter to a soldier? no. 2097. Does pain and fear make you feel alive? eh, i wouldn’t pinpoint it to that. 2098. Are you: good looking? i wish. thin? no. happy? sometimes. successful? no. confident? no. 2099. Are you decisive or wishy washy? in between. 2100. Do you feel pop stars should be morally responsible to set a good example for their fans? it’s nice but they shouldn’t be obliged to. we’re all human.
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clumothy · 5 years
All of them :3
I deserved this.1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
Soda cans
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
Chocolate bars
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
Proooooobs cotton candy. Bubble gum loses its flavour way too fast
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
Angry, annoying, uncooperative, etc. I wasn’t a pleasing student in elementary school
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
Soda bottles
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
I’m a fan of formal wear
7. earbuds or headphones?
8. movies or tv shows?
9. favorite smell in the summer?
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
I usually skip breakfast
12. name of your favorite playlist?
“heck” lol its fun when I yell ‘Hey Siri, shuffle heck!’
13. lanyard or key ring?
key ring
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
Sour Patch Kids
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
The Great Gatsby
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
leaned on one side with a leg up
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
I have a zipup pair I love
18. ideal weather?
15 ° Celsius and sunny
19. sleeping position?
face down!
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
Phone notes app
21. obsession from childhood?
I mean, Pokemon, Mario, Sonic, etc. The usuals
22. role model?
RDJ is pretty inspiring when you read his story
23. strange habits?
sleeping chest down? I’m not that strange of a person
24. favorite crystal?
25. first song you remember hearing?
Another one Bites the Dust by Queen
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
Go for walks. I am dog.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
Stay inside. I am cat.
28. five songs to describe you?
A) Your Love - The Outfield
B) Heat of the Moment - Asia
C) Get a Ride - The Northern Hues
D) Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd
E) Is it arrogant to say Iron Man - Black Sabbath?
29. best way to bond with you?
Quiet talks in low lit rooms. Sounds creepy, is fun in practice.
30. places that you find sacred?
The kitchen
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
Dress as formally as possible
32. top five favorite vines?
I’m a Giraffe, Adam!, Is that a weed?, only one thing worse than a rapist, and of course: SHAWDY I DON’T MIND!
33. most used phrase in your phone?
“That’s Fair.”
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
Avenge the Fallen
35. average time you fall asleep?
1:30 am
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
Does the Lazy Song by Bruno Mars
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
Duffel bag
38. lemonade or tea?
if its iced, tea.
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
Anything with meringue wins
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
Someone gave the special needs kids weed brownies and that was a weird day.
41. last person you texted?
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
I love my jacket pockets because they arent the average hand pockets but I keep my phone wallet and keys in my pants pockets
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
leather jacket
44. favorite scent for soap?
uh. soap. Pumpkin I guess?
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
Tie between Fantasy and Superhero
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
tshirt and boxers
47. favorite type of cheese?
Dude. Cheesestrings are good. Idgaf
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
A spicy pepper
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
“When you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen? They happen because of you.”
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
God you or chaz have said something like every week that made me laugh harder than the previous thing
51. current stresses?
doggos and schoooooooool
52. favorite font?
the uh. The coca cola font is nice. Isn’t it also the ford trucks?
53. what is the current state of your hands?
a tad beat up but healing nicely
54. what did you learn from your first job?
Only give 100% of your effort if it makes you happy. If you’re giving 100% and you aren’t happy I guarantee no one cares. If you can get away with giving 60 or 70% and your boss is fine with that, awesome. Giving 100% all day every day is exhausting and if your job expects that of you it truly isn’t a good place to work. In my opinion at least
55. favorite fairy tale?
56. favorite tradition?
I dont really have any but I’m excited to start one or two
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
Depression, school, learning to let go of “toxic and entitled” people
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
singing, designing, thinking quick and mathematics
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
“Talley Ho!” I wanna be a pirate don’t @ me
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
A farmer. I like Stardew Valley but as an anime
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
All that is gold does not glitter - J. R. R. Tolkien
62. seven characters you relate to?
Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Link Link, Jim Halpert, Edward Elric I guess, Bilbo Baggins, and uh. uh. Shrek?
63. five songs that would play in your club?
The Malo Mart theme on repeat, we don’t need any other songs. Ever.
64. favorite website from your childhood?
Webkins and Miniclip
65. any permanent scars?
Three on my head/face, one on my stomach and probs one forming on my finger
66. favorite flower(s)?
67. good luck charms?
