ibims1seb · 2 months
The Sypher Trilogy Masterlist
The Sypher Trilogy is a Story made up of three different main story lines. For the majority of the Series, this is just an excuse to write about all three characters/storylines, but it will become important/necessary eventually.
My Masterlist! And the Infopost for the entire series!
Things you need to know about all three stories
Number 1: In this universe, there are different planets, species, etc. but about 99% of the people on earth are both human and don’t know about the other civilised planets. The first two Stories play on earth, while the third plays on another planet, which is very earth like, but isn’t earth.
Number 2: none of these characters know about any other character from the other two stories. Neither the three Azriels, nor any other character know that someone from the other stories exist… well, ✨most✨ characters don’t know ;)
Number 3: most people will say something like ‘The Overs knew’, ‘Overs please’ or ‘in the name of the Overs’ etc. This is because instead one god, or any god in particular, the beings people worship are called (who would have guessed) Overs. These are kinda like gods, but also no. Will be explained further.
Number 4: there are a few Story independent Characters/characters not bound to one story/extra Characters. These include but are not restricted to: The Unknown (my beloved), The Empress/Empress Interitus/Mistress Interitus (from chapter 0) and more.
Chapters that aren’t bound/don’t belong to any of the three Sypher Stories: Chapter 0,
Tag: #TheSypherTrilogy
The Stories
The Riches’s Torment/Sypher Story One
Characters: Azriel Constantine Sypher, Malvik Freling Sypher, Josephine Sypher-Lormy, Sophia Kamilia Sypher, Mathew Sypher, Valen Cooper, Benjamin Brooksten, Nikias Chester
Story: a stern, apathetic and workaholic 28-year-old man who has to balance keeping his rich, absolutely dysfunctional family together for the sake of public opinion and being his own person.
Extras for this story:
Tag: #SypherStoryOne
A Life’s Gamble/Sypher Story two
Characters: Azriel “Zero” Sypher, Malvik, Jonathan “Nova” Star, Melanie “Frosty” Kuhne, Valen Cooper, Marshall “Silver” Santos, Owen “Icarus” Isaacs, Isaac Brook, Ferdinand “Hill” Brownstones
Story: after being abandoned in a casino by his father at the age of nine, Azriel has to gamble his way to a better life. He became a sociopathic assassin who works for those who pay and doesn’t give a fuck about anything else… or does he?
Extras for this Story:
Tag: #SypherStoryTwo
A Forever Caged Bird/Sypher Story three
Characters: Azriel, General/Strongman/Dictator Malvik Sypher, General Pascal Winterson, Sinistra and Dextra (my beloved), Ray Pershovsky, Soldiers (a lot)
Story: born as the result of a failed experiment, Azriel’s life didn’t start good. When the lab exploded, everything got worse, and a 7 year old boy had to live in the ruins of the world he knew. When he got picked up by Malvik, that changes. Well, for ten years, before the bastard starts a war and sends Azriel to die in a military base closest to enemy lines.
Extras for this Story:
Tag: #SypherStoryThree
Chronological Order of posted Stories:
Chapter 0 (#1)
The Beginnings:
Chapter 1 (A Forever Caged Bird) (#4)
Chapter 2 (A Life’s Gamble) (#3)
Chapter 3 (The Riches’s Torment)
Chapter 4 (A Forever Caged Bird) (#2)
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nbkuhn · 4 months
N.B. Kuhn, queer monster romance galore
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Hello, friends! My nom de plume is N.B. Kuhn, and I write monster romance stories set in Lugosi Falls, the queerest little town in the Upper Midwest. My stories are serialized on AO3 Mondays and Fridays and chapters get posted early on Ream. I will also be posting most of the story here on Tumblr, except for the spicy bits because I have had my main blog since 2014 and I don't want it nuked. I will also use this blog to post side stories and nonfiction posts about writing, plus any fun things that relate to my books, other authors I like, and so on. If you would like just the story updates instead, please check out the Lugosi Falls Tumblr.
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My current WIP is The Siren's Lover, updating Mondays and Fridays. You can learn more about the book and find all the chapters here.
If you want to know more about me, IRL I am an editor. I am one of those people who used Tumblr to woo my spouse back in the glory days of SuperWhoLock. We sent each other Fall Out Boy lyrics in the ask box and everything. And I remember the great LiveJournal purges, as well as the FFN purges before that. In other words, I am an old.
On most platforms, I am trying to keep my pen name relatively anonymous because I do not want my family asking me weird questions about monster wangs, but here... well, my friends, here you are at the devil's sacrament with me. ;) Pluck first the plank from thine own eye and all that.
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sweetmastermind · 2 years
Hi! Can you do love reading for up10tion please?
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Disclaimer: Take this with a grain of salt, energy constantly shifts. I'm not an expert and interpretations could not be the most correct, it's for entertainment purposes. Reading done 09/11.
Kuhn (3p rev. - magician rev.)
He is dating someone but it looks like there is a lack of communication, they are not completely honest with what they want, and there is a third party that is slowly causing some friction.
Kogyeol (6p - lovers rev.)
I think he is single, he has the desire to get into a relationship but is not happening anytime soon at least a worthy connection. It looks like he doesn't make the best decision regarding partners.
Bit-to (8s rev. - high priestess - moon rev.)
He is dating someone and things look like they are going well,, some things that were causing trouble and anxiety were solved and talked out.
Sunyoul (3p rev. - 8w rev. - queen wands)
He is single, and it feels like he is wary about love because of something from a previous relationship.
Gyujin (lovers rev. - 2c)
He is single but looks like he is going to have a strong connection with someone, is probable that that person is someone from his past that is going to re-enter his life in the future 
HwanHee  (magician rev. - queen swords - 8p)
He is dating someone, and they are trying to be more open to communication and honest about the things they want, they are working hard to make things work, and they are juggling a lot of things.
Xiao (strength - 7p - 5p rev.)
It looks like he is dating someone, they are recovering from a difficult emotional time, and one of them is putting a lot of effort to re-establish the previous connection they had and nurture it.
Jinhoo (devil - lovers - 6s)
He is dating someone, and this feels like they have a really intense connection with each other, this relationship is slowly going to calmer walters after a difficult moment, he was doing his service? (i think that is the reason for the difficulty)
Jinhyuk (knight swords - 4w)
He is dating someone, and it really feels like they are ready to level up their commitment 
Wooseok (star rev. - 3p - 2p rev.)
He is single, he doesn't have time for love and it feels like he doesn't have the best view on it like he feels like he has no luck there. But there is a big possibility of meeting someone through his work.
Thank you for reading!
Tarot deck used: Marseille Tarot
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surrealsunday · 2 years
Ok so I’m the anon who was yelling at you about not needing KinnPorsche to become my new Special Interest and damn you! I’m hooked! I meant to come bug you after each episode but I binged all the available 8 episodes yesterday and couldn’t stop lol! So thank you, I hate you 😂
I have so many thoughts but can we please talk about Tankhun and Porsche. I kind of love their relationship. Tankhun was annoying to me in the very beginning but I actually really love his character now. I totally related to him watching the same series over and over again because it gave him comfort. I’d rather do that than go out most of the time because I’m autistic and very introverted so I fully understood why he did some of the odd things he did or seemed to overreact in situations like when his beloved fish were killed. I have a kinship with his character and imo he’s sometimes a much needed comedic relief.
I feel he’s mostly misunderstood and pretty much just tolerated by most of the family and bodyguards/staff, but I feel like there’s so much to him. He’s more complex than I think anyone around him fully understands. I loved that during Kinn and Porsche’s wilderness heart to heart, when even Kinn was saying that maybe Tankhun was faking his mental instability to avoid the responsibility of becoming the head of the major family (which I do think may be part of it but for good reason), Porsche defended him and by doing so exposed his own trauma. I love that he made himself vulnerable in order to defend Tankhun because I think he sees past a lot of Tankhun’s dramatics. Even as out there as he seems, Porsche understood him and was able to get him to try new things and leave the safe space that Tankhun tends to isolate himself in. I also love that, as much as Porsche kind of messes with him, most of what I see is him laughing WITH Tankhun rather than putting him in situations to laugh AT him. He messes with him to try and get him to smile, to enjoy life and find happiness.
I think it’s just another thing that shows how gentle and loving Porsche is underneath his cornball outer layer. Sometimes Porsche has moments where he kind of annoys me but what I like about him and his brother is that they’re loving, honest, gentle, and genuine people deep down and that’s exactly what endears people towards him. This is exactly why Kinn was so drawn to him even after their first interaction and why he fell in love with Porsche before he even allowed himself to admit he liked him. He was screwed from the start.
On the surface this show seemed kind of like a corny Mafia drama but it’s filled with complex characters and amazing acting. I love the main couple, as usual, but I rarely get invested in the side characters and it kind of left me speechless. It was a very pleasant surprise. I personally really like shows that make me question my morals and even though some of the situations could be easily identified as harmful, the way the characters expressed their experience after taking time to process things made it easier for me to forgive right along with them.
Ugh! This was long and probably a little all over the place but I’m still just too excited to get my thoughts coherent. I cannot wait for the next episodes to see where this ride takes us!
Anon! You don't even know how happy I am you came back 🥳. I saw this message and cuddled under a blanket on the couch and read it like I was about to read a good book 😂.
Ok let's dive in... (you are so right for binging the eps btw - I did the same when I started watching)
I love that you want to talk about Kuhn and Porsche! I haven't really done that yet and I honestly adore that dynamic. The funny thing is that when Tankuhn first appeared I was exactly like you... I basically figured I needed to be on acid to watch his scenes... and then somehow he just weasles his way into your heart and becomes this truly fabulous character?! (Though without even having done acid, I still feel certain it would only enhance 98% of his scenes 😂) I seriously love that you found kinship in him. And also... I never even connected the rewatching series thing to myself because that is so normal to me omg. I'm the exact same too. Serious anxiety (and yes introversion as well) means I do the same 🥺💞. The show actually does such a great job of incorporating in humour (and agreed, Kuhn definitely helps serve that role) without it feeling shoehorned in. It very much feels like a natural part of the landscape and it does beautifully balance out the rest.
(This got super long so I better throw it under a read more...)
And your analysis of Tankuhn's layers??? Holy shit I loved. I agree there is more there than we know just yet. It may play an important plot point or it may just come into things when we get more into the brothers' dynamics (I loved Kuhn’s scene with Kim and I truly can’t wait for a scene with all three brothers). But either way I can't wait to see it. And this: "I also love that, as much as Porsche kind of messes with him, most of what I see is him laughing WITH Tankhun rather than putting him in situations to laugh AT him. He messes with him to try and get him to smile, to enjoy life and find happiness." God, so true. One of my fave moments is this one:
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I just loved so much how it was like the two of them vs the interlopers of Kinn and his friends. I loved the whole vibe and dynamic - like, ‘Oh so you wanna hang with us??? 😏’. And, I mean, they're both huge goofballs. So finding commonality in their partying was honestly brilliant.
I also loved the hospital scene between them in the side story too. Because Tankuhn is just being his silly, dramatic-ass self and messing with Porsche. But it just so happens that Porsche is obviously in no mood as he's terrified for Kinn and so he snaps. And I really love that moment of Pete basically being like 'Dude, this is your boss' 😂. Porsche really just never recognized the authority of Kuhn OR Kinn - they're just guys to him - and I love that a lot.
I completely agree re: Porsche's loving, kindness. He's so unguarded and open with the love and affection he gives (to those who warrant it that is... we've seen him withhold it *cough*Vegas*cough*). I love that about his character. When you're in that circle, you're really gifted with the full breadth of Porsche's affection and I think anybody faced with that is doomed to love his dumbass forever (rip Kinn). And Kinn absolutely recognized Porsche's kindness and gentler qualities despite the badass exterior and genuinely worried about the way this life could damage or change that (see: when Porsche shoots that guy the very first time and Kinn is stuck on staring at Porsche's shocked face in the aftermath and then worrying enough later that he actually goes to check on him). What I enjoy in the growth we've seen in Porsche is that even though he has changed and he's really coming into the role of mafia bodyguard, he also hasn't changed and he's still the same gentle, loving, affectionate goofball.
And yeah, I expected corny mafia drama and would have been fine with that. Most BL's lean heavily into the cheese so I was ok with that being the expectation, but this show really took me by surprise. I agree there is far more complexity than you'd initially think. Like the symbolism and art direction alone has left me pretty staggered. There is a lot to unpack and a show I can dig my teeth into like that is one of my favourite things. And as you say, there are some really great and fascinating side characters. And like you, that will really round out a show for me and take it to the next level.
You were seriously completely coherent. I'm not sure my reply to you was but I tried lol. You were a lot more eloquent than me and I loved reading your thoughts so much. You must continue to let me know what you think when the new eps air (that is a demand 😌). And thank you so much for coming back and typing out all your thoughts like this - I so enjoyed!!!
