hauntinghyrule · 6 months
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Do you dare? >:]
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mcflymemes · 2 months
roleplay blogs - if you post a character headcanon or a graphic and you don't want non rp blogs to reblog it, you can click the little gear at the top right of your post and change the "who can reblog?" from anyone to no one. they can still like it if they find the post, but now they can't flood your notifications with reblogs and cause a serious headache. hope that helps!
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canisalbus · 7 months
is there a reason you usually answer asks with a . and talk in the tags? i got confused when i first saw that bc usually when people do that its a 'presented without commentary' thing but you do have commentary haha it feels like you're answering just in whispers like a ghost
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thegeminisage · 11 months
ok let's revive some 1960s discourse
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(clearer text in image IDs & below cut reblog for sample size etc etc etc)
VULCAN GAMBIT by Shirley Meech
Most authorities agree that the main traits of a winning chess player are power of visualization, memory, alertness, calmness, psychological shrewdness, and will to win. Let us consider the series of games between Captain Kirk and Mr, Spock, of the U.S.S. Enterprise, Several times, we have observed them using that beautiful, unique, and -unhappily- unavailable version of the 3-D chessboard, and we are reliably informed that Captain Kirk generally wins. (1) Comparison of the two men in respect to these six attributes is therefore quite interesting.
Power of visualization: Mr, Spock is clearly superior in this category; he does complicated mathematical computations in his head, and carries on casual conversation at the same time. (2)
Memory: Mr, Spock again has the edge. He has many times demonstrated a memory capacity superior to any other on the Enterprise, with the possible exception of the ship's computer. (3)
Alertness: Spock again probably has the edge here.
Calmness: Spock, easily.
Psychological shrewdness: Again, Spock has the edge. He has been known to trick Kirk into doing things he did not intend to do, (4) and even to talk his way out of following Kirk's orders, (5)
Will to win: The edge here belongs to the Captain. (6)
Of course, it is understood that neither Spock nor Kirk is at all deficient in any of these qualities. However, with Kirk leading in only one of the six categories, how can he possibly win so frequently?
The answer is simple, Spock's psychological shrewdness takes into account Kirk's relentless will to win. (7) His memory and power of visualization paint a vivid picture of Kirk when his will is frustrated, (8) a condition which bodes ill for anyone in range. With alertness and calmness in this crisis, Spock maneuvers the games so that Kirk wins. With a final touch of the psychological shrewdness, he allows Kirk to believe that his "illogical" style of play has triumphed over Spock's logic. This puts the Captain into a frame of mind which is beneficial to his self-image, his efficiency rating, and the well-being of the crew in general. (9)
The Vulcan, of course, would be the last to admit this; but it would not be the first time he has deceived his friend for what he considered a valid logical reason. (10)
How, if we could only ascertain whether he has accepted Doctor McCoy's offer to teach him the game of poker….or is that why McCoy was seen grumbling along the corridor today, without his shirt?
(1) "Charlie X," "Where Ho Man Has Gone Before," "Court Martial" (2) "Tomorrow is Yesterday" (3) "Miri," "Arena," "The Naked Time," others (4) "Shore Leave" (5) "Devil in the Dark," "Operation .'Annihilate" (6) "Errand of Mercy," "The Corbomite Maneuver," "The Squire of Gothos," others (7) "Menagerie" (8) "The Naked Time," "Charlie X," others (9) The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of yeds. (10) "Menagerie"
[A drawing by "DEA" of Spock smiling at a small bird-like alien in his palm. The caption reads, "Don't laugh. You are fascinating too.]
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paperstorm · 2 months
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Thanks for the tags @ironheartwriter @strandnreyes and @heartstringsduet!
Final snippet from the 2nd person fic that will probably be posted tomorrow.
He laughs, shaking his head and rubbing a hand over his face, and then unexpectedly he sits up and grabs you, pulling you in for a bruising kiss that must taste of him. You are shoved backwards, scrambling until you’re reclined on your couch with your legs wantonly spread and he’s pushing his shoulders in between your knees and looking up at you with a devilish grin that makes your stomach swoop.