I love that triforce chip you got me
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
Nintendo almost owned the Sony Playstation but backed out last moment. WHOOPS.
70. left or right handed?
Right for most things but oddly left handed on other things
71. least favorite pattern?
I agree with you, pokadots suck. but especially uneven pokadots
72. worst subject?
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
spicy and sweet, like the spicy gummies i had
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
who knoooows. Proooobs at age 3?
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
Tater tots! also fries too and flavoured chips
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
A cactus. Lets get a cactus.
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
School ID.
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
82. pc or console?
Both have perks but console mostly
83. writing or drawing?
84. podcasts or talk radio?
talk radio
84. barbie or polly pocket?
polly pocket. When i was a kid i went to this babysitter and the girls all played with Polly Pockets and I was the only guy and Polly Pockets were the same size as my Mario toys!
85. fairy tales or mythology?
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
The death of those around me
88. your greatest wish?
A peaceful life with you and our friends with little to no stress
89. who would you put before everyone else?
90. luckiest mistake?
Breaking up with you a few years ago? Idk kinda helped our relationship in the longrun
91. boxes or bags?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
93. nicknames?
Clum/Clump/Clumothy and Smeef
94. favorite season?
95. favorite app on your phone?
Tumblr probably
96. desktop background?
The master sword in the korok forest
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
98. favorite historical era?
hooooly shit that was long
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jonsa-creatives · 7 years
Jonsa Summer Challenge: Day 1 - Food and Drink or Travel Submitted by: @lathwell55
(FYI - you prob already know this but just in case - a Stag is the same as a Bachelor Party and in Britain we call Jello Jelly)
Ros: My chaperone bailed.
Jon: Chaperone? lol have we been catapulted back to the Victorian era?
 Ros: No SMART ASS - if my girl doesn’t have a chaperone, I might need to cancel your booking for tonight.
Jon: What? Don’t do this to me Ros! It’s Pyp’s stag night! 
Ros: I know! I know! But my girls have to have someone there in case you lot get too ‘handsy’. I’m not putting any girls on my books in danger just so you and your mates get to see some tits. It’s our policy for private bookings Jon, I’m sorry.
Jon: They’re good guys - she won’t be in any danger - God Ros! What kind of animals do you take us for?
Ros: All men are animals. Especially when fuelled with drink and with a naked girl in front of them. I’m not comfortable sending her to you on her own Jon - she needs a guy there to make sure she’s safe.
Jon: Ok, ok point taken. I’m pretty certain I could keep them in check. Can I be that guy? I’ll keep any of them from getting handsy. They’ll listen to me. 
Ros: I’ll ask my girl if she’s happy with that and let you know. 
Jon: Ok, thanks Ros.
Ros: If this ends badly I’ll be wearing your balls as ugly earrings.
Jon sniggered at her last text message and hoped that Ros would come through for him. Trying to organise this stag party had been one pitfall after another what with their preferred bar being shut down and the paint-balling company claiming no evidence of his booking.
“Everything alright?” Grenn asked with a mouthful of curry. They’d decided on a local Indian restaurant for their pre-drinks meal.
“Yeah…yeah….it’s just-”
“Lemme try a bit of yours” Grenn  interrupts with a mumble as he’s trying to dip his naan bread into Jon’s lamb bhuna. Jon grunts disapprovingly and practically forms a shield with his arm to protect his plate.
“You know my policy - I don’t share my food.” 
Grenn shrugs and rolls his eyes “Your friend better come up trumps with the stripper mate, Pyp deserves a good eyeful” he grins around his mouthful. Jon nods with a forced smile before nervously raking a hand through his hair.
Jon had met Ros at an evening Business and Accounting course that he’d taken a few years ago to help with his web developement venture with Sam. He hadn’t known at the time that Ros was there to brush up on her accountancy skills in order to keep a firm hold on her escort and exotic dancer agency’s finances.
So, when Pyp had asked him to be best man at his wedding (and knowing that the lads would expect a stripper) he’d turned to her to help him out with the stag night. He was only just now beginning to regret that decision as his leg bounced up and down nervously awaiting a text from Ros. The day had been disappointing so far and he was already mentally trying to recall where the nearest strip club was as his back-up plan when his phone buzzed.
Ros: Alright - I found a girl on my books who is willing to do the job with you as her chaperone. I’m warning you Snow, if she comes back to me unhappy, it won’t be good for my business - OR FOR YOU!
Jon: Thank you Ros!! I’ll take care of her - I promise!