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blue-heronstairs10 · 4 years
R&R quotes I tabbed
{…} = thoughts in book
(…) = my commentary
*…* = action
emojis = expressions
[…] = my subtitles
italics = it’s italisized in the books
-…- = not actually said in book
Apparat: he should not address you so.
Alina: why not?
Apparat: it was the Darkling’s title and is unfitting for a Saint.
Alina: then what should he call me?
Apparat: he should not address you directly at all.
Alina: next time he has something to say, I’ll have him write me a letter.
Zoya: are you ever going to name that thing?
Harshaw: she has a name.
Zoya: Oncat is not a name. it’s just Kaelish for cat.
Harshaw: suits her doesn’t it?
{David and Genya kept falling behind, but he seemed to be the one responsible for the lag. finally, Toyla hefted the huge pack from David’s narrow shoulders.}
Toyla: what do you have in this thing?
David: three pairs of socks, one pair of trousers, an extra shirt. one canteen. a tin cup and plate. a cylindrical slide rule, a chondrometer, a jar or spruce sap, my collection of anticorrosives,-
Toyla: you were only supposed to pack what you need.
David: *nods emphatically* exactly.
Alina: please tell me you didn’t bring all of Morozova’s journals.
David: of course I did.
Alina: maybe they’ll make good kindling.
David: is she kidding? *concerned look* I can never tell if she’s kidding.
Alina: {I was. mostly.}
Genya: David is oblivious. he’s been babbling about mineral compounds for the last hour.
Zoya: maybe he and Toyla will just put each other to sleep.
Harshaw: *cuts the sides of his scalp so there’s only hair in a single stripe down the center of his head*
Zoya: *shrieking* what did you do? you look like a deranged rooster!
Harshaw: Oncat insisted.
Mal: everyone okay?
Genya: never better.
David: *raises his hand* I’ve been better.
Mal: I am becoming a blade.
Ekaterina: I saw the prince when I was in Os Alta. he’s not bad looking.
Nikolai: *in the trees* not bad looking? he’s damnably handsome.
Nikolai: *still in the trees* brave in battle, smart as a whip. an excellent dancer. oh, and an even better shot.
Nikolai: *shoots Luchenko between the eyes*
Nikolai: first vomit, then tears. don’t tell me I’ve lost my touch.
Alina: I’m just happy you’re alive. though I’m sure you can talk me out of it.
Alina: thank goodness we had the foresight to be captured.
Nikolai: Saints, Alina. I hope you weren’t looking at me to be the voice of reason. I keep a strict diet of ill-advised enthusiasm and heartfelt regret.
Nikolai: we’re heading into Fjerda.
Alina: oh good. enemy territory. and here I was starting to relax.
Nikolai: it’s good to see you, Oretsev.
Mal: you too. thanks for the rescue.
Nikolai: everyone needs a hobby.
Mal: I thought yours was preening.
Nikolai: two hobbies.
Nikolai: Baghra, how are you this evening?
Baghra: still old and blind.
Nikolai: and charming. never forget charming.
Baghra: whelp.
Nikolai: hag.
Baghra: what do you want, pest?
Nikolai: I’ve brought someone to visit.
Alina: hello, Baghra.
Baghra: the little Saint. returned to save us all.
Nikolai: well she did almost die trying to rid us of your cursed spawn. 
Baghra: couldn’t even manage martyrdom right, could you? come in and shut the door, girl. you’re letting the heat out.
Baghra: *turns to Nikolai* and you. go somewhere you’re wanted.
Nikolai: that’s hardly limiting. Alina, I’ll be back to fetch you for dinner, but should you grow restless, do feel free to run screaming from the room or take a dagger to her. whatever seems most fitting at the time. 
Baghra: are you still here?
Nikolai: I go but hope to remain in your heart.
Baghra: wretched boy. 
Alina: you like him. *disbelief*
Baghra: greedy. arrogant. takes too many risks.
Alina: you almost sound concerned.
Baghra: you like him too, little Saint. 
Alina: I do. he’s been kind to me when he might have been cruel. it’s refreshing. 
Baghra: he laughs too much.
Alina: there are worse traits. 
Baghra: like arguing with your elders? *turns to Misha* boy, go fetch me something sweet.
(I’m sorry it’s so long it’s just,,, they’re so iconic and cute)
Alina: how does Nikolai know you’re the Darkling’s mother?
Baghra: he asked. he’s more observant than the rest of you fools.
Mal: I don’t reserve my friendship for perfect people. and, thank the Saints, neither does Alina.
(did mans just insult himself ?? 💀)
Genya: *talking about how David didn’t look at her before*
David: I know metal.
Genya: what does that have to do with anything?
David: I...I don’t understand half of what goes on around me. I don’t get jokes or sunsets or poetry, but I know metal. beauty was your armor. fragile stuff, all show. but what’s inside you? that’s steel. it’s brave and unbreakable. and it doesn’t need fixing. *kisses Genya*
Genya: 👁👄👁
Genya: *kisses David back empathcially*
David: *kiss ends* *😳😊*
Genya: *☺️😄*
(they’re the sweetest S&B couple don’t @ me)
Mal: you can introduce him to Ana Kuya.
Alina: I already unleashed Baghra on Nikolai. he’s going to think I stockpile vicious old women.
Mal: but I guess I’m the same selfish ass I’ve always been. for all my talk of vows and honor, what I really want to do is put you up against that wall and kiss you until you forget you ever knew another man’s name. so tell me to go, Alina. because I can’t give you a title or an army or any of the things you need.
Alina: goodnight, Mal.
Alina: *hits the side of a mountain with the Cut*
Everyone besides Baghra: *claps and whoops*
Baghra: hmph. they’d clap for a dancing monkey.
Nikolai: all depends on the monkey. and the dance.
Nikolai: does Morozova strike anyone as a little…eccentric?
Alina: if my eccentric you mean insane, then yes. I’m hoping he can be crazy and right.
Genya: I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Nikolai is growing on me. he’s nothing like his father. and the man can dress.
Nikolai: if you’re going to jump, at least give me time to compose a ballad in your honor. something with lots of sad fiddle and a verse devoted to your love of herring.
Alina: if I wait, I may have to hear you sing it.
Nikolai: I happen to have a more than passable baritone. and what’s the rush? is it my cologne?
Alina: you don’t wear cologne.
Nikolai: I have such a naturally delightful scent that it seems like overkill. but if you have a penchant for it, I’ll start. 
Zoya: toss him over. break his heart cruelly. I will gladly give our poor prince comfort, and I would make a magnificent queen.
Alina: you actually might, Zoya. if you could stop being horrible for a minute. 
Zoya: with that kind of incentive, I can manage a minute. possibly two.
{they wanted a Grisha Queen. Mal wanted a commoner Queen. and what did I want? peace for Ravka. a chance to sleep easy in my bed without fear. an end to the guilt and dread that I woke to every morning. there were old wants too, to be loved for who I was, not what I could do, to lie in a meadow with a boy’s arms around me and watch the wind move the clouds. but those dreams belonged to a girl, not to the Sun Summoner, not to a Saint.}
Genya: the day I curtsy to you is the day David performs an opera naked in the middle of the Shadow Fold.
Baghra: I am Morozova’s Daughter, and the Darkling is the last of Morozova’s line.
Alina: or a Ravkan heiress or a Grisha like Zoya.
Nikolai: Zoya? I make it a policy never to seduce anyone prettier than I am.
Nikolai: I love it when you quote me.
Genya: you’re the prettiest walrus I know.
Alina: turned out I needed a good cry.
Zoya: next time, invite me. I could use one too.
Zoya: do you know what Baghra told me at my first lesson with her? pretty face. too bad you have porridge for brains.
Harshaw: I sent fire to her hut in class.
Zoya: of course you did.
Harshaw: accidentally! she refused to ever teach me again. wouldn’t even speak to me. I saw her on the grounds once, and she walked right by. didn’t say a word, just whacked me on the knee with her stick. I still have a lump.
Nadia: that’s nothing. I had some kind of block where I couldn’t summon for a while. she put me in a room and released a hive of bees in it.
Mal: same way Ana Kuhn got me to stop begging her to keep a lantern lit at night. 
Alina: really?
Mal: yes. told me I had to be brave for you, that if I was scared, you’d be scared.
Alina: well she told me I had to eat my parsnips to set a good example for you, but I still refused to do it. 
Mal: and you wonder why you were always getting the switch.
Alina: I have principles. 
Mal: that means, ‘if I can be difficult, I will.’
Zoya: if you’re not up here before I count it ten, I’m going back to sleep and you can carry me to Dva Stolba.
Alina: Mal, if I murder her in the Sikurzoi, will you hold me accountable?
Mal: yes. 
Mal: that means, ‘‘let’s make it look like an accident.’
Alina: *being mad and realistic then apologizing*
Zoya: maybe you’re hungry. I always get mean when I’m hungry. 
Harshaw: are you hungry all the time?
Zoya: you haven’t seen me mean. when you do, you’ll require a very big hanky.
Harshaw: to dry my tears.
Zoya: to stanch the bleeding. 
Toyla: he watches her the way Harshaw watches fire. like he’ll never have enough of her. like he’s trying to capture what he can before she’s gone.
Zoya and Alina: 👁👄👁💓
Zoya: you know, if you turned a bit of that poetry on me, I might consider giving you a chance.
Toyla: who says I want one?
Harshaw: I want one!
Zoya: Oncat has a better chance than you.
Harshaw: *holds up Oncat* why, Oncat, you rogue.
Zoya: you really didn’t think they were ghosts, did you?
everyone: 😬
Zoya: I am surrounded by fools.
Harshaw: Oncat objects to the landscaping.
Alina: Mal is the third amplifier.
[TW: hanging]
{the oak I’d once climbed on a dare still stood, untouched by the fire that had taken Keramzin. now it’s branches were full of bodies. the three Grisha instructors hung from the same thick limb, their kefta fluttering slightly in the wind- purple, red and blue. beside them, Botkin’s face was nearly black above the rope that had dug into his neck. he was covered in wounds. he’d died fighting before they’d strung him up. next to him, Ana Kuya swayed in her black dress, her heavy rings at her waist, the toes of her button boots nearly scraping the ground.} 
Darkling: she was, I think, the closest thing you had to a mother.
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richincolor · 3 years
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We've got six books on our radar this week! Did we miss anything? What's on your TBR list?
The Other Side of Perfect by Mariko Turk Little Brown/Poppy
Alina Keeler was destined to dance, but one terrifying fall shatters her leg--and her dreams of a professional ballet career along with it.
After a summer healing (translation: eating vast amounts of Cool Ranch Doritos and binging ballet videos on YouTube), she is forced to trade her pre-professional dance classes for normal high school, where she reluctantly joins the school musical. However, rehearsals offer more than she expected--namely Jude, her annoyingly attractive cast mate she just might be falling for.
But to move forward, Alina must make peace with her past and face the racism she had grown to accept in the dance industry. She wonders what it means to yearn for ballet--something so beautiful, yet so broken. And as broken as she feels, can she ever open her heart to someone else?
Where the Rhythm Takes You by Sarah Dass Balzer + Bray
Seventeen-year-old Reyna has spent most of her life at her family’s gorgeous seaside resort in Tobago, the Plumeria. But what once seemed like paradise is starting to feel more like purgatory. It’s been two years since Reyna’s mother passed away, two years since Aiden – her childhood best friend, first kiss, first love, first everything – left the island to pursue his music dreams. Reyna’s friends are all planning their futures and heading abroad. Even Daddy seems to want to move on, leaving her to try to keep the Plumeria running.
And that's when Aiden comes roaring back into her life – as a VIP guest at the resort.
Aiden is now one-third of DJ Bacchanal – the latest, hottest music group on the scene. While Reyna has stayed exactly where he left her, Aiden has returned to Tobago with his Grammy-nominated band and two gorgeous LA socialites. And he may (or may not be) dating one of them…
Inspired by Jane Austen's Persuasion, Where the Rhythm Takes You is a romantic, mesmerizing novel of first love and second chances.
From Little Tokyo, with Love by Sarah Kuhn Viking Books for Young Readers
If Rika’s life seems like the beginning of a familiar fairy tale–being an orphan with two bossy cousins and working away in her aunts’ business–she would be the first to reject that foolish notion. After all, she loves her family (even if her cousins were named after Disney characters), and with her biracial background, amazing judo skills and red-hot temper, she doesn’t quite fit the princess mold.
All that changes the instant she locks eyes with Grace Kimura, America’s reigning rom-com sweetheart, during the Nikkei Week Festival. From there, Rika embarks on a madcap adventure of hope and happiness–searching for clues about her long-lost mother, exploring Little Tokyo’s hidden treasures with a cute actor, and maybe…finally finding a sense of belonging.