His mouth feels like salvation. It had at the bar as well, but there’d been risk and nerves and uncertainty wrapped up in it that time; your heart had been beating too fast and head spinning too hard to let yourself soak in it. It had been quick and dirty, fumbling hands and hissed apologies when you lost control and pushed your hips forward and he coughed, rushed because at any moment you could’ve been caught. This time he sucks at you slowly, his tongue painting lazy patterns along your heated skin, and you feel saved. He is divine, he is further persuasion that perhaps there was never anything wrong with you, because no higher power would create something so holy and then call it a sin.
Tagging @theghostofashton @birdclowns @reyesstrand @emsprovisions @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
@actual-sleeping-beauty @thisbuildinghasfeelings @herefortarlos
@tailoredshirt @goodways @alrightbuckaroo @lightningboltreader @freneticfloetry @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad
@liminalmemories21 @nancys-braids @chaotictarlos @lemonlyman-dotcom
@whatsintheboxmh @inkweedandlizards @bonheur-cafe @reasonandfaithinharmony @thebumblecee
@never-blooms @sanjuwrites @orchidscript @jesuisici33 @kiwichaeng
@fallout-mars @honeybee-taskforce @fifthrideroftheapocalypse @fitzherbertssmolder @safeashousespdf
@just-inside-her @firstprince-history-huh @captain-gillian @tellmegoodbye @anactualcaseofthetruth
Want to be added or removed from the list? Lmk
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yandere-daydreams · 4 months
I'm a big promoter of making what you want to see, I know everyone isn't "naturally gifted", but you can build skill with study and practice.
You wanna see a fic for something niche? Write it! You wanna see a yandere fic for this one character who doesn't have yandere? Write it! You wanna see something cute and fluffy? Write it!
I know that having to write what you want to read can suck, but if you stick with it long enough, you'll start to see other people come out of the woodwork too and I think that's the best part.
exactly!!! i think fandom in it's best form is just kinda one big group project where everyone contributes something to the collective conversation, so it's very counter-intuitive to try and pick on the people who are doing their best to make more of the things they love when you yourself are simply. not. i get that not everyone has time to write and draw for pleasure, but if you're going to bitch about what other people do contribute, you really have to be adding something yourself. if you think there are too many dead dove fics, block the tags/authors and write some fluff. absolutely curate your own experience, but don't try to curate everyone's unless you want fan-spaces to die out entirely.
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thelaurenshippen · 1 month
genuinely think it's good and healthy to follow at least one person in each of your fandoms who reblogs good gifsets but has just...absolutely dogshit takes on the show, or who ships that ship you despise. keeps things fresh. keeps things grounded. you gotta stay humble
#lauren feels things#fandom#this is mostly a joke post#obviously create the experience on tumblr that yOU want#you are not obligated to do any fucking thing on this website#but like....there are a few people I've been following on my other blog#(my real and anonymous one where I do most of my reblogging/fandom stuff)#and I've been following them for YEARS#or they're mutuals from the fandoms I've written fic for#and they just post the most out of pocket shit#or they ship ships that totally squick me out#or - the most annoying sin of all to me -#they post sanctimonious explanations about how the creators/actors/whatever#really feel THIS way about this particular thing#and all you other fans are wrong#(and like......no they don't. unless that actor or writer has said that#you have no idea they think that. also it doesn't matter what they think.)#but I'm honestly not kidding when I say this makes my personal fandom experience better#bc a) some of these people are just pals I disagree with!#and b) none of them are - like - toxic or anything#there's a certain kind of fandom discourse I do not tolerate#these people are mostly just kind of silly sometimes about stuff#and ultimately harmless#but it helps me understand a fandom better#and the fact that I've been doing it for like a decade now#means that i truly never get offended or hurt or feel any kind of way#when I see a bonkers take on something#bc I'm just like 'oh sure you're wrong but whatever good for you seems like you're having fun'#and sometimes ppl in fandoms take things SO PERSONALLY!#and it's okay that some people who make art you like or amazing gifsets feel differently about the thing you both love
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losinmortalesperdidos · 6 months
David Haller as the epitome of BPD.