Ros: Damn straight you will. You’ll have to help her set up too. She’ll be in the function room at the Red Keep Hotel at 10pm. 
Jon smiled as he pocketed his phone and took another swig of his beer before feeling the vibrations in his pocket and hearing the little ‘ding’ noise go off.
Ros: You better be sober.
With a groan, Jon hands over his bottle to a confused looking Pyp and orders a coke.
“Is there a ‘Mr Snow’ here?” the hotel reception clerk asked whilst reading his name from a notepad and looking up at the group of men all in high spirits for Pyp’s night.
“That’s me.”
“The young lady is already in function room B Mr Snow, she asked me to send you along once you got here. Your friends can wait in the bar whilst you set up.”
Jon thanked the man behind the desk, shrugging off the drunken whooping, hollering and lewd remarks from the lads before wandering towards the function rooms, wondering exactly how much ‘set up’ is involved for a stripper.
Perhaps she has portable pole?
Figuring that she would probably like to meet her ‘chaperone’ before the rest of the party pile in for their fun, he knocked on the door that had a little brass plaque saying ‘Room B’.
“Come on in” he heard her call.
“Hey I’m -” Jon froze as he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. Red - red was all he saw. A copper fall of tousled tresses decorating the back of the woman inside the room. Ygritte, he thought, as a flame of panic licked up and down his body from beneath his skin at memories of his ex. Memories of shouting matches and frustrating arguments stung his mind.
“Hi, I’m -” the woman said, turning around with a bright smile that faltered once she locked eyes with him.. 
Not Ygritte. Definitely not Ygritte. Worse…..or better, I can’t decide.
“Jon?….Oh my Gods! Jon Snow?” the girl exclaimed, an amused look crossing her face. Jon felt rooted to the spot as she started walking towards him, he’s pretty sure he’s gaping too. “It’s me, Sansa Stark…we went to school together, do you remember?” 
Oh you mean the girl I had a crush on in only the way a lovesick teenager can? The girl that used to star in my adolescent wet dreams? The girl who was out of my league, but yet I somehow still count as ‘the one that got away’ because I never had the balls to just suck it up and ask you out to see if you might perhaps, possibly, maybe give me the time of day?……… Oh yeah - I remember you. Fuck.
“Um…yeah…I think so.”
She was gorgeous - she always had been - with her opalescent skin, summer sky eyes and cherry blossom lips. Jon remembers how, back in school, she used to be terribly self-conscious of her braces - nearly always trying to hide her smile - Jon had only thought that this made her even more endearing. It was one of his favourite things about her.
But gone were the braces and the adolescent uncertainty, in its place was a woman.  A woman who was walking towards him like she’d just stepped out from one of his teenage fantasies, wearing nothing but a smile and a black silky robe that came to just above her knees. 
“I remember you” she says, somehow making Jon gulp. This close up, he can see she has a slight sweeping of golden eyeshadow and a barely-there pink sheen to her lips. 
This isn’t happening. THIS. ISN’T. FUCKING. HAPPENING.
“Um…Do you?”
“Mmm-hm” she nods, catching her bottom lip between her teeth as she’s swaying her hips slightly and loosely wrapping her arms about herself. Jon is suddenly taken by the fact that she has pink sparkly toenails and a silver ankle bracelet that looks like a daisy-chain. he tries to distract himself with the ugly swirly patterned carpet of the function room.
“Yeah - you helped me with my technology project that time when I nearly started crying in the library. I had had such a bad day and was so frustrated - do you remember that?”
You mean the one and only time I actually spoke to you?….And it was about circuit boards.
“Yeah…I…I remember that” Jon mumbles, looking at the floor and nervously scratching at his shoulder through the neck of his shirt.
“I managed to scrape a B for that project because of you - you were my hero!” she beams, making Jon feel a little light-headed. The large function room suddenly seems too small, like the air had been sucked right out of it. There’s an unmanned bar in the corner of the room and Jon would very much like to stick his head under the optics and douse himself in gin right now.
“So” she says brightly and abruptly, breaking the pause that had settled between them “you’re gonna be my chaperone tonight?” Jon nods as a suspiciously squeaky noise escapes his throat. “Great!” Sansa exclaims before pausing in thought “‘us knowing each other’ isn’t going to be a problem, is it?” She asks as she plays with her necklace, bringing the little daisy pendant up to her lips as she awaits his answer. Jon shakes his head before forcing a gulp past the bob of his Adam’s apple.