But fairy tales are fiction and the real world isn’t so kind. Rika knows she’s setting herself up for disappointment, because happy endings don’t happen to girls like her. Should she walk away before she gets in even deeper, or let herself be swept away?
Illusionary (Hollow Crown #2) by Zoraida Cordova Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Reeling from betrayal at the hands of the Whispers, Renata Convida is a girl on the run. With few options and fewer allies, she's reluctantly joined forces with none other than Prince Castian, her most infuriating and intriguing enemy. They're united by lofty goals: find the fabled Knife of Memory, kill the ruthless King Fernando, and bring peace to the nation. Together, Ren and Castian have a chance to save everything, if only they can set aside their complex and intense feelings for each other.
With the king's forces on their heels at every turn, their quest across Puerto Leones and beyond leaves little room for mistakes. But the greatest danger is within Ren. The Gray, her fortress of stolen memories, has begun to crumble, threatening her grip on reality. She'll have to control her magics--and her mind--to unlock her power and protect the Moria people once and for all.
For years, she was wielded as weapon. Now it's her time to fight back.
Angel & Hannah: A Novel in Verse by Ishle Park One World
Hannah, a Korean American girl from Queens, New York, and Angel, a Puerto Rican boy from Brooklyn, fall in love in the spring of 1993. Hannah, who comes from a strict Korean home, meets Angel, a free and beautiful boy, at a quinceañera:
Beyond flushed, sweating bodies pushed, pushing like cattle below black & buzzing speakers, under a torn pink streamer loose as a tendril of hair--lush-- his eyes. Darkluminous. Warm. A blush floods her. Hannah sucks in her breath, but can't pull back. Music fades. A hush he's a young buck in the underbrush, still in a disco ball dance of shadow & light Their forbidden love instantly and wildly blooms along the Jackie Robinson Expressway.
Told in seasons Angel & Hannah holds all of the tension and cadence of blank verse while adding dynamic and expressive language, creating new kinds of engrossing and magnetic forms. The hip-hop sonnets and poems are dynamic, arresting, observant, and magical, conveying the intimacies and sacrifices of love and addiction and the devastating realities of struggle and loss.
Committed to cultural details and the vernacular of Queens and Brooklyn, this is a hip-hop love story, not of the Capulets and the Montagues, but two New York City kids trying to survive and grow within their families and communities, driven by an all-consuming love.
The Eid Gift: An Adam and Zayneb Story by S.K. Ali Simon & Schuster
Even though it’s during Ramadan, a month of fasting and spiritual devotion, A and Z can’t help spending any and all free time with each other. Enter parents and their idea for a nikah at the end of Ramadan, on Eid day itself.
Which would appear to be the greatest Eid gift of all — except that, unbeknownst to each other, A and Z have been working on spectacularly surprising Eid gifts for the other all along.
The only thing? In true “The Gift of the Magi” fashion, these Eid gifts are at complete odds with the other. Along with a nikah day over-run with “benevolent” family interferences, A and Z are up for either recording this Eid as the best one ever, as a real marvel...or as a completely upsetting oddity.
The Eid Gift is a part of the Love from A to Z storyline; it occurs shortly before the epilogue. (If you haven’t read Love from A to Z yet, please consider doing so before reading this story—some of what occurs will not make sense otherwise.)
While there’s nothing explicit in the story, it is more mature than S. K. Ali’s previous YA novels—there’s more physical touch here than in Love from A to Z— so readers are asked to exercise awareness of their reading comfort zones.
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
Bat confronting Dumbledore about Grindelwald sounds so interesting! (especially because i thought it was really lame in the new film) So if you ever feel inspired to write it, please do💕. All your writing and your drawings are lovely (i will stop fangirling now)
Aww, thank you so much!! I’m so touched that you like them!! ^///^
I have to agree with you on Crimes of Grindelwald -- I’m afraid I really didn’t like much of its writing at all, including the stuff involving Dumbledore and Grindelwald, so I like the idea of being able to rewrite that part of the timeline in a way that feels more organic and realistic for the books and for the historical allegory I feel it’s almost obligated to make.
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For one, I never liked the thought of Grindelwald going to America. The twist of him being Graves at the end of the first Fantastic Beasts seemed perfectly unnecessary for me, as in 1920′s/30′s America, there was a spike in racism and anti-Semitism, largely inspired by the same things that supported the Nazi Party’s rise to power in Germany. Keep in mind that the Ku Klux Klan had a revival in the 1920′s, fueled in large part to the success of the white supremacist garbage film Birth of a Nation, which was released in 1915 and was given further credibility by that scumbag Woodrow Wilson after he screened it in the White House. That time period after its revival is largely considered to be when the Ku Klux Klan was at its most powerful and socially acceptable in the States -- and in the 20′s, the Klan extended its bigotry beyond black Americans to also encompass immigrants, using the rhetoric of them “coming to steal American jobs” (sound familiar?), as well as Catholics (many Klan members were Protestant) and Communists (one of the Nazi Party’s main rivals for power). Hitler didn’t need to go to the U.S. to spark the creation of the first American Nazi parties -- the Friends of the New Germany was sparked by German immigrants, yes, but its much more prolific successor, the German-American Bund, was founded in 1936 by an American citizen named Fritz Kuhn. And what do you know, it turns out that the home-grown group founded by Americans did better at recruiting other Americans to the Nazi ideology than one funded and promoted by lesser officers of the Third Reich. Graves could’ve been the Wizarding World’s Fritz Kuhn -- another great and memorable villain alongside Grindelwald, rather than just a mask he uses.
I admit as well that I personally envisioned Grindelwald looking and acting differently than he does in the films. Johnny Depp doesn’t give a bad performance exactly, and I feel awful about everything that went down with him and Amber Heard...but at the same time, Depp’s Grindelwald was not what I ever had in my head. My personal fancast for Grindelwald is Michael Fassbender (if nothing else, he’s a German actor and he played Magneto, for crying out loud: he’s awesome!!) --
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-- and I just always imagined Gellert Grindelwald being the sort of animated, dynamic person who talked with his hands a lot and could whip people up into a frenzy about how they’re going to change the world and “bring everything back” to this idealistic, glorious time that never really existed, while still being so, SO obviously wrong -- to put it simply, like his real-world counterpart, Adolf Hitler. And considering I’ve read so many people completely missing the point of Grindelwald here on Tumblr after watching Crimes of Grindelwald by comparing him to Killmonger from Black Panther and saying “he had a point,” it’s clear to me these new films missed the boat on that. Also, they character-assasinated Queenie and killed Leda off way too friggin’ early, which pisses me off to no end. >I
Finally, I don’t like the idea they’ve established in the films of the little not-Unbreakable-Vow-but-damn-close blood pact “charm” Grindelwald and Dumbledore made being the reason that Dumbledore isn’t fighting Grindelwald. I thought there was something so powerful and tragic in the books about Dumbledore refusing to fight Grindelwald solely out of the embers of his old romantic feelings for him and the fear he felt as a result toward the idea of confronting the man he once loved and was maybe starting to realize was a monster. Realizing that you’ve been mistreated by someone you loved can be a very difficult thing to recover from -- sometimes it can take time to come to grips with it, and then even more time to confront who hurt you. Dumbledore likely could’ve been struggling with the fear not just of fighting someone who he doesn’t really want to hurt, but also of fighting someone who knows him in ways other people never could, who could manipulate him and could very well do so again...who knows the true extent of his demons and guilt surrounding what happened to his sister, something he’s clearly never gotten over. That alone is MORE than enough to explain why Dumbledore isn’t fighting Grindelwald -- that alone is MORE than enough drama to fill an entire movie -- but like with a lot of things in Crimes of Grindelwald, we get all sorts of unnecessary padding theoretically put in to better explain things, but in the end, that padding and exposition takes away from the core emotions that should be at the heart of the story and its relationships. We didn’t need all of this stuff with the charm. We didn’t need all of this stuff with Credence or the prophecy. We didn’t need Grindelwald going to the States to try to find an Obscurus. We didn’t need to involve Newt, Tina, and crew in any of this, at least not this quickly and/or directly. Fantastic Beasts should’ve been more like Indiana Jones, if they wanted to include Grindelwald -- have him be in the background, but not the focus. Then do a separate film (or multiple separate films) about Dumbledore and Grindelwald, showing everything we didn’t get for them in Deathly Hallows and expanding upon it to craft the romantic tragedy that has only been alluded to previously.
Now of course, I totally understand if any of you disagree with anything I wrote up there -- this is just my personal point of view. But it will definitely color how I depict my boy Bat, his relationship with Dumbledore, and his resistance efforts against Grindelwald on this blog.
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audrinahq · 3 years
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AUDRINA CHOI from GLENDALE UNIVERSITY! the TWENTY FOUR year old JENNIE KIM lookalike is most known for being SELF ASSURED and GENEROUS. but they can also be ARROGANT and CALLOUS. the GENDERQUEER always reminds me of JUMPING FENCES TO GET AWAY, VODKA IN A WATERBOTTLE, AN OLD LEATHER JACKET TAKEN FROM YOUR MOM'S CLOSET. that’s probably why they currently have CANDY BY MGK on repeat. with THEM around, this school year is bound to be interesting.
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♡     ───   basics
full name: audrina choi nicknake(s): audrey, rina age: twenty four birthday: january ninth sexual orientation: [redacted] relationship status: unknown, assumed single occupation: heiress, student, model
♡     ───   background
place of birth: seoul, south korea hometown: upper east side, manhattan, new york education: graduated from constance billard school for girls, currently attending glendale university
♡     ───   physical
faceclaim: jennie kim eye color: dark brown hair color: black height: 5′1 
♡     ───   relatives
biological parents: choi myung-dae (father) & choi chi-yon (mother) adoptive guardians: viktor trimme & anika kuhn siblings: none, only child pets: casper, an orange cat & bandit, a german shepherd
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♡     ───   biography / personality
when it comes to audrina’s adoption and their parents, there is no scandal- much to the disapintment of new york city. instead of being raised in south korea, audrina’s birth parents made the decision to give them up for adoption. it was an open adoption and audrina grew up with their birth parents as close family friends and their guardians, viktor and anika. viktor and anika were unable to have biological children of their own and after adopting audrina, they started a foundation meant to help in the adoption process for parents struggling. 
it’s not as if audrina is hiding their sexuality. yhey just love having that part of their life hidden from the media and prying eyes. very careful not to be spotted, audrina has become the master at hiding their personal life from not only page 6 but gossip girl as well. it’s become a big speculation if they’re dating anyone at all and who is might be. anyone spotted with them is subject to the “are they dating” questions before it’s clear that whomever it is, is not audrina’s partner. 
audrina is the person you want with you when things get complicated. they have a knack for either talking their way out of anything and when words don’t work, money sure does. most of the time the reason someone is in trouble is audrina’s fault but they don’t leave a friend behind. they do, however, leave pawns behind. “pawns are meant to be sacrificed for the queen to win.” high school it was clear they thought themself the queen bee of constance billard. it seems in college that mentality hasn’t died away but no longer are they making it known they want to be on top. not as obvious, at least.
audrina is a very “love them and leave them” type of person. commitment is a nasty word when it comes to relationships. rumor has it their best friend has a reward for the first person to get them to say ‘i love you’. 
♡     ───   in character questionnaire 
Parents names and occupations? Are they still together? Still alive?
“which set of parents are you talking about? myung-dae and chi-yon are owners of a ramyeon shop in korea. viktor is a criminal defense attorney and anika is a plastic surgeon. they’re all still alive.”
Where did you grow up?
“in the upper east side. manhattan. fifth avenue, to be specific.” 
Relationship Status?
“wouldn’t you like to know? next question.”
What is your major?
“education. and no, i don’t want to be a teacher but i need a background in education so i can sit on school boards and reform the education system.”
“you won’t get that answer from me. stop trying.”
Do you have a job?
“what? being a student isn’t good enough? i do some modelling as a hobby. i don’t need to work.”
Do you dorm at school? Have an apartment?
“i live in the same apartment i always have. i lived in the dorms for freshman year- it was required, and then moved out the second i could. community living isn’t for me.”
“aside from modeling, i like reading. i’m into fashion- what upper east side kid isnt? oh- dancing and art too. recently took up taekwondo.”
If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
“tiny but mighty? no. uh- probably something to do with how i would kick your ass. i don’t know, i’m not that clever.”
What have you been up to over the summer?
“you know that better than i do. seem like a gossip girl reader. ask her, sure she knows.”
Last image taken on your cell phone?
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Last text you received?
“next question.”
Where were you the night the fight broke out?
“korea, i was working.”