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Done with it/you/self:
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infriga · 10 months
To add to the discussion about plagiarization and misinformation, one thing I know that can contribute to complacency is how much time and effort it can take to fact check everything you watch. That's daunting for most people, let alone people who don't have as much experience with it or who deal with disabilities and executive dysfunction.
But there are some things you can do to minimize damages that are easier to manage on a more individual basis.
You don't have to necessarily fact check every single thing every creator says in every video in order to make sure they're 100% legit every time. I know not everyone has the mental bandwidth to do that sort of thing constantly. Generally it's okay to just practice some mindfulness and not blindly trust someone if you haven't vetted their claims personally.
What you can do is fact check yourself. Don't repeat stuff you hear from a video as if it is a fact unless you have looked into it yourself first to confirm that what the video said about it is true and that their sources are good. And if you source someone make sure you've vetted them specifically and checked their own sources on that particular topic or bit of information (and check that they even HAVE sources to begin with and aren't just copying their sources verbatim). You can't source every video essay you ever watch or check every single one for plagiarism, but you can source yourself and what you say, and make sure you're not spreading bullshit or citing the wrong person. If you find that you don't have the energy to do even that much in a given moment, then just keep the information in question to yourself for the time being until you do have the energy to verify it.
And some stuff that's generally just good practice: if it's a topic that you're particularly interested in, it's a good idea to seek out more than one video about it from more than one creator. The more diverse your sources of info on the topic the better, especially if you seek out more than just the popular stuff. Get a broader picture of it from a wide variety of people from a wide variety of demographics. It's a lot easier to spot stuff like plagiarism if you're looking at more than just one or two channels, and even if you don't spot it, because they're often good at hiding it, you at least can make sure that you're giving more obscure creators the same attention as well instead of only defaulting to the most popular wide-spread creators and content.
Seeking out more than one type of medium is usually a good idea as well. I know reading stuff like written papers or essays or books on a topic can be difficult for some people, but if you can manage it even just occasionally then branching out every once in a while is still worth doing because it gets you out of one particular information sphere and into another, reducing the chances of an echo chamber effect. If you can't bring yourself to do that much homework on a topic, then again remember to keep in mind that your knowledge about it is limited and could be wrong, and don't spread that info without doing your own research first. Videos are not inherently a bad way to learn about stuff, papers or books can be wrong, and plagiarized, and badly sourced, and can spread misinformation too, my main point is that it's good to avoid having your information come to you through a single choke point if you can help it.
It can be exhausting trying to hold every online creator accountable on an individual basis, I get that, so I don't expect everyone to extensively peer review every channel they ever watch, but at the end of the day you can at least make sure to try and hold yourself accountable first and foremost.
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radicheart-a · 8 months
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Both halves of his broken staff are clutched tightly in either hand. His ears are pinned back. Blood gushes from the injury slicing across his chest, staining his suit an even darker shade of red, as well as trickling down from his mouth.
The sound of footsteps draws his attention, making the Radio Demon force his smile a little higher before he lifts his head to see who's approaching. He's assuming it's Adam, so before he even realizes who it really is, he speaks, the radio filter on his voice missing.
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"If you're going to finish me off, at least show a little more class."
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the-black-bulls · 3 months
Blog update
Well, I (Cyrooo) will be going through a semi-hiatus. I'll be inactive on social media for a while because I want to focus more on myself both in real life and online. I may be more active on my OG account, which I may share later. Moderating this blog is actually pretty easy, so the daily quotes will not stop and I still plan to drop more weekly polls. My Inbox and messages will remain open for now, but I'll likely turn them off later.
Below is an apology and a bit of clarification about myself.
Well first I want to apologize to everyone from here, discord or twitter who messaged me, chatted with me, or tagged me. Especially during the last two months. I ended up making you guys deal with my slow responses or straight up left you hanged. I feel a bit shitty saying this because I'm luckier than plenty of people in the world, but I've been going through a low phase in my life that started years ago and just kept on going unfixed, to the point that I started going through low-term depression episodes every other week now. I'm definitely better than before, but I wish I've realized much earlier that this is where I'm supposed to stop, take a break, and work on recovering rather than pushing forward, but I guess it's better late than never.