“No…err…” he knits his brow at nothing in particular “no, that’s not a problem.”
“Great!” Sansa repeats with a nod and turns to go back to the table she had been standing by. Jon tries and fails not to stare at her ass as the silky robe shifts over her curves with her movement.
Be a fucking gentleman Jon. You’re meant to be her chaperone.
“Ros told me you’d be good at keeping your friends in check” she calls over her shoulder.
Them? Yeah….Me?….Not so sure.
“Uh…yeah…they’re good guys - you won’t get any trouble, I promise.”
“Good to know” Sansa says as she hauls a backpack onto the trestle table “but I feel better knowing you’re here just in case.” Jon tries not to think too much on that and wanders over curiously as she starts pulling out various sized pieces of Tupperware. “Are you alright to help me set up?”
“Sure, yeah…What do you need me to do?” Jon asks, absentmindedly picking up one of her tubs and peering through the clear plastic at it’s contents.
“I need you to help arrange the fruit and vodka jelly” she says in a matter-of-fact manner as she pushes another large trestle table forward and wastes no time in whipping off her robe.
Fucking hell. Those are-….Wow…
As Jon stands there, frozen still, pulse thumping in his ears and blood rushing to other places, Sansa daintily hops onto the table wearing nothing but the teeniest, tiniest nude coloured thong and her daisy themed jewellery glinting under the room’s low lights. She artfully arranges her hair in a fan around her head as she lays down. Jon gulps at the amount of creamy skin on display and half entertains the idea of running out of the room but finds that he couldn’t even if he tried, as he seems to be rooted to the spot.
“Jon?” Sansa asks. “Jon? Can you arrange the fruit on me?” she nudges him out of his stupor after getting no response.
“On you?” he croaks.
Sansa leans up on an elbow to look at him. “Well, yeah - that is the point of a human platter?”
“A human platter?”
“For your friend’s stag?….Jon?…Are you alright?”
Oh yeah…I’m just in a room….with a practically NAKED SANSA STARK….and she wants me to put fruit and jelly on her tits - I’m fine…THIS IS FINE!
Jon’s widened eyes flit from Sansa’s breasts back to the Tupperwear in his hand and back again. He licks his lips and clears his throat. “I…I thought you were a strip-…a dancer?”
“Well yes, but Ros said it was a platter booking?” She asked, looking concerned now as she sat up and stared at her backpack  “I didn’t bring my music….will your friends be disappointed with this option?”
“No!…No, no, no” he says in quick succession, shaking his head, wondering how anyone could possibly be disappointed with any form of Sansa Stark… let alone one in a state of undress.
“So that’s a ‘no’ then?” she says with a smirk and a hint of sarcasm as she lays back down. Jon finds himself doing little else but staring for a while (and perhaps wondering if he could manage to re-arrange himself discreetly) until the silence is broken by Sansa pointedly clearing her throat.
“Oh!…err…sorry!” he scrambles, walking forward, like he’s moving towards something to be feared - and if he was being truthful, he is shitting himself a bit.
Standing close to the table with so much Sansa Stark laid out before him was almost suffocating. Jon felt the colour rise in his cheeks as he’s rendered to feeling like a nervous schoolboy again, rather than the 28 year old adult human man he actually is. He fumbles with the lid of the food container, a strong sweet scent mixed with the sharpness of alcohol hits him instantly.
“Those are infused with vodka” Sansa supplies with a grin “I’ve got pineapple, peaches, strawberries, cherries and some little cubes of vodka jelly too.”
Jon picks out a halved strawberry and feels like he wants to swallow his own tongue. “That’s a lot of vodka.”
“Well it’s not good to mix drinks is it?” she smiles like she’s not currently clothed in nothing but a minuscule scrap of fabric. Jon wets his lips as he contemplates the fruit he’s holding aloft in his fingers before scanning her body laid out and wondering where to begin, or how to begin. “Start with my legs and work your way up” Sansa offers, prompting Jon’s muscles to actually move.
He works in silence for a while, placing pieces of the alcohol soaked fruit onto her soft skin, his fingers slowly coming down from their tremble, even when they graze the flesh of her thigh. He wonders if she notices how he seems to hold his breath or how his whole body is frozen, focusing intently on this one task, this one pineapple chunk, this one cherry half, or this one slice of peach. He concentrates on the aesthetics of the fruit, making sure there’s not too much pineapple clustered together or that the peach is at an equal distance apart. The little green jelly cubes prove difficult to balance, especially when he reaches the expanses of her smooth stomach, rising and falling gently with her breathing.