♡     ───   character inspirations 
blair waldorf
jenny humphrey
narcissa malfoy
harley quinn
ingui "queen" yoon
klaus mikaelson
caroline forbes
rebekah mikaelson
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♡     ───   wanted connections
sex money feelings dies ( open ) - think of exes but make it a one night stand but on top of that a frequent hook up. every time you say that won’t hook up with each other again. it’s not healthy, you both want past the relationship and let it go, but the moment y’all see each other from across the bar or at a party you just know you’ll end up in each other’s bed again
i saw you in a dream ( nadine alston ) - you guys were close. so close. thought there would never be a time you guys wouldn’t talk, but one thing lead to another and you’re left thinking about them when it’s just you and your thoughts. without them your life really hasn’t been the same, but is it worth getting past what happened to pick up the phone and call them?
painkiller ( juliana “jules” santos ) - best friends forever. literally. this person knows you inside out and you can’t see a day without them. they’re essentially your painkiller. you tell them everything and them back to you. they can tell if you’re feeling down just by the way you send your snapchat streaks that morning. you can’t see a day without them.
call your girlfriend ( open ) - this one is pretty messy. your muse is in a relationship, but there’s a huge flirtationship between these two. the flirtationship essentially becomes to both of these people attached to each other and maybe... even in love. but there’s still that relationship that’s in the way... YIKES
perfect places ( noah evans ) - party buddies but make it you guys just getting lost in the vibes because you don’t want to deal with life. it’s a good friendship. you guys get the thoughts in your head to go numb, but at a point it’s like what’s the point ?
femme fatale ( jared callahan ) - one muse is a huge fool for the other. they’re head over heels for them but they’re just playing around with the other’s feelings because hey ! it’s fun ! all of their friends tell them to ‘ just leave it you’re gonna get hurt ’, but they just continue to be boo boo the fool 
ex affair ( open ) - basically your muse was the cheater and audrina the other woman but it ended for whatever reason.
family friends ( luca cartwright ) - friends who met through family, could either be close or it be an awkward situation because they don't really get along or know each other well.
squad goals ( tatiana “tati” reyes , juliana “jules” santos , open ) - just a close knit group of friends. the group chat is always going off with someone’s dramatics, one or more of the squad constantly featured together in social media and the press. one or more or all of them constantly sleeping over at audrina’s place. doesn’t matter the university, these friends have been ride or die since childhood at least.
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♡     ───   wanted connections
these can be used in any direction the “you” does not mean your muse from the point of view from audrina, it can go either direction. i just like the #aesthetic of writing it this way. 
001. open. you pulled away from me, so i pulled away from you. i pulled away when you hurt me. you pulled away when the world hurt you. and now we are both pulled away during a time when we are supposed to be pulled together. at some point i needed to put it all behind me. forget about you. forget about the way you made me wonder. and what we could have been. because it never happened, and it always got later, morning always turned into nights and the day was eventually over and nothing had changed. but it doesn’t mean that i don’t feel a damn thing, i do still feel a hole in my heart when they talk about you, i do still want to scream when i hear you have another life with someone else, i do still want to feel your kiss on my skin. and i do still love you.
002. open. we have no idea what personal boundaries are and yeah we’ve made out before a lot and yeah it was ok but we’re friends ok friends and why are you staring at me like that? why are you holding my hand always? why are you telling me how much you adore me? oh we’re not dating? oh you’ve been in love with me for years and i’m a doorknob and now things are awkward and i don’t know what to do to fix it.
003. open. i confessed i might be in love with and you said you weren’t interested in dating me because we’re just friends and i’m getting over that heartbreak but you show up on my doorstep and kiss me and we end up in bed and in the morning you tell me this was a mistake and before i can stop you, you leave. you show up again. lather rinse repeat. it’s not good for either of us but we keep doing it.
004. open. we tried the whole dating thing and it didn’t work out and we’ve moved beyond that. you’re my go-to friend on anything and everything and any problem you got i will fucking mow down hell to fix. wow your smile just lights up my world and please don’t be sad. who made you sad i will throw them in hell and mow them down and – oh wow. i never got over you. you’re my fucking world and i just want you to be happy but you can only see me as a friend because when you look at me you see our failed relationship but i’m not the same person i swear.
005. open. we’ve been best friends since we were kids, grew up next to each other and even though we aren’t from the same family we get confused for siblings a lot when we were younger. we’re older now and people keep thinking we’re dating but it’s not like that, we’re just extremely close. oh hey, you’re at my house more often than your own cause i don’t like to be alone at night and the neighbors think we’re together or having an affair and it’s funny to laugh about at dinners and we always get each other valentine’s presents since we were kids and you’re the first person i call when anything happens in my life. what? no, i’m not in love with them, they’re just my best friend.
006. open. “hey, open your front door. i’m here with chips, pizza, ice cream, and your favorite pastries. yes, i know it’s like 3am but i’m your best friend and i know you’re sad right now and i am here to comfort you.”
007. open. you’re not my ex anything. you were a passing moment, an almost a maybe one day we’ll be something but one day never came, you passed by and ‘almost’ didn’t happen. and yet it feels like something did because i know your favorite songs, what you think about late at night and how beautiful you thought i was. and i know you knew even more about me. our story was like an acute angle, a meeting point and then off in different directions. so close and then farther and farther away. we were an almost, maybe, someday.
008. open. tell me where we went wrong because it’s still not clear to me. there are still questions left unanswered and they’re killing me. tell me why we end up here, i thought we’d last a little bit longer. tell me what happened, why all of a sudden you decided to live without me. you just left. tell me how far should i walk away from you because i can’t turn away on my own. i’ve tried my best to let go but my life keeps coming back to you. i’ve tried to walk alone but i keep on looking back, hoping that every time that i turn, you’re there walking with me. tell me when to stop loving you because i don’t know how to stop this feeling.
009. open. if you’re alone, i’ll be your shadow. if you want to cry, i’ll be your shoulder. if you want a hug, i’ll be your pillow. if you need to be happy, i’ll be your smile… but anytime you need a friend, i’ll just be me.
010. open. things were great for a while before suddenly they weren’t. commitment doesn’t look good on you or me and now everything ends in a fight. you pushed me away so i pushed you away harder, the distance became catastrophic and the relationship imploded. hearts were shattered in the process and now you just bring back too many memories of what it felt like to be happy and to be in love so i just ignore you cause it feels easier than facing the truth that i miss you.
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Aimless Thoughts
I think one of the things I miss most about life before the pandemic is spontaneity.
I’m not sure if I’m ready to be back in a rehearsal room. Playing the piano for long periods of time is a lot more draining than I remember. It’s still incredibly gratifying, but I get really overwhelmed with it. I had a handle on all of that just as the pandemic started. Now it sort of feels like I’m back to square one about it all.
Passion, the Sondheim musical, is so incredibly intriguing to me. I also think Fosca is one of the most demanding roles in the musical theatre canon. Judy Kuhn who played the role Off-Broadway has stated that Fosca is the King Lear of musical theatre. Big shoes to fill, right? I don’t disagree with her. The physical and mental toll that that role requires is insane.
I watched The Prom today on Netflix and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I liked everything, save James Corden. The portrayal is wrong on so many levels.
Few things more exciting to me than hearing what my younger friends from high school are thinking about studying in school or preparing to do with their lives.
I really miss hugging my friends. There’s such a special connection through a hug.
Curly McLain is a terrible person. I truly believe that he is a manipulative piece of $#!t.
Sara Bareilles has one of the most special souls on this planet. Her artistry makes me feel complete. She has such a genuine way of making music.
That being said, Waitress has some really special messages. “Everything Changes” might be one of my favorite finales.
I’m really starting to like A Year with Frog and Toad because one of my best friends always mentions it and says he and I need to play Frog and Toad respectively. Winter Break always seems to be the time that I get back into musical theatre.
If you’re reading this, please know that I am incredibly grateful for you and that doing as much as simply reading this makes my heart full.
You are needed in this world. You make it a better place.
Sending so much love, light, and healing during this wintry season.
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ts1989fanatic · 5 years
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TS7 is finally here!
If you’re like me or any of the millions of Swifties out there, the arrival of this next era is just as exciting as a brand-new bookshelf full of reads you get to experience for the first time.
After listening to the album on repeat all weekend, I decided to celebrate Lover with a book roundup inspired by each of the songs (since it’s the only thing I’ll be listening to for the foreseeable future, don’t @ me.).
ts1989fanatic an interesting perspective well written obviously a swiftie.
1. “I Forgot That You Existed” (Best Friends Forever, by Jennifer Weiner)
You heard it from Taylor first: indifference is the new vengeance. This solid album-opener is upbeat and poppy, a nice contrast with the lyrics about the (final?) end of a broken relationship, friendship (or feud), when you actually forget that the person you once had so much ire for still lives. She transitions from “Your name on my lips, tongue-tied/Free rent, living in my mind” to “forgot that you existed/and I thought that it would kill me, but it didn’t” with ease. But of course, insisting that you forget someone existed while singing about them would introduce interesting tension into any relationship. It reminded me of Jennifer Weiner’s Best Friends Forever, about what happens when a former friend shows up on your doorstep in a crisis, insisting you’re the only one who can help them out of a tight spot (when you’d rather do anything but).
2. “Cruel Summer” (Do You Want to Start a Scandal, by Tessa Dare)
Lyrically and sonically, this is one of my favorites on the entire album (it’s so good it should have been a single!) It’s got an Out of the Woods meets Getaway Car vibe in terms of the melody. Wistful, a bit haunting, but also a total bop. “So cut the headlights, summer’s a knife/I’m always waiting for you just to cut to the bone” describes a low point in Swift’s life (Summer 2016, ugh), juxtaposed with the high of discovering new love. There are so many books I could have picked for this, but “I don’t want to keep secrets just to keep you” reminded me of the Regency romance trope where the heroine has a secret, or finds herself in a situation where her reputation is at stake, but is still tempted by a handsome rogue who might lead her into temptation and true love. (Sound a bit familiar?) Do You Want to Start a Scandal by Tessa Dare feels like the perfect accompaniment to this song about a woman who must prove her innocence in the face of a sullied reputation or be forced to marry a man she doesn’t think she could ever love.
3. “Lover” (Roomies, by Christina Lauren)
The title track (and the one I’ve been singing in the shower for days) is a swoony daydream of a couple in complete harmony, as Swift spins wedding vow-like lyrics such as “With every guitar string scar on my hand/I take this magnetic force of a man to be my…lover/My heart’s been borrowed and yours has been blue/all’s well that end’s well to end up with you/swear to be overdramatic and true/to my…lover.” But Swift is all about balance in her songs, so imagery of keeping up the Christmas lights in “our place” is juxtaposed with suspicion that “everyone who sees you wants you.” This track reminded me of Roomies by Christina Lauren, with its musician main character and the trope of having to share a space while inevitably falling in love.
4. “The Man” (The Whisper Network, by Chandler Baker)
The double-standards between men and women have been explored in songs and novels since both art forms existed. Swift has already confronted the media’s perception of her as a victim, as a girl who goes on too many dates but can’t make them stay, etc. But in “The Man”, she more directly confronts how different she’d be treated if she were the opposite gender. How could I not think of the new thriller The Whisper Network, about a group of women who come forward about their male boss’ behavior of harassment in the workplace. Instead of continuing to suffer in silence, they tell the truth, resulting in an explosive conflict. I sort of saw the ending coming, but was very glad I was right.
5. “The Archer” (Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen)
Another slower, lyric-driven track on the album with gut-punching truths about love, friendship, and holding on to the one who has your heart. “The Archer” is associated with being a Sagittarius (which Swift is), but also her dynamic with the world. “Who could ever leave me, darling?/But who could stay?” is self-aware in a new way for Swift, as is “I never grew up, it’s getting so old” or “I see right through me.” This is one of my favorite tracks on the album, as Swift confronts her cultivated image as both archer and prey of fame and of love. Listening to the rising energy of the track as it builds to a anti-fairy-tale crescendo plus Swift’s lyrics made me think of Pride and Prejudice: Elizabeth Bennet is forced to acknowledge how her own prejudices have made it difficult for others to love her, but that she is deserving of an imperfect love. (And how could “All of my enemies started out friends” not remind you of awful Mr. Wickham?)
6. “I Think He Knows” (The Duke and I, by Julia Quinn)
After a slower song, this heats things up a bit, describing the early sizzle of a relationship before it even starts. For an entire album that sings the praises of a man, I liked the moment in the pre-chorus where she says “He’s so obsessed with me, and boy, I understand.” Own your worth, girl! The bridge was my favorite part of this song (as it often is with Swift; girl knows how to bridge) as it played with tempo and rhyme. “Lyrical smile, indigo eyes, hand on my thigh/We can follow the sparks, I’ll drive.” Swift explores the tension of the moment between seeing someone and initiating contact—songs like these always sting with a bit of danger, too, because the man knows she wants him but neither of them say anything in public about it. She’s whispering in the dark, which gives me serious secret romance vibes. The Duke and I by Julia Quinn is about Simon, who is planning to propose to his BFF’s sister even though he doesn’t actually love her. It’s an arrangement that suits them both, but before they both know it, Daphne is giving Simon serious “I Think he Knows” vibes.