I like this blog, I like talking to people, I like being involved in fandom spaces even when I'm not really THAT involved to begin with, so the idea of dropping all of this for a break don't sit well with me. I wish it did, because it became clear to me that I'm dragging a lot of friends and moots into my problems. You guys are awesome. I'm sorry it has taking me too long to clear myself, and I'm grateful for your patience and consideration.
I appreciate you all. I appreciate my followers, too. Please stay safe, take care, and keep supporting Palestine 🤍
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sherlock-is-ace · 2 months
I will never understand people who reblog posts copying the tags. Not in a "prev" kind of way, but the people who copy all tags including personal anecdotes, organizing tags, etc etc.
Like why do you want my own story about family drama in your blog?! What the hell?
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smengart · 1 month
I cannot believe I have to write a post about this in regards to my Utena art, but an account on here called @/familyromantic just reblogged fanart I made of Miki and Kozue as ship art, and they are specifically a blog dedicated to incestuous ships and proshipping.
Of ALL of the art you could reblog of this topic, you choose to reblog non-ship art I made of two CHILDREN who have a deeply troubled and traumatizing relationship with incest in the context of their story, and tag my art as a ship on your blog.
Just to say this explicitly - any proshippers/incest shippers/sexual assault romanticizers/whatever: DO NOT REBLOG MY ART. Especially do not reblog my Utena art. I have already blocked this account so hopefully they won't be able to reblog any more of my Utena pieces, but I felt the need to make this post to establish firmly how I feel about this subject matter. Utena is a very triggering show that includes these topics, and that is unavoidable - what I won't tolerate is anyone who romanticizes and sexualizes these topics to engage with my fanart of the series.
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i wanna post more bats but they're juusstt niche enough that there aren't too many to reblog from other people and I can only queue so many at once.... This is the eternal struggle of the batblogger. If anyone could put me on to anyone else who regularly posts bats/bat art please do so! But yeah I need to follow more batbloggers.
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nientedal · 1 year
STOP dropping trans people's deadnames into the world like they belong there! Do not tell me about your "friend Karla who used to be Carl," just fucking tell me you have a friend named Karla who is trans! That's all you need to say! Her old name is dead! That name is no more! It has ceased to be! It's expired and gone to meet its maker! It's a stiff! Bereft of life, it rests in peace! So let it rest!
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vimbry · 3 months
"likes don't do anything" they do
"there's no algorithm" there is
"well nobody uses the for you tab" I do
"reblog all art and fics you see" there's no thought put into that. if this does work on people, then it's just pity engagement borne out of guilt rather than genuine interest, which is arguably worse than having none, because it's totally hollow.
#if I make art of my ocs who I'm personally fond of and spent a few days drawing just right and it gets 3 reblogs then it gets 3 reblogs#it's rational to feel a little disappointed sure. but I can't do anything about that. it's just luck#and I got Very lucky accumulating a few thousand followers on my main-turned-art-only blog off the back of when m.oomin was very popular#(tho realistically many of those users are probably inactive/passive followers now)#and having this number of people tuned into my posts Still only gets me a couple dozen notes on original stuff.#every 3 years or so something might blow up. like that bugs bunny comic lol. and I did Not expect it to#especially bc it happened about a year after I shared it as well.#it can happen any time. so don't feel discouraged when your art doesn't get noticed right away#the one advantage this website has is that there's far less of a fomo culture compared to other socials where trends come and go in a week#and people will still interact with older posts. especially bc it's easier to find what you want through the tagging system. sort of.#there's really no way to predict this or aim for large engagement! oh unless you're specifically catering to the current hot topic#like d.unmeshi is wiiiildly popular right now. I've seen comics get 5-digit notes in under 48 hours 'cause more eyes are on it.#but if it's not something you personally like and you're only creating things for the attention then you're gonna be unhappy#and people will inevitably move on.#I'd much rather swing my art back around every few months or so until it finds someone it resonates with#than make people who were never planning to engage with it feel bad for no reason
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