“You’re going to have to cover my underwear too Jon.” Sansa says, breaking the deafening silence. Jon makes a strange noise of acknowledgement that lands somewhere between a grunt and a squeak, the gesture makes her chuckle. “So what do you do now?” Sansa asks, sensing Jon might need something to distract from the task at hand.
“Um…well, I started a web development company with a friend of mine….it’s, uh…it’s going well, actually” he said, fingers brushing the soft silky fabric as he places a piece of peach at he apex of her thighs. 
“Always knew you were a clever cookie” Sansa says with fondness in her voice.
“How about you?..Erm…what have you done since leaving school?”
“Oh, well, I studied the terribly sensible subject of Business Management, managed to land a job as the PA of the CEO of a rather large Marketing Alalytics company - only to realise a few years later that, actually, I didn’t want any part of the corporate pie at all.”
“You didn’t?”
“Nope” she shakes her head “so I quit and went back to Uni to study Textile Design. I’m in my second year now.”
Jon looks up to her face for what must be the first time in a little while “that’s very brave…to undertake a whole new and uncertain career path.”
“Yeah…or stupid and impulsive” Sansa snorts to herself.
“Sometimes stupid and impulsive is a good thing” Jon says after a moment of quiet thought and arranging pieces of fruit on her ribs.
“Would it be stupid and impulsive of me to admit that I harboured a little crush on you at school?” Sansa says, rendering Jon temporarily immobile before he croaked out his next words.
“D-did you?”
“Yeah - I think it was the glasses…. I have a thing for hot guys in glasses.”
All thoughts and ability to form cohesive audible words left Jon in that moment, so he bit his lip as Sansa watched him concentrating on arranging the fruit upon her skin, somehow not really realising that he had reached her breasts until a brush of his fingertip stroked her nipple causing Sansa to shiver.
“Ihadacrushonyoutoo” he blurted all too quickly, making Sansa giggle and smile up at him thoughtfully.
“If only we had known” she sighs wistfully.
“….Yeah” Jon agrees as his eyes get caught on a small dribble of crimson cherry juice slowly rolling down the outside curve of her breast. Without thinking, he swipes the sweet sticky liquid and sucks it from the pad of his finger. His eyes flew to Sansa’s face when he heard her breath catch in her throat.
“Taste good?” she whispered. 
Sansa stares at his lips and the air between them seems charged with something unknown but no less delicious than the sweetness upon her skin. “Why don’t you try one of the peaches?”
Jon moves without hesitation, lowering his head to her chest and covering a piece of fruit with his mouth. The slip-slide of the sticky juice makes the lick of his tongue against her skin even more pleasurable and Jon hopes his groan can be attributed to his approval of the taste of the fruit itself.
As he rises, he notes how her pupils have dilated and her legs squirm a fraction, managing to dislodge some fruit and jelly, the food tumbling to the table and floor.
“Clients normally pick up the fruit with their hands” 
Jon tries to chew rapidly so that he can swallow the obstacle in his mouth that’s preventing his profuse and no doubt rushed and embarrassed apology.
“Try a cherry” Sansa interrupts his panic. Jon swallows the lump of peach and it’s almost painful. He reaches for a cherry half by her navel before she catches his wrist in her hand. “With your mouth again.”
15 minutes later…
“Come on mate!” Pyp shouts as he and his other stag party members thump on the locked door.
“We’ve been in that bar for ages, she’s gotta be ready by now” Grenn adds before turning to ask the group “it was room B, yeah?”
One of the double doors suddenly cracks open with a squeak and a shirtless Jon Snow peeks out from behind it. Pyp’s brows rise high upon his head as he takes in the state of his best man. His beard looks suspiciously sticky and there’s a pinkish dribble stain down his chin and chest. A piece of strawberry is caught in his messy hair and what looks like lime green jelly is smashed against his lower stomach.
“What the hell happened to you?” 
“Nothing” Jon smiles slyly.
“Riiiight…come on lads” Grenn chuckles before eagerly urging the party forward into the room. Jon places a sticky hand on his friend’s chest, halting him and the others.
“Sorry guys, no show tonight.”
“Whaddamean?” one of the drunken men slurs from behind Pyp. 
“You know my policy” Jon shrugs with a shit-eating grin “I don’t share my food.”
The door slams shut on the faces of the stag party as they glance at each other in confusion and listen to the lock slide into place.
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