7. “Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince” (The Cheerleaders, by Kara Thomas)
If you don’t get the oft-spoken adage that “politics is like high-school,” this song takes the metaphor to the next level. Subtly political but 100% heartbreaking, Swift reimagines the political sphere (and her role in it) as a high school romance, moving from “American glory, faded before me,” painting the democratic 2016 election loss as a ripped-up prom dress (from Miss Americana, who assumed she would win.) Oozing drama and storytelling the way only Swift can, I love the moody elements of the brokenhearted girl contrasted with the new riff on a cheerleading chant (Go Fight Win!). This song is about mourning loss and then finding the strength to say “I know we’re going to win,” but it’s haunting melody and lyrics led me to pick a Cheerleader-inspired thriller. The Cheerleaders is about a string of cheerleaders murdered in a small town five years ago… and just when everyone thinks it’s time to move on, one girl becomes the center of a mystery that never truly died.
8. “Paper Rings” (The Royal We, by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan)
I’m on my fourth listen of the album and this might be my favorite track on it (though that changes minute by minute, with an album as dynamic as this—just to further accentuate the point, by the time of posting this piece, my new favorite might be I Think He Knows?). It’s a totally retro, ’60s style song—a totally fresh sound for Swift, and one that fits perfectly with her new aesthetic. (Makes me wonder why this wasn’t one of the singles released before the record.) It is a gold-mine for Swiftian lyricism, with so many gems I can’t possibly call them all out, and it moves so fast (like a good read) that you both want to cascade over them and pause to hear each line at least 5x before it passes you by. It’s an unabashed love song, relishing in the joy of knowing you’re with the one you love so much that “I like shiny things, but I’d marry you with paper rings”. The line that stuck out the most was “I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this,” which made me think of when Bex Porter goes to Oxford in The Royal We and, completely by accident, falls in love with the heir to the throne.
9. “Cornelia Street” (Passion on Park Avenue, by Lauren Layne)
“Cornelia Street” is sort of the antithesis to I Think He knows. It’s about remembering the early days of a new relationship (“We were a fresh page on the desk/filling in the blanks as we go”) and being more than willing to give up all the good that comes with fresh starts in order to settle into something real. It aches with melancholy, because any time we give something up should be a little sad—but it brims with hope and Swift’s trademarked optimism about love. “I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends/I’d never walk Cornelia Street again/ That’s the kinda heartbreak time could never mend.” I had to pick an NYC-set story for this, like Lauren Layne’s Passion on Park Avenue. The city is another character in the romance between a successful jewelry-business owner and the son of the woman her mother used to work for.
10. “Death By a Thousand Cuts” (Please Don’t Go Before I Get Better, by Madisen Kuhn)
Inspired by the Netflix movie Something Great, this is one of the few sad songs on the record, about a girl going through a breakup who can’t help but linger in happier memories. (For the record: “I dress to kill my time” is genius, as are so many of these lyrics.) Only Swift is so good at pairing such devastating messaging with a pop beat you can’t help but want to sing. This song was the hardest one to pick a book for (especially because it’s already inspired by a movie) so I decided to go with a poetry collection! Please Don’t Go Before I Get Better is all about the aches and sun rays of growing up, told in a staggeringly relatable voice that will make you want to curl up on the couch and cry your eyes out.
11. “London Boy” (Red, White and Royal Blue, by Casey McQuiston)
This is 100% about Joe Alwyn, but also… Taylor dated at least two Brits that we know of before him, so this song is also about what we already knew (“the rumors are true”): she has a penchant for London Boys. Essentially a road map of her favorite places in the city, this indulgent ditty trades “Tennessee Whiskey” for “A gray sky, a rainy cab ride” and of course, her man by her side. Red, White, and Royal Blue is the perfect pick for this song, about two boys who fall in love (after a rough start where they were almost enemies) amidst those gray, rainy skies… but one of them happens to be the son of an American President, and the other, the current Prince of England.
12. “Soon You’ll Get Better (feat. Dixie Chicks)” (Swamplandia! by Karen Russell)
Of all the songs on the album, this one gave me the most vintage Swift vibes. There’s no denying that she is an astonishingly talented songwriter, especially when you listen to what is essentially her greatest fear laid bare on this track with just a bit of guitar and the Dixie Chicks harmonizing in the background. Here, the story shines: Swift’s mother has been sick for a number of years, and while they’ve mostly kept the details of that battle private, this is the most vulnerable moment of love for her mother on an album mostly about finding true love. “Holy orange bottles, each night I pray to you/Desperate people find faith, so now I pray to Jesus, too.” A friend of mine recently lost their mother just after getting married, and it made me marvel at how life often delivers us highs and lows to grapple with simultaneously. While all of this was going on—Kanye and Kim, Joe and London, another world tour, another album—in the background, Swift has been terrified of losing her mother. This song made me think of Swamplandia!, a novel about a young girl living in a gator-wrestling theme park where her mother used to be the main event, until she passed away. Now, in the wake of her death, the girl and her siblings must grapple with their mother’s legacy as a competing business rises up to swallow the success she built on the swamp.
13. “False God” (City of Girls, by Elizabeth Gilbert)
Is that a saxophone in the background of a Taylor Swift song? This slow, jazzy number is all about love and desire—and how we come back to it even when the world around us (and sometimes we, ourselves) put it in jeopardy. “And I can’t talk to you when you’re like this/Staring out the window like I’m not your favorite town/I’m New York City” and other lyrics referencing New York seem to be the grounding force in an otherwise tumultuous relationship. Multiple times on this record Swift has alluded to rough patches in her current happiness, but connection is always the solution to fixing it. She seems to say that if you treat your relationship like it’s your religion, you can get through anything. This is one of the sexier songs on the album, but it’s also got serious NYC vibes, so I’m picking City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert: a novel all about relishing romance in the glitzy 1940’s New York Theater scene, but also how desire can either set us on the road to ruin, or redemption.
14. “You Need to Calm Down” (The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, by Taylor Jenkins Reid)
This song has done what Swift does best: inspire conversation and a bit of controversy. Acknowledging that it was past time for her to be an outspoken ally for the LGBTQIAP+ community, YNTCD tackles the various ways communities are pitted against one another (especially on the internet.) The first verse examines her personal haters (“Say it in the street, that’s a knock-out/But you say it in a Tweet, that’s a cop-out), the second calls out homophobes (“Shade never made anybody less gay”), and the third examines how her relationships with her female contemporaries have often been antagonistic, something she herself has been responsible perpetuating in the past with songs like “Bad Blood” and “Better Than Revenge” (“We all know now, we all got crowns/you need to calm down.”) The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo is about a famous actress who hid the great female love of her life behind multiple male partners and uses her platform to tell the truth (all while hiding one last devastating secret). While Taylor herself has not come out as part of the LGBTQ community, she has come out as an ally, and this book made me think about the issues of privacy, platform, allyship, and identity that the song also confronts. If there’s more to the story of Swift’s relationship to the LGBTQIAP+ community, she’s going to share it on her own terms.
15.“Afterglow” (Queenie, by Candice Carty-Williams)
This song ranks high on my favorites from the album, and it’s a rare genre from Swift: the apology song. (The other famous one is Speak Now’s “Back to December.”) In this mid-tempo song with slamming drums and a breathy falsetto, Swift yearns for the partner she pushed away to meet her in the moments after the fight ends. “It’s all me, in my head/I’m the one who burned us down/ but it’s not what I meant,” she insists. There’s still hope here though, as opposed to earlier songs on the record that signal the doom of a friendship or a breakup after-the-fact. Queenie, by Candice Carty-Williams, is a novel about a girl coming to terms with her role in a failed relationship, a career she can’t seem to succeed in, and friends she unknowingly betrays. “Why’d I have to break what I love so much?” is a question asked in this song’s chorus, and one Queenie must answer in order to find real, lasting happiness.
16. “ME! (feat. Brendon Urie)” (Crazy Rich Asians, by Kevin Kwan)
This self-love anthem is bubblegum sweet and full of earworms: the “Shake it Off“ of the TS7 Era. It makes me think of lightning-fast beach reads that you can’t put down and that feel so good to read but also have a deeper meaning to them. Just because it’s not the most lyrically advanced of her songs doesn’t mean this bop doesn’t deserve to be celebrated— it reminded me of how romances constantly get a bad rep (lol, see what I did there?) as somehow lesser than other genres. I love that Taylor doesn’t care about what other people think and is 100% focused on being her authentic self— just like the heroine of Crazy Rich Asians, Rachel Chu. When confronted with the wealth and expectations of her boyfriend Nick’s family (who don’t think she’s good enough for him), she insists it’s her individuality that makes her the perfect partner for him.
17. “It’s Nice to Have a Friend” (This Love Story Will Self-Destruct, by Leslie Cohen)
This track might be my second favorite? It’s so different (Ukulele? Trombone? Is that what I’m hearing?) and such a contrast to the beginning of the album, the opener closes the door on a once meaningful friendship. It’s also a deceiving song, in that I’m still not 100% sure what it’s about. I think Swift is exploring the importance of friendship in all its forms: in childhood (“School bell rings, walk me home”) to adolescence “Something gave you the nerve/to touch my hand”) to romantic love (“Church bells ring, carry me home/rice on the ground looks like snow”). Ultimately, she may be saying that the most important thing about a romantic partner is that they make you feel like you have a friend—when you’re young, the thing that matters most is feeling seen by other people. If your lover is also your best friend, then you know they always have your back. A love story that takes place over two characters’ twenties, This Love Story Will Self-Destruct is about the missteps, betrayals, beautiful moments and connection that forms between two people over a decade.
18. “Daylight” (Evvie Drake Starts Over, by Linda Holmes)
“My love was as cruel as the cities I lived in.” What a way to begin this album closer. Swift’s last tracks have a tradition of being the ones that are most emblematic of her current state of mind, but they also have developed certain themes over time. Renewal, starting over, self-reflection, and hope are all subjects “Daylight” sheds a little light on. She acknowledges past failings (“I wounded the good and trusted the wicked”) and what she wants for the future (“I once believed love would be [burning red]/but it’s golden”). A book that feels like daylight on your skin is what’s needed for this song, and I think Evvie Drake Starts Over is the perfect pick: a story about a woman still grieving the loss of her husband but who finds herself moving on with a former major league baseball player. Both of them have pasts they are healing from, but together, they find hope for the future. “I’ve been sleeping so long in a twenty-year dark night/and now I see daylight.” And, unlike (I think?) any other song in her catalogue, she speaks in the end, not sings, in a direct appeal to her audience. Her very last words are “You are what you love.” Well, I love Taylor Swift. I love a good song lyric to sink my teeth into, or to sing. I love love. And I love a good story, whether it comes from a song or a book, and when you’re done with the album, I hope you find some here.
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saltys-writings · 5 years
okay so what about a u10t reaction when their s/o wants them to kill a spider for them 💖
omg I’m finally getting round to writing this, I can’t believe I kept you waiting for so long aklsdjfösa pls forgive me
[Up10tion] When their S/O wants them to kill a spider for them
you come hysterically running to him one day, tears in your eyes
he’ll immediately ask you what’s wrong and take care of you
he’ll hold you close until you’ve calmed down enough to speak, and the only word you manage to get out is “spider”
“aigoo, in your room?”
you nod and together with you, still holding you close, he walks over and finds a medium sized spider sitting on your ceiling
“It’s not a big deal, I’ll remove it for you.”
he sends you to get the vacuum while he stays in your room to watch it and you swear you’ve never ran to get a vacuum cleaner that fast
in the end he kills it successfully and then hugs you tightly again to make sure you’ve calmed down properly before going on with your day
it better not be you who’s afraid of spiders in this case, because this guy will not be helpful AT ALL
he will most likely be the one who’ll come running to you to remove it
he’ll try to stay calm and hide his inner panic, but you know how scared he is of bugs, so you’ll be able to tell that he’s actually dying inside
however if you are afraid of them as well, then everytime you find a spider or a bug in your apartment, killing it will become its very own adventure
like you’ll both be so scared, but you also know that one of you has to kill it eventually or it’ll disappear somewhere and as we all know the only thing worse than seeing a spider is not seeing the spider anymore
so you’re both going on a hunt, taking turns in trying to give the other some words of courage
in the end you manage to kill it with united forces and screaming in unison
will probably be scared, depending on the size of the spider
if it’s a really smol one he’ll probably deal and may not take you seriously at first when you come to him, hysterically screeching
will still remove it in the end though
but if it’s big he too will have a bad feeling in his guts
“how am I supposed to get rid of this???”
“WELL YOU TELL ME!!!” you yell back
he’ll be thinking about it until the spider suddenly starts running and he sees no other way but to step on it
throws off the shoe that half the spider minus like 5 and a half legs is now sticking on
will calm himself down though and clean up in the end, while you try to get your heartbeat to return to a normal pace
“there’s a spider you want me to kill?”
“aahh, how bad can it be?”
“…oh so it’s… THIS big you say…?”
walks into the room the spider’s in bravely, but loses courage when he actually sees the thing
“those legs are too long for a normal spider”
“isn’t it a little big??”
and so on…
you have to remind him that you’re actually scared of them for his brain to actually start working
he’ll probably get over the fact that he thinks it’s disgusting pretty fast when he sees just how scared you are
will capture it and put it outside, away from you
will then try to tell you that they won’t hurt you anyway and that you’re safe now
you’ll probably be walking through your place when you see the spider and let out a screech
he’ll immediately come rushing to you in case you got hurt or smth
upon seeing the spider he too will let out a similar screech
you’re both clinging to each other now, watching the spider with wide eyes, panicking because what if it moves????
you realize one of you will have to kill it rather sooner than later, or it’ll run away
so you make an agreement that one person kills it and the other cleans up
in the end he sacrifices himself and steps on it, screaming so neither of you hear the cracking sound it makes, and then you get to clean it off the floor and his shoe with some extra layers of tissue
you promise that the next time you see a spider in your home, you’ll switch roles and you’ll be the one to kill it, while he cleans up
“lmao kill it yourself”
isn’t interested in a minor inconvenience such as a little spider
realizes you’re actually terrified when you keep yelling about it from the other room
that’s when he gets moving and seeing the spider he finds out it actually isn’t even that little
“Come on, I’ll kill it, don’t worry.”
removes it quickly and effectively
then immediately turns to you to help you calm down from the shock
explains that spiders don’t hurt you, even though they’re kinda scary
and you know that, but in the moment you see one it doesn’t help, so he just holds you for a while and distracts you
if you ever wanna test how high of a note he can reach, show him a spider
honestly he seems like the type to find bugs cute
but only little bugs!!!
and spiders aren’t bugs, they’re abominations
so you call him over to you when you spot one in the corner of your room and you beg him to remove it
fortunately it’s only a small thin spider hanging out in its nest
so even though he will be very vocal about the whole process, he’ll catch it and kill it in the end
however, he’ll flush it down the toilet to make sure it really is gone
just in case, you never know…
“THERE’S A SPIDER IN THE BATHROOM!!!” you yell at him and he immediately comes running towards you
however, seeing the monster sitting on the floor next to your shower he just freezes up
you urge him on to do something before it runs away (because a spider is bad, but when the spider disappears that’s when hell is loose)
to which he slooowly but steadily backs away
you fight about who gets to kill it until at some point it starts moving
this time you both watch, petrified, as it crawls away and under the nearest shelf you both can’t reach underneath
you consider burning your house down for the next 5 hours and refuse to set foot into the bathroom for the next few days unless it’s absolutely necessary
the spider never shows up again and after about two weeks your lives return back to normal
you’re in your living room together when suddenly a small spider shows up on the wall
when you point it out nervously he turns towards it too and screams
you yell at him to please remove it
to which he tells you to do it instead
you argue about it back and forth for a while until it moves, but stays in sight
still, you both grab your stuff and nyoom up into your room within seconds
there you collapse on the floor together and start laughing
“Well, it won’t follow us up here, will it?” he jokes and you shake your head
feeling somewhat safe again and forgetting all about your fear while still laughing, you return to what you were doing originally
will either scream with you in unison or not be bothered at all, there is no inbetween
most likely wants to protect you though and show that he’s a man™
if the spider’s not too big he’ll probably try to catch it with a cup and a sheet of paper or smth
wants to prove to you that it won’t hurt you, so he makes you watch as he sets it outside and it crawls away peacefully
but if that thing is any bigger and can therefore legally be classified a monster, then get ready to burn your house down with him lmao
you’re both just gonna stare at it and hope it doesn’t crawl away, which it inevitably will at some point
he’ll throw his shoe at it and probably miss, the spider disappearing
you consider moving house after that
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TGF Thoughts: 4x05-- The Gang Goes to War
under the cut
This episode starts with Caleb and I don’t totally hate it. This means the writers are doing a good job with him so far. I’m surprised I feel that way considering I loathe the plot he’s here for. 
This is the first case heavy episode in ages and I have more thoughts on the fact that somehow the space from 6x19 has become military court than I do on the case. As always, that’s not to say it’s bad (tbh, this case was the exact right blend of simple and captivating it reminded me of old school TGW). It’s just to say I have literally nothing to add.
Lucca’s off to visit Bianca. She is still extremely uncomfortable with very wealthy people. 
Oh, a mention of babysitting! Kind of sad I’m surprised. 
I forgot to mention that this ep is on the shorter side, almost network length. Woo! 
Lucca describes her life as “I have a toddler. I’m trying to make partner.” Remember how last season either Lucca or Rosalyn (or MAIA hhahahahhahahaahahhahaahahahhahahahaahahhaahhaah) were going to be made partner and that plot just vanished?
Lucca says that of work, family, fitness, friends, and sleep, the three she’s chosen are work, family, and sleep. I believe it. Though we’ve seen Lucca exercise probably more than most TGF characters? But that was before she had a baby. 
If you leave your phone on while you’re on a plane and someone places a voice call would your phone actually ring? 
Marissa TOTALLY has a crush on Caleb.
Oh, a Francesca mention AND a mention of Lucca and Marissa being friends?! The continuity fairy likes me today!!!!!!!! 
Caleb threatens to quit (I think he knows he wouldn’t be taken up on that offer) unless Mr. Firth lets him take a month for this case. Come on, Caleb. This is TV lawyering. This case will take two costume changes and you know it! Months are a thing for real lawyers. 
Diane and Adrian aren’t in their offices, so when Firth finds a partner to assist on the military case (I do not understand why this is a thing he is doing in the first place, but alright), it’s Liz. How conveniently awkward!
(Adrian just isn’t in this episode-- he is apparently at a conference in New York-- and Diane is barely in it, and I’m fine with that. LET LIZ AND LUCCA SHINE!) 
(Liz and Lucca are my faves, if that wasn’t obvious.) 
Awkward awkward awkward, fucking your boss is very awkward. I hate everything about this plot in theory and yet somehow like Liz, Caleb, and maybe even the idea of Liz and Caleb, but every time I think about the boss/employee dynamic my only thought is: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Liz’s divorce! Continuity fairy has blessed me again!
I do really like Caleb. 
I somehow almost turned that last thought into a rant about Maia and I’m not gonna do that to y’all in this Maia-free season.
Rich people are getting away with more shit in Julius’s court. He’s resigned to it, until he meets his alter-ego from the play again. I get that they want to use this device to show why he’d change his mind so suddenly but omfg please don’t remind me of the last episode. 
My first thought was “maybe that long ass episode was even longer and this is a cut scene” but Julius seems to be wearing a different tie in this scene than he was before. Oof.
JUDGE KUHN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Judge Kuhn. I think I said this last week but it isn’t often we get truly good, considered characters who want the best and actually take fair steps to see it happen. Judge Kuhn is great. 
And so is the actress playing her. Her expression as the seat shrinks-- which is some Kingsian bullshit-- makes the joke work. 
This episode relies a lot on that device Jane the Virgin loved where back to back scenes will be linked by a theme or a word. In this case, Julius and Liz/Caleb are both dealing with continuances. Yay for structure, even a simple case related structure!
“A sofa would have blown up here”... I can’t, y’all. “A conference table would have blown up here”. Is this a joke about coronavirus or a real need for more graphics or both? I lean towards it being a joke, but before I say that lemme play these credits side by side with last week’s… 
Okay so there are differences. Last week there was an aerial view of a wine bottle exploding while this week there’s a second one in the background. They replaced an exploding coffee set with the sofa text. There are some other differences too. But not enough to convince me they didn’t have footage they could have used. So I think it’s a joke.
Welcome back, season two Diane. I missed you, ya weirdo! 
(But like actually Diane is staring out the window at a bird, not doing anything or responding to questions. Why so weird?!)
Now that Diane isn’t hunting down answers on 618, she has “nothing to do.” Oh, suddenly no one in the world is in need of pro-bono assistance? Sure! 
Continuity on the SWATting, too! 
AND A WILL REFERENCE.This episode may be nothing special but it sure is endearing. 
Diane explains that Judge Kuhn is tough but fair and Will ended up liking her. That’s a pretty good summary.
Diane spots the woman who she dreamed was Weinstein’s lawyer in a meeting, drawing dots. Guess that’s one of the drawbacks of having windows everywhere. She chases her up the stairs to STRL and asks if they know each other because, and I quote, “I had a dream and you were in it. You were Weinstein’s lawyer.” HOW FUCKING WEIRD ARE YOU TRYING TO BE, DIANE? Are you microdosing again?! (This feels so season two.)
Props to this lady (do we know her name? Has it been said on the show) for taking that weird-ass comment in stride and joking she probably didn’t do very well. She needs a favor-- she has a case in front of Judge Cain and wants Diane to sit with her.
Diane asks about the dots. Apparently this lady draws-- and counts!-- dots. Hundreds of thousands of them. During meetings. Because it’s calming and nothing matters. See?! Season two! 
Lucca does get a little bit of work to do on vacation-- Bianca wants to buy the resort.
Case stuff happens.
Someone explain to me what the fuck this bright neon lighting in the office late at night is all about. Why is it so bright?! Why do the colors change!? Am I just supposed to accept this?! I suppose it’s no weirder than a woman who draws dots instead of taking notes-- and admits to it-- but WHAT IS HAPPENING?!
I know there is supposed to be some sort of parallel between the case having an element about disobeying your superior and the Liz/Caleb dynamic, but as you will recall, I hate everything about the boss/employee plot AND find it incredibly boring so if you would like to see analysis of that parallel… I’m not your gal. 
Oh look I can see the office bathroom of Willicia sexytimes in Liz’s office
My god this lighting is distracting. 
It sounds to me like Caleb is in the legal field for idealistic reasons. I can’t get a sense of if wanting the country to stay the same is liberal or conservative or admirable or misguided but it’s definitely something. (I have a feeling he means “stay the same” as in “return to 2016” though.) 
Since she has not been in the military, Liz worries out loud that she hasn’t lived much of a life. This leads to flirting and intimacy and another hookup. Bleh.
Creeper from Kurt’s office comes to visit Julius and compliments him while basically telling him to keep quiet and be corrupt. He promises Julius the chance to move up the ladder and implies Julius should rule in favor of some rich donor. 
Julius, who, like all characters on this show and maybe just people in general, does NOT like being told what to do, promptly does the opposite. And he feels really, really, really good about doing the right thing. 
Case stuff happens.
Lucca now gets invited to play poker with a bunch of millionaires and celebrities. Lucca is highly uncomfortable. The names of the celebs are bleeped which is… not as clever as I think it was meant to be.
Also I’d be uncomfortable in this situation too. I’m just ready for this plotline to go somewhere beyond “Lucca is uncomfortable with rich people”.
Recapping goes fast when most of the show is case stuff.
In another throwback, Diane (lit by the weird lighting) is watching what looks like a parody of SNL allowing 45 to host? Or maybe it’s just some unfunny bit that goes on too long? Odd target for a parody at this point in time.
Whatever the point, it prompts Diane to start drawing dots of her own. 
Lucca’s luck at the poker game is fantastic. Bianca encourages Lucca to keep her winnings-- she wouldn’t give back a stuffed animal or goldfish won with someone else’s money at a carnival, would she? 
Case stuff, now involving 45, happens. This is a missing season two episode, I swear. 
Wow lol those establishing shots and stock footage do NOT convince me that Lucca lives in Chicago. Nor do they convince me that anyone involved with the show has visited Chicago.
Case stuff happens! 
Another Lucca and Marissa scene! Lucca asks what to do about her poker winnings. Marissa says Lucca should keep the money because Bianca doesn’t need it-- get Bianca a gift if she feels guilty. 
Diane sits next to the seemingly nameless lawyer and they compare their dots. Unfortunately for Diane, the case she’s decided to sit in on as a favor? It’s another case in front of Julius, and it also gets 618’d. How convenient for the plot! When Julius doesn’t go for it, Diane is intrigued and reenergized. She boldly goes to Julius’s chambers to suggest trading info about 618.
No matter how many times I write “618” in the context of Memo 618 I still think 618 = Loser Edit. 
Case stuff happens! It’s good for Caleb and Liz! 
Caleb and Liz continue the tradition of using meals as code for sex and now I have to watch them kiss. Pass.
Lucca gets Bianca a gift of a goldfish and a giant stuffed bear (a reference to their earlier convo about carnivals). Cute, but I still don’t quite get where this plot is going.
There’s a “Skye and Moon” logo on the plane. I wonder if that is the name of Bianca’s cosmetics empire.
Oh, it’s over. This episode was perfectly fine. Nothing challenging, nothing innovative, but a solid and enjoyable outing closer in length to the average TGW ep than the average TGF one. After last week’s long-ass episode, this is really all I wanted/needed. 
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jinsung-doyum-1the9 · 5 years
A drags Sunyoul to a different room away from others and seemingly not part of the crime/murder scene. A warns him about the delicate case they’re dealing with, how it involves her personally because of the blue rose, which was most likely planted by her twin sister.
Sunyoul is confused and shocked not knowing what to do with the information and not believing her, constantly asking her if this was real.
Sunyoul: “what about the others?? you’re gonna tell them right?”. A places her hands on his shoulders to try calm him down.
“I’ll tell Jinhoo and Kuhn later on, it’s not that I don’t trust the rest of you.. it’s just.. it’s better when fewer people know, this situation is too fragile at the moment” A explains before letting his shoulders go. Sunyoul was the member that A trusted most out of Up10tion, when it came to work or outside of it.
Sunyoul knew this and nodded still having questions but deciding not to push A. Both parties just stood in front of each other for a while before A sighed and stirred a still confused Sunyoul back outside to the crime scene.
After a few more minutes of looking around and inspecting the scene JUST come together to discuss what they found and their theories. Kuhn approached their meeting as it ended. “We’re just about finished and ready to wrap up” He informed. 
A: “Before you go, I need to talk to you and Jinhoo alone please..”. KA and KU become curious but knew that they shouldn’t be involved, walking away from the Leaders, finishing up their work.
The leaders of JUST move outside, meeting on the gravelled driveway circling towards the back of the house. When they are alone both speak at the same time “She’s back”. M seems more concerned and panicked, A’s tone more confirming. “I know, i know, we’ll deal with it okay? just don’t panic” A assured beginning to be more frustrated than worried about the situation.
M: “I’m not panicking, I'm just worried about you”. M looks at A sympathetically. “Don’t worry, now go I gotta talk to Jinhoo about it” A sighed. M is surprised. “You’re telling them?? KA and KU don’t even know!” M exclaimed. A sees Jinhoo and Kuhn appear from the corner of the house.
A sighs once again, “Well it’s kinda important info so I kinda need to tell them don’t I? Marco just leave it to me and do as I say as co-leader and my friend” She insisted. M nods and walks away so the 2 leaders of Up10tion can finally talk to A.
“What’s this about? Sunyoul looked off after supervising” Jinhoo asked. “if this is about Wei..” Kuhn chimed in but A quickly cut him off. She warns them about her twin sister who is involved with this case making it a more personal and delicate matter. Kuhn and Jinhoo take in the new info and her warnings not to tell others.
Their meeting ends quickly with the boys understanding the fragility of A’s situation in their case. Before they both retreat back to their group A calls for Jinhoo. “Keep an eye of Wooshin..and Wei, okay?” she added. “Wooshin does look a little ‘shook’ about the situation” Jinhoo commented. A shook her head slightly as a small laugh came out. “I don’t think that was the right word to use but yeah he doesn't seem himself” A replied.
When A was left by herself she looked up at the night sky, clouds slowly passing the moon. More stars began to shine as the night got darker, all her thoughts disappeared as she admired the sight. Her view of the sky being framed by the house and the trees that were shaken by the breeze that had passed. “OH TOMORROW! 11;20!” Jinhoo shouted from the distance back to A, she only laughed again at Jinhoo’s antics and codes. 3 cases ago JUST found out that 11;20 were coordinates to Up10tion’s base from their agency and that they’ll meet every morning at 9 am. KU did not like getting up that early but at that time they were still in school so it just became routine but having to sacrifice their weekends for work.
When Kuhn comes back to the other members, Wei gets a phone call and takes it. “Where’s Jinhoo?” Bitto questions. “Leader things you know..” Kuhn replies. JUST packs the car ready to leave but wait for their leader as Up10tion does the same. Wei gets off the phone and informs the group that he’s leaving. “where? aren’t you getting food with us?” Xiao implored. Wei shakes his head ready to head off when Jinhoo comes back. “Where are you going?” Jinhoo asked his newest member. JUST get more doubtful of Wei but don’t say anything and just observe them.
Wei turns back to his leader and sees that A had arrived and makes eye contact with her. Wei gets nervous at the attention but says “it’s.. a small family emergency..”.
KU: “Sus..”
Hwanhee: ”Yah KU, we can hear you!”
KU shrugs it off saying “I know..” JUST smile towards KU’s attitude, it’s better to be honest and have a small bit of humour after work especially in their line of work. 
“Alright, we’ll see you tomorrow at our place at 9am for our first meeting with JUST on this case” Jinhoo instructed. A was surprised giving a look to Jinhoo about the lack of code, Jinhoo sees but dismisses it. Wei didn’t seem like a member of Up10tion by leaving early and his lack of code knowledge. He only kept getting more suspicious to JUST, Jinhoo could see but he trusted his members even if Wei was a rookie.
[PT1]  {PT3}
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battingonjakku · 5 years
A guide to the 18 counties and why you should/shouldn’t support each one (version 2.0)
Hello! It’s been a couple of years since I did this original guide, so I thought it was time for an updated version as after all, a lot has happened since then. 
All the confirmed overseas players I’ve found have been included, the most significant Kolpaks (not all though, because there are many), and the most recent England/Ireland/Scotland players as well…and then some just to look out for.
Without further ado then, here is a relatively comprehensive guide to choosing your county for the year ahead…
Overseas & Kolpak: Logan van Beek, Kane Richardson (T20), Ravi Rampaul
England/Ireland/Scotland: Mark Watt
England prospects: Matt Critchley, Hamidullah Qadri
Why you should support them: Who doesn’t love an underdog? Quite a bit of young talent around, including in Hamidullah Qadri the first county cricketer born in the 21st century (welp)
Why you shouldn’t support them: They always seem to fly under the radar, and I still haven’t met a Derbyshire supporter (please reveal yourselves if you are out there!)
Overseas & Kolpak: Cameron Bancroft, D’Arcy Short (T20)
England/Ireland/Scotland: Ben Stokes, Mark Wood, Stuart Poynter
England prospects: Josh Coughlin, Matty Potts
Why you should support them: One of the leading producers of England players over the years, and who have suffered a lot at the hands of the ECB. Who doesn’t have a soft spot for Durham?
Why you shouldn’t support them: It’s been a tough few years due to off-field circumstances, and a lot of their top players have left in the process. Likely to struggle again.
Overseas & Kolpak: Peter Siddle, Adam Zampa (T20), Mohammad Amir (T20), Simon Harmer, Cameron Delport, Matt Quinn
England/Ireland/Scotland: Alastair Cook, Tom Westley, Ravi Bopara
England prospects: Jamie Porter, Daniel Lawrence, Nick Browne, Sam Cook
Why you should support them:  The place to get your Alastair Cook fix post-England retirement. They’re also a lovely bunch of lads, and with their unexpected 2017 CC win have become one of the division’s leading teams.
Why you shouldn’t support them: Have a notable Kolpak contingent, and are just one of those teams for whom when things go wrong, it happens spectacularly.
Overseas & Kolpak: Shaun Marsh, Marnus Labuschagne, Colin Ingram, Marchant de Lange
England/Ireland/Scotland: Ruaidhri Smith, Timm van der Gugten (well, Netherlands)
England prospects: Prem Sisodiya
Why you should support them: Flying the flag for Wales as the only county not based in England, and another underdog to root for as well. A decent pace bowling attack that should see them improve on last year.
Why you shouldn’t support them: Continually struggling, last year coming bottom of the County Championship and with no trophies in a long time.
Overseas & Kolpak: Michael Klinger (T20), Dan Worrall  
England/Ireland/Scotland:  Adrian Neill
England prospects: Ryan Higgins, Ben Charlesworth
Why you should support them: A team with an exceptional history in short-form cricket, and though they tend to be underdogs nowadays, can still prove themselves worth more than the sum of their parts.
Why you shouldn’t support them: Have tended to stay mid-table in Division Two over the past few years without making huge strides forward. Though known for limited overs success, form can be variable.     
Overseas & Kolpak: Aiden Markram, Kyle Abbott, Fidel Edwards, Rilee Rossouw
England/Ireland/Scotland: Liam Dawson, Mason Crane, James Vince
England prospects: Sam Northeast, James Fuller, Aneurin Donald
Why you should support them: Often strong performers in the shortest forms, winning the one day cup last year and having been regulars at T20 finals day in the last decade.
Why you shouldn’t support them:  Tend to scrape their Division One safety in the CC every year, so prepare for the stress. Also one of the counties people love to hate, thanks in part to high profile Kolpak signings and the attitude of their chairman.
Overseas & Kolpak: Matt Renshaw, Adam Milne (T20), Mohammed Nabi (T20), Heino Kuhn
England/Ireland/Scotland: Joe Denly, Sam Billings
England prospects: Daniel Bell-Drummond, Zak Crawley  
Why you should support them: A steadily improving county in all formats, reaching the one day final and being promoted from the CC last year. Soon to be 43, the evergreen Darren Stevens is also worthy of a mention here too.
Why you shouldn’t support them: Another team with a notable Kolpak contingent in addition to those above. A team with little experience of the first division as well, so who will be facing a challenge.
Overseas & Kolpak: Joe Burns, Glenn Maxwell, James Faulkner (T20), Dane Vilas
England/Ireland/Scotland: James Anderson, Jos Buttler, Haseeb Hameed, Keaton Jennings, Liam Livingstone
England prospects: Saqib Mahmood, Alex Davies, Matthew Parkinson
Why you should support them:  With a strong squad it would be a surprise not to see them promoted this year, especially with the bowling attack that managed to pick up the most bonus points last year. It also looks like they’ve final gotten rid of that god-awful green kit, too.
Why you shouldn’t support them: It’s Lancashire, what more is there to say? (I had to get a dig in here somewhere, didn’t I?)
Overseas & Kolpak: Mohammed Abbas, Colin Ackermann, Mark Cosgrove
England prospects: Will Davis
Why you should support them:  Just lovely, and definitely improving as a team after many years at the bottom of the pack. Always developing young, talented players. The only ground I’ve been to where I’ve been offered a bag of Sweets Or Weed. 
Why you shouldn’t support them: Well known for their top players leaving, and another big exodus took place at the end of the season. Supporting them can be painful, too.
Overseas & Kolpak: Mujeeb Ur Rahman (T20), AB de Villiers (T20), Ross Taylor
England/Ireland/Scotland: Eoin Morgan, Steven Finn, Toby Roland-Jones, Tim Murtagh, Paul Stirling, Sam Robson
England prospects: Nick Gubbins, Ethan Bamber, Tom Barber, Tom Helm, Max Holden
Why you should support them: A squad with a lot of English and Irish talent and hot prospects who will be striving for promotion this year. And there’s the Lord’s factor, because where better to watch cricket?
Why you shouldn’t support them: Have underperformed in the two years following their CC win, and it’s best not to even mention the shorter forms. 
Overseas & Kolpak: Temba Bavuma, Faheem Ashraf (T20), Jason Holder, Blessing Muzarabani, Richard Levi
England/Ireland/Scotland: Kyle Coetzer
England prospects: Ben Curran
Why you should support them: A team without big resources who have become one of the more successful T20 teams in the country. Also, I love Temba Bavuma in general and just want that stated here.
Why you shouldn’t support them: That T20 success that made them famous went spectacularly downhill last year, finishing well adrift at the bottom of the group. Have lost important players since, too.
Overseas & Kolpak: Dan Christian (T20), James Pattinson
England/Ireland/Scotland: Stuart Broad, Jake Ball, Alex Hales, Ben Duckett
England prospects: Joe Clarke, Zak Chappell, Matthew Carter, Tom Moores, Ben Slater
Why you should support them: A team with a lot of England talent from the past, present, and likely the future. Have strengthened their squad a lot over the winter and will be looking to challenge on all fronts.
Why you shouldn’t support them: Not too popular for buying a lot of their talent, particularly with their winter recruitment. Have also underperformed in the longer format despite a strong squad.
Overseas & Kolpak: Azhar Ali, Jerome Taylor (T20)
England/Ireland/Scotland: Jack Leach, Dom Bess, Craig Overton, Josh Davey
England prospects: Jamie Overton, George Bartlett
Why you should support them: A well-liked county, by everyone really apart from the ECB. Also the home of Marcus Trescothick, making centuries into his forties, and probably the best place in the country for spin bowling.
Why you shouldn’t support them: It always ends in pain, doesn’t it? A great track record for finishing high among the runners up, but not getting over the line, which has also returned among the last couple of seasons.
Overseas & Kolpak: Aaron Finch, Dean Elgar, Morne Morkel
England/Ireland/Scotland: Sam Curran, Tom Curran, Ollie Pope, Rory Burns, Liam Plunkett, Ben Foakes, Jason Roy, Mark Stoneman 
England prospects: Amar Virdi, Will Jacks, Conor McKerr
Why you should support them: England players a plenty, with many coming through the academy system at the moment. The reigning champions of the CC and the favourites to win again, and should compete in the other formats.
Why you shouldn’t support them: One of the definitive love-to-hate counties among the 18, and another who like Notts are regularly called out on their spending.
Overseas & Kolpak: Rashid Khan (T20), Mir Hamza, David Wiese, Stiaan van Zyl
England/Ireland/Scotland: Chris Jordan, Tymal Mills
England prospects: Jofra Archer, George Garton, Delray Rawlins
Why you should support them: An up-and-coming team, coached by the wonderful Jason Gillespie. Particularly exciting fast-bowling stocks, and last year’s T20 runners up who will want to go one better. Also, Luke Wright.  
Why you shouldn’t support them: For whatever reason, they tend to be bad at 50 over cricket, so probably not the team to root for if you’re after that Lord’s final.
Overseas & Kolpak: Jeetan Patel, Ashton Agar (T20)
England/Ireland/Scotland: Chris Woakes, Olly Stone, Ian Bell
England prospects: Will Rhodes, Ed Pollock, Sam Hain, Henry Brookes, Dom Sibley     
Why you should support them: A likeable team, as they would be with Chris Woakes and Ian Bell. After a few years with an aging squad, now have quite a few young players who have either come through or been given a second chance from elsewhere.
Why you shouldn’t support them: Though they’ve bounced straight back from division two, they really crashed out during their relegation season so their return to the top flight might be a learning curve.
Overseas & Kolpak: Callum Ferguson, Martin Guptil (T20), Wayne Parnell
England/Ireland/Scotland: Moeen Ali
England prospects: Pat Brown, Josh Tongue, Dillon Pennington
Why you should support them: A team with a lot of strong homegrown young talent, who won the nation’s hearts on their way to their T20 Blast win in 2018. Led by Moeen Ali, and if you don’t appreciate them for that then what’s up with you mate?
Why you shouldn’t support them: The ultimate yo-yo team, constantly being promoted or relegated whilst rarely staying in one place, so not one to support if you don’t want the sadness every other year.
Overseas & Kolpak: Duanne Olivier
England/Ireland/Scotland: Joe Root, Jonny Bairstow, Adil Rashid, David Willey, Gary Ballance
England prospects: Ben Coad, Matthew Fisher, Tom Kohler-Cadmore, Harry Brook
Why you should support them: They’re my team and I would die for them, the best team you can support. In seriousness though, they feature a lot of England players from past and present and tend to challenge across all competitions in some degree. Look strongest in the shorter forms.
Why you shouldn’t support them: Another love-to-hate county, as us Yorkshire fans do tend to go on about our successes. It has been a tricky couple of years as well, with a struggling batting line-up and no major reinforcements on that front.
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richincolor · 5 years
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Everyone, please welcome Sarah Kuhn to Rich in Color! Sarah’s first YA novel, I LOVE YOU SO MOCHI, is out today, and we’re thrilled to have Sarah here to talk about it. If you’re looking to add a cute contemporary romance to your summer TBR list, start here!
Kimi Nakamura loves a good fashion statement. She’s obsessed with transforming everyday ephemera into Kimi Originals: bold outfits that make her and her friends feel brave, fabulous, and like the Ultimate versions of themselves. But her mother sees this as a distraction from working on her portfolio paintings for the prestigious fine art academy where she’s been accepted for college. So when a surprise letter comes in the mail from Kimi’s estranged grandparents, inviting her to Kyoto for spring break, she seizes the opportunity to get away from the disaster of her life.
When she arrives in Japan, she loses herself in Kyoto’s outdoor markets, art installations, and cherry blossom festival–and meets Akira, a cute med student who moonlights as a costumed mochi mascot. What begins as a trip to escape her problems quickly becomes a way for Kimi to learn more about the mother she left behind, and to figure out where her own heart lies.
I LOVE YOU SO MOCHI is your first YA novel. What were you most excited about writing for teens?
I love writing characters experiencing firsts, those amazing moments that give you that tingly sense of possibility, that feeling of your whole world opening up — first kisses, first trips to another country, first time facing a total existential crisis about your life. To be fair, a lot of my adult characters experience many firsts as well (as do I as an actual supposedly adult person)! But Kimi in particular gets to have maybe the most firsts of any character I’ve ever written — she’s someone who’s initially kind of scared of big new experiences, so writing her having all of those experiences and realizing that so much excitement and wonder can come out of them was a total joy. And maybe a good lesson/reminder for my adult self.
Kimi sounds like fun! Tell us more about her fashionista ways and her friends.
She is fun! In my totally unbiased opinion. It’s no secret that I’m obsessed with clothes and fashion — I love bright colors and patterns and experimenting with putting different outfit combinations together. Basically, I still worship at the shrine of my original idol, Claudia Kishi from The Baby-Sitters Club. But I’m really bad at sewing, mending, or anything that requires patience, so I thought it would be fun to create a character who shares my love of fashion but is also really excellent at sewing and makes all her own outfits. She’s kind of like a fantasy version of myself, with an added sewing superpower. And then of course she has her own Girl Gang, because all my books have Girl Gangs — her best friends are Atsuko, who writes a dating advice column (even though Atsuko is actually very cynical about love in all its forms), and Bex, who is dreamy and idealistic and wears cute dresses with mermaids on them. They’re a fun trio.
It sounds like Kimi and her (extended) family are having some difficulties in I LOVE YOU SO MOCHI. Can you tell us more about Kimi and her relationships with her mom and grandparents?
Kimi is extremely close with her mom, who came to the States from Japan for college and ended up staying there when she fell in love with Kimi’s dad, who is fourth generation Japanese American. Her relationship with her mom mirrors the one I had with mine — her mom knows her better than anyone and they kind of love each other more than anyone…but that also means they have the potential to hurt each other more than anyone. The grandparents in the book are Kimi’s mom’s parents — Kimi’s never met them because they disapproved of Mom’s choice to stay in the States. But they invite Kimi to visit them in Kyoto over Spring Break and after a huge fight with Mom, Kimi accepts. And as she gets to know her grandparents, she realizes there’s a lot more to her mother’s story than she realized. I really loved writing about three generations of powerful Japanese/Japanese American women. I wanted their relationships with each other to be prickly and not always perfect, but with so much love underneath.
I went to Kyoto a few years ago and loved it. Why did you decide to set I LOVE YOU SO MOCHI there?
Kyoto contains so many beautiful sights I wanted to write about: Fushimi Inari Taisha, the amazing shrine with those bright red-orange torii gates; the Arashiyama bamboo grove; Maruyama Park with all those glorious cherry blossoms. All of these were things I thought would inspire Kimi as an artist and budding fashion designer. I’d also read somewhere that Kyoto is a place for people who are passionate about making things, and that seemed perfect for Kimi and her grandmother, who also loves sewing and creating clothes. I loved including more obscure locations that got to the heart of that “making things” idea, like Misuyabari, this tiny, family-run needle shop that’s like 400 years old and sells these incredible handmade needles and sewing supplies. Oh, and finally, Kyoto has a pug cafe — which ended up being a very necessary location.
Can you introduce us to Akira and tell us a little bit about what draws Kimi to him?
Akira is an aspiring med student who moonlights as a costumed mochi mascot at his uncle’s mochi stand. Kimi meets him because he’s doing this ridiculous dance, trying to attract customers, and she laughs too loud and he gets distracted and falls over. It’s probably the cutest meet-cute I’ve written. At first, let’s be honest, she’s drawn to him because he’s hot. But he also has this interesting quality about him that’s very attractive to her — he’s a weird combination of seriousness and goofiness, like he never gives anything less than 100 percent, but he also has a tendency toward dorky jokes that surprise her and make her laugh. Also, he takes her to Japanese McDonald’s, which is very romantic.
What 2019 YA books by or about people of color or people from First/Native Nations are you looking forward to reading?
So many! At the moment, I’m super stoked for OUR WAYWARD FATE by Gloria Chao — AMERICAN PANDA made me die both laughing and crying, so I can’t wait to read her new one. And WICKED FOX by Kat Cho — I’m always hungry for contemporary fantasy/romance starring women of color and this sounds absolutely perfect.
Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about I LOVE YOU SO MOCHI?
I already mentioned the pug cafe, right? I mean, there are a lot of cute animals and delicious food. Be prepared for that going in!
Thank you for stopping by, Sarah! We’re looking forward to your book.
Sarah Kuhn is the author of the popular Heroine Complex novels—a series starring Asian American superheroines. The first book is a Locus bestseller, an RT Reviewers’ Choice Award nominee, and one of the Barnes & Noble Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog’s Best Books of 2016. Her YA debut, the Japan-set romantic comedy I Love You So Mochi, comes out in June 2019. Additionally, she is currently working on a graphic novel about Batgirl Cassandra Cain for DC Comics. Sarah also wrote “The Ruby Equation” for the Eisner-nominated comics anthology Fresh Romance and the novella One Con Glory, which is in development as a feature film. Other projects include a comic book continuation of the cult classic movie Clueless, a series of Barbie comics, and a story in the recent Jem and the Holograms anthology series Dimensions. Additionally, Sarah is a finalist for the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer. Her non-fiction has appeared in The Toast, The Mary Sue, Uncanny Magazine, AngryAsianMan.com, IGN.com, The Hollywood Reporter, StarTrek.com, and the Hugo-nominated anthology Chicks Dig Comics.
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writerspanel · 5 years
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A hot one today! Things get excessively real with Malcolm Spellman (Disney+’s upcoming Falcoln & the Winter Soldier series; Empire), Matt McConkey (Bajillion Dollar Propertie$; Heathers), and Marshall Knight & Rob LaMorgese (Suits).
itunes // not itunes
I’m going to San Diego Comic Con, July 18-21!
Please come by to either of my signings. I’ll be giving away exclusive (read: bootleg) HEX WIVES pins to anyone who brings anything for me to sign.
You can pre-order the collected Hex Wives now via Amazon. CLICK.
Here’s my schedule:
Friday, July 19
1:30-2:30pm: signing at the DC/WB Booth 4545. Bring anything with my name on it, and I’ll sign it! A partial list of my comics credits is below.
4-5pm, Room 25ABC: Writing the Rules of Magic panel – This was an idea I had when conceiving of Hex Wives: There is more science fiction and fantasy on TV and in the movies than ever before, and while these genres may seem like opportunities for a writer’s imagination to run wild, in fact their stories benefit from rules and parameters. These help to ground a writer’s fancies and create a recognizable world for the characters. But coming up with the rules of magic and science fiction is more difficult than it seems. These professionals, who have created detailed, grounded worlds, tell how they did it. Panelists: Deric Hughes (Arrow; The Flash), Jose Molina (Magic: The Gathering; The Tick), Gennifer Hutchison (Breaking Bad; The Strain), Kieron Gillen (The Wicked & the Divine; DIE), Julie Benson & Shawna Benson (Wu Assassins; The 100), Sarah Kuhn (Heroine Complex), Chris Dingess (Doom Patrol; Agent Carter), Adam Rogers (Wired magazine).
Saturday, July 20
1-2pm, Marriot Marquis, Grand 12: Next Gen Nerds – Moderating this panel with The Adventure Zone/My Brother My Brother & Me’s Travis McElroy and Clint McElroy, Malik Forte (Overwatch League), Courtney Enlow (SyFy Fangirls), Brian Brushwood (Scam School), and Riley Silverman (SyFy Fangirls) about the challenges and responsibilities of influencing the next generation of nerds, as both parents and creators.
Sunday, July 21
11-12, signing at the DC/WB Booth 4545 with my pal, Hex Wives colorist Marissa Louise.
Here are some of the comics I’ve written and co-written. *my favorites
Hex Wives #1-6 (DC/Vertigo)*
The Thrilling Adventure Hour original graphic novel*
Star Wars: Storms of Crait (Marvel)
Star Wars: DJ: Most Wanted (Marvel)
Weapon Hex #1-2 (Marvel) Deadpool v Gambit #1-5 (Marvel)
Wolverine: Savage Origins (ogn) (Marvel)*
Death Be Damned #1-4 (Boom!)*
The Thrilling Adventure Hour #1-4 (Boom!)
The Thrilling Adventure Hour #1-4 (Image)
Flash Gordon #1-4 (Dynamite)
Thunderbolts #27-32 (Marvel)
Thunderbolts Annual #1 (Marvel)*
Deadpool Annual 2013 (Marvel)